#Veronica Vera
undergroundrockpress · 5 months
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Joan Jett with the Blackhearts - the "Bad Reputation" tour (1982) Photo : Veronica Vera.
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thecoolstuffoutpost · 5 months
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Source: Adam Magazine Vol.39 No.3 1993 Featuring: Eric Krolls Girls & Veronica Vera's New York In The Vault
Adam Magazine Vol. 39 No. 3, 1993: Unveiling a Captivating World of Erotica
Step into the enticing pages of "Adam Magazine Vol. 39 No. 3, 1993," a vintage treasure that promises to captivate your senses and transport you to a realm where sensuality and allure take center stage. In this edition, the spotlight shines on two tantalizing features: "Eric Kroll's Girls" and "Veronica Vera's New York In The Vault."
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Eric Kroll's Girls: A World of Erotic Photography:
Within the pages of this issue, you'll embark on a visual journey through the lens of the legendary photographer Eric Kroll. His unique perspective on eroticism and beauty is masterfully showcased, creating a collection of captivating images that defy conventions.
Veronica Vera's New York In The Vault: An Intimate Exploration:
Immerse yourself in the intimate narrative of "Veronica Vera's New York In The Vault." It's a window into a world of desire, exploration, and self-discovery, guided by the insightful words of Veronica Vera.
A Glimpse into 1993:
"Adam Magazine Vol. 39 No. 3" invites you to revisit the aesthetics and passions of the early '90s. It's a portal to a time when the boundaries of erotica were being pushed, and the artistry of the genre was evolving.
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Collectible Treasure:
For collectors and enthusiasts of vintage erotica, this magazine is a cherished find. It's not just a publication; it's a piece of history that celebrates the art of sensuality.
Rediscover Classic Erotica:
As you delve into the pages of this edition, you'll rediscover the artistry of classic erotica. It's a reminder that sensuality and allure have been captivating hearts and minds for generations.
A Celebration of Beauty and Desire:
"Adam Magazine Vol. 39 No. 3, 1993" is more than a magazine; it's a celebration of beauty, desire, and the timeless appeal of erotica as an art form.
Experience the allure of "Eric Kroll's Girls" and the intimate exploration of "Veronica Vera's New York In The Vault" with "Adam Magazine Vol. 39 No. 3, 1993." This edition is more than just a publication; it's a journey through desire, art, and the enduring fascination with sensuality. Don't miss the opportunity to own a piece of this captivating past and rediscover the elegance of 1993.
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kuzmich-isterich · 2 years
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Welcome to the Sierra Madre!
music:  POWERWOLF - Poison (Alice Cooper Cover)
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trofysisters · 8 months
Упорство Влада в выполнении под светом луны после полуночи домашнего задания окупилось: его успеваемость повысилась. Но сегодня Вероника не собиралась с ним соревноваться, (Vlad's persistence in completing his homework under the moonlight after midnight paid off: his grades improved. But today Veronica was not going to compete with him,)
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поскольку вечером из университета возвращался их любимый старший брат - Виктор. На душе у всей семьи было радостно и светло. Как же долго они этого ждали. (because in the evening their beloved older brother, Victor, was returning from the university. The whole family's soul was joyful and light. How long have they waited for this)
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Увидев, каким красивым и стройным он стал, Вероника решила тоже заняться своей физической формой. (Seeing how handsome and slender he had become, Veronica decided to also take care of her physical fitness)
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А у Виктора возникла идея создать и продать шедевр, за рисование которого он и взялся. (And Victor had an idea to create and sell a masterpiece, which he began painting)
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Виктор еще не знал, что в эту ночь он последний раз спит в своей постели, что позвавшая его на прогулку Илона привезет его в ЗАГС, и он больше не вернется в родительский дом. (Victor did not yet know that that night he would sleep in his bed for the last time, that Ilona, who had called him for a walk, would bring him to the registry office, and he would never return to his parents’ house)
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Пока некоторые члены семьи начали вести активный образ жизни, Вера настолько увлеклась кулинарией и стремлением развить к этому максимальный интерес и навык, что последствия отразились на ее фигуре. (While some family members began to lead an active lifestyle, Vera became so passionate about cooking and the desire to develop maximum interest and skill in it that the consequences were reflected in her figure)
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Но какая разница, сколько она весит, если она любимая жена и мать чудесных детей. К тому же, у близнецов сегодня день рождения. (But who cares how much she weighs if she is a beloved wife and mother of wonderful children. Plus, it's the twins' birthday today)
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Первым повзрослел Влад. От родителей он перенял ценность семьи, а стать хотел полицейским-супергероем. Поскольку вокруг множество опасностей, его избранница должна быть критически мыслящей, не близорукой и сидеть дома для собственной безопасности. (Vlad was the first to grow up. He adopted the value of family from his parents, and wanted to become a superhero policeman. Since there are many dangers around, his chosen one should be a critical thinker, should not be short-sighted and should stay at home for her own safety)
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После брата пришла пора взрослеть Веронике. Она была более амбициозной и прагматичной, поэтому стать решила судьей, а для успешной карьеры нужны хорошие связи. Ее избранник должен быть логичным, молодым и скрывать лицо за гримом (мим?). Балов счастья у нее оказалось больше, чем у брата. (After her brother, it was time for Veronica to grow up. She was more ambitious and pragmatic, so she decided to become a judge, and for a successful career you need good connections. Her chosen one should be logical, young and hide his face behind makeup (mime?). She had more happiness points than her brother)
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Чтобы порадовать детей, родители повели их в парк аттракционов, хоть и был уже поздний вечер. (To please the children, the parents took them to an amusement park, even though it was already late in the evening)
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Автомат с предсказаниями сообщил Васе, что будущее ему улыбается пока что. Только тогда Вася вспомнил, что прогулял работу, в то время как у жены были отгулы. (The fortune machine told Vasya that the future was smiling at him for now. Only then did Vasya remember that he had skipped work while his wife had time off)
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Настроение отлично повышают карусели и мороженое. Жаль, что Виктор так и не научил младшего брата хорошим манерам за столом. (Carousels and ice cream are great mood boosters. It's a pity that Victor never taught his younger brother good table manners)
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Зато близнецов пустили на взрослые американские горки. Весело! (But the twins were allowed on an adult roller coaster. Fun!)
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Но, как оказалось, Владу они совершенно не понравились - страшные и слишком крутые. Еще и брата не было, т.к. в этот же день он женился на Илоне. Зато теперь понятно, почему Вера и Вася отказались идти с Илоной "на прогулку". (But, as it turned out, Vlad didn’t like them at all - scary and too cool. There was also no brother, since on the same day he married Ilona. But now it’s clear why Vera and Vasya refused to go “for a walk” with Ilona)
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jlhallowell · 8 months
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Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "V"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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Book week Late special:
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gallivantrs · 24 days
open starter ft. lady veronica talbot // accepting replies; location — the queen's diamond ball, the terrace overlooking the gardens. tw: alcohol use
As the door to the terrace closes behind Veronica, the cacophony of the ballroom is mercifully muted, leaving her ears soothed by the sudden quiet. It was navigating the advances of a rude, presumptuous, rat-looking Lordling that served as the final straw to break her patience, leading her to trade the ball room for refuge in the cover of night, outside, with glass of wine at hand to temper humors. The gardens stretched out as far as her eyes could see, blurry under a soft nightly mist. The thought of descending there to be among the trees, rid of all manner of pleasantry, called to her – she even glanced around expectantly, thinking to find a friend with whom a genuine conversation could be held amidst some unchaperoned adventure in the gardens. But for once, the thought is nipped in the bud – glancing back into the ballroom, there was Noemie, taking her first official steps as a Lady of society, beginning her journey toward securing a much-desired love match. All of her actions tonight held her in mind, above all. So she would behave – die of boredom, if she must – if it mean protecting her sister's prospects. Her eyes drift to the skies while she savors a sip from her wine. An unmistakeable glint in its fabric catches her attention, just as another member of the ton seems to make their way to address her. "Jupiter is remarkably bright tonight." A whimsy point of her finger in its direction. "It’s currently at opposition, I believe, so directly opposite to the sun from our vantage point. I would bet you could even see its Galilean moons with a good telescope—four tiny points of light, right around it." For all the urges she'd be containing tonight, the one to provide unsolicited information was decidedly not one of them.
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rulimaquina · 6 months
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Veronica Pomee as Vera Beroya
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chewytongue · 1 year
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some theatre lesbians, Vera and Wheeler
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veronicaleonardo · 3 months
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episims · 2 years
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"-I'm not sure how babies usually are, but he's very... calm. Is that normal?"
"Differences in temperaments show from a young age, but I'll do a routine check. Has he eaten normally?"
"Uh... I think so?"
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"Hello, little one. Although you won't stay little for long with that growing pace!"
"What a brisk boy you are! ...He's gained weight as he should and he's attentive to his surroundings. Everything seems fine to me."
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"And how you've been feeling?"
"I'm well. It helps that I don't need to sleep or eat-"
"Oh, but that doesn't diminish the importance of rest! I hope you've taken breaks? Had enough water and sunbaths?"
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I haven't really been outdoors for a while. But what does it matter? Casper is more important. "...Yeah, my brother visits often. I can take a shower while he's here."
"That's nice of him. If there's a tight spot, you have my number, too. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it!"
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"I'll keep that in mind... thank you, Dr. Storm."
"Anytime, dear. Please take care."
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madebysimblr · 2 years
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Cordy: Alright kid, bedtime isn’t for a while. Your parents left money for pizza- want to watch a movie or two?
Vera: I guess. Can we get pizza with no vegtables though? Daddy always insists on some.
Cordy: [snort] Of course he does. And don’t worry you’re safe with me. No veg.
Vera: Yay! Oh hey Auntie, how come you aren’t out for Love Day? Do you not have a Valentime?
Cordy: Oh... No I don't... I did.
Vera: Huh?
Cordy: I did have someone I loved. But it wasn't going to last.
Vera: Why would it not last? It’s always forever! Right?
Cordy: Not always.
Vera: That makes no sense.
Cordy: [sighs] You’ll understand when you get older. But real life gets in the way sometimes. Sometimes you’re from wildly different worlds and it doesn’t matter how much you love each other.
Vera: …… That’s silly. You’re making that up.
Cordy: [quietly] I wish… Anyway. How about I order that pizza. You pick a movie.
Vera: Okaaaay!
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lonniemachin · 2 years
rattling around one of the themes of dead money being that those who assume that people are primarily motivated by greed or personal gain are often those who are themselves. of course there's more nuance i'd have to think on it more but…
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vinyls-dethblog · 9 days
i feel like in writersklok vera deserved to go apeshit at crystal mountain records ceo in the
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phoenixsoul13 · 10 months
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Vera cursing her drive to help people when the BoS are the ones signaling for assistance
also. Danse. i'm pretty sure that's not the exit.
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