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The ability to tell stories comes in multiple shapes and forms: print, music, artwork, audiovisual, the list is is always expanding. For Quinn Letendre’s (of bands Kid Lucifer/Les Soniques) latest project, he dives into the world of narrative podcasting with Greyshading. Developed under the newly established Q19 Media banner, the anthology series “tackles some of the most difficult questions facing our modern society, digging deep into both interpersonal and larger, sociological issues and confronting our notions of black and white.”
Can you tell us more about yourself as an artist, musician, and creator? Who and/or what inspires you on a daily basis?
Sure! Ever since I was young I was always creative, and I wrote short stories in high school, but I soon fell into music and left writing behind for a while. I played in Kid Lucifer and other bands for several years starting in 2015, and while I still wrote occasionally, it wasn’t until the pandemic when I started getting into film more deeply and began writing scripts.
In early 2021 when I couldn’t play shows and Kid Lucifer was disbanded, I made the decision to move back from Montreal, where I had been living for the past few years, to Vancouver. When I moved back, I was fairly disconnected from the music scene, but quickly fell into a group who I started making short films with and shifted my focus to writing and filmmaking.
I’m constantly inspired by so many artists and creatives who are so much better than I am! It might be the only case of imposter syndrome actually working out for the better! I’m constantly writing down little bits of dialogue and ideas that come to me and trying to shape them into full stories. Sometimes I get ideas stuck in my head and they’ll just rattle around there and drive me crazy until I can put them down into a script or story. So in a sense writing is really healthy for me, I guess!
I’m also consistently inspired by my friends I’ve been making films and podcasts with. Nothing inspires creativity more than surrounding yourself with creative people.
What inspired you to create Q19 Media?
The idea of Q19 Media was born out of a frustration with the process of filming. In 2022 I helped make three short films, and while they were super fun to shoot, the pre-production and especially post-production process can be quite taxing. It tends to move slowly and involve a lot of people, all of whom have jobs and lives, and waiting can be frustrating. I had a lot of experience in recording and figured working on a narrative podcast – a medium I had been a fan of for a while, dating back to the original release of the Homecoming podcast – would be a great project that I could control almost all aspects of.
Once I started making Greyshading, I fell in love with the process and the creative freedom of it. I realized so many story/script ideas I had could be created in this medium for cheap and without having to rely on anyone else. It was very liberating creatively, and I’ve got plenty more stories I want to tell, which I why I created the Q19 Media name.
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Greyshading is your first narrative podcast. It's an anthology series, so each episode is self-contained. As the writer and director, what went into your design and creative process (format, themes, sound quality) for the podcast?
The single hardest aspect of the project was the writing. It was an interesting challenge to create stories where the audience could follow and understand the location, characters, and storyline without the benefit of visuals and without the writing being overly expository and obvious. This challenge was partially what attracted me to the concept initially, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult at times.
Once the scripts were done the process was fairly quick. I was blessed to find and work with a wildly talented group of actors who understood and made the most of the material. We recorded the episodes with wireless mics, so the actors could move around, use the space and record sound effects (knocking on doors, pouring drinks, etc.) live as we recorded. It felt almost like having them perform a one act play, but just for me! I honestly didn’t have to do a whole lot of directing; the actors were great, and they brought some ideas and takeaways from the scripts I never would have come up with.
Appearing in your first two episodes are your friends and Vancouver actors Johnnier Mejia, Sabrina Valana, and Liam Tait. For many of your actors, this is their first voice role. How did you find your cast and work with them to tell your stories using only audio as a guide?
I was lucky enough to run into and connect with Liam Tait last year, who was a friend of a friend. It turned out that he was transitioning from acting into working behind the camera right when I started dipping my toes into screenwriting. Pretty quickly we started meeting up to talk concepts and developed what turned into “Detour,” the first episode. We filmed it originally as a short film, and when I was conceptualizing the podcast I realized I could rewrite and rework it for an audio only medium.
Through the process of filming the original short Liam introduced me to his circle of friends, an incredibly talented group of people he came up with. Through him I met Johnnier (they worked together on Riverdale) and a bunch of other actors including Vince Song and Lauren Tagliafierro, Sabrina, who also linked me up with a ton of her actor friends, and everyone else. If there’s one thing I know for certain now about actors, it’s that they all know a lot of other actors.
Was any of the dialogue improvised?
I wouldn’t say we improvised necessarily; we stuck fairly close to the script for the recording of the episodes. That said, throughout the process I always encouraged the actors to make whatever tweaks they wanted to the dialogue to make it sound more natural. I wanted the acting to feel very naturalistic and reflect the way that person would actually talk. One of my biggest pet peeves in writing is stilted, unnatural dialogue. I had the actors make small changes to the wording to make it feel more real and authentic, but overall we stuck to the scripts I had written.
Did you go through a lot of re-writes? Were there any episodes that stood out to you as a favourite, or one whose message resonated closest with you?
I certainly did rewrite a fair amount. Both “Detour” and “Divebomb” (episode 3) were originally written to be filmed, so I had to restructure the story to make sense in an audio-only medium, and while I rewrote, I was able to sharpen the scripts as a whole. I tend to do a lot of rewriting - all four of these episodes have first drafts that are significantly worse than the final product.
Plus, for the two episodes I recorded with Sabrina Valana, I had to do a fair bit of rewriting. She’s very in depth and analytical with her preparation process, so she always dives deep and by asking me questions, ends up exposing all the flaws in my scripts! It’s not the most fun process in the world, but it’s worth it.
We listened to the first 2 episodes, and it's very heavy material and intense dialogue (former partners, priorities, panic attacks, estrangement and responsibility). How would you best describe your target audience?
Honestly, I try not to think too hard about the audience for what I’m writing. I find it’s easy to get distracted and lost by trying to imagine the reception for something you’re creating, and you can never know who will and won’t be affected by it.
I hope all kinds of people can relate and appreciate these stories, because while certain perspectives in them are certainly specific, storytelling can be so universal even when it’s specific. But I can easily drive myself crazy thinking about this kind of thing, so I like to just put it out there and hope for the best.
What do you hope listeners learn and take away from Greyshading?
All these episodes are about very different things, so each one has its own themes and takeaways. That said, overall, the idea tying all these stories together is that the idea of things being black or white, or having a grey area ITSELF is never black and white. Some things are black and white. Sometimes there is a grey area, and right and wrong isn’t clear. Life is messy and complicated and if we try to box everything up the same way, we’ll miss the bigger picture. It's important to see things for what they are and take each problem that arises as it comes.
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What plans do you have for Q19 Media? How about future seasons of Greyshading?
Q19 Media is a banner under which I hope to host all my fiction and non-fiction podcasts. I’m very excited about my future podcast projects – some of my next projects include a mini-series focused on monologues rather than conversations, a fantasy western audiobook style story with music accompaniment, an adaptation of a science fiction short story I wrote years ago.
I’m certainly interested in doing more seasons of Greyshading. Seeing as it’s an anthology series, it’s a perfect place to house shorter self-contained stories, and I can see myself releasing multiple seasons, but I don’t have any set plan. I see it as something that will continuously be updated when I feel inspired. I’m focused on other projects right now post-release to refresh my creative brain, but I’ll certainly keep updating it with new episodes and seasons when I have some more ideas!
You also co-host The Cine Club with Lauren Tagliafierro. What can you share about that podcast and your love for all things film?
In the last few years I’ve gotten very (unhealthily, you could say) into film and filmmaking. I watch movies constantly, horror especially, and it fuels my creativity in so many ways.
The Cine Club is really just an outlet for me to express all my thoughts about movies so I don’t bottle them up and go crazy! Lauren (another actor I met through Liam and have worked with on multiple projects including Greyshading) and I connected through our mutual love of my favourite film podcast – The Big Picture – and basically just decided to do our own version.
I almost don’t even care if anyone listens to it, I just have a blast recording it and love having the chance to get all my opinions out of my brain. Plus, Lauren and I have very different taste, so it can be fun to argue sometimes!
What films or television series are you looking forward to this year and why?
Too many to count, but to name a few:
TV: I’m really hoping we get a new season of Barry this year, season three was leagues ahead of the already great first two seasons. I also CAN’T WAIT for Yellowjackets season two. Yellowjackets RULES.
Film: Scream 6, I absolutely love the Scream series but came to it late, so I’m super excited to catch one in the theatre for the first time. I’m also super excited for Dune part two, the Boston Strangler movie due to my undying love for Carrie Coon, and Greta Gerwig’s Barbie, of course.
Thanks to Quinn for taking the time to chat about his new projects! 
Check out Greyshading on Instagram and your favourite streaming platforms (Spotify and Apple Podcasts). Follow Quinn Letendre on Instagram to stay updated with his current projects. 
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emlinden · 9 months
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Valana, another member of the main team from my fantasy novel WIP.
I like masks, so somebody had to have one.
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The Song of the Owl Beast (Work in Progress)
*Cross Posted from Valana Account Sorry for the double posting. I just decided to move back 😅*
Summary: The night Lilith went to curse Eda, a twist in this Reality would lead to another becoming the Owl Beast,
Authors note: I actually looked for this when I thought of it and was surprised nobody had thought of it seemingly, so I decided I would write it myself. I hope you all enjoy this work in progress!
It had been super late as Raine ran home, the after school club had been helping to set up Hexsides Field Day, they didn't realize how late it was getting, storm clouds looming ominously,
Sure enough Raine felt and hissed at the pain of the boiling rains as they came down scalding the witchlet trying to shield themselves, scrambling looking around they spotted the Clawthorne Residence with relief and ran for it,
Knocking still so politely the door opened showing Gwendolyn who looked surprised
"Raine? Oh sweetheart what are you doing outside get inside, come come" She ushered them in fussing over their state"Eda, Get me the healing potions please "
There came a huff and finnnee, the padding of footsteps the clinking of bottles before Eda made her appearance, instantly annoyance turned to concern as Raine waved wincing
"Raine?! You doofus what were you doing outside? Especially this late, I got them Mom,"
Gwendolyn chuckled softly as her youngest helped their friend to her room, she went to call Raines moms to let them know their child was alright,
Raine hissed as Eda lightly dabbed the potion on the scald spots
"I guess I am the dingus this time" they joked making Eda snort
"You think? I know you nerds really like your clubs but one of you should've at least paid attention to the weather," She playfully chastised "and that's coming from me!"
Raine and her laughed at the irony, as she continued,
"I think that's it," She announced as Raine smiled
"Thanks Calamity,"
That made a blush quickly flash on Edas cheeks,
"Of course Rainestorm."
Gwendolyn came in in that moment,
"Your mother's told me you can stay here tonight to wait for the storm to pass told me to tell you they'll see you tomorrow, and that they love you,"
The witchlet smiled
"Thank you "
Raine and Eda shared her bed both witchlets curled around as if protecting the other as Lilith crept in holding a scroll
She looked at the two, it would only be for a day but she thought having a thought, maybe if Raine lost their powers Eda would focus on them! Perhaps she didn't need to do it to her sister so she focused her attention on Raine whispering the spell
"Eda there's something wrong I-I can't " Raine did their circle to summon their instrument it fizzled
"Oh dude that's not good, Mom!" Eda called Gwendolyn racing in at the cry of her youngest
"Eda what is it?"
"Raine can't do their spells" the red haired witchlet said making the Mom turn in concern
"Show me"
Raine tried concentrating they managed a circle but it fizzled out, leaving them panting, Gwendolyn cupped their cheek
"You could be coming down with something or your just drained from last night,"
They smiled, it made sense
"Yeah that's probably it."
Eda met Liliths eyes, the older the sister was terrified her plan hadn't worked like she hoped Raine was in the stands eagerly watching,
"I refuse to fight my sister" there were gasps "I forfeit,"
Eda turned to walk off the field as the Emperors Coven Members Surrounded Lilith who was in disbelief
When a cry came from the stands Edas head whipped around as Raine stumbled gripping their head as people tried surrounding them, their younger sister ran leaping shouting for people to get back as Raine stumbled falling off as they turned into something that sent horror through the sisters
A Beast lay where Raine should have been it had mint fur almost like…Raines hair
"Raine?" Eda carefully approached as the creature stirred whining looking around frightened before meeting her eyes,
It then looked up as a rock struck them people crying out in fear and anger, calling it a monster, Eda grabbed on to its minty mane as it ran for it
(*A treat of continuation if you've reread this from before!*)
"Raine!" It ran into the nearby woods she gave an oof as branches hit her, she screamed"RAINESTORM!"
That startled it, making it tumble over itself making the girl go flying, the beast panting as it lay there. Eda winced slowly, standing and limping over but noticing Raine laying in the grass, she ignored the pain choosing to dart over
"Oh my Titan Raine!" Grunting as she rolled them over into her lap, she murmured"You're gonna be okay,"
She heard them let out a soft groan before coughing gasping,
"What-" They groaned again clutching their head"nghh"
"I-I don't know you started crying out. I ran to get to you, and then you fell from the stands and there was a creature...you had turned into it"
Raine blinked, staring at her with disbelief
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444names · 2 years
latvian and greek forenames BUT excluding "c"
Addlenika Adija Adrilip Agda Aggelanta Agia Agirios Agne Agred Aidra Aigenis Aigfros Aiost Airija Airistina Airus Aivi Akla Aldzanne Aleas Aleds Alektors Aleormeto Alewthe Alexios Alfs Aliks Alios Almarts Alvi Alvija Ametra Anaivijs Anatrideia Andijs Andos Andra Andranate Andre Ands Aniandria Anina Anis Anoula Ansla Anta Antaklis Ante Anthenos Antijs Antios Antomna Ants Aria Aridra Ariopira Arma Armios Armunda Arna Arta Artistids Arvi Askenis Astrios Atelegs Athemane Atheorma Atijs Atine Attherios Austa Bars Benis Beris Birus Borgyros Brista Brudon Brunthers Dampios Dantis Davs Degs Demaris Demeliana Demmars Deneria Deneta Denidoris Derie Dessisja Destia Dija Dikilts Dimonsta Dioldiola Dmirina Doxims Doxina Dristims Drudos Drunta Dzenis Dzida Dzis Dzisoly Edija Edis Edmitris Edulis Edvira Edvita Eftherija Egioldimos Egios Eines Eios Eklia Ekos Eksios Ektria Elaos Eleklamata Eliorght Elis Elos Elvara Elvasketa Elvidegos Elvino Emilia Ergejs Eria Erinos Erviros Eugejs Euphia Evalene Evanthenos Evela Evianta Evidregon Eviteasse Fana Fanne Fella Fona Fote Gairos Gathena Gatos Gelexios Gelonija Genards Genthen Geodeina Geolannobe Germuta Gers Gios Girinonsla Gitaps Gite Goni Gonyssinos Gredzarlis Greta Gris Grisja Gundra Gunia Gunideine Gurta Gustine Haragars Haris Helekata Helinra Helintigri Hellineta Hentine Heoda Heope Hlos Hrina Hugala Iana Iantis Ilgara Ilissianos Iltines Inarbas Indroma Ingelis Ingels Ininars Intheodyss Iotija Ipharina Irana Iris Jannon Jelandros Jevissulis Jundaids Jurte Jutsa Kala Kara Kate Khars Kina Klama Klas Kolafreona Konass Konis Kridas Kriki Kris Kristrios Kyrolija Laija Landras Lands Lara Larija Laulanios Laulaos Laulorgejs Laurie Lekalta Leks Lelefstina Leon Leoni Leophadija Leorysou Lexia Lieta Ligona Lijs Liliangus Liliksis Linaga Line Linos Lintinos Livas Lotemonda Mailis Maios Mairutaxi Maiva Mako Makos Maks Mandijs Mandro Maneslaos Mantios Mards Marejs Margs Maria Maritana Mars Marsios Mate Matinos Meled Meta Miharikena Miharis Mika Miklija Milios Mina Mine Mios Miro Mita Modyss Monetasi Myro Neles Neta Nievros Nija Nika Niki Nikyrihs Nikyromes Nilts Nion Niriopi Niseiaki Norgios Nors Odamina Ofil Olavs Olgars Olgorita Olgors Orkos Oskas Oskos Pamorghe Pana Pandamina Pane Panonis Pargon Pars Paulis Paura Pavs Pelmara Perne Peta Pečkasiana Pharija Pharis Phars Phermailis Phon Photirenia Phris Planija Rainasi Raleo Reia Rene Ritakos Ritvils Robia Rudoxios Salos Sana Sanijs Sanna Santis Sara Sarejs Sarturija Selera Siga Sigo Silla Sillew Simonita Sinios Sinos Skassios Snikathans Solos Sophine Sotanars Sotina Sotise Spanitrite Stel Stinos Stios Stita Stromios Talea Tamana Tassios Tata Tate Teodon Terastis Thadinijs Thaikers Thana Thenolita Theo Therts Thili Thilvis Thipida Thote Thots Thoulla Tijs Ulditols Vadoni Vagdama Vaiotija Vala Valanas Valdemma Valds Valetris Valia Vans Vartsa Vaspia Vastids Velina Velipios Velos Vies Vievris Viktra Villa Vines Vitassilis Xannoulos Xanos Xeni Yandra Yane Yanos Yions Yios Yita Yitra Zaios Zana Zanaed Zandina Zandis Zannes Zanos Zanta Zelds Zemma Zigatjaris Zigfrios Zighilis Zignie Zina Zinessia Zinia Zitristo Zoebardis Zois
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dank-hp--memes · 2 years
Hi, I love your fanfictions about Chernobyl, Valana ones the most ofc. They're simply amazing and so good. <3
I know you're probably a lot busy, but I was wondering if there could be any return... I hope you're having a good day and stay safe.
Greetings, Kaja. <3
So I'm hoping to write again at some point. I am a full time college student so it is a bit difficult to find time. 😊
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boomgers · 1 year
¿Alguna vez pensaste en conocerlos tan de cerca?… “La Familia Stallone”
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Después de interpretar a algunos de los personajes más legendarios del cine, el tres veces nominado al Premio de la Academia, Sylvester Stallone, está listo para dar acceso a las cámaras a lo que él consideraría el mejor papel de su vida: El ser papá. El reality, protagonizado por Sylvester junto a sus hijas, Sophia, Sistine y Scarlet, y su esposa, Jennifer Flavin, ofrece un asiento en la mesa de una de las familias más famosas de Hollywood.
Estreno: 17 de mayo de 2023 en Paramount+.
El reality es producido por MTV Entertainment Studios, con Benjamin Hurvitz, Jessica Zalkind y Nadim Amiry como productores ejecutivos. Julie Pizzi, Farnaz Farjam y Jonathan Singer se desempeñan como productores ejecutivos por parte de Bunim Murray Productions, con Lauren Goldstein, Valana Hunn, Chris Ray y Jason Williams como coproductores ejecutivos.
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Top Career Counselling Services in Valana, Ahmedabad
Satya Mehta: Best Career Counsellor in Valana, Ahmedabad | School Students Graduates & Working Professionals Are you struggling to make important career decisions? Do you feel unsure about the path you should take after school or college? Satya Mehta, the best career counsellor in Ahmedabad, India, is here to help. With years of experience and expertise in career counselling, Satya Mehta…
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tamrieldrifter · 1 year
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Skyreach 2 - Reaching for the stars
Back home in Cyrodill we were taught that the Nedes were our most ancient ancestors, yet we know so little about them. Most think of them as little more then primitive, uncivilized tribes; an unfortunate influence perhaps of the conceited Mer historians. Indeed, even the most renowned of Cyrodillic schools is want to teach more of Nord, Ayleid and Dwemer history then our own.
As soon as I entered the ornate heavy doors of Skyreach it becomes clear that the skill and craftsmanship of the Nedes is woefully under-appreciated today. The artistry in their stonework and masonry alone clearly shows that the Nedes were much more than just primitive sky-worshippers. Their architecture tells of a proud and powerful culture, not worshipping, but reaching for the stars.
Alas that Yokudan invaders, tomb raiders, and time have caused so much damage to the city of Skyreach that much of its former beauty is now forever lost. And now the Celestial cultists and their beasts roam the ruins in great numbers, further desecrating and trampling our heritage in search of ‘the blood of Nirn’.
It would not sit well upon my conscience if I did not at least attempt to scatter the cultists from these ruins, and the best way to achieve this is to challenge and overcome their biggest and their best. Where better to start then with a mantikora so powerful that the Scaled Court are afraid of it and have to contain it behind a magical barrier. The panic amongst the cultists as I begin to disrupt their spell-casting speaks of how formidable a beast Akranos the Unleashed is. I wonder if this huge creature is but an abnormality amongst the mantikora, or a consequence of too much nirncrux. Or perhaps it is because of the unnatural genesis of the mantikora, they will all eventually mature to be unmanageable monsters. Indeed, if these creatures really are as potentially intelligent as Regent Cassipia claimed, why would they subject themselves to the will of far lessor species.
I encounter a Breton mage atop a stair case within the Hold who was practising summoning Illusory Serpents. Only it turns out that the Illusory serpents hit just as stiffly as physical serpents, and together with the impressive destruction magics of Valana the Dreamweaver, prove a difficult challenge. I am glad for my shield and armour, for I did not wish to learn whether the poison upon the illusory serpents fangs was equally somatic.
Eventually I was to discover where the Scaled Court had began excavating beneath the hold to unearth the Nirncrux they so crave. Unsurprising they employed the Iron Orcs and their nirncrux enchanted trolls to do the hard digging for them. The Orc taskmaster Zagrakh is my obvious target but he had a secret weapon I was not expecting in the form of an enormous troll he called Rakmath the Breaker, physically an equal to any of the giant trolls I battled at The Valley of Scars.
Finally I emerge from the caves beneath the Skyreach Pass bridge where I encounter what looks like a rather large but dead wamasu being fed upon by hoarvers. As I approach however the wamasu rouses with a jolt, instantly killing its parasites. It seems there is no other way past this beast but through it.
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Valana Residence 3-bedroom apartment 400m from the beach, Limassol, Cypr...
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kajaishere · 2 years
They were looking at each other, their heads lazily lying on the wall behind them. They understood each other. As two scientists, they understood.
Ulana blinked a few times, looking at Valery.
Their eyes met.
They were looking into each other's deep eyes, Valery feeling a tingling sensation in his stomach. He couldn't keep a straight face anymore and as unnoticeably as it happened his lips curved into a small smile. It lasted only for a part of a second, but for what it was worth, it was a smile...
Okay, I probably need a therapist, but I really see a small smile forming on his face. Am I right or am I just way too in love with them?
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litttlesilkworm · 4 years
thoughts on valana
Thank you for your ask, Comrade! 🥰💜💛💚
For me personally, the canon framework simply leaves no possibility for the Valana ship. This is not to imply at all that Valana ship should not exist. All fictional ships are valid and welcome, and all expressions of creativity that do no harm inherently have value as far as I am concerned. These are just my own personal opinions. As always, I welcome debate!
In the story, Ulana is presented as a tough, driven, brilliant person, with a singular passion for truth and justice. At the same time, she is far from being cold or unfeeling, and she does care about people. She instructs Garanin’s secretary to “go East'' and supplies her with iodine pills. She is looking out for Lyudmilla. The stories of the first responders that she has gathered, clearly deeply move her. 
But when it comes to Valery, Ulana just... doesn’t seem to have any compassion to spare for him. Perhaps she is too blinded by her idea that it is through Valery’s sacrifice that the change in the Soviet Union could finally be made possible. Ulana is very aware that with Valery’s clout and authority, he will be listened to, and that his sacrifice has potential to shake the system to the core. Ulana had solved the trolley dilemma for herself: sacrifice one person to save the potentially innumerable numbers of people. Except that it requires Valery to go to the sacrificial pyre - and she pushes him relentlessly toward it.
What is noticeably missing is Ulana expressing any warmth or concern towards Valery. To her, he is not so much a feeling, suffering person as more of a means to achieve justice. Ulana seems so focused on her mission that she starts to disregard Valery’s humanity. There is simply no space for love left in this layout.
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It is notable that to convince Valery, Ulana brings a pile of notebooks with her from Minsk - one for each first responder - but here sits Valery with his skin looking aged and his hair starting to fall out - and where is his notebook? Doesn’t he get a notebook, too?
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By the way, Ulana’s treatment of Boris’ illness is strikingly similar: as Boris hastily exists the courtroom, coughing, Valery looks like he is about to jump out of his skin with worry, looking at Boris, looking at the judge, looking at Boris again… but Ulana, on the other hand, doesn’t even turn her head in Boris’ direction. Thus, Boris doesn’t get a proverbial notebook from Ulana either. 
There is a point where, for me personally, Ulana crosses the line. It is when she responds to Valery’s “I’ve already given my life - isn’t that enough?” with “No, I am sorry, it is not”. She is shockingly cruel to Valery in that moment. Even if she is morally right - and it is a big “if” - she had no right to say something like this.
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The tragic seed of that moment will come to flourish a year later, when Valery would take his own life quite literally at the very spot where his conversation with Ulana took place:
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And yet we never get to find out how Ulana feels about this all. Mazin’s script pretty much loses interest in Ulana in the end - once she had served her role in advancing the plot as an externalized version of Valery’s conscience. After the trial, we see her standing by Boris’ side, looking sad - but how does she really feel? (She may be looking sad, but Boris looks gutted).  
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How will she feel in the following months, knowing that Valery’s career, his legacy as a scientist are being destroyed? How will she feel when she finds out that Valery is gone? Did Ulana herself suffer any repercussions in her career and her life after the trial? Perhaps she didn’t. After all, her own testimony was surprisingly toothless, given her ardor. All she really had said was that Toptunov was young.
All these questions left unanswered make the character of Ulana, to me, a weaker element in an otherwise masterfully constructed script. Perhaps it is due to a common problem that male screenwriters seem to have with writing women convincingly.
Ulana’s cruel (yes, cruel) treatment of Valery is in such stark contrast with how Valery is with her. True to his wholesome nature, he is nothing but kind to Ulana. He takes a major risk getting her out of prison, he entrusts her with a supremely important assignment - researching the causes of the accident - in lieu of literally everyone else at his own institute. Not to mention that Valery likely saves Ulana’s life by giving her an assignment in Moscow, far from Chernobyl.
And yet, how different is Valery’s behavior with Ulana as compared to how he is with Boris! Even his body language tells us of this: how much more still he is in scenes with Ulana! Where is all that bouncing, pouting, hand-clutching? To me, it is very much the proximity to Boris that makes Valery behave in all sorts of discombobulated ways. As one tends to behave around one’s crush.
To summarize, the story leaves, in my view, no space for romantic feelings between Ulana and Valery. Ulana is so driven by her mission that she all but fails to acknowledge Valery’s humanity. And Valery… Valery acts, for the most part, as a calm, well-disposed senior colleague with Ulana. It is when Valery is with Boris his behavior becomes that peculiar and endearing mix of defiance and submissiveness. He is not making any sense. He is in love.
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emlinden · 1 year
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New today on my Patreon page is the last of my Shadow Spawn character creation posts, the Creation of Valana & Daramae! Visit patreon.com/emlinden to check it out or to subscribe.
I also thought I might as well do a good old-fashioned art comparison, featuring their current character portraits and my very first drawing of them together.
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elenatria · 4 years
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I had forgotten about those photos.
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444names · 1 year
tongan and hawaiian names + french and tolkienesque forenames
Adala Adana Adorogel Adraglani Aelfakane Aenna Afana Afilmon Afunúmick Agoliolir Aheldë Aheliella Ahubolepi Aikoana Ainwë Aitar Akahor Akamatte Akatau Akawae Akeor Akitini Alakotoa Alangono Alanuitë Aldanck Alekea Almor Aloka Aloth Amakeani Amani Amaula Ambadanny Ananuniki Angabie Anielia Anthmois Anuohui Arahina Aranani Aranaona Arandir Arani Aricelf Arimeno Aromi Artha Aukona Aulindré Auniermai Auofuse Awaiona Bardado Beline Berata Beregotu Biette Bokei Bolen Borohad Borolele Calanfax Catani Celan Celani Celeina Celia Cherger Clanekon Colimlo Cyriele Círitio Danni Danthoa Delaolë Denic Denwë Deric Domarn Duisèle Dwanne Dylvano Dáine Egolopo Elani Elessita Eliala Elron Eluamu Elungwa Emaku Emann Emine Emomai Emomaud Ewala Ewarti Eärwin Fabríane Faeawaili Fakiamine Fakie Falavir Fangaleu Fanimu Fatte Fauisi Fette Finema Finorigis Floapau Flosel Folimoni Fragono Frate Fraton Frazôn Fregor Frentath Frette Fréago Fréloa Fuaki Funette Fusir Fustitane Ganena Giaminani Gikalth Gilani Gimardil Gineka Ginvart Gisimbria Gliahuana Glornhírd Golancel Golani Golcar Golóin Gorannaia Grang Griaula Griel Gronimë Gréaglór Gunaria Halikalo Hamir Hanga Hanuilant Hauna Hekeopuu Helaniana Helaoi Heleka Henth Herth Hewaisi Hieulaufu Hikale Holei Horie Huano Hyatrinoe Hélotua Húrigin Húriontin Ikamath Ililrapu Imbur Ingin Ingliand Ioliamûl Ionuio Isengor Iukon Iukui Ivalamane Ivegosia Iwaitele Jeaben Jeani Jeaukului Jocéani Josono Julude Kaaikikon Kaatia Kahadana Kahadel Kahalini Kahaufu Kaheldë Kahis Kahos Kahoste Kahufthi Kahuki Kaini Kaipos Kakilgas Kalae Kalali Kalane Kalautuia Kaldon Kaline Kalory Kamaika Kamalmë Kamel Kamin Kanaline Kanie Kanuencir Kapel Kauho Kauleb Kaurose Kausimë Kavel Kawin Keale Kekani Keleawai Kikoa Kilgeo Kiliel Kofolani Kuafie Kulehi Kungon Kúvie Ladûna Lanasin Landili Lanna Lardard Legorim Leikolale Lekae Lelleina Lethi Liavair Lieli Liica Limatail Liola Lipeani Lober Lohanui Lohavia Lohilani Lohua Lomaulu Lothrio Luaiani Lualdor Lualia Lupani Lúthérène Maalmaulu Maedh Maegoldir Maelei Maeth Maetin Magola Mahele Mahua Maing Mainzo Maion Maioni Makasfaka Makin Malamdír Malant Maleikaio Malemel Malieth Malmoni Malomu Malukua Manaethir Manaianad Mandondoc Manilbert Manimine Manui Maraniu Mardir Marli Marna Matana Matina Matope Maugorgeo Maulang Maulë Maumbor Mautopho Mavae Melel Meleletie Meliku Melionne Menuvaisi Merazo Michalaui Milimirë Miryatain Moekauli Moekoimu Moelea Moewali Monni Monta Murimbrio Nadomuel Nakulu Namai Namélin Nelegoli Nicore Nohellane Nohor Nokena Nondrend Nólirë Odilimuna Okaumonoé Okeani Okeauwenu Olakani Oloïc Orienn Orliwine Orost Osaupo Othang Otuin Pakani Palai Palangi Palial Palémerth Pasca Patafana Peleil Pelel Penaki Pette Phakula Pohani Pohau Pomano Pondur Pouta Priën Puakel Puakoni Puani Puland Pumoise Rania Rolika Rélilkhôr Rúmiril Sabel Saendor Saita Sakakamin Sakuakea Saliai Salleul Sarise Scamieni Semotui Shautufau Shewai Shnárono Sielimai Simor Smanuir Sovai Stialano Suzagolo Sylaneli Taelchana Tamalo Tanuinguy Tanukueli Taphau Tarve Taufu Taulani Taunu Tautuf Telina Telphost Thaël Thert Thoph Tofuipou Tohangin Toloakaa Tuani Tuoli Turiën Tuuohuor Ufinu Uglil Uhikani Ulahuolil Uliadorth Ulwala Vailiki Vaine Vaionaie Vakaha Vakena Vakolcwi Valana Valdë Vemarfini Vicha Vieloth Vongwia Walberve Walia Yanielaka Yávin Éliali Élima Élorn Élène Éodrór Éombor Érèsel Étilaa Óinyë
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jyiori · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s V! Characters are @vargatheapprentice  ‘s Obayana and @agent-darkbootie ‘s Val~ I had a little idea of them cuddling together by the beach bonfire, after Val’s fire dancing~ Can you hear the fire crackling and the waves swooshing in the distance? SURPRISE!!!! IT ME!!! *evil cackling in the distance* Oh GODS you have no idea how hard it was for me to keep this a secret. I almost cracked in front of Agent, so many, many times. xD Hope you like it~! Event by @thearcanasecretcupid , thank you so much for the fun!
Pose referenced from Christian Buehner on the website, Unsplash
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starlettescarlet · 5 years
how i thought my summer would be like: finishing 3 books a week, eating lots of fruit, sun-kissed tan, riding bicycle all day, carefree and happy
how it really is: crying over jared harris, crying over stellan skarsgard, crying over valery legasov, crying over boris shcherbina, crying over ulana khomyuk, crying over valoris, crying over valana, crying over every movie and show jared’s ever been in.
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