#Veld writes
getvalentined · 3 months
So, when I'm finished with Smoke and Mirrors, I'm thinking about finally sitting down and writing out Little Lion Man, aka the alternate universe in which Late is placed. It features Vincent/Veld, Sephiroth Valentine, a non-hateful deconstruction of Vincrecia, a coup d'etat, body horror, slice of life—the whole shebang, basically. It's more involved, and the whole concept is over a decade old, but I think I've got it outlined to a point that it's feasible. It'll take longer than Smoke and Mirrors (which was meant to be a long oneshot and just spiraled out of control) and my biggest concern is that it's very...niche, I guess?
There really aren't a lot of VinVeld shippers out there—I'm one of the first English speakers to have shipped it, one part of a group of three that fell into it at the same time, and the only part of that group that is still active in the fandom. I know for a fact that I posted deviantART's first VinVeld fanart ever, way back in 2005. I gave the ship it's current name, forcibly dragging my friends away from calling it Vineld because why. They're my actual One True Pairing, above all the others. If I had to pick one ship to see really and solidly and undeniably canonized, it wouldn't be Sephesis or Strifentine or Valenstrifesodos—it would be VinVeld.
I'm less active in portraying them in recent years because the people I used to RP and draw and write with are either no longer active in the fandom, no longer in my life, or both. And that's the biggest issue: I don't do exceptionally well without feedback because have The Ancestral Curse, and this whole concept is so niche that I worry I'd just leave it unfinished forever, like every other FF7 longfic I've ever started.
It's...probably my favorite canon divergent AU that I've ever played in. I'd really like to share it with the world rather than keeping it relegated to snippets and random doodles, but I don't know. Would anyone actually read it?
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blackkatmagic · 5 months
out of night update
Chapter 4 is now up!
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thediktatortot · 2 months
I'm writing out my overarching headcanon about VIncent's life and how Gaia and it's people looked pre-SOLDIER program because I want too:
I'm of the mind that in Vincent's era, there was a lot of growth like we have in our own day and age, much like the 50s-70s, Midgar would have been a work in progress. Maybe only one or two upper plates would be finished and livable, but a sizable undercity was already underway to growth.
I believe that this would be when the beginning of the science department of Shinra would truly begin, so Shinra would have been using the Turks as more of their heavy hitters as SOLDIER was still a small budding program being thought up by Shinra's defense department.
Seeing as the war between Wutai and Shinra didn't happen until 1985, I'm going to go under the assumption that they were in a cold war with each other ever since the power company began building reactors, so the Turks would be much more utilized than they are now.
I have the headcanon that Vincent and Veld were partners or at least worked with each other when they were in the Turks and their missions would have looked like those of spies and government agents (with different rankings and capabilities. Not everyone would have the same job just like a normal government job.)
I also love the idea of their world having similar clothing styles and music to ours during those years, so Vincent and Veld would have been young adults in the 60's and 70's.
I also think that with what happened to Vincent (getting shot and killed by Hojo), he did actually die physically (lurcrecia even talks about how she can't stop the decaying when talking about Vincent in the tank in DoC) so there would be a loss of memory that Vincent would have from actually dying and being dead for however long.
Like sure, his memory loss could have been slowed by the Mako and experiments, but there would be SOME memory loss. So I think that the man we know now is not the whole Vincent he would have been. The reason I say that is because a lot of the memories he does have are from times at Shinra Manor and nothing really else. It's mostly from Shelke's POV that we get the remaining memories about Vincent's past, and that is from Lucrecia's POV of how she saw Vincent. So my HC is that Vincent has a lot more to him than he remembers about himself.
Anyway long-winded explanation of why I think Vincent Valentine has more than meets the eye and I can justify my more fun version of him XD
Back to it. Here's where my headcanons come in heavy:
I think Vincent's mother is a Wutainese woman, Grimiore having met her in his early years of exploration as a scientist, before things with Shinra started to get more competitive. I believe that when Vincent was a teenager, his mother left for Wutai due to the simmering tensions between the two powers, unable to take him with her as he had no citizenship there and I do not see him wanting to leave his home.
Vincent and Grimiore don't get a long for a while because Vincent thinks his father should have convinced her to stay. He joins the Turks at a young age, having met Veld (who I think is at least a decade older than Vincent) who worked with his father, not really knowing about the ins and outs of what a cold war meant or even who was the aggressor in the conflict. He knew his father worked for Shinra and they were bringing progress to their city and home, wanting to help any way he could.
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moostelid · 1 month
Tseng is in hell.
Not only is his mentor much younger than he’s supposed to be, but he somehow managed to drag his presumed dead (emphasis on dead; this man should dead) partner back with him.
Shoved into a director’s position until the matter is solved, Tseng has to deal with his boss wreaking havoc.
He had thought reigning in Rude and Reno was troublesome, but these two are just pure nightmare fuel.
It also doesn’t help that Valentine seems to have come back wrong. (Surely Veld would have mentioned if his partner had always been a shape-shifting vampire thing—right?)
Vincent is a time traveler and Veld has been de-aged by at least 20 years. It’s Hojo’s fault, and they’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem.
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hiddentrails7 · 4 months
Prompt 1: Weather
Pairing: Vincent Valentine/Veld|Verdot
No Warnings. Just some fluff <3
Veld found Vincent outside: laid under a tree, in the grass. That wild black hair pooled behind his head and his arms at his sides.
“...Hey.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but it still rouses his partner. Those crimson eyes lidding open to peer up at him sends a shiver up his spine… but it also brings a smile to his lips.
Veld gets to his knees, to brush some of the wild strands out of Vincent's face. His heart swells when the other leans into his gentle hand.
“What are you doing out here, Vinny?” Veld asks with a soft chuckle.
Vincent is silent for a moment, he sits up slowly as he looks out at the field of grass that surrounds them.
“...it reminds me of that field… Lucrecia and I spent a lot of time there.”
“The one by Nibelheim?” Veld tilts his head a little. “I believe you've told me about it…”
Vincent sighs softly as Veld takes his hand, his grip firm. “I miss that.”
“...Miss it?”
Vincent looks to Veld, as if taken aback by his confusion. “...Yes. That's what I said. Did you not… hear me?”
“Yes, I heard you.” Veld says with a low chuckle, his free hand moving to trace Vincent's jawline. “But you're saying that like… everything is gone. Yes, things have changed… Lucrecia is… you know.” He takes Vincent's other hand as well, squeezing them both slightly.
“But by some miracle, you're here, with me. The planet is still here, because of you and your friends… things are different, but nothing is gone.”
They share a stare. A long, meaningful stare.
“...Right.” Vincent utters, gently knocking his head against Veld’s. His eyes close as Veld's hand cups his cheek. “...You're awfully cheesy, though.”
“Oh, and you don't mind. You never have.”
Vincent smiled at that.
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crystalshined · 1 year
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Ferus disappears down the temple’s stairs, and Tru Veld realizes he can do nothing to stop him. He watches the long shadow follow on the polished stone, and for a dizzying moment he thinks he might throw himself after it; he thinks he might drag Ferus by the shoulders, forcibly, selfishly. He thinks he might beg Ferus to not leave.
He doesn’t.
His throat fills with Korriban ashes, like on their mission, like an aftertaste of a curse.
So he doesn’t speak and Ferus doesn’t speak either.
The long shadow vanishes down the temple stairs, and Tru Veld feels the ancient stone statues stare holes into his back. 
Darra's death is his fault, not Ferus'. He has caused this, not Ferus. Indirectly, as directly as a weapon passes from one’s hand to another. If anyone should be leaving, it should be him. Him. Not Ferus.
Then leave.
His feet are like the statues. Frozen.
You're a coward, Veld. 
He watches the stairs for many long minutes, long enough for the golden glow of the sun to vanish under a cloud. Long enough for a thread to loosen in the force; unravel in the echoes of the galaxy. It snaps and falls and a certainty overcomes Tru so unshakeable and sudden it makes his chest clench. 
He will not see Ferus Olin again.
He turns away.
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whiskeyandthemoon · 7 months
(This is a bit of writing I did based on an RP with a friend, wherein Veld and Vincent take the infant Sephiroth and run for it, leaving behind everything and everyone they know in Midgar. They spend some time in Gongaga, where Veld ruminates on how different his life has become)
The night sky looks different in Gongaga. 
It’s velvety black, not luminescent green. It’s peppered with stars, flickers of silver, red, gold. It’s bordered by towering trees, not skyscrapers or reactors.
And Veld can see the moon.
You can’t see it in Midgar, except maybe once or twice a year, when the reactor fumes thin out and the natural clouds part, and even the stars align just right. He’d grown up not seeing it, that endless carpet of stars overhead that makes him feel crowded down here on the ground.
He leans on the porch railing, whiskey in hand, watches the moon sail, pristine and unconcerned and oh, so remote, in the midnight sky. 
Midgar is as far away as the moon. 
The silence feels unnatural to Veld. Vincent would say it wasn’t silent if you listened, and to be sure, the buzz and click of insects, the swishing of wind in the trees, the gurgling rush of the river, makes an undercurrent of sound all around him. It isn’t the music of the city, but it’s... here.
“I miss traffic,” he’d told Vincent. “Tires on pavement. Horns echoing against brick walls. A curse, a scream. A gunshot.” Well, he hadn’t actually said he’d missed gunshots, but he does. That constant of his life, both threat and security, abandoned along with his job, his friends, his family, his future, or at least the future he’d expected and planned for. 
And his identity. That, too.
He drinks whiskey, takes a drag on a cigarette, watching the night sky. Maybe the moon knows who he is, now. He sure as hell doesn’t.
Maybe he never did.
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phantasmacabre · 6 months
My fic for @vincentvalentineweek 2023 prompts fruit, garland, spirits
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up-sideand-down · 1 year
My @gaiasanta exchange fic for @wandererriha. It was a wild ride, but I had so much fun trying to fill your prompts.
Summary: The world changes when Hojo dies before Lucrecia gives birth. But the more things change the more some things stay the same. Luckily Vincent is there to make everything just a little more stable.
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getvalentined · 3 months
Some things I'm trying to work out for if I do write Little Lion Man: Rebirth quite solidly states that Kalm was burned down in 1997, given that NPCs state it was "just ten years ago." Veld's wife died in the fire, and Felicia, then a child, was summarily taken by the company and fleetingly utilized in experimentation—this kicks her age down significantly from where I assumed it was.
I'd always assumed Kalm burned down maybe 15-20 years ago? That Elfe is close-ish in age to Sephiroth? But that literally can't be the case, knowing that it happened in 1997. At this point, all signs point to her actually being a teenager during Before Crisis. Being as generous as I possibly can when meshing her character design with the canonical timeline, she's probably around Zack's age.
This means that she probably wouldn't even exist in this AU, which picks up around 1983—the absolute earliest I can assume she was born would be 1984. Further, BC starts just a couple years later, meaning Veld hasn't even had his prosthetic for very long in the grand scheme of things—and thus he wouldn't at all in this AU.
The timing nixes a lot of the trappings people lean on the most in fanfiction that features Veld at all, because apparently it all happened much more recently than we knew until now. And I feel like that would make it even more niche and unappealing to readers.
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blackkatmagic · 5 months
out of night update
Chapter 3 is now up!
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case-of-traxits · 6 months
50 Random Character Asks:
Tseng, 1 - 50
You know you had this coming.
50 Random Character Asks: Tseng Edition
I can't even pretend to be surprised here, can I? Well, I got your second ask with your choices as well, so they're in here. 💖
50 questions. Whew. I'll give you guys a sampler on the first one, but the rest are going to be under a cut. This took me SO LONG to do. I've literally been working on it since the 17th! All together, there's 4934 words in this bad boy, excluding the questions.
So uh. Enjoy nearly 5k of meta about Tseng. XD
That said, please keep in mind that all of my answers are specific to how I personally write Tseng. I'm not going to necessarily distinguish every piece of canon from headcanon.
[For this ask game!] || [Still accepting]
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1. Canon I outright reject
That Tseng knew Zack was being kept in Nibelheim. For me, it just doesn't work with the rest of Tseng's arc regarding Zack and Aerith and him keeping all of those letters. So. No. Technically, in BC, Tseng is aware that Zack and Cloud are both alive and badly injured, and Hojo orders for him to "prepare the mansion," but never actually says what he's going to be doing there. Tseng sends the Player Turk to clear it out, and then Veld shows up and sends all of the Turks to work on handling the townspeople and everything instead of the mansion. So it's entirely possible that Tseng never knew, according to BC, that Zack and Cloud were placed in those tubes in the basement.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Tseng is absolutely capable of slapping Aerith.  I realize that they took that out of the Remake, but I just feel like it's critical for his character for you to know that he is absolutely capable of that level of violence, even against someone he cares about.
3. Obscure headcanon
Tseng is the third (and youngest) son of Kisaragi Godo's older brother, who was emperor during the Wutaian War.  He was brought up in one of the Leviathan Temples to keep him as an effective (and safe) spare to the throne before he defected to Shinra. His forehead marking is a holdover from his time in the Temple, and he'll never admit to a single soul that sometimes, he feels the guiding hand of destiny (or fate or whatever you want to call it) in his life.
4. Favorite line
"It must have been a real thrill for you… Did you enjoy it?" I think this is everyone's favorite canon line.  With the possible exception of the "Mr. President," line from the Remake. That one's pretty damn good, but it requires actual explanation, doesn't it? XD I will say, he also has the canon line of, "I put everyone else at risk because I feared feeling guilty," in BC.  Which is... telling.
5. Best personality trait
Tseng's loyalty is easily his best personality trait, in my opinion.  We see a lot of it in BC, with his dedication to trying to help and save both Veld and the department, as well as in CC, with his devotion to getting those letters to Zack.
6. Worst personality trait
Tseng's devotion to doing things "correctly" is definitely his worst personality trait.  I am firmly of the opinion that this is the thing that's held him back on just killing the President and installing Rufus early. I mean, I have no doubt that there is technically more to it, including the fact that we have no idea what kind of succession clause might have been put in place for Rufus to inherit.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Age // Born in 1975, so he is 8 years older than Rufus and Reno, 2 years older than Sephiroth, and 3 years younger than Reeve. Height // I usually go with 5'8", but I'm a little flexible on this. I'll go up to 5'10".  He cannot, however, be taller than Rufus for me. Weight // Eh, I don't really do weight HCs.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Hm... Do I have an unpopular opinion about Tseng..?  I don't know that I interact with enough Tseng fans to know.  Maybe my insistence on him being fairly easy-going when he isn't at work?  I see Tseng as the sort who can go with the flow to some extent, mostly because I don't think he'd work as well with Reno if he wasn't.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Oh man, honestly?  This might be my unpopular opinion, but his "death" scene in the OG.  With Sephiroth.  And no, not just because of my ship goggles. But there's just so much implied trust there, at a point where Tseng probably shouldn't trust Sephiroth.  He just... He talks to Sephiroth like he's still sane, and Sephiroth cuts him down during it, and then he still drags himself back through the entire Temple of the Ancients to get to the entrance so that he can let AVALANCHE in.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
 See above.  I just... I love that scene.  It's easily his best scene.
11. Faceclaim for the role
Satoh Takeru.
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12. Crack headcanon
So, I don't think I have a straight "crack" headcanon for Tseng.  I do have some crack-treated-seriously headcanons, including that he doesn't heal well magically (explaining why he spends so much more time in bandages and recovery than basically everyone else), and that if he's not friends with Reeve or in a romantic relationship with a partner who insists otherwise, he would live entirely on takeout. Tseng does not cook, in my opinion.  He's perfectly capable, but why?  He's spent years curating an extensive collection of takeout menus he considers acceptable food, and he eats exclusively from restaurants that have passed his very exacting standards. Ooh! And this: Tseng drives a small black sportscar at possibly dangerous speeds in Midgar.  It also has no plates, but there's not a cop in Midgar stupid enough to try to ticket it.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Possibly trusting Sephiroth when he ran into him at the Temple of the Ancients, but honestly, there was probably no way he was walking out of that anyway, right?  So excluding that... Probably, the actual 'dumbest' thing he canonically does is in BC, when he chooses to rescue a single lone reactor guard instead of destroying a ship full of weapons that Shinra can't afford to let get out.  That's definitely treated as his dumbest choice by the canon.
14. Most heroic moment
When he literally, while dying, drags himself through the Temple to make sure Aerith gets the keystone.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
I mean. He canonically murders people for his paycheck.  So probably that? Unless you're more offended by the 'abandoning his country' backstory, of course.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
He will always wonder if he could have made a difference for Wutai if he'd fought for them instead of going to Midgar. Not that he regrets leaving.  He is fairly sure that he was always meant to be at Rufus' side.  But there's always that small, lingering thought.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I actually have an old fanmix that more or less I still use. That said, you can also add "Secret (Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Theme)," covered by Denmark + Winter.
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
I am going to read this is what he should see a therapist about because I'm pretty sure if he had to go see one, he would spend the entire session silent, watching the therapist and making them horribly uncomfortable. (Unless it's Angel, but she's one of @ladykf-writes' OCs that I gleefully borrow whenever I can.  She's a counselor specifically for Turks, and Tseng knows better than to try to argue with her.) Honestly though.  If Tseng were up to date on mental health, I think he'd need to see a therapist about his inability to be settled with anything less than perfection from himself.  And, you know, probably talk to them about the killing people thing.
19. Vices/bad habits
Tseng smokes.  It wasn't a habit he was in before Midgar, but while he was being 'debriefed,' he discovered that asking for a cigarette meant he got to go outside and see the sky and breathe the (admittedly not great) air.  However, due to him not healing super well magically and needing to actually recover naturally, he did eventually notice a cough and slight shortness of breath that he couldn't shake. So he tries not to smoke as much anymore.  Still, he does keep a pack of his clove cigarettes on him at all times.
20. Scars
Oh plenty. All the Turks have them, and Tseng has a few more than most given his difficulties in healing.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Alcoholic // Junami sake, served warm.  He has a few brands that he likes, most of which need to be imported from Wutai. Non-alcoholic // Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel and extra whip.  Not that he'd let anyone catch him ordering it.  He has a single barista that he goes to in the coffee shop in the Tower (her name is Peony), and she knows better than to call his order out.  Tseng's sweet tooth is something he keeps very much under wraps.
22. Best physical feature
I mean. How do you pick? He's gorgeous. Maybe his hair, but I have a weakness for beautiful hair.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Vetiver. But that's probably just because I HC his cologne as having notes of vetiver in it.
24. Most annoying habit
According to Reeve, it's Tseng's uncanny way of reading you.  There's nothing more frustrating to him than Tseng's little, "And is that all?" sort of question because he knows that Tseng means, 'I know there's something else and here's your opportunity to tell me what it is before I go digging.'
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Assuming he is not allowed to bring his phone, and assuming that a backpack full of his usual supplies (he has one in his apartment, one in his car, and one in his office; he finds it unlikely he'd be caught somewhere without it) doesn't count as a single item, and assuming that he's not stripped of his usual clothes/gear when he's dropped off... 1 // A survival radio with a rechargeable battery. 2 // A waterproof map. 3 // A first aid kit. Really, he'd probably be fine even if dropped off with absolutely nothing, but trust me, he would not be happy about it.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [Lazard]
At first, there would be a long stretch of silence as they both studied the number display and then the elevator panel itself.  Lazard would be the first one to move, leaning forward to punch a few of the buttons, but once it was clear that the elevator was not moving, Tseng would sigh and tip his head back and study the ceiling. He's cataloging everything he needs to do, wondering briefly what he can hand off, what he could text some of the others about to ensure it's done in time.  Then he looks over at Lazard, who is sighing and pushing his hand through his hair. There's another few moments of silence before Lazard pushes the emergency call button, and after they're both reassured by the voice on the other end that maintenance is aware of the issue and working to restore functionality, Tseng slides down to sit.  Lazard looks over at him, then sighs and takes that as an invitation to do the same. "Do you think it's inappropriate to text Reeve?" And Tseng looks up at Lazard, a small, knowing smile on his lips.  "That depends," he murmurs.  "Do you actually want to get to that meeting?" Lazard chuckles, reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose slightly, and he looks back down at his phone.  After a moment, he lays it face down on his leg and tips his head back against the glass wall of the elevator, and he looks out over the city on display behind Tseng. Tseng notices he doesn't start texting. The silence is comfortable.  Companionable.  Neither of them have any stake in impressing one another, and there's no need to fill the silence with talking only for the sake of talking. Tseng supposes that they're lucky that it isn't winter.  Else they would have to sit much, much closer. A glance over at Lazard, who has taken off his glasses briefly to rub one of his eyes, and a little smile touches Tseng's lips. Not, he decides after a minute, that it would be a bad thing, necessarily.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Tseng loves sweets.  Basically all kinds, but he does have a particular weakness for good chocolate and good caramel.  His secret indulgence that he'll never admit to anyone who knows him is that sometimes, during the winter, he'll order a large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and get a caramel drizzle on it from the coffee shop in the Tower. But only if his usual barista (Peony) is working.  Since she already knows his coffee order is something equally ridiculously sweet, he finds that to be less humiliating than adding someone else in on the loop.
28. How they feel about [Reeve]
Complicated.  On the one hand, Tseng and Reeve are always, always good friends when I write.  One of Tseng's first long, solo missions with the Turks (and I really should rewrite that fic with my current Tseng's backstory and clean up the prose a little) was to function as Reeve's escort on a reactor tour.  That's a minimum of two weeks if they're taking advantage of helicopters periodically, more often three full weeks of travel when Reeve drives the whole thing.  And of course, the driving is definitely Reeve's preference.  Reactor tours are practically the only vacation he takes. But there's no way you don't spend three weeks on a cross-planet roadtrip and don't end up very close to the person you spent all that time with in the car (unless, of course, it's terrible and you just want to murder them).  But at the same time, there are secrets between them that they both know they can't know about one another.  Reeve can't know all the gory details about Tseng's life as a Turk, and Tseng can't know about Reeve's... let's call it his uncanny knack with the reactors. Now, do I ship them? Honestly, yes, sometimes.  I mean, I usually pair off Tseng with Sephiroth and Reeve with either Lazard (if I want canon to happen for something later) or Genesis (if I'm wanting a fix-it), but I can absolutely ship Tseng with Reeve.  Honestly though, that's kind of an unfair question.  I can ship Tseng and Reeve with nearly anyone.
29. Eating habits
 If it weren't for Reeve's insistence on a weekly meal with him and Reeve's occasional order of groceries simply arriving at Tseng's apartment unannounced (he only really sends dry goods these days; produce and dairy get delivered by Reeve himself when Tseng invites him over), Tseng would live exclusively on takeout. Expensive takeout. But takeout nonetheless.
30. Sleeping habits
Tseng slept in a Midgardian style bed for about a week while he was in debriefing after he defected, but eventually, he took all of his blankets and everything and just started sleeping on the floor instead. Now, in his apartment in Upper Eight in the middle of Little Wutai, he's found someone who can make him a gloriously oversized futon, and his one "concession" to the Midgardian way of doing things is that he no longer puts his futon up every morning.  He has four futons to rotate between, with a veritable army of sheets and blankets for them that he's gotten as what he suspects is something akin to 'tribute' from some of the Little Wutai locals. He's done his best to make it clear that he's to be treated as anyone else in the community, but he's hardly going to refuse these things. Tseng sleeps lightly, waking up at basically any sort of unexpected sound, but he has the enviable ability to drift right back off.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Honestly? It would be all precisely curated images/gifs of nature. Probably of waterfalls and rivers and creeks. But it would be immaculate. Perfectly tagged and maintained.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
I don't know that it is guaranteed, but Reno's antics often get a smile or a chuckle out of Tseng; particularly so when someone is underestimating Reno in some way.  He has a tendency to find amusement in watching someone walk right into something they should have seen coming. That said, both Reeve and Rufus are also able to routinely get a smile out of him; Reeve because he's just so warm that Tseng can't help but to smile back and Rufus because, well, to be perfectly frank, he's a sassy little shit sometimes and Tseng loves that about him. (For the record, Aerith also often fits in that "sassy little shit" box, but Tseng does his best not to let her see him smile, or else she'll take it as encouragement.) If we're talking about something other than people though, the sort of thing that will routinely get a smile out of Tseng is people watching.  He likes sitting on a bench in the Tower or in Midgar in general and just... watching people go by. It helps him feel grounded in the world.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
I don't know that anything specific is guaranteed to make him cry.  He's very much a 'buckle down and take care of things,' sort of guy instead of the emotional reaction sort of guy. That said, he doesn't handle it well after Nibelheim.  Even if he's not in a relationship with Sephiroth, the whole mess of 'handling' the survivors and realizing just how far the President will go to keep himself in power and the uncertainty of what's going on with Veld and with AVALANCHE and just... It's isn't pretty.
34. How they react when they are feeling [excited]
Tseng has, as a general rule, muted outward emotional tells for anything he's feeling.  It was trained into him when he was at the Temple, both as a potential heir to the throne as well as because he was being trained to be a priest.  That said, when he's genuinely excited about something and not just 'looking forward' to it, someone who knows him can tell. He's distracted from other things.  And sometimes, if you're talking to him and he's excited about something, he might ask you to repeat yourself. Not like, "Oh, I didn't hear you, what?" But you'll get a lot more of those little noncommittal "Mm?" sounds out of him. Unless you're talking about the thing he's excited about.  In that case, you'll have his complete attention, and his usually small, amused smiles (the smug ones; you know the ones) are a bit bigger, more genuine and, dare I say it, softer.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Tseng's idea of a perfect day... well, to some extent, that varies based on where we are in the timeline and if he's in a romantic relationship, but in general, his idea of the perfect day is as follows: Nothing disastrous happens. Barring that, he'll settle for: Anything disastrous that did happen was handled.  Appropriately. In all seriousness, Tseng is very much the sort who focuses on living each day as though he won't have another, and he doesn't let himself indulge much in idle fantasies. He's much more interested in perfect moments.  A good morning run with someone he likes.  An effective training session with one of the other Turks.  Watching someone grasp something that he's been teaching them.  An evening walk with someone he loves.  Sharing a ridiculously rich chocolate cake with them afterwards.  That sort of thing.
36. Their favorite season
Tseng's favorite season in Midgar is fall, when there's a near constant wind coming off the mountains.  It can be difficult to track the seasons in Midgar, since there's not much by way of greenery, but fall means a cool wind that helps disperse some of the excess heat that comes off the Plate under his feet. Back in Wutai, his favorite season was summer.  He liked watching the fireflies in the dusk at the Temple, and no small part of him misses that.
37. What they really think about themselves
Deep down, no matter what else, Tseng knows that he is an oathbreaker.  He can justify it to himself or dress it up all he wants, but he knows that his father, that his brothers, that his country counted on him, and he walked away.  He abandoned everything he'd ever known and walked into the camp of the enemy and swore to help them instead. It's part of why his loyalty is so fiercely held now, and part of why he's so careful to be as pristine and perfect at what he does as is possible. He knows what his family— had they survived the war— would have said.  Once an oathbreaker, always an oathbreaker, and now, he's tied to the oaths he has made in a way that he wouldn't be if he hadn't defected, because he's terrified that they would be right. That puts him in the position of conflicting loyalties, and why he is so careful not to make promises once he's in Midgar.  His first loyalty is to Rufus now, his second to the rest of the Turks, and if there's anything that keeps him awake at night, it's how he's supposed to juggle the additional loyalties that he's found himself collecting (Aerith, Reeve, Zack, Sephiroth, Veld, Reno, etc.).
38. Favorite holiday
Valentine's Day.  Or, to be more exact, the day after.  When Tseng can get a box of very nice chocolates for extremely cheap. XD No, in all seriousness, Tseng quite likes the Midgar celebration of the dead, All Hallow's Eve, with the fixation on costumes and frightening people.  He finds it fascinating for a culture that spends so much of its time not talking about the dead.
39. Favorite game
Tseng likes card games.  He's good at them for the most part, and in fact, when he first defected and arrived in the SOLDIER camp, he realized very quickly that his traditional Wutaian garb was only going to keep him Othered.  So he learned to play poker from watching several hands, and he won himself gil and spare clothing alike off those SOLDIERs who heard his— at the time— thick accent and thought he'd be an easy mark. He still has a soft spot for poker.
40. Favorite book
Have two of Tseng's favorites.  Both titles have been translated from the original Wutaian for your convenience, but Tseng only has the Wutaian copies in his home. "When the Sun Rises in the West," by Yurieva Aiko.  This is a collection of poetry made from the letters recovered from the belongings of Wutaian soldiers after the war. "The Sleeve Cost Me Nothing Compared to You," by Sato Ivan.  This is a collection of short stories and poetry about love and the fleeting nature of romance.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Before he defects // Tseng would like to have lunch with one of the previous emperors at this point, just to try to get some perspective on what's happening with his country.  Particularly, he desperately wishes he had someone to ask for advice from.  He's torn on what he sees going on, and he wonders what's wrong with him that he seems to be the only one who sees that there's no possible way for them to win this engagement with Shinra. After he defects // During his time in Shinra, given the option to have lunch with literally anyone, Tseng would like one more lunch with someone he loves.  He's very much of the opinion that the best thing to do is to savor every moment you get with someone, no matter how mundane or fleeting. Post-canon // He would like one more lunch with Aerith and Zack.  Just to see them again, and to convince himself to let their ghosts go.
42. 3 comfort items
1 // Tseng has kept, over the years, exactly one kimono from his time in Wutai, and while he never wears it anymore, sometimes, when he's feeling nostalgic, he'll go and run his hands over the silk. 2 // After he completed his training to be accepted into the Turks, before he left the Academy in Junon to go back to Midgar full time, the Acting Director of Operations in The Junon Branch of the Administrative Research, Anya (also one of @ladykf-writes' OCs), gave him an inlaid bone and black alloy knife with a blade cleaning kit.  This is the knife that Tseng wears strapped to his left thigh (the left pocket is cut open in every pair of his pants so that he can reach it). 3 // When Rufus was fifteen, he gifted Tseng a solid black watch with no markers on it besides a pair of mythril white hands and a single mythril accent on the face that marked the twelve.  Rufus never intended for Tseng to keep it as a staple, but while Rufus has gifted him other watches since then, this is the one that Tseng wears as his every day watch.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Favorite Food 1 // Sushi from a tiny hole-in-the-wall place in Little Wutai.  And when he says hole-in-the-wall, he means this woman literally just sells bentos out of her kitchen. Favorite Food 2 // Fiola's in Upper Six is one of his favorites.  They have excellent Mideelan pasta and even better bread.  The bread is, in fact, good enough that while Tseng usually doesn't eat bread with his meals, he'll make an exception for Fiola's. Favorite Food 3 // There is a tiny bakery in Upper Three that sells the absolute best chocolate cake that Tseng has ever had.   Despised Food 1 // The "sushi" for sale in the Midgar cafeteria.  One of them had mayonnaise in it. Despised Food 2 // Pork rinds, a surprisingly popular snack in Midgar.  Tseng suspects it's a holdover from when the area was much more farming-oriented.  As it stands, every sector, Above and Below, has their own 'special' flavoring for them, and Tseng has yet to find anything redeeming about them. Despised Food 3 // Tseng doesn't despise bread exactly, but he fails to find it enjoyable to eat most of the time.  He'd prefer his carbs come in sugar, pasta, or rice, given the choice.
44. Their happiest memory
Tseng has a couple. The first one is of one of the last times he saw his mother. He was about eleven, and he was brought to her rooms so that she could see him.  They spent the evening reading poetry and him showing off his sword forms and her telling him how proud of him she was.  He helped her brush out her hair and braid it for bed, and then she returned the favor and kissed his forehead and sent him on back to his own rooms.  He has a small jade comb that he found in a secondhand shop in Little Wutai that makes him think of her. His second happiest memory is nearly always with Reeve, of their drive around the planet on that first reactor tour.  It was the first time Tseng traveled that he could just enjoy the process, and he has fond memories of the times they rolled the windows down and Tseng could let his hand hang out of the car and just... feel the breeze.  Reeve had been content to talk about nothing or put on an audiobook— and those had been something delightful to learn about, something that Tseng had immediately invested in because that was a great way to listen to the language— and let them just ride.
45. Their favorite celebrity
Tseng is embarrassed to admit it, but when he first arrived in Midgar and Junon, his Standard was not nearly as good as he'd thought it was.  The tutors he'd had in Wutai hadn't been native speakers, after all, and while he'd learned very well from them, there was no way he'd be mistaken for a natural speaker.  So he'd immediately immersed himself, watching the news and reading everything he could get his hands on, and eventually, he'd discovered what were called 'soaps.' He never really followed a lot of the plot lines— he felt sometimes like they had put several novels in a blender and poured the resulting concoction on the screen— but he did eventually decide there was one actress, Gabrielle Cooper, that he enjoyed watching. She had one of the most neutral accents he'd ever heard, and he followed her from show to show faithfully. Even long after he'd stopped watching soaps to help with his Standard, long after he'd more or less shed his own accent completely, he would catch himself picking up a magazine or a tabloid if she was featured on the cover.
46. The person they most admire
For a long, long time, it was Veld.  And then everything with Felicia happened.  And it isn't that he no longer admires Veld, but he certainly seems more human now.  What Tseng admires most about Veld now isn't the seemingly perfect Turk persona that he presents, but his dedication to what he thinks is right. Post-canon, the person he probably actually admires most is Rufus.  Rufus Shinra, who was brought up to rule the world and has been barred from the throne.  Rufus Shinra, who should have had everything and instead has had to cobble something together from the ruins left behind. In that vein, Reeve is an extremely close second. Reeve was never intended to be the one in charge, and Tseng knows that Reeve would like nothing more than to hand it all off to someone else and go back to designing houses and buildings and parks. But there's literally no one else to hand it off to. So he trudges on, running the now-largest military force in the world, making decisions that shape the entire world with almost no oversight.
47. Their dream job
If Tseng wasn't a Turk and hadn't been brought up in the Temple and was just an average Midgar citizen?  He'd be a restaurant critic.  He'd write the most detailed and possibly scathing reviews possible, and restaurants would fear him.
48. Scariest moment of their life
A few months before he defected, during a ritual for Leviathan at the Temple, Tseng nearly drowned.  This was one of his big catalyst moments for abandoning Wutai, as he realized in that moment that no matter what anyone told him about how important he was, they all saw him as expendable. After Advent Children, the scariest moment in Tseng's life was watching Rufus jump from that building.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Tseng was given a wooden training sword very young that he absolutely used to menace every Temple Guardian he ran across until he was big enough for proper training, and he cherished it right up until he left the temple.  He didn't take it with him, but he made sure to polish it and leave it in a respectful place when he left. He is sure that it was broken and/or burned upon discovery that he had chosen to side with Shinra.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I don't know that Tseng has very many memories that he's blocked out.  Tseng is very unflinching when it comes to facing who he is and what he's done and what's been done to him.  He believes in facing things head-on and in dealing with the consequences that brings.
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Congratulations on making it all the way down here, omg. IT WAS SO LONG!!
All of the love. 💖
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moostelid · 7 months
FFVII prompt:
Waking up a kid again, a formerly 27-year-old Cloud decides to retrieve Vincent, and burn the mansion.
To Cloud’s dismay, however, he seems to have landed in the time where the Kalm survivors are still present in Nibelheim. Unable to destroy the mansion without hurting civilians, he’s found himself in a tough spot.
On the bright side, the knowledge that Veld‘s daughter (Felicia/Elfé) is among those being experimented on turns out to be the perfect motivation to get Vincent out of his coffin for good in this timeline.
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hiddentrails7 · 4 months
Prompt 2: Unexpected Challenges
Pairing: Vincent Valentine/Veld|Verdot
Vincent tried to brush his hair... It didn't go well. Thankfully, he has Veld.
Vincent hisses, a grimace accompanying his pained noise. Veld sighs deeply at this, feeling a slight tug in his chest as he stops pulling at the brush.
“I'm sorry Vincent, but you shouldn't have tried to brush this mess without doing anything to it first!” Veld says with slight exasperation, Vincent’s slight scowl of annoyance causing him to exhale once more before continuing to gently try to detangle Vincent’s hair from the bristles.
There's a prolonged moment of silence between them, only occasionally broken up by the sound of Vincent's wild hair resisting Veld's hands… hence why Veld is a little startled when Vincent utters a soft “sorry”. Veld promptly recovers from this surprise, though: unable to resist the urge to smile.
“You are a piece of work, Vinny… I do love you though. You know that, right?”
There is a feeling of relief that flushes through Veld’s body when Vincent nods. He lets go of the brush for now, instead opting to wrap his arms around the slimmer waist of Vincent. He rests his chin on his partner’s shoulder, speaking to Vincent in a softer tone.
“We should probably try and wet your hair, love. That'll make this a lot easier.”
With a soft groan Veld would consider somewhat dramatic, Vincent agrees with a low “fine”. Veld rewards him with a peck on the cheek before standing up: a grin pulling at his lips as he spots the slight blush on Vincent’s pale cheeks as a result.
Their fingers intertwine as Vincent gets to his feet: a secure hold. Veld's warm hand squeezes Vincent's gently; long used to the cooler palm of his partner… though he'd be lying if he said he didn't squeeze his hand sometimes, just to make sure it wasn't too cold. He'd be lying if he said he didn't glance over every once in a while, just to make sure Vincent is still breathing.
They take their time, going down the hall; their shoulders pressed together.
“How did you even manage to get that brush so tangled, Vinny?” Veld asks softly.
Vincent hums. “I suppose I wasn't paying much attention.”
“Your mind was elsewhere?”
Vincent nods as they finally reach the bathroom door; his crimson eyes lingering on Veld's face. As his partner turns his head to meet his stare, those eyes a brown so deep he could drown in them, his breath catches in his throat. The taller man turns his head away from Veld, only to feel his cheeks warm abruptly as the brunette's lips gently press against his cheek.
“We'll fix it. Don't worry.” Veld says, pulling Vincent into the bathroom with a light tug.
“...I know we will.” Vincent utters.
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thediktatortot · 2 months
I would very tentatively like to put feelers out there for anyone looking to write long-form roleplay for final fantasy 7. I haven't written it with anyone in a very very long time and with getting back into the remake games it's spurned me to want to get back into it.
If you would be interested or are curious, I'll write all my info and what I'm looking for under the cut.
First things first.
Adults only, preferably someone 20+ though the older you are the more comfortable I will be as I am 32 and like to write about a range of topics including darker ones.
How I write
I write book style like you would see in a published story, so "talking like this" and story like this, with variations for emphasis.
Hard No's and discomforts
There isn't much I'm not open and willing to write, and usually it's a story by story basis, but I get squicked out by non-trans mpreg and would like to avoid overly ooc and crack fic style story.
What I like to write
I like to write from the Vincent POV and I like to keep the timeline pretty canon unless writing in parts of the timeline that have not been filled in.
My favorite parts of the timeline to write about pre FF7 events, DoC events and post Advent Children.
I don't have any concrete plot ideas just yet as I usually form those alongside my writing partner, but I am particularly interested in the Turks pre-Soldier program or post FF7 events.
How I write Vincent
I am of the mind that post-getting shot, Vincent is way more subdued due to memory loss from actually dying for a period of time, lucrecia even saying that she couldn't prevent decay of tissue in DoC. So there is a lot of himself he just does not remember due to that, however I do believe he has a sense of humor, is more talkative with those he is close with and has an interest in experiencing the world around him that is so new and updated.
Pre-getting shot Vincent however is a professional man who knows when to keep his personality subdued for his job. He is a Turk and he does his job well, this doesn't mean he doesn't have a life outside of that. Most of the memories we get outside of the few Vincent has of the time at the lab, are from lucrecia POV.
I like to give him a soft energy outside of work, open with his coworkers and his friends, but not willing to make a fool of himself as he takes pride in his ability to be calm, cool and collected. He will however dance, drink, play games and generally enjoy himself with those around him.
I like to give Vincent a tense relationship with his father, nothing bad just more of differing opinions and typical son butting heads with father.
Pairings I like
Almost forgot to write these as I really just like writing Vincent in any situation, but I do like Cid/Vincent and Reno/Vincent the most. I tend to enjoy Vincent with Cloud, Barret, Reeve, Veld & Sepheroth depending on the story and context.
I'm disabled and unemployed so I tend to have a plethora of time at my disposal so I am flexible to writing with people at most times. I am also not someone who is impatient with responses though I do tend to go through spurts of replying very quickly. I may occasionally give a boop or nudge just to make sure we are still golden and see if maybe we need to put things on hold, but I'll never push.
Just to note I played FF7 for the first time in 1998 so if there are any headcanons that may seem weird to you that I have, it's because of the near 20 years of reinforcement it's had.
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calumthoodshands · 1 year
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- Tailor made -
On stage, Luke Hemmings is living his bloom, For Givenchy Beauty, the butterfly follows a different trail of scent.
Von Domen & Van De Velde - Into the flowerbed -
Interview by Afra Ugurlu.
It's pouring rain in L.A. when Luke Hemmings joins our zoom call. Just in time, the frontman of 5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) finds refuge in his car on the side of a quiet road, not far from the big Hollywood sign. A look in the rear-view mirror: At the age of barely 16, Luke and his bandmates from 5SOS found themselves in the middle of an international fanbase. Their songs enthralled especially because of the band's juvenile euphoria, and the Australians quickly soared to new heights in the middle of the YouTube madness of the 2010s. But what happens when boybands grow up? After a decade of pop punk influences and with a little more chest hair, Luke took upon a solo career path for the first time and in 2021 released his debut album “When facing the things we turn away from”; a whole new insight into the obstacles and the success of the last years, he later reveals.
Almost 10 years have passed since “She looks so perfect” and “Don’t stop”. What has the last decade been like for you?
I'm living my dream, what else can I say? It was all very intense. You just accepted whatever came at you. For eleven years, for as long as I grew up, that’s been my whole life. Quite crazy, all the stuff that just came flying at us. I don't know whether we would have allowed ourselves this, even if rather short, break if not for the pandemic. Usually it all feels so fast-paced, I often have to pause to mentally take it all in—if you asked me to describe the last decade, then it’d consist of so many moments like that.
Did you ever feel like you were missing out on certain things and experiences during all that hustle and bustle?
I think they were very formative years, so there are probably some life skills I missed out on. In retrospect, you wonder: when was I supposed to learn that? And then you try to somehow fill those gaps. I had to emotionally catch up, but also with things like doing laundry, running errands and so on. There are some more significant matters, like not being close to my family, not to mention that I was missing my home in general. But then you start to put all those thoughts into another perspective: we did what we always wanted to do: write music and perform.
I remember 2014 and 2015, black, ripped skinny jeans and vans. How do you see yourself now, regarding your style?
Pop punk has always been a huge inspiration, and it was simply the style of all these bands like Green Day, Blink 182 and Silverchair. Back then, I was an absolute late bloomer and had to first of all grow into my own identity. I think it was similar with the other guys. We had found a thing that worked, and just stuck with it. It also just felt like a risk to me, doing something other than that, especially in front of an audience. Around the time of our third album, I started to open up a bit more. Our music was changing, and with it our style. At that point I understood myself a little bit better. From then on it just kind of evolved, and I think it still does.
By now you are someone who likes to step out and look beyond the binary. Was that always something that you were interested in or did you rather find yourself getting into it step by step over time?
Where I grew up, people weren’t open at all, everyone wore the same thing. For a long time, it simply wasn’t even on my radar. And of course, I’m not doing anything that someone else hasn't already done before me. I think it was in 2017 when I just started experimenting with glitter and nail polish. From that moment on it all evolved a bit, but it's actually always been something that fascinated me. It just took a while for me to find that part of myself. I feel pretty doing it, and who doesn't want to feel that way? If you only go on stage with a tracksuit, that might be cool. But I'm not an extrovert, quite the opposite, and when I perform and feel so much bigger, it's almost like playing a character. The makeup only emphasises that and turns me into someone who is not introverted and lost in thought. That's the origin of it all, so to speak.
How can we overcome these toxic gender perceptions and behavioural patterns, and heal?
I think a lot of the stigma we experience comes from people projecting their own insecurities onto us. I understand it better now because I grew up in a place that was very toxic in that regard. I'm from West Sydney, which was very conservative. If you’re a man, you have to be really ‘masculine’ and I think that's just complete nonsense. And I think that just sticks with you, growing up like that. There was a time when I came home and didn't want to wear makeup on stage. There was no way I would have done that, whereas now I just do what I'm most comfortable with. Personal growth means putting yourself first and accepting that people will think what they want either way. So really, you should just do whatever you want. That’s the way I'm trying to see it now. It sounds very simple and banal, but I wouldn’t know how else to put it.
Congratulations, by the way, on the release of your first solo album, “When facing the things we turn away from”. Which things do you want to turn away from this year and what else is there to come for you?
I’m facing myself and trying to be more open with the way I deal with stuff. My wish is to just enjoy everything a little bit more. I constantly worry about what might happen tomorrow. I’m not really present or enjoying the moment to the fullest. Everyone probably says that, but I believe it's more important than ever to live in the here and now. We're always looking for the next thing. You want to be at home when you're out and about, on the road when you’re at home. Only when it's over do you see what you actually had going for yourself, and are frustrated; so no ‘Live Fast, Die Young’. But I also think that this year will be a creative one for me. I want to try out new things. We’ll see which doors are going to open for me.
What kind of creative directions are you thinking about?
I can't really say yet. But also in general I don't want to limit myself by excluding new paths. Doing something by myself musically like the album was very intimidating at first. In the end, though, it was very encouraging as well because it was the first time in a long time that I tried something new again. Obviously I love being in the band, it’s my home base. But the solo album is something I never thought I’d be capable of, and now that I know that I am it’s definitely something I want to pursue further.
How do you manage working both on your solo career and with the band at the same time, and are there any points of overlap?
I have a feeling that with the first album it was a bit easier. We were in lockdown and everything on the band's schedule had to be cancelled. Suddenly, I had more free time than in the last 10 years together. I don’t think I would have made a solo album if it didn't come about this way. With four people in the band, all great songwriters and each having their own projects in the pipeline, I feel like it's actually for everyone’s benefit to give other things a try as well. I wondered what it could be like to produce a song from start to finish, and learned so much in the process. Afterwards, when I return to the band, it makes me feel like I know so much more about the recording process and can thus also be a better band member.
How did writing and composing for only yourself change your overall sound?
I don't know whether it significantly changed my sound, but I feel more confident than ever. When you're in a band, you have the luxury to lean on other people and ask: What do you think of this? Do you think it's good, or should we change this? Or someone will encourage you when you're on the right track, telling you to keep going. With this, the only input came from myself. I had to trust my instincts and first of all understand what my own sound really did sound like.
You have no features on your album. Was it important to you to create your first solo album by yourself?
After 10 years on tour, it was quite good to be alone for once and deal with my subconscious. The album is so personal and emotional to me, it didn't really lend itself to include any features. Maybe someday, but I think it has to fit perfectly then. And who knows what’s coming soon. But I think the point and purpose of doing something by yourself is to get accustomed to working without your usual tools.
What did you learn about yourself while working on “When facing the things we turn away from”?
Newfound empathy and love towards myself. The stories of these songs and the lyrics are mostly things I’m dealing with for the very first time. It's almost like writing a diary, you don't have any idea how to start. You sit down and something comes out of it, and that’s what you then try to decipher.
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