#Void Aspect
alicesoinions · 1 year
My views on Homestuck's Aspects. Part of this analysis is the idea that Aspects have relationships to each other, each bringing the other about.
I will use my own custom Aspect symbols throughout, but the analysis itself is based on canon.
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Space is the Aspect of beginnings, of new things. Space experiments and improvises. Space cares about what is possible now, and cares more about the discoveries made in a journey than about a specific endpoint. Space is infinite discovery and potential.
Space is represented by art, fashion, atoms, and frogs.
Space is the color of the night sky, empty beyond human perception, endless and unfathomable but not featureless. Inky darkness, dotted by stars. Space has no color at all, which sometimes results in it using Sburb’s default texture.
Space is opposed to the Aspect of Time.
Space is the fundamental force of creation that gives rise to the duality of Life and Doom well as the unknown mysteries of Void.
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Void is the Aspect of the unknown. Of hidden, ill-defined things impossible for us to know or give names to. Void is the Aspect of true reality, of things on a spectrum, of quantum and biology.
Void is represented by water, darkness, and pumpkins.
Void is the color of deep waters, hiding what lies within; its color somewhere on a gradient, but impossible for humans to pinpoint or define no matter how long they stare; Void is the shifting hues of the color of the sky.
Void is opposed to the Aspect of Light.
The unexplored unknowns of the Void hide the untapped potential that is Space, leading to new creation.
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Life is the Aspect of agency and self-direction. Life is self-directed and idealistic; Life concerns itself primarily with what Life wants to do, not caring for obstacles or drawbacks. Life sees an infinitude of options, and picks the one it desires.
Life is represented by plants, food, coins, and wealth.
Life is opposed to the Aspect of Doom.
The ultimate freedom to do whatever one wants eventually leads to the ennui of Breath. The interplay of Life and Doom leads to defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Doom is the Aspect of fate and constraint. Doom has burdens and limitations; Doom concerns itself with practical issues instead of lofty ideals. Doom sees no escape or negotiation, going with what others demand of you.
Doom is represented by skulls, death, and fire.
Doom is opposed to the Aspect of Life.
The practical matters and the knowledge of our limits leads to the endless toil of Blood. The interplay of Life and Doom leads defining one's self in Heart or hiding in Mind.
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Breath is the Aspect of detachment. Breath goes with the flow, not caring about anything or anyone in particular; Breath does whatever feels right in the moment, not worrying about much.
Breath is represented by wind, leaves, and rivers.
Breath is opposed to the Aspect of Blood.
The freedom of exploration of and detachment of goals leads to the compromise and negotiation of Hope and to exploration of the self in Heart.
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Blood is the Aspect of effort. Blood has lofty expectations, from both itself and others, and runs itself ragged to accomplish all of them. Blood cares intensely about what it does, without rest or thought.
Blood is represented by blood, sweat, stone, and iron.
Blood is opposed to the Aspect of Breath.
The exertion and toil of Blood eventually lead either to hiding in Mind or to the revolution of Rage.
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Heart is the Aspect of self and emotion. Heart is a person's identity and definition, their emotions and their friendships and their biases. Heart goes with its gut. Heart cares about what its heart directs it to.
Heart is represented by music, hats, and horses.
Heart is opposed to the Aspect of Mind.
Heart’s loyalty and instinct lead to the upheaval of Rage and Heart’s caring nature leads to Blood.
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Mind is the Aspect of thought and masking. Mind coldly adapts itself to circumstance, hiding the true self in order to blend in with what's acceptable. Mind is impartial. Mind weighs all the options, and picks the one most suited to the situation.
Mind is represented by masks, blindfolds, and scales.
Mind is opposed to the Aspect of Heart.
Mind’s bottling of emotions leads to the real detachment of Breath; and Mind’s adaptive nature leads to Hope.
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Rage is the Aspect of rebellion. Rage is skeptical of what society presents as true, and fights tooth and nail for what it stands for. Rage riots and fights back; Rage would sooner bring revenge than healing. Rage fights for sudden change.
Rage is represented by fangs, beasts, and waves.
Rage is opposed to the Aspect of Hope.
In fighting against their shackles, one gains the newfound options of Life. Rage’s sudden changes forms half of the past events of Time.
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Hope is the Aspect of diplomacy. Hope believes everyone is good at heart, and that everything could be solved if only everyone talked things out. Hope has blind faith and will sooner comfort a friend than hurt an enemy. Hope solves things slowly and steadily.
Hope is represented by religion, ribbons, and blankets.
Hope is opposed to the Aspect of Rage.
Hope’s compromises and negotiations lead to new shackles in the form of Doom. Hope’s slow changes form half the past events of Time.
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Time is the Aspect of the past. Time is concerned with traditions, patterns, and the inevitability of what came before. Time brings the authority of established rules and governance. Time looks to what was to decide what will come about.
Time is associated with gears, crowns, sand, and clocks.
Time is the color of a gear turning to rust, of blood leaving a vein, of a game timer running out. Time powers shine in all colors at once before they settle on one.
Time is opposed to the Aspect of Space.
The knowledge of the established patterns of Time leads to the knowledge and definition of Light.
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Light is the Aspect of definition. Light has clear rules, clear definitions, and clear answers. Light creates frameworks of understanding and puts things in black and white, right and wrong, relevant and irrelevant, which can sometimes lead to ignoring the gray areas between. Light is the Aspect of human knowledge of the world, our ideas, stories, and sciences.
Light is represented by the sun, fire, and compasses.
Light is the blazing color of the sun, impossible to look at for long, but shining its light everywhere, a white light that returns as a myriad of colors.
Light is opposed to the Aspect of Void.
The sharp delineations of Light ignore the gray areas outside definition, creating Void.
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creative-classpect · 3 months
Sylph of Void
The Sylph of Void. One who heals secrecy, darkness, and nothingness while also healing with them.
The cool black abyss. Come in peace and watch your step
Sylph- heal their aspect and heal with it. They bring their aspect to where there is little of it, sowing the seeds for their aspect to grow.
Void- major themes of nothingness, obscurity, and the Void. Minor themes of ignorance, secrecy, darkness and null.
The Sylph of Void allows shadows, mystery, and secrecy to blossom, bloom, and spread. The Sylph is capable of a sort of sleight of hand and misdirection, allowing little unnoticed changes to become areas of obfuscation and confusion. 
Initially this could manifest as a blackout doctrine, specializing in redacting, deleting, and disconnecting key pieces of information. Carefully editing audio and video, blacking out text in sensitive files, and other similar forms of direct information control. The Sylph is something of a counterintelligence agent, either as minor as someone being a troll or as grand as one of the Men In Black, choosing to carefully and meticulously erase key details.
At lower levels these methods of shrouding would begin to take on a more supernatural lean, able to not simply block out the information in the present, but expand beyond the medium to the information itself. When they begin octuring information it subtly alters other records of the same object or event and can even pass into the minds of anyone witnessing the shroud. Carving a face out of a painting could result in all other portraits of the person in the castle being similarly removed with servants unable to easily remember who the portrait was supposed to be of.
As the Sylph of Void progresses this would move beyond tampering and enter into interfering with reality with less interference. The Sylph would be able to cast their shroud over objects and people, akin to a magic placing a blanket over something they wish to disappear. While cloaked, objects and people would be in a field of stasis, unaware of time and unburdened by things like cause and effect. These people or objects sit in a place of superposition where until the shroud is removed, nothing has occurred yet. The coin at the apex of a toss. All while their gap in the world is felt, reverberating out. This can be used to effectively erase periods of a timeline, to hide things away in the hidden depths of the Incipisphere, and to allow the disappearance of any person or object to invoke inquiry about the mysterious void left behind.
At medium levels, the Sylph of Void can allow these shadows to lengthen, controlling a dimmer to the world itself.  Their shroud would increase in size, allowing for more subjects of greater size, number, and distance to the Sylph to become hidden. As long as they remain shrouded it is like they never even existed or a magic trick yet to meet a resolution, if it ever will. Prolonged time shrouded could result in things being swallowed by the void, never to be seen again. The Sylph could cause these lost things to be forgotten as well.
At higher levels, the Sylph of Void would be able to cloak entire places within their shroud, erasing and neutralizing all details and senses related to the place. Entire airships, armies, castles, moments themselves could simply cease to be. The looming dread of a mysterious threat passing over an army as monsters disappear behind the curtain of reality. The Sylph of Void controls the curtains of the stage, and with it, what stories get told. People, places, and events can be forced to transpire “off-screen” away from anything of importance or note, if the Sylph allows them to transpire at all.
Safe haven
A Sylph of Void renews with void, healing and restoring with nothingness, obscurity, and lack of focus. The Sylph knows how to take the pressure off, allowing time and rest away from the vibrant sights and sounds of the world around them. They can cause things to lose relevance and immediate impact, creating a gentle environment.
While they are more than capable of reducing harm, they might lack the drive necessary to achieve their ends or fully sympathize with the desires of others, a caretaker focused solely on recovery without the end goal of activity in mind. 
At lower levels the Sylph has a cooling, soothing, perhaps even to the point of stifling aura. They are capable of suppressing or even nullifying pain, hunger, and stress, at the cost of all else: initiative, drive, extreme emotions, and clarity of purpose. They could refresh and restore stamina and endurance and in more extreme cases, allow for their allies to simply shrug off harm and keep standing or even alive through the Sylph alone.
As they progress this ability to soothe and nullify would expand into an aura around them, a lack of narrative focus and spotlight allowing them to bring peace and reprieve. Similar to how conflicts in movies tend to slow for a character interaction scene, the Sylph would be able to bide their time. Attacks never seem to make a solid impact, ranged weaponry flying harmlessly past, boss monsters being easily distracted by other threats, etc. The Sylph would particularly excel at evacuations, with those they can maintain focus on simply fading away and disappearing into the background to maneuver and escape. 
At medium levels the Sylph of Void can create their own pocket in reality, a literal safe space beyond the borders of the world around them. This pocket dimension would be a space of deep introspection and quiet peace, where little, if anything, could interfere. Without shape and form, this nebulous area of nothingness is a cool dark abyss, where time is slowed. The Sylph and their allies would have a time to rest, a pause button for the world around them. While in this safe haven things may not occur in their immediate surroundings, but other functions far away may still occur. While the area around the Safe Haven may slow and lose tension, the spotlight must always be directed and for better or worse, it will go elsewhere.
At higher levels this Safe Haven would expand in dimension and ability, evolving from a small protective space to a large area completely outside the bounds of space and time, without cause and effect, without narrative pressure and tension. The Safe Haven is a world unto itself, existing between the threads of reality, the space between pages, where all lost and forgotten things dwell. Even should this kingdom of darkness manage to be breached, swirling protective shadows and horrorterror guardians are able to protect the Sylph of Void.
Something from nothing- you never require tools to fix an object or heal a creature, seemingly making due with nothing at all
Better without- even when you are not present you are helpful
Whisper network- you can share secretive information regardless of distance or method
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This post was commissioned by @smiteblast442 ! Thank you for being patient <3
If you want to commission me you can find me @ https://ko-fi.com/kesscal
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brospit · 6 months
Homestuck Aspect Favicon
BS: Here's some Favicons! Mostly images I just shrinked, haven't posted anything like this on here before, so here.
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xx-cringe-factory-xx · 3 months
(prolly) extremely inaccurate classpect analysis (but its of combined classpects)
Parasite of stagnancy
(combined classpect by @superxstarzz)
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cool :3 so keep in mind i have no idea what I'm actually doing
A thief of void is someone who steals void or steals through void for themselves while a prince of light is someone who destroys or destroys through light for themselves.
So I think it would make sense for a parasite of stagnancy to destroys through light by stealing void or steals through void by destroying light. (if that makes sense)
Parasites of Stagnancy are very secretive people, and don't exactly seem very useful or important unless they make a point to do otherwise. They could also be seemingly just really confusing and all over the place or just seem like they are some kind of background character while they're secretly in control of everything they may need to happen.
when interacting with others they could probably be going on and on about random things that are unimportant and have nothing to do with the situation, essentially distracting others from what they're doing when no ones watching.
they'd know everyone's secrets because no one really thinks they can do any damage by knowing. they prolly give horrible advise on purpose lmfaoo.
they'll either make or break their session all while no ones looking. They will likely start their game by being everyone's friend, or just knowing everyone, but probably not liking any of them. Eventually once they get into their land, they'll start distancing themselves and focusing on moving up their echeladder and godteiring before the rest of their team. from then, they'll stick around people, listening in on their private conversations, and learning things they weren't supposed to. they'll uses what they learn to give people a *push* into the right direction. they might push a little too hard, which would be their downfall.
Their strife specibus will likely consist of small things that they could hide on themselves. things that rely on luck or are easy if you know how they work. probably things like Vriska's dice, daggers, or maybe a wand. Their powers might consist of ruining luck for others, blinding others, or controlling light in general, going invisible, making objects (like how Roxy made the matriorb), and disorienting/confusing someone.
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gmanmedias · 1 month
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pastel void board with nothing sharp/hard for @spectralinvestigator !
🌘 🌘 🌘
🌑 🌑 🌑
🌒 🌒 🌒
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3proutboy · 11 months
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Homestuck aspects but objects concepts!!
I’ll need to add some adjustments for time n heart (need to add a musical aspect to time and a hat for heart)
More concepts here BD
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Prob goin to make void into the canvas, and doing hope’s concept next!
Also im a total newbie at homestuck so its not a surprise if im goofing up bro- o(-(
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jollysunflora · 9 months
Got bored, then curious. My favorite of all time is apple juice but the brand varies in terms of quality. I need to do a tier list one day...smoothies you get at gas stations are good too, especially mango flavored.
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seldomdrawncherubs · 27 days
H!best!e how about a ma!d of vo!d analys!s.
UU: UuU bestie?
UU: ahem!
UU: the maid of void is in a pecUliar place, as they create ...nothing? obscUrity? nUance?
UU: yes! like with roxy, void is qUite difficUlt to define!
UU: bUt you have the power to make things vanish!
UU: yoU are qUite like a destroyer, in this regard...the maid and prince grow more and more similar...i sUppose creation and destrUction are essential parts of existence, and are intertwined. the creation of the art means the destrUction of some materials, or at least some of yoUr time...
UU: and the creation of the void is the destrUction of the present and relevant.
UU: this coUld mean powers sUch as void portals, vanishing objects, bringing nUance to a sitUation..
UU: the strUggles of a void player remain constant: indecision, finding the void stifling instead of freeing...and of coUrse, many maids strongly dislike their aspect. And making void for yoUrself coUld also create indecision...
UU: bUt yoUr power will be magnificent!
uu: WHAT
uu: HuH
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vampzzz64 · 3 months
Mob is most likely a blood player because of how important the people in his life are to him. He represses his emotions and psychic abilities because he is afraid of hurting Ritsu again and because Tsubomi became bored of him. No matter what he always thinks of others before himself, so much so that he literally will not fight back. Only when he is in his ??? does he become the aggressor. Even then he struggles against himself and begs those around him to hurt him so that he can stop hurting them. He is extremely trusting and caring. He sees the good in those around him and actively tries to release that goodness. During his fight with Teru he does not fight back and gives Teru advice. He tries to help Teru before he helps himself. He guides and he leads. He gives his abilities to Reigen briefly because of how much he respects, trusts, and believes in his master. He would do anything to protect the people he loves. Shigeo is selfless. He would sooner let himself bleed than anyone else.
Similarly to Roxy, a rogue, he harnesses his aspect and gives it to others. However, similarly to John, an heir, he has immense power that he gains through his aspect. Shigeo puts his all into remaining passive and in a sense “good”, and in extension into his aspect. Shigeo is a blood player that embodies his aspect.
Ritsu is a void player because of how often he is overlooked and perceives himself to be less than Shigeo. No matter how grand his own achievements are, they’re nothing compared to what Shigeo can do. He is constantly mistaken for his much stronger brother. He thinks he exists only as mob’s underwhelming little brother. Ritsu somewhat resents Shigeo for having psychic abilities when he doesn’t. He wants the one thing he can’t have more than anything in the world. He hates the emptiness that is his life. He tries to fill the void by studying, playing in sports, joining the student council, etc. He’s like a black hole in that way, mindlessly consuming but never able to be satisfied.
Similarly to Eridan, a prince, Ritsu aims to destroy his aspect with a deep hatred towards it. Once he unlocks his psychic powers, he immediately gets a massive ego. Being self centered is seen in princes. Both Dirk and Eridan think the entire world revolves around them, albeit in different ways. Ritsu is a destroyer class and Mob is a passive class. They couldn’t be further apart from one another. Throughout his arc, Ritsu realizes that he is no better than anyone else because of what he has. He learns to accept being “ordinary”. He moves from despising his aspect to learning to accept it. Initially a destroyer, he ends a “normal” boy. (I say “normal” because he’s literally an esper,,,). Ritsu is a void player that seeks to destroy his aspect.
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starlit1daydream · 6 months
Gordon Freeman's classpect: and why you're all wrong about it
well forgive me for the hostile-sounding title there, but as it stands i'm yet to see a single other person with this take.
the unanimous agreement for gordon's title seems to be heir of hope - which i will give credence to as making a lot of sense at face value. the heir is the class of the typical 'hero' and hope is the aspect of belief, faith, deficiation, angelic symbolism. on paper, it works perfectly for a man held in such high regard as a saviour and liberator.
but what of gordon's personality? what little of it we see, of course.
the heir of hope argument applies a classpect to gordon not as a person, but as a concept.
gordon freeman the concept is an heir of hope, for sure.
but gordon freeman, the man?
gordon freeman, the scientist who was late to his first day on the job? whose brief glimpses into his personality include blowing up a man's casserole for no clear reason and solving every problem with a crowbar?
the gordon freeman who has been jumping from trauma to trauma for twenty years under the machinations of a sinister interdimensional bureaucrat?
hear me out here.
gordon freeman is a bard of void.
now, i should probably explain my thoughts on the bard class and the void aspect before going any further, since this entire take hinges on my very specific take on both things.
in my eyes, the bard (the passive destroyer) is somebody who initially ghosts adherence to their opposing aspect, until a traumatic incident or dire crisis suddenly pushes them into an influx of their real aspect. they change their tune from passively destroying their aspect in themselves to passively destroying through their aspect. bards are capricious, unpredictable people who are often cowardly, avoidant or lazy in their ways.
the aspect of void, the antithesis of light, deals with the eldritch and the unknown. void is shadow, void is doubt and obsfucation, it is by its very nature unknowable and exists in the dark corners of one's mind. void is narrative irrelevance given (a lack of) form.
so, how does this fit into gordon freeman's narrative?
let's get into his head.
gordon freeman is a man who, prior to the black mesa incident, has lived his life adhering to knowledge and science. he's studied, got a degree, probably quite passionate about science. the statistics, the thirst for knowledge and understanding, all of this paints a picture of light.
light players are the ultimate students, as the extended zodiac says, they are the knowledge-seekers who wish to understand the world around them and comprehend the most fortuitous path better than any other.
the guy shows up late to his first day on the job. a man with more degrees than should be feasible and he can't even show up to work on time. this is the first hint of gordon being a bard, it's an incredibly lazy and capricious action that also hints at his passive destruction of light through his lack of fortune.
and it's that fateful test that changes everything - you all know the one i mean.
the one that suddenly inundates him with void. suddenly, gordon's world is unknowable, incomprehensible, he is a slave to the plot and forced to keep driving forward a narrative to which he ultimately has no say in. it's another example of the traits of a bard, who generally do seem to be reduced to narrative devices. (we see this a lot with gamzee.)
gordon is consumed among the alien and eldritch, and emerges from black mesa's ruins anew. a man whose existence is defined by contradiction, doubt, obfuscation, and everything that void stands for.
we see it again and again throughout the series. his very existence within the combine's rigidly defined, meticulous and mechanical empire defies principle. he is the anticitizen, his presence within their world is a contradiction just by his very being. he is undocumented, an anomaly that shouldn't be. and that scares the shit out of them.
and it should! because, as a bard of void should, gordon destroys their empire through void. his very existence is enough to spark the revolution (which in itself is tied to the aspects of hope and rage) and the destruction he brings about is through his nature as the anticitizen. the contradiction, the hole in their logic. he casts doubt upon the system that they've forced into place and he does so while continually being surrounded by the eldritch and the unknown.
he does so while in servitude to the eldritch, actually. i think that g-man himself is a player of space (to be more specific, i think he is a lord) but i think that there is also a lot of void symbolism within the g-man's character and his 'employers' more specifically.
and you know what really cinches my argument?
gordon freeman, player of void, embodiment of the unknown and the obsfucation, of the silence and emptiness, of the doubt and darkness?
he never utters a single word.
i will revise this entire thing once i wake up tomorrow because it's currently 10pm for me and this is going to look incredibly lazily worded/formatted when i get up in the morning
but for now i suppose you can all take this rambling mess of uncoordinated madness and tell me how wrong i am
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publiusscipiospqr · 3 months
Old randomly generated Classpects
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Prince of Time + Mage of Blood
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Maid of Rage + Sylph of Breath
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Rogue of Light + Knight of Doom
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Thief of Void + Seer of Hope
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Page of Heart + Bard of Life
If you have any idea on how this session would go, please let me know!
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alicesoinions · 1 year
The Pentafecta of Existence
Space and Time are obvious opposites, as are and Light and Void. Space and Time are also billed as fundamental to Paradox Space and essential to a session, but Light and Void always felt like they had placed of particular importance besides those two.
After thinking a bit on those things, I arrived at this:
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So first off, Life and Void.
Act 6 gives a lot of attention to the Rings of Life and Void; and that pairing is weird, right? Wouldn't rings of two opposed Aspects make more sense?
But then you look at Jane and Roxy's Denizens, and see this:
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The Life and Void denizens get two mirrored denizens, with one being the greek personification of Day and the other, Night.
And on a conceptual basis, the Life Aspect is, well, life. Healing, agency, progressing.
But in Homestuck, death isn't the end. Dead characters turn up again all the time, whether as a copy or ghost or robot or from a parallel universe. The dead don't stop existing in Paradox Space; they just stop being relevant. The living can move around, have agency and relevancy, progress in life, and gain new experiences. The dead are stuck in time and in the Furthest Ring, unable to do anything, much less grow.
Doom may be the aspect of death, but Void is the aspect of being dead.
Next up, Space and Light.
Space and Light are also full of parallels - starting with the old switcheroo of new readers thinking Rose is going to be the Witch of Space (being gothy and witchy) and Jade the Seer of Light (having visions and prophecies).
But that's not all! Space is always growing, changing, expanding, while Light seeks to define and know everything; but it's impossible to know something that keeps changing. This is best exemplified by physics - Light players might love knowledge and exposition, but Space includes quantum physics and radiation; the science where you can't be sure of things, and only look at probabilities.
And, of course, we have Light being associated with the Sun and Space with the Green Sun.
What about Time and Life?
Time is repeatedly associated both with mechanical things (such as clocks, gears, and robots) and with death (with a ghost player and with its players seeing a lot of themselveses dead). And Life is, of course, associated with living, breathing, biological things.
Space and Life both deal with transformative, living phenomena. Space and Void are both associated with the Furthest Ring. Void and Time both deal a lot with the dead. Time and Light both deal with patterns/definitions and relevance. Light and Life both deal with living players in the Medium.
These five aspects, opposing each other, form the basis of reality.
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unbalted-sutters · 18 days
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: two rectangular flags with four horizontal stripes each. the first flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: nearly-black blue, deep dark blue, dull blue, and medium blue. the second flag's stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: cool blue, dull blue, deep dark blue, and nearly-black blue. END ID.]
void-overtones: a term for when one's aspect/classpect has void overtones.
void-undertones: a term for when one's aspect/classpect has void undertones.
not necessarily a gender/etc, but can be! tags are for reach.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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What's the difference between a mage, sylph, muse, and knight of void?
Mage knows how to screw in a lightbulb but won’t tell you.
Sylph goes around unscrewing lightbulbs humming to themself.
Muse preaches about the value of darkness but doesn’t actually unscrew anything.
Knight slingshots every lightbulb in the house.
None of them can change a lightbulb.
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hornetsstuck · 2 months
jay being a seer of void makes so much more sense to me now that i've contextualised the seer as "one who seeks [own aspect] through [opposite aspect]". jay's ultimate goal is to understand the unknown & unmask alex's secrets, but he goes about it in such a light-coded way (documenting everything, getting through by blind fortune alone) that he really does seem like a light player at first glance.
the jay|alex parallels drive me crazy sometimes. also saying a lot that jay has the same aspect that i've tied directly to the operator.
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