#Vera Oberlin {I'm Only After Success} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Vera puts her heart out there for the fellow Vera whom can’t pur, she too got the short end of the stick on that one.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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God is she glad right now to not be n that union thing, makes her lfe so much more peaceful.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
a rushed kiss before one party leaves for work . for vera
It was after schooling had finished for the daya lot ofnother students would stay at the academy for awhile yet but Vera was not one of them, she had some messy truff to sort out across town.
Still she had time to say bye to her friends and to her partner Miranda, it was just a simple "I'll see you tomorrow." But Miranda had a way of making basic interactions so sweet that they would live rent free in Vera's head for at least months.
She felt Miranda's touch her own for a moment, she always felt a bit soft when she felt Mirandaso close and she leanedin dor that brief kiss, barely tasting Miranda'sstrawberry lipgloss before their lips parted.
"I care about you too, I'll be back later tonight, til then see you dear."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
She is appearing outside the space-time continuum to stare at Vera and Polly both. They aren't safe either. Miranda will wound space-time just so they can join the fish orgy.
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"YESYESYESYESYES-" Polly has been hyped just from afar hearing of the fish orgy, chance to join in? She is jumping full force in!
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"Right... Sounds like a plan to me." Vera totally wasn't blushing, totally not caught of guard or anything, nope this was totally fine & expected
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
☕☕☕☕☕ for all of your monprom muses, even-
Under the cut due to amount of muses
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“Oh, this looks nice.” The tea gave off a sweet aroma and as Sawyer drank it they found it to be a overwhelmly sweet taste, it reminded them of saltwater taffy.
20% Health Restored
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“Oh hell yeah!” The tea tasted like a fruity mixed drink mixed with iced tea, the main fruit being passion fruit, the sort of thing you’d drink watching a sunset over the sea
75% Health Restored
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“This should be good.” Oz had to put in effort to taste anything, but he was happy to taste this, it tasted like a fine wine mixed together with the lovely salty taste of sea water.
50% Health Restored
Joy considered the tea before taking a sip, it tasted like mx of fresh mint & a floral scent brought to taste, it tasted like the water breathing potions the coven kept on hand.
25% Health Restored
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“I‘m not so sure about this...” Hope won’t be sure how to explain the smell and as she tasted it she started to gag, the flavor was odd, overwhelming, Hope would only be able to liken it to smell of tar or the taste of salt water on a dry tongue she spat out the tea.
10% Harm Done
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“How odd, it tastes like pink lemonade, mixed with a mana potion... Interesting.” 
25% Health Restored
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Vera knew how to drink tea like a proper lady, she enjoyed the smell of roses the tea gave off, drinking it she found the taste to be a mx of strawberries, roses and seaweed.
75% Health Restored
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“Oh gemme!” Moss drank it up, it tasted like pink flavored marshmallows to him. 
50% Health Restored
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Dahila slammed down the drink after one long, big goulp of it “IT TASTES AMAZING- Like if you combined the best energy drinks, dragon fruit and fresh fish.”
90% Health Restored
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He stared down at the cup, it was clear he had already drank it. “To be rather blunt, it tastes like blood... And metal, gold perhaps? My pallet isn’t strong enough to be sure. I suppose this must just be the result of tasting a tea meant to taste like a person.”
0% Health Restored
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Jun-Seo seemed to be licking the tea out of the cup before he was noticed. “Tastes pretty good to me, like a strong seaweed flavor with some cherry mixed in.”
25% Health Restored
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“...” He was holding the fancy pink tea cup, frowning. “It tastes like pink cotton candy and tuna...”
5% Health Restored
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“...It tastes like... Pink... Don’t ask me how pink is a flavor it just is, and a minor healing potion.”
30% Health Restored
“Uhh.” Jerry did try his best to drink the tea but it seemed to be leaking out of his mask “...I don’t actually have working taste buds...”
0% Health Restored
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D was sipping on the tea peacefully “...I’m not sure how to say this in a way that doesn’t sound really bad but... Sorta tastes like my girlfriend’s mouth and strawberry chapstick had a lovechild.”
10% Health Restored
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
[ ADJUST ] for vera
[ ADJUST ] sender fixes receiver’s tie / necklace / article of clothing
Vera and Miranda had been spending the day shopping together at the mall, mostly at accessory stores since both already had plenty of clothes.
Vera had just been trying on a necklace, it was rstger long, made to fit well with many heights but it hung too low on her, which was probably why Miranda had came up behind to adjust the clasps.
"Oh-! Why thank you, Miranda." Vera looked behind herself to gaze at them.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💬 + Val, for vera
Send Me 💬 + a Name and My Muse will Talk About That Person
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“Valerie? I can respect her hustle, she’s got a good mind for business.”
Vera waited a moment, for anyone not in the know to get going, so those who knew were the only to remain.
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“And she’s the best sister, really I couldn’t have asked for a better one, she’s always been there when I need her and... I want to be there for her, I want to gve back to her in the way she’s helped me... I love her a lot.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
11 for vera
When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
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"11, I was tried of needing others to try and protect me when I could've done it myself."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
15 for vera, salil, and dahlia
How often do your admit you were wrong?
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"Ugh... Probably not as often as I should. It's rare I do but... I do try to make a point of it if it's someone I should be treating with or expecting loyalty from."
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"Well, I'm right more often than not; even if others refuse to see my side of things. I'll admit I'm wrong on some things; when others admit they were more wrong and treated me poorly due their own bullshit."
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"I'd say pretty often honestly. It's a apart of being a leader, if I expect my torps to follow me into battle then I owe 'em honestly if I'm wrong on something. Better to own up to it than to try and act 'cool and pretend you weren't."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
22 and 23 for vera and polly
When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?
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"While I don't have a habit of outright admitting every trait I have. I don't hide them from myself, and I don't feel insecure about them. I just don't want others to take one thing, one moment of me acting in a different way and make that out to be me."
What is the most interesting white lie you’ve told?
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“Probably that water is actually really bad for everyone. I was selling an energy at the time so I needed to get sports bros off water and onto my drink. It was a lot easier than I thought it’d be and a lot of the points actually almost sounded reasonable. My main point was that 99% of those that drink water die, meanwhile my unreleased drink had no one that drank it die.”
When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?
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“Whaaa ‘m super confident in everything about myself!” Right now, all of the time.
What is the most interesting white lie you’ve told?
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“If you know, you know.” Polly gave a wink.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
7 and 8 for vera!
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
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"Well it seems like a good amount of people think I can kill them by just glaring at them hard enough. So I suppose I'd like if I could. I do have my stone eyes power or what have you but it isn't exactly easy to use on whim."
2. What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?
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"That I don't fit in. I've yet to see anyone of my kind in this part of the world, and most people assume I don't belong here, that I'm meant to be in some closed off sociality... It'd be easier to learn more about my body and powers if it wasn't true."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
18 for vera, polly, and dahlia
At what stage of a relationship are you most likely to withdraw emotionally?
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“Right before it gets too close for comfort, I can act close to someone to use them, hell even tell them a few things about myself but... I like keeping those I’m actually close to... A small number.”
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“Whhaa I won’t do that, I’m all kinds of open. Hell I probably overshare with people more than close up.” The truth? The better question would be when would Polly get emotionally involved?
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“...I dunno, I guess... If there’s a nice comfortable zone, I might not move past that, open up more or anything like that... Won’t wanna ruin what I got going with them.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Sticks her entire giant head in Vera's face. Proceeds to flick her tongue against Vera's nose.
Vera was rather startled letting out a small gasp as the flat of her face with her nostrils was licked "I- Dear!" She once again, has been flustered by Miranda
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Hey, so you have been giving me a weird look since economics, Vera... did you need something?" Please say she didn't notice that Amira was a total whizz with that last test. Please say she didn't notice.
"I couldn't help but notice your scores, they were up there with my own, Amira where did you learn economics from? You seem to have a nack for tham." Vera was speaking in a intrested tone though if was akin ti the intrest a predator has for prey was yet to be seen.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🧲🧲🧲🧲 for polly, vera, dahlia, and oz for taste-
Send 🧲 for a list of what my muse finds attractive about yours
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"Miri is like the best, like a Disney princess but y'know, actually really cool! And while I don't know what's considered attractive in a merfolk normally I think she's super hot. "
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"Miranda is a interesting mix of very affectionate and caring and well... Regal, in control, I find that to be appealing to me. She's a multi layered person, I doubt I'll ever feel like we've talked about everything there is to talk about, which is good I enjoy learning about people."
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"Miranda? Oh that's easy! Miranda is kind, she's smart, she's very cute and affectionate, her laugh is wonderful... She's wonderful, so in short my answer is pretty much everything about her is attractive!"
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"I think Miranda is a very interesting person and I find that attractive, I'll be the first to admit I haven't gotten too close to her but... She feels like she isn't 2D which... I'll admit is a issue I find with a lot of people so consider it a attractive trait. There's also how she's refined but isn't stuck up or well... Okay she is a little stuck up but in a way that isn't unfriendly, does that make sense? Even when she's comparing something to a 'better' version of t it doesn't feel like there's malice behind it, you know? And I think she's very beautiful."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Little thing" for vera!
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"What- What are you?" Vera's tone wasn't rude or anything, it was a voice full of amazement which caused her to blurt out the first thing that came to mind. "I... I haven't seen a monster like you before, are you a misfit too?"
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