#Up in my grandmother's house
slasheru · 5 months
Hi again everyone! This week is the GENERAL STRIKE IN SUPPORT OF PALESTINE, so there will be no updates/big stuff/etc. Instead, I'd encourage you to support Gaza and its citizens by calling for a ceasefire!
Taking direct action is the best way to help, and you can send letters and emails from your phone or laptop! I'd especially encourage you if you live in the US or the UK.
I can't imagine what life is like in Gaza right now (following along with Bisan and other journalists has been a great way to see the horrors Gazans are dealing with). I'm not Palestinian, but I'm Cantonese, and the literal only reason why I don't live in either of my ethnic home countries right now is because both sets of my ancestors had their home destroyed by fascists during WW2. This is happening during our time, and we can help make sure fascism doesn't ethnically cleanse or destroy or steal people's homes, the land they were fucking born on, the world they built. Free Palestine!
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nostalgicfun · 2 months
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Clown clock! 🤡
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
I dream of death most nights. Normally, it doesn't follow me into waking, but I just had a rather unsettling one about the end of the world at Lake Superior.
We were up there for a girls' weekend, in a big sprawling rented house, an old spindly thing perched on the rocky coast with a long dock protruding out from underneath and more balconies than would have been possible. Some of the other women on the trip--none of whom were distinct to me as real people, just ambiguous people that were dream-familiar--had babies or toddlers. We were all out swimming, competing to get across the bay and back fastest, the way my brothers and I used to as kids, and then suddenly I was standing on the grass, looking up at a clear sky that was, somehow, twisting long dark strands downwards into a tornado.
No sirens were going off, just all of us shouting at each other and the neighbors, trying to figure out if we should shelter in the basement of this twisted ancient house which was certain to be hit, or if we should run. Some of us went for the basement; others ran for the rocky hills and forests. I wound up with an infant in my arms and his mother holding a toddler nearby. I don't dream of babies; I can't think of a single other dream I've ever had with a baby in it and maybe that's because I dream them wrong. None of the babies cried. None of them panicked. They watched the sky with us from the bowels of this house, through windows and balconies and impossible dream-architecture, and spoke in whole sentences things I don't remember.
Tornadoes are loud. I've never been that close to one, waking, but I remember the roar of a house burning down so that's what it sounded like to me. It ate into the house, and the house broke but didn't fall. We couldn't tell where exactly it was; couldn't tell if we should get away or hold steady, but then the torn electricals began to spark fires. We ran out the only route we had--the long wooden dock which extended deep into the bay. As we ran we could see the other tornadoes touching down, the sky directly overhead now a boiling low ceiling of dark clouds, but with pale skies on the horizon over the Lake, where the sun was setting. We huddled on the end of the dock, watching fires break out where the tornadoes passed. One of the babies said something and we turned to look at the deep black waters of the Lake. The ships--huge cruise ships and cargo haulers, tiny in the distance--heaved downwards and then up, downwards and then up, as though in a wave pool. Not the kind of breaking waves you get during heavy storms on deep water; rolling hills of water, the kind of thing that happens when something deep below the surface is heaving up and down. Superior is hundred and hundreds of feet deep; to move the surface of the water from the depth would take something unspeakably massive, living in the frigid depths where not even the dead rot.
The rolling hill-waves came towards us, pulling down the bay and rising higher than the houses, never breaking, and we clung to the dock as they came, no way to get back to land as the house at the end of the dock burned and more and more tornadoes touched down. We knew there was nothing to be done.
And then I woke up.
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dandelion-de-deus · 5 months
mythic grandmothers house dream visitors gang
I swear it’s like. The library of Alexandria to me. Like Narnia. It’s like the Cask of Amontillado. It’s just out of view in every other childhood photo. It’s like the time loop I got a little too comfortable in, that I’m never getting back to, a hundred happy memories buried in the walls and lost forever, and I could have sworn nothing ever changed there and I don’t even remember what it was like to leave for the last time. It’s strange that I can never go back. If I was allowed to return I think I’d refuse categorically. The upstairs appears as a whole different shadow-ridden dimension in my dreams; I still remember the blue china print of the plates in the kitchen with absolute clarity.
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branwendaughterofllyr · 6 months
Every time the Ballerina farm discourses comes by, it sends shivers down my spine. For like personal reasons.
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if yall wanna know what a true appalachian kitchen looks like for your wayne moodboards, look no further
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this is my grandparents kitchen back in 2016. the only thing thats changed from then to now is they got a new(ish) stove.
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rhysintherain · 1 year
Okay, who had "Rhys buys a big, complicated piece of equipment they may or may not actually finish a project on in the next 2 years" for their 2023 Tumblr fibre arts bingo?
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Because I just bought a 24" table loom lol.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hand carve some shuttles from my cedar kindling supply, since I spent all my money on a loom and can't afford tools...
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fagrights · 4 months
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How is my mind today you ask? ^
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ashyfurz · 6 months
truly hate living in a world where i can't even wear my kuffiyeh in the cold weather on the way to work without having to worry if i'll get stabbed or shot for it
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timothylawrence · 7 months
sorry for making rana so explicitly lebanese in a game where there are no real countries . it will happen again
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drivemysoul · 18 days
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ortensiawhiskers · 9 months
Very emotional today bc my older sister came today to announce her pregnancy 😭😭😭
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nogoodnikolai · 30 days
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not to be cliche but can you believe this thing came from wolves
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beananium · 10 months
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fuck it. my plushie squad
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eosofspades · 1 month
three assyrian eldest daughters in a row under one roof what will they do (nuclear level threat)
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boomerang109 · 10 months
i am an incredibly sentimental person and lately i find myself remembering items i once had and wondering what happened to them and mourning them
#no because this was just a silly little post about a dinosaur piggy bank I had#but all of a sudden I just remembered meeting my great grandparents who passed when I was pretty little#i remember meeting my great grandpa specifically I think#and he had all these glass trinkets#and he let me pick one#and I picked this beautiful girl in a pink dress and she was a music box#and I don’t know what happened to her#she broke i know that#for years she was just a skirt that played music#from my siblings running in the house and it shaking my shelves and her falling (from being too close to the ledge ig)#but i don’t know if my mom made me get rid of her when we moved??#I don’t remember having her in our second house#and certainly haven’t seen her since then#ugh my heart has been hearting for objects from the past#i used to have my grandmas cape and I finally asked my mom if she still has it#and I’m almost positive she’s going to have thrown it away and it like literally was the most gorgeous thing#and like the idea of it having been donated#like yes I’m very happy for whoever got it obviously#but. i grew up wearing it to school. it was made by my grandmothers hands. i want it. i want it I want it I want it#(I used to work myself into fits as a kid being sentimental about objects and then convincing myself I was spoiled cause you know ‘I want it#‘ isn’t a great narrative. so then I would sob because of that. it was a fun time.)#anyway I’m supposed to be unpacking but I’m just so full of nostalgia and also overwhelmed by unpacking despite the fact that I don’t have#anything to be overwhelmed by yet since I haven’t gone to actually get my stuff lmao#life of a boomerang
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