#Vince would be mortified
thelesbododo · 6 months
Rody is the type to get hit by bus and still go into work as if nothing happened
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hi, can I please get an in nutshell answer what will be the reaction of the children when one day when the rest of the Prime team is busy on a particularly important mission and the only one who could pick them up from school is Red Cross. And when she drives up to the school to pick up the kids, their classmates start laughing at them, and especially Vince, who said (Wow guys, I knew you three were losers, but to ride on such an ancient piece of scrap metal is a whole new level.)
I need to come back to some of these Buddies, this is good.
In a nutshell...
Red Cross has no problem in picking up the kids.
But the kids did because of Red Cross alt mode.
Lucky for the Red had picked them up later to not draw too much attention.
But that didn't stop Vince and his goons from laughing and making fun of them.
The kids are mortified as they climb into Red Cross who is in a chipper mood and asks about their day.
There is fussing from Miko and Jack about their alt mode. Raf just wants to know if the others are okay.
The next day, Vince and his goons go up to the group ready to remind them of their place when from around the corner someone with an old nursing outfit with honor medals comes to their rescue.
The mystery adult goes on about the kids being so wonderful in fixing their great great grandparents car and telling them that the WW 1 vet would have loved to see them ride once again, rest their soul.
The older person turns to the bullies and does not hold back on the scolding for them making fun of the vehicle and the dishonor they brought.
The goons and Vince eventually leave feeling like utter garbage.
The person smiles at the kids winking before disappearing.
A familiar car sits outside the school ready to pick them up.
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mack-devereaux · 1 year
Vince Dunn
Authors note: Vince is my comfort player. I love him. So it’s only fitting that I write about him in a comfort fic. No clue on word count. Pictures are from Pinterest. I think the only trigger is like 3 curse words? And a little bit of angst, just a tiny bit.
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Isn’t it strange? There are so many people out there who secretly love someone. And yet there are so many people who have no idea that someone secretly loves them.
Vince was new to Seattle. He had just gotten traded, he knew it was coming, but yet he wasn’t prepared for how much of a difference it would be. In St. Louis he had his friends. But here, he was so new he didn’t have friends yet and with his family in Canada he was struggling trying to settle in. He just wanted someone to talk to and hang out with. His floor in his apartment complex was very quiet, as far as he knew there were only two tenants, him and a very very quiet person, as far as the other rooms, they were used for storage. He never saw his neighbor nor had he heard them when they came and went. Until today that is, he was texting on his phone while walking down the hallway when all of a sudden something, or someone, smacked right into his chest.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention I—“ the cute blonde stopped speaking immediately when she looked at him “wow your eyes are really pretty.” Vince grinned. Kinda taken aback by the chatty girl. “Oh I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m sorry, I’ll pay more attention next time” the girl stuttered.
“It’s really not a big deal. I’m Vince” he stuck out his hand. The girl took his hand and she swore electricity shot up her arm. “Y/n” she smiled dropping her hand and reaching for her apartment keys.
“Well for the record y/n you have very beautiful eyes as well” he added with a wink and a panty dropping smile. He felt an odd sense of calm and peace when they touched hands. “Do you flirt with all your neighbors Dunner?” She asked.
“Wait how do you—“ his eyebrows pinched together, she knew who he was.
“I work for the Kraken sometimes. I’m one of the extra medics they call in when you guys get too crazy out there. It’s my job to know who you guys are. But you should get going before you’re late to training” she leaned into her doorway of her apartment.
“Shit, yea. Well I guess I will see you around then, don’t be a stranger. You can come hang out anytime, I’m only a door away” he smiled and started to walk down the hall to go to the gym. Looking back over his shoulder he noticed her watching him “you too Vince”.
*a few weeks later*
Y/n was sitting on her couch alone, only because Vince was out of town on a roadie. She didn’t realize how much she had gotten used to his presence until he was gone. Literally. He was constantly in her apartment, and if he wasn’t at her place she was at his. At this point they were the equivalent to roommates. Vince tried to convince himself it was because he felt calm and peace around her, not that he had a massive crush on her. He made the mistake of telling his friend Sam about her and he hasn’t heard the end of it.
Y/n wasn’t mad about constantly having the cute hockey player in her apartment over the last few weeks, however she did wish he gave some heads up when he came over though. There’s been many times he just barged in when she was looking like a mess or had just crawled out of bed with her hair everywhere. He claimed it was a cute look for her but she was still mortified. He was like sex on legs, he constantly looked amazing. Between his dark curls and his bright green eyes she knew she was fucked. Plus his constant flirting and the need for physical touch was not helping her case. She quickly picked up that physical touch was how he needed reassurance. He always mentioned how she kept him grounded and not in his head, she took that as a huge compliment, he didn’t seem like the type to let people in very easily.
Her phone vibrated on the table, bringing her out of her trance she had fallen into, she reached out and saw a text from Vince.
From Dunner 😈:
Hey babygirl, you able to talk?
Babygirl, the name he called her when it was just them, she loved it. It often became Babe around his friends and teammates. But she wasn’t mad about that nickname either. She hit the call button and waited for him to answer.
“Someone’s impatient” she rolled her eyes when he answered.
“You’re the one who texted me, I figured it would be a waste of time by texting you, just to have you call me” y/n explained.
“That’s fair. What are you up to?” He said, he sounded tired.
“Laying on my couch” y/n said.
“Sexy, what are you wearing” he smiled.
“Vince” she rolled her eyes “don’t make it weird.”
He laughed “come on babygirl live a little, I know you’re wearing my shirt.”
Glancing down she scoffed “no I’m not” yes she was, “How was your game” she quickly changed subjects.
“I knew it” he grinned biting his lip. He loved when she wore his clothes. “It was good, did you watch?”
“I always do” she sighed “when do you come back?”
“I knew you missed me” he chirped.
“Quit teasing me or I will hang up” she pouted. Messing with the hem of the worn out shirt.
“No you won’t, you miss me too much. But I’ll be back in a few days babe” he yawned.
“I’m gonna fall asleep soon” she said also yawning.
“You should stay up, I wanna keep flirting with you” he whined.
“You’re ridiculous” she laughed.
“You never flirt back, it’s boring” he said.
“Umm yes I do, you’re just super attractive and it makes me nervous to flirt with you too much, I never know when you’re being serious” she laughed.
“I’m always serious babe” he said, after a note of silence on her end he added “get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah, goodnight Vince.”
As y/n hung up he looked at his lock screen photo of them. They were out at a club with the team, she was in a dark blue dress and he was wearing a black t shirt and dark jeans. She was sitting on his lap with his arm around her back and they were taking selfies. He had just touched her exposed shoulder with his cold beer bottle when she jumped. Then he snapped a photo of them mid laugh. It was his favorite picture of them. For as much as he teased her about her missing him, he was certain he missed her way more. Being away from her was weird. Especially since they had only met a short while ago. He’s never clicked with someone this quick before. He didn’t know what to make of it. His friend Sam had tried giving him advice on asking her out but he wasn’t sure how she felt about the situation. A text came through bringing him back to reality.
From Babygirl 🥵:
Goodnight 💕
To Babygirl 🥵:
Goodnight babe
We looked at each other just a little too long to be just friends.
*a few weeks later*
Y/n was adding some final touches to her makeup before she heard her door unlock.
“I’m coming!“ she shouted as she grabbed a hair tie to throw on her wrist. She walked out into the living room seeing Vince drop his duffel bag by the door, he was wearing a dark game day suit and his curls were styled perfectly. It’s a shame that hair will be covered by a helmet soon. Damn he looked good.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yeah, just let me grab a few things,” she grabbed her purse and her water bottle. She was going to the game tonight because they were playing the Canucks, the Kraken tend to get a little rough with each other when they played teams close to them. Mainly because the crowd was always intense and got the energy going in the arena. So naturally Vince had convinced her to carpool with him, with games like this he always got a little hotheaded. Just having y/n around him seemed to keep him calm. Which he would need after tonight’s match up with their Canadian neighbors. She was his first friend here, and somehow between the late night talks and flirting he had fallen for her. Even some of the teammates had noticed how he kept her close to him, literally and figuratively. Little did he know that she had fallen for him too. How could she not. The two of them just fit so perfectly together. The drive to the game was filled with flirty banter and small talk.
The game was a bloodbath. Penalties were called left and right. Players were coming off the ice like crazy with cuts and bloody noses and injuries constantly. It was a good thing they called in backup, which they definitely utilized. She was right behind the players bench watching everyone with such intensity, even the other team. The end of the second period was nearing, she couldn’t wait for the team to have an intermission to cool down. The energy in the arena was out of this world. She had been to plenty of games before, but none had been this intense.
Then it happened, gloves came off and it was a blur of blue and white wrestling on the ice, punches and insults thrown around like nothing. She forgot how to breathe once she realized it was Vince who was fighting. As a medic she was used to blood, especially at the hockey games, it never bothered her but it was different seeing Vince bloody. She wasn’t sure how long they had been fighting. After what felt like a lifetime the refs finally ripped the players apart. Vince immediately going towards the bench, he was yelling. The teams physician pulling him to the side and down the tunnel checking for any major injuries. They had moved so fast it didn’t register to y/n that they were halfway to the locker room already.
“No, I want y/n! Please!“ Vince shouted. Y/n snapping out of her frozen stance she followed the physician down the tunnel and into the locker room where she heard him shouting. As she turned the corner she immediately went for gloves and gauze. Throwing her hair up in a bun the physician was explaining what she needed to do, he had his hands full with this game, she was happy to help but still in shock that Vince was the one she was tending to. “No concussion, but we need the cut on his lip and cheek cleaned up and check his teeth for any other bleeding. He’ll return for the 3rd period. When you’re done with him send him where the rest of the team is. Oh and check his shoulder too, he took a nasty hit.”
“Yep. Got it” she said as she was washing her hands and putting gloves on to look at his face. As she stepped in front of Vince she grabbed his face gently making him look at her, still in shock over what she had witnessed. Yes she knew hockey was a violent sport. Yes she knew there were lots of injuries. But seeing Vince get hurt and in a fight was something she wasn’t prepared for. He was breathing hard, still pissed off about the call and the fight. But as soon as y/n was in front of him he felt better. She was explaining what she was doing, and asking permission to clean him up. He wasn’t listening, he knew she had to do that for her job. He leaned forward and just hugged her waist, leaning his head into her side, not saying anything. His breathing still heavy but starting to even out.
“Vince, I need to clean that cut,” y/n sighed.
“Y/n please. I need to calm down. Just—Please.” He was wound up, he tried to keep his voice level, not wanting her to hear him yell. So she let him, his sweat and probably blood going on her shirt. She just stood there and rubbed his back, well she tried to rub his back. It was hard with all the pads and gear on. After about 5 minutes of him just hugging her he finally pulled away. She didn’t say anything, she just looked at him, he nodded to her and she started looking at his injuries. He never looked away from her face. He notices the grey swirls in her eyes, she was holding back tears, the long black lashes, the freckles lightly dotting across her nose.
The cuts weren’t bad, and his shoulder was fine. Relief flooded her, when she was done she took her gloves off and threw everything away, “Vince, are you ok” she said looking at him. He was already looking at her.
“I’m ok” he breathed out “thank you baby girl.” He stood up and kissed her on the forehead, letting his lips stay there for a second longer than he should have, and walked to where the rest of his team was. She let out a huge sigh and sat down. After a minute she walked back to the bench for the last period.
The game ended in overtime with the Kraken winning. Y/n was charting and filling out paperwork when the team was finishing up post game interviews and showers. Vince walked around the corner to meet y/n by the team parking, and they walked together to his car. Once in the car Vince’s hand soon found its way to y/ns thigh, still needing some sort of comfort from her, she set her hand on top of his and intertwined their fingers. They said nothing the entire way home. Not even as he grabbed her hand and walked past her door straight to his apartment. It was rare that he was this quiet after games. They always fell so easy into conversations, but she didn’t dare speak first this time. She sat on the couch as he went into his room to change. After a few minutes he came out and handed her one of his old shirts, she walked to the bathroom to change. She grinned once she saw it was her favorite shirt of his, a very worn out hockey shirt from when he played for the Icedogs in his OHL days. It fell to her mid thigh, which was fine, she normally wore boy short underwear so she wasn’t super uncomfortable in just the shirt.
As she walked out of the bathroom she saw him in the kitchen. His sweatpants hanging low on his hips. She could see the tension in his back muscles still. She walked up to him and just hugged him from behind, even though he towered over her. He turned around and lifted her up to where she was sitting on the counter and his hands were on either side of her legs. They stared at each other for a minute. Y/n reached out to brush his curls off his forehead. He leaned into her touch and as she went to grab the side of his face he grabbed her hand a kissed the back of it.
“Y/n. I am sorry for what happened earlier.”
“Vince, I’ve seen you fight before it’s not a big deal, I just panicked for a second when I saw that you were the one hurt, and with everyone screaming that loud in there I just shut down.“
“ No, let me finish please.” He sighed, “it’s not that. I—fuck. He made a comment about you and it set me off. Y/n you give me a sense of calm that I’ve never had before. I’m pretty hotheaded and get worked up pretty easy out there. You’re the only thing that can calm me down, and that terrifies me. Every time I’m around you I just feel peace, and comfort. I’m not sure how to explain it, and I know it sounds dumb but I just need you to stay with me.”
“Vince I’m not leaving, you make me feel the same. I’m not sure when it happened for me either but everything is easy with you. I don’t want it to stop” Y/n said.
“Can we go to bed then? Just relax for the night?” Vince looked at her.
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bellysoupset · 2 months
OMG, the strep throat fix is so good!! Any chance for a part 2???!
Part 2 bc I thought of a way to use it for Part 3 🙈 Queen of self control.
"This is so embarrassing," Leo grumbled, rolling on the couch and pressing his feverish face to Jonah's tummy, voice coming out even more muffled by his sweater.
He felt, more than heard, his boyfriend chuckle, a hand resting on Leo's shoulder. The movement caused the sweater to slightly suffocate him, which would've been fine any other day, but given that he could only breathe through his mouth since his nose was stuffed, it caused a coughing fit and Leo sprung up.
He coughed and coughed until his ribs hurt, a horrible taste flooding his mouth and his head spinning from the lack of oxygen. The hot soup he had had for dinner tickling his throat, but Leo swallowed it back down.
It was embarrassing enough that he had crashed into Wendy's apartment five hours earlier than he should be, sick, and had caused Vince to stay behind from hanging out with his girlfriend. It was mortifying that he had to shower in her private bathroom, just to bring the fever down. Leo didn't want to add throwing up in her couch to the list of offenses.
"Here," Wendy's voice broke through the fog and Leo wiped at his eyes. It felt like they were burning and his head was throbbing. He really wanted to go home, but after all the stress he had put Jonah through in the morning, Leo was willing to sit around since the other man seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself.
Normally Vince's personality — earnest, warm, positive —, brought out all the sass Jonah had. It wasn't that he didn't love the guy, Leo knew damn well that wasn't case, it was just that he couldn't help the sarcasm with someone who was so sincere. However, that wasn't the case today.
Leo wasn't sure if the fever was playing tricks on him, but it seemed like Jon had forgotten his walls at the door... He had missed Vince, even if he would never say it out loud.
"What?" Leo asked tiredly, pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead and rubbing at it, as if he could remove the pain. Wendy sat near his foot on the couch, holding a metal tin.
"I knew I had this somewhere," she said, showing him the case and Leo stared at it, his brain refusing to cooperate.
"Vicks VapoRub?" Jonah sounded amused, "that's some mum stuff."
Wendy rolled her eyes at him, opening the tin, "lean back, Leo," she instructed and Leo frowned, instead of obeying.
He blinked owlishly at her, "I'm fine," the rasp sounded ridiculous even to his own ears and Jonah let out a scoff, while Wendy completely ignored him, pushing him back against his boyfriend.
"Get his shirt?" She asked, grabbing a dollop of the gel and Leo's frown deepened as he felt Jonah's hands pulling his shirt up.
"What the- No!" Leo whined when Wendy promptly smeared the gel on his naked chest. His whole face burnt with embarrassment and he brought his hands up, angrily covering his face, "this is so humiliating."
"You're really not my type, don't worry," Wendy teased him, "I don't do blondes," she continued to spread the gel around. Leo felt Jon press a kiss to his temple, but he still didn't pull back his hand, hoping the ground would open and swallow him. He couldn't believe he was getting rubbed down by Wendy, of all people.
"Shut up," Leo groaned, then whined when Jon pushed his hands down. Wendy was grinning at him, her cheeks pink and her green eyes alight with mischief.
"Leo, relax," she rubbed the gel up to his clavicle, her cold fingers making goosebumps spring up and causing Leo to blush even more, if that was possible. He was sure he looked great, swimming in an old sweats set from Vince, with the large sweat shirt all but tucked under his chin; His hair had dried all weird and was sticking out as if he was part of a grunge rock band, and now Wendy was sitting near his hip, lathering him in minty gel.
He let out a heavy sigh and sniffled grossly, reaching to wipe at his raw nose with the sleeve, only for Jonah to manifest a soft tissue in front of him.
"D-anks," Leo mumbled, blowing his nose again and clutching the tissue in a fist when the action caused his head to swim again. He groaned and slumped on Jon's shoulder, breathing through his mouth, "this is horrible."
"I know," Jonah continued to hold him, almost halfway across his lap like an overgrown baby, "let's head home?"
Yes, Leo thought, but he could clearly tell Jon did not want a positive answer. Not with how large he was smiling. He shook his head no, closing his eyes.
"In a bit," Leo said, shivering as Wendy tugged his sweatshirt down and then the minty cream started to warm up his skin and unclog his nose. He cuddled up even closer to Jonah as he could, trying to melt in his arms.
"So you were saying about school?" Jon said, his voice a note lower, rumbling in his chest, "how are the kids treating you?"
"The little ones are easy," Vince answered and Leo heard a squeal, probably him grabbing Wendy and causing her to fall on his lap, on the opposite couch, "the seniors are a bit of an issue. I don't think they give much of a fuck about my class at all."
"I mean, I sure didn't give a fuck about my history classes," Jonah teased him, while Wendy interrupted with a delighted sigh.
"Tell him about the pies," Leo could clearly hear the smile in her voice and the smugness in Vince's as he answered.
"I got five different moms bringing me pie this week, as a welcoming gift to the school board."
Jonah laughed, "you're already getting bribes?"
"Not bribes," Wendy sounded more smug than Vince, "they're flirting with him."
"No way," Jonah, incredulous, eagerly sitting up and causing Leo to groan as it moved him. Immediately Jonah settled back down, combing his fingers through his hair, "sorry, sorry- No way?"
"Yes, way," Wendy scoffed, "he's the new hot teacher, did you expect anything less?"
"Hot is an overstatement," Jonah teased, while Vince chuckled.
"Go fuck yourself, Banks- Leo, do you want a blanket?"
Leo was nearly drifting off, but almost as if he had missed a step in a set of stairs, he jerked from the slumber, forcing his eyes open. His stomach felt weird and his head cottony, vision slightly fuzzy as he rolled on the couch in order to see his friend.
True to what he had guessed, Vince was sitting in the other couch, with Wendy perched on his thigh.
"Do you want a blanket?" Vin repeated the question, looking concerned and before Leo could nod in agreement, Jon interrupted.
"He's still really warm, better not."
Leo whined, whole face scrunching up. He was freezing. He dug his feet on the couch, burying them in the crack between futons, and curled up, trying to prove that he did need a blanket. Lucas would've gotten him one.
"No, he wouldn't," Jonah answered him with a huff and Leo frowned, confused and blinking drowsily, all his limbs feeling heavy.
"Go to sleep," Jon rolled his eyes, stroking his cheek, "I'll wake you in a bit."
"Mmm'kay," Leo sighed, leaning against the soft touch and vaguely hearing as Vince tried to argue with Jon and Wendy that one blanket surely wouldn't kill him... Then the words all became white noise and all Leo could feel was Jon running his fingers through his hair and suddenly a blanket being tucked around him by rougher, bigger hands.
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thesightstoshowyou · 8 months
Week 3
Prompts: Trap(s). Ritual. Threesome. Rage
Keywords: Twisted. Fixation
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- Part Three -
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Vincent Sinclair x F Reader x Asa Emory (NSFW)
Warnings: Noncon/dubcon, rope play, blood, knife play, fingering, threesome, degradation, humiliation, orgasm denial, overstimulation, the boys are meanies.
The voice startles you both, makes you gasp and move to cover yourself, but—no, no—your arms are securely fastened behind your back. Your head whips around, gaze falling on Asa. He leans against the doorframe, arms crossed, black eyes reflecting the dancing candlelight.
Vincent jumps to his feet and places himself in front of you, blocking you from Asa’s sight. At least he seems appropriately upset by the intrusion. Your cheeks burn, mortified Asa has seen you like this. How long has he been standing there?
Asa holds out his hand in a placating gesture. “I asked to see your process, did I not? The entire process.” A moment of silence passes. You watch Vincent’s back carefully, your eyes growing wide when his tense shoulders relax a little, his posture losing its vexation. Asa continues, “I had hoped you would be open to constructive criticism.”
More quiet, more careful weighing of words. Fire snaps, the boiler hisses, wax bubbles in its pot. Christ, he can’t be considering—
With measured steps, Vincent moves to the side, revealing you to Asa’s scrutinizing gaze once again. “Vincent!” you beg, but he holds up a finger, silencing you.
Asa pushes away from the door and strolls over to where you sit, defenseless, on the mattress. Your chest rises and falls in rapid, anxious breaths, your heart slamming itself against your ribs. Is he going to touch you? Will he hurt you?
“The piece,” he’s talking about you, “Shows vulnerability. Fragility. But, I feel it’s missing….” His hand slips from his pocket as he produces the knife, thumb easing the blade free until steel glints under flickering candlelight, “Color.”
“Vince, please…” you beg, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
“Shhh,” Asa coos as he crouches down before you. He reaches out, calloused, scarred fingers tracing your cheek and snaking into your hair to grip the side of your face, holding you in place. Vincent watches intently and leans forward slightly to get a better view.
“Red,” Asa murmurs, “Gives much needed emotion to a piece.” The knife tip presses just under your collar bone, drags through your flesh until you shriek and sob. Asa’s thumb digs roughly into your cheek when you attempt to twist away from the pain. Crimson wells up under the blade and spills down your chest, staining the wax in violent scarlet, like some kind of twisted ritual.
Beside you, Vincent’s breaths shudder behind the mask. You struggle to reign in your own frantic breathing lest to succumb to pure panic. Asa’s eyes leave your face to admire the trickling of blood. Gently, he dips his fingers in red and traces them across your belly, your hip, painting you.
Next, he wets his whole palm with blood and wraps it around your throat. A perfect, scarlet handprint stains your neck when Asa lifts his hand away and Vincent nods excitedly in agreement. Asa ignores him, not yet finished.
“Open,” he instructs, smearing your lips with tangy iron. Tears spill down your cheeks as you hesitantly part your lips to accept the metallic fingers. They stroke your tongue and push into your throat until you gag. Blood-tinged spit dribbles down your chin and splatters onto your chest to join the mess coating your skin.
“Good girl,” Asa whispers, fingers finally vacating your mouth. You suck in a startled gasp when he leans forward and crushes his lips to yours. His tongue replaces bloody digits and laves against your own, overwhelming you with the taste of cigarettes and mint and blood, always blood. His teeth tug on your lip and the moan that bubbles up from your throat brings more burning heat to your cheeks.
This is the kiss you wanted from Vincent….
Asa pulls back and holds you in place with the hand in your hair when you try to follow. The corner of his bloody mouth curls up in a grin as he surveys your half-lidded eyes and swollen lips, parted and painted with scarlet.
“I think you were meant to beg for something, correct?” he murmurs, deep voice huskier now. You blink and attempt to come back to yourself. You’d almost forgotten about Vincent hovering next to the bed.
“P-please,” your voice breaks. You try again, “Please Vince. Touch me?” You look up at him, needy tears clinging to your lashes. He’s nearly trembling on the spot, so enraptured by the display, wholly fixated on the ardent painting Asa has made of your skin. Hastily he kneels, grips your hips, pulls you to the edge of the bed.
The knife slips under the band of your underwear and saws through the fabric. You’re completely bare now and both men can see how you glisten in the flickering light. Vincent wastes no time, dexterous fingers sliding over your folds and brushing your clit before sinking in deep to ease the ache.
Asa grips your face when you keen. He twists your head so you’re looking directly at him as he seats himself next to you on the mattress. His nose brushes yours, lips hovering just inches away, teasing, your panting breaths and desperate moans—are they for him or Vincent—washing over his face.
Your hips buck, Vincent curling his digits until your eyes clench shut. Shamelessly, you hump his hand, dizzy with heat, desire, confusion. You shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t want his hands on you, but you think you’ll die if he stopped touching you now.
Your thighs tense, your hands balling into fists, toes curling in anticipation. “Vince, I’m gonna—
“Manners,” Asa chides, his grip on your face tightening. Your eyes widen, breath stuttering in your chest. Oh no, you’re so close, burning tightness deep in your belly about to implode, can you stop it in time?
“P-Please! Please, I need-can I please—
“Please, Sir,” he corrects causally, like you’re not about to cream all over Vincent’s fingers any second. If he would just slow down a little….
“Please SIR, god I can’t hold it, pleasecanIcum—
“Please, Sir, may I cum?” he instructs and you cry out in frustration.
It’s too late. You bow forward as much the rope and Asa’s grip on your face will allow, walls clenching on Vincent’s pistoning fingers, euphoria roiling in your gut. The knowledge that you fucked up is almost a distant memory in the wake of such pleasure.
But not for long.
Fingers dig into your hair and tug you upright, a frail whimper falling from your panting mouth. Cracking open your teary eyes, you timidly peer up at Asa. His mask of indifference hasn’t shifted, but there’s something glinting there in his dark gaze. Something eager.
“Untrained,” he comments, then looks to Vincent. “There’s a simple enough fix if you’re willing to put in the time.”
The knife returns, slips past your parted lips, blade tapping against your teeth as the flat edge settles on your tongue. You freeze, wide eyes flicking from Vincent to Asa and back again. What if he slips, what if he pushes deeper? Not there, please not there….
“Proper incentive is key. Let’s try that again.” Asa nods to Vincent. A delighted snicker slips from behind the wax mask. Your mouth goes dry. There will be no mercy from either of them, you realize, when Vincent scoots closer to you, his shoulders hunched with barely contained exhilaration.
It reminds you of how he looks when he’s working on a new project.
Vincent curls his skilled fingers once again and the whine that leaves you is distorted by the steel seated in your mouth. Your back is ramrod straight, every muscle focused on keeping you still to prevent the knife from slipping. You’re almost thankful for Asa’s hold on your jaw.
Still, past trepidation and dismay, pleasure blooms in your belly. Your eyelids flutter, displacing tears until they’re streaking familiar paths down your face. Unable to swallow, the saliva pooling in your cheeks spills down your chin. Damn those fingers, damn him, damn them both….
Close, fuck, you’re getting close, you need to ask for permission, but you’re terrified to speak. You look to Asa, pleading with your eyes, but he merely smirks in response. Minutely, his head tips to the side like he’s waiting for you to risk speaking.
Are sliced gums preferable to more of Asa’s discipline?
You decide they are.
You try to ask properly—please Sir, may I cum—but your speech is slow and garbled as you attempt to keep your tongue from touching the blade. Hurry, hurry up, you’re climbing the precipice too quickly, please Vincent just slow down for one fucking second!
“I didn’t catch that,” Asa taunts, leaning in to hear you better. You sob and turn your pleading gaze to Vincent. He doesn’t stop his assault on your cunt, choosing instead to circle your oversensitive clit with his thumb until you choke on a shout.
Desperation takes hold and you force yourself to speak clearer, heedless of the knife, “Pleashh Shhir, mnay I cuh!” Your face burns in humiliation and ire, messy chest heaving, spit dribbling onto your belly, twitching muscles pulled taut to keep you from careening over the edge.
Asa chuckles and releases your jaw to condescendingly pat your cheek. “That’s a good girl. You may.”
Instantly, your vision whites out, eyes rolling back, a scream ripping from your throat when your walls ripples around Vincent’s fingers. Thankfully, you have the presence of mind not to tip forward lest you impale the back of your throat.
A trembling gasp brings you back to reality. You ache, the intensity of the last climax still prickling across your flesh. Finally, you feel the knife slip from your mouth. Asa tilts your head up again and you crack open damp eyes to peer up at him.
“You’re a quick learner,” he purrs and some annoying part of you relishes in the praise. Gently, Asa wipes the blood and tears and drool from your face with his sleeve. He orders you to stick out your tongue so he can assess for injury. You’re too exhausted to do anything but comply.
Vincent withdraws his dripping fingers and you whimper, slumping against Asa’s solid frame. You flex your tingling hands, only now realizing you’ve lost feeling in all your limbs.
“Vince…my arms…” you mumble. Vincent stands to pet your hair, but doesn’t move to untie you. You frown and glance up at him. The room is too dark to see the good eye behind the mask.
Asa hums in understanding, a breathy laugh leaving him. You lift your head, looking questioningly from Asa to Vincent.
They can’t be serious….
Realization hits like a punch in the gut and you shake your head in protest, but Vincent is already digging his fingers into your hips and flipping you onto your front. Your babbled pleas fall on deaf ears, Vincent’s eager cock already lining up with your slippery entrance. The scream you loose when he buries every inch in your cunt is deafening, even to you.
“It seems the lesson is not quite finished, pet.”
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mooodyblue · 1 year
Okay, just...imagine if Vince is having one of these regression sessions with Dr. John and he ends up having an accident during it since his mind's so fuzzy. Dr. John just soothes him, gets him cleaned up and puts him in a diaper.
ugh, john would be so sweet about it. vince would be mortified. definitely doesn't come back for a few days because he's so embarrassed. but john gets it, he understands and doesn't call or pressure him to come back–doesn't mean he's not worried though.
when vince does come back, john explains to him that it's normal and that it's okay. if it happens again, then it happens. no reason for him to be ashamed about it ❤️
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and-so-he-rambled · 2 years
Bones au (Post s6 e22 -spoilers-)
After Vincent’s injury he can’t go home where he lives alone and can’t make in back to London. Jack and Angela, mostly Angela, offer their home. There was no way this would backfire.
Vincent survives the gunshot would that plowed through his chest, but missed his heart. Brief coma and hospital stay as season six ends.
Michael Vincent was born while it was touch and go, nobody thought Vince would survive.
Despite the new baby Angela insists Vince stay with them while he recovers, since he’s still very weak and on a lot of medication.
Hodgins is hesitant but Vincent is his friend, so he agrees.
At one point he falls in the shower and Hodgins has to bust in and take him to the hospital. Vincent is mortified.
Vince has mild aphasia and it frustrates him. He knows the words he’s trying to say, but they get stuck in his head, or he’ll forget a fact he knew for a while. He worries he can’t be an anthropologist anymore, and though he’s still insanely smart, People don’t realize it as much with his speech issue.
Angela is determined to help him work through it, always ready to supply a word or patient while he tries to work it out.
He refuses to fall behind of his studies.
Endgame poly
Vince is terrified to touch Michael, but will calmly sit and talk to him. Michael is enamored with him and just sits there. Angela says he’s finally found someone who loves facts like he does.
He doesn’t have great use of his left arm and does everything with his right. Shattered his scapula and has a metal plate there now. Has to wear a sling.
He has nightmares often and will say things about not wanting to go, Angela always wakes him when she hears it.
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see-fee · 2 years
Hiii do you have any domestic headcanons for your au cfe fic
Olaaa~ I’d love to hear if anyone else does! I didn’t think of that much before, because I’d worry about the details of what domestic life was like in the Caves of Steel…
Here are some ideas I’ve just had:
Daneel gifts Elijah a lovely little bonsai for his birthday, a rare but resilient cultivar, good for beginners. Elijah says, “I name it Bush.” “Bush? But it is a tree, albeit in miniature.” “Vannevar Bush,” Elijah explains. It flourishes under his care and flowers around the time of his birthday. One day, Elijah is meticulously pruning it and murmurs, “My dear Bush, another one that will outlive me many times over.” Daneel, sitting within earshot, is duly mortified. “Partner Elijah, I did not mean to—” Elijah forestalls his apology with a wave. “It’s not a bad thing. It’s quite a nice thought, actually.” Daneel says nothing, so they silently look at the bonsai for a contemplative moment. “You’ll take good care of Vannevar for me.” “I shall.”
Elijah finds out Daneel’s “birthday” as well. It falls on a day when they are training Outside. Afterwards, Elijah and a few recruits surprise Daneel with a small and private celebration, with the humans picnicking. It suddenly starts to rain lightly so they have to gather their things and run into the training dome. Once the others leave, Elijah pulls out a Spacer wine that he has gone to great lengths to procure, kept hidden for the occasion. Daneel takes a few appreciative sips but then refuses more, saying it is wasted on him and that Elijah ought to enjoy it on his behalf. So Elijah does—a little too much—while the rain falls harder, pattering on the dome’s surface. He asks what else Daneel might’ve wanted. “Just this, Partner Elijah.” “Justice? For whom?” “This. Just this.”
Whenever Elijah struggles to recall a forgotten detail that Daneel knows about, he absolutely refuses to let Daneel tell him. Sometimes, hours later, Elijah triumphantly blurts out the forgotten word/phrase, and Daneel gives him a small smile. Sometimes he does not manage to recall it, so Daneel asks, “Do you give up yet?” To which the answer is always a spirited “No!” and shushing and a hand clapped over Daneel’s mouth. Then, days later, they are going about their routine, Daneel abruptly whispers the answer in his ear, and Elijah pauses in confusion then exclaims “Argh!” and bangs a fist on whatever surface is handy. They do this every time.
They watch old Earth films and view old book-films together. Daneel likes to make Elijah quote lines in bad accents. Elijah tends to refuse at first but eventually caves in.
Elijah was humming to the radio, and then Daneel joined in, humming softly. “Hang on! Daneel, you’re humming? Can you sing?” Daneel replies thoughtfully, “I am not programmed to do so, only to record audio. However, singing is but another form of speaking, in principle. I can already perform vocal inflections and pitch changes—otherwise I would sound distastefully monotonous—so perhaps I could mimic what I hear. Would you like me to try?” Elijah nods. “Try!” Thus Elijah discovered Daneel’s beautiful singing voice—he’s a tenor. Pitch perfect, obviously. Elijah says, “Do you know, there was a silly rumour going around a few years ago that the dancer Lyrane Millane is a robot—heard it from Vince, ex-Department kid. Now I’m not so sure…” Elijah pulls Daneel into a little impromptu waltz along to the radio. Daneel follows flawlessly. “Can you dance, too? Properly, not like this?” “I know an Auroran waltz that is customarily danced during more formal festivities.” “Teach me.” And so they danced. (Daneel isn’t good at improvising moves or dancing spontaneously, though.)
Daneel will bodily carry Elijah to bed whenever he stays up too late reading and studying. Elijah protests indignantly, of course, but Daneel knows he secretly loves it.
One day, while performing a routine physical check-up for Daneel, Elijah notices a tiny ding on his metal chest plate. “Damn it. Was this always here? Did I do that?” “Yes, Partner Elijah, it happened the previous time.” “You never told me!” “It is of no concern.” “Well, it bothers me now that I’ve noticed. Maybe I can buff it out.” “No. This gives me an idea.” Daneel hands him the laser cauterising pen, its intensity turned down low. “Perhaps you can draw or write something over it.” “Like what? I can’t draw.” “Anything you wish.” So, after a moment of thought, Elijah draws a little heart shape beside a donut ♡ ⦾ Daneel peers at the donut. “What is that symbol? I am not familiar with these double concentric rings.” “That’s us. My heart and yours.” “Oh.” Daneel takes the tool and brings it to his generator’s outer case. “What are you doing! That one was fine!” Daneel ignores him. When Daneel lifts his hand, Elijah sees what he’s done. Along the inner curve of his torus, scribed in small block letters: PARTNER ELIJAH ♡
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Messing around with college Vincent is my new hyperfixation, thank you.
It started out pretty big I'm terms of getting to know him anyway. No one really made a continuous effort to get to know him let alone barging in on his personal space. Sitting with him every day, smiling at him, waving in the halls, all the way down to bringing him coffee during crunch time.
Vin rides home with his brothers some days, one of the days when you smiled at him and said "Be safe getting home." On the way to your car he got teased to hell and back. Bo sprung a full blown inquisition on the poor man on the way back to the house since Vincent couldn't exactly escape his questions in a closed space. If Lester wasn't with them, as soon as the house door flung open Bo would shout that the "virgin" Vince has been getting action behind their backs.
After a few consecutive visits Vinny would be expecting you, glancing from his greek mythology book to the library door and then back to his book until you eventually popped in. Then he starts noticing you in the halls around campus, walking from one class to another though the window he sits next to in his modern lit class.
Needless to say he'll pay special attention to the attention you give him too. You come to the library in a sweater and slip out of it after you sit next to him to reveal a shirt that's just a little too deep cut. A skirt that's just a little too short with no spanks underneath--not that he was looking or anything. You lean into him to show him a funny meme and he can feel your shoulder bump into his, the smell of your shampoo when you're close enough.
"Vinny that looks really good, how long did it take? You must have worked really hard, huh?" Validaring remarks to leaning back in a stretch in your chair. "It's so hot in here, I can't wait for fall..." crop top riding up and skirt coincidentally pulled up your thigh, it makes him wonder if you're even wearing underwear since he can't see the strap on your waist. Again, not that he was looking.
And when you finally get fed up with him not taking the very obvious hints, flat out telling him to his face in the library that you find him attractive. The shock that goes through him would be adorable. You can't see his face but you can see the blush creep over his ears and down his neck. You mean to tell him that like, physically, you want him? You grazed his hand or bumped against his arm, you pushed your knee against his under the table. You bent at the waist right in front of him, knowing full well what underwear you had for display...it makes sense now. He thought he was just horny.
And every time after he'd thank you during your private study sessions. Maybe even catching you in the hall and pulling you somewhere isolated--he's adept at tutoring and you're his favorite.
Blue I LOVE this, sorry it took me so long to respond!
Obsessed with the idea of dropping massive obvious hints and he's just so deep in his angst and brooding and longing he misses them.
He spends an inordinate amount of time drawing you. You're the face in all his work, the hands, the eyes. And his favorite anatomical study, although he knows it's all speculation (for now). He packs it all up about 15 minutes before your usual arrival time to the library though because he'd be mortified if you were to find out.
He is so hesitant to masturbate to the thought of you at first. He doesn't want to be disrespectful or creepy. But he cannot get the image of your bare midriff out of his head, the curve of your breasts in that green top he likes, and he can't keep it from slipping into the forefront of his mind, and he's so desperate he finally decides fuck it, what you don't know won't hurt you.
He'll put up with the teasing, it's okay. It's been years since he's had a real friend outside of his brothers. Any ribbing Bo sends his way is just a reminder that someone cute likes spending time with him.
And when the two of you finally make meaningful physical contact (😏), he is very quiet when he gets in the truck. So quiet Bo is worried something is wrong. He gives him his space at first, knows Vin doesn't respond to pressure. Finally he ventures an ask, "Y'all good?" Vincent turns to him. Bo looks back. Bo's eyes get wide. "You fuckin' dog," he says, breaking into a grin. "Y'did it, didn'tcha?" Vincent nods. Bo is ecstatic. "Hell yeah you did! We ain't goin' home, we're stoppin' at the church, you got some confessin' to do!"
Vincent rolls his eyes but he's smiling under the mask.
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harmonicabisexuals · 11 months
X Files Rewatch: Season 6
overall thoughts: i really liked this season on rewatch! tbf, i think i had only seen about half of the episodes when i originally watched this season but most of the new episodes (to me) i really enjoyed and of course it was great to go back and revisit some of my favorite episodes i had seen already. I love that they really hammered the idea of dreams/resets and fate vs. free will this season and there’s some great metas i read about those themes, i especially love the idea of viewing this season as a “concept album”. 
msr: this season really is all about one step forward two steps back in terms of the question of belief/the truth and msr relationship to each other. the x files is closed, the x files reopens, the syndicate is destroyed, krycek and CSM blackmail skinner, they find the alien artifact. mulder pretends that the FTF almost kiss never happened, then tells scully he loves her two episodes later. scully almost dies and they seem closer than ever but then diana returns. things are tense and awkward but the events of milagro and the unnatural shock mulder out of his complacency. i think thematically the conclusion of this back and forth (and the tensions regarding belief that reached their peak in folie a deux) is resolved in field trip, when they each realize that they need the other to push back against them, that only together are they able to make progress in their work and also to feel like a complete person. the ending shot of them reaching for each other in the ambulance is the conclusion of the season long arc, where they are more mentally and spiritually on the same page than ever before (the romantic side will take slightly longer imo but that’s bc they are scared idiots lmao).
writing: no surprise that i still worship at the alter of vince gilligan but I also really enjoyed his collabs with john shiban this season: dreamland I&II, monday, three of a kind, and field trip are all solid episodes. and I have to give credit to chris carter for writing triangle and how the ghosts stole christmas, idk WHAT he was smoking while writing those episodes but whatever it was his third eye was WIDE open. (which of course then slams shut for two fathers/one son)
directing: poor rob bowman was given some really mediocre episodes this season, but i still love drive and he added a nice characteristic feel to his other episodes even if the scripts were bad. I would have loved to see his take on milagro, especially bc i think he could have connected it better to never again, but i still think kim manners did a good job, especially when he was more imitative of rob’s style. field trip and monday are also kim manners episodes that i really enjoyed from a directing standpoint. chris carter’s continuous shots ala the west wing in triangle were super cool, and david duchovny had some really lovely shots and especially transition shots in the unnatural.
hair: every time mulder and scully are separated and/or have to face the mortifying ordeal of leveling up their relationship they get out the kitchen scissors 🙄 
favorite episodes: drive, triangle, how the ghosts stole christmas, the rain king, tithonus, monday, arcadia, field trip
77% worth rewatching (may be a bit generous bc i’m including two fathers/one son even though i hated those episodes but they are relevant to the overall plot)
individual episode reactions under the cut:
The Beginning- okay slay cognitive dissonance and regression
Drive- Vince Gilligan KNOWS how to make a riveting hour of television!!!!
Triangle- this is television!!! also so west wing coded with the continuous shots 
Dreamland I- what happens if they get out of the car!!! chaos
Dreamland II- that goodbye scene with the sunflower seeds :((((
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas- Chris Carter’s third eye was WIDE open
Terms of Endearment- mulder “I’m not a psychologist” LMAOOO this episode is not serious
The Rain King- so silly so romantic I fucking love it
S.R.8819- the ending…I screamed
Tithonus- so striking so sad so horrifying so good
Two Fathers- mulder playing basketball :)))
One Son- making!! it!! personal!!
Agua Mala- they’re MARRIED
Monday- chilling…horror show groundhog day
Arcadia- they’re fake married, and heteronormativity is a prison <3
Alpha- Scully is sooo crazy jealous lmao
Trevor- bad story beautiful directing
Milagro- do male writers deserve rights?
The Unnatural- shut up mulder I’m playing baseball :))
Three of a Kind- bimbo scully call me
Field Trip- thematic conclusion to the tensions of folie a deux and season 6 as a whole!!!!
Biogenesis- diana is evil evil evil 
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wat-the-cur · 1 year
I remrmber Noel once said he'd read a slashfic of Vince/Howard and said he found it hot and i was like 'wow, most creators are either mortified or amused by slash fiction!' I reckon Rik would find all the ships of his and Ade's characters really funny. He'd have done a dramatic reading completely in character.
You really can’t tell how people will react to stories, or headcanons about their characters. Sometimes the reactions of the creators and/or actors surprise you. I’d like to think that Rik and Ade would have taken what the fandom has created in good humour.
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beauvibaby · 4 years
insecure - v.dunn
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requested [x] yes [] no
request - could you write something where maybe the reader is a little insecure because she doesn’t exactly look like the guys exes? and she thinks she’s not good enough and distances herself from him and he starts to worry bc he loves her and yea with a fluffy ending!! please i love ur work so so much! with vince btw! 😘😘
a/n: the night I got this abby and I were just talking about how the gf’s always look the same lol
“Babes, you can’t ignore him forever.” Your friend sighed, seeing the way your phone kept lighting up with texts from Vince, “sure I can.” You mumbled childishly, sinking further into her couch, “do you really think he’s just going to stop? He loves you, Y/N.” She retorted, an authoritative tone to her voice as she looked over at you. “I know, and I love him, but I just-“ “can’t get out of your head?” She cut you off, raising a brow to prove a point. “Exactly.” You threw your hands up, watching as she tried not to laugh at your enthusiasm. “I just, he’s never been with someone that looked like me, you know? It’s always been these girls that look like they could be supermodels.” You complained, jumping when she set her wine glass down with force, the noise startling you. “But he’s not with them now is he? You’ve been his longest relationship, doesn’t that show you that you’re different? In all the right ways.” She snapped, frustrated with your stubbornness, you felt like you were being reprimanded. “Sorry.” You mumbled, she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. “You need to talk to him, and don’t push him away because otherwise you’re going to lose him.” She stood, grabbing her glass and muttering under her breath about needing a refill. You chewed your lip as you stared at your phone, staring at the notifications from Vince.
Have fun tonight baby!
I’m gonna miss you, maybe I’ll stream again lol
It’s not like you to not answer, you guys must have busted out the wine early tonight…
Call me before you go to bed, love you
You picked up the phone, typing out a response as you heard your friends feet approaching once more.
Love you, sorry my phone died, I’ll call you soon babe
He reacted to it with a heart instantly, and you sighed a breath of relief, settling back in to watch your show.
That was two weeks ago, and you’ve yet to tell him what’s going through your head. And Vince isn’t stupid, he can tell something is bothering you, he just doesn’t know what. Of course he went through his usual list, it wasn’t your period, it wasn’t work or your friends, and he knows he hasn’t don’t anything, simply because he’s hardly been seeing you lately, it felt like you always had an excuse. But tonight, tonight Vince was stubborn, and that led to him knocking on your front door, you totally oblivious to who was on the other side, trudged to the door, looking through the peephole and gasping. “Y/N, I know you’re in there.” Vince sighed when you didn’t open the door, you looked through the little hole once more, Vince was leaning against the door frame, eyes staring at the handle, waiting for it to move as you let him in. You gave in and unlocked the door, slowly opening it, looking up at him with wide eyes, your hair a mess, sloppily tied up, one of Vince’s Blues shirts hanging off your frame and pajama shorts on underneath. “Hi.” He mumbled, scanning over you, smiling boyishly at the sight of you, cute as ever in his eyes. “Hi, uh, what are you doing here?” You questioned, stepping aside so he could walk in.
He made his way inside, watching as you shut the door with a shaky hand, his heart rate picked up, anxiety now filling him too, were you going to break up with him? That’s all that ran through his mind as you turned to face him with an uneasy smile. “What’s wrong? Did I do something? Is-are you just not…” he trailed off, unable to even speak the words. You lifted your eyes to meet his when you heard the uneasiness in his voice. “Vince, am I not what?” You questioned, stepping closer, concern taking over your features. “Are you not in love with me anymore? Because you never want to see me, you’re always coming up with reasons to be doing something else.” He rambled, nervously pulling on his curls, your heart dropped to the floor, tears springing to your eyes. “Y/N, no, don’t cry.” He spoke softly, unsure if you wanted him to touch you. “I love you, Vince, so much.” You assured him, and he still hesitated, feeling like there was a but coming. “You didn’t do anything, it’s me, I swear. I just, I’ve been in my head a lot lately…” you trailed off, gasping softly when he nearly tackled you in a hug. “Oh my god, baby, I was so scared I thought you were going to dump me and-wait, what’s wrong? What’s bothering you?” He cut his rambling off, cupping your face to catch the tears that inevitably started to fall. You sucked your lips into your mouth, trying to find the words to say, suddenly mortified to speak to him. “Hey, you know you can tell me anything, right?” Vince mumbled, barely above a whisper, you nodded, letting your lips fall from your mouth with a sigh, eyes closing for a moment as you tried to reign in your thoughts.
He pulled you in for a quick, gentle kiss, silently telling you it’s ok, but was it really? What you were about to say could change everything.
“Why me?” You blurted out, tensing when he pulled away slightly, he stared at you, trying to figure out what exactly you meant by that. “What do you mean?” He finally asked, hands moving from your face when you shimmied out of his grip. “Why me? I mean you’re you, and everyone else before me was so different, I don’t look like those other girls.” You ranted, refusing to meet his eyes. “Y/N.” Vince sighed, and you froze, thinking this was it, that you’ve scared him off. “I picked you, because you’re not all those other things. I picked you, because you’re you.” He spoke softly, frowning when you wouldn’t look at him. “Baby,” he said again, grabbing your hand and tugging you towards him. “Look at me.” He demanded gently, you hesitated but looked up to his face. “There’s my girl.” He grinned, wiping the last of your tears away, running his fingers over your cheek and behind your ear, moving the loose strands of hair away. “I’m going to sound like such a sap, so you better listen good.” He teased, leaving his hand on your cheek, you nodded, suddenly very intrigued by whatever he was about to say. “When I heard you laughing at that bar, I thought I was going to turn around and see another one of ‘those girls’ but what I got was so much better. You had your head leaned back, mouth open as you absolutely died at whatever your friend had said, and your hair was swinging as you looked back up, and then I saw your eyes on mine and I knew I was done for.” He paused, smiling when you sniffled softly, “everyone always told me, that one day I would meet a girl that changed my life, and I thought they were just fucking insane.” You laughed at his words before he continued, “but you’re that girl. All it took was one look at you, for me to know that I wanted this to be different, I want this to work-I want this to work because I love you.” He concluded, his smile widening when you threw your arms around his neck, tugging him down to meet your lips, you gave him a bunch of little kisses, smiling too much for a serious one.
“I love you.” You whispered, finally pulling away from him, but stayed in his embrace. “Are you done crying now? Because I feel like you just stomped on my heart.” He mumbled with a blush, but not caring enough to be embarrassed because it got you to smile, and that’s all that mattered, that’s all that ever mattered.
taglist: @starkeysdunn​ @vincecdunn​ @kempe​ @literarycharleton​ @wtfkie​
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 3 years
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Episode 32: Sundown At Ashfield (Part 3)
Billy groaned. "I told you to come alone! What the hell?!"
"She's not supposed to be here," I fumed. "She must have followed me! Christ!"
"Yep," she grinned as she sat down beside me. She opened the twinkies and stuffed them in her mouth. Her cheeks budged out much like a chipmunk as she talked. "By the way, you forgot to mention some guy named, Bones visited us last night. And why is Gemma so weird? It sucks Ace lost his daughter, but that doesn't explain Gemma's wacko behavior."
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"Oh, God! Were you here the whole time?!" I shrilled. "What the fuck?!"
"So you're Billy?" she smirked ignoring me. She held out her hand to him and they shook hands "I'm Audrey. Sup! The mask I saw earlier. From Naruto, right? How come they call you runt if it's a bear?"
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Billy's eyes widen. "You like anime?"
"Yeah. I wish I had a manga to read, but yeah I love that stuff."
"A fellow anime fan. Also a video game fan from what I hear. I thought they all died out by now," he chuckled. "Everyone thinks my mask is a dog. When I tried to tell them where it's from and what it is, it's like I'm speaking a foreign language."
"Oh, Vince zones out when I talk about that stuff too. I know the feeling."
I scoffed. "Um...hey nerds. This conversation is quite riveting, but..."
"Woah! Wait! Are you the girl who has the samurai sword?"
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"Yes. How you know?"
"I've sort of seen you before when they put me on surveillance duty once....at your house."
"I know it sounds creepy but...it wasn't my choice," he babbled. He then blushed. "If it makes you feel better, I thought you were super cool. I even gave you a cool name. Samurai. Hey, where is your sword if you don't mind me asking?"
She rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "And this guy is your friend?"
"Nevermind that. I know he's a creep-"
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"Anyway, I wasn't done asking him shit, so can you politely hush!" I growled at her. "So buddy boy, why are they watching us? Why were you put on surveillance duty at our house?!"
"Well, I didn't know it was your house at the time. All I saw was Ms. Audrey here and some woman with short brown hair, but I had no idea they were part of your group!" he cried. "I swear! If I knew I would have warned you sooner."
"Warn us of what?"
"That they plan to take your place from you. If Gemma's there, she's there to spy and fuck with you. If Ace is keeping you alive, he wants to use you. That's got to be it."
"Well, that comforting," Audrey said sarcastically.
"To answer your earlier questions about Gemma and Bones,...um Audrey?"
"That's the name."
"Well, Bones visited you to check on Gemma. Gemma was probably signaling Ace and Co. every night to show everything was fine. Then you tied her up so Bones probably came to check on her when he didn't receive any signal or indication she was fine," he said. "As for Gemma's or Red's deal, I believe she was in an insane asylum at one point."
"You're serious?" I gasped.
"It's not confirmed, but when we found her she was wearing a hospital gown over jeans with a band around her wrist.  The band was pretty worn out but it indicated as such. She was also staying in a burnt-out hospital building as well. She slit the neck of one of our men when we came looking for supplies in the place. It was a big burly guy too. Ace thought it was pretty damn impressive she could take down a guy like that and he took her under his wing. He likes to think he's building some sort of army. I don't know why but people like that fit the mold for him but they do."
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"Well, that's even more comforting," Audrey groaned. “Continue. I have to go to the bathroom and this willow tree is looking pretty tempting.”
“Ugh, can’t it wait?”
“No, and don’t look! You and Billy advert your eyes or something.”
“Like anyone would want to look at you anyway!”
She glared at me and stuck her tongue out playfully. She then walked over to the tree and shot us a fleeting look before disappearing behind it. I sighed and turned back to face Billy. The guy looked pretty mortified and covered his face with both hands.
“Not much experience with girls?”
“Nothing. It’s getting pretty dark. Going rain.”
He turned his whole body around on the log and continued hiding his face behind his hands comically. "You probably should go then. Night and rain are a recipe for danger. And if Big Red or Gemma as you call her is at your house, it's not safe to leave your people with her. She could be up to anything. Not to mention, what Ace might have planned for you."
I nodded. "Is anything we can do?"
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"I'll do my part on the inside. You? Um...well let's see. I can draw you a map of the junkyard. Provide you weapons. Anything to get the upper hand. Then we can try-"
"Enough!!!" I heard a woman shout.
I then heard muffled cries behind me. I slowly looked back to see to my horror, Billy's sister holding Audrey hostage. She had one hand on her mouth and the other aimed a gun at her head. Her face covered by a mask just like before.
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"Get up!"
"Sis?" Billy yelped. "What...?"
"Shut up, Billy. Shut your mouth!" she snapped. "Now get up! Both of you!"
We did as she demanded and she took her hand away from Audrey's mouth. She used two fingers to fire off a whistle.
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Then more masked figures appeared walking up to us. I looked around and realized we were now surrounded.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4 is the last part for this one.
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bellysoupset · 2 months
I still have so many of your fics to comment on so please bear with me. You even introduced a whole new character since I last appeared here. I'm sorry for my comments being so sporadic, but I need to tell you that I love Max already. He is so prickly but an absolute baby when it comes to his tummy. (((Maaaaaybe you could get one of Wendy and Bella's friends, Meg or Babs to rub it for him one day, down the line? 👀)))
First the stomach bug from hell and him having no one to pick him up & care for him 🥺
Also, poor thing threw up in front of his class. I can relate to that humiliating experience (not from a teacher's POV though, but still). Not a fun experience, 0/10, would not recommend.
I also loved Vince taking care of him despite thinking he is hangover and figuring out Max is his old bully. Such a sweet guy. Then him having to suffer through Wendy's birthday party right after catching Max's bug. Also, the necklace he got for Wen is so pretty. Good taste, Vin.
And the bus trip after everything?? God, Soup, you killed me with Max  being like 'yeah my gut doing this to me is normal' then suddenly going 'actually no, my tummy hurts, please do something'. Then Vin squeezing his knee and jumping in to help by singing with the kids. So adorable. Loved the little interactions with the individual kids, too. It gave me an idea but I'm gonna send that in a separate ask because it could sorta kinda become a fic request (?) You will see soon.
- 💜
💜 !!! Darling, bear with you?? I'm thriving!
I'm sooo happy you like Max! And for your suggestion about Babs and Meg, I'll think of that... 👀 Truth be told, Meg is more of a tertiary character (only mentioned in passing), while Barbie has a little more personality, but I mostly have her as a secondary character to Wendy, Bella, Jon.
I actually have a gigantic portfolio of secondary and tertiary characters that are specific for certain OCs (for example Sandra, Chuck and Dean, Leo's coworkers), I think I need to introduce some of them that only live in my head and not the paper!
I'm so sorry you can relate to throwing up in class, that's mortifying. Big hug 🫂🫂
Vince's taste is so girly and romantic, he's very lucky his girlfriend happens to like those things. I need to write something where he gets Bell a gift and Bella is like... my man. What is this? 😂😂
And about your other ask, with the request, HELL YEAH. On the drafts right now. I keep having this mental image of Vince and Liv with cat face paint on, so we're rolling with that.
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tortelette · 3 years
Invincible Storm And Raging Blizzard
Strikas United FC vs. Iron Zephyre FC headcanons (Dual Teams AU)
(Dual Teams AU is an alternate universe where two football clubs of the Super League randomly teamed up as one team throughout the season. In this AU, Supa Strikas have teamed up with Invincible United while Raging Zephyre (Fan team) is with Iron Tank)
Team line up:
Strikas United
Striker Left Wing: Shakes Striker Right Wing: Skarra Attacking Midfielder Left Wing: Automatic Attacking Midfielder Right Wing: Twisting Tiger Attacking Midfielder Center: Dancing Rasta (Captain 1) Defending Midfielder Left Wing: Snake Defending Midfielder Right Wing: Dooma (Captain 2) Defender Left Wing: The Blok Defender Right Wing: North Shaw Defender Center: Dingaan Goal Keeper: Big Bo Formation: 3-5-2 (The teamwork formation)
Iron Zephyre
Striker Left Wing: Agabato Striker Right Wing: Pearce Striker Center: Thor Attacking Midfielder Left Wing: Ja Nein Attacking Midfielder Right Wing: Echo (Captain 1) Defending Midfielder Left Wing: Bakunawa Defending Midfielder Right Wing: Von Eye Defender Left Wing: Bul-Han Defender Right Wing: At-Law Defender Center: Johann Uber (Captain 2) Goal Keeper: The Mangler Formation: 3-4-3 (The adaptive formation)
“Strikas United” Headcanons:
The first week is the first fight. They can’t miss a day without getting into each other’s throats until they will be stopped by their respective coaches. Especially Shakes and Skarra, they are pretty much more likely to be the ones who cause the fight.
Automatic is probably the only sane person from Invincible United who DOES NOT participate in the fighting. It is quite unknown why.
Dooma would do so much f*cked up sh*t against Supa Strikas when he finds the opportunity. He probably gets teamed up with Skarra for the action.
Tension is always the main component of air when you bring them together in one room.
Coach and Vince are pretty much the voice of reasoning between the two clubs even though they have their own personal tensions.
They will fight who will be in their positions in the field. Especially Skarra and El Matador, they technically want to ball-hog for a goal.
Big Bo and The Web are pretty much chill whenever there are fights, especially since they are one of the veteran players of their respective clubs. They are mature in what to do.
They are stubborn to train together.
The defenders are pretty much the only players who will train together, begrudgingly. North Shaw and The Blok would show a bit of appreciation to Dingaan’s decency in defending.
Shakes and Skarra as Strikers? A hodgepodge of destruction and mayhem. Although they can have good synergy IF one yield for the other, which will not happen by the way.
Dooma and Rasta are in neutral terms yet it can be sour especially after the island incident. They can have times of respect or times where they are probably shooting lightning at each other in seething anger.
Snake is the passive one out of all the Invincible United players with Twisting Tiger. They would train together, yet they would not forget leering each other.
The Web just agreed to let Big Bo be the main Goal Keeper of the team and decided to be the substitute instead.
Their first game will be a disaster. Ball-hogs, jealous pushing, seething eyes. They are ready to bite each other’s heads off.
Blok, North Shaw, Dingaan, and Big Bo are the only players capable to carry their team by just defending. This ended their first game into a tie!
Skarra is THE person who would steal his own teammate’s ball no matter if it comes from his own club or not.
Dooma and Rasta have a decent synergy in doing 1-2 passes. Although there is no ‘trust’ happening between their passes, it was like that they have no choice but pass the ball between each other.
It takes OVER HALF the SEASON to make these two teams get along together for ONCE.
Shakes and Skarra would continue to sneer against each other when one does not score a goal. If they did it once perfectly they would at least try to congratulate but failed miserably.
When winning, don’t expect much for them to go around and high-fiving each other. They would only do that to their respective teammates from their clubs.
“Iron Zephyre” Headcanons:
There will be sour interactions in the first week, then after that, there will be awkwardness here and there. Echo would try to break the ice, but no one breaks the Iron Tank ice successfully.
They are pretty much the type of people of “- Want to train? - Sure.” interaction without any emotion whatsoever.
The only people who would spice up the interaction between the two teams are the defender twins, Bakunawa, and somehow Thor.
Ja Nein pretty much only obeys Echo than Uber because of how very kind and thoughtful the Raging Zephyre captain is. This causes Uber to treat Ja Nein as a traitor of the Iron Tank because of that.
Bakunawa is also one of the people that Ja Nein pretty much trust as well since that they can understand each other’s weaknesses due to their differences and they would often teach other some skills and training which Uber disagreed with.
Pearce, Von Eye, and Thor are very easy to pair up with. Just send them in the Iron Tank submarine to play in the state-of-the-art tracking screen for Pong and competitive Pac-Man. They are gamers of the old.
Uber is not happy to be paired with Echo for the captaining, one treats his teammates with strictness while the other is extremely aloof and kind. He once admitted that it would seriously divide the team as a whole.
The Mangler is a very easy man to talk with... it is more preferable to the word “interact” since that he is a very silent man. He once agreed in Bakunawa teaching him how to play volleyball for once and apply it in his goal-keeping skills.
Agabato would be extremely silent about all of the things happening and would ask around the Iron Tank what they are doing since that he is very curious. He mostly causes trouble to Uber since he is one of the more interesting people to talk to due to his blonde hair.
Their coaches are quite... interesting. Sirchief, despite being a woman, is EXTREMELY strict to her players that even a stare from her made her players kneel down and BEG. Colonel though... needs to learn a lot from her about the idea of disciplining their players.
Their tactics between the two teams are opposite. Iron Tank prefers calculated defense while Raging Zephyre prefers deceitful offense. It takes a lot of time between the two coaches to agree on one tactic in the meantime. Probably week or so to the dismay of the other players.
Uber is extremely frustrated how some of the members of the Iron Tank began to feel aloof around the other players which cause him to be anxious and mortify that his teammates would began to be so soft. Bakunawa on the other hand would try to interact him so he can loosen up, which failed though...
They are very cooperative... somehow. Raging Zephyre players helped Iron Tank for skill-based techniques while Iron Tank helped Raging Zephyre in going through rigorous training. Uber was not happy how open the players are in helping their soon-to-be opposition.
The only time Uber manage to open himself quite a bit is during a near death experience in the Philippine jungles which he has been saved by Bakunawa who almost got herself killed in the process. It is a long story.
In their first game, they manage to get a hold of themselves with a 1 lead gap score. It is actually 1-0. But they are happy with it nonetheless. Even with that though, Sirchief and Colonel Von Pushup would quarrel against each other on how flaw their tactics are.
The only tension so far that manage to happen in this team is from Uber and Ja Nein, it is quite unknown why though.
Agabato is the first one to breakdown after doing an Iron Tank-style training. In just 7 minutes and 32 seconds, precisely.
Pearce and Thor are the two Strikers who would work together to make their kicks unstoppable. They even create their own shooting technique in the process much to the surprise of everyone.
The Mangler would hang around with the twins, At-Law and Bul-Han, because of their comedic episodes and teasings that made him to laugh and enjoy the fun.
It is rumored by players of the Iron Tank and Raging Zephyre that Uber would loom in front of Bakunawa in such opportune times just to scare her. But in actuality is that Bakunawa let him tag along in one of her tasks for the preparation of their training, one of those is learning to block the vision of a player using one’s body.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Deleted Scene: Gateway Drug
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1
"Monster In-Law" -- [1981]
My stomach is in uncomfortable knots as I rub foundation over my skin, nervously, trying not to shit myself with anxiety as the clock nears 7:00pm. 
I hope he's not late, but I also hope he doesn't even show. 
"I wonder if it's Luke Ginson." I hear my mother suggest to my father, the sound of clicking silverware lets me know they're setting the table, and I wrinkle my nose. 
"You think Vivian would be interested in the Preacher's son, Charlette?" My dad replies, doubt in his voice. 
"I hope so. He's a Godly young man, Johnny, that our Vivian would be lucky to go with." She replies and I have to hold back a scoff. 
Luke Ginson was our pastor's son but was just as debauched as Vince, Tommy and Nikki, only hiding behind the fact his dad was a preacher as a cover. I'd later find out my mom and Pastor Garret had planned on approaching me and Luke with the idea of going out. I wonder if she felt like an absolute idiot for thinking he was so much better for me than Nikki when Luke popped up in the obituary in 1988 after dying of a methadone overdose…
"Vivian would be lucky to go out with?" My dad questions her. "Any guy is lucky to even be breathing the same air as her, Charlette, don't act like our girl is so--"
"--I'm not." My mom insists. "She just needs a little push in the right direction."
"And Luke Ginson is the right direction?"
"Of course!" She says it as if she's offended he'd dare suggest otherwise, and I let out a heavy breath, my nerves only tensing up more. 
She thinks I'm bringing her Lord and Savior Luke Ginson to dinner...great. 
I'm ready just in time, hearing the door of Nikki's beat up car shut outside. 
I'm darting down the stairs, glad that my parents haven't noticed, and open the door before he can ring the doorbell. 
He's dressed as nice as he can be, jeans, a tshirt, and his leather jacket. 
"Hi." He says, smiling at me, looking me up and down. "You look hot." 
"Thank you." I reply, my eyes catching on the rosary around his neck. "Oh, no, she can't see that, we're Assembly of God, she's gonna think you're Catholic." I mumble as I quickly tuck it into his shirt as my mom says, "Vivian, is he here?" A little too excitedly. 
"Um, yes ma'am, coming!" I call, looking at Nikki.
"Relax, babe, I got this." He assures me deviously as we step inside and I lead him to the dining room, gulping when I meet my mother's eyes as she steps in with a pitcher of lemonade. 
She sets her sights on Nikki and drops the dish, causing the heavy glass to break and lemonade to slosh onto the floor, and I keep myself from squeezing my eyes closed to retreat to my mind. 
"Charlette, honey, be more care--" My dad stops talking when he walks in to see Nikki, "--ful." He finishes, immediately going into salvage mode. "H-Hey, hi," he smiles widely at Nikki, seeming to be amused with my choice of date, "I'm Johnny." My dad extends his hand. 
"Nikki." Nikki takes it. 
"Johnny, Vivian, a word, please." My mom says, obviously seething. 
"Oh, Charlette, we don't have time...the steaks will get cold." He tells her to save me, and she stomps into the kitchen before he looks at me. 
"Thank you." I mouth and he winks at me. 
"She was expecting someone else." My dad tells Nikki, putting an arm around his shoulder and patting him as we step to the table. 
Nikki finds this humorous and snorts a little, causing me to glare at him because it's not funny. 
"Would you like something to drink, Nikki?" I ask quietly as my dad wipes up the lemonade and gets what pieces of glass he can get off the floor. 
"I really don't think your parents have Jack, do they?" He mumbles and I shake my head a little, smiling sadly at him. "I'm in hell." He adds as I chuckle. "Whatever you guys have is fine with me." He says next and I nod, heading to the kitchen to grab him a soda from the fridge. 
My mom's angrily preparing to bring the plate of steaks to the table, her red lips in an almost snarl as she glances at me. 
"This is not what we do, Vivian." She states to me and I roll my eyes. 
"--You know better than to get in with the likes of him." She keeps on.
"I know he's not Luke freaking Ginson, mom, but he's good to me and I really like him." 
"Oh, he's good to you?" She asks with a mocking laugh, turning to face me with her hands on her hips. 
"Yes, he is." I stand by what I said. 
"Your Aunt Lily is rolling in her grave at the sound of you giving props to the same type of man that completely wrecked her life, and eventually took it away from her altogether." She hisses, turning back around to grab the plate, while I'm struck speechless. "Grab the fries and string beans." She tells me, walking back out to the table. 
I push my tears back and grab the beans, sitting them next to the steaks as I hand Nikki his soda, next. 
"Looks good." He comments about the food. 
"Very good." Dad puts in next, sitting down. "Thank you, Charlette." He says next in reference to her helping with dinner. 
"Who would like to say prayer?" She ignores him, her eyes glassed with tears the longer she looks at Nikki and I next to each other.
"I will." Dad says, and I bow my head and close my eyes. "Father, in heaven, I pray. Forgive me of my sins, Lord. Thank you for continuing to bless us with new opportunities to meet and love on others. Thank you for your comforting hand, and not leaving one tear that's been shed recently over Lilian, unacknowledged. I pray that you continue to keep your hand over this family, protect us and those we love, but above all, I pray whatever your will is, let it be done. Thank you for this meal we are so fortunate to have, may it nourish and strengthen our bodies so our bodies may continue to be used unto your service. In Christ Jesus' name I pray. Amen." He finishes. 
"Amen." Mom and I echo, and Nikki looks at me, already chewing steak, letting me know he started eating during the blessing. 
My mother notices, too, her hand tightening around her fork.
My dad just shrugs it off before asking him, "So, Nikki, what is it you do for a living, or are you in school?" My dad asks him and my mom rudely scoffs as if it's impossible that Nikki's in college currently. 
"No, I'm kinda doing odd jobs. Right now I'm telemarketing." He explains. 
“Is that what the kids are calling drug dealing nowadays?” My mom remarks, snidely.
“Mom.” I say, shooting daggers her way and she raises her brows.
“What, I’m just asking a legitimate question, Vivian.” She tells me, raising her brows. “What, with the knotted, unnaturally black hair, eye liner and uncomfortably ripped pants that make him look like he got caught in a barbed wire fence while escaping a prison, I think it’s safe to assume he enjoys listening to the same sex, alcohol and drug endorsing music as--”
“--Charlette.” My dad sighs out, looking at her as if to say, “seriously?”
“And don’t even get me started on the rosary hiding under his shirt.” She promptly points out and he and I both tense up. “Not only did you bring home an imbecile, Vivian, but a Catholic imbecile.” She sarcastically congratulates me. “I’m sure God is so very pleased with you.” She adds and I wince as she abruptly corrects herself, looking at Nikki as she says, “or, as you Catholics believe, ‘Mother Mary.”
“--Do you not feel ridiculous believing that you have to plead with dead disciples and Mary to talk to God on your behalf because simply going to God directly in prayer isn’t enough. Because I assure you, what, with the ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of the womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death’, I promise you she’s looking down at your ignorance and telling you to just talk to Jesus or God yourself because she’s a woman, and men don’t listen--not even the divine.” She states, and my father has his face buried in his hands, and I can tell my expression is mortified as my mom just casually starts cutting her steak while Nikki just keeps his amused grin on his lips.
“No, my prayers are usually done in the dead of night in a discreet location in the hills, with the sacrificial offering of a virgin with the entirety of the Sunset Strip nightlife in attendance while Blackie Lawless sings 'I Fly Away’ backwards while wearing a goat carcass.” He tells her without skipping a beat. 
Her jaw clenches, her eye twitching as me and my dad are both sitting, paralyzed, and I feel the color draining from my face by the second. 
"Then you have no business associating yourself with my daughter." My mom quips, staring at him resentfully.
"Mmm, she's our latest sacrificial virgin." Nikki replies and my mother slams her fork onto her plate, throwing her napkin onto the table. 
"I need fresh air." She states in a hiss, going to the door and slamming it. 
We all just sit in silence for a moment, before Nikki looks at my dad. 
"I'm not really using her as a sacrificial virgin." He tells him, and my dad raises a brow. 
"I figured being that it wouldn't do much good." My dad mumbles. "Well, kids, moments like these I wish I wouldn't have stopped drinking." He sighs out next, standing. "I'm sorry for her mother's lack of manners and boundaries. She wasn't always like this." He assures Nikki. "And no matter your beliefs--it's not our business--as long as Vivian's comfortable…" he says next and Nikki nods as if he's thinking about it before my dad opens the door to go talk my mom down.
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