ratguy-nico · 8 months
Mr Fischoeder for the ask game :)
fang did you ask this cause you know how horny I'm for this man? Calvin Fischoeder:
First impression: Gay, yeah Im not kidding, why did this man appear from the fog in an all white suit in the middle of the night, with an eye patch (anyone else feels the eye patch is like super gay?) to exclusively talk to Bob in a very mysterious and private way... what was that? let me told yah, gay behaviour
Impression now: he is still pretty much gay, also hot, but overall a simp. I love this man, I love his daddy issues with Bob, I love his relationship with Felix, who I dont know if you know but is actually his brother, I know shocking
Favorite moment: Hum, every single one. But I have April's Fools too frsh in my mind, "My dear Bob" sir, his whole family is there, keep it in your pants. And some of his first "JIMMYYY, please" I can not forget how he scream that XD Oh and in a more serious and ominous one Calvin rescuing his Bob from a trap he himself put him. But it was sweet of him to save his man. And being totally high too.
Idea for a story: Uh, we can always use more Fischoeder and Bob episodes, but Im craving to see how he lost his eyes, I want a whole Mufasa/ Scar thing, (tw: a lil gore) I want pure terror on Felix's face, his entire body convulsing, clinging to the bloody knife as if it were the only real thing in a world that is slowly becoming blurrier before his eyes, the blood on his brother's face dissolving into shapeless spots in his tear-filled eyes, the sound of Calvin's desperate screams becoming a mere buzz. Calvin holding the hole where his eye used to be not being able to see shit, not being able to recognize his own brother, not understanding what had happened, not understanding how they came to this, and fainting from the pain in his own pool of blood. Uh sorry, I dont know where that came from...should put a trigger warning for blood?
Unpopular opinion: I don't like his relationship that one time with that woman. You can tell me he is bi, but no, no, this man is gay, pretty pretty gay. But more than that I think we all agree, es un papucho, su cara parece tallada por los mismisimos angeles.
Favorite relationship: Oh i dont know-is Bob, is his non platonic totally pathetic uniteral crush on Bob. But also his relationship with Felix is so interesting to me, is the kind of crazy shit that shouldn't be real but if been honest the fact that they're rich make it totally believable. Also his whole relationship with Bob's family specially with Louise, they will bring Hell to Seymour's Bay if they want to.
Favorite headcanon: Felix totally rip of his eye. I used to think the eye patch was just for looks but now Im pretty sure Feliz took his eye and the best part is that Calvin doesn't to care. That's my headcanon, Calvin knows Felix is actually dangerous for him and everybody, but Calvin either cause he made something horrible to Felix or just cause is his brother and he loves him, he pretends, pretends Felix is alright and take care of him. Not letting anyone take him away from him. That and that Fischoeder has a crush on Bob, but Im pretty sure that's already canon.
thankiu fang, for real 🤗
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croissantbae · 1 year
June 4, 2023
1.  Today was a wonderful Sunday (as usual).  We went to costco and Johnny asked if folks wanted to get lunch.  We all vacillated trying to choose options and ultimately ended up inviting people to our place.  Gave the kids miyukgook and ordered Bodega Park.  Then we all just hung out for hours talking while the kids played (and eventually fought /bickered lol.  That’s when you begin to know kids need naps / some space).  Jason planned a little gardening activity for the kids so that they could plant a seed.  It was really sweet/cute. 
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2.  It’s happened.  After everyone left, Naya was just talking as Jason and I were cleaning, cooking.  And she says something about how someone killed someone on accident.  And I was like, wait naya say that again?  And she said that at school someone told her that someone had a gun and killed someone on accident.  I was like who told you that?  And she said her friend Sella (Sella is a little older than Naya and I noticed Sella has an older sister so I am guessing they are just actually conscious of that stuff).  I honestly wasn’t sure how to react.  And I said well, we don’t have any guns in this house so you don’t have to worry.  And Naya was like, yeah we don’t have guns in this world.  And I just repeated, we don’t have guns in this head (but thinking ugh. we have lots and lots of guns in this world).  Jason and I were kind of like uhhhhhh.  I think we really need to think about how we talk to our kids about this topic and other difficult topics like climate change, just death in general, violence, etc.  3 going on 4 and talking about gun violence. 
3.  I went to a mamamoo concert w/ my friend and coworker joan. And it honestly made me really glad that I went to a mamamoo concert specifically (over any other korean band).  Because I truly feel like they’re a little bit different and special.  I noticed there was a gay person sitting next to us and during the performance we saw that the rapper was getting a looooottt of love from the audience.  so as we were leaving my friend researched if moonbyul is gay and it seems like she is.  She seems to be pretty out (or I guess as out as you can be in Korea) and has a song out where it features two women lovers.  Anyway I just feel like their personalities are more unique.  Even like the light sticks that they passed out to everyone was a moo (radish), which was just funny to see everyone holding up a moo.  
My uber rides to and from were so weird.  On the car ride to meet Joan, the driver was talking about how he lives in Los Feliz and there are so many gay people in the area so he always warns his sons to be careful.  He was talking about it so much I started to feel like I was being punked.  And after watching Jury Duty I started to queston whether I was seriously being filmed and I was supposed to react.  He was talking about how they’d see two men walkign on the street with one walking the other with a collar around his neck, wearing hot pants.  I was like ....?? and then at a red light he showed me a pic of his 3 sons andI was like oh they’re beautiful.  and he was like yeah that’s why I have to tell them not to talk to strange men.  I was just like oh my god.... what is going on. 
Then on the uber ride home, the guy was kind of weird but I was like whatever.  Then he asked me how the concert was (I told him about it) and I said it was nice, I have two kids so its rare to be able to go to a concert but it was good.  and menitoned my husband is watching the kids.  and he was like oh yeah of course they’ll listen to him.  kids will listen to /obey men because they’re closer to god.  I was like uhhhh I’m not going to agree with that.  and he laughed.  and I was like because god is a female. and he was like haha why? I was like uhhh b/c life comes from women?  We give birth to life.  and he was like yeah but what’s the spark that creates that life? and i said just this teeny tiny thing.  and he was like oh come on.  and then he was saying kids will be loud and rambunctious and then when he comes into a room they’ll be quiet.  and its because men are close to god (like closer to the form of god I’m guessing).  and in my mind I was just like what you’re describing is fear and there’s a difference.  But didn’t say it because I was like my god just get me out of here. 
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A Touch | Reggie Peters
Request: Hi!! I saw you were looking for Reggie requests so I was wondering if I could request one where the reader is related to Luke and has a major crush on Reggie and Reggie likes her too but doesn’t show it and that night she does with them and when they get to 2020 and Reggie flirts with those girls she gets jealous and goes off and meets another ghost and starts hanging out with him and Reggie gets really jealous and admits his feelings for her
A/N: Tweaked it a little bit cuz otherwise this would’ve been even longer! Hope you like it! :) 
Pairing: Reggie Peters x Patterson!Reader 
Warnings: minor swear words, angst 
Songs used: Touch - Little Mix | Bright - Julie and The Phantoms
Words: 5,672
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“Sunset Curve, are we ready to rock?!” you run into the garage, holding up rock signs whilst yelling. This is the place you’ve spent every summer with the four boys you call your best friends. Every first of July, your parents would drop you off at your Auntie Emily and Uncle Mitch’s house while they were off doing work-stuff, or so they said. But you didn’t mind, really because those boys made your summers so amazing. Especially Reggie. 
You’d met the boys years ago when they first started the band and your parents had dropped you off at the Pattersons over the summer. Alex quickly became your go-to for any problem, and you were the first person he ever told about his sexuality. Bobby turned out to be the person to prank the other boys with. And Reggie… Reggie is just Reggie. Amazingly goofy, really smart -- though people would say otherwise -- and the sweetest, kindest gentleman to ever grace this planet. He’s the sole reason you really came back this year. Your parents had given you the option to stay home alone this year since you’d become seventeen, but you insisted on going back to Los Feliz anyway. You didn’t want to spend an entire summer in your house with no friends to hang out with since they all went on holiday at the same time. No, you wanted to stay with the Pattersons and have a Reggie-filled summer. He didn’t know you had a crush on him, and neither did Luke. It’s better if they don’t know. The group dynamic would’ve been disturbed and that’s about the last thing you wanted. Only Alex knew, and that was enough. At least now you could blab about how cute Reggie was that day or about that funny thing he said to you. Alex had told you to tell him, but you refused to. That would be the worst thing you could do. 
Besides, Reggie doesn’t even like you like that. And he has other things on his mind right now, like playing the Orpheum tonight. It’s been a long, winding road with lots of ups and downs, and trials and errors, but they finally did it. Sunset Curve is having a showcase tonight at the Orpheum. THE ORPHEUM. To say you’re proud would be an understatement. 
“Someone’s excited,” says Alex with a smile as he comes out from behind the drum kit. They’d just finished rehearsing their set one final time before their soundcheck. 
“Yes! My favorite band is playing at the Orpheum, you guys!” you’re jumping up and down all the way to the blonde boy to wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. “I’m so excited for you guys!” you sigh before letting go and turning to the other guys. Two out of three boys in front of you smile at you endeared, whilst the third one scowls at you. “What’s gotten your panties in a twist, Patterson?” you ask your cousin. “Aren’t you excited you’re playing the Orpheum? This has been a dream of you since I can’t even remember when!” he chuckles sarcastically while zipping up his guitar case. 
“I would be more excited if my little cousin would be a little more covered up,” he grumbles. The boys look at your outfit, as do you. You’re wearing light blue jeans with a salmon pink off-the-shoulder cropped top. You thought it looked cool, but now that your cousin seemingly doesn’t love it, you begin to have your doubts. 
“Really, Luke?” Alex chimes in, shaking his head, “I think she looks cute.” 
“Yeah, but you’re gay, you’re not gonna be lustin’ after her,” Luke mutters. You chuckle at his lame excuse. Of course he would say that. You cross your arms at him, and purse your lips. 
“No boy is ever gonna be lustin’ after me, Patterson, because you scare them all away,” you snarl at him with a raised eyebrow. This shuts him up right away. Or at least for a moment. 
“Good. You’re too young for a boyfriend anyway,” he says instead. 
“I’m one month younger than you, Patterson!” you scoff. For a second you think he’s being serious, but then that teasing smirk tugs at his lips, reminding you that he’s only playing. 
“Just looking out for ya, cous,” he wraps an arm around your shoulders, guiding you out the garage with his guitar case in his other hand. “I need all them boys to know that if they ever hurt you, I’ll kill them.” Little do you know that Reggie’s behind the two of you, carrying his bass out the garage, and hears your entire conversation. He’s once reminded of why he can never act on his feelings. Luke would kill him if he even tried. 
At the Orpheum, you help the boys set up their instruments and then sneak backstage for a while as the boys are talking to the showrunner at the venue. You walk through the labyrinth of corridors that give out on the dressing rooms left and right. But for some reason, the room at the end of the hallway screams at you. You don’t know why you’re pulled towards this particular room, but you find yourself opening the door cautiously. A creek echoes through the empty corridor, making you cringe a little. You hastily slip through the door and turn the lights on. The artificial blaze blinds you for just a moment. When your eyes have finally adjusted to it, you let them wander around. Over the seating area with the sofas and the couch, and then finally landing on the piano against the far left wall. As a smile tugs at your lips, you walk over and let your fingertips grace over the keys before pressing one and letting a note ring out through the room. The single note reminds you of the summer you’d spend teaching Reggie how to play. He’d constantly mess up and giggle, and then he’d watch you for a while as you showed it again, only for him to mess up again because he was looking at your face instead of your hands. And every now and again, your hands would brush over the keys, and you’d feel all giddy and warm inside. Especially when he gave you that look. That one look only Reggie can give you. You’ve tried to explain it to Alex, but in vain. There was no way to explain the way Reggie looked at you that summer. That was two years ago. That unexplainable look of his faded away, as did the brushing of the hands. He never asked to play piano with you ever again, which made you wonder what you had done to chase him away like that. You cried to Alex about it or stayed awake for hours wondering what happened. 
Though there were no touches and no glances left this summer, you still remember the feeling it gave you. You remember it enough for you to get dizzy just thinking about it. With that dizzy feeling welling up inside of you, you sit down on the stool and make up a melody on the piano. Satisfied with how it sounds, you play it again and start making up words as you go. Something you and Luke did all the time whenever the other boys were busy in the summer. 
“Just one touch, just one touch Just a touch of your love is enough To knock me off of my feet all week Just a touch of your love, oh Just a touch of your love, oh Just a touch of your love is enough To take control of my whole body Just a touch of your love, oh Just a touch of your love, oh”
“Ah, here you are!” The voice coming from behind you makes you jump, and you let out a squeal as you turn around hastily. Reggie’s standing in the doorway, an amused smile on his face. You clutch your heart as though it’s going to pop out any moment. 
“Fucking hell, Reg. You gave me a heart attack!” He chuckles before walking up to you and joining you on the stool at the piano. Your heart skips a few beats while you’re trying to calm it down from getting startled so badly, which does not make it any easier. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles and nudges your shoulder with his. “What were you singing? Sounded good.” A blush creeps up your cheeks, heating you up from the inside out. 
“Just something that came up,” you reply as nonchalantly as possible. 
“It sounded great,” he compliments once more. You look up at him for a moment, finding him looking down at the piano. There is something so calming and peaceful about him, but you could never say what it was. Maybe it's the vibe he gives off or the beautiful green orbs that could stare right into your soul. “Let’s see what I remember from your piano lessons,” he then mumbles before touching a couple of keys, letting a shrill sound come out. 
You scrunch up your nose as he looks over at you with a nervous smile on his face. “Guess you should start teaching me again.” The sound of his laughter reminds you why you loved hanging out with him. Not because he’s the most beautiful guy you’d ever seen, but because he makes you laugh. There’s never been a day he didn’t make you laugh your ass off. 
“Maybe you should just give up on the piano,” you say teasingly, which makes Reggie’s mouth drop open in fake shock. “Stick to the bass, Rockstar,” you pat his shoulder before getting up and making your way to the door. You turn your head to see if he’s following you, only to find him charging towards you at full speed. Your reflexes aren’t quite on point. Before you can run away from him, he already has a tight grip on you and throws you over his shoulder. You shriek at the sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through you before you burst into laughter, flailing your limbs about to try and get him to put you down again. 
“Patterson, your cousin is being mean to me. Permission to throw her out?” You stop moving at his words. Of course, you’ll always be Luke’s cousin to Reggie and nothing else. Instead, you place your head in your hand, your elbow resting against Reggie’s back while the other hangs down. A big sigh leaves your body, and when Reggie feels this, he puts you back on your feet. He gives you a worried look first but after you offer him a convincing enough smile, the worry makes room for his happy-go-lucky personality again. “Don’t test me next time, Patterson,” he whispers before turning and heading to the stage where the other boys are. Alex gives you a knowing look, to which you just roll your eyes and go to the back of the venue where a girl is wiping down tables. 
“We’re ready for soundcheck, Gil,” Bobby tells the sound guy. He gives the band a thumbs up and gets to working. You sit back on the bench, watching as the boys play a couple of songs from their set for tonight’s showcase. They sound wicked. But they always sound wicked to you. These boys are crazy talented and tonight’s going to change everything. For all five of you. They’re going to land an amazing manager that’ll help them climb the charts and get the best tours around the entire world, and you’ll still be Luke’s cousin, left at either your parents house or your Uncle and Auntie’s. Thinking of Emily and Mitch reminds you that you need to tell Luke to come back home soon. His mother is pretty much going crazy and it’s driving you crazy not being able to tell her where her missing son is. You keep telling her he’s okay, that he just needs some time. He’ll come back. You’ve been promising her for months now and he still hasn’t returned. You’ll force him tonight, after the show. 
“That was the tightest we've ever played! Too bad we wasted all that energy on soundcheck,” you hear Bobby say as you approach the stage once they’ve finished. 
“Alex, you were smokin’!” Reggie compliments the drummer as he steps down from his stage.
“Eh, I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire!” The blondie deflects humbly. 
“Can you just own your awesomeness for once, Al?” you shout at him, a smirk tugging at your lips. All four boys look at you for a second before Reggie, Bobby and Luke turn back to Alex.  “All right! I was killing it!” His answer makes you very happy.  “To fuel up before the show I was thinking…” Luke starts, and you know exactly what he’s going to suggest.  “Street dogs,” the two of you say in unison. “We’re thinking the exact same thing, cous,” you say with a smirk as Bobby hops off the stage, landing beside you. You turn your head, following him with your eyes as he moves to the table you were sitting at earlier. The one that girl was wiping down.   “Hey, Bobby, where you goin’?” Luke asks, jumping down too, followed by the two other boys. You make your way to the table with them.   “I’m good,” Bobby says over his shoulder in response, then turns to the pretty girl. “Vegetarian, could never hurt an animal.” You roll your eyes at the obviousness of his flirting. The dude isn’t even that strict a vegetarian. You’re pretty sure he had a hamburger for lunch earlier today.  “You guys are really good,” the girl compliments, her accent thickly enlaced in her words. “Thank you,” Luke retorts with that flirty smile on his face. Another earned eye roll.  “I see a lot of bands, been in a couple myself. I was really feelin’ it.” Luke pats Bobby’s back.   “Ah, that’s what we do this for,” he says, then pushes Bobby back with his shoulder. “I’m Luke, by the way.”   “Hi, I’m Reggie,” the bassist says, pointing at himself.  “Alex,” he raises his hand while a smile tugs at his lips. Bobby then nudges Luke back, forcing his way in front of him. Even though they’re the best of friends, you have noticed Bobby getting jealous of Luke on more occasions than one. Mainly when it’s about the ladies.  “Bobby,” he says in a deep voice. The girl then looks over at you as you’re standing between Reggie and Alex, leaning on each of their shoulders, but haven’t introduced yourself yet, thinking it was a band introduction.  “Oh! I thought we were only doing the band,” you say, making the boys and the girl chuckle. “I’m Y/N. Luke’s cousin and band therapist.” The boys give you a questioning look. “Self-proclaimed,” you quickly add.  “Nice meeting you guys. I’m Rose,” the girl introduces herself then.  “Oh!” Reggie then starts and hands over the CD he’s holding. “Here’s our demo.” He hands her a shirt next. “And a T-shirt, size beautiful.” You remove your arm from his shoulder whilst biting the inside of your cheek, trying to withhold yourself from reacting badly to his obvious attempts at flirting. Alex scoffs and shakes his head in disappointment. The girl holds the shirt in front of her for a moment before flinging it over her shoulder with a smile.   “Thanks! I’ll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one,” she jokes, which makes you chuckle slightly. Mostly at the fact why these boys -- except Alex -- are so enthralled by this girl. Not only is she really gorgeous, she’s funny too.  “Oh! Good call!” Alex starts, “Whenever they get wet, they kinda fall apart in your hands.”  “Don’t you guys have to go get hotdogs?” Bobby asks, clearly wanting to get rid of all of you, so he can flirt with Rose without being disturbed or embarrassed by his friends.  “Yeah,” Luke pushes Bobby away as he leans forward to Rose.  “He totally had a hamburger for lunch,” you say in unison with your cousin, once again. Rose laughs lightly, but you’re not sure whether it’s at the two of you exposing your friend or at the fact you said it at the same time. Might be both too.  The four of you make your way out of the Orpheum and onto Sunset Boulevard, chatting about that night whilst making your way to the hot dog vendor you’ve been to a couple of times. You try your hardest to ignore Reggie flirting with some fans at the door and focus on the  night ahead. The  night that’s going to change everything.  And it does, but not in the way any of you had expected. That night, the four of you die from eating tainted hot dogs. At first, it just tasted a little off, then you began to feel a little queasy until the lights went out completely. The next thing you know is a dark room and hearing Alex’s soft sobs echo through the darkness. So… That was it for the four of you… 
Or that’s what you thought. After a while of being in that dark room and you holding Alex as he cried, you suddenly feel something pulling at you. It’s this weird force that keeps pulling at your skin, which makes all four of you scream until you finally land on a hard floor with a loud thud. Groaning and coughing from the impact of the fall, you get up, looking around at the very familiar surrounding you find yourself in. “Woah! How did we get back here?” Luke asks, realizing the exact same thing. You’re back in the garage, in the exact same spot you were this morning. All of a sudden, a loud, ear-piercing scream startles all four of you, sending you into a huddle of screams too. You just about catch a flash of yellow running out, the screaming fading away as the color did too. Long story short, apparently this girl Julie played the boys’ demo and pulled them back into the ‘real world’ but as ghosts. You’re a little weirded out about the whole ghost thing, and you don’t really know what to think of it. At least you still have the boys. “Hey! Let’s go check on Julie!” Luke suggests one day. He had suggested Julie to just perform a song for her teacher to earn her spot back in the music program with a song the four of you had written together back in the day. You’re stood at the sidelines with the three boys next to you, looking at the girl on the stage as she plays the keyboard, playing the notes you’d come up with way back when. “Sometimes I think I'm falling down I wanna cry, I'm calling out For one more try to feel alive And when I feel lost and alone I know that I can make it home Fight through the dark and find the spark” You and Luke both mouth the words along, shooting Julie encouraging glances as she continues. “Life is a risk, but I will take it Close my eyes and jump Together, I think that we can make it C'mon let's run” Suddenly, the boys poof away from you and onto the stage, instruments at the ready, to support Julie. You’re a little confused at first, but then a smile tugs at your lips as they, once again, start rocking out.  “And rise through the night, you and I We will fight to shine together, bright forever And rise through the night, you and I We will fight to shine together, bright forever” The kids from Julie’s school have now all gathered at the front of the stage, confused and excited noises erupting from the mass of people. The boys seem equally as confused as you are. Those kids can see them. You decide to go around the crowd to get to the front of the stage. You catch Luke and Julie conversing, both of them looking out on the crowd with both confusion and exhilaration.  “What’s happening, Reg?!” you shout at him, but he just gives you a confused shrug whilst Luke sings the next verse.  “In times that I doubted myself I felt like I needed somе help Stuck in my head with nothing left I feel somеthing around me now So unclear, lifting me out I found the ground I'm marching on” You glance at the group of students, the couple of jocks closest to you are headbanging to the music, clearly enjoying themselves. All but one. He’s looking at you with a flirty smile on his face. Your eyes widen at this. He can see you too? Goldilocks -- his hair looks nearly gold -- nods at you curtly in a “what’s up?” kind of way, which sends a blush right to your cheeks.  Reggie skips to the other side of the stage, not noticing anything of the interaction between you and the very alive and very attractive boy.  “Life is a risk, but we will take it Close my eyes and jump Together, I think that we can make it C'mon let's run” “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here?” the boy asks as he walks up to you.  “I uhm… I’m with the band,” you reply pointing up at the boys on stage. Reggie skips all the way back to his microphone, your eyes locking as he shoots you a smile.  “They’re really good! Where are you guys from?” You stutter and stumble, unsure of what to tell this boy. Your eyes dart from this boy to Reggie and back.  “I’m not allowed to tell you,” you finally manage to come up with. “Management rules.”  “Okay, can I at least get your name then?”  “Y/N. Y/N Patterson,” you reply. There’s no use in lying about that part. Though Julie told you about Google and this boy might be able to look you up on ‘the Google’ and find out you died… But why would he do that?  “That’s a pretty name,” he says flirtily and licks his lips. For a split second, you look up at Reggie to find him already looking at the scene unfolding before his eyes. “I’m Chad. Chad Avery.”  “Nice to meet you, Chad,” you reply very politely, a smile tugging at your lips.  “In times that I doubted myself I felt like I needed some help Stuck in my head with nothing left And when I feel lost and alone I know that I can make it home Fight through the dark and find the spark” Your eyes widen when you catch Julie walking through your cousin. How in the holy hell is she going to explain that to the school? You quickly look up at Chad, who’s too busy with his buddies to be able to ask you what that’s all about, so you take that opportunity to poof away from him, and get your ass to the very back of the gym.  At the end of the song, the boys vanish from the stage, which earns a loud uproar of confusion from the students and faculty of Los Feliz High witnessing this. You find them at the side of the stage again, and decide to poof next to Alex.  “That’s crazy! They could see us when we were performing but not when the music stopped!” Luke exclaims excitedly while Reggie shoots you an annoyed glance, but it disappears quickly as a thought pops into his head.  “Oh! Maybe we should check!” he runs up the small flight of stairs and starts gyrating his hips. No reaction from the crowd whatsoever. “Yeah, I don’t…” he runs down again, “I don’t think they can see us.” You chuckle at his antics. That’s the Reggie you’ve fallen in love with.  “I wish I couldn’t see you,” mumbles Alex under his breath, which makes you laugh even louder. Reggie glares at you, raising his eyebrows before turning around and walking over to the girl in the purple wig. Even though she can’t see him, he still attempts to flirt with her. The entire interaction makes you feel queasy and not at all at ease.  “Ugh, please, kill me,” you mumble, earning a raised eyebrow from Alex. “Oh, you know what I mean,” you snap, annoyed at Alex for even trying to minimize how terrible you feel about the scene unfolding in front of you. But even more annoyed at Reggie for flirting with other girls even though you’re not a couple, nor will you ever be. He’s allowed to flirt, it just hurts.  “Y/N,” Alex is going to try and reason with you, but you simply shake your head at him before poofing out of the school and back to the garage.  The silence wraps around you like a comforting blanket, and that’s when the tears start streaming down your cheeks. You know you shouldn’t feel like this. Reggie can do whatever he pleases. You don’t own him. But it still hurts. It’s been more than twenty-five years of having a massive crush on him. That didn’t wash away with death. That burning, aching feeling you get whenever you see him is still there. And you doubt it’s ever going to go away. It’s there for eternity.  “Thought I’d find you here,” Reggie’s voice startles you once again. It’s almost like a déjà-vû. You’re sat at the grand piano, delicately caressing the keys, but not finding the strength to write a song. No words could ever describe how you feel right now.  “Fuck, Reggie…” you mumble, clutching your heart. In your mind, you’re scoffing at how familiar all of this feels, and you think Reggie realizes it too. He walks up to you and takes a seat next to you. Your shoulders are pressed together, and you’re trying your hardest not to show how nervous you feel.  “Why’d you leave so suddenly?” he asks, twisting the hem of his flannel around his finger.  “Just--needed some air…” you lie. You know you should tell him the truth. You’re literally going to spend an eternity with him as ghosts, might as well just come clean about everything.  “Alex told me something different…” You scoff at his words. Of course Alex had to blab. “He didn’t tell me what it was, but he did say you were annoyed at me?” He pronounces his words carefully as if trying not to overstep. “What did I do wrong, Y/N? Tell me, so I can start apologizing because I’ve tried to wrack my brain to try and find a reason for you to be mad at me, but I just can’t…” he chuckles and shakes his head, “I can think of a few, but you’d never be annoyed about those.” You can’t help but laugh at that too. As the weight of the looming truth lands on your shoulders, you exhale slowly. There’s no way around this anymore.  “I just--I couldn’t handle you flirting with that girl… I’ve watched you flirt with girls for years, biting my tongue not to say anything, but today was just… Too much…” you admit with your voice barely above a whisper. Reggie huffs beside you.  “You’re kidding, right?” You look up at his furrowed eyebrows and darkened eyes. “You can flirt with whoever you want but I can’t?!” 
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. He gets up from the stool and walks around the piano, halting on the other end. “I saw you flirt with that jock guy at Julie’s school and plenty other times when we were alive, Y/N! You think that didn’t hurt me?!” Frustration wells up inside you as you shoot up from your seat, leaning your hands on the keys, a distorted note echoing through the studio.  
“I barely flirted with anyone when we were alive because you guys chased every fucking boy away, Reggie! You can’t blame me for flirting with one boy after being dead for twenty-five years!” He scoffs, now leaning forward on the piano too. 
“Ever thought there might be a reason for us chasing those boys away, Y/N? Luke had his own and didn't know about mine but Bobby and Alex did! I told them to make sure no boy could ever touch you until I plucked up the courage to ask you out!” You’re stunned at his words for a split second, but then go back to the screaming match you were holding. There’s no time to properly realize he’s confessing his mutual feelings for you.  “Maybe you should’ve just, I don’t know, Reggie, just a thought, asked me!” you yell at him, seething through your teeth. You’d much rather crawl across this piano right  now and kiss him, but you’re frozen to the floor.  “You try and ask Luke Patterson’s cousin out, Y/N! That man is impossible to get through! He’d never agree to me dating his little cousin!” Your tongue glides across your teeth as you mull over the next words in your mind. Back in 1995, you would’ve never dared to speak these words out loud, but so far in 2020, you’ve learned it’s okay for a woman to come up for herself.  “Ever think about the fact that I am my own person, Reggie? That I make my own decisions about my life, my body, my heart? I decide who I love and who I date, not Luke. ME!” Your voice raises and your confidence gets a sudden boost after finally saying those words that have been written down in diaries multiple times, but never been said out loud.  “Luke would’ve killed me if I ever told him I was in love with you, Y/N!” His voice matches yours now, which is equally as terrifying as it is extremely hot. You’ve never seen Reggie like this, he’d always been the guy that shrunk whenever someone would yell at him. He’s the one that would mutter an apology rather than come up for himself.  “Well, you’re dead now, Reginald, what are you still waiting for?!” The words have only left your mouth about a second ago, but Reggie’s already charging up to you. He grabs your face and presses his lips forcefully to yours. You kiss back immediately, returning the passion and hunger he’s exhorting. This is what you’ve been waiting for, for years. You’ve dreamt about kissing him for so long, and now that it’s finally happening, you realize it’s even better than what you ever dreamt it would be like.  “I can’t believe I waited this long,” he pants when you take a break from the intensity.  “Yeah, me neither,” a very familiar voice chimes through the garage. The two of you look up to find Alex and Luke at the door, smirks on both their faces. “I had a bet going with Bobby how long it would take for the two of you to finally confess your love for each other. Guess neither of us won…” he explains nonchalantly while walking over to his guitar to grab it.  “Wa-- Wait, you knew?” Reggie asks, his eyes darting over to you and then Alex.  “Yeah, man. It was pretty obvious,” Luke replies, chuckling, whilst strapping his guitar around. “I mean, I heard you crying in your room about how much you loved him and how much it killed you not to be able to tell him,” he points to you, and a scarlet red colors your face immediately.  “You were listening in on our phone calls?!” Alex asks, knowing the exact conversation they had that night. They talked about boys constantly, especially that one summer when Alex found himself falling for the lead singer of his band and best friend. They dated briefly, but figured out they were better off as friends, for the sake of the band.  “Our walls were pretty thin, man,” Luke shoots him a teasing grin, “And you, Reggie,” he points at the boy next to you. “I caught you staring at my cousin all the time, and I just knew you didn’t shield her from flirting boys to protect my little cousin, you shielded them because you were jealous. It was so obvious, you guys! You’re not going to tell me this is the first time you realize the other’s in love with you too, right?!” Your cousin could get excited and passionate about a lot of things, but your love life was never one of them.  “I was scared you’d kill me before I could even utter a word about my feelings for her,” Reggie mumbles, looking down at his shoes. “So, if anything, this is your fault, Patterson!”  “Yeah, cous! All of this is your fault!” you agree, chuckling slightly at the widening of his eyes. “But you’re cool with this, right?” you ask, “I mean, he is your best friend, Luke…” His smile widens, the flicker in his eyes reappearing.  “Of course I am, Y/N. I just want you both to be happy,” he replies with a shrug. “Now, let’s get rehearsing!” He plugs his guitar into the amp while Alex goes behind his drums. Reggie turns to you again, glancing down at you with that look of his he always used on you two summers ago.  “Will you stay until after rehearsals? I wanna take you somewhere after.” You simply nod your head before leaning up and pecking his lips sweetly. He turns around to join the boys, grabbing his bass from its stand. Your teeth dig down into your bottom lip as a smile etches its way to your lips. Even though it’s taken you this many years, it finally happened, and you couldn’t be happier about it. You could finally kiss him and hold his hand and touch him. That electric touch you longed for, for so many years. His touch. 
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @rudysbay​ @thedarkqueenofavalon​​ @caitsymichelle13​​ @calamitykaty​ @wiselight​
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Alex vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda
hello, everyone! i’ve been working on a fic titled “Alex vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda” for quite a long while, and i’m finally biting the bullet and posting the first chapter. this fic is based on the novel "Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda" by Becky Albertalli! it will be very closely based on the book, as well as some things from the movie "Love, Simon", and you may find dialogue or details that you recognize from either version of Becky Albertalli's story! i have no rights to the novel/movie or the JATP characters depicted in this fic. that said, there are a lot of details that are changed, and you'll be able to spot those really easily. this fic will be crossposted to my AO3 and can be located HERE. 
like i said, this fic has been a long time coming, and there is tons and tons i have planned for it. here on tumblr, i will be posting things like extra details, bonus content, and maybe some sneak previews! for now, let’s get into the fic!
SUMMARY: Alex Mercer is just like everyone else- only he has one huge ass secret. Nobody knows that he's gay, not even his closest friends and bandmates Luke, Reggie, and Julie. The only time he's ever mentioned it to someone, it was in an anonymous email chain with Ghost, another Los Feliz High School student. Alex can't risk coming out to anyone, but when his emails fall into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into a spotlight. Suddenly an already stressful junior year is all that more complicated as he juggles everyday drama, the school's annual band competition, blackmail, and trying not to lose his shot with the best guy he's ever met.
Everything about this conversation is so out of the box of normal that I barely even register what's happening. Of course I'm the type of person who can't tell when this- something so crazy and awful and stressful and honest to God what the hell is happening- is going on. In my defense, Caleb Covington has never spoken to me before. I had no reason to assume that the first time he did, it would be to blackmail me.
We're taking a water break in the bleachers when Caleb saunters over. No greeting, no introduction- just words to send my entire junior year of high school spinning on its head.
"I read your email."
I swallow my water. "What?"
Caleb raises an eyebrow at me, and there's no other way to describe it but menacing. It's funny looking back on it all; I'd always heard Caleb was a really nice guy.
"I was in the library. And I read your email."
"You read my email?"
"Not on purpose. You really should have logged out of Gmail."
There's nothing I can do but stare at him, dumbfounded. What in the name of David Bowie is happening right now?
Caleb, thankfully, stops towering over me and takes a seat in the bleachers, a foot or so away. To anyone else, it might look like we're friends. To me, it feels like I can't breathe.
"Why the fake name?" Caleb asks, and my entire soul screams a wish that he would stop being so casual about this. 
I want to tell him that the point of a fake name is to keep people like Caleb Covington from knowing my secret. Way to freaking go, Alex. He must have seen me sitting at the computer like the monumental dumbass I am.
"Would it interest you to know my cousin is gay?"
"Um. No, Caleb. It really wouldn't."
He still has his eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his face. If I focus hard enough- kind of impossible right now- I can picture Luke punching it right off his face.
"What do you want Caleb?"
This is the longest five minute water break of my life. 
"Look, Mercer, I don't have a problem with it. It's not a big deal."
Yes, it really is. It's a huge monster of a deal. This is the biggest disaster since Luke slammed his fingers in a door and couldn't play his guitar. 
"But. . ." Caleb drags out, and I can feel my leg bouncing quicker by the second. "It's pretty clear to me that you'd rather keep it all hush, hush."
I mean. Yeah. Kind of. The coming out thing doesn't scare me that much. Except it does. Because if people know then my parents will know and if my parents know then my whole family will know and if my whole family knows then I've become like a living, gay, everyone-finds-out version of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, and I'd rather die than have that happen. So maybe the coming out thing does scare me. But the biggest problem if people found out? 
I have absolutely no idea what it would mean for Ghost if Caleb was going to tell anyone. The thing about Ghost is he's a pretty private person. I bet he wouldn't forget to log out of his email so people like Caleb Covington wouldn't see it. I bet there's a good chance he'll never forgive me if he finds out about this. So really, I have absolutely no freaking clue what would happen to Ghost- to us.
And I'm still sitting in these stupid gym bleachers, the pink hydroflask Reggie bought me limp in my hand, desperately wishing Carrie would call an end to this godforsaken water break. I can't believe I'm having this conversation with Caleb right now. Why couldn't anyone else have logged into Gmail after me? Why was I so impatient to see if Ghost had emailed me back that I used the freaking school computers? Why did this stupid school insist on blocking the wireless so I had had no choice but to use the school computers? But it had been one of those days where I couldn't even wait to get out of dance practice to check my phone in my car.
I'd emailed Ghost this morning, and it had been a pretty big email. I was desperate to know if he'd emailed back.
I must have been just staring at Caleb for a while because he cocked his head at me and said, "Don't worry, Mercer. I'm not going to show anyone."
I take a relieved breath. Then my hydroflask finally slips from my fingers as I freeze, and the sound echoes through the gym. I don't even look at the rest of the dancers when their laughs break out.
"Show anyone?" I ask. 
Caleb leans in a little bit, smirk wider on his face. I feel sick.
"Did you- oh my god, did you screenshot my emails?"
"Yes, see, I wanted to talk to you about that."
"You took a fucking screenshot?" I hiss out, thankful I'd put my stuff farther away from the rest of the dance team today.
Caleb has the audacity to roll his eyes. "I've heard you're in a band with-"
"What the fuck does that have to do with- Let's go back to how you screenshot my email."
"Or you can shut up and listen to what I have to say." 
Something about the way Caleb's gaze catches you, it's hard to do anything but what he says. Fuck.
"I believe we may be in a position to help each other out."
Jesus Christ, what 18 year old talks like this?
"Why the hell would I do anything for you?"
It's a stupid question, I realize as he stares at me calmly. Calmly. Like this isn't the end of my life. Whatever he wants right now, it'll be in exchange. I do this, and he doesn't broadcast my private emails with Ghost to the entire student body.
All this time and I really thought Caleb was supposed to be this nice guy. Fuck me.
"You're going to make me do whatever you want?"
Caleb tsk'd like the condescending bastard he clearly is. "Well, now. I'm not making you do anything."
"But if I don't help you, you'll what? Post my emails on the fucking tumblr?"
LosFelizSecrets. The bane of every Los Feliz student's existence. Ground zero for more gossip than anyone in their right mind knows what to do with. A school of almost 3,000 kids but if it's on the tumblr, most people know within a day. A complete and utter hellscape disguised as a blog.
When Caleb stays quiet, I speak again. "What do you want from me, Caleb?"
He sneers. 
"Music of the Night."
Once again, I'm stuck staring at him. Music of the Night? That's what this is about?
"Your band is signed up, as is mine. The HGC lost to Dirty Candy last year, and I will not lose again this year."
Music of the Night is this competition Los Feliz holds every year as part of the music program. At the end of the year, there's this huge concert held at the Orpheum theatre in Hollywood. At the beginning of the school year, anyone can sign up. Then each band has 4 months to perform at school events, outside gigs and parties, and whenever they have an opportunity, really. During winter break, the student body votes on who the headliner of the concert will be. Last year, the headliner was Dirty Candy. Because they won last year, they're out of the running this year and are in charge of organization and things for the concert. This year, I was hoping the headliner would be Julie and the Phantoms. My band. Caleb and his band HGC has entered the competition every year, and he's never won. He's a senior, and I know this will be his last chance. I also know who his biggest competition is. 
"So. . . what? You want me to sabotage my own band?"
I feel breathless and dizzy as I ask. Caleb just shrugs casually.
"Whatever you need to do. So long as it's my band that gets the votes. Like I said, I think we can help each other out. Think about it."
Caleb winks- he actually winks- and walks away. I stare dumbly after him. No way. No, I'm not doing this. I can live with being outed. Right? 
But my thoughts travel to Ghost. Because he's a part of this, too. He goes to Los Feliz, and he's my age, and he uses a fake name, and he's not out. 
Ghost isn't out, and Caleb has my emails.
Any hope I have of forgetting about that stupid conversation clearly isn’t worth it. I have an hour before dinner, and right now I’m basically willing to do anything to avoid my family. Trying to talk to my parents is exhausting. You can’t just get away with telling them your day was good or bad. No, you have to ring out every excruciating little detail. Everything that happens in my or my siblings’ life, they want to know about it. In all honesty, I used to love telling them all that stuff. Now I can’t get away from them fast enough. Especially today. I’m barely in the house long enough to put my backpack in my room before I’m slipping out the back door and leaving again. 
I try to drown out my thoughts with Axl Rose screaming into my earbuds. But my mind is stuck on Ghost, emails, and Caleb freaking Covington. Caleb wants to win Music of the Night. I can’t exactly blame him for that. Everyone wants to win it. 
Except he’s blackmailing me. And by extension, he’s blackmailing Ghost. And that makes me want to hyperventilate a little bit. Maybe go scream somewhere. 
But Axl Rose is helping. The familiar route of walking to Luke’s is helping. We don’t get much of a fall in LA, but the air feels a little crisper in mid October, and I can already see the houses that are getting ready for Halloween. 
When I reach Luke’s house, I don’t even bother going through the front door. I just cut through his backyard and head through the backdoor right next to Luke’s bedroom. I hear them before I see them. Reggie’s laugh fills the air, paired with a frustrated groan from Luke. They’re sitting side by side on Luke’s bed, facing the small tv with some video game I’ve never seen on the screen. They look like they haven’t moved in hours. Luke pauses the game as soon as he sees me, waving, and I can’t help but smile a little bit. The guy won’t put down his guitar for you, but he’ll pause a video game or movie without a second thought. 
“Great, you’re here! Tell Luke he’s shit at this game and he should let me play Mario Kart.”
I roll my eyes, “Dance was great, Reg. Thanks for asking.”
Reggie sticks out his tongue, and I crack a smile. This is the most comfortable I’ve felt all afternoon. I throw myself into the beat up bean bag chair Luke keeps in his room.
“Luke, you’re shit at this game and Reggie wants to play Mario Kart.”
Luke gapes at me, a betrayed gleam in his eyes, but I just shrug. Luke grumbles a bit as he gets up to switch out the game, and Reggie whoops in victory. I let out a soft sigh. I think I needed this. The chaos of Reggie and Luke playing whatever game, the strange mix of leather, Axe, and his mom’s Hawaiian Breeze cleaner that makes Luke’s room smell awful and entirely wonderful at the same time, and the familiarity of Luke and Reggie. Everything just fits right when I’m with them. 
As Luke sets up the game, Reggie looks at me excitedly. “Alex, Luke hasn’t heard about le wedgie.”
I snort a little, “Ah, yes. Le wedgie. C’est une histoire touchante.”
I don’t know why Reggie bothered to wait for me to tell the story; he’s the far better storyteller between us. Maybe it’s just because I’m better at French. 
Luke stares at me, “English, please?”
Reggie and I thought we’d be fancy and take something fun like French for our required language credits. Luke decided to take something actually useful and learn sign language. This story is stupid, and my reenactment is stupid, but it feels kind of perfect. Like Caleb and secrets are all things of my imagination, and nothing exists but this bedroom and me, Luke, and Reggie. Benefits of having known these dorks since elementary school, I guess. 
About as they finish the second race in Mario Kart, Luke lets out a yawn. Reggie reacts so quickly I barely realize what he’s doing. He grabs a crumpled up Hershey’s Kiss wrapper from Luke’s nightstand and throws it into Luke’s mouth. Luke sees it just in time to clamp his mouth shut. Reggie sighs in defeat, but shrugs.
“Keep yawning, I’ll get you one of these times.”
“Why are you so tired?”
“Because I party real hard. All night, every night, baby,” Luke says, slamming Reggie’s bike with a green turtle shell. 
“Alone in your room with your guitar. Some party that is,” Reggie retaliated with a bomb thrown in Luke’s direction. 
As the race finishes Luke yawns again, and Reggie’s Kiss wrapper bounces off his cheek. 
“I just keep having these weird dreams,” he explains. 
I raise my eyebrows. “TMI, dude.”
“Not that kind of dream!” Luke tosses the wrappers at me, Reggie cackling beside him. 
Luke starts explaining his dream- something about every time he started playing his guitar his cord had magically unplugged itself from his amp- and Reggie and I just share a look. We were used to Luke being in his weird, feels-the-need-to-analyze-everything moods. But even after all these years, it was almost like a movie, watching Luke get so weirdly passionate about things- music and otherwise. It made me glad that Luke was a brother to me by everything but blood. Partly because if he wasn’t, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself from falling for him. And I have a strict policy about not falling for straight guys.
To everyone but me and Reggie- immune to him after knowing pretty much every thought that’s ever gone through his head since elementary school- there’s this pull to Luke. Like he casts a spell that has everyone in a 10 mile radius tripping at his feet and each and every girl swooning. Poor Julie is not immune to the spell, it seems. Lucky for her though, Luke doesn’t seem immune to her either. 
It took barely a few weeks into the school year before I noticed Luke switching seats with Willie Meyers at lunch to increase the odds he’d end up right next to Julie. Then there’s that stupid, puppy-dog, love-sick look in his eyes that Luke gets every time he thinks Julie isn’t looking. And it’s not like Reggie and I haven’t put up with a pining Luke before, but everything seems a little different with Julie. It makes me think of Ghost. 
Would I look like that if I saw him in person? Would he look at me like that? 
If Caleb leaks my emails and Ghost hates me forever, I don’t think I’ll ever find out.
chapter one complete!
i'll let everyone know right now that i have no clear updating schedule for this fic; it's kind of hard to write and get down the way i want, so i'm not sure how long anything will take me. but it is summer break for me, so hopefully you'll all start seeing consistent posting of new chapters!
i hope you all liked this first chapter, or are at least intrigued to read some more. as i said in the starting notes, this will be cross posted to my AO3! Feel free to leave me a comment here if you would like, or head over there if you have any comments about the fic at any point! feel free to send me a message/ask on here if you have any questions or comments, too! my inbox is open any time <3
if anyone would like me to start a tag list, let me know and i’ll get that done right away!
this fanfic is definitely my baby, so i really hope you guys all like it as much as i do!
thanks <3
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yamichi-novara · 4 years
Tumblr media
❤️🌹🌈 ¡ ¡ Feliz Mes de la Fierté ! ! 🌈🎵💜
This will never happen, but I just really want to see Elena & Esmeralda together because I love them so much... !
I’m a french black gay, and I was born in the same year than the Hunback of Notre Dame. I really love this movie now because it’s speak about Diversity, Justice, Equality... when you thought about french characters you thought about Belle & Cinderella, but Esmeralda is absolutely the Most Accurate French character from Disney ! A real French is not white, a real French is just someone like you and me speaking about Rights for everybody ! ...Sometimes I really feel like Casimodo, but then I remember that thanksfully some people like Esmeralda exist...in France. And it makes me so Proud of being French too ! 
I ship Esmeralda & Elena also because, Spanish is the native langage of Gypsy people in France, so I just want to do a big Appreciation Post for all my Latino friends ❤️ I don’t understand why Esmeralda is not a Official Disney Princess... basically it’s like she’s the Gypsy Disney Princess ! She should be a Disney Princess exactly like Mulan. And she’s also MY French Disney Princess ! Not Belle. Not Cinderella. (but I love them too !)
I’m glad Elena is a real Disney Princess... but I’m so disappointed that she’s not an - Official - Disney Princess... a Latina Disney Princess is exactly what was missing in the Disney Princesses Squad... and she’s not Official - too ?! I can’t believe it. Disney could just do a Spanish Princess or a Mexican Princess, but they did the Princess of all the Latina Culture ! I love her series so much because of that ! The Latina Culture is so Colorful and Joyful ! When I watch that I just feel like it’s possible to live like that... but in Reality, people like Elena & Esmeralda are still underrated because they are not how the Reality want them to be. And you know what I mean.
...Anyway, this is not really a “Pride Month Post” but I wanted to do an Appreciation Post for my two Favorite Latina Disney Princesses even if they are not official ! If you are Gypsy or just Latino be Proud of yourself ! ...Especially if you are Queer 🌈
/!\ PS : I just want to be sure... is “Gypsy” an offensive word in English ? In french we say “Gitan/Gitane” but there is nothing offensive about this word ! I use “Gypsy” because it looks like the correct Traduction... isn’t it ?
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speedycubed · 4 years
use the sleeves of my sweater.
summary: luke had been glad when his dysphoria shifted from being in the wrong body to being in no body, but that all comes crashing around him after playing the orpheum.
notes: this story features trans & autistic luke. i draw from my own experiences as an autistic transmasc individual when describing things that have to do with those features. // crossposted on ao3 if you would rather read it there.
triggers: descriptions of dysphoria, unsafe binding (not taking a binder off for extended periods of time & exercising in a binder)
The one thing Luke had been on board with after becoming a ghost was the lessened dysphoria. Without a corporeal body, most of the dysphoria the first few weeks had been about being intangible as opposed to being in the wrong body. It was blissful to have something else to focus on when it came to his body.
But after he had adjusted to being a ghost, and especially after the Orpheum performance, dysphoria came smashing back into his life. It had happened one day in rehearsal. He was jumping around, strumming his guitar as he always did when he felt a pressure on his ribs. Luke stopped jumping around, deciding to stand still, figuring that would solve his problem. A few minutes later, after they finished that runthrough, he sat on the couch, claiming to be worn out. That was when he felt it.
The press of his breasts against his binder.
He had died wearing it and since they didn’t need to breathe anymore and were made of air, he felt no need to ever take it off. After all, the phantoms had been distracted by the fact that they were ghosts with no bodies to speak of to focus on changing clothes. Even after they figured out that they could, it was all just to regain some normalcy in their (after)lives.
But after jumping and sweating for the hours of rehearsal, he was finally feeling it. That was going to bruise.
Luke looked up, noticing the concern in Julie’s eyes. “It’s fine,” he said, waving a hand to dismiss concern. “Just my ribs hurt after all that exercise.”
“Your ribs? That’s weird. Don't you mean, like, a stitch in your side or something like that?” she asked, wanting to make sure her boyfriend was okay.
Fuck. He should have just gone with that. Now he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Most people don’t get rib pain from exercise. They get other types of pain, sure, but this is a trans issue.
“Uh, y-yeah,” Luke pointed at her, nodding to cover his shame at almost getting caught, “That’s what I meant. Have a stitch in my side, yep, that’s what my pain is.” Stupid brain making him flap his hands and stutter through the agreement. Now she would know something was wrong.
“Okay. Well, if you can take it, there’s some Tylenol in the bathroom behind the mirror.” She nodded, dismissing herself, a worry still clear on her face, but not wanting to make it worse.
As soon as Julie was out of the studio, Alex was next to Luke, sitting on the floor in front of him.
“Take it off,” Alex said, voice stern.
Luke laughed it off, which only made the pain worse. “Take what off?” His nervous laughter filled the studio followed by coughing.
“You think we didn’t notice?” Reggie said from up in the loft. He tossed one of Luke’s bigger hoodies that still had the sleeves on it over the railing before poofing to be next to the guitarist. “You died wearing it and haven’t taken it off since.”
Luke huffed, crossing his arms. “It’s not like I needed to breathe! And until just now I didn’t even notice the pressure.”
“Breathe?” Alex and Reggie looked up, seeing Julie with a water bottle in hand. The bottle dropped, plastic making it bounce a couple of times before stilling. “And the thing with rib pain earlier…” She walked up to her boyfriend, kneeling in front of him. “You don’t have to answer, but this sounds familiar. I’m so sorry, I wouldn’t be asking unless I figured that knowing would make me able to help more. Luke—” Julie looked him in the eyes, wishing she could hold his hands as she spoke to give some comfort, but that might make it worse. “—are you trans?”
Luke looks up, fear in his eyes. Thoughts ran through his head a mile a minute. How did she find out? Is she going to want to date me anymore? Is she going to quit the band? How will I cope if she leaves? Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
She seems to see his panic and backtracks. “I’m so, so, sorry if you’re not and this makes it seem like I’m assuming things, but with the breathing problems and the sudden need to rest and the rib pain… It all sounds like what one of the boys at school was talking about during one of our gay club meetings. And if you are I want to be supportive and help in any way that you’ll let me.” Her words rush out, apologizing for what she said, telling them that it was rude of her to ever ask and that she shouldn’t have, it’s none of her business, that she wouldn’t have asked without a reason.
The other two boys in the room got it, nodding along to her apology while they tried to comfort their friend.
But the one she was apologizing to didn’t hear any of it. Luke was quiet, his brain still telling him that this was a bad idea. All he could do was let out some tears before grabbing the hoodie Reggie had brought him and fleeing off to the bathroom to change.
Yanking his binder off proved to both lessen and enhance his dysphoria. Now he couldn’t feel the pressure of having his chest tied down, reminding him that he had breasts, but now everyone else could see that he had them. Luke put his shirt back on, slipping the hoodie over his head, and poofed off to the beach where he didn’t have to deal with the fact that he was just basically forced out of the closet by his girlfriend.
He chewed on the sleeves of his hoodie, having chewed the strings out long ago, staring out at the people on the beach. Now everything felt wrong. His skin pulled tight and he felt all of the body dysphoria he thought he had escaped after becoming a ghost.
The corners of his sleeves were soaked in his saliva before he got tired of staring at the people on the beach who all just reminded him of what he could never be. He poofed into the bike shop that stood where the Peters’ house had once been.
There was only one worker, a teenager dressed in all black. But it was the music playing over the speakers that he really noticed. It was classical. Something he didn’t expect from a bike shop, but it helped. Classical had been the only genre he ever listened to before developing his own music taste. His mother and father were both classically trained string players who had signed Luke up for viola lessons as soon as he expressed interest in his parents’ instruments, so their house was always full of symphonies.
As much as it hurt to hear music that he always associated with his parents, it was nice to have something else to focus on. Now Luke just focused on picking apart the instruments used during each section, wondering how he would play it if given the sheet music. It was calming to try and remember each position and each fingering. It was calming to try and pick apart each line, each note, in order to try and find the key.
His concentration was broken by the sound of the phone ringing. The employee sighed, rolling their eyes as they picked it up. At the same time that happened, Luke heard a little “poof” next to him. He turned only to see Alex.
“How did you even think to check here?”
“Saw your silhouette in the window as we checked the beach,” Alex said.
Luke groaned at the “we.” That meant that the others were here.
“Did you tell her?”
Luke fell silent once more. A part of him was glad that the boys hadn’t spilled his secret. It wasn’t theirs to tell, after all. But another part of him wished that they had just told Julie. That would have taken all of the pressure off of him.
He looked at Alex as the final notes of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons: Summer” faded and the host began to introduce the next piece.
“Can you tell her for me? I’m pretty sure that she already knows after earlier, j-just confirm it for her.” The guitarist hated that he had to ask—it put unfair pressure on Alex. Having to ask someone else to come out for him was a coward’s move, but Luke was so, so scared. He didn’t want to have to face Julie, knowing that no matter what she said, it was likely to worsen his mood. And that would worsen his dysphoria as his mind sat in its darkest corners.
“Yeah.” Alex nodded, poofing back out to the beach.
Luke turned around in the bike shop so he could see his bandmates. Even though he couldn’t hear them, he could tell exactly when the words left Alex’s mouth. He could tell because he knew Julie’s body language. He saw her nod and bite her bottom lip before opening her mouth to talk.
He could imagine her voice as she told the boys how she didn’t love him anymore. Logically, Luke knew that this wouldn’t be something that Julie would break up with him over. She often talked about Los Feliz’s gay club (the offical title was the Los Feliz GSA, but no one called it that, according to Julie) and suppoting her non-cis friends. But anxiety is a bitch. The voice in his head said that the reason he saw tears on his girlfriend’s cheeks was because she thought he had lied to her. The voice in his head said that he was about to get broken up with.
Luke decided that the voice in his head was a little bitch and poofed out of the bike shop, landing next to Julie.
She turned to him, wiping her tears. “You know I don’t think of you any differently because of this, right?” Her eyes were wide, pleading him to soak in her words. She loved him and nothing would change that.
I kn-know, j-just…” He pursed his lips, bringing his sleeve up once more. Luke hated his stupid stutter, especially when it came to difficult conversations. He chewed on his sleeves, trying to find the words. “Anxiety.” It was all that he could come up with as an explanation without devolving into word vomit.
Julie nodded in understanding. “Anxiety’s a bitch.”
The group fell quiet as Luke flopped onto the beach. He removed his sleeve for a moment to ask for hugs, which the boys gave. Julie sat next to him and held his hand so she wouldn’t be seen hugging air. They may have figured out how to talk to them in pubic (a pair of cheap earbuds with the wires cut off made for an excellent pair of fake AirPods that made people think she was just on the phone), but they couldn’t figure out how to make her be able to touch them in public without looking insane.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I was out of line, that was an invasive question that I shouldn’t have asked. I keep talking about boundaries and yet I completely broke one of yours today.”
“It’s fine.” His voice was muffled from the stimming, but the words were easy enough to make out.
Julie looked to her metamour, asking for help. Reggie had known Luke a lot longer, so she figured he might be able to get the point across a little better. Reggie shook his head. This was between her and Luke.
“Hey buddy, are you better enough that Alex and I can leave? I think you and Julie need to have a talk—boyfriend to girlfriend.”
Luke snorted. “But you’re my boyfriend, idiot.” His eyes got sad once again, “But you’re right. See you guys.”
Reggie and Alex poofed out, heading back to the studio.
“You may say it’s fine Luke, but that’s not going to stop me from apologizing. I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
“But y-you’re my girlfriend… Doesn’t that make it your bus-business?”
“Only if you wanted it to be. If it’s to become my business then you have to be the one to make it my business. You would have had to have told me first.” She shed a few tears, trying to hold back from crying until they finished this conversation. “I’m sorry I took that opportunity away from you.”
“I wanted to tell you, but I figured it didn’t matter anym-more—” he laughed at Julie’s confused eyebrows, “I haven’t felt major body d-dys-dysphoria until t-today. And I’m air, so I haven’t taken off my b-binder all this time.” Julie gasped. “It’s off right now if that’s what you’re worried about,” he glanced at his chest, nervous. “But, yeah, it’s not like I can do anything about it. I’m intangible, so I’m stuck in the body I had when I died.
“I figured that I would t-tell you down the line, after we had m-more time to get used to our relationship. But then dysphoria hit me all at once during rehearsal. Suddenly I could feel all of the things that I got rid of when I be-became a ghost.
“Sorry that you have a broken boyfriend.” He ended his explanation and stared down at the sand, putting a finger in his mouth, nibbling on the tip to give his sleeve a break. He didn’t want to ruin another one of his dysphoria hoodies. A few holes were nothing, but too many would destroy the sleeve.
“You are not broken. Not in any way.” Julie says, grabbing onto Luke’s shoulders so he has to look her in the eyes. At this point, she only cared about getting her boyfriend to believe her, not the people who would think she was crazy as she held onto nothing. “You are Luke, mine and Reggie’s precious boyfriend, a massive dork, guitarist for Julie and the Phantoms, one of the best songwriters I’ve ever met. There is nothing wrong with you—you’re just you. No one is broken, they just have different pieces. Please don't ever refer to yourself as broken ever again.”
“Okay,” he whispered, fear still jostling his thoughts around. “Let’s go home and cuddle pile with Reg.”
Julie laughed softly, sounding like a fairy from Tinker Bell. “Sounds amazing.”
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materialgwrl · 4 years
                   𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞   𝐨𝐧   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐢𝐬𝐚 - 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚   𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞  ...
you wake up and it’s the day of your birthday   --  you weren’t really looking forward to it,  but just like every other year, it comes. this year hits different than others:  you’ve been inside a lot, and even sick,  but still you’re here.  thank heavens you are!  you refuse to leave your bed and grab your laptop;  just the other day you heard about netflix adding all these new movies and shows, and you can’t wait to see what they’ve got for the month of september...
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oh my god!,  you gasp,  they added the other woman.  you’ve been wanting to watch this movie for over three years now.  can you believe it’s been that long?  everyone on twitter is talking about it,  and amelie’s and loretta’s names are trending once again.  this time, everyone’s raving about their talent.  there’s a whole new bunch of documentaries on too.  you think they’ll be great to listen to while you work on your enbroideries later...  what is it gonna be?  carmencita’s new show is out, and it’s basically sapphic paradise.  or maybe something a bit more dramatic, only equally gay  --  you’re really curious to see what nova and celeste have to tell about the time they spent in space.  maybe you should just indulge, and watch something silly and vulgar like two of the most polemic women the media has ever known... these new movies might be telling us a lot about venice, and cruella and ursula, but you bet there’s much more those bitches are hiding. 
it gets a little tiring,  it’s just too early to be watching something like that!  maybe youtube is better...
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ugh, there’s so much going on!  beverly and jackie are out there,  gladly rambling about their super successful careers. you take a moment to watch goldie’s update on her channel,  ranting about the way groupies, oops, band-aids are treated these days, and wonder how it’d feel to live like her... just following those bands,  and having wonderful adventures with the best soundtrack ever.  romana is live too, and you bet that livestream is for her students, but checks in hopeful that laurie might make a surprise appearence on the background. at the end, you decide to spend twenty very good and very gay minutes watching amelie being the legend that she is.  definitely a clever choice.
you’re tired of watching stuff, though, and decides to check instagram for a change. sometimes it can get really fake and boring, but today you feel like some cool updates might be waiting for you...
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there’s this cool recommended tag, somewhat familiar, and you decide to check it out.  your favorite pottery artist,  poppy,  happens to be sharing her love for a woman called adele with the world. they have the most beautiful family together, even though their ex husbands are now dating each other (crazy, right?).  some cool kids seem to be sharing their memories, too, like this aladdin boy that lost his shit when he found out the girl he likes had TIGERS at home. rich people are CRAZY! and then velma and shaggy, a really cute couple that got famous on the internet after sharing videos with their gang while they tried to solve mysteries. 
you keep scrolling, and photos keep popping up...
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you listen to a beautiful song on the cello this italian lady, daisy, made for the woman she fell in love with. god, they’re so lucky!  one of your favorite people, fang yin, seems to be declaring her love too... turns out carmencita’s new show was like a love letter for her! they’re the most peculiar, cute couple you could ever think of.  the famous novelist, nancy wheeler, is sharing memories of her nightmare back in the 80s too... but this time, she shares the best parts of it, of the romance she shared with this wonderful and brave girl.  rhiannon shared her first photo on insta too (you guess she finally figured out how to use it... her girlfriend must have helped her!).
god, that’s a lot of internet for the morning. you put on your favorite slash song and decide to get out of bed, eat something yummy and put on your best hippie inspired outfit.  well, at least that’s what i hope you’d do! it’s your birthday, after all! it might not be the best one, and you might not really believe it, but there’s always something to celebrate. for one, these beautiful stories, that would never exist without your brilliant mind.
feliz aniversário, amiga! eu queria poder melhorar ele ativamente, ou então melhorar as coisas que podem te deixar pra baixo, mas por enquanto isso aqui é tudo que eu posso fazer. não dava pra possivelmente inserir todos nossos plots lindos nessas imagens, mas acho que deu pra entender o recado, né? é só uma demonstração boba mas honesta de como eu me sinto: as vezes eu não quero fazer nada, sentir nada, e encontro um refúgio no universo que a gente criou (e que, diga-se de passagem, é bem melhor que esse aqui). e a melhor parte é essa aqui: a gente fez isso juntas! nenhuma dessas histórias teria graça sem tuas ideias e todo amor que tu coloca nessas personagens incríveis. teu talento é imensurável e eu não consigo nem descrever o quanto me sinto sortuda de ter a senhorita como minha amiga! tu é incrível... espero que esse aniversário seja perfeito na medida do possível, é o que tu merece! te amo, coisa linda! muitos beijos!!
                                       isa 💖🌷
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No, my girlfriend is super laidback and in fact she’s always the one encouraging me to go out and try new stuff with other people.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No but that doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to do either.
How many true heartbreaks have you had in your lifetime? In a romantic sense, once. I’ve had my heart crushed in other ways as well, like when a loved one dies.
Who last grabbed your ass? It’s definitely Gab but I don’t remember when that was. It’s been a while.
Have you ever cut yourself? Yeah man, I was big on that from 2016-2017. If I remember correctly I had a short lapse last year too, which is disappointing.
Do you get a 'Good Morning' text from someone every day? Not everyday but often enough. I like them; I do feel like I need greetings like those more so these days since I haven’t gotten to see anyone other than my family for two months now.
Do you have any gay family members? I honestly think I do but my family is so secretive about everything, from family drama to who has a terminal illness to sexual orientation. I will probably be the first one to publicly come out, if everything goes right in the new few months.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? I got it from one of the independent clothing stores in Feliz. They sold all these really cute tiny halter tops for only ₱80 each ($1.60)?!?!?! which was wild so I went ahead and got like four, and one of them is what I’m wearing at the moment. I’m so desperate to be outside, or at least, feel like I’m outside, so I’ve taken to wearing the clothes I’d wear in public right at home loooool.
Do any of your friends dislike each other? Yes lmao it’s hilarious. Andrew (who’s part of the newer wave of members in our org) has never been able to win over my OG org friends – Jo, Kate, Aya – so it gets super awkward when both ~generations~ get together in org parties. Since I’m everyone’s friend I always have to divide my time between groups or tables so that I get to spend time with everyone :(
Who is your last missed call from? It was from Angela’s mom, who called on the morning of my birthday to greet me. I feel bad about missing the call but you have to know that I hate getting calls from anyone other than Gabie, so when I woke up to my phone ringing I just rolled over to the other side and let the call pass. I did thank her profusely once I was properly up though.
Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? This was me last night. As a journalism major, I felt very helpless seeing ABS-CBN get off the air at 7:47 PM and even more helpless when I saw so many people rejoicing over their shutdown, with absolutely no regard for the 11,000 employees who have just lost their jobs. Times have been hard enough in the country because of the government’s poor response to the virus, and now one of our biggest sources of news and information has also been silenced. It was enough to make me shut down last night and I just couldn’t do anything, couldn’t think properly, couldn’t even talk to my girlfriend.
Was your first kiss romantic? I’ve always thought it had been more awkward, but when we got to talking about it in the past my girlfriend apparently found it very romantic and sweet.
Do you miss any of your ex's right now? No ex.
Have you ever overdosed on anything? I have not.
What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? Look two questions above.
Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed? No one texted me before bed but I did get a text upon waking up this morning; it was Andrew. I’m guessing they saw that I deactivated all my social media last night because they texted their concern for me and told me they were gonna be there for me if I needed anyone to talk to.
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? One.
Do you know anybody whose last name is a color? Answered this in a survey but yeah, Maroon and Black.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? Ooh I dunno, I’m honestly such a goody two shoes skskksks. Does answering back to the police count? That’s the legit worst thing I imagine myself doing.
Where was your last kiss? Near my car. I was leaving Gabie’s place and she walked me to my car, and I gave her a kiss before I left.
Who was your date to Prom? My cousin. I didn’t give a shit about prom during my junior year since I was super infatuated with Gabie then, I was already seeing her, and I still had no guy friends, but because prom in my school was mandatory attendance I just pulled my favorite cousin to be with me that night.
Do you still talk to your first love? Yeah, I’m still with her to this day.
Whose wedding did you go to first? I honestly don’t remember since I was gotten as flower girl so many times as a toddler. I do have photos of being a flower girl when I was 3 and at least, that’s the oldest-documented wedding I was in. I don’t know whose it was, but it must have been a very distant relative since I only went with my paternal grandparents and absolutely no one else from my family, not even my parents lol.
When is the last time you went to the beach? Nasugbu, August 2019.
Do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? For sure. April was a fucking blur.
Are you ashamed of anyone you've dated in the past? No but my friends have always made me feel like not dating Mike was a bullet dodged. I dunno what to think of it though as I barely knew/know him.
What about anyone you've been friends with? Mostly no, since former friends were important to me at some point and to be ashamed of them is to throw away the good times we did have, but I do prefer to dissociate myself from Athenna. Her behavior has turned so rotten in college and she badmouthed Angela and made her miserable for a very long time; it’s like I have no clue who she is now. Apparently people in her school also think she’s a fucking weirdo, so that has just made me all the more confused about what’s happened to her through the years.
Have you ever made out with someone in a pool? In the sea, yes. Not in a pool since there’s always kids around.
What are you doing this weekend? Same thing I’ve been doing the last 51 days I guess: have late breakfast, take several surveys, maybe take a nap, continue my Spanish lessons, play with my dog, take more surveys, maybe meet some progress on my thesis if I feel mentally capable to work on it.
Who’s the last person that slept over your house? I think it was Gabie. I’m really the only family member that brings over someone at our place for the night haha, and it’s usually Gabie.
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone with a tongue ring? No but this did remind me of when I used to have a big crush on CM Punk, who used to have a lip ring hahahahahaha.
Is it hard for you to get over a lover? As a demi, I imagine it would be very hard as it would also be losing a best friend.
Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? I wouldn’t say that. I have a couple of close friends though.
Was your mom ever a stripper? No.
Do you regret any of the relationships you were in? A little bit. I wish my first relationship with Gabie ended months sooner than it actually did. The last few months of it were just us beating around the bush and physically avoiding it each other in school; it was a huge waste of time.
Have you ever tried making someone jealous? Yes, that’s what I did when we ^ finally broke up. By the time we broke up I had long accepted that the relationship wasn’t working and I was already doing a little fine, and I was well enough to do stuff to make her see that she was missing out. It’s high school pettiness so I’ve forgiven myself for it lol.
Would you ever get a boob job? I’ve definitely thought about it but idk. I’ll have to be rich enough to want to allot money for plastic surgery because it’s not very essential for me.
Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? Because of her.
Who is the last person you flirted with? Just my girlfriend.
Whos the most racist person you know? Probably my mom. She has said some eyeroll-worthy stuff about the Chinese throughout the lockdown and I remember she initially had a negative reaction to my cousin Joelle when she introduced us to her black fiancé. I do know she’s a bit scared of me because I wouldn’t hesitate to call her out on her racism, so thankfully her statements have lessened over the years.
Do people ever compliment your eyes? Not really. It’s not a strong suit.
Have you ever lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend? Eh, just about small stuff like lying about not being hungry.
When is the last time you saw one of your ex's? Gabie was my ex at one point I guess? I last saw her March 7th.
Who was the last person you hung out with? Also Gabie. She was the last non-family member I saw before the whole world fell apart, basically lol.
Which one of your ex's do you hate the most?
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No. I never understood why it’s a big deal for a lot of couples and I’d genuinely like to hear a good reason why. We don’t watch porn together but Gab and I would definitely watch some on our own time and it hasn’t affected our relationship or sex life at all.
Out of everyone you kissed, give me the initials of the best kisser? I’ve only kissed one person and she kisses amazingly, so GAD.
Do you regret a lot of things you did in the past? No. Just some small stuff here and there.
How many people have you kissed this year? One.
How many people has your best friend had sex with? One.
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I have technically known her since 2002, but we didn’t know each other and become friends until 2011.
Do you think one of your friends is a slut? No. One of my former acquaintances was and I’m so not saying that in a judgy way lmao she can fuck whoever she wants whenever she wants, but I don’t really talk to her anymore + she’s no longer single.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
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harryandmolly · 6 years
Ruby Woo
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Summary: A green shirt and an iconic shade of lipstick make some memories.
Warnings: NSFW, language
Word count: 2700 (oof, wtf guys)
They’ve been flirting with disaster for so long, she doesn’t remember where it started.
No one believes them when they insist they’ve never hooked up.
“C’mon, not even a kiss? One kiss?” her best friend prods when she visits and sees them together.
She shrugs, pretending not to think about the startling number of times it’s gotten close. She bites her lip as it occurs to her that given the frequency of these occasions, it’s surprising she can remember each one so vividly.
The first time, they’re both pretty lit at a bar somewhere in Santa Monica where the drinks are expensive but he’s buying so she indulges a little. He’s ignoring his social responsibilities, hunched over the counter with her so he can lean into her ear and tell his story. She’s totally overwhelmed by his presence, though, and can’t remember anything he said after “… and then he started trying to leap frog over parking meters, so I knew it was time to take him home.”
He’s… imposing to say the least. He’s broad in the shoulders that she’s brushing up against and the thighs she’s looking down at. If he’s flirting with her, he’s not doing a great job. He’s just talking animatedly with those big walnut eyes and sucking down Stella after Stella, his attention straying to pick at interesting speckles in the bar’s granite top. She’s not sure if he’s noticing the signals she’s dropping, the innocent tugging at his shirt sleeves or the playful nudge of his boot with her sandal. And then she pulls back a little to comment on something he said and she’s sure she should kiss him. But she doesn’t, and he doesn’t, so they don’t.
The seventh time is more of an event. They’re friends now, real friends that text and get coffee when he’s in town, not just friends of friends at bars and bougie West Hollywood house parties with sangria flavors written on chalkboards. He invites her and two of his guy friends to a fundraising event at someone important’s absurd Pacific Palisades beach house. She leaves work early so her friend Marshall can help temporarily tailor her Rent the Runway dress and she almost has an ankle-breaking disaster on the way into the impressively well-secured mansion, but she arrives unharmed and sparkling and he feels his heart in his throat when he looks at her.
He hopes it’s not obvious to her that he’s largely ignoring his other friends in favor of making her laugh and generally doting on her all evening. He’s also supposed to be schmoozing, which he doesn’t tell her because he doesn’t want her to feel like she’s interrupting business by being with him. They have a near miss again in the moments after sunset when she finds him staring out at the water looking pensive and with the jaw and the lips and the curls, she finds herself at his arm before she can figure out how she got there. This time, she’s the one yammering on about nothing while he’s watching her and deciding if kissing her is his best or worst idea ever. When she busts into giggles mid joke, he’s so stunned he can’t remember he was supposed to do anything but watch her enjoy herself, so he misses his moment.
Now they’re here at the same house where they met in Los Feliz and he’s wearing that fucking sage green shirt that she likes with the buttons undone to here and his curls ruffling in the breeze from the Santa Anas. They’re on the back patio surrounded by tiki torches. She didn’t expect this many people to show for Paloma and Nat’s engagement bash given how last minute it was, but she swears she hasn’t been at a party this crowded since college. She’s keeping an eye on him, clearly, and he’s doing the same.
He may be wearing the shirt, but she’s wearing the lipstick. It’s that kind of lipstick where there’s no going back – when you kiss a woman wearing that lipstick, she owns you for the rest of the night. Everyone will know and everyone will be just a little bit jealous. That lipstick has warded him off enough times, but makes her lips look so tempting that he’s a moth to a flame, continually burning just to feel her warmth.
He finds her again in the crowd between a pair of strangers clearly five minutes away from looking for the nearest closet and a very bored looking married gay couple. She’s listening in on conversations again, he can tell by the way she tilts her head and twitches those ridiculous lips at random moments. When she starts to turn her gaze toward him, he snaps his head back to his surroundings and listens to someone complain about Beyonce and Jay-Z’s latest album.
The party doesn’t empty out like she expects it to around midnight. It must be a full moon or something – most of the company here are in their 30s. She and Shawn are perhaps the only attendees under 25. What are these fuckers doing here so late? Go home to your kids, you irresponsible fucks.
She sucks back the last sip of bourbon in her glass and pouts at the rocks left melting in her hot little hands. She’d rather make something else melt. She wants the group to thin out a little so she can get him alone. Resigned to wait it out, she hunts down the roving bartender for another glass of the same.
Somehow, incredibly, another wave of partiers shows up around 1. Now she’s really annoyed. She’s fiddling with the tube of lipstick she’s kept close to all night. It’s a great color, a color so cherry red she’s sure the term was invented to name this very shade, but not at all longwearing. Plus, she feels a little old Hollywood glam by periodically sliding her compact mirror out of her pocket and slamming it shut while she purses her lips.
She’s on her third reapplication and …somewhere beyond her fourth bourbon when she catches sight of him again. He’s leaning against the stone wall of the outside of the house. She can barely see him through the throngs of people. He’s talking to someone on his left but someone on his right keeps bumping into him and there’s a couple sitting below him talking. He looks like a live action Prince Eric and she decides to analyze later why that turns her on so much. Her eyes rake him from curls to boots and she springs off her perch, smoothly uncrossing her legs to stalk him like a panther.
He doesn’t notice her arrive until she’s there with what could be perceived as a friendly hand on his solar plexus to get his attention. He drapes one cool, clammy hand over hers and smiles at her greeting.
“Hey you,” he says quietly, sure she can’t hear his voice over the DJ, the laughter and the drunk people pitching feature ideas to each other.
She doesn’t look up. Instead, she slides her hand up from under his so it’s resting over the last button that’s fastened at the center of his chest. She has to focus on not biting her lip and getting red pigment on her teeth. She’s pretty sure she dissociates a little when she turns her hand vertically and her fingers start to toy with the soft haze of chest hair he seems pretty proud to display. She feels his fingers creep up her forearm to her wrist when her hand dips inward under the shirt.
He’s quite sure he’s on fire. He doesn’t know what the hell has gotten into her but he wants to know so he can replicate this because, yes, he’s already thinking about making this happen again when it inevitably ends. With part embarrassed horror and part elated disbelief he watches as she steps forward and presses her wet open mouth on the inside of his left pec. He gasps and grabs at the ends of her hair when he feels her tongue, looking around to see how many eyes, or phones, are on him. And it is definitely a weird night because no one has even looked over at them as she’s mauling his chest amidst actual adults talking about parent teacher conferences. He looks back down at her as she retracts her reluctant lips from his skin, eyeing him warily.
His breath shakes as he lifts his free hand, because he just realizes the other is on her ass, to pull at his shirt and take stock of the damage. He wants to moan when he sees the red splotch she left him. He actually does moan a little when his eyes meet hers and she’s licking her lips and the pigment has bled out to smudge a little at the corners and below her lower lip.
“Oh my god,” he croaks.
She looks like she’s about to panic at his reaction so he grabs her by the wrist and yanks. Imposing definitely comes in handy now as he drags her, a little less gently than he would if he were sober, to the patio doors and into the low-lit house. He slams the door behind them and strides forward, lifting both his hands into his hair and facing away from her as his body heaves.
She’s working on gathering words of shameful apology when he’s turning around again and headed for her like a hurricane, knocking her against the wall behind her hips first because that’s where his hands land. She grabs at his shoulders as he thrusts his mouth into hers and it’s all tongue and teeth and relief and she could just die happy right there. But he’s got other ideas, so he begins leading her off the wall, aiming for where he’s pretty sure the laundry room was the last time he was invited to dinner and spilled pasta sauce on his white Saint Laurent tee like a dope.
She’s not sure how he finds it but they’re there and she’s formulating ideas about turning on the dryer for some added stimulation until he pulls away a little to lift her blouse over her head and gets another look at her all mussed up and fucked for him.
That’s when she gets another idea of where she’d like to see that classic MAC lipstick shade.
“Drop your pants,” she orders, pursing her lips and dropping her chin a little so her stare levels him.
He traps his swollen lower lip under his teeth and furrows his brow under the weight of his arousal. He obeys her, not noticing how the clinking of his belt buckle makes her breath catch in her throat. He drags his boxers and black skinnies down to his knees, pink cock slapping his stomach as she reaches into her back pocket. With the compact in one hand and the bullet-shaped tube of lipstick in the other, she continues staring at him as if daring him to wonder what she’s up to.
Gracefully, which is a wonder because they’re both sure she’s more bourbon than woman right now, she drops to her knees and uncaps the lipstick, pulling her eyes from his to watch herself reapply one last time for the evening.
“Oh, holy shit,” Shawn mutters when he catches on. She grins and for a flash of a second he sees the woman he recognizes in her, but just as quickly she’s gone, dropping her implements, unbuttoning his shirt and taking his dick into her hand.
He throws his head back at the much needed contact. She grips his thigh for balance with one hand and uses the other to feel him out, spreading the precum down his length and pumping him gently. He hums and alternates between letting his eyes flutter shut and looking down to watch her. She, on the other hand, doesn’t look at him at all. She’s focused on her task and he can practically see her strategizing in her head. How does she want this to go? What does she want to make him do? What does she want to make him feel?
It’s when his eyes are closed for a while that he feels the warm wetness around his tip and he moans loudly, but he’s too far gone for embarrassment now. He plants his massive hands on the dryer, wondering if his knees will give out before she even gets him all the way in her mouth.
She grasps him tightly as she pumps him in and out of her mouth, using her hand to stimulate what she can’t reach yet. She pulls back slightly to focus on the tip, thumbing down the ridge on the underside of his cock while she tightens her tongue to slide up the seam on his head. He cries out again and holds her hair away from her face so he can watch his length get covered in that wild color.
“Fucking—oh!” he gasps when she takes that steadying hand on his thigh and moves it to his balls, squeezing and rolling them in her hand experimentally.
She isn’t going for subtle here. She wants him to get off hard and fast because now that she’s started, she’s got other plans to execute and none of them involve fucking like undergrads drunk on orange juice and Malibu in their friends’ laundry room.
It’s working. Honestly, she could be kneeling between his legs without touching him, just looking up at him like she is with that color on her lips would probably be enough. He’s too polite to fuck her mouth so he pins his hips back against the dryer and listens to a combination of the lewd sucking noises and the roaring in his ears.
She can’t believe how fucking good he looks right now. He’s totally lost in it, his face expressing every feeling in his body. It’s like a game for her – if I do this with my tongue, can I make him hiss through his teeth again? If I pump him a little faster, what pet names will he call me? She’s never enjoyed a blow job this much in her life and even though part of her wants to make this last, she wants the real power, the power she gets from unraveling him like thread in her fingers. She looks up to see him staring at her, smiling a little when he sees her eyes again. That almost knocks her off-kilter. She feels so soft when he smiles at her like that.
Quickly, she refocuses and begins to hum low in her throat. Just like that, his eyes are shut and his jaw drops. He’s muttering unintelligibly and she wants to hear him louder so she clamps both hands around his hips and takes him to the back of her throat, stilling for a second to let him feel her as the tip of her nose brushes his stomach.
“Oh my god, oh my god!” he’s crying and his knees do give for just a second but he rights himself so she can continue. She does that three or four more times until he’s panting her name.
“Mmm… fuck, fuck I’m gonna come,” he announces, whimpering weakly and letting his head hang down to watch her.
He moans long and loud when it barrels through him, taking all his self-control not to fuck down her throat as she rides him out, swallowing every drop like she’s been waiting for it. She moans too at the taste of him, gasping breath against his inner thigh as they recover.
Lazily, she begins plodding more dull pink kisses up his leg until the pigment fades out altogether around the middle of his abdomen. He regains some strength and motor control, enough to help her up and kiss her more tenderly. When he starts to pull away to breathe, she holds the curls at the back of his neck to keep him in place, biting his lower lip firmly. His body relaxes in her grip and she smiles, releasing him when she’s ready.
“So…” he begins, clearing his throat.
“How did you know where the laundry room was?” she snickers, eyes glinting at him playfully.
He shakes his head and pulls her into his chest, sighing at the smell of tiki smoke and mint in her hair.
“Your place or mine?” she whispers.
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project we’re going to hell, kids
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Your fake relationship recs were so great! I was wondering if you had any friends to lovers recs? Or is that too close to the same lol? Thanks so much :)
Hey @motherof4dragons,
First of all, check out this wonderful friends to lovers fic rec list by @scout451!
I’m adding my own recs below.
Across the Ocean by @prideofportree
Kurt and Blaine never got together and they slowly drifted apart after Kurt transferred back to WMHS. 4 years later Kurt is working at Vogue.com in New York and Blaine is studying Musical Theatre in London. They email.
A Coffeeshop Narrative by @slipping-through-my-fingertips​
This was inspired by the 2009 flashback episode of season 6 when Blaine is seen at the Lima Bean handing Mercedes some sugar. What if Kurt and Blaine had met at the Lima Bean instead of Dalton?
All You Need Is Lpve by @reremouse, and its counterpart The Cowardly Blaine Finds His Nerve
Eleven conversations Kurt had and one time the words weren’t really necessary.
A World Turned Upside Down by @scrapmom2112
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since high school. Kurt has been in love with Blaine since they met. Blaine is oblivious. What happens to their relationship when Blaine drops a bombshell…he’s engaged.
Best Friends Forever by Anonymous
Fill for a prompt in the Glee Prompt Meme. Kurt and Mike are best friends and boyfriends. They decide that the boyfriend part just isn’t working out. At Kurt’s insistence, Mike and Tina start dating. Kurt and Blaine insist they are just friends, but after a bit of prodding from Mike and Tina, Kurt and Blaine start dating, too.
Blind Dates and Other Misunderstandings by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Kurt and Blaine’s parents were all friends in college and ever since Kurt and Blaine came out they’ve been trying to push them to get together because they just really want to be in-laws.
Bracketed by Kisses by reremouse
Kurt accepts that Blaine is an incurable flirt and is determined to be mature about it.  And when being mature means saving his best friend from himself, Kurt’s prepared to go once more unto the breach.
Breaking Point by @silverdragon87
Kurt’s tired of waiting around for Blaine to grow a pair and decides to go out and get some action of his own, problem is, he keeps doing it in front of Blaine and Blaine only has so much will power. 
Butterfly Wings by @hkvoyage
A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU.
coffee’s nice but do you mind if I love you by @rospeaks
Blaine likes his coffee with two shots of espresso and a heavy dose of romance.
Come a Little Closer by Bmart57 (Trigger Warning: Rape, Suicide)
Life is made up of moments. Any single moment could change the course of your life forever. Kurt doesn’t know it, but when Finn stops him from going to Dalton to spy on the Warblers, that was a defining moment for his life. Almost three years later, Kurt meets Blaine in class at NYADA. It seems like they’ve finally found each other, but the scars high school left on them may be a chasm to large to overcome.
Crazy Boys in Love by parsnips (trifles)
In which Blaine is an emotionally stunted idiot, and Kurt finally notices. 
Crossing the Line by BregoArodShadowfax
Written for a GKM prompt. Blaine and Kurt meet in college when they share a dorm room together. Both of them are hiding their sexuality, but since neither is getting any action elsewhere, they enter into a friends-with-benefits type of relationship. Eventually it goes a little too far to be just ‘bros helping bros’ and the truth has to come out. Klaine.
Emotional Advice - $2 by @lady-divine-writes
Waiting for his Saturday connection with a lot on his head, Blaine gets some advice from a sage young man on the subway platform.
Fearlessly… and Forever by @antarcticbird
Sometimes it’s so easy, you don’t even realize what is happening until it has already happened.
feliz navidad by @villiageidiot
Blaine Anderson meets his best friend when he’s in Kindergarten. He doesn’t know it yet but it’s also when he meets the love of his life.
Fireflies and Fairy Lights by @princehummel​
The Andersons, when Blaine is seven, decide to take a family trip to an isolated campground for a change of scenery, too used to living near the bustling city of Columbus. It’s the third week of July and they’re far from the only family there. While Blaine enjoys all the company, he fixates on one person in particular.
Hand Holding by @hazelandglasz
My ipod randomly played Chris Colfer’s version of “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and my brain started running like a hamster in a wheel …
he loves me (not) by @klaineanummel
Kurt was already starting to suspect that writing Blaine an anonymous love note was the stupidest idea he’d ever had. Add in Blaine walking in on him while he was writing it and, well. You get a perfect storm.
In A Car With A Beautiful Boy by @little-escapist
Blaine is always willing to help out someone in need. When Kurt Hummel, a person he’s never met before, asks for a carpooling arrangement in the company intra from his neighborhood, Blaine agrees instantly.
If he only knew how one innocent helpful act is going to change his life.
Love Is The End by @heartsmadeofbooks
After the unthinkable happens on his wedding day, Kurt Hummel has to learn how to navigate life after heartbreak. But he is not alone – his best friend, Blaine Anderson, is there to take him on a journey back to happiness and love.
My First Will Be My Last by @sir-pyllero
Kurt and Blaine were best friends through high school, best friends when Kurt moved to New York and they are still best friends when Blaine moves in with him. Apart from a few friendly kisses, things have stayed platonic between them. Until Kurt comes home one day, asks a question that turns to actions that turns to feelings that may or may not have always been there.
Rumour Has It by @chrisspiration
When Kurt has a one night stand and literally runs into someone while doing the walk of shame, the attractive stranger decides to help him out. This is the story of how Kurt and Blaine meet, become friends, and get together.
Secret Urges by @kookaburrito
Fill for the Glee Kink Meme. A fic about Dalton roommates Kurt and Blaine (starting as acquaintances but progressing through friendship to eventual relationship) who keep inadvertently walking in on each other masturbating, then a time or two when the “discovery” is intentional. Their reactions reflect the current state of their relationship, following canon timeline.
Sometimes It’s Just That Easy by @mailroomorder
He doesn’t know how it happens, but somehow Kurt ends up on the opposite side of the country for college. While there he runs into Blaine, who’s fun and happy and never around and always busy. But the closer Kurt gets to Blaine the more he likes him. He just so happens to be lucky enough that Blaine likes him back.
Stay with Me by @scatter-the-stars
Blaine has found the ideal apartment.  There’s two problems.  One, he needs a roommate to help with the rent.  Two, only married couples can live in the building.  The last thing he expects is for Kurt to step in and help him.  It turns out living with Kurt helps him realize feelings he didn’t know he had.  And sleeping with him doesn’t make things better.
The Wedding Singer by JonasGeek
Blaine Anderson, a wedding singer, and Kurt, a waiter, are both engaged, but to the wrong people. Life takes a few twists and turns, and helps them discover each other.
Wandering Around Back To You by @munchkinpandas24
From strangers to floormates to best friends, to roommates, to the closest two people can be. This is the story of two boys who found each other and never let go.
We’ll All Float On by @klemonademouth​
“We can’t help it, you two are entertaining. It’s like watching reality TV, but far more intelligent and with more sexual repression.” Wes was cradling a tub of popcorn. “Or a documentary on the mating rituals or lack thereof of gay teenagers.” Klaine.
You Got Me Singing in the Shower by @caramelcoffeeaddict
Kurt Hummel hated the communal bathrooms in his dorm. That is…until he met Blaine Anderson there.
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So I didn’t post this morning cause I wouldn’t have been able to post anything without bitterness after what happened to my city.
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Yeah right, seeing one of the most beautiful architectural building in fire deserves the exact same feeling as a rich famous man going to a costumed party, got it. The scale seems a bit broken.
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So what will be the conspiracy you’ll find behind that fire ? That seems to be your thing, a few bs are circling around rn, I’m very anxious to know which one you’ll grasp onto ... Stay far from my hometown we don’t need the compassion of mean jealous and bitter women ... (I guess I AM still a bit bitter after last night sorry)
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Mr Hudson life doesn’t turn around Darren. Just cause yours and Abs’ life does doesn’t mean that anyone else’s do ... Leave the man alone, he’s living his life, he’s with Joanna, he doesn’t need you to insult cause he has something you’ll never have, Darren in his life ... As for living at D’s home, we have seen no post in a while from the Los Feliz. A house you so gently revealed the adress of a few weeks ago. I will never let you forget how much you disrespected the man you pretend your fans of ... You can try to act in a holier than thou way ... You are stalker and your dangerous, normal people wouldn’t even have the idea to do what you did ... at least admit what you did ...
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Should I laugh or cry ? No seriously ... the drama ... over a GOT party ... it’s pathetic ...
(if the english was not so fluent, i’d bet all my money that person is Crissquare ... same invading and inappropriate vocabulary when it comes to a letter of a fan to Darren, the same familiarity like you were close people ... sorry to burst your bubble you’re not and will never be)
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Well I advise you to try new ones, the ones you have don’t work at all. you’re still an older, more bitter and jealous Regina King.
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She always was the daughter of the North king, therefore a princess ... She always was royalty, at least try to educate yourself ... 
Oh right talking without any knowledge about what you talk about was always your specialty ... my bad.
jealous much that she can hang out with Darren ?
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And if you tried to apply that to your actual patients ? (poor them, do they know their doctor is an actual conspiracist in their free time ? do they know tjeir doctor takes part in a paranoiac delirium launched by an erotomaniac middle aged woman bored and needed a bit of gay sex to set her off ?)
Imagine all they could do if they appl ythat energy to something that actually matters ... Sigh
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Gasp a woman publish a pic of her husband kissing her check on social media. SOOOOO FAKE !!! Almost every couple is really a fake couple trying too hard to prove their relationship ...
Woaw, the expert in relationships has spoken. Let’s all bow down to her superior knowledge of everything coupley ...
Yeah I know you wish you were the one being kissed o the cheek by Darren, but unfortunately you’re not and will never be.
Considering the content of your blog, you should stop yourslef from judging people for shitty behaviour, hypocrisy doesn’t become anyone.
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Tag Game
Rules: Answer questions given to you, write 11 new questions, and tag people to answer those questions!
Reglas: ¡Contesta las preguntas que se te den, escribe 11 nuevas preguntas y etiqueta a otros para que respondan esas preguntas!
I was tagged by @real-life-sucks-ass (thanks!)
I’m answering this in two languages so I can tag more people c: / Lo responderé en dos lenguajes, así puedo etiquetar a más gente c:
1) What would an evil version of you look like? Describe it or draw it. / ¿Cómo luciría una versión malvada de tí? Descríbela o dibujala
I am my own evil version. Lmao kidding. Oh boi, it took me a lot of time to get this one! I think my evil version would be as extra as me, therefore she would dress in all black and have really showy makeup (unlike me), and will be very very rude and conceited.  Lowkey I want her to have a cool hairstyle, but ceteris paribus, my hair is so straight that she would probably be trapped in the same I-cant-do-anything-with-this-hair hell.
Soy mi propia versión malvada. Lol, broma. ¡Me tomó mucho tiempo pensar en esta pregunta! Creo que mi versión malvada sería tan extra como yo, por lo tanto, se vestiría completamente de negro y tendría un maquillaje muy vistoso (a diferencia de mí), y sería muy grosera y engreída. A medias quiero que tenga un peinado genial, pero ceteris paribus, mi cabello es tan liso que probablemente quede atrapada en el mismo infierno de no-puedo-hacer-nada-con-este-cabello.
2) Share your knowledge! Teach us something weird you know :D/ Comparte tu conocimiento! Cuentanos algo extraño que sepas :D
I’m not quite sure of how unknown this fact is, but it will always shock me that the first biological weapons were corpses contaminated with the black plague catapulted into walled cities. And just to be sure I can surprise you, I’m going to tell ya that plesiosaurus and pterosaurs weren’t dinosaurs, in fact, all dinosaurs lived on the land. These species are classified due to the differences in its anatomy (especially bone structure) as big flying/swimming reptiles.
No estoy segura de cuán desconocido es este hecho, pero siempre me sorprenderá que las primeras armas biológicas fueran cadáveres contaminados con la plaga negra catapultada a las ciudades amuralladas. Y solo para asegurarme de que pueda sorprenderte, voy a decirte que los plesiosaurios y pterosaurios no eran dinosaurios, de hecho, todos los dinosaurios vivieron en la tierra. Estas especies se clasifican debido a las diferencias en su anatomía (especialmente la estructura ósea) como grandes reptiles voladores/nadadores.
3) You find a way to stop the time, as long as you want, as many times as you want. Only you can move, everything else is frozen. While it’s frozen, you don’t age. How do you use that power? / Encuentras la forma de detener el tiempo, por tanto como desees y tantas veces como lo desees. Solo tú puedes moverte, todos lo demás están congelados. Mientras [el tiempo] está congelado, no envejeces. ¿Cómo usas ese poder?
As I’m the most boring human being on this planet and also because I’m always stressed with college or wanting to write or watch a show, or paint, etc; I would probably just sit down and do as many things as possible. It would be very helpful tbh. I would also enjoy some time on my own, and maybe i would also be a little robin hood and take a few things from large commercial chains to give them to the poor. Yeah, mostly those kind of things.
Como soy el ser humano más aburrido de este planeta y también porque siempre estoy estresada con la universida,d o con ganas de escribir, o ver una serie, o pintar, etc; probablemente me sentaría a hacer tantas cosas como fuera posible. Sería muy útil tbh. También disfrutaría algo de tiempo por mi cuenta, y tal vez también sería un pequeño robin hood y tomaría algunas cosas de las grandes cadenas comerciales para entregárselas a los pobres. Sí, como ese tipo de cosas.
4) Can you cook? If so, please share a recipe with us? / ¿Puedes cocinar? Si es así, por favor comparte una receta con nosotros
I can certainly prepare a really good white rice and some pasta and salad lmao. Mmm sweet things are my speciality tbh, but I never learn the recipes from memory so… sorry.
Ciertamente puedo preparar un arroz blanco muy bueno y un poco de pasta y ensalada. Mmm cosas dulces son mi especialidad tbh, pero nunca me aprendo las recetas de la memoria así que … perdón.
5) If your life was a book, what would the first lines be like? (It can be a serious biography, a funny light book, poetry, drama, romance, or even a comics of child’s book, whatever you want!) / Si tu vida fuera un libro, ¿cómo serían las primeras líneas? (Puede ser una biografía seria, un libro divertido, poesía, drama, romance, o incluso un cómic de un libro infantil, ¡lo que quieras!)
“No one would have thought that Constanza was worthy to be a heroine, for her life is so boring that this book will make you sleep” Pfff, this is a hard one. I would probably like to have a really smart and sarcastic context, as Jane Austen always wrote; but in the case I’m blessed with being part of a fantasy book I want it to start with a fight or super badass escape.
“Nadie hubiera pensado que Constanza era digna de ser una heroína, porque su vida es tan aburrida que este libro te hará dormir” Pff, esta está dificil. Probablemente me gustaría tener un contexto muy inteligente y sarcástico, como Jane Austen siempre escribió; pero en el caso de que sea tan afortunada como para ser parte de un libro de fantasía, quiero que comience con una pelea o un escape súper rudo.
6) How’s your day so far? / ¿Cómo ha sido tu día hasta ahora?
Pretty calm, I woke up late, eat my breakfast and spend some time on my social media. I also got a comment on a fic so I’m happy c:
Muy tranquilo, me levanté tarde, desayuné y pasé un tiempo en mis redes sociales. También recibí un comentario sobre un fic así que estoy feliz
7) How many languages can you speak?
I can speak Spanish (native), English (quite fluently, but I mumble some words, working on that tho), and I started learning French (but I can only say really simple stuff).
Puedo hablar español (nativo), inglés (bastante fluidamente, pero farbullo algunas palabras, estoy trabajando en eso de todas formas), y comencé a aprender francés (pero solo puedo decir cosas realmente simples).
8) Rec us one or two good fanfics you’ve read recently! / ¡Recomiéndanos uno o dos buenos fanfics que has leído recientemente!
Ok, so. These are going to be different answers for obvious reasons. Lately I have not read so much in English and I do not know if we will coincide in fandoms but:
Rose Tinted by darkbrokenreaper is a Killing Stalking fanfic that i really like because it doesn’t romantice the uhealthy relationship between the characters, it characterizes them very well (which is especially laudable in my opinion, especially considering that there are some whose minds we still can not totally understand), the plot is really good and over all is really really well written. As a summary: Bum has amnesia and Sangwoo, after realizing that he has fallen in love, takes advantage of it pretending that they are married; from there it develops everything that Bum lives from waking until he realizes that something strange is happening, and seeks to escape.
Another fic that i liked is from Yuri on Ice, On My Love. It is so well written and full of feelings that i cant even think clearly. Just read it please, the plot is so iteresting and i literally cried twice. As a summary:Yuuri has an accident and wakes up young again, in a world where he does not know Victor (his beloved husband) and dode has not yet made a career in figure skating. Many feelings.
I actually need to catch up with both fic yet oops 
Ok. Estas van a ser respuestas diferentes por razones obvias. Últimamente he leído mucho de latin hetalia so:
Arranquemos del invierno de rantingprince me gustó mucho. Lo estaba leyendo en clases y me sentí embargada por sentimientos de nostalgia y a la vez una enorme calidad en mi pecho. Si alguna vez le ha leido dabrán que redacta muy bien y su estilo fluye y te hace flotar. Muy recomendado, no tiene un gran plot pero sí mucho sentimiento.
Seguimos dando Vueltas de Iris también muy recomendado, me la sufrí toda leyendo (ppor Martín y por Manu y por todo), pero fue tan lindo al mismo tiempo como todas las heridas fueron sanando y ambos encontraron en el otro lo que necesitaban. Claro que para entender van a tener que leerse La Mansión Prado primero, pero tbh ambos son tan tan buenos que me lo van a terminar agradeciendo.
Y ya que estoy en esto, hay versiones traducidas al español de On My Love de Yuuri on Ice, que no sé cuán buenas sean. Pero si lograron captar la mitad de la belleza de ese fic, entonces deben leerlo. En serio.
9) What do your family members and/or partner think about you being into fandoms (and writing fics or drawing fanarts if you do so)? Are they supportive? / ¿Qué piensan los miembros de tu familia y/o pareja de que estes en fandoms (y escribiendo fics o dibujando fanarts, si lo haces)? ¿Te apoyan?
My family doesn’t even now what a fandom is and they don’t know that I write fics, neither I want to tell them. I’m not sure, but they probably would not be very supportive (not for the writing part but for writing about gay otps). Also, I’m single af lol.
Mi familia ni siquiera sabe qué es un fandom y no saben que yo escribo fics, ni tampoco quiero contarles. No estoy segura, pero probablemente no me brindarán mucho apoyo (no por la parte de escribir, sino porque escribo sobre gays). Y soy super soltera lol.
10) Your top 3 fav characters ever? / ¿Tus 3  personajes favoritos de la vida?
After a long time of reflection I have decided that my fave of all time is Fitz Chivalry Farseer from The Farseer Trilogy because he is so useless but at the same time he tries so hard, and I suffer so much each time I read him to the point that I already feel that he is a part of me now (but I’m always changing of mind tho, since The Fool is so bold and sarcastic, and every time he opens his mouth I can not stop smiling, it’s really hard to choose between these two).
My second is Merlin from BBC Merlin. He is such a cinammon roll and his smile is so beautiful and he always tries to hep people and also he is so sarcastic too. If I was not so emotionally engaged with Fitz after reading so many pages of him, Merlin would be my number one. And honestly he is my number one of all the tv shows I’ve seen. I love him.
Finally, I’m going to choose Wonder Woman both as my favorite female character and favorite superhero (I’m sorry spidey, you are my second tho, and I still love you). I literally cried on every single fight scene because I felt really empowered and after watching it I wanted to kick some asses tbh. To this day I still smile when I remember the movie. And she is so strong and smart and kind, it is impossible to not love her.
Ugh, I left so many of my faves outside. This was hard.
Después de un largo tiempo de reflexión, he decidido que mi favorito de todos los tiempos es Trapié Hidalgo Vatídico de la Trilogía de Vatídico porque es tan inútil, pero al mismo tiempo se esfuerza tanto, y yo sufro demasiado cada vez que lo leo, al punto que ya siento que él es parte de mí ahora (pero siempre estoy cambiando de opinión, porque Bufón es tan atrevido y sarcástico, y cada vez que abre la boca no puedo parar de sonreir, es realmente difícil elegir entre estos dos).
Mi segundo es Merlin de BBC Merlin. Es un cinammon roll, y su sonrisa es tan hermosa, y siempre trata de ayudar a la gente, y también es tan sarcástico. Si no estuviera tan emocionalmente comprometida con Fitz después de leer tantas páginas de él, Merlín sería mi número uno. Y, sinceramente, él es mi número uno de todos los programas de televisión que he visto. Me encanta.
Finalmente, voy a elegir a la Mujer Maravilla como mi personaje femenino favorito y superhéroe favorito (lo siento spidey, tú eres mi segundo de todos modos, y aún te amo). Literalmente lloré en cada escena de pelea porque me sentí realmente empoderada y después de verla quise patear algunos traseros tbh. Hasta el día de hoy todavía sonrío cuando recuerdo la película. Y ella es tan fuerte, inteligente y amable que es imposible no amarla.
Ugh, dejé a muchos de mis favoritos afuera. Esto fue dificil.
11) Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself / Cuéntanos 3 datos divertidos sobre ti
-I have a little mole under my right eye that I find cute / Tengo un pequeño lunar bajo mi ojo derecho que encuentro lindo.
-I’m really into women’s political issues and I want to work on that area / Realmente me interesan las cuestiones políticas de las mujeres y quiero trabajar en esa área.
-I used to be blonde, now I’m brunette / Solía ser rubia, ahora tengo el pelo castaño.
And now I’m tagging: @a-pair-of-iris, @leochamposa, @coloresfrios, @bluebirdinatree, @pico-sour, @lemonmilk1, @im-a-boat, @veektahr @mardeleste y @dinosauria–anacleta
To answer these questions / Para responder estas preguntas: 
1) What is your favorite song and why? (You can choose 2 if it is too hard to only pick one) / ¿Cuál es tu canción favorita y por qué? (Puede elegir 2 si es demasiado difícil elegir solo una)
2) If you had the ability to enter the universe of any story, which one would you choose and why? (You can choose anything: video games, books, comics, movies, etc) / Si tuvieras la capacidad de entrar al universo de alguna historia, ¿cuál elegirías y por qué? (Puedes escoger cualquier cosa: videojuegos, libros, comics, películas, etc)
3) Tell me, what are your top 3 favorite things about yourself / Dime, ¿cuáles son tus 3 cosas favoritas de ti?
4) If you could make a wish without any limits, what would it be? / Si pudieras pedir un deseo sin ningún límite, ¿cuál seria?
5) What would you do if the zombie apocalypse started right now? What is your plan? / ¿Qué harías si el apocalipsis zombie iniciara ahora mismo? ¿Cuál es tu plan?
6) What is your favorite historical time and why? / ¿Cuál es tu época histórica favorita y por qué?
7) What would be your ideal future life? / ¿Cuál sería tu vida futura ideal?
8) Your top 5 writers evers and why? (can be both books and fanfics) / ¿Tus 5 escritorxs favoritos de la vida, y por qué? (pueden ser tanto libros como fanfics)
9) Best 2017 memory? / ¿Mejor recuerdo de 2017?
10) Do you have any oc? If so, would you like to tell me a little bit about them? If not, tell me a little about your favorite character ever and why you like them! / ¿Tienes algún oc? Si es así, ¿te gustaría contarme un poco sobre ellos? Si no, cuéntame un poco sobre tu personaje favorito y por qué te gusta!
11) If you could be a magical creature, what would you choose to be and why? How would you look? / Si pudieras ser una criatura mágica, ¿cuál escogerías ser y por qué? ¿Cómo lucirías?
Por supuesto pueden decidir no hacerlo! No hay ninguna obligación (: Espero que se diviertan~
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adalberht · 4 years
Tumblr media
Yellow: Sunlight 💛🌞 I believe it's true when they say we are beings of light, and just like the sunlight it's always there, even when it gets cloudy or dark, our light is always there too, even during those dark emotions or feelings. . During this great awakening and times of change where many realize we can no longer trust external authority figures, we need more than ever to access our inner light to gain discernment so we can trust our own abilities to sense what is happening around us and how we can best respond. . Many forces try to dim our light and keep us in the dark, they don't like to see us shine. But we mustn't let this external factors to prevent us from shining, because that glow is what brightness our path as we awaken and shift towards a new consciousness. . Happy pride month! 🌈 . . . . . Amarillo: luz del sol 💛🌞 Creo que es cierto cuando dicen que somos seres de luz, y al igual que la luz del sol siempre está ahí, incluso cuando se nubla o oscurece, nuestra luz también está siempre ahí, incluso durante esas emociones o sentimientos oscuros. . Durante este gran despertar y tiempos de cambio, donde muchos se dan cuenta de que ya no podemos confiar en las figuras externas de autoridad, necesitamos más que nunca acceder a nuestra luz interior para obtener discernimiento y poder confiar en nuestras propias habilidades para sentir lo que está sucediendo a nuestro alrededor y cómo responder de la mejor manera. . Muchas fuerzas intentan atenuar nuestra luz y mantenernos en la oscuridad, no les gusta vernos brillar. Pero no debemos permitir que estos factores externos nos impidan brillar, porque ese resplandor es lo que ilumina nuestro camino a medida que nos despertamos y movemos hacia una nueva conciencia. . ¡Feliz mes de la diversidad! 🌈 . . . . . . #virtualprideparade #pridemonth2020 #pridemonth #pride #gaypride #lgtbq #gay #queer #loveislove #sunflowers #rainbow #greatawakening #prideforeveryone #prideparade #shinebright #universallove #rainbowflag #gayflag #yellow #sunlight #energy #sunflower #shine #sun #loveislove (at Gay Pride) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcWtW8DucQ/?igshid=1l6jl5az69pty
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saturnsovereign · 8 years
all except 15, 29, 62, and 102
holy shit, ok
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?my gf
2. Are you outgoing or shy?i’m shy, but if you put me in a group and everyone is shy, i’m outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?My gf and my friends :)
4. Are you easy to get along with?I mean, I’d like to think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Yes, I trust her :)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?idk it kinda just happens? But like, I have to have some sort of trust with that person first
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?Hopefully my gf doesn’t get tired of my ass
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?my brother bc his hair makes him look like a rooster
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?No, bruhs I’m pretty chill with most things people tell me
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?my gf
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?it was gay and i cried
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?I’m Still StandingAmsterdamHallelujahSleeping at LastWhat dreams are made of
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?ye, but like… only my gf?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?I mean, I believe in bad luck bc I’m unlucky and miracles bc my gf likes me
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yes
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?I mean, it’s possible, but like lightyears so we might only see their amoeba stage or some shit
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Nah, I unfriended that mofo on fb a long time ago.
20. Do you like your neighbors?I don’t even know who my neighbors are :/
21. What are you bad habits?Procrastinating, not remembering shit
22. Where would you like to travel?Anywhere as long as it’s interesting
23. Do you have trust issues?Like, I give my friends a basic level of trust and everyone else just varies. I’m not saying I have issues, but I’m just more reluctant really
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?exfoliating while in the shower
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?Thighs
26. What do you do when you wake up?I jump up and go take a shit
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Maybe a bit lighter so i can get a decent fucking foundation tone
28. Who are you most comfortable around?My gf
30. Do you ever want to get married?Hopefully
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?Proudly
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Katie McGrath and (dear god idk who else)
33. Spell your name with your chin.feeoli9ce… yooooooooo
34. Do you play sports? What sports?No.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?First crush
37. What do you say during awkward silences?“So… how have you been?”
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?My gf
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?OH OH Barnes and Noble and Michaels
40. What do you want to do after high school?Something in the medical field? Idk I just wanna help people
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Yes
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m angry or I’m sad
43. Do you smile at strangers?ye
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?OUTER SPACE I WANNA DEFY GRAVITY
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Panic and colorguard (and excitement that i get to see my gf in the morning)
46. What are you paranoid about?Everybody secretly hates me
47. Have you ever been high?Nope
48. Have you ever been drunk?Nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Um… like we hope certain people don’t out me and my gf if thats what you mean
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?dark grey
51. Ever wished you were someone else?sorta
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?idk like I wish I had been a bit more outgoing as a kid
53. Favourite makeup brand?Don’t have one really
54. Favourite store?Didn’t I just answ… Barnes and Nobles
55. Favourite blog?my gf’s?
56. Favourite colour?PURPLE
57. Favourite food?WAFFLES AND CHICKEN
58. Last thing you ate?chicken
59. First thing you ate this morning?choco dino pebbles cereal
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I was the fastest runner in elementary if that helps?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?no
62. Been arrested? For what?technically
63. Ever been in love?… just scroll through my blog, if you find something tagged #otp and #banana bread, then yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?It was at a sleepover and we were sharing a sleeping bag. And idk, we kissed when everybody else was asleep
65. Are you hungry right now?thirsty
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I barely have any tumblr friends and they’re mostly people i know in real life
67. Facebook or Twitter?facebook
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?no… OH SHIT LUCIFER IS BACK ON
70. Names of your bestfriends?Bella (Unfortuante), Kyra, and then my Nebraska dorks
71. Craving something? What?cuddles
72. What colour are your towels?white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?I JUST UPGRADED TO 4 SUCK IT BITCHES
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?no they’re all in brentwood :’(
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?10?
75. Favourite animal?It’s a tie between puppies and porcupines
76. What colour is your underwear?grey
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Rocky road
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?idk its kinda teal
80. What colour pants?white with red polka dots… they’re pajama pants
81. Favourite tv show?I’ll keep it short and say supergirl for now
82. Favourite movie?Treasure Planet?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Janis
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Those turtle dudes
87. First person you talked to today?Mother
88. Last person you talked to today?My gf
89. Name a person you hate?not really hate but more dislike SS
90. Name a person you love?my gf
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?  anybody giving my gf a hard time
92. In a fight with someone?idk if i’m still fighting SS
93. How many sweatpants do you have?none
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?a lot
95. Last movie you watched?Sing
96. Favourite actress?Katie McGrath
97. Favourite actor?idk?
98. Do you tan a lot?Naturally bc I’m Filipino
99. Have any pets?I got a rat terrier chihuahua that likes to fite
100. How are you feeling?I’m calm and ok
101. Do you type fast?I mean a bit faster than average, but not that fast
103. Can you spell well?For the most part?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?My Nebraska dorks and my first friend in CA
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Er… if you call a fire in the backyard of my gf’s house bonfire then yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?yeah :/
107. Have you ever been on a horse?I sat on one
108. What should you be doing?sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now?The world is kinda shitty sometimes
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?yeah
111. Do you have trust issues?… i’m pretty sure i just answered this
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?my gf
113. What was your childhood nickname?Feliz Navidad
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yes
115. Do you play the Wii?Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?No
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Ye
118. Do you like Chinese food?Yup
119. Favourite book?Um… idk, can it be a series? Like there was this one series “The Dark is Rising”
120. Are you afraid of the dark?If I’m by myself in a strange place then yes
121. Are you mean?heh a lil bit
122. Is cheating ever okay?No
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Not really?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Crush at first sight
125. Do you believe in true love?ye
126. Are you currently bored?not really
127. What makes you happy?heh. the 4 P’s. Puppies, potatoes, puns, and heh
128. Would you change your name?If I get married yes
129. What your zodiac sign?Cap(ricorn)tain America
130. Do you like subway?ye lets go build a sandwhich yo!
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I’m sorry but how?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?My gf probably
133. Favourite lyrics right now?I have Defying Gravity stuck in my head
134. Can you count to one million?no, i’d lose motivation by 50
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I thought you were eating a banana
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?I like them closed
137. How tall are you?5’2”
138. Curly or Straight hair?doesn’t matter
139. Brunette or Blonde?doesn’t matter
140. Summer or Winter?Winter
141. Night or Day?Night
142. Favourite month?um… i don’t have one…
143. Are you a vegetarian?No, I refuse to miss the beauty that is medium rare prime-rib steak
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Milk chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee?Coffee
146. Was today a good day?kinda?
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote?“One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?they make me gay
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line“…object of some interest in the eyes of his…”
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
The Curse Of The Barista
There’s no way it would happen for a fourth time.
                             It would be hilarious. Insane, but hilarious.
                                                                     Nah, it’s totally his year.
“In fourth place… froooom Caballero Coffee in Los Angeles, California, Ralph Snider!”
Ralph forced a smile that pushed his eyelids into a squint, hiding disappointment and bewilderment. He followed it with a shrug and an even more forced chuckle before collecting his trophy and struggling to pay attention for the rest of the awards ceremony. Attention shifted for the most part to the top three but scattered coffee professionals in the freezing convention center stared at Ralph in amazement. For the fourth year in a row, he had rather frustratingly placed fourth in the United States Barista Championship. Four for four… for fourth.
Having given up on his initial dream of teaching philosophy at the collegiate level, today Ralph was a known quantity in the specialty coffee industry. Indeed, his presentations at the often inaccessible barista competitions struck a balance between professorial and comforting. He was a storyteller. He was driven by the desire to tell the story of coffee to anyone who would listen, whether through engaging competition routines or some well-favorited Instagram posts of his bi-annual origin trips.
When he wasn’t serving espressos, cappuccinos, and signature beverages to judges, Ralph shone as the dedicated head trainer for Caballero Coffee in the trendy Los Feliz neighborhood of LA. Just a year out of his program at UCLA, he’d had some misgivings about starting his coffee career in a neighborhood he thought was a little suspect, but seven years in, he felt that Caballero had really lifted the neighborhood up and inspired even more quality food and beverage spots to establish themselves. There were now two equally good pho spots for lunch.
Caballero was a respected coffee roaster, though some vocal Twitter users frequently dragged the operation for its predominantly white male staff, which contrasted its myriad Latin American design influences. Ralph was open to ongoing dialogue about what the industry could do better but was greatly encouraged by the company’s recent hire of a woman of color, who he had no doubt would eventually graduate from cashier to barista.
As Ralph prepared for his seventh coffee competition season, he felt certain that he was contributing positively to his community but craved the ultimate recognition for his hard work more than he let on to his peers. Surely he wouldn’t be stuck in this perpetual cycle of fourth place for the rest of his career?
“Being up on that stage with five people who inspire me to strive for excellence is the great honor of my life,” he had told Bean Teen Magazine in an interview after his most recent fourth ranking. “But of course, I’d like to, sort of, y’know… take it to the next level.”
While working a rare bar shift at the roastery to cover for a sick barista, Ralph was so distracted by his determination to find the one element that would tip the scale in his favor in competition, that he failed to notice a paper cup that sat sideways on top of the espresso machine for a full minute.
“Anita,” Ralph said with a smile. “You know, it’s supposed to be cups up for milk beverages and cups down for americanos, right? I mean, I think it’s fun to put your mark on the place by putting a cup sideways, but it’s a little clunky for service if I don’t know what you mean by it.”
Without moving her head, Anita shifted her eyes to the espresso machine and then quickly back to the Chemex she was attending to. “Didn’t put that up there. We haven’t had a customer in the last five minutes.”
Ralph shrugged, grabbed the cup, and threw it into the compost heap, but then saw that the cup had writing on it. He took the cup back out and brushed off some ground coffee and bits of zucchini muffin to read a message neatly written in black marker:
“Fourth place again this year… OR DEAD LAST?!?!”
Ralph was confused, if not a little unnerved by this hostile message. He was quite certain that the specialty coffee community deeply respected him. Who would taunt him like this when he had worked so hard and been so congenial with coffee professionals the world over? Was some jealous barista trying to get the best of him and shame him into giving up on competition? What had been a strong desire to prove himself quickly turned into an angry determination to prove the anonymous cup-writer wrong. He crushed the cup in his hand, thinking to himself, “First place this year, asshole,” as he threw it back into the compost.
After closing the shop for the evening, Ralph’s rage for the cruel cup message made him angry at just about everything. Anita had left early to attend a night class, leaving him all alone to attend to closing duties he hadn’t performed since his last bar shift a year and a half prior. As much as he thought it was the admirable thing to do to put himself in the floor worker’s shoes every once in a while, he thought Anita might have showed a little more dedication and initiative, especially if she wanted to work her way up in coffee. On top of that, a customer had spilled simple syrup on the floor by the condiment bar hours before without saying anything and the sticky mess was taking forever to clean up.
He worked in silence after the Fleet Foxes album he had barely been listening to ended. As he walked to retrieve the mop and finish cleaning, he heard a crisp whisper echo from the slightly ajar door that led to the roastery.
Surely this was his seething mind tricking him when he was ready to leave his frustrations behind for the evening…
Ralph was nervous at first but quickly resolved that he would teach this spineless asshole a lesson. Writings on a cup? Creepy whispering? Not today. Ralph stomped back to the roastery and flung the door open, ready to give his tormentor an earful, but was immediately struck by how dark it was in the roastery. The tall windows had somehow mostly been blacked out, save for a dim light from outside that shone on a patch of floor, where loose green and roasted coffee spelled out the message,
As Ralph finally started worrying about his safety, bright lights flooded the roastery and he turned in all directions looking for the menace. It took only a few seconds to discover a man with a weaselly face and barely any neck glaring at him while perched atop a large stack of green coffee bags. Ralph instantly recognized him as a truly annoying figure from his past. The man had spent all of his spare time hanging around Los Angeles coffee shops for hours telling any barista he could trap behind the counter about all of the coffees he had tasted that week and complaining that very few coffee professionals actually knew how to pull a great shot of espresso. But that was years ago. The guy had totally vanished. He hadn’t seen this man in… four years.
“It’s finally starting to make sense, isn’t it,” the man hissed.
“But,” Ralph started in disbelief, “how did you…”
“Make sure you’d come in fourth place every time?”
Ralph felt ill but curious as to how this man could’ve pulled off such a consistent sabotage.
“Look away for a few seconds,” the man started, “and you’ll be surprised at how easily your competition coffee could be switched out after your prep time. Not to something terrible. Wouldn’t want you to be suspicious of always coming in last. Just close enough that you would flub on a few flavor calls and always wonder if you just weren’t good enough to take it all the way.”
“But… why?” Ralph asked softly, stunned that someone could despise him so much.
“You’re too self-absorbed to even remember HUMILIATING ME??” the man wailed. “I tell you about the most amazing coffee I’ve had in my life and you very LOUDLY and CLEARLY tell me and everyone else in the cafe that it’s not “gay-shuh”, it’s “gehhhhhhhhhhshuhhhhhhhh”. I couldn’t be seen in another coffee shop after that! You’ve gotten what you deserved for long enough. If you won’t do the honorable thing, and end your mediocre career, I’m going to have to end it for you.”
Good god, had this strange man really spent years lurking in convention centers, committed to ensuring that Ralph was merely a very good competitive barista? And why was he clutching a spouted portafilter like that?
“Look, I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention to make you feel bad, ummm…” Ralph struggled to remember his name.
“Thurston! As I told you countless times, MY NAME IS THURSTON.”
Thurston lunged at Ralph with the portafilter over his head and before Ralph could fully grasp what Thurston intended to do with the bludgeoning instrument, he jumped out of the way just in time for Thurston to lose his balance and jam his hand inside a retail coffee bag sealer. Ralph looked away but shuddered hearing Thurston howl as the hot sealer closed on his thin hand, burning his skin and crushing his fragile fingers. But after the initial howl, Thurston immediately returned to glaring at Ralph and wouldn’t take his eyes off of him even as he was arrested and being taken in for booking.
Almost being murdered by a vengeful customer might have made other coffee professionals take a moment to rethink commitment to competition, but Ralph quickly became more determined than ever. It all made so much more sense now. He was better than he had imagined the entire time. He actually made coffee just as well if not better than those who had placed ahead of him for years. He truly was meant to be the person to tell the world the story of coffee. Standing with the others in the final six that year, he knew that with Thurston out of the way, this was his time.
“In sixth place…”
This is my year. Those judges were all smiles the whole time.
“…from Court Place Coffee in Austin, Texas, John Seles!”
I know those tech scores were perfect.
“In fifth place…”
That natty Gesha I just served them was literal bomb-ass shit.
“…from Elderflower Espresso in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rita Washington!”
But wait… did those capps really taste like Nilla Wafers?
“In fourth place…”
Eric J. Grimm (@ericjgrimm) writes about pop culture and coffee for Sprudge Media Network, and lives in Manhattan. Read more Eric J. Grimm on Sprudge.
The post The Curse Of The Barista appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2JnyQiY
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epchapman89 · 6 years
The Curse Of The Barista
There’s no way it would happen for a fourth time.
                             It would be hilarious. Insane, but hilarious.
                                                                     Nah, it’s totally his year.
“In fourth place… froooom Caballero Coffee in Los Angeles, California, Ralph Snider!”
Ralph forced a smile that pushed his eyelids into a squint, hiding disappointment and bewilderment. He followed it with a shrug and an even more forced chuckle before collecting his trophy and struggling to pay attention for the rest of the awards ceremony. Attention shifted for the most part to the top three but scattered coffee professionals in the freezing convention center stared at Ralph in amazement. For the fourth year in a row, he had rather frustratingly placed fourth in the United States Barista Championship. Four for four… for fourth.
Having given up on his initial dream of teaching philosophy at the collegiate level, today Ralph was a known quantity in the specialty coffee industry. Indeed, his presentations at the often inaccessible barista competitions struck a balance between professorial and comforting. He was a storyteller. He was driven by the desire to tell the story of coffee to anyone who would listen, whether through engaging competition routines or some well-favorited Instagram posts of his bi-annual origin trips.
When he wasn’t serving espressos, cappuccinos, and signature beverages to judges, Ralph shone as the dedicated head trainer for Caballero Coffee in the trendy Los Feliz neighborhood of LA. Just a year out of his program at UCLA, he’d had some misgivings about starting his coffee career in a neighborhood he thought was a little suspect, but seven years in, he felt that Caballero had really lifted the neighborhood up and inspired even more quality food and beverage spots to establish themselves. There were now two equally good pho spots for lunch.
Caballero was a respected coffee roaster, though some vocal Twitter users frequently dragged the operation for its predominantly white male staff, which contrasted its myriad Latin American design influences. Ralph was open to ongoing dialogue about what the industry could do better but was greatly encouraged by the company’s recent hire of a woman of color, who he had no doubt would eventually graduate from cashier to barista.
As Ralph prepared for his seventh coffee competition season, he felt certain that he was contributing positively to his community but craved the ultimate recognition for his hard work more than he let on to his peers. Surely he wouldn’t be stuck in this perpetual cycle of fourth place for the rest of his career?
“Being up on that stage with five people who inspire me to strive for excellence is the great honor of my life,” he had told Bean Teen Magazine in an interview after his most recent fourth ranking. “But of course, I’d like to, sort of, y’know… take it to the next level.”
While working a rare bar shift at the roastery to cover for a sick barista, Ralph was so distracted by his determination to find the one element that would tip the scale in his favor in competition, that he failed to notice a paper cup that sat sideways on top of the espresso machine for a full minute.
“Anita,” Ralph said with a smile. “You know, it’s supposed to be cups up for milk beverages and cups down for americanos, right? I mean, I think it’s fun to put your mark on the place by putting a cup sideways, but it’s a little clunky for service if I don’t know what you mean by it.”
Without moving her head, Anita shifted her eyes to the espresso machine and then quickly back to the Chemex she was attending to. “Didn’t put that up there. We haven’t had a customer in the last five minutes.”
Ralph shrugged, grabbed the cup, and threw it into the compost heap, but then saw that the cup had writing on it. He took the cup back out and brushed off some ground coffee and bits of zucchini muffin to read a message neatly written in black marker:
“Fourth place again this year… OR DEAD LAST?!?!”
Ralph was confused, if not a little unnerved by this hostile message. He was quite certain that the specialty coffee community deeply respected him. Who would taunt him like this when he had worked so hard and been so congenial with coffee professionals the world over? Was some jealous barista trying to get the best of him and shame him into giving up on competition? What had been a strong desire to prove himself quickly turned into an angry determination to prove the anonymous cup-writer wrong. He crushed the cup in his hand, thinking to himself, “First place this year, asshole,” as he threw it back into the compost.
After closing the shop for the evening, Ralph’s rage for the cruel cup message made him angry at just about everything. Anita had left early to attend a night class, leaving him all alone to attend to closing duties he hadn’t performed since his last bar shift a year and a half prior. As much as he thought it was the admirable thing to do to put himself in the floor worker’s shoes every once in a while, he thought Anita might have showed a little more dedication and initiative, especially if she wanted to work her way up in coffee. On top of that, a customer had spilled simple syrup on the floor by the condiment bar hours before without saying anything and the sticky mess was taking forever to clean up.
He worked in silence after the Fleet Foxes album he had barely been listening to ended. As he walked to retrieve the mop and finish cleaning, he heard a crisp whisper echo from the slightly ajar door that led to the roastery.
Surely this was his seething mind tricking him when he was ready to leave his frustrations behind for the evening…
Ralph was nervous at first but quickly resolved that he would teach this spineless asshole a lesson. Writings on a cup? Creepy whispering? Not today. Ralph stomped back to the roastery and flung the door open, ready to give his tormentor an earful, but was immediately struck by how dark it was in the roastery. The tall windows had somehow mostly been blacked out, save for a dim light from outside that shone on a patch of floor, where loose green and roasted coffee spelled out the message,
As Ralph finally started worrying about his safety, bright lights flooded the roastery and he turned in all directions looking for the menace. It took only a few seconds to discover a man with a weaselly face and barely any neck glaring at him while perched atop a large stack of green coffee bags. Ralph instantly recognized him as a truly annoying figure from his past. The man had spent all of his spare time hanging around Los Angeles coffee shops for hours telling any barista he could trap behind the counter about all of the coffees he had tasted that week and complaining that very few coffee professionals actually knew how to pull a great shot of espresso. But that was years ago. The guy had totally vanished. He hadn’t seen this man in… four years.
“It’s finally starting to make sense, isn’t it,” the man hissed.
“But,” Ralph started in disbelief, “how did you…”
“Make sure you’d come in fourth place every time?”
Ralph felt ill but curious as to how this man could’ve pulled off such a consistent sabotage.
“Look away for a few seconds,” the man started, “and you’ll be surprised at how easily your competition coffee could be switched out after your prep time. Not to something terrible. Wouldn’t want you to be suspicious of always coming in last. Just close enough that you would flub on a few flavor calls and always wonder if you just weren’t good enough to take it all the way.”
“But… why?” Ralph asked softly, stunned that someone could despise him so much.
“You’re too self-absorbed to even remember HUMILIATING ME??” the man wailed. “I tell you about the most amazing coffee I’ve had in my life and you very LOUDLY and CLEARLY tell me and everyone else in the cafe that it’s not “gay-shuh”, it’s “gehhhhhhhhhhshuhhhhhhhh”. I couldn’t be seen in another coffee shop after that! You’ve gotten what you deserved for long enough. If you won’t do the honorable thing, and end your mediocre career, I’m going to have to end it for you.”
Good god, had this strange man really spent years lurking in convention centers, committed to ensuring that Ralph was merely a very good competitive barista? And why was he clutching a spouted portafilter like that?
“Look, I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention to make you feel bad, ummm…” Ralph struggled to remember his name.
“Thurston! As I told you countless times, MY NAME IS THURSTON.”
Thurston lunged at Ralph with the portafilter over his head and before Ralph could fully grasp what Thurston intended to do with the bludgeoning instrument, he jumped out of the way just in time for Thurston to lose his balance and jam his hand inside a retail coffee bag sealer. Ralph looked away but shuddered hearing Thurston howl as the hot sealer closed on his thin hand, burning his skin and crushing his fragile fingers. But after the initial howl, Thurston immediately returned to glaring at Ralph and wouldn’t take his eyes off of him even as he was arrested and being taken in for booking.
Almost being murdered by a vengeful customer might have made other coffee professionals take a moment to rethink commitment to competition, but Ralph quickly became more determined than ever. It all made so much more sense now. He was better than he had imagined the entire time. He actually made coffee just as well if not better than those who had placed ahead of him for years. He truly was meant to be the person to tell the world the story of coffee. Standing with the others in the final six that year, he knew that with Thurston out of the way, this was his time.
“In sixth place…”
This is my year. Those judges were all smiles the whole time.
“…from Court Place Coffee in Austin, Texas, John Seles!”
I know those tech scores were perfect.
“In fifth place…”
That natty Gesha I just served them was literal bomb-ass shit.
“…from Elderflower Espresso in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rita Washington!”
But wait… did those capps really taste like Nilla Wafers?
“In fourth place…”
Eric J. Grimm (@ericjgrimm) writes about pop culture and coffee for Sprudge Media Network, and lives in Manhattan. Read more Eric J. Grimm on Sprudge.
The post The Curse Of The Barista appeared first on Sprudge.
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