#Vault 11
lesvegas · 2 months
Found footage from a holotape located just inside Vault 11 of what appears to be an Overseer election debate circa 2124
(original vid by cs188)
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thefalloutwiki · 2 years
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Pictured: A poster from Vault 11, advocating for the election of Donna Haley for Overseer.
You can read more about Vault 11 here
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Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that the people still living in the vaults who never went outside still had enough supplies to last them 200 years without needing to go outside? How the hell did the people in Vault 101, Vault 21, Vault 34, Vault 3, Vault 11 and Vault 81 last so long without needing to go outside?
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vault-tec-official · 5 months
Vault of the Week: Vault 11!
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We're here to bring you some fun facts about our very own Vault 11!
This vault, located just a hop and a skip away from Boulder City, NV, features some of our best computing technology with a highly-advanced mainframe designed to help run the vault alongside its designated overseer.
Do you enjoy practicing democracy? This vault allows you to vote for a new overseer every year to help lead your community through a successful life underground, and everyone gets a chance to run!
We have state-of-the-art lounging facilities such as a luxurious cigar lounge and a peaceful "reflection" room for you to stay relaxed in your newfound environment.
Vault 11 is a perfect home for those with the following qualities:
Values life to its fullest!
Not afraid to put others first!
Fantastic interpersonal skills!
Enjoys meditation!
Can design a compelling campaign poster!
If you think this vault is the place for you, don't wait! Contact us and reserve your spot today!
Happy trails!
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plasmaandsandstorms · 17 days
Tuesday 11.15.2281 - 9:17PM
(The Audio begins with the creak of an office chair's wheels) Lydia: Phew...finally got out of the rain...what? ED-E: <Annoyed Trill> Lydia: Oh, please, ED-E. I repaired your casing myself, it is water tight. Your internals are perfectly safe. ED-E: <A series of low-volume beeps and trills> Lydia: Mumble mumble mumble! Don't act like you're mad at me. I didn't intend to get captured by a madman or teleported to a science facility. ED-E: <Shrill beeping and electronic buzzing> Lydia: ED-E are you jealous of my ARMOR of all things?! Stealth Suit Mk2: I think we make a good team, he lets you see invisible monsters, and I make you invisible. Synergy! Lydia: Exactly! With your stealth technology and ED-E's enhanced sensors we're damn near unstoppable! You have nothing to be jealous about ED-E. ED-E: <Surprisingly pouty trill, after a brief silence he beeps happily.> Lydia: Atta boy...I know it's a sudden adjustment, but you're always going to be a valued friend to me. Now I need to get this log done.
We've settled down in a Vault for a bit, it's raining quite heavily and there was a lot of lightning in the sky. ED-E was getting a little nervous, since he floats a bit high and is made entirely of metal. I don't know much about Vaults, beyond the fact that Doc Mitchel gave me a suit from Vault-21 and some mentions in Big Mountain. I'm curious about the story behind this one, the door was open and there were skeletons laying just inside.
Something else too, there's a ton of fucking posters on the walls in the room I'm having a sit down in. Looks like this Vault elected their leader, Overseer. Looks like the candidates are Haley Stone and Nate Glover. But an interesting note, based on the wording of the posters being the Overseer is viewed as a punishment. I'm eager to learn more, so I might spend a while investigating and gathering what I can.
Regardless, I visited a place called Black Mountain, where I met a Super Mutant named Neil. He warned me not to go up the mountain, since it was home to hostile super mutants, but I offered to help him take down the super mutant running things in order to clear out the danger. It was a hard fight, but I made it up the mountain and killed Tabitha, the Nightkin running the show. I feel like there was an alternative...I fixed found a machine that needed repairs and, once I did so, it woke up and claimed to be Rhonda. Based on terminal logs and other things I found, it was Tabitha's best friend. Unfortunately it became hostile when I told it she was dead and I was forced to destroy it. That said, I did manage to free a Ghoul named Raul. He was pretty passive aggressive but gave me the location of his shack if I ever needed his services.
Anyway, I'm gonna get to searching this Vault and figuring out what this whole election thing is. It's got my curiosity stirred up quite a bit, hopefully ED-E won't have trouble getting around...thankfully the ceilings are pretty high. Anyway, that's all for this log. Here's hoping a few terminals or journals survived so I don't have to infer a buncha shit with no proof.
(The audio briefly cuts before resuming.)
Turns out the posters are mentioning three different people: Henry Glover, who seems like a decent guy…real family man type. Donna Haley, who appears to have been accused of adultery and communist sympathies based on the posters, and finally, Nathan Stone…who seems to think he's on the ballot because of backroom politicking.
Now, interestingly, the next log on this terminal indicates some murders happened and they want to make THAT person Overseer…based on Pre-War culture that likely means the Overseer position results in the death of said overseer. Now the final log on this computer is from the new Overseer, Katherine Stone, likely the wife of Nathan. She's done away with the election process and opted for picking the new Overseer via random number generator. So the Overseer, despite apparently being a death sentence, still has the power to set policy!
The plot thickens, hopefully I will have the full story by the time I make tomorrow's log.
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andrevascreencaps · 2 years
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unreliablewitness34 · 2 years
Democracy Inaction is truly one of the greatest side quests in the whole fallout series.
It’s just this short little mystery you get to unravel and it’s intriguing and engaging from beginning to end. Everything you discover adds a piece to the puzzle until you are looking at the complete picture of what happened in Vault 11 in all it’s soul-crushing glory.
I’m also dead certain that that last hallway qualifies as some sort of horror. Absolutely sphincter tightening. I was nothing short of terrified the firts time I walked into the sacrificial chamber up until the slideshow ended and I got eviscerated.
My point is, everybody who contributed to this quest is an absolute genius.
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Adrien in every Vault Suit they own.
(I’m still holding asks for my characters.)
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two-bit-socrates · 2 years
I'm wandering around in Vault 11 looking for the thing for thing and was getting a 'Those Who Walk Away from Omelas' vibe but looking it up it's actually inspired by Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' Guess I'll need to read that.
This vault is the kind of thing that makes me do video essays in my brain for myself.
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Stella of Vault 21: 1, The Sea of Sand.
A girl roams the endless sea of sand in search of food, water, shelter, anything. As the sun sets she begins to become more and more hopeless she drinks the last of the purified water as she crawls under a rock outcropping. Taking out her blanket and lay down in the small alcove. she turns over and sees the lights of New Vegas. A tear rolls down her cheek. She thinks of her past home the only place she knew, Vault 21. She misses it, her family, her friends, her home. She remembers how her family would roll dice every night to see who got the extra food ration. Her first job was at the general store. Her Nuka Cola Collection at this point she tried to stop herself from crying to prevent herself from getting dehydrated but she couldn't. She soon fell asleep.
Waking up sometime later she realizes in the alcove is a door, this door leading to a vault entrance, Vault 11. Hoping someone is inside she activates the intercom. "Hello," she says "Is anyone in there" "I'm from Vault 21 please answer" Nothing She asks once again but no response so out of desperation she loads up her Pipboy 3000 and opens the door. With a loud screech of rusted metal and steel, the door opens. She cringes back trying to cover her ears. Now open she realizes something is off. "Next time on Stella of Vault 21: Will she find food or water within this derelict vault? What horrors await inside? Tune in next time to find out. This is Radio Mojave signing off" *Click*
The Sea of Sand.
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dontblamethewitches · 6 months
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my face was gray but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Vault 11: Voter's Dilemma
Artist: Kieran Yanner TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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plasmaandsandstorms · 17 days
Wednesday 11.16.2281
So, I've done some investigating. Seems like whatever happened ended with only four survivors, they felt awful about it and all but one killed themselves. Some of the posters were defaced, 'I hate Nate' reading 'I hate Kate' thanks to some graffiti. My hypothesis about this election being a death sentence is correct, as well as the Overseer still having the power to set policy. Based on the recording I just acquired, it seems like this Justice Bloc was the majority of the vault and preferred to do things via the voting system. Katherine's change to the policy to make it random didn't sit well with some of them and they wanted to stage a coup. Apparently the control they wielded was more important to them than the standard procedure they'd been observing all this time.
Might be more answers deeper in the vault. More updates to come, I won't be tagging this log with a time as I will likely being making many updates to it.
Disturbing update, I found out why Katherine was elected Overseer; She murdered members of the Justice Bloc. They were forcing her to have sex with them and their friends in order to keep her husband Nate off the ballot. When he ended up on it anyway, she killed them to ensure she would be elected Overseer. Whatever happened here...whatever this whole thing was? I hope the Justice Bloc was wiped out.
Located a terminal in the Vault's Atrium indicating that this election process has happened since the very start of the Vault, the First Overseer told everyone the Mainframe of the Vault would kill them if they didn't sacrifice someone every year in the room beneath the Overseer's desk. Apparently they picked him, and he sobbed like a child all the way to his death and from then on the Overseer was the sacrifice. But it's devolved into corruption, the voting blocs leading to all sorts of horrible shit like what happened with Katherine. What was the point of it all? I've found evidence of a whole civil war taking place, it even collapsed sections of the vault and caused water to flood the reactor level!
Now that I have the Overseer's password, I am certain I can find the answers in that sacrificial room. I'm on my way there now.
(The audio clicks off for a brief second before resuming)
What...what the actual fuck is wrong with Vault-Tec? The whole basis for this Vault was the sacrificial process! The world was gone! Wiped out in Nuclear Fire! HOW WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY HAD TO DISOBEY!? HOW COULD THEY WHEN THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE THE LAST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET?!
(Her shouting nearly peaks out the mic, but it manages to catch her words. Several seconds of silence follows before she speaks again.)
This is...disgusting...cruel, what an evil thing to do to these poor people. I-I'm getting out of here...to hell with the rain.
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scandalouslamb · 2 months
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes & "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"
wikipedia/tbosas movie/"the ones who walk away from omelas"/tbosas ch. 28-30/excerpt from an undergrad essay i wrote
In no way is the Games necessary for the Capitol in the same way allegorical's Omelas' suffering child is for that city, but the idea of The Ones Who Walk Away at the end of that short story always sticks with me. in my interpretation, they're going "towards a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness" is them pursuing a place where people can be happy and no one has to suffer. Maybe, it doesn't exist, but it's worth a look, right?
Also I know the image that tbosas leaves us isn't of people walking away, but... they want to... they want to so bad that I am counting it.
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yahoo201027 · 7 days
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Day in Fandom History: September 16…
When Finn starts sleepwalking and dreaming about the green Ghost Lady he filed away in his memory vault at the end of “The Creeps,” Jake and BMO help him tap into his repressed memories to uncover a secret past. “The Vault” premiered on this day, 11 Years Ago.
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queen-of-obsessing · 1 year
My Top 15 Favourite Taylor Swift Bridges
In honour of the Eras Tour Film that I'm seeing this week! this was so difficult-
You're On Your Own, Kid: 4.80, perfection "i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this!" "everything you lose is a step you take SO MAKE THE FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS TAKE THE MOMENT AND TASTE IT YOU GOT NO REASON TO BE AFRAID"
The Archer: 4.79, "can you see right through me? i see right through me!!!"
Out of the Woods: 4.75, iconic iconic iconic "when the sun came up YOU WERE LOOKIN AT ME!"
I Did Something Bad: 4.66, "LIGHT ME UP!"
Come Back…Be Here: 4.60, "THIS IS FALLING IN LOVE IN THE CRUELEST WAY" such bad memories associated with it tho
Castles Crumbling: 4.59, "NEVER WANTED YOU TO HATE ME!!!" sobs
Hits Different: 4.58, "or have they come to take me away…TO TAKE ME AWAAAAY"
Would've Could've Should've: 4.5, "GIVE ME BACK MY GIRLHOOD IT WAS MINE FIRST!!!!!!!"
So It Goes…: 4.5, "but honestly baby who's counting?? one two three"
All Too Well: 4.5, "so casually cruel in the name of being honest!" also very bad memories but a banger all the way through
This Love: 4.45, "I FELL TO MY KNEES"
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