#Val stories
blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
So I asked Wendy from imageoptics about Val and her experience on batman forever.. She was so nice and gracious with her answer and gave me a beautiful Val story from batman and Heat 1995 and a little bit of Robert de niro. Enjoy Val's beautiful soul ! 🥺❤️👼
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Credit : imageoptics on tiktok
(please keep the credit if u share on social media for her and me since the question is mine and it's her content)
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toa-arania · 8 days
Quite possibly the most insane two sessions of a game I've ever had
God it's been a while since the last one of these. The game in which I play Val has been on Exam Hell Hiatus since the Werewolf Road Trip arc, and we came back to a bizarrely normal week of school. Levi (Werewolf) spent the week with his dad in the hospital after severely injuring him during a frenzy, and the rest of us just sort of got on with things.
At the beginning of the week, Aluber (Clown Fairy) was given a Fun New Toy: the ability to take over Val's will and force her to do things. Fun! He doesn't understand what it is at first, and Val tries very hard to keep it that way, but honestly it's a testament to the insane shit that's about to happen that the gang forcing Val to tell them that she sold herself to the Fae King to save Levi from fucking dying is just a footnote. Aluber promises he won't use it, and Val doesn't fucking trust him for a second, but he insists that since promises mean everything to him and the Fae, that promise is absolutely true and genuine. Sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious.
Since it's been a while since we last tried to do anything about the Murder Basement, Darcy (Hollow) suggests we have a sleepover there to properly study it. When we go in, we find that someone else has been in it and picked up the investigation. We don't know who, but we begin making further notes of our own. This is when it comes out properly that Aluber can control Val, and at Val's request they test some of the limits of it. Mei goes outside to check if anyone's messaged us, and then fucking vanishes. Aluber goes to check on her, realises she's gone, and without elaborating for a fucking moment says she's in trouble and goes to help her. Now something that hasn't really come up before is that we don't go into the Murder Basement by using the door normally. Mei uses her ghost powers to bring us through it one by one so we don't have to tamper with the lock. Aluber can pass through walls on his own by short-range teleport, but Darcy and Val cannot, so he fucking leaves us behind.
Fortunately, by a divine stroke of luck, Darcy's mimicry power happened to get her one use of Mei's power earlier that session, Val always carries a set of lockpicks on her, and Darcy is the one other character than Val who has established the ability to pick locks. She goes through the door and picks the lock to let Val out. Once again it is sheer dumb luck that allows us to figure out where they've gone, because Val for unrelated reasons happened to already have a token she could use to cast a spell on Mei. She uses Watching to go into her mind and see through her eyes, and wherever Mei is she's unable to move properly. She can move her eyes, but nothing else. Because she was guided to wherever she is by co-ordinates, she's able to look at the clock positions of each number in turn, which Val writes down so they can track her to a warehouse (it's always a fucking warehouse) where she's trapped in some kind of magic circle, and Wesley (another Witch, Val's friend with complicated history) is there, apparently responsible for it. It is important to note at this point that Wesley's magic was taken away from him by Aluber a little while back, and removing a Witch's magic fucks them up real bad.
Levi catches up with Aluber and Mei first, with Darcy and Val arriving shortly afterwards. Not only is Mei trapped within two layers of magic circle, but Aluber is trapped in a ring of wrought iron. Wesley is gone by this point, apparently going to speak to the Fae King, and Levi managed to get himself trapped in the magic circles too. Aluber is absolutely fucking furious at this point, since Wesley used Mei to lure him there and trap him, and wants to get out so he can fully kill Wesley for it. Since Levi trapped himself before being able to remove any of the iron, Aluber uses his new power to force Val to try to remove the poles (which she isn't strong enough to do). HEY REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT FORESH-
So after a little while of that, Val finally manages to tell Aluber that she could break Levi out of the circles and he could free Aluber. Well, sort of - she tactically avoids saying anything about freeing Aluber, and focuses on freeing Mei, the one Aluber is at this point self-destructing completely over, even trying to make Darcy pull him through the iron (which is literally killing him). Aluber takes enough damage to go Darkest Self, a thing in this game where your monster traits take over. In this state, Aluber is essentially in a mental frenzy with the need to balance the scales of justice and punish those he sees as breaking the rules. When Val disables the magic circles, the interior one explodes, causing Levi to take enough damage to go Darkest Self, going into his wolf form. Mei and Darcy race off to the Fae Forest while Val stays behind to make sure Levi and Aluber can't hurt anyone with a handy casting of her hex of binding.
Darcy and Mei make it into the Fae Forest in time to see Wesley extorting the Fae King to undo the removal of his magic in exchange for Aluber's safety and a guarantee the Fae won't harm him. Also Mei pulls a fucking glock. She absolutely whiffs her roll to shoot Wesley, and just grazes him before the Fae King sends him back to the warehouse to release Aluber. He reappears just as Levi is destroying the iron circle and helps remove the last bit. Aluber immediately disappears to the forest, leaving Wesley, Val, and Levi alone. While Levi is distracted by destroying more of the iron, Val goes to Wesley and asks what happened. Unlike literally everyone else, she's genuinely happy for him that he got his magic back. They hug, and then wolf Levi breaks out of Val's spell and swats them both across the room. Since injuring the people he cares about causes him to un-wolf, he turns back into himself and is Really Fucking Pissed. Then Mei gets back and tries to shoot Wesley again. She actually succeeds this time, shooting him twice in the arm before Val gets a spell in, showing Mei visions of dead bodies reminiscent of Mei's own, triggering her Darkest Self via trauma and causing her to begin fading out of existence. Levi destroys the gun so Darcy can't shoot Wesley and tells him to leave. Val turns to go with him, giving them the opportunity to stop her, but they don't. She leaves with Wesley and stays with him overnight while Levi and Darcy get Mei back.
It was at this point that we took a session break and decided we needed to have an above-table chat about where to go from here because jesus fuck this was a lot, and could permanently (or at least long term) destroy the party. Now at this point Val's headspace is that she's made her choice - she's sided with Wesley because she's the only one who understands the need to go to those lengths to get magic back. Val's magic was briefly sealed too, so she understands how much it hurts and why Wesley went so insane. They're the only ones who get it, and it's them against the world. On the other hand, Mei, Aluber (who is still in his Darkest Self), and Darcy form the Murder Squad because Wesley has been a consistent source of problems and issues and what he just demonstrated is that nothing short of death will ever stop him. Levi just doesn't want anyone to fucking die, which is a frankly reasonable perspective. Other than that, he is definitely pro punishing Wesley, which is also a very reasonable perspective, Wesley is an asshole (he and Val are perfect for each other <3)
The way the characters handle these conflicting viewpoints is to call a meeting to see if they can reconcile, which breaks down in fucking seconds because none of the Murder Squad were realistically willing to change course and Levi's turbo wolf senses pick up that Val hooked up with Wesley that night. Everything fucking collapses before anyone actually has a chance to make a point. Levi does convince Darcy that there has to be a way other than murder while Val listens in from a dark corner, and meanwhile Mei and Aluber are outside in the car actively plotting murder. Val is 100% sure they will not be talked down from murder, and she was (mostly) right.
The Murder Squad bring Levi (who has been told he doesn't have to be a part of the murder so long as he doesn't get in their way) to make a plan and hunt down Wesley, leaving Val behind. She calls him, and hears that he's in a car. He tells her he's planning to leave town, and that if it gets too dangerous to side with him that she should abandon him. Val refuses. Witches are abrasive people, but when they've decided they truly genuinely like someone they are fiercely loyal. Val refused to abandon Levi even when it meant selling herself to the Fae King, and she refuses to abandon Wesley even if it means the Murder Squad will target her too. She tells him to run like hell, and they say goodbye. Val just completely breaks down in broad daylight.
Murder Squad, meanwhile, have managed to track down where Wesley is going before leaving town, since Darcy was able to use her mimicry to give him a divine injury that can only be healed by celestial magic. I don't think it's come up before this but there's an angel trapped in a basement somewhere in town, and they correctly deduce that Wesley is going there to get healed. They intend to implement their plan to make him swear an Unbreakable Vow to never use magic again, with the alternative being that they shoot him dead then and there. The angel is Phanuel, the archangel of redemption, Seraph's dad (Seraph hasn't been around since before Aluber arrived because he got sent to angel boot camp), and he will not let them commit a murder in his presence. Murder Squad do the obvious thing and camp outside so they can murder Wesley without Phanuel having to see it. Levi and Wesley talk about what happened, because those two are also pretty close, and then after they say their goodbyes Levi goes to find Val.
Levi and Val just talk for a while. Val is, of course, distraught, but has cried out enough of her energy by the time Levi gets to her that she's just feeling empty. As they work through the misery, Val eventually tells Levi what she did for him to survive, and that she thinks it might have managed to exorcise Khorne from his mind. She decides that getting Khorne out of Levi's mind is, hopefully, worth the Fae King now being in hers. Around this time, they hear a psychic scream of rage from the Fae King and get a text from Mei saying that Wesley's judgement is about to be delivered.
Levi's player and I were in a separate voice channel for that scene, so I genuinely had no idea what to expect when I got back. What we saw was Darcy trapped outside because she had an argument with the angel, and Aluber just fully gone, presumably sent back to the Fae Forest. Val and Levi go in to see just Mei, Wesley, and Phanuel, and while Val isn't there to see the charges, she does see the punishment. Wesley is forced to feel all of the pain and fear that he's caused Mei, Darcy, and everyone else he's hurt, terrorised, and stripped the will of, all compressed into an agonising fifteen minutes. Then, his magic is cursed so that any time he uses it to harm someone, he will feel all of the harm that it causes. This curse (and an angelic protection to ensure his sentence is served) will remain until the day he learns his lesson, during which time he will be unable to flee town. Levi and a deeply satisfied Mei go back outside to retrieve Darcy, but Val stays with Wesley and Phanuel a little longer.
Val is not just terrified of Phanuel, but actively feels ill in his presence, and despite this she makes herself stay so that she can ask him if there is any way he can remove the Fae King from her mind. Unfortunately, there is no way to break the deal - only forging a new one in exchange for something greater, the same method Wesley used to get his magic back. He does tell her that the terms of the contract could be negotiated - perhaps Aluber's control over her could be removed. Before Val leaves, Phanuel gives her two warnings. Do not isolate her allies, and do not fall down the same hole Wesley did.
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cemeterything · 7 months
i do enjoy "living weapon" characters but specifically living weapons who did in fact do absolutely horrific things which at least a part of them enjoyed and thought was good and right at the time, and that no amount of not knowing any better or guilt they feel in hindsight will ever make up for. i love living weapons who are "irredeemable", and no it's not their fault that they were made that way or pointed in the directions they were by the hand that wielded them, and yes they are victims, but so were their victims. living weapons who some people will never be able to forgive, but who still wake up every day and try to do better than what's expected of them. a sword that uses its blade to cut wheat to make bread for the people who once lived in fear of its arc falling on their heads.
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nerdpoe · 6 months
So like...Sam's Liminal. Definitely Liminal. She's also very pretty. Constantine's a little tipsy, but he's very, very sure he just accidentally sat next to a Fae at the bar.
Heavily influenced by certain lines in Inferno, buttttt
Sam's a very pretty young woman. Beautiful smile (with too sharp teeth), lovely eyes (but they're a little too wide, a little too bright), fantastic skin (unnaturally pale, suspiciously cold), and a very pretty face (perfectly symmetrical)-first glance anyone who leans towards women would get instant butterflies in the stomach.
But Constantine's been around danger enough to recognize those aren't butterflies.
That's fear.
There's a deep, instinctual fear that is telling him he has to run.
Just as he's about to leave, though, her hand rests itself on his arm.
"Leaving so soon, Hellblazer? And here I thought you'd want to take a look at this...interesting contract I found."
Ah. Shit.
He sits back down, next to the Unseelie Fae who, apparently, owns part of his soul.
Sam, for her part, just wants to scare the idiot straight so he'll stop making work for Danny. (Danny's days are almost nothing but fielding complaints about Constantine and he's so fucking close to hunting the man down himself).
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il-predestinato · 1 year
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Val d'Argenton 2012 vs. Austria 2023 ↳ Max Verstappen when it comes to "unfair" and his rival Charles Leclerc
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enigmasandepiphanies · 9 months
one of the best realizations I have had as I have grown up is how amazing it is to show up for the people you love, unashamedly and unapologetically. show up to their classical music productions when you don't know anything about that kind of music, their chemistry club meetings when you are a literature student and don't know anything about chemistry but your bestie is doing cool experiments with copper sulphate, the very alluring blue portion you were tempted to drink in school cause it looked so magical. show up when they wake up from a long nap and have missed dinner and are feeling shitty, make them maggi and get them their fave chocolate. show up when they rant about animal documentaries excitedly and listen when they tell you the plot of jujustu kaisan at 4 am during exam week. take a walk with them at 11 pm in night because they told you you have no classes tomorrow so come down (it's their emotionally suppressed way of saying I miss you). cuddle with them to sleep because they are scared of thunderstorms. make them an art piece and write them a love letter for their birthday to show them you love them so much and you will never stop probably and that scares you sometimes but their presence will reassure you always. I know you know that they know that you love them but when you gift them your "an incomplete list of things you love about them" in your shitty handwriting they will smile and cry and choke you in a hug for 5 mins, it will be a smile spilling out of the sun and it'll be so worth it always. reply to their messages of hey "your name" except your name gets weirder and weirder cause they are bored and miss you and wanna talk and even if you are busy and tired , do return some of their affection with a small message that yes, you missed them too even though you are too tired to express. give them your fave drawing and you'll see how they have hung it up on their cork board in their dorm room. tell them to spam their earring collections and marvel over their strawberry earrings. send them a video message when they send you their jiggly caramel pudding video because omg they can cook now and you are so happy for them that you want to portal through the phone and hug them (you're gonna give them a recipe notebook for their birthday). let them rant on the phone while you fold your laundry, it's manageable mostly.
there are days when you can't show up and it's okay and they'll understand, most people who love you do, they should. but gosh, putting in effort in any relationship isn't that the best thing? because they are not just worth your love, the point of worth never even comes cause they are the very meaning of love. because God remember what Miyazaki said when you love someone you inspire each other to live and grow even when you recognize how hard living is. growing is difficult but you love growing with them.
I used to think I love people too much but you know what they love me too much too. so when someone asked richard siken what do you do when you love someone too much he said congratulate yourself. and today I am congratulating myself cause I know the loves of my life are doing that too.
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heythereimashley · 4 months
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
can't believe a show based on a videogame (usually games adaptations are notoriously bad, which isn't the case here tho) gave me the beauty and the beast/twisted mirrors/enemies to traveling companions/ruthless antihero+optmistic but still badass heroine who takes none of his shit/age gap but make it sexy dynamic of my dreams. as much as i love maximus and i think he deserves the best writing ever because 1. he's a clever deconstruction of the aspiring Knight bro who's actually a bit of a loser and, as much as lucy, sees the world in black&white at first and then doesn't get what he thought he wanted but what he needs (or at least i hope he'll eventually get it), and 2. he's a cutie and i want an epic love story for him too, it's very funny how they tried to give us a puppy kind of romance and the tumblr girlies still fixated on the "toxic ~she bites his finger off and he cuts hers off and sews it on his hand in what we'll pretend it's a symbolic marriage rings exchange or whatever~ asshole who used to be a nice guy/good girl™ with a lot of spunk and hidden anger but unshakeable morals" kind of relationship.
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fruit-salad-ship · 9 months
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The future looks ok, for once, despite it all.
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lesbiandardevil · 6 months
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troodles .. save me rock troll whose name i don't know save me .. (rewatched the trolls holiday specials to feel something)
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pekoeboo · 13 days
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randomly felt inspired to try and sketch @masterfuldoodler's OC Val! she's just super cute and her hair looked really fun to draw idk haha
hope u don't mind the surprise art, August! <33
Val belongs to @masterfuldoodler please do not repost.
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toa-arania · 5 months
Valerie Wester's Adventures In Necromancy
She's back, and she's been forced to take a small step of character development (sort of)
For those of you who haven't seen my posts about her before, Valerie Wester is a character of mine that I play in a game called Monsterhearts. I've made many fun posts about her before, such as attempts at revenge, the Psychic Doublebird Reacharound, the Birth of Claudius (who will be getting another post eventually), and that fucking Clown. She is the only one of my ocs to inspire a truly feral energy in me. I adore her with my entire ass. My beloved hot mess express.
This story is sort of a sequel to the PDR, in that it relates to something we call the Murder Basement, a location found underneath the school's library by resident ghost, Mei. No one knew about this location previously, but due to some cryptic messages and the fact that padlocks don't stop ghosts, we were able to get in and learn that someone down here has been investigating a series of muders. Val has of course been intrigued by this, as someone with a pathological need to know things, and has been trying to figure out what its deal is.
One of Val's "friends" is Darcy, who used to have a connection to something called the Dark Power. During the Psychic Doublebird Reacharound, we learnt that the Murder Basement is absolutely linked somehow to the Dark Power. That's why they're all blue. It is also why Darcy was not allowed in the Murder Basement. This is going to be a very blue post. One of the first things we learnt about the Murder Basement is that the person who was investigating things there was Darcy's Dead Sister (Mallory). We know this because she was investigating Something before her death, and because Darcy was able to identify wrappers from her favourite snacks in pictures that Mei took for her. Those of you who know about Val's antics may be able to guess the general direction this is about to go.
After a little while of being distracted, we were able to return our attention to the Murder Basement, and Val had an idea: since Darcy's Dead Sister is - well, Dead - she can't be properly contacted with the spell Watching (a scrying spell). Therefore, perhaps attempting to use it via one of Mallory's snack wrappers will instead show a different kind of psychic impression, perhaps a memory to do with this place. The logic was a little shaky, but it could work. Val collected some of the wrappers for use, and attempted the spell. She got a psychic impression of the way Mallory became Darcy's Dead Sister. However, Val's magic can be a little screwy. Sometimes (often) the spells go a little bit wild, and there are weird side effects.
Darcy was, at this moment, in a car with some other people: Levi (Werewolf), Mei (Ghost), and Aluber (Clown). Now an important thing to note about Darcy is that her soul is missing, due to fuckery with the Dark Power. Therefore, there was a vacancy. One that was filled when, in her attempt to contact Darcy's Dead Sister, Val accidentally pulled her soul to earth, where it magnetised into the vessel that held the most personal significance to it: Darcy. For abour an hour, Mallory was possessing Darcy, and incredibly confused by this. After a brief discussion Mallory was very clear: Do Not Allow Darcy Into The Murder Basement. Darcy was rather upset to hear this.
Now at this point, Val had no idea that this had happened. She had just assumed that her spell worked as intended but she didn't get the event she wanted, so she gathered up the remaining snack wrappers and left. It was only later that Val learnt Darcy had been possessed, and she put together pretty quickly that she'd done that. A sane person would say that happened and apologise profusely. A sane person probably wouldn't have tried this on their own without telling anyone in the first place. Val is not a sane person. And now she knew that she could pull a departed soul into a vessel.
She did a little research, and had a go at a seance to see if she could contact Mallory. It didn't work, and she couldn't tell why. She tried again. It didn't work. Next theory: she needs something of emotional significance to Mallory. Let's bring Darcy into the seance. This is when Darcy (and the others iirc) learnt that Val was the one that caused Mallory to possess her, and not even because Val intentionally said anything - she just let it slip by accident when trying to explain something. Darcy was understandably furious, but was so compelled by being allowed to go into the Murder Basement for this and the possibility of seeing her sister that she put that aside.
It still didn't work, and we have no idea why. Originally, I was going to end this post with some of Val's ideas for things to try next. However, there has been a different development. Because of Other Fuckery, Val and of all people Aluber ended up having a conversation where Val tried to explain herself, utterly convinced that she was doing the objectively correct thing, even admitting that the whole point of it was so that Darcy and Mallory could talk (and casually leaving out that if she can interrogate Mallory about the Murder Basement then that's a great bonus). Somehow, Aluber managed to convince her to apologise to Darcy.
Now I'd like to be clear: Aluber thinks he convinced Val to genuinely apologise. Mei thinks he convinced her to genuinely apologise (and has video evidence of Val apologising because it's so monumental). What he actually convinced her, and what I think Darcy suspects he convinced her, is that an apology will get Darcy to be way more cooperative with things in future. So she made Val promise (in front of Aluber, a fae who can mystically bind promises) not to try more of this without her permission. Val tried to wriggle out of it but Darcy's player is a law student so I knew there was no way I was loopholing myself.
Val's take-away from this is of course "I can try whatever the hell I want so long as I can convince Darcy it's a good idea". (With a side of "never admit anything again because these idiots keep trying to restrict what I can do"). Whether she'll get the chance to try and drag the soul into another vessel I do not yet know, because with this restriction in place, Darcy's Dead Sister is no longer the priority, and the Murder Basement won't be until Mei gets more notes. Right now her priority is Levi (trying to get him un-possessed and maybe a little bit trying to get dicked down) but that's a story for another time.
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cemeterything · 1 month
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"Can you guess what it stood for, Mum? [...] It stood for valuable."
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valsgarden · 2 years
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head empty, no thoughts except ones about making out w/ tate langdon.
tate likes kissing. if there’s one thing that’s obvious, it’s that. he likes when either of you is pushed up against the wall or laid ontop of the other or - his favorite - when you’re straddling his lap.
he liked your lips on his, tasting of whatever flavored chapstick you kept on your nightstand, leaving him completely breathless against you. you ate every pant, every moan, and every whine that ever came out of his mouth.
don’t even get me started on the noises he’d make when you’d pull at his curls or bite down and tug at his bottom lip. tate would be like putty in your hands.
anyway i wanna watch him fall apart beneath me, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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linden-after-hours · 2 months
As much as most of us (I assume) found Joker Out through Eurovision last year and maybe are big fans of the contest (me included), please consider boycotting Eurovision this year!
Palestinians and allies have called for the disqualification of Israel but the EBU has refused. Now Israel is participating with a song that used to be called "October Rain" (the title has been changed) that is very clearly referencing October 7th.
Russia was (rightfully) disqualified for opening fire on Ukraine. Israel is allowed to continue, despite the year-long occupation and murdering thousands of Palestinians in the last half year alone.
Boycotting means not watching, not streaming the shows, not creating or interacting with any Eurovision content. You will miss out on a glittery night of music and it will suck, but it will help path the way to a free Palestine! 🍉
Read the BDS Movements statement from March 2nd 2024 here.
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dallina17 · 3 months
Something just for her (The Vees/Vox and Valentino/Little Staticmoth and implied Angelic Vogue)
Valentino: (burst into the room furious) CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS BITCH?!
Vox: What did Angel Dust do now?
Valentino: Angel? Wha...? No! I am talking about Velvette! I offered to go to a spa session today and she said that she couldn't because she already has plans with Emily!
Vox: Didn't you go to the spa with her a week ago?
Valentino: YES!
Vox: Then why the fuck are you so mad?
Valentino: Because since she met that fucking whore it's as if Velvette only has eyes for her! She wakes up early every day to have breakfast with her even thou she hates waking up before 10 AM. She doesn't let anyone be aggressive with her. She stops whatever she is doing when Emily asks her for something. She-
Vox: Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. So. Mad?
Valentino: Velvette is part of our group! She is a Vee! But since Emily came, she has left us aside like we are nothing.
Vox: That is not what is happening.
Valentino: Yes, it is! She doesn't answer our calls unless it's an emergency! She has set up a straight schedule so she can have nights free! She doesn't hang out with us as much as she did! And for what? Because she wants to be with some has-been? She is a fallen angel! She is part of the group of the brat princess of Lucifer! Why does she prefer her over us?!
Vox: Valentino, shut up. Stop. Let Velvette have this.
Valentino: Excuse me?
Vox: Look, you and I have our deals. You have your parties, your drugs, and your whores. I have (shows his phone) this. We have things that are only for us. But Velvette? It's the first time she has something that's just for her.
Valentino: That's not-
Vox: It is. Whenever we have a problem, she solves it. If we need something, she is there in an instant. Of the three of us, she is the one who works the most. She goes to meetings and checks our stats. Manages our account and our marketing. When we want to go out, she always comes, and always to where we want. And maybe, we have got used to her being there whenever we need her. Be it because of work or because we want to do something.
Valentino: You are making it sound like she is our slave. But she has never complained about our outings. And she enjoys the power she has with the company, with us.
Vox: I am not saying she doesn't, but you said it yourself, it's always us, never just her. Even the clothes she loves to design so much are used for the company's benefit. Leaving Emily aside, when have you seen her do something that has nothing to do with us or the company?
Valentino: I-
Vox: Emily is that for her. She is something that has nothing to do with the Vees, with the marketing, she is just a friend she can be with without responsibilities. And I bet my life she craved that freedom for a long time.
Valentino: But what the fuck we will do if she leaves?
Vox: She won't. She is still a Vee, and she won't quit all of that just for a passing feeling. But if we don't let her have this, that could indeed be a reason for her to leave.
Valentino: ...fine.
Vox: Good.
Valentino: But I still want to go to the fucking spa and since Velvette is not here you are coming with me.
Vox: Shit. This drama was all because you didn't want to go to the spa on your own, was it not?
Valentino: Yes.
Vox: Fuck you. Lets go.
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