#Vee growing up to be as big as her siblings
salamander-spark · 19 days
Trust and Gentleness
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A bit of older Vee and Masha
close ups!
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Vee has a flapjack tattoo on her right shoulder, and masha has one on their right ankle, as well as a human/demon realm and a snake tattoo on each arm respectively.
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In my AU, Vee is short for Viola, the name Camila gave her because her eyes reminded Camila of them
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(Edit: the way I drew Masha was bugging me, so I tweaked their expression + Proportions)
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Ok, I wanna talk about those diverging Owl House au's I thought of. One of them uses something from the finale as a big plot point, but I'll put that under a read more.
But yeah! Here we go!
So you guys know how it was mentioned in S2 that Titans Blood mixing with water can create temporary portals between realms? Well let's go back to King on his little island sometime before Eda shows up. Both of these au's start with tiny little King wandering out of the...temple? that he hatched in and that Jean-Luc is confined to.
He explores the island a bit, and ends up tripping and scraping his palm or knee, just some small minor injury that would produce a little bleeding. King ends up opening a portal, either by trying to wash the blood out of his fur in a pond or stream or something, or by falling into that body of water.
King Noceda au
First off is the one where he falls in. And I wanna start off by saying that this is a crack offshoot of my first idea, so we're going to pretend that there aren't a million different plot holes that would make this au garbage nonsense.
King slips into a body of water too deep for him to swim in, and with his little scrape his blood mixes with the water, and next thing he knows he's being pulled out of the water and into the Human Realm by a young (about six years old) Luz Noceda!
The Nocedas haven't moved to Gravesfield yet, the portal opened near their old home. Luz, who was exploring a wooded area near her home at the time, rushes a soaked, freaked out, and half drowned King home, where Camila, being a vet, is more than able to treat King, even if she's wary of the fact that this adorable but weird dog thing Luz brought home has a skull for a head.
At first Manny, Camila, and Luz think King is just a weird dog, but then he starts talking.
So King grows up raised by Camila and Manny with Luz in the Human Realm! I'm gonna say that they're able to get buy using disguises like the Plantars used in Amphibia, and pretend that that would be the only thing the Nocedas have to worry about regarding raising a Demon in the Human Realm.
Things with Manny unfortunately go the same as in cannon, and even though having a little brother for most of her life means Luz is less lonely, school is still sucky and the Principal still pressures Camila into sending Luz to the summer camp.
Luz still chases Owlbert through the portal, but with King following her, both winding up in the Boiling Isles, and after that this set-up makes following cannon closely kinda impossible since even with Vee coming through the portal she could only fake being one person.
And thats pretty much it for this one, just a funny crack au about improbable adoption regarding characters I like. If I had a nickel for every time i made one of those, I'd have at least two, mb three depending on if you count VT.
But anyway, onto the more thought out au. It will be under a cut like I said earlier so anyone who hasn't seen the finale yet doesn't get spoiled by the thing I'm incorporating into this version. But I will leave the name I'm currently using for it.
Half-siblings au
So in this one everything starts the same, but instead of King falling into the water that opens the portal, he just like, tries to clean the bit of blood out of his fur and accidently opens the portal. Luz, still out playing in the woods behind her home, sees the pond and that the reflection in the water doesn't actually match the woods. She gets excited, rightly thinking it's some cool magic thing like out of the books her Dad reads to her before bed.
She falls in on accident trying to get a better look, and pops up in the Demon Realm. Luz see's King immediately and reacts the same way she does in cannon.
Since she's an excitable six year old with a love of fantasy and an overactive imagination, Luz doesn't really panic at her suddenly being transported to a different world. She sees it as a fun adventure, and those always end happily!
So Luz spends a little time with King out in the woods. King quickly warms up to her and Luz thinks he's absolutely adorable (and really hopes that she can take him home with her once she finishes her adventure)
They play in the woods a bit, but Luz notices King's getting tired (and she's kinda tired as well) so she picks him up and asks which way his home is. King points in the general direction he came from, and Luz quickly finds the temple. King dozed off in her arms, and Luz was excited to see who or what lives in there!
Mb other creatures like her new little friend? His family? Oh! mb an exiled ruler, waiting for a chance to reclaim their throne! Or a cranky old sorcerer who's looking for an apprentice!
Her mind is racing with excitement as she steps foot in the temple.
Unfortunately, the only thing waiting in the temple is Jean-Luc. And Jean-Luc was made to protect King from anyone or anything; it doesn't matter that Luz is a little kid, she's in the temple and she's not a Titan, so she's a threat to be dealt with.
Papa Titan watches the guard he made to protect his child kill a six-year-old in horror from the Inbetween. She watched as this little human fell into the Boiling Isles, and immediately befriend his only living child, just to be killed for trying to help King get back home.
She won't let that stand. So, much like in cannon, he stops Luz from sinking down into the depths, and gives her a second chance at life.
Luz doesn't really understand what just happened. Jean-Luc got her from behind, so to Luz one minute she was walking into the big tower with her new little friend, and now she's wading through water? in a weird glowy place full of floating boxes and there's a big hairy person kneeling in front of her.
Luz's resurrection is a bit different from cannon. Bc its a few years earlier (and Belos hasn't embraced being a literal tumor yet), Papa Titan has a bit more juice left, so she doesn't finally fully pass on after bringing Luz back (I like him too much to not give myself an opportunity to use him at least one more time in this au). And instead of Luz temporarily being in Titan mode with all the powers that come with it, she's just permanently part Titan now, and if she can use magic to that extent she doesn't figure out how for a while.
As much as I love her cannon Titan form, since this au has Luz as permanently half Titan (or, well, i think it'd technically be one third Titan) she's gonna look more like some of these concepts.
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((Small side note, I know why cannon went with the more witchy looking form, since Luz always wanted to be a witch, but look at these!! Look at my girl!!! She looks so cool!!))
So yeah, Luz comes to in the temple with King snuggled next to her, having slept through...everything that just happened. She just kinda figures that she was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she sat down, and then she had a dream about one of the murals in the temple.
A month or two later, Eda shows up.
Luz has realized that this isn't like one of her dad's bedtime stories by this point, and she just really wants to take her little friend and go home to her parents. Eda, at first, thinks King and Luz are half siblings through a demon parent, and doesn't fully believe Luz when she claims she's actually a Human.
But Luz's knowledge of Human items and her being fluent in Spanish (a language which doesn't exist in the Demon Realm), among a few other things, quickly leads Eda to the conclusion that yes, this kid is from the Human Realm and something really really weird happened to her.
The first thing on Luz's mind, once she and King have been brought back to the Owl House and fed and cleaned up, is getting back to Camila and Manny. Unfortunately, this isn't an easy task.
Luz, being 6ish, doesn't really know where she lives. She remembers parts of her address, and that they live in America, but other than that and her last name, she's got nothing (idk if Noceda is a common last name, so let's just pretend that it's common enough in this world that it wouldn't be helpful in tracking down Luz's parents).
And it's not like Eda can just help her come up with a good story and then drop her off at the Gravesfield police station; Luz might not stand out in the Demon Realm, but in the Human Realm her new Titan traits could get her killed.
So Eda spends the next few years raising both Luz and King, while trying to find Luz's parents in the Human Realm with no success.
Until Luz is around fourteen, and a certain heartbroken veterinarian living alone in Gravesfield chases a thieving little owl into a shack in the woods.
Ok, that's it for now. I have a lot more thought out for the Half Siblings au (not sold on that name, suggestions are welcome), like how certain events go, but I think this post has gotten long enough.
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joelsgreys · 9 months
VEE. you bet your ass Big bad Joel miller is using his strength to hold up peach's belly when the bump gets heavy. I can see it and this man DOES NOT LET GO. OH and Ellie is for sure shoving her face into peach's belly at every opportunity to get the baby to hear her voice bc if Mozart can influence babies THEN SO CAN SHE (Joel is concerned for the future of his child)
can you tell that the pregnancy trope is my bread and butter?
omg you know what this made me think of? those reels/tiktoks where partners stand behind their expectant partners and lift up their tummy and it’s just a huuuuuge relief for them
I can imagine Joel (y’know once the shock of her being KO’ed wears off and later on down the line as the baby grows and things aren’t so tense) noticing that she’s uncomfortable or that her back hurts and he just goes up behind her and uses those big strong hands to give her relief and I— 😮‍💨
OH Ellie’s going to be so excited for her sibling the baby she’s going to be all over Peach until the day it’s born
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theaceofarrows · 11 months
How do you see Luz's family? Like who's in it and playing what part? And be as detailed as you want - need - I'm very curious
Alright, here we go!
Camila, the amazing mama she's had all her life who's relationship has only grown between them and it's stronger than ever. Number 1# support system in the HR and group mom to all the kids
Eda, her loving, crazy mama she gained in the DR. There will always be a special bond between them for Eda being the first person (other than Camila) to except all her qurks and interests embrace her for it. Mom/crazy aunt to all the kids
Raine, her DR parent. Gives great advice especially for anxiety related issues. Absolutely a teen rebellion role model (THE Raine Whispers?!). Teaches her all the best bard spells and is always super patient
Lilith, cool aunt always down for bad girl™ shenanigans and adventures, ready to help with any and all school related questions 24/7
King, little brother. Would do anything for each other and both super protective. Number 1# cuddle buddy. Will always make groan inducing puns together
Amity, her awesome girlfriend/future wife. Her biggest fan and another huge support. Helps each other with self worth issues. Always hanging out and holding hands. Possible Bi awakening. Always ready to pull each other from danger. Enemies to friends to girlfriends
Willow, first and forever best friend. They are sisters hands down. Have been and always will be together through thick and thin. Have helped each other grow SO much since the beginning. Support each other's crazy stunts
Gus, also best friend and her's/Hunter's little brother. Always cheering each other on and lift each other up. Speak in memes. Getting into trouble and shenanigans all the time and giving they're parents grey hairs
Hunter, he's/Gus's older brother and Camila's son. Former enemies to reluctant allies to friends to siblings. Have helped each other through trauma especially Belos related. Have such oldest and youngest syndrome. Endlessly annoy each but would but would also kill for each other
Vee, her's/Hunter's little sister and Camila's daughter. Had a bit of a bumpy start at first but after some hard truths and life or situations are now 100% sisters. Vee seems like the voice of reason but in actuality is incredibly fierce and ready to kill to protect her family. They give each other wildly different dating advice
Emira & Edric, Amity's siblings/Luz's future siblings in-law/Hunter's step siblings??. Chaos twins. Probably founded the Lumity fan club. They are the friends you go to when you "know a guy". Always down to commit illegal acts and have the bail money ready. Constantly teasing
Alador, Amity and Em & Ed's dad/Luz's future father in-law/probably Darius husband/Hunter's step dad??. Very supportive of his kids relationships and always doing his best to make time and listen to them. Thought Luz was a member of the family 5 minutes ago. Probably already has the wedding planned
Darius, rich wine uncle/Hunter's dad/Amity, Em & Ed's step dad??/Alador's husband??. Acts like he doesn't care but will fight anyone who hurts his kid('s). Not so silently judging everyone's outfits. Goes to every sports match. Teaches Amity and Hunter crazy abomination spells because he claims Alador is to much of a hack to be trusted
Eberwolf, fun/crazy uncle/Darius' little brother. Has shown everyone what would probably be considered illegal beast keeping magic. Rides on people's shoulders whenever someone is having a bad day. Gives the kids tips on the best way to annoy Darius
Steve, the guy who just kind of showed up and is now everyone's honorary big brother. Gives rides on motorcycle. Like Em & Ed is also the guy you go to when you "know a guy". Hooks everyone up with a therapist
I hope this is okay! Thank you so much for this ask
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Now, when it comes to Hunter’s parental figure, I love the idea of Dadrius as much as anyone else. I also love Mama Eda, Raven Mom Lilith, Politely Confused Stepdad Alador, Exasperated Parental Unit Raine, and of course, Mamì Camila.
So like….why can’t we have them all?
No, I’m not talking about some weird mega-ship. I’m talking the most chaotic coparenting anyone’s ever seen. Hunter went from no parents to too many parents. And as to what that looks like…
- Post-DOU, once everything worked out and all the families were reunited, there were at least a few sets of custody battles. Alador and Odalia had a huge, drawn-out fight involving multiple sets of lawyers from both the Human and Demon Realms, Eda and Camila went through a very awkward phase of deciding where Luz would live (they settled on sharing a house with a door installed to the human realm so Vee could come and go as she pleased) and Amber’s aunt and uncle appeared out of the woodworks briefly to cause issues for Raine*. However, the biggest argument ended up being over Hunter. After a lot of bickering, some name-calling, and one impromptu sparring match, they settled on a split custody schedule where Hunter would go back and forth between Alador and Darius’s apartment and the Owl House with Eda, Raine and Camila (Lilith gets every other weekend). Hunter was incredibly confused as to what all the fuss was about.
- Hunter wasn’t sure who exactly he was supposed to call Mom and Dad at first. In fact, he was actually really nervous about it. Of course, when he came clean about it, everyone was incredibly supportive. One of the few things all of the adults actually agreed on was that they’d love him no matter what. Eventually, he settled on calling Camila ‘Mom’ or ‘Mamí’ (Luz taught him some Spanish) and Darius various versions of ‘Dad’. Eda and Raine he addresses by their first names (though he had to be talked out of calling them ‘Ms’ or ‘Mx’ Clawthorne-Whispers in the beginning) and he eventually started calling Lilith ‘Auntie’ like Luz and King. He insists on calling Alador ‘Stepfather’. No one can convince him otherwise. 
-Camila is the BIGGEST soccer mom when it comes to her babies having sports games (though she isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the Gland Prix- racing is just such a dangerous sport even when it’s not a hundred feet in the air). Hunter has a whole cheering section at his flyer derby games, and Camila is always the loudest. She and Eda also always help each other put on Emerald Entrails facepaint. 
- The parents have unspoken designations for who helps Hunter with what. Darius is the one to take him shopping and help him with his clothes and possessions. Camila is there for friendship drama and girl troubles (cough cough, Captain, cough). Raine takes him to therapy and sometimes sits through it with him, Eda is in charge of checking on him when he has nightmares, and Alador and Lilith tag-team homework duties. Lilith has also made it a personal goal to make sure Hunter doesn’t grow up to be like her. 
- Hunter has SO MANY STEP/ADOPTED SIBLINGS. So, so many. Siblings list includes
Amity (stepsister)
The twins (stepsiblings)
Gus (unofficial little brother)
Luz (adopted sister)
King (adopted step(?)brother)
Vee (adopted stepsister...half sister? I dunno?) 
The baby BATTs- Derwin, Amber and Katya- (yeah no I’m done doing this)
Steve (Steve doesn’t belong to any of the parents, Steve’s just everyone’s big brother)
Hunter has mastered the art of being a big brother. Being a little brother, on the other hand? That’s new, and he’s not really sure how to feel about it. Steve and the older two BATTs are very persistent, however, and he grows to like it- especially the part where they gang up on the younger ones a bit. Luz, Amber, King, Amity and Vee don’t like that part as much (they’re still grumpy about the last family pillow war). 
- Hunter goes through his teen rebel stage a bit late. Glasses of apple blood are often shared between parents over the exasperated exchanging of stories about loud music, ripped clothes and dyed hair. No one will admit to having taken him to get his ears pierced, though they all have their suspicions (and they’re so busy shooting looks in Eda’s direction that they don’t notice how red her spouse’s ears have turned). 
- Gwendolyn and Dell ADORE their scraggly teenage grandson. Gwendolyn often fusses over him, asking if he’s eating enough or tutting over the bags under his eyes. Dell is thrilled when Hunter expresses an interest in learning about Palismen and his own origins, and immediately offered to take him with him on his trips into the Palistrom groves. They now go every Friday night together. 
In conclusion...I dunno, found families make the brain go brrrrrr. 
*Amber, Katya and Derwin are Raine’s kids and I won’t be taking criticism. Also, I’ve made up a lot of head canons about Amber and that’s one of them. It’s not super important. 
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Gilded Family
Rating: Teen and Up, Gen
Ch 17 /?: When One Door Closes, Another Explodes
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6 , Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, 16
In which none of the previous golden guards or wittebro died, actually, they're all fine and living happily together as one big dysfunctional family
Jason slowly set his tiny version of an automatic door on the kitchen counter. It was a simplified version, without a sensor that would let the door ‘know’ when to open and shut. Instead, it simply would open when electricity flowed through it and had to be shut manually once the power was off. Jason plugged it into the outlet.
The lights in the house flickered and went out.
“Jason,” Amity groaned from the kitchen table. She and Luz were brainstorming possible human realm equivalents and replacements for portal door ingredients, and everyone else was out gathering the things that the human realm already had.
“Sorry!” Jason unplugged the door and padded to the basement. He picked up a flashlight and pointed it at the fuse box. “Let’s see…”
Something dark green and drippy was leaking out of the fuse box, and Jason jumped backwards, dropping the flashlight. He scrambled for the light, his hand smacking into it and sending it spinning across the floor.
No, no, no, no—
Jason finally managed to get the light again, and he pointed it at the box.
Perfectly normal. No mud at all.
Jason took a deep breath, tugging his fingers through his hair. “Okay. Okay.”
He tugged the box open, shining the light in. He flipped each of the circuit breakers off, then back on. The light in the basement flickered back on. Jason examined every inch of the box, looking for any sign of green mud.
Just the dark playing tricks on your mind.
“Eeeeesh.” Jason closed the box, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I need to get more sleep.”
He climbed back up the stairs to see that the other kids had returned, holding an antennae and an animal skull. Gus was examining the tiny electric door. “Did it work?”
Jason shrugged. “If it was supposed to trip all the circuit breakers in the house? Yeah, it worked great.”
“Aw, you’ll get it,” Willow promised, “At least it didn’t explode, or try to eat your hand!”
“Which the portal door won’t do either,” Hunter followed up quickly. His hair was getting long. Jason trimmed his own hair carefully, meticulously, every time it threatened to go over his ears or collar. Hunter wasn’t doing the same. Jason shook his head with a small smile. It was almost comical, watching another Grimwalker go through the exact same steps he’d seen a hundred times before from his siblings, even this far from home. Letting their appearance go, growing out their hair, distancing from everything golden guard. Some of them didn’t ever cut their hair short again—Alex, in fact, hadn’t gotten a single haircut since they’d arrived.
Luz rubbed her eyes, and Amity put a hand on her shoulder. “Time for bed,” she said gently, “We have some of the ingredients, we can try tomorrow. This is going to be it. Jason, I know you think the electric door powered by palisman magic is the answer, but have you figured out the power source, yet?”
Jason stretched. “Yeah. Yeah, generators like windmills and watermills generate electricity through nature turning a wheel. Luz suggested we use the palisman to turn the wheel in order to generate electricity and hopefully, magic. I got… Okay, I think I have the individual little generators set up, Luz and I built them this morning, I just need the turning bit.”
Hunter wordlessly held up a set of wheels with pictures of “hamsters” on them.
“Bedtime,” Amity said again. She, Willow, Vee, and Luz went upstairs. Hunter paused at the top of the stairs to the basement while Gus went down. “Are you coming?”
Jason waved a hand. “Just be a minute.”
Hunter went down, and Jason took out the little generators. All the other lights in the house went out, except the kitchen light. Jason squinted at the tiny screws on his generators, slowly fitting them onto the wheels. He spun the wheel.
Please work, please…
It sparked.
Jason rubbed his eyes. He still didn’t know how to connect the magic. They could hope that the palisman energy would just flow, but there wasn’t anything else he could do. He connected the rest of the generators, twisting the wires that came out of them into a single thick cable that went to the bigger generator Amity had built.
Jason put his head down on the table for a moment, taking a deep breath. He retrieved his little electric door and opened it back up.
“Alright. Alright, where… did I…”
Jason’s ears twitched at the sound. “Gus?” he called, “You okay?”
No response.
Jason pushed up to his feet, wandering down to the basement. Hunter and Gus were sound asleep, and he sighed in relief. His foot hit a puddle.
“Ugh, do we have a leaaaaaa—”
The puddle was dripping from the fuse box, a puddle of mud instead of water. It poured out, gushing like a horrific green waterfall, creeping towards the sleeping Gus and Hunter
“No. No, no, no—” Jason shook Hunter’s shoulder. “Get up, get up, get—”
The mud swirled around his ankles then crept up to his face, forming a hand over his mouth.
“Shhhh,” Uncle Belos’ voice crooned, “You were my favorite. You don’t need to die like them.”
Jason’s limbs were heavy, lead, he couldn’t move to tear away the slime, and it just kept pouring and pouring and pouring from the fuse box, dragging him back from Hunter and Gus who were still sleeping, how were they still sleeping?!
I’ll keep you alive to watch.
Jason stared at the hard wood of the kitchen table, blinking. Someone had turned off the light and moved the tools from his grip. The generators sat a safe distance from him.
Jason rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up and stretching. His shoulders popped. Jason pushed the chair back and padded into the hallway, squinting at a faint ray of light coming from upstairs. He crept up the stairs, footsteps completely silent.
Jason poked his head into the open door to see Willow trimming Hunter’s hair, which was in absolute shambles, pieces hanging longer than each other, cut in jagged slants.
“Mrgh?” he managed.
“I tried cutting my hair,” Hunter mumbled in answer, “Willow is… fixing it.”
“I don’t have a lot of experience,” she said apologetically, “But I’ve gone with my dads to hair appointments, so I kiiiiinda know how to do it?”
Jason yawned. “Doing okay?” he spit out. His voice was still gravelly from sleep, and he cleared his throat. “Sorry. Hunter?”
“How about you?” Hunter shot back, “You just like sleeping at the kitchen table?”
“Heh.” Jason rubbed his eyes again. “I asked first.”
“Quit trying to make me lose focus. Geeze, do you know how many emotionally closed off guys I live with? I’m not going to get dragged into an argument to avoid it.”
“I’m not one of your siblings,” Hunter burst out.
Jason blinked, taking a step back. “Whoa—”
“I’m not one of your siblings, so stop acting like I am! You don’t know me, you don’t.”
“Hunter, it’s not—I mean, I’d like to know you!”
“No, you don’t,” Hunter’s voice cracked, “You don’t want to know me, if I didn’t look like—like this, if I weren’t a Grimwalker, you wouldn’t talk to me! You only want to help because you think I’m one of you.”
“That’s—Hunter, that’s not fair. Of course I want to help you because you’re a Grimwalker like me, but that’s how people work. You only meet people and form relationships because there’s something you share in common, even if that something is just a place, that’s just…”
“I wouldn’t have met you if I didn’t want you for my flyer derby team,” Willow offered. She snipped at his hair. “I was totally self-interested. But we’re friends now, aren’t we?”
Hunter brushed hair off of his shoulders. “I—” he made a frustrating growling noise, “It just feels like—rrrrgh… you think that… I don’t know, like that I’m just… that I’m one of… you all look like me, and I just… That’s what he…”
“You can be a grimwalker and your own person,” Jason offered softly, “All of us… I know you only spent a couple of days with us, but we’re not a collective. I know it… I mean, you’re sharing an appearance with a whole bunch of other people and that’s… it can be hard to get used to. But if you spent more time with us, you’d see that  everyone has their own thing. Their own personalities.” He chuckled. “It can be a lot. But I promise you wouldn’t fade into the background. It can get hectic, sure, and it’s hard to keep up with everyone all the time. But you wouldn’t get forgotten. And you wouldn’t just be one guy out of a bunch of guys. That’s what Uncle Belos wanted, what he thought we were, but, I mean, he thought we were failures for choosing not to hurt people. We’re kind of over doing and being what he wanted.”
Jason scratched the back of his neck. “And who knows! Uncle is gone, and Luz seems bound and determined to get rid of the Collector, so when all this is over, we… we’re going to get to go out in the world again. Go make friends who aren’t our siblings. Set out on our own. Cyrus can finally go on a normal date, any of us could go on a normal date if we wanted to!” He shrugged. “Anyway, I guess all of that was to say… I want to help. Not just because you’re a Grimwalker, and we’re related, even if that is part of it. I just want to. And if you don’t want to live with us, that’s okay! That’s fine, that’s great! You can live wherever you want, it’s your life! But we’re not going to stop being your family. And we’ll be there to support you if you need it. Whatever you want to be, whoever you want to be, we’re cheering for you.”
“Finished!” Willow set her scissors down, dusting hair off of the back of Hunter’s neck. “What do you think?”
His hair was short, now, cropped close to his head, but still fluffy. Hunter smiled, brushing at the back of his head. “Yeah. Yeah, I like it! Thanks, Willow.”
Jason grinned. “Hey, as far as any of my siblings go, you’re the first one to have a haircut in another dimension.”
Hunter smiled briefly. “What are you doing up so late?”
Jason shrugged. “Trying to get my electric door to work. It tripped the circuit breaker, which either means that it uses too much electricity for the outlet to handle or…” Jason smacked his forehead. “Or hot wires are touching. Or touching a neutral wire. Ugh, literally had my wires crossed.”
“You can fix it in the morning,” Willow said firmly, “Go to bed, Jason. That goes for you, too, Hunter.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jason grumbled, making his way back down to the basement. He turned on a flashlight, shining it on the fuse box and watching it for a long moment.
Completely normal.
“Everything okay?” Hunter asked. He stood at Jason’s side, peering at the fuse box. “I’m sure you tripping the breakers didn’t cause that much damage. It’ll be fine.”
“Mm.” Jason switched the flashlight off, climbing into his sleeping bag. “Yeah. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“Everyone ready?”
Hunter clipped the jumper cable to the doorknob. The door seemed to mostly be held together with Willow’s vines, but Luz had been meticulous in their placement, so Jason assumed that was part of the construction. Even so, it looked… haphazard at best, taped and strung with odds and ends. Nothing like the stately (if crumbling by the time they got to it) structure that they’d come through.
The palisman began to run on their wheels, and the generators sparked and hummed. Something flowed out of the big generator, nebulous and strange. It was almost impossible to look at, impossible to perceive. Jason’s eyes slid right off of it every time he tried to look.
The magic traveled up the wire and to the door.
Which then burst on fire.
Jason jumped forward, but Hunter was already out of range, patting his hair.
Good thing he cut it last night.
Vee put out the fire, and Luz dropped to a crouch on the ground, putting her head in her hands.
Gus poked Jason. “Hey. Hey, put the automatic door in.”
Jason glanced at Luz. Amity had knelt next to the human, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Gus, I don’t think right now is the best t—”
“There’s no better time! Come on, just try it!”
Jason picked up the tiny door, carefully detaching one of the wheel’s wires from the main cable and clamping it to his own door. “Okay…”
Emmeline started to move, not quite trotting, more like BOUNCING around the wheel. But it turned, and the magic started to sizzle, then flow across the wires, lazily curling into the door.
To the door’s credit, it didn’t light on fire.
No, instead, it exploded, sending shards of metal and wire flying everywhere. Jason yelped, throwing up his hands to protect his face. Tiny slivers of pain sliced across his hands.
“Jason!” Gus grabbed his arm. “Are you okay? Emmeline, are you okay?”
“Fine—I’m fine.” Jason examined his hands, wincing and yanking out a shard of metal from his hand. “Ow. Okay, so, that’s a bust, too.”
Luz perked up, pulling Jason back towards her house. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up, get some bandages on that.”
Her hands were firm and gentle when she cleaned the cuts on his hands, and she was so focused on his wounds that Jason was surprised beams of magic didn’t shoot out of her eyes.
“You okay?”
“Fine. I’m fine. We’ll think of something else, it’s fine.”
Jason tugged his hand out of her reach. “Youuuuuu are acting like my dad.”
“Luz. Are you okay? Are you really, really okay? It’s just that…” Jason took a deep breath. “You kind of seem like you’re taking this even harder than everyone else? And I’m worried you’re trying to take on too much.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but didn’t fall. “Well, what am I supposed to say to that?” she whispered.
Amity appeared in the doorway behind Luz. “Hey, your mom had the idea of a picnic. She says there’s a really nice spot she knows?”
Luz wiped her eyes, plastering on an ‘I’m okay’ face and turning to face her girlfriend. “That sounds great. I could use the break. Jason?”
Jason raised a box of bandaids like a toast. “I’ll catch up. I’m going to pick up all the pieces of my door before someone steps on them.”
“I’ll send Ghost for you,” Amity promised, and then they were gone. Jason plastered bandages on the tiny cuts on his hands, and locked the door of the house with the spare key Camila kept under one of her rosebushes. Which, he reflected, shaking his hand as he gained a new cut, was very defensible, but not fun to get.
Jason headed back up the path, gingerly picking up spare bits of twisted metal and holding them cupped in his hand.
“Is the input too much?” he murmured, examining a burned wire, “Would a restrainer help? Or maybe adding more paths for the energy to travel? Maybe if the door was bigger? It was a pretty small model.” He sighed, picking up the animal skull from Luz’s door, slightly scorched. “Or maybe trying to mix magic and tech was just a bad idea in general.”
A blue eye blinked at him out of the skull’s socket.
Jason let out a strangled scream and dropped the skull, punting it into the woods. He shook his hands, checking them for any sign that something had been left behind.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Jason took a deep breath. The cuts on his hands throbbed in time with his heartbeat, angry and fast. He dragged out a giant chunk of wood that had used to be part of the porch railing, and swung it up on his shoulder, cautiously approaching the skull.
He brought the beam down on the skull with a crunch, lifting and stomping it again, and again, and again. Finally, he nudged the broken pieces with his beam.
Just bone fragments and dirt.
Jason shuddered, his skin crawling as if a thousand spiderwebs had been draped over him. He spun in a circle, looking for any sign of the glowing blue eye. No tracks on the ground. No residual magic. No disturbed or dying wildlife. Just the haunting, watched feeling.
The tree above him rustled, and Jason swung around with the beam, whacking at the air.
Ghost hissed, fur puffing up.
Jason let out a sigh, setting down the beam and reaching up. “Sorry! You startled me.”
The cat leapt down, stepping lightly on his arms and winding around his neck, paws on his shoulders. Jason scratched its fur absentmindedly, still looking around the forest. “You didn’t see anything weird, did you?”
Ghost purred in response.
“Huh. I mean, if he…” Jason shuddered, mind skirting around the possibility. “He’d hit a palisman, right? To regain his strength? And if you don’t feel threatened, then…” Jason pinched the bridge of his nose. “Then Hunter’s right, and I need to sleep somewhere that isn’t the kitchen table,” he grumbled. He reached up and picked up Ghost, setting them on the ground. “Lead me to Amity?” he suggested.
The palisman padded off, and Jason followed, still glancing around the forest. He scratched at the bandaids, checking the wounds again. Just bright red slashed across his skin.
Ghost led him to a sunny park, where the others had already set up late lunch. Camila jogged up to meet him. “Hey, Jason. You okay? You look like you’ve seen a…”
Ghost rubbed against her legs, purring, and Camila gave the cat’s head a scratch with a chuckle. “Pardon the turn of phrase, baby. A ghost other than this angel.”
Jason rubbed his eyes. “I think I’m just tired. Thank you.” He nodded to Hunter. “Hey, can I talk to you?”
Hunter glanced at Willow and Gus, then shrugged, following him. “What’s up?”
Jason rubbed his arms. “You haven’t… seen anything weird, have you?”
“We’re in the human realm. Everything is weird. Yesterday? I saw a creature this big.” Hunter held his fingers very close to each other to illustrate. “It’s called an ant. Can you imagine if we had things that small in the isles?! They’d eat us alive, and we wouldn’t even know they were coming!”
Jason reached out, then paused. “Permission to touch?”
Hunter’s eyebrows squished in a very confused look, but he nodded.
Jason grabbed his shoulders, staring him in the eye. “Hunter, focus. Have you seen anything from our world leaking into this one? Any magic, any creatures, any… eyeballs?”
Hunter coughed. “What?”
“Eyeballs,” Jason repeated, “Or… any weird feelings? Like you’re being watched, or that something’s not right?”
Hunter shook his head. “Did you see something?”
Jason let go of his shoulders, rubbing his eyes. “Maybe? I don’t know, it’s just… I see something out of the corner of my eye, but every time I try to look closer, there’s nothing there. And I don’t know if there’s really something stalking me, or if it’s paranoia, or if I just haven’t been sleeping enough, or… I don’t know, the human realm has a hallucinatory effect on me? I just figured I’d ask. But if you haven’t seen anything, then it’s… it’s probably nothing, right? Or maybe I’m just going crazy?”
Hunter eyed him. “You need a nap.”
“No offense, but I’m not taking self-care advice from you.” Jason stretched. “Oh, yeah, on that note, you know Luz better than I do, is she okay?”
Hunter’s shoulders tensed up. “Hahahahahahahaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh yeah, Luz is doing fine. Great. She’s finally home after being stuck in our realm, she’s doing spectacularly.”
Hunter waved his hands back and forth frantically. “She’s just really focused on getting us home is all! Why would you think, uhhhhhhhh… yeah. She’s fine. We’re fine.”
Wow. You are the worst liar in either dimension. “Okay.”
Hunter squinted at him. “Okay?”
“Okay. Like I said, you know her better than I do.” Jason gave him a wan smile. “You’re a good friend to her, Hunter.”
“Oh… I wouldn’t say… I mean…”
“No. You are. I…” Jason shrugged. “I hope she knows that she can trust you to watch her back.”
Hunter flushed, crossing his arms, then ran back to his friends. Jason sighed.
Guess it wasn’t very fair to ask him to snitch.
Maybe I should ask Luz if she’s seen anything weird. Might explain why she looks so tired and haunted.
But first…
Jason plopped down on the picnic blanket next to Vee. “Whatcha pack?”
She scooted over, pushing the basket towards him. “Some fruit. Cheese! Wait, can you eat cheese?”
“I can eat cheese.”
“Okay, yeah, fruit, cheese, some peanut butter. Soda.”
“What’s that?”
Vee’s face lit up, and she handed Jason a bottle full of brown liquid. “Be careful, sometimes it fizzes up.”
Jason eyed the bottle and slowly unscrewed the lid. The bottle hissed threateningly, bubbling as if it had been boiled, but stayed in the bottle. He tilted it back, and almost immediately, a fuzzy feeling crept up his throat and into his nose.
Jason coughed and snorted, slamming the lid back on and pawing at his nose. “What—Vee, I don’t think people from our realm are supposed to drink—” he coughed again. “Vee!”
“No, it’s supposed to—well, it might be the way you’re drinking it. But it’s supposed to do that.”
“I think my nose is on fire. Humans drink that for fun?!”
“Alright, alright. No soda for Jason. Got it.”
Jason nudged an apple, just to make sure it was dead, before stretching out and crunching down. “So.”
“The door didn’t work. Either of them.”
“You’ll figure it out.”
Jason sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, we’ll figure it out.
The picnic blanket had been spread out in the shade of a tree, but sunlight filtered through, making a dappled pattern on the blanket. Jason’s eyes started to drift shut as the warmth of the sunlight seeped into him, banishing the lingering cobwebs from the forest.
When he opened his eyes again, there were leaves covering them.
Jason sat up in a shower of leaves, dusting the green off. The sun had started setting, streaking dusty pink across the sky. “What the…?”
“Vee got you, too?” Willow asked with a grin, plucking a leaf out of her own hair, “Guess we know who we can’t trust around here.”
“I wanted to see how many I could pile on before you woke up,” Vee replied serenely, “Not my fault you’re both such heavy sleepers.”
“You should pour water on her when she’s asleep tonight,” Jason suggested to Willow.
Vee gasped. “Don’t you dare!”
“Guys,” Luz called in a hushed whisper, “Over here! Look, the fireflies are out!”
“Uh-oh,” Willow mumbled.
Jason jumped up, making his way over to Luz, who was catching one in her hands. The little creatures were everywhere, lighting up the grass in little sparkles. Jason snatched one up, and it sat on his palm, glowing agreeably.
“Don’t touch those!” Willow yelped, smacking Luz’s hand. Hunter’s staff whooshed just above Jason’s palm, and the bug tumbled off.
“Are you crazy?!” Hunter yelped, “Are you looking to get burned?!”
Jason laughed. “Oh, there are so many weird things about yourself that you don’t know.” He caught another bug. “I catch ‘em all the time, fire doesn’t hurt us, not unless it’s really hot. Neither does boiling water.” He frowned at Luz. “Not sure what you’re up to, though. You’re not hurt, are you?”
She shook her head, capturing another. “They don’t burn you in the human realm.”
Jason squinted at the little bug in his hand. “…Huh.”
Luz deposited hers in Willow’s hand. “See? Just a little guy!”
“Just a little guy,” Willow repeated.
Luz grabbed Hunter’s arm. “C’mon, look—” she grabbed a jar from the picnic basket and scooped a firefly into it, gently herding the creature with her hand. “Be gentle!” She handed Hunter the jar, and he wafted another bug into the container. His eyes lit up, and then he and Luz were running all over the field, shooing more into the jar.
Willow stood with a variety of plants curled around her arms, and the fireflies were landing on them, making her arms into glowing wreaths. Hunter ran back up, proudly displayed his jar full of fireflies, then settled down to watch them glow gently in the jar, riveted. Luz crouched next to him, watching the little creatures with a smile.
Jason sat down in the grass, and a few of the bugs landed on his arms. “Hello, there,” he said softly.
Do Mom and Dad know about this place?
Did they catch fireflies here?
Did Uncle Belos?
Jason couldn’t imagine his tall, stately uncle running around chasing fireflies, not the way he could picture his parents laughing and competing to see who could catch the most fireflies.
He held his hand out for another firefly. He could see wanting to protect this place, glowing with the soft light of the little bugs.
Did he even remember the little things like fireflies?
Or were they lost to the centuries?
Jason shook his head. In the end, it didn’t really matter, did it? There wasn’t a single person that Jason cared about that Belos hadn’t hurt in some way. Even if he’d wanted to protect this realm… it hadn’t been worth the damage he’d caused.
Hunter opened the firefly jar, and the creatures slowly floated up and away, like tiny light glyphs streaking up towards the sky where they joined the stars.
Jason traced unfamiliar constellations in the sky.
“You know, they say that fireflies can lead you where you need to go,” Camila commented, sitting down next to him, “Legend claims that they’ll light the way home.”
Jason hummed in response.
That would be nice.
He flopped backwards, watching the fireflies flit out of the grass around him and stream up and away towards the sky. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Luz watching them go, her foot tracing the shape of a light glyph in the dirt.
It would be nice, if some outside force could suddenly whisk them home.
Jason shook his head, reaching up and grasping for the fireflies.
But we’ll have to build our own way back.
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polyhexian · 1 year
Finale thoughts:
pacing up until luz's death was acceptable, fine, no problems really
pacing really fell apart toward the end
why were amity hunter gus and willow even in their own subplot if that subplot was so minimized it was almost entirely irrelevent? why couldnt they be there for the big boss battle and to see luz's death? :(
wow. all luz's friends and camila really became completely irrelevant LOL. raine got more than hunter.
no stab :( i still think they wanted it but. rip
wow family really... got dropped this time. im surprised that for all the wonderful eda and king and luz togetherness... we never had luz call eda mom or eda use the word daughter, and luz never called king her brother. or hunter. its so built up that hunter and luz are belos and caleb parallels and like. siblings as hell. im... surprised that was completely dropped
post canon rejected sorry
waffles can stay
no, i mean. theres a lot of things in the timeskip i do like but. a loooot i do not care for.
luz moved back home and finished human school? why? i really thought we were building up to camila letting her go, that she loves luz more than she loves having her, that the same way vee doesnt belong in the boiling isles anymore luz no longer belongs in the human realm. uh. guess... not.
morningmark really hit it on the nose with that darius and hunter meeting comic huh
love that darius points out his shirt and gets the boy infodumping and also love the little alador scene but also
seriously darius cannot have custody
i am.... SHOCKED he did not get adopted as a noceda. i am legitimately shocked i was 100% that was a forgone conclusion
shocked and disappointed actually. sorry yall, fully rejected im just going to have to ignore this
damn hunter got tall lmfao
every single hairstyle after thanks to them has been so bad oh my god. give willow her hair back. cut hunters fucking hair again. GIVE EMIRA BACK HER HAIRRRRR.
i like that the portal is in the center of town
love the integration of nature and native boiling isles culture into civilization and modern culture. all the little titan imagery weaved into clothes, the big ol tree
i am still baffled and confused about humans and staff magic. luz's list of classes and the way she talks still seems to imply she cant do normal magic but. shes? she does magic. what? whats happening
what is going on with hunter. can he do magic? can he do spell circles? what?
lol owlbert allowed to exist again
not liliths raven i guess
do love her getting a raven harpy form last minute tho. did not need to be in the climax, just fine as a post canon reveal
they should not have done a timeskip. name one time a story has ever ended with a significant timeskip that has been satisfying. a timeskip of a few weeks or even a few months can work, aftermath, but a timeskip where development or major life events happen without the viewer? its never satisfying. it always leaves people a llittle hollow and frustrated. they should have just done her actual quinceañera after the defeat of belos and like. idk. a few weeks or a couple of months as our time skip instead of three-four years. dont like that at all.
im sorry what the fuck. the collector... left? we had a perfect excuse to depower him and let him stay and live among mortals and grow up. like i legitimately thought right before they said he left that eda was going to adopt him and he was going to join the family. im.... alright
im sorry. i dont like luz's titan magic form.
haha get fucked goop man
LOVE luz looking down at him with silent content
LOVE that it is boiling rain that begins to destroy him. it is the world itself, all of nature that ends up, he is rejected by the world he has invaded. and then he gets fucking stomped to death lmfao
also just like. fucking YES THANK YOU saying point blank to luz, no, killing the genocidal maniac does not in fact make you as bad as him. like. at all. thats ludicrous
luz's death scene was so fucking perfect, the scene itself was framed, scored and paced perfectly. i legitimately felt fucking sick watching it. i was full on nauseous. powerful and impactful. no matter how much i knew she was obviously not dead dead, it GOT me.
god please fix hunters hairrrrrrr
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stormvanari · 2 years
A cloaked figure approaches a stall tucked away in the market. Eda, the owner of the stall, leaned her arm upon recognizing her next customer, “Big fan of my human treasures, aren’t ya?”
The cloaked figure didn’t respond: they stared down at the contents of today’s stock.
Their head stopped and pointed at a slingshot. “You want that?” Eda smirked. The cloaked figure nodded, and lend her a few snails on their palm. In exchange, she handed her customer the slingshot, “All yours to keep!”
A sky-blue serpentine tail emerged from behind the figure, and it wagged furiously. Eda chuckled, “Say, who are you, if you don’t mind?”
The figure’s tail froze. They snapped their head at every direction, as if someone was watching them. Eda crossed her arms, “I won’t force you, but you’ve been frequently visiting—“
“Darian?” Eda clarified. The cloaked figure took off their hood to reveal a witch whose hair is tied into a long ponytail via a gear ornament. Darian also wore long fingerless gloves fastened by straps across the wrist. What strikes Eda the most is her customer’s hair: the curls awfully remind her of that annoying excuse of a coven head. Additionally, the mirror earring on his left ear doesn’t help either. Darian quivered at Eda’s forming scowl, “I-Is something the matter?”
“Not really: you just remind me of someone....”
“I‘m sorry.” The witch put his hood back on, “I could use another concealment stone the next time I come back, or not return—“
“So you’re on the run? I knew it.”
Remaining silent, Darian stood still. The longer Eda stared at him, the bigger his anxiety grows. The witch clutched his slingshot on his chest.
The Owl Lady’s eyes swept the area around the two,* “Since those goons aren’t here right now, you up for Criminal 101?”
“Criminal 101?”
“I’m not called the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles for nothing.” Eda winked. Darian reached for a pouch attached on his belt, “Those goons you say...the Emperor’s Coven...they’re not going to be here any moment now, right?”
“Doesn’t look like it. The street’s been quiet since the last several minutes.” Eda toyed with a slinky, “But I can offer tips for free, in case you ever encounter them yourself.”
Her glare returned, “Unless you’re associated with Adrian Graye, it comes with a price.”
Darian gulped.
Eda’s toothy smile returned, “But I’m happy to help a criminal like you!”
The outlaw breathed out dramatically and tuned in for Eda’s tip. “So, whenever you want to start a heist...”
Context: Darian and Eda had a brief “friendship” before S2 hit. It’s quoted because they barely interact outside of human treasures, since the basilisk-in-disguise is constantly on the run from the Emperor’s Coven. So it makes him a regular to the stall. In fact, Darian was secretive enough to not tell Eda of his true identity as a basilisk, nor Adrian Graye being his biological twin. Belos instilled the fear that all basilisks are dangerous (AHEM, it’s mostly false because Vee, and possibly others, is the complete opposite of that, and the basilisk treatment during the experiments was horrible), so Darian wasn’t confident enough to open up his true identity to anyone.
Until post-canon, when he took the Illusion Chair (equivalent to the Illusion Coven Head in terms of political power) of the Titan’s Council, especially to Loopy who Darian grew close to as a sibling.
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thatonesoso · 1 year
Owl House Finale Rambles 🦉
Now that the episode is finally posted and I've finished it, I'd like to ramble about it and how much of the show I appreciated and loved for what it did💖
Spoilers below:
•Everything about this finale was perfect. From beginning to end, it left me on a rollercoaster of emotions.
Oh so we're starting Luke that huh--
We still got to see the guilt that Luz and the others had from their experiences from the collector, belos still manipulating him and using him for his own plans.
It's actually sweet that we get to see Luz show the collector her own stories with eda and king to give him a more humane point of view than what he thinks about playing his games. It's nice to be reminded that the collector is just a kid who was abandoned by his siblings. It was really sad seeing what happened to him and everything wasn't even his fault in the first place.
I fricking knew Belos would go for the literal heart of the titan. What else does the bastard need to control.
EVERYONE IS PUPPETS HOLY S- oh wait amity is still moving
God damn Belos is not holding back on anything jESUS--
Oh no they're gonna hit them oh-
Oh wait she lives-
Hhfhghgdhhh the gang back at the castle *anxiety rising*
Luz is so pretty like that fr like GET HIS GOOPY @$$
Omg Raine is safe thank god-
Ok Belos is gone from the heart and everything is growing back are we just gonna ignore that the arm reaches space almost-
"I loaf you" best quote of the year no competition
Everyone is back to normal hhegegrhgrhrghhghhh💖✨💖💖
King telling the collector "I hope to see you again" like, bro they're friends now your honor 🥺
And then the ending,
A goodbye to the viewer.
•God this show is such a wonder that I got to see through for three years now. For me and my friend, it pretty much got us through tough times, especially when we had a long distance friendship. The ideas and world of the show inspired me for my own stories and every character and work put in just made me love the show with every episode. There wasn't a cartoon that had put me on the edge of each big moment like The Owl House. Thank you, Dana and the crew, for a show I wouldn't have thought I would ever experience from all the other shows I've watched.💖
And f*ck Disney for what they did.
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voxmilia · 4 months
Do You Ship It: Hubert and Lysithea
Going to go with no for this one, not a hard no, but a no nonetheless
Why don’t you ship it?
I blame YOU (not really) but between your Edelgard/Hubert wip from a while back, and the little I've seen of Hubert and Lysithea's support chain in Three Hopes, it feels very much like big sibling/little sibling energy, as opposed to something romantic and/or sexual. Which! I think Hubert needs more of and so does Lysithea! They've both been forced to grow up so quickly that they deserve to act their ages, deserve to be just childish and playful and sneer and mock each other with the affection of siblings!!
What would have made you like it?
I think I could see them work in terms of like. A vee or triad with Edelgard. I ship them both with her separately and I think their combined love and support for the emperor would keep the vee/triad sailing smoothly. I also think there could be something in the vein of Hubert's supports with Petra for these two. Naturally, he'd compare her to Edelgard as similarly affected victims of the Slitheries, and Lysithea who Needs to be the best at everything would bristle at that and insist she's her own person, not Edelgard's shadow. I can absolutely see where and how it would work, even if it's not my first thought for them.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Yes! I think they'd be phenomenal as a platonic/familiar dynamic! I think their similarities in growing up too quickly and their similar goals make them a great duo, even if they butt heads and snap at each other from time to time.
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merrock · 2 years
Tumblr media
face claim: Madison Bailey
full name: Maverick Lou Harris
nickname(s): Mavi (May-Vee), Mav, Mavi-Lou
pronouns & gender: she/her - cis woman
sexuality: lesbian
birth date: October 1st, 1998
birth place: Brooklyn, New York
time in town: three months
housing: downtown
occupation: What’s the Tea - on weekdays / Malibu & Co - on weekends
family: Fallon Harris, and Brooklyn Harris
personality: Mavi wouldn’t really say she’s a people person. But she has people she’s fiercely loyal to. If you’re her friend, you’re her friend until the end. But if you look at her the wrong way, she’ll dislike you for the long haul. She’s happily out and proud, and sticks up for what she believes in. She doesn’t tend to stay in the shadows, and is more of a girl who enjoys the party atmosphere. Don’t underestimate her though, she’s quick-witted and smart as hell. Snarky and full of attitude, this girl knows how to push others’ buttons, and she sure is okay with that.
TW: homophobia, TW: bullying
Born after both her older sisters, Fallon and Brooklyn, Maverick Lou Harris was the odd ball. She tended to do her own thing growing up, and yes she was grateful for her older siblings who would always make sure she was cared after, but she longed for something a bit more out of the ordinary. She loved sitting on their fire escape during the day, turning the beaded friendship bracelet around her fingers as she people-watched the rushing streets of Brooklyn, New York. She didn’t really enjoy being rushed in anything she did as she was really someone who gravitated towards the “living in the moment” crowd.
Mavi was never really good at anything growing up. Sure, she enjoyed a lot of different activities. Basketball, drawing, writing, math, even knitting, but could she say she was talented in any of those? Not really. She just never had a knack for anything. She was just kind of, plain. She had good grades growing up, was on the basketball team in high school, and never really did anything that could get her punished. Growing up, she watched both her older sisters turn into different types of people. She enjoyed watching them with a close eye. Fallon left to go to college, and Brooklyn, only a few years older than her, kept a close eye on her and their younger sibling. Mavi always felt like she was too mature to be looked after, so she didn’t mind when Brooklyn left for a few hours. Granted, Mavi was only in middle school, but she definitely felt like she was mature, (as mature as a 12 year old could be). She knew not to really do anything to put herself in harms way, mostly because she watched her big sister fall in love and get hurt.
Mavi vowed she wouldn’t fall in love. She wasn’t going to. She had seen too much watching her big sister. She felt okay with her decision, she liked spending her time alone, watching the hustle and bustle of the street below them. It wasn’t until high school that she really truly understood who she was, and why she was feeling these sort of feelings for the most popular girl in school. Maverick wasn’t “popular” per say, but people did know who she was. She made herself known. Sophomore year of high school, she came out as gay. Her parents had suspected, and were happy just as long as she was. High schoolers took it a bit differently though. They weren’t as happy. As much as she tried to overlook what others were saying about her, she ended up getting into a fist fight with one of the juniors. Suspended from school, she knew she needed to fight for herself and stick up for herself, even if that meant having to get into more physical fights.
She became someone with a hardened shell on the outside. Never letting anyone see that they had hurt her feelings. One wrong look, and people knew they were on her bad side. High school went by in a flash after that. She kept to herself, with only her few friends that stuck by her side. She got into a college down in Georgia, and decided to go, because why the hell not? Something to get her away from her home state, and maybe something new.
Maverick definitely found her place down in Georgia. She was able to figure out who she wanted to be without the weight of her family, without the pressure of her siblings. She studied business, but really truly hated it. Only found out she really liked the beaches down in Georgia and started getting into surfing.
Mavi wanted to be one of those girls who traveled around in a van to different cities with a joint in her hand, and her surfboard on the roof. For now though, in order to be closer to her sisters, she has found herself a cute little apartment downtown, and works her two jobs at What’s the Tea, and Malibu & Co. But you’d most likely find her sitting at the park or surfing on her days off.
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jerbric · 3 years
I’m saying it now just to get it out there but imagine, a goldric and lumity combined AU. Anastasia and Tangled AUs, respectively.
BUT Edric and Emira and Luz all work together as conmen/scammers for the fun of it, but also have their own reasons. Edric and Emira are looking for deals, money, anything that could convince Odalia to take Amity out of that godforsaken tower. She trapped Amity in there ages ago without any real reason, and the twins are set on helping free her. Luz wants to help out her family, it’s her, Camila and Vee, and they can only make ends meet for so long. So she goes into scamming, learned from Eda and King. Then she turned 18, and went off on her own for bigger things, where she met Edric and Emira and decided to stick with them. They don’t really ask each other about their personal reasons, so Luz doesn’t know about Amity.
Anastasia Verse Goldric is basically: Emperor Below’ castle got attacked years ago, but he was able to escape with his nephew, Hunter. Unfortunately, Hunter had fallen behind and gotten lost, cue Anastasia backstory. Now, thirteen years later, Belos is offering a big reward for anyone who brings him his supposedly alive nephew. Upon hearing this, Edric and Emira decide to take on the challenge, believing that maybe this money will convince their mom somewhat. So, they split up with Luz, who’s like not chill about it, kind of upset actually, but that’s okay. Because evil moments, she steals an amulet from them with the intention of selling it and getting as much as she possibly could. The twins don’t notice this, yet, too caught up in their GG scam.
Edric and Emira hold auditions to fake a Sir William, someone to pass as the lost prince. Eventually, they come in contact with Hunter, an orphan with amnesia that is trying to find a way home, who’s only memory of home comes from a key that’s his only possession. Ed and Em convince Hunter that he’s the lost prince, and they take him to the Emperor. (A lot happens during their journey but I won’t go into detail.) when they get to the castle, Belos immediately recognizes Hunter, and he orders the scouts to give the twins their money, and pushes them out the door. He begins to reconnect with Hunter, talks about the “good old days” and “oh how I’ve missed you William” and eventually, it’s revealed that the original attack years ago, was set up by Belos and Kikimora. An attempt to kill the rest of the family and Hunter, an attempt to get a hold of the key. (The key that was given to him by his actual father, and not Belos. Belos wants it because it’s supposed to open a portal to another world and Belos is still mad with power.)
Tangled Verse Lumity: after stealing the moon pendant from the twins, Luz runs away as far as she can do the twins won’t be able to catch up once they realize it’s gone. She finds herself into a woodland area, then in a clearing with this forty foot tower. Trying to hide, Luz climbs the tower, deciding to rest there for a while until she comes up with a proper plan. But things don’t always go to plan, and she gets attacked by a mysterious girl that lives in the tower. When she wakes up, she’s confronted by Amity, a girl locked away because she’s got immeasurable power and her mother told her that she had to be protected. It was for her safety.
Amity doesn’t quite remember her life before the tower, but she remembers her siblings and her dad (not personally, but she remembers him being a family member). She lives alone now, in the tower, with occasional visits from her mother and very rare visits from her siblings. Her dad never visits. She wears a purple amulet now, one that allows her mother to contact her, control her. She doesn’t like it but her mother says that it’s for her safety. Anyway, for years, she’s been trying to prove to her mother that she can handle herself in the world and now that she has an intruder held hostage, she knows that this is the year. Especially with her eighteenth birthday in two days.
But Odalia doesn’t listen, simply retells Amity of all the horrors of the world and that she’s not ready, can’t handle it. So Amity stays, and her mother promises to visit in two days, for her birthday. But Amity doesn’t want it, simply smiles and waves goodbye. When Odalia leaves, Amity strikes a deal with Luz. Luz takes her out into the world, shows her some of the sights, a tour, really. And when they safely return home, Amity will return Luz’s pendant. With no choice, Luz agrees. She takes Amity out, blah blah, they fall in love and Amity decides that she never wants to go back to the tower. She thought that maybe just one day would be enough for her, pacify her yearning, but it’s only made it grow. She wants to stay outside, wants to find her siblings and such.
Eventually, she gets confronted by her mother, who tries to get her back to the tower, but Amity argues, fights back, and in the end, when she wins, Odalia practically disowns her. But Amity could care less when she’s got Luz, and her siblings, and people like Eda and King and eventually Raine and Lilith. Anyway, after that, she and Luz soon run into Ed and Em, who all celebrate Amity’s freedom. The twins confront Luz about the pendant, but they don’t really care anymore because Amity has it, and it’s hers, and they’re just happy that she’s not locked in the tower anymore.
But something about Edric is off. He’s distanced and such. When Emira asks him about it, he admits that he can’t stop thinking about Hunter. Hates how they were forced out without a goodbye. Emira convinced him to go back, that if he’s so sure of it, then he should pursue Hunter. So Edric does. He and the girls go back to the castle, when they find out that Belos was in the wrong and Hunter’s trapped. Then there’s this whole thing where they rescue Hunter, and he’s the one that takes Belos out and ummmmm I lost my train of thought actually so the post ends here. But they all get their happy ending. In the end.
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An Essay (sort of) Explaining the Many Grievances I Have With Debbie Gallagher
Once again, Debbie is the fucking worst.
I’ve been wanting to write out my feelings towards her character for a fucking minute now just so that I have a full concise list. Now, I can talk about how Debbie has a constant need for attention, or how her character has become someone unrecognizable in the past few seasons, or how she’s a terrible mother, but what I really want to focus on is the center of my issues with her: her sexuality. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about to be a homophobic rant or anything. I just think her queer development has been written terribly and that should be addressed.
Too often I see people praising queer characters or relationships based solely on the fact that they are queer, and as a member of the community, I get it. I am also starved for representation. This, however, does not mean I’m going to settle for annoying, poorly written characters.
Why Make Debbie Queer?
The first thing I want to address is why suddenly develop a WLW storyline for her. Given that Debbie started as a little girl on the show, this gives the writers a lot of opportunity to give a character like that interesting storylines because she does not yet have a solid personality. It gives writers the liberty to take her story anywhere they want to without the constraints of established character because she, as a person, is still developing into adulthood. The show runners unfortunately dropped the ball with this.
From season 4 and onwards was when Debbie began showing interest in dating, sex, and romance having just turned the corner to puberty. From then up until season 9, she has shown exclusive interest in men. It isn’t until Alex the welder that Debbie deviates from this path. Alex is portrayed as a stud who confuses Debbie. I am inclined to believe that Debbie was originally attracted to her because she was masculine and therefore close enough to the people Debbie had previous experience with.
This arc was treated very much as Debbie experimenting with her sexuality, something that Alex also ends up realizing after Debbie tells her that having sex with a girl is “not that bad” and “like having sex with yourself” (S9E4). Once this storyline wrapped up (with Debbie shouting “you make me want cock again”) the writers powered through, adamant about Debbie now being a lesbian.
I have two theories as to why they’ve been fighting so hard for her queerness.
1) This was around the time that Cam was leaving Shameless. This obviously didn’t end up happening, but I was under the impression that the writers were freaking out at losing their token gay character and needed to fill that position. When Cam ended up staying, they were stuck with a queer Debbie storyline and decided to just go with it.
2) Shameless was planning on doing a WLW storyline regardless of Cam’s choice to leave and were originally going to give it to Fiona and her lesbian tenant that she had a close relationship and a lot of chemistry with, but Emmy Rossum wanted to move on from Shameless, and so they pivoted and gave the arc to Debbie, a character that was not supposed to be moved in that direction and so her new sexuality seemingly came out of nowhere. Fiona as a bisexual character would have made sense. Debbie still does not.
Shameless’s Awkward Relationship With Bisexuality
One of the biggest issues I have with Debbie is her insistence on being a lesbian. Lesbianism doesn’t come out of nowhere. Bisexuality, however, can. When you grow up being told that you are supposed to feel attraction to men, and you genuinely do feel attraction to men (which Debbie has expressed in past seasons/episodes) it’s easy to ignore your attraction to women and write it off as something that either isn’t a big deal, or something that isn’t there. It’s a lot more confusing than being strictly at one end of the spectrum. It would have been so much more believable if they had simply made Debbie bisexual. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t because the show has a history with bi erasure.
Bisexuality has been treated badly all throughout Shameless, used as a vengeful plot device back in the earlier seasons where Monica was only ever with women when unmedicated. Then in Season 7 when Ian’s boyfriend Caleb cheated on him with a woman (enforcing the stereotype of bisexuals being unfaithful) Ian, possibly acting out of anger or ignorance, said things like “only women are bisexual. When a man says he’s bisexual he’s really just gay”. The only semi positive bisexual representation on the show was Svetlana and Vee when they were in a poly relationship with Kev (though I also think that storyline wasn’t handled as well as it could’ve been).
This fight against the bisexual label in media is not a new one but it is also a harmful stance to take when writing a sexually fluid character. Debbie declaring that she is, in fact, a lesbian after waxing poetic about how Matty had a big dick and Derek had a great body and knew what he was doing is not the way to go. 
You could argue that Debbie, like many other queer women, is an unfortunate victim of compulsory heterosexuality, but frankly I don’t think the writers are well versed enough in queer theory for that to be a possibility.
Debbie as The White Feminist
Debbie is the pinnacle of white feminism. It’s an unfortunate thought that has occurred to me a few times throughout the show. She talks a big game as a man hater and someone after the equal treatment of women but she herself participates in a lot of problematic and anti feminist behavior.
For one, she r*ped Matty back in season 5 when he was blacked out and unconscious. This was a point in the story that was glossed over and one where she suffered no repercussions other than Matty no longer wanting to be around her. It was explained in the show that Debbie didn’t realize what she did was wrong until after she was explicitly told so because she was maybe 14 when it happened (not 100% on the age Shameless is very inconsistent about timelines). It was treated as somewhat of a punchline, something that Shameless has unfortunately done more than once when referring to male sexual assault (Mickey’s r*pe, Liam in season 10 ((i think??)) and in this latest season, Carl) but that is a different topic. 
There was also the time in which she lied to her boyfriend about being on birth control so she could trap him into a relationship with pregnancy (which also counts as r*pe!!) Good on Derek for getting out of that.
Debbie has also been pro-life in the past. Now I understand this was when Fiona was pressuring her into aborting her pregnancy, and as a pro choicer myself, I believe that Debbie was fully in her right to have bodily autonomy and go through with the pregnancy. This isn’t where the issue lies. It’s when Fiona finds out that she too is pregnant and tells Debbie that she wants an abortion that Debbie accuses her of “killing her baby”. Again, her behavior could be explained by her age given that Debbie was still a young teen during this time.
When her actions as a White Feminist become less excusable is mostly in the latest season. Her relationship with Sandy is one that I’m not really happy with because Debbie doesn’t deserve her.
Recently, it has been revealed that Sandy is actually married to a man and has a son. It’s explained that she was basically married off against her will at the age of 15 to a man twice her age. This implies that the product of the marriage, her son, was most likely conceived through dubious consent (or worse) at the hands of an adult when she was just a kid. Just because Debbie thinks that Sandy’s husband “seems nice” does not give her the right to try and make a victim of grooming feel bad about not wanting to be with her abuser. While I understand that Sandy’s son has no fault in how he came into the world, I’m still gonna side with Sandy when it comes to having to take care of a child she didn’t want and who is most likely a source of trauma for her. It’s not difficult to sympathize with Sandy and see that she’s clearly gone through something fucked up and Debbie, despite claiming to love and support her, AND despite her dumb white feminist arc about wanting equal pay and all that jazz, turns her back on the girls supporting girls aspect of feminism.
This isn’t even mentioning how shitty it was to just leave Franny by herself and assume that one of her siblings would take her to school and pick her up and stuff as if they don’t all have separate lives. She talks a lot about being a good mother but decided to “let off some steam” by fucking off to a gay bar to get loaded on coke and fuck a gay man (which wtf thats not a thing that really happens with casual coke but whatever I guess). Once she realized she fucked up, instead of taking responsibility she decided to paint herself as the victim as well as spew offensive bullshit about how she “probably has AIDS now” because of her sexual encounter with a gay man. No lesbian in their right fucking mind would ever say that because as members of the LGBTQ+ community, you are at least a tiny bit informed as to how devastating and tragic the AIDS crisis was for queer people.
(I also have an issue with how Debbie capitalized on her felony as a sex offender and her sexuality to start her Hot Lesbian Convict business but I think that’s enough said.)
Blame the writers
The show got almost an entirely new cast of writers after season 7 which is why the show feels more like a sitcom with low stakes and no consequences rather than a drama, but if there is a queer writer on the team it’s not very evident. Even the better half of the queer relationship story, Ian and Mickey, I don’t feel has really been done justice since the change in writers. It’s just become painfully obvious that the actress is a straight girl playing a gay character (not to mention I have never seen any chemistry between her and all of her female love interests). I don’t fault Emma Kenney (the actress) for this. I actually really like her as a person and I like the videos she makes about the cast and such, and I think she does her best with the script she’s given. My complaints with Debbie are targeted entirely towards the writers.
This brings me to my final point. I need them to let Debbie be alone. Her whole thing for the second half of the season has been that she clearly has abandonment issues and is afraid of being alone. It’s why she’s so adamant about keeping the house and fighting with Lip about it (I’m actually on Debbie’s side for that one but that’s besides the point). They had her and Sandy break up which leaves Debbie to spiral further into her loneliness. From a writing point of view, it makes sense to take this opportunity to give her an arc in which she can overcome that and feel comfortable with herself so that she can move on as an adult instead of jumping into a new relationship. This is especially true since this is quite literally the last season ever of the show and any character development needs to be wrapped up. Introducing a new character out of nowhere does not give the viewers enough time to actually get invested in the new relationship. It’s also unfair to Debbie’s character because her arc is going to feel incomplete.
Anyway,,,,,,uuuhhhhh,,,,,feel free to add on if u want lmao
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awakened-harmony · 3 years
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Name: Vitality (Vita) ‘Aala’ Ekeri
Nicknames: Vee
Voice claim: WIP though it’s very rich and warm, Soothing
Birth sign: Pisces (Febuary 20th)
Species: Keloul
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 pounds
Age: 250-275ish years old give or take
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: High ranked healer within’ the royal guard
Canon universe: Underfell (But she can be found in UT/US/other AU’s if asked)
Battle theme: Phaedra
ATK: 100 DEF: 400 HP: 1000
* Smells like Cotton Candy
Current happenings: N/A TLDR: Vita was born on the surface to religious parents, Killed her first mate who she had been bethrothed to by accident, Eventually met drusil as he was one of the kings guards. Fell in love and spent a few happy years together before the monster v human war struck and drusil was killed a week before they were all sealed underground. Found out she was pregnant with their child and has raised him underground ever since. Hoping for the day they can all return to the surface.
Vita or Vitality as is her full name though she rarely goes by it nor does she like when other people use it as to her it’s needlessly unique and she far prefers just vita, She was born and raised in a small religious oceanic village a few hours from Mount Ebott and grew up under the strict though at the time she thought fair ruling of her parents, Learning the ways of the average house wife so to speak. Cooking, Cleaning, Dress modestly, Avert her eyes when she caught someone’s attention. It led to her being very meek and shy for her early years though very nice to even if her parents often scolded her if they thought she was being a little ‘too’ nice for their liking though it was rare anyone saw that side of her parents, Peachy perfect in public. It was hard not to love them and their only child who dutifully followed their word.
She was bethrothed to another, A monster named Orinda, Her and his Parents had declared it so, they’d be a perfect match to live and thrive, Have kids and continue on the family legacy and get married she did. Though unfortunately for her, He was a dick behind closed doors, Not that she would have had any choice in the matter whether he was nice or not and though some part of her deep down resented the situation she was in, She’d been raised that she just needed to be better. She just needed to do her best, She just needed to try and everything would be okay. They’d be okay, They’d be a happy little family just like her parents wanted, It wasn’t often that he struck her, So much more was said and it hurt far more then any blow. In some ways, She’s sure she would have never gotten out of there if not for that one, Fateful night. He’d come home angry, swearing and fidgety, She wasn’t sure why, She couldn’t ask. She still cooked dinner for him, Had cleaned up for him, Offered herself to him as she’d been taught. But it wasn’t enough, She wasn’t enough.
He’d struck her, Again and maybe it was a fit of rage or a desire to protect herself but she lashed out with her magic, With her healing magic. At first, he’d laughed yet then he’d spluttered, Bending over and groaning. Oh she’d never forget the way he hacked and coughed, His magic that was a odd tinge of red and orange, Blood orange perhaps? escaped out of him through his mouth. Leaking onto the floor even as she’d ran past him to get help, Help for what she’d done. But by the time she’d returned with someone, Anyone, He was far beyond any help. Only choking out that she’d done this to him before he finally collapsed and dusted.
A murderer, She was a murderer, She’d killed him were what came from the chants of her village. Outrage and outcry that spread, Spread far enough that it reached the city of Ebott and the ears of the king himself. It hadn’t been asgore yet, Rather his father. A huge, dark furred beast of a boss monster that showed up to her tiny little village and even as she quaked in torn clothes, Under the pressure of her entire village’s sheer hatred. Clamed up only by the king’s presence, He offered, No she supposed. Not offered, GAVE her a chance that she couldn’t refuse. Whether she wanted to or not. So with only a nod, She found herself whisked away by the king of monsters and his entourage of guards, She’d never see her family again, She’d made attempts to write but never got anything back so eventually. She stopped trying.
In ebott, She got trained in the ways of being a healer, A true healer with a good control over her power and her further specialization into being a midwife for Monsters, Helping to deliver plenty of children over the years. During her training, She found herself growing close to one of the king’s guards, Drusil, He’d come from a different settlement but they were the same type of monster. Oh he’d been stunning with dark, Almost black skin, His hair blended in!, Golden tinged fins and freckling along his arms and his back. He’d always been so nice to her, So goofy, so friendly and so damn stupid sometimes that it always made her giggle and though hesitant to enter a relationship again, Having to take the time to get past the conditioning her parents had put her through, He waited. It took three years but he’d waited and she eventually accepted.
She’d never been happier, His family had practically adopted her, His parents especially came to see her as a daughter and she considered them her true parents as well. She adored his few little siblings and they had a few happy years together, During this time meeting gaster and Rose to. A rumbling came by word of mouth, Of talks of rising tension and war on the frightened lips of monster kind, Seeding that doubt of worry in her belly despite drusil trying to reassure her. It would never happen, they wouldn’t go to war.
Yet even as the king passed on the throne to his son and his own bethrothed, The talk of war and rising tensions became even more prevalent and soon, War broke out, Many monsters like to say it was a war but to vita, It always seemed more like a all out slaughter. Her mate fought alongside gaster to help protect the new king and his Queen. She was a medic, She healed as best she could, Serving her own part even if she rarely saw action unless it was to protect her patients, Oh how often she’d longed for war to be over then. Longed for it to end and end it did, But not in the way she’d hoped, There’d been talks of a peace treaty a few years in, of monsters surrendering, That it’d be fine. That they’d all make it out. One last night with drusil with the promise on his lips that everything would be fine. It’d all work out...but it didn’t. Drusil, Among many of the kings other guards fell due to stopping a attempted assignation on the king.
Oh goddesses how she’d sobbed, How loud she had wailed, It was only a week after that the big final push came. To lock them underground and forget about monster kind with help of their mages, Oh they’d fought back for certain but they just lost more and more as humans grew only stronger as they gained LOVE. She was injured when a group of them had raided the medical tent, so lost from their own morals that killing the sick and injured didn’t matter to them, Injured in her attempt to save her patients, They were under her care, they couldn’t just kill them! Instead. One of them with a glint of malice she’d never yet truly seen came at her instead she though she fought. Two others held her to cease her struggling and they almost Methodically, Joyfully sliced one of her back fins off. She would have died there if not for someone hearing her screams, of pain and of fear, They’d never been able to a re-attach the ‘wing’, It scattered into dust not long after being cut off and all they could do was bandage what they could so she didn’t bleed out from the injury and helped her towards mount ebott. Still crying and weak, heart broken from all that had occurred.
She along with the remains of monsterkind were sealed below ground with a magic spell, She was numb to all that had occurred in some aspects. Throwing herself into work, Yet her healing wasn’t enough for all the monsters that fell simply do a lack of hope, A lack of supplies. There wasn’t enough food, enough water. It was around the same time that she came to the horrifying and stricken realization that she was pregnant. Oh she had thought about ending it, If the stress from the situations didn’t kill it first but...she couldn’t, She just couldn’t. It was the only bit of Drusil she had left. It was their baby. So despite all odds, She kept her child and almost a year underground (Her species gestates a bit longer then humans 9 months). She eventually gave birth with only the assistance of her surviving friend Gaster to help her, An act that almost killed her, Leaving her fitfully weak for weeks after and a few years until she truly felt 100% like herself again.
She remained a healer in the royal guard as years dragged by, Becoming accustomed to life underground like many others monsters, Focused on raising her son and teaching him to be good. Because even as their civilization stabilized, the monsters grew worse and worse. Far more befitting of their name, Many were angry, Aggressive and even violent, The king was the worst of them all and while she’d looked up to him once upon a time. The decree of collecting human souls was the final straw, She hated him and all that he stood for. She sympathized with toriel and her disappearance yet some part of her hated toriel to for leaving. For letting this lunatic take full control of the kingdom instead of sticking by to help. Yet she would only stew silently because there was nothing more she could do to help then any of the rest of monster kind.
All she hope for is the day they get released from the mountain.
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Sarah Harris → Rachel Weisz → Jackal
→ Basic Information
Age: 112
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: July 1st
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Religion: Christian
→ His/Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ His/Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Liaison
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Literature and Feminism
Two Dislikes: Misogyny and High-School Dropouts
Two Fears: Running Out of Time and Not Making a Significant Difference
Two Hobbies: Reading and Organizing
Three Positive Traits: Adaptable, Eloquent, Collected
Three Negative Traits: Adamant, Persistent, Workaholic
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Jon Owens (Father): Jon worked as a plumber in Chicago at the turn of the century. He spent much of his time with his sons growing up, wanting to teach them a trade. However, once she was out of college and married they began to become closer. And when she had Shannon and Zelda he was there at her house everyday to watch them.
Natasha Owens (Mother): Sarah gets much of her put together nature from her mother. Despite having 8 kids in 10 years, every single child was dressed and presentable no matter where they went. She also went back and got a degree in accounting when the Watts were giving out scholarships to pack members. She is the head of the budgetary committee in Chicago currently, as well as assisting in organizing the pack finances.
Sibling Names:
Miranda Kuhler nee Owens (Sister): Miranda is the oldest sibling in the family, and the only one older than Sarah. She married At 18, very young for even a jackal, to a man a few years older than her. He had a stake in her father’s plumbing business, but when the wolves moved to town and forced the Jackals from those jobs he, and as a result Miranda, moved away. Though they’re only in Milwaukee, it feels hundreds of miles away. They still talk and Miranda comes down to visit, even though her husband does not.
Bruce Owens (Brother): Bruce also left Chicago for Milwaukee, and started up a business with Miranda’s husband. He held a lot of hatred towards Ellis III for shifting the pack’s focus to education and away from the trades. He accused Zack and Sarah of betraying the family business and they haven’t spoken in decades.
Wade Owens (Brother): Wade just recently became a grandfather for the first time, and has been discussing moving to be closer to them in Denver. Sarah doesn’t really want him to go, but she understands that desire.
Lee Owens (Brother): Lee is the head of the Water Department for Chicago. He works with Zelda, and was the one who got her a job there. He used to give her updates on how she was doing, but eventually said she was meddling and stopped. He and his wife’s youngest just graduated from high school and his oldest is getting married this year.
Dana Owens (Sister): Dana is the sister that Sarah is closest to. They see each other at least once a week and talk almost every day. Dana works as the City Treasurer and has been helping guide Shannon and Vee in the election process.
Felicity Meyers-Owens (Sister): Felicity recently got married, and is only now starting her family. She has been coming to Sarah a lot for advice, as well as babysitting, and it’s given her a second wind of baby fever.
Angelica Owens (Sister): Angelica hasn’t married or had any children. She left for almost 20 years travelling, but has been back for equally as long. Sarah has considered asking why, but she has seen her reaction to Felicity and Natasha’s questions and has refrained.
Children Names:
Shannon Harris (Daughter): Shannon’s made it clear that she wants to follow in Sarah’s footsteps career and pack leadership wise. Which is something Sarah loves and is incredibly proud of. As a first time mother, Sarah gave Shannon everything she had and wanted her to have a better life; she pushed her to know college and a successful career was what she was destined for. Despite having similar personalities, they do not clash as many people initially thought they would. They listen to each other, honor boundaries, emotionally support each other, respect each other’s differences and similarities. Sarah has been trying to give Shannon more freedom and space since Zack and Ellis both pointed out how their mother/daughter relationship is turning more into a friendship and that Shannon seems somewhat dependent on having Sarah in her life.
Zelda Harris (Daughter): Zelda has always walked her own path, despite the best of Sarah’s efforts. They’d always had the tendency to fight, but it didn’t hit the breaking point until Zelda decided not to go to college. That fight showed her just how close her youngest was to leaving their pack and family forever. She bent and allowed her to go straight to a position in the Water department and backed off on her expectations. Their relationship is still strained, but Sarah loves her daughters more than anything and just wants to see them be successful.
Romantic Connections:
Zekharyah Harris (Husband): Zack is the man of Sarah’s dreams. They grew up together in Chicago, attended the same schools and even shared the same friend group. Their romantic relationship did not kick off until middle school when Sarah broke her leg, falling off a cliff while shifted, during a pack outing. Zack had volunteered to carry her back home. It did not take long for them to become serious and eventually join their two families. Their relationship is built on a strong spiritual and intellectual bond, aided by their friendship and familiarity with one another and their intense love for each other. Zack and Sarah promised each other when they married, a few weeks after they graduated high school, that they would focus on loving and growing with each other, their education, and careers before starting a family. A promise they kept. When Shannon is comfortable with being a liaison, Sarah wants more children.
Platonic Connections:
Ellis Watts (Best Friend): Sarah has known Ellis since they were both young. She first trained and served under Ellis II. She thinks Ellis has pushed and improved their pack and she’s proud to stand as his liaison. Ellis is the godfather to her children and someone she’d trust with her life. Sarah is currently trying to find a good woman for Ellis to settle down with, hoping her next batch of kids will align with his.
Katherine King (Best Friend): Katherine and Sarah met whilst at college. Katherine was in for financing while Sarah majored in Communications. They’ve been good friends since that day and have seen each other through marriages and kids. Katherine spent a good amount of time with the girls when they were growing up as well.
Lillian Pickford (Good Friend): Lillian cares about the supernatural and human world as much as Sarah does. They met at a PTA meeting for Zelda and Shannon’s school about 20 years ago and have been good friends since. They were a part of the group that suggested Robert run for Mayor.
Odell Rella (Friend): Odell has always been a bit different than most jackals, especially with leaving for school and traveling around the world for almost a decade. But it has given him an edge and insight to Ellis that Sarah and Zack couldn’t provide. It also shouldn’t have surprised Sarah that he and Zelda clicked. She is happy with their relationship but worries they might leave to see what else is out there.
Vanessa Armstrong (Friendly): Vanessa has been Shannon’s best friend her whole life. Which means she’s been a regular face in the Harris household. Vee has been a good influence on Shannon and has pushed her to be confident.
Milo Vasu (Semi-Annoyance): Milo cares about the right things in theory, but rarely goes about a good way of showing that. He cares about social justice, yet blows any chance of doing something big while at school on partying with his frat house. Shannon and Vee have been pushing him more at his internship and have seen some promising results.
Seth Allen (Annoyance): Sarah was saddened to find out about Seth’s life before their pack and has tried to act as a support while he becomes acclimated to the pack. He’s resisted at almost every step, and evades any information about his past. Luckily he has found a place with Odell and Zelda, for which Sarah is grateful.
Amaria Crais (Liaison): Sarah and Amaria have gotten along well in their time together and it was through this relationship that ideas of the University came about. Sarah prefers dealing with Amaria with regard to pack relations, but has been going straight to Chris with issues over the school.
Kylo ‘Nada’ Rajui (Liaison): The Jackals and Hyenas have always been very close to one another and Sarah is concerned about Nada. Though he hasn’t shut her out yet, she knows they have begun to wall themselves off from other clans. Sarah is doing her best to keep any judgement or concern out of their communication as to not accidentally alienate them from the Jackals.
Ray Hamelin (Liaison): Ray was the first liaison she met when she began the job 8 decades ago, and has always been pleasant and mostly easy to deal with. They forged the agreement that the rats would back off at City Hall and in return the Jackals would be open about their business.
Maxine Vanes (Liaison): Sarah was pleasantly surprised when she met Max. She wasn’t sure what to expect when Ray left, but Max has met and surpassed anything she thought. Max has been a large help with training Shannon and she hopes they will form their own strong bond.
Vincent Kane (Liaison): While Sarah has known Vincent for many years, recently she’s had Shannon take over communication with him. If the jackals and human shifters are going to continue having a strong relationship with one another, the best way is to forge that with the new guard. Shannon has done well so far, especially with organizing the campaign.
Hostile Connections:
Greer Finley (Dislike): Greer is aggressive and loud and gets her way with those two things. However, that’s not how to run a business or create a partnership between packs. Sarah now avoids her as to streamline the process and talks to Chris directly.
Eric Lasiter (Strong Dislike): Eric confessed once that her daughter, Zelda, eyes reminded him of one of his daughters. She heard about warlocks and their ways of getting what they want and Sarah will do anything to protect her girls.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Rachel Weisz [1][2][3]
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thephoenixmagician · 4 years
Adara Orasa || Character Survey
And another, for my other child. Again, from @cela-astral-projection
Gonna be long so, it’s under the cut!
Basic Questions
First name?:  Adara
Surname?: Orasa
Middle Names?:  Nowel
Nicknames?:  Ada, The Seeress, The Iron Diplomat
Date of Birth?: September 13
Age?: Early twenties.
Physical Appearance
Height?:  5’ 4”
Weight?:  140lbs
Build?:  Lean
Hair Color?:  Pastel pink, almost silver
Hairstyle?:  Usually down and wavy, but will sweep it back into a bun
Eye Color?: Light jade that can be mistaken for grey.
Glasses or contact lenses?:  She’s blind.
Distinguishing facial features?:  Sharp cheekbones and jaw
Which facial feature is most prominent?: Her eyes
Which bodily feature is most prominent?:  Her straight posture
Other distinguishing features?:  Has minor scarring around her eyes, but it’s only noticeable up close.
Skin?:  Pale, almost ivory. LIght brush of freckles over cheeks and nose.
Hands?:  Slender, and soft. Keeps her nails short and clean.
Makeup?:  She’ll wear it but doesn’t care for it much since she can’t see it.
Scars?:  The brand on her shoulder blade, just like her sister’s. The scarring around her eyes looks like webbing. Cuts on her wrists (that she keeps covered).
Birthmarks?:  None.
Tattoos?:  No.
Physical Handicaps?: Fully blind. Chronic migraines.
Type of clothes?:  Loose and flowy so she doesn’t feel restricted. She’s partial to softer fabrics too.
What are their feet like?:  Narrow and soft. Always cold.
Race / Ethnicity?:  They’re based of Danish or Norwegian for the most part. I haven’t put too much thought into it, really.
Are they in good health?:  For the most part. When the migraines get to be too much, she’ll have to rest for at least a day.
Do they have any disabilities?:  Just blindness, I guess.
What words or phrases do they overuse?:  “No, I don’t see what you mean.”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?:  Optimist.
Are they introverted or extroverted?:  Introvert.
Do they ever put on airs?:  Never.
What bad habits do they have?:  None actually.
What makes them laugh out loud?:  Her sister’s personality. Rhea never fails to get a laugh out of her.
How do they display affection?: Gifts, mostly. She’s a little shy to physical affection.
How do they want to be seen by others?:  Normal, and capable.
Strongest character trait?: Iron will. She will never back down.
Weakest character trait?:  Her unwillingness to let people help her personally. She doesn’t want to rely on people because she doesn’t want them to worry for her.
How competitive are they?:  Isn’t.
How do they react to praise?:  She’ll smile and say thank you, but is a little surprised.
Weakest character trait?:  She’s receptive, especially if it’s constructive and will help find a better solution.
What is their greatest fear?:  Not being able to properly care for or protect her son.
What are their biggest secrets?:  When her sister died, she’d tried to make the Deal with the Devil, too. But the price of her son’s sight was too much for her. She’d never told anyone.
What is their philosophy of life?:  “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
What haunts them?:  She wishes she’d done more in insisting her sister stay. Maybe she wouldn’t have died…
What will they stand up for?:  What she believes is right and the people.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?:  Both, really. She likes the outdoors because she can listen to everything and get fresh air. But indoors she can have peace and quiet, especially in her room.
What is their sinful little habit?:  Would live off chocolate covered strawberries if she could.
What sense do they most rely on?: Hearing.
How do they treat people better than them?:  As equals.
How do they treat people worse than them?:  As equals.
What do they consider an overrated virtue?: Submission.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?:  She’d like her sight back… But she’d never say that aloud, especially not in front of Rhea.
What is their obsession?:  Flowers of all kinds. She likes to touch and smell them. Anything that gives of a scent.
What are their pet peeves?:  Arrogance. Unwillingness to cooperate. Pen clicking would be one (if in Modern AU).
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small?:  Small.
What is their perception of a family?:  People she cares about.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?:  Just Rhea, who is 2 years older.
Describe their best friend.: Launa, her head maid. She’s always been extremely supportive of Adara.
Idea best friend?:  Someone she can trust to not judge her for what she’s done and willing to do.
Do they have any pets?:  No.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?:  As a baby, she was really quiet. She didn’t cry much or fuss. As a child, she was shy but curious. She’d follow Rhea into whatever adventure she found for them.
Did they grow up rich or poor?:  Rich, until they moved to Vesuvia.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?:  Nurtured.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?:  She tried to end her marriage with her husband a few months in because she had foreseen a terrible future in one of her premonitions -and wanted to save him. But it hadn’t been their’s she’d seen. He’d died shortly after and never got to take it back.
What are their ambitions?:  To take care of the people and rebuild her kingdom.
What smells remind them of their childhood?:  As she’s super sensitive to smell, she’s highly aware of scents similar to her parents. Scents of lillies and pine are a big one.
What was their childhood ambition?: Become an ambassador to represent Moonsea on the outside.
What is their best childhood memory?:  Shortly after becoming blind and learning how to focus her other senses, Rhea had taken it upon herself to cover the room in every flower she could manage to grow inside. We’re talking about covered in roses, lilacs, snapdragons, you name it. Rhea brought each one to Adara and let her touch and smell them.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend?:  She’d imagined someone walking with her everywhere, who she called the Silver Lady. She had the antlers of a stag and eyes like a doe.
Do they believe in love at first sight?:  No.
How do they behave in a relationship?:  Respectfully and wholly committed.
What sort of sex do they have?:  Relatively vanilla with a little spice. Too much can cause sensory overload.
Has your character ever been in love?: Just once before, to her late husband.
Have they ever had their heart broken?: No.
How do they respond to a threat?: Ultimate diplomat. Will use words first and stay calm. If required, she’s not against using magic to protect others and herself.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or tongue?:  Tongue.
What is your character’s kryptonite?: Her son and sister.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?:  Assuming every soul is safe, she won’t bother even if she could get something.
How do they perceive strangers?: What strangers?
What are their phobias?:  Silence.
What is their choice of weapon?: Words, or water magic.
What living person do they most despise?:  Lucio.
Have they ever been bullied or teased?:  Plenty of times. But Rhea always stepped in.
Where do they go when they’re angry?: For a walk outside, so she can count her steps and calm down.
Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job?:  Vesuvia’s Ambassador of Moonsea, High Princess of Moonsea
What do they think about their current job?:  She enjoys it. She likes being able to help and protect people.
What are some of their past jobs?:  Used her abilities of premonition to get visions for a small price, when she needed to feed herself.
What are their hobbies?:  Collects different scents so she can always recall a memory with them.
Educational background?:  Received tons of formal training as a royal. What she lacked in magical talent, she made up for in herbalism and healing.
Intelligence level?: Extremely smart, almost intimidatingly so.
Do they have any specialist training?:  Extraordinary herbalist and medical knowledge.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?: She’s not fond of sports.
What is their socioeconomic status?:  Upper class.
What is their favorite animal?:  Spiders, like her familiar Vee.
Which animal do they dislike the most?:  Snakes. Just don’t let it touch her and she’s groovy.
What place would they most like to visit?:  Home.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve seen?:  The last thing she’d seen was her sister’s crying face. She’ll never forget that.
What is their favorite song?: Song of the Sea - Ashley Serena
Music, art, reading preferred?:  Music all the way. She’s also got a hauntingly beautiful voice.
What is their favorite color?:  All of them.
Favorite food?:  Salmon
What is in their fridge?:  Fruit, pre-bottled water, orange juice, cider…
What is on their bedside table?:  Nothing, she’s knocked everything off too many times in the mornings.
What is in their pockets?: Nothing.
What is their most treasured possession?: A fragment of a necklace she’ll never be without, attached to a leather cord and bound to her wrist.
Do they believe in the afterlife?:  She does.
What are their religious views?:  Spiritual.
Are they superstitious?:  No.
What would they like to be reincarnated as?:  A deer.
How would they like to die?: Painlessly.
What is your character’s spirit guide?:  The Silver Lady.
What is their zodiac sign?:  Virgo.
Daily Life
What are their eating habits?:  Eats like a bird.
Do they have any allergies?:  No.
Describe their home.:  Minimalist and spacious. No carpeting allowed.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?: Minimalist.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?:  Breakfast in the warm sun while Luana tells her the agenda for the day.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon?:  Listening to music.
What do they do on a Friday night?:  Stay in and let someone read to her.
What is the soft drink of choice?:  She’d be a Sprite kind of girl (in a Modern AU).
What is their alcoholic drink of choice?:  White wines.
What is their character archetype? From this list:  The Caregiver.
Who is their hero?: Her sister.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?:  A ghost.
Are they comfortable with technology?:  Not very, but she thinks it’s got practical uses.
If they could save one person who would it be?:  Her son first, then her sister.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?:  Her sister, or Nadia.
What is their greatest extravagance?:  Buying perfumes and colognes to never use but keep just to smell when she gets lonely.
Do they believe in happy endings?:  She does.
What would they ask a fortune-teller?:  For a reading about the future of her family.
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