#Vic Fernandes
kccwalz · 1 year
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Elenco curtindo a folga pós títulos - 11/09/2023
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Black Widow- Malcolm Bright x OC
Malcolm Bright x Elena Nadis
Description: Malcolm finally tells Elena that he loves her. It would have been a cute moment if his hand wasn’t stopping a bomb from exploding them and the rest of the team. 
Word Count: 2k
Mal 💙: Heading to the airport now. See you in a few weeks. 
Me: Have a safe flight babe ❤️
“You texting your lover boy back there?” Dani teased, glancing at the girl from her rear view mirror. A light blush dusted the girl’s cheeks and she shook her head. 
“I told him to text me when he was at the airport,” she informed both her and JT, who sat in the passenger seat of the car. “I’ll put my phone away when we get there.” 
“Don’t let his absence distract you,” JT demanded playfully. “Can’t have another detective be off their A-game.” The girl rolled her eyes and shoved him in response, which earned her a laugh from her friends. 
Elena kept to her word and put her phone away as she, Dani and JT arrived at the house of Jules Connor, a former district attorney found dead in his home by his housekeeper. They walked inside in unison, each going their separate ways to look at something different. While Dani looked at the security cameras, JT asked about the victim to whatever officer had arrived at the scene first. Elena took that time to look over the body, though she couldn’t do much until Edrisa’s team arrived. 
She had still been looking over the dead body when she heard Gil’s voice becoming louder as he walked into the room. She turned when she heard Malcolm call JT and Dani’s name, which confused her. Malcolm was supposed to be leaving for his vacation today, what was he-
“What’s up, Miami Vice?” JT laughed out upon turning around to face the newcomers. Elena heard Dani also laughing, so she looked back. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the snazzy suit that adorned Malcolm’s body and she could barely hold back a giggle.
“Oh my god,” she muttered. 
“Aw, that’s no way to talk to a friend, JT,” Malcolm playfully pouted as he looked around the room. He grinned when he spotted Elena crouched down by the victim’s body. 
“Were you able to kill James Bond or,” the girl trailed off jokingly, earning another laugh from those in the room. 
“He’s going on vacation,” Malcolm retorted with a teasing smile. “Download me quick, then we’re off to kill JFK.” JT shook his head at them then looked at the victim. 
“Our vic’s name is Jules Connor, former district attorney,” he started. “Been in private practice for the past decade. This dude was connected.” Malcolm hummed thoughtfully then looked around the room, eventually pointing to a security camera that hung in the corner of the room. 
“Talk to me about that camera.” 
“The security system is all in-house and it’s all been fried,” Dani responded. “Our killer covered his tracks .” Malcolm nodded. 
“Based on the murder weapon, he had a flair for the dramatics,” he started. 
“He’s not the only one,” Elena joked, to which he grinned sarcastically. 
“Double-barrel flintlock pistol. Walnut handle, gold filigree, a real pirate’s gun. Dates back to the 1730s. I have two.” 
“Who invited their coke dealer?” Edrisa’s voice came from the doorway, which made everyone turn around. Edrisa looked surprised to see that it was Malcolm in the white suit, and smiled awkwardly. 
“I mean, hello Colonel. I love your chicken,” she joked. 
“Okay, now I’m glad I brought you,” Gil told Malcolm with a snicker. The man, however, disregarded his statement and smiled politely at the forensic expert. 
“Hello, Dr. Tanaka. I was just in my way to-“ 
“To poach the ivory in the Serengeti?” She finished for him with a playful smile. “Sorry, I had to.” 
“Comedy comes in threes,” Malcolm shrugged before Edrisa showed him something that Elena couldn’t quite see. It must have been important because Malcolm began ranting about the Count of Monte Cristo., talking about how the Count’s life was destroyed by three men: Villefort, Danglars and Fernand. 
“So we may be looking for a revenge killer with a penchant for poetic justice,” JT stated as Edrisa crouched beside Elena to examine the body. “And if your profile’s right, two more bodies are gonna drop.” As he spoke, Edrisa began fiddling with Jules’ body. That’s when Elena noticed something under him. 
“We’re not gonna let that happen,” Malcolm stated. 
“While you’re on vacation,” Gil concluded, shooting Malcolm a pointed look. 
“What’s this?” Elena questioned as she moved the body to the side shortly before hearing a click. In an instant, Malcolm’s head whipped around. 
“Elena!” He yelled, jumping over the table that stood between him. The girl barely had time to process his actions before he pushed her out of the way. Gil caught her and moved her away as Malcolm pressed his hand firmly on the device Elena had just discovered. 
“It’s a landmine, a Black Widow,” he exclaimed urgently. Elena’s eyes widened as JT yelled that they’d need the ESU, the bomb squad and the level-one mobilization. 
“Alright all non-essentials clear the area,” Gil instructed loudly, letting go of Elena. “Edrisa, get your team out of here.” The doctor nodded then snapped her fingers, getting them to move the body before running out after them. 
“What the hell is a Black Widow?” Dani questioned, looking alarmed. 
“An anti-personnel mine, been around since the 50s,” JT explained. “Taliban loved these things.” Someone walked in with a protective vest which JT took and, with Elena’s help, placed it around Malcolm. Elena made sure that his hand didn’t move as they did so. 
“Alright man, just stay still,” JT instructed. “The only thing keeping this place from blowing is a weak creep spring on the pressure plate.” Once he finished speaking, he grabbed Elena and kept her back, knowing that she’d want to stay beside her boyfriend. 
“Oh, well then it’s a good thing I don’t have hand tremors,” the man replied sarcastically. Elena shot him an unimpressed look. 
“You’re seriously choosing now to make jokes Mal?” 
“There’s no reason for you guys to be here,” he stated, now serious once more. “Just go, I can handle this until the bomb squad gets here.” 
“We’re not leaving you,” Elena and Dani responded in unison. 
“It’s fine! I-“ Malcolm stopped mid-sentence when he heard another click. 
“That was the spring,” JT explained gravely. “The bomb’s been activated.” Elena’s eyes widened and she gripped his arm tightly. 
“Okay,” Malcolm started rapidly. “Turn of events, this mine is definitely not stable so I need to speak quickly. Uh, JT, auction houses will have records of the gun’s sale. Gil, Dani, the killer identifies as the Count, which means that the victim would have deemed him inferior or unworthy in some way. And Elena,” he stopped after saying her name, which made her furrow her brows. 
“Yeah?” She asked softly. Malcolm stared at her for a minute, trying to catch his breath. 
“I love you,” he finished, which made her tear up. “And I have a plan. I need you guys to get out of here.” 
“What? No!” Gil exclaimed. 
“Gil, please! Just trust me,” he begged. “Get Elena out of here.”  Gil’s lips set in a thin line and he finally nodded, making Dani and JT leave. 
“Come on, let’s go,” he instructed gently, taking Elena’s hand. The girl put up a fight, which made him have to pull her by her waist. 
“No,” she cried shortly before they left the room, staring into Malcolm’s eyes as he watched her sadly. They finally made it outside and Elena immediately fell into Gil’s arms, sobbing into his shoulder. The man rubbed her back comfortingly and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 
Just a few minutes later, they heard the sound of glass breaking then the house exploded. Elena’s head whipped around to look at the wreckage, and she couldn’t help but cry even harder. Whatever was left of the house had gone up in flames that the firefighters attempted to put out. Malcolm’s words echoed in her mind. ‘I love you.’ They had been dating for nearly a year and a half, but they hadn’t said it yet as they wanted the moment to be special. It had been the first time either of them said those three words, and Elena hadn’t even said it back. That made the situation all the worse for her. JT and Dani appeared by Gil and Elena’s side, ready to help soothe her when they heard someone yell that there was a survivor. Paramedics ran to where one of the firefighters stood and seconds later, Malcolm appeared in the team’s line of sight. Elena would have cried in relief if she hadn’t already been crying. She moved to walk over to them, but was stopped by Gil’s arm around her waist. 
“Let the paramedics do their job,” he instructed her softly. “You’ll get to see him in a few minutes, just let them make sure he’s okay.” Elena sighed, but nodded knowing that he was right. Things were only able to calm down for a few minutes before the news stations arrived, wanting to know about the explosion. 
“We’ll take care of them,” Gil muttered, finally letting her go. “Go find Malcolm.” Elena nodded gratefully then began pushing past everyone to get to the paramedics’ truck. She didn’t care about the news people that she had to shove past, the only thing she focused on was trying to get to her boyfriend. Finally, she found him sitting in the back with a shock blanket around his shoulders. His suit jacket was laying beside him and his sleeves were rolled up so they could take his blood pressure. 
“Malcolm!” She called above the chaos around her. The man in question perked up at her voice and looked around for the source. When he finally spotted her, he grinned and stood. Elena felt herself tear up all over again and she sprinted to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. He returned the hug immediately and his chin rested atop her shoulder. 
“I love you too,” she whimpered in his ear. Her words only made his grip tighten around her and she felt something wet hit her shoulder. Malcolm was crying too. 
“Malcolm,” she started, pulling away to look into his eyes. “Don’t ever do that to me again. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn't jumped out the window in time. Promise me you won’t.” She cupped his face in her hands and wiped his tears away with the pads of her thumbs, shedding a few herself. He leaned into her touch, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. 
“I promise,” he muttered, leaning down so their lips brushed against each other’s. Once she got confirmation, she grinned and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. 
“You know, it’s a shame your suit got dirty,” she added once they pulled away. “I was ready to get dressed for Saturday Night Fever.” Malcolm rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop the laugh that left his lips. 
“Shut up, my mom got it for me. She’s very hard to say no to,” he mumbled shyly. Elena giggled upon noticing a blush settling on his cheeks. Before she had time to respond, they heard Gil’s voice call for them. They turned just in time to see him catch up to them. 
“I think it’s time for your vacation,” Gil pointed out, checking his watch. “If we leave now we could probably still make it to the airport.” Elena wasn’t surprised to see Malcolm shake his head. 
“No way, the killer tried to blow up my team, my girlfriend, and me. I’m not leaving now,” he responded firmly. Gil knew better than to argue, so he just nodded with a sigh. 
“I’m not about to be the one to tell your mother,” he added, to which Malcolm shrugged off. “At least let Elena and I take you home so you can change out of that ridiculous suit.” Elena grinned cheekily then looked at her boyfriend, who huffed dramatically. 
“I’m burning it once it’s off,” he informed the both of them as they began walking him to Gil’s car. 
“I thought it was cute,” Elena shrugged, climbing into the backseat. Malcolm hummed thoughtfully as he got into the passenger seat. 
“I guess we’ll just have to see then.” Gil shook his head at the couple’s banter but grinned as he started the car. He was glad that they were both okay because he knew that if one wasn’t, the other would never be.
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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767) Vlaanderen-Europa, Flanders-Europe, Flandria-Europa - flamandzka prywatna organizacja, która organizuje działania w ramach Święta Wspólnoty Flamandzkiej i wokół uznania zasług dla Wspólnoty Flamandzkiej w perspektywie międzynarodowej. Organizacja składa się z dwóch organizacji non-profit:
Elfdaagse Vlaanderen-Europa: organizacja i wsparcie działań w Elfdaagse (od 1 do 11 lipca) w okresie poprzedzającym Święto Wspólnoty Flamandzkiej. W 2010 roku wraz z VRT zorganizowała udaną serię koncertów Vlaanderen-Muziekland. Od 2015 roku koncert, który VRT 11 lipca Elfdaagse Vlaanderen-Europa transmituje na żywo „Vlaanderen Feest!”    
Beweging Vlaanderen-Europa: prezentacja Gulden Spoor dla wizerunku kulturowego, społecznego lub gospodarczego. Ta nagroda jest kontynuacją Nagrody Ankera, mającej na celu zachęcanie belgijskich firm do zakotwiczenia się na rynku lokalnym, którą po raz pierwszy otrzymał w 1994 roku Aimé Desimpel.
Gulden Spoor (Złote ostrogi):
2000: Eric Suy, Peter Piot, René De Feyter, Lutgart Van den Berghe, Karel Van Miert     
2001: Martin De Prycker, Jos Van Immerseel, Désiré Collen, Kim Clijsters     
2002: Pedro Brugada, Phil Bosmans, Fred Van Leuven     
2003: Catherine Verfaillie, siostra Simone    
2004: Els De Temmerman     
2005: Eddy Bruyninckx, Manu Ruys, Guido van Gheluwe     
2006: Antoon Dieusaert, Peter Leyman, Godfried Lannoo i Patricia Carson     
2007: Connie Neefs, Jean-Pierre Rondas, Gui Celen, Frans Crols, Norbert d'Hulst, Jan De Nul Group     
2008: Luc Famaey, Jeanne Devos, Urbain Vandeurzen    
2009: Dirk Vyncke, Gabriel Fehervari, Louis Verbeeck, Gwij Mandelinck     
2010: Chris Maene, Ivan Mertens, Stefan Top    
2011: Joachim Coens, Hans Bourlon, Gert Verhulst    
2012: Frans Debrabandere, Miel Cools, Esmeralda Peleman, Rugbyclub Dendermonde    
2013: Chris Lomme, Luc Devoldere, rodzina Van Rompuy (Argenta) 
2014: Jan Caeyers (muzykolog, dyrygent i beethovenista); Hein Deprez (dyrektor wykonawczy grupy UNIVEG); Luc Tack (dyrektor zarządzający Grupy Picanol); Jef Gabriels (przewodniczący Stowarzyszenia Miast i Gmin Flamandzkich)    
2015: Kamiel D'Hooghe (organista); Jan Dewilde (muzykolog); Fernand Huts (przewodniczący Katoen Natie)    
2016: Jan Verheyen, Wouter Torfs, Saskia van Uffelen, Willy Kuijpers    
2017: Jan van Doren (VOKA), Luckas Vander Taelen, Louis Verbeke, Herman Daems    
2018: Bart i Ann Claes (JBC-mode) i Stijn Brouns (człowiek teatru) 
2019: Will Tura, Niels Destadsbader i Vic Swerts (NV Soudal).
Od 2002 współorganizuje wręczenie Orderu Lwa Flamandzkiego. Pierwszym prezesem został Ryszard Celis. Od 2004 roku prezesem jest An De Moor.
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look at them :333
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silvercdeer · 3 years
Did Bruno ever get burned by the sun and Vincente have to save him? Like right when he first became a vampire? Also does Bruno just use his hood to shield the sun now like Vincente uses his hat?
His name is Vicente!! Not Vincente or Vincent :D For your first q - i think yes! Vic needs him healthy and well, so he might save him from sun and not a single time - since Bruno is kinda doesn't care about his own life (too desparate/depressed/etc). Fernandes will scold him for that for sure, "you should be careful, God created you not for death that stupid like this one". I think Burno (haha) has some burns that he cannot heal with his vampire regeneration (as well as Vicente even if Vic's regeneration is more powerful) And yup, Bruno using his ruana to shield from sun. Ofc it's not 100% protection (same for Vicente's hat and gloves) but still!
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twibians · 7 years
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kccwalz · 1 year
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palaugranetes · 4 years
The Ins and Outs of the summer (so far) for FC Barcelona
Miralem Pjanic* (Juventus): 60M + 5M add-ons  - 400M release clause - 4 seasons
Francisco Trincão* (SC Braga) :  31M - 500M release Clause - 5 seasons
Matheus Fernandes Siqueira* (SE Palmeiras): 7M + 3 add-ons - 300M release clause - 5 seasons
Arthur Melo*(Juventus): 72M +10 add-ons - 5 seasons
*Players will remain with their respective clubs till the official end of their seasons.
Juan Miranda (Schalke04): FC Barcelona and the German club have reached an agreement not to loan the player for a second season. His involvement with the team is still unclear
Cata Coll (Sevilla fem): Back from loan spell.
Pamela Tajonar: End of Contract
Stefanie Van der Gragt: End of Contract
Pedro ‘Pedri” González* (Las Palmas): 5M with Las Palmas reserving 15% of a future sale fee- 100M release clause (B team) / 400M in case of promotion to the first team - 2 seasons+2 renewable seasons
*Player will remain with his respective club till the official end of their season.
Chumi, Kike Saverio, Sergi Puig, Guillem Jaime : End of Contract and will not be involved in the B team’s play off matches which will start on July 19th against Valladolid Promesas.
Sarunas Jasikevicius (Coach) : Back to the Barça bench for 3 seasons
Svetislav Pesic (Coach): Agreement to end contract prior to the 2020-21 season
Ante Tomic, the foreigner with most appearances for Barça and the captain of the last 2 seasons: Agreement to end contract
Pau Ribas: End of contract
Blaz Janc (Vive Kielce): 4 seasons
Víctor Tomàs: Retiring after 18 seasons with the team due to cardiac complications. The number 8 will also be retired in honor of his career. However he will still continue to work for the Club off the court.
Abel Serdio (Orlen Wisla Plock): 1 season Loan. 
Lasse Andersson (Füchse Berlín): Permanent move after 4 seasons at Barça
Roger Serrano, Juanjo Angosto, Mario Rivillos, Arthur Guilherme and Antonio Manuel Sánchez Tienda : End of contracts
Sergi Llorca: Back from 4 seasons of loan spells (1 season at Vic and 3 at  Noia Freixenet), new contract till 2024
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ginaapalmer · 3 years
Premier League standings in / | Yahoo Sports
Soccer rankings premier league - Fantasy Soccer Rankings, News and Stats
Team Total 1 Sheffield Utd Percentage of accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch Pos. Accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch Pos. City 2 Liverpool 3 Chelsea Passes made within the opposition half which do not xoccer a team-mate Pos. Total number of passes that end in spccer opposition half Pos.
Team Total 1 Norwich City Passes made within own half which do not find a team-mate Pos. All accurate passes Pos. A player actively moves soccer rankings premier league intercept a pass between two opponents Pos. Total attempted passes Pos.
Percentage of passes which are successfully collected by a team-mate Pos. Total offsides Pos. Total number of red cards receive from both 2nd yellows and straight reds Pos. Team Continue reading 1 Arsenal 5 2 M. City soccer rankings premier league - Southampton 4.
Total number of red cards shown soccer rankings premier league following a second yellow card Pos. Team Total 1 Everton 3 2 M. City 2 - Bournemouth 2. Player receives a yellow card for an infringement Pos. Team Total 1 Arsenal 86 2 Tottenham 82 3 Watford Total number of red straight cards Pos. Team Total 1 Arsenal 4 2 Southampton 3 - Newcastle 3.
Le Havre. Macarthur FC. Tokushima Vortis. St Mirren. Brisbane Roar. Cape Town City. Maritzburg Utd. Oxford United. FC Cincinnati. Dundee Utd. Lincoln City. New Mexico. Fleetwood Town. ADO Den Haag. Newcastle Jets. Lfague Celtic. Charlton Athletic. Orange Soccer rankings premier league. El Paso. Avispa Fukuoka. Austin Bold. MK Dons. Ipswich Town. San Diego Loyal.
Oita Trinita. Indy Eleven. Hamilton Accies. Burton Albion. Melbourne Vic. Highlands Park. Miami FC. Crewe Alexandra. Saint Louis. Golden Arrows. Vegalta Sendai. Exeter City. League Two. Plymouth Argyle. North Carolina. Ross County. LA Galaxy II. Virtus Entella. Oldham Athletic.
England Premier League - Standings
Polokwane City. England Shield. Euro Cup. Euro Qual. FA Cup. France Trophee. German DFL-Supercup. Gold Cup. Int'l Champ Cup.
Italy Supercoppa. Lg Cup. Recopa Sudamericana. SheBelieves Cup. Spain Supercopa. U17 WC. U20 WC. UAE Super Cup. UEFA Nations. World Cup. Anaheim Ducks.
Arizona Coyotes. Boston Bruins. Buffalo Sabres. Calgary Flames. Carolina Hurricanes. Chicago Blackhawks. Colorado Avalanche. Columbus Blue Jackets.
Dallas Stars. Detroit Red Wings. Edmonton Oilers. Florida Panthers. Los Angeles Kings. Minnesota Wild. Check out the latest Premier League Power Rankings in the this post above, while below is a little more info on the teams surging up the table and in fine form as things soccer rankings premier league. What an awful season, and looks like it soccer rankings premier league finish with a whimper.
Down 1. The Saints have to pick up a few wins, fast, or they really are in the relegation battle. Missing Danny Ings, a lot. The Manchester United attack could be missing a few soccer rankings premier league players, but that doesn't stop Bruno Fernandes from landing near the top of Andrew Laird's weekly player rankings.
Manchester City have a prime matchup against Fulham this weekend, which soccer rankings premier league push Kevin De Bruyne to the top of Andrew Laird's weekly player rankings. The Tottenham attack has been hot-and-cold recently, but RotoWire's Andrew Laird is expecting them to turn up the heat in Gameweek 27 against Crystal Palace.
Top News. Nelson Semedo D. Rui Patricio G. Aymeric Laporte D. Sergio Aguero F. Leicester City Pwr: 3 Off: 3 Def: 7. Chelsea Pwr: 7 Off: 8 Def: 2. Tottenham Hotspur Pwr: 4 Off: 5 Def: 5.
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skyenthusiast · 3 years
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vic would never give our other skipper a kiss like that 😥 @protect-daniel-james​ thoughts on harry’s reaction to this?
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ganhosdoelefante · 3 years
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Ficção London, 16th, March of Year One, Dimanche, Doctor.
09:00 - Acordamos, tomamos banho (...) e trocamos de roupa, coloco umas da irmã e uma caso meu que estava lá.  09:30 - Tomamos café:
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10:00 - Ele me convida para passar o dia, mas eu rejeito, então ele oferece para me levar e eu também rejeito.  10:20 - Chego em casa e pego um óculos, um chapéu, dou mais uma arrumada e saio.  10:40 - Chego no meu museu favorito e fico por lá, lendo e refletindo:  Victoria and Albert Museum
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12:30 - Vou almoçar:  Big Fernand
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13:40 - Vou para casa.  13:55 - Chego, encontro Jord e Aria, converso um pouco e vou dormir.  16:00 - Acordo, estudo um pouco, om o café que Jord trouxe e me acordou: 
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18:30 - Vic me convida para sair e eu topo, dando outro perdido no John.  19:10 - O encontro:  Gandys
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Bebemos uma cerva na inauguraçao do local. 
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20:40 - Vamos para casa dele e conversamos com cerva.  (...)
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22:00 - Dormimos. 
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crisbarbosa · 4 years
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Nem preciso dizer que estou surtando, né... 🙃 #Repost @qualiseditora with @get_repost ・・・ 👉AUTORES SELECIONADOS NO 2º CONCURSO LITERÁRIO DA QUALIS EDITORA 📝💛 ⠀ É com imensa alegria que nós, da Qualis, viemos por meio deste post divulgar os nomes dos 62 autores selecionados no 2º Concurso Literário da nossa editora! 😍 ⠀ Se em 2019 o nosso concurso já foi um sucesso em número de submissões de contos, em 2020 esse número basicamente triplicou! YAAAAAAY 😲✨ ⠀ 👉 Agradecemos a todos os participantes! Foi uma tarefa difícil selecionar os melhores dentre todos. Agora, conheçam os novos autores da nossa casa: ⠀ 👑 AVENTURE-SE: Ana Caporazzi Bianca Jung Bruna E. Mayer Clara Luar Daia Vitoriano Daya Alves Diana Vanderlei Eduardo Victor Souza Francine Rossini Giulia Nagel Herbert Barros Coutinho Juan Sebastian Loitey Ferreira Lucas Barreto Teixeira Mahy França Diogo de Lima Matheus O.Reis Rebeca Gabriel Vander Christian Vivianne Fair francine Rossini Olívia Rebeca ⠀ 💀 DESESPERE-SE: Ademir Soares Jr. Anna Flávia Perez Ana Paula Toledo Ed Caco Gyovanna Cabral Hector Leandronic Isabela M.O.T Juan Sebastian Loitey Ferreira Leonardo Crusoé Marina Hadlich Matty Saulo Palemor Paulo Witt Renato Sousa Janaína Flores J.F. Miranda Ana Beatriz Bernardo Allan F. Gouvea Diogo de Lima 💋 PERMITA-SE: Adriana Brasil Ágatha Santos Ceginara Arthemis Bruna Rodrigues Carol S. Wahl Valentina Fernandes Daya Alves Denilia Carneiro Ray Pereira Isabela M.O.T Julia Fernandes Lis Santos Marcos Dorian Sá Mari Sales MF Correa Natália Dias P. F. Gomez Stephanie Back Vic Bezerra Cris Barbosa Ju Costa ⠀ ✨PARABÉNS AUTORES! Agora vocês fazem parte do nosso time!✨ ⠀ Estamos super ansiosos para ter as 3 antologias publicadas em nossas mãos com tantas histórias incríveis! 💛 ⠀ 👉 Leitores, preparem-se pois muita aventura, terror e romance estão vindo aí! UHUUUUL! 🤟 ⠀ ⚠ Mais informações, EM BREVE! ⚠ ⠀. ⠀ #literatura #amoler #leiamais #ebook #kindle #amazon #livros #leitura #livrosdigitais #romance #wattpad #livroseleituras #ficaemcasalendo #euleio #livros https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuMZMRjbs9/?igshid=1sexk1a22pg91
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autoramarisales · 4 years
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#REPOST @qualiseditora 👉AUTORES SELECIONADOS NO 2º CONCURSO LITERÁRIO DA QUALIS EDITORA 📝💛 ⠀ É com imensa alegria que nós, da Qualis, viemos por meio deste post divulgar os nomes dos 62 autores selecionados no 2º Concurso Literário da nossa editora! 😍 ⠀ Se em 2019 o nosso concurso já foi um sucesso em número de submissões de contos, em 2020 esse número basicamente triplicou! YAAAAAAY 😲✨ ⠀ 👉 Agradecemos a todos os participantes! Foi uma tarefa difícil selecionar os melhores dentre todos. Agora, conheçam os novos autores da nossa casa: ⠀ 💋 PERMITA-SE: Adriana Brasil Ágatha Santos Ceginara Arthemis Bruna Rodrigues Carol S. Wahl Valentina Fernandes Daya Alves Denilia Carneiro Ray Pereira Isabela M.O.T Julia Fernandes Lis Santos Marcos Dorian Sá Mari Sales MF Correa Natália Dias P. F. Gomez Stephanie Back Vic Bezerra Cris Barbosa Ju Costa ⠀ ✨PARABÉNS AUTORES! Agora vocês fazem parte do nosso time!✨ ⠀ Estamos super ansiosos para ter as 3 antologias publicadas em nossas mãos com tantas histórias incríveis! 💛 ⠀ 👉 Leitores, preparem-se pois muita aventura, terror e romance estão vindo aí! UHUUUUL! 🤟 ⠀ ⚠ Mais informações, no post oficial da @QualisEditora! ⚠ ⠀ ⠀
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naestrada · 7 years
A Dor do Amor
CAPÍTULO 4 – Nunca desista
- Na loja dos Emblemend Richard ligava para completar o pedido para o inverno, logo após desligar o telefone Jennifer entrou na loja, fazendo tocar o pequeno sino no portal.
Jennifer – Bom dia Sr. Emblemend, bom dia Richard.
Richard – Bom dia Jenni.
Sebastian – Bom dia Jennifer, como está seu pai?
Jennifer – Está ótimo Sr. Emblemend.
Richard – Então Jenni o que está precisando hoje?
Jennifer – Vim pegar algumas hortaliças meu pai quer aproveitar enquanto têm eles frescos.
Richard – Fique a vontade, vou estar na registradora.
- Após escolher algumas coisas Jennifer foi para registrar e pagar o que escolheu. Sempre que encontrava com Richard, ela ficava envergonhada.
Richard – Mais alguma coisa Jenni?
Jennifer – Não apenas isso quanto deu?
Richard – 19,85
- Ela o pagou e enquanto saía Richard disse:
Richard – Jenni hoje a noite vamos á lanchonete.
Jennifer – Certo te vejo a noite.
- Estava estampado no olhar dos dois o que estava acontecendo.
Sebastian – Esses jovens de hoje, só olham e nada falam.
Richard – Não é nada disso que o senhor está pensando. Vou limpar essas prateleiras e preparar o estoque para quando chegar nossa encomenda.
- Richard não sabia o que sentia por Jennifer, se era apenas atração ou amor.  De todo modo estava disposto a descobrir. Anne acabara de chegar em casa, já era meio dia e o estômago roncava de fome.
Anne – Vou comer alguma coisa e ir ao Brit`s, com a ajuda de Deus vou conseguir.
- Enquanto preparava a comida se lembrava de William e como seu pequeno apartamento parecia grande e vazio sem ele.
- William e Anne estudaram juntos desde o primário. E já na infância tiveram uma ligação muito forte. Ela sabia que era impossível ficarem juntos, pois era de uma família pobre e ele de uma família muito rica. O que Anne não sabia é que ele fora adotado quando bebê, um tipo de adoção ilegal, em outras palavras foi roubado de sua verdadeira família. Foi um baque muito forte descobrir isso, houve uma briga feia e William jurou nunca mais iria precisar dos falsos pais e nunca desistir de encontrar sua verdadeira família.  
- Até em seu último dia procurou pela mãe perdida, e esta foi uma das decisões pela qual aceitou o trabalho de entregador de jornais, porque assim andaria pela cidade e seria mais fácil localizar sua verdadeira família.
- Aos 10 anos Anne perdeu seus pais em um acidente de carro e daí em diante viveu em um orfanato, até o dia em que foi viver ao lado de William e viveram felizes até o dia que tiraram a vida dele.
- William era simples, muito honesto, amava os filhos, todos os dias quando chegava em casa do trabalho no fim da tarde pegava Felipe e o levava para um parque para jogar futebol. Felipe passava o dia todo esperando o pai chegar para poder passar um tempo com ele. Após perder o pai ele se fechou. Anne fazia de tudo para tentar trazer de volta a alegria do filho, mas a grande tristeza de perder o pai não era fácil assim de se esquecer.
- Toc, toc, toc! Era Bianca vizinha de Anne. As duas conversavam muito e quando perdeu o marido ela era a única a quem Anne podia confiar.
Bianca – Anne sou eu, bia.
Anne – Entra bia a porta está aberta.
- Gritou Anne da cozinha
Bianca – Nossa que carinha ótima, conseguiu trabalho?
Anne – Ainda não, mas estou muito confiante.
Bianca – É assim que se fala.
Anne – Preciso de um favor seu.
Bianca – Pode falar, sabe que nunca te neguei um favor.
Anne – Vou no Brit`s conversar com o dono, vi no jornal que estão contratando, devem querer fazer um teste hoje, preciso que pegue as crianças na escola.
Bianca – Conheço o dono de lá, vou pedir pra ele te dar uma chance, vou pegar Felipe e Victoria na escola não precisa se preocupar, vou preparar algo para eles tentar alegra-los.  
Anne – Obrigado bia nem sei o que faria sem você.
- Desde que se mudou para Gramado, Anne encontrou em Bianca uma amizade verdadeira em quem ela podia confiar.
- Anne terminou seu almoço, se arrumou despediu-se da amiga e saiu, durante todo trajeto até a lanchonete, de cabeça baixa e pedindo a Deus para dar tudo certo.
- Enquanto isso na loja dos Emblemend`s.  
Richard – Hoje está muito parado.
Sebastian – Segunda sempre é parado.
Richard – Hoje vamos no Robert.
Sebastian – Já devo imaginar que a Srta. Jonnes tem algo haver com isso.
Richard – Não só acho que devemos sair um pouco.
Sebastian – Vamos fechar pro almoço sua mãe deve estar preocupada.
- Fecharam a loja e seguiram para casa.
Mary – Por que demoraram tanto, a comida já está esfriando.
Richard – Atrasamos um pouco na limpeza da loja para receber a encomenda que o pai fez pela manhã.
Mary – Então por isso saiu daquele jeito. Vamos comer antes que esfrie mais.
Richard – Ah mãe hoje a noite não prepara nada vamos sair.
Mary – Já sei vamos no Robert.
- Falou ela dando gargalhadas.
Sebastian – Jennifer esteve na loja hoje, por isso ele está todo animadinho.
- O papo foi bom durante o almoço enquanto Anne havia acabado de chegar ao Brit`s.
Anne – Boa tarde, vi um anuncio de emprego no jornal, moro aqui perto, e estou precisando muito de um emprego.
Jennifer – Boa tarde, o Sr. Robert está chegando, sente-se.
- Jennifer notou o quanto ela estava nervosa.
Jennifer – Toma esse copo com agua, pode ficar tranquila.
Anne – É que preciso muito desse emprego, tenho dois filhos pequenos, perdi meu marido a pouco tempo e estou desesperada.
- Jennifer sentou-se ao lado dela a segurou pelas mãos.
Jennifer – Calma vai dar tudo certo, estou precisando muito de uma ajuda aqui.
Anne – Muito obrigada. Que burrice a minha nem perguntei seu nome, me perdoe.
Jennifer – Prazer sou Jennifer Jonnes, olha preciso organizar algumas coisas pode esperar aqui até ele chegar.
- Robert Brit, 40 anos, casado, três filhos, inaugurou a lanchonete Brit`s há alguns anos, Anne já havia estado com sua família algumas vezes.
- Passou algumas horas e ele ainda não havia chegado, Anne estava ficando cada vez mais nervosa. Precisava mais que nunca deste trabalho e a negativa dele lhe custaria a ultima esperança.
Robert – Boa tarde Jennifer, desculpe a demora, tive que resolver algumas coisas no banco.
Jennifer – Boa tarde, já está quase tudo pronto para abrirmos e tem um moça te esperando sobre a vaga de emprego.
Robert – Certo, peça ela para vir para o meu escritório.
Jennifer – Anne me acompanhe ele chegou.
- Anne se levantou e a seguiu, ela tinha se acalmado e novamente confiante que iria conseguir.
- Toc, toc, toc, pode entrar disse Robert
Anne – Boa tarde senhor Brit.
Robert – Boa tarde, Anne desculpe a fazer esperar, queira sentar-se.
Anne – Obrigado.
Robert – Já te vi por aqui algumas vezes, mas me fale um pouco de você, já trabalhou com lanchonete antes?
Anne – Sim já estive aqui com meu marido e meus filhos. Desculpe meu ex-marido. Sou Anne Frankbiern, viúva, dois filhos pequenos e precisando muito de um trabalho.
- Disse ela dando um sorriso.
Anne – Não tenho experiência em lanchonete, mas estou disposta a aprender tudo. Sou determinada e quando quero de algo luto até o fim, e tenha certeza que se me contratar darei o meu melhor e não vai se arrepender.
Robert – Certo, tem disponibilidade de fazer um teste hoje?
Anne – Sim, mas antes posso fazer uma ligação?
Robert – Pode sim. Espero que se saia bem hoje, pode esperar lá fora e peça a Jennifer para entrar.
Anne – Obrigado Sr. Brit, não vai se arrepender.
Robert – Me chame de Robert.
- Durante toda entrevista Jennifer estava escutando atrás da porta.
Jennifer – E aí deu certo?
Anne – Sim ele me deu uma chance e pediu pra você entrar.
Jennifer – Certo, me espere aqui.
Robert – Quero que ensine a ela o que precisa ser feito, Eduard está atrasado e preciso ir adiantando o serviço dele.
Jennifer – Pode deixar vou ensinar a ela.
- Eduard ficava na montagem dos hambúrgueres e pizzas.
Jennifer – Venha Anne vou te mostrar as dependências.
- Após ter mostrado toda lanchonete Jennifer explicou o que ela iria fazer.
Jennifer – Você vai atender as mesas, pegar pedidos, entregar pedidos e limpar as mesas. Antes de abrirmos vamos organizar as mesas.
- Anne estava meio perdida, passara muitos anos sem trabalhar.
Anne – Jennifer irei fazer uma ligação antes de abrir, quero saber se meus filhos estão bem.
- Bia havia buscado Felipe e Victoria na escola, nesse momento eles estavam na sala de seu apartamento assistindo tv, ela estava na cozinha preparando um jantar para eles, seria uma lasanha deliciosa.
Victoria – Ei lipe está sentindo o cheirinho?
Felipe – Sim Vic também estou com muita fome.
- O telefone toca.
Bianca – Alô
Anne – Oi bia, as crianças estão se comportando?
Bianca – Sim está tudo bem, eles estão assistindo tv e eu estou preparando uma lasanha para eles.
Anne – Não precisa amiga.
Bianca – Não me incomoda, eu gosto de ficar com eles.
Anne – Está bem amiga devo chegar tarde.
Bianca – Pode ficar tranquila, boa sorte aí.
- O marido de Bianca é policial, Charles estava empenhado em prender o assassino do amigo, mas não estava sendo uma tarefa fácil. Na loja dos Emblemend Richard e Sebastian preparavam tudo pra fechar.
Richard – Hoje está bem parado, podemos ir embora.
Sebastian – Você está ansioso para ver a senhorita Jonnes, vamos para casa.
- O tempo estava dando um ar de melhora e não indicava tempestade para aquela noite.
A Dor do Amor por Jeová Fernandes - O Sapo
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odioguinho · 5 years
Músico brasileiro Juliano Cezar morre em palco após paragem cardíaca
The post Músico brasileiro Juliano Cezar morre em palco após paragem cardíaca appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
Juliano Cezar, o músico brasileiro de 58 anos, morreu esta terça-feira após sofrer uma paragem cardíaca durante um concerto no Paraná.
O momento ficou registado em vídeo e circula nas redes sociais.
CANTOR SERTANEJO JULIANO CEZAR MORRE APÓS PARADA CARDÍACA EM PLENO SHOW. Músico, de 59 anos, se apresentava no interior do Paraná(30-12-2019SEG) pic.twitter.com/fLSUcehtkw
— Vilson C Fernandes Goda (VIC) (@VilsonGoda) December 31, 2019
The post Músico brasileiro Juliano Cezar morre em palco após paragem cardíaca appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
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kccwalz · 1 year
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Kati e vic via Instagram 27/07/23
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