#Villainous miss heed
faeyuh · 5 months
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how i view their first interaction pre-canon
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paper-gold-theories · 22 days
The New Kid
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(Made this fic idea inspired by this fic by Bell_Enchantress from Ao3 and a combination of theories I made about Flug and GoldHeart's friendship origin story and how they become Arch-Enemies. This was supposed to be a draft but it ended up being a super long summary and almost complete fic, which took about a whole month to make 😂 Note: Still in beta process though definitely make some edits after reading a few times)
Flug stares at the "History of Planes" book he wanted to borrow on the high shelf in annoyance. He can't reach it even if he stands on is tip toes so he has to jump a few times to try to get it.
Flug always had a gut feeling that the school staff were also out to get him. And seeing that the book was not arranged according to the duodecimal system Flug concluded that the librarians probably done this to spite him, knowing he was the only person in the school to read and borrow books on planes.
Flug was about to reach out and jump to get the book he wanted when he suddenly felt a presence behind him followed by a large muscular arm reaching out for the book he wanted. Turning, the first thing he saw was a gold streak of hair as he came face to face with the eyes of Herbert Leth, the new kid in his Hero Psych 101 class.
"Hi~" Leth says casually smirking at him like the cat's got the cream.
Flug panics and immediately backs away at the sudden presence and close contact only for his back to hit the shelf.
"You were trying to get this right?" Leth holds the book towards Flug teasingly.
Flug thought it looked like a hunter trying to tempt his prey with bait.
Students, (with the exception of Cecilia) often approach him for ulterior motives. Either for homework or just to bully him for fun. So Flug wouldn't be surprised if the new student is the same.
Flug looks at him suspiciously, going over the possibilities of Leth's actions, and even looks around to see if the student has any friends around watching him and jump him just as soon as he takes the book and lets his guard down. Concluding there is no harm in taking the book he slowly takes the book from Leth's hand eyeing it as if it were a ticking time bomb.
A mysterious new kid joins Black Hat Institute and wants to befriend Flug. Flug is of course suspicious of him, as anyone who approaches him often has ulterior motives.
However GoldHeart manages to get Flug to give him a chance because a lot of villains value brute strength over brains and strategy. Flug however believes brains and strategy are just as important or even more important than brute strength.
GoldHeart says he shares the same opinion as Flug and agrees and says brains and strategy are just as important or even more important than brute strength.
Flug was stuntlocked but he was like "Finally! Someone gets it!"
Flug likes his charming, blunt and easy to talk to personality, and his blunt and sadistic sense of humour.
And they eventually become friends.
Meanwhile GoldHeart has the most difficult P.E.A.C.E. reconnaissance mission of infiltrating Black Hat Institute (while he still has to fight crime and go on heroic missions at the same time)
He knows that hero has ever come back alive from the school.
However he is doing this because even though he was already the best and most popular hero student in P.E.A.C.E Academy. But if he does this he'll be able to stand amongst the others and maintain his position as the best and secure the future and the rewards and benefits that comes with it once he graduates.
GoldHeart believes in order for this mission to be successful he has to be sociable in order to gather as much information as possible but at the same time not draw too much attention to himself.
To do that he decides not to put on the usual popular hero act like he does in P.EA.C.E. Academy and his public persona while he is undercover, as he knows people tend to want to pry into the popular people's business and know more about them, but just put on a persona to make him self likeable by his peers.
But he also needs to make at least one friend so that he doesn't stand out and looks suspicious. As a new kid attempting to befriend the popular kids with families who are members or are close to Black Hat Organisation, would look suspicious. These affluent villain children would definitely be used to having people get close to them for ulterior motives such as many power or using them for information like him and would most definitely do a background check before anyone can join their friend group.
That's what the previous hero kids who got caught did.
However if he befriends a not so popular kid without any ties to Black Hat Organisation, It would act as a shield to avoid suspicion.
Because why would a spy do that?
So if he wants to gather information, he would need to get the students to come to him, that won't be a problem as one thing he knows is how to get people to like him.
Hence he decides to befriend Flug, the nerdy and not so popular boy in his Hero Psyc Class (oh the irony), who is also super cute and fun to tease to boot. And perhaps he can have some fun while he's here...
However GoldHeart didn't expect to get along and genuinely connect with Flug, a villain no less who heroes are supposed to hate and take down.
GoldHeart had to admit it was nice...
GoldHeart thought things would have been smooth sailing but he didn't take into account one thing...
Cecilia absolutely hates* Herbert Leth and his new friendship with Flug. Flug didn't have any other friends other than her and after he befriends Leth he is taking the attention from Flug away from her.
To overcompensate for the lack of attention Cecilia sends Flug a text saying she needs help every day instead of three times a week knowing Flug would sneak out of his dorm room and see her more. Knowing that her crush and that stupid Leth kid would definitely be hanging out together.
Flug is mad every time he goes there to see it's all just an act just as he was about to leave Cecilia fake cries and says she needs to talk to him and needs his advice.
Flug has previously called her out for her actions and asked her if she really wants his advice or just his attention. And said that if she really needs to talk to him they can do so at her usual reading they're reading spot which they go to every day. And not pretend she was in danger or in trouble to get him to sneak past the guards to see her in the middle of the night, which could have deadly consequences if he were to get caught.
But then Cecilia just ignores him and says since he's here already he might as well talk to her now.
Flug, too exhausted to argue with her and agrees to listen to her fake attention seeking claims, just to get over it as soon as possible so that he can go back to his dorm room and get some well deserved sleep.
However he ended up staying there almost the rest of the night as he couldn't bear seeing Cecilia sad.
He ended up extremely exhausted and almost falling asleep in class. The two things keeping him awake are his extremely strong coffee he made himself and the fear of the teachers cruel punishments if he does so.
Despite GoldHeart's intention to use Flug for his reconnaissance mission he can't help but feel sorry for Flug and suggests Flug should just stop going to her. However Flug says he can't do that because he is worried what if this time when she texted him it wasn't just an act and she really does need his help.
Cecilia: First you sit with us at lunch and now you want to sit at our reading spot too?!
Flug: Leth, could you excuse us for a second?
[Flug pulls Cecilia away from the bench he and Leth were sitting on towards the tree to talk]
Flug: Cecilia, what's with you?
Cecilia: Why do you want him as a friend when you have me!?
Flug, annoyed: Why can't I be friends with both of you?
Cecilia: Because I don't like you paying attention to him when you should be paying attention to me!
Flug: I pay attention to both of you.
Cecilia: I want you to pay attention to ONLY ME, Fluggy!
Flug, sighs exasperated: Look, just because I'm friends with Leth and pay attention to him too, doesn't mean I care about you any less, you're my best friend. So can't we all just get along and be friends?
Cecilia: No, way! I am not going to be friends with a beaver teeth loser!
GoldHeart, who has super hearing and was listening the whole time: Beaver teeth, really? I can easily conclude with that unoriginal insult that you're tiny brain would have seeped out of your pores long ago if it wasn't so clogged.
Cecilia attempted to claw Leth's eyes out only to be held back by Flug.
GoldHeart knows she can't do anything to him because of his invulnerability but he would definitely slap her face if she tried to gets close.
*(Note: My headcanon is that Miss Heed loves GoldHeart because he is popular. So without the popularity lens she absolutely hates him. 😂. This is basically an unofficial interview meeting her celebrity crush and ruined her chance of having a first good impression and ruined any possible chance of having any positive relationship with him as a team mate when she joins The Golden Rule)
Being around an attention seeking spoiled brat would obviously draw a lot of unnecessary attention to himself.
GoldHeart would have chosen a different friend group if he wasn't so invested in his plan (and definitely not because he also Flug's enjoyed company so much)
So he tries to work around this problem focusing mainly on Flug, but calls her out and curses at her for her unbearable behaviour when she pushes it and tests his patience.
Flug tries to diplomatic with both sides and tries to calm both sides and maintain peace (the irony 😂), but this proves difficult and often ends with failure as he never had friends before this, much less two and always thought that if he had some they would get along with each other, seeing as Leth and Cecilia also have a buch of things they have in common he thought they would get along as well.
However as he can clearly see he was proven wrong...
He once tried to suggest to them to hang out without him and find some common ground for both of them to get along.
But both rejected the idea. Saying they can't stand the presence of each other now and that spending time without Flug would be much worse.
What convinced Flug to stop try get the both of them to become friends was when Leth, says has a lot of hero friends in his old school says just because your friends with lots of people doesn't mean all your friends will get along with each other.
Flug accepts that and just instead ops to intervene and calm both parties down when the two fight.
Shortly afterwards Cecilia stole his thesis and left school to become a hero.
It is not uncommon for students to suddenly disappear without a trace. Flug thought she was dead as he believes she would at least tell him that she was leaving school.
Leth console and comforted Flug while thinking 'good riddance to that annoying spoiled brat. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with her again.'
After Cecilia left, Flug and Leth's relationship flourished even more without the interruptions. They spent most of their days together in school, doing homework and projects, studying, eating together, playing video games, watching TV, going to the arcade or just hanging out.
GoldHeart's reconnaissance mission also went smoothly. His likeable personality led to the popular students with connections to Black Hat Organisation inviting him to parties and gatherings which enabled him to learn about their family ties and connections with Black Hat Organisation.
He also invited Flug to all the gatherings, parties, (much to the reluctance of the other popular kids) and school dances. He even tried to teach the cutie how to dance.
Flug previously didn't go to all these events and gatherings because, being one of the unpopular kids, he was never invited and even if he was all his bullies would be there, and he would definitely be a target for them.
During school dances he would only go for awhile because his mother forces him. Spend a couple of minutes there and take a photo or two there and send it to his mother before leaving to binge watch some old Codigo Guajalote episodes in back his dorm room.
As a bonus of how well connected Leth is with the other students the teachers also made him deliver homework to the other students who are absent from class due to sickness, or any other reason.
This led to the teachers making him prepare some faculty documents.
The reason the teachers do this is because, Black Hat Institute, despite having the money to hire enough staff to delegate and split the work and duties to a reasonable amount, the evil school chooses to squeeze every bit of work they can possibly get out of the minimum amount of staff as much possible.
As a result the overworked teachers delegate their responsibilities the student council, hall monitors, teachers pets and whatever students the deemed as useful in exchange for "extra credit" for their free labour.
GoldHeart uses this to work in his favor.
Flug being the sweet friend, asks him if he is alright and says he can help him come up with excuses to get him out of helping them.
Leth says Flug is a good friend and says "it's not a big deal and he can handle it.
When secretly, in reality he considers this a huge bonus as if he won the jackpot as not only he gets critical information on the students, by helping the teachers he also gets critical information on the school curriculum, staff, and how they operate which P.E.A.C.E. Academy can be used to teach their own students to counter the villain students.
All the information he gathered, he relayed to P.E.A.C.E. in exchange he gets benefits and privileges for him and his team. Such as more money while doing heroic missions, sponsorships, brand deals, magazine and newspaper articles, modeling gigs, access to attend events and represent P.E.A.C.E. and most of all be the top consideration to be the next generation of The Seven Nobles.
However all good things must come to an end after The Golden Rule's 100% successful mission rate, having the best public reputation out of all the other heroes , and GoldHeart's gaining invaluable information from Black Hat Institute, The Golden Rule was finally selected to be the next generation of The Seven Nobles.
The whole team was ecstatic. However, in order to prepare the heroes to take over the title they will have to be mentored under the guidance of General Falchion, the current leader of P.E.A.C.E.
This came as first priority and as a result, GoldHeart's reconnaissance mission had to end, and he had to go back to P.E.A.CE. Academy.
GoldHeart had to admit he was going to miss Flug.
Despite being a villain, he truly does enjoy Flug's company, talking, bantering, listening to his cute evil friend. He even let some of his true personality show behind the act and even genuinely opening up to him about his personal feelings and opinions. He never does this as he had to maintain a reputation as a hero and his pristine public image and hence afford saying anything controversial, rude or unpopular.
"Flug I need to tell you... I'm leaving Black Hat Institute," GoldHeart decides to spill the beans to Flug the next day after school while they are studying together. Better to rip off the bandage now than later.
Flug was stuntlocked unable to process the information for a few seconds.
"Why? What happened?" Flug managed to ask his friend. Concerned about his sudden reason to leave the school.
To avoid suspicion, Leth made up a believable story where his family was unable to afford the tuition in school so he had to leave.
Flug asks him how he feels about all this.
Leth says he is happy about this because he said he was never really that passionate about evil so he is glad he gets to go to a normal school afterwards.
"We'll, as long as you're happy," Flug says.
"I am," GoldHeart says. More about getting to be a Seven Nobles and living this shit hole of a school rather than leaving Flug.
"You would have made a really great super villain," Flug says honestly.
"Hmm better than you?" GoldHeart teases.
"Don't push it," Flug teases back playfully shoving his friend.
Both of them burst out laughing.
"I'm really going to miss you, Leth" Flug says finally calming down from his laughter.
"Me too," GoldHeart says honestly.
"Well keep in touch right?" Flug asks sounding hopeful.
This was the time that GoldHeart should say "no" and just rip the bandage off his and Flug's relationship. Perhaps make up some half assed excuse about long distance calls being expensive. He got what he wanted from Flug and became a Seven Noble and doesn't need him anymore.
GoldHeart l took a look at Flug's teary and hopefully expression.
"Of course..." GoldHeart said instead.
The ecstatic look on Flug's face was rewarded enough. Damn he was truly whipped for this boy
He wraps his arms around Leth giving him a big hug. And GoldHeart hugs him back enjoying the contact.
"When will you be leaving?" Flug asks him.
"In a month," GoldHeart says.
"So soon?" Flug asks sad that he has to part with his friend so quickly.
"The news was unexpected to me too," GoldHeart explains.
"Well, let's enjoy the time that," Flug says pulling GoldHeart out of the chair
"Where are we going?" GoldHeart asks, letting Flug pull him out the door.
"We're going out to have some fun!" Flug declares.
"What about studying," GoldHeart asks.
"Forget that! We need to make this every second count!" Flug says enthusiastically
"Alright," GoldHeart laughs enjoying how out of character Flug was acting.
Flug is sad that Leth had to leave and sadden to see another friend go. But unlike Cecilia at least he is still alive and happy about leaving the school and as long as Leth is happy he is happy.
Both of them decide to clear their entire schedule to spend the remaining time with each other. Only doing the bare minimum and finishing their homework so that the teachers won't kill them.
They went to different places in the city. Doing fun things both of them loved, such as going to the arcade, carnival, movie theaters, museums, concerts, science exhibits, dinners at the best restaurants, airplane shows, spas, and hotels. Flug even made fake ID cards for the both of them so that they both can go clubbing.
On Leth's last night Flug helped him pack his belongings in his dorm room. Both of them were having so much fun that Leth forgot to pack till the last minute.
Both of them got emotional on the last day and thing led to another and both of them ended up spending the night together.
Both of them spent the night together.
GoldHeart's Plan B was to make the last moments together in school with Flug the best in his life, before ghosting him completely and blocking his calls the moment he left Black Hat Institute. It was better for the both of them not to be friends due their hero-villain identities.
GoldHeart held himself back from doing anything intimate with Flug, although GoldHeart entertained the idea when he first came to the school, but after getting to know Flug and befriending he felt ... (umm what's the what people called it...Oh right guilty. felt guilty (an emotion he rarely felt) if he started something with Flug while he was using him for the mission and leaving.
But emotions ran high on their last night together and one thing led to another and they ended sleeping together.
As much as GoldHeart tried to deny for as long as he was in that school, the realisation hit him and he can't deny it any longer that he was in love with Flug.
GoldHeart always thought people were dispensable but after befriending Flug, spending time and genuinely getting to know him, he felt like with Flug, he has someone he can finally connect and truly understand him. And as a result became an irreplaceable part of his heart.
That's why after they made love and Flug asks him if this means they were dating. GoldHeart immediately said yes.
The movers (secretly disguised P.E.A.C.E. employees) came in and carried all of GoldHeart's items as well as checking them for any possible trackers before moving them into the truck and driving off with the items. Some school curriculum and textbooks were to be brought to a P.E.A.C.E. investigators to be studied while the rest were to be burned just in case there was any evil contamination or curses.
While waiting for the cab to send him to the airport, both of talked to each other talking about their memories together.
GoldHeart even promised to call him once he got back home from his flight.
GoldHeart gave him one last kiss before entering the cab. Waving goodbye until Flug was out of sight. And he slumped in his seat.
The cab driver drove him to the airport. But instead of boarding a plane GoldHeart changed into his hero costume in a secluded alleyway before flying back to P.E.A.C.E. HQ for his final mission report and a meeting with Falchion.
While alone flying in the sky, GoldHeart was able to think about everything that happened.
He and Flug are boyfriends.
Part of him was ecstatic and giddy, but remembering the harsh reality of his life made his high come crashing down.
Flug is a hero and GoldHeart was a villain and things will never work out between them unless one of them gives in-
The realization hit him like a ton of bricks.
The answer was so obvious why didn't he think about it before?! That the only way for Flug and him to be together was for Flug to redeem himself. Yes he's a genius.
Sure Flug wants to be a successful villain once he graduates, but he is confident once he knows the benefits and perks becoming a hero has to offer he will definitely choose to become a hero.
P.E.A.C.E. will definitely accept Flug, they have accepted villains before as long as they have something to offer.
Flug is a genius so he will definitely be an asset with his brains and inventions to the heroes and be accepted into P.E.A.C.E. easily.
And a great addition to GoldHeart's Golden Rule Team.
All GoldHeart had to do was subtly convince Flug about the benefits and perks of being a hero and then convince him to redeem himself after revealing his identity.
GoldHeart knows keeping such a big secret would come out eventually at P.E.A.C.E. and would definitely look bad unless it came from him.
So he decides to come clean to General Falchion, confident he can convince the General to take his side on redeeming Flug and being on his time.
And immediately tells him during the meeting about his plan to General Falchion about redeeming the villain student Flug and on his team and how much of a useful asset to P.E.A.C.E. and the heroes he can be with his genius.
Falchion says after reading GoldHeart's report about Flug's genius, he definitely agrees he will be an asset to the heroes. And agrees to let Flug join P.E.A.C.E...
ONLY if he agrees to swear his loyalty to P.E.A.C.E. and leave all his ambitions as a villain behind.
GoldHeart says he will definitely convince Flug to do so.
Falchion would advise GoldHeart not to form any feelings or attachments in the meantime with Flug until he has officially joined P.E.A.C.E. but he can see he has clearly already done so.
GoldHeart, stunt locked asks him how does he know.
Falchion says he has been a General of P.E.A.C.E. for a long time and has seen many heroes become friends or fall in love with heroes and knows how to look out for the signs. And it was obviously given the way GoldHeart has talked about Flug in his report.
He also says to GoldHeart that because of this attachment the heroes would end up betraying P.E.A.C.E. and the heroes and end up becoming villains as well. And bluntly ask GoldHeart how he can be sure that while trying to convince Flug to become a hero, GoldHeart won't end up becoming a villain instead?
GoldHeart bluntly retaliates he is absolutely loyal to P.E.A.C.E. and to prove this he will continue to relay any critical information Flug tells him to Falchion until he can convince Flug to become a hero.
Afterwards GoldHeart and Flug called or video chat each other nearly everyday. Flug asks Leth about his new school and GoldHeart tells him as much as he can about class, friends and his schoolmates, while leaving out all the important hero activities of course.
While Flug excitedly tells Leth he got accepted into V.A.S.A. (Villains Aeronautics and Space Administration) to get his commercial pilot licence. Despite being younger than all the other students, he became the top student there and the instructors told him he can skip a few programs and will definitely get it sooner than the usual time students get it.
(Flug also, not to worry his boyfriend decides not to tell him that ever since Leth left school his bullies have come back to bully him and only stopped because he was hanging out with Leth.
His bullying also became worse ever since he became the top student at V.A.S.A. due to Miss Valdoom, a wealthy villain heiress to The Valdoom family with ties to Black Hat Organisation for many generations who was jealous at becoming number 2 in class ever since his arrival and made his life a living hell along with the other students in V.A.S.A. unless he quits.)
GoldHeart says he is happy for Flug and asks him about V.A.S.A. and tells him everything about the lessons.
GoldHeart as promised relayed everything Flug told him about V.A.S.A. to Falchion.
GoldHeart feels absolutely guilty. At school the guilt was at the back of his mind and easy to repress because he was in denial about his feelings for Flug but now that he has accepted his feelings he feels like a total scumbag.
But tries to convince himself that this was the only way to continue to be a hero and get Flug to redeem himself.
Flug will definitely understand once he explains his reasoning and he becomes a hero.
Of course he will!
He has to...
Spending the night with Leth was the best experience of his life. And even better when Flug hesitantly asked Leth if this means they were dating and Leth immediately said yes.
He and Leth are boyfriends!
Flug thought giddily.
But he has to leave the next day. Making the leave even more sad the next day Flug had to admit he was a little insecure that once Leth moved away he would find someone better and forget about him.
But Leth kept his promise to keep in touch with him through phone and video and even made plans to meet up during long weekends the summer. Much to the excitement of both parties.
However he also has been getting strange questions from his boyfriend. Such as...
How he feels about heroes? (Specifically P.E.A.C.E. heroes)
Flug says, although he has never met a hero in real life, he wants to become a successful villain so he sees heroes are his enemy and it won't benefit him anyway if he thinks about them any other way.
He says that every villain and their grandparents know that P.E.A.C.E. is a hero organisations that deploys for money and power. When Villains do this and are always upfront about it with their community. But the frustrating thing about P.E.A.C.E. is that when they do it they try to deny it and worse still they think they are better than villains just because they are heroes.
They're some genuinely good heroes out there from P.E.A.C.E. but as Flug mentions he wants to be a successful villain so it won't help if he to gets too friendly with them and becomes tempted to reform because of this.
How he feels about becoming a hero? As they get money, power and fame which Flug says he always wants to get fame, recognition, and money from his genius and inventions.
Flug says he never once thought of becoming a hero because he has always had love and passion for ever science ever since he was a kid and wanted to be a villain to pursue that passion after getting enrolled in Black Hat Institute his belief was reassured.
Leth asks him what he thinks about the super hero GoldHeart?
Flug says he has only seen him on the news fighting villains and being known as the "hero with a heart of gold". But to him he gives off a vibe of being overcompensatingly and being too good to be true. Then again he has never met him before so perhaps he shouldn't pass judgement too quickly and perhaps he is genuinely one of the good heroes.
For some reason Leth sounds disappointed with all of his answers...
One day he asks Flug if there was anything that could convince him to be a hero.
Flug then asks him where are all these questions coming from?
GoldHeart realises that he was laying on it a little bit too thick with his questions and casually mentions that his new school supports heroes and he wants to know what Flug thinks about all of this.
Flug asks him to be careful. Worried he might be bullied because he came from a hero school.
GoldHeart tells Flug he is sweet, but reassures him he has nothing to worry about.
Another thought comes to light after Flug tells him how he feels about his hero persona. Part of him is glad that he doesn't hate him per say but more because he's a villain and he has to hate heroes.
GoldHeart always thought Flug would only find out his secret identity after he convinced Flug to want to become a hero and he would tell him. There would be some arguments, that's pretty understandable but Flug will eventually forgive him after he tells him the full story, his feelings about and their future they have together.
But what if Flug finds out that he was GoldHeart and he would hate him afterwards and he will definitely lose him.
He can't let that happen!
He can't!
GoldHeart invited Flug to spend summer vacation for 2 weeks at a five star beach resort (fully paid for by P.E.A.C.E rewarding them for their successful mission) with him and The Golden Rule so that Flug can get to know his future team and his team will get to know their future teammate.
And also get them to help him to try to convince Flug to be a hero...
When Flug was out of sight and hearing range GoldHeart asked his team what they thought of Flug, specifically of him becoming a hero and part of their team.
The team told their leader that they agreed that Flug was a genius and that it would definitely benefit them having him on their team. However they also think he's nerdy and weird and believes he won't fit the image of a hero, especially in their team which has an image of the best and coolest heroes to uphold.
Hence think that Flug is more suited to be a scientist of The Golden Rule rather than a hero team mate.
But GoldHeart puts his foot down. Saying that there is a lot of wasted potential if they just made Flug into a scientist. Strongly believing that his genius strategic skills that can rival his own will be suited as a hero and his unique personality will be a good dynamic for the group.
The team was still reluctant to have Flug on their team as a hero. However GoldHeart always considers his strategies and planning to be the best so him saying someone's strategic skills can rival his own is a pretty big deal...
Their leader never steered them wrong, hence they all agreed that Flug should be on the team and will try to help GoldHeart convince Flug to become a hero.
Plus they knowing the real golden rule of the team is whatever GoldHeart wants GoldHeart gets and are also too scared and intimidated by GoldHeart to argue with him further knowing their leader will make their life a living hell if they go against his wishes, especially if he is this determined.
Perhaps they can benefit and curry favour with GoldHeart by being nice to his boyfriend Flug.
GoldHeart then asks Flug how he likes the vacation so far.
Flug says he is having a good time and appreciates Leth treating him to vacation*
Though he had to admit when Leth says they could go spend summer vacation together he kinda hoped they would be just the two of them.
But it was really nice staying in the same room together. Especially since they haven't been umm... intimate (Flug blushes) since Leth left Black Hat Institute.
GoldHeart smirks loving his adorable reaction. And says after this he and Flug can go on a trip together just the two of them, much to Flug's delight as he hugs and kisses his boyfriend, much to GoldHeart's delight as well.
*(Note: GoldHeart actually requests P.E.A.C.E. for an additional plane ticket, hotel accommodations were not necessary as Flug is staying with him but he tells Flug he is the one treating him as it would be suspicious as to why Leth's school is agreeing to pay a for a trip for a non student)
Leth then asks what he thinks about his friends.
Flug says they are ok, but doesn't want to elaborate, as he doesn't want to make it awkward. But GoldHeart really wants to know. So Flug says he feels like Leth's friends are only nice to him because Flug is his boyfriend. The obvious sign was that they don't even refer to Flug by his real name, just Leth's boyfriend.
[Eating Breakfast Buffet at the Hotel's Restaurant]
[Golden Rule Member]: Hey Go-Leth's boyfriend can you pass me the salt
Flug: Sure, its Flug by the way.
[Golden Rule Member]: Thank you Leth's boyfriend.
[End of Flashback]
"Yeah they're like that. I'll have a word with them," GoldHeart says, knowing they are doing the bare minimum to tolerate Flug to curry favour with him as his boyfriend. But it could be worse...
For several months GoldHeart has been continuously going back and forth with the questions as well as dropping subtle hints through casual conversations to try to influence Flug to become a hero like the benefits about being a hero and how you can get away with things by being a hero instead of a villain.
However there was still no success or even any progress with convincing Flug to become a hero.
This made him realise redeeming Flug was a lot harder than he thought.
With the shitty horrible villain school Flug goes to. As well as GoldHeart's exceptional people skills to get people to do anything he wants, he thought it would have an easy walk in the park to get Flug to want to be a hero.
However this was far from reality as Flug was stubborn as he is beautiful.
Flug was determined no matter what to become a villain scientist and pilot and work hard to succeed no matter the obstacles and shitty people are in his way and there was no changing his mind.
And unfortunately things are going to get much worse...
It was Friday and GoldHeart was currently packing his bags. He and Flug planned to go on another trip together as a long weekend was coming up.
Suddenly an announcement was made on the school speaker ordering all P.E.A.C.E. Academy hero student to go to the main hall for an emergency briefing.
Surprisingly, General Falchion was there and informed the hero students that 100 planes in 15 different countries and their passengers have gone missing.
This has caused a diplomatic crisis between the affected countries and a widespread panic around the world leading to countries pointing their fingers at each other of who caused this. If they don't get to the bottom of this soon, they could be looking at an escalation resulting in war.
Hence Falchion has ordered all heroes to be on red alert to find and capture the culprit(s) bring them to justice. Any information provided about these incidents and the culprit(s) will be greatly rewarded.
GoldHeart was panicking.
What if Flug was the one who caused this?
The profile of the crime sounded like someone Flug would do.
Part of the reason why he could convince Falchion to give Flug a chance at being a hero was because he hadn't done any crime (or at least any obvious crime) as far as he knows.
Falchion says that integrating a villain who has done crime especially violent and destructive crimes (like this one) comes with a shit ton of baggage of reputation damage control that he believes is not worth the effort.
Falchion also recently told GoldHeart not to waste any more efforts on getting his boyfriend to become a hero, telling him some villains are a lost cause and he should be focusing on other more important things like gaining more popularity so that he can be more profitable for P.E.A.C.E.
If Flug had something to do with the planes and passengers disappearance, his plans or worse, their relationship would be totally screwed...
Immediately right after the meeting he changed into his uniform and flew to Black Hat Institute as fast as his super speed would let him.
Stopping several building blocks from the school dormitory, he changed into his civilian attire before stopping outside the entrance in front of the security guard at Area B and called Flug on his mobile phone to let him know that he's outside.
Flug met GoldHeart outside to let him in and they walked him to his room. Flug says he was not expecting him for another few hours and thought they were going to meet at the airport.
GoldHeart says he took an earlier flight here and couldn't wait to see him.
The school dorm was just eerie and creepy as he remembered, with a sense of evil in the atmosphere.
Not wanting to be distracted any further GoldHeart asks Flug if he had anything to do with the plane disappearances he saw on the news (which was broadcast just after Falchion's announcement)
Flug opened the door to his room to reveal the stolen planes in mini size and in jars.
"Did you do this?" GoldHeart says trying to stay calm despite how freaked out he is.
"Yes, I did," Flug says nonchalantly.
"How did you make the planes so small?" GoldHeart asks again, carefully.
"I shrunk it down with this shrink ray I invented." Flug says holding out his invention.
"That's pretty impressive," GoldHeart partly remembering that he was supposed to keep up the villian-supporter act and also genuinely impressed by Flug's invention. Even the top P.E.A.C.E. scientist struggled to invent shrinking technology. And Flug a villain student who has not even graduated from school beat them to it. He is truly a genius.
"I know," Flug says proudly.
"What happened to the people inside?" GoldHeart asks.
"They shrunk down with the plane of course," Flug explains.
"A-are they still alive?" GoldHeart asks Flug hoping if Flug didn't murder a bunch of people, at least he can still vouch for him for that one thing.
"They aren't now. Those mayonnaise jars only have so much air in them," Flug says nonchalantly.
"Mayonnaise jars?! Why mayonnaise jars?" GoldHeart spitters almost not believing what Flug just said.
"Well that's it's funny story actually," Flug chuckles recalling the memory.
"I was passing by the dumpster behind the cafeteria and I saw a lot of empty mayonnaise jars thrown and I thought it would be a cool way to display my model airplanes. But then I thought I just made a new shrink ray and got my V.A.S.A licence so why don't I just test it out and shrink some planes in them."
"As you can see I got a little carried away," Flug says gesturing to the dozens of planes in his room.
GoldHeart wanted to laugh at the insanity Flug's crazy outlandish reasoning and storey for wanting to putting planes in mayonnaise jars. Freaking mayonnaise jars! And cry at the same time, feeling their future of their relationship together slipping away through his fingers.
(Note: GoldHeart was not upset at Flug stealing planes and murdering thousands of people in the process 😂 but more of the scandal it caused and how it affected his plan to redeem and his relationship with Flug)
GoldHeart was unable to enjoy his vacation with Flug too distracted by the difficult decision: Should he tell General Falchion about Flug or not?
Despite how he tries to justify himself, deep down GoldHeart knows that telling Falchion about all the information Flug has told about school and V.A.S.A. is already pretty low. But if he tells Falchion that Flug was the one who stole the planes this will definitely be the worse thing he has ever done to Flug as he knows Falchion will definitely make GoldHeart arrest Flug for his crimes and he can't do that to his boyfriend.
However what if P.E.A.C.E. found out about this anyways? They have skilled agents and informants that could easily track down the culprit in no time.
And worse General Falchion finds out he will definitely know that he knows, being in contact with Flug, but he didn't tell them there will be consequence.
So he had to tell the General the truth before anyone else!
He is a brilliant strategist and with a high EQ, and the best people skills known to man. He can talk his way out of getting Flug out of this...
Right. And if he goes down, there will be no one to protect Flug. So he's making the right decision in telling Falchion. This is the right decision that will benefit both of them in the end.
After their vacation GoldHeart with a heavy heart, goes to P.E.A.C.E. HQ to tell Falchion that Flug was the one who stole the planes.
He explained how Flug was able to make the planes and passengers disappear was by shrinking them and putting them into mayonnaise jars. (This word mayonnaise jar made Falchion raise his eyebrow in question, but GoldHeart couldn't bring himself to explain the crazy reasoning even if he tried)
All the shrunken passengers were unfortunately dead due to suffocation... in the mayonnaise jar.
Falchion said that this was perfect, making GoldHeart confused about the General's reaction.
Falchion said that him and the other P.E.A.C.E. higher ups were looking through several lists of villains to assign GoldHeart and The Golden Rule their Arch-Nemesis.
And seeing how much this plane incident became the latest biggest worldwide panic and uproar, shaking the whole world with fear. The only thing people can talk about nowadays was how to bring the one responsible to justice.
If GoldHeart, the next generation leader of The Seven Nobles fought and defeated in battle and brought the one responsible him to justice. This would be a major boost to his popularity and reputation. As well as cementing GoldHeart's validity and capabilities as the next generation of The Seven Nobles and P.E.A.C.E. would reap the profits.
Falchion says GoldHeart will need to find out from Flug when his next plane heist is and inform Falchion who will arrange every news station to be in the area to cover and broadcast the fight with GoldHeart and his Arch-Nemesis's debut. Where GoldHeart takes down the horrible plane obsessed villain and bringing him to justice.
GoldHeart felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole. This was worse than what he thought would happen.
GoldHeart can't fight Flug and put him in jail!
To buy himself some time to come up with a plan to get out of this horrible mess, he tried to give Falchion several suggestions like perhaps they should not rush into things and make Flug his Arch-Nemesis there are plenty of other evil supervillains, maybe they should wait first before they go after Flug, perhaps it's just a one time thing and he'll never do it again...
But Falchion put his foot down. Saying that if GoldHeart can't do this then it not only does it prove that GoldHeart is just another incompetent hero who lets his emotions and feelings for a villain cloud his decision but is also siding with the villians.
Furthermore a leader's actions represent their team's and GoldHeart's incompetence proves the incompetence of his team.
And PE.A.C.E doesn't need that there were plenty of other hero teams to choose from to be the next generation of The Seven Nobles such Villain Slayer that could easily do the job and fight Flug.
So GoldHeart had to fight Flug and throw him in jail.
(Note: Falchion could have just ordered GoldHeart to lure Flug into a trap and arrest him however if GoldHeart publicly fought Flug and defeated him as the "public display of heroics" would make GoldHeart and P.E.A.C.E. look better and more heroic in the eyes of the public which would equal to more profits. Even though the fight could cause more property damage and possibly killed a bunch of innocent people it was a collateral damage he was willing to take and could easily blame it all on the villain and no one would be wiser)
The next day, a press release covered by several newspapers such as The Daily Chirping and Arenque News published the story that "after finding new discoveries at the scene of the crime" that can conclude the plane incident was caused by a villain. The passengers were dead but P.E.A.C.E. will send their strongest hero with a heart of gold, GoldHeart, to avenge these passengers and bring the vile villain to justice and save the day once again.
GoldHeart video calls Flug on the same day after the press conference and asks him if he has seen the news.
Flug says yes he did. GoldHeart thought he was a lot calmer than he expected.
GoldHeart then suggested Flug should lay low from doing a crime for a few weeks, months, years, forever (then he wouldn't have to have to fight and arrest his boyfriend)
Flug tells GoldHeart not to worry and just said that he anticipated this was bound to happen eventually and was in fact planning another plane heist at Flight City Airport at Terminal 3, next Saturday.
GoldHeart's heart sank and tried his absolute best to convince Flug not to go through with it, but Flug was determined, much to GoldHeart's dismay.
After racking his brain for ideas for the past few days, GoldHeart manages to find the best outcome to the situation, managing to convince Falchion to put Flug in P.E.A.C.E.'s in a luxurious penthouse their Recovery and Rehab Institute for Heroes instead of an actual prison.
(Note: Similar to what they did to Miss Heed)
And just inform the news to tell the public that Flug has been sent to a high maximum security prison.
And the public wouldn't be any wiser about this. So everyone wins.
Falchion reluctantly agrees to GoldHeart's compromise but says GoldHeart has to pay for the cost and amenities for housing Flug in the rehab and GoldHeart gladly agrees to do so.
GoldHeart's plan is to keep Flug in the rehab until he becomes a hero.
Flug is absolutely crazy for wanting to be a villain instead of a hero and they have the most talented psychiatrists, therapists and rehabilitation workers there surely they can get to the psychological root of the problem and find a solution to it.
Sure Flug would be pissed and hate him at first when he reveals to Flug his identity after he had arrested him and found out he's been lying to him ever since they met each other.
But he knows Flug will love him for this once he sees the bigger picture and become a hero and their relationship would go back to normal, no even better this time with Flug by his side and no secrets between them.
Until then GoldHeart will visit him as much as possible and be there every step of the way.
Next Saturday, GoldHeart was at The Flight City, Terminal 3 Airport wearing an inconspicuous baggage handler disguise, even wearing sunglasses and a cap to hide his gold eyes and gold hair steak. He did this so that he can be in an airport runway and get the element of surprise on Flug and has his superhero costume underneath to jump into battle immediately when Flug arrives.
The reporters were also there in the airport looking inconspicuous.
However after two hours Flug was a no show. Which was odd because, on the information he got from Flug, his next heist was going to be at 10 am.
Making GoldHeart hopeful that Flug changed his mind about lying low.
Suddenly there was a blinding flash and faster than he could blink a large cargo plane fell from the sky at high speeds and from the sky and crashed onto him.
GoldHeart pushed the large plane out of the way, fortunately he was invulnerable so the impact didn't even leave a scratch on him.
Suddenly a large blue light surrounded him, immobilizing his movement. Making GoldHeart realise that the plane crash was a red herring to distract him.
Then as the smoke cleared from the crash and debris, a figure appeared in front of him, wearing a mask, white lab coat, a plane flight suit and the most noticeable was the robot suit he was wearing which had hand attachments that looked like plane propellers.
Even with the mask GoldHeart could tell that that person was Flug...
"You lying manipulative bastard..." Flug says voice dripping with venom at every syllable.
"Flug let me explain..." GoldHeart says, obvious that Flug figured it out before he could tell him. Despite mentally preparing himself for Flug's reaction on the reveal, seeing how hurt Flug was, his heart twist.
"Shut up!" Flug yells punching GoldHeart in the face using his robotic arm.
GoldHeart could feel a bruise forming at his cheek.
That hurt, that actually really hurt.
"You had all the time in the world to explain! But instead you choose to use me for your own heroic gain!" Flug said, voice shaking with anger, as he lift his robotic arms up and preparing to shoot GoldHeart with his lasers.
GoldHeart can clearly see that Flug was not in the talking mood to talk and focus instead on the fight. The reporters and cameras were there and he had to put up a good show in apprehending the villain.
With a blast of gold light from his body he manages to break away from the immobilizing beam as well as free him from his disguise and reveal his superhero costume in all of its glory. Then charge after Flug flying.
GoldHeart thought that he would have to hold back against Flug but his boyfriend was a lot tougher than he looks and was able to hold his ground in a fight and actually proved to be a challenge for him, which has never happened before.
So he had to give it all to subdue Flug.
Their fight lasted a gruesome five hours, resulting in destroying the entire airport in the process before he manages to destroy Flug's robot suit, take away his weapons and restrain him.
The P.E.A.C.E. crowd control team managed to evacuate all the civilians from the airport, so there were no casualties in the fight (so no hush money needed to be given out this time)
GoldHeart gave his interview to the reporters about the fight and adding some template buzz words about "the never ending battle between good and evil", "justice always prevails", and "heroes always wins" blah blah blah.
Before carrying Flug and flying him to the rehab centre.
GoldHeart enters the large glass penthouse suite Flug was kept in carrying a tray of Flug's favourite food - seafood pasta with a side of salad, lemonade and and a lemon tart for dessert.
The suite Flug was kept in was the largest one they had. The room was furnished with expensive furniture in yellow, Flug's favourite colour, such as a large king size bed, sofa, coffee table, a large bookcase full of books on airplanes and science, and a study table at the corner with boxes
The only downside of this rehab was there was no internet. Which was no issue as despite Flug's genius in creating advanced technology, he has never used the internet other than for school work. (If it were someone who was addicted to social media and the internet, this place would have been an utter nightmare for them)
His boyfriend was currently sitting at the corner of the bed, bandaged and bruised and refusing to even take at his direction even when he came in.
"I thought you might be hungry," GoldHeart says placing a plate of pasta onto the table, before sitting down on the other side of the bed.
Flug still refused to look at him.
"How did you find out?" GoldHeart asks trying to begin the conversation.
Flug continues to ignore him.
"Okay let's try this, let me put in my theory when you manage to figure it out," GoldHeart says trying to compromise on the situation.
"I didn't notice it at first but you've always told me everything, but you never told me about how you graduated from V.A.S.A and your plans for the heist. I also realized that you have been a bit more vague about school for about a month, so I'm guessing you found out I was GoldHeart about two month ago, am I right?"
Flug remained silent and GoldHeart thought it was going to be like that through this whole visit when Flug let out a hollow chuckled and finally turned to look at him
"Fair play right?" Flug finally says. "You kept things and lied to me to get ahead as a hero. I kept things and lied so that I could successfully complete my heist."
"How did you find out all this?" GoldHeart asks again.
Flug looks like he was contemplating for a few seconds before sighing and giving in, "Black Hat Institute and V.A.S.A. informed the students that there was a data breach from P.E.A.C.E. which coincide with things only you had access to at the same time.
I didn't want to believe it at first. Trying to deny it was just all a coincidence.
Even when you asked me all those questions about how I felt about heroes I believed you when you said you just wanted to know how I feel about this because you went to a school that supports heroes as there was no way my boyfriend would lie to me about all this."
GoldHeart couldn't help but wince at Flug's words.
"But I still couldn't help shake the gut feeling. I felt bad for even suspecting you, so I decided to do some digging and research on P.E.A.C.E. just to get rid of the feeling and prove myself wrong.
I couldn't find much at first, P.E.A.C.E. had an immaculate PR team and a difficult cyber security to break into.
But then saw a newspaper article GoldHeart online. I never thought about him twice before but I remembered how you mentioned him once and as I stared into the photo in the news I couldn't help but notice how similar you look to him."
GoldHeart remembers the time he asked Flug what he thought about his hero persona.
"Even then, I still denied it, as celebrity looks alikes were the same.
I tried to used a facial recognition software on your picture and his and compared the audio recording of videos of the interviews you did to the voice messages you left me just to prove I was wrong.
But every evidence points to the same thing that you Herbert Leth are GoldHeart."
GoldHeart tries not to flinch at Flug's stare.
"All this time you used me! For months, ever since we met, you lied used me for information to give to P.E.A.C.E. for your own heroic gain. You befriended me, dated me, slept with me, and even made me believed that you loved me!"
GoldHeart could hear the Flug's voice cracked on the verge of crying.
"I really do love you Flug," GoldHeart says truthfully.
"LIAR!" Flug suddenly yells absolutely livid, suddenly grabbing GoldHeart's collar in a threatening hold.
"It's true! I did this for us, Flug!" GoldHeart took Flug's hands that were on his collar and held it in his arms.
"Look I admit it didn't start out that way at first. Yes, I was a spy for P.E.A.C.E and I befriended you for the wrong reasons, but as I got to know you I truly started to care about you then when l fell in love with you and we started dating I realised I can't live without you. That's why I've been trying for months to redeem you and get you to reform because I want us to stay together," GoldHeart explains.
Flug gave GoldHeart a cold hard stare before pulling his hands away from him. GoldHeart tries not to look hurt.
"You expect me to believe that?" Flug asked, voice as cold as liquid nitrogen, suddenly his eyes widened in realisation,"You're trying to use me again aren't you..."
"Flug I'm not-" GoldHeart tries to explain but was interrupted.
"Trying to get a villain, your new Arch-Nemesis to reform, just after one battle, to make yourself look good! Then once you have me wrapped around your finger again your going my genius and inventions for your own personal gain!" Flug said literally shaking in anger.
"No, Flug. Listen to me! I'm telling the truth! I really do care about you. You got to believe me this time," GoldHeart attempts to persuade his boyfriend.
"Believe you! BELIEVE YOU!" Flug spats out the words like it was a curse.
"Ever since we met you have been lying to me and using me to get ahead! And this is no different! Give me one good reason why I should believe you this time!" Flug stares at GoldHeart with challenging conviction.
"I-" GoldHeart tries to come up with something, but for the first time ever he was lost for words. Flug was right. What reason can he give for Flug to trust him.
"That's what I thought..." Flug says.
GoldHeart left the rehab centre with a heavy heart. He knows he's doing the right thing.
But why does he feel like his not?
He got a call from his agent telling him to come back to Flight City as the mayor wanted to give him the key to the city for defeating Dr.Flug.
GoldHeart says he'll be there in 15 minutes. The interruption was welcomed, hopefully giving him time to come up with an answer for Flug.
"I have to go...," GoldHeart says standing up. I'll be back in a few hours. Well continue this later, alright. I love you."
"Fuck off!" Flug yells. The look of contempt and hatred Flug gave him before he left would forever haunt him.
Not even five minutes after GoldHeart left he got a call from Captain Eugenia, the head of security at the rehab, informing him that Flug had escaped.
GoldHeart flew back to the rehab faster than a speeding bullet going back to the penthouse and just as he was told Flug was gone.
He searched around the rehab and around the city but it was too late...
Flug was long gone.
GoldHeart angrily questions every single one of the guards and demands they tell him how this happened and how could they let this happen?!
All the guards said the same thing the lights went off in a sudden blackout and when they went to check the patients, they found that Flug was missing.
GoldHeart could only smash the wall with his fist in frustration.
When Flug found out the truth on GoldHeart he broke down crying at the utter betrayal of the person he thought was most dear had been using him to gain information.
Before doing anything drastic, Flug needed to know: Is Leth's feelings for him all a lie as well?
Flug decides to test Leth and at the same time prepare for a contingency plan for the worst outcome.
Flug would be graduating V.A.S.A. soon and has already brainstormed an idea for his first ever heist He knows if the tells Leth, it would be an utter failure, so he decides to tell him about his heist only after he has done it.
(Note: The mayonnaise jar story was a lie Flug told GoldHeart to throw him off that he was planning his heist for months. But Flug did need to use the mayonnaise jars he found outside the cafeteria because he ran out of bell-jars because of an experiment😂)
This would also be a way to test him.
Leth was the one who only knew the passengers were dead.
And if P.E.A.C.E. found out anything about that (which they would most likely put in a press release and publish on every one of their news outlets), it would prove that GoldHeart doesn't love him at all and their relationship was all a lie. He just sees him as a source of information to use for his benefit and would sell him out to the heroes when given the opportunity.
Flug hoped that this wouldn't be true, but his worst fears came true as on the next day he saw on the press release from P.E.A.C.E. that confirmed his fears. Even more so when the press release informs them that they are sending their best hero GoldHeart to "bring him to justice".
There were obviously signs from the start but he chose to ignore it and think with his heart instead of his head.
He was never going to make that same mistake again...
Flug gave it his all in the fight and didn't hold back, taking all his anger, frustrations and feelings of betrayal his been bottling for months all out on fighting GoldHeart, the boy who he loved and thought loved him.
Using the backpack strength suit he created specifically to fight GoldHeart and counter his invulnerability, powers, and super strength, in case the worst of his fears came true. He even testing his teleporter to teleport one of the cargo planes he stole to crash into GoldHeart. The look on the hero's face was hilarious.
The fight lasted for a few hours before he was apprehended, Flug didn't expect to win, that's why he attached his shrink ray to his heli-bots and program them to steal the planes from the other terminals before anyone could notice while GoldHeart was busy fighting him and the P.E.A.C.E. evacuation team and reporters were so focused on the fight. Of course P.E.A.C.E. and their one sided news never covered it. Saying that the missing planes from the other terminals were destroyed in the fight by Flug to hide GoldHeart and their embarrassing oversight.
Flug stared at all of the furnishings and all his favourite items in the penthouse in discontent as if to hide the fact that this is another form of jail. The place was a literal screaming definition of a golden prison.
He expected to be placed in one of the jails owned by P.E.A.C.E, not a penthouse suite in their rehab centre, preparing detailed plans on how to easily break out of nearly every prison except for Mictlán.
Even with the most detailed planning Flug would need a team of at least a team of two to break out of the most heavily guarded and secure prison in the world.
Fortunately the rehab was not like Mictlán Even with GoldHeart most likely upping the security here because of his stay, from his observations when he was escorted by the security guards to his room the place's security was nothing as compared to a prison. Noticing the cameras had more blind spots than he can count and most of the staff were able to go in and out of most rooms without a pass.
Flug sat on the bed thinking about his plan. The glass doors to his room opened, accompanied by cautious steps and the smell of pasta, his favourite food, Flug didn't need to be a mind reader to know that it was GoldHeart. No doubt here to use the honey hatchet method to get more information from him.
He didn't want to deal with GoldHeart's manipulative lies now.
Flug ignores GoldHeart's question on how he found out, hoping he would go away if he ignores him long enough and he had enacted his escape plan until GoldHeart came up with his own accurate hypothesis. Flug decided to give in.
Flug wasn't the one to monologue, one of the most important things for a villain is to give as little information to the hero as possible. Perhaps he was exhausted. The two months of planning had taken a toll on him. Or perhaps he just wants to let everything out after bottling up, knowing that things will never be the same between him and Leth ever again. So decides to break the rules for once and tell him everything and get everything off his chest and out in the open.
Flug was pissed that GoldHeart told him about wanting to redeem him. This was obviously a lie. The two faced lying scumbag still had the audacity to keep up his caring boyfriend act. And he wasn't going to fall for it, not this time.
GoldHeart was a manipulative liar and everything he says cannot be trusted no matter how sincere he sounds.
Then it dawned on him that perhaps GoldHeart was not lying, he must want to redeem him to make himself look better, being able to redeem his Arch-Nemesis and use his genius afterwards, not because he cares about him.
He was proven so when GoldHeart can't even answer a simple question of why he should trust him.
And even so when he overheard GoldHeart was going to get a key from the city for defeating him.
After GoldHeart left it was easy for him to escape.
While in the blind spot of the camera at his room, he used the tools from the airplane model set to craft a device that would cause a power outage as well as using the device to surcharge the doors to open it and electrocute a few guards walking his direction before they even notice him. Then he managed to steal their clothes and go down the stairway and out the exit before anyone was wiser.
By the time GoldHeart got there it was too late...
Afterwards fights would go on and on the same way.
Flug would win some and escape. GoldHeart would win some and put Flug in jail only for Flug to escape immediately after he leaves.
GoldHeart has tried multiple times to reach out to Flug but he would not listen.
What's worse, Flug's eyes that would once look at him with love and adoration now looked at him with contempt and hatred.
He can't take it! He can't be without him!
GoldHeart has attempted to redeem Flug multiple times in the past but the old resulted in failure.
So he came to a conclusion, if Flug won't choose to become good, then he will just not give him a choice and end villainy forever.
Afterwards GoldHeart opened a new position for his team with someone who can help his cause to end villainy forever. He didn't care if the person had super powers or not.
Unfortunately the person who fits the roll was Miss Heed...
GoldHeart was shocked and displeased that the annoying spoilt brat was still alive. Worst still when she found out that she has a creepy obsessive crush on his hero persona.
He definitely didn't want her on his team but
Unfortunately she has the formula he needs to end villainy AND GET HIS FLUG BACK!
So beggars can't be choosers...
When Miss Heed found out that GoldHeart and Herbert Leth were the same person she was utterly humiliated and regretted it thinking that she ruined her chances of making GoldHeart fall in love with her and attempts to backtrack her behaviour saying that it was all just a joke and she was totally a different person now.
GoldHeart tells her to fuck off. Saying the only reason why she is allowed on his team was because of her formula which is needed to end villainy other than that he doesn't care if she get killed by a villain I'll get a ride over by traffic.
So she better work hard in perfecting the formula or else...
This made her scream and humiliation and become more determined to win GoldHeart's love.
She also can't let GoldHeart ever know that she stole the formula for Flug. However she also needs him to perfect it otherwise GoldHeart will never love her. Perhaps she can spray Flug with her perfume and make him into one of her followers...
The Golden Rule Members absolutely hated Miss Heed. Her obsession wanting to be the centre of attention resulted in her habit of stealing ideas and the spotlight from her own team.
This made the team think that perhaps they were a bit too harsh on their judgement of Flug. And kinda wished they tried harder to get him to reform. The nerdy boy was a breath of fresh compared to this hysterical attention seeking monstrosity. And now they have to deal with her on a regular basis as their team mate.
They complained relentlessly about her to GoldHeart who says he will get rid of her once she creates the perfect formula to end villainy forever. In the meantime he tells them to treat her like a part time member or an intern. He will also reduce the amount of team interactions with her such, as group collaborations, sponsorships, meetings, casual team meetups, ect with her as much as necessary and create a separate group chat without her in it.
Afterwards The Golden Rule limits their interactions with Miss Heed as well as made her life a living hell behind the scenes in the meantime hoping to make her quit
Miss Heed was not used to this kind of treatment. In school she could easily bribe the villain students not to bully her. But now she has no such leverage on her hero team mates.
She complained to GoldHeart but the hero paid no heed (heh) to her complaints knowing that she won't quit.
She has a creepy obsession with him of wanting him to be her boyfriendz which would definitely won't happen, and reeks of desperation for attention.
Hence he knows that she knows if she leaves the most popular hero team she will be less beloved, popular and given less attention. So she would definitely rather be treated like crap in the most popular hero team rather than to be treated nicely in a less popular hero team.
When Flug saw Cecilia on TV being initiated as the new member of The Golden Rule by GoldHeart he was absolutely shocked. Part of her was glad she was alive while the part was thinking "what the hell was going on?".
He concluded that not only did GoldHeart use him for information but while GoldHeart was in Black Hat Institute must have convinced her to become a hero, most likely for her family's wealth and influence. As much as he thought he knew Cecilia wouldn't do this, being obsessed with popularity and fame which would definitely come at being a hero, she would most likely have taken the deal.
Perhaps he didn't know her at all...
Perhaps all that fighting they did in school was all just an act in front of him to make her less suspicious about any ties with GoldHeart.
And she left earlier than him as two students disappearing from school would be more suspicious. Her father most likely covered her tracks and made her disappear so that she wouldn't be hunted by the school.
This revelation absolutely hurts. He can feel his heart absolutely breaking and being smashed into a million pieces.
Having not only been betrayed by his boyfriend but also his first ever and best friend.
Flug never had any personal vendetta against heroes, only knowing fighting them comes with the package of being a villain. But after everything he experienced with those two he can easily conclude...
Heroes are the absolute worst.
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mintaikk · 5 months
Analyzing Tumblr Sexymen so people can explain their "HEAR ME OUT" characters, Miss Heed addition!
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Part 1, Prev
(Honestly I was on the fence about doing her because she is a conventionally attractive human women and wouldnt be a controversial hear me out character, and then I remembered that I left out straight men when analyzing these. So uhh, this is all you're gonna get until I go back to explaining monsters. Also, I like Miss Heed.)
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raamenartz · 10 months
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Miss Heed 😘
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theoddest1 · 7 months
so i watched villanous the other day, and i have to say it feels like a prope, fleshed out version of helluva boss. (i kind of feel like i'm insulting it by comparing it ngl 💀)
but i will never forgive H*H and H*B for ruining Black Hat's design because of their art styles. i cant unsee. dammit.
They even tried to copy the Instagram storytelling tactic Villainous did. Verosika is just demon sona Miss Heed too!
Honestly, Black Hat as a character wasn't much for me, but I think it's due to HH absolutely overdoing the style of the character, and that makes me genuinely upset cause Villainous characters are so much more memorable to me and I would love to learn more about them but ofc CN had to screw that up. Maybe one day it will be avenged!
Villainous should have gotten far more recognition than HH imo. It was more cohesive, had actual well placed arcs, and cool designs and silhouettes that mesh well with the character's personalities and tells us who they are thanks to that. HH fails at this 90% of the time.
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artvicherry · 5 months
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I love it (headcanon)
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moon-bunny24 · 4 months
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magicalgrimm · 2 months
Anyone have any other examples of “heart themed character who’s actually anything but a lovely person”
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9mmreligion · 4 months
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paper-gold-theories · 1 month
PaperGold Headcanon: Flug Gave GoldHeart his Earrings
This is an extremely far fetched PaperGold Headcanon 😂 but I noticed that during the timeline when Miss Heed saw GoldHeart on TV in Flug's flashback and when she has a most likely old magazine of him, you can see he is not wearing earrings.
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(again this is far fetched because the image is blurry)
However when Miss Heed joined The Golden Rule, you can see him wearing his gold earrings.
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The earrings are the one thing that doesn't fit with GoldHeart's costume
GoldHeart dyes his hair gold, wears a gold cape, and heck even gold knee pads so why wouldn't his earrings be also heart shaped?
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I made a few theories that Flug and GoldHeart met and became good friends friends (or possibly something more) after Miss Heed left the academy and before she joined the Golden Rule.
(1) (2) (3)
I theorized that GoldHeart once off mentioned to Flug that he wants to get some gold earrings and Flug to make his friend happy, decided to buy or since he is a genius inventor and engineer who could make and build robots hence has experience forging with metal, most likely made the earrings himself from some gold from his own stash of stolen gold to give it as a present for his friend.
GoldHeart is touched by the sweet gesture from his beloved friend, and decides to wear the earrings and not take it off even in his hero costume although they don't match his costume theme.
P.E.A.C.E. offered to give GoldHeart earrings to match his costume but he refused, saying that he wants to where his earrings because it was from someone special.
One of the reasons Flug recognised GoldHeart was his friend Herbert Leth was because of the earrings he gave him, which led to GoldHeart finding out that Flug is a villain which resulted in them having a feud.
Even after they become Arch-Enemies, GoldHeart still wears the earrings to remind him of Flug and as a hope and motivation that he can redeem him or eliminate villainy forever one day so that they can be together.
Flug probably thought GoldHeart was still wearing the earrings to mock him as a reminder of their "false friendship" and that he managed to trick him.
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palatteflags · 1 month
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Dr. Flug and Miss Heed from Villainous based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon!! Hope you like how this looks~!
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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giraffenecc · 1 year
I would have liked to add the glow to her accessories but I have no idea how to use Davinci Resolve :sobs:
Maybe I'll add it later if I figure out how to use it but for now, it is done.
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super-red-lunatic · 2 months
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profound-bouquetbird · 9 months
Gonna be so self indulgent with this request but-
Miss Heed x Transmasc!Reader TwT
The request didn't really have much explination as to what exactly I should write, but I tried my best to write as much as possible :)
(found a gif 👍)
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We all know Miss Heed is in dire need of attention
I mean- at the end of her episode we can see her losing her mind when someone doesn't give her attention! (aka 'love her')
Also, in her episode we see her using the love chemical on both men and women, so your gender identity doesn't really matter to her (idk if this is offencive or if it was necessary to put in-)
As long as you're giving her attention, she won't complain
I can see her taking you shopping and buying you clothes that make you feel comfortable, as well as match her general style
Since she makes little clips for her fans, I can see her having little draft videos of the two of you. She never posts them, because the people under her spell would be heartbroken knowing that Miss Heed had a lover, but she keeps them in her drafts so that she can look at them in her own spare time, to lift up her mood when you aren't around
If you haven't already gotten surgery, you bet she's either going to pay for your surgeries or get one of her minions, that are a professional in that specific field, to do the surgery for free. But, if you aren't comfortable with getting surgery from a person that is smitten with your partner, then she would gladly pay for someone who isn't under her 'spell' to do it
When, and if, you get top surgery, I can see her just lightly kissing your scars one you're healed and comfortable enough. She just wants to show how much she loves and appreciates you for loving her
She loves you the way you are, just how you love her the way she is
She was there for your ups and downs, just like you were there for hers
If she met you before transitioning, I can see her getting adjusted to your pronouns pretty quickly
Is the one to recommend hair cuts she finds cute. Miss Heed would recommend the typical mullet, buzz cut, undercut, fringe up, stuff like that (it's up to you to decide weather you like them or not)
I saw some people tattooing their top surgery scars, so if you decided to do that, she would be hesitant but would suggest to get a little matching tattoo on either her shoulder or wrist, just to show that she's supporting you
I'm sorry, I don't know what else to write 😭 maybe I'll reblog my post and add a couple of more headcanons, but who knows 🤷
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artvicherry · 4 months
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Miss heed con nuevo outfit ❤️⭐💕
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favficbirthdays · 4 months
Happy Birthday
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Miss Heed (3rd June)
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