cptnghoulowl · 1 year
Me watching episode 10 of Buddy Daddies:
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#buddy daddies#kazuki kurusu#miri unasaka#buddy daddies 1x10#for the better right?#just had to get this off my chest#as a child who prized access to my beloved people and routines and familiar places more than anything#i would have been absolutely DEVASTATED to find out that not only could I suddenly not go back to the place I had been living#but I would never see my parental figures who had been raising me for almost a year again#and not only that but they LIED TO MIRI about it being a SLEEPOVER to get her to go!#yeah four-year-olds wouldn't necessarily understand everything that makes that situation necessary#but they deserve to know in the larger sense that they're leaving so they have a chance to say goodbye#considering that Miri has already been sent away and rejected by one parent and that we've seen her abandonment issues before#I hate that they chose to spare the feelings of the adults by concealing the truth from Miri#it WON'T be 'easier on her' to hear that her papas told her she would have a sleepover and they will never come to get her#and she will never see her room or her clothes or eat Kazuki's cooking or play games with Rei again#it's not even a clean break! Misaki said she was going to keep Miri at the same daycare!#in worrying about Miri's safety and avoiding public meltdowns the adults are hurting her ability to trust in them#it never feels good to be manipulated like that no matter what the reason#but enough about me projecting#in which I babble to the world#memes
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royalreef · 2 days
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She won't lie, the more that the people talk around her about monstrosity and the features thereof it, the more she cannot help but feel even the self-proclaimed "monsters" are insulting her. And then they wonder why she feels more companionship among humans inland than any of their own!
Though, not that she'd ever tell them that. She gets the sense it would be a bad idea, and reading a room is only the main talent Miranda had to master to ensure her own survival.
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Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader (2)
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“Did you eat breakfast today?”
“He asked you a question, (Y/n).”
“I heard.”
“Answer. Him.”
“(Y/n)...did you eat?”
Kazuki sighed as Rei easily wrestled the controller out of your hands to toss you over his shoulder
Not even bothered by your violent struggles he took you to the room designated as your punishment room
Where Kazuki or Rei would hold you tight until you let them hold you peacefully 
Training you to obey them in the form of cuddles like a chicken
So in the dark room, your wriggling and cursing slowed as Rei’s hold held firm
But even when you stopped struggling and leaned back into his chest 
He didn’t release you 
Instead, he carried you along with him as he went into the tub
No doubt to sleep 
With the darkened surroundings, Rei’s firm hold, and the warmth of his arms you reluctantly joined 
“Where’s (Y/n) and Papa Rei?”
“Ah, they’re napping right now.”
“Oooh I want to–”
“Ah ah! Didn’t you say you wanted to make (Y/n) their favorite lunch?”
“OH Yeah!”
“Alright then let’s get to work!”
When you awake so is Rei, hold unrelenting and forcing you to gently notify him
“Are you going to behave?”
He didn’t believe you but Kazuki told him he had to be gentle
Apparently, the perfect life they were giving you wasn’t a welcome change
He’d prefer to lock you tight and show you the joys of a single room 
Like he used to know
Then they could work on building you out of that
But Kazuki already thought his old lifestyle was problematic and he didn’t need that rubbing off on Miri now
“The next time you misbehave you won’t be playing Kart for a month.”
You sucked your teeth but nodded your head
“Ah, you two are back!”
“(Y/n)! Look what I made for you! All by myself!”
“Hehehe we made it for you! See, see? Look, look!”
“Uh, thanks, Miri.”
“(Y/n) has something to say.”
“Excuse me? What’s this about?”
You wanted to punch that smile off his face
“...The answer to the question you asked. It's no.”
“Well, then you better eat up the delicious meal me and Miri made for you!” 
He rubs the top of your head as you sit at the table 
Not oblivious to the warning look Rei is giving you as Miri offers to feed you 
You accept with clenched fists 
How you wish you could get out of here
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
In all seriousness, I really do think it’s entirely plausible that Kazuki and Rei can (and/or will) fall in love with each other, but I don’t necessarily see them as suddenly looking at each other with attraction and having that “why am I having these thoughts about another man?!” panic moment that seems to be a common trope in anime whenever gay romance is involved. Their relationship isn’t that simple. No, I think it will happen over time in a more subtle way. And I feel like we’ve already begun to see this unfold.
In episode 7, we learn that Kazuki struggles with his grief of losing his wife and unborn child, all while feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated for all he does for Rei and Miri. He then tries to have a night of fun by gambling and surrounding himself with women, all things he would normally enjoy. But by the end of the night, he’s still miserable. Then he has the conversation with his sister-in-law, and we find out that he feels guilty about moving on and finding happiness for fear of forgetting his past love. But she reassures him that it’s okay to continue living his life. It’s what her sister, his wife, would want. And a small weight is lifted from his shoulders. And when he finally goes back home, and finds a sick Miri sleeping peacefully with a clearly-worried Rei sleeping at her bedside holding her hand, we see Kazuki gazing fondly at the two of them. The look on his face says “These two are my happiness.”
And I think that realization will continue over time. Now that Kazuki no longer feels as guilty about moving on, I think he’ll start to really see Rei as family. As someone he can build a life with. Someone he enjoys spending time with. Someone he truly loves and cares for. And a day will come when maybe he’s out running errands while Rei is at home with Miri, and a woman starts talking to him. Kazuki doesn’t think anything of it at first, but then he realizes she’s hitting on him… and surprisingly, he doesn’t feel any particular way about it. In fact, his mind instead wanders to “I wonder what Rei and Miri are doing. I better hurry back home.”
And Rei… he’ll start to open up more around Kazuki, and show his vulnerabilities. He’s already started doing this with Miri, but I think we’ll begin to see him telling Kazuki more about his past. Maybe not even in a dramatic reveal type of way, but more so in off-hand comments or random stories that he suddenly remembers. And without realizing that things have changed so much, he’ll find that he’s truly enjoying his life with Kazuki and Miri, that he can actually laugh about things and feel relaxed. And one night, as he’s trying to fall asleep in his bathtub, maybe he’ll struggle to get comfortable. So he instead finds himself going to Miri’s room and curling up on the floor next to her bed, and quickly falling asleep. Kazuki walks in to find him, laughs to himself, and without even thinking about it, picks Rei up and carries him to bed. Not Rei’s bed, though. No, Kazuki subconsciously realizes that Rei needed the comfort of having someone next to him while he slept, so without a second thought, he brought Rei to his own bed. And when he went to lie down next to Rei, he was careful not to get too close. He didn’t want to disturb him after all, and it’s not like he had any other intentions but to simply sleep near each other. But the next morning, Rei wakes up to find Kazuki’s arm around him. And it doesn’t even occur to him to move Kazuki’s arm. Instead, he just looks at Kazuki’s sleeping face, feels the warmth between them, and thinks “this… is nice actually.”
And eventually the both of them will realize that they would do anything to protect one another, do anything to make the other happy. And maybe one day they’ll start to see each other in a different light. Maybe Kazuki will begin to notice the way Rei’s eyes light up when he gets a new video game, or maybe he’ll see that one piece of Rei’s hair that refuses to stay in the ponytail and think “hah, that’s adorable.” And maybe Rei will start to compliment Kazuki on his cooking more because he knows it makes him happy, or maybe he’ll take Miri shopping to find the perfect birthday gift for Kazuki but ends up getting several things because this thing reminded him of Kazuki’s smile, and this thing is Kazuki’s favorite scent, and this thing reminded him of that inside joke they had, and this thing…
So instead of looking at each other one day and thinking “why am I having these thoughts and feelings about a man?!”, I think they’ll look at each other and think “this feels right. This makes sense. Of course I have these thoughts and feelings about him.” Because at that point, the love is already there.
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moumouton4 · 10 months
How bout a longing sex with aged Muichiro x reader,after being parted for so long , finally they were able to be together one day, ?
Thank you Miri~ lots of ❤️ love and support~can i be your anonymous
person ?🧡
Hungry For You || Muichiro Tokito x fem!reader
A/n : Hello my dear anon ! I made you wait so long for this but here it is ! And of course you can become my anonymous person 😍 that sounds lovely / gen. your support means a lot 💚💙
A/n 2 : Muichiro is aged up like all the characters y'all read for and write for from other mangas such as Mha, Assassination Classroom, Gambling School, Tokyo Revengers... so if anyone comes here and complain bro I'mma take the first plane and find you because you've been warned 👀 ( yes it's the same thing from last time 😂 )
Summary : Your respective mission had left you lustful and hungry for each other. Now it's time to fuck make love
Warnings : mention of erection, dry humping, oral fem!receiver, penetrative sex, cockwarming, Muichiro is aged up, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1830
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You could feel tingles running all over your body as you walked across the dimly lit path. It’s been 3 months since you had set foot in the Demon Slayer Headquarter. It felt so strange, almost like a dream, to be here again. As if the last demon you and your comrades fought, had been keeping you for so long you don’t even remember how this place looked like. Hopefully no one got harmed, and that’s why you were there slowly walking throughout the bamboo forest to reach your cozy little place.
There wasn't that little pep in your step as you walked there though. You knew no one would be there to welcome you in. Indeed the Mist Hashira, who was for the past 2 years your boyfriend, was called on an important mission a month before you even got called for yours. Again the tingles made themselves be known as they distracted you from your original thoughts.
You were wet, you could feel it and it annoyed you to no end. But at least now, in the privacy of your own place you knew you could indulge in those self intimate touches you refrained from the past 3 months ago. You wondered how Muichiro was holding on his side. You wondered if he would simply forget about the desires he used to have when he was with you. Or if he was longing as much for you as you did him.
Soon enough you reached your front door. You dug your hands in your pockets before fishing your keys. But as you were about to slide them in the lock you felt as if the weather shifted behind you. A shiver ran down your spine as you gulped. What this-
It was almost faint, but you certainly heard that. Your name, softly being called. You turned around fully knowing who was talking to you. But you didn’t even have time to meet his gaze when you found yourself pinned on your door by a strong and lean body. You breathed in his scent almost at the same time he did it too. No words were needed as his mouth collided with yours. His hand trailed down along your exposed arm before he took your keys and opened the door himself.
Once the door was open, he gripped your waist to pull you against him. Your tongues were still sensually exploring each other's mouths as he wrapped your legs around his waist. You gasped in his mouth as you felt his bulge through all the layers of clothes he was wearing. It seems to have amused him because his other hand went to your lower back and pulled out even closer against his groin.
He didn’t waste any second to make his way to your room. The darkness of the place nor the walls prevented him from leading you to his favorite place to make love with you - well favorite legal place because apparently having sex in the meadow isn’t. In front of the bed, he set you there gently but you didn’t want to let go. Your arms and legs tightened around him and he lost balance, falling right on top of you. A soft huff escaped both of you as his weight pinned you to the bed. He slowly started to grind on you as if he couldn't help but indulge in this fantasy before everything really started.
Breathlessly you looked up at him. It was the first time in 4 months that you met his eyes, and they didn’t look at all like back then. His azur orbs once looked calm, almost tired as he made his departure but now they were burning holes into yours. As if a wildfire was trapped in them, he was lusting after you. It felt more than a simple desire, he needed to have you wrapped around him. He needed you now.
But Muichiro being himself, didn’t want to do things halfway, so he slowly disentangled himself from you while leaving a trail of burning kissing along the skin that was showing on your neck and collarbone. Then he went to your pants and slowly pushed them down. Little did you know that each time he drank something while he was away, he tried to imagine it was your sweet essence - well in the last weeks it wasn't even on purpose - so now he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.
As he pulled everything out of the way of his meal you. You could feel the cold air hit your soaking warm cunt. But you didn’t even have time to ponder on the subject as you felt his tongue slowly, as if tentatively lick your sweetness. You threw your head back as he dived deeper. His nose was teasing your clit as he tried to gather as much of your essence on his tongue - yes he is the kind who pushes his tongue inside you. Your hands gripped his hair, you couldn’t help your body from twitching, your legs even tried to close. But his strong hands prevented them from moving further. When he looked up at you with his chin glistening with your wetness you saw it in his gaze, he wasn't planning on stopping before he tasted you fully. So he didn’t. And he lapped at high speed eager to be finally able to relish in everything you were able to give.
Your body arched as you came all over his mouth. His tongue slowed its pace to guide you throughout your orgasm. He only stopped his ministration when you were perfectly clean. Then he went back to your mouth before whispering in a husky voice “It’s like you taste even better now” ( what did you thought he was going to talk with his mouth full 😂 )
While his attention was now directed at your top, because he wanted to give your breasts some attention too, your hands started wandering down towards his pants. You successfully managed to pull it down. But as you were about to grab his throbbing need he stopped you “I prefer we skip this tonight”
When you looked back at his face you could see he was red, way more flustered by this one sentence by everything that happened before. Seriously, you didn’t even blame him. You came so fast, he surely preferred to- “I’d rather do it while I’m inside you”
Now you were blushing. But you knew he wanted to share this feeling with you. So you lied back down and let him free your breasts as he positioned himself on top of your. You couldn’t help but admire his strong and muscular chest as he took off the upper part of his outfit.
Once bare as the day he was born, he slowly aligned himself with your entrance. As the tip slowly parted your folds, his arms wrapped tightly around you, as if you’d slip from his grip if he didn’t hold you securely. With a controlled and deliberated thrust he slowly pushed his length inside your tight warmth. A Low moan escaped his lips as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. His hips were pressed flush against your as he bottomed out. Your nails, ready to dig in the skin of his arms and back as soon as he would pick up the speed. But for now he seemed to enjoy the slowness of his motions. As if he wanted to reconnect with you first before fucking you mercilessly.
He started to slowly thrust in and out after a moment of adapting to the tighten you provided him. As if any more movements were likely to push him over the edge. After nipping and sucking bites and hickeys on the tender flesh of your neck, he finally looked at you as if he tried to reassure himself that he was indeed capable of going faster without spilling so fast.
The room filled with the familiar scent of sex as well as your bodies colliding. You pulled him in for a kiss and to your surprise he bit your bottom lip. Now that was unexpected but not unpleasant. You rolled your hips to meet his increasing thrusts, but by the twitching of his shaft you could tell he was close. And you knew he knew because his hand slides between your bodies. His fingers eagerly sought your clit, and once he did he just bullied it - yeah just like he did Tanjiro back then but that time it was with the word lmao - he wanted to make you come again. The mere thought of the feeling of your walls tightening and milking him as you released was enough to push him over the edge. But he held on.
His breath was ragged as he dragged his cock in and out of you. He pulled out all the way but the tip before slamming back into the point of making you see stars. Feeling you starting to tighten around him was his cue and he sped the rhythm of his fingers. Soon after he harshly pressed his hips into yours as he filled your awaiting cut with his seed. You came just after, right on time to milk the remaining semen from his throbbing cock.
At this point he would usually pull out and bring you a fresh cloth to freshen up but this time when you looked up at him he looked unsure, as if he wanted to ask something he didn’t know he was allowed to or not. So you took the matter into your own hands “C-could you stay inside for the night please ? I really missed you and-” but he cut you “Of course, everything for you” you could hear a sigh escaping his now red lips as if you lifted a weight off his shoulders “I’ll stay inside you all night”
With that he gently pulled the cover over your entwined bodies. He helped you get comfortable on the bed before he slightly changed your position. Going from him on top of you as he is spooning you, while facing each other. His softened length inside you, a tangible symbol of how much you longed for each other in the time you spent apart.
“Is this okay ? Do you need anything ?” he said softly. Even if he used to forget a lot of things, those questions were from the ones he never got to forget about. You shook your head, tired, after all everything was perfect and you couldn’t ask for more.
Now all you thought about was getting some rest after your missions, if you only knew that the next morning he was going to wake you up with gentle thrusts of his hard on inside your princess parts, you would have thought twice, because now you ain’t going anywhere from this bed until he decides so.
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sohnric · 3 months
pairing: kim sunwoo x fem! reader
genre: fluff. platonic but also not really 👀 jealous sunwoo that is also very delusionally in love with the reader. sunwoo plays the electric guitar but also he's kind of shit so yn has to help him
word count: 1.8k
warnings: swearing, jealousy, the reader is basically half naked and sunwoo ogles a bit
a/n: this fic is my way of battling writer's block. uni is kicking my ass but also i thought of this in the train omw home so i guess its also good for something. this is very much inspired by sunwoo wanting to learn how to play electric guitar, me remembering i own one, and also miri @/satoruly associating bigger boys and stolen sweethearts with me and making me forever insane because of it. also reblog and comment pls its so quiet here its depressing.
once again thank u so much @csenke for beta reading this fiesty baby and thank u @from-izzy for helping me with the flirty bits i owe you my life.
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“You have to leave by 5, because I’m hanging out with Mark later,” you call for him as you enter the room, eyes catching a glimpse of Sunwoo sitting on your bed, an electric guitar in his hand. The boy furrows his brows at your words, a bitter taste on his tongue making him roll his eyes as he focuses his attention on the instrument in his lap, fingers aimlessly playing with the strings.
“Okay, alright,” he hisses, clicking his tongue. If you notice anything odd about his behavior, you don’t mention it to him– and if he was self-aware enough to recognise the acid aftertaste your words leave in his mouth for what it really was, he’d be even glad for your sudden blindness to his infatuation with you.
“We’re going to the new bistro that opened downtown,” you hum, as if to only fuel the boy’s frustration further. If all you wanted to do was talk about the guy, why did you invite Sunwoo over in the first place? This was starting to feel like a trap.
“I told you about that place,” he huffs.
“Thank you for the recommendation,” you smile at him ironically, and when your eyes finally meet, Sunwoo recognises the playful glint in your eye– you’re 100% aware of the tension in the air, enjoying the way you have the boy completely under your spell, ready to be torn into pieces. It’s that look you have on your face every time a guy hits on you– the one that mirrors victory, the slightest kick it gives your self-esteem making you grin to yourself as you twirl your hair on your finger and satisfy the man with the slightest touch on his arm. You play into it– you always do– but you never quite let anyone sweep you off your feet completely.
“I thought we would check it out together,” Sunwoo says, fingers plucking at the E string of the guitar, making a dull sound resonate through your room as the background to your conversation.
“We can do that later,” you say, shrugging, “I’ll give you all the recommendations.”
“Traitor,” Sunwoo hisses, glaring at you with a tinge of hurt behind his orbs.
“Don’t be so butthurt.”
“Don’t be so merciless, then,” the boy counters, averting his gaze from yours. “Is he picking you up? I bet he doesn’t even have a car.”
“That’s an unusual way to express jealousy, considering you don’t even have a car, Sunwoo,” you grimace, chuckling at the emotional outburst of your friend. “Besides, his dad owns a car bazaar. I think the possibilities of him not owning a car are quite close to zero.”
Sunwoo stays quiet at that, the call-out making red splotches appear on his cheeks from shame. His eyes quickly move to the guitar again, hypnotizing it with his gaze, fingers clamming at the strings. 
Do you like torturing him? Is this what it’s all about? Just a few days ago, he thought he had it all– sneaking his hand into the back pocket of your jeans as he was dropping you off, receiving a ruffle to his hair after you pulled away from his hug, sending a flying kiss to him as you disappeared behind the front door. Today, all you’re talking about is Mark, Mark’s car, Mark’s family, Mark’s school, Mark’s fucking hairstyle, and all Sunwoo can do is either rip out all of his hair, or fantasize about ripping out Mark Lee’s instead– strand by strand, slowly, mercilessly.
“Whatever,” he comments, shaking his head at you. After many months of being friends with you, he should be immune to your charms. The more time he spends with you, though, the more unarmed he seems to be to your enchanting magnetism. You’re not nice to his heart, but up until this moment, he kinda liked the tug of war over yours.
The moment drags itself along before he hears you sigh from somewhere in front of him, frustration so evident in the sound. Sunwoo doesn’t really know what you have to be so infuriated about, since as far as he’s aware, he’s the one left cold and unwanted in the comfort of your room that smells deadly of your perfume (that’s so hard to shake off sometimes, yet he can’t find it in him to hate the sweet scent), but as he looks up to meet your eye, he chokes on his own spit at the image that meets his eye.
“You still don’t know how to play that riff, do you?” you click your tongue, shaking your head. It’s not the action that leaves Sunwoo feeling warmer than before, sweat almost comically appearing on his forehead– the image of you in only last remains of your school uniform does, though, as his eyes unashamedly scan the lengths of your now uncovered legs up your thighs to the curve of your bum, visible as you stare at him sideways, soft skin only slightly covered by the tinge oversized white button-down, red lace peeking out, piercing his gaze.
The boy silently shakes his head, licking his lips in a scattered manner. “Nope,” he admits, letting the last syllable pop in the now silent room, blood rushing to his ears as you stride forward and reach his position in your bedsheets.
“It’s really easy,” you huff, “you just– wait, let me show you,” you start, almost making the boy offer your own guitar back to you, before he watches you climb into the bed behind him, making his breathing hitch in his throat.
This is not at all what he expected you to do, he recognises when he feels your breathing on his neck as you lean over him, thighs straddling his back and pressing into his sides when you kneel on the mattress behind his back in order to have the best vision of the guitar. Sunwoo’s hands slip off the instrument when he finds your head next to his, your arms sneaking around his figure to press the chords down with your digits instead, strumming the strings and caging the boy into your scent and the flush of your muscles, forcing him to watch the little tutorial from first point of view. Your fingers move skillfully against the strings, having played that exact riff many times before (which is also why Sunwoo decided to pick it up, for it reminded him of the afternoons spent in the comfort of your room, laying on the rug in the middle of the floor as you played him your favorite songs), and he can’t help but feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up when your breath meets the side of his face.
“Clearer now?”
“Mhm,” he gulps, nodding. He’s too afraid to turn his head, too scared to see your face so from up close and not instinctively trail his gaze to your lips (of which curves have been sculpted in the heaven, he thinks), and so he only results to taking ahold of the guitar again, battling the reality of having your naked legs pressing into him from behind, fighting the image of your underwear out of his head to the best of his abilities.
He tries to mimic the position of your fingers on the guitar, but the fact that he remembered it wrong (or just was too distracted by his surroundings to really take the information in) is set out to him when you quickly take ahold of his hand, left palm glazing his to move his ring finger to the right position. “Here,” you hum, “that’s the problem. You keep pressing it on the 3rd fret instead of the 4th and that’s why it sounded so weird,” you laugh, the vibration of it against his back making Sunwoo feel like he’s being pumped with pure electricity, fireflies filling his stomach.
“I think it’s too fast for me to keep up with,” he complains, managing to drag a coherent sentence out of his mouth.
“I’ll pluck the strings for you,” you offer, voice saccharine right in his ear, “just try to get the chord patterns down.”
The boy nods, forcing the snapshots of the chord placements to the front of his brain, both begging to get it right so you end your little intimate tutoring session and also hoping he messes up again just to have you scold him and forcefully dragging his fingers to the correct strings– having Sunwoo pathetically yearning for the slightest of your touches. The heartbeat ringing in his own ears serves him as a metronome, and as he chews on the inside of his cheek when he starts, his head spins with the intoxication of your scent, making it hard for him to focus on the tune. 
“You got it wrong again,” you hiss into his ear, making goosebumps appear all over his skin. Oh, how mean you are– completely aware of the effect you have on the boy. He’s starting to think you love the idea of torturing him. It must be fun to have someone so under your spell, so drunk on your bare existence. 
“I’ll practice more until our next tutoring,” he gulps, laughing airly as you let go of him and move away, letting the poor boy finally breathe.
“You better,” you snicker, standing up and walking back over to your opened closet, bending over to pick up your discarded skirt off the ground and offering the boy a clear view of your bum from where he’s sitting on your bed. Now, there’s no denying you like to tease him. And Sunwoo is aware he might get burned, but like a little boy, he kind of enjoys playing with fire. “Or I’ll start to think you are enjoying my lessons a little too much.”
“Only the ones where you get all angry with me,” he notes, placing the guitar next to him on the bed, his palms now too sweaty to continue playing. “You’re kind of hot when you scream at me.”
Throwing a playful look over your shoulder at the boy, making the first two buttons of your blouse undone, a chuckle leaves your throat. “You’re not the first one to tell me that, sweetheart,” you note. “Now leave my room, you pervert. It’s almost 5 and I have to change.”
Defeated, but still obedient, Sunwoo stands up from your bed and takes slow steps towards the door, dreading his departure. The idea of Mark Lee getting to enjoy this side of you makes Sunwoo particularly green, but the feelings quickly fade when he remembers the moments from a few seconds ago, when he thinks back to the softness of your skin. Before he has the chance to leave, though, a tug on his tie yanks him towards you– the school uniform still covering his body from when he walked home with you two hours ago, carrying both of your bags,  proving as an effective attire for your afternoon hangouts.
Pulling him down so your faces are on the same level, the tips of your noses almost touching, has Sunwoo’s shocked eyes grow comically wide and his cheeks burn a crimson red. He feels your breathing fan his lips from the proximity, heart once again running a marathon in his chest when your voice purrs out in a feline-like manner, riling him up. “Always tugging on those strings, but I'll have you know, Sunwoo, you tug on mine all the time,” you grin, gaze only momentarily slipping towards his chapped lips.
Oh, you’re not nice. You’re pretty fucking far from nice– from how you’re playing with his heart, leading him on. 
Or are you not…? He guesses he’ll have to find out. 
You're a far better guitar player than Sunwoo is, but if you ever wanted a new instrument to perfect, he is more than willing to offer you his body to practice on. 
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sugar-grigri · 7 months
An overlay of games
Two injured arms? What are you trying to tell us, Fujimoto ?
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The interesting thing about the first part of the chapter is this page in which Denji hesitantly answers. It's another way of accentuating his existential crisis, even when he's called an impostor, Denji can't defend his position firmly and confidently.
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It's normal, he's still bound by the dilemma of the public hunters who have forbidden him to reveal and be Chainsaw Man himself, and above all he's competing with the impostor for his own identity.
Denji isn't THAT scandalized by being pointed out as a wannabe CSM because he is one now, he's been so robbed of his identity that he's almost willing to become himself.
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This chapter also hints at the fact that the public hunters don't agree on everything, probably because of a hierarchy or unity game. For example, some hunters only thought that the church was having fun playing CSM, not knowing that it was fighting against the prophecy of Nostradamus.
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However, this information was gathered by Yoshida through his interview with Fami, but it remained highly confidential. Here again, this public hunter doesn't know that Denji is CSM. In short, information isn't leaking out of the Special Division 7.
Yoshida is the mediator between the public hunters and Denji, but also with the church with Fami. Katana, Quanxi and the possessed man with the dripping brain are the henchmen. Fumiko is the one in charge of preventing any temptation on Denji's part to get closer to the church.
But there's something else that I find even more interesting that follows this point. If we try to untangle everyone's role. We end up with Yoshida; Quanxi; Katana; the possessed one with the overflowing brain; Fumiko; Denji and on the other, on the church side, we have Fami, Barem, Miri, the weapon of the whip, the bow and finally Asa. That's six against six.
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Asa's room is 606. And as I've explained several times, Fujimoto tends to play with numbers in this part 2. So I'm going to try and give you an explanation.
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When I saw that not only Quanxi had her arm bruised but Yoshida had sliced Asa's arm, the first thing I thought was "a tie". On one side we have Quanxi losing her arm to protect while on the other we have Yoshida attacking with a slice. The fact remains that an arm has been lost on each side, so there's a certain balance.
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Let me remind you that there are six against six in this game, and nobody has won any points yet, which makes 0. 6 0 6, ball in the middle.
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I sincerely believe that what Fujimoto is setting up is a form of game, a war in which we're going to have to keep score. Barem is called Barem BRIDGE, a card game of 2. against 2. This time it's not just a game about the clan war but the whole manga: Fami and Barem on one side, the demon of Death and maybe Fake! CSM on the other
Did you know that one of the players called himself the dead man? ;))))))
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I think the human usurper and fake!CSM are two different entities because the demon has twice interfered with Fami's plan by eliminating the fire demon (Yuko) and saving Denji and Asa.
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But it doesn't stop there, so let me come back to a few bridge rules (I don't know how to play, so if I'm wrong, please correct me). The game opens with the "contract", i.e. declarer commits to making a given number of tricks. Just like the beginning of the game in CSM started with Barem announcing his contract with the fire demon.
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A game of bridge is played in several moves, each move corresponding to a deal. Each player holds 13 cards, which they have arranged in a row to form what is known as their "deck" or "hand". Again, this is not to say that game 2 works exactly like bridge (and its horribly complex rules) but rather to emphasise the symbolism.
Every time one of the sides moves, an injury occurs, a limb is neutralised or even pulverised.
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I wanted to end this analysis with the "strong" part of the chapter, Yoru's return in force. I was stuck on the symbolism of the arm, its symbolism in art and its relationship to war. So much so that I forgot to read the line: Yoru is a team player, she speaks as "we".
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And then everything fell into place. There's a contrast between Yoru's exaltation and the fact that she's still missing a member. But everything makes sense with this fusion introduced by the "we".
Yoru is missing nothing, not even an arm, and Asa has become the perfect continuity of her being and her limbs.
Asa may have transformed her flat, her home, but she hasn't lost her bearings, because each of these girls has become the home of the other.
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While Denji denies the duality of his being, Asa is embracing it.
While Yoru, even without her arm, feels her strength reaching its peak thanks to her completeness with Asa.
Now, don't you think that making room 606 a weapon whose number symbolizes the status quo is just the beginning of hostilities?
To be obsessed with victory, even if it means leaving your mark, isn't that the definition of waging war?
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Or is it just playing a card game ?
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jenanigans1207 · 1 year
“I did it to protect you, too, you know.” Rei says offhandedly one night as they stand over the couch, looking at Miri who has fallen asleep on top of a pile of blankets instead of under it, her hair a mess on the pillow below it. “Not just Miri.”
Kazuki looks over at him. “What?”
Rei gestures vaguely to his right arm, the one that hangs weak at his side most days, the one that still hurts him, phantom pains that have him wincing before he even realizes it. Kazuki often wonders if it’s a physical pain, or the pain of a memory lodged into his arm, locking his shoulder in place.
“I would’ve done it, even if Miri wasn’t around.” He says after the pause stretched on.
“You wouldn’t have had to do it without Miri.” Kazuki points out, turning his gaze back to their daughter as she shifts in her sleep.
He can feel Rei’s gaze on the side of his face. “It always would’ve come to this.” He says matter-of-factly, his voice quiet. Kazuki can feel the moment he shifts his gaze away. “It just would’ve taken longer without Miri. But my father didn’t want me to have any sentimentalities, any attachments. And Miri wasn’t my first attachment, you were.”
It’s a quiet confession, whispered in the middle of their messy family room, the moon hanging high in the sky. It’s a quiet confession, but it sneaks between Kazuki’s ribs, steals the breath from his lungs. He can’t stop his gaze from seeking Rei’s face in response to the words, can’t stop his heart from reaching out.
In the depths of the night, the quietness that fills the apartment when both Rei and Miri are asleep, Kazuki wonders if they could ever cross that last line to become a complete family in the eyes of society. Because Rei— Rei is Kazuki’s first attachment, too. And for a long time, he had been Kazuki’s strongest. But they had Miri now, and Kazuki knew that they would both put everything on the line for Miri, unfailingly and without hesitation. But he also knew that they would put everything on the line for each other, too. Because they love Miri, but they love each other, too, in a different way. A way that Kazuki has been trying not to acknowledge for some time now.
Kazuki opens his mouth to say something but no words come out.
Rei turns to meet his gaze and his expression is completely unguarded. It’s something Kazuki has never seen before and he feels his pulse in his throat as he looks at Rei. It’s not that Rei had ever been trying to keep Kazuki out, it had always been that Rei was trying to keep both of them out, trying to lock his history somewhere that neither of them had to look at it or acknowledge it. He didn’t want to remember it any more than he wanted Kazuki to learn about it. So seeing a vulnerable tilt to his lips, hearing the undertone of honesty in his words makes Kazuki feel like he needs to sit down.
“I didn’t—“ Rei starts, stops, shakes his head. He ruffles his hair and Kazuki notices that it’s getting long again. “I didn’t have anything. Before you. And everything that I have now that’s—“ Rei swallows and looks away. “Because of you.”
“So you’re saying you would’ve shot your arm for me?” Kazuki asks, breathless even to his own ears. “Would’ve told your father to shove it and never talk to you again?”
“Probably not in those exact words.” Rei huffs out a quiet laugh and it’s a sound Kazuki is still getting used to hearing— a sound he wants to treasure for the rest of his life. “But yeah.”
Kazuki feels like he can’t breathe, knows that he’s completely powerless to look away from Rei in this moment. There’s a series of emotions squeezing his lungs, his heart. He tries to lighten the mood. “Careful, man. That’s pretty romantic. Someone else might take that as a love confession.”
Rei shrugs, but his face is a little redder than before. “No more of a love confession than raising a daughter together.”
And, okay, but—
Kazuki’s brain screeches to a halt. Is that what’s going on here? He can’t deny that he likes when the other daycare moms talk about Rei and Kazuki gets to remind them that Rei is his, thank you very much. He likes being the husband of a totally legit, not at all fraudulent oil Baron. He likes the pictures they have taped to their fridge, finding Rei curled up around Miri as they both fell asleep.
And there was that one time—
“Wait.” Kazuki shakes his head to try and get his scrambled thoughts into some sort of order. “Wait, wait—“
Rei’s lips are tilted into a wry smile as he slides his hands into his pockets. “Waiting.”
“Are you saying—?” Kazuki turns to face him earnestly, reaching out to grab Rei gently by the shoulders to somehow connect them without hurting Rei. “This better not be a damn joke.”
“I just told you I’d have given up my entire life and future for you— just you.” Rei allows himself to be turned as Kazuki applies gentle pressure to his shoulders. “Do you need me to spell it out any more for you?”
“No,” Kazuki says as he tugs Rei forward, barely managing to mumble “I’m the brains of the operation, after all” before he’s kissing Rei.
There are a lot of things that Kazuki had always imagined for his life— a partner, a child, the mundane happiness of a messy house and a busy schedule. He had always wanted those things. And while this isn’t how he had ever imagined getting them, he wouldn’t trade them for anything.
He wanted to come home to Rei and his video games, Miri and her sticky cheeks. He wanted to watch Rei help Miri with homework, looking to Kazuki for help when he didn’t know how to do something. He wanted to argue over who did laundry and who’s day it was to cook dinner, listening to Miri chime in on who’s cooking she wanted that day. He wanted to fall asleep to Rei in bed beside him, finally feeling safe enough to stop sleeping in the bath tub, and waking up to Miri wedging her way into bed with them.
And he definitely wanted more of this— of Rei reaching for him, kissing him back, holding him gently. He wanted to see more of the inner workings of Rei’s heart and mind, wanted to help him heal the scars of his past.
This was not the life Kazuki had ever pictured, but he loved this life with every inch of his soul, every shadow in his heart. This was everything to him.
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kudouusagi · 10 months
Buddy Daddies Drama 4
*Puts down box*
Kazuki: Okay! Now all of our stuff has been moved into our place. Ah, thank Kyuu-chan. On top of finding us a place, we even asked you to help us move.
Kyuutarou: Well, I'm too involved to stop now. So? How do you feel about the place?
Miri: It's smaller than our old place, isn't it, Rei-papa?
Rei: Yeah... and the TV has gotten smaller too...
Miri: So our mori kart cars have gotten smaller too!
Kazuki: Hey, don't be playing games when you should be unpacking. Besides, I think this is the perfect size for 3 people to live cozily. 
Kyuutarou: You're living quite a bit further away than you were at your old place, but the further you are the more difficult it will be for the eyes of the organization to spot you.
Kazuki: Yeah... Well, from what Rei says it doesn't seem like his father is straining his eyes looking for us either.
Kyuutarou: Even if that's the case, there's no mistaking that you sullied the name of the Suwa family. Try to lay low until the heat dies down.
Kazuki: Got it.
Kyuutarou: So? What are you planning on doing from now on?
Kakuzi: Hmm... for now we're going to live off our savings and get Miri into a new preschool... and then after that we'll look for jobs I guess.
Kyuutarou: I see. Do your best for Miri-chan too.
Kazuki: Yeah. Thanks for everything.
Kyuutarou: If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me.
Miri: Kyuu-chan, bye bye!
Kyuutarou: *Laughs and leaves*
Kazuki: Okay! Miri, Rei! Time to get excited for our new life! Let's hurry and put things away and have some move in soba!
Miri/Rei: Yeah!
Kazuki: This one.... mmm.... the pay is too low... This one isn't bad but the hours aren't great... Hm? Drug trials? Hmmm! So in just two weeks I can make that much by just taking medicine and sleeping? It's not bad but...
Rei: Kazuki, have you found a job?
Kazuki: Rei, if I said I was going away for work for two weeks... what would you do?
Rei: Huh? Meaning you wouldn't be here at all for two weeks?
Kazuki: Yeah. You'd need to wake Miri up, feed her breakfast, change her, take her to preschool, come back home, clean, do laundry, make food, go pick her up, give her a bath, feed her dinner, play with her, read her a book, get her ready for tomorrow, wake her up the next day, for 14 days. All by yourself. 
Rei: N-Nope. Not yet.
Kazuki: I figured. So nothing away from home for now. But our savings is going to run out soon so we seriously have to start working soon or we'll be in trouble. And you can't even move one of your arms...
Rei: I thought there would be many jobs I could do with only one arm... but it's surprisingly hard.
Kazuki: In your case it's not just your arm, you're also unsociable. Your interview the other day was awful, wasn't it?
Interviewer: Do you have any special skills, Suwa-san?
Rei: Special skills...? I'm familiar with handling guns. Including disassembly. I won't let anything I target get away.
Interviewer: Y-You mean... airguns, right?
Rei: I didn't have anything else to say.
Kazuki: Well, since you've been a NEET for so long I figured having you suddenly return to society would be a high hurdle. We're about to run out of our savings. We seriously have to work or it will be bad. But there's something that would be even worse than that. 
Rei: Something worse than that?
Kazuki: If I'm the only one working then you'd have to do all the housework yourself. You've recently learned how to hang clothes up to dry but for everything else you suck. You're completely useless! At this rate this room is sure to become a pigsty. And it'll be bad for raising Miri! So now we're going to hold "Rei's special training week focusing on housework!"
Rei: Special training?
Kazuki: I've been going easy on you because I thought you couldn't move your right arm but now I'm going to become a monster! A cooking, laundry, and housework monster! 
Rei: I really can't move my right arm though...
Kazuki: Shut up! Despite that you've gotten even better at mori kart than before, haven't you!? Miri told me! She said you set a new record the other day!
Rei: I was so happy I did a victory pose without even thinking about it.
Kazuki: And so! We're going to use that effort on housework! Who are the ones taking care of Miri?
Rei: You and... me.
Kazuki: And what else is there to taking care of her besides playing with her...?
Rei: Taking her to school and back, housework, laundry...
Kazuki: That's right! So now we're going to do special training and drill you until you're able to do all of those things on your own!
Rei: Geh...
Miri: Papas! What are you doing?
Rei: Miri...
Kazuki: Mm! I'm going to be giving Rei special training now!
Miri: Special training?
Kazuki: Umm... it means he's going to try hard to become able to do things he can't do right now.
Miri: I understand! He's doing a training journey! I saw it on TV!
Kazuki: Oh, you're amazing Miri! That's right! A training journey!
Rei: I didn't say I was going to-
Miri: So, Rei-papa is doing a training journey?! That's so cool!
Rei: I'll do it.
Kazuki: Okay, then starting today until you become a functioning adult I'll be your boss. What do you say?
Rei: Yes. Boss.
Miri: Yes, boss!
Kazuki: Mmm! You both gave good responses. Let's start!
Kazuki: This is how Rei's training began.
Kazuki: Okay, everything about cleaning is important. Let's start with vacuuming. 
Kazuki: Don't skip the corners! Your target likes to lurk in the corners!
Rei: The corners!
Kazuki: In places with running water you're in a constant battle with water droplets! You must have an iron determination to never allow limescale!
Rei: O-Okay!
Kazuki: Miri's room is the most important location! You have to make sure to diligently vacuum and use the lint roller to protect against dust allergies!
Rei: I'm... tired...
Kazuki: We're not done yet! Next is laundry! 
Kazuki: You need to memorize the differences between pods and regular detergent and learn how to use laundry nets! There's things to wash every single day!
Rei: There's too many things to remember!
Kazuki: Learn how to separate the garbage and when the garbage truck comes! And on top of that check which stores have the cheapest bags that won't break!
Rei: *Panting*
Kazuki: It's important to learn how to write in the preschool correspondence notebook, but your most important mission is learning to exchange messages with the mom friends! The smooth exchange of information is essential to surviving in the world of child raising!
Rei: I-... *falls down on ground* I can't do it anymore... This is way more physically and mentally exhausting than fighting... I've never experienced training like this before... 
Kazuki: Stand up, Rei! You've still got to wash the rice.
Rei: I'm at my limit. I want to eat chips, hide in my room, and play games.
Kazuki: Ah... oh no... he has dead eyes. Hey, Rei! Keep going! Miri's watching
Miri: Rei-papa's training journey is so cool!
Rei: I'm going... to wash... the rice!
Kazuki: Oh! There's a light in his eyes! Miri, keep on cheering him on like that.
Miri: Okay! Rei-papa! Do your best! Do your best!
Rei: What is this power rising within me? I can do it! I can do it!
Miri: Rei-papa stood up!
Kazuki: Yes! That's it Miri! That was even more effective than I expected! Okay! 
Kazuki: Rei's special training continued even while I was at work.
Rei: Hmm... cleaning takes a while with only one arm... I'll put the last glass here...
*Glass shatters*
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri! Don't come over here! 
Miri: *Whines*
Rei: I dropped a glass so it's dangerous.
*Rei attempts to pick up glass*
Rei: I can get the big pieces... but the smaller ones... I guess a broom and dustpan?
*Gets out broom and dustpan and starts sweeping*
Rei: I can't hold both of them with one arm... I guess I'll just have to wait till Kazuki comes home?
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri, it's dangerous so don't get-... 
*Miri holds the dustpan*
Rei: You...
Miri: I'll hold the dustpan, okay?
Rei: Oh... thank you, Miri.
Miri: *giggles*
Rei: Okay. Perfect.
Miri: Perfect! Papa! High five!
Rei: Yeah!
Miri: YAY!
*High fives*
Rei: *Laughs*
Kazuki: We're now going to hold your final test! The challenge is to make my special french toast all by yourself!
*Rei cooking*
Rei: Now!
*Flips toast*
Kazuki: His flipping timing is perfect!
Miri: Perfect!
Rei: Done.
Kazuki: Itadakimasu
Miri: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eating*
Rei: How is it?
Kazuki: It's good. It's seriously good! This is so good you could serve it in a restaurant!
Rei: *Laughs excitedly*
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast is good!
Rei: Miri!
Kazuki: And it's not just his french toast! He's able to clean and do laundry perfectly too! I think it will be fine leaving the house to him now.
Rei: No, not yet.
Kazuki: Huh? No, you don't need to be that worri-
Rei: I feel like I haven't selected the best bread for french toast yet.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I realized when I was practicing, different breads have different textures. Rather than the one from the grocery store, the one from the bakery in town is more suited for absorbing moisture.
Kazuki: No... you don't have to be that picky...
Rei: And the eggs. Today I just used 10 that were on sale, but I wonder what would happen if I used more expensive eggs? Also depending on the way you mix it the texture changes. But that's obvious isn't it? If there's different amounts of air.
Kazuki: Hey... Rei...?
Rei: I also want to test the coffee that goes with it. I want to use a coffee grinder with a proper pour over and make the best cup of coffee!
Kazuki: Wait, wait, wait!
Rei: Actually I already ordered a coffee making set online.  
Kazuki: Hey!
Rei: It seems like it's here.
Kazuki: Huh.....? What's going on?
Miri: Rei-papa looks like he's having fun!
Kazuki: Hey, Miri. Go tell Rei-papa to cool it.
Miri: Huh? But...
Rei: Okay.
Miri: I'll help!
Kazuki: Hey, hey. Don't bother Rei-papa...
Rei: Thanks.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I'll open the big boxes and you can open the small ones. We'll split the work between us.
Miri: Okay!
Miri: I opened it! Yay!
Rei: Yay!
*Rei and Miri high five*
Kazuki: You're doing high fives? You've gotten so close...
Rei: Miri, you can open that one too.
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: *Laughs* I can leave the house in peace like this.
Miri: I opened it!
Rei: I opened this one too. You did well, Miri. 
Miri: *Giggles*
Kazuki: I can do it in peace.... but... it feels weird... like I'm going to lose my place.
Miri: Hey, papa! I want to play Mori Kart!
Rei: After we finished putting away these boxes, okay?
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: Miri, would you like to play with me? Mori kart?
Rei: Kazuki?
Kazuki: I'll play with Miri!
Miri: With Kazuki-papa?
Kazuki: That's right!
Miri: Hmm... I don't want to!
Kazuki: Huh? But you said you wanted to play...
Miri: You're bad at games so it'd be boring!
Kazuki: EH!?
Miri: I prefer Rei-papa!
Rei: Hmm! So she says!
Kazuki: *Screams* At this rate I'll lose my parental respect...
Kazuki: Rei!
Rei: Hm?
Kazuki: Please! Give me special training! I want to be good at games!
Rei: But aren't you going to work?
Kazuki: I'll work too! So let me game! I'll keep my respect as a parent through games!
Rei: Okay. But games aren't that easy. Sometimes they're even harder than being an assassin.
Kazuki: Huh? Really?
Rei: You look down on games. If you're serious I won't go easy on you.
Kazuki: Eh? Okay! I'll beat your record!
Rei: Okay. Then I'll train you. You should say "Okay, boss" to me.
Kazuki: Eh? ...Okay... boss...
Kazuki: And so then my days of special training, so tough I could vomit blood, along with working began...
Kazuki: At night I'm working at a construction site, a bartender, and a cleaner and during the day it's mori kart! I'll fly through both of these tasks with ease!
Rei: You pressed the brake too late!
Kazuki: Damn it! One more time! Ugh...
Rei: Don't just drive around randomly. Remember the course and the shortcuts.
Kazuki: Guh! 
Kazuki: Ehh?!
Rei: You used your item too late.
Man: Hey, newbie! That's some messy-...!
Kazuki: *Shouting*
Man: He's fired up...
Kazuki: Ah...
Rei: That was a close race. It's proof you don't have the specs of each kart memorized. I told you that the day before yesterday too.
Kazuki: *Growls*
Woman: Kahlua milk please
Kazuki: Okay, Okay, Okay! Here you go!
Woman: Wah...? ...Thanks...
Rei: You needed to take the shortcut there and use your item.
Kazuki: Oh.
Rei: By the way, I told you that last week. Remember it!
Kazuki: *Sobs*
Kazuki: *Panting and shouting* 
Woman: Hold the mop right! You're not cleaning at all!
Kazuki *Sobbing and shouting*
Rei: Why are you breaking like that at the last cur-... 
Kazuki: *Snoring*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Ah! I'm not sleeping. I'm not sleeping.
Rei: That's enough for today.
Kazuki: Don't be ridiculous! We've barely done anything today!
Rei: This isn't a game you can win while sleep-driving. Don't underestimate it.
Miri: I'm home!
Rei: I'm home.
Miri: Hmm... Kazuki-papa isn't home today, either...
Rei: Well, he has work
Miri: Oh... work... it can't be helped!
Rei: Miri...
Rei: Welcome home
Kazuki: *groans*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Huh? Oh sorry... training right? Training...
Rei: We're not doing that today.
Kazuki: Why?
Rei: Go look in a mirror. Your face looks awful.
Kazuki: *Laughs* This isn't anything...
Rei: During the day you're training for mori kart, and at night you're doing night shifts. When are you sleeping? 
Kazuki: This... isn't-....
*Passes out*
Rei: Kazuki!
*Rei runs*
*Ambulance sirens*
Kazuki: Where am I?
Rei: The hospital.
Kazuki: Ah! Rei!
Rei: You overworked yourself. They said after that IV is finished you can go home. 
Kazuki: Oh I see... passed out. I'm sorry.
Rei: I'm not the one you should apologize to. Say it to Miri.
Miri: *Snoring*
Rei: Even though I said you'd be fine she wouldn't leave your bedside and fell asleep while holding your arm.
Kazuki: *Laughs* So that's why my right arm feels heavy...
Miri: *groans* Papa...
Kazuki: I'm so pathetic... now that I think about it I was so focused on the game I didn't talk to Miri much... I'm really doing everything backwards.
Rei: It's okay even if you can't game.
Kazuki: Hm?
Rei: I'm gonna go home now. I need to clean. I'll leave Miri to you. 
Miri: *wakes up* Hm?
Kazuki: Miri, are you awake?
Miri: Kazuki-papa? Eh? Ah! Are you better now?!
Kazuki: *Laughs* Yeah! Completely! Seeing your face gives me 100 times more energy! Thank you.
Miri: *Giggles* Yeah!
Kazuki: I'll make you anything you want today as a thank you! What would you like?
Miri: Hmm... French toast!
Kazuki: Okay got it! ...is what I want to say but... Rei's is better than mine so you should get him to make it.
Miri: No. Today I want yours, Kazuki-papa!
Kazuki: Huh?
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast and your french toast are both the best in the world!
Kazuki: Ah... I see
Everyone: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eats*
Rei: Your french toast and mine really do taste a little different.
Kazuki: Hm? Well, the recipe was the same... but differences in cooking styles might make some difference in taste.
Rei: You learn a lot when you make it yourself. How hard it is...
Miri: Both of them are good!
Rei: and the happiness it gives.
Kazuki: I realized something too.
Rei: What?
Kazuki: When I'm doing night shifts, I can't spend time eating with you and Miri like this.
Ri: Ahh...
Kazuki: I'm going to stop taking night shifts. Nothing is more important than time with family! ...but we still have to think of what to do for a job. How do you even choose a job?
Rei: We don't even really have the option of being choosy.
Kazuki: Right...?
Rei: What about a house cleaning service?
Kazuki: Well it's not like we couldn't but.... Hmm... What about doing background checks?
Rei: I don't really want to leave the house. It would decrease my time with Miri.
Kazuki: Man, you... *sighs* What should we do?
Miri: *Happily eating*
Kazuki: Seeing her smiling face makes our troubles seem like nothing.
Rei: Miri, is it good?
Miri: Yeah!
Kazuki: We have enough for seconds! Do you want some?
Miri: I want it! But...
Rei: But?
Miri: I want to eat with everyone!
Kazuki: Everyone?
Miri: Yeah! Like Anna-chan, Kotori-chan, Hinata-chan, Taiga-kun and my friends at my new preschool! Everyone! I'm sure they'd all think it was good and be happy!
Rei: I see... then how about we make a whole bunch next time and invite everyone?
Miri: YAY!
Rei: If we invite the mom friends then it should make exchanging information smooth, right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Everyone? Everyone! That's it!
Rei: What?
Kazuki: We should open a restaurant! Like Kyuu-chan! I can cook! And if it's french toast then you can make it perfectly. Besides, we've already got all the best equipment for coffee!
Rei: Hmmm... if the restaurant and our house are in the same place then we can always be with Miri.
Kazuki: What do you think, Rei?
Rei: It's not bad.
Kazuki: Okay! Then it's decided! Miri, we're opening a restaurant!
Miri: We're playing restaurant?
Kazuki: Not playing! A real one!
Miri: Rei-papa is unsociable so we can't!
Rei: Wha! Miri... where did you learn that?
Miri: Kazuki-papa says it! Unsociable!
Kazuki: W-well... we can do something about it with special training!
Rei: Ehh? Special training again?
Kazuki: Yeah, on days when you don't have housework.
Miri: It's okay, Rei-papa! I'll cheer you on lots!
Rei: Yeah... then I can probably do it.
Kazuki: Okay! So then where should we start? Should we start with a name?
Rei: No, shouldn't we find a location for it first?
Miri: I think there should be pictures on the wall at the restaurant! Should I draw some?
Kazuki: Yeah, please, Master Artist Miri! Ahh... Do we need to go to some government office to get permits?
Rei: Government offices again? I hate them.
Miri: It's okay! You just tell them to do as you say!
Kazuki: That's right! It will work out!
Kazuki: Th-Thank you for waiting.
Rei: Here's your french toast and coffee... sir.
Kazuki: Eat up, Kyuu-chan!
Kyuutarou: Ita-
Kazuki: How is it?
Rei: Is it good?
Kyuutarou: I haven't eaten yet.
Kazuki: Ahh, right! Sorry.
Kyuutarou: Itadakimasu
Rei: It makes me nervous to have someone other than Kazuki and Miri eat it.
Kazuki: Well, he is a pro... and I don't think we'll be open long if we can't get approval from our peers... So how is it Kyuu-chan!?
Kyuutarou: Well... first of all, Kazuki. 
Kazuki: Yes!?
Kyuutarou: Your face is stiff and creepy. Stop fake smiling at the customers to try to flatter them.
Kazuki: Eh!?
Kyuutarou: Rei! 
Rei: Yes?
Kyuutarou: You're too blank faced. And you need to look the customers in the eye.
Rei: Okay...
Kazuki: So... how does it taste?
Kyuutarou: I think it's alright.
Kazuki/Rei: Oh!
Kyuutarou: So this is your answer?
Kazuki: Yeah! I don't know how long we can keep doing it... but this is a place for our family.
Rei: I'll do my best at work and spending time with Miri.
Kyuutarou: Yeah! Do your best at making your own family.
Kazuki: Oh! There's a customer! Rei!
Rei: Yeah.
Kazuki: Hello!
Rei: Welcome to Diner Nest!
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elevensixteenpm · 1 year
I know Miri's room will be the biggest reminder to them of what they once had, but the little things...
I just realized they got a car seat for Miri now... another small reminder (alongside the high chair in the dining area) to them that they had her. I'm in so much pain.
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There's just something about seeing a car seat being so domestic and it immediately makes one think, "Oh, it's their family car." Man... they're really on that parenting shit. I feel so bad for all of them. Kazuki and Rei had been slowly yet continuously learning how to be better parents in a long term commitment, but turns out their "long term" so far would just be less than a year...
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iridescentscarecrow · 2 months
the yoshida inside cover is so interesting to me because so far i've found that all the part two inside covers so far lean very hard into the texture of the city to create this atmosphere of claustrophobia and obvious tension.
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it's a lead in from the chapter 98 scene with asa & the class president looking up at the buildings spanning the sky, the palpable lack of nature/plant/greens or any sort of reprise from the grittiness of the city & commenting on how corrupt the city is.
which is why the way the city & the lack of it manifests in the part 2 inside covers reveals so much about each character's reaction to this. i don't think i got at the meat of this though when i initially considered it – the way greenery then sets itself against the city in various instances. i'd got an anon about plant symbolism in part 2 a while back which set me off thinking about it. unfortunately, i am in no way well versed in plant symbolism intricacies so this discussion will only pertain to the way this works re: the narrative.
and the yoshida cover [the first cover to not feature the city at all, the first cover to be set within the wildness of the forest] is so meaningful when it comes this.
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all the covers very purposefully do not show the eyes of the characters in question. fujimoto's use of this detail in panels before [the bomb devil arc, the yoshida syringe scene] can be considered to reveal the interiority/obscured thoughts of which jarr with their actions.
here in asa's case the city shadows her. her eyes are bled out of focus, almost by its corrupted grit. yuko, though is different. she's turned her back to us, her eyes can concievably visibly exist in frame but she's looking away/at the city: assigning it its values & ultimately getting swallowed up by it in her quest for justice.
asa dominates the frame & her face is featureless / yuko's figure in contrast is small & diminutive when set against CITY.
i think specifically a lot about the asayuko encounters & the potted plants in their wake. they're set in moments that are potently releases of tension [an anti claustrophobia] which stems directly from them resolving their internal contradictions.
in comparison the leadup to the "don't come to school tomorrow" scene (chapter 105) is full of tension & also plantless: there is no shade, no intersperse. they're sitting in the glaring sun, their conversation occasionally cutting away to CITY attributes: telephone wires/buildings. later, yuko lights a bonfire. fire burns away plants and the fire devil is also the presence that burns down denji's house. the same house with the potted plants nayuta & denji grow.
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the movement of shade here is genuinely so impactful when considered alongside asa & kiga's covers. for kiga the classroom itself is dim. outside, the sky's light peels back the room's darkness and renders kiga within it.
kiga's setting within the classroom is i think extremely important. during the sisters' public safety breach, kiga makes asa & her keep their school uniforms on. she's never appeared outside it, in fact. she's so settled within this particular role that for her the grittiness of the city is instead manifested by the classroom. more on this later but:
what strikes me is the featurelessness to both of them. they're both horsemen & their faces are bled of indicators – the ringed eyes & the scars that portray their status. you are left with their hollow schoolgirl bodies. it's a very specific flavour of contextualisation, one that offsets the decontextualisation that is [removing families|ripping off uniform/clothes|turning the hybrids into weapons]. asa's power functions through context, through a thing's history, through the guilt of its weaponisation. kiga's appearances always occur at moments where asa is struggling with context (the fight with yuko & her mother's uniform, the aquarium date, her feeling things for the CSM).
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> the grittiness of the city is instead manifested by the classroom for kiga.
but the miri cover is not that. its shielding (through the potted plants) works against the CITY so much to that the tension to it is almost invisible. the potted plants here are in a way indicative of miri's self illusion of agency and it's something i have a lot of fun comparing to miri's actual cover, with the lucky clovers & that grin on his face as he holds onto the beautiful butterfly of a sword that he materially is.
the nature of the CITY in these two covers is also something to be commented on: for kiga, as i said – the city is miniscule (the sky dominates). miri's presence in his frame is more visible yet simultaneously the city threatens all the background & the angle both emphasises his smallness & enlarges him.
i do find it interesting how miri's eyes are specifically cut out frame. they're visible: he has his own interiority occuring outside this narrative, his own story of himself, but it is inconsequential to the pawn that he is. yuko's eyes while also obscured by framing are within frame. her motivations are essential to the narrative she operates within.
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while the [potted] plants grant a reprise from the claustrophobia for miri, the forestry punctuates yoshida's inside cover's tension.
i've already talked about yoshida as a framer for part 2 in an earlier thread of mine (chapter 156, if i'm not wrong) but bringing this into light next to how yoshida excludes himself from the city is interesting. this exclusion is what brings him claustrophobic tension, this abnormality. he is not participating in the city.
i think a lot that surrounds yoshida's character right now is speculation but balancing this with the syringe/head pat scene & the theater scene does bring out a picture of very potent pain (self enacted) when it comes to his own circumstance. the plants around him are wild, undomesticated & unlabelled (his existence as the framer) – in sharp contrast to the potted things grown within cities as hope.
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kiga & yoshida's postures mirror each other. they're both faced down, towards the ground, arms held limply at their side. they're both stagesetters: yoshida framing for us the narrative with his two choices, parasocial relationships dialogue / kiga pouring her hunger into the world of part 2 & directing asa's weaponisation.
they're both in areas that are NOT city & CITY is not what inspires their respective tensions. kiga is working within the classroom, education – feeding into people what hunger is and what it means and teaching them what to want. yoshida dons the school uniform to adopt his role before reverting to the public safety suit!
their conversation too, set into perspective for us the overarching plot of part two.
there's so much to tease out from these covers and specifically the urban and urban lifeforms presented to us in part two. there definitely can be analogies drawn to part one's city mouse/country mouse metaphor (*) but i also think that the way autonomy is written at this stage of the story makes this particular play of tension a far more nuanced iteration of (*) and it's one i'm particularly interested in seeing explored in future covers.
thank you for reading!
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theunfairmaiden · 1 year
Rei is the voice of reason in this family idc
I love how when we're first introduced to Rei he's depicted as irresponsible and someone who doesn't really have his life together and Kazuki does. However, we see time and time again that Kazuki can be impulsive and let's his emotions dictate his behavior a lot and Rei is the one who really keeps him in check because actually he's much more put together than he first appears.
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Like when Kazuki is about to throw hands with the bitch that abandoned his daughter and is now demanding to take her back and Rei stops him like: "Hey, I get it but maybe not right here in front of the daycare with all of these parents watching."
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Or when Kazuki is fuming about the fact that Rei invited Misaki back to their home to discuss and Rei has to remind him that it's the only sensible option. Not to mention that he has to remind Kazuki: "Hey, we may hate her mother but Miri still loves her and it wouldn't be right to disrespect her mother in front of her. We have to be responsible parents, set a good example, and sort this out conscientiously."
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Or when Kazuki's rage transfers over to Misaki taking over his kitchen and Rei has to remind him that Miri is what's most important here, that's what this is all about, not some bitch we hate heating up some frozen hamburg steaks in our kitchen.
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While clearly desperate to keep his daughter in his custody, he constantly reminds everyone in the room that Miri is at the center of this and that's what's important. What's best for her, and what will make her happy. Standing up for his 5 year old girl when everyone else is acting a bit selfishly and irrationally.
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Or when they go rock-climbing and Kazuki is losing his mind panicking over the safety of their girl (I lost my mind over him referring to Miri as THEIR girl asldkfjsdfjsaoi yes they are a FAMILY and they are her PAPAS) and Rei has to remind him to breathe and that there are safety precautions in place for all of his concerns. He's just an overprotective papa and Rei is there to remind him that he's just an anxious babygirl.
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And when Kazuki falls apart when Miri can't see him Rei reminds him to make the most of the last of their time together because they will not be regretting their last moments with Miri.
Rei really is out here just protecting the people he loves. And I can't wait to see him betray the organization in ep. 11 you cannot convince me of anything else, these next few episodes will be the downfall of the organization and they will get Miri back.
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cinnaminyoons · 1 year
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!!   jjk x m!reader
!!   wc | 6.8k
!!   tags | dilf!jk + dilf!reader (obv), non-idol au, lil age gap (jk’s 25, reader’s at least late 20s), reader lived in america for some time + reader is a chef (food comfort & domesticity i love u), reader’s children and dog are named, reader had a wife and also has a hip tattoo
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[ event masterlist ]
pets are in love and so are they
“we are... incredibly close right now.”
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the bedroom door bursts open.
it's too early for this.
"appa," she pants, little feet bouncing across the carpet until a weight begins to tug erratically at his blankets. "appa, get up, get up, there're new people!"
jungkook pulls a pillow over his head.
she puffs her cheeks out and launches herself onto his bed; she elbows him in the bony front of his leg. he groans in pain as she scrambles over his legs and grabs his pillow with both hands.
"get up, appa! i wanna go see!"
blearily, jungkook lifts his head, groping for the blinds past his bedside table. he leans uncomfortably far out into the cold of his room before he latches onto the chain and gives it a good pull.
the wooden blinds clatter up, dousing the room with pale morning light – the white bang that birthed the universe. she giggles and slides down from the bed, crawling up to the window and pressing her knuckles against the cold glass.
on the street below are a man and a little girl. another girl! she delights herself with fantasies of having a best friend – maybe they'd go play on the playground, and with their combined strength, they'll knock down the mean queen bee from the monkey bars.
they carry boxes into the neighbouring house, assisted by movers. a fridge, a mattress – they manoeuvre them through the gates leading around to the side of the house, entering through the glass sliding doors. she watches them, fascinated, as the visible kitchen begins to fill with cardboard boxes.
she cranes her neck, pressing her forehead against the glass until it stings her skin. nobody else comes through, and she knows who the hired help are because they wear bright orange shirts.
she squints at the man's left hand when he rests it against the column of the alfresco, speaking to the little girl. he's like her appa – he doesn't wear a marriage ring.
"what's so interesting?" he combs his fingers through his messy hair.
she glances over her shoulder with big brown eyes. "nobody's lived in that house for ages. d'you think they'll be nice?"
"i'm sure they are. c'mere, miri – you'll get a cold."
she skips over, lifting her arms dutifully. jungkook pulls a small pink jersey from his closet and tugs it over her head, helping her arms into the sleeves.
"where are your socks?" he asks with a groggy frown. he's always been slow to wake. "your toes will fall off."
"bam took them."
"he what?"
"bam took my socks," she says helpfully.
he sighs, rising to his feet. "okay. up we go, then."
he heaves her into his arms, settling her against his hip as he shuffles out of his bedroom and down the stairs. she's more than capable of walking on cold floors on her own – maybe it'd be a good lesson to teach about letting the dog take one's socks – but jungkook admits to himself that it's mostly for him. babies turn into children so quickly, and he finds he misses having her little warmth holding onto his shoulder.
bam meets them at the foot of the stairs, barking his good morning greeting. miri smiles and waves hello, and bam's tail wags faster as he follows them to the back door – he darts out with a bark, leaping into a run for freedom around the large yard. he shuts the door.
"right – here we are." he places her on the mat in the kitchen, in front of the sink. it protects her feet from the tiles. he feels somewhat more awake. "any requests for breakfast, miri? the fruits are still fresh – would you like some yoghurt and banana with your cereal?"
"with strawberries, too, please," she requests, watching him move towards the fruit bowl.
"how many strawberries?"
she opens her mouth. she frowns. carefully, she raises five fingers. "five."
"five? you must be hungry today," he comments, placing a banana on the chopping board next to the knife and leaning over to the fridge to fish out the tray of strawberries.  he bends over. "on three. one."
he scoops her up under his arm, holding her like rolled carpet. she hums as she chooses her strawberries, placing them on the blue chopping board. she shoves a sixth in her mouth and giggles as jungkook rolls his eyes at her with a fond smile, setting her down. "go grab your cereal, okay? i'll be done in a minute."
"okay!" her cheek leaves jungkook's palm as she whisks away to a lower cupboard, taking her pick of the different cereals in easy-pour containers.
he pushes the sleeves of his sweatshirt up to his elbows. he sets to work with the knife, chopping wedges out of the tops of the strawberries and slicing them in half. beside him, miri cautiously measures out her cereal on her own red child-sized table, tipping the container a few degrees at a time to control the flow.
a thump outside. he glances up. bam stops barking.
he sets down the knife and strides over to the door, dropping the wet handtowel on the edge of the bench. he leans out into the chilly air. "bam?"
no response. jungkook slips from his indoor slides to his outdoor ones and hurries outside, worry forming a knot in his stomach. "bam, come here!" he whistles, short and sharp.
he peeks behind the bushes, where a collection of toys have gathered as bam's treasure trove. no dog.
"shit," he mutters, eyes widening as he spots the open fence door by the side of the house. he hurries through it, grabbing the edge of the door. "bam!"
a bark by his feet. he startles ten feet into the air and a curse slips out of his mouth.
kneeling on the stone path and staring up at him is a little girl in a thick purple jacket. she looks about miri's age. bam had his head resting on her legs before they were so rudely interrupted.
he swallows another bad word and softens his voice. "hey. i don't think i've seen you around here before."
she stares up at him for a moment longer, rubbing bam's ears slowly. "me and papa came here today."
"oh! you must be our new neighbours." the moving truck is gone. he glances over the fence, before lowering himself to her level. "do you know where your papa is?"
"in there." she points at the house. she says nothing more, her eyes narrowed slightly mistrustfully.
"does he know you're here? i don't want him to be worried about you. come on – i'll bring you over."
she recoils from his offered hand, hugging bam's neck. the usually active pup seems unusually calm.
"i just want to walk you over, that's all. it's cold out here, and those pebbles can't be comfy."
she glances over him, then nods with as much dignity as she can muster and rises to her booted feet, brushing off her knees. bam stands as well, and jungkook gives him a pat.
he smiles at her, discreetly pulling his sleeves down over his sleeve tattoos. they might not make the best impression of his character. "so, you moved here today? what do you think of it?"
she shrugs, following him. "it's a lot colder. but papa says he got a good job here and can take care of me."
"really? do you know what his job is?"
"he's a chef! he makes really good food. do you like carrot cake? his carrot cake is the best. you should try some."
he smiles down at her as they approach the front door. "thank you for the offer. we'll see what happens."
he raps his knuckles against the front door firmly. he wonders if it sounds too aggressive, but there's nothing he can do about it, and there's an out-of-breath man standing in front of him. a very attractive out-of-breath man.
his eyes widen as he notices the girl beside him. "anya! what are you doing out there?"
she crosses her arms, defiant. "exploring."
"i – i told you to stay inside, didn't i? anya, neither of us knows our way around! you could've gotten lost if you hadn't—"
his eyes flicker up to jungkook's. he clears his throat and the girl shuffles over the threshold, grabbing onto his pant leg and burying her face in it. "hello. i am so sorry about my daughter – really, it feels like locks just fall apart around her. thank you so much for retrieving her. i left her in the hallway for two minutes to set up her bed, and then—"
"she escaped containment?"
the man cracks a frazzled smile. "yeah, suppose you could say that. ah—i'm ln yn. this is my daughter, anya. say hi, bub."
"jeon jungkook," he introduces, feeling rather self-conscious about his pyjamas and socks-with-slides combination. he nods towards anya with a small smile. "how old is she?"
"five, this year." you smooth down her hair with a palm. she watches bam sniff around the perimeter of the fence. "she'll be starting school here soon and she's been really excited. she's a bit of an artist, you see, and the school's renowned for its arts program."
"oh! you mean—?" he gestures down the road. you nod. he brightens. "my kid goes there, too! she's the same age as yours, but she's more interested in trying every single extracurricular sport they offer than anything they're actually famous for. my genes at work, i guess."
you smile, leaning against the doorway. you nod at the dobermann by the succulents. "and that one's yours, too, i'm guessing?"
"oh – yeah! that's bam." he turns. "bam, come here!"
he perks up, trotting over.
he sits.
"good boy." jungkook scratches behind his ears. "i'll keep him inside the yard, so you don't have to worry about holes in your garden or anything."
you chuckle. "thanks. so, what's to like around here? in particular, anything a five-year-old would enjoy?"
"the park's a two-minute walk that way." he points behind him. "it's not that big, but it has a swing and a slide and a rope cobweb thing. there's a fireman pole, too.” he smiles. “i know it's bad enough trying to move when you're alone, so having a kid with you must be pretty rough."
you share a laugh. the girl pouts into your leg.
he tucks his knuckles into his sleeves, trying not to show how fast his heart is beating. "i could watch her while you get settled today. i-if you want! i'd bring my daughter over and they could, uh, keep each other busy."
he knows you're wary. he can see it in your eyes and the way you pull her into your side.
good. he would be, too.
"that would be wonderful," you say eventually with a small smile. "but it's quite early – i'll be here when you're, well, ready."
he glances down at himself and bursts into embarrassed flames. "ah, r-right! yeah! sure, yeah, i'll be back in an hour. it was nice meeting you," he smiles down at her, "and you as well, anya."
"you, too," you reply, and your grin makes jungkook's heart race. he wills his blush down.
"goodbye," calls anya, watching him retreat from their door. "i like your puppy!"
bam trots at jungkook's side, tongue lolling out and collar clinking. jungkook lets him into the backyard again, this time through the side door, and latches the door shut firmly after himself. he's got no idea how it came loose the first time; it might've been the wind rattling the latch.
he shrugs to himself as he returns to his kitchen. if it happens again, he'll get a proper lock.
she crashes into his knees. he hums and smooths down her fringe. "hello. i'm sorry for disappearing on you like that – i got worried about bam, and then i met our neighbours."
she recoils, betrayal etched all over her face. "without me?"
"i wasn't expecting to."
"but you did! you could've come tell me!" she stomps her foot, huffing. "i hate you."
she ignores him, stalking off to grab her stool and dropping it firmly in front of the kitchen sink. she puts her bowl inside silently and stomps past him to play with bam outside, and jungkook doesn't bother trying to get her to change out of her pyjamas.
he sighs in his empty kitchen, thunking his head backwards on his fridge. he draws a hand down his face and his mind whirls with a thousand thoughts a second, but it only sticks firmly to one.
his neighbour. his unfortunately handsome neighbour. his unfortunately handsome neighbour with an amazing laugh and lightning-strike smile.
i'm fucked.
after a few days, a black labrador appears out the front of your yard, chasing a yellow rope bone that it brings back to anya. jungkook's walking bam, having just dropped miri off at school, and doesn't expect to have his arm yanked off by an overexcited pet.
"bam! what's gotten into you?" he struggles against the leash, acutely aware of the other dog on the other end of bam's attention. "calm – calm down."
bam stills, panting and alert as the black lab stares back, half-poised to drop the bone at anya's feet.
jungkook loosens the leash cutting into his hand, and it's the wrong decision. bam tears off towards the other dog.
jungkook swears as the leash slices out of his grip. he stumbles after him, dread and panic slurring together for a split second – but confusion cuts through the mess as the two dogs pause, watching each other very closely.
bam barks. the labrador glances back at the house, as if to check for permission—
and drops the toy in front of bam.
it lays down, placing its head on its paws, and gnaws at the end of the bone. every so often, it glances up at bam, blinking in that sweet puppy way.
bam lays down beside it, his flamingo-coloured leash trailing over his back. both dogs' tails wag in comfortable excitement.
"hi, miri's papa."
jungkook tears his stare off the dogs. "hey, anya. where's your dad?"
"okay. thanks." he glances at the dogs; the toy is now in bam's jaws. "uh, are you cool with watching over him? i'll be quick."
she nods, full of purpose and determination. as he reaches for the door handle, however, she raises her voice with innocent curiosity:
"do you love papa?"
the door handle shears a layer of skin off his knuckles. he chuckles uneasily, clutching it. "what? no."
she tilts her head, playing with her laces. she did them herself this morning. "really?"
"o-of course. why would i love him? more importantly, why do you think that?"
she purses her lips as if it's obvious. "you look like you love papa."
he runs his thumb over the flap of skin. no blood, but it stings.
"you sound like you love papa."
he tilts his head. "what are you talking about?"
"you make faces and your voice gets all weird when you talk to him." she turns back to the dogs, stretching her stocking-clad legs out from her seat on the driveway. she yawns until her jaw cracks. "you're just like all the other ladies who love papa. but i don't think they like me." she glances up. "you're nicer than them."
"other ladies?" he whispers to himself with a frown. slowly, he returns to her, bobbing down to sit next to her. she stares up at him with big eyes, expectant. "anya, if i may... what happened to your mother? it's okay if you don't want to answer."
she shrugs, kicking her feet. "i don't know. i live with papa now. i like it better this way – he doesn't get angry at me like she did, and he makes better food." she rubs her nose. "they fought a lot before we moved. papa pretends like they didn't, but i know they did. i could hear them."
"yeah?" jungkook says quietly. "was that back in america?"
she nods, playing with the blades of grass. she peels them in half, drops them in a pile on the concrete, then picks another one and does the same. "mhm. they decided we'd live with papa."
"huh." he pauses and tilts his head. "wait, 'we'?"
"anya! dad's done, are you hungry?"
a girl leans out the front door. she's older, wearing braids, and her familiar eyes snap to jungkook's with abrupt alarm. she slips into the shoes by the door and hurries over, grabbing anya by the shoulder and pulling her away. "who are you?"
anya whines, wriggling out of her grip. "this is mister jungkook! he loves papa."
he stands too quickly; the older girl steps back. "no. no, i don't, anya. i'm just a friend – i live right there."
"uh-huh," says the older girl, putting anya's hand in her own. "let's go, okay? dad's waiting."
"papa made carrot cake," anya insists. "you should come!"
"you can't just invite strangers—"
"but papa knows him—"
"doesn't matter, i don't know him—"
a new voice, familiar and gentle. "girls, everything alright?"
jungkook turns with a leap of his heart. you wear jeans and a grey v-neck sweater rolled up at the sleeves to reveal the stiff cuffs of a white dress shirt. the collar pokes out over the sweater.
you're dressed like any other man on the street, some form of business casual, but jungkook's heart acts as if he's seen you naked. he'd love to. god, he'd love to. would you like him?
"good morning," he greets, dusting off his black joggers. "how goes things?"
you glance over him and he covers his bare biceps self-consciously. your lips quirk up. "hey, jungkook. things are great. i see you've met ellie."
"ellie," he repeats. he gives her a small, sheepish smile and offers a hand. "hi. i'm sorry for worrying you. maybe we can make amends?"
she glances down at his hand. her eyes flicker to you, and after receiving a certain look, she sighs and begrudgingly takes his hand, giving it a firmer-than-necessary shake. "yeah, sure. whatever."
she pulls anya into the house with her and you give her another look – this one meaning we'll talk later – before heading out to the driveway to speak with jungkook.
"i'm sorry about her," you huff. "twelve-year-olds..."
"don't worry about it. her heart's in the right place," jungkook hums, glancing up at you with a soft smile. his hands have taken much of his attention. "so, two?"
"yeah. she just arrived last night – i promise she isn't usually so grumpy." you jerk your head towards the house with a grin, hands in your pockets. "i heard them arguing about you. if you think my decision holds more weight than theirs, you're welcome to come in. i made carrot cake – my own personal recipe, tried-and-tested with the kids." you wink. "you know it's good when children willingly eat vegetables. any allergies?"
"i'd love to," he replies, his cheeks warmer than usual. "and no, i don't."
your smile widens, blindingly bright. you turn to the dogs and pat your thigh, reaching out for the labrador that trots over with an excited bounce. "you can bring bam in, too. they seem to get along – no reason to break them apart, right?"
"are you sure? bam's pretty easily excited, and he's a lot bigger than he thinks he is."
"hey." you take his hands, stopping him from picking obsessively at the cuticles. it's a bad habit he can't seem to shake. "we've had callus since he was ten weeks old. i know exactly what you're talking about, and my offer still stands."
"callus?" he asks, his brain too full of the thought of your warmth to do much else.
you roll your eyes fondly. "i hate the name, but ellie chose it and trained him to it, so it's stuck ever since. so – you coming in, or are you just gonna hold my hands for the next hour?"
"what?" he says. oh, fuck, you've loosened your grip but he hasn't. he's holding your hands. he's still holding them. he drops them. "a-ah, i'll come in!"
you laugh, and jungkook's heart squeezes tight in a red fist as he follows you to the front door. "alright, jungkook. don't tell the girls, but i'll give you a bigger piece of cake, okay? it'll be our secret."
"okay," jungkook breathes, and feels like a teenager all over again.
however, he might have forgotten to factor in the feelings of a certain five-year-old girl.
"you saw them again!"
"i know, i'm sorry," jungkook pleads, "but you were at school! hey, look, i even saved you some of yn's cake, alright? it's really good. he invited us – both of us – over to his place tomorrow. you can meet him and his daughters, and have a lunch better than i could ever make. how about it?"
miri pouts, kicking her feet on the couch. her schoolbag sits by the end of the sofa. "fine."
"oh, good," he sighs, relieved.
"but," she raises a finger, "you can't fall in love with him."
he whips around faster than light. "you, too? why am i not allowed to?"
"you're not allowed to be his wife."
"i'm a man, miri. it doesn't work like that."
"yes, it does."
"it doesn't."
"it does," she insists, "ellie said—!"
she slaps a hand over her mouth and falls backwards on the sofa.
jungkook pauses, his hands hovering over a cucumber on the chopping board. very carefully, he continues slicing long ovals out of it. he asks calmly, "have you met each other before?"
"no." she sits up, long black hair falling over her shoulders. "only to play with the dogs..."
"then you shouldn't be so upset that i did the same thing, right? does yn know you played with his daughters?"
miri, with as much gravitas as a five-year-old can muster, replies: "no."
he shakes his head with a huff of laughter, using the back of the knife to scrape the cucumber in a container. "alright. is that where you found this rumour? did they tell you?"
"appa, it's not a rumour if it's true," she argues, rising to her feet on the sofa. she leans forward against the backrest. "i've seen it with my own eyes! you talk about him like – like – not a friend! i never saw you talk about anybody else that way."
"uh-huh. and what do you know about being in love, miri? what does ellie know? she's twelve, and you've only just learnt how to tie your hair in a ponytail. very messily. no standing on the couch."
she falls back behind the edge of the backrest with a huff, vanishing from jungkook's sight. "you'd be a bad wife."
he carves the store-bought roast chicken, sawing through the thighs and shaving smaller slices off the body. he digs through the breast to stab at the herbed stuffing. a lock of hair falls loose from his low ponytail and he tosses his head to get it out of his eyes. "do i dare ask why?"
he's terribly competitive – whether it's a good or bad trait, he doesn't know. while he may never be a wife, being called bad at something – by his own blood, no less! – sets fire to something he tried to bury back in university.
"because you're mean and not funny and never wake up before twelve o'clock."
he gapes, putting down his serrated knife to scoff at the couch. "i am funny, thank you very much. why should you never eat a clock?"
"um, because it's made of metal and plastic?" miri answers.
"it's time-consuming," he snickers.
her head pops up over the backrest, pinched into a frown. "that isn't funny, appa."
"you don't appreciate my effort, miri. i'm hurt."
"you know who would, though?" her gaze intensifies. she points through the walls to the house to their left with the neat lawn. "he would. which makes it even worse, because then you'll love each other, and then i'll have to hear two bad jokes instead of one. it'll be in – in – insuff'rable. i learnt that word today, did you know?"
"it's 'insufferable', miri."
"you proved it! you're mean. anyway, ellie said she'd hate it if you and her appa got together."
out of protectiveness? or something learnt and cruel?
miri disappears behind the sofa again only to reappear beside it, moving towards the kitchen and leaning against jungkook's left leg.
"appa, it smells really good."
jungkook grabs a set of chopsticks and hooks out a chunk of meat. he crouches and offers the meat, holding a hand beneath her small chin to catch anything that doesn't make it to home base. nothing falls, and he draws away.
"here," jungkook murmurs. "can you set the table, please?"
she skips off with the cutlery in hand. jungkook carries the large bowl with the carcass and places it in the middle of the dining table, petting miri's hair on the way back to the kitchen.
he's always worried about how others perceive him. always. he's twenty-five with a school-aged kid and no mother in sight, and he makes fucking video games for a living – he's not even something respectable, like a doctor. at the very least, he could've been a nine-to-fiver, a suit amongst identical suits, and with that, his image would be inoffensive.
but video games? being a concept artist, an animator? for even a big triple-a kind of company, it's not a great reputation to kick off with: he draws colourful lines and makes things move. even though he earns a salary comfortable enough to keep his little family afloat, his name is one of hundreds as an optional post-credits roll, and it's not on the first page.
still, the way you beamed at his mumbled description of his job... it made things a little lighter to bear.
"come eat up, bub," he says. "maybe you'll entertain the idea of my future marriage once you realise how boring my dinners are."
pacific rim rumbles through the sound system. rather surprisingly, neither of the five-year-olds mind its big, scary battles. jungkook chalks up miri's fascination with the robots and monsters with a general nonchalance towards violence and gore. she watched train to busan when she was three – which was not jungkook's fault; she wasn't supposed to be awake and sitting spookily in the darkness on the stairs – and shrugged off most of the blood and guts as simply fake.
he should have been paying more attention to his surroundings than his laptop screen and the accident he'd sired in motionbuilder, he realises now, but a good consequence is that miri avoids frozen and its brethren like the plague. he doesn't think he'll be able to keep his sanity if he hears any movie three times consecutively.
ellie plays animal crossing on the switch, cross-legged between you and jungkook with her head against your shoulder. a leopard-print blanket wraps around her shoulders and pools in her lap. every time something explodes or crashes, she glances up, fixated for a moment, before returning to her village.
miri and anya are fast asleep on jungkook's thigh. another blanket, this one blue with thin pink stripes, covers them both, and jungkook's arm lays gently across their shoulders. he'd turned the volume right down for them and the two dogs cuddling in the labrador's bed, though his 5.1.4 speaker setup retains enough boom in the subwoofer to keep him immersed.
eventually, ellie's body droops, and the switch falls from her hands into her lap as her hair flops across her face. three quarters into the movie, you gently take her into your arms and tuck her into bed, and jungkook watches over the remaining two, tucking a silky lock of hair behind miri's ear. his leg is going numb and the tingling is growing uncomfortable, but he'll be damned if he wakes them.
you return. there's a pop-art picture of a sea dragon made of sushi on your shirt, and jungkook smiles at the sight. you slip your arms beneath anya's body and she shivers as the blanket slips off, curling deeper into your chest.
"today's been tiring for them all," you murmur as jungkook scoops miri up in the blanket. "they'll be knocked clear out until tomorrow."
the two will share a bed for the night, and they'd been gleefully planning their sleepover itinerary the entire day, whispering to each other about staying up past their bedtimes to chat about everything. you press a kiss to anya's forehead, brushing her hair off her cheek, and jungkook tucks miri's wrapped-up body beneath the duvet.
you shut the door with a quiet click. it feels final, as if you've signed a legal form, and when your gaze flickers over to jungkook, you find him already staring back with an unreadable expression, a mess of emotions warring over his doe-like features. it smooths over a split second after your eyes meet.
you tilt your head towards the kitchen with a smile. "still awake? i can break out some bourbon. i also have some red wine, if that's more your style."
"i'll take the wine, if it's not too much trouble," he replies softly. "i've already had a drink tonight and i have work in the morning."
"of course." with the girls asleep, you're free to do as you wish. you take his hand in your own, and his breath hitches. your thumb brushes over his jawline. "i'll steal a glass as well."
jungkook likes to pretend he has everything under control. his heart, however, is under a different jurisdiction, and you prod it with your smile and warm touch until it quivers, naked and bare.
then, you are gone. his pulse pounds hotly in his ears as he shuffles after you, almost afraid of what he might spill under the wine.
he'll only have a glass, he promises himself. nothing will come of it.
"i wanted to tell you this before, but we had company. your pyjamas are cute," you tell him as you set down his glass, holding the newly-opened wine bottle in the other hand. you gesture to his inked arms. "and those are gorgeous."
"thank you," he murmurs, taking the stem between his fingers. he rubs his thumb over the swell of the glass and tucks his feet behind the barstool's legs. "you ever looking to get something done?"
a smile tugs at your lips. "i already have."
his eyes widen behind the glass. he sets it down, trying to keep his prying gaze discreet. "really? what of?"
"it's here."
to his scandalised pleasure, you grab your shirt and the waistband of your sweatpants, pulling them apart to reveal a curved tattoo along your hipbone. his starved gaze roams the exposed skin, the sliver of stomach and the dangerously-low slant of your pants.
he burns with painful desire. it stings at the back of his eyes, and his back teeth grind down on nothing as he swallows harshly, lifting a hand casually to his face to hide it.
"'s pretty," he rasps, clearing his throat. his knuckles whiten around the wine glass. "when did you get it?"
"as soon as i was old enough. i was always a romantic, you see," you joke, letting go of your clothes. they fall back into place and he mourns the loss. at least he has a new fantasy to bookmark. "i thought it was cute, and she liked it, so i kept it."
jungkook's heart tumbles to the pit of his stomach at the reminder of what he is – and what he isn't. he chugs the wine and chases the buzz of intoxication.
"you don't... really talk about before," he says quietly. "i-i mean, it's personal, why would you? we met last month—"
"it's been the best month of the last few years," you interrupt, filling his glass again. you reach up to bring down one for yourself and he leans forward, his mouth dry as he catches a slit of skin as your shirt rides up.
it's almost funny how desperate he is.
"yeah." you set the glass on the bench, opposite jungkook. you reach for his hand and he watches with bated breath as you link your fingers lazily with his. "moving has always been a hard experience, especially with those two troublemakers to keep an eye on, and you've been amazing to me – to us – all this time. jungkook, you made it easy to fall into a routine i enjoy."
"oh." he grips your fingers. "so... her, huh? are the kids hers?"
"were you ever married?"
"for a while."
it pops out before he can stop it. "what happened?"
"okay..." you offer him a tight smile, unlinking your fingers to fill your glass higher than it's supposed to be.
last page, the end. that part of you will not be touched again.
"i'm sorry, yn-ssi—"
"'hyung'," you interrupt. "you can call me 'hyung', jungkook. our dogs are in love – i'd like to think we're closer than those formalities."
he nods, a little uncertain. it shows in his eyes, flitting about your kitchen as if searching for the nearest door. "if you think so, hyung."
you smile, and this one is looser, easy to enjoy. "better. what about you – would you ever think of finding someone?"
he laughs breathily, briefly pressing the back of his thumb to his lower lip. "ah, well. you know how it is. i've got miri to worry about."
"and a girlfriend wouldn't adore her, too? that spells trouble."
his mouth twitches in some semblance of a smile, small and wry. "i hear that's your biggest problem. anya mentioned that you're pretty popular, but that she's a deterrent."
you sigh, rounding the bench and taking a seat near him at the dining table. you rest an arm over the back of the chair. "what can you do, right? there's nothing to be done except wait and hope that the perfect one will come along sooner or later. other friends always tell me that i don't need anyone, that i'm doing really well."
you rub the back of your neck, and jungkook follows the tendons leading down past your collar. you smile up at him, warmer than usual. "but i've always been selfish."
"it wouldn't only be a girlfriend," jungkook says suddenly. he grabs the bottle of wine and tops up his glass far more than a single standard drink. "i'm, uh, you know... kind of into everyone. but i'm loyal. if there's one thing that i am, that's it."
"would you like to go on record with that for the company's diversity initiative?"
he turns, and you grin a little dorkily back at him, a wine-touched buzz in your veins. he rolls his eyes and huffs a laugh, raising his glass. "sure, if it gets me someone nice to talk to. fuck, i can't remember the last time i just... went to a bar and didn't give a shit. let loose." he sighs. "i was terrible in university – god, it physically pains me. i've known miri since she was a baby, but sometimes i wonder if she was the only one, you know?"
you reach out and push his thigh with a chuckle. "hey, no frowning; it's bad for your skin. it's not good to dwell on possibles, jungkook. you have miri. you have me. those are certainties. agonising over what might be does nothing for anyone."
as he turns on the stool, his tongue runs over his lower lip. he grips the seat between his thighs, one knee bouncing. "but what if—"
"jungkook, the more you stress over it, the less you're present with miri. she's a sweet girl – please don't neglect her for uncertainties."
your hands cup his, reassuring and warm, as you pull your chair in. his head bobs in a small, slow nod.
"i guess you're right," he mumbles. "hey, hyung... were you always a chef?"
you laugh. "no. i had ellie when i was pretty young and i jumped from job to job for some time. i made decks for a while – carpentry. did other contract jobs. i only went to culinary school a few years ago when i had the funds for it."
"how did you know?" he asks softly. "how did you know it was all gonna be okay?"
you shrug. "i didn't. i just took it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time, and eventually, i got here." you rest your chin over his knuckles and hum, gazing up at him. "don't think. just do. you'll be alright, jungkook. my door is never closed to you, even if you just want to drink all my wine and eat all my cereal."
he laughs, barely more than a soft giggle. "thanks, hyung. that... actually made me feel better, weirdly enough."
"good. i don't like seeing you upset." you squeeze his hands. "you're looking rather pink. you should slow down with the wine."
he glances at his empty glass and the nearly-empty bottle. he can't remember drinking so much. his cheeks are hot. "yeah. yeah, i probably should." he begins to rise. "sorry for—"
your arms wrap firmly around his waist as he stumbles. he blinks harshly, his horizons tilting dangerously.
"did you spike that?" he jokes half-heartedly. "shit, i'm regressing to a lightweight..."
"you drank three-quarters of the bottle in the time it takes me to have a shower. that's called being an idiot, not a lightweight."
your palm cups his cheek. it's cool and soothing against jungkook's burning skin, and it burns hotter when he realises he can feel your heartbeat through his own ribs. his traitorous hands are already placed on your sides.
"we are... incredibly close right now," he whispers.
your eyes flicker down to his lips, pink and parted. "i don’t mind."
you take the point of his chin between your thumb and forefinger, tilting his head up from his flushed downcast gaze. his hands hover over your ribs, his own cracking with the force of his heart, and he slides them over your chest to grasp the back of your neck, his thumbs stroking the slope of your jawline.
"jungkook," you murmur against his warm lips, "we should do this tomorrow. when your mind's clearer."
"tomorrow i might not do anything. i'm a coward, hyung. please... just once? so i can remember what it's like?"
he leans in again, and you don't stop him. his lips mould with yours, the sweet, dark flavour zinged with a slight bitterness. he hums softly as your arms tighten around his slender waist.
when you finally part, you're both gasping for air, and jungkook offers a giddy smile.
"man," he pants, "that's a lot more fun than i remember."
"i think you just have to find the right person to do it with." you laugh quietly and he drops his head onto your shoulder, hiding his blush.
"would you be mine?" he asks, allowing a fleck of hope to plague his voice. "would you be my boyfriend, yn-hyung?"
you brush a lock of his hair out of his eyes. "ask me again tomorrow. i want to be sure you'll remember what you've done – it'd be pretty awkward if you forgot and i came up and kissed you."
he huffs. "i'm not that drunk – look, i'm a little tipsy. maybe a bit more than tipsy. whatever the case, i'm not gonna forget this." he runs his tongue over his lower lip slowly, as if to savour something. "i'll ask again in the morning – with one condition."
you tilt your head, eyes gentle. "and what might that be?"
"a goodnight kiss. doesn't have to be on the lips, but it would be nice—"
you shut him up. he melts into it, tilting his head to deepen it, and he presses his whole body into yours, as if he can open up your skin and step inside, as close as close allows.
here is someone who understands him – here is his heart, here are his lungs, here is the flesh and bone that forms love. he loves love, and the carrot cake that love cuts for him, and the peaceful sleeping puppies resting their heads on each others' backs in love's living room.
he kisses you again, and his touch is the blinding supernova of a promise.
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yujajacha · 1 year
welcome home
pairing: rei suwa x reader
synopsis: rei doesn't like working, preferring to laze around all day. however, coming back home to you always cheers him up. one day, he comes home to you in a maid dress.
wc: 4.5k
cw: nsfw/mdni, fem!reader, sub!reader, maid dress, fingering, blowjobs, penetration, master, rough sex, etc
notes: my first full fic.. enjoy and happy valentines! btw i will edit tags and formatting later :3 also this deviates from canon —> no miri or kazuki.. sorry o_O + posted on ao3 here ! thanks for reading!!
your doorbell rings. you drop what you’re doing and excitedly rush to the door, wishfully hoping it to be your boyfriend, rei, returning home early. it isn’t him, which is what you actually expected. he’s been gone on a mission for most of the day, and it was planned that he should be back much later. you aren’t that disappointed though, as your interest is shifted to the delivery. it ended up being a package you ordered recently. it was actually an order that you ended up forgetting about, despite the contents not being forgettable. you have other stuff to do before opening it, so you decide to put it aside for later, placing it in your room and opting to finish your endless list of daily tasks.
awhile has passed since the delivery that shooked your routine and luckily many things around the house we’re getting done. rei’s pile of used cigarettes were thrown out properly, his endless pile of new games put away, his messes (empty chip bags and more) on the couch were cleaned up, the laundry was washed and folded, packages were packed away and more. rei should be back soon, at least you’re expecting him to come back in not too long. you’re aware he won’t be back just yet, but this gives you enough time to prepare your surprise.
in the meantime, you finally decide to open your package. everything was neatly packed. while opening it, you’re starting to get embarrassed. it’s a maid outfit and it’s making you feel really shy. the material is great and all the frills are cute. the order comes with cute accessories, and the dress itself is really your style, it’s just a bit revealing as well. there’s no way you’re gonna let yourself get cold feet, especially knowing how much rei would enjoy it, but the idea of wearing all of this is making your headlight.
you sheepishly try on the headpiece. you decided that they’re pretty cute. with a bit of hesitation, you start putting on the rest of the costume. you put on the dress, then add the apron, the arm accessories and the matching thigh highs. it fits pretty nicely and is rather flattering on you, and you shyly admire yourself in the mirror. after sheepishly putting everything on, you patiently wait for his arrival as you assume he should be finally home.
there’s finally a faint rustling of keys that can be heard in the distance. your body shifts towards the noise. “i’m home,” rei announces, locking the door and removing his shoes while making his way through the front door.
upon hearing this sound, you make your way towards the front and come greet him with a shy “welcome.” you can’t meet his eyes out of embarrassment and just end up looking away. you can feel his gaze piercing through you.
whenever he comes back home after a mission, rei’s always pleased with seeing your face cheerfully come greet him. just thinking about you makes him feel better anyways. however, this time not only is he greeted by you, which is already such a treat, but also you’re wearing those clothes. it takes him a second to take everything in. the kind of clothes that make his pants feel unbelievably tight. he can’t lie to himself, he is so pleasantly surprised by all this. he thinks it’s really cute of you to want to surprise him by acting like his maid, it wipes the scrowl off his face immediately. he just stares at you, taking all the details of your outfit in and observing the cute expressions on your face as well as how your body looks so good. the clothes just flatter you so well.
“how was work?” you stutter out, trying to make conversation while ignoring your obvious choice of attire. you want to wait until he brings it up, which you know he will do so promptly.
rei puts his hands around your waist, and proceeds to bring your body closer to his. you look up towards him, bringing your face into his and give him a welcome back kiss, something you always make sure to do. he always enjoys your kisses the best. this time it’s honestly more like a peck. you can tell he likes it anyways, and gladly accepts the peck. the way you’re acting shy, as if you’re not the one who decided to put this all on your own, gets him really going. he puts his face into your neck and rubs it like the cat he is. he then gives it a kiss. “it was ok,” he eventually speaks out a reply, “i’m more interested in what you’re wearing. what’s all this?”
“nothing,” you reply, face red, looking away from his intense gaze.
“really?” he teases. “there’s no way this is nothing,” he bluntly states as he brings up his hand to brush the tip of the lace of the headpiece that are adored on the top of your head. he’s really intrigued by your current appearance, but with good measure. “you prepared all this just for me?”
you avoid the intense look he gives you while you bring your arms around his body, hugging him back.
“maybe,” you finally answer back after a small delay, still feeling very flustered.
thinking of you as wearing these kinds of clothes makes him really excited. “does this finally make you my maid now?” he says with a flight excited tone in his voice. his hands are currently toying with the bell on the collar.
you don’t answer back, even if you would find the words to answer back you physically couldn’t. he already has his lips back on yours before you could even come up with an answer. he kisses you until you’re out of breath. he only pulls away once you slightly push on his chest for air.
you then nod to him, looking up dazedly into his eyes as you don’t have it in you to answer as of right now.
“hm?” he taunts, “you already can’t speak? i haven’t even touched you properly yet.”
“well.. y’know..” you know what he wants to hear but you can’t bring yourself to say it.
he holds your face roughly with one of his hands and tilts your face to make sure you’re looking at him in his eyes. “come on say it, you’re gonna be a good maid for me, aren’t you?” he playfully exclaims.
“yeah, this does make me your maid, rei,” you answer back.
he shakes his head. “if you’re my maid, doesn’t that make me your master?”
“ah. yeah..” you hide your face in his chest.
“then you’d have to address me properly, no?”
“i’m.. your maid, m-master” you muster up.
“didn’t you also forget to greet me properly when i came in?” he snickers and abruptly lets go of your body, taking a step back, putting a bit of physical distance between both of you.
you stare at him with a confused look, but then it hits you. “ah, yeah.. welcome back, master,” you say embarrassingly. you bring your hands to your skirt, ruffling the bottom and lifting your skirt up, revealing to him the lewd matching panties you got specifically for this outfit. you can’t help but feel shy when facing him in those clothes, saying those words. you’re sure he’s gonna appreciate that act of boldness.
in response to that lewd act of yours, rei swallows out of arousal. he takes a step forward and meets your face. he leans into your body, slightly towering over you. “i can’t believe such a lewd maid is greeting me like this,” he sneers. he brings himself even closer to you, to the point where you feel the warmth from his body.
you let out a whimper when he brings two fingers to your clothed pussy and rubs it roughly. you almost let go of your skirt before he gives your skirt a slight pull with his other hand, “make sure to keep still and don’t let go. you don’t want me to punish you already, right?” you murmur an agreement to his words.
“these panties are so wet,” he says, pressing into the evident dampness even more, “it doesn’t surprise me from such a perverted maid,” rubbing more intensely at your cunt through your panties. you moan back at him. he moves his hand to cup your pussy, which makes you shudder. he hooks his fingers to your panties and swiftly moves them to the side. he doesn’t even bother completely taking them off, he’ll do it later. right now, he’s honestly out of patience.
he enters his finger into your dripping wet cunt which makes you gasp. it’s so tight and wet, he really wants to dig in. he makes sure that his finger is fully inserted before he brashly removes it. he then promptly sucks your juices off his finger. he thoroughly sucks it while making sure you look straight into his eyes. you give him a dazed look, to which he purposely removes his finger with a loud pop sound, “tastes so good,” he announces and the flavor makes him automatically lick his lips, itching for more.
now with two fingers, he enters into you once more. he rubs inside, looking for the spot that makes you see stars. he draws his fingers in and out of you, until he finds that spot. once he hits it, your legs quiver. with his other hand, he lightly rubs at your clit in a circular motion.
you almost let go of your skirt out of shock because of all the pleasure to which rei definitely did not miss. he purposely rubs onto your clit harder and starts pumping his fingers in and out of you quicker. “hold on properly until you cum,” he deadpanly warns. you can’t help but moan out and clench onto your skirt.
you’re standing there in front of him, coating his fingers with your juices. he enjoys the sounds that come out of your squelching pussy so so much. he wouldn’t have it any other way. it is really a treat to come back home and already have you like that for him.
he’s gradually sped up more and more, and you start feeling your orgasm take over. your pussy spasms around his fingers and he doesn’t slow down. you feel it come throughout your whole body. your legs shake intensely and you finally let go of your skirt.
he intensely watches you while you cum, “you’re such a good girl, cumming like that for me.” he pets your head, proud of you for behaving.
he then brings your face right up to his. he rests his hand on your cheek, before bringing his fingers to your lips and caressing it. your eyes meets his and he gives you another lazy lustful stare. you shiver knowing what’s going to come next. you close your eyes while he leans into your lips. the kiss is sloppy, with his tongue eagerly entering your mouth full of need and want. a string of spit connects both of your mouths when he ends the kiss. it makes you feel so vulgar for just a kiss.
“this isn’t enough to satisfy me, you know,” rei chuckles, bringing his hand down to your neck, where the collar resides. he plays with the lace that’s on it. rei reminds himself how cute it looks on you.
he completely lets go of your face before picking you up bridal style. you cling onto his body. “let’s go somewhere more comfortable,” he declares while landing a kiss on your face and moves away from the entrance. he carries you with ease given the strength he possesses.
he doesn’t go too far and decides on settling you on the couch. he wants to indulge you quickly, and your shared bedroom is too far, he doesn’t have enough patience for that today. the couch is good. the position he places you has you sitting with your legs dangling off the edges. he makes sure to place you comfortably. he lets his body fall on the couch, right besides where you’re sitting. you slightly jump when his body weight makes the couch dip. he brings your body over his and makes you sit above his crotch, facing his chest. you can already feel how hard he is. it excites you how he’s really raring to go.
rei toys with the maid skirt again, while grinding his hips into your crotch. his hands start caressing your thighs, playing with the socks. he gives your legs a firm squeeze. eventually, his hands go up your body, from your hips to grasping at your waist and he stops at your boobs. he cups your chest over the soft fabric of the maid outfit. he holds each of them firmly and rubs your nipples with his thumbs. he can feel how erect they’ve become through the clothes. you then bring down your face and start kissing him again. once the kiss end, he starts regaining focus, “you just came,” and he draws out a breath, “i deserve a reward, don’t forget, i’m the master.”
your mind already feels clouded after your first orgasm and the kissing didn’t help, so you just reply with a tiny whine. you get a slap on your cunt for not properly answering. your body jumps at that. “be a good girl and reply properly, what did i say about actually answering?” he grinches.
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” you whine back while nodding, finding it hard to properly form your sentences.
“hm? yeah to what?” he grunts out.
“you deserve a reward, master,” finally comes out of you. it sounds more like a whine than proper words. you’re surprised you’re even able to still form coherent thoughts.
he quickly grabs your hips one last time and grinds himself on you. you can feel how hard he is. he then gives your ear a quick kiss before letting himself lay back and relax on the couch.
you then absentmindedly lift yourself off rei and drop to your knees, between both of his legs. your hands are placed on both of his thighs, slightly gripping the fabric of his pants. you bring your head right above his crotch and rub your face on it. he signals you to start unzipping his pants, so you comply. he then lifts his own hips to help you remove them with ease. he’s now in black boxers and it is so obvious to see how hard his dick is. you decide to give it a few licks through the cloth, letting him feel the wetness seeping through from your mouth. when you retreat, he roughly palms his dick before letting his cock jump free. he quickly discards everything on the floor.
your face is still inches away from his dick, and is still very close. however, before you can actually grab his dick, he uses it to tease you. he loves how obedient and willing you are to serve him, however he loves toying with you even more. he drags the tip along your lips and pulls back with a “uh uh” when you bring your face to try to lick it.
rei squishes his tip to your lips and coats them with his precum. he's making sure to drag it, so that your lips move. he then decides to move his arousal on the rest of your face. your face always looks so attractive to him, but it’s just something else when his dick right in front of it. no words can describe how much he likes it.
eventually, he stops purposely teasing you and lets you grab his dick. you hold onto the base and start from there, giving his cock, small, kitty licks. one of your hands holds his balls, while the other starts gently squeezing his tip. your tongue moves up and finds itself at the tip. you then give it one big suck. this makes rei’s hands find themself into your hair. he gives your hair a good tug. he then decides to move the stray strands of hair and place them behind your ear.
you remove your mouth from his tip and continue licking the rest of his dick. your hands massage and stroke him. “this is a special massage you know?” you tell him between licks. he then thrusts into your mouth which makes you gag. “what do you mean by special?” he asks, already being fully aware of the answer, but wanting to hear it directly.
“well, you know..” you stutter out, still licking.
“know what?” he answers back.
“it’s a special maid service, okay!”
he silently chuckles at your flustered reply, firmly holding your head the whole time. you then meet his eyes. the look you give him when you look up into his eyes with his dick stuffed into your mouth could make him cum on sight, but he has better plans. he would really want to fuck your mouth, so badly, but he’ll do that another time. “i’d rather cum inside your pussy,” he warns you. you remove your hands and let go of his dick, letting your mouth make a “pop” sound.
he brings his hands under your arms and lifts you up. with a small delay, you shuffle, trying to sit up and he helps you by lifting you up. he’s so strong that he doesn’t have any difficulties manhandling you to his will. it always shocks you how he does it with so much ease. nevertheless, it never fails to turn you on. you’re now facing him again, with your legs around his hips. you put your hands on his shoulder and lift your hips so he can remove your panties. he puts them aside and starts spreading your pussy lips, admiring how glistening it is.
rei then takes his dick and taps at the front of your pussy. he then rubs his tip all along its length, making sure to cover his dick with the wetness that’s leaking from you. he rubs the tip in a circular motion all around you. he pushes the tip of his cock into your pulsing heat. it’s so wet he can easily slide in. he lets out a grunt before snapping his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his whole length inside. your cunt sucks him in. you moan at the sudden feeling of being so full. you can feel him stretching you out.
“don’t hold back any of your sounds,” he grunts out, watching you bite your lips. hearing every little moan, whimper, whine you do makes him crazy. any word that comes out of your mouth in that voice of yours makes him speechless. even if you wanted to stay quiet, you wouldn’t be able to, not with the way his dick is reaching so deeply into you.
“i won’t,” you need a second to gather your thoughts, “i won’t hold back any sounds.” he feels fulfilled by your reply and rewards you with a kiss.
you feel so warm that he can’t help but grab your hips even harder, to the point of bruising them. even if he wanted to be gentle, he wouldn’t be able. you’re so wet. your pussy drools around him, coating his cock with your juices. he starts setting a harsh pace, which you brace yourself by holding onto his upper body with a tighter grip. “it feels really, really good master,” you tell him. he can’t help but buck his hips in pleasure, letting you know he heard you. your gummy walls squeeze him so well.
your hands eventually find themselves under his shirt, craving his warmth even more. however, you can’t help but scratch his back and claw at it when nearing your high. “you’re just like a cat, scratching my back,” he says, amused and turned on, “those are my favorite kind of marks.”
he then grips your hips and starts setting a brutal rhythm. he feels your body trying to scramble away from the pleasure, “c’mon, take my cock like a good girl, you’re supposed to be a well behaved maid.” you hold onto him more, trying not to let go. with the way he’s fucking you, you feel your body shake at his thrusts.
“you’re gonna cum soon, aren’t you?” he tells you. there’s no way he wouldn’t be able to tell, with the way your body is tightening up around him with your walls spamming, how you’re slurring every word, just looking at your face is enough to realize.
you nod to him and desperately moan out a yes. he brushes your hair out of your face, “then what should a cumdump like you say?” he asks, landing a kiss on your forehead. that gentle action is so different from the rough way his hips are moving and the filthy words that come out of his mouth.
you know immediately what he wants. he always likes making you beg and you’re sure that with the maid outfit he wants to hear it even more. “please let me cum, please master,” you mutter out.
he twitches at that pleading scream of yours. “wow, you have good manners now,” he says in between thrusts, “you really wanna cum that bad?”
“please!” you whine out, bringing your hips back to meet his, trying to chase your orgasm. he could listen to your voice begging and pleading to him for days on end. no matter how many times he hears them, they never bore him. “i want your cum, please master,” finally comes out of your mouth.
“fuck, you’re so naughty,” he makes sure to bring your face into his, while his other hand comes to flick at your clit, “come for me, you naughty maid.” your orgasm takes over your whole body, as well as his. he cums so much, and it fills you up. you can’t help but clench, wanting to milk him. you feel so good and full. he loves pumping you full.
you both reach your high, however he isn’t finished yet. he thinks to himself how he needs more. he’d be a fool to end it right now. he hikes your skirt up and stares at the place where you’re both connected, before removing you from his cock. he makes sure to watch it attentively, not missing any detail. his cum spills out and he swears that it just fires him even more. he wants to stuff it back into you so badly.
he stares at it, letting his cum spill down your pussy. he brings his finger and scoops up the leaking cum, fingering it back inside of you. you jitter at the intrusion of his finger, your breathing still ragged. your worned out sex face meets his now eager eyes. for someone who’s so lazy, he just doesn’t want to stop yet, “if you give me those eyes, you know i won’t leave you alone.”
he then flips you, head now facing down and back to him. you’re laying on the couch, on both of your knees. and you eventually find yourself head down. he brings both of your hands behind your back and firmly holds them there with one of his hands. you slightly shuffle in response. rei then spanks your ass, “stop trying to tempt me even more,” and with this, his cock enters your cunt once again. he’s fucking you from behind, not trying to go slow and gentle at all. he is not envisioning a break anytime soon.
once he lets go of both of your hands, you place them to your sides, supporting you. it’s not long until he places his own hands on top of your arms, gripping onto you again. he cages you with his body.
“i wanna keep you like this forever, not being able to do anything at all,” he shamelessly tells you. you’re practically drool all over the couch at his words.
“rei” you moan out, gripping the couch out of pleasure. he really wants to fuck you stupid.
“you should just always be my maid,” he says, treating you like a fleshlight. you wouldn’t be opposed to his suggestion. being treated like that everyday would make you lose your mind, in the best way possible. “you’d like that wouldn’t you? being fucked senseless everyday by me.”
you frantically nod. “yeah, i would, would want that so much,” you reply, desperately.
“i know you would, you wouldn’t have to think at all, just like right now.” you tighten up even more.
“you’re mine right?” he says after a particularly hard trust, you’re words are working him up. it was so hard you can even hear his balls slapping on your ass. you arch your back, whining out a yes. “who does this cunt belong to?”
“you, master,” you scream out, “my whole body belongs to you.”
“yeah? everything?”
“yeah.. it’s all yours, all of it,” you mutter out.
“good, with the way you’re taking my cock, fuck, i never wanna leave this pussy,” he slams his hips into yours. you honestly don’t want it to end either.
this time his thrusts are even more rushed, he’s losing control and wants nothing more but to chase his pleasure, using you. you love it as well. god, you want nothing more than to be used by him. “i love using your body like this,” he mounts?
when he finally cums, he’s making sure you’re aware of his body on top of yours, and he sinks his teeth into your neck, in an animalistic manner. you take him so well, and the fact you’re now stuffed with his cum really excites him. you don’t have any more strength and let your body fully relax. he then removes himself, and also lets his body slump besides yours, being careful enough to not squish you too much, but just a little bit. he cups your face with his hands and lovingly stares into your eyes.
“let’s go take a shower,” you giggle at him.
he then rubs his face into your own and grunts, “sure, but let’s just stay like this a bit longer,” he sighs, satisfied. you also want to bask in the afterglow, so you hum an agreement.
“oh but.. since you’re my maid, that means you’ll wash me up in the shower, no?” he smirks.
“ahh, really? i thought you wanted to rest more,” you sigh. your legs are still twitching.
“a maid shouldn't talk back to her master,” he giggles while kissing you on the cheek, “maybe i should discipline you.”
you shuffle in his lap, “i behaved more than enough,” you say jokingly sighing, but still making sure to return his kiss playfully.
“i love you,” he reminds you. before you even get time to reply, rei stands up, which ends up distracting you. he brings his arms around you, lifting you up in the process. you giggle playfully at him, letting him carry you to the shower.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Daughter Daddies - 10-Year Time Skip - Sub vs Dub Comparison
I’m going to make a proper post for both Episodes 11 and 12, but I wanted to make a short, separate post for the Daughter Daddies segment of Buddy Daddies in Episode12. Having watched this scene in both sub and dub, I’m thinking the disconnect that some people are getting from the character interactions here are from a combination of two things:
1. The one degree of separation that comes about from listening to one language but reading the interaction in another. We know which characters are saying what words and we can see the way the characters are emoting and interacting with each other, but there is still a disconnect with the language being spoken and the translation being read.
2. The sub translations for Buddy Daddies have been extremely good. But having watched the series both subbed and dubbed, I feel that the dub translation comes out a bit more on top. I think that comes from the fact that there is a little more freedom and wiggle room to work with and dub translations tend to fit spoken language better/more, while sub translations tend to lean more into written language and direct translations a bit more. In most cases, these differences don’t really matter, but with this 10 Year Time Skip scene in Buddy Daddies, I really do think it makes all the difference.
And I think that disconnect that some people feel from that time skip scene is due to the combination of these two factors. It resulted in the sub not really being able to capture the back-and-forth/play off of each other nature of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in the scene that the English dub is able to properly capture. There is a flow there between the three characters that you can hear in the Japanese, but can’t quite see happening in the subtitles. 
I’ll try to show that aspect as clearly as I can in this comparison post, but I also highly suggest just giving the Daughter Daddies segment in Ep. 12 a watch in the English dub to really see (and hear) what I mean. 
Anyway, let’s dive in!
There really isn’t much difference in the scene where Miri is up in her room and Kazuki calls her down, so I’ll start with when Miri is down in the diner area with Kazuki and Rei.
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Sub Miri: Papa Rei! Papa Kazu! Ta-dah! (Rei & Kazu: Oh!) Well?
Sub Rei: A high school student.
Sub Miri: Bingo!
Dub Miri: Papa Rei! Papa Kazuki! Ta-dah! (Rei: Nice!, Kazu: Hey!) How do I look?
Dub Rei: Like a high school student.
Dub Miri: Ding-ding-ding! (They had her say this with the Santa snow art scene too).
Thoughts: It’s small, but the addition of Kazuki and Rei actually say things like “Nice!” and “Hey!” (a “Hey” like in “Hey! Looking good!”) and having Miri ask specifically how she looks, instead of just “Well” and having that question be connected to Rei’s answer with “Like” instead of just “A high school student” helps with the flow and connectiveness of the scene.
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Sub Kazu: I’m so glad you didn’t break bad! 
Sub Miri: What in the heck?
Dub Kazu: I’m so relieved that you never ended up breaking bad!
Dub Miri: Huh? Breaking bad...?
Thoughts: It’s small, but by having Miri repeat the “breaking bad” part as a question also helps with that flow I was talking about above and with it feeling like a more connected conversation.
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Sub Kazu: When you’re a parent, there’s so much to worry about. The ten years I spent since opening this diner really paid off!
Dub Kazu: You don’t know what it’s like! Parents have so much to worry about! That’s why I decided to open this diner ten years ago, and devote my life to honest work for your sake.
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Sub Rei: Honest work?
Sub Miri: Didn’t you slip out yesterday to go drinking with a girl again?
Sub Kazu: That doesn’t count!
Dub Rei: Really?
Dub Miri: I seem to recall someone cutting out early yesterday to go drinking with the ladies.
Dub Kazu: Sorry, what was that?
Thoughts: In the Japanese, Rei does parrot back, “Honest work?” like he does in the sub, but I feel that comes across a bit differently than it does in English. Here the “Really?” sounds a bit more teasing and being more general, and feels less accusatory in nature, more just disbelieving about Kazuki’s statement in general. 
Meanwhile, Miri’s English dub statement clarifies that the doubt that both Rei and Miri express in regards to “honest work” is very specifically about the fact that Kazuki left work early, not that he was drinking with a lady or ladies. Also, Miri saying “drinking with the ladies,” makes it clear that he was likely at a Fairy Lips like establishment and really just out for drinks with them. Not on a date with a lady in particular or anything like that.
The Fairy Lips establishment worked in a similar way as a hostess bar, just with a gambling aspect as well, so nothing sexual (as in sexual acts) are actually allowed (though, I have no doubt that they do sometimes happen at establishments like that). But the true appeal of those places are the illusions of sex and just female company in general. 
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Sub Rei: Miri. Eat.
Dub Rei: Eat up, Miri. 
Thoughts: By having Rei say, “Eat up, Miri,” instead of just “Miri. Eat,” the feel comes off less like a command and more like a general statement that the food is ready for her to eat. There’s a softness to “Eat up, Miri.” Still a command in some ways, but gentler. I also think that in English, one word verbal commands always come off as could and harsh on some level, while in Japanese having a verb just existing on its own is way more common and therefore doesn’t hold the same sort of feel to it. Of course, since we know Rei as a character, we also know that Rei doesn’t mean anything harsh by “Miri. Eat,” but there is likely still a left over feeling of coldness or distance there.
The Rei and Miri exchange of her saying thanks for the food, him asking her how it is, and her saying it’s yummy as always is pretty much the same as the sub without any substantial changes or differences. Basically, nothing worth mentioning here.
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Sub Kazu: I’m glad you got a signature dish with that toast, but shouldn’t you expand your repertoire a little?
Sub Rei: But why?
Sub Kazu: Ever the one-trick pony...
Sub Miri: Hey, it’s fine! Since Papa Rei’s the best!
Dub Kazu: Listen, I know the toast is your signature dish, and that’s great, but shouldn’t you expand your repertoire?
Dub Rei: What for?
Dub Kazu: You are such a one-trick pony.
Dub Miri: Hey! There’s nothing wrong with that. The important thing is that his one-trick pony is yummy!
Thoughts: The use of “listen,” and “that’s great” definitely makes Kazuki’s statement to Rei feel more like general constructive criticism, while Miri’s words in the dub come off more like a warm teasing (like this is possibly a conversation that they’ve had before, lol). Kazuki’s “You are such a one-trick pony” statement also comes off more as more as a warm, sentimental line sort of thing.
The sub translation comes off a bit colder. The way Kazuki’s first line is structured sounds more like just general criticism, as does the “ever” part in his one-trick pony line. Miri’s line as feels less connected, even though it is still on topic, so the comradery feel found in the dub is less present. Of course, tone also matters here and I think the dub really allows for the more teasing and warm tone of the scene to come across than the sub does since, as I mentioned, there is a bit of a disconnect with subs that isn’t as present with dubs.
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Sub Kazu: It’s fine like this, right?
Sub Miri: It’s not! Come on, we’re family!
Sub Rei: Family?
Sub Kazu: Can’t be helped, right?
Sub Rei: Hey-!
Dub Kazu: Can’t we make it work like this?
Dub Miri: No way! C’mon, we’re family, aren’t we?
Dub Rei: Well, are we?
Dub Kazu: Get over here, you big lug!
Dub Rei: Hey-!
Thoughts: The dub translation makes things a bit clearer by adding more words and context. In the sub, Kazuki just questions, “It’s fine like this” but what is meant by “it”? The dub line makes the “it” easier to figure out. Adding “can’t we,” “make,” and “work” together with the it makes it clear that the “it” here is referring specifically to the photo arrangement that they had going on (Kazuki and Rei on either side of Miri).
Miri’s lines are largely the same, but by adding “aren’t we?” to the end of it, and then having Rei parrot that with a “well” in front of it, gives a feeling of Rei and Miri sort of coming together in solidarity on this, a little teasing on their end. And Kazuki just going all in on it, with the dub giving him a line that implies a lot of sentimentality on Kazuki’s part towards Rei. “Big lug” is a term of endearment, and implies someone (usually a man) with a strong physique, but a gentle personality, which does fit Rei. 
The Japanese does have Kazuki saying the Japanese equivalent of “can’t be helped,” but...A lot of Japanese translators view that translation of the phrase as being overused and not necessarily the best translation all the time based on situation and context. And this would be one situation and context where I think it doesn’t quite work. 
Kazuki is being put on the spot by both Rei and Miri, “we are a family, right,” him saying otherwise wouldn’t be right and they all know that, while Miri has made it clear that they can’t do their usual photo arrangement, they have to try something new. So, yes, in a sense there is “no helping” the situation. But by the way Kazuki latches onto Rei,bringing him into a one-armed hug, and the huge smile on his face, we know this isn’t a sort of ‘-sigh- can’t be helped!’ kind of situation that that phrase often implies in English.
The dub translation of choosing to translate that as “Get over here, you big lug!” easily implies that Kazuki has accepted this new arrangement for their photo and that they are, of course, a family. The dub has Kazuki use a slangy term of endearment, because that is within his personality. He uses slang and overfamiliar grammar and words, so he would say something like that.
I think the dub does a great job of capturing this new change in the Kurusu family! <3 
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