feral-ass-raccoon · 11 months
It's getting close to spooky day
yeaahhhhhhhh babeyyyyyyy!!!! SPOOKY SEASON HATH ARRIVED
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jackasswhre · 1 year
Dating Bam Margera headcanons :)
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let me just start this off by saying bam's the most loyal man to exist alright
like ain't no way that he's ever cheating on you
also a hill that i will die on is that you're the passenger princess
literally no matter what
late night drives with him blasting music
spoils you on your birthday, valentines day, christmas ect
he's totally the "i don't want to go to bed fighting type"
carving pumpkins as a date during halloween
speaking of halloween i feel like he would love scaring kids that are out trick or treating
never goes overboard with pranking you (and will get a bit pissed off if any of the other guys do)
extra cuddly if he's drunk
doesn't notice it and will 100% deny it but he squeezes your hand a bit tighter when he's nervous
loves seeing you in his clothes
covers the corners of tables if you're bending underneath them so you don't get hurt
can and will bodyslam you into anything soft whenever he feels like it
puts his hand in the back pocket of your jeans
if you ask nicely he'll turn his loud ass music down
disinfecting his brand (and any of his other wounds/cuts) because you know he won't do it himself
taking care of him when he's sick (and him being a pouty whiny bitch most of the time)
he gets jealous really easily
if needed he gets into bar fights for you (even if he's usually drunk himself)
if you're in jackass too (im guessing you are 'cause come on who wouldn't want to be) he writes crazy ass stunts for you
always makes sure that you don't get hurt during them tho
and if you ever did get hurt while doing a stunt he would be by your side the second it happens
if you don't know how to skate he 100% teaches you
and if you already know then he literally skates with you every chance he gets
you're definitely in viva la bam and also in most radio bam episodes
if you want to he will let you do his nails and makeup
definitely loves cuddling
ryan, dico, raab and rake are your bestfriends
they just come with bam (kinda like a buy one, get one free except its buy one, get four free (idfk lmao))
bro would literally melt if you baked him something
if you're ever wearing a short/tight skirt he stands behind you
rarely takes you out for expensive dates, it's usually just mcdonalds or something similar
this man loves you with his whole heart so please don't hurt him
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I mean I don’t know what timeline but if it’s anywhere in mine SIGN ME TF UP!
i May have already completed the league once but I don’t care VIVA LA HALLOWEEN BITCH!
( Fuck yeah, Spooky season! - The actual ghost living in Grace’s rotom phone)
~ @trainergraceneedstherapy
Viva la Halloween, indeed~!
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 47 - Viva Las Vegas. Episode 3.
-------Andy's point of view--------
Andy: I could hardly believe this evening! It had been magical! We did it! We were married, Evan and I!! I could hardly believe it!!! Our mate bond was sealed, now unbreakable. Could I be any happier? No. This was pure bliss. Something fairy tales are made of. I looked around the room, seeing friends and family starting to grab dinner, some were having drinks in a corner, others were dancing. The room was truly spectacular! Looking like something from a Tim Burton movie, if you ask me. Less gloomy, but still. The perfect Halloween room for sure. It was spot on. No doubt this was our wedding, as the room and atmosphere screamed our names. I could not believe how wonderful he had made it all. After eating a bit, I started dancing, mainly with Congo, but also Evan and Daniel, everyone was having so much fun, it was so amazing they had all come together in such a short time. As I had understood, they had only had since Thursday, so only 2 days. 2 short days to put this magical fairy tale together. Once again it made me feel so lucky, to have such amazing friends and family.
Sparkle: Andy… wake up! You're daydreaming again she chuckled softly and poked my arm
Andy: I chuckled hoarse Yeah… so it seems…
Sparkle: She handed me a glass of champagne Cheers darling!
Andy: Cheers gorgeous! I tabbed my glass against hers and sipped the sweet champagne Nice costume btw! I like this darker look on you… very sexy…
Sparkle: She giggled softly and looked down herself for a brief moment Thank you, I made it myself!
Andy: It's really good I smiled brightly but no surprise you made it yourself, you really have a talent for stuff like this… you always have…. such a great cosplay really… How about giving me a twirl? I smiled at her cheekily
Sparkle: Is that an excuse for checking out my ass? she chuckled softly and winked at me
Andy: You know me so well I chuckled hoarse and smiled flirtatiously
Sparkle: Well alright then she giggled softly and gave me a little twirl so I could get to see the outfit better
Andy: Niiice… makes you look older somehow… in a good way though.
Sparkle: Thanks. I kinda hoped that. But let's keep down the flirtation she pulled her tongue at me and chuckled I'm not so sure your new husband would appreciate you flirting with the girls on your wedding day?
Evan: He suddenly sweeped in from the side, planting a soft kiss on the back of my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist line from behind I don't mind Sparkle… I love him just the way he is.
Sparkle: N'awwww, you guys are torture!! I'm so happy for you though, but also wildly jealous! She chuckled softly and pouted I need a man of my own.
Evan: Nodded towards the dance floor Well… 2 of your 3 men are out there, so, why don't you go grab one of them?
Sparkle: She blushed softly Erhm…
Andy: I looked confused at the dance floor 2 out of 3?
Evan: Chuckled secretly
Sparkle: Blushed even more, and quickly disappeared in the crowd
Andy: I turned around quickly, facing him What did I miss out on here?
Evan: Yeah, I forgot to tell you, mostly cause I tried to forget… I happened to walk in on Sparkle and my dad… having sex…. Sparkle riding him.
Andy: I laughed loudly for a short while, then looked at his serious face Wait… you're not kidding?
Evan: Looked at me dead seriously
Andy: I looked towards Robert on the dance floor Son of a bitch!
Evan: He chuckled softly According to my dad it was a one time opportunity. But let's face it, the more I try to prevent it from happening again, the more it will happen. And she made a fair point anyway. They're both adults, so they can do whatever they want. I just wish the divorce papers would have been finalized first, but at the same time, I can't really blame him either.
Andy: So… you're okay with it?
Evan: Yeah… well he wrinkled his nose a bit As okay as I can be with something like that he smiled softly Let's dance! *He grabbed one of my hands, quickly leading me to the dance floor, dancing to the happy tunes*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACpOIX38Lvk
------Congo's point of view-------
Congo: *The evening went by great, and every time I looked at Andy and Evan, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by their joy and get a little teary. I had some long nice talks with both Robert and Leonard about the boys and their whole life up until now. Concentrating only on the good stuff of course. It was safe to say this day was a success. From where we were sitting we could easily watch the evening move along. People dancing, drinking, eating, laughing and sometimes people were posing for pictures. Once in a while we joined in on the dancing as well, when someone bit us up for a dance that is. Sparkle even came by twice to ask me personal for a dance, as Daniel kept teasing her, so I guess she needed someone to hide behind for a while, I gladly accepted each time. I had just had a glass of Whiskey with Evan as Clover tabbed her glass, and stood up.
Clover: Could I have everyone's attention? She smiled warmly as the music lowered and everybody turned their attention towards her This is not per say a toast, it's just a small note I would like to read. I found it today, by random, in an old recipe book of mine. And I thought it was very fitting for this day. Not only for what the day itself means, but also for your wedding. She cleared her throat, and unfolded a little old note of paper, reading loud and clear with a warm voice Samhain Magic: We count the days till Samhain comes. It is the witches New Year, All Hallows Eve and the spirit world takes flight. We gather in sacred ritual with candles, a flame under harvest moon light. We call to the ancestors who have been here before, as we seek wisdom and insight. It is the Sabbath of Samhain, a most enchanted magical night. She folded the paper and slit it back into her suit, smiling warmly at Andy and Evan with tears in her eyes and raised her glass To the groom and groom! Everyone lifted their glasses as well and cheered to the couple
Congo: It did really suit the evening, she was right. Sacred ritual it sure had been, the ceremony, so perfect and very much in line with their souls. And an enchanted magical night it for sure also was. I looked around at everybody as they started dancing and doing whatever they were doing before. There were just as much happiness around, as there had been on Andy and my wedding. You could feel the love all around. It was truly heartwarming and soothing. I noticed Evan's cigs on the table, and quickly dragged one out of the package, including his lighter and snuck outside to enjoy the view and some chilled evening air on my face. I leaned my back against the wall, and lit the cig, only few seconds later noticing I wasn't alone, as I saw something move out of the corner or my eye
Katherine: Sorry, did I startle you?
Congo: I smiled warmly No… I just didn't expect someone else to have had the same idea as me I chuckled softly and took a drag of the cig
Katherine: She chuckled softly Yeah… I needed a bit of fresh air after dancing with Daniel she chuckled softly He sure knows how to take up some space on the dance floor while dancing, eh?
Congo: I chuckled warmly He sure does.
Katherine: She took a deep relaxed breath and sighed happily towards the sky What a beautiful night!
Congo: I looked at the stars, it sure was
Kat: So how are you feeling my darling?
Congo: Happy. I smiled at her warmly and took another drag of the cig I'm very very happy Katherine. Thank you for asking. And how are you?
Kat: I'm a proud mama, that's what I am she chuckled softly and sipped a beer she apparently had been hiding on the other side of her that I couldn't see.
Congo: I like your outfit, Sheriff I smiled warmly at her, and nodded at her Sheriff dress great choice!
Kat: She chuckled warmly Yeah… I wanted to make sure that both Andy and Daniel would behave nice today, I am after all still a mom… I have to remind the youngsters that even if they are all grown up, I still have some authority she chuckled softly and shook her head No, I'm afraid this is all Lenny's doing she pointed towards her breasts, that today looked particularly large It's the frills… they seem to enhance what was already there, and he is a boob man after all, so, can we really blame him?
Congo: I laughed warmly No, I guess we really cant! I like his outfit too though… it was quite unexpected… did you pick his then?
Kat: Nah… that's Lenny's own doing again. He said he wanted to be 'hip with the kids' whatever that means she chuckled warmly, and I couldn't help but follow
Congo: So which costume do you like the best?
Kat: Tough choice… I think I would have to go with either Sparkle or Clover… I really like the sexiness of Clovers, although I personally would never have the guts to wear something like that. And she even dressed it down a bit by wearing tights under, as there were peek holes at both crotch and buttocks according to her. She thought it was a tad inappropriate for a wedding, even if it was Andy's wedding she chuckled softly But I also really love Sparkles, and the amount of effort she put into putting it all together, and sewing the dress. And for once I actually know the character she's trying to portrait… well, technically I also know Clovers character. It was easy with that fiery red hair and the green suit.
Congo: I nodded and blew some smoke out Yes… both ladies really did a great job. So… who is the most surprising outfit? We were both quiet few seconds, then spoke out the name at the same time GEORGE!!
Kat: She laughed loudly I guess he also had an urge to feel 'hip with the kids'?!
Congo: I nodded and laughed warmly I guess so! And he seems very much into the roll as well… every other sentence he tries to squeeze in words like YOLO, LMAO and OMG I chuckled warmly I mostly try to avoid him as I feel my brain can't take it much more.
Kat: She laughed warmly Yes… I try my best to steer around him as well.
George: YOLO SWAGSTERS!! suddenly the teen found us with a big happy smile on his face Evan says he needs us all to gather, so… He pointed towards the party
Kat: We both looked at each other and then burst out laughing
George: He chuckled softly and we quickly followed him inside, Kathrine linking her arm with mine leaning against me, as she was still laughing too much to walk straight.
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immabethehero · 4 years
Hero’s Writing Masterlist!
OK, so it occurred to me that I should make my own writing masterlist in case anyone wants to read my work. So, here it is, from oldest to the newest!!!
The Time JJ Swallowed a Clock - Chase is haunted by a strange noise (my first ego story!!!)
A Little Theory - A general JSE theory I had way back when I was just getting started, that I put in story form
Shaky Hands and Flowers (Whumptober and Egotober) - Jameson finds pretty flowers....
Caught In an Explosion (Whumptober) - Marvin investigates a suspicious note
Pose (Egotober) - Chase prepares for CHASE
Wilford Saves Dark (Whumptober) - Wilford saves Dark, but at what cost?
Whump - Ransom (Whumptober) - An old enemy of Jackie’s has taken his younger brothers… will an new ally be able to save them?
Snipped Strings - You Rescue Jameson from Anti, but at what cost???
How Long Since You Slept? - Chase needs sleep after a long day of work
Jackie Defeats Anti (Old Version) - How the glitch bitch came to be
The Aftermath of Anti’s Lair - Chase explores an abandoned building
Cozy - Chase and Henrik spend a night together
Relax - Jameson recovers from a fever
Chase Laughs in His Sleep - A ghost haunts the egos with its terrifying laugh… or does it?
Jack VS Jackie - Jack and Jackie fight over the last cookie
That One Fish Girl’s Rescue - A little birthday gift for a friend, where her OC, Sei, rescues JJ and the egos from a storm
You’re Safe Now - Jameson is almost killed by a fall
Magnificent Spell - Jameson learns how to use slides for the first time!
Chase & the Treasure Hunt (Multi-chapter, on-going) - Chase receives an extra special birthday present
Static - While stuck in captivity, Jameson muses and receives an unexpected visitor
The Good Doctor Returns - Jameson comes to a revelation, and Schneep returns
Robbie - A day in the life of Robbie the Zombie, from squirrel chasing to a bubble outburst
Jackie’s Late BDay Present - A special fic written for Jackie, also a rewrite of how the Glitch Bitch came to be
And JJ Makes Three - Marvin’s birthday fic! Let’s see how Jameson escapes Anti’s wrath... and how Marvin finds him...
Schneeplestein Apparently Has a Heart - Henrik’s birthday story. Concerns how Chase joined the JSE egos.
Egotober #2 - Marvin must sing to break the stony spell on his brothers.
Marvin - A little drabble about the mysterious magician
Chase Returns! - Chase returns from a vacation. Henrik is a little too excited.
Henrik is Baymax - A new AU where Henrik is a robot. A personal healthcare companion, if you will ^u^
Hero Fever - Marvin wants to give Jackie a great birthday, but a cold and living furniture stand in his way
MegaMarvin - A glimpse of my newest au: Megamind but the JSE egos! - The Malevolent has a ghastly plan for the superheroes of Brighton City! If only the rest of the world was actually prepared for it.
Anti’s Halloween is Ruined - First story in my swap au! How Dr. Antisepticeye’s latest invention goes horribly wrong
Ink (2022)
Watch Out For That Tree - A writing prompt where Mirabel tries sledding down a hill for the first time under the eye of Bruno.
Viva La Pancita de Bruno - A lil birthday gift for some friends
Rocking Around the Christmas Bruno - Bruno Madrigal has the colours of a tree... could he be the key to saving Christmas in Casita?
The Wake of a Miracle - A stranger who threatens Bruno inadvertently awakens Mirabel’s magical rage. My Encanto Big Bang story! Complete with lovely art!!!
How Well Do You Know Alma Madrigal? - A lil Mother’s Day fluff featuring a game show and a secret present
Eliza and Angelica Kidnap Alex - Eliza goes to desperate measures just get her husband to take a break
The Little Mermaid - My own retelling of Hans Christian Andersern’s The Little Mermaid!
This will be updated of course! But here is my magnum opus for the mean time!
Here’s my Ao3! Might upload some Encanto stories here as well! - https://archiveofourown.org/users/PinkPancakeQueen/works
Here’s my Pinterest for those who read my bio: https://www.pinterest.ca/catherineleis16/_saved/
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star-horse · 6 years
Get to know me!
I was tagged by my love, @usethehorseluke
-What fandom did you originally start your blog for? Surprisingly, This blog is actually just personal, I don’t have it in me to have a Reylo side blog 😂
-When/why did you join tumblr?
Probably like,... 2011? Maybe? I don’t know why or when, or how I got here. I’m just here havin a good time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-Have you made any close friends on tumblr? Yes! My two best friends are already my best friends on tumblr but I’ve also met and grown to love @ikkivikkistikki @pandoraspocksao3 @usethehorseluke and a few more too!
-What characters do you most identify with? Ben Solo, for sure. I also grew up with parents who are outstanding people but didn’t know I was suffering abuse for 23 years, I also walk in the dark, while not having given up the light. I am also head over heels in love with my equal and opposite. I also identify a lot with Chandler Bing, childhood trauma and tries to cover up the bad stuff with humor, you know.
-What are your favorite kind of AUs?
Modern AUs are always fun. There are no limits, people can do so many things with them! But especially modern AUs where Ben/Kylo is still some kind of war machine. I love violence.
-Describe your ideal weather. Fall, clear skies, light breeze. 65/70 degrees. The air has that distinct “fall” smell to it.
-What’s your college major/what do you want to major in? I actually left college about four years ago but I’m currently trying to go back for Aerospace Engineering.
-Do you have a job? Yes. I’m an oral surgery assistant! I spend most of my days up to my elbows in blood and teeth it’s awesome.
-Do you have pets? If not, what pet do you want, I do! I have a beautiful big dog, Alaska. And my two horses, Mischief Managed aka “Magic” and Order of The Phoenix aka “Kingsley”.
-What’s your favorite mineral or crystal? Uhhhh,.... I’m on a magnesium supplement? Does that work?
-What’s your favorite outfit? Navy blue Tailored Sportsman breeches, some kind of funky ridiculous socks, my Parlanti tall boots, some kind of cozy sweater with either my NASA JPL vest or my Antares Saddlery vest over it. And my hair in a braid 😇
-How tall are you? 5’2!
Make a moodboard that you think describes you
I hope this came out OK. Pretty much you guys now, I love horses, black clothes, outer space, beer, dogs, Dark themed things, i favor the Rogue class in Pathfinder/DND and I’m a die hard Gryffindor
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-What’s your favorite drink (alcoholic and not)? Dr Pepper, Passionfruit La Croix. Alcoholic,... Guinness or some kind of fruity sour beer. Also tequila. Love tequila.
-How many countries have you been to? What’s your favorite? 8! Mexico, Bahamas, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Morocco and England once for a 24 hour layover. I would say Netherlands and France were my favorite. But I’m Italian so it would be blasphemous if I didn’t say Italy. So,.. Italy too. Viva italia, bitches.
-Do you speak any other languages?
I did speak Italian until I got older and forgot how to.
-What’s your favorite social media platform?  Tumblr and Instagram for sure. I have a Snapchat and FB but meh
-What are your Enneagram/MBTI types? I don’t have any idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-What does your ideal weekend look like? I mean, it changes a lot. A weekend where I just go spend 6 hours at the barn riding then go home and laze around watching Netflix and going out for dinner. A weekend where I wake up at 6am to go ride and come back home by noon to do stuff with my family before getting dressed and going to get lit and rage with my friend group then go home and have wild sex. A weekend spent traveling somewhere and doing exciting things.
- Post a Selfie!
Yikes! Halloween weekend was the last time I took a selfie so here it is. I was a witch on this night and then the day after I was Dark!Rey and my mans was Kylo 😍
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Im going to tag @pandoraspocksao3 @reyloday @reylocalligraphy @dankobah @drnucleus @theprofessorstrikesagain @iaintnosidekick @carasstarwarsmusings @wewantreylo @cosmo-gonika @spacesoapopera and anyone in the @reylosnetwork who want to play!
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thotyssey · 6 years
Friday (11.2.2018)
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BOXERS UES: ATREVETE Latin party (9pm)
CASTRO:Latin party (10pm)
BOXERS WH: Kizha Carr & DJ JROC (11pm)
SUITE: Brenda Dharling & Pattaya Hart (midnight)
BEECHMAN: Fade To Connie: The Roxie Files starring Love, Connie (7pm)
HARDWARE: Jasmine Rice & Izzy Uncut *premiere* (7pm);  DJ Mike Borowski with Bootsie LeFaris (11pm)
RITZ: Maddelynn Hatter hosts OPEN CALL drag competition (9:30pm);  DJs Eddie Martinez & Eugene Edo (11pm) 
HUDSON TERRACE: This Free Life’s MONEY 18+ feat. DJ: Sammi Blendz, Jasmine Rice, Stella Artoit, Ritzy Bitz, Ruby Fox, AndrogyNY, Jessie James, Shuga Cain, Izzy Uncut, Lemon, Blair Bitch, Linux & Harajuku (10pm)
THERAPY: DJ AJ Sanchez (10pm)
RISE: dance party (10pm)
VSBU: DJ 2Face & Chaka Khanvict (10pm)
POSH: DJs Kamil & Steve Sidewalk with Kedwin Zapata (11pm) 
BOXERS HK: MISTER NOIR urban dance party (11pm)
LIPS: “Glitz & Glamour” with Ariel Sinclair & company (5pm); “The Dirty Show” with Ariel Sinclair & company (11:30pm) 
UNCLE CHARLIE’S: live piano (8pm)
TOWNHOUSE: Go-Go Boys (9pm)
GYM BAR: Karaoke with Ari Kiki (9pm) 
REBAR: Frankie Sharp’s BOYS (10pm)
MCKITTRICK HOTEL: Bartschland Follies feat. Joey Arias, Murray Hill, Shequida, Charlene & more (midnight) 
LE POISSON ROUGE: Bingo with Linda Simpson (7pm) 
ROCKBAR: Viva Vidalia, Lilith LeFae & Catrina Lovelace (7pm);  ROCKSTRAP underwear party (10pm)
PIECES: Yuhua Hamasaki or FiFi DuBois (9pm);  Ruby Roo & Brita Filter (11:30pm) 
STONEWALL: girlNATIONnyc upstairs (10pm);  Jacqueline Dupree downstairs (11pm) 
MONSTER: DJ Mike Cruz & Octavia Anyae (10pm) 
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ dance party (11pm)
CLUB CUMMING: Daphne Always (7pm);  FEMME feat. DJ Matty Glitterati & Zeta Jones with Bubbles D'Boob, DJ JCLEF & more (10pm)
NOWHERE: DJs Zach Cole & Cameron Cooper (10pm)
PHOENIX: DJ Mitch Ferrino with Tina Burner & Vinny Vega (10pm)
LADY STARDUST: DJ Jen Urban (10pm)
BEDLAM: DWorld Underwear Party (10pm)
THE COCK: DJs Sammy Jo, Chris Flynn, Ernie & Nashom (11pm) 
NARCBAR @ THE STANDARD: DJ Reaubert (10pm)
DROM: HOT RABBIT feat. DJ Simone, Monster LaBeija & more (11pm)
BROOKLYN STEEL: Jake Sheers with SSION (8pm)
METROPOLITAN: Miz Jade (10pm) 
ROSEMONT: DJs Ickarus & Hannah Lou with Crystal Mesh, Panthera Lush, Serena Tea & Baby Love (10pm) 
BROOKLYN BAZAAR:”Halloween Never Ends“ FEAT. DJ Accident Report with Sweaty Eddie, Shanita Bump, Linda Felcher, God Complex, Reagan Holiday & Qhrist With a Q (10pm)
GOOD ROOM: Occupy The Disco & DJ Vangelis (10pm)
3 DOLLAR BILL / SUTHERLAND: DJs Tom of England & JD Samson (10pm)
CLUB XSTASY: Latin party (10pm) 
DEEP END: Bearlesque (10pm)
MACRI PARK: Misty Meaner & Mocha Lite (11pm) 
CLUB LANGSTON: urban party (11pm) 
CLUB EVOLUTION: Victoria Chase’s karaoke (8pm);  GIA Latina lesbian party in Cantina side bar (11pm); Latin hip hop dance party feat. Michelle La Fontaine (midnight)
HOMBRES LOUNGE: Dia De Los Muertos (9pm)
ALBATROSS: Karaoke (9:30pm)
ICON: JanSport (11pm)
THE ALAMO: Amber Guesa with Angel Elektra & Shay D'Pines (9pm)
GEORGIE’S: DJ Stanley Stylez (9pm)
TIO DADDY: FRESCURA FRIDAYS feat. Kristy Blaze, Jazel Jazalien, Angela La Marquess & Robert Garcia & Jayse Vegas (10pm)
PARADISE: Honey Davenport with Ebonee Excell & Jolina Jasmine   (11pm)
FEATHERS: Sherry Vine (11pm)
Full List Here    
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luciphe-r · 7 years
Literally do all of them!! That list is like a real Good One for once! + It's super interesting
Long post, anon pal... you made me do the longest post
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle• Shut up and Dance – WALK THE MOON• Smells like Teen Spirit – Nirvana• Price Tag – Jessie J
2. three last songs you listened to• Love Don’t Die – The Fray• Woman – KE$HA• The Kids Aren’t alright – FallOut Boy
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with• White T-Shirt – JONGHYUN• Kiss Yo – SHINee• This year – Mountain Goats
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents• Money for Nothing – Dire Straits (it’s their group)• Bohemian Rapsody – Queen• Message in a Bottle – Police
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)• Adam’s Song – Blink182• Welcome to my life – Simple Plan• actually it’s just those two? reminds me of a shitty period (13/14yo)
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)i don’t think there’s songs that need to be erased to be fair?? i’m very much against deleting things form history lmao i can’t help but being a morality driven person when it comes to this stuff?? send help
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved• Titanium – David Guetta ft. SIA• Timber – KE$HA ft. Pitbull (or is it pitbull ft kesha??)• Fantastic Baby – BIGBANGthe list could go on, but as a matter of fact i was a very hard rock kinda kid and i grew up thankfully loving pop music and all that sweet sweet shit and ?? it surprised me a lot back in the day?? (fantastic baby was the first korean song i ever actually obsessed over so that’s kind of a metaphor for the kpop genre)
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation- happy summer & vacation• All Stars – Smash Mouth• Take a Chance – ABBA• Send Me On My Way – Rusted Roots( bonus: • Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves; • Paper Planes – M.I.A; • All Stars – Smash Mouth)- blue summer & vacation ( a.k.a. that depression induced summer nostalgia you get when you’re in your room and the sun is setting outside the window and you’ve been depressed your day and tears you never knew you were spilling are running down your face… oh god i made this too sad haven’t i lol)• Midnight City – M83• Piano Man – Billie Joel• Starman – David Bowie( bonus: • Golden Days – Panic! At The Disco)
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood- All I Want For Christmas Is You – Mariah Carey - Last Christmas – WHAM!- Holly Jolly Christmas – Michael Bublé
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songsthis was like… one of the most difficult?? i don’t really do halloween songs lmao so let’s just say • This is Halloween – Marylin Manson x 3
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtracksongs as in “that are sung”, I’ve recently been in love with• Recuérdame – Coco (honestly… g o d)• City Of Stars – Lalaland (if only… it wasn’t sung… by those two…)• From Now On – The Greatest Showman songs as in instrumental movie soundtrack• Married Life (+ Stuff We Did) – from UP• Le Festin + This is Me/Wall Rat + Souped Up/A New Deal – from Ratatuille• Once upon A December – (Emile Pandolfi’s piano solo ver.) from Anastasia
12. three favourite songs from video gamesnot a videogame person, sorry, I kind of only played Super Mario (Bros, Kart…) I’m leaving this blank lol
13. three songs you want at your funeral• Thnx Fr Th Mmrs – FallOut Boy (I owe it to 2009 me)• Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend – James Blunt (is it james blunt?)• I try not to think about my funeral too much lmao so idk, those two are great, the first one for the laff, and the second one because i want some bitches to cry ya feel
14. three songs you want at your weddingI’m just putting here the songs me and my boi consider our songs• Home – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros• Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley (we meet in 2015 okay?)• Viva la Vida – Coldplay (bonus track: Bring Me To Life – Evanescence … a couple of memes, basically)
15. three songs you want to dance with your love torephrasing: three songs I have danced with my love to:• Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars• I Want You Back – Jackson 5• Shape of you – Ed Sheeran
16. three favourite songs for sexoh god i don’t listen to music during sex lmaopass!
17. three songs that remind you of your crush• Carry on – FUN (I met him while he was obsessed with this song)• Every Breath you take – Police (we fought over the meaning of this song and i won and therefore now every time i listen to this it reminds me of him)• Beat It – Michael Jackson (one of his fave songs)(also: • Levas Polka – Loituma)
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend(my best friend is also my crush/bf, so i’ll apply this to my best girl, pal you know who you are, you harry styles loving nugget)• Signs of the Times – Harry Styles (the first song we bonded over)• You – The 1975 (the song she told me to listen to that i really really loved)• Story of my Life – One Direction (a song i, for some reason, feel like it’s connected to her)
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure• Dazzling Girl – SHINee• Born This Way – Lady Gaga• Hot ‘N’ Cold – Katy Perry
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one• Mama – EXO (second verse: Anonymous, Anonymous)• Who Am I? – Les Miserables• Who Knew – P!nk
21. three songs of your childhoodfun things to know: my parents never really got me to listen to italian music therefore my childhood songs are all in english?? i never really understood them until i was like 14 tho)• September – Earth, Wind & Fire• Isn’t she lovely – Stevie Wonder• Bicycle – Queen(the first two were the songs my parents played at my birthdays, because i was both born in september, and, apparently, lovely)
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad• Ophelia – The Lumineers• Memorandum – The Leading Guy• Missing You – All Time Low(bonus: when I’m feeling real down I listen to• Still Breathing – Green Day)
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up• Hurricane – Bob Dylan• Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen• LA Devotee – Panic! At The Disco
24. three favourite old songsi’m thinking OLD• Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrel• You Are My Sunshine – Jimmie Davis (though I really like Johnny Cash’s ver.)• Dream a Little Dream Of Me – Ella Fitzgerald
25. three favourite songs of 2017• What About Us – P!nk• It Ain’t Me – Selena Gomez• Castle On The Hill – Ed Sheeran
26. three favourite non-English songs• Melted – AKMU (korean)• Again – YUI (japanese)• Uffa, Uffa – Edoardo Bennato (italian)• Bella, Ciao! – Italian Partesan Song (italian, duh)
27. three songs that you sing while drunkfun things to know: im a teetotaler and have never really.. been drunk?so here are my absolute party bops:• YMCA – Village People• What’s Up – 4 Blondes• Wake Me Up Before You GoGo – WHAM!
28. three best songs to get drunk or high toagain, I don’t get drunk and I don’t smoke anything, so i’ll just list more party songs• Ring Ding Dong – SHINee (for the songs i’d probably sing if i got high)• Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stephanie• Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira (screaming the SHAKIRA SHAKIRA part)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)• Rolling Star – YUI (one of the first bops that got me into listening to happier music)• Still Waiting – Sum41 (kinda my first political song, it got me angry when i was feeling numb during my worst days)• Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars (it was one of the first songs that got me so happy i sang it out loud… i have always been scared to sing in front of people; Uptwon Funk became viral when i was on a trip with my high school classmates in the UK and i am not a social person, but uptown funk made me open up a little)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)• 99 Luftbaloons – Nena (German vers) – it’s just so amazing??• Foreigner’s God – Hozier – the comfort song• Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men – a song that helped me understand that i wasn’t the bad voices in my head somehow• Poet – Bastille – one of the most romantic songs ever• Kiss Me – New Found Glory – gives me those 2010 feels?• Formidable – Stromae – my heart BREAKS everytime i hear this?• Moonlight – Grace VanderWaal – just noicethese are definitely more than 3 songs?
so!! it took me way too long to do this!!! but i loved it thank you so much for asking!
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prompt-master · 7 years
Be More Chill Headcanons 4
- rich and Jake love to jam out to Livin La Viva Loca -rich has a tickle me Elmo skeleton in his closet and even he doesn't know how it got there -Everyone thinks it's really disturbing and won't go near it but christine once tried to be all "oh come on its still kinda cute" and tried to tickle it only to find out the batteries were low and it had this slow distorted voice -rich and Michael used to love ducktales -jeremy and Jake were 80s voltron and powerrangers kids -christine loved dinosaurs and horses, once went as a cowgirl trex princess for Halloween -christine is still in love with horses and Michael would do anything to keep her from mentioning it to Jeremy in fear that he will convert her to the Furry life -Michael is the biggest anti-furry and he cries a bit whenever Jeremy shows that side of himself -if you run up to Jake with some confusing unbelievable story he'll just kinda shrug and go along with it -jeremy was that kid that played a videogame once and thought he could have a career based on it, like those kids who play ace attorney and think they'd be awesome lawyers -brooke swears to god in elementary school she saw Chloe eat an entire packet of ketchup including the wrapper and no one believes her -chloe keeps a pocket knife in her backpack and doesnt care it's again at the rules -once a kid told Jenna the cliche "meet me at the back of the gym after school" after she spread a rumor about them, but instead of a fight they had a dance off -jenna won -presquip once a bunch of kids stole Jeremy's table when Michael was out sick, so he sat at a random table. Then some guy called his "friend" a bitch and he squeezed a gogurt in his face. Then he jumped across the table to fight and somehow Jeremy got caught in the entire mess -he had yogurt in his hair for weeks -if rich got into a fight at school his dad would go "did you throw the first punch?" And if rich said no they'd go out for ice cream -despite sometimes needing a wheel chair and crutches Jake went against his doctors advice and stayed in track. He still wins no matter what -"who sins the most" contest -"I don't know man Chloe scares me I think she belongs on the 9th level of hell" "False, you chucklefuck biotch this is the 9th level, and I don't belong here" -*something happens and they don't know who to blame*...aliens -"Chloe sometimes you remind me of heather Chandler" "Nice. I love that lesbian." "..." "Wait doesnt she die-" -Jenna HATES pretzels for no reason -christine has a little aquarium full of fish and she names them all and gives them cute little fixtures. She buys new ones all the time. -her favorite set up was using dollhouse parts -Jake got a fish once and left it in just a vase of water and christine got so mad and now Señior Fish is hers -rich: you know what fuck the memes shrek was an honestly good and funny movie Everyone: *nods in silent, but sincere agreement* -rich was also a spongebob kid, and loves the movie. He almost knows it by heart. And despises today's spongebob -someone: I think I'm gonna buy a Shirley Temp- Michael: animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop de loop Jeremy: America's sweetheart now in CoLOr! -someome: you know you're a dick! Rich: ok!! I get it!! My name's Richard my nickname is dick haha SO FUNNY Someone: no like you're an asshole - something awful: happens The squad: well fuck -Michael once asked what the squip was like and Jeremy looked off into the distance and said "let's just say I watch too much anime.." because the squip was an anime villain let's be honest -"rich what about-" "off brand sesame street" -any time brooke and Chloe go to do something that requires effort they call it Operation Gay because everything they do is gay -self check out: wont scan item Chloe: you know why does EVERYTHINGhave to be out to get me I work day and night to make things easy for everyone and yet people like YOU-
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washexthesystem · 8 years
punk playlist recommendations
I was recently asked to recommend someone some punk music starters, and I was just going to give them a couple playlists but I ended up making this post to add to my music recs tag because I thought other people might want some recommendations as well. These are categorized by the genres that I listen to most. If you have any playlist recommendations for me, including your own playlists, please feel free to send them to me - I’d love to here them! Anyways, here are my playlist recommendations. Some are on spotify, some are on 8tracks, and some are on playmoss. Enjoy!
LGBT Punk/Queercore: :
“Spit and Glitter” - a long playlist of obscure lgbt gems. 
“Punk Rock Lesbianism Rules Okay!” - this is my playlist, it’s iconic wlw/lesbian queercore. 
“Soundtrack for a Low Budget DIY Punk Rock Lesbian Film” - this is another of my playlists, it’s all female fronted and mostly LGBT and the title is descriptive of the content. 
Feminist Punk/Female Fronted: 
“Broken Brats” - one of my favorite girl band mixes.
“Get Down Ladies, You’ve Got Nothing to Lose” - this is mostly iconic female fronted rock songs!
“Hangin’ With the Skate Bitches” - the soundtrack to one of my all time favorite films, Skate Bitches, which you can watch here! a mix of female fronted punk and girly singers because why the hell not. 
“Punk Girls Rocking Their Pretty Socks Off” - mostly iconic songs from feminist girl bands!
“Don’t Fucking Touch Me” - my beautiful talented amazing girlfriend whom i love made this playlist and it’s a mix of anthem-y and obscure feminist punk songs.
“Skate Witchez” - i made this one, it’s mostly female fronted and it’s basically just to rock out to. 
Political Punk: 
“Wave The Flag and Cowardly Salute” - you would think that cishet white men didn’t have that much to be politically angry about and yet this playlist consists entirely of their music. still a good playlist to get angry to and with some political punk anthems, i’m just cynical.
“VIVA LA REVOLUTION” - i made this one!! it’s political punk about a variety of subjects and unlike the above playlist includes people from many backgrounds angry about many things.
“Punk Rock Animal Liberation Rules Okay!” - angry vegan punk playlist by yours truly. 
“Civil Disobedience” - this isn’t really a playlist, it’s just a compilation of a bunch of political punk songs that i wanted to have in an easy to listen to format. 
“Ghoul’s Night Out” - mostly street punk+hardcore punk, good for jamming out to.
“Android Girl” - some good female fronted bands in here!!
“PUNK O WEEN” - this is a halloween playlist that i made that’s really just random somewhat spooky songs but mostly just songs to rock out to
My top 2016 songs off spotify - here’s what I listened to in 2016!!
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mapita · 7 years
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La bonita de Ferimágica puso esta madre estilo chismógrafo el cual pienso responder aquí porque somos jóvenes, ninis y porque yolo.
1. Hetero (aunque podría experimentar)
2. Cantar y ser adulto
3. Maluma bebé obvio
4. Cuando me invitaron a una fiesta de Halloween y así nos conocimos en disfraces (amigos incluidos)
5. Embracing my inner healthy, working, talented bitch
6. Mi top es mi soul sister Yuyis
7. Donde habitan los Ángeles, chiquito pero ayñ...
8. Mi decisión de carrera, mi vida laboral, el adulthood
9. Está feliz el 80% del día, es divertida, sentimental e inteligente
10. Perro
11.  A mi hermana gde y al abuelo, a veces
12. fjjdalkjfo jfroifjkmadlfdfl
13. Casa del Abuelo con la familia, puro amor <3
14. Seguir viva (Ja)
15. Travel for sure = I like the most
16. Cualquiera de Phoenix, VW, TPS, Radiohead
17. Besos en la boca cuando bae me deja en mi casa
18. Sonrisa/ boca, Nalguitas, humor
19. MG
20. Mamey
21. En el mar
22. No te quiero perder
23. CDMX, Puerto Escondido, DE unos meses
24. You are honest, kind, funny...
25. Vivir en otro país
26. No puedo concretar nada ni aterrizar proyectos/sueños :(
27. Valer Verga, como siempre... ah y el exercise
28. Ya no valer verga
29. Cuando nos comíamos a un francés con pura nacada y el wey entendía perfecto el español jaja
30. No ser good enough, no tener ondita.
31. Pondría algún negocio y un hostal para después viajar por el mundo
32. No hay tal... pero al parecer me gustan los catlovers oish
33. Fìsico: mis piernas. No físico: soy buen pedo
34. Soy bien dramas
35. Chingos, me mama ver bandas en vivo, mejor digo que me hubiera gustado ver a Queen en vivo, uff!
36. Ño, no tengo planes
37. Comida, paseo, besos
38. Sí pero podría ser más feliz, diría q un 75%
39. Cuando el hospital neurológico 
40. Germany de mis amores o la playita
41. How good I am at my work, la paciencia que tengo , que soy amable
42. Ño, ya me quiero ir de aquí
43. Little birds tweeting
44. Yep, the best relationship I have its w/ my family
45. No estar feliz, los putos miedos 
46. An opportunity 
47. With my Mom its the best, w/ my Dad... well we are on it 
48. Sí, Si jalo, si voy, si si si si si 
49. You will always be part of our familia :3
50. Al menos estas cumpliendo tus sueños
51. Que me detengo por miedos y no me creo capaz
52. Mis amistades, han resultado ser hermosas 
53. Cualquier cosa que juzgue 
54. Que ya no estudio nada u_u
55. Sporty outfit
56. Tostadas de aguacatito con quesito.
Esta muy pendejo esto, jajaja me amo, bye.
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merokonyxrowle · 5 years
»  Kala Rocosa,  Sur de Europa, Mar 31 2019
A una parte de él le habría gustado saber en que estaría pensando ahora mismo, conocer sus pensamientos más íntimos de la morena le habría dado más ventajas que explotar, pero desgraciadamente carecía del don de la legeremancia —
Mmmm… me temo que la belleza y el amor están muy sobrevalorados sirenita.
— Le dolía no ser el rey de sus pensamientos, de no estar en su corazón y eso le daba a pensar que él solo había sido un simple juego para la morena. Y solo pensar en ello lo enfurecía aún más. —
Y yo cazo a monstruos sedientos de corazones que se esconden bajo pieles humanas, fingiendo, creyendo que son humanas cuando en realidad son monstruos.
— No era cierto, aunque fuese sirena para él había sido especial pero no se lo iba a decir, no iba a dejar que esta lo dañase más, era mejor enterrar sus sentimientos más puros bajo un muro de frialdad, rencor y desprecio.
Pobre sirenita que pese tener un corazón forjado en aguas negras se cree que es humana. — Ver la furia en su mirada, le satisfacía pues esta iba exponiendo su debilidad, pero el comentario que hizo ella también tuvo el mismo efecto que sus anteriores palabras. Se sentía dolido y por unos instantes la miro lleno de furia. — Lo que viese o dejase de ver no es tú asunto sirenita. — Necesitaba controlarse, pero esta no se lo estaba poniendo fácil pues la pregunta que le hizo, provoco que este presionase un poco más con la daga en el cuello. — Eso ya no importa. ¿O acaso la curiosidad te está matando por dentro? ¿Tanto deseas saberlo? También quieres los detalles de esa noche tan…. ¿Placida? — Intentó contratacar como pudo, esperando ver la reacción de esta. ¿Se enfadaría?, ¿se mostraría indiferente?
Magnus tenía el orgullo herido,  a ella no la engañaba porque sabía que así era,  ahora estaba mostrando su peor cara: La de un rey a punto de perder su ¿reinado?   Estaba segura que el cotilleo de que el doble del vikingo Nyxkru habría ganado fuerza a estas alturas y para mañana todos sabrían lo patético que había estado Magnus Harfang. Meroko soltó una risita amarga cuando soltó aquello:  
Eso es todo cazador,   a qué esperabas para matarme? Tantas semanas juntos,  tantos viajes…..cuando ibas a matarme? ¿Cuándo me rindiese a tus encantos y me follases?  Já,  puedo ser un monstruo pero mira bien cómo te pongo
— le cogí de la polla de forma improvista sorprendiéndole en el acto.   —
Tu ego herido porque no conseguiste de mí lo que consigues con otras,   por tener a un tío que vale más que tú y cien mil veces tú que la escoria que estás hecha.
—  Magnus me apuntaba en el cuello pero no me importó.  Lo sentía bien y de hecho empezaba a enrojecerse porque estaba muy cerca.  Mi mano soltó su bulto con una cara de cabrona bitch especial de la casa.  
__ Soy humana porque no nací siendo sirena __ confesé tranquilamente enarcando una ceja.  — Pero ten por seguro que como sirena puedo adentrarme a tus peores pesadillas como ninguna otra lo haya hecho.  Mi crueldad no tiene límites y solo tienes que esperar para ver.  — mis ojos brillaron creyéndome superior,  bueno,  realmente me creía como una reina poderosa con mis habilidades y mi astucia.  Él…él era un simple cazador y sin su daga auténtica creo que no podría hacerme realmente daño.   Vi un poco de furia en su mirada por lo que me reí un poco más. — ¿Detalles con una niñata que ni sabe follar?  ¿Sabes con cuantos hombres he amanecido Magnus?  Sabes lo que es el placer de la sangre recorriendo tu desnudez mientras llegas al orgasmo más increíble,  el éxtasis de los hombres al desearme y probarme? —  amaba mucho el sexo y con él,  extrañamente me había contenido.  Quería ver más furia en sus ojos,  que el supiera que había estado con miles y miles de hombres porque yo no era de nadie.  Ellos me pertenecían.  Él me pertenecía.  
Lo mismo podría preguntarte a ti Sirenita, ¿Cuándo esperabas a tomar mi corazón?— Sin embargo, cuando ella lo agarró de su miembro le dirigió una mirada fulminante llena de rabia, pero aun así él tenía el control, era él quien apuntaba su daga contra su cuello pero eso no quitaba que fuese doloroso tener que escuchar las palabras de la morena. Palabras que aparte de ofensivas le herían más de lo que él aceptaría nunca. —Te aconsejo que no seas tan bocazas o acabaras mal, Sirenita.— Advirtió con más seriedad mientras aplicaba un poco más de presión. — Ahora mismo estoy presionando sobre tu vena yugular, cabréame y no llegaras viva al próximo amanecer, te desangraras y yo disfrutare viendo tú agonía e desesperación en ver que la herida no va a sanar…  
Tras escucharla de nuevo, puso los ojos en blanco. — ¿Crees que me das miedo con tus amenazas? Querida, no sabes quién soy, ¿crees que con lo de hoy he quedado hundido? No te negaré que ha sido un duro golpe…  — Le dirigió una mirada fría, pero tras escuchar sus palabras esta se suavizo por unos instantes a la vez que él soltaba una sonora carcajada. — ¿La verdad? Me importó bien poco que no supiese follar, ¿no sabes el placer que da desvirgar a una chica? Quitarle la inocencia, enseñarla a ser mujer… y Reddington tiene unos pechos muy apetitosos y su vagina mojada… era un manjar divino… — Soltó con todo el descaro de mundo, ansioso de ver algún atisbo de ira o celos en la morena. — Puede que hayas estado con muchos, pero no creo que tantos como mujeres con las que he estado yo…  — Te hubiera dicho de unirte a la fiesta, pero estabas demasiado ocupada con tu amiguito en el rio…
Deja de llamarme sirenita— aprieto ambos puños porque estoy harta de que me nombre así,  de hecho prefería que me llamase zorra antes que ese apodo cursi y estúpido,   sonaba a como si fuera una sirenita de cuento como Ariel de Disney.   Al menos ese era mi punto de vista.  Sentí el filo de mi hoja presionando contra mi cuello pero no me preocupaba,  si llegaba a degollarme sabía que volvería a vivir porque no era su daga especial.  Daga que se encontraba con Lilith estudiándola y esperaba saber información sobre ella.   —¿Éstas seguro de eso? ¿Sabes las veces que intenté matarme y no funcionó?— dije con una sonrisa cabrona sin embargo mi voz sonó cargado de rencor y rabia sin desviar mis ojos claros de los suyos.  
“Él no me conocía,  él no entendía ni una mierda sobre mí y mi condición. “
Magnus era duro de roer pero los dos lo éramos,  si se sentía ofendido bien que sabía cómo esconderlo por lo que,  cuando empezó a hablar sobre Varun me quede completamente impasible.  Yo también podía jugar a ser dura como una piedra.  La rabia ya había pasado.   Ahora tocaba la diversión,  mostrarle que yo era más inteligente que él y muchísimo más hábil.  Ni un atisbo de celos.  Si esperaba verlo solo vería una cierta sonrisa suficiente,  digna de una reina sin miedo a un rey destronado y a punto de fracasar o…morir.  
Lo que no me esperaba era sus últimas palabras. — Mi amigo en el río? Vaya no puedo dejarte solo que corriendo tienes que venir a espiarme,  Magnus.  Bueno,  estás en todo tu derecho de odiarme,  estaba con mi ex el vampiro,   el único que puede conocerme quién soy de verdad.  Pero digamos que en ese momento en Halloween solo estábamos reencontrándonos después de que lo creyera muerto.   —  y es ahí cuando le miro más como humana que con la zorra que soy,  pues él en definitiva  creyó cosas que no eran.   Así que durante todo este tiempo el hijo de puta ha estado jugándomela….”Basta,  que empiece la acción.”
Mis manos se levantan con fuerza contra su brazo,  terminando alejando la daga fuera de mí y con mi otra mano le sujeto el hombro.   — Me he cansado de tu voz y de ver tu cara esta noche,  humano.  — soy menuda y él es muchísimo más bajo pero me apartó y me alejo tres pasos hacia atrás,   cuando rápidamente me aparto para esquivar su ataque.   — Los he visto más rápidos  
¿Tanto te molesta que te llame así?— Mejor, porque irritado como estaba él y tan lleno de rencor lo que más anhelaba era borrarle esa sonrisa de diva reina de su rostro. En cuanto de lo que ella había intentado matarse y que no funciono lo único que hizo al respecto era tan solo mantener la hoja afilada en el cuello, aunque en realidad no quería dañarla, solo quería darle una lección y ese era el momento en que ella debería rendirse, el instante que deja atrás su orgullo de reina dejando paso al instinto de supervivencia, quería verla suplicar más que nada... —Lo estoy, créeme mi familia lleva cazando sirenas desde hace siglos…No. No te espié, solo estaba paseando y te vi con él. — Sin embargo, su explicación no le resultaba convincente, ¿de verdad se creía que él iba a creer en lo que le estaba diciendo? — Ya claro, reencuentro, ¿y luego te fuiste a la cama con él no? Responde Meroko. — Le exigió, dejándose de juegos por primera vez, quería la verdad, quería saber que había ocurrido en Halloween. Lo necesitaba más de lo que estaba dispuesto a asumir. Pero entonces ella acabó esquivando su ataque y eso lo cabreo un poco más de lo que estaba. — ¡Cállate zorra! — Bramó el castaño más enfurecido que nunca, lanzándose encima de ella la inercia del salto y luego todo el peso muerto de su cuerpo para caer sobre ella. — Dame una sola razón por la que no debería de clavarte mi daga en tu oscuro corazón…
Como simple respuesta apreté más los labios,  ya le había dicho el qué y no tenía porqué repetirme continuamente.  Él mismo me confirmó que su familia cazaba y mataba sirenas desde tiempos inmemorables…no me sorprendió la noticia pues había pensado en ello,  curiosamente,  de alguna forma el puto jodido destino me había puesto en mi camino a un cazador experto en matar sirenas.  ¿Pero sería capaz de matarme a mí?  Eso estaba por verse.  Parecía que el simple juego me excitaba y me alegraba.  
Permanecí callada hasta cuando me dijo que no estaba espiándome sino que me había visto con él.   No,  no me fui a la cama con él.  Fuimos a disfrutar de la velada y buscar a mi tía,  que por cierto,  ésta liada con él.  Pero no tengo porque darte más explicaciones Magnus Harfang,  esta es la verdad y la única verdad porque después de hoy no pienso hacer que me conozcas más de lo que ya has hecho.   —  la verdad se veía en mis ojos así como la confianza que tenía en mí misma.  
Ahora éramos enemigos y enemigos seríamos para siempre.  No podríamos confiar en el uno como en el otro,  los dos lo sabíamos.  Por eso mi lado oscuro podía disfrutar de él fuera como fuera,  aunque no fuera yo misma…
Me reí con diversión al verlo enfurecido y llamarme zorra,   era estupendo desquiciarle y de hecho deje que me atrapase en sus brazos terminando contra el suelo y su cuerpo encima de el mío.  — ¿Razón? No las hay Magnus Harfang,  solo aquí tenemos una pregunta:  ¿Eres capaz de hacerlo? —  le miré fijamente a los ojos con esa mirada de cabrona en mis labios.  Poco después silbé.  Yo solo supe porqué de ello y él lo entendería más tarde.  Mis labios se acercaron a los suyos:  Dime Magnus,  realmente deseas hacerlo? — solté mi aliento contra su boca de forma provocadora.  Jugando con él.  Eso es lo que iba hacer.  Jugar como mis muñecos,  como él hacía con sus jodidas muñecas.  
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yuskei-arts · 6 years
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September 28, day ... the monsters have taken the city, somehow ... I'm still alive." Jill Valentine. "Perhaps it is the most essential piece of this mission, the story would not be complete without him and his incredible talent for survival, he is able to emerge unscathed from desperate situations, I have already proven it some time ago, and he has improved since then". Ada Wong. "Authorize this bitch!" Claire Redfield "Long​ ago I thought that I was the next step to the future, but you later made me doubt my theory and I tried to follow your vision of the future ... Now I understand that you are just another imbecile ..." Alice "Septiembre 28, de dia...los monstruos han tomado la ciudad, de algún modo...aun sigo viva". Jill Valentine. "Quizás sea la pieza más esencial de esta misión. La historia no estaría completa sin él y su increíble talento para la supervivencia. Es capaz de salir indemne de situaciones desesperadas. Ya lo comprobé hace algún tiempo, y ha mejorado desde entonces". Ada Wong. "Autoriza esto perra!". Claire Redfield. "Hace mucho pensé que yo era el siguiente paso al futuro, pero tú después hiciste dudar mi teoría y pretendí seguir tu visión de futuro ... Ahora comprendo que solo eres otro imbécil ..." Alice #halloween #happyhalloween #halloween2017 #traditionalart #painting #colour #pastel #oilpainting #residentevil #jillvalentine #claireredfield #adawong #alice #aliceabernathy #albertwesker #nemesis #tvirus #virus #zombie #racoon #racooncity (en ''Desde Fcio Varela City'')
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