#Vanti Heart
elypiphoros · 8 months
Reflections 2
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She held her sword high, it's smooth, polished blade like a beacon of light beaming into the early morning sky. The light from the sun reflected off the blade brightly onto the ground below her. She had done this many times before, more than she could feasibly remember. The rush, to see a wicked foe's life be undone, untangled and laid simple and bare before her. The tightly coiled knot of past crimes, hatreds, and misdeeds pulled apart for all to see. Both hands gripped the handle of her beacon of justice and vengeance, tightening and itching. This would be so easy.
"STOP!" Vantis, the elder priest, shouted sharply at her. Elysea snapped back into the moment. She found herself standing tall over a wounded Garlean scout, laid out on the ground. Her boot pressed against his chest. The boy, barely an adult, stared up at her. His eyes were wide in absolute terror, his lips quivering, his trembling hands up slightly in a feeble attempt to shield himself from her final killing blow. Tears streaked down the boy's cheeks, backwards, into the soil behind his head. His shivered breaths filled the air between them, sharp and sudden, accompanied by slight whimpers. He fully expected to die in this moment.
"Remember your oath, Elysea!" the priest yelled again, this time in a softer tone. She whipped her gaze to him, an expression of animalistic rage. The red faded from the world, and she saw the green trees, the gray stones, the brown robes of the priest. His pale, wrinkled face. He had his hands outstretched to her carefully as he approached. Behind him, the refugees that she had sworn an oath to lead and protect, some armed and on-guard, and some cowering and hiding amongst the trees behind them, all watched her.
"He surrendered. It's over," he said to her again. The few other Garlean scouts that had not surrendered decorated the landscape in a display of bloody, righteous carnage. It was at that point that she noticed their blood all over her, coating her sword, hands, arms. She felt it on her face, in her hair. Her muscles ached, and her heart beat in her chest with a ferocity that she knew all too well.
She unclenched her jaw, unfurled her brow, as her eyes dropped to the boy underneath her boot once more. But her sword stayed in the air, her white-knuckled grip quivering, expecting. She let out one long, sharp breath. It might have been her first breath since the battle started. Like a resignation. She felt the old priest's wrinkled hands wrap around hers, and gently lower the sword to her side.
"You saved us. None of us were hurt. It's over." he whispered close to her ear. Elysea's long ears, perked in high alert, dropped softly behind her head. Her shoulders and neck slumped, and the grip on her sword loosened. The priest slowly took the sword from her hands, and her arms slumped to her side. She removed her boot from the boy's chest, which prompted the first quick sigh from the boy, but also the armed refugees swooping in to begin restraining him.
With her rage subsiding came the pain. Some of the blood coating her was her own. She was wounded, she realized, and she fell to her knees, her own tears now mixing with the blood on her cheeks, but there was no crying. The priest dropped her sword onto the forest floor, and attempted to keep her from falling, but she was too heavy for the frail old man. As she felt herself begin to faint, she watched the sun rising from between the tall evergreens of highland Dalmasca. Her consciousness slipped, and as it did, she heard a voice from her past.
"It doesn't matter how many lives you take. It won't bring her back, it won't bring any of them back..."
((I post things out of order, forgive me. This is a flashback to Elysea's recent past, when she was leading a group of Dalmascan refugees to Eorzea. The refugees had only heard of her bloody exploits as a resistance fighter and second-in-command under Dalmascan knight and royalty, Danian Fal’thahn. But they had not seen her in action, the pure viciousness and hatred that she holds in her heart for the Garlean occupiers that uprooted her life, and killed her sister and fiance. Deep down inside, a part of her had grown to know that this was wrong, and that she needed to learn to control her rage. Vantis, a refugee priest from Rabanastre, acted as a mentor to her during their exodus out of Dalmasca, and a person that she owes a debt of gratitude for saving her life previously. She learned to do so, with time, and their guidance.))
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solar-throne · 1 year
Réunion Revolutionaries
Team Colors: Sage Green and Off White
Mascot: Still trying to figure out an actual design but like a chibi thief kinda character is what I'm thinking so far.
Réunion is well known for its love of art and its immense support of it, while sports may not seem like the nation's main priority one of its council members, Yvaine Lennox, is quite the fan of a variety of sports including Hecaball. With the backing of the council the Réunion Revolutionaries will be representing the nation, the council also believes that participating in the event will show that Réunion has rebuilt itself to the point where it can enjoy these leisurely activities. The Réunion team in known for their fluid plays and elegance, their playstyle is objectively beautiful to observe.
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Name : Adaline Basset
Crest: Honeybadger
Age: 20
FC : Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
Don't let Adaline's petite stature and soft-hearted personality trick you, on the field, she is the team's most aggressive player ducking and diving for any shot that has a chance. She had her fair track of recorded brawls, though she has always managed to make amends with whoever the altercation had been with. With adrenaline running so high sometimes things got away from her, she didn't truly mean it she swears! Being a player on the aggressive end means that she can take a hit just as well as she can give one.
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Name: Vere Farrow
Crest: Salamander
Age: 24
FC: Gilbert Nightray (Pandora Hearts)
Compared to Adaline's sweetness and Victoire's boisterous confidence, Vere is quiet and does his best to stay out of camera shots. His awkward shy nature had been something that's stuck with him since he was a child, Cosette can confirm, even being on a broadcasted team and even a lead singer of a band hasn't been able to shake it. His near lack of presence does aid in his ability to sneak up on opponents for a block or for a play they were unaware was in the making.
To avoid conversation or most social situations Vere will act like he only knows Réun, this has worked multiple times until aShines started picking up and translating in real time what he was saying
Vere is the lead singer for a Réun grunge band named Lumières Dommage.
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Name : Victoire Chapelle
Crest: Lion
Age: 18
FC : Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail)
Victoire is known it-girl of Réunion, from the many brands she has modeled for to the money her family makes from the many businesses they have their hands in. Her snobbish and prideful nature is not completely groundless. She was considered a Hecaball prodigy at a young age showing proficiency in both a team dynamic and even solo events. True, her attitude could become tiring and bothersome, but the rest of the team has learned that it's not very hard to earn Victoire's affection. A ounce of genuine kindness will earn the girl's loyalty.
Known as an on-field shitalker, though a true Chapelle knows how to instigate a fight without ever truly getting their hands dirty. A sly comment here, or a giggle behind her hand has worked wonders.r
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Name : Cosette Barbeau
Crest: Starfish
Age: 24
FC : Jeanne (Vantis No Carte)
Cosette's oblivious and straightforward way of speaking has gotten her in more troublesome situations than she can count, though luckily she has always had friends around who could watch out for her. Her hardy nature had also landed her the most injuries on the teams, though in the midst of an intense game the only thing that can stop her from playing to the end despite the call of a ref.
Cosette plays drums for a Réun grunge band named Lumières Dommage.
Bonus profile
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Name : Yvaine Lennox
Crest : Octopus
Age : 75
FC : Gi-Gan (Akatsuki No Yona)
The Polearms Master, Master of the Crownsguard, The Betrayer, The Second Name, whichever name you choose to refer to her does not change the weight Yvaine Lennox holds in Réunion's history nor her council spot. Sagacious and unwavering are two traits required for a nation's commander-in-chief as are loving and warmhearted traits required of a councilwoman, it's a delicate balance. On the vote of the council, it was decided to branch out into unity events with other nations, Lennox being an active Hecaball fan has volunteered to take on responsibility for the event. She will be showing up personally to oversee the event in Apricus.
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drawingnova · 5 years
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Bit more of Vanti in new clothes no less
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Ch. 3 ☆*~~~*☆
Location: Land of Departure
Lio admitted she had done much better landings in the past but she was in a rush. Stumbling over part of the landscaping she let out a hiss. She figured it would be best to land in the garden, where she had a higher chance of not landing on someone. She also wasn’t certain if the test had even begun yet and it would be kind of a bad thing to interrupt that. She was determined to be a help to her Keyblade Wielders and not a burden as she had to Master Eris.
She was also late since agreeing to train alongside the others Eris had taken every opportunity possible to her ragged. Some days she even went to sleep without dinner on account of the fact that she was too sleepy to even attempt to eat anything. Yet all of that would be a distant memory come after today, since this would be her new home. 
Moving into the castle grand room, the woman stopped seeing only Aqua and Eraqus.
“Lio!” Aqua called rushing over to the other woman, hugging her tightly.
Lio flinched, her tether with the Keyblade Wielders was strong, and she felt fear and dread rushing over Aqua. Like a sea just moments before a tidal wave hit. Lio gently pushed Aqua away before taking the smaller woman’s hands. “Aqua what’s wrong? Is everything all right?”
“Lio,” Eraqus called.
Lio smiled towards the man, “Master Eraqus is everything all right? Did I miss the trails?”
Eraqus nodded, seeing the dejected look on the Luminary’s face, “Have you run into Terra or Ven?”
Lio shook her head, “No, weren’t they here for the test?”
Aqua gripped Lio’s hand tighter, “Terra didn’t pass.”
Lio gasped, she had honestly expected both of them to pass with flying colors, “Oh no, what about you?”
Aqua gave her a sad smile with a nod, only to find Lio’s arms around her.
“Congrates Aqua, oh Master Aqua.” Lio replied. 
“Lio,” Eraqus called again, “We were hoping that they might have gone to assist you with the move.”
“No, I last heard from Terra last night.” She stated, embarrassed to mention that she had cast a spell to talk with the other without none of the master’s knowing. “What was the reason for his failing the test if I might ask?”
“He allowed his Darkness to take over.”
“His Darkness? But...but Terra and Aqua are the nicest people I know. There has to have been some kind of mistake, something must have happen…” Lio stopped as Aqua took her hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“Will you help me find him?” Aqua asked.
Lio nodded, “You don’t even have to ask.”
Eraqus stopped the two young women before they could leave, “Aqua, as you are aware Master Xehanort has gone missing, please looked into the Unverse matter while you also search for Terra.”
“Unverse?” Lio muttered as Aqua agreed leading her out the room. “Aqua what is this Unverse, Master Eris mentioned nothing about it.”
“I’m not entirely certain, Master Eraqus requested that Terra and myself look into it.” Aqua explained. “Master gave it to him as another way to earn his right as a Keyblade Master.”
Lio thought it strange, she wasn’t certain why Eris didn’t mention it prior. It seemed like something the Luminary would have first known about and then informed the others.
“Lio?” Aqua called, as those pink eyes turned to her. “Are you able to feel Terra?”
Lio gasped, “Why didn’t I think of that?” She muttered, as she closed her eyes, searching through space to find him, each of her Wielders had a different color type of ribbon, or perhaps a road would be better to describe it. A type of tether that was shared between them. She found Aqua right away, her tether a beautiful blue, like the ocean reflecting the sun. She next found Ventus, it was fresh green, as their tether hadn’t been connected for long it wavered from time, but should Lio touch it she felt the warm sun on a windy day. She searched for Terra’s, it was normally an orange-brown color, like the sun on the sand, but it held sturdy like a rock. Lately, she noticed it was a little redder when it drew closer to her own heart, but now…
Aqua quickly reached out catching Lio as she stumbled back panting, “Are you all right?”
“Terra’s tether, it’s...it’s dark.”
“Dark? Dark how?”
Lio shook her head trying to place the words, “Someone, something dark is blocking my way to him, and I feel one more, I think it’s Ven.”
Aqua helped Lio steady herself before determine blue eyes turned to the other, “We’d be better if we split up. Since you know where Ven is go to him, we’ll need him to help with Terra. I’ll go to the last place you found Terra.”
Lio nodded, stepping forward, resting her forehead against Aqua, providing her the map to Terra’s trail. “As soon as I get Ven, we’ll come to you.”
Aqua nodded stepping back as she put on her armor, transforming her keyblade. Taking off the same time that Lio had teleported.
??? (Unknown location)
Lio felt the pressure before she even landed, her head was throbbing as it felt like a suddenly every word she had ever spoken was overlapping in her mind. She could hear the sounds of fighting and the screams, hearts being torn apart, friendships and lives torn apart. 
She had read about this place multiple times, she just never thought she would be here so soon. She was standing in a very private personal place. 
The Keyblade Graveyard!
A place where so many Keyblade Wielders fell, where Keyblades rusted and rotted away with no heart to led or guide them. The screams and buzzing in her head wasn’t her own thoughts, it was the final thoughts as friend against friend, family against family, hearts against hearts were forced to battle this meaningless fight. This meaningless war.
Lio reached up, not even noticing that she was crying, moving over to touch the nearest Keyblade, one that looked to once upon a time glimmer bright like the sun, or a star. 
“You poor thing.” She whispered, feeling the final moments of a heart terrified, scared. A young heart.
Her spot as Luminary was created for the sole purpose to never happen again, to never allow those that had goodness in their hearts to stray. To show that love would win, but seeing all of this, it hurt her heart more than anything.
Pushing back her tears, she removed her hand from the Keyblade’s hilt. Only to find something black scurry through the other Keyblades away from her.
“Wa...wait!” Lio called, summoning her own staff, it closely resembled a Kayblade on its own, only standing much longer as she wielded more like a staff than a sword like the others. She followed after the creature, only to realize it was leading her further in and the cries were getting louder and sadder.
The woman only just managed to dodge as something attacked her from above. Sliding across the ground she was careful of avoiding any damage to the Keyblades around her. Turning to her attack as she gasped with wide eyes. “A keyblade.”
“Hehehe, you’re not looking so good, Luminary.”
“Who are you?” Lio growled refusing to release her guard only to find it tighten as she noticed more of those creatures she was following was suddenly surrounding her. 
“Can’t you tell?”
Lio glared, only to swing as one of those creatures launched at her, pushing it off, followed by two more, Lio barely turned in enough time to block a swing from the helmeted young man before her.
“Aren’t Luminary’s suppose to be stronger than this?” He cackled.
Lio just briefly saw the flash of that seafoam green, “Ve...No!” She barked, as she pushed him away. “You’re not Ventus, who are you?”
The other chuckled standing up straight, tapping his Keyblade against his shoulder, “Why don’t you find out.”
Lio didn’t allow herself to be dragged down to his level, at this point she was outnumbered, as he had these creatures on his side. At this point he was running the show, so by defeating him, the creatures would be helpless. “So be it.” She called, holding out her staff, as it transformed into gauntlets appearing on her forearms.
She rushed the smaller man, pulling back her arm, as she aimed for his head. Expecting his block, she swept out with her right leg, knocking him off his feet. Taking him by the front of his shirt and tossing him over her shoulder away from the Keyblades.
“You’re fast given your size.”
Lio glared, at him, trying to find some way away from the Keyblades, the cries were getting louder now that a fresh blade was on the field and fight was ensuing. So she rushed him again, making sure to narrowly avoid the other as she leads them towards a more open space.
“Poor little Luminary, are you worried that your little boyfriend will turn into someone like me.”
Lio didn’t want to admit it, but that stung, still she pushed him away.
“Let’s see, you have a useless new Master, and your boyfriend is too stupid to pass.”
Lio found that she wasn’t holding her punches anymore.
“Oh did I hit a nerve? Poor little Luminar...what?” The Masked Weilder found himself backed against one of the high cliff sides. At the moment it took for him to turn over his shoulder, Lio was upon him, her right arm pulled back, before punching clear through the face of the cliff side, harsh pink eyes glaring at him. “You missed.”
“Did I?” Lio growled, watching as the left half of his helmet shattered. Only for Lio’s eyes to narrow more, “Who are you and why do you have Ventus’s face!”
“Oh my little brother Venty-Wenty, has two big sisters guarding him. I guess that makes us family.” The young man cackled. “ You’re the Luminary here, you should be able to see it.”
Lio gasped, she was so focused on the battle she suddenly realized, this person was the second half of the tether she couldn’t see connected to Ventus. “How did you tear your heart in two?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Now, now Vantis is that any way to speak to our young Luminary?”
Lio turned, her eyes widen in shock as she stared at the man before, “Master Xehanort?”
“Please Lio, I fear this has gone on far too long.”
“Night night.”
Lio turned hearing Vantis chuckle, only to turn at just the last moment as she felt Xehonart’s Keyblade hilt slam into her head, knocking her out.
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skynetta · 5 years
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a wip but imma post it anyway 
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jonnyparable · 2 years
Cottage Hills : A Winter Tale, Part XXI
The Ballad of Shalabar
The silvery rasp from a lone flute fills the hall. It is the only sound, echoing solemnly around the space. It plays a haunting, yet beautiful melody. The stage is lit only by candles. Then a disembodied choir of women's voices chant out the name of Shalabar, setting the stage for the pure wonder that is to unfurl.
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A spotlight hones in suddenly on the flautist, illuminating the scene around him. The audience gasps at the magnificent set appearing around him from the darkness. The flautist sits on an ornately carved marble dais, surrounded by a richly decorated archway, flanked by two elephant statues, surrounded by banana leaves, palms and the vibrant orange of fresh marigolds. Through song, the choir tells the prologue of the tragic tale of Shalabar, the handmaiden who won the Maharaja's heart, but also the queen's jealousy.
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As they sing, the steady, hypnotic beating of drums swell effortlessly over the flute. The tempo picks up and the choir begins chanting rhythmically. As their chanting reaches a climax, dancers burst onto the stage with a shower of flower petals, moving energetically in rythm with the music. The melancholy song transitions seamlessly into a lively dance number.
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Chorus :
"Shalabaaaaaar! Vanti vanti vanti, Shalabaaaaaar!
Hear us oh Sri Vama, the tale of our Queen, Shalabar! Shalabaaaaaar!
Queen of our hearts, she reigns, with wisdom, grace and love, Shalabar!
Heaven's light in the dark, unmatched in splendour and in fame, Shalabar!
Come adore our loving Queen, with beauty like the dawn, Shalabar!
The Maharaja's heart, his love, his prize his reward, his Shalabar!"
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As the pounding drums swell, the dancers move vigorously yet gracefully around the stage. Their dance moves are exuberant, mesmerising, festive and trance-like. The whole scene is just pure fantastical spectacle, a riot of visuals for the eyes. Flower petals fall from the rafters and pool around the floor, as the dancers excitedly weave around them. The colours of the set before the audience is truly stunning. Clearly no expense was spared.
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As the dancing and music reaches a fever pitch, and the singing crescendos pulpably to a climax, the stage suddenly goes dark, and the dancers fall in unison, reverent and prostrate, to the floor. The door at the back of the stage opens and, it's the moment the audience has been waiting for; Shalabar herself arrives!
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As the dancers leave the stage, the music dies down and the soprano begins to serenade the gathered dignitaries as the crisp lull of a harp rings out, clear and calm. Thr soprano's powerful voice fills the church. Her costume is richly appointed and she dazzles the audience with her Goddess-like beauty, resplendent and regal. The audience erupts into applause and cheers to welcome her onto the stage.
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She steps down from the dias and walks out onto the floor, into the light. As flower petals fall gently around her, she starts singing the song “The Queen's Lament". Its an emotive, deeply expressive number about longing, mortality and lost youth. Contestina absolutely sells the piece, drawing the audience in, and her moving rendition is such an immediately jarring transition from the boisterous exuberance of just a few minutes ago that the audience is spell bound.
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While Contestina emotes intensely in the halls of his own church, Rev Carter can't help but feel that such a grandiose high octane spectacle is just so grotesquely disjointed from everything the town is, and from everything Music Night was supposed to be. He watches sadly from the side, as the gathered royalty and celebrities fawn over Contestina. He eventually decides he needs to head outside for some fresh air.
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As he walks out into the winter night, he thinks of why he put together Music Night at all. Was it also for fame and recognition? After all, is Gourmand's production any different in principle from what he did? To transform a once somber night of religious hymns into a secular jazz appreciation session? As he mulls over these thoughts, he hears a scream in the distance, coming from the tower. He looks up and is horrified by what he sees.
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Inside, Contestina is about to reach the most moving portion of the song and hit her highest note, when the door of the church bursts open and Rev Carter comes through looking flustered and in a panic. Divadonna sqwaks, botching the high note in surprise.
Gourmand :
"I say, what is the meaning of this, Reverend!"
Rev Carter:
"Somebody help! Everybody come quickly, the tower, we have to do something! The children! They need help!"
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trollcafe · 2 years
favorite troll from other blogs?
INHALE......I am going to preface this with saying I have so so SO many favorites, and I can't possibly remember all of them right now, which doesn't mean i don't love them!! My brain is absolute soup i didnt even realize spring break is next week. If anyone feels left out or hurt pls feel free to dm me and i will go off in dms about how much i love ur trolls <3 <3 i do it to chase constantly ask them
ok now, an hour n a half & 32 people later....
corpse @/homicidalfantrolls Anguil, have u seen him? have u. u need to.
conan @.ask-them-bois Ishran <3 Ruthless my LOVE, Lucina my WIFEE im so predictable i see a dilf i spam the like.
sunne @.sunnetrolls WELL UNFORTUNATLEY I'VE FALLEN FOR ARVERI <3 ugh hes so mean. also radiix <3 <3 <3 <3
sam @.outsidertrolls synthe<3 iji<3 <3
shenk @.shenkotrolls AAA so manie....CAROKA<3<3 it seems cheating to like natsua bcos i designed her. but. natsua<3 also pendra<3<3<3
bo @.cherrytrolls my beloved, so so many, tho rn im thnking abt hysteria and davith<3
chase @.sasster Aelium <3 Papili Soleah <33333 MR PUNNAM<33333
froyo @.froyotrolls noelle <33333
roe @.roetrolls kat <3 Kiyana <33 DREVIN<333333 i wanna hold his fucin hand.
grem @.aviantrolls nobody. they all stink. >:P jkjk rin is my son ofc but Belere<3 hes so. tibbie.
allie @.just-more-trolls ofc i love seaell so so much...i also love wyllow and kanisa!!
lee @.leethetrashpage YRAXIEEEEE Vantis n Scoops <3<3<3 And Craeno<333
hunter @.whispertrolls KAMALAAA and siroco omg i love them. idiots. i have kam's meme for bruuno saved in my askbox rn bcos it keeps making me lose my marbles.
dan @.asks-n-trolls the cipher twins <3 desmie n sekiro n erodao n lamb n amadaeus<3
damien @.ask-the-troll-boys Magpie n Sicklefin n Vernon hes just some guy like hes literally juts some dude i love him
@.astrumocs julius <333 ive only known him for a lil bit but i absolutely ADORE seeing him AND HIS ANCESTOR!!
@.wueyahfantai Lulith n Peache <3 n Claire!!!
@.ase-trollplays Cacoph holds a very special place in my heart forever n always <3 < 3
@.lordtonic MR GHOSTS im in wuv. also presto. i read his name as pesto for a long time
@.metzer sentis ALWAYS i love him. and vanmai<3
@.whatthefantrolls Zippie and Bessba <333 i love them so much its unreqal
@.abyssaltrolls Cinoan <3 and Naemuu!!
@.memeurfever i will always love rutaci <33
@.goddesstrolls cipher...raz and darric as well!!! <3
@.chirp-trolls ivitir !!!!
@.indig0trolls jeonsu.....and telmon<3
@.lunchboxtrolls cherry<3 and dakota<3<3
@.cadavertrolls MURDER hijack<3 silver<3<3
@.voidrots DIONYS<3 and killet!!<3
@.stuckstucktrolls teagan <3 and lyssav<3
@.morgombie tetris my beloved<3
@.cloudbattrolls tuuya is one of my fave jades, even tho i dont like bugs?? they r just so funny....liddol worm
@.quiescent-trolls ive seen gordon around sm lately n i love....
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zoiechance · 4 years
All Homestuck characters as of Nov 7,2020
This list includes characters from Homestuck,Homestuck^2,Hiveswap,& Friendsim! Please tell me if I missed anyone!
BETA HUMANS John Egbert(ghostyTrickster/ectoBiologist)/Heir of Breath/June Nanna Egbert Rose Lalonde(tentacleTherapist)/Seer of Light>Rosebot Dave Strider(turntechGodhead)/Knight of Time>Davebot Mom Lalonde Bro Strider Jade Harley(gardenGnostic)/Witch of Space/Grimbark Jade Grandpa Harley/Jake Harley/Pa Harley Future Dave>Davesprite fedoraFreak Dad Egbert/pipefan413
ALPHA HUMANS Poppop Crocker Jane Crocker(gustyGumshoe)/Maid of Life Mom Lalonde Bro Strider Roxy Lalonde(tipsyGnostalgic)/Ro-Lal/Rouge of Void Dirk Strider(timaeusTestified)/Di-Stri/Prince of Heart/Ultimate Dirk Nanna English Jake English(golgothasTerror)/Page of Hope Dad Crocker
OTHER HUMANS Colonel Sassacre Harry Anderson Egbert(thespiansGlamor) Tavros Crocker(glutinousGymnast) Yiffany "Yiffy" Longstocking Lalonde Harley Avril Thorpe Imode Kurita Silas P Beauregard III Joey Claire Jude Harley A. Claire
LUSUS B  Crabdad>Crabdadsprite B  Dragon Lusus>Dragonsprite B  Mother Grub>Mothersprite B  Tinkerbull>Tinkerbullsprite B  Goat Lusus/Goatdad>Goatdadsprite B  Bicyclops>Bicyclopsprite B  Pounce de Leon>Pouncesprite B  Ram lusus B  Spidermom>Spidersprite B  Aurthour>Aurthoursprite B  Seahorse Lusus>Seahorsesprite AN  Pyralspite ZOOSMELL/slugmeister CORNIBUSTER
ANCESTOR TROLLS Betty Crocker/Batterwitch/Baroness/Her Imperial Condescension/The Condesce The Signless/Sufferer Neophyte Redglare The Dolorosa The Summoner Grand Highblood/Unknown Subjugglater The Ψiioniic/Helmsman The Disciple The Handmaid Marquise Spinneret Mindfang E%ecutor Darkleer/Expatri8 Orphaner Dualscar
BETA TROLLS Feferi Peixes(cuttlefishCuller)/Witch of Life Karkat Vantis(carcinoGeneticist)/Knight of Blood Terezi Pyrope(gallowsCalibrator)/Seer of Mind Kanaya Maryam(grimAuxiliatrix)/Sylph of Space Tavros Nitram(adiosToreador)/Page of Breath>Tavrosprite Gamzee Makara(terminallyCapricious)/Bard of Rage Sollux Captor(twinArmageddons)/Mage of Doom Nepeta Leijon(arsenicCatnip)/Rogue of Heart>Nepetasprite Aradia Megido(apocalypseArisen)/Maid of Time>Aradiasprite>Aradiabot Vriska Serket(arachnidsGrip)/Thief of Light Equius Zahhak(centaursTesticle)/Heir of Void Eridan Ampora(caligulasAquarium)/Prince of Hope
ALPHA TROLLS Meenah Peixes/Thief of Light Kankri Vantas/Seer of Blood Latula Pyrope/Knight of Mind Porrim Maryam/Maid of Space Rufioh Nitram/Rogue of Breath Kurloz Makara/Prince of Rage Mituna Captor/Heir of Doom Meulin Leijon/Mage of Heart Damara Megido/Witch of Time Aranea Serket/Sylph of Light Horuss Zahhak/Page of Void Cronus Ampora/Bard of Hope
HIVESWAP FRIENDSIM TROLLS Ardata Carmia Diemen Xicali Amisia Erdehn Cirava Hermod Skylla Koriga Bronya Ursama Tagora Gorjek Vikare Ratite Polypa Goezee Zebruh Codakk Elwurd Kuprum & Folykl Remele Namaaq Konyyl Okimaw Tyzias Entykk Chixie Roixmr Azdaja Knelax Chahut Maenad Zebede Tongva Tegiri Kalbur Mallek Adalov Lynera Skalbi Galekh Xigisi Tirona Kasund Boldir Lamati Stelsa Sezyat Marsti Houtek Karako Pierot Charun Krojib Wanshi Adyata Fozzer Velyes Marvus Xoloto Daraya Jonjet Nihkee Moolah Lanque Bombyx Barzum & Baizli
OTHER TROLLS His Honorable Tyranny Mierfa Durgas~fantroll Nektan Whelan~fantroll Vriska "Vrissy" Maryam-Lalonde(adamantGriftress) Swifer Eggmop Cliper Borden Alfonz Motter Ataxia Xefros Tritoh Dammek Trizza Tethis Xultan Matzos Dromed Baktar Cridea Jeevik
SBURB/SGRUB B  Wayward Vagabond/Warweary Villein/The Mayor B  Peregrine Mendicant/Parcel Mistress Black Queen B  Authority Regulator/Aimless Renegade B  White Queen/Windswept Questant Black King B  White King/Writ Keeper Doc Scratch/Mr. Vanilla Milkshake Genesis Frog/Bilious SlickKernel
DENIZENS Typheus Cetus Hephaestus Echidna Hemera Nix Yaldaboth Abraxas
MIDNIGHT CREW B  Spades Slick/Archagent Jack Noir/Scurrilous Straggler/Sovereign Slayer>Bec Noir Clubs Deuce>Courtyard Droll Diamonds Droog>Draconian Dignitary Hearts Boxcars>Hegemonic Brute
THE FELT Itchy Doze Trace Clover Fin Die Crowbar B  Troll's Black Queen/Banished Quasiroyal/Snowman Stitch Sawbuck Matchsticks Eggs Biscuits Quarters Cans
SPRITES Kernelsprite B  Harlequinsprite>Nannasprite B  Crowsprite>Calsprite B  Frogsprite Tavrisprite ARquiusprite Erisolsprite Fefetasprite Jasprosesprite^2 Davepetasprite^2 Gcatavrosprite
ROBOTS Con-Air Bunny/Wizard Bunny>Knitted Bunny/Indiana Jones Bunny>Weapon Bunny/Liv Tyler/Mr. Terry Kiser A  Auto Responder/AR/Lil' Hal Huggy Bear/Lil Sebastian A  Brobot A  Squarewave/Zillywave A  Sawtooth/Sawhoo
ANIMALS Jaspers/Frigglish>Jaspersprite B  Bequerel>Beqsprite>Jadesprite Firefly/Serenity/Dr. Blinkbottom/Twinkly Herbert A  G Cat/God Cat B  Casey/Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer B  Maplehoof B  Vodka Mutini/Dr. Meowgon Spengler Halley Tesseract The Lone Gunbirds(Frohike,Langly,& Byers)
HORRORTERRORS Fluthlu Nrub'yiglith Oglogoth Gl'bgolyb
CHERUBS Caliborn(undyingUmbrage)>Lord English Calliope(uranianUmbra) Alternate Calliope/Possessed Jade
OTHER Lil' Cal MSPA Reader Ms. Paint Andrew Hussie/Hussiebot A  Jake’s Brain Dirk
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imaginary-studios · 6 years
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Just having some gif fun. Learning new features! Keep on learning!
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witchywccs · 5 years
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                                 C A S S A N D R A   W H I T T L E;
                                                 Ancient Roanoke Witch  ⇀ 20/400+ ⇀ Ellie Bamber
ᴘᴀsᴛ |      The lost colony of Roanoke is one of the worlds oldest unsolved mysteries. An entire community of people vanishing without a trace, leaving behind a single word carved into the bark of a tree:  CROATOAN.  Cassandra Whittle was a young witch that vanished with the rest of them, or so everyone had thought. A vibrant, young spirit, whom always seemed so connected to nature. She was a beam of light, a powerful one; one who seemed to see light in everyone else as well. Cassandra fell in love with a vampire named Sebastian, an abomination of nature. It was the golden age of vampires and they were feared heavily. Part of the reason why her colony had relocated to Roanoke in the first place, to find peace away from the creatures of the night. She was the only one who knew of his nature and she vowed to keep it a secret for as long as she lived. She would never let anything happen to her sweet, sweet Sebastian.  When her community began to notice the decrease in human life, the hints of a vampire among them, she feared for Sebastians life. Their harsh words and hypocritical views towards Sebastians kind made her angry. So, she summoned a different creature: An even more powerful one. One that would feed on secrets and lies.  So that they would all see what monsters they had become. This plan backfired, as Cassandra and Sebastian were keeping secrets of their own. Cassandra then desiccated Sebastian in order to protect him. Before she did so, she linked their souls together, running away after cloaking them both and placing him somewhere. She then enchanted herself with a sleeping preservation spell, only to awaken when Sebastian did; and hopefully the monster she had created would be long forgotten by then,
                                                                                                   ❝  Phasmatos Somnus  ❞
ᴘresent |      It’s been nearly four hundred years and Cassandra is gasping awake inside of a magically sealed tomb, oxygen filling her lungs for the first time in ages. Her heart pounding against her chest and blood flushing her cheeks. Her brows furrow as she glances around the concrete castle, her dress centuries outdated but still just as beautiful as it was the day she laid herself to rest. Her vessel is overflowing with magic, having collected more and more over time. Emerald orbs are glistening as she stands to her feet, bare soles moving her towards the edge of her self - enchanted haven.  ❝  Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.  ❞  -  Her voice is honeyed, raspy from her ages of slumber as she chants the reversal spell.  The tomb is no longer sealed,  the wall separating her and the rest of the world exploding with the swift movement of her hand. A full moon now visible, reflecting off of crimson locks. She is now free, wandering through the forest with hope embracing her soul. She only wonders how long it’s been.
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pangeanews · 5 years
“Devi lottare contro raccomandati, leccaculo, arrampicatori sociali… ma il poeta è fuori controllo”: esperienza di lavoro in cooperativa
Essere qualcuno, è un discorso da mondo del lavoro. Essere nessuno, è stigma, macchia da letteratura. Cosa voglio dire? Essere introdotto in cooperativa, lavorando, facendo tutto un percorso di crescita, passo dopo passo, mese dopo mese, anno dopo anno, ha permesso di far rinascere la mia personalità. Il mio io e la mia stima ne hanno tratto profondo beneficio, e ne sono grato. Nonostante nuove o vecchie inimicizie, rancori e quant’altro, io mi realizzo. Invece: scrivere per il mondo intero ‒ ci hai mai pensato? ‒ necessita di umile stima, per se stessi e verso gli altri. Marchiati da epifanie, graffi, visioni, crudeltà, amplessi, non si dovrebbe desiderare altro che l’opera nasca sorgiva e cresca imperterrita, silenziosamente.
E se poi accadesse il contrario? Accade già. Continuamente, accade. C’è chi lavora per gli altri, senza lagne né vanti; c’è chi compare sempre, comunque e ovunque nello scenario letterario italiano. Fenomeni da baraccone. Fondere i linguaggi per un unico scopo, sembra roba da caritativa. Ma anche lì, viaggiano interessi nascosti. Caravanserragli di invidia e giochi di potere, si intrecciano a finto buonismo e perbenismo dell’ultim’ora, se non dell’ultimo secondo: maschere.
Tutti, in cooperativa, abbiamo un peso specifico. Almeno, quelli assunti con regolare contratto. S’intende. C’era bisogno che lo scrivessi? E io finalmente sono riuscito a raggiungere questo obiettivo. Purtroppo, il miraggio di sentirsi almeno un po’ più sicuri nel mondo delle cooperative sociali, permane ancora per molti. Avere un peso specifico equivale a dire che, chi ci supporta a livello educativo nel lavoro quotidiano, ne dovrebbe avere altrettanto in termini di competenza e professionalità. Cosa, quest’ultima, che in alcuni casi non accade, anzi vacilla in maniera scandalosa, provocando solo danni ai malcapitati tirocinanti… essere raccomandato spesso non coincide con l’essere presente agli altri, soprattutto in questo mestiere. Lo ribadisco, si fanno solo danni: si crea rabbia, malcontento, soprattutto sfiducia. E, pianti. Sto parlando di situazioni che sono sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma se non hai potere di decisione, nulla potrà mai cambiare.
M, come è arrivato da noi se ne è pure andato, tempo fa. M, da quel che mi racconta, poteva avere un futuro brillante; avrebbe potuto persino bagnarmi il naso nel mondo della letteratura. Se… appunto, se… la sua vita non avesse preso pieghe distorte. Ma chi lo sa come va il mondo, eh?! Nessuno lo sa veramente. M ha problemi con la valvola mitralica, e un passato da alcolista anonimo. Da quel che mi dice, prima, faceva lavori di sedici ore al giorno, e li svolgeva alla grande. ‒ G, mi chiede M.
‒ Ho saputo che sei poeta e scrittore. Mi interesserebbe un giorno leggere qualche tuo libro. Io, invece, scrivo tutti i giorni da diversi anni; tengo un diario personale dove racconto a fiume tutto quello che mi succede. E mi aiuta, scrivere, sai?
Fai solo bene. Gli rispondo.
‒ Forse un giorno mi darai una mano a sistemare i miei appunti, G?
Perché no, gli faccio. E sarebbe stata una bella sfida per me, anzi, per entrambi. Ma la legge della selezione, passa anche dalle nostre parti, e M, che non possiede purtroppo quella lucidità indispensabile per lavori di concentrazione come quelli che facciamo noi, viene tagliato fuori dai giochi.
‒ Ecco, lo sapevo G, mi hanno detto che mi aiuteranno a cercare un altro lavoro, ma qui il mio tirocinio finisce. Ora subentreranno mesi difficili, e l’autostima andrà sotto zero. ‒, mi confida sconsolato M, durante la pausa caffè. Stanchezza e distrazione, insieme a qualche assenza di troppo, fanno perdere punti e fiducia verso i nuovi arrivati. Allora devi farti forza, almeno tu. Devi dotarti di corazza, per evitare di legarti troppo a quelle persone che come te credevano in un sogno, poi andato in frantumi. Devi far finta di niente, dimenticarli alla svelta, prima che i loro ricordi si impossessino di te, senza lasciarti in pace. Sono uguali a me, santo Iddio! Più sfortunati di me, perché non ce l’hanno fatta. Tutto però deve continuare… Chissà, se i miei responsabili soffrono un pochino anche loro, per dover lasciare a piedi questi uomini e donne, non consoni ai ritmi della cooperativa? Qualcuno di loro, lo rivedo per le strade della mia città. Come quel ragazzo giovanissimo, inesperto con la vita, che il sabato sera brinda insieme a un amico, seduto su una panchina, in mano una bottiglia di birra. Sembra voglia godersela tutta, è soddisfatto, ha gli occhi raggianti e un sorriso beffardo di chi ha sete di rivincita verso il mondo. Brandisce lentamente quella bottiglia, quasi fosse uno scettro. E io, rivedendolo, spiandolo di nascosto, obliquamente tifo per lui. Perché so che per fortuna non esiste solo la nostra cooperativa, ma molte altre realtà sociali, magari più affini al suo limite e destino. Ogni sconfitta fortifica, e potrebbe portare a qualcosa di migliore. Ogni sconfitta, brucia, svergina per sempre il potente motore, il cuore fragile dell’uomo.
Essere abbandonati, è un discorso da mondo del lavoro. Essere qualcuno, è ferocia, burla da letteratura. Cosa voglio dire? Mai come oggi, se non rendi di più di quello che già puoi dare, spesso sei fuori. Devi contare solo su te stesso. Devi lottare contro raccomandati, leccaculo e arrampicatori sociali, che faranno di tutto per primeggiare e tagliarti le gambe. Lo stesso, ahimè, accade nel mondo letterario. In realtà: accade ovunque. Quasi, ovunque. In tanti, troppi, vogliono avere il controllo su chi ne sa meno o più di loro. Vogliono avere tanto, e il prima possibile. Si creano fazioni, ci si imbosca in ambienti in apparenza estranei, per avere i propri uomini pronti a reagire, in situazioni di disavanzo. Giochi di potere, che tristezza, il mondo è questo. Se non ti va bene, è così lo stesso. Ciò nonostante, il poeta ‒ che si ripeta ‒ è fuori controllo… preferisco rimanere solo come un cane, piuttosto che sopportare la maschera di finte amicizie; e voglio avere idee mie personali, anziché ripetere a pappagallo quelle degli altri.
Fortunatamente, però, viene sempre qualcuno a disinnescare la mia boriosa solitudine (che aspettate! venite a stanarmi…). Arriva, proprio quando meno me lo aspetto, un nuovo amico, questa volta a trarmi fuori dall’ultima grande depressione nella quale ero caduto. A dire il vero, l’avevo cercato io, parecchio tempo prima, Antonio Zanoletti. Attore e regista, nome importante del teatro italiano, mi chiede all’improvviso se voglio scrivere per la sua compagnia teatrale (la Compagnia dell’Eremo, che poi è quello di Santa Caterina) un testo tratto da una sua idea. La cosa, oltre a farmi onore, mi aiutò davvero, e molto, ad allontanare definitivamente quella sporca compagna che è la depressione. Infida e impostora, tanto da abbracciarti nel silenzio della notte inesplorata, per violentarti il più possibile, ficcandoti in gola la sua lunga lingua sottile. Finalmente potevo scrivere un testo per il grande teatro. Antonio mi prestò dei libri, grazie ai quali potei documentarmi e mettermi al lavoro. Ma, oltre ai se, la vita riserva a volte dei ma. L’amico che mi aveva in qualche modo guarito, fu colpito lui stesso da un problema di salute, poi fortunatamente risolto. Tanto che tutt’ora, quel testo che avevo abbozzato timidamente, giace sonnecchiante in un cassetto (non mi ricordo nemmeno quale). E forse un giorno, forse no, vedrà la luce nei teatri italiani…
Giorgio Anelli
*In copertina: Mickey Rourke in una immagine da “Angel Heart”, film di Alan Parker del 1987
L'articolo “Devi lottare contro raccomandati, leccaculo, arrampicatori sociali… ma il poeta è fuori controllo”: esperienza di lavoro in cooperativa proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2XPFvvW
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drawingnova · 5 years
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My most recent Oc Vanti Heart
The happy-go-lucky artist who is working for the local librarian in her college days.
Will be posting more of her and other OCs soon
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stew-chan · 2 years
Happiness, Call of the Night, Case Study of Vantis, thank god for vampire weeb media that isn't Vampire Knight and makes my bi heart go doki doki 🙏
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chaoticremedy · 6 years
This was an assignment for a fiction writing class. I plan on expand on it, and am excited to do so!Astra touched the water, the lake was calm, the water cool as her fingers slipped beneath the surface. The forest around her was silent, the heat and stress of the day sucking the energy from the creatures who made their home there. She felt the sweat from the day slowly drip from her forehead and she cringed, this was the downside of all the beauty – the heat.Slowly purple started streaming from her fingertips, fish cautiously swam towards the strands all but dancing around them. This was the time she enjoyed the most, when her kin and fairy folk slept, where she could hear her heartbeat, and the crackling of her magic around her.Pulling her hand back and watching the fish swarm in their original direction she stood and wandered into the forest. She started towards the lights, the city where they had once lived, it had been years, she didn’t remember the streets or her old home. It was now in ruins, stone crumbled to the ground, fires lit the dim streets as she leaned against a tree.Her people had retreated when Vantis took over, his power too strong for even their most powerful wizards to face in groups. Vantis was now the vicious ruler of this land, and those who fought against him were forced into hiding. The silence of the forest was cut short by screams and cries coming from the city. A large fire started in the middle and she knew what was coming. Tears filled her eyes and she turned away and walked back to her home. Her heart broke for those people, Typics or not, they had families, friends, they were worth more than this.Vantis believed any non-magic users, typics as her people called them, were only good for hard labor, to find what she held most dear, believing he was the one to wield the powers. It was the noise of these rituals that were being carried over the skies now that brought that thought back to her. She clutched the stone around her neck, to anyone else it looked like a normal gem that many used to store and focus energy to increase their magic, but she knew it was more than that.She had found it when she was younger, digging in the forest she called her home while her parents were planning an attack, that morning was the last time she had seen them. She had found the stone buried by the biggest tree in the forest as Dune and she had been playing.The small fairy loved to hide little things for her to find and give her clues that allowed her to start honing her magic. When she touched it, a bright light was emitted, causing Dune to come to her rescue, only to find her eyes glazed over in a state of all but unconsciousness.He had explained to her after, once she had come to and was leaning against the tree, that things like that didn’t happen. He took the stone from her to bring it to his elders for more investigation. It was since that day that Astra knew something changed in her, rather than the normal green magic that other witches had, hers was purple, people feared her, unknowing why this difference had occurred.The wizards, their power streaming blue, had taken her in when the witches had refused to train her. It was there she learned to tone her skills, not in the delicate arts that the witches had always encouraged, but in the battle magic of the wizards, the strong and fierce, the forces that would one day hope to bring Vantis down.She entered her small wooden hut to find Dune tucked into his small leaf bed, sound asleep. This brought a smile to her eyes as she climbed into bed, her friend had never left her side no matter how different she ended up being. It was the memories of growing up with the small fairy that crossed her mind as she fell into a deep sleep.Sounds of shouts awoke her the next morning, Dune was already up and flying out a small crack in the wall to investigate. Astra quickly put on her boots and threw open the door. Outside she followed the shouts to the middle of the forest, to the spot she sat a few hours prior to playing with the fish.She saw a wizard and witch standing toe to toe, usually never conversing unless it was in meetings for attack and uprising.“They killed more last night, we can’t just stand here while the people we should be protected are slaughtered!” A large greying man scolded looking down at a short petite woman who had fury in her eyes. “We must attack now before more innocent lives are lost, you know they can’t protect themselves.”Astra looked at the pair facing each other, if the topic hadn’t been what it was it would have been laughable, the small woman going after the mountain of a man. But she knew what they were talking about, more typics had been killed last night, the rituals were becoming more and more common as Vantis’s power and armies grew.She stepped forward out of the brush, and Dune came to sit on her shoulder. She knelt on the loose dirt in front of the two elders, bowing her head in respect. One had disowned her, one had taken her in and allowed her to grow, and here she was invading their exchange.“Daxon,” She addressed him as one would family, as that was what he was to her, and they all knew it. “I’m sorry, I do not mean to intrru-“ she was cut short by a grunt and looked up at the man.“Stand child, you know better than that.” Her eyes darted to Maura and she stood. She knew the witch hated her, even more than her fury for Daxon.Astra looked at the pair once more, her eyes meeting Daxon as she spoke, her eyes filled with fire as she remembered the screams from last night.“We can’t stand idle and do nothing we must fight, we’ve trained for this.”Astra’s hand went to her neck where the stone laid, “We’re ready, have you told her?” She glanced at Maura, the witch was glaring daggers at her.“Told me what?” the woman glanced back and forth from the two soldiers uncertain. The man all but growled at the child in front of him.“We been training,” he motioned to the young girl, “with Astra as the lead, her powers have grown, to an extent we were not expecting.” The witch looked at the young warrior and back to the elder once more.“Why were we not told before now?”“You really expected us to disclose this information?” He took a step forward placing himself between the two women. “You cast her aside if you were to find out what she was capable of you would have done anything in your power to get her back Maura. Her power is meant for war, not healing, you’ve seen it.”With that Astra took a step back remembering the first time she showed her powers to Maura after finding the stone, it was the reason there was now a large scar across her chest and shoulder.The elder woman’s aura shown a bright green as she grew angry, balls of green light started to grow around her hands. “Why would you not tell us Daxon? She’s a danger to us all, you know this, you know what that stone can do to her.” Astra looked at the woman confused, her hand still clutching the small gem at her neck. Maura glanced at her and smirked, there was evil in her eyes, evil Astra had never seen before. “You didn’t tell her,” she purred, her voice low, “you didn’t tell her what that stone is from, what she’ll become once she uses it for long enough”Daxon growled once more and put his hand back to prevent Astra from stepping forward towards the witch. “Her heart is strong, there is no worry of that.” He spat on the ground towards the witch. “Prepare your covens, we have a war to win.”With that, he turned, rotated Astra around and pushed her from behind, a hand on each of her shoulders.Once back to the barracks and in Daxon’s office he sat down in his chair with a huff. Astra sat across the large wooden desk, her eyes burning into him. He wouldn’t look at her, he hadn’t said a word since they left the forest and headed to the hidden base a few minutes from her small hut.“So, are you going to tell me, or are you going to make me sweet talk Maura?”“That woman wouldn’t tell you the time of day and you know it, Astra. She want’s nothing to do with, other than maybe your death.”“My death?” Her voice was concerned, “I did nothing, she is the one that cast me aside.”Daxon motioned to her necklace then was silent a moment before continuing. “Little one, we’ll talk about it, but now, if you really think now is the time to strike, we must rally the troops, and plan.”The night went on, Astra and Daxon stood in his office surrounded by generals making plans of attack for the next day. Arguments broke out, generals were glaring at each other, each wanting to be the one to finally take down Vantis, but each time they were shot down by Daxon, he had a plan of his own, one that only Astra knew about.The web of half-truths he was telling the generals was making her head spin, how did he keep it all organized? The sun had started to show its head over the horizon as the men finally settled on a plan they each grudgingly agreed on.The generals split equally and would work to create a path for Daxon’s troops to make their way to the heart of the city where Vantis was most likely to be. From there the generals were left in the dark, other than being told Vantis would be taken care of.They moved out as the sun set over the hills, they were given the day to rest, to train, to sharpen their swords and calm their magic. The women fussed around the men, saying words of healing, strength, good luck, the lesser arts as the men called them.They marched to the edge of the woods, the fires and shouts starting from the stone city in front of them, the sacrifices once more were starting.Astra stayed close to Daxon as the troops moved, this wasn’t the soldier’s first round of fights, however, this was hers. Her leathers felt heavy on her shoulders as she moved through the dark, only the light from the large bonfires in front of them lighting their way.Daxon nodded and the group split in half, only the soft sounds of boots on loose gravel as they made their way to flank the city. Daxon, Astra and a group of fifteen others stood waiting for the sounds of fighting to start before they made their way directly up the middle of the brick road leading to the city center.Astra’s ears strained as he waited to hear the first shouts, not from typics but soldiers. Minutes passed, seeming like hours to her. Sweat started to bead on her forehead as she waited, she stood closer to Daxon and took his hand for comfort as she waited. He looked down at her and smiled.“Everything will be ok little one, stay by me. I’ll protect you.” She looked up at him and smiled, he always had. She knew that this was on her shoulders, she had to survive to defeat Vantis, to find out what Maura meant about the stone that changed her forever.Orders started being yelled from both directions, the attack had started. The two looked at each other once more and started forward with the group. Astra’s hands shown purple as she started to call upon her magic. Men came from all directions, but she let the men around her take care of them, she knew this was going to take all her strength.Typics and wizards ran before them, typics trying to get out of the line of fire, now free from the guards that usually would destroy them where they stood. On the way to the city center, she saw her comrades go down, but she focused on the goal at hand, there would be time to mourn later.They were down to nine once they reached the door, seven of her companions she’d never talk to again. Rage burned in eyes as they burst the door down, as expected men filled the entryway. The warriors around her spread out as they took on their opponency, some fighting two to one.A charged blue stream shot towards Astra, however, she was pushed aside and shield by Daxon’s familiar power. The fight inside the hall went on, the men around her growing tired, Daxon filling in where he could, but still being close enough to protect her.She felt helpless, she knew that she could help, but she also knew if she used all her power here, she’d be useless against their end goal. As shouts started getting louder she turned to the door they had entered from. There stood the largest man she had ever seen.His skin was black as the night, eyes red as the blood that stained the floors around them, and his teeth were like a bear’s, he grinned as he casually strolled into the hall. The fighting seemed to miss him altogether, he sidestepped blood on the floor, as if he was worried about staining his boots.“Daxon!” The man’s voice boomed through the hall shaking the stone around them. All fighting stopped as they looked at the dark figure walking towards where Astra and Daxon Stood.“Vantis,” His voice low, a tone Astra had never heard before, true rage dripping from that one name.“And who do you have here?” the man looked at her, then to her neck and back into her eyes as if he sensed the stone’s power. “Oh, I see you’ve found my stone, so nice of you to bring it to me! So that’s where it is, years of searching, it’s around this runt’s neck!” He smirked his grin a full of razor sharp fangs that gleamed in the low light.Astra’s started to move her hand to her neck, but then remembered why they were here. Taking a deep breath, she summoned her magic, her aura growing a faint purple.“You’ve harnessed it? But how?” Vantis’s voice was full of excitement and anger, a strange tone that sent chills down Astra’s spine. “That is mine child, now you can bring it here, or you and your friends will die, the choice is yours. If you’re good, maybe I’ll even let you sit by my side.” His voice dripped with menace.Without a second thought, calling upon her training she shot a ball of purple energy at Vantis. It caught him off guard and hit true right in his center of mass. He stumbled back but regained his balance.Vantis’s hands shown red, and his eyes glowed, something that she had never seen before. “Well child, I’ll have to pry it off your dead body, now won’t I?” With that the fighting resumed with a vengeance, however, they now focused on Daxon and Astra.“Go!” Daxon yelled at Astra as he pushed her away from the oncoming forces. She was pushed towards Vantis and her stomach dropped. He was at least three times her size. His eyes as red as the blood that now splattered the floor around her.The grin still spread across his face as she stepped towards her. Even with all her training, her mental preparation she never expected this, for him. She was caught in his gaze and froze, allowed him to come closer to her to circle her.“Astra,” She heard her name being called, but it seemed so far off like she was in a dream. The only thing in front of her were two glowing red orbs.“Oh, young one, what power you hold, it’s such a shame it’s got to end this way.” She heard another voice, this time closer.The two voices were each pulling her in different directions, one closer to the surface, the other deeper into the dark abyss. She felt herself being pulled both ways, over and over, the voices, if they would just stop, she could ground herself.One voice was full of light and hope, the other full of power and darkness. Wasn’t power what she needed to take everything back? To become stronger, to give her people their land back?She slowly found herself drifting deeper into the dark abyss, the darkness like a mother’s arms around her body. It brought her comfort, she felt safe and powerful. The voice of hope and light faded completely, the only thing left was the power, the raw and complete power.Astra’s eyes opened, she saw the world in a new way. Vantis stood beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. Purple mixed with red in her aura, her eyes were a matching version of his as they looked around the room, now still.“My child, your time has come,” Vantis smiled at her, she looked at him and smirked.“Yes, yes it has” via /r/Tiix
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New Post has been published on http://www.lowestpricetermlifeinsurance.com/index.php/2021/04/02/buying-life-insurance-when-you-have-a-chronic-illness/
Buying life insurance when you have a chronic illness
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Buying life insurance when you have a chronic illness
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By Lena Borrelli Lena Borrelli's Twitter profile
  Luis Alvarez/Getty Images
  According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), six out of every 10 U.S. adults have a chronic illness, and four in 10 Americans — almost half of all U.S. adults — live with two or more chronic illnesses. Life insurance is an important consideration when you have a chronic illness. It can provide you the peace of mind that your loved ones will be taken care of should you pass away. With the payout from a life insurance policy, your family may be able to more easily arrange funeral services, resolve outstanding debts and pay the day-to-day bills.
  Although it can make it more complicated to obtain life insurance, chronic illnesses do not necessarily prevent you from finding a policy. It is still possible to buy life insurance when you have a chronic illness, but you should be aware of what to expect from the process.
What is a chronic condition and how does it affect life insurance?
A chronic condition lasts a year or more, impacts or limits your daily activities, and requires ongoing medical care. Many of these conditions can be serious, with the leading chronic diseases in the U.S. including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Other chronic illnesses include high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, high cholesterol, depression, and HIV/AIDS.
“Many chronic illnesses are insurable,” said Anthony Martin of Choice Mutual. “In the end, it depends on which condition(s) you have, and the severity of the said condition(s). Some of the most common examples of chronic conditions that are highly insurable are arthritis, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, or mental health issues. Those issues won’t preclude an applicant from qualifying, depending on the severity of their condition. For example, if a person has well-controlled diabetes, they can easily acquire multiple life insurance products.”
Life insurance companies review multiple factors when determining your eligibility for a policy, such as your age and where you live, but there is more to consider when you have a chronic illness. Insurance providers may also consider the severity of your condition, the date of your diagnosis, how well your disease is controlled, and your overall health.
“Unfortunately, once a person has been diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness, it will be very difficult to find life insurance coverage because many of the underwriting guidelines used by carriers prevent them from issuing policies to those with such conditions,” said Jen Astacio of Vantis Life Insurance Company.
Life insurance for those with chronic conditions
Life insurance is different for every person and every condition. Some chronic illnesses are more serious than others, affecting which policies you can qualify for.
In general, four types of life insurance may be options for those with chronic illnesses:
Traditional life insurance: A traditional life insurance policy may be possible if your disease is well-managed, under control, and non-life-threatening. You may need a medical exam, the results of which will likely affect your premium.
Simplified issue life insurance: If you have a minor health issue but are otherwise healthy, a simplified issue policy could be a great choice for you. There is generally no medical exam required. These policies instead rely upon your medical history and a health questionnaire for pricing.
Guaranteed issue life insurance: These policies typically do not require a medical exam and most people who apply can receive a policy. Although it may be a good option if you have a medical condition that otherwise bars you from coverage, guaranteed issue life insurance tends to be significantly more expensive than other types of policies.
Final expense life insurance: Designed for policyholders over the age of 50, final expense insurance requires no medical exam. This policy is designed to resolve your final expenses, including end-of-life bills and medical costs, as well as any remaining debts. The death benefit of final expense policies is lower than other policies, generally no more than $25,000.
Although there are several insurance types that you may be able to choose from if you have a chronic illness, the specific type of illness you have will be one of the biggest factors when it comes to eligibility.
Life insurance for people with hypertension and high blood pressure
High blood pressure affects approximately half of all adults in the U.S. today. Insurance companies will review the severity of your case when you apply for life insurance. Companies may also ask if you have made lifestyle changes or if you take medication to control your blood pressure. You may be asked to disclose the age that you were diagnosed, as well.
Life insurance for people with diabetes
Diabetes is another common issue among Americans today, affecting more than 10% of the U.S. population in 2018. The type of diabetes you have — Type 1 or Type 2 — may be a factor that your insurance company will take into consideration. There may be some limitations regarding the kind of policy you can buy, especially for those with more severe cases. Insurers may ask how old you were when you received your diagnosis, what kinds of medication you take and what your most recent A1C reading was.
Life insurance for people with high cholesterol
More than 102 million Americans have high cholesterol, putting them at an elevated risk of heart disease and stroke. There are several factors that life insurance companies may consider when reviewing your cholesterol. Insurers may look at your overall cholesterol number, as well as your LDL, HDL, and triglyceride readings. Many insurance companies will also factor in your age and gender before deciding on rates for life insurance with high cholesterol.
Life insurance for people with cancer
Researchers expect that doctors will diagnose 1.9 million new cases of cancer in 2021 alone. Although a cancer diagnosis can be devastating, it is still possible to get life insurance coverage. If you had cancer but are now in remission, you could see affordable rates. You may even qualify for traditional life insurance if you have been in remission and out of treatment for at least two to five years. As with other diseases, life insurance companies may review the type of cancer you have, the severity of your condition, and how well your disease is controlled.
Life insurance for terminally ill cancer patients
If you are a terminally ill cancer patient, finding life insurance coverage can be more difficult. Cancer patients often only qualify for guaranteed issue policies. Even then, you may be limited in the kind of coverage you are offered and the rates may be higher than other types of policies. You could also face restrictions on payouts for the first several months or even years of your policy, so it is important to discuss your options with a licensed life insurance agent.
Life insurance riders for chronically ill policyholders
Life insurance riders can offer you a way to customize your policy to fit your unique situation. A rider is an amendment to your policy that adds extra protection where you need them.
For chronically ill policyholders, accelerated death benefit riders, also known as living benefits riders, maybe a good choice. With these riders, you may be able to benefit from your life insurance policy while you are still alive.
Colton Castleman, a retirement counselor at Assurance & Guarantee, agreed. “If you have this rider on your policy, it allows you a certain percentage of your death benefit to be accessed with no penalty. This does reduce your death benefit, however, sometimes it’s needed to cover medical costs for treatment or other expenses.”
There are several types of riders that chronically ill individuals may want to consider.
Waiver of premium rider: If you have this rider on your life insurance policy before you are diagnosed with a qualifying chronic illness, it may waive your life insurance premiums while the condition persists.
Chronic illness rider: As a chronic illness worsens, it can limit your ability to do everyday activities. A chronic illness rider could allow you to use a portion of your policy’s death benefit to provide additional support when you can no longer perform some of the activities associated with daily living, such as dressing or walking.
Long-term care (LTC) rider: A long-term care rider may allow you to use your death benefit to pay for a nursing home or other form of extended medical care.
Riders vary from company to company. Obtaining quotes from multiple insurance providers may help you to find a provider that best fits your needs.
Frequently asked questions
What is the best life insurance company?
The best life insurance company for those with a chronic illness will vary depending on each individual’s scenario. Rating factors like your age, health, and medical history can impact which provider offers the best life insurance policy for you. Additionally, how much life insurance you want to purchase will have a factor in your premium and eligibility. Getting quotes from several carriers might help you find the best policy for your needs.
What should I do if an insurance company denies my application for life insurance?
When you are shopping for life insurance with a chronic illness, your application may be denied. Some providers are more flexible than others, so even if your application is denied with one carrier, you could still find coverage with another company. You may also want to consider purchasing simplified life insurance or a guaranteed issue life insurance policy.
Do I have to disclose my chronic illness to an insurance company?
You should disclose your full and honest medical history to an insurance provider when filling out an application for life insurance. This includes any chronic illnesses that you may have. If you do not disclose your full medical history, it could be considered fraud and might impact your ability to obtain coverage.
Mike Sheehan
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lcstycungrenegcde · 4 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up,UMA VANTIS, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of DESCENDANTS miss you. when you went into slumber you were NINETEEN years old, your pronouns are HER, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a BARTENDER is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you! 
NAME: Uma Vantis
ALIAS(ES): Shrimpy
AGE: 19
FACECLAIM: Chinna Anne Mcclain
PERSONALITY: ( Uma is fiery. She has a temper and always wants to get her way. She just wants what’s best for her family and friends, and she doesn’t care how she has to go about getting that.)
BACKGROUND: ( Uma is the captain of the Lost Revenge. She loves being captain an being a pirate. She’s not evil, although some would have her believe she is. She’s happy to be sailing or with her first mate and other best friend harry and gil. She loves them with all her heart. )
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: ( Harry hook-first mate, gil legume- best friend, Mal Bertha-Enemy )
WEAPONS: ( sword )
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: A necklace that allows her to do magic
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? She’s angry. So angry. She suspects Mal forced her here but she doesn’t really know who sent her here. She’s going to make the best of things though.
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? Better living situations. She didn’t have the greatest place to live on the isle and is looking for somewhere better.
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? It’s a toss between her sword and her necklace.
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