#VOOT App Advertising
myhoardingsind · 6 months
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the-avs · 7 months
As the camera flickers to life, thanks to some fiddling by a man in a blue suit, you were able to see four individuals. The TV-faced man sat back down, sighing and breathing heavily, as though he had just performed serious labor. On the far left, just beside the TV-headed man, was another man with red hair and deer ears, and a sinister smile painting his lips as he sipped on what looked like black coffee. On the other side of the TV man, there was another man smoking a cigar with pink fumes swirling around the room, and wearing a large red coat with striped neck fluff. And finally, on the far right, there was the only girl in the room, a young lady with red, white, and black swirled hair, scrolling on her phone with a bored expression. She appears the most trendy of them all in terms of her clothing.
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"Phew..." the TV man panted, turning to face the deer-eared man beside him. "Fuck, Alastor, why did you insist on this camera?" he demanded between breaths, the deer man simply lowering his mug from his lips and setting it down onto a coaster on the table.
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"Ah, tsk, tsk, darling. You simply don't know the difference between class and 'trendy'. Rest assured, an older camera will do us just fine," the man assured. He then tilted his head, his smile never dropping, although he looked confused. "So I suppose it's on then, yes?"
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"The fuck- Of course it's on! We're rolling! Fuck, let's just go down the line. Vel, you first, because I can't breathe," the TV man insisted, drawing out a groan from the girl. She didn't put her phone down, but she did spare you a look, looking at you with a bored expression.
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"Fine. Name's Velvette, youngest overlord and ruler of social media 'n shit. Yadda yadda, you get the gist, don't be a dick, don't be a fashion disaster, and we'll get along fine," she listed as though it was nothing before quickly returning her gaze back to her phone.
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The man beside the young woman gave a sinister smirk, a sickening look of lust painting his already creepy face. "Heya, sweet cheeks. Name's Valentino, owner of the Pride Ring's porn industry. Need a guy, a girl, something in between? I got you. I also accept 'sir' or 'daddy'~." Creep. Luckily, the attention is quickly taken off of him when the TV-headed man feigns a cough to get your attention.
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"Ignore him, ignore him," he tried to laugh it off and be nonchalant. Valentino was still creepy, though. "I'm Vox, of course, the CEO and main engineer of VoxTek and numerous other products you may have heard of, including Voot Floops, VVs, the sound system Valkyrie, and of course, the Vogitek music app, not to mention VoxTube and the like. Pleased to make your acquaintance~" he said in a charmingly fake, yet professional tone, clearly attempting to maintain the appearance of the group's leader.
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"Vox, darling, this isn't an advertisement," the man beside Vox said with a chuckle, a Cheshire grin spreading on his face. "Greetings, you wayward sinners! I'm certain most of you already know of me, but for formalities and politeness sake, I'll introduce myself. You may know me as the Radio Demon, my name is Alastor, darling! A pleasure to meet you, certainly, quite a pleasure! Now then, you see, we on the AVs have been rather bored as of late, and we'd like to socialize with those around us, so... would you be so kind as to give us a promo, dear~?"
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed!! :D ))
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @ultimate-rider @pizza-for-my-friends @bartender-husk @bigkaijubaddie @hellhound-loony @hoshi-neko-hikari and anyone else!! Tagging is hard lmao-
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techrobot1235 · 1 year
D2M Technology: Revolutionizing the Industry
Direct-to-mobile technology is a new method of communication that allows businesses to connect with their customers directly through their mobile devices. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people rely on their mobile devices for daily tasks.
What is Direct-to-Mobile Technology?
Direct-to-mobile technology is a form of mobile marketing that allows businesses to communicate directly with their customers through their mobile devices. This technology enables businesses to send messages, notifications, and alerts to their customers in real time. Direct-to-mobile technology is used for a variety of purposes, including marketing campaigns, customer engagement, and customer support.
How Does Direct-to-Mobile Technology Work?
Direct-to-mobile technology works by sending messages directly to a customer’s mobile device. These messages can be sent via SMS, push notifications, or in-app messaging. To receive messages from a business, customers need to opt-in to the service by providing their mobile number or downloading the business’s mobile app.
Once a customer has opted in, they can receive messages from the business in real time. These messages can include information about new products or services, special offers, or other promotions. Direct-to-mobile technology is an effective way for businesses to engage with their customers and build brand loyalty.
Is D2M technology available in India?
Yes, D2M technology is available in India. The Indian government launched the D2H (Direct to Home) platform in 2004, which was later renamed DD Free Dish. It is a DTH (Direct to Home) service that provides free-to-air channels to viewers across the country. In addition to DD Free Dish, there are also several private DTH service providers in India that offer D2M broadcasting.
What is D2M technology in the USA?
D2M technology is rapidly gaining popularity in the USA, where it is being used by businesses to deliver content directly to their customers’ mobile devices. In the USA, D2M broadcasting is mainly used for marketing and advertising purposes. Many businesses are using D2M technology to engage with their customers and provide them with personalized content.
What is the expansion of D2M broadcasting?
The expansion of D2M broadcasting is happening at a rapid pace. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, businesses are recognizing the potential of D2M technology to deliver content directly to their customers. The global D2M broadcasting market size was valued at USD 2.4 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 11.3 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 29.4% during the forecast period.
D2M technology launch date in India?
D2M technology has been available in India for several years now. The government launched the DD Free Dish platform in 2004, which was one of the earliest DTH services in the country. Since then, several private DTH service providers have also launched in India, offering D2M broadcasting services.
D2M technology apps?
There are several D2M technology apps available in the market, such as Hotstar, Voot, Jio TV, and Sony Liv. These apps offer a range of content, including live TV channels, movies, TV shows, and sports events. Users can access this content on their mobile devices and watch it on the go.
D2M technology and UPSC?
D2M technology is not directly related to the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam. However, it is important for candidates appearing for the exam to stay updated on current affairs, including technological advancements like D2M broadcasting.
D2M technology how to use?
To use D2M technology, users need to have a mobile device and a stable internet connection. They can download D2M technology apps or access D2M broadcasting services through their DTH service provider. Users can then browse the available content and select what they want to watch.
What is direct-to-mobile broadcast?
Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) broadcasting is a technology that enables businesses to deliver media content directly to mobile devices, bypassing traditional broadcasting channels such as cable TV or radio. It allows businesses to engage with their customers more directly and provide them with personalized content.
What are the big 3 broadcasting companies?
The big three broadcasting companies in the USA are ABC, CBS, and NBC. These companies have dominated the broadcasting industry for decades, but with the rise of D2M technology, the industry is rapidly evolving.
How does D2M technology work?
D2M technology works by delivering media content directly to mobile devices through the internet. Content providers use specialized software to encode their media files and stream them to a server, which then delivers the content to users’ mobile devices. This technology enables businesses to bypass traditional broadcasting channels and directly engage with their customers on their mobile devices.
Who invented D2M technology?
It is difficult to attribute the invention of D2M technology to a single individual or company. Technology has evolved over time, with various innovations contributing to its development. However, it is safe to say that the rise of mobile devices and advancements in internet connectivity has played a significant role in the development of D2M broadcasting.
What is the difference between D2M technology and traditional B2B or B2C business models?
The main difference between D2M technology and traditional B2B or B2C business models is the direct interaction between businesses and customers. In traditional business models, businesses rely on intermediaries such as retailers or distributors to reach their customers. However, with D2M technology, businesses can bypass these intermediaries and deliver content directly to their customers’ mobile devices. This enables businesses to engage with their customers more directly and provide them with personalized content.
What are the potential benefits of implementing D2M technology for businesses in the technology industry?
There are several potential benefits of implementing D2M technology for businesses in the technology industry. Firstly, it allows businesses to deliver content directly to their customers, which can lead to increased engagement and loyalty. Secondly, it enables businesses to collect data on their customers’ behavior and preferences, which can help them create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Finally, D2M technology can help businesses stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape of the technology industry.
How can businesses effectively use D2M technology to better understand and engage with their target customers?
To effectively use D2M technology to engage with their target customers, businesses should focus on creating personalized and engaging content that resonates with their customers. They should also collect data on their customers’ behavior and preferences and use this information to create more targeted marketing campaigns. Finally, businesses should be responsive to their customer’s feedback and adjust their content and strategies accordingly.
What are the key challenges that businesses may face when implementing D2M technology, and how can they be overcome?
One of the key challenges that businesses may face when implementing D2M technology is the need to create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their customers. This can be overcome by investing in high-quality content creation and leveraging data analytics to understand customers’ preferences. Another challenge is the need to balance personalization with privacy concerns. Businesses should ensure that they are transparent with their customers about the data they collect and how it is used.
How can businesses measure the success of their D2M technology initiatives and optimize their strategies accordingly?
Businesses can measure the success of their D2M technology initiatives by tracking engagement metrics such as views, clicks, and shares. They can also use data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can optimize their strategies and create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
How can D2M technology help businesses create more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns?
D2M technology enables businesses to collect data on their customers’ behavior and preferences, which can be used to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. By analyzing this data, businesses can understand their customers’ interests and preferences and create content that resonates with them. This can lead to increased engagement and loyalty.
What role does data analytics play in D2M technology, and how can businesses leverage it to gain insights into customer behavior?
Data analytics plays a crucial role in D2M technology, as it enables businesses to collect and analyze data on their customers’ behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior and use this information to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. For example, businesses can use data analytics to understand which types of content are most popular with their customers and adjust their content creation strategies accordingly. They can also use data analytics to identify patterns in customer behavior and preferences, such as the times of day when customers are most likely to engage with content and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.
What are some examples of successful D2M technology implementations in the technology industry, and what can we learn from them?
One example of a successful D2M technology implementation is the mobile game “Pokemon Go,” which uses D2M technology to deliver augmented reality content directly to users’ mobile devices. The game has been incredibly successful, with millions of downloads and a dedicated fan base. Another example is the mobile app “TikTok,” which uses D2M technology to deliver short-form video content directly to users’ mobile devices. The app has become extremely popular, particularly among younger audiences, and has been used by businesses to create engaging and personalized marketing campaigns.
From these examples, we can learn that successful D2 M technology implementation require a focus on creating engaging and personalized content that resonates with customers. They also require an understanding of customer behavior and preferences, which can be gained through data analytics.
How can businesses stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape of D2M technology?
To stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape of D2M technology, businesses should focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their customers. They should also invest in data analytics and use this information to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Finally, businesses should be responsive to their customer’s feedback and adjust their content and strategies accordingly.
What are the ethical considerations surrounding D2M technology, and how can businesses ensure they are using it responsibly and transparently?
One of the key ethical considerations surrounding D2M technology is the collection and use of customer data. Businesses must ensure that they are transparent with their customers about the data they collect and how it is used. They should also ensure that they are collecting only the data that is necessary to provide their services and that they are taking steps to protect their customers’ privacy. Finally, businesses should ensure that they are using D2M technology in a way that is respectful of their customer’s time and attention and that they are not engaging in practices that could be considered intrusive or manipulative.
In addition to data privacy concerns, businesses must also consider the impact of D2M technology on their employees and the wider community. For example, the use of D2M technology could potentially lead to job losses as businesses shift their focus from traditional sales channels to mobile platforms. It is important for businesses to be transparent with their employees about their plans for implementing D2M technology and to provide training and support to help them adapt to these changes.
Another ethical consideration is the potential for D2M technology to exacerbate existing inequalities, particularly in terms of access to technology. Businesses must ensure that their D2M technology initiatives are accessible to all customers, regardless of their socioeconomic status, and that they are not engaging in practices that could discriminate against certain groups of people.
To ensure that they are using D2M technology responsibly and transparently, businesses should establish clear policies and guidelines around the collection and use of customer data. They should also be transparent with their customers about the data they collect and how it is used, and provide customers with the ability to control and delete their data if they choose to do so. Finally, businesses should regularly review and assess their D2M technology initiatives to ensure that they are in line with ethical and legal standards and that they are not causing harm to their customers or the wider community.
Benefits of Direct-to-Mobile Technology
There are several benefits of direct-to-mobile technology, including:
Increased Engagement: Direct-to-mobile technology allows businesses to communicate with their customers in real time, increasing engagement and improving customer satisfaction.
Cost-Effective: Direct-to-mobile technology is a cost-effective way for businesses to reach their customers, as it eliminates the need for expensive advertising campaigns.
Personalized Messaging: Direct-to-mobile technology allows businesses to send personalized messages to their customers based on their preferences and behavior.
Increased Sales: Direct-to-mobile technology can help businesses increase their sales by promoting their products or services directly to their customers.
Improved Customer Service: Direct-to-mobile technology can also be used for customer support, allowing businesses to quickly respond to customer inquiries and concerns.
D2M technology is an emerging trend in the business world that offers many potential benefits for businesses in the technology industry. By delivering content directly to mobile devices, businesses can engage with their customers in new and innovative ways, gain valuable insights into customer behavior, and create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. However, businesses must also be mindful of the potential ethical considerations surrounding D2M technology, including data privacy concerns and the impact on employees and the wider community. By taking a responsible and transparent approach to D2M technology, businesses can reap the benefits of this emerging trend while also ensuring that they are operating in a way that is ethical and sustainable.
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voxiiferous · 2 years
🎶 (if you’re up for it, of course! <: hope you’re liking the new blog!)
Send "🎶" and I'll put my playlist on shuffle and write a starter based on the song.
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
I don't have much to say There's nothing in this name Sorry to disappoint again Nobody pines for the listener A thrill I fail to deliver
And whilst I watch in silence You're starting forest fires You start them just to feel the heat
It's one of those things that Vox knows: in order to stay relevant, you have to adapt. Alastor might be content to remain tucked up with his radio, spurning modernity, but Vox refuses to surrender any of the power he's managed to collect over the decades.
But even he can feel it starting to take a toll. The boredom creeps in-- another game show, another commercial, another knock-off V themed version of something from the living world. What's another cereal that he can't eat? Another app? It's all the same nowadays. His performances are growing increasingly cardboard, and his sales, and his ratings, are going down with it.
He's borrowed Angel from Valentino to shoot the commercial. Sex sells, whether it's porn or Voot Floops, special edition, and Angel is the best in the game. Everyone will want to buy them because Angel's endorsing them.
Vox looks away from the scene for a moment to look at the camera, laughing slightly at the advertisement. There's not a lot of ways to make cereal sexy, but he has to admire the tenacity of the attempt.
"Cut!" He calls, pushing himself to stand, rather than lean against the walls as he makes his way across the set to Angel. "Well sweetheart, I think you're entering a new era of your career, really I do. Who wants porn nowadays, " he says, picking up the closest box of them and giving it a shake. "Clearly you're meant to be the face of all the brands in Hell."
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mysterypiner · 2 years
Unlock mkplayer professional
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#Unlock mkplayer professional for free#
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If you need to switch on subtitles or your phone does not have HD resolution, this player can help you work around it for a clearer picture! Online and offline streaming keeps you updated with the latest in entertainment.
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The MX Player is a paid app that allows you to access TV channels and movie spots without stops or delays. No problem! The MX Player Pro has a multi-core decoding feature that will unlock the dual-core performance on phones that are compatible with single-core players. Many of you might wonder how this feature is helpful if your phone does not support HD videos. The MX Player can be your top pick as it allows you to watch HD movies on your smartphone. The last one on the list, but undoubtedly not the least important, is hardware acceleration.
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There are various gaming websites and technology blogs that offer a free version of the MX Player, and you can enjoy so many TV channels and movies for free that it will all become too good to be true! With an ad-free video with subtitles downloaded and inscribed, and then zero charge now, you can say that this player has the best features!
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MX Player Pro Mod APK Download Can Be Free! The MX Player Pro APK Torrent will help download some of the movies and shows that keep you busy even when everything else is at a standstill.ĥ. You can stream many hours of online content, ranging from all your favorite Television channels to movie channels that can keep you entertained for a long. You can now watch advertisement-free movies and enjoy the pleasure of entertainment in a better way just as Voot MOD APK! Most users detest a video player if there are advertisements, which means that this feature is most important for a majority of users. When we talk about free video and audio players, the advertisements on the borders or even in the middle of the videos can be irritating. We talked about this earlier, but this feature deserves more attention. Moreover, you can decide to watch movies in various languages, which was not a possibility earlier! The MX Player allows you to download subtitles along with the film or video, improving your experience. If you are watching a movie online, downloading the subtitles is easy and convenient. Whether you are playing an MP4, a MicroDVD, MKV, or a DVD-this player will accommodate all formats. If we start discussing all the features in detail, we might have to publish a booklet! However, here are some prominent features of this app at a glance: Now you can expose yourself to newer media channels, look for movies from other countries and enjoy HD pictures with excellent brightness and volume adjustments. Moreover, people who work out or need some entertainment on the go can download or stream offline for hours and avoid boredom. If your work requires watching or following videos from other places, the subtitles can be helpful in understanding these videos. The MX Player is an excellent app for people who have to work with media. However, a small price can help you get rid of this advertisement that distracts you from what you were watching. These banners are designed to divert your attention from the video, and therefore, you hardly enjoy it. This player is paid and offers many features that the free players do not provide.įor one, you may have experienced banners of colorful advertisements at the top of your videos on free video players. However, the latest version and the perks of using this app may make you become an ardent user. MX Player is not a new app for all those who enjoy watching online and offline videos. Let’s get to know more about this app before you start searching for MX Video Player Pro APK freeload! Video enthusiasts can download this audio and video player on the lowest link, and it still gives you maximum benefits.
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You can search for MX Player Pro APK freeload for android and begin enjoying the works of this new app. This app takes up only 33MB of phone space and is the Premium unlocked, Lite APK. MX Media published the latest MX Player Pro Mod APK in January 2022.
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releasemyad · 4 years
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
Hi TT, how's this week going? So, I'm curious. Ppl pay and subscribe on apps like hotstar, sonyliv, to watch shows, and it isn't ad-free so advertisers do make money online. So, why is online trp so inconsequential (compared to TV trps) for determining the fate of a show?
So far, so good anon! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Can’t speak for anything other than Hotstar and EPIC, but both those platforms don’t have ads when streaming shows. (At least, I’ve never encountered them! Might be my multiple browser adblockers, not sure!) The only time I’ve seen ads on Hotstar are during live telecasts of sports. Even so, it’s just ads for their own Star Network shows, not of products.
I don’t think online TRPs are inconsequential per se; they definitely matter to the channels enough to have set up their own online platforms with subscription plans, and increasing investments in web series (Hotstar Specials, Voot Originals, Zee5 Originals, etc.) But India as a country still has more people watching content on the TV than online, and thus it’s more important due to sheer quantity of viewership. Ad slots are budgeted according to the time the show airs (and resulting ratings), and it’s the biggest revenue potential for the networks. You’ll also notice product placements in the shows that are often edited out in the online streams. So yeah, daily shows are made FOR the TV audience, and their uploads on the online platforms are a secondary, supplemental thing rather than the main focus for the channels.
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pravinkumarpk7865 · 2 years
What is OTT Advertising ? Let’s understand !!
OTT Advertising:
OTT advertising or over-the -top advertising is a revolutionary trend  under online advertising that enable brands  to present customized ads based on the TV or mobile  viewing habits of the target  audience. The trend started with the advent of various OTT platforms like Hotstar, SonyLiv, Zee5, Voot and many more popular streaming channels in India. OTT platforms are replacing the traditional TV slowly and steadily as OTT platforms stream content based on the choice of the viewers. The streaming of refined content at anytime and anywhere via internet on smart TV or smart phones is making them most popular among young adults.
How OTT advertising works?
OTT platforms are apps, services or devices that let you stream digital content on TV, mobile phones, desktops etc. OTT advertising is also similar to TV advertising but the only difference is that it is served via OTT platforms through internet. The significant benefits of OTT advertising include:
Brands can reach the target audience in a more refined way by delivering ads of product and services based on their needs as well as interest.
Rising demand of OTT services is making the audience shift from traditional cable TV to streaming media which in turn is making the traditional TV commercials obsolete.
The internet is in everyone’s pocket these days and therefore OTT advertising reaches wider audience via smart phones.
Ads can be targeted to different sections of the audience based on their geographical locations, ethnicity, age-group, demographics and their search history.
What are the various OTT devices and platforms available in India?
OTT devices:
Amazon Fire Stick
Apple TV
Google Chromecast
Android TV
OTT Platforms:
Amazon Prime
Yupp TV
These are the few most popular streaming devices and platforms in India. The scope of OTT advertising is huge in India as the young generation is very quick in adopting to new technology and spread it to the peer group very rapidly. OTT advertising is also very impactful video advertising as it categorise the audience based on their viewing habits and serve the content based on their needs and interest.
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myhoardings07 · 2 years
Top 5 OTT platform for brand promotion in India
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Hotstar is one stop destination for all your entertainment needs. Both the app and website offers attractive catalogue to browse contents according to the viewer’s interest. The app offers everything from movies, news, web series, sports and much more in different regional languages.
Hotstar offers both standard and premium membership options, however even standard subscriptions has list of popular free movies and web shows. This endless list of free content makes it the most popular OTT app available in India.
Why to promote brand on Hotstar?
With 25Mn monthly active users, the app gives ample branding opportunities through video and banner ads,
With availability of full free episodes of 45miniutes, high exposure is guaranteed for any brand that promotes itself on either website or app.
Hotstar is available in nine different languages giving it a scope to reach regional audience spread across India.
Sonyliv, an exclusive app of Sony Pictures Networks India is as famous as its prime channels. The app as well as website is popular for streaming live and recorded content from its channels such as SET Max, Sony Sab, Sony Mix, and Sony ESPN etc.
Why to promote brand on SonyLiv?
It has created a niche of loyal audience that has traveled with the ‘Sony’ brand from television to OTT platform.
It has 18 years of content from its channels which gives audience a ‘past-connection’ association.
It has 200mn+ monthly active users.
The availability of content in various regional languages such as Bengali, Marathi, Guajarati, Hindi, English etc gives brands an opportunity to reach widespread audience.
Voot is owned by Viacom18 and offers on-demand video content for its audience. The app has an extensive video library of 40,000 hours. Voot offers exclusive content such as voot original web series, movies and early content streaming for paid subscribers through its Voot Select. It also streams free content exclusively for kids through Voot Kids.
Why to promote brand on Voot?
It has divided the audience through its sub channels such as premium audience on Voot select, mass audience on Voot and kids on Voot Kids. This division of app makes it easy for the brands to select the channel according to their likes, age group and interest.
The brands can promote their brand in the form of video ads and banner ads.
Voot offers content in multiple languages which act as an added advantage for brand campaigns.
The app has 80Mn + monthly active users.
Zee 5 is a popular video streaming app offered by Zee Essel Group. The OTT platform is famous for streaming live content, recorded content, as well as original web series through its app and website.
Why to promote on Zee5?
The app has 79Mn + monthly active users, 100Mn+ downloads and 550Mn+ monthly video views.
2, 00,000+ hours of on-demand content.
Available in 12 languages.
1000+ hours of international content dubbed in different languages.
Ganna App
The app is a treat for music lovers. The app and website offer both Indian and International music. The free music streaming app is famous for its huge collection of music from all genres.
Why to promote on Ganna?
The app has 156Mn+ monthly active users and 17Mn+ daily active users.
With 125Mn+ downloads the app is largely popular among young adults as it serves international music too.
The app and website offer multiple advertising options such as video ads, roadblocks, banner ads and audio ads.
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myhoardingsooh · 2 years
How can I advertise on any OTT platform?
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Our lives has changed a lot due to the technological change.  The introduction of OTT has mesmerized the common public. The main intension of introducing new innovations is to improvise the video and audio experience for the viewers.  OTT when expanded refers to over-the-top media and is supposed to be a media-related service that is provided to the users through the internet.  VOOT is one such player which is exclusively built to provide excellent video streaming on both mobile and the web.  The quality of video streaming has given it the status of a complete video destination.  This article focuses on various advertising options that are available on an OTT platform.
How should I check the best OTT platform?
When some aspect like OTT platform is successful, many players start implementing it to gain success.  The challenging task arises while choosing the right OTT platform for promotions.  Hence the following tips can be used in selecting the right OTT platform.
Video streaming quality: The main purpose of advertising is to attract the public. Therefore, when an advertisement video is streamed, it has to be ensured that it is of the best quality- both content-wise and quality of the video display.
Live streaming facilities: The viewer enjoys viewing an app that telecasts videos with uninterrupted connectivity. Internet connectivity with speed helps in viewing videos without any interruption. The choice of such an OTT platform with good internet connectivity will successfully promote the brands also.
What are the advertising options that I can use on the VOOT app?
Like all other apps, even VOOT provides some benefits like advertising options on its app.
Videos: This option suits best live TV.  An advertisement can be displayed through video during the commercial breaks during the viewing of the Live TV.  Live TV shows the original events that are happening at that moment.  Live TVs are preferred by the public to view shows like cricket, election polls, or some celebrations happening in some other part of the world.  Ignoring the advertisements becomes impossible when videos are displayed in between such live streaming, and thereby required message is delivered to the user.
Banner: When some video is broadcasted, advertisements can be displayed in between those telecasts. A banner is supposed to be an image of an advertisement that is rectangular. It is normally displayed between two separate categories of advertisements.  Normally, such advertisements will have a catchy title with the brand image on it.  When anyone clicks on the image, the link is redirected to the website of the advertiser.
Packages: When an impact of a brand has to be made in a big way, the package option suits better.  The banner displayed will be specially designed to serve the purpose and are displayed at prime times of telecast.
Conclusion:  Advertising task involves an investment of funds.  The advertiser has to choose a media that attracts most of the public, else the return on investment on such expenditure will not satisfy the brand progress as well as the advertiser.
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sarahtechbytes · 2 years
How to create a video on demand platform for your business?
What is video on demand?
Video on demand as the term suggests is a way of streaming video content from the platform,they can access at any time,anywhere which you need is smartphone,laptop,tab,smart tv.You can access through the internet..If you are considering creating your own video on demand platform you should choose the right solution provider for your success.
Main steps to create video on demand website:
Choosing a niche
Profitable business model
App development
Best user interface and experience
There are three main types of models are there for VOD business:
Transactional video on demand (TVOD - In this setup ,viewers pay a one-time fee to watch your content live,download it or rent it. 
Subscription video on demand (SVOD) - This is the model using like netflix,amazon,etc.They charge a recurring fee in exchange for unlimited access to their content.
Ad-supported video on demand (AVOD) -Advertising video on demand model,users consume the content for free.The OTT platform generates revenue via ad.companies post their ad in the middle of the video streaming.example:youtube,mx player,voot,etc
Advantages of video on demand platform:
More Engaging audience
Wide range of opportunities
High Quality content 
Powerful analytics
Monetization model
User features:
Home page
Registration & login
User profile
Consumer features:
Searching video
Video library
Video player experience
Subscription option
Payment gateway
Factors of streaming website success:
User friendly interface
Multi platform support
Multiple language availability
High end quality video
Storage space
Final thoughts:
Developing your own successful video on demand platform is the best choice for business. But the success depends on features you include in your app.You should choose the best video on demand platform provider for your success.
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americbuzz · 3 years
5 Tested Ways on How to watch voot in USA With VPN (2022)
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How to Watch Voot in USA: Voot is an Indian subscription video-on-demand and over-the-top streaming service, owned by Viacom18. Launched in March 2016, it is Viacom18’s advertising-led video-on-demand platform that is available as an app for iOS, KaiOS, and Android users, and a website for desktop consumption. It is also accessible through Amazon Fire TV, Roku (for Virgin Media and Sling TV subscribers), Apple TV, Android TV, and Chromecast devices continue reading
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releasemyad · 4 years
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eiosys · 3 years
Top OTT Platforms in India
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When televisions emerged in the Indian market, people were struck with the idea of watching movies and shows from their homes. The concepts of advertising, entertainment, news also saw a gradual change when the shift from radio to television began. Similarly, nowadays OTT or ‘over-the-top’ platforms are gaining prominence over television with their phenomenal features.
OTT platforms have gained immense popularity in recent years. Especially in the lockdown period when theatres were closed, OTT apps gave us a theatre-like movie experience within the comfort of our homes. Many famous movies were released on different OTT platforms.
OTT platforms consist of numerous regional, national, and international movies and web show to attract a wide audience. Some OTT platforms also provide live streaming of cricket and football matches. You can watch them whenever you’re on the go. You just need a stable internet connection and a proper subscription.
Today, there are an array of OTT apps in India. Whether you’re a Bollywood lover or fan of English movies, there’s everything on offer on Indian OTT platforms.
This blog will highlight some of the best OTT platforms in India, their plans, reviews, and ratings to help you choose the right fit for you!
11 Best OTT Platforms for every binge-watching lover!
Do you love binge-watching? If yes, then these OTT apps in India will give you a phenomenal binge-watching experience. So, let’s check them out!
Table of Contents
1) Netflix
Netflix was presumably the first OTT platform to emerge in the Indian market. Soon after its emergence in India, Netflix started streaming regional and national movies apart from international movies/shows.
This American-based OTT platform is widely popular for streaming ad-free movies and web series. What’s more? The subscription plans of Netflix start from an optimal rate of 199 INR to 999 INR.
Netflix rules the hearts of the Indian audience with its abundant varieties of shows and movies to spur the appetite of every viewer. Moreover, users can access Netflix from Mobile Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Smart TVs, and other streaming devices.
Even if you’re a Hollywood or a Bollywood fan, Netflix has got everything covered for your entertainment! Though the theatres were closed due to the pandemic, Netflix took proper care for the entertainment of its audience. Several blockbuster movies and web series were released on Netflix even during the pandemic period.
The platform also offers a 30-day free trial. After the trial period, as per the subscription you choose, the amount will be debited from your account. Moreover, you are always FREE to step back if you don’t want to continue with Netflix.
Installs: 1 billion-plus download on Google Play Store.
Reviews: More than 11 million reviews
Ratings: 4.4 stars on Play Store
Most Popular shows/movies: Breaking Bad, Delhi Crime, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Sacred Games, The Big Bang Theory, Mirzapur, Money Heist among many other national and international movies. Apart from these, Netflix also provides a great deal for regional movie lovers. Shows like Hoichoi, CityShor, Planet Marathi, Koode, Thackeray are most beloved among regional audiences.
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2) Amazon Prime Video
Looking for a fusion of regional and international shows and movies? Amazon Prime Video is nevertheless the right fit for you!
Amazon Prime Video is popular among the Indian audience for its varied and fresh video content. To access Amazon Prime Video, users must be prime member of Amazon’s e-commerce platform.
Also, Prime membership gives you free access to Amazon Prime Music and e-books on Amazon Kindle. Moreover, a prime member also experiences quick delivery options, exclusive discounts, and deals on the e-commerce website along with the boons mentioned above. Isn’t it a win-win situation?
Apart from English, the platform also offers movies and shows in six different Indian languages to suit regional audiences. Amazon Prime Video has also delivered several super-hit Indian web series. Shows like One Mic Stand, Tandav, The Family Man on Amazon Prime Video have earned lots of acclaim from audiences. The present cost of prime membership is 129 INR per month and 999 INR for a year.
Installs: 100 million-plus downloads on Play Store.
Reviews: 2 million reviews
Ratings: 4.3 stars
Most Popular shows/movies: Paatal Lok, Shameless, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Homecoming, Hanna, The Boys, Undone, etcetera. Movies/shows in an abundance of genres like animation, comedy, crime, science-fiction, historical drama, and many others are available on Amazon Prime Video.
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3) Disney+ Hotstar
Disney+Hotstar is one of the most renowned OTT platforms in India, owned and operated by Walt Disney. The platform offers access to a plethora of content for children, young adults, and adults. Disney+Hotstar’s subscribers get access to all the Disney movies and shows such as Marvel, Star Wars, among many others.
The platform offers tons of varieties of content such as cartoons, sports, web series, national and international movies, comedy shows, drama, etcetera.
Disney+Hotstar offers Premium as well as VIP subscriptions to its users. The Premium package includes complete access to international shows and movies while the VIP plan offers access to domestic and national movies and series. VIP plan also includes access to live sporting events including IPL and other tours of the Indian Cricket Team.
Installs: 500 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 9 million reviews
Ratings: 4 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: 24, The Mandalorian, Star Wars-The Clone Wars, and American Crime Story. Also, How I Met Your Mother, Silicon Valley, Malgudi Days, Game of Thrones, Sharp Objects
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4) Voot
Voot serves as an extension of Viacom 18’s online arm featuring tons of video content suiting the Indian audience. All the movies, television shows, web series, cartoons, etcetera run by Viacom 18 are hosted on Voot.
Television channels like MTV, Colours, and Nickelodeon share their content with Voot to lure online audiences too. Apart from Hindi and English, Voot also hosts shows and movies in Bengali, Kannad, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati for regional audiences.
Voot hosts its original series known as ‘Voot Originals’ only to the paid subscribers of Voot Select. Also, subscribers can even access the episodes of their favourite television show on Voot a day before it is telecasted on TV.
Subscription plans for Voot Select start from a mere 99 INR per month which is truly cost-effective. Also, you can access the Voot app on Android or iOs as well as browse on its website to access through a laptop.
Installs: 100 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 2 million reviews
Ratings: 3.7 stars
Most Popular shows/movies: Asur, Marzi, The Office, A Million Little Things, Elementary, Why Women Kill, The Affair, Madam Secretary, etcetera.
5) Sony LIV
Sony LIV as an OTT app brings all the shows, movies, sports, and cartoons broadcasting on various domains of Sony Entertainment into one shed of an umbrella. It consists of more than 18 years of video content owned by Sony Entertainment available at a single click.
If you’re a sports lover, Sony LIV provides a great deal to watch all the live broadcasting of your favorite national and international sports tournament. Moreover, it offers premium quality content at the mere subscription cost starting from 199 INR/ month.
Also, you might be pleased to know that Sony LIV is India’s first OTT platform to produce music content for the Hindi version of the blockbuster film ‘Passengers’.
Installs: 100 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 1 million reviews
Ratings: 3.8 stars
Most Popular shows/movies: Scam 1992, Girls Hostel, Gullak, Sandwiched Forever, Avrodh, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Hillary, Dark waters, Indebted, 1917, Alex Rider, Lincoln Rhyme, along with many other popular movies and shows.
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6) ALTBalaji
ALTBalaji is another OTT platform in India offering plenty of regional content. It hosts several web series, shows specifically curated to suit the taste of the Indian audience. Also, ALTBalaji hosts adult content for an 18 plus audience.
Apart from English, the platform also has a bunch of series and movies in Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, etcetera. ALTBalaji app is available for Android as well as iOS users while laptop users can browse via the website. The content on this platform covers a wide range of genres ranging from romance, comedy, thriller, mystery, etcetera.
The subscription plans of ALTBalaji are certainly pocket-friendly ranging from INR 100 for 3 months, INR 180 for six months, and only INR 300 for a year.
Installs:10 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 294K reviews
Ratings: 3.3 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: Bose: Dead or Alive, Cyber Squad, Dev DD, Home, Romil and Jugal, XXX, etcetera.
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7) MX Player
The journey of MX player from being just another video streaming app to one of the most recognized OTT platforms in India is amazing. MX Player has been regarded as an OTT platform since 20 February 2019.
MX Player is available as an app for Android and iOS users. Users can browse it via its website as well. It is completely FREE to use and operates on ads. The platform also claims to consist of 150,000 hours of video content available in more than 12 languages.
The platform hosts MX players’ Originals as well as licensed movies and series from several partners such as Paramount Pictures, Sony Entertainment, Shemaroo, Hungama, along with many others.
Though the content on MX Player is completely free of cost, the ads in between might strain a user’s experience.
Installs: 500 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 10 million reviews
Ratings: 4.2 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: High, Ashram, Cheesecake, Flames, Hello Mini, Damaged, etcetera.
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8) Eros Now
Looking for blockbuster Bollywood movies? Eros Now is your one-stop destination! Eros Now is raising the bars in the OTT industry with its premium quality and quantity of contents. The platform hosts movies and series in Hindi as well as English to attract a majority of the Indian audience. Moreover, it also claims to host more than 10,000 movies, and a plethora of music videos, audio tracks, television shows, etcetera.
With the sole aim to provide tons of entertainment options at the customers’ fingertips, Eros Now is constantly upgrading its content. Currently, it offers breathtaking features like HD videos, multi-language subtitles, and easy-to-download movies.
What’s more? You get access to thousands of movies, hundreds of shows, and music albums at just INR 99 per month.
Installs: 10 million-plus downloads
Reviews: 117k reviews
Ratings: 2.8 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: Smoke, Metro Pack, Flip, Operation Cobra, Side Hero, Investigation, etcetera.
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9) Jio Cinema
Hey Jio users, are you looking for an incredible binge-watching experience? What’s better than Jio Cinema! Jio Cinema is an exclusive OTT platform for Jio users. The most interesting thing about Jio Cinema is, it is available for FREE.
Jio cinema offers a wide range of video content such as movies, documentaries, web series, music, originals, etcetera for its users. Also, Jio Cinema has collaborated with Disney India to host popular Disney movies for its audience.
Looking for regional movies? Jio Cinema has covered everything for you! Recently, it collaborated with Hoichoi to telecast Bengali regional movies and many more! Jio Cinema’s app is available on Android as well as iOS.
Installs: 50 million-plus downloads on Play Store
Reviews: 833K reviews
Ratings: 4 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: Jobs, The Kite Runner, Macbeth, Baywatch, The Founder, The Voices, Into The Wild, The Forgiven, The Sum of all Fears, etcetera.
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10) Zee5
Do you love watching international drama series and movies? ZEE5 offers a hybrid of movies, web series, music, TV shows, etcetera available in more than 12 languages. ZEE5 also claims to host more than 100,000 hours of TV shows along with more than 500 web series. Since its partnership with Ditto, Ozee, and ALTBalaji, ZEE5 users have free access to the content available on those platforms.
To add more sprinkle on its content varieties, ZEE5 also hosts a bunch of international web series such as Turkish and Korean dramas. Moreover, the subscribers also get access to 90 plus Live channels to watch their favourite show, documentary, or sport LIVE. The most interesting point is all these benefits come for only INR 99 per month. Isn’t it mind-blowing?
Installs: 100 million-plus downloads on Google Playstore
Reviews: 1 million reviews
Ratings: 3.3 stars
Most Popular shows/ movies: Code M, Mafia, Mentalhood, Poison, Rangbaaz etcetera.
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Binge-watching is a new hobby in today’s era! The current market is brimming with plenty of OTT platforms available in India. The video streaming boom is here to stay in the future!
So, if you’re contemplating a business idea that will help you make handsome profits and at the same time provide entertainment to the masses, OTT is the space! At Eiosys, we can help you create an OTT app that is user-friendly, and enriched with top-notch features. Get in touch to know more!
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Video monetise Model of OTT services
Video monetise model basically based on the Video on demand services and these services are perform as revenue scale for business growth or profit scale.
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So basically All the ott platform are work in the Video on demand services which is know as Subscription Model , advertisement model , transaction model and hybrid model .
And example are Video on demand services are Netflix , Amazon prime , Hulu , Voot , zee5 , Disney + hot star , Mx player etc .
And we make OTT app development services.
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Video monetise Model of OTT services
Video monetise model basically based on the Video on demand services and these services are perform as revenue scale for business growth or profit scale .
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So basically All the ott platform are work in the Video on demand services which is know as Subscription Model , advertisement model , transaction model and hybrid model .
And example are Video on demand services are Netflix , Amazon prime , Hulu , Voot , zee5 , Disney + hot star , Mx player etc .
And we make OTT app development services.
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