topcat77 · 6 months
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Je Yeoran
Usquam Nusquam
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metaladam · 6 months
Lute doesn’t know how to say this . . . So she just attempts to approach her boss in her native tongue , hoping deep down he had no idea what she was saying . . .
〞ani lo yode'a eich lehagid et ze . . . ani me'od me'od mihapekha . . . ani mabit alekha ve'mehallel ot'kha ke'e-li . . . ani . . . ani e'eseh kol davar lehashmir ot'kha velehasim'kha b'shlema . . .〝
( i don’t know how to say this . . . i care for you more than anything . . . i look up to you and praise you like my hero. i . . . i would do anything and everything to keep you safe . . . )
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He didn't know why she'd think he wouldn't understand. He was the first person to ever speak that language in the first place. Adam heard her loud and clear.
How many times had he heard similar things? People telling him how great he was, saying they had his back, saying that they cared about him only to leave the moment things got difficult? He'd made his mistakes of course, he knew deep down he was not this invincible and perfect being but that part of him was buried so deep that even he forgot it existed at times. He knew he'd been clingy, domineering, and cocky to both his wives.
All the same, why had it been so easy for them to leave? In all his time with them he would have never abandoned them, the thought never even occurred to him, he had thought he accepted their faults at least. Lilith didn't want to be his equal, she wanted to be his master, either that or she simply wanted to be him. They were made for each other by the almighty and she abandoned him when he needed her most, after all the many long nights, timeless conversations, all of it. When his heart had properly recovered he thought to give love another chance.
He tried to find a life with Eve, but she wronged him in her own ways. Saying everything was fine, scheming in the shadows with nefarious creatures like Lucifer. Even from spawning all of humanity with her it was not enough for her to feel any inkling of loyalty toward him. Eventually she too would abandon him.
Again he would be alone, relying on himself to defend what remained of his self respect, of his pride. Over time he became convinced it was the only way to survive.
Then he met Lute and he enjoyed and once more he found himself feeling as if he'd found a true companion. A friend. The years would go by and she remained at his side, even when she saw the worst of him. There were times when he wanted to say things to her, to write loving music for her, nothing like the shallow loud and aggressive things he played more often then not.
Now was one such time, one such time he wished he had the ability to reach out and return her words with his own. They shattered almost immediately though as he remembered the pain of the past. The moments where he'd felt someone had come to rescue him, to be with him, to love him, only to find that they would become dead to him in the end. The world would get no more tears from him. He was Adam, the fucking man. The dick master, the first being to walk the Earth. Such happiness was not for him, perhaps his work could contribute to help other find that happiness, but it was not his place to have it.
He'd play dumb if only to look strong. It was all he had.
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" EW! Lute, you know how long its been since anyone spoke in that tongue? Shit has been dead for a while! I don't even recognize that shit! Its been fucking like? Thousands of years since I knew the dialect! We are modern babe, speak to me in English or Latin I guess if you feel old school! Hebraice sic mutus usquam sonat! Audi cacas ipsum! Odi!
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vixi, bitch. Usquam habent crustulum
- Latin Anon
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hyacinthpost · 1 year
Forever in my heart, in aeternum.
ad astra per aspera, Te amo plus quam usquam scire potuisti.
H • ♡
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latin-anon · 2 years
vixi, bitch. Usquam habent crustulum
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andysmuse · 2 years
Black/Death Metal Discovery USQUAM Release New Video "Tempus Edax Rerum"
Black/Death Metal Discovery USQUAM Release New Video “Tempus Edax Rerum”
Presents: USQUAM about their new single: A reflection on time, this concept preoccupies men since they are aware of being a whole in which they largely exceed. Some were there before, others after… Here they are condemned to the present moment. Chronos embodies time, Fatality; It’s time for acceptance. “For death is not, but change is too much… to handle knowing your fate.” This clip was shot…
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dmyservices · 3 years
Band Interview: USQUAM
We had the amazing opportunity to do an interview with an amazing metal band from France. They bring Black and Death metal in all its glory and fame. Originally started as a solo project, it quickly turned out to a full band and they continue growing, in the form of musical add-ons to their family. Time to get to know this kind fella’s, and how better then by interviewing them and let them…
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meerlichtz · 3 years
Secundum omnibus notum leges aviation, nulla a apis confugere poterimus. Alas nimis parva, ut eius adipem parum corpus a terra. In apis, scilicet, volat usquam quia apes non cura quid homines cogitare est impossibile. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Ooh, nigrum et flavum! Sit scriptor movebit illud paulo. Barry! Prandium paratum! Ooming! Pendent a secundo. Salve? - Barry? - Adam? - Vade credis hoc factum est? - Non possum. Ego tollere. Vultus acuta. Uti gradibus. Pater tuus mihi bona pecunia numerata pro illis. Paenitet. Ego sum excitatur. Hic pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor te, fili. Perfectum fama card, omnes B. Valde superbus. Ma! Ego got a est iens hic. - Vos got linamentum in fuzz. - Ow! Quod me! - Undo nobis! Lorem ipsum dolor sit in ordine 118,000. - Vale! Barry, dixi tibi,, prohibere volans in domo! - Heus, Adam. - Heus, Barry. - Est quod fuzz gel? - Paulo. Dies specialis, pede. Numquam putavi fore facere. Tribus diebus gradu schola, tribus diebus turpis. Qui sunt inconvenientia. Tribus diebus collegium. Im ' laetus accepi die et hitchhiked circa alveo. Fecisti venire diversa. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, crescit a mustache? Spectat bonum,. - Audi de Frankie? - Yeah. - Vos ad funus? - Non, im ' non iens. Norunt omnes, stimulus aliquis, mori. Non deficiet in sciurus. Talis hothead. Ego coniecto potuit iustus fuero de via. Hoc amo incorporandi oblectamenti parcum in diebus nostris. Ut ' quare nos non opus feriarum. Puer, satis a frenum de pomp... sub adiunctis. - Bene, Adam, hodie sunt homines. - Nos sunt! - Bee-homines. - Amen! Alleluia! Alumni, facultas, distinguuntur apes, commodo grata Decanus Buzzwell. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit, Novum Alveo Oity gradibus genus... ...9:15. Quod concludit nostris ceremoniis. Et incipit vita tua at Honex Nulla! Numquid colligunt ourjob hodie? Audivi suus ' iustus intentionem. Caput! Hic nos ire. Servo vestri manibus et antennas intra tram omni tempore. - Miror, quid erit quasi? - Parum formidulosus. Lorem Honex, a division of Honesco et a parte Sextae Coetus. Hoc est,! Wow. Wow. Nos scimus, quod vos, sicut apis, fecerunt totam vitam ut adepto ad punctum ubi potest operari totam vitam. Mel incipit cum fortis Pollen Jocks adducam nectar ad alveo. Top-secretum formula ipso-color corrigi, odorem moderatis, et bulla-contoured in hoc blanda dulcis lacus suum proprium, aureum meridiem scitis ut... Mel! - Quod puella esset calidum. - Illa consobrino meo! - Illa est? - Sic, omnes sumus fratres. - Ius. Ius te. - Ad Honex, nos continue studeant consectetuer omni de apis esse. Haec apes sunt accentus-testing novum galeam nulla. - Quid facit? - Non satis. Hic nos have nostrum latest profectum, in Krelman. - Quid faciendum? - Oatches quod parum litora mel quod pendet post te oremus est. Salvat milia. Vade quis opus in Krelman? Scilicet. Maxime apis jobs parva sunt. Sed apes scire quod omne parvum officium, si suus ' bene, multum est. Sed eligere diligenter quia tu manere in job vos pick pro reliqua vita tua. Idem officium in reliqua vita tua? Nesciebam. Quid est differentia? Eris felix scire, quod apes, sicut species, non habebat unum diem off in 27 decies annis. Sic youll ' iustus opus nobis ad mortem? Puteus ' certus conantur. Wow! Quod cecinit mea mens! "Quid est differentia?" Quomodo potes dicere? Unum officium in aeternum? Quod insano optio facere. Ego solutus. Nunc tantum ut unum arbitrium in vita. Sed, Adam, quam poterant, numquam narraverunt nobis? Cur quaeritur, quid? Sumus apes. Sumus maxime perfecte muneris societatem in Terris. Vos umquam cogitare fortasse quae opus paulo nimium bene hic? Simile quid? Da mihi unum exemplum. Nescio. Sed scitis quis im ' sermo super. Commodo patet porta. Regius Nectar Vim in adventu. Expectare secundum. Oheck eam. - Heus, qui sunt Pollen Jocks! - Wow. Ego nunquam vidi eos, hoc prope. Et quid suus ' similis extra alveo. Yeah, sed aliquo non venire. - Heus, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! Vos guys fecit, magna! Tu monstra! Tu caelo monstra! Ego amo! Ego amo! - Miror, ubi erant. - Nescio. Eorum dies non cogitavit. Extra alveo, volans, qui scit ubi,
facere qui scit quid. Vos can'tjust volueris esse Pollen Elit. Habes bred enim. Ius. Respice. Quod suus ' magis pollen quam tibi et videbo in vita sua. Suus ' iustus a status symbolum. Apes facere, nimis est. Fortasse. Nisi tu gerens eam et dominarum te videre gerens. His dominarum? Non sunt ipsi fratres nostros quoque? Distant. Distant. Respice ad haec duo. - Oouple de Ligno Harrys. - Let ' s have fun cum eis. Debet esse periculosum esse Pollen Elit. Yeah. Quondam ursi adfixum me contra fungorum! Habuit pedibus pulso in mi faucibus, et cum aliis, erat ferientes me! - O mi! - Ego numquam vellem pulso eum. Quid sunt vobis faciens per hoc? Conatur intenti auctores. Ego potest autographo, quod. Paulo gusty ibi hodie, non est, socii? Yeah. Gusty. Sumus bibendum a helianthus patch sex milia passuum ab hic et cras. - Sex milliaria, huh? - Barry! Conlectus salire pro nobis, sed maybe vos erant ' non pro eo. - Maybe ego sum. - Non! Et nos erant ' iens 0900 ad J-Porta. Quid, putas, buzzy-puer? Tu apis satis? Ego esset. Refert quod 0900 significat. Heus, Honex! Pater, te mirari me. Vos statuite quid vos es interested in? - Euge, illic ' multus of choices. - Sed tantum unum. Numquid adepto terebravisse facere idem officium per singulos dies? Filius, amen dico vobis, de agitatione. Te capto, quod haereat, et tu iustus moveri circa, et turbatio circa ea. Vos adepto te in numero. Suus ' a pulchra est. Scis, Pater, magis puto de, aliquam mel agro est iustus, non est ius pro me. Tu cogitas quod, faciens balloon animalia? Ut a malis a guy cum stinger. Janet, filium tuum ' non certus vult ire in mel! - Barry, tam ridiculam interdum. - Im ' non trying ut esse mauris. Tu non mauris! Vos erant ' iens in mel. Filium nostrum, stirrer! - Vos erant ' agnus dei esse stirrer? - Nemo est audire me! Exspectate, dum vos videre haeret habeo. Possem dicere aliquid, nunc. Im ' agnus dei adepto an formica tattoo! Lets patefacio nonnullus mel et celebrare! Maybe ego pierce mea thorax. Radi mea antennae. Casa cum grillus. Ut aurum dentem, et dicere omnibus, "dawg"! Ego sum superbus. - Nos es incipiens operari hodie! - Hodierno die. Oome in! Omne bonum jobs recedemus. Yeah, ius. Pollen computatis, stunt apis, fundens, stirrer, ante elit, capillos remotionem... - Est etiam available? - Pendent. Duos reliquit! Unus ex illis est tua! Oongratulations! Step ad latus. - Quid ' d vos adepto? - Ultro crud ex. Siderea! Wow! Oouple de newbies? Sic, domine! Nostri primo die! Nos sunt parati! Planto vestri choice. - Vis ire primum? - No, te ire. O, mi. Quid est available? Restroom comite scriptor aperta, non enim ideo te puto. - Forte questus Krelman? - Certus, te in. Ego sum paenitet, in Krelman iustus clausa ex. Cera simia semper aperta. In Krelman aperuit iterum. Quid accidit? Apis mortuus est. Facit foramen. Videre? Ille mortuus est. Alius mortuus est. Deady. Deadified. Duos mortuos. Mortuus a collo usque. Mortuus ab collum descendit. Ut vitae! Oh, hoc est ita durum! Calefactionem, refrigerationem, stunt apis, pourer, stirrer, bombus, inspector numero septem, linamentum coordinator, clavum gubernator, minutum wrangler. Barry, quod facere putes... Barry? Barry! Omnes ius, heu helianthus patch in quadrantem novem... Quid tibi accidit? Ubi es? - Ego sum egressus. - Ex? Ex quo? - Ibi. - Oh, non! Ego, antequam vadam opus in reliqua vita mea. Vos erant ' agnus dei mori! Tu insanis! Salve? Alia vocatione venire in. Si quis est sensus fortis, illic ' a ligula deli in 83rd quod gets eorum rosa hodie. Heus, guys. - At ut. - Non est ut hedum vidimus heri? Tene, fili, fuga deck est restringitur. Suus ' OK, Lou. Et nos erant ' agnus dei, tolle eum. Vere? Sentiens felix, es tu? Signum hic, hic. Modo initialis ut. - Tibi gratias ago. - OK. Vos got a pluvia assessoratus hodie, et ut omnes scire,, apes non fugere in nubila. Ut custodias,. Ut semper, vigilate vestri brooms, consectetuer haeret, canes, aves, fert et vespertiliones. Etiam, ego got a iugo of tradit de radice dolor sit effudit in nos. Murphy in domo propter illud, babbling quasi cicada! - Ut ' awful. - Et memoria pro
vobis rookies,
Why are you sending me the bee movie script in latin
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Victoriocity Apreciation Week 2021: Index of posts
DAY 1: Favourite Episode
S1E2 The Lodging House - @coelart
Victoriocity Season 2 Episode 6: The London Acropolis - @leliesblou
The finale of S2 - @friendlyvillagewisdom
The Fortress of Westminster - @ciotkahermenegilda
Solito negotium - @littlebookreader
Catch Me I’m Falling - @shutupeiffel
The Grand Salcombe  - @scraprat
Favourite jokes from Episodes 1 and 2 (audio compilation) - @the-empty-man
Season 2, episode 6, The London Acropolis (appreciation post) - @more-better-words
Day 2: Favourite Main Character
Her Majesty Queen Victoria, after eleven assassination attempts and subsequent repairs (crochet) - scraprat
Fave character - Inspector Archibald Fleet (aka Archie or 'our Lord and Saviour') - friendlyvillagewisdom
Even Greater London’s favorite crime-fighting investigative journalist and small bird enthusiast, the one and only Clara Entwhistle! - @weaverofink
Fleet - ciotkahermenegilda
Archibald Fleet - coelart
Ego ne hic quidem - littlebookreader
rota et charta - littlebookreader
The Language of Flowers - leliesblou
a bunch of random Sandringham thoughts (meta) - @calllay
Miss Clara Entwhistle (appreciation post) - more-better-words
Day 3: Favourite Relationship
'Fleet & Entwhistle, Private Investigations' - the-empty-man
Fleetwhistle!! - weaverofink
Clara’s and Fleet developing bond is pushed forward by their mutual trust - ciotkahermenegilda
Fleetwhistle  - scraprat
a tiny ficlet featuring Sandringham and Balmoral kissing - calllay
He Is My Rock - shutupeiffel
Agents of Chaos (and love, sometimes) - friendlyvillagewisdom
Lunae lumen ipsum - littlebookreader
Of Moustache and Men -  @specialagentartemis
Some of my favourite Fleetwhistle moments from season 1 (audio compilation) - leliesblou
It was the relationship between Archibald Fleet and Clara Entwhistle that hooked me on Victoriocity in the first place (appreciation post) - more-better-words
Favourite relationships (appreciation post) - @crappy-bard ​
Day 4: Favourite Bell Sibling
Julius Bell - ciotkahermenegilda
Septimus Bell - coelart
Aurelia - scraprat
To Get Ahead... - shutupeiffel
Character study of our dear Doctor because I love him unreasonably - @thedupshadove ​
A Very Morgue-y Christmas - leliesblou
iustus alius dies ad domum - littlebookreader
What time is it? (incorrect quotes) - littlebookreader
Victoriocity as vines the Bell family edition!!!!! (vine compilation) - @theradiowitch​
Day 5: Favourite Place/Setting
The infamous Tower of Even Greater London - weaverofink
Stephenson’s College! - ciotkahermenegilda
The Grand Salcombe - scraprat
A Cup of Roasted Coffee - shutupeiffel
hermaphroditorum turpis diem - littlebookreader
An annotated map of locations mentioned in Victoriocity (map) - the-empty-man
Day 6: Favourite Lore/Detail
The Law of Large Numbers of Greetings Cards - leliesblou
The Three Volume Club (embroidery) - shutupeiffel
correspondence chess -  ciotkahermenegilda
semper et in saecula - littlebookreader
The Some Twenty-Five Thousand Wolves (inhabiting the Midlands' Forest) - scraprat
Brunel Day is celebrated on Joseph Balzalgette's birthday (appreciation post) - more-better-words
Day 7: Favourite Favourite Minor/Background Character
Reverend Kilburn - the-empty-man
Brunel - ciotkahermenegilda
Omnia bene, quod desinit bene - littlebookreader
Going up? - leliesblou
Mrs Pomligan - scraprat
Usquam, ego sum, fieri (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - littlebookreader
The Traitor - shutupeiffel
Jasper the Ultra-Capitalist Cabbie (appreciation post) - more-better-words
If we've missed anything or made any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let us know!
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littlebookreader · 3 years
Usquam, ego sum, fieri
This has six parts: Information and the 5 parts of the fic, posted separately. This is the information, though i have posted links for the parts below the cut. 
Some information first:
Summary: Septimus goes to Scotland Yard to lodge a complaint. (Forthe Victoriocity Appreciation Week 2021. Takes place after Omnia bene, quod desinit bene.)
Fandoms: Victoriocity(Podcast)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: F/M, M/M, Gen
Word count: 2181 words(394+385+340+410+652)
Relationships:  Septimus Bell/ Miss Waverley, Edward Sandringham/ John Balmoral, background Lester Horrocks/ Aurelia Bell. 
Characters:  Septimus Bell, Miss Waverley,  Edward Sandringham, John Balmoral, Clara Entwhistle, Inspector Archibald Fleet,  Lester Horrocks, Aurelia Bell (mentioned), ,Julius Bell (mentioned) , Queen Victoria(cyborg), Prince Albert(AI), Chief Inspector Olwin Keller, Margaret Keller. 
Additional Tags: Holy frick this was supposed to be an EPILOGUE, ended up waaaaaaaaay too long, so anyway, this is my last submission, see you again next year(hopefully), part of Love Actually(The ficlet series not the film), can be read as standalone too, anything will do, really, author regrets everything, no beta we narrate like Michael, here you go
@victoriocity-appreciation for......all the prompts (or none), I guess. 
Part 8 of Love, Actually.
Parts: 1    2    3    4   5
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topcat77 · 1 year
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Je Yeoran
Usquam Nusquam
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batboi11227 · 4 years
Satanas sum et vocavi te est: Interrogabo vos ... si vos volo ut diem usquam esset maybe me, pius bellus vestra
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redpandatesting · 5 years
Paphius quin etiam et Cornelius senatores, ambo venenorum artibus pravis se polluisse confessi, eodem pronuntiante Maximino sunt interfecti. pari sorte etiam procurator monetae extinctus est. Sericum enim et Asbolium supra dictos, quoniam cum hortaretur passim nominare, quos vellent, adiecta religione firmarat, nullum igni vel ferro se puniri iussurum, plumbi validis ictibus interemit. et post hoe flammis Campensem aruspicem dedit, in negotio eius nullo sacramento constrictus.
Oportunum est, ut arbitror, explanare nunc causam, 
quae ad exitium praecipitem Aginatium inpulit iam inde a priscis maioribus nobilem, 
ut locuta est pertinacior fama. nec enim super hoc ulla documentorum rata est fides.
Eo adducta re per Isauriam, rege Persarum bellis finitimis inligato repellenteque a conlimitiis suis ferocissimas gentes, quae mente quadam versabili hostiliter eum saepe incessunt et in nos arma moventem aliquotiens iuvant, Nohodares quidam nomine e numero optimatum, incursare Mesopotamiam quotiens copia dederit ordinatus, explorabat nostra sollicite, si repperisset usquam locum vi subita perrupturus.
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objecteiespai · 6 years
Pensar Ramon Guillen-Balmes és pensar en el seu gest: una mirada d’aparença retirada i fingidament displicent però, en essència, espurnejant i afable, sempre acompanyada d’un entremaliat somriure sorneguer que emergeix abans d’assentir amb el cap i dir que sí. En aquest reconegut assentiment, repetit una i altra vegada, s’hi amaga la generosa manifestació del seu afecte i l’expressió d’un vincle categòric amb la vida. Per a l’Escola Massana, aquesta exposició és un veritable regal, més enllà de recuperar un llegat excepcional, acollir la seva memòria i gaudir de nou de la seva necessària presència. Inauguració: divendres 22 de març a les 19h. Exposició: del 22.3.19 fins al 24.5.19 Lloc: Espai Busquets de l'Escola Massana
Exposició RAMON GUILLEN-BALMES "...y subid al infierno"
De l'1 de febrer al 8 d'abril de 2018
Centre Cultural Blanquerna.Madrid
Ramon Guillen-Balmes professor de l´Escola Massana
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Artista i pedagog, Ramon Guillen-Balmes (1954-2001) va fer una extraordinària i singular producció artística en les dues últimes dècades del segle XX.
Vinculat al col·lectiu d’artistes USQUAM des de la seva creació l'any 1980, la seva obra es desenvolupa dins l’àmbit escultòric i evoluciona des de petits prototips cap a artefactes de més grandària destinats a interactuar amb les forces  naturals.
A la seva obra es pot observar la influència dels projectes de màquines voladores de Leonardo da Vinci o els dissenys d'ales realitzats pels germans Wright.
També ressonen les idees d'autors com Gilles Deleuze, Émile  Cioran, Samuel Beckett o Clément Rosset. La necessitat de transcendència, l'exploració dels límits del coneixement humà i la constatació de la impossibilitat de comunicació són temes recurrents a l'obra de Guillen-Balmes. Entre altres ciutats, exposà a Barcelona, París, Grenoble, Florència, Reus, Cadaqués i Mont-real. L'exposició RAMON GUILLEN-BALMES “... y subid al infierno”, comissariada per Antònia Maria Perelló,  presenta una selecció representativa de la seva obra.
Més info:
MAC - Mataró Art Contemporani
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andysmuse · 3 years
Band Interview: USQUAM
We had the amazing opportunity to do an interview with an amazing metal band from France. They bring Black and Death metal in all its glory and fame. Originally started as a solo project, it quickly turned out to a full band and they continue growing, in the form of musical add-ons to their family. Time to get to know this kind fella’s, and how better then by interviewing them and let them…
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dmyservices · 3 years
French Death/Black Metallers USQUAM Release New Playthrough Video "Epiphany"
French Death/Black Metallers USQUAM Release New Playthrough Video “Epiphany”
Presents Epihany (Official Playthrough) “Epiphany” is a single taken from USQUAM’s EP “Reborn”, out via Wormholedeath / Aural Music Group worldwide. ” Epiphany is about man and his thirst for meaning… but also about the way he deals with his deepest anxieties. The text also deals with self-discovery, the search for deliverance and unity. It is by facing his fear of death that he comes to…
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