#United Nations 🇺🇳 | Warning
xtruss · 6 months
The lack of clean water combined with rising temperatures is increasing the spread of waterborne diseases in the Gaza Strip, the UN has warned.
"It is becoming very hot there," Jamie McGoldrick, United Nations humanitarian coordinator in Gaza, told reporters via video link from Jerusalem.
"People are getting much less water than they need, and as a result, there have been waterborne diseases due to lack of safe and clean water and the disruption of the sanitation systems."
"We have to find a way in the months ahead of how we can have a better supply of water into the areas where people are currently crowded at the moment."
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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🇺🇳⚔️🇮🇱 🚨
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Franscesca Albanese, accused "Israel" of intentionally bombing a truck convoy yesterday which killed 7 foreign aid workers, including nationals of Australia, Britain, Poland and dual citizen of the United States and Canada.
Speaking on the social media platform X, Albanese commented, "knowing how Israel operates, my assessment is that Israeli forces intentionally killed WCK workers so that donors would pull out [and] civilians in Gaza could continue to be starved quietly."
"Israel knows Western countries [and] most Arab countries won't move a finger for the Palestinians," Albanese added.
In a previous post, Albanese pointed to "Israel's" bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the Syrian capital yesterday, in addition to the bombing of the seven foreign aid workers, warning that "Israel is crossing every possible red line, still with full impunity."
Albanese has been outspoken in condemning the Zionist entity's war crimes, and has, in many posts, openly referring to the situation in Gaza as a "genocide."
As a result of "Israel's" war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among Palestinians now exceeds 32'916, upwards of 25'000 of which were women and children, while another 75'494 others have been wounded since October 7th, 2023.
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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🇺🇳 … 65 of them!! — breaking rules/resolutions w/o consequences!! — what is the UN good for? Where’s the ‘world order’?
By: LaillaB, founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“We don’t need the Israeli occupation to tell us that it is not particularly interested in ending its genocide, to recognise that these fresh UN warnings against Israel’s abhorrent violence will not be heeded.
For years the UN has been clear on Israel’s crimes against international law, yet the settler colonial project of successive Israeli governments has expanded unabated;
🔺ILLEGAL ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS ON OCCUPIED LAND: Laws Violated: Geneva Conventions IV, Article 49(6) (1949).
🔺ILLEGAL TO TAKE LAND BY FORCE & CLAIM SOVEREIGNTY: Laws Violated: U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) (1945); 1 (1970).
🔺ILLEGAL ISRAELI PRACTICE OF ETHNIC CLEANSING: Laws Violated: Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 (1949), UN resolutions 194 (III) (1948) & 237 (1967).
Laws Violated: International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1976).
🔺MASSIVE VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS (HR): Laws Violated: U.N. Charter, Article 1 (1945); 5 (1970).
Laws Violated: Geneva Conventions IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol I), Article 75(2d) (1977).
🔺ILLEGAL MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION OF LOCAL LAWS: Laws Violated: Hague Regulations IV, Article 43 (1907).
🔺SEPARATION BARRIER ILLEGAL: Law Violated: International Court of Justice of 2004.
🔺VIOLATIONS OF U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS: Laws Violated: U.N. Charter, Article 25 (1945); resolutions - 54, 111, 233, 234, 236, 248, 250, 252, 256, 262, 267, 270, 280, etc.
Perhaps this is why the United Nations is referred to as the “United Nothing” or “Useless Nations” by Palestinians across the West Bank.
The balance of power in the occupied Palestinian territories is one of coloniser against the colonised, of the oppressor against the oppressed, and of perpetrator against victims.
Mirroring strategies that built pressure against the British apartheid in South Africa, will do far more than diplomatic statements of condemnation that have so far failed to restrain Israel.
To end the colonial project, people around the world must mobilise together to draw a line in the sand; indeed the students in encampments, are our teachers and our future.
Only widespread solidarity from the international community, rooted in sustained boycott strategies of direct action, will force Israel to face the consequences of its crimes.
BDS: Boycott Divestment Sanctions: https://lnkd.in/enhY9H2N
**65 UN resolutions with no consequence. The state of IMPUNITY!!** … 🇺🇳
#reclaimthenarrative — 🍉🕊 — #FreePalestine … @hrexach …
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lollipoplollipopoh · 6 years
🇺🇳 Rohingya crisis: UN warns of ongoing genocide | Al Jazeera English by Al Jazeera English UN investigators say Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are still facing genocide. The head of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar told the UN Security Council that up to 400,000 Rohingya who remain in Myanmar face severe restrictions and repression. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from the UN. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL #RohingyaCrisis #UNSC #HumanRights
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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🇺🇳🇵🇸 🚨
The World Food Programme (WFP), an international humanitarian aid organization under the United Nations, has repeatedly warned of famine in the Gaza Strip over the last several months, with appeals that have escalated in recent days.
In a recent post on the social media platform X, the WFP warned, "half of the population of Gaza is starving."
In an interview also published on X, Abeer Etefa, a senior spokesperson for the WFP, says, "the food situation in Gaza is catastrophic, with 1.1 million people in IPC5 (the most extreme category on the famine index)."
"The only way to avert famine is a steady and constant flow of food supply," Etefa added.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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The United Nations' World Food Programme warned Friday that Palestinian civilians living in the Gaza Strip face immediate starvation and dehydration as the Israeli Occupation continues operations targeting Gaza.
The comments come as part of a United Nations World Food Programme press conference held on Friday morning.
"Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are becoming more desperate everyday in the search for bread and other essential foods," World Food Programme Senior Spokesperson for the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe, Abeer Etefa said.
Etefa told the press conference, "We are already starting to see cases of dehydration and malnutrition which is increasing rapidly and by the day. So Gaza actually risks sliding into hunger heavily without fuel and a rapid surge in food supplies."
According to Etefa, only 10% of necessary food supplies are entering the Gaza Strip at this time, and she told the conference that Gaza is facing a major food gap.
"So 2.2 million people, that's nearly the entire population of Gaza are now in need of food assistance," the spokesperson warned.
"People are barely able to have a meal a day. Food options are limited to canned food, if it is actually available, bread is a rare luxury and aid trucks are trickling into Gaza, but even the small amounts of food and water that make it over the border are barely able to be transported to where it needs to go as roads have been damaged or fuel is in very short supply."
Etefa went on to say that the existing food systems inside the besieged Gaza Strip are collapsing and food production has come to a complete halt since the events of October 7th.
"Fisherman cannot access the sea, Farmers cannot reach their farms, and the last bakery that the World Food Programme has been working with has closed its doors because of the shortage of fuel," Etefa explained.
"Shops have run out of food supplies, the bakeries are unable to operate because of the fuel, shortage of clean water or because they have sustained damage, and the last mill that was also operating to make... the wheat flour that's needed for baking bread has been hit [in an Israeli strike] and has stopped operating."
Etefa goes on to explain how all these problems have led to bread shortages, which she called the "last staple food for people in Gaza" and pointed to the lack of electricity supply as one of the main culprits for the desperation of the situation.
Etefa goes on to explain how perishable food items are not available, nor are they really an option due to the lack of electricity and fuel which prevents refrigeration.
According to Etefa, at the beginning of the conflict, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), working alongside its partner agency, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), partnered with 23 bakeries at the start of the conflict and have been providing bread for over 200'000 Gazans every morning.
"This is now over," Etefa stated plainly, "because all of the 23 bakeries are now out of service."
According to the spokesperson, at the start of the war there had been over 130 bakeries in Gaza, with more than 11 having been targeted in Israeli Occupation strikes, including one which had been contracted by the WFP, while the rest are effectively closed due to shortages of fuel.
"In general, 25% of the shops in Gaza, those ones that have been contracted by WFP remain open and others have run out of essential food items," the spokesperson explained.
"But even the ones that remain open have very limited supplies in the stores, the local markets have shut down completely, small quantities of food can be found, but they are being sold at alarmingly inflated prices and are of little use without fuel and cooking gas."
This means that most Palestinians living in Gaza are surviving on less than one meal a day, and the lucky ones may have a meal that includes canned food, however, many people have resorted to consuming raw onions and eggplants, as well as other foods that are normally cooked.
Etafa explains how it is impossible for the light trickle of Humanitarian Aid being allowed to enter Gaza by the occupation to make up for the complete halt of commercial operations in the Gaza Strip.
Etefa mentioned that since October 21st, the first day the Occupation allowed aid through the Raffah border crossing, 1'129 trucks loaded with aid have been allowed into Gaza.
However, of those 1'129 trucks carrying aid, only 147 of them were carrying food supplies.
"The volume remains very inadequate," Etefa told the audience.
According to the WFP spokesperson, since the Raffah border crossing was opened for emergency aid, more than 400 trucks were crossing into Gaza each day. However, now that number has been reduced to closer to 100 per day, and of those 100 trucks, only an estimated 10% contain food imports.
"That means that the food that has entered Gaza so far is only enough to meet 7% of the people's daily minimum of the caloric needs," Spokesperson Etefa explained.
"With winter fast approaching and the unsafe and overcrowded shelters, the lack of clean water, people are facing the immediate possibility of starvation," a stunning comment from the spokesperson.
According to WFP Spokesperson Abeer Etefa, aid has so far been delivered to around 764'000 people in Gaza and the West Bank, including food parcels and electronic vouchers, and assisted another 500'000 staying in UN shelters with bread, canned tuna fish, and date bars.
Another 520'000 people were provided with electronic vouchers at the beginning of the crisis, however the vouchers have become worthless as food, water and fuel have virtually disappeared over the last week and nothing remains in the shops for civilians to purchase.
Though, according to Etefa, the World Food Programme intends on scaling up operations in Gaza in the coming days with a goal of reaching 1 million people with aid by December.
However, for that to happen, the Israeli Occupation would have to allow many more trucks with Humanitarian Aid through the Raffah border crossing and other areas of access to Gaza.
"We need more than just one crossing point," Etefa told the audience.
"We need the safe access of Humanitarian Aid workers to distribute assistance and for the civilians to have safe access to the assistance, fuel for trucks, fuel for bakeries; so that we can continue to provide this staple food commodity and to be operational and, of course, connectivity to facilitate delivery of assistance, and the ability to rotate staff in and out of Gaza so that we can beef up our capacity on the ground and give relied to the people who have been working for the last few weeks tirelessly."
In a blunt assessment of the situation, Etefa said, "There is no way to meet the current hunger needs with the current situation."
"The collapse of food supply chains is catastrophic, it's a catastrophic turning point in an already very bad situation," Etefa concludes.
"Gaza was not an easy place to live before the 7th of October, and if the situation was difficult before this conflict, it's now disastrous."
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workersolidarity · 11 months
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The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has warned it will end all humanitarian operations inside the Gaza Strip in a matter of hours Wednesday might if Israel does not end its blockade of fuel into Gaza, according to the UNRWA spokesperson, Stephanie Dujarric.
"The UN Relief and Works Agency, by far the largest humanitarian provider in Gaza, warned that unless fuel is allowed in Gaza immediately, UNRWA will be forced to halt operations tonight," Dujarric said to reporters.
In a separate statement, the United Nations Relief Agency said it will be compelled to end distribution of humanitarian aid.
Meanwhile, Israeli Occupation Forces spokesperson, Daniel Hagari has insisted that no fuel would be entering Gaza.
"Fuel won't enter Gaza as Hamas uses it for its operational needs. Hamas can return the fuel it stole from UNRWA to hospitals," Hagari told Haaretz, repeating unproven claims by the Israeli government.
In a further statement, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office said it will not be sending any humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, and added that any unauthorized shipments would be stopped.
"Israel will not provide any humanitarian aid to Gaza and will prevent any unsupervised supply from others," the Prime Minister's Office told Haaretz.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterrez, has invoked the rarely used Article 99 of the United Nations charter, warning of the International threat posed by Israel's genocidal war on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, on Thursday, December 7th, 2023.
Article 99 of the United Nations Charter states that "the Secretary General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”.
Gutierrez, in a letter submitted to the United Nations Security Council, said that the Security Council's lack of action combined with the complete and utter deterioration of the situation in Gaza forced his hand, compelling him to invoke Article 99 for the first time since assuming the position of Secretary General in 2017.
"The situation is fast deteriorating into a catastrophe with potentially irreversible implications for Palestinians as a whole and for peace and security in the region,” Guterrez wrote in his statement.
The Security Council has so far failed to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. A resolution proposed by the Russian Federation failed in the chamber last month, vetoed by the United States, while a second proposed by the US failed due to Russian opposition, and a third resolution, proposed by Brazil, was only opposed by the United States, blocked from moving forward by the US's permanent vote in the chamber.
Article 99, which has not been used in three decades, has never actually ended any wars.
This is because the intervention of the Secretary General does not actually change any of the fundamentals of a situation.
The United Nations Secretary General has last used Article 99 in 1989 to help facilitate negotiations for a ceasefire in Lebanon, during it's long civil war, however the conflict continued for at least another year afterwards.
Article 99, though forcing the Security Council to meet regarding the conflict, it cannot force the member-states to vote in a particular way.
In the current situation, Israel's main ally, the United States, with its permanent vote on the Security Council, firmly opposes a ceasefire, with no evidence that that will be changing anytime soon, making any invocation of Article 99 likely an ineffective means of ending the conflict.
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xtruss · 10 months
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Francesca P. Albanese (Born 1977) is an Italian 🇮🇹 International Lawyer and Academic. On 1 May 2022, she was appointed United Nations 🇺🇳 Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories for a Three-Year Term.
A Strong Opponent of the Isra-helli Occupation of Palestine, Albanese recommended in her first report that UN member states develop "a plan to end the Israeli settler-colonial occupation and apartheid regime". Albanese has been criticized for a comment made in 2014 in which she described the United States as "subjugated by the Jewish lobby" and Europe by a "sense of guilt about the Holocaust“, arguing that both "condemn the oppressed“ in the conflict.
During the 2023 Isra-hell-Hamas War, Albanese called for an immediate ceasefire, warning that "Palestinians are in grave danger of a mass ethnic cleansing." She further stated that the international community must "prevent and protect populations from atrocity crimes", and that "accountability for international crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces and Hamas must also be immediately pursued."
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years
🇺🇳 🇾🇪 UN warns food aid to Yemen could be suspended | Al Jazeera English by Al Jazeera English The United Nations says it may be forced to scale back the delivery of humanitarian aid to some Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen. It blames Houthi rebels for blocking aid convoys and harassing staff, but it says the suspension of aid would be a last resort. Meanwhile, markets have reopened in the port city of Hodeidah after a fragile ceasefire between Saudi-Emerati led forces and Houthi rebels holds. Both sides launched an attack and a counterattack last week. Al Jazeera's Laura Burdon-Manley reports. - Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: http://bit.ly/2lOp4tL #Yemen #UnitedNations #YemenHumanitarianCrisis
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