Naw, she was spittin
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hussyknee · 2 years
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smartypantsshow · 19 days
The white people on TV having been lying to us the whole time!
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Dear fellow white people: Get over this fucked up idea that having a fascist/quasi-fascist phase is a normal and healthy part of a person's personal journey. It shouldn't ever be normalized, and it sure as hell isn't healthy.
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Them: "White people don't have a culture!"
Me: Oh yeah? Observe 👇
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timaeuslover001 · 6 months
colonization wasn't started by the europeans in the 1500s.
so stop trying to demonize Europe and America for what they have don't that MANY cultures around the world have already done.
and yes using the term "colonizer" is a racial slur and stop suing it.
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thetraumatrain · 10 months
Blue eyed samurai: whiteness is a curse and white people are demons
Me: (a white person) fuck yes
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superdaisypowerhour · 1 month
The difference between laios and falin is that you could absolutely control falin by giving her cheese. Laios wouldn’t fall for it though.
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hussyknee · 9 months
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Once I stopped wheezing, I went looking for what inspired this tweet. Apparently anyone consistently ripping into Biden and telling anyone why he's trash is "voter suppression". Liberals have all lost their goddamn minds.
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Juneteenth is not the Fourth of July. Keep your white shenanigans over there. Just cuz it’s a national holiday doesn’t change it’s original meaning. If you not Black, especially if you never knew what it was in the first place, it is not for you. That’s not even a hill to die on cuz it should be common sense but here come y’all snow possums and nonblack ppl thinking something’s funny. This isn’t a “what about us” moment for y’all. This is to celebrate the freedom Black Americans. Those from Texas specifically cuz slave owners thought they were slick and didn’t tell they’re slaves they were free until messengers came a whole 2 years after the civil war. Be freaking fr and show some respect.
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michellezagenda · 2 months
one of my biggest pet peeves about white activists, TRA be gay do crimes queers is how they try to dismiss people of color who oppose their views. They try to make us feel like we’re just trying to be picked by white people despite being white suburban upper class wannabe oppressed victims themselves. They don’t realize that their views are all based around whiteness. if they actually talked to POC especially WOC they would know that most of us find their opinions to be regressive, racist and privileged. I need them to stop speaking on us like their entire movement isn’t just low effort white nonsense.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 4 months
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Also, slaves were usually bought secondhand from other Africans. Dahomey based their entire economy on “harvesting” slaves.
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And we have the classic “bbbbut Atlantic slavery was WORSE than the other slavery!” This wasn’t the only genius, either.
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“When the comic said ‘the slave trade’, it actually meant the Atlantic slave trade, specifically, not the many, many other slave trades. I honestly think White people created the Atlantic slave trade, and don’t realize Europeans just used an existing system.”
It’s kind of funny how these people only care about details and nuance* when it’s convenient.
* Which weren’t even in the comic, and still wouldn’t actually prove it right.
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Whiteness is such a weird concept. To me, you are white if you are of European heritage. Weirdly enough, that's controversial.
Let me ask you a question: are Turkish people white? Do you have your answer? No matter the answer, to someone it is clearly wrong.
Let's talk about being white-passing. Do you know Darren Barnet, who played Paxton-Hall Yoshida in Never Have I Ever? Let's talk about him. He is Japanese, Cherokee, and German. What do you think he looks like? Here's an image.
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Do you think that people harass him in the streets for being a brown person? Probably not. He passes for white. Is he white? Clearly not, as stated above.
What about Olivia Rodrigo? She's Filipino, but she looks very white.
This is a dilemma many mixed-race people such as myself face. People don't believe us when we say we are brown, because we look white. But when people find out we are brown, we aren't white anymore. When people find out, we can be harassed, or be victims of racist attacks.
You are probably thinking: but you aren't brown, you're Jewish! You are probably a goy. Jewish people are native to the Middle East. This is a fact, that has been proven over and over again by genetic testing. If you think that Jews are white, or Judaism isn't an ethnicity, think about how Jewish people were murdered in the holocaust for not being white. Secular Jews, and Christian Jews, were murdered in the holocaust because they were ethnically Jewish. Do you want to say Jews are white or we aren't an ethnicity? Have fun in your holocaust denial. Here are images of Jews.
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Go on. Tell me those people are white. I dare you. Now remember these people, and think of all the different colors of brown people you have seen. Think of Lin Manuel Miranda. He's brown, isn't he? He could also pass for white.
Whiteness is a social construct that is fundamentally flawed. White passing privilege is not the same as white privilege. Ethnicity as a concept is flawed. Everyone will look different, no matter their ethnicity. We can acknowledge that people have an easier time with lighter skin and not shame brown people for having lighter skin. Watch the Black-ish episode on colorism. I watched it when I was young.
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fatmagic · 5 months
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