#Unnamed Woman
viaphni · 4 months
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"You... aren't supposed to be seeing me yet..."
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She is so interesting and cool and aweosme (had like 5 lines of dialogue before disappearing) I love seeing Girl Girl is Girl Like Me WOMAN RAAAGHHH
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level99challenge · 3 months
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"my beds are only unnecessarily large instead of absurdly large, sorry about that"
free Palestine
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anime093se · 1 year
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mypokemonscreencaps · 26 days
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icefir-windbreaker · 1 year
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Drawtober Day 10: Possession
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elvisqueso · 4 months
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— "...What do you say to a tree??"
Pocahontas (1995)
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bonefries · 1 month
concept for Franco's birth mother, writing more for her as we speak!
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underratedmhapoll · 1 month
They don't have names but they sure are an option!
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suggested by @wholelottatransbians
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alrightsnaps · 6 months
it's very telling that shondaland only deigned to include simone and jonny in promo to serve another couple’s season and popularity...same couple that got most of their season's pr anyway
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rosainta · 6 months
Team Fortress 2: 12 Flash Fiction Excerpts
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('ms pauling' by makani on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/makani/art/ms-pauling-208768568)
(Author's Notes (A/N) at the end. For now, enjoy these slices of TF2 writing cake, baked with the batter of my mind!) * * *
1 "The Runner's a Fool."
[Written 10-3-2024]
Scout’s heart was bursting as he ran through the underbrush.
He didn’t look back; he couldn’t. Not after what he saw. If he had known sooner, he might not have spent so much energy trying to woo her...
Maybe he wouldn’t have made such a fool of himself.
2 "Player of The Heart."
[Written 10-3-2024]
“Fine, one more time”, he grumbled.
Pauling gleamed as she turned to the tape player. Changing the song to something more romantic, she hummed along and placed herself into his arms. They began to sway with the music.
Sniper felt his heart racing, but his thoughts raced quicker.
He wondered: would the one he really loved be into this too?
3 "Long Overdue."
[Written 10-3-2024]
Spy knew what he had to do.
He sat down next to the crying boy, gently putting a hand on his back. “Screw off!” the younger yelled, pushing him away.
Seeing him like this broke him; it did every time. But he took a deep breath and said what he should have all those years ago:
“I am sorry, Scout.”
4 "What Happens if You Feed the Machine? (Or In This Case, Water It?)"
[Written 10-3-2024]
“Yer no fun, lad!”
“Come on now, you know how I’ve been goin’ dry...”
“What’s one bottle a’ scrumpy goin’ to do to you?”
“Well, let’s see here. How many eyeballs o’ yours do my teleporters teleport per use?”
“Er, one.”
“Well, expect that to be one less the next time ‘round, pardner.”
He chuckled, and in an instant, he gulped it all down.
5 "Soldier's Solace."
[Written 11-3-2024]
Soldier stared at the grand moon from the roof of the base.
After the day’s fighting and bread teleporting, the other mercenaries were off to bed. But Soldier remained, smiling contentedly from under his helmet without another care in the world.
Somehow, he knew that right then and for as long as he dreamed, everything would be alright.
6 "Буквы говорят о любви."
[Written 12-3-2024]
If Heavy learned one thing in all his years of studying Russian literature, it was that writing wasn’t something you did; it was something you became.
So, picking up the ink pen, he let his hand go and embodied with all he had what meant most to him.
“It is time I tell you, Doktor.”
7 "Like The Warmth of a Fireplace."
[Written 13-3-2024]
Pyro looked at Engineer as a child does a Mall Santa, clapping. “Huddah, huddah!”
“Okay, one more, just for you.”
The technician took a deep breath and began to strum on the old guitar, his low voice singing a song of pink skies. Pyro swayed to the beat in bliss.
And, with every hum, the two grew closer.
8 "A Smile Means A Million Words, That Is Until You Speak."
[Written 14-3-2024]
Scout liked sketching.
While words weren’t his forte, art allowed him to express what he felt but could never say. He licked his lips, furrowed his eyebrows, and furiously scratched at the page with a pencil. Every detail, every form-- they had to be perfect.
When he was done, he proudly smiled at his creation.
And it smiled back.
As he admired his creation, he didn’t notice Sniper approaching him.
“And just what are you scribblin' off today, mate?”
Scout snapped around, flustered. He wasn't expecting company, and especially not from him.
“A-ah, hey, Snipes!", he blurted out. "It's nothing, really. Just another drawing of Spy screwin’ those... stupid French bread swords, whatever ya' call 'em.”
As he stammered an excuse, his face slowly turning red, he didn’t realize that his creation's rough, sketched face-- a picture of the marksman himself!-- was peaking through the corner of the sketchbook in the crook of his arm. Sniper paused for a moment as he stared at the work in awe, its own happily gazing back at him. Then, snapping out of his trance, he wordlessly turned back to smile at the younger man.
“You’ve got some talent, kid," he said, softly. "Please, don’t waste it.”
Then, quick as he came, he ambled away.
Scout was left standing, bewildered, and admittedly a bit confused, and he slowly turned back to look back at his drawing.
He traced the rough face of the man, looking wistfully with a tinge of giddiness in his eyes.
“If only you knew...", he whispered to himself without thinking. "Maybe then I could draw you like one of my French girls.”
Then, upon realizing the stupidity of his own remark (and of its disgusting, Spy-related... Frenchness), he immediately gagged.
“Ew, crap, no!”
Somewhere in the distance, Spy instinctively rolled his eyes.
9 "I Feel Olive!"
[Written 15-3-2024]
Medic pinched his nose, a low groan rumbling from him.
"What is wrong, Doktor? You seem stressed", Heavy asked, concernedly lifting his nose from his book.
Medic turned to him, tired eyes smiling weakly. "Ah, it iz nothing. Just... ze dull, useless legal documents. You know, as per usual."
"Well, if it makes Medic feel any better, Heavy ran out of olive for sandvich, so eating it was practically useless! I could not even digest it without big frown", he said, frowning in turn.
He grumbled, continuing, "What Heavy means to say is... you are not alone in your troubles."
Medic paused for a bit, before laughing and grinning back at the giant. He was grateful for this goofy big old man.
"Oh, you alvays know what to say, Heavy. Come on, let us escape this prison of an office and find you that olive. I am getting quite hungry and ze papers can wait, after all!"
10 "Off-Target."
[Written 29-3-2024]
Scout's mind just. couldn't. think.
His head was jumbled, a puzzle with the pieces too lost in the messy maze of his brain ever to solve. He wished he could crack open his skull like he did the BLUs on the field; maybe that would knock some sense into him.
He really needed to focus. Sniper always did.
So, why couldn't he?
11 "Our Paths Shall Cross Again."
[Written 4-4-2024]
It pained him to see her like this.
So, for the first time in his life, he put his pride aside and took one last glance at the sleeping lady before leaving the room.
Scout wished he could stay all night and marvel at her familiar, sheer beauty, even as she slept so frail. But he knew what she needed most was not him, but help.
Who knew what she went through those 2 years?
He resigned himself to the couch, closing his eyes. His affections for Miss Pauling would have to wait, as they always did, but he was fine with that.
She was safe, and that’s what mattered most to him.
12 "Guess Who's Up For Surgery?"
[Written 6-4-2024]
Medic was practically laughing with joy! Or, in his peculiar case, cackling maniacally.
Ah, it was of no matter— the doctor was filled to the brim with inspiration! So many projects to start and bodies to stitch; oh, what a wonderful feeling!
Heavy smiled as he watched the doctor go about his merry way.
Sure, when he was in this mood, that likely meant imminent danger for all those around him (they’d be his newest experiment, no doubt), but seeing him happy always made Heavy’s heart feel a little lighter.
So, as the doctor bounced up to him with his newest rambling, he didn’t protest!
* * *
Author's Notes: Over the past weeks, I've been working on being more spontaneous in my writing—no planning, just writing with the flow! And what better way to do that than to write flash fiction about my favourite fandom? (Plus, I have been practically absent here (post-wise) for, what, months? So why not use this as an excuse to share them with you? Ehehe... Okay, let's forget I said anything; moving on!) Flash fiction, with its creative liberties and curt nature, is an excellent medium (not forgetting to mention the fact it's a disgracefully UNDERRATED form of media!) that inspires me to write because it sort of... brutally invalidates any excuse of author's block I have... since it is literally spilling the words from your conscience into text WITHOUT the worry of length (ah! My greatest enemies...). Plus, it is... sort of, maybe, kinda addicting because it's just so freakishly simple, and the more you do it, the more productive you'll be and feel! Isn't that wonderful? (It could even be a drug! Er, well, a good one... wait, is there even a thing as a good drug? Ah- nevermind.) Anyway, if you're struggling with author's block, I'd heavily recommend trying it. Of course, it may not work for everyone (and I am not here to legally endorse this like a paid sponsor!) but it's still worth a shot if you haven't yet already. And hey, if it doesn't, you can feel free to blame me for the waste of time! Don't worry, I won't mind. Before we go on, I have to take this moment now to thank the one sweet old woman (whom I've unfortunately forgotten the name of) who first taught me about it a few years back during a summer writing course. She taught me much about what I know and love today, so I owe this and much of my writing happiness and technique to her! Thank you, lady. May you continue to write on!! Anyhow, to give you more context, these are all excerpts taken from a private account (but not a secret one! It's out there... somewhere...) of mine, edited for quality purposes and also because a few of the original excerpts bugged me due to their... well, innate cringiness. Hopefully, there's less of it now, but I wouldn't count on my eradicating it as it seems that cringe is just a part of my habitual writing style (I am sorry to disappoint, unnamed woman from the course... I have failed you). I hope that at least is is bearable enough for you to read. However, if not, I offer you my greatest condolences. If you'd like some bleach for your eyes, I have that too. You can also tell by the number of Speeding Bullet and Red Oktoberfest excerpts that I was... in quite the shipping mood for some of them. So, if that doesn't bug you, feel free to indulge yourselves in these characters as I obsessively have over the course of writing these!! It would be my pleasure to offer that liberty to you (and perhaps, shamelessly to myself as well, ahaha..), so please, go ahead. Anyway, that's all of the random blurbs I have to ramble on about today. Thank you for reading- or skimming, at the very least- and please have a marvellous day, pally~!
~ Rosain Quivan
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ribbonpinky-art · 8 months
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_unnamed (speedpaint)
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fetttdjarin · 8 months
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behold! the lady!
i wish as a fandom we had a name for her but all I've seen suggested is frau schwein
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level99challenge · 3 months
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"and yet i must banish you to the shadow realm"
insulin should be free
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disgruntledseagull · 7 months
why is it ok to call a fat retard a fat retard unless the fat retard is a women?
like I wouldn't call a woman a fat retard either dgmw I am not claiming to any special ability to call a woman a fat retard
I am just wondering what the difference is I mean they don't seem any more or less likely to be hurt by it then men who are fat retards so fucked if I know why one is taboo and the other is common
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mypokemonscreencaps · 26 days
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sexynetra · 7 months
The people have been reacting well to cunty dame so have some more :)
All this to say – Nicky leaving was putting a major crimp in Dame’s lifestyle. She plucked a glass of champagne off a tray, taking a long sip and surveying the room from her perch near the window. Tia and Kam were deep in conversation next to the food table, while Nicky — as the guest of honor — was in the middle of the room, surrounded by a gaggle of their coworkers.
Kam walked over a moment later, a small plate of hors d’œuvres in hand. “So, are you planning to go talk to your girlfriend?” She asked conversationally.
Dame rolled her eyes, plucking a canapé off of her best friend’s plate and popping it into her mouth. “Nicky’s not my girlfriend.”
“Try telling her that,” Kam retorted, giving Nicky a polite wave and a smile. Nicky smiled back at her before turning her gaze to Dame, smile softening.
“She knows,” Dame said. “I’ve told her. I’m not the girlfriend type. It’s just a bit of fun, nothing more.”
“Yeah well, the trail of brokenhearted girls you leave behind shows that well enough,” Kam shoved her playfully.
Dame pursed her lips to hide her smile. “You’re just jealous,” she teased, finishing off her champagne flute and stepping forward to greet Nicky who had made her way over.
Dame leaned over, placing a ghost of a kiss on each of her cheeks. “Nicky,” she murmured. “Lovely party. Shame it's goodbye.”
“It doesn’t have to be. You could come back to Paris with me.” Nicky looked up at her hopefully.
Dame plucked another flute of champagne off the tray of a passing server, letting out a noncommittal hum as she looked away, meeting eyes with the Spanish woman who worked in reception, flashing her a wink and a smile. “Better not, I’m quite enjoying London,” she said flippantly.
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