#Vader Silhouette
digitalartuadesign · 4 months
Digital bookmarks “Rise of the Dark Side” - Darth Vader's “Sith Lordship” collection for Star Wars fans
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You can buy digital bookmarks in my Etsy shop here:
Immerse yourself in the dark and powerful world of Star Wars with our Rise of the Dark Side digital bookmarks collection. Each bookmark features the imposing silhouette of Darth Vader stepping out of the shadows, the ominous glow of his lightsaber, and the essence of Sith domination. These digital bookmarks are perfect for any Star Wars fan and will add a touch of galactic menace to your reading adventures.
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unspuncreature · 8 months
ok so madeline miller did kind of go off with the name one hero who was happy passage
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jobforhom-blog · 1 year
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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The idea was obviously to hint to the future [...] using leather and the silhouette of his cloak was hopefully going to reflect a little bit on the Darth Vader silhouette. — Costume design by Trisha Biggar
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ontherocks21 · 11 months
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Someday I'll Write It:
They called her Lady Vader when they thought she was out of earshot.
But their whispers weren't as quiet as they prided themselves on -- she always heard.
At first, the name was like a sharp knife edge drawn along her soft, pale skin. She bled. No, she outright hemorrhaged from such an evil association.
No one understood the tight rope she and her husband walked to play the Empire right under its very nose. And to navigate such a precipitous wire under very public scrutiny added a pressure that would crush most couples beneath its clandestine, strenuous weight.
But they had carried heavy secrets since the start of their relationship that additional strain was barely of concern or notice to either of them at this point.
Like oxen under an overburdened yoke, they just put their heads down and trundled forward. Together.
So when 'at first' turned into 'on the regular', she embraced it. Her wardrobe darkened to blacks and deep browns to mimic her husband's public silhouette. Ironically, the more her fabrics shrouded and shaded her, the less severe her hairstyle and makeup became, as if softening her face could remind them of what really mattered.
She was love walking in shadow.
And so eventually, Lady Vader became a mantle to be worn with pride.
Image credit: Eli Hyder
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polariscroquis · 3 months
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The last study I did on my Arthurian Legend character concepts: the woman herself, Guinevere.
As I stated before, I'm following more the 5th century, fighting saxons on the bloody fields of Britain praying to pagan gods, rather than the very Catholic version of the later medieval retellings.
Therefore, my Guinevere is very much pagan and tough hahahaha for a guy like Arthur to fall madly in love with her - and a guy like Lancelot too, of all the men in that island - she had to be one hell of a woman.
I always imagined her with fiery hair, very tall and athletic even, with killer eyes - so here she is.
More on her design and how her character fits in my personal take of the Arthurian Legend, under the cut!
Regarding the colors I chose for her, I went with a darker blue and gold to give her that regal look she would certainly have - also this tone of blue contrasts with her coppery hair, so I thought it would look good!
She has two versions, because one would be Court Guinevere while the other would be War Guinevere - both of them keep the cape, because I wanted something to be "constant" on her design. Also, the cape sort of gives her this imposing look, again something regal.
I remember watching George Lucas talking about how Anakin always wore a larger and darker cape/coat than other Jedis on the prequels so he would have that signature Darth Vader silhouette and imposing presence - given Hayden Christensen is taller than almost everyone in the movie xD I took that to heart and gave it to Guinevere 🖤
Now, from what I know, 5th century dresses weren't TOO filled with details as later medieval fashion, so I couldn't go crazy on her design here. I ended up using that wonderful painting, Accolade, as a reference for clothes.
With her war clothes, a little more complicated. Ended up searching for Jeanne D'arc references because I didn't want to have her look like King Arthur 2005's war Guinevere even though I LOVE those clothes.
Since she's a woman, it would make sense back then people would want her to stay as far away from slaughter as possible, so she has a bow. Everything is moon shaped with her, though, as a nod to the Great Goddesses, as well as the Goddess of the Hunt herself, Artemis.
Now on my take on how her character fits in my Arthurian world hahahaha
Guinevere loves Arthur a LOT. With Lancelot, though, both have their pagan upbringings and she doesn't have much of the moral compass Arthur has - she leans more on the Lancelot morality spectrum. She is a fighter, a queen, a woman with fire on her soul and enough intelligence to run entire kingdoms and destroy empires: and that's why both have fallen for her, even if she has eyes for only one of them.
While Lancelot has the charms, Arthur has the soul. Arthur can give her a safe place to fall and he can command a whole country like no one else - Guinevere admires that. And she is too great to be with a man she doesn't admire; she's never going to put herself down for a man. She needs to be with someone who meets her in equality.
Not that Lancelot doesn't, but all that ability to run kingdoms and such is not in him - even if he is prince of Benoic. Lancelot rather fight for someone like Arthur than command his own battles himself. He is a very good friend - probably the best friend Guinevere will ever have, given how everything she is also attracts envy from both men and women alike - but she wouldn't take him as a lover.
She will command kingdoms and fight in armies by Arthur's side, even if he doesn't want it - although Arthur is too proud and in love to ask Guinevere to be anything else than she is. They are indeed a power couple, and that, my friends, attracts all kinds of enemies - outside and inside the court.
That is MY personal take on Guinevere: a woman with too many abilities, too much willpower and intelligence, a fierce fighter and a cunning queen; the only one who could sweep the legendary Arthur off his feet - and that attracts the same amount of envy as admiration.
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lilacprose · 18 days
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𝚖𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 // 𝚖𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 | 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚟𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
summary; Darth Vader arrives to a rainy planet in search of Jedi knights. The hunt does not go as swiftly as he hopes and instead becomes haunted by old ghosts and shadows. word count; 2,573 words a/n; Originally posted on ao3, but decided to post it on Tumblr as well. Hope the crowd likes it! content includes; Intense fight scenes, anxiety/panic attacks.
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misc; read on ao3 • fic trailer • fic gifet • askbox
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I am what remains
Darth Vader’s steps leave a trail of lifeless bodies. This place was a wasteland of a planet that seemed to have rain as its inner core. Mist fogs up his field of vision, and rain droplets tap his helmet. The crescent moon casts a marine shade over him as he treads through humid, foggy terrain. Just merely minutes before, he wiped out an entire village of Jedi hiding in tents and covering themselves from the rain. Jedi campfires flickered in the distance. They took no notice of the Imperial ships that deftly touched ground or when a sudden gust of wind snuffed out their only source of light. He had stood so close to them for a fleeting moment, listening to their breaths and their whispers. It was the wind; it was the rain; it was nothing. There was nothing to worry about—until he activated the breathing mechanism, and they all screamed in darkness. With his lightsaber ignited, he slaughtered every one of them as a sea of stormtroopers emerged from their hiding places and joined him. Fire strobed in the night, flashes of red going through body after body of man, woman, and child. They didn’t stop until the last severed limb fell to the ground. Stormtroopers split up to look for other scattered Jedi. He would usually let them do the rest. He had done what he was made to do. His mere presence on the planet was enough. Word will spread that the Empire is here. They will all try to run, but soon learn that it is useless. Years have gone by, star systems have been overruled until nothing but cataclysmic rubble remained. There is a mark in the universe in the shape of his silhouette, and the sound of his breath resonates in the black emptiness of the galaxy. The legend of the dark lord has come to be more terrifying than the man. He is the name that breathes in fear and exhales demise. Just as it does now. Always has and always will. Here, in the rain, on a planet left to be barren by his cybernetic hand. 
His heart pounds in his chest still. It was something he noticed happening more regularly. Fatigue becoming a more frequent occurrence. A racing heart, a heavier head, and a blinding field of vision. He can feel the aging of the body now more than ever. But he can never allow himself to admit that. He raises his chin to gaze higher over the horizon before him so that those thoughts may never reach his head. He listens for the troopers in the distance, blasters firing off. His heart rate starts to slow down, following the steady rhythm of his breathing mechanism. It is the only constant he finds himself leaning on after all these years. The machine grounds him. It is a ticking metronome that keeps him in line with where he needs to go. Always looking forward, never back. A consistent march onwards, onwards, onwards—
He halts. Scans the surroundings. Turns around slowly. Somebody is watching, and he knows it, but the data inside his helmet shows no form of life before him. A presence, a crack, in the force. He grazes the top of his lightsaber on his belt and looks behind him. Between trees, far into the horizon where illuminated clouds meet the soil. 
A hooded cloak. 
A man. 
One of them. 
He grunts and turns around. The black cloak floats in the air as Vader rushes toward him. His towering stature leaves no room for stealth. Not that stealth is of any priority now. He wants the person to see his helmet reflect the moonlight. He wants to be seen . He wants them to be afraid . They will all know that Darth Vader is coming once they see that sliver of red in the darkness. And he will come forth with no hesitation or mercy. 
He’s not far now. The cloak is there, swaying in the distance.
Are you what remains? 
His cloak is there, swaying in the distance.
The wind gushes and howls. Or perhaps it is the machine keeping him alive that he hears. He’s not sure and can’t be bothered to tell. The two sounds merge into a long, sustained pulse that rings in his ears. He sees the blue moon reflect in his helmet. He knows that wherever he goes, Vader’s black armored shadow will follow him. Sometimes he stops and doesn’t move – not a single muscle, without a twitch to be seen on his shadowed face – just to taunt him. He stands there, only a few heavy steps away, the hood of his dark robes pulled over his head. Waiting, listening, observing. He knows it will drive Vader to the precipice of madness, charge him to attack. The mechanical breathing grows louder as Vader marches towards him. He crosses his arms, closes his eyes, and reaches into the Force, but he doesn’t have to. Because it doesn’t take a cosmic force for him to know the excruciating pain Vader is in. Each heavy step digs the steel prosthetics deeper and deeper into the charred flesh. There is a dark field surrounding Vader as he moves. Thick and black, like the fuel for a Star Destroyer. He feels it all. The pain, the hurt, the ever-darkening rage. Reflected in his own bones. Remnants of Mustafar. 
Obsidian riverbanks flash before his eyes, and for a brief second, his lungs fill with volcanic ash, only to be replaced by the earthy scent of rain just as fast. He tilts his head as he looks at Vader who has stopped yet again. He looks around him as if something were to appear at any given moment.
Not just yet.
There is something that echoes between the trees. Echoes interspersed with the high-pitched noise in his ears. Repeating over and over as Vader starts to walk away from him. The ringing starts to take shape and reverberates in his mind: 
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin.  Died with the birth of Vader.  Left here is only Vader.  
If he could he would let out a laugh that would startle the machine. 
But he doesn’t. Instead, he takes a quick turn behind a tree, hears how Vader halts, and frantically searches for him. He moves with the grace of a phantom and walks so lightly that no sound is made. 
He’s behind him now. Vader’s gloved cybernetics tightly grasp the base of his lightsaber. Glowing red and aiming at air. Vader’s shoulders heave in frustration. He begins to see his own hooded reflection in the back of the helmet the closer he gets to Vader. The scar over his eye burns. A sensation deep in the pit of his stomach. For a second, he doesn’t realize what it is. It’s the wind; it’s the machine; it’s a voice. Something slithers up his leg as it whispers to him. He throws a glance at his leg, seeing nothing but hearing a voice he can’t tell from Vader’s or his own.
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin.
He glances back at his reflection in the helmet, and it dawns on him that it’s the shadow of the dragon that he hears. Crawling up Vader’s arm, digging its claws into his lungs, huffing old words back to his covered ears—
Suddenly, Vader turns around. The red blade points at his neck. 
He chuckles.
I will destroy you!
The lightsaber is lifted to the Jedi’s neck, but he doesn’t move. Only a chuckle escapes him. The blade casts a light on his lower face. The man stands before death, yet he is unfazed. His lips don't tremble like the others. Vader moves the blade closer. He reaches deep into the Force to see who the man before him is, but feels only the complete absence of light within him. This isn’t the light energy of the Jedi. It is something far darker. 
Still not flinching, the other senses what Vader is doing. He, too, reaches into the depths of the Force. Vader feels his parasitical presence inside his mind. A single image is placed in his central vision.
Vader yells and strikes a blow at him with his lightsaber. The other responds just as fast. His blade emits an eerily familiar shade of maroon. Vader's breath is heavy; the other’s lips are sealed tightly, and his breathing is controlled, almost like he isn't breathing at all. They stand still in mirrored positions. Lightsabers raised and touching, with red sparks falling like the mist around them.
At the same time, they slowly lower their weapons. 
Vader keeps a close eye on the other’s hands; the still-ignited blade points towards the ground as his hands move to take down the hood. He drops his cloak on the ground. Rain droplets hitting dark leather sound between his own breaths. There is no other movement, not a flinch—only a mere coldness in his gaze and the traces of a scar across one eye. The longer Vader looks, the more he notices how his eyes slowly turn a deep red. 
Still, the other made no movement, as if the rain had frozen him. A furrow grows behind the mask. Surely this is a trick. It must be the fatigue. Imagination. Vader has not seen those robes since...
Since they burned with him. 
His hand does something it never does. He trembles, trembles, trembles as the other person slowly starts to walk, forcing him to step back. 
And Vader sees it now. 
Anakin before him.
You lack conviction
Anakin raises his lightsaber, and the sword clashes with Vader’s. Two maroon blades of equal speed light up the blue night. 
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin.
With one hand, Vader strikes Anakin down. Whoever is doing this to him will not have the upper hand. Vader is much stronger than any man; a dead one is nothing to him. A few strikes, and he can already feel his opponent weaken before him. Vader will destroy him.
But with the push of the force, Vader is suddenly thrust several feet back. Wet soil drags between gloved metal fingers. He breathes in as he rises and shrugs his shoulders as he exhales. Runs towards Anakin with a yell and his saber held high in the air.
Anakin’s arm is still extended as he watches Vader get up from the ground. A subconscious flick of the wrist spins the lightsaber in his cybernetic hand. It spins behind his back and in front of him, before it violently crashes into Vader’s. Anakin hammers at Vader’s lightsaber with heavy blows enough to separate cybernetics from flesh. Again and again. Vader fights back–oh, how hard he is trying. He towers over Anakin like he’s already won, but his body is a statue crumbling before him. Every red blow weakens him, sends him closer and closer to the ground.
The base of his lightsaber is grasped tightly with both hands above his helmet.
Vader falls to his knees. 
And two lightsabers lower.
Anakin raises his chin and looks down at Vader. Through gritted teeth, he tells him to get up. The grip on Vader’s lightsaber loosens in his hand. He asks him again, but not as quietly as before. He yells with a thunderous tone that shakes the trees around them. 
Without hesitation, without mercy, the lightsaber swings and aims for the helmet.
Vader pulls the lightsaber in front of him before Anakin can hit him. It takes too much strength to hold Anakin back. Anakin is dead, Vader chants himself, so why has he now dropped to his knees? Why is he unable to move? Why has the lightsaber nearly fallen out of his hands when it has never done so before? Never in front of the thousands, millions of opponents that had faced him. 
It takes a ghost, a shadow swinging his blood-red lightsaber for Vader to lose his balance. A black shadow with the voice of a dead man. Burned to coal by the fires of Mustafar. 
But he is here. 
He is here now with a body untouched by fire. He sees the faces of a man and a child with age lines and battle scars. A river’s reflection of who he used to be, of who he is, of who he isn’t. Of who he was supposed to be had fire not consumed him.
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin.
Anakin never tires. He keeps his eye on the helmet. Harder, harder. The field of vision becomes broken and black edges form. The suit starts to fail him, bit by bit things start cracking. The metals and the obsidian made to protect him are faulting. His heart races, and the armor adjusts to it in vain. Hot flashes throughout his body and a single horrifying thought takes over his mind. 
The suit can’t keep him alive any longer. 
With a kick in the stomach, Anakin sends Vader to the ground. Crackling sparks emit from his chest plate. The green and red lights flicker. The breathing mechanism fractured. He lies on his back, his helmet cracked. Body paralyzed. Vader struggles to breathe. His heart pounds in his chest. And there is nothing but quiet. No stormtroopers. No blasters. No wind or rain or rustling trees. The silence sends him spiralling as slow footsteps approach his side. Lightsaber humming; lifting, lifting, lifting above his head. Darkness fills his vision. Only the line of the lightsaber illuminates the void. He shakes his head and all that comes out of him is a panicked no. Over again. No, no, no. This isn’t happening to him. Not to him, not by him.
Anakin, Anakin, Anakin.
Here now, here to end him—
His eyes flash open. He regulates his breathing. Tries to. Still fractured. Still paralyzed and unable to rise. Where is he now? His field of vision is a haze, unable to make out anything in the room or place he is in. Is this a hallucination inside the Bacta tank, a trick of the water making him see things? Or is he lying there, on a stretcher surrounded by surgical instruments attaching metal to bare flesh. It must be. It hurts . He flinches in an attempt to move away from the needles that sew him together. 
He wants out.
He wants away.
He wants to die.
Then – a sudden touch on his knee. A placed hand. He fails to make out a face in the darkness inside the helmet. But the hand, he recognizes. The hand that was once placed on his shoulder. After battle, in assurance.
“It’s all right, Anakin. Breathe. You’re safe now, my friend.”
The voice. It breaks him. The voice crashes over him, and he just... Can't . Can't stop the rapid flow of air through his lungs. Whatever remains of his vocal chords he had became shattered in screams that cut him up inside like crushed glass. And it’s the last thing he feels. Before the tears join the water that submerge him. Water that has him drowning in anaesthesia along with the memories of future and past. Nothing else matters but the present and where he's going. 
There he’ll awake, with a clear mind and clear direction. Black cloak drifting over his empire. This is what he wants. 
There he’ll stand, atop manmade planets surrounded by explosions of stardust. Breathing in power, exhaling out fear.
Mechanical mind, mechanical body.
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feruslands · 1 month
My sketch fanfic "Vader/Ferus"
For @la-sopa and @reconstructwriter , who inspired me to continue, and for everyone who loves "Vader/Ferus".
Warnings: rape
"Daddy Feri", part 4
Darth Vader really thought that if he found baby Leia, something important would change in his life. It seemed that if he found Leia, a miracle would happen. But a miracle happened in Ferus Olin's life since Leia Organa became his daughter. And this miracle saved the Jedi's life.
But in Vader's life, no miracle happened after meeting Leia. The Sith felt no kinship with the child. Leia was nothing to him. He didn't even have the desire to see her or communicate with her. Leia reminded him of who he was. Leia reminded him that Padme was dead. And she recognized another person as her father.
The noblest thing would be to set her free, rather than trying to make his daughter a means to an end. Darth Vader wasn't going to be noble. Soon he will begin to teach her the way of the Dark Side of the Force. He will need an adult Leia to help destroy Palpatine, or to retain power if he destroys Palpatine on his own. 
But still, Sith felt annoyed when he looked at her and realized that even outwardly this cute little girl looked like Olin. And if it hadn't been for the completed genetic test, he would even have doubted the information he extracted from Bail during the interrogation. Although Vader knew Organa wasn't lying, few people are capable of lying when flesh is burned with a lightsaber.
His daughter didn't get anything from Anakin Skywalker. She had beautiful dark eyes, rich brown hair, delicate white skin, and a beautiful aristocratic face like Padme's. It was only over the years that Padme gradually faded from his memory. And he realized that he no longer remembered her in great detail.
But the other man was here all the time, every time he returned to the Vjun, and Vader already remembered him to the smallest detail. Ferus Olin reminded him not of who he had once been, but of who he was now – the Overlord who decided the fate of Star systems. Every time Darth Vader saw his former rival, he was pleased to realize how powerful he had now become. He could at any moment, with a careless gesture, send this damned fool flying across the entire corridor, slam him into the opposite wall, and then drag what was left of him into the cell to forcibly possess him.
Complete permissiveness. That's what the Sith needed right now. Not talking to a useless little girl.
Thanks to the Dark Side of the Force, Olin's restrained emotions could easily be read as a lousy hidden panic. It happened all the time, in those moments when the Sith focused his attention on him. 
It made Vader want to just burst out laughing. The fear that this damn idiot felt turned him on quickly and easily.
"Hello there, princess", Vader smiled with anticipation when the silhouette of the Jedi appeared in the dimness of the prison corridor, "I've been waiting for you."
Vader stopped, blocking his way and greedily sated on those panicked emotions that the Jedi was very intensely trying to suppress.
All Jedi were such hypocrites and cowards.
Poor stupid Ferus tried to seem so calm and balanced, but there was a whole abyss of fear and despair inside him.  And this abyss caused Vader's inner hunger with even greater intensity. The Sith noted with satisfaction that the Jedi wanted to run away from him. But there was nowhere to run. He could have played catch-up with him and then dragged him out of any corner. But tonight he was too impatient, the Dark Side had already demanded violence, a lot and immediately!
And Vader roughly grabbed the prisoner by the shoulders, bringing him closer to himself.
“I'm going to fuck you now, do you mind?”, Vader asked mockingly before twisting his arm behind his back and slamming his face into the wall. At the last moment, Ferus managed to turn his head to avoid hitting his face into the wall. “Leia is sleeping”, he told Vader, hoping the wall was thick enough that the baby wouldn't wake up from hitting the wall. Vader only pushed him once more and pressed him against the wall with his body.
“Then you have to force yourself not to scream”, Vader hissed in his ear with a nasty sneer. Olin jerked violently and pulled away from the Sith's hands. The disgusting, mocking tone of the hoarse voice made him lose his temper. He knew perfectly well that Vader wasn't attacking with even half his might, but was just playing with him. But the Jedi lost his temper anyway. He knew that his retaliatory attack would be useless and even dangerous, but he lunged at Vader, throwing his arm forward to punch his fist into the cyborg's ugly snout. But the Sith intercepted his fist so quickly and easily, as if he knew exactly in advance. And he clenched his fist, not giving him the opportunity to escape. With his other hand, Vader grabbed the enemy by the throat, and clamped it as if with metal claws. Vader's face broke into a wide grin, an instant before he clenched his hand, crushing the Jedi's fist like paper, breaking his knuckles and fingers. Ferus wheezed from the terrible pain in his arm, he could barely see Vader anymore, his vision was gray from suffocation. He fell to his knees, and Vader was still strangling him and crushing his wrist bones.
When the Sith released him, Ferus fell flat on the floor.
 "If you dare to raise your hand against me again, you will be left without your hand, slave", he put his foot on the prisoner's hand, wringing his wrist, and listened to his groans and wheezes because of the pain. And then he easily lifted the Jedi's body off the floor, and threw it over his shoulder. Vader turned to carry him out of the hallway, but baby Leia was standing at the entrance of the next room. 
The baby ran out to the sounds of a struggle, although she promised Dad that she would never do it. She stared wide-eyed at her dad, hanging like a long towel on the shoulder of a huge monster in black armor. Her dad's arms hung limply, he did not move, only wheezed in pain.  She rushed forward towards the monster.
"Don't you dare hurt my dad!", Leia screamed in a very childish voice. Ferus turned his head with difficulty, wincing in pain. He was amazed at how much courage there was in this baby. Unfortunately, her courage could not help him now, it could only harm her.
"Don't stand in my way, girl, or you'll regret it", Vader rudely replied to her. He used the Force to push Leia back. The baby was blown back into the room. Fortunately, she did not fall, but the door closed behind her and was blocked by Vader's gesture. The Sith wasn't going to take her opinion into account. He came to take what he wanted and how much he needed. No one will stop him.
Ferus heard the little girl banging on the door with her fists. She screamed and cried and called for him.
"Daddy! Dad!...", this childish cry, muffled by the locked door, rang in his ears and tore apart his soul. But it was useless. The Sith had no concept of mercy. Vader dragged him into one of the cells. The doors obeyed his gestures and were blocked by a wave of the Sith's hand. Vader threw the Jedi to the floor like a garbage bag, and there roughly and quickly tore off his clothes. Ferus could see that the Sith was chuckling as he did this.
"Bitch!", Vader hissed, slapping the Jedi across the face. He liked to beat him, and he did not deny himself the pleasure. Vader leaned on top of the prisoner as he freed himself from the armor. He raped him for a long time, deliberately making their intercourse painful for the Jedi.
After all the violence, he immediately sent the Jedi to the medical unit so that the droids would heal his wounds and sew up his ass. Vader thought it would be ridiculous, if one of the most capable apprentices of the Jedi Order died like an animal from internal bleeding inside his ass.
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You know exactly who this silhouette is, don't you?
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In the original trilogy, Darth Vader only appears for around 34 minutes across three movies. He appears so little in each movie, yet you remember him, his look, his voice, his breathing. Vader's black uniform makes him visually iconic.
In Episode IV, the very opening scene he appears as a jet black presence against the white interior of the Rebel ship. In his scenes on the Death Star, he is in the background or out of focus, behind Tarkin. But your eyes are on Vader's striking presence. Vader's presence increased the less naturalistic he looked.
In Episode V, his mask is much more polished, giving off large, white reflections to highlight its shape. It is in Episode V he becomes iconic, with the use of background and silhouette, as we see in the image above of Vader on Hoth. He transcends his role as villain and becomes something much deeper and universal.
In Episode VI, Vader often looks flat against backgrounds due to the lighting. It lacks the character work that Vader had in V but it gives us the iconic scene where he is finally unmasked. This villain and his iconic look, voice and breathing are reduced to the image of a broken man, who is ultimately human. The cultural impact of Darth Vader speaks for itself. And it was all achieved in about 30 minutes of cinematography.
Happy Star Wars Day!
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scottsbifh · 14 days
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Empire State Building. What a wonderful tribute to James Earl Jones. A silhouette of Darth Vader.
posted to FB group Bryan Busby KMBC
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digitalartuadesign · 4 months
Digital bookmarks “Rise of the Dark Side” - Darth Vader's “Sith Lordship” collection for Star Wars fans
You can buy digital bookmarks in my Etsy shop here:
Immerse yourself in the dark and powerful world of Star Wars with our Rise of the Dark Side digital bookmarks collection. Each bookmark features the imposing silhouette of Darth Vader stepping out of the shadows, the ominous glow of his lightsaber, and the essence of Sith domination. These digital bookmarks are perfect for any Star Wars fan and will add a touch of galactic menace to your reading adventures.
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awritesthings1 · 1 year
How to Disappear (Chapter 3)
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You can only find peace for so long before truths reveal.
ao3 link
With each appearance, you were beginning to remember more. Still, that familiar haze of confusion lingered, becoming a routine that your body grew to know. First would be a buzzing sensation trailing down your back. Then came the dropping sensation as if you were falling from the sky. Eventually, you would kneel over to balance yourself on the ground to shake the feeling of falling. It was then you would find the blue glow, lighting up whatever you were near. Pieces fell into place, and you figured out you were a fragment of the Force without too much surprise. Places were sometimes hard to figure out, although you seemed to have a vague memory of planet names and their environments.
You weren’t sure why it was randoms bits of information or the beginning of your apparition that you could remember. Except one sign. The hope you clung to was found in a silhouette of a person who was always imprinted at the back of your eyes. Never had you forgotten that silhouette. You could never be sure if it was a figure from your past or perhaps a vision.
This morning you had appeared by a beautiful lake. Trees lined the edges, their colorful leaves teasing past your cheek. In the shade there was a marble statue of a women bowing beneath the sun. You think she looks like a guardian by the way she watches over the wildflowers, protecting all the little lives that lived in the overgrown grass. Her hair was braided into flowers and you can’t help but think of how radiant she looked. The sound of a waterfall draws your eyes to a cliff that hung over the water. It breathed life into the earth, humming through the sand on the shore up into the dirt beneath your toes.
A smile crept onto your lips. In the distance lay towering mountains, concealed in rolling clouds. Velvety blues and vibrant greens painted the landscape. You hoped the seam of your memory would peel open just to remember the hypnotic colors. Trees danced in harmony to the tender ballads swelling over your head. They hung like words at the tip of a tongue.
Nearing the shore, your feet dip beneath the crisp lap of water. Above, the sun caressed the surface leaving a blinding reflection. A shine so delectable it was calling you to bury your shoulders beneath and feel its charming touch. Without another thought, you are splashing deeper into its clutches, lifting your robes as you laugh.
Twirling around the lake, you imagined yourself as a real girl. With a beating heart, the warmth of a kiss pressed against a cheek, and hopes of a future.
Through the ripples of the water, there is a girl. Her beaming smile melts your thoughts to sand. As your eyes widen, hers follows. She mirrors you, reaching for your hand as yours reach for hers. They meet at the surface, a ghost of a touch. A laugh slips past your lips. You were alive. If only for a fleeting moment, it was the evidence you needed to know that in this lake you were real.
With hair stuck to your face, your legs kicked through the weight of your robes. Water dripped down your jaw, leaving an invisible kiss at the end. You could laugh here. And so you did, letting it trail through the trees, down the valley, and up to the highest cliffside. The world could do with some laughter.
Although all dreams must come to an end. Your blue flush stains the water, the color contrasts against the natural tint. It was a twisted hoax. Damned to be a blue light for all eternity, it wasn’t fair. The Force was cruel in the way it would show you desires like this only to take it away.
Vader had seen you in a dream. It was a nice contrast from the nightmares. You lay on your back, floating around a lake. There was something about the scene that looked like it had been touched by an angel. Everything was perfect. Flowers beautifully woven into vines that hung from old wise trees. What caught his breath was how you didn’t look like a ghost. Under the water your glow blended into the sapphire depths. Almost like a real girl.
Your body belonged in that image, stitched into the back of his eyelids to see when sleep overcame him. Vader sat with that picture seared into his mind all day. He kept you there in a shield between the bones of his ribs. It was there he could protect you.
As the days passed, his body felt more like a shell. A ghost that roamed the halls of his ship, wandering in search of something. The Emperor had noticed too, reminding him of his place in the galaxy: a living machine built to serve the Empire. After that, Vader became more careful putting his suit on, accounting for the growing red lashes on his back. He thinks you probably look more alive than he did.
Vader lives like that for a while. Awaiting your next visit becomes a fantasy he clings to. Maybe you were out there appearing to others. His gut twisted at that. He hoped he was the only one. Had you interfered in any of his endeavors? Were you mediating with the rebels?
His thoughts hungered for answers. With each venture across the galaxy, he kept his eyes open for glimpse of you. Every shade of blue sent his blood ablaze, thinking maybe this time it will be your face. It never is.
On Naboo, he walks through the streets, the Emperor trailing behind. Stormtroopers formed a line to their sides as they march toward the palace. It’s different than how he remembered it. The peoples’ expressions are set into a solemn stare, moving mechanically. Gone is the bubbling chatter that roamed the streets long ago. They are dressed in expensive gowns and shiny jewels, repelling like magnets as Vader nears. Naboo had flourished under The New Order, mostly because it was the Emperor’s homeland. It came at a cost though. The people were slaves to power and gifted riches for their compliance.
Shadowing Vader is the Emperor who holds a smile to his face. The march was meant to strengthen ties with the people until eventually they made it to the palace to meet with the royals. Not that they had any power either. Anything to keep up an illusion.
A cry startles the crowd. Vader pauses the march as the stormtroopers point their blasters in the direction of the sound. Furious hands part amid the crowd, scratching to the front of the clearing. It is a woman, wearing a shaggy dress that is torn at the hem. Her grey hair is tangled in sweat with a thin layer of dirt covering her arms and legs. There are bruises under her eye swelling from damage.
“Have you seen my daughter?” She pants, wide eyes staring up at him through the line of troopers.
Beaming from a little device clutched in her hands is a hologram of a girl. She looked young with a smile across her lips and warm eyes as if she had been caught mid laugh. On her shoulders hung Jedi robes that looked too big for her body. What catches his attention is the Padawan braid sat behind her ear. Vader walks closer to get a better look but before he has a chance, the troopers are clutching her arms, dragging her away. She fights against them, and he calls out for them to wait. They stop for a moment, just enough time for him to get a good look. The Emperor shouts over the crowd and then the woman is being carried away. Tears leak down her cheeks as she screams into the helpless crowd. Her feet dig into the ground but it is no use.
Vader wants to shout out and demand they stop but he knows he cannot overrule the command of his Master. They kneel her against a wall and one shoves a blaster into her head. Her figure gets buried away in the crowd who push and shove to get out of the way. His feet are already moving when he hears the shot fire. Cries of children carry down the street, wailing into their mother’s arms.
Vader guards his Force presence for the rest of the walk, holding a defensive shield over lurking thoughts. Who was the girl in the hologram? She appeared to be a Padawan, but he could not recall seeing her around the Temple. He would remember a face like that, especially those eyes. They tied around a knot in his head, never quite fitting into place. Perhaps she was a relative of someone he had met a long time ago.
When they reach the steps of the palace, Vader looks up from the ground to the towering domed roof. Behind it, he sees the vibrant blue sky.
His heart stops.
It was your eyes.
The stormtroopers had confiscated the device with your hologram after the death of your mother. Luckily for Vader, he had managed to intercept the ordered destruction. He suspected his Master had wanted to destroy any evidence of the Jedi. Sleuthing through records proved to not be an option either, after they had all been destroyed with the rise of the New Order. And so he kept the little piece of you buried in his pocket as he traveled the galaxy.
The dreams came back shortly after. The meadow with the lake, your laughter, the wildflowers. You haunted him and he loved every second because for just a moment, he could imagine a sense of freedom. On the rocks he would sit, watching you float around the glistening water. He could imagine the pulsing heartbeat of the lake causing ripples in the wind. Those eyes watch him from afar, embracing him through the Force. You drew him in with that smile. Always so inviting, he would trudge his boots into the water until the forgiving blues lull him to sleep.
He could not dare to dream about you any longer, it wasn’t enough. A few days pass and before he knows it, his ship is landing on the fields of Naboo. Dressed in his dark robes, Vader lets the Force guide him to the lake. Spring breaks lose as he trudges past the trees. Light air wedges through the holes of his Force, breathing hope into old scars. And a wave of untouched laughter breaks through that final barrier once he reaches the clearing.
There you are, just like in his dreams. Arms gliding through the water, robes clinging to your body, a smile to your face. From where Vader stood, you looked alive, happy. A scene so surreal it deserved to be worshipped in secret on the tallest mountain with the highest praise. He feels unwelcome, an ugly blood stain soaking into the roots. Nothing in comparison to you, no power could bring him close.
The sound of trickling water breaks the tension. You are standing waist deep watching him, a gasp hanging from your lips. He blinks the sun out of his eyes, swiping a tongue over chapped lips. Breathing you in is the only think he knows how to do.
Your bare feet clamber up the slope of bank, holding the soaking robes in your fists.
“Have I met you before?”
Vader bites his lip.
Together you rest in the overgrown grass. A flower is between your fingers as you braid it into the stem of another. You wonder if the chain will undo when you disappear. To the side the boy sits, hunched over a bent knee. Vader was his name, although you were doubtful. He murmured it as if he was unsure himself.
“Last time I saw you… you were happy,” he swallows.
Vader can’t meet your eyes, staring down at the grass. The lump in his throat passes with a deep breath. It’s a lie. He had explained how you had appeared to him before and although it wasn’t under the best circumstances, he would sleep better if you thought it was. Because he knew how these moments always ended. In festering dark corners, tucked away from all light, forgotten by all life. Only for them to live through memories of his own. You were blessed in that sense.
Was it guilt? No. It was shame. Vader was a coward, hiding behind his mistakes. And he would keep letting you down until his last breath. It didn’t matter if he tried not to, because in the end he had failed you. Still a broken man, a reservoir running out of water. No matter how many pieces you collected off the ground, he would drop more. He had failed your mother the same way, a seemingly endless spout of errors.
You seemed to be that turning point for him. The tap twisting his gut further into conflict. He hated the way you did that. Your pitiful hands on him in need, your stolen breaths smothering his chest, and that lifeless glow you carried. All building those feelings he had long repressed: anguish, remorse, weakness.
Your mouth recoils at his silence. You want to know what happened, it was your existence that hung in the air, you had a right to know. Although he cuts you off before you could get a word in.
“You had a family that loved you,” he pursed his lips. Your eyes widen. Leaning closer to listen, you hang onto each word. “They never gave up their searches.”
He buries his face in his hands.
“They didn’t know I died?” your voice hitches, “Did you know them?”
His scar itches, an irritating pain that digs deeper into the skin. He shouldn’t be doing this. Maybe if you knew the truth you would finally leave and never come back.
“No, I…” he trails off, massaging the knots in his temple. “Your mother was roaming the streets with your hologram.”
Your jaw hangs, eyes wildly darting between his. “She’s here?”
“No.” The Force trembles from the weight of his words, wrapping around your shuddering shoulders. In a vice grip it holds you, a ricochet of his anger.
Although you couldn’t care because you had a mother. A mother that was looking for you. Would she have your hair? Would she recognize you? Was she the shadow in your dreams that called out to you?
You jump when Vader grabs your hand, fingers softly threading between yours. It’s his flesh one. Rubbing over your knuckles, you feel his callouses over your skin. Prominent veins web up his arm, concealed by the dark robes. Your hand squeezes in response as he shifts to kneel. You think he might pull you into a hug, but he closes his eyes as if he were meditating.
Around you the Force begins simmering, tapping gently along your skin. Confused, you try to pull away from his hold, but he tightens his grip. Alarmed, you try tugging again. Your ghostly hand doesn’t budge. Panicking, the Force builds, drumming through your body. Dark energy caresses the light in the pit of your chest.
“Vader!” you warn, still trying to wiggle away.
Your blue glow flickers. Sharp claws teasingly trail from around your neck up to your head, lighting your frame on fire as it goes. It rings around your neck, choking as if you could breathe. The pain insistently licks at the connection that tethers you to the mortal world. You cry out, flinching and jerking through the torture. Vader’s face is turned to the sky, eyes swallowed by a lurching darkness.
Behind the darkness, Vader focuses on his life Force. Palming a ball in his hand, he drains it like water. Flowing through his hold, ebbing at the shores of your spirit. Harnessing power from his very soul, he finds you there. Howling in his ear, thrashing at the fabric of his essence. You stand on a rocky plane, beaming with the same light of a moon, tears leaking gold. The surface looks like a flat asteroid floating around the depths of space without any light, only ghostly figures wandering. Souls cry out, pulling at his robes, but he was only here for one. Tearing at their grip, he grabs for you, missing by a finger. Your feet stumble back toward the edge where the void met rock. He panics, lunging for you before you could fall. It must be a cruel joke when a hand lurches at his shoulder preventing him from reaching you in time. He watches in horror as your body disappears into the void. Left alone to the mercy of the spirits, he is swallowed whole, crying out into darkness.
Vader’s body is thrown back against the grass when he is ripped out of the trance. The energy dissipates back into the Force as he gathers himself. To cheat death is a power reserved only for the most powerful. For you he would draw every drop within himself to achieve it.
It kills him too; never being able to understand why his feelings for you are so strong. He had run in circles trying to pinpoint when he started to care, but always found himself back at the start. What was it about you? Was it that you are his ghost? That you were the only one that ever came back for him? The one who never gave up? He couldn’t reason why you were such a high priority; you simply were.
Behind him, the radiant lake lays dull, the meadow seemingly growing void of energy. Once green healthy plants sink to the dirt lifelessly. The life Force that buries in the roots of the land are left empty, howling into still winds, crying in agony. They never giving up without a fight, leaving a putrid stench that burns at Vader’s throat. He is unforgiving in the way nothing disturbs him. Not even as the land dies beneath his feet because he sees a faint movement fade between the decomposing stems in the distance.
When Vader finds you, he sees the wilting wildflowers straight through your chest.
Forever a ghost.
His heart pumps shamefully, full of the life he could not give you. He had failed once again. Always the fool, never the wiser.
As he nears closer, your body recedes like the shores of the lake. Your hands are perched at the brittle grass, ready to run deep into what was left of the trees. It’s eerily quiet as you wait. Your body flickers through the silence, trembling because you feel darkness flowing under the dirt. Tears flood the meadow, decay greedily sipping at your sorrow. His manipulation of the Force had caused this.
Vader reaches for you but like in the trance, you flinch away. It’s his tipping point. Gritting his teeth as frustrated unveiled sobs wrack his shoulders. “I thought I could save you,” he cries.
He feels hopeless, crumpled up, discarded. Not the all-powerful Sith he thought he was. Never able to save anyone.
You fear him. His darkness is strong, a catalyst to all rash actions. This man had bent the will of the Force under his command to bring you back from the dead. “You have too much darkness,” you choke, suffocating under the pressure of his presence.
“I need it,” hostility laces in his voice. He notices a faraway sadness on your face. As if you were grieving him, as if he were the dead one.
You bite down on your tongue. The man is spiraling down a dark hole he can’t reach the top of. No one was there to reach out a helping hand. “No. You need balance. How could you expect to resurrect me with pure darkness,” you speak defiantly. You think he might rip your head off.
He seethes, the scar across his eye throbs the same searing pain he felt when he first got it. “I don’t have a choice. I am nothing without this power. I am nothing without my Master.”
You want to scream at him. Pound your fists to drum some sense of realization. If you could, you would will the lake to him, just so he could reflect on himself. His path was lined with nails, you hoped one day he would look down and notice his bleeding feet. “What master breeds the life out of their own apprentice? Festers power that only wills destruction? How could you ever help anyone?” You beg.
The words twist in his gut. He towers over you threateningly, “I tried to save you!”
“With the power of darkness. I am an embodiment of light, of balance.” You have to reach into the Force, calling for any drops of light as his darkness edges at your tone.
Vader scowls. You speak as if you knew anything. As if your memories were intact. His nose flares, anger coursing through his body with no escape. Nowhere to release. He has to turn around as his thoughts grow darker.
His cape rolls over dead wildflowers, wilting trees curl when he marches past. You watch him go, feeling some of the tainted energy trailing after him. It could have been a nightmare, but you knew too well to doubt the Force. Vader was very real. A man cut so deeply he was left blind, reaching in the dark for a sense of purpose.
Reaching into your pocket, you fish out the small metal ball that had fallen out of his robes during his trance. You had snatched it in your struggle hoping it would have the power to push him off. It hadn’t.
Pressing a small button, a hologram lights up. At that moment, you drop onto all fours, clutching at your head as it throbs. Memories flash and fade across your vision. Smiles, tears, pain, laughter. It all melts into a pool, tugging at your motionless heart.
You remembered.
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vibratingskull · 10 months
"Hiii, how are you doing??💓💓
First: I love your blog!!
Second: I never wrote an ask but I saw that you requests are open so I thought “why not”. But still: I’m shy.
I hope this ideas makes sense:
Basically since I finished Rebels I kinda crated this sort of ff in my head where the read is a f!jedi that used to be romantically involved with Thrawn during the clone wars (I was thinking that perhaps she could have been Anakin’s friend and the two met when him and Thrawn went for the mission about Padme). And now, after all this time, they met again: he is serving the empire, she is running away from it. Maybe they could met during Rebels or during the Ahsoka show (whatever you prefer). And I was thinking angst that ends with well…nsfw(??)
I mean if this could work for you, it will make my day. But please, feel free to ignore if this is a stupid ass idea HAHAH
(I’m not even sure that this could work with the canon timeline)
Have a good day:))
And thanks in any case💗💗" -anon
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Thrawn x f!reader
tags: Angst, smut, blood, strangulation, p in v, creampie
You dance with death.
One step after one another, diving, blocking, repelling… With your lightsaber you dance. You have no other choice or the Imperials will get you. With a swift move of the blade you throw back lasers at their shooter. You project yourself in the Force, spinning and kicking this armada of Death troopers.
A part of you is relieved, for a moment you have feared to face off the inquisitors and their leader Darth Vader, but Death troopers and Navy officers you can manage. You block again, jumping and kicking one in the chest, they’re sent right against their colleagues and collapse. You look around you, sweat rolling at your temples, you're encircled. They all round around you with their weapons drowned at your head and chest.
“Arms up! Drop your weapon!” The leader shouts.
Like hell you will! You’ll teach them some Jedi tricks and a lesson. You close your eyes to dive deep in the Force and that’s when one of them shots you in the back.
You open your eyes in a flash, stand up in a jump and immediately regret it, feeling dizzy and vertigos making you lose your balance. You sit on the berth with a groan. 
Cowards, shouting you like that…
You reopen your eyes to observe your surroundings, you’re in a cell with black and red shades, typical of ISDs. You shake your hea-
Your lightsaber!?
You palp your hip, nothing.
“Is this what you are searching for?” A man's voice raises from behind you. 
You spin swiftly, projecting yourself in the force to throw this impudent against a wall.
But nothing.
You don’t feel anything.
You’ve lost all connections to the Force.
“It is useless, I have taken my precautions against your little tricks.” he continues calmly.
You look at your handcuffed hands without understanding.
How does he do that?
You look frowning at the shadows of the cell, you can only distinguish a silhouette sitting in the dark with two red eyes piercing the obscurity and a purring.
Those eyes…
“Show yourself and face me, coward!” You shout, baring your teeth.
“Chained? Without your lightsaber or the Force? I remember you to be more prudent and thoughtful…” You think you hear amusement in the tone.
“Don’t speak like you know me, Imperial trash! I do not share bread with the likes of you!”
“So I have seen.”
Did you just hear a yipping? You see his hand raise to caress something on his shoulders. 
“Shushhhh, dear… I am rather pleased to see you in such good health however. After all that happened, I was fearing for your life."
"Well sorry to disappoint. On my hand I don't remember meeting a single Imperial that escaped my blade." You spite. 
"We did meet. Long ago, in different circumstances. It was brief but I remember it to be quite… Intense. For both of us."
It is him!
Shut up ! 
You snarl.
"And what if you stopped to speak with enigmas and showed your pretty face? So I can kick it."
He chuckles. Is he making fun of you?
"I remember a time where jedis were peacekeepers and diplomats."
"And I remember times where your damn flag wasn't flowing at each corner of the galaxy. People change!" 
"Indeed. But you also stayed the same in some aspects."
Okay you're fed up now, you start pulling on your chain, seeing if there is any slack. 
"Like I said: useless." He plainly states. 
"Well I have to be imaginative so I can see who I'm talking to!" You pull harder. 
"I thought anger was forbidden for jedis" 
"Back when everything wasn't trying to kill us! You'll learn I'm quite flexible and broad minded when it comes to my survival!" 
"I already know. I remember you fierce and deadly on the battlefield, but also sneaky and more restrained."
This man is making you crazy. You tug one last time, and sigh, defeated. You let yourself fall on the bunk. 
"Ready to speak like adults?" He asks softly. 
"It looks like I don't have a choice…" You reluctantly admit. 
You greet your teeth. You're not in immediate danger, it seems like he wants to chat first before torturing you. First, finding what's happening to your connection to the Force, looks like diplomacy's back on the menu. 
You straighten your back and cross your legs under yourself, deep breathing through your nose, eyes closed. Slowly your anger subside, you make peace and quiet inside yourself. 
Nothing but peace. 
You slowly reopens your eyes. 
"I am ready.” 
"I wish to exchange information."
"What guarantees will I have?" you serenely ask
"Your life. And if your intel is proven useful, your freedom."
First lies. Two in two sentences, not bad but you've seen better. 
"I do not believe you." You announce clearly. 
"I am a man of honor. I give you my word."
"What credit can I give to a man who hides his face ?" 
He remains silent for a moment.
You see the shadow rise and approach. Slowly his face is revealed. 
Your heart skips a beat. 
You both look eyes in the eyes. 
"Hello, Ch'acah." He smiles faintly. 
Your heart flutters at the pet name. 
You heard him once! With a fateful kiss to seal it. 
But at the same time your heart is stabbed by the implications. 
"Thrawn…" You let out in one breath. 
He nods, the weird lizard on his shoulders yipps again. 
"It has been a long time." He ceremoniously says. 
Not long enough to forget him. Those sentiments you vowed to forget coming back full force. This mission you helped General Skywalker to find Senatrice Amidala… 
Peace and quiet ! 
Peace and quiet… 
For now you have only one question. 
"To protect my people." He lets out. "As I always did and will always do."
"How could you?" Your lower lips quivers
"I did not intend things like this. When I came back the Empire was already in place, and it was a more effective ally than the Republic ever could."
You open your eyes wide. You can't believe what you're hearing. 
"To the point of helping them? All the massacres, the horrors?" 
"We are all trying at our scale" He tries "We are protecting civilians from greater threats, some have never heard the scream of a TIE over their head or see their sky darken under an ISD. This is for this peace that we are fighting for, for security and order.”
“For control and martial laws! The people were muffled and wrists shackled! Do you hear yourself!? This is tyranny!”
“This is a society under control.” He argues back. “What was so great about the corruption of your Republic? Tell me, what was so intrinsically good about your worlds left to rot while the jedis and the senators looked the other way?” He did not raise his voice but the tone was harsh, sharp.
“You could never understand. You never tasted this liberty.” You turn your body from him, hiding your head behind your hair.
It hurts.
Coming from him it hurts.
You always knew there was something wrong with the Jedi Council, that it was susceptible to pressure despite its will to remain impartial. But you tried, you all did, with the help of the Force you tried your best to help everyone.
But his treason hurts even more and you can’t forgive him.
“You never knew what we lost that day. And you never will…” You say more to yourself than him.
“I may not know that…” He tries considerably softer “But I know I want peace and tranquility for the galaxy, for everyone. And I do think the Empire is the key to that problem, if you would just listen to me…”
From the corner of your eyes you see him extending his hand toward you.
“Do not touch me!” You order.
He stops mid-movement.
“I forbid you from touching me…”
His hand fell to his side. He sighs and stands up.
“You are tired and wounded.” he calmly said “Rest a bit. I will come back to speak later.”
You scoff at him and turn your head to the wall, refusing to look at him. He puts his weird pet in a cage out of your grasp and leaves silently after looking back one last time. 
You lay done, biting your lower lips to prevent your tears from rolling.
Peace and quiet…
Peace and quiet…
Peace and quiet…
Peace and…
But some days it is so hard to be strong…
You tug on your chains trying to reach that cage. You’re sure of yourself now, by some devilry this is this weird lizard that severed your connection to the force.
If only you could reach it…
You tug even more, all claws out, baring your teeth. Come on!
You hear footsteps on the other side of the corridor.
You jump on the bunk, facing the wall. You don’t want to see him.
You don’t want to face him.
In fact you want nothing to do with him.
Some night you fantasize about his death.
This traitor…
This backstabber…
This monster…
“I have brought you your dinner.” He politely announces.
He always does. It is way below him as a Grand Admiral but he makes it a point of honor to bring you your tray himself. He always announces himself, leaves the tray on the ground; feed the lizard and excuses himself.
He didn’t try to speak with you, to touch you, or to force his presence on you.
A good thing because you would not take it well, not at all…
Without your lightsaber and the Force you remain a warrior and he would get a taste of your competences if he ever dared approach you.
But today is different.
Today you need him close.
You deeply inhale through your nose and slowly raise to sit on the bunk, one hand casually behind your back.
“Give it to me…” You demand with lingering anger and resignation in the voice.
He looks at you with surprise for a demi-second before putting his stoic mask back. 
Did you finally accept your condition? Were you finally ready to speak with him? Did you forgive him? All those questions flashed in his shiny red eyes in an instant and disappeared just as quickly.
He approaches with the fuming tray, unaware of what’s gonna happen.
“I remember you liked today’s dish” he casually says
When he puts the tray on the bed next to you, you throw your hand…
He blocks just in time.
Your makeshift weapon slashed him across the jaw but didn’t penetrate his skull as you planned.
You're blocked in a momentum where you force on your hand to stab him and he holds back your arm in his fist. Nothing comes to tilt the balance.
“I knew you would try something.” He simply says as blood run from his cut all across his cheek “But carving a blade out of your toothbrush handle is quite ingenuous”
“I’m full of ressources, remember?” you slyly retort.
“I do. And as an homage to your talents I will forgive you this time.” He starts wringing your arm, forcing you to let go of your weapon with a wince. “But this time only.” He murmurs coldly.
“Then you can sit on your intel.” 
He picks the blade and releases your arm, blood starting to stain his pristine white uniform.
“I am a patient man, I can wait until you are desperate.”
“I am a jedi, I don’t know despair.” You massage your arm.
“We will see that after several days without food.”
He picks up the tray and exits your cell.
It is not a problem for you with the Jedi hibernation technique, but you will need to think of another plan…
You bite your lower lips hard. 
You slash it and bury your teeth into the soft flesh until you draw blood.
It hurts like hell.
You smudge the blood all across your mouth and cheeks and pour some on the floor, you bite into your inner cheek until blood fills your mouth.
Then you lay there, in the middle of the cell, in a pool of blood. 
And wait.
You hear footsteps.
It's him
You close your eyes and let him approach.
“Ch’acah?!” You hear in a slightly higher tone than you’re used to.
But he regains his cool instantly and instead of panicking approaches you slowly and calmly, checking for your vitals. 
You wait for him to lean over you and when he’s close enough you rise like a devil and circle his throat with your chain. 
You tug as hard as you can.
Taken by surprise he opens his eyes wide, gasping for air, pulling on the chains, so you tug even more. In the confusion you lose your balance and end up straddling him on the ground as you strangle him. You feel an acidic pool in your stomach…
He fights back. Hard. But you maintain your position, squeezing tighter and tighter…
You look him in the eye as you try to kill him, you see surprise then focus in his gaze as he tries to unfast the chains. He grasps the chains, tries to throw you off of him or make you lose your grip. 
But you hold on.
After 30 seconds his face turns purple and he extends his hand toward you. You’re ready to receive a punch and close your eyes, waiting for the impact but instead feel an incredibly soft caress on your cheek. You reopen your eyes in surprise to see he almost stopped moving, looking at in his final moment with only adoration in his eyes. 
In his final moments he stops fighting and chooses to love you one last time…
That’s when you break…
“I can’t…”
You let down the chains, breaking sobbing. He immediately tugged them away from his throat and took an enormous breath, coughing.
“I can’t… I can’t…” You hold your face in your hands, fully crying. “I can’t kill you… I’m not strong enough…”
He massages his throat, taking deep breaths. He looks at you under half closed eyelids
“I hate you. You crystallize this damn Empire and all the things I fight against…” You hiccup “But I love you so much… You’re the last thing I have from that era…” You hug yourself, abandoning yourself to your sentiments, against all you believe in. 
You suddenly feel arms around you, hugging you in a warm embrace. Silently, Thrawn caresses your hair and grazes your back. Shocked and against your better judgment you snuggle against his chest, shaked by spasms.
“We will find a way.” He says in a croaky voice. “Things do not have to be that way, we can find solutions. Look at me…” He takes your chin between his fingers to tilt your head. “Together, we will find a way…” he murmurs 
You look into his burning gaze, you find an unflinching will and unbreakable resolution, but you don’t fool yourself, this is not something you can just gloss over and forget. The chasm is too big, too deep even for Thrawn and his utopian hopes… but again, Thrawn is known to always beat the odds.
Slowly, unconsciously your eyes lower down to his lips. He’s still panting after your attack and his lips are a bit swollen, but so tempting. You lick your lips remembering your kiss, the only one you ever had, the only one you shared  in a solemn moment before he left for his home and you had to get back to Anakin and the Senator Amidala. He seems to pick up on your thoughts because he leans forwards until you can feel his breath on your lips but stops to let you decide. 
You close your eyes and meet him. The kiss is soft, as you remembered, hesitant but tender. You slowly part, reopening your eyes to look into his glowing orbs again.
“Is it a good idea…?” You ask, unsure.
“I do not know. But that might be our only chance to build something…” He answers ceremoniously.
You take his head in your hand and kiss him again, your tongues meeting and dancing with each other. He holds the back of your head and squeezes you in his arms. You press yourself against him, laying on the ground with him. His hands slide across all your body, caressing your flanks and grasping your hips. You kiss his jaw and lick your way to his neck as he unbuckles your belt. You bite into the soft flesh and earn a groan on his part. He pull you on his laps to straddle him and starts opening your combination as you slide your hands under his jacket and top to feel his warm skin and chiseled abs. You feel a bulge against your cunny and moan, grinding into it. A warm pool starts to form deep into your core. Kissing your shoulder Thrawn pulls your prisoner combination off your shoulder and passes his hands under your top to grope your bosoms. He kneads and palps them, flicking your nipples with his thumbs, you mewl to encourage him. He helps you take off your t-shirt and open your pants, leaving you in your panties. You wave your body against his groin and moan, exciting him through the fabric. He holds your hips as you grind, eyes closed, he appreciates the sensations. You feel the bulge get warmer and bigger. When he has enough he starts opening his pants and you help him free his erection and you’re about to jump onto it when he stops you.
“No, let me explore you first.”
You feel your inner walls clench at his demand. His hand grazes your pubic mound to slide under you and teases your clit with his thumb while he gently inserts his knuckles into you. He pushes two fingers inside and searches for your g spot, caressing your cunt delicately. When he finds the gummy spot he grazes it vigorously as he circles your clit, building your excitement, you get wetter by the seconds. When you drip onto his hand he invites you to dry hump against his cock, coating it with your slick. You mewl as you rub yourself against his hard member, appreciating all the veins and ridges, you call his name without any shame.
“Ride me.” He says in a deep breath.
You nod desperately, raising your hips to nudge your entrance with his tip and slowly sink onto it, pushing your inner walls as you get so deliciously full of him. God he’s so big you see a bulge. With his hands on your hips you start riding him with delight, your flesh meeting in obscene wet noises. You put your hands on his chest for support and quicken your pace. You ride for two minutes before losing your forces, he then starts to rock and rut into you to guide him to completion. With his powerful thrusts you reach your peak without difficulty and come on his cock with a silent cry. He continues to push three or four times before cumming inside your cunny.
Panting, you lay on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat.
“You know this is not sustainable…” You say after a moment of silence.
“I know, but for now there is only the two of us and I want to treasure this moment.” He replies, kissing your forehead, embracing you tightly.
Maker knows what would become of you both, but for now you close your eyes feeling secure in his arms. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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rvllybllply2014 · 16 days
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Wow a silhouette of Darth Vader on the Empire State Building. Rest in peace James Earl Jones.
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fagdyk · 1 year
Hey, that shot where Anakin walks into the dust cloud and for a brief second he becomes Vader's silhouette, what the hell?
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
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✧ 2023 WIPS LIST ✧
As you can guess by the title this will be an updated wips list of what is to come, what will be continued, and what will be finished. I'm actually really excited about what I'm writing this year for many reasons. Partly because I have such amazing people here who inspire me everyday to keep writing.
You are all welcome to ask whatever you want about the fics on this list. I'm more than happy to talk about them! This list is subject to change throughout the year so some stuff may not get written/finished.
The list is beneath the cut, because it's quite long. Enjoy!
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Black Velvet - 1980s!Din Djarin (3 chapter remaining)
Badlands - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (3 chapters remaining)
Paper Airplanes - Bucky Barnes
Asterism - Cassian Andor (4 chapters remaining)
Celestial Serenities - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Night Crawling - Jack Russell (5 chapters remaining)
Beautiful Nightmare - Dream of the Endless
Strength Among Stars - Din Djarin
Blood Along The Moon - The Batman
Kinktober 2022
Winter Prompts
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Hurt - Joel Miller (coming january 15th)
Turning Pages - Moon Knight bois
Never Break The Chain - Jurassic Park AU w/Din Djarin
Love Is Strange - Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
There'd Better Be A Mirrorball - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (2 parts)
Diamonds Are Forever - Jake Lockley x Jewel Thief!Reader
Con La Brisa - Namor
Rogue Redemption - Western!Poe Dameron
Bloom - Obi-Wan Kenobi (3 parts)
Somewhere Only We Know - Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Shadows Of The Past - Mickey "Fanboy Garcia
In the Ashes of Hope - Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi x jedi!f!reader
Silhouettes of Love - Frankie Morales (maybe)
The Moon Will Sing - Moon Knight bois x goddess!reader
Midnight Wire - Cassian Andor
To Lie Within The Stars - Din Djarin x f!reader x Boba Fett
Unnamed Boba Fett series
Violent Delights (rewritten) - Loki
Unnamed Poe Dameron series
Fractures - The Batman (dark academia)
Various Storms & Saints - Pero Tovar x witch!reader
World On Fire - Apocalypse!Poe Dameron
The Song Remains The Same - 70s!Guitarist!Din Djarin
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Cherry Bomb - Tangerine (bullet train)
Photograph - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bluebirds In The Night Sky - Javi G.
Solamente Una Vez - Santi Garcia
Together We Fall - Marc Spector
Beauty In The Madness - Steven Grant
Love Is A Fire That Burns Unseen - Din Djarin
Worst Nightmare - Cal Kestis x Sith!Reader
Heavy In Your Arms - Poe Dameron
Breathe Me In - Darth Vader
The Rockrose and The Thistle - Sith!Anakin Au (2 parts)
Kar'ta - Din Djarin (2 parts)
Hidden Flames and Deep Desires - Darth Maul x jedi!Reader (2 parts)
Unnamed Jake "Hangman" Seresin fic
Edge of Midnight - Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
Din Djarin fic for @softanon
Poe Dameron fic (unnamed)
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a/n: All of these are subject to change/be added to or deleted throughout the year. This is just what I have at the moment. There are some wips I haven't added, because they aren't plotted and have no full storyline in my head. Here's to a good year of writing!
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