Every time I hear the fucking Morenatsu title screen music I feel so fucking lonely.
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
I guess the thing that makes me not so fond of Jon's addiction allegory is that it's only coherent to a certain extent? Like I think people sometimes forget that he's actively violating these people
anon, through no fault of your own you have accidentally hit upon my sleeper agent trigger phrase. I have layers of answers to this.
so first off, yeah, it's not a 1:1 direct metaphor, it's a soupy dream logic fantasy plot device with flavors of a lot of different things. there's quite a lot of addiction in there, there's some abuse of power, there's some cyclical nature of trauma, there's a dash of disability, there's a few notes of gendered violence, there's a good bit of just. violence violence and being kind of a motherfucker because goddammit it feels good to be an active agent about something in your life, even if it's just choosing to be a worse version of yourself than you strictly need to be. a lot of tma's worldbuilding is very allegorical, but apart from aspects of individual statements nothing really matches up quite 1:1 with a real world counterpart, and if more things did then it probably wouldn't be a fantasy show anymore.
secondly. okay to contextualize this answer a little bit I have a kind of hypothetical video essay project about vampirism and addiction that I like to spend a few hours thinking about every so often but am almost certainly never going to make because the full research burden required is a lot higher than I actually have the time to properly do. but because of that I've spent a lot of time sorting through why framing vampires as addicts really works for me in a way that it doesn't seem to for everyone, and I think a lot of my thoughts on that also apply to jon. there's going to be a bit of a detour here before we get back to talking about tma, but we'll get there, I prommy.
I've seen a lot of people take issue with various paranormal addiction allegories because, a lot of the time, the act that is meant to metaphorically represent the act of use itself is something that is directly and inherently harmful to others, e.g. drinking human blood, handing over power to your hedonistic Evil alter ego, holding the cursed amulet and going crazy going stupid, slurping trauma out of the head of some guy you ran into on a boat to norway, etc., and yeah, I do get that. substance use is not inherently harmful like that to anyone except sometimes the user themself, and addicts are not inherently fucked up and destructive people; those are dangerous stereotypes that often lead to the demonizing of a whole group of sick people.
here's the thing for me, though: those are definitely truths I want explored and represented when it comes to portrayals of non-allegorical actual addicts, but fantasy fiction isn't for showing the world as it is, it's for showing a subjective fun house mirror version of reality where certain aspects are minimized and magnified depending on how it feels to live through it. and yes, absolutely in real life drug use is not an inherently evil act and it does not make you an inherently evil person, but... doesn't it kind of feel like that? sort of? absolutely no one is living their best life nor on their best behavior while experiencing any kind of major mental illness episode, and when it comes to addiction you've got a very clear tangible symbol of when The Episode is happening that it feels like you have much more control over than when it comes to other illnesses. it's also a thing where people are a lot more likely to be openly angry and distrustful of you if they find out it's happening. so you mix together the ideas of "I know I get worse as a result of doing this one specific thing" + "I act less like myself when I'm using, it rearranges my priorities and I care less about hurting people because that's what happens when you're experiencing The Horrors" + "society at large/people directly around me are pretty quick to say that doing this is evil," and you get the subjective emotional result of "I hurt people by using and it makes me monstrous." I tend to respond to those kinds of paranormal allegories like they're just cutting out the middle man of those subjective fears. "using makes me monstrous" -> "using is monstrous."
anyway. jon archivist.
don't get me wrong, I totally understand if this aspect of metaphor doesn't gel for some people and they only like taking it exactly as far as the text explicitly makes them, but I really get a lot out of reading jon's connection to the fears as addiction precisely because he does genuinely awful things to people as a result of it. he's a person in a very bad physical and mental place with little to no support who is constantly being told by both allies and enemies that he's already a monster just by being alive, and he copes with that by secretly falling further and further into an compulsive act of consumption that skews his priorities and makes him care less about hurting people because at least sometimes getting to be the cause of pain makes him feel a little bit less powerless when he has to be the subject of pain the rest of the time. then he's found out and is made to stop, and he has to grapple not just with the physical toll of withdrawal but with knowing there is a not insignificant part of him that will excuse any act of malice if he knows he'll feel better afterwards.
the end of tma is very explicit in the fact that the rules of its world are shaped by the subjective worst fears of those who live in it, it's "an exercise in unreliably reality" as jonny sims put it once, and I think that principle extends backwards in some ways to apply to the rest of the show. I don't think the fact that there are only entities of fear and not hope or love is meant to be a full commentary on the total nature of the real world, it's a reflection of what fear and suffering can make the world feel like. eric and melanie both go to really harsh extremes to extricate themselves from the fears and live peaceful lives, and in both cases something happens that foils their plans (getting murdered + the apocalypse, respectively), but I don't think the intended message is to say that is definitively how real life works, they are metaphors for the limits of individual agency in larger systems and represent two types of worst-case-scenarios. similarly, I don't think reading jon as an addict implies that addiction inherently involves violence or that the reactions of those around him were completely unjustified, it's just a subjective exploration of the kinds of fears that can come with addiction dialed up to 100.
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oneshlut · 11 months
Overjoyed (Dr. Flug x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Dr. Flug crushing and confessing headcanons
VERY rarely experiences love. This is very new to him, so he will NOT recognize it the first few months he has a crush
Will think of you as a really close friend! At least, he thinks so. He may get a bit more insecure because he thinks you're a better person than him
If you treat him like a normal person and like.. don't bully him??-- He will get attached. I don't think he's recieved affection in a hot minute
You, overall as a person, fascinate him. How can someone be so kind, smart, witty, good-looking (in a totally platonic way), AND care for him? Part of him thinks you're not real. Don't worry, he just hasn't experienced love that often to know what admiration is
He doesn't understand why he gets so nervous around you. He's not scared of you at all, not like he is around Blackhat--you were, in fact, the opposite of him. So why was he getting all fidgety and jumpy around you? It didn't make sense how he could feel so comfortable around a person, yet still feel so anxious all the while
Over time, he becomes a bit protective over you without really knowing it. He'll push you out of his lab when he's doing a dangerous experiment, or will give you the easiest job on missions (besides 5.0.5.'s). He tries to refrain himself from acting this way sometimes, he doesn't want you to feel like you're incompetent in any way--all his intention was to keep you safe! And now he's spiraling because he doesn't know why he feels so protective over you
Sometimes you'll compliment him, and he feels as if Blackhat himself just told him he did a great job on a mission. Except, this time his heart was beating faster, his palms were more sweaty than usual, it felt stuffy inside his mask, and-- ..Goddammit, why is he getting so nervous again?? He then realizes he hasn't responded to you yet, and mutters a small 'thank you' that made him sound a lot less confident he wished he could've sounded
Eventually, he got sick of it. He needed to find out what the hell was going on. So imagine his mini panic attack when he googles 'why is my heart beating so fast', and Google tells him his heart is failing
It's not like he doesn't know what love is, no, far from it. He's seen his average romcoms (and hated them), he knows what love should be like. Hell, he knows the entire chemical formula for the damn feeling. He was just never able to understand what others felt when they said they were 'in love'. Until now.
For him, it was unbelievably weird to have his heart race for someone that wasn't out of fear. Honestly, he.. liked the feeling. If it weren't for how he reacted to it.
Dr. Flug wasn't this nervous around you before. Normally, not at all. When you hung out at his lab, he would ramble on and on about his inventions, only checking in every few minutes to make sure you weren't getting bored of him or anything. But now, knowing his feelings for you, he feels horribly nervous around you. This affects every little thing he does, and he hates it.
When you hang out with Flug now, he realizes how truly lucky he is for you to even do more than just glance over him. Him? Why him? Why not spend your time with anyone else..?
Then he realizes you actually care about him. His existence. He isn't.. invisible to you. And suddenly he's over the moon.
Right--about the way Flug acts around you. Every conversation you have with him suddenly has this weird air around it. You could tell he was more nervous than.. well, usual, but whenever you asked he just waved it off as some upcoming mission or invention he still had to work on. You'd normally decide not to dwell on it too much.
On his end, he thought he was doing everything horribly wrong in front of you. "Catch you on the flip side"??? When has he ever said something like that?! Not to mention his stammering practically increased by 5 times its normal amount, as he was fumbling over most words in every single sentence he dared mutter around you. If he wasn't talking, he was tripping over his untied shoelaces (he almost always had them tied, god, what happened to his schedule-?) or spilling some important chemical all over his workspace.
Overall, he was more fidgety than normal, and he hated it. It made him want to tear his bag out. Why couldn't he just be normal around you? Now he's just worse than he ever was. All his attempts of impressing you were down the drain at this point. But at least he hasn't completely drawn you away--I mean, you still liked hanging out with him! At least, he thinks you like spending time with him.. Part of him is still just the slightest bit insecure.
His worry for you has increased when you go on missions with him now. Part of him wants to just keep you in the hat ship so you don't get involved in something messy, but he knows that would be unfair for you. Flug just worries about you getting hurt, is all. He tries to focus on you a bit more during missions to make sure you're doing alright, but sometimes this just causes him to fuck up even more in front of you. Way to go, Flug. He suddenly feels as if his engineering and villainy PhDs didn't really do that much for him in the long run.
As we all know, Dr. Flug is far from someone to act on feelings. He acts on his logic, most of the time at least. With this in mind, he is the last person you'd think of as someone who would confess their feelings to someone. In all honesty, even if he did muster up the courage to try, he would pass out on the spot. So, he just tries to wait it out until this crush subsides. Spoiler alert: it doesn't!
Right, right--so, since he probably won't ever come clean about his feelings to you, you'll probably eventually just have to confess yourself. Unless Flug slips up one day and accidentally says he loves you in one of his long-winded rambles, in which would make a very awkward situation.
Under the circumstances that you do confess to him first, he.. well, Flug won't believe you at first. You've probably just gotten yourself mixed in with one of Demencia's pranks. A bit cruel, but nothing he couldn't handle. He will have to talk to Demencia later though, she's been getting on his nerves lately.. And besides, the whole spiel of you actually liking him, caring for him, and wanting to be with him? Yeah, okay.
So he laughs. And then he realizes you're serious. Oh. You're serious.. Oh.
Ohhhhhh crap. Okay! So you like him. It was.. It didn't feel real. But it was. And now that same feeling came back to him, the one where he feels his hands getting sweatier, his bag getting stuffier, and.. a new symptom. His legs turned flimsy, and could now just barely hold his body. He leaned onto his desk for support. If only he could see how red his bag was at the time.
And yes, you were able to calm him down, but even as the day progressed, Flug still couldn't swallow the situation. He laid in his bed unmoving, still, and.. awake. He couldn't get his mind off of anything that had happened that afternoon. He's probably pinched himself at least 6 times now, making sure he wasn't just dreaming or anything. After the 7th pinch.. yep, he wasn't.
Eventually, this surprise faded away into another new emotion.
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
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Alrighty, here we are again
previously, in harrowcita the ninth:
this happened
currently, after ch. 2 (once again, I wanted to read more but realized these notes were too long):
first off, I need to point out something very important
reading the first part of gideon, this was how the dynamic of her and harrow felt like, from gideon's pv in the first chapter or two
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this is what it actually was like, now that I have harrow's pv
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so, now that we've cleared that up, let me tell you about the emperor
I don't know about this guy
something's not adding up for me
I feel like he's either lying, telling half-truths that benefit him or he doesn't know what he's doing
and none of those options are very god-tier
he's also constantly going like "harrow, I'm gonna let you choose" and five minutes later he's "oh, actually, you never had a choice to begin with, I'm so sorry about that"
I don't think you're sorry if you've done it like 3 times since we've met you
maybe say what you actually mean, unless you're full of lies
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he takes harrow on a walk through the clown death star ship he's got going on
and takes her to his coffin hangar
shows her coffins of the people he made to send to the ninth
the new ninth people
aiglamene is gonna have to work overtime
(I can't believe I've never forgotten her name)
and then there's coffins for all the little friends we made in canaan house
:) ♥
except there are a bunch missing people
let me just note the info we got
the second says "no human remains inside"
last we saw them, martita was KO and judith was bleeding to death
nobody from the third as well, and we already have suspicions about wtf is happening with these parsley and cilantro twins
from the sixth, one is empty because CAMILLA ISN'T DEAD GODDAMMIT
the other one has little pieces of palmolive in it
me picking up the pieces of palmolive from the decor of canaan house
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there is one coffin for not!dulcinea
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the emperor guy says he's taking her with the other lyctors
as long as he flushes afterwards, it's fine
we are, by the way, trying very hard to not mention gideon ever, apparently
just wanna point out real quick that THERE'S A LOT OF PEOPLE UNACCOUNTED FOR and this guy is GOD so he's doing a terrible job
or he's not saying all he knows
or both
all this time, ice cube barbie is tagging along
ice cube barbie is harrow's babadook, which I stan tbh
since she's here to stay, let me show you another pic of that doll because it's my favorite from the haunted beauty collection
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so, the emperor starts telling harrow what they're fighting against (or escaping from) and where they came from
this man explains what he wants and leaves out what he wants
at one point, when harrow asks something like "how will you explain all the dead people?" he goes like
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he asks harrow about death and the process of it and she says, at one point:
"In cases of apopneumatic shock, where death is sudden and violent, the energy burst can be sufficient to countermand osmotic pressure and leave the soul temporarily isolated. Whence we gain the ghost, and the revenant."
this is important for the later conversation about revenant beasts, which are the things that the emperor is having trouble with
but I highlighted it because I am adding it to my notes of "reasons why gideon could be not dead forever"
I am holding on to all the hope I can get
because if sudden violent death can leave the soul temporarily isolated and not do the due process of transitioning to the river or whatnot
and gideon isn't within harrow or whatever
maybe she's somewhere else
I don't know, let me have this, don't tell me anything, just
so yeah, basically the story is that the emperor is running away from nine revenant beasts, which were created during the resurrection, when a planet was blasted off
nine beasts like nine houses
there's three left now
I don't know about all of this, you guys
I don't have enough context and I don't trust this guy here
how do I know where we stand in all this?
what if he's not the good guy and what he did was some planetary bullshit to begin with?
what if the other side is the good guys?
what if he's killed by one of our heroes? like harrow or gideon or camilla?
because he's actually a false god jerk?
what if I kill him????
and then we have two last important things
first, barbie ice cube speaks now
love that for her
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then, very crucial
the non-gideon mentioning seems to be a Thing
I don't know if I'm understanding correctly but
the emperor mentions ortus
ortus, the one we knew, our old pal from the ninth
and I got the feeling, idk if I got it, that he just assumed ortus was the cavalier she had with her
because 1) he didn't go down there and 2) no body was recovered
and then harrow also mentions ortus, but she says he "died thinking it was the only gift he was capable of giving" and that she "wasted it" and idk if she did that because she's blocking sad memories, she's confused because she's Not Doing Great Mentally Right Now, she doesn't wanna tell the emperor what actually happened, or all three
there's stuff about ortus I don't know, but that sounds to me more like what gideon said than what ortus "Got Blown To Bits With Mom In Ship" did
and then the emperor says his name again with suspicion and I'm like
I think this clown doesn't know
I think he doesn't know about gideon
I think he doesn't know about gideon or who gideon actually is
which we don't know yet either but it's probably important
because she's hercules, as previously established
I think maybe gideon is an outlier
an important planetary outlier
I have hopes
also, another day without camilla
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god (not this one) I hope I can make shorter recaps but there's so much happening, I'm so sorry
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lightofraye · 1 month
Wales Comic Con (Part One)
Honestly, so much has happened, I don't know if I'll ever be able to capture it in its entirety. I know, a 50-minute panel and just a ton of photos, shouldn't be that hard to cover, right? You'd be surprised.
It's taking second and third looks at the photos. Finding tweets, posts, etc, by fans about the event. Listening to the panel alone will take days. Especially as there's making sure we understand what was said, who said it, and so on.
Then there were the surprising post-panel photos that we didn't see until later. Such as the Ackles stopping by the Sheppard's place in England before the Ackles split up and heading to their respective destinations.
Jensen went alone to Austin to likely rest up and prepare for an intense time at the convention. Danneel went to do whatever the hell she does, while I'm sure the kids went with the nanny back to Connecticut.
First impressions?
Jensen looked stressed. Tired. The tension was painfully obvious, though he tried at times with some fans, judging from the photos I've managed to see and find. There was one known wildly inappropriate moment with a fan for a photo shoot and I could not believe that they tried to ask Jensen to do this.
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He is not your fucking monkey to pose and dance and sing as you like, goddammit.
And for everyone who claimed to be a fan, I saw way too many completely missing all the signs of exhaustion, stress, and strain. I mean...
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His jaw is so tense it's completely changed the shape of his face. That smile isn't genuine, and more like a clenched jaw situation.
But sure. He's doing great. (Did you hear the sarcasm in that?)
Danneel also just does not look great. Layers and layers of makeup, to the point where you can't even see her skin texture (which is normal, by the way!). Also, why was she wearing a turtleneck and long coat and everything when it was warm as hell, according to followers who lived in the UK region? Yes, yes, Jensen wore long sleeves on Saturday, but it looked thin and lighter compared to what Danneel wore.
Also: Danneel... honey? The 80s called, they want their shoulder pads back.
Not even the group photo with the panel changed much. (Though, hilariously, a number of people thought Samantha Smith was younger than Danneel and that Danneel was in her 50s.)
Nor did the trip at the Sheppard's. Jensen still had that tension. Even Sarah had this... odd placement of her hand on Danneel's shoulder, as if twitching in discomfort.
Only once Jensen was at the airport and the two fan photos surfaced, did I see a bit of relaxation. It's still too obvious in between his brows, though. I hope some real rest, peace, and his true friend, Jared, will he be able to relax.
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lunar-system · 20 days
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uh-oh, if it isn't me getting warm and fuzzy feelings towards a pocket sized fatherly figure of a streaming service
it was the "are YOU okay? I don't care about the equipment" after he kicked the camera man during the fucking wenis dance, which, sure was scripted but the first time it happened it really got to my feels
and something about how they all feel so safe with each other that they do insane things on camera and be evil to each other and know that they all love each other throughout
maybe it's just that I love seeing people love each other? sam reich kinda models me how to love? i'm being sappy. it's tv comedy! made for a streaming service!! it shouldn't be about love! and it really gets to me, how the players are in conflict with him and then we get to see them get out of it with love, despite despite despite all that happened. obviously they would not show real conflict, and it's all consensual, but still, the players feel real feelings when sam "torments" them. And they all pull through and hug each other at the end credits or chase him or get it out of their system one way or another
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yeah. sam's genuine warmth just gets to me. and the trust and the respect and the caring. all of it. i see pink heart emojis when i see this man.
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(i am also famously weak for any man who is short and sam is just two cm taller than me but that's beside the point)
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Watched the first Paw Patrol movie with my dad, this time entirely in Brazilian dub (first time I watched was entirely in English), in the early hours past midnight today. Have the best of his reactions. Honestly, most were the same as mine when I watched the movie for the first time too, so let's go XD
"How did he SEE that tiny turtle up ahead???? Oh geez, there goes the bridge."
"I decree this trucker as the only sane person in the entire movie and the movie didn't even start for real yet." "Dad, he spilled his ice tea or whatever was that on himself." "It was the road's fault." "........ Ok you got a point."
"Lary, pause." "They look cute sleeping, right?" "They look like us after we eat. Post-dish depression." (It's our personal pun with "post-birth depression") "Tag yourself, I'm Marshall." "I'm Chase. Your brother is... What's this one's name again?" "Zuma? LMFAO YES HE IS"
"When did he have time to get this thing built?" "Who knows. I always joke that he's out there spawning stuff at will." "Are his parents like millionaire or something?" "No one knows about his parents or family, not even the official website gives any info on that." "HOW DOES HE PAY FOR ALL THIS--" *Cue Skye asking the same thing and Ryder responding* *Dad chokes on nothing and I have to pause so he can cough it out and drink some water*
"Oh fuck. He's-- He's lighting up all the fireworks." *Stops what he was doing in the living room to pay full attention* "THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD."
"Sure, block the roads to launch the cars. This is so HotWheels. They have THEIR OWN LANE."
"Isn't-- Isn't Chase their POLICE dog?" "Yeah" "Chase why are you ALLOWING this, how many traffic laws did they JUST BREAK"
"Sweet Jesus, don't mess with Marshall. He's got a mean cannon and he's LOVING it."
"Wait, Liberty's a street dog?" "Yup" "I thought she had an owner. So she's like one of those lovely strays who make friends with just about everyone they cross paths with." "YUP"
"... What the actual fuck is wrong with Humdinger?" *Shrugs* "He shouldn't be allowed to run for elections on anything."
"Oh no, Chase froze. Looks like those panic attacks you used to have." "........ You remember those too, huh" "Yeah. You made me freeze a lot too. I didn't know what to do with you so I'd freeze like that too." "Oh."
"There goes Marshall saving the day again. I see why you like him too." "He's cute." "I like his fire truck. Are you going to buy his toy too?" "You bet it." "Nice. As you should."
"Okay now I'm afraid of Liberty." "Why?" "Did you see how sure she was about her bait plan?" "Yeah?" "SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE TIME OF HER LIFE MESSING UP WITH HUMDINGER I'M CALLING IT"
*Liberty calls Delores a toilet brush* "OUCH THAT WAS BRUTAL I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW"
"Literal prison BREAK. Nice." *Thumbs up to the TV*
"Aw that was cute. Ryder is a good boy."
"That thing is sucking way too many clouds."
"Omg she's so excited HER FACE IS SO CUTE! Repeat this entire scene please."
"Why is her number 22?" "Ryder numbers the vehicles, not the pups." "So they have 21 vehicles before hers." "Yup." "How many are there?" "Last I checked, last one was an Aircraft Carrier ship, number 25." "Wow."
"Did-- Did Zuma just BREAK his-- Oh, it's a boat too. Two-in-one. Ryder DOES really think of everything, huh?"
"Okay that was nice, I thought we wouldn't get to see Zuma doing anything in this entire movie at all." "Aquatic rescue dog in the big city, right?" "Yeah it's not exactly his natural habitat." "I feel him." "... I forgot you were a beach kid." "In my heart I still am."
"PULL THE LEVER, KRONK!!!!!" *Hysterical laughter* "OKAY HE DESERVED THAT."
"Chase KNOWS how to drift-- MOTORCYCLE???-- DRIVING UP THE WALL???????" *Slowly clapping for the entire scene*
"Is he afraid of heights? He didn't seem to be when he rescued the trucker and I see him doing a lot of stuff in the show." "I think it's not the height itself, it's mostly the panic remembering the times he failed at these tasks." "Trauma, then." "Yeah."
"Is he gonna-- Yup. Spirit jump. Of course." (For reference, the leap of faith scene from the movie "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron")
"Okay now I'm afraid of Skye too-- Did the clouds just went POOF." "Yeah they did." "Damn, we just had such a badass scene, it killed the badassery."
"Ouch the helicopter-- DAMMIT ROCKY AHAHAHAHAHA"
"Awwww Liberty! That's my girl. Nice." "That's literally the name of the song that was playing when she was riding her new scooter for the first time." "Perfection. So she officially joined the team?" "Yeah I didn't get there yet but she's in the show after the movie came out too." "Did they do that because there was only one female pup in the show?" "Actually there's Everest too, that Husky Siberian! But she doesn't live with Ryder and his pups, she was adopted by the guy who lives in the mountain. In the main team, yeah, it's only Skye." "Still too few girls, they need more." "Tell me about it..."
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ninadove · 4 months
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
May 24th
And we’re back, thank goodness!!! I’ve been so worried about my good friend Jonathan! I can’t wait to hear how he outsmarted the Count and made it out safely and —
Letter, Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray.
But hey, it’s the girls! I love the girls! Let’s see if they’ve been building any castles in the air recently.
My dear, it never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are. Here am I, who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day! Isn't it awful!
This is my idea of a nightmare actually. But!!! More points for the poly theory!!!
I feel sorry, really and truly sorry, for two of the poor fellows.
Nevermind, they didn’t pass the vibe check. (Or did they?)
You and I, Mina dear, who are engaged and are going to settle down soon soberly into old married women, can despise vanity.
Cottagecore sapphics anyone? 💖
I told you of him, Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead. He was very cool outwardly, but was nervous all the same. He had evidently been schooling himself as to all sorts of little things, and remembered them; but he almost managed to sit down on his silk hat, which men don't generally do when they are cool, and then when he wanted to appear at ease he kept playing with a lancet in a way that made me nearly scream.
Wasn’t he supposed to be the cool unaffected one? Maybe Lucy just has this effect on people.
He was going to tell me how unhappy he would be if I did not care for him, but when he saw me cry he said that he was a brute and would not add to my present trouble. […] And then, Mina, I felt a sort of duty to tell him that there was some one. I only told him that much, and then he stood up, and he looked very strong and very grave as he took both my hands in his and said he hoped I would be happy, and that if I ever wanted a friend I must count him one of my best.
GOOD!!!!! I LIKE HIM!!!!!
Well, my dear, number Two came after lunch. He is such a nice fellow, an American from Texas —
[Miraculous flashabacks] DON’T —
I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me.
Normal Things To Tell Your Bestie, 99th edition
Mr. Quincey P. Morris found me alone. It seems that a man always does find a girl alone. No, he doesn't, for Arthur tried twice to make a chance, and I helping him all I could; I am not ashamed to say it now.
I must tell you beforehand that Mr. Morris doesn't always speak slang—that is to say, he never does so to strangers or before them, for he is really well educated and has exquisite manners—but he found out that it amused me to hear him talk American slang, and whenever I was present, and there was no one to be shocked, he said such funny things. […]
'Miss Lucy, I know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of your little shoes, but I guess if you wait till you find a man that is you will go join them seven young women with the lamps when you quit. Won't you just hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?'
OK BUT THIS IS LITERALLY SO SWEET he personalised it and even made fun of himself to diffuse the tension 🥺
And then, my dear, before I could say a word he began pouring out a perfect torrent of love-making, laying his very heart and soul at my feet. He looked so earnest over it that I shall never again think that a man must be playful always, and never earnest, because he is merry at times.
I burst into tears—I am afraid, my dear, you will think this a very sloppy letter in more ways than one—
Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?
'If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow. My dear, I'm going to have a pretty lonely walk between this and Kingdom Come. Won't you give me one kiss? It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then. You can, you know, if you like, for that other good fellow—he must be a good fellow, my dear, and a fine fellow, or you could not love him—hasn't spoken yet.' That quite won me, Mina, for it was brave and sweet of him, and noble, too, to a rival—wasn't it?—and he so sad; so I leant over and kissed him.
Honestly? Mood. I am utterly charmed by this cowboy.
Now number 3 has to be something.
P.S.—Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
OK OK I am willing to accept that the strength of your feelings can’t be transcribed into words. But still.
In conclusion: these are Lucy’s three boyfriends, and yes, they eat garlic bread. 🧄🥖
(Also the contrast with Dracula’s roommates did not go unnoticed)
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
Spoilers for Lesson 14 of NB
Goddammit, Game. Getting me all heated then sad... You can't do this shit to me.
Real talk? Want to know why I hate Solomon? Actually? Legitimately? There isn't a character in the game that makes me feel as patronized and talked down to as this bloody sorcerer.
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NO. Don't give me that, "Don't worry your pretty little head" shit! That is a legitimate concern and you should have told MC about it from the start! And I haven't forgotten about him lying about Nightbringer or the shitty way that he tried to pressure MC into helping with his cause, either.
Solomon goes on and on about how surprising and gifted MC is, but when it comes to his own goals or things he deems "too big" he REFUSES to actually sit down and talk to MC about it like they're a damn adult! He keeps things hidden out of sight or only presents one part of the narrative because he knows they might push back if they have an actual conversation about it. It's exactly what Lucifer does to his brothers and we know how that ends up!
Yeah, yeah I get it. He's got a sad backstory now and I feel just as bad for him as everybody else. But if at some point in NB, MC doesn't snap and confront him about just how much he never tells them about, I'm going to blow.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
I just got into the Percy Jackson series, so here is a collection of my actual thought process while reading the first book that I bothered to write down. So, spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief under the cut. I guess.
EDIT: part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Aww, Percy. Neurodivergent rep, I am fed
Is Mr. Brunner Dionysus? I think Dionysus is a major character in this series. But then what’s the wheelchair for? And Dionysus in mythology doesn’t have a beard like that. Oh! What if he’s actually Hephaestus? That would explain the wheelchair and the bearded old man look.
Is that tree on the property line the Olive Tree from the founding of Athens myth? Because Percy is the son of Poseidon?
Percy’s dream has got to be some kind of foreshadowing about Poseidon and Zeus fighting each other. Zeus would be the bird because he’s a sky god, and Poseidon would be the horse because in a really really old myth, Poseidon turned himself into a horse to chase down Demeter. Also, the voice from underground egging them on is definitely Hades, because god of the underworld and all that
Also goddammit, Hades is the villain?? Why????? Goddammit, not again…
Mrs. Dodds was definitely a fury, but she’s called a Kindly One. Wonder what that’s about
There’s some Thing about characters dissolving when they die. Wonder what that’s about
Oh shit. I was wrong. Brunner is Chiron. Interesting. Now the whole teacher thing makes sense
Wow, Dionysus is an asshole in this one. He’s more like his older Orphic version than the newer, modern Dionysus I’m familiar with
Everyone is so in love with Luke it's embarrassing
I just adore how casually neurodivergent Percy is. All the jokey references to Dyslexia and ADHD, I just—I love it so much. And I love that it actually is dyslexia and ADHD. And that apparently all the half-bloods are dyslexic and ADHD too. We love to see it.
Oh my God, I love all of these children so much.
I find it amusing that Hermes named the activation password for his magic shoes after his mother
I wonder what Persephone's like
Grover's gonna be the friend to betray Percy, isn't he? He better fucking not be. I love him. If Grover's the Traitor MHA-style, I'm gonna riot
One difference between Harry Potter and Percy Jackson (the characters) is that Harry marvels at every new instance of magic. But after Percy learns about the magic system, he just stops giving a shit. Once he learns that magic is real, he is surprised by absolutely nothing and does not question the irrelevant stuff, like Annabeth's invisibility hat, or how the fuck a ballpoint pen can turn into a sword.
Percy is such a sassy, sarcastic little shit and I love him so fucking much.
"Isn't that a kind of anteater?" I love this child
*Percy wondering what all the mirrors are for in the Tunnel of Love*
Me: "It's gotta be a kink thing."
*While Ares and Aphrodite were smooching with each other they could look at their favorite person: themselves*
Me: "Called it."
Wait……. Is the traitor Luke????? He's like the only other "friend" Percy has
Thank God Hades isn't the bad guy
Aw, I wanted to see Persephone. Don't worry, Percy, I'm disappointed too
You know what, from now on, anytime a protagonist has to live with an abusive parent figure, the only resolution I will accept is turning that bitch to stone and selling him on the black market.
Thank God Percy can have a nice, stable home life with his mom in between rounds of risking his life.
I'm so on-board with Percabeth, and this friend group as a whole
Thank God the characters in this book have a fucking brain. Percy's an impulsive little chaos gremlin, but he's not an idiot.
I'm kind of curious to see what the shipping side of the Percy Jackson fandom looks like, cuz Percabeth is great, and I'm pretty sure that's the main canon pairing, so I'm curious….
Honestly, I can't wait for Percy and Annabeth to start dating. I'm so excited to see what their relationship will be like in a romantic context
I love this book and I want more immediately.
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Spiderman Society and Manipulation Part 2
Horrible Copy Mechanism and the Responsibilities you put in your own shoulders
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Part 1
Oh boy this is going to be interesting for sure.
While I was writing the first part I originally wasn't thinking of writing this section at the beginning, I thought considering the situation it was better to focus in how the lower rankings and people in need are put between a rock and a hard place, and in the cultish characteristics it has.
But then I realized is not just that is a horrible copy mechanism that they are more or less using as a crutch, it also involves why Miguel is convinced over this, and also the responsibility that still comes with it.
WARNING: The following chat will have talks about trauma, recovery, and accountability. It will also include mentions of real religious manipulation and cultish behaviours.
If you think any of this could be triggering, please consider skipping this one.
But before we address the sad reality that is enforcing canon by the eldest/higher up members of this society, let me address something that I didn't mention last time.
Part of the reason all of this is bad is because Canon is fake, this theory falls apart by the seams, and this makes the society more like a cult exactly for this reason!
Here is the long version of why I say this so firmly.
But because I don't want to sent people to do homework, here is the cliff notes version:
Canon Event ASM-90 cannot be happening at this moment, because Spot IS an anomaly. Also, Miguel said himself that canon event ASM-90 is when a captain dies in a battle between the spider-person and a nemesis, but Spot isn't Pavitr's nemesis, and Miguel himself said that Spot shouldn't had happened and is another anomaly like Miles, so why Captain Singh should had died at that moment?
The black matter that supposedly is happening because Miles broke canon? Was happening BEFORE we saw the captain. The alchemax building is breaking down, and has a dark matter absorbing it, which gets bigger and bigger as we see our heroes descend, and then in the same spot the building felt, now there is a black hole! Coincidence? Doubtful.
Miles's universe didn't fell because he became a spider-man, even if by being an "anomaly" you should expect to cause some sort of reaction, right? Further more, he blames Miles and Co for the hole in the multi-verse, but this is ignoring the fact the spot not only was the one to transport the spider, he has MULTIPLE of them. But Miles's universe has no reaction to any of this somehow? And the only issues it had was because of the collider messing up?
Look dear reader, I feel the fact that Pavitr's example doesn't fit the bill by Miguel's own words, and Miles's case in ITSV has jackshit to do with being anomaly; is safe to say this isn't about canon. Is about what is happening.
Because Miguel, Peter, Jess and the rest are so blinded by this idea of canon on Spider-man, they can't notice an incongruity as they are explaining it to you.
You guys know what this means? This means that instead of learning what is actually going on with Pavitr's universe (probably more related to physics than spider-man in itself.) They are wasting time and resources in preserving a mythos that so far feels more like trying to fit a pattern and mix destiny with physics somehow.
So the question is...how come is that they don't see it? Why they believe in this well?
Here is the interesting part about the "Canon is part of every spider-man story,." While is a horrible thing to say to people just starting that need to deal with the fact that they will lose love ones and suffer great hardships because of their work, for those who are over? Oh this is great news.
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(I swear while looking at this I had a flashback of "G-d's time is perfect" and "Everything happens for a reason," after having a personal hardship. Goddammit this really falls in the steps to a cult way too much.)
Okay but seriously, I saw a lot of people over the past few months complain about how the other spiders could let this happen, and this is so horrible how come Miles is being the only real spider-man here-
Is trauma, is all back to trauma.
Because okay, we don't know until which point the canon theory goes; I would say most spider-people are bit when they are teens or young adults (tho there are universes where Aunt May or Uncle Ben got bitten- yes as senior adults.) So I wouldn't be surprised if the "canon" events Miguel has mapped out has already happened to Peter, Jess and him, considering that at least Peter? Has been doing this for almost a quarter of a century; the others can't be too far apart for what I gather.
So while for someone like Gwen, Miles or Pavitr means "oh this is the list of horrible things you are going to suffer, sorry kid." For people like Peter, Miguel and Jess? Is probably more of a "oh those tragedies that you faced? They were part of the universe making sure it stays intact, is okay."
The sad reality, one of the most twisted things about this situation, is that the system uses the trauma of the eldest members to ensure they continue the cycle.
A funny thing about cults and many religions quite honestly, is that they have specific believes in place to ensure that people are not just indoctrinated, but are also incentivized to perpetuated the doctrine and make others do the same. Almost like evolution, the ideology behind became this way in order to ensure it is believed and doesn't die out like other beliefs.
I know I already put warnings previously, but now I want to bring a real life case because I think I need to hammer home how these beliefs can be so hard to shake off.
WARNING: Talks about Missionary Work, Murder, and passing mentions about colonialism.
The following discussion will involve the case around John Chau's missionary work and end, if you want to skip it, the discussing will begin and finish with the gif below.
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So, in case you guys aren't familiar with this guy.
John Chau was a young man, he liked to go on adventures and was a passionate evangelical christian, who also liked to do Missionary Work. He went to a few different places, but the one were he died was in North Sentinel Island. He was killed by the native people there.
North Sentinel Island is among the last few places that has a group of people that are disconnected from the rest of the world. Every time someone tries to establish contact they killed, or at best, barely make it alive for what I recall. We don't know exactly know why since no one has been able to establish communications with them.
Now, I can't have this chat and not mention that is better to leave those people alone. They clearly prefer to continue with their traditional ways, and if you had seen some history you can probably tell even if they were interested, chances are this would end more poorly for them than anyone else.
Considering their reputation, that it is ILLEGAL to try to contact them for that exact reason (John Bribed two fisherman to leave him in the island, there is no way to get there without breaking the law.) You may be wondering, why he choose to go there?
Well, as mentioned before, missionary work; because he firmly believed this was "Satan's last stronghold" since no one was able to preach Christianity to them yet.
Okay, I know I am messing with the tiger here, and I don't want to insult anyone's faith; but I also have to be honest. I am Jewish, but I am a convert, my family is christian (I prefer not to say which branch but is probably obvious,) and while I will try to remain neutral let's say is hard when you are still processing stuff that happened to you.
I will say this, for all the people who called this man a "deluded idiot" when I remember this case, I feel two things, one of them is pity, and the other one is rage.
For starters, trying to force a religion into others is wrong in my eyes, (In Judaism is forbidden to proselytize, the traditional thing is actually deny converts until they ask for a third time.) It also forces an erasure of culture and colonialism, a lot of times trying to absorb past beliefs just to make the new believers happy, which muddies some stuff later on.
So, why I still feel bad for him?
Because he thought he was doing the right thing.
As someone who doesn't believe, in my eyes this is horrifying; but for him? He believes if he doesn't go to preach to this people, they may suffer in eternity for never hearing about Jesus. In his eyes, if he goes to them and convinces this group of worship his lord, he has now given eternal happiness and peace to this people; or the possibility to do so.
I feel bad, because this man was convinced to do something dangerous and bad, by thinking he was saving the lives of these people.
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Sorry for the heavy topic, but I feel this was a good way to understand why the society does what it does. Because by bringing real life situations, I think is all the easier to understand how easy you can end up in these places.
Miguel theory doesn't just provide an explanation as to why the dimensions work the way they work, they also provide a nice explanation as to why they all had lived similar struggles, while they had suffered this much.
Is a balm to all those old wounds, because I am pretty sure Peter, nor the rest of the other adults that are "done" or mostly done with the canon events, or heck just suffered a few of them- still had their nightmares and hard times remembering all of the people they lost.
But if they learn about this after? Now they know it wasn't their fault, this was suppose to happen.
Remember what I said earlier? "G-d time is perfect"? That's something I heard growing up, from people who needed to hear that this has to have a purpose, serve a deeper meaning.
Otherwise, is just suffering.
However, can you see the parallels now? A belief that uses the pain and trauma of their members to make them believe, gives a "justifiable" and "noble" reason to continue pushing this narrative too (aka if we don't do it the universe collapses.) And just as well, is also fake, yet they are too blinded to notice, and they are now making people suffer for most probably not good reason while neglecting to learn what is actually going down.
Yeah, this really hammers more than anything the most cultish aspects of the Society. Because it is at is core.
Miguel's Biases
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Now, I am convinced Miguel's canon theory is wrong, I know we can't know for sure what's going on until BTVS, but at this point I am rolling with that idea because too many things are adding up for me.
Yet despite how it becomes obvious in a way I consider embarrassing that Miguel doesn't notice- He is blinded by his own theory.
We all have our own biases, is not odd that we are inclined to believe things when they are said for people we respect, admire or look up. Similarly, we are also inclined to believe things more quickly when they align we pre-established world views, or favours a narrative you are more inclined to believe in.
(Yes I admitted how that means this work and others fall into this category, the reason they are as long as they are is because I try to at least to be able to justify my position in some way, and lay all what I think in case someone wants to debate me on it.)
My point with all of this, is that the reason why Miguel cannot see the holes in his own theory as he explains it, is because he is biased by the narrative he has done in his head.
I said this a million times already and I will say it again: No one believes in this more than Miguel, while I think Jess and Peter believe some things and are doubtful with others, Miguel believes all the way.
And just like some missionary people going too far, he can justify all the things he is doing because of this. Because is for the "greater good," and as long as it is for that reason, slamming teens into the train while screaming "you are a mistake!" Is all to save the multiverse.
But we aren't seeing a guy convinced to do things the hard way because sometimes tough situations demand desperate measures. We are seen a man try to cope with his guilt so poorly he created an entire unit dedicated to preserve this idea.
This is horrifying.
And now everything he has done colours different, because let me tell you, if you think too hard about his behaviour now looks a lot more authoritative and insane.
Projection is NOT a great Look Miguel
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You know? I firmly believe a lot of people in Miguel's side are biased by his angsty demeanour, by his looks, by the power he has. This isn't to say I am not biased, is just that is not in that direction.
Not gonna lie I can't see this guy throwing stuff and don't remember a couple of temper tantrums my dad has done.
Regardless of my biases, I believe is for this reason I can say that honestly? I find embarrassing that Miguel throws things like that.
Again, I feel these scenes changed a lot the context once you put together that canon isn't part of saving the universe, and that Miguel is getting so worked up about something that until I see the contrary, is a theory he came up by himself with no other backing.
Which means he is throwing stuff at people for no good reason, getting worked up to intense levels that are not appropriate; all while being the boss that doesn't like to be questioned.
Honestly this part isn't exactly necessary on cult leaders, but I would say it happens.
(Again, I don't want to call this necessarily a cult; regardless of how much I think it fits the bill. There are multiple criteria, and I can't evaluate everything.)
One way or another, Miguel's reactions aren't anything good. Think about it, if your boss threw things around when he was angry, would you consider that safe?
Because you know what I consider the most telling part of all of this? Neither when Miguel throws the trashcan, nor when he throws the console, has anyone being surprised about this behaviour.
Let me repeat this; even if this wasn't about Miles, Miguel apparently is known for this enough that no one is phased.
Forget that they are super heroes, I don't think is a great look when the leader of your organization gets so angry he can't think straight, to the point he reaches the wildest conclusions.
This is another reason why I think the mental health in this institution has to be shit, 1) You can't have a harmful belief that enforces suffering and have good mental health, is not feasible. 2) I don't care if Miguel is the boss, or is probably his decision not getting help; is downright embarrassing he is let to do these things and no one questions if he is out of line.
Remember, this shouldn't be a dictatorship, regardless if this was Miguel's idea and operation, if you can't question the leader even if he is wrong; that's tyranny, and all just needs the boss to be wrong once for things to go south.
Now imagine when the entire system is flawed.
Now, the following part feels like I may be repeating myself, but the previous part was about how these actions are bad; and the second one is about why having mental health issues isn't a defence,
I imagine by this point, perhaps someone may want to come out of the woodwork's and say "But you are being completely unfair! Miguel is clearly hurting about this, he is not thinking clearly! That's why he screams to Miles that he is a mistake, he is projecting!"
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(Sigh.) You know? I don't think there is a lot of people who would seriously try to say that about someone making a theory like this is still justified to do what he does, because he is clearly trying to substitute reality with his own, but because I had gotten WAY TOO MANY TIMES the "oh poor Miguel/Peter they are traumatized!" I am going to do the thing that is the real reason this post will be controversial.
Because disregarding your mental health to the point is hurting you and affecting others IS BAD TOO.
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In real life, there are complications like not having money, not having resources you can go to, maybe you are living with an abusive person who will not let you get any help- Things are very complicated, and there are many reasons you are stuck.
This isn't Miguel's case, for starters.
The guy clearly has money, he even has a spider-man psych which means the guy knows how the secret identity goes and has a psychological degree, so you can say he has an available, viable help just right around the corner. He is also a middle-aged man, meaning he should know better.
Because here is the thing, for all the dumb shit Gwen has done, she is a traumatized teen with not the best support, not adults she can rely on, and has a dad which copy mechanism is "I have a job to do," which is the same thing she does. I can believe she doesn't know any better, and will not take the best decisions either. I did my own fair of mistakes at that age so I can't talk.
What is Miguel's excuse? I am sorry, but I feel when you are at that age, when you have a responsibility this big, (that let's not forget everybody, HE CHOSE THIS, no one forced it onto him.) You need to be able to look in yourself and know when you can lead or not, when you can be trusted with big decisions or not. By this point in your life, you shouldn't rely on other people to tell you need help. If you are so much in your own head you are not seeing what's in front of you, that's a problem you need to fix.
You could try to argue that at that point he obviously will not see it, but 1) Honestly people let him get away with it, as we can see. 2) Do we know he would listen, considering this situation?
That doesn't mean letting him go rampant, that means "we took the executive decision you aren't fit as a leader." I am not joking here, Elon Musk was kicked out of paypal for less dumb shit and that's saying something.
I had heard so many excuses over the years about angry men that refuse to address their attitude issues because, "he had a rough childhood," "his father was absent," "he is stressed about work." All while being told that you need to grit your tear and bear it.
I can't take seriously a guy who has the money and the means to recover, yet refuses to confront reality because is more comfortable to fabricate something in your mind.
ESPECIALLY NOT when he is involving more people into his twisted system, that perpetuates people having MORE TRAUMA, all to justify his own.
All, while putting the multi-verse in danger, because he decided to take this task upon himself yet using his own flawed narrative.
And you know why I think Miguel being wrong in multiple things, (his theory, behaviour, literally throwing Gwen for questioning him and "letting him go" and not for disobeying- seriously why throw a way the justifiable reason if it isn't meant to be something?) Is not bad writing in my opinion, is because-
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Notice the funny thing about all of these scenes? All of them have Miguel showing being in the wrong.
Miles is telling Miguel it was the Spot, because it literally was; the black matter started way before and he saw it.
Miles IS Spider-man because he has earned that title, and not by doing a checklist of pre-approved events to see if he fits or not the bill.
Miguel is wrong because he is literally mad at Gwen for questioning him, and is insisting Gwen let Miles go; which is funny because PETER was the one in close quarters with Miles, and had a much better chance of capturing him.
But he isn't given any a reprimand for his behaviour, he gets scotch free while Gwen is being blamed for that blunder; and hey isn't something very traditional of corrupt systems of power favour those close to the inner circle while the "problematic members" are blamed for the mistakes of others?
And you can see all the other mistakes I had laid down already.
Because Miguel is the antagonist.
He is a man so blinded by guilt he has created a whole system made to keep it intact, is absolutely absurd to realize how crazy everything sounds once you put all of these pieces together.
Yet the point of this story is how even while having the most noble of reasons, if you are so focused on the past you are forced to make it your future, you may miss the opportunities out there to make it better.
Just like someone living in an unjust society, convinced it needs to perpetuate the status quo because anything else would mean the end of the world as we know it.
It really shows how sad and twisted this can be.
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Oof, that got a little heavy huh? Sorry about that, is hard not to get intense.
Still feel a little crazy seeing the parallels about cults because I don't think the team realized how much this is hammering home with that; or maybe they do and I am underestimating them.
Thank you for anyone who came along in this ready! As always if you have the chance please support my ko-fi, and if you can't, please share this post around!
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chasing-bandages · 2 months
Chase wakes up to gentle rain showering his hands and hair.
Compared to the pounding storm he was subjected to earlier, it's quite the welcome change. He sits up groggily, reaching up to rub his eyes. His hands hit a familiar solid material, though.... as soon as he realizes what it is, he groans loudly.
Stupid fucking mask again, goddammit.... he thinks bitterly, the rainshower seeping through the mask's eye holes. It's not too much of an inconvenience, other than once again being quite a hassle to wash his face or eat again. But he was starting to enjoy the feeling of wind on his cheeks again.
Whatever, he thinks, enjoying the gentle rain. Chase looks around, seeing the dark cloud of rain, wind, and lightning in the distance. That must be where he died.... he, Dusk, Lennie, Steph, and Camila.
He wonders where they all spawned before remembering Dusk isn't from this world... she's probably not around anymore. Chase looks down bitterly, hugging his knees to his chest.
He's starting to really hate being alone like this.
That's something he never thought he'd think.... he likes being with his brothers or girlfriend, but aside from them, Chase prefers solitude and no one around.
None of them are here with him, though, and probably never will be. Chase is completely and utterly alone, with no hope of ever escaping or seeing any of his loved ones again.
Chase finds himself thinking of the others. He wouldn't ever admit to trusting any of them, but their company definitely makes him feel a little less alone. They're all just trying to survive, after all, just like him.
..... survive.....
Survival. Life. Death.
His mind drifts to Camila. To what she told him. It's faint and foggy in his memory from the alcohol, but the fragments loop in his mind.
He's still baffled by the logistics of it, how one's conscience actually gets inside the computer and how they stay alive even though they're dead in the real world.... but eventually, he pushes it aside. He's not smart enough to try and figure it out.
Chase still wonders what it feels like, though, to be Camila. He has so many questions, and also a rather unfortunate amount of sympathy for her situation.... how did she die? How old was she? What about her family?
Chase groans and stands up. He really, really, reallyreallyreallyreally hates her and hates that he's feeling any sympathy for her. She's a prick, a bitch, an asshole, a pain in the ass who's probably only keeping him alive as someone to bully. She's horrible, she's annoying, she's cruel, she's selfish, she's......
..... human. She's still human, and she's the only one who could even understand my situation.
Chase looks down at the wet, sandy ground, fingers picking at themselves. If it was anyone other than the bitch who betrayed him when he first arrived, maybe he'd be more willing to open up. But her? Why's it gotta be her of all people?
He walks in the direction of the storm, silently scolding himself each step of the way. Why the fuck am I doing this? I could just wait for a train. I could just lie down by the tracks and wait for the train to pass by. I could stay out in the rain, in the SAFE rain.
..... I'm such a fucking idiot for this. She better thank me for this.
The rain and wind grow more intense as Chase travels deeper into the storm. The mask definitely helps to keep the water out of his eyes, although it still all pools into the bottom of his mask, and he has to dump it out of his eyes quite often. And without the hangover, he's better able to keep his balance and avoid any flying debris.
All of a sudden, he trips and falls, almost slamming his head into a tree trunk. The vague shape he sees glancing back both chills his blood and eases his mind.
His own headless corpse.
Chase stands and steps over the body, noting that his head is completely out of view, wherever it is. But this is almost exactly what he was hoping to find. Now, if only he could find....
There she is.
Chase approaches Camila's corpse, dodging a few flying branches. He takes a few seconds to observe the damage.... parts of her face and body look bashed in and cut, but judging by the deep gash over her throat, the rest of it must be post-death damage.
Her body isn't what he wants though.
Chase grabs her shoulder, smiling as his hand wraps around the bag strap. He quickly pulls the bag off of Camila's body, probably dislocating her arms in the process but not caring as he slings it over his shoulder and books it back in the direction he came. It's definitely a heavy bag, about half his size, but he pushes through and uses the wind to his advantage.
Eventually, the rain starts to ease, and he can see more than a few feet in front of him. Chase's sprint slows to a walk until he's far enough that there's nothing other than the gentle drizzle that woke him up in the first place. He sits down on a flat rock, legs and back aching from the weight he carried. But he's safe now, and he has exactly what he was looking for.
"Alright.... what's in here...." Chase mumbles, opening up one of the compartments. There's all the butcher equipment and cutlery, even a spare cleaver. Chase's eye gleams at the sight of so many sharp weapons. He grabs a small paring knife and stuffs it in his hoodie pocket before searching the rest of the bag.
It's all typical cooking supplies and various foods, including chunks of meat from that rabbit man. Chase wonders how preservation works in the digital world as he seals it all up and continues to marvel at the utensils, dishes, and seasonings she has. He's watched his brothers cook in the kitchen a few times, but a couple of things look quite foreign to him. He doesn't think he ever could learn to cook with most of this.
Eventually, he also finds a large canteen and weighs it in his hands.
Empty... he thinks, hopping up and walking into the rain once again. Chase unscrews the cap and holds it up, waiting as the water fills the canteen. It doesn't take long, and after the container's full, he turns around and gets back to the rest of the equipment. Other than a few rags being soaked, everything seems undamaged.
Chase lays back on the rock, kicking his feet a little and humming. The storm continues to move on, away from him and passing over the town. Hours past, to which Chase spends nibbling on carrots and trying to dry his clothes off.
The more he thinks about it, the less the thought of Camila pisses him off. Her methods for killing people and tricking others into eating them is fucked up, but it's not like she can do much else. He's seen first hand that she can't exactly help herself, and a vegetarian diet wouldn't really be the best for a cannibalistic vampire. She's trying to survive.
And she's never getting out of this place either, no matter what. That's the most disturbing fact of her situation, and Chase has so many questions. How does aging work? What if the system shuts down? Can someone die of old age? Are they, in the grand scheme of things, immortal?
He bites his tongue, looking down at the ground. The way she treats him is..... familiar. She's a bitch who toys with him and doesn't care if he's a bitch back, she matches his energy but treats him like a kid.
.... she treats me like my brothers.
A familiar clunking sound jostles Chase out of his thoughts, prompting him to stand up. In the distance, he sees a train with a yellow mark chug along, heading straight towards him and the storm. Time to go.
He groans and lays face down, cringing at the realization. That's something he DEFINITELY doesn't want to accept because she's not them. She never will be them. No one will ever be them. No one will replace his family, and he'll be damned if anything makes him feel better about it.
He puts the bag on and rushes to the side of the tracks, internally cursing himself for not adjusting the straps first. Whatever, it doesn't matter. The train's getting closer.... and closer.... and closer.....
Chase leaps forward through the open doors.
And not a moment too soon, either. Just as he regains his balance, the train chugs straight into the storm. Rain, wind, and debris smatter through the open doors, immediately drenching Chase's clothes again.
He grumbles with a yawn, dragging the bag over behind several crates that block out the majority of the rain. He's far too exhausted for this, and eventually just lays down while hugging Camila's bag. For being full of cooking supplies, it's shockingly comfortable to hug.
Chase yawns again, shivering from the water soaking through his clothes. At least the rain crashing against the windows is soothing, a familiar sound that slowly lulls him to sleep. He squeezes the bag just a little, thinking one final thing before fully drifting off.
Guess I'm trying to find Camila instead of avoid her now.
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malarkgirlypop · 1 year
Warriors (Edward Tipper x F!Reader) Part 1
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Hey hey! This is requested by @lenabob, thank you so much for letting me write this for you. I hope you enjoy it. This is the first part and there will be a second part coming. It was interesting to do Tipper he isn't a big character in the show but re-watching it he does pop up a fews more times than I expected, and now I love him as well. He's a cutie. I like his nose, idk why but I do. This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters no hate to any of the men who served.
“Who is she?” The men whisper about Y/N like she’s not even there. She fidgets under their watchful gaze. She’s never been one to stand out in the crowd. Growing up with three other older sisters who were always told they were beautiful and perfect. She couldn’t quite fit into the mould that her sister left for her though. Y/N never stuck around inside too long, finding activities like playing with babies and dolls boring. Y/N enjoyed running around pretending she was a warrior in a magical land. She was a knight sworn to protect the kingdom, and she would do just that. Her Mother did not see it fit for a young girl to be playing in the dirt outside pretending to sword fight imaginary creatures, always trying to put her in pretty dresses. The dresses never lasted long though, it was hard work defending the kingdom and a dress was not best suited for the vigorous activities. Her Father on the other hand enjoyed the more tom-boyish daughter, as he always had wanted a son. Her Father decided that she would be the son he never had. Being a veteran himself he would take Y/N out to the shooting range, teaching her how to shoot with all different types of guns. When Pearl Harbour was bombed Y/N knew that this was her chance to defend her kingdom in real life. She had signed up for the Army immediately, to her Father’s delight and her Mother’s disgust. However the Army did not see her fit to be a soldier and passed on her admission to a different branch. This kept happening to Y/N, after receiving so many letters rejecting her, she had become disheartened. Then one afternoon as she laid on her bed imagining being able to serve her country like she had always dreamed, her Father burst through her door waving a letter in the air. She had made it. The acceptance had come from the Paratrooper branch of the army, it was new, never been done before. Now here she was unpacking her bags in Camp Toccoa. She was ecstatic when she had arrived but her excitement was slowly eaten away by nerves. She didn’t see any other female recruits, the men as she walked through the campground had all stared and pointed as she made her way to the barracks. She had to brush them off though, she was here for herself and her dream, these men would not stand in her way. So that was her goal to be the best of the best and prove to these men she was not some meek woman. She was assigned to Easy company, and goddammit how the odds were not in her favour. Easy company was under the direction of Captain Sobel, a hard headed asshole, who had no problem working them to the bone. Easy company had become notorious for having no weekend passes due to the lovely Captain Sobel. He would make them stand in the hot Georgia sun in full gear sweating their asses off. His loud voice travelled through the Camp and could be heard from the other side.
“You people are at the position of attention.” Sobel boomed as he marched down the line of soldier’s. Eyes forward, chin up. Thought Y/N, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself. Y/N grew more nervous as Sobel walked down the line closer to where she was standing. 
“Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a Paratrooper?” Sobel asks Frank Perconte as he presents his gun for inspection. 
“No, sir.” Frank answers, as Sobel towers over the short man. 
“Then explain the creases at the bottom.” Sobel retorted. Frank's face remained neutral. 
“No excuse, sir.” He replied. Sobel takes Frank’s mistake to lecture him. 
“Volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Perconte, but you’ve got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked.” The silent groan can be felt from the other men. Y/N bites her lip, sighing internally, Sobel seems to be in the best mood ever yay, sarcasm dripping off of her thoughts. Sobel trails down the line, picking out the men and revoking their passes. Sobel stops in front of Liebgott who stands in front of Y/N. She holds her breath pretending to be a statue so that Sobel won’t notice her. Sobel enjoys one thing punishing Easy company, but one thing he enjoys even more is picking on Y/N. Being the only female in the whole camp, Sobel seems to see her as an achilles heel. He thinks that the higher up’s were out to get him, by giving him the only female private. After Sobel finishes yelling at Liebgott his eyes lock onto Y/N. 
“Name?” Sobel asks like he isn't familiar with the female private.
“Y/L/N, Y/N, sir.” She says as she presents her gun to the Captain. He looks her up and down trying to find an imperfection to pick out. But she ensured that everything was polished perfectly before leaving the barrack. Ha! Nothing to find there Sobel. Y/N smirked internally. 
“That top looks too big for you, private.” Sobel yells in her face. 
“It’s the smallest size they offer, sir.” She says back calmly, looking over his shoulder, not making eye contact with the man. 
“Well you're a girl, why don’t you sew it and make it smaller.” Her jaw ticks, he always makes comments like this, little digs to get under her skin. The first day he had met her he asked her if she was lost and that girlfriends weren’t allowed to come on camp to visit. Even though she was in full uniform. 
“Sorry, sir.” She replied. 
“Pass revoked, Y/N.” He hissed in her ear. Sobel yells at the men that they aren’t fit for war. Then in good old Sobel fashion revokes everyone's weekend passes. 
“Get into your PT gear, we’re running Currahee.” Screams the man as he marches away. Leaving Winters to direct us, giving us two minutes to get ready for the run.
Y/N’s lungs scream and legs ache as she ascends Currahee. She enjoys the burn, the climb is tiring but she is one of the fitter privates in the infantry. 3 miles up and 3 miles down. Y/N runs next to Liebgott, they don’t speak as they run, but knowing another person is also in the same boat physically gives them a boost of energy. As she makes the top she spots Sobel standing there with his timer glaring at the men. She scrambles up the last bit putting her hand on the sundial, as she turns to go back down the hill she just ran. She collides with another human, sending her on her ass. The man helps her up to her feet. 
“Sorry.” She pants. 
“No you’re fine it was my fault.” The man also smiles, as he puffs. 
“WHY ARE YOU TWO CHIT-CHATTING, GET A MOVE ON!” Sobel yells, sending them back down the mountain. The down hill, harder on the knees, is less tiring. 
“I don’t think we have met?” The man says as they run. 
“I’m Y/N, and no we probably haven’t met.” She says wondering why the man is talking to her. The rest of the guys just ignore her, leaving her to her own devices. 
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Edward, but everyone just calls me Tip, or Tipper.” He says sending her a smile. Not looking where he is going the man stumbles, Y/N is quick to grab him by the arm to stop him from tumbling down the hill. 
“Thanks, I should probably be looking where I am going huh?” He chuckles, she sends him a small smile, increasing her pace to get away from the man. He keeps up with her though. The rest of the run she makes it her mission to leave him behind, but he keeps pace. Sending her smiles as they go. 
They make it back to base, Y/N looks to go have a shower. 
“If I knew any better I would think you were trying to get away from me?” Tipper says as he looks up at her with his hands on his knees.
“Get away from you?” She chuckles awkwardly, “What? No.” she says sarcastically. Y/N takes her chance while the man is recovering to dart away to hop into one of the showers. 
Y/N gets to use the Captain’s showers due to the rest of them being communal. She was glad when they made that decision. On her first day she didn’t realise it was communal, and walked in to find many, many bits and pieces that were unfamiliar to her. She had stifled her scream and snuck out before the men noticed her arrival. She had spoken to Winters about the situation, not finding the most comfort in confiding in Captain Sobel. Winters had sorted it out for her in a discreet way which she was very thankful for. 
Y/N slipped under the warm stream of water, letting it ease the tension in her muscles. She washed and stood for longer than she knew she should’ve enjoying the water running over her skin. She grabbed her towel drying herself down, she opened the door to grab her clean uniform to put on. Her hand searched outside of the door, finding just the metal wall. Wrapping the towel around her she poked her head out of the door. The hook that was holding her uniform was now empty. Y/N looked around flustered, did they fall off the hook? Did they get blown away? She had to get into her uniform quickly because she had to be in the mess hall in 30 minutes for dinner and if she was late she would definitely be punished. These thoughts swirled in her mind. FUCK. She cursed. She had another uniform in her barrack that she could get into and then get to dinner in time. But that would mean that she would have to walk to her barracks that was a fair distance away, in her towel! A groan left her lips and she banged her hand against the door. She poked her head out further, it seemed that there weren't too many people around, maybe she could sneak to the barracks and no one would notice. She would have to be strategic. Y/N wrapped her towel around her tightly, ensuring everything was covered. She stepped out of the shower, sneaking down the stairs. Ok, she thought, I am an undercover spy, who is on a mission to get to HQ (the barracks) without being spotted. Y/N pushed herself against the wall, looking from left to right to ensure the coast was clear. Coming out of her hiding spot she darted from tent to tent. Being able to stay out of sight. A few close calls but no one had seen her. Her barracks were in sight, but she had become cocky. I could just make a b-line for it and no one would see me. Y/N started hastily walking to the barracks, almost there, almost there. 
“Y/N?” She heard from behind her. She stopped dead in her tracks not daring to turn around and see who had spotted her. The sound of footsteps approached her, she willed her legs to move and hide but she was frozen. A jacket was thrown around her shoulders. She peered over her shoulder. Tipper stood beside her looking concerned. 
“Y/N what are you doing out here in a towel? You do know you’re in a camp full of men?” He asks, keeping his eyes on hers. 
“I went for a shower and my uniform went missing.” She explained. The sound of a group of men came from behind them. They were still listening, as the men grew closer.
“Quick!” Tipper said in a hushed voice, he put his arm around Y/N dragging her to the tent she was aiming for. They burst into the room before anyone could see them. They looked at each other, cracking up in laughter. Tipper waited outside for her as she quickly dressed. They made it to the mess hall on time. Y/N grabbed her food and looked to go sit at her table, where no one else sat with her. Tipper grabbed her arm. 
“Hey come sit with me.” He said pulling her in the direction of the table where other men called for him. 
“I’m not sure, I don’t think they would want me there.” She motioned her head in the direction of his friends waiting for him. 
“If they say anything, I will make sure to kick them in the shins.” He says wiggling his eyebrows, making her giggle. She sighs, nodding her head. Tipper and Y/N sit down together and the table is quiet. Y/N clears her throat and looks down at her plate of food pushing it around. 
“Guys this is Y/N.” Tipper introduces her to the table, they watch her unsure. She gives them a tight lip smile in greeting. 
“Sorry for my friends, they must’ve forgotten how to talk to a woman since we don’t get out on the weekends. Sobel huh?” Tipper nudges her with his elbow. 
“Hey, I know how to talk to ladies.” Liebgott protests from beside her as he sits down, squashing her between the men. 
“Your Y/N right?” Liebgott asks with his mouth full of food. She nods her head. 
“You know I have never heard you talk.” Frank says from across the table. 
“Well you’ve never talked to me so…” She trails off. The other men laugh, giving Frank a hard time.
“I think Sobel picks on you the most.” Lieb says to her. 
“Well it’s hard being the favourite.” The men chuckle at her joke. The men are funny as she sits there and listens to their silly banter. After the meal ends she feels a little less alone than she normally did. Tipper walks her back to her barrack. 
“I didn’t get to thank you earlier, for saving my ass, literally.” They chuckle at her joke. 
“No thanks necessary ma’am.” He pretends to tip his fake hat. She giggles, butterflies float around her stomach. She straightens, no she can’t have feelings, this is not the time. She clears her throat, sobering herself. 
“Goodnight.” She says hurrying into the barrack, he stands outside smiling at her.
After months of basic training Y/N finally got to do her first practice jump. It was thrilling to say the least. All of her hard work finally felt like it was paying off. Standing in the line getting ready to jump from the plane, her heart was in her throat. She went through all of the motions she was taught, clipping herself to the line, checking the man in front of her, waiting for the green light. She was fifth back, watching her fellow soldiers making their leap, she couldn’t wait till it was her turn. Tipper was in front of her, he had given her a cheeky wink before his jump. She couldn’t remember if she had smiled back at him, so focussed on her own turn. She stood in the doorway, waiting for her cue to leave. The light turned green as the instructor gave a loud GO. Y/N had jumped, going into autopilot she followed the instructions ensuring she had the right form. The shoot deployed as she floated down. In that moment she was allowed a second to herself. Taking in the view of the rolling fields, the feeling of the wind on her face and the sweet smell of fresh air. She was so proud of herself. After the jump the men and her had gathered in the bar to celebrate. She drank with Tipper and the other men. Over the past couple of months she had grown closer to Tipper, her crush getting bigger as she did so. She played it well, just being his friend. But sometimes she wished she had the courage to lean over and kiss him. However she didn’t want to ruin the great friendship she had with him, and she didn’t know how he would react to such a confession from her. So she let it be, keeping her feelings locked up and enjoying the little moments they had together. He was so funny, always had a witty line to say, and then other times he was so sweet she could melt. He would do little things for her. One time when she was having a hard day he picked her some wildflowers from the meadow nearby to cheer her up. There were also the little touches they shared, he would lean into her as he spoke, hold her by her hips as he moved past her. This confused her more, but seeing that there were no other female recruits, she couldn’t figure out if that's how he was as a person or if he had feelings for her as well. They cheered as Bill chugged his beer, flashing his new jump wings badge in his teeth after doing so. They had all got their wings after their jump. Showing that they were real paratroopers now. 
Soon they were being shipped off again, literally. This time to England. The ship was hot and stuffy, as the men were crowded into the hold. The journey was long, they did anything to pass the time. Gossip, smoke, cards and fights. 
Tipper and Y/N lounge on the lower bunks playing cards as a fight breaks out behind them. Y/N glances over to see who is involved, Lieb and Bill and being pulled away from each other. Y/N only heard parts of the conversation, mostly paying attention to trying to beat Tip in their game.
“What’s all that about?” Tipper asks, looking over at her.
“Bill called Sobel a Jew. Liebgott took offence cause he’s a Jew too.” She reports what she had heard to Tip, as she plays her card. 
“Pfft, fighting over Sobel that’s smart.” Tip replied sarcastically.  
Easy company goes through more rigorous training in Aldbourne England. Doing more practical training rather than physical fitness. Learning battle strategies, weapon handling, digging trenches and doing practice assaults. 
Y/N is in the group led by Sobel for the assault. Y/N checks her watch, they are late. They were supposed to be at the rendezvous point by this time, but are currently running in a field nowhere near it. They ran beside a field of cows, hi cows. Luz halts to group as Sobel tries to find his bearings. Y/N makes eye contact with Tip who is Sobel’s runner, poor guy. Where are we? Y/N mouths to Tipper who shakes his head at the very lost Sobel. 
“Tipper.” Yells Sobel turning away from Tip who is standing right next to him. Y/N groans internally, how do you not know who your runner is? 
“Yes, sir.” Tipper says pulling out the map so they can figure out where we are. Sobel double takes over his shoulder realising that Tip is right behind him. 
“Give me the m….” Sobel starts to command but Tipper beats him to it, already handing him the map.   
“Perconte, Luz. Get the men, get ‘em ba-, take cover behind those trees.” The man fumbles. George and Frank start moving out the men to behind the trees Sobel pointed at. Y/N follows the men as they make their way over.
“Perconte, Sobel’s lost again right?” Y/N asks Frank as they gather behind the shrubs, crouching down, keeping quiet. 
“Yeah he’s lost.” Frank replies annoyed at the incompetent Captain. 
“Fucking Christ.” Y/N mutters to herself. 
“Luz, Luz.” Franks calls the man. “Can you do Major Horton?” he asks as Luz comes to stand by him. 
“Does a wild bear crap in the woods, son?” Luz says mimicking Horton. The men laugh at his impression. 
“Shh shh shh,” Frank shushes their giggles, “Maybe the good major can goose this schmuck. Get us moving?” Frank tells Luz his idea. 
“No way.” Luz starts to try and get out of doing the impression. The other men egg him on. George gives into the peer pressure, agreeing. Y/N and the rest of the men whisper excitedly as Luz shushes them.  
“Is there a problem Captain Sobel?” Luz imitates the Major’s voice. Everybody giggles, covering their mouths to keep quiet. 
“Who said that? Who broke silence?” Sobel screams across the field. 
Tipper grins, holding in his laugh. Knowing Luz as a close friend he recognised the impersonation. Holding it together he informs Sobel, “I think it’s Major Horton, sir.” Putting on a straight face. 
Sobel is stumped, “Major Horton? What is he-, did he join us?” He stutters. 
“I think maybe he is moving between the platoons, sir.” Tipper carries on with the ruse. 
“What is the goddamn hold up Mr. Sobel?” Luz yells again after a period of silence. Y/N trying her best to contain her fits of giggles, pressing her face into her hands. 
“A fence, sir. Sir, um. God. A barbed wire fence.” Sobel shouts back. Tipper looks down at the ground trying to cover his grin. 
“Oh, that dog just ain’t gonna hunt.” Luz says again in his amazing impression of Horton. Stifled laughter can be heard amongst the men. 
“Shut up, shut up.” Luz tells them when the laughing is getting too loud. “Now you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move!” Luz screams in his Horton voice. 
“Yes, sir.” Sobel follows the man’s command, Tipper still trying to contain his own laughter. 
“Where are my goddamn wire cutters?” Sobel was frustrated at being caught by the “Major”. 
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
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this is visuals are fucking hilarious ngl lmaooo
oh the two face-ness we love to see it!! that reminds me that i wanna see joan recieving a text from topher... yknow, they'd have each others phone numbers~~ uwu♥
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oh there WAS a joke about venemous being different from poisonous or whatever MMMMMM ANYWAYS HIM AAAAAAHAJDSJHAHSGH- AY BOLUDOOO AAAAA JSKSJKSJSKSJSK
HMMMM OK GOOD DAY FOR UHH YALL TOO! jjba5 reference ey? he dont have lungs either lolol
YOOOOOO JOANABE??? YEAHHH BABY THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! THATS WHATS ALL ABOUT WOOOOOOOrse than a disney cruise with extend family omg they're NOT holding back!!! GOOD!
white jesus edition jsjsksjkjks but like jfk really is one note, he just has a different note each season hm aight :)
but joannnn girlieeee why you so insistant in taking you backkk topher darling youre from the reboob you know what you gotta do to have her understand that her place is with the misfits no one liiiikesss and that is so much better and whateverrrr
*(esta noche me la doy en la peraaaa)
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(all of this was done with the keyboard ahre xd)
oh so the bleachers creatures are in the janitors closet? well im sure theres a vent or something so they can get into the real party hehe ;3
ok, bible-humping!JFK is actually the greatest thing it could happend to him, cause like- the bible is super violent and such and thats SO him i love it, its perfect!
Confucius, you really live up to your name because i'm hella confused on what you just said
OH NOOO im getting "best burger in the world" from regular show flashbackssss i dont know if im liking where this is heading!! ToT
hell yea Harriet likes her boys MANLY, cause she's so straight yknow~
JESUS CRISTO USING HIS POWERS FOR GOOD!!! The good of underage drinking~ but thats for the new clones cause the old ones are 36, so they're legal to do whatever they want, except fucking the new clones unless theyre in a state where its legal, but its a cartoon so they all can do whetever crimes they want~~
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THE AMERICAN RIGHT TO BEAR A BEAR, ok the historical humor its just getting better and better omggg
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 57 seconds and listen mister, just because Joan isn't part of the group anymore that doesn't mean that YOU get to disappear from the show. You're going to BE BACK and have some more MOTHERFUCKIN SCREENTIME GODDAMMIT!!!
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lookindasketchy · 15 days
Genji Shimada isn't the best example for writing disabled characters.
Disclaimer: I am speaking as an able-bodied writer/artist, and will not be the voice of disabled people. Disabled people can, have, and will speak for themselves. They are entitled to their own opinions.
At best, he isn't the best. At worst? It's worse than you think, folks.
I know, I know, this sounds dumb. It's pretty obvious that Genji isn't the best example for writing disabled characters. Hell, when people (I'm "people") first think about Genji they think "green cyborg ninja dude" rather than the "green cyborg AMPUTEE dude". Disabled or not.
I need to shout this into the internet void that although I love Genji Shimada from Overwatch, I literally cannot defend him on any other points literary-wise. I need to shout this into the internet void because, I thought he WAS a good example for writing a disabled character. He's not. And while, at the end of the day, he's a fictional character, Genji is conceptualized and made by REAL people. And that's gotta count for something.
As to why he's not the best example? He knocks off a good chunk of the tropes that are a big (please) no-no in the large majority of the disabled community.
Karmically Disabled trope? he was a pompous asshole before he got his shit rocked by his brother. Check.
Hiding my "ugly face" with a MASK trope? I've played the dating sim and heard those Halloween voice lines, y'all. While they aren't CANON canon, it's still in-game. Checkity-check.
Upgrade my Body/ Fully functioning trope? do you see his double jumps, slashes and shuriken arm? BIG ASS check.
Overcoming Disability? YALL. OBVIOUSLY A CHECK.
“Overcoming bombards disabled people. It’s everywhere. I think of Whoopi Goldberg. In airports and along freeways, I see her plastered on billboards sponsored by the Foundation for a Better Life (FBL). Head in hands, she furrows her forehead in frustration. Or is it bemusement? She casts her eyes up, looking directly at her viewers. The tagline reads, ‘Overcaem dyslexia,’ coyly misspelling overcame. Underneath those two words brimming with stereotypes sits a red box containing the phrase ‘HARD WORK,’ and below that, the command ‘Pass It On.’… That disabled people can only succeed by overcoming disability is an ableist cliche…. To pose individual hard work rather than broad-based disability access, as the key to success for people with dyslexia is absurd and ableist” (Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure, 8-9).
I'm pleading for writers/creators to try and reach out to sensitivity readers and editors for advice on writing things they haven't experienced. Or at least, do the bare minimum and RESEARCH. (Blizzard. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Diversity editors too for like everything goddammit c'mon do I HAVE to spoon-feed this to you?!!)
I need to do more research and find sensitivity readers.
Why am I doing this? Why did I make this post? Because I thought (and a part of me still thinks) that Genji is super cool that I made my own oc/original character off of him with essentially the same backstory (brother nearly kills younger brother and now must find peace).
I made this post because I did it too.
How do I "fix" my oc's backstory? I don't know. But dammit I'll find a way. And that starts with researchin'.
Shout out to Dr. Derek Newman-Stille (they/them), researcher and teacher at Trent University in Canada. They're a "Queer, Disabled academic, artist, activist, and author," and you can find their Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/dereknewmanstille/
As well as the https://spoonieauthorsnetwork.com , a website full of resources of accessibility consultants, disability tropes to avoid, and sensitivity and disabled editors by disabled diverse people. (Also where I found out the existence of Dr. Derek Newman-Stille lol.)
Shoutout to the mods over @cripplecharacters , another great resource for looking up tropes to avoid, and plenty...PLENTY more. Seriously go check'em out.
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vashtijoy · 2 years
If Akechi's story were to continue, how would you want it to go ideally?
Ohh, anon, where to start.
First off, I want to know what's happening in the true ending. Why is he with that team at the station? Because there are two almost-identical groups there—one is in the car chasing down the Phantom Thieves and Joker, but one is walking past at the station with Akechi. And he doesn't look like he's there voluntarily. So is he working with them against his will? Have they captured him? Is he pretending to cooperate and playing traitor again? Is he actually cooperating? Is he the guy the car suits are talking to on the mic? Is he looking down like that because he knows Joker's on the train and doesn't want to see him? Does Joker know he's alive, are they in contact or even conspiring? I WANT TO KNOW GODDAMMIT TELL ME
Some people say the guys in the suits are part of the continuity conspiracy (which will pop up later in Strikers). I like the idea that they're some faction or other of the Kirijo Group. One thing's for sure, though: they aren't the police.
Once we get that plot out of the way—assuming Akechi survives it, because he's a good candidate for an actual onscreen death—we really get into fanfic territory, shit that doesn't make good video games. How does he develop, given who he's been and what he's done? How does he live with that as he grows and changes? What happens as he slowly connects to others, as he forms confidants of his own? How does he do better? How does he make amends—does he make amends? He wants to leave it in the past and live in the present, but life's not like that; he's not like that. Akechi is his past. His whole life he's been fixated on his past, on the wrongs done to him, on the revenge he wanted. And we're meant to believe that in the third semester, when he's got absolutely nothing left, he just goes yep, not thinking about the past any more? Of course he thinks about it all the damn time. He's going to obsess about it despite himself.
What about the police? What about Sae? If he's going to have a story, he can't just turn himself in—but does he try? Does he believe it's the end of his path? Why isn't he executed? Why isn't he in jail? What about justice for his victims? How culpable is he, overall? He believes he's entirely culpable, that he chose his path all along. But did he?
What about the Metaverse being gone? How does he feel about it, deep down? For years it's a place only he can go. It's his place. Does he think of it as his only real home? As his domain, his place of power? The one place he's truly safe, even as shit attacks him from all sides? Like, never mind that it's obviously the place he goes to be himself as best he can, to vent all the shit that builds up in his day-to-day life. What does it do to him, not having that outlet? Is he homesick for it? Does he crack?—I'd be amazed if he didn't. So what does that look like?
And what does he do? Don't forget, Akechi is a murderer. That's his preferred skillset; that's what he wants to do, what he enjoys doing. What he really brings to the team in the third semester appears to be pure ruthlessness and a will to be the one who kills when it's necessary. So if he somehow gets to have a life, how does he avoid living with anticlimax for the rest of his days? What does he even offer the world?—or a society in which people like him can have no place?
He's done everything interesting he will ever do. He's been as interesting as he'll ever be. Does he miss what he was? Does he miss what he did? Does he miss Shido, even, who was his only family, who praised him and needed him so completely? Does he get mixed up with Mitsuru somehow, just to keep him out of jail, to give him some kind of place and purpose? How would he view that? Another rich, powerful asshole trying to control him?—very much nty, he'll rot in jail first.
And what about Joker? What about the Phantom Thieves? Does he have a place with them? Or will he always be an outcast, tolerated at best, unable to connect? How do those relationships play out over years, over a lifetime?
Akechi has made a lot of mistakes and a lot of bad choices. In the third semester he's pretty much broken as a person, after what seems to have close to a change of heart. I'd really like to see him slowly develop and learn and change. I'd like to see him find something to live for besides killing. So to really answer your original question—I want him to live. I want him to slowly learn that there can be things in the world for him, and people who want him for himself. I want him to come to a place where he can start to do better because he's chosen to—likely still in a ruthless and mercenary way, that's just who he'll always be, but still doing better. Because punitive justice doesn't put anything right, not really. And it makes for boring fanfic, too.
tl;dr: Atlus, return my child.
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