#Visenya Targaryen (Daemyra's daughter)
ammmyturtle · 1 month
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Baela: I mistakenly broke my mother’s vase, so I placed my little sister beside it
Baby Visenya: :D?
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mochimaster · 2 years
is there any headcanons you would share about daemyra?
Headcanon: While yes Rhaenyra was always naturally very fiery, had a rebellious streak and all round was just a second female coming of Daemon (at least that's what Viserys thought) she was also always very maternal too. Aemma picked up on that very early on, the way Rhaenyra cared for Syrax, how spoiled the dragon was because Rhaenyra babied her so much from the moment she was a hatchling.
Rhaenyra would often times talk about what she would name her own future children when Aemma would spend time with her before bed,
"I'll have a boy named Viserys, just like Kepa and I'll have a girl named Visenya because she'll be beautiful and powerful and my littlest Princess will be named Aemma, like you Muna."
Aemma smiles, stroking her daughters platinum hair gently, "well that's very sweet, I would love that, I know your father would too... no little Princeling named after your uncle Daemon?"
Rhaenyra looks at her with a sleepy grin, giggling happily, "he's their Kepa!" She exclaims, as if Aemma should already know this future fact, her little voice grows quieter with a yawn, "he'll want to name one of our babes Aegon anyway."
It's in that moment Aemma knows her daughter is absolutely and utterly stuck on her uncle Daemon.
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blood-ofmyblood · 2 years
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lady-corrine · 1 year
this is how I think visenya, rhaenyra's babygirl would dress; very lavish (btw the right one is the younger version and the left is when she's more mature)
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Bestie, I love this! These are absolutely gorgeous! And the fact that you thought of Visenya is so sweet. 🥺 And I absolutely agree with you! Rhaenyra's baby girl would dress richly, just like her mother!
I have so many headcanons about her (and Viserys), and one of them is that Visenya would wear her mother's clothes and jewelries (to feel closer to her), and if some dresses would not fit her, she would have them altered for herself. But she would not throw away absolutely anything from her mother's wardrobe. Even if some pieces could be out of style, she would find a way to bring them in trend simply to always have a piece of her mother with her. 🥺
She would have both her parents' flair for dramatic dressing (because Daemon too had that thing with the Gold cloaks). Visenya would be a fashion icon, just like her mama, it is known. 😌
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hllywdwhre · 8 months
Dreamer, Queen, Prince - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Daemyra x fem!OC
Warnings: Please check masterlist for warnings. This work is 18+, MDNI
*112 AC
Viserea leaned down low against the saddle of Tessarion,
“Aderī! (Quickly.)” She shouted, smiling as the wind whipped in her face. Rhaenyra and Syrax were close behind them as they neared the dragonpit and Viserea was determined to win their race. As the four came dangerously close to the pit, Viserea called out to Tessarion again,
“Paerī, nepot. (Slow, to the pit).”
The dragons touched down at the same time and Viserea waited until the two dragonkeepers had Tessarion’s attention before dismounting. Giving her dragon one last loving pat on her neck, Viserea made her way over to where Rhaenyra stood with Lady Alicent Hightower.
Viserea bit her tongue and forced a polite smile onto her face as Rhaenyra and Alicent spoke for a moment more. They boarded the carriage together and Viserea kept her eyes out of the carriage window while they rode through the streets of King’s Landing. She didn’t bother joining in on the conversation. She and Alicent had never seen eye-to-eye on most things and she wouldn’t be the one to make Rhaenyra choose between her two closest friends, so staying quiet during the conversations between the two was the best thing she could think to do. Mayhaps it was jealousy, but Viserea refused to let her mind wander down that path. Every time she thought about it, she was left even more confused than before.
After exiting the carriage, Viserea stayed in step with Rhaenyra and Alicent, participating in their conversation just enough to not be considered rude. They approached Queen Aemma’s door and all three were swiftly let inside the Queen’s chambers. Alicent greeted the Queen, then gave a small bow to the Princesses, excusing herself to allow the two to visit with Aemma.
“My girls,” Aemma greeted with a warm smile which the Targaryens returned. “Must you two continue flying while I am in this condition? You know I do not like it.”
“Your Grace-” Viserea started, only to be stopped when Aemma held her hand up,
“Viserea, you have been my daughter for years now. Unless you wish for me to only address you as Princess, I ask you to stop referring to me as your Queen. Aemma will do fine,” Aemma told her, causing the girl to smile and nod her head.
“You don’t really prefer us flying while you're in any condition, mother,” Rhaenyra pointed out, causing her mother to chuckle, “Did you sleep?”
“I did,” Aemma answered.
“For how long?”
“You know I am the mother here, I do not need looking after.”
“Well all the attendants surrounding you seem to be focused on the babe, I can only count on myself and Viserea to attend to your needs.”
“Soon enough you two will both be going through the same discomfort. It is our duty to the realm,” Upon seeing both girls grimace, Aemma continued, “The knights ride into battle and we fight a battle here, ensuring our legacy lives on, and doing so with a stiff lip. Now go bathe, both of you. You smell of dragon.”
Viserea and Rhaenyra both bid the Queen goodbye and placed a kiss on her forehead before exiting the room.
“I know it is our duty, but I do not want to become a slave to that bed,” Rhaenyra said once they were far enough away that they could not be heard.
“Neither do I. I do not wish to become a slave to my husband either. Only viewed as a title with a womb that can give him and his house more power,” Viserea replied. This was a topic the two had discussed multiple times at depth.
“What is it you wish for in a marriage?” Rhaenyra asked Viserea, looking to her with genuine curiosity written across her features. Viserea blushed lightly as she answered,
“A marriage to rival Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys’. We would be wed in the Valyrian manner with cut lips and palms to bind us to each other. Someone who looked at me and did not view me as just a Targaryen Princess, but looked at me and recognized the power Targaryen Princesses truly held. Aegon did not lock Visenya and Rhaenys away to their bed chambers and force them to provide him with heirs. He had them fight alongside him and gave them a voice in his court by always taking their opinions into account.”
“You seem to have thought about this before.”
“And you have not?” Viserea asked, already knowing the answer.
“I am to be wed to Syrax and cake alone. Never to a man,” Rhaenyra joked, causing both her and Viserea to burst into a fit of laughter.
The two told each other they would meet at the Godswood and Rhaenyra made her way to the Small Council room as it was her day to be the cupbearer for the King.
It was one of the first things Viserys did. After making Viserea a member of his family, he declared both her and Rhaenyra to be cupbearers, saying they could each spend a day by his side, and that if there was a matter of extreme importance being discussed, there would simply be two cupbearers in the chamber.
While Rhaenyra carried out her duties, Viserea was bathed, redressed, and her hair was freshly braided. Ser Ryden met her at her door when she went to exit and begin heading to the tourney.
“Princess, there is someone here that wishes to see you in the throne room,” he informed her as he began guiding her to the throne room.
A wide smile came across Viserea’s face, already knowing who awaited. When she entered the throne room, it was to no surprise of hers that she saw Daemon seated upon the Iron Throne, though she could hear Ser Ryden behind her gasp at the disrespect.
“You play a dangerous game, Uncle. One might think your actions disrespectful and let you feel the wrath of a dragon,” Viserea greeted in their mother tongue of High Valyrian.
“Are we so sure that the Queen is to have a boy? This throne might end up mine yet,” Daemon said, a playful smirk on his face as he looked down at the Princess from where he sat.
“The King said he had a dream that it was a boy. Though he also said the boy was born wearing the crown of Aegon the Conquere so I am unsure of how much faith to place in his dream.”
“Is it not possible that the babe being born with a crown is a metaphor for him being crowned king later in life?” Daemon asked Viserea. She gave a shrug in response,
“Every dreamer is different. My dream of Rhaenyra and I was straightforward, but I do not know what Danys saw. It is alway possible that her dream was not actually of Valyria burning and she was left to decipher the meaning of her dream.” The limited knowledge on dragon dreams was something that had driven Viserea to tears many times; unable to tell if nightmares were just bad dreams, or if her family would truly face the fates she dreamed of.
“Describe the dream again,” Daemon commanded with a voice full of curiosity.
Viserea had explained the dream to him multiple times over by now, yet he asked to hear the story of it every time. She had no qualms with explaining it again and again to Daemon, for he seemed to be the only one, aside from Rhaenyra, who seemed curious about the dreams. Others seemed to be in a state of awe after hearing it and many at court used “meeting the dreamer” as a bragging right to their peers. Daemon and Rhaenyra were the two that helped her look at every possible angle with her dreams, prophetic or not, and decipher if there was another meaning to them. So Viserea retold the story of her dream and the events that had taken place the next day.
“If the whispers are to be believed, I will be gifting you a new saddle for your dragon, soon,” Daemon said, apparently not being able to come up with any other meaning for Viserea’s dream and changing the topic of conversation.
“The dragonmasters say she will outgrow the pit at the rate she is growing and possibly grow larger than Meleys and Caraxes in the coming years. There are many adult dragons down there that Tessarion has grown larger than,” Viserea spoke in the common tongue now, though anyone could have told she was proud of her dragon by the look on her face.
“It seems fitting that the Targaryen princess named for Visenya would hatch and bond to her own dragon that is bound to reach the same size as Vhagar.” Daemon wore a proud look on his face as he spoke.
“I believe Tessarion will outgrow Vhagar and that we are looking at the next Balerion.”
The voice came from behind Viserea and she turned to see Rhaenyra approaching her. “Nice to see you again, Uncle. What has brought you back?”
“The tourney in my honor, Princess,” Daemon answered, stepping down from the Iron Throne.
“He still is not sure that mother's babe is the heir,” Viserea told Rhaenyra, to which she nodded.
“And until she brings forth a son, you are all stuck with me.” Daemon stopped in front of the two girls, looking down at them.
“Then Viserea and I shall both hope for a son,” Rhaenyra said, smirking up at Daemon and causing Viserea to giggle.
Daemon smirked back at Rhaenyra then looked to Viserea with the same fond expression before pulling something out for each of them.
“I brought each of you something. Do you know what they are?”
Viserea and Rhaenyra each reached for the object he held out towards them. He had brought Viserea back a ring and earrings, which she gently took. The steel felt cold in her hands and she realized what it was at the same time as Rhaenyra.
“Valyrian steel,” they said at the same moment.
“So we can all have a piece of our ancestry. Turn around,” Daemon said to Rhaenyra.
Viserea took out the earrings she wore currently and put in the earrings Daemon had brought her while Daemon helped Rhaenyra fasten the new necklace. After he had fastened Rhaenyra’s necklace, he took the ring from Viserea and gently placed it on her hand.
“They were intended to be worn together, but I do believe you two are one of the same. If both of you wear it, the set might as well be worn by the same person,” Daemon remarked, causing both of the girls to look at each other and exchange smiles. “I’ll see you both at the Tourney.” He said, dipping his head respectfully to the girls before leaving the throne room.
Rhaenyra and Viserea looked at each other after they had watched him leave, then began making their way to the Godswood, where they were both due to go over their studies with Alicent.
“How was the Council?” Viserea asked, reverting back to speaking in Valyrian so that the matters handled in the council would stay private.
“The Maester asked about the Rogue’s progress on the City Watch, father brushed it off and said he was ‘occupied’,” Rhaenyra started, distaste clear in her voice and it was obvious to Viserea that Rhaenyra was giving her the nice version of what was really said, “the Sea Snake is worried about a Triarchy in the Stepstones being led by a man who calls himself the Crabfeeder and what it could mean for our ports. No one paid that any mind because soon the Tourney was brought up.”
Viserea interjected before Rhaenyra could continue, “The trading ports? If there is danger near them, I side with the Sea Snake. Those ports cannot be lost.”
Rhaenyra gave Viserea a look that said she agreed, “The Tourney holds father’s attention over the ports. Who wants to think of war when the future king is supposed to be born?”
Viserea did not reply, knowing the question was a rhetorical one. Her thoughts raced everywhere as they continued walking to the Godswood; some of them on Aemma’s labors, others thinking of the Tourney, others thinking of the ports in the Stepstones, and a small portion of her thoughts thinking of the ring on her finger, the necklace around Rhaenyra’s neck, and the earrings adorning her ears.
For once, Viserea was happy to see Alicent. She offered a distraction. Viserea could focus on the stories of the rulers before them instead of the matters at hand. She answered all of Alicent’s questions, and helped Rhaenyra answer the ones she tried to simply play off. Viserea watched as Rhaenyra laid her head in Alicent’s lap and continued brushing off all of Alicent’s questions, even as Alicent grew frustrated.
She stayed seated when Alicent stood up and let a smirk play across her face when Rhaenyra recited Princess Nymeria’s tale of fleeing across the Narrow Sea. Viserea knew Rhaenyra could recite most of the book, and that she was much smarter than she let on, and in the moments she showed it, pride would flow through Viserea.
As they walked back to the castle, the three of them laughed as Rhaenyra cussed the Septa, and let their topic of conversation change to that of who was attending the Tourney.
Viserea was awoken early the next morning, the light of day not even shining through her windows yet. Groggily, she stumbled to the door of her chambers, opening it and finding two handmaidens standing there.
“The Lord Hand sent us to ready you, Princess. A Small Council meeting has been called.” Stepping back, Viserea allowed the handmaidens to enter.
They dressed her quickly, and one of them styled her hair in a simple braid, given the short amount of time they had. Neither of them spoke to Viserea, knowing she was not talkative in the mornings, and Viserea was grateful. She thanked both of them once they were finished and stepped out of her room, being greeted by Ser Ryden.
“You look as lovely as ever, Princess,” he greeted, walking beside her as they made their way to the Council room.
“I do not feel it, Ser. I feel as though I have just been called out of bed before the sun has risen,” Viserea said bitterly, though the knight knew none of the bitterness was directed towards him.
The two met with Otto and the King as they neared the room,
“…it was an unprecedented roundup of alleged criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meting out the summary judgments himself. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting… dismemberments when it was done,” Otto said, paying no mind to Viserea as she joined them.
“Gods be good…” She heard Viserys mumble as the entered the Council room.
“The Prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity,” Otto continued before being interrupted by the Lord Commander, Redwyne.
Daemon’s presence sent a jolt through Viserea and it took her a moment to remember her duties. She walked to the side of the room and picked up the wine, beginning to fill the cups of the attending council members, though Daemon and Corlys were the only two to acknowledge her with a thanks.
Viserea stopped behind Otto’s chair, her eyes on the blood streak that stained Daemon’s gold cloak.
“Do not let me interrupt, my Lord Hand. You were saying something about my impunity?” Daemon spoke, both he and Viserea watching as Otto looked to the king to continue the conversation.
When he stayed silent, Otto moved to his seat, causing Viserea to have to quickly step to the side to avoid being hit by the chair. Lyonel Strong reached for Viserea’s arm to steady her and Daemon’s look towards Otto turned to a glare.
“You are to explain your doings with the City Watch,” Otto said, paying no mind to Viserea.
“What about them?” Daemons questioned. He sat down along with the rest of the council when the king sat down.
“Your new “gold cloaks” made quite an impression last night,” King Viserys finally spoke.
“Did they?” Daemon replied, causing Viserea to force back a smile.
“The City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim. They are an extension of the crown,” Otto continued before being cut off.
“The Watch was enforcing the crown’s laws. Wouldn’t you say, Lord Strong?” Daemon and Viserea both looked to Lord Strong, who looked taken aback. He stuttered out a “My Prince” before Otto was speaking over him again.
“Making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws,” the Hand said.
Viserea couldn’t help herself as she stood still between the Hand and the Master of Laws and let her eyes flicker between Otto and Daemon.
“Nobles from every corner of the realm are right now descending King’s Landing for my brother’s tourney. Do you want them to be mugged, raped, murdered?” Daemon’s face looked bored as he continued speaking to Otto, “You mightn’t know this unless you stepped out of the Red Keep, Lord Hightower, but much of King’s Landing is seen by the smallfolk as lawless and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all its people.”
“It’s true,” Viserea spoke, causing all heads to turn towards her. The blush that graced her cheeks matched the red in the gems of the jewelry gifted to her by Daemon which she currently wore. “The smallfolk don’t allow their children to roam the streets as they once did.”
“And how would you be aware of this?” Otto asked, looking up at her.
“Princess Rhaenyra and I notice it when we fly above. The children used to chase our dragons through the streets and now their parents keep a hand on them to prevent them from doing so,” She replied confidently, the lie coming easy to her. She would not tell them how she truly knew, though Viserys and Daemon both knew the truth and she could tell by the look the King was giving her.
“I agree that the city should be safe for all of its people, I just hope you don’t have to maim half my city to achieve this,” Viserys said, trying to calm the tension in the room.
“Time will tell,” Daemon answered easily, still looking up at Viserea.
Viserea looked away when Corlys voiced his support for Daemon and made her way around the table to top off anyone’s cups that needed it. She came to a stop next to Daemon when Otto brought up Daemon’s marriage. A sour taste filled Viserea’s mouth but she forced her face to remain blank.
“We understand from Lord Yorkers that you’ve not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone in some time. Queen Aemma was very proud to have arranged your union with Lady Rhea,” Otto continued on.
“I would think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence.” Daemon’s statement caused Lyman Beesbury and Lord Strong to both take sips of their wine, while Corlys and Viserea made eye contact and exchanged similar looks of amusement.
“Lady Rhea is your wife, a good and honorable lady of the Vale-“
“In the Vale, men are said to fuck sheep instead of women. I can assure you, the sheep are prettier.”
“You took a vow before the eyes of the Seven to honor the Lady Rhea in marriage.”
“Lady Rhea doesn’t seem to enjoy the Prince’s company either, is he to force himself on her?” Viserea quipped, an eyebrow raised toward the Hand.
Before Otto could reply, Daemon cut in again, seeing that Otto’s temper was about to turn on Viserea.
“I’d gladly give Lady Rhea to you, Lord Hightower, if you’re in need of a woman to warm your bed. Your own lady wife passed recently, did she not?”
Viserea nor Daemon flinched when Otto jumped from his chair, sending it toppling over.
“Perhaps you aren’t ready to move on just yet,” Daemon said, causing Viserea to cover her chuckle with a small cough.
“You know my brother makes sport of provoking you, Otto. Must you indulge him?” Viserys asked, his own exhaustion at the dynamic evident in his voice.
As Otto utters an apology and picks up his chair, Viserys looks up at Viserea, silently reprimanding her for aiding in Daemon’s comments. The King turned to Daemon and spoke once Otto had sat back down.
“The council has, at great expense, bettered the City Watch to your exact standards. Enforce my laws, but know that any further performances like last night’s will be answered.”
“Understood, Your Grace,” Daemon said, standing up from his spot, “Was there anything else?”
“That is all. You and Viserea can both be dismissed.”
Viserea was not surprised at her early dismissal, knowing it was the response to her comments and to her admitting she was sneaking around the city again.
She placed the wine down on its table and walked to the end of the table, where she took Daemon’s arm that he offered to her. She looked up at him as they left the room, clear confusion written on her face but no answers were given until the doors of the room were shut behind them.
Daemon answered her unspoken question, “I really do enjoy getting under our dear Hand’s skin, and offering the Princess my arm to escort her from the room and show that I do know how to use my manners is a great way of doing so.”
Viserea forced herself not to let the laughter consume her body, though the broad smile she wore showed just how amused she was at Daemon’s actions.
“I am glad I’m not the only one who enjoys watching his face turn red. It was worth being dismissed from the meeting early and any stern words I’ll receive from the King about my sneaking into the city if it means taking him down a peg.”
“You should be more careful, Princess. I am watching how you handle yourself in these meetings, and I cannot offer such a rebellious person a place in my council,” Daemon teased.
“Your council?” Viserea questioned, “Going by the King’s word, it will not be your council. It will be his son’s. I will be promised no place on the future King’s council so I might as well make sure my place is noted in the books. I do not wish to just be remembered as another Targaryen Princess married off to a Lord in order to further whichever King’s political gain.” Though her tone was light, her words held some weight.
“I shall see to it that you are remembered as more than that,” Daemon told her, his words completely erasing the joking atmosphere between the two. Viserea doesn’t doubt his words for a moment, looking up at him and offering him a small smile.
“I look forward to seeing how you carry out that promise,” she told him.
The rest of the day flew by uneventfully for Viserea. She had attended another council meeting of little importance later in the day, and recited the events of the two meetings to Rhaenyra in her chambers before they went to bed.
She did well when the Septa tested her on the histories and the Septa rewarded her with another book from the North, specifically from Winterfell, though this one was clearly written for her. It was a detailed history of the Starks and must have been written by the Starks own maester. The book was heavier than most, but Viserea knew some of that weight was mental. She had learned what she must about her family in her classes, but couldn’t bring herself to study more about them. It made her feel closer to her mother, but she found the cost to be just as large as the reward.
Viserea was never ashamed of who her mother was, in fact, she frequently wore dresses of Stark grey intertwined with Targaryen red to honor her mother and her mother’s family. However, she could only sometimes bring herself to do more than that. She loved Aemma as a mother figure, and she knew that Aemma loved her as if she was her own. Viserea was grateful for the love she received from her father’s family, but that did not fill the hole she felt of not having her own mother there with her. Learning about the Starks made her feel closer to her mother and farther away at the same time.
Viserea was more than grateful for the afternoon dragon ride she was able to take with Rhaenyra, though they kept the flight short in case Aemma’s condition changed at all. The short time in the air helped clear her head and she was back to her usual self by the time they returned to the pit.
That night, after Viserea had told Rhaenyra of the council meeting and they had bid each other a good night, Viserea fell asleep quickly. The sleep did not last long though.
She did not remember what the dream started as, but it quickly turned to one of horror. Aemma in pain, blood soaked sheets, and two pyres being burned by dragonfire at Rhaenyra’s command. She was shaken awake by Ser Ryden, concern written on his face as he checked her over for injuries and started to call for the maesters.
“No, don’t!” Viserea commanded, through a tear soaked face. “It was a dream, nothing is wrong with me.” She said, falling against Ser Ryden and sobbing into the cool metal of his armor.
“I need Nyra and Daemon.” She told him, pulling away. There wasn’t a single protest from him as he left the room to retrieve the two, coming back less than a moment later with a disheveled and concerned Rhaenyra.
“The Prince is not in his chambers.” Ser Ryden said, “I checked them myself on the way to the Princess’.”
Rhaenyra quickly made her way to Viserea’s bed and the two hugged each other tightly.
“Is it bad?” Rhaenyra asked her after a couple minutes of their embrace. Viserea took a shaky breath and nodded,
“Horrible. The other nightmares were nothing like this, they weren’t prophecies, this was.” Viserea told her, pulling away to look at Rhaenyra.
“What is it about?” Rhaenyra asked. Viserea tried to reply, but felt the tears start again and took a couple deep breaths to calm herself,
“I feel like if I say it out loud, it will make it come true and you will hate me for it.”
“I could never hate you.” Rhaenyra said quickly, taking Viserea’s hands in her own. “You see prophecies. They are already set in stone, you do not make them.”
“It’s mother.” Viserea said.
She gave Rhaenyra a moment to decide if she wanted to hear more and, once she nodded for her to continue, told her of the prophecy. She left out the gruesome details, telling her only that she saw Rhaenyra giving Syrax the command to burn their pyres.
“There’s more.” Rhaenyra wasn't asking, she knew that Viserea was withholding part of the dream.
“Trust me and hear me when I say that you do not want to know. It is not something you need to be haunted with.” Viserea’s voice was cold and serious, making Rhaenyra nod.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” Rhaenyra asked her, though she had already begun pulling the blankets back for herself.
“Please.” Viserea replied.
The two girls laid down next to each other, with Viserea pulling Rhaenyra into her side. Neither of them said another word. Neither of them knew what to say. They simply took what little comfort they could in each other’s presence.
Rhaenyra nor Viserea slept much the rest of the night, the two waking each other up due to a bad dream or anxiety the moment the other fell asleep. When their handmaidens saw to them the next morning, both girls looked as exhausted as they felt and neither of them wanted to attend breakfast.
The Princesses’ late arrival to the tourney did not go unnoticed by Viserys, who threw both girls a sidelong glance. Viserea and Rhaenyra both apologized to the nobles they had to climb across and Viserea sat on the side of Rhaenyra not occupied by Alicent.
When Viserea nor Rhaenyra showed much interest in Alicent’s gossip of Lady Elinor being secretly pregnant, Viserea saw her curve her body to face them and she dropped her voice.
“Are you feeling well?” She asked with a voice of genuine concern.
“Rea was sick last night, I stayed with her.” Rhaenyra lied quickly, though Viserea shook her head.
“She can know.” Viserea said, dropping her voice down and turning herself to the two girls beside her. “I had another dream last night. It was… gruesome to say the least.”
“Might I know the subject?” Alicent asked the two.
Viserys stood from behind the three of the girls,
“It has just been told to me that Queen Aemma has begun her labors!” He announced, smiling widely as the crowd cheered loudly.
Upon seeing Rhaenyra and Viserea exchange glances with clear worry written on their faces, Alicent quickly realized what the dream was about.
“Is there a way to stop it?” Alicent asked, but quickly backtracked “Apologies, you two would have already done it if you could.” She told them, taking one of their hands in each of her own.
“I won’t discuss the details of what I did see. They aren’t pleasant.” Viserea looked to Alicent, whose face was laced with curiosity and a sad look.
“She would not even tell me, only that she saw me burning the two pyres.” Rhaenyra said, her voice still dropped low, though all eyes were on the knights dueling below.
The three girls’ attention was drawn away from each other for a moment as the Master of Revels introduced Daemon and watched as he and his horse passed along the knights lined up.
When he pointed his lance to Gwayne Hightower, Viserea forced herself to keep the amused smile off of her face. Alicent was okay sometimes and Viserea had grown used to her presence due to Rhaenyra’s close friendship with her and she trusted her not to wrong them, but that was the nicest she could speak of the Hightower family.
Daemon dismounting Alicent’s brother caused all of the nobles and royals in the box to lean forward and Rhaenyra to gently rub Alicent’s back in a calming manner once her brother stood up.
“Nicely done, Uncle.” Rhaenyra told him.
“Quite a skilled performance.” Viserea said.
“Thank you, my Princesses.” He tells them both, smiling at them after removing his helmet. He lowers his lance towards Alicent, “I’m fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favor would all but assure it.”
The same feelings of jealousy that Viserea had spent hours in solitude debating rose as a bile in her throat as she watched Alicent blush and stand up before placing the favor on Daemon’s lance.
“Good luck, my Prince.” Alicent wished him.
Viserea looked to Rhaenyra who was already looking at her. Both of them had frowns on their faces that they forced away when Alicent returned.
As the tourney continued on, Viserea’s favor was given to her cousin, Rickon, who invited her to see Winterfell.
Upon seeing Ser Criston Cole dismount Lord Boremund Baratheon, Rhaenyra called over Ser Harrold and Ser Ryden and questioned if either of them knew of the Cole man.
“We have been asking the same thing, Princesses and my Lady. I’m told Ser Criston is common-born, the son of Lord Blackhaven’s steward. Other than that, and the fact he has now unhorsed both the Baratheon lads, I could not say.” Ser Harrold told the three girls.
The three move to the guard-rail when it is announced that Ser Criston has chosen Daemon to tilt against. Viserea’s attention is drawn away from the fight and she grips the guard-rail tight enough that her knuckles turn white due to the strange feeling taking over body.
“Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue in a melee!” The voice barely breaks through Viserea’s trance while she concentrates on taking deep breaths to steady herself. She hardly registers the rest of the world, only noticing from the sound of the crowd that Daemon had apparently been bested by Ser Criston and feeling Rhaenyra’s hand rest on top of hers.
“Sit.” Rhaenyra commands her, leaving no room in her voice for argument and Viserea doesn’t try to.
She begins to make her way to her seat, but is waved over by Princess Rhaenys, while Corlys stands and allows her to take his seat.
“Thank you, my Lord, but you did not have to give up your seat.” Viserea tells him.
“Nonsense. You looked as though you were about to faint.” Corlys spoke in Valyrian to the Princess, avoiding drawing any concern to them.
“Are you that concerned for your uncle’s wellbeing?” Rhaenys asked though she knew that was not the cause for Viserea’s episode.
Viserea looked to her cousin, her dark hair and lilac eyes complimented each other and the rare combination radiated power that Viserea had nothing but respect for.
“I always worry for my uncle, but no, that is not the reason for my… unease.” Viserea struggled to find the word that fit exactly what she was feeling.
The three of them turned their heads when they noticed Viserys and Otto leaving the box, and though she had not eaten anything since the night before, Viserea still felt she might be sick. She looked back to Rhaenyra and Alicent and was grateful neither of them had seemed to notice the absence.
“It is the Queen. You’ve had another dream and the Princess and Lady know of it.” Rhaenys’ declaration did not surprise Viserea; Rhaenys was a smart, strong, and observant woman.
Corlys’ looked down at Viserea when she nodded,
“You can feel the dream happening?” Corlys asked and Viserea shook her head.
“I don’t feel her labor pains, but I feel that the dream is happening. It did not happen when I predicted our first dragon ride, though I was still a child and the excitement of my first flight was the only thing I noticed.” Viserea looked between Rhaenys and Corlys as they exchanged glances.
The three of them stood as more cheers and screams of the crowd suddenly grew louder. They glanced down and saw that multiple fights had broken out which brought a sneer to Rhaenys’ face.
“Some way to celebrate the birth of our future king.” Corlys said with distaste.
“Their lords sent them to the tourney field with fists full of steel and balls full of seed. None of them have known real war. It is a wonder that war did not break out at first blood.” Rhaenys spoke in the common tongue now and moments later Otto returned to the royal box.
He whispered something into Corlys’ ear and went to the next member of the small council. The unease Viserea felt was gone, washed away by grief. She did not need to hear the Hand’s words in order to know the message he delivered.
A flurry broke out in the royal box and Viserea stood quickly, pushing her way through until she stood just outside of it, awaiting Rhaenyra. Once Rhaenyra joined her, Viserea immediately took her hand, letting Rhaenyra lead the way as she wordlessly followed her.
As they arrive at the Queen’s chambers, Viserea bites her tongue to avoid letting any tears fall. They both step into the doorway but neither cross the threshold. Aemma had already been taken out of the room and Viserea’s grip on Rhaenyra’s hand tightened as the short flashes of blood and pain from her dream began flashing through her head. When Viserys does not move from his spot, Rhaenyra is back to pulling Viserea down the hallways, not stopping until they reach Rhaenyra’s own chambers where she begins pacing in front of her bed.
“I was never good enough for him. A daughter with a womb, never a son with a cock.” Rhaenyra’s words shocked Viserea, but not because of what she said. The anger in her voice was surprising.
Viserea stepped closer to Rhaenyra, stopping her from walking and hugging her tightly. She felt Rhaenyra’s tears soak the shoulder of her dress and the two sat on the foot of her bed and her own tears soon began soaking Rhaenyra’s dress.
The tears eventually stopped flowing and the two of them moved to lay in the middle of Rhaenyra’s bed. Each of them had their arms wrapped around each other while Viserea laid on her back with Rhaenyra’s head on her chest.
“I feel selfish. I was able to know my mother and I grieve the loss of only one. You have now grieved the loss of two and it is you who comforts me.” Rhaenyra spoke, her voice gravelly.
“Our losses are not meant to be competitions, Nyra. You comforted me last night and I was delivering news of Aemma’s and your brother’s loss.” Viserea said, playing with a strand of Rhaenyra’s hair that had fallen.
“I will have to give the command?” Rhaenyra looked up at Viserea as she asked.
“I saw you give the command and since your father’s dragon has passed, the responsibility would fall to you. However, you are the Princess of the Realm. If you wanted me to give the command to Tessarion, I would oblige… and I am sure Daemon would offer Caraxes.”
“No. I will not pass off my responsibilities to someone else so that I may wallow in my own pity.” Rhaenyra said with a firm tone.
Viserea nodded and the two sat up when they heard a knock on the door. Rhaenyra cleared her throat before saying,
Viserea’s favorite handmaiden, Amarda, entered followed by one of Rhaenyra’s. They each carried a tray of food and gently sat them on one of the tables of the room.
“I thought you two would enjoy your dinner in the Princess’ chambers tonight. The King had his delivered to his own chambers.” Amarda explained, offering a hand to each of the girls to help them stand.
“Thank you, Amarda.” Viserea offered her a small smile which she returned.
Rhaenyra and Viserea ate what they could stomach of their dinners and were briefly separated long enough to bathe and dress in their nightclothes. They joined each other in Rhaenyra’s room again afterwards and eventually received the news that Baelon had also passed.
A second sleepless night was spent together and the handmaidens offered no surprise to see them in Rhaenyra’s room together the next morning as they brought them their breakfast. The two were soon dressed in black dresses and cloaks and being ushered to the funeral.
It was late afternoon by the time everyone was brought out to Rhaenys’ Hill, the morning being spent inside and dealing with nobles offering well wishes to the remaining Targaryens. Viserea did not bother wiping away her tears as the Septon spoke. She kept her posture straight and her head high, her free hand by her side and the other laced with Rhaenyra’s. She did not know if she had offered her hand in an attempt to comfort Rhaenyra or herself, but she was glad when Rhaenyra took it. She could force herself to maintain a regal posture and not be ashamed of her tears, but she could not force herself to stand without the other princess.
The crowd turned to look towards Rhaenyra, signaling it was time for her to say the word, though she made no move.
“They’re waiting for you.” Daemon spoke gently from behind the two.
Viserea saw Rhaenyra’s jaw clench in anger and she ran her thumb across the other’s knuckles. Daemon stepped to stand on the other side of Rhaenyra and offered his arm to her.
“Come. We’ll go together.”
“I wonder if, for those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness.” Rhaenyra snapped, her breathing getting deeper.
Viserea kept quiet, agreeing with Rhaenyra’s words, but knowing her input would help nothing.
“Your father needs you… more now than he ever has.” Daemon said, looking to Viserea next, “Both of you.”
“We are not sons.” Rhaenyra said, dropping Viserea’s hand and stepping forward.
Daemon takes a step towards Viserea so they stand shoulder to shoulder. They both watch as Rhaenyra raises her head to speak and then pauses. Viserea can sense it before it happens and grabs Daemon’s wrist, stopping him from going to her again.
“Daor. (No.)” Viserea said, stopping Daemon. She knew Rhaenyra needed to do this on her own and that she would not appreciate the help.
“Dracarys.” Rhaenyra spoke. The dragon stepped forward, letting out a low moan, as if feeling Rhaenyra’s pain herself. A moment later and the dragon’s fire was cascading over the two pyres.
Viserea did not move from her spot as others began leaving the hill. She reassured Rhaenyra she would be inside soon and saw from the corner of her eye Alicent and Rhaenyra walk off together. Daemon did not move from Viserea’s side. When the hill finally emptied and the last of the smoke rose from the ashes left of the two members of their family, Viserea finally spoke.
“The gods are cruel. I have now attended four funerals for my family, and there is no positive to outweigh the grief. Rhaenyra and I both grieve the loss of a mother, I grieve the loss of a father, and the father Rhaenyra so desperately needs has never learned to appreciate her. ‘The Realm’s Delight’ they call her, and he has never opened his eyes to see how true those words are.”
“He loves her, loves both of you-“ Daemon started, though he was cut off by a harsh laugh from Viserea.
“I have no doubt in my mind that he loves us, but he does not love us the way he would have loved Baelon. He does not love me the way he loves Rhaenyra. He has already begun discussing possible future betrothals for Rhaenyra, but does not mention any for me. He may love us, but he treats her as no more than a political pawn and he does not even treat me as that. His first royal decree on the very day he was made King was that I was part of his family and I was to be treated in the same respect as Rhaenyra, and it is he himself who failed that.” Viserea’s words were laced with bitterness as she stared ahead with a few more fresh tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
“The two of you do not see how much he truly loves you.” Daemon replied, his voice sincere.
“He did not notice anything was wrong with me at the tourney. Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys noticed before he did. She was the one who put it together that I had another dream. Alicent noticed that something was wrong before he did! Alicent whom I do not speak to unless I must! The man who I am supposed to view as a father saw nothing wrong with me or his blood born daughter!” By the end of the rant, Viserea was shouting through tears and grateful that the hill was empty.
Viserea felt Daemon pull her towards him and she allowed herself to melt into his embrace and wrap her arms around him in return. After a couple minutes, Viserea had calmed down and she pulled away from him, wiping away any sign of her tears.
“You had another dream?” Daemon asked her, not commenting on her previous show of emotion.
“Yes. I called for you and Rhaenyra last night, but you were not there. I did not tell Rhaenyra the full extent of it and I never will. She doesn’t need to know what her mother went through in her final moments.” Viserea said, her tone surpassing its previous bitterness and turning to one bordering hate by the end.
“What was the full dream?” His voice was cautious, as if he was afraid that asking would only make her angrier.
“The babe was in breach. They were both going to die no matter what, but Aemma was never told that. He held her down like a pig for slaughter as the Maester suggested a new way being practiced in the citadel. She died terrified and in pain. Her screams will not leave my nightmares anytime soon.” Viserea told him.
“You do not plan to forgive him for this.” It wasn’t a question that Daemon asked. He already knew the answer.
“You and Rhaenyra are the only Targaryen family I have left.” Looking up at him, Viserea’s lilac eyes were cold and Daemon understood that her words were true to her.
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blissfulphilospher · 5 months
So, I don't know why I am posting this but I had this in my heart since a long time. So, bear with me.
I read Princess and the Queen and Fire and Blood back in 2019, after GoT ended for more content. And I got to know about The Dance from Tumblr, the awesome artists and fanarts.
When I read those books, I felt for Rhaenyra. No I don't have a step mother but Rhaenyra felt alone, like her mother died and her father remarried, her new step mom was first kind and loving but then after a brother all that changed.
I can't blame book Rhaenyra for not having good relationship with her siblings, she was a child, just like them and the world was trying to replace her with them just as her mother had been replaced. (When my brother was born, I felt the same and we don't have the best relationship even now, but you know whose fault is that? Adults. Adults who love to compare and pity siblings against siblings)
Why Viserys never tried to mend the relationship between his eldest son and daughter? Even Alicent tried. And then Daemon evidently manipulated Rhaenyra more to hate her siblings for his own benefit. He was pushed down in succession. (He should never have been in succession)
Then Rhaenyra grows older, bold and doing as she like, fighting her step mother, beefing with her siblings and people are following her. She is being courted and has freedom in that era.
I liked book Rhaenyra because she seemed ruthless. She wasn't trying to pretend being good, she was ambitious, she was fighting for the throne because her father chose her. Not because of a stupid prophecy. We all know how that ended. She wanted the throne. (I will eat my brother alive if my father chose me for something and not him). She was unhinged.
And I liked that about her. I liked Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was greatly flawed, she offered her brothers for Laenor, she fed a man to her dragon, she hosted a lavish feast in a starving city, she was a woman and let men do the fighting. She was a mother and did everything to protect her children (foolishly though). She faced death with bravery and didn't begged and didn't offered negotiation, didn't ran. A true dragon. Like those menacing cruel dragons?
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And then HotD gave us...
1) 'I rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory' but she isn't train with swords. If she wants that then why isn't she trained? Was this to appease Arya's fans? Also this message of feminism, 'a woman only cool and worth something when she wants to be like men, Do what men does.' I am not saying this is bad but you are making her a feminist atleast let her appreciate females? Also, again, if she wanted to train with swords then why didn't she? Nobody stopped Visenya and Alyssa, no one would have stopped her.
2) On Aegon's nameday, enough people have said that already, Rhaenyra being mean to her two year old brother and acting like a spoilt child but I want to add this—
Everyone came there for Aegon, hoping Viserys will name him heir. HotD gave us Rhaenyra acting like a brat and then killing a boar and totally projecting her as a protagonist by showing White Hart, and sexy cool asf covered with blood. She could have made alliance, like book Rhaenyra would have mingled with everyone, dressed better than everyone, charming everyone. Not arguing with other ladies and lords.
3) Daemyra. Enough said. I never thought Book Rhaenyra and Book Daemon had any great love story, they were not even written as such. Nah, Rhaenyra desired Criston, tried to seduce him first. Daemon was only using her. He had one healthy relationship in the book and that was with Laena. They both came together because none of them considered Alicent and her children as their family too.
I hate this show for promoting them as some great tragic love. Nah, Rhaenyra needed his protection and Daemon wanted to be closer to the throne. Why didn't they let them be that? How are they going to justify as to why Daemon left Rhaenyra and his son alone to go die along with Aemond?
And if Daemyra is a great tragic love story why they got afraid to show Rhaenyra having Laenor murdered? Because that was the level of her craziness in the books, and that's in the character of Daemyra. That's 'I will do anything to be with you, for you' energy.
Gods, I thought Rhaenyra would be Cersei Lannister level in HotD, cool, snarky, awesome, beautiful, unhinged, fashion icon, doing everything for her children, doing everything for her and not shying away from the person she is, a necessary evil (like feeding Vaemond to Syrax). And incestuous. Of course Jaime x Cersei level of craziness in Daemyra?
In HotD... Emma and Milly did awesome job but their character was bland. Served to us by writers as 'a goody two shoes always right'. 'she can do nothing wrong.'
Why is media afraid of showing what women are? Why can we only be 'goody two shoes, patriarchy bad, I am awesome cause I am not like other girls' in feminist shows? Why can't they women as humans, as grey, ambitious? Why can't woman be anti hero? Rhaenyra is suffering from stereotyped blend of Arya and Dany.
Alicent is a fresh breath in that regard. But I hate the show for stripping away her agency and making her a crybaby. You are showing me that the Queen, who may or not have murdered Viserys, cried for him? That her, who plotted and plotted and led the Greens, crowned her daughter would not want her son to be king?
They even changed the dinner scene, everyone was supposed to make fun of the other party. No heartwarming and Aegon was supposed to fight Jace.
But make two female characters cry over each other, cry over men, abuse them, strip their agency, make the person you are trying to show as protag (she should not even be a protag) blander than water and call it a feminist show.
(HotD should not even be a feminist show, it should have been a family drama show. Imagine my embarrassment when I told my brother that I love Rhaenyra and I am just like her before the show started and by the end I was like ... Wow Aegon Second of His Name, I stan the One True King. Because he, despite they made him a monster is more interesting than Rhaenyra at this point.)
I was robbed. We were robbed of spicy hot pizza and instead given a bland cheese toast.
I refuse to eat bread, give me cake. Cersei, Margaery, Catelyn were cake, Alicent... She is the cookie. (Not adding Sansa because in the end of the show... Book Sansa is pastry.)
At this moment we all most cope. Thank you whoever read this. Also wanted to add, I was Team Woman but I can't stan this Rhaenyra. Nah.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 11 months
Edit: Thank you all for voting! There are obviously many contradictions. Option 1 wins, and it is not surprising. It is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. TG fans are obviously anti-Targaryen, they criticize the Valyrian customs and yet they have no qualms about dressing Alicent in traditional Valyrian clothes and assign her Daenerys’ title as “the mother of dragons”. Kind of like how Alicent condemns these customs and then marries her son to her own daughter when it is politically convenient for her.
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Look at this....☠️ https://www.tumblr.com/bohemian-nights/737003196544958464/fuck-rhaenyra-fuck-the-writers-with-this-sapphic?source=share
Fucking hell.
First off: I find it interesting the anon doesn't acknowledge that Laena x Daemon is also incest. Sure, she's not his niece, but she is still related to him. They love projecting their insecurities about their ship onto daemyra.
Second: yeah, HoTD choosing to make the Velaryons black then sidelining them massively is shitty and, sure, could be interpreted as racist. However, how is that Rhaenyra's fault? She didn't make Daemon marry Laena when he couldn't have her neither did she kill Laena. Condal and Hess chose to write out Laena's relevance (which already wasn't much outside of being Daemon's wife and Baela and Rhaena's mother) in order to give Alicent more screen time. But again, that's neith Rhaenyra's nor Emma D'Arcy's fault, stop blaming them (also Emma is good at playing Rhaenyra as she is written, the only issues are the writing, which aren't their fault). Op also chose to ignore the fact that Daemon actually is confirmed by GRRM himself to have loved Rhaenyra the most.
Moving on, once again the Rhaenyra antis are bringing up how Rhaenyra isn't "feminist". Literally no one in F&B is feminist by our modern definition. Visenya and Rhaenys are probably the closest, and even then, they aren't writing feminist manifestos (which apparently Rhaenyra is expected to for some reason). Alysanne, the most proactive queen regent, still enforced arranged marriages on her daughters and granddaughters. Rhaenys didn't advocate for Laena's right of succession in the book and in the show refused to support Rhaenyra long before Laenor's "death". Her antis hold Rhaenyra to unfair and unrealistic standards while making excuses for or ignoring other characters who don't meet them.
In that same vein, I still can't get over how Rhaenyra antis will say that TG aren't the conservative group. They say Rhaenyra isn't a feminist and that TG, the ones who are obsessed with male primogeniture and believe being gay, a sexually liberated woman, a child born out of wedlock, or not adhering to the equivalent of the Catholic Church make someone subhuman are the "progressive" group. It's delusion at its finest. Alicent and the greens are misogynistic and, because of them, women's rights in Westeros ended up more repressed than ever.
The fact that the op says that Visenya and Queen Rhaena are acceptable shows they have no understanding for TG or F&B. First off, TG would never support either woman. Visenya was hated by the Faith and most of the Lord's of Westeros, she was a warrior accused of witchcraft and dared to interfere with the misogynistic customs alongside Rhaenys. Rhaena was gay, something she wasn't allowed to live fully because the Targaryens chose to conform to Westerosi ideals. She was also robbed of her inheritance, even Jaehaerys acknowledged that Rhaena was the rightful heir, just as Aegon acknowledged Rhaenyra was.
As for the racist allegations, those come exclusively from Mushroom, someone who is far from a reliable source. Mushroom invented an entire woman to try to add "spice" to Jacaerys' story: Sara Snow. A woman of whom there is no record of, even though she was raised in Winterfell and supposedly married Jace. If Mushroom is willing to make up a whole ass woman to make the story more dramatic, why should we trust anything he says?
Yes, Rhaenyra ordered Nettles' execution, but that was because of her rumored relationship with Daemon and Rhaenyra's paranoia which had grown massively since Hugh Hammer and Ulf White's betrayal. Was it just? No. Was it racially motivated? According to Mushroom, maybe, but looking at Rhaenyra's character, it doesn't make sense.
Moving on, what exactly does op mean by "she's done too many things to claim she's been wrongly framed by the narrative"? By the time Nettles comes along, Rhaenyra hasn't done much that could be considered reprehensible. Op seems to have an issue with Vaemond's death, which Rhaenyra did order in the book. They seem to think that Vaemond "rightfully called her out" and was wrongfully killed.
She ordered Vaemond's execution after he declared her sons bastards in order to challenge Corlys' decision regarding succession. Keep in mind, Vaemond in the book is Corlys' nephew, not his brother, which moves him even farther down the line of succession. Vaemond not only was putting Rhaenyra and her sons in danger but was also trying to usurp all of Corlys' line, including Baela and Rhaena, who op seems to like a lot.
Yeah Rhaenyra is much harsher in F&B, but that hardly makes her evil and irredeemable. Queens Visenya and Rhaena were both harsh and even cruel sometimes, yet op doesn't think they're irredeemable monsters.
I do agree with op's anger over the sidelining of the Velaryons, as I said earlier, but taking it out on Rhaenyra is completely uncalled for. Rhaenyra wasn't a monster, anyone who believes that has frighteningly little reading comprehension. Rhaenyra's reign would have greatly helped women's standings in Westeros and pushed along gender equality. Ignoring that fact and blatantly saying the greens aren't supporting the repressive patriarchy is delusional and idiotic. The greens' actions were damaging in every way. Vaemond was far from an innocent victim, he was power hungry and misogynistic in both the show and the book. Keep your angry focused on the right people, don't take it out on a woman who had her whole life destroyed by the patriarchy.
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nrilliree · 4 months
WTF ?! But do you people realize that this has no support ?!
This so-called “good father” was ready to abandon his children in episode 9 of season 1! He raped the servant who was supposed to dress them in episode 8, I remind you ! He doesn't even have any fucking scenes with them ! Nor any dialogue related to them !
Daemon, the so-called bad father, only remembers the testimony of one of his daughters (Rhaena) feeling bad about herself and unsure of herself. Aside from that, Laena says that Daemon is doing his best in the same episode where Rhaena is upset that Daemon is ignoring her. In episode 7 Daemon says that Pentos is his and his children's home, so Rhaena includes. She was also briefly seen glancing towards where her daughters were in episode 7 when everyone was gathered for Aemond's lost eye. She was seen making Baela study the Valyrian top with the latter kissing her on the cheek. It is known that Daemon maintained a correspondence with her when she was there ward of Rhaenys. Rhaena doesn't seem at all unhappy with Daemyra and her half-brothers. Daemon also defends alongside Rhaenyra the legacy of Jace and Luke, without forgetting the fact that he seems proud to present Aegon III and Viserys II. Viserys II whose hair Daemon stroked and tried to console when he cried. He also seemed to love his unborn baby with Laena and just as much the one with Rhaenyra AKA our little Visenya. So sorry, there's way more canon proof that Daemon is a good father than Aegon II in HOTD in season 1. Not to mention the cut scenes and the original script at this point too.
Nothing in Season 1 of HOTD suggested that Aegon II was a good father in any way. And this even with potential cut scenes or the original script.
Good god, we're talking about a guy who likes to watch his illegitimate children fight in an arena (book and show) and who was ready to flee far from Westeros leaving his legitimate children behind without any qualms ! How the hell could he be a better father than Daemon ?!
Daemon who in addition in the book is listed as a good father without any problem with his children, unlike the inventions of HOTD which unnecessarily complicated his relationships with his children, more particularly Rhaena (and this for an additional reason inconsistent with the character of Daemon and the rules of the GRRM universe in relation to dragons) ! But even though in HOTD Daemon's relationship with his children is portrayed as having problems, it is not horrible at all, contrary to what the antis like to say.
Aegon II once again on the other hand has nothing on his side in positive terms in relation to his children. Whether in the HOTD canon, the cut scenes or the original script. And this is even less the case in the original text without which HOTD would not even exist, namely the book Fire and Blood.
Essentially, if Aegon II turns out to be a good father in HOTD Season 2, or at least the writers attempted to portray him as such... well it's still a crappy adaptation compared to Fire and Blood. In fact it's downright fanfiction at this point. But on top of that it's a retcoon of season 1.
Not to mention yet another proof of the pro-greens bias of the writers. No because you have to explain to me how it is not pro greens favoritism to make AEGON II - Mr. Rapist, pedophile, alcoholic, who likes to watch children, including his own being illegitimate, fight in an arena for survive - a so-called good father in their adaptation. And alongside, making their HOTD adaptation stormy, parent / child relationships which had nothing of the sort for Daemon Targaryen, the gray character of the story in the original story that is Fire and Blood.
What do you call that if not a huge proof of pro greens favoritism ? It's barely a sign at this point !
Now Aegon's fans claim that Aegon knows nothing about his bastards, and that they are definitely not his. It was definitely Daemon (even though he hadn't been in KL for 16 years) who was secretly returning there to breed bastards and thus damage Aegon's opinion ;P
We just have to admit that now it's official that the series is a fan fiction written for TG. I know that it will still be too little for TG and they will still shout that the series favors TB, but this will probably be the fact. I'll just have to watch scenes with dragons that someone will post on YT :P
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
Toughts on the vision of Maegor-Rhaena-Aenys like the beta version of Daemon-Rhaenyra-Viserys? I personally dislike that view of the characters, It feels lazy to come with the same dynamics for different characters
Hmmm well there are some differences in the dynamic there-
Aenys does not want to fuck his daughter the way Viserys clearly fixates on Rhaenyra. Like I'm not saying Aenys doesn't have a perhaps demented view of love and sex (he's a Targaryen and this is Westeros) but I never got the impression he was into Rhaena Like That the way Viserys really makes Rhaenyra the center of his whole world even before Aemma dies.
Rhaena does NOT want to fuck her uncle the way Rhaenyra wants to fuck Daemon. This feels self explanatory lol.
Daemon and Maegor do both want nothing more than to be accepted back into the main family line but their fixations are on different people. Whereas I think Maegor got fixated on Rhaena as the perfect Targaryen bride that was "stolen" from him - just another trapping of legitimacy denied the least favored son of Aegon - Daemon's initial fixation comes from feeling rejected by Viserys not by Baelon, Alyssa T., or Jaehaerys. Its Viserys who denies Daemon the annulment he wants, Viserys who gets his child by Mysaria killed, Viserys who exiles him to the Vale and the Stepstones again and again, etc etc. For Maegor, this is all about proving he's a worthy Targaryen; for Daemon, while the idea being remembered does drive him, that "being remembered" is linked to his own longing for Viserys, and then Rhaenyra's love first and foremost. I don't think Maegor cares that much about Aenys loving him and I think he just kind of assumes Rhaena will eventually come to love him if he keeps Aerea safe and gives her a son.
So I think for Maegor, Rhaena, and Aenys, its a lot more of a political conflict that drives everything, even though their emotions are part of it, whereas Viserys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra are driven by their emotions on a fundamental level. And honestly, with that said, while this repeating theme of the conquerors being ~reborn~ in every generation - the dragon must have three heads and all that - is certainly present with Maegor, I wouldn't call him, Aenys, and Rhaena a trio. I think Maegor, Aenys, and Visenya are a bit of a trio, I think Maegor, Rhaena, and Aerea are a bit of a trio, and also Rhaena, Alysanne, and Jaehaerys are a very obvious trio. but Maegor, Aenys, and Rhaena? Meh, I don't really see that one. I mean I personally have always liked the idea that Maegor/Rhaena is like an even worse version of Daemyra - when your uncle is obsessed with you but you're a lesbian - but Aenys' faults are very different from Viserys. They're both considered "weak" kings but like, I can't ever see Aenys doing something like naming Rhaena his heir and digging in his heels about it, ya know? They're "weak" for vastly different reasons. And while Rhaena certainly has a temper, Rhaenyra's temper is imo worse and also has a streak of paranoia (although is it paranoia if, ya know, they are in fact out to get her?) that Rhaena doesn't have.
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darklinaforever · 2 years
Some : Daemon is undeniably a deeply misogynistic man, because he refers to his first wife, Rhea Royce, as a bronze bitch, and Alicent Hightower as a whore cunt ! (Show) / Daemon is undeniably a deeply misogynistic man, because he refers to his first wife, Rhea Royce, as a bronze bitch. (book)
Me :
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Daemon wields Dark Sister, a sword that was forged to wield by his ancestor Visenya Targaryen, great warrior/first wife/queen, sometimes sitting herself on the Iron Throne alongside her brother/husband Aegon I. So Daemon literally carries on him, almost h24, the sword of a woman, a woman warrior, without any apparent worries. Moreover, Daemyra intended to name their daughter Visenya, showing that she is a very appreciated Targaryen figure, as much of Rhaenyra as of Daemon (this also counts for the series, as the creators named/talked about baby Daemyra as baby Visenya). Not to mention that Daemon married Laena Velaryon, having claimed and mounted Vaghar, literally the greatest dragon in the world. He then married Rhaenyra, the youngest rider in Targaryen history, described as being a woman of character, not to mention being the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, of whom he would become the greatest supporter, and whom he would crown with elsewhere himself when the time comes. Also, it's pretty obvious that his daughter Baela (In the book this time. Although I remember it, all the other elements mentioned before Baela are also present in the book in addition to being in the series) "described as her father's worthy daughter" is a tomboy-like free spirit, which Daemon doesn't seem to see as a problem at all. Not to mention that she literally slept before the wedding and Daemon didn't see fit to punish his daughter for it, which is what many men of that era would have done.
So... I don't know about you, but all of this information ties in a bit with the idea that Daemon is a deeply misogynistic man. Obviously he particularly likes badass women, and is one of the rare men capable of bowing to his wife and accepting that she has a status infinitely superior to his (being QUEEN) in a society that is justly deeply misogynistic and patriarchal. Which is no mean feat in the world of ASOFAF.
But no, he has to be a misogynist for insulting Alicent Hightower, (Joke, this woman literally deserves all the worst insults possible and imaginable. I should also point out that as much as Daemon insults Alicent in the series, it doesn't seem to be the case in the book, where it is described that Daemon actually treated Alicent with all the courtesy due to her as a queen, even if he clearly hated her) and Rhea Royce, a woman he hates (and who hates him with reciprocity) and who he was, I recall, forced to marry at the age of 16. A woman he avoids like the plague, letting her live her life, and whose marriage he has tirelessly tried to annul. (In the book, Daemon didn't kill Rhea Royce. So, he completely left her alone. And even if he did kill her in the show, that doesn't make him a misogynist, that has nothing to do with it. Also, the fact that Daemon killed Rhea Royce as a last resort - and I emphasize "as a last resort", because if Daemon really wanted to kill Rhea Royce, he would have done it years ago - so he could finally marry someone wanted, that doesn't take away from the fact that he spent most of their marriage away from her, leaving her to do whatever she wants)
But obviously these two examples are enough to prove that Daemon is deeply misogynistic man, as if men or women, we ourselves had not already insulted people we hated, regardless of their sex, especially bitch or whore, as if it were not classic insults used often...
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ammmyturtle · 10 months
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Viserys II Targaryen x Visenya Targaryen before their wedding XD
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Don’t Ever Leave Me, CHAPTER 1
Sad Daemyra fic made by me :)
characters: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen (daughter of Rhaenyra)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: miscarriage, blood, death
Daemon leaned heavily on a wall outside his bedroom.
He heard her crying for him, but he couldn’t do it.
He always runs away from pain, he had done it all his life and is doing it once again.
He hears his name over and over again. “Daemon….Daemon…..DAEMON…”
He needs to go to her. He needs to right now, but he can’t.
It’s like the part of him that wants to comfort his wife and take away her pain is being held back by the part of him that is weak and scared and hurt by all the pain that he has experienced.
As he hears his wife screaming and crying for his help, he starts to tear up. 
Please gods make it stop.
The tears start to fall harder
Please let Rhaenyra be okay.
He is sure that Rhaenyra is going to die, after all it happened to his own mother.
He can’t lose his wife and brother in the same day, or his child.
He can’t imagine what this must be like for Rhaenyra. 
His dear beloved Rhaenyra.
Squeezing a body out of her when she just lost her father.
Daemon wishes that this day never would’ve happened
He wishes that Rhaenys never would have told Rhaenyra about Viserys’s death.
Then all of this pain would go away.
Suddenly Rhaenyra’s screaming stops.
Daemon freezes.
His mind wants to scream out her name, but it can’t.
RHAENYRA! Please be alive! please be alive!
He doesn’t know what to do. 
His heart beats faster every moment he hears her silent.
He can’t lose the love of his life. His soulmate. 
The one person that keeps him breathing
The one person that takes his pain away.
The one person that makes him happy.
Please Rhaenyra, I can’t live without you!
He starts quietly sobbing, sinking down onto the floor.
He feels like he can’t breathe.
His sobbing abruptly stops when he hears Rhaenyra’s faint voice from the bedroom
He practically faints with relief.
Oh Rhaenyra don’t ever scare me like that again.
Don’t ever leave me.
He can’t be without her for one more second.
Daemon pushes the bedroom door open so fast that he almost tore it off.
The sight that he sees when he enters shatters his soul.
There are pools of blood on the hard stone floor.
Everything in the room is torn from its natural place.
Pillows on the ground, blankets thrown about, random objects cluttered.
But the most saddening part of this situation is Rhaenyra.
She was crouched in a corner mumbling under her breath.
Daemon almost collapsed at the sight of her.
The last time he saw her, she was completely neat and tidy.
But now, she looked horrid and tired and utterly exhausted.
Her hair was raggedy and wet.
Her whole body was laced with sweat.
The bottom half of her, was covered in blood and her undergarments were practically ruined.
As Daemon was taking in the sight of his broken wife, he saw that she was holding something.
But not something……someone.
“Oh Rhaenyra”
Daemon couldn’t hold it in any longer.
He walked closer to Rhaenyra and put his hand on her shoulder.
She started sobbing quietly, leaning into his hand as he knelt down to sit with her.
Daemon didn’t care that his clothes were getting bloody, he needed to comfort Rhaenyra.
His Rhaenyra.
He gently took his hand off of her shoulder and placed it on her back. He rubbed it to try to comfort her now growing sobs.
Even though Daemon was completely broken, he couldn’t give in to the negative feelings haunting his every move.
He needed to stay strong for Rhaenyra. 
He would never understand how grueling all those hours were.
 How much pain it had caused her? 
An unimaginable amount.
He stared down at the tiny limp body that Rhaenyra was cradling in her arms.
Why, why why.
He stroked the little one’s head with the tips of his fingers.
“Rhaenyra……I’m so sorry”
He tried to comfort her with his words but it didn’t work.
He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her as tight as he could.
Rhaenyra was sobbing into Daemon’s chest. 
He whole body was shaking.
She kept repeating his name over and over again.
“Shhhhh Rhaenyra”
He didn’t want her to explain her pain. 
“You don’t have to talk my darling, just cry”
Daemon couldn’t stay strong anymore.
He started sobbing along with his wife.
They stayed there, sobbing, for what seemed like an eternity.
Finally Rhaenyra pulled away.
“I was going to name her Visenya, just i had wished a long long time ago”
She looked at the motionless baby in her arms.
Daemon stroked her head and gave it a much needed kiss.
“May I hold her?”  Daemon asked quietly.
Rhaenyra gently handed the little baby to him.
Daemon looked at her and then to the baby.
“…..My baby Visenya” 
Daemon started sobbing heavily. 
His tears fell on his tiny daughter’s head.
Rhaenyra embraced her husband tightly. 
She knew that he had experienced this kind of loss before at a very young age. 
She had too.
“I’m sorry Rhaenyra…..I’m so, so sorry…”
The two were crumpled together, cradling their youngest and only daughter on the floor. 
Nothing would ever be the same again. 
Thank you to buy best HOTD friends @grandlovescheme and @dae-daetargaryen for cheering me along my fan fic journey!
Thank you also to @russkaya-dusha for being one of my closest friend on here and for supporting me without faults!
(Check me out on ao3 here!)
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simplynotcapable · 1 year
I’m curious, in that “Baelon is Visenya’s uncle ‘verse”:
A) how does that change - *if* it does - the relationship(s) between Daemon, Baelon, and Visenya?
Is Daemon more protective/platonically possessive of Visenya in that ‘verse? (aka “that’s *my* firstborn daughter you’re eyeing, nephew”)
B) if so, is Viserys having a grand old time, sitting there laughing about uncles, nieces, and karma?
Tangent - I really love that we know the words for family in High Valyrian and what they might imply about about family structures in Valyrian culture (for example, “kepa” being used for both father and father’s brother - especially since mother’s brother is “iapa” or “qybor”- suggests that a father’s male siblings might be seen as additional/surrogate fathers whereas a mother’s male siblings would take more of an “uncle role”). If I’m right, It definitely makes the creep/cringe factor of Daemyra in canon even worse 😬😂🤦‍♀️
The relationship between Baelon and Daemon would still be largely the same, if not a little closer considering they’d be spending more time together.
I don’t think Visenya and Daemon’s would be much different from dragonglass and gold either, since she largely sees him as her father there anyway, but if anything they’d be less tightknit. Part of the reason the twins cleave so close to Daemon is their bad relationship with Viserys, and Visenya’s driving force is very much entangled with the fact that Daemon’s the only male authority figure she has that didn’t a) kill her mother and therefore show he does not give a flying fuck about the women in his life’s agency, and b) spend all his time around her bemoaning how she looks like said dead wife. In a life where Viserys is just her weird grandpa and she has two parents with a relatively healthy (psa: grooming is bad and never healthy kids, every modern!Daemon au should put him in prison for statutory) marriage, she isn’t really seeking that same validation from him. She’s always had from Daemon what she was missing from her relationship with Viserys, so she doesn’t have to go through the whole “love me please i’ll be worth it i swear just look at me” sort of thing that she does when Viserys is her father.
Daemon’s just her dad. He’s annoying. Makes kind of gross jokes. Keeps knocking up her mom even though there’s so gods-damn many kids running around that she wants to yank out all of her hair.
Daemon is 100% the dad that sits on the porch cleaning a gun when his daughter has their first date, so Baelon and Visenya’s friendship makes him very erratic. Just frothing at the mouth “what do you mean they went on a 3am flight alone i’m going to eat his pancreas raw” and “WHY IS HIS HAND ON HER BACK RIGHT NOW RHAENYRA” even though Baelon and Visenya have a mostly pretty platonic relationship for most of their childhood.
Viserys thinks this is karmic justice from the gods, is absolutely no help whatsoever, and uses it to very cheerfully fuck with Daemon all the time.
(Daemon: get your SON
Viserys: it’s perfectly innocent. what kind of uncle would seduce their fifteen year old niece?
Viserys: it isn’t like he’s bringing her to brothels
Viserys: or stealing her from her wedding
Viserys: that’d be an example of a bad uncle
Viserys: I’m calling you a—
Daemon: no yeah I got the message thanks)
I’ve never thought about the significance of kepa being a word for uncle and father, but that’s a really interesting point. The age gap and how young Nyra is when Daemon is starting to show interest is weird enough. Thinking about it through the lens of Daemon having this cultural responsibility to act as a father figure and instead being like “familial power as a stepping stone to being a child predator, a 500 page guide by Daemon Targaryen” makes it 1000x worse and also just more fascinating a dynamic than it already was.
Thank you!! 🩵
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rozsesandart · 2 years
• ART MASTERLIST - @rozsesandart •
{All artworks belong to me, do not steal or repost without permission. Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated}
My linktree
IG - Twitter - Tumblr - Pinterest : @rozsesandart
“Rhaena of Pentos with her dragon egg, Morning”
"King of the Narrow Sea" - Daemon Targaryen
“ Naerea Targaryen” - OC
“ Aurora and Valeria” - OCs
“Laena Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen “
“Six characters fan art challenge” - Daenys the dreamer, Daenerys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Bran Stark, Missandei of Naath, Lyanna Stark
"Six characters fan art challenge part 2" - Genna Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Aerea Targaryen, Shiera Seastar, Daeron II Targaryen, Bloodraven
“Six characters challenge part three”- Saera Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre, Naerys Targaryen
“Kagome Higurashi”- Inuyasha (anime)
“Nana Osaki ”- Nana (anime)
“Catelyn and Robb”- the newly lady stark with her firstborn
“Lyanna Stark” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Cregan Stark” - sketch
“Sansa Stark”- with her house colors and a winter rose
“Robb Stark” - The King in the North
“ Rhaegar crowning Lyanna Queen of love and beauty”
“Jaime and Brienne”
“Cersei Lannister” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Jaime gives Oathkeeper to Brienne”
“I Want to be The Queen”- inspired by show! Margaery
“ Highgarden’s rose” - Margaery Tyrell
“Lady Olenna and her granddaughter Margaery”
“ Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell” - AU made for #housetyrellweek
“ Garlan Tyrell and his wife Leonette Fossoway”
“ Prince Oberyn Martell” - a younger version
"A quiet evening in Pentos"- Laena, Daemon, Rhaena & Baela Targaryen
“Lady Shiera Seastar” - bastard daughter of Aegon IV and Serenei of Lys, paramour of Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers
“Jocelyn Baratheon & Aemon Targaryen” - Parents to Rhaenys, the queen who never was
“King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne” - mourning their little daughter and firstborn princess Daenerys Targaryen
“Book! Rhaenyra Targaryen”
“Book! Daemon Targaryen”
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen” - (show version)
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen”- ( Book version)
“Laena and Laenor Velaryon” - (book and show versions)
“Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong” - the queen and her lover
“Rhaenys Targaryen” - The Queen who never was (book version)
"My sweet sister Helaena" - Helaena Targaryen and her half sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
"Velaryon queen and Targaryen king" - Daenaera Velaryon and Aegon III Targaryen
“Rhaegar Targaryen crowns Lyanna Stark” - Tourney at Harrenhal
“The maidenvault’s princesses” - Rhaena, Daena and Elaena Targaryen
“ The three heads of the dragon” -Rhaenys, Aegon I and Visenya Targaryen
“ Queen Alysanne and her daughters” - Saera, Viserra, Maegelle, Gael, Daella and Alyssa
“ Rhaena Targaryen and Elissa Farman” - The Queen in the west and her lover
“ Viserra Targaryen “ - daughter of king Jaehaerys and the good queen Alysanne Targaryen
“The dance of dragons”- team black vs team green
“Lady Rhaena of Pentos” - Rhaena and Morning
“Queen Naerys Targaryen”
“Daemyra” - book version
“Ceryse Hightower” - Maegor the cruel’s first wife
“Alys Harroway”- Maegor the cruel’s second wife
“Tyanna of the Tower”- Maegor the cruel’s third wife
“Elinor Costayne” - Maegor the cruel’s fourth wife
“Jeyne Westerling”- Maegor the cruel’s fifth wife
“Rhaena Targaryen” - Maegor the cruel’s sixth wife
“Six Wives” - Maegor the Cruel Targaryen’s wives
“ Lady Falena Stokeworth” - first mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Megette” - second mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Cassella Vaith” - third mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Bellegre Otherys, the black pearl of Braavos” - fourth mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Barba Bracken” - fifth mistress to king Aegon IV Targaryen and mother to Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
“Lady Melissa Blackwood” - sixth mistress to Aegon IV and mother to Brynden Rivers ( Bloodraven)
“ Lady Bethany Bracken” - sister to Barba and seventh mistress to Aegon IV
“Lady Jayne Lothston” - eight mistress of Aegon IV and rumored bastard by Falena Stokeworth
“Lady Serenei of Lys” - ninth mistress of Aegon IV and mother to Shiera Seastar
“Aegon IV Targaryen nine mistresses” - complete portrait
“ Prince Daeron” - youngest child of Aegon and Betha
“Rhaelle and Ormund” - future grandparents of Robert, Renly and Stannis Baratheon
“The Dothraki”
“House Martell”
“The Night’s Watch”
“House Bolton”
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🔥Hot Daemyra Summer Prompt Fics 🔥
Prompt fics written for @/anamazingangie's HotD Summer Snippets & Stories event. [ao3 collection here]
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Week One: 
Tension / My Prompt Fic
Daemon gives Rhaenyra a massage.
Reflection / My Prompt Fic
Daemon helps Rhaenyra to see what he sees in her reflection.
Storm / My Prompt Fic
His Grace, Viserys I Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm had never regretted anything more immediately and more thoroughly than he did storming into his daughter’s room unannounced. -or- Five times Rhaenyra and Daemon welcomed an unexpected guest into bed, and one time they didn't.
Sparkle / My Prompt Fic
Pop star Rhaenyra Targaryen is interviewed by Southron Court magazine on the eve of her new album release.
Cloud  / My Prompt Fic
They lay in a meadow beneath the slopes of the Dragonmont, braiding crowns of wildflowers. One day, Daemon placed one on her brow and named her Princess of Dragonstone. Rhaenyra giggled madly as he knelt before her, bowing his head and proclaiming that he would ever serve as her sworn shield, her protector. Then he called her his princess — his wild princess — and the bubbling laughter in her chest gave way to a blistering sort of pride. A feeling she did not yet have the words for, but would later understand to be her pleasure in being possessed by him, in being claimed. -- In which Rhaenyra spends her summers on Dragonstone.
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Week Two:
Shield / My Prompt Fic
Rhaenyra is struggling with breastfeeding newborn Visenya. It's a good thing she has a husband who is willing to do anything to help ease the stress.
Stitch & Blood / My Prompt Fic
Amidst the salt and smoke of Dragonstone, they cut their palms, sliced their lips, and spoke their vows in the only tongue that could feel like an oath to creatures of Valyrian blood. When they shared a kiss, Daemon sucked drops of blood from Rhaenyra’s lip, and his whole body shivered with pleasure.
He needed more.
Burn / My Prompt Fic
When Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen takes her throne, she demands a special oath of fealty from Daemon.
Haunt / My Prompt Fic
Rhae Targaryen and her friends consider themselves amateur ghost-hunters, visiting all the locales in Westeros rumored to be haunted. To date, they haven't had much luck meeting any ghosts or ghouls or otherwise supernatural entities. Rhae herself has always been something of a skeptic, but when the gang's latest adventure brings them to Dragonstone, she encounters a figure from her family's past who changes everything she thought she knew.
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Week Three:
Rough / My Prompt Fic
Rhaenyra didn't mean for her uncle to overhear her confession during a game of Truth or Dare, but she can't say she's disappointed in how it turned out.
Silk / My Prompt Fic
Now normally, Daemon wouldn’t answer the phone right in the middle of fucking, but it’s Rhaenyra’s name that pops up on the screen, and that’s enough to still his hips in an instant. It’s two a.m. It’s Saturday night—well, Sunday morning, actually. No matter, there’s only two reasons anyone calls at this ungodly hour: either she’s in trouble, in which case he’s duty-bound as her favorite and only uncle to respond—or it’s a booty call. And Daemon will happily kick out whichever flavor-of-the-week warms his bed if his sweet little niece is finally bold enough to openly proposition him.
Wing / My Prompt Fic
Daemon is happy to host Rhaenyra while Viserys is out of town, but he is woefully unprepared for his favorite niece to get her first period while under his care.
Gift / My Prompt Fic
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne, is afflicted with a strange and seemingly incurable malady that has her speaking in tongues, and thrashing so madly she must be chained to her bed. The maesters and septons alike are at a loss to treat her, so the king must turn to his last hope option: his estranged brother, living in exile in Volantis—Valyrian priest, Daemon Targaryen.
Ink / My Prompt Fic
Well-to-do, the beneficiary of a deep well of family money, in possession of an ample amount of charm, Daemon Targaryen never had to work very hard for anything. His elder brother was the steward of the family, the one responsible for shepherding them to continued prestige. Daemon was just along for the ride, entrusted with precious little, save for the expectation of upholding the family’s image. But when tragedy struck, Daemon inherited the family estate, the family business, and the full weight and burden of their ancestry. Seemingly overnight, Daemon’s entire life was thrown into tumult. And perhaps most bewildering of all was that Daemon inherited a child.
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Week Four:
Signature / My Prompt Fic
Daemon gets drunk on a boys' night out - and decides to demonstrate his love for Rhaenyra in a rather permanent way.
Investment & Swallow / My Prompt Fic
Rhaenyra begged her parents for lessons. That’s too expensive, darling, they told her gently. And she could see they truly were sorry. Being two school teachers who married for love did not leave them with a great deal of disposable income. So Rhaenyra did what any enterprising young lady would do—she went to her rich uncle. --- In which Daemon funds Rhaenyra's education, and expects certain things in return.
Squeeze / My Prompt Fic
“You’re spoiled, Princess,” Daemon said as he moved to her other ankle. “Grown so accustomed to getting whatever you want. Free to flit about the castle as you please.” He gave the rope a hard tug, testing the bindings until he was satisfied she could not slip free. “Let’s see how you fare when you cannot move at all.” --- Another small council meeting, another punishment for Rhaenyra.
Peak / My Prompt Fic
When Rhaenyra was a little girl, her uncle Daemon was the best at taking care of her when she was sick. He read her stories, hoping to distract her from her symptoms while her cough medicine took effect. He made her soup and brought her tea and ginger ale and let her sleep in his big bed, while he slept on the couch. He tucked her in, and promised she would feel better in the morning. And she always did. --- In which Rhaenyra comes down with the flu, and uncle Daemon comes to take care of her.
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*dividers by @ saradika
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