#WHY did they have him down to his speedo
panbotter · 2 months
All I've been thinking about is
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You know?
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steddiealltheway · 10 months
(So, idk if anyone has ordered or seen the Scoops Ahoy costumes from Amazon or whatever, but the shorts for Robin are tight and short. But the shorts for Steve are like the ones seen in the show. Which leads me to this thought…)
Steve’s first day at Scoops Ahoy is… alright?
Actually, it’s pretty miserable.
Scooping ice cream is way harder than it looks. And for some reason he can’t get that perfect rounded shape. It just comes out in pieces that he has to mash into cups and balance on top of cones.
Plus, he’s pretty sure his coworker hates him.
Her name is Robin, and she scowls and dramatically points at her name tag when he asks for it. To make matters worse, they apparently went to high school together, but he doesn’t have the vaguest memory of her. (To be fair, they did not run in the same social circles with her being in band and even theatre and with Steve being “King Steve.”)
But for some reason, she loves to poke fun at him especially when he fails to get any girl’s number. It’s like the Harrington charm radiates through his hair which is blocked by the stupid hat.
But what he really notices only an hour into their eight hour shift is the way she’s tugging at her shorts. She digs her fingers under the elastic band around her thighs as if trying to stretch them out, and she’s constantly trying to pull them down as they begin to ride up.
And really, Steve not trying to perv or anything, but she’s make quite a bit of a fuss with the whole thing, cursing under her breath and obviously really uncomfortable.
So, when the store is fairly empty, Steve turns to her and asks, “Do you want to change shorts with me?”
For the first time, Robin laughs. Loudly. She even snorts at the idea. But her laughter quickly dies down when she realizes Steve isn’t laughing. “Wait, you’re serious?”
Steve shrugs. “Yeah. You look uncomfortable. And hey, I’ve worn way worse to basketball practice, plus I had to wear speedos when I was on the swim team.”
Robin’s nose scrunches up. “Gross.”
Steve puts his hands on his hips and huffs, “Do you want to switch or not?”
She takes a few seconds to stare at Steve, clearly suspicious of an ulterior motive. But then, she curses and starts tugging at elastic band again. “Okay! Fine. But we’re not getting change in the same room.”
Steve rolls his eyes as he heads to the back room. “I wasn’t suggesting that.”
In the end, Steve is left to change in the damn freezer storage area while Robin gets the whole break room. But he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable, so he sucks it up and doesn’t complain. (Although he really really wants to.)
He waits for her to knock on the door to signal she’s ready, looking down at the shorts. They’re not horrible, but he can understand why Robin was uncomfortable - as they’re already stretching over his ass and thighs while starting to ride up beyond mid thigh.
Even after she knocks, Steve asks, “Ready for me to come out?”
He thinks he hears her laugh about that for some reason before she answers, “Yeah!”
He steps into the room and glances down at her new shorts momentarily before nodding. “Better?”
Robin smiles slightly and nods before heading back out to the main area.
Steve follows behind her. “Hey, they gave me two pairs of these. I can give you the extra pair to wear and keep during our next shift together.”
Robin turns to him and narrows her eyes. “What are you asking for in return?”
“Nothing,” Steve says, eyebrows furrowed. He hopes she understands that he really means it and won’t hold this over her head like an asshole.
She just stares at him for a few seconds before almost wondrously saying, “Huh.”
Luckily, she seems to relax for the first time since their shift started.
After this, the teasing from before has less of an edge to it, but it becomes relentless. Steve almost thinks that maybe this is the start of a wonderful friendship. But Robin would never want that from him.
He only changes his mind about this later when Eddie Munson walks into the store while Steve is cleaning the tables. He accidentally knocks over a napkin and bends over to pick it up, feeling his shorts ride up.
When he stands up, he’s met with a pink faced Munson who stares at him - or rather his ass - with wide eyes.
“See something you want to sample?” Steve asks honestly a bit against his will because it’s part of the Scoops Ahoy greeting. (Only for some reason, he’s unable to get any other part of the greeting out.)
Eddie’s pink face turns red as his eyes snap up to Steve’s. His mouth opens and closes a few times before he quickly breathes out, “I need to leave.”
When the boy practically runs out the store, Steve naturally glances over his shoulder at Robin, trying to gauge if she just saw what he did.
She’s already laughing behind the counter saying between bouts of laughter, “See something you want to sample?”
Steve huffs and feels a blush rise to his cheeks. “Shut up,” he mumbles out, throwing the napkin away before returning behind the counter. “I’m never asking that again.”
But as Robin continues to laugh, Steve can’t help but join in a little, wondering if maybe she would like to be friends and if Eddie will ever come back.
So, maybe his first day wasn’t pretty miserable or just alright. Maybe it was perfect.
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yabakuboi · 1 month
steddie request! pre steddie during a pool day eddie feels cute aggression and bites the back of steve's shoulder and surprises him
It should be ILLEGAL, Eddie thinks, for Steve Harrington to allowed out into polite company, much less in a community pool where innocent eyes could gaze upon him. Objectively, sure, Eddie knows that those little pink swim shorts aren't any more scandalous that what anyone else is wearing today. Ted Wheeler is knocked out on a lounge chair with only a speedo. But it's Steve. And Eddie's doing his best to rehab his image in Hawkins, so drooling after the local Harrington prince wasn't going to help.
Never mind that it was Steve who drug Eddie out into Satan's crack that is Indiana summer in August. He'd made a good case about it, too—something, something, being seen doing good in front of all the moms at the community pool, something, something, Holly's birthday party, yada yada. Honestly, Eddie didn't hear most of it, lost in Steve's stupid, beautiful brown eyes.
What was Eddie going to say? No?? Be for real.
That was how Eddie found himself sat on a deck chair (thankfully one with an umbrella), in his jeans next to a cooler, handing little girls juice boxes and snacks when demanded of him.
Holly Wheeler must befriends with the entire elementary school, Jesus Christ.
Steve himself, in his aforementioned pink swim trunks, was playing as pool jungle gym and had kids crawling all over him. It helped a lot to keep Eddie from drooling after him, but didn't do a lot for Eddie's heart.
Worse than Steve being hot, was Steve being cute. Eddie couldn't take it. He was going to die.
Steve had one of the smaller kids perched on his hip, held safely up out of the splash zone, while the rest of the hoard took turns climbing up onto his shoulders and using him like a diving board, his free hand guiding them safely into the water as they jumped. It looked like hell to Eddie, but Steve was grinning ear to ear, rating each jump with a booming cheer that had all the kids screaming around him with each splash.
"Um, excuse me," snaps a little girl in front of Eddie. He glances down and feels like he's looking at a mini Erica Sinclair, her hands on her hips and scowling. A chilling sight.
"Whatcha need, shrimp?" Eddie sighs, flipping the cooler lid up to take another order. "We're out of red barrels, and our stock of blue is going fast."
She eyes him skeptically for a moment before her little shoulders slump. "Fine, I guess I'll take the blue."
"Here you go," he says, pulling the foil off for her since little wrinkled baby fingers have yet to manage it all day. "Now be gone with ye."
Treating him with another incredibly bitchy look for a third grader, she bounds off just as a shadow appears over Eddie. A wet arm hooks over Eddie's shoulders, just as Steve crashes into the deck chair beside him, too small for two nearly full grown men, the plastic creaking ominously. Steve is practically in Eddie's lap.
"Harrington, what the fuck," Eddie squawks, cold pool water soaking into his clothes because Steve is dripping wet.
"What the language, Munson," Steve says, still grinning, looking at Eddie with those brown eyes. His face is round and a little pink, and he's so close that Eddie can see the faint trail of summer freckles across his nose. He's so beautiful, and he looks so happy and excited to have Eddie's attention. "There's little ears—OW WHAT THE FUCK!"
Eddie opens his jaw and yanks his head back, almost as shocked with himself as Steve. He can taste pool water in his mouth. There's a line of pink teeth-marks on Steve tanned shoulder.
"Uh," Eddie says.
"Did..." Steve starts. He leans back a little, still half in Eddie's lap, to gape down at him. "Did you just... bite me?"
"Y-Yeah," Eddie breathes. "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Steve repeats, brows high on his forehead. "Why the hell did you bite me?"
"You're very bitable." Eddie's going to drown himself in the pool at this rate. "You're too cute. I had to bite you."
He watches as Steve's eyes narrow, watches as Steve begins to suss him out. Eddie's still too shocked with himself to do anything, can't even panic, because he's that much of an idiot and his brain has gone completely offline. Because Eddie bit Steve Harrington and then called him cute, Jesus Humphrey Christ.
Then Steve leans down, slowly, until his face is right in Eddie's, and an insane thought goes through Eddie's brain. I bit Steve Harrington, told him he was cute, and now he's going to kiss me.
Except Steve bypasses Eddie's face and lands his lips against Eddie's neck, where he then tries to take his own pound of flesh.
Eddie screeches.
Distantly, he recognizes what a weird blessing it is that they're at the community pool, surrounded half the elementary school, all of them screeching and screaming and splashing. Everyone is completely oblivious to whatever homosexual nightmare is happening to Eddie right now.
"You're pretty cute yourself, Ed," Steve says into the small space next to his ear. And then he's up and standing between one breath and the next. "We really gotta teach you some manners though," he says, grinning, before he turns and dives into the pool.
"Y-Yeah," Eddie says weakly in his absence. He can feel Steve's spit on his neck, rapidly drying the summer heat, the bite mark aching with promise.
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bigification · 22 days
Beach Bears
The cold water felt good on my feet as the waves washed in and out. The sun warmed my skin as I stood at the edge of the beach. It was finally summer, the season where the ladies pull out their bikinis and I get to show off all the hard work I put into my abs over the winter. I finally got to wear my new orange speedo, it was a little big but the drawstring made it so it wouldn't fall down. It still showed off my ass well so I didn't care. I tried to convince my friend Leo to get a speedo too but he was hesitant. Although he did get a short pair of swim shorts, so he'll still be able to show off for the ladies.
"C'mon Leo, let's go already!" I yelled, waiting for my friend to join me in the water.
"Ya ya I'm coming!" He yelled back as he ran towards me.
We both slowly walked into the water together, it was cold but refreshing. We stopped just as the water reached our upper thigh, working up the courage to go deeper. In the meantime, I looked around to see if we had any catches nearby.
"Bingo!" I said to Leo as I tapped his shoulder. "Right there. Red bikinis." I pointed at two ladies swimming nearby.
"Slow down man, they're like ten years older than us. No way they want us around." Leo hesitated.
"Dude, were like almost 20, were basically adults. Just follow my lead." I said as I dragged towards the two women.
"Hey ladies. Need company to keep you warm?" I said, trying to lower my voice to sound smooth.
The women looked at each other and giggled quietly. One of them slowly walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Why don't you two go a little deeper. We're gonna get some sunscreen and we'll be right back." She said as she softly slid her hand down my arm. She then brushed her hand across my cheek and over my mouth. It left a sweet taste in my lips. I saw the other woman do the same to Leo as they started to swim back to the shore.
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" I said excitedly to Leo. He smiled back at me and we both went deeper to wait for the ladies to come back.
I laid on my back, floating on the surface of the water. My head was turning with all of the things I should say, or the things I should do when they come back. I didn't even notice myself mentally drifting away. It was getting harder to think, it was hard to tell how much time had passed. I felt comfortable as a warm sensation filled my body.
As I was floating, I turned my head to face Leo. It looked like he was mindlessly floating like I was, but something seemed off. His belly is sticking out a bit. At first it just looked like he took a big breath in, but then it never flattened back out to his normal abs. In fact it just kept growing. It swelled until it looked like he ate a basketball. I could even see fat love handles spilling over his waist, acting as floating devices for his growing body. I should have been terrified, or at least curious about what was happening but something about it felt normal.
I continued to watch Leo change, I felt mesmerized and paralyzed at the same time. His flat pecs grew into a pair of strong but soft pecs that complemented his gut. His once skinny and defined arms ballooned into strong biceps, and thick man hands. His legs and his ass plumped a lot too, making it look like his swim shorts were about to burst. Even his feet looked like they grew six sizes.
I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. Like the feeling I get when I look at a hot woman, but I couldn't take my eyes off Leo. Finally, I watched his lovely hair fall out, leaving a bald head behind. Then his clean shaven face quickly grew a thick and bushy beard that covered the double chin that had formed under his face. His features seemed to roughen up, giving him the appearance of a tough man in his late thirties.
As I stared at Leo, I noticed I was struggling to stay afloat. My body was sinking and my head was barely above water. I usually have no trouble floating, why is my body sinking like a rock all of a sudden. I go to stand up, and something doesn't feel right. I could even touch the bottom before, now the water only reaches my chest when I stand up straight. I looked down, feeling the scruff of my beard rub against my chest. Wait... I don't have a beard, why do I have a beard. When I looked down, I noticed my chest sticking out much further than it usually does. My pecs were thick and padded, and my stomach had a thick layer of muscle but it was hidden under a layer of fat. My arms were massive, It made me feel so strong. My biceps were so thick that I had to spread my arms so they don't rub against my sides. My hands had gotten so thick, I felt like I could grip a basketball with one hand.
I started to walk towards Leo, as my mind began to feel less foggy. My memories started to come back to me. I had to stop and undo the strap on my speedo, because it felt like it was squeezing me to death. I think I'll need a new one anyway, this one felt like it was crushing my dick with every step. It also shocked me how much I had to spread my legs while walking, leg day has been paying off with these thick thighs but man is it annoying sometimes.
"Wake up, babe." I said to Leo as I shook him. He snorted a bit before jumping awake. "You look so cute when you wake up." I said as I leaned in for a kiss. I loved the fuzzy feeling of his beard rubbing against my lips. He always asks me if I'm okay with him growing out his beard but I'm always adamant that I love it, I don't think I'll ever let him shave it off.
I saw his cheeks turn a bit red from the compliment. He was always so easily flattered.
"We should go back and put on some sunscreen before you burn your head again." I said as I dragged him back to the shore.
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I grabbed his hand as we got to the shore, Leo always had trouble with his balance with the waves hitting his feet. His balance gets worse the bigger his belly gets, not that I mind his belly though. I've made sure to feed him well ever since we started dating. That metabolism of his will give out one day and it'll be easier for me to fatten him up.
As we got to the beach, I heard a couple of girls giggling nearby. "You guys are so cute together!" One of them yelled out. Leo blushed and looked away, and I just gave them a wink as we walked back to our beach towels.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 9
As you guys wanted, here's me doubling up on posting days. It will (hopefully) be twelve hours apart so that each chapter can get some love.
In this chapter we have a lot of flirting between Eddie and Steve. The Party being "meh" *shrugs shoulders* at Steve being bi. And Robin being the most soulmate a guy could ask for.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
That night they were all gathered to watch the amateur theatrical society put on Much Ado About Nothing.
Even the ones who had been reluctant to join in were doubled over in laughter at the trick the Prince pulled on Beatrice and Benedict. The way they cried when Hero was accused of cheated on Claudio. And cheered when it was resolved happily ever after.
Mike complained about it all the way to the car. “We were forced to read this play in eighth grade and I hated it. I never knew it was funny.”
Eddie put his arm around his shoulder. “That is the unfortunate side effect of the education system. They suck the joy out of all of everything.”
“Normally I’m rolling my eyes at Eddie’s rants,” Robin said, “but I’m going to have to agree with him on this one. They just want sanitized versions of everything.”
Steve nodded. “Like what’s with the jump in American history when we stop in eighth grade at the Civil War and then all the way to WWII in eleventh grade, with only a brief mention of WWI as it related to WWII. Are they really trying to tell us that nothing happened in those eighty years of note? Like the fuck?”
Mike blinked at him. “Holy shit, I never even realized.”
The kids looked around at each other in shock.
“They push math and science,” Eddie continued, “but shit on everything else, except sports.”
He winced when realized what he had said. He looked over at Steve with an apology on his lips, but Steve was nodding.
“And they have to be the right sports, too,” Steve agreed. “Wrestling, swimming, soccer...anything outside the big three baseball, football, or basketball. Trust me, I got a lot of flack on being on the swim team. It was ‘gay’.”
“What?” Will squawked. “Why?”
Eddie licked his lips. “Little, teeny, tiny uniforms.” He emphasized the point holding his fingers not that far apart.
Dustin snorted. “Can’t be any worse than the basketball shorts.”
Steve looked upwards as he chewed on the bottom of his lip.
Dustin’s eyes bulged out of his head. “How much worse are we talking about here?”
Lucas frowned. “What the fuck is a Speedo?”
Eddie was practically vibrating in his skin. “Can I tell them, Stevie? Can I please?”
Steve let out a little sigh. The sigh the Party lovingly called his mom sigh. It was the sound he made when he knew no mater what he did it was going to end badly for him, so he just...let it happen.
He waved at Eddie to go ahead.
“Instead of swim trunks, that have a leg on them,” Eddie crowed, “Speedos are swim underpants. They cover the junk, the ass, and that’s it.”
“And you deliberately wore these things?” Max asked in interest. More interest than Lucas or any of the guys were comfortable with.
“I’m good at it,” Steve said, blush creeping up his ears and down his throat from the stain on his cheeks. “The uniform wasn’t as bad Eddie’s making it out to be.”
Gareth snorted. “Nope, they really are that bad. There was a period of time where–”
Eddie slammed his hand over Gareth’s mouth. “There’s no need to tell them about that, Gare.”
Steve looked over at Brian.
“Your senior year Eddie forced all of Hellfire to watch your meets.”
“Bri!” Eddie protested.
Steve looked over at Eddie and raised an eyebrow. “You like the...what was you it called it,” he said tapping his finger on his lips, “the ‘little, teeny, tiny’ uniform, Eds?”
Eddie threw his arms in the air. “I am but a gay man in a small town, so sue me!”
“I always preferred the lifeguard uniforms at the community pool,” Steve said. “Less wedgies.”
“Babe,” Eddie scoffed, “those shorts and tank left very little to the imagination. At least with the Speedo you knew what you were getting. With the lifeguard uniform it was all fantasy.”
Steve laughed. “I bet you were the kind who faked drowning to get CPR from their favorite lifeguard.”
“I can honestly say, I’ve never done that.”
“Yeah?” Steve asked all smiles. “Can you prove that?”
Eddie got up close to him and whispered, “Yeah, darlin’. I think I would have remembered you rescuing me before the Upside Down.” He winked at him and sauntered off. The rest of the band hastily said their goodbyes and hurried after their ride home.
Steve’s face was as red as his old life guard uniform. “Right. Let’s get home, yeah?”
Dustin eye’s narrowed at him for a moment. “Steve Harrington, are you crushing on my DM?”
The remaining eight looked at Dustin in shock.
“Dude!” Will hissed. “You can’t just ask that in public! What if someone overheard you?”
Dustin looked around and waved his hand around him. “There is literally no one here. I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t think it was a safe time to ask. But I’m going home with my mom as soon as she gets here and I will not be stymied.”
Steve ducked his head. “And if I did like boys, that would be okay with everyone?”
Everyone just looked around at each other and there was this collective shrug.
“Do you still like girls?” Max asked, genuinely curious.
Steve nodded shyly.
Lucas frowned. “You can like both?”
“Like David Bowie!” El said with her serene smile. “He likes both. Freddie Mercury from Queen, too.”
Steve snapped his fingers. “Exactly like that, El!”
Her smile grew.
“It’s okay if you like Eddie that way,” Mike said softly.
All the heads snapped to look at him.
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, okay. I have a lot to work on regarding the whole Lucas thing, but I’m not a complete ass.”
“Thank you,” El said and kissed his cheek. “You just have a lot growing up to do. We all do. We just need to give each other the chances to do so safely. Or at least that’s what Joyce keeps telling me.”
Steve gave her a hug. “Thanks, Supergirl.”
He looked out at all his friends. The people who were more his family then his own parents.
“I might have a small...” he raised his finger and thumb, “crush on a certain metalhead DM who recently joined the Party in March...”
Robin scoffed. “And by little he means huge!” She spread out her arms all the way out.
Dustin’s head snapped around to Steve. “If you two get together, he better treat you right. You deserve it.”
Steve blinked. Considering how Dustin had worded his original question, he had been sure that Dustin was going to him not to break Eddie’s heart.
He gave Dustin a hug and kissed the top of his head.
He really shouldn’t have doubted this kid.
Just then, Claudia pulled up in her station wagon and Dustin, El, Will and Mike all piled in after saying their goodbyes.
“He totally has the hots for you, by the way,” Max said dryly.
Steve blinked at her for a moment. “How do you know that? Does he spend all his days learning alt rock on his guitar or something for me?”
Max just blinked at him. “Huh. You aren’t as stupid as I thought.” And then she just started walking toward the car.
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “So to make sure I got this right, Max is saying Eddie has the hots for me because he’s been learning my favorite songs for me on his guitar?”
“That’s what it sounded like to me, man,” Lucas said with a half shrug.
“I’m with Lucas on this one,” Robin agreed. “So maybe you should do what I’ve been suggesting for the last three weeks and you know ASK HIM OUT!”
Lucas giggled.
“Shush you,” Steve admonished. “Get to the car.” He pointed at Robin. “You are spending the night with me to help plan out something cool.”
Robin saluted and Lucas just rolled his eyes and they all walked to the car to end another great night at the fair.
“Let’s play to your strengths,” Robin said, sitting cross-legged on Steve’s bed.
“Sports, sewing, and history,” Steve said, ticking them off on his fingers. “Fat lot of good that’s going to do me. It’s not as though I can whip out something overnight as a token of my affection.”
She rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t have to be something fancy. You could do something small. Like maybe use that fancy red thread you got at the weavers yesterday.”
He blushed. “I wouldn’t know where to start. Everything I know how to make is either winter stuff or something he’d never use.”
“He uses that handkerchief all the time,” Robin pointed out. “You could do something like that.”
Steve flopped dramatically on his back. “Not if he knew it was made from that fancy thread I got. He’d want to protect it.”
Robin had to give him that one. Because that would be an Eddie thing to do. And while the sentiment was sweet it would make Steve sad that he never used it.
Suddenly Steve sat up. “Oh!”
She blinked at him. “What’s ‘oh’?”
“He was telling me just last week,” he explained, “that the bag he used to hold all his dice for their game got a hole in it and it kept spilling the dice all over the inside of his backpack!”
Robin grinned. “Let’s pick out the best material to match that pretty thread.”
Steve nodded. “I just have to make a quick phone call to find out how big the bag should be and I can have this done in no time at all.”
He called Dustin and told him his idea. Dustin was ecstatic and told him everything he needed to know.
Robin and Steve then dug into his material stores and picked out a nice black felt and a satin red lining to make doubly sure Eddie wouldn’t lose the dice down the gaping maw that was his backpack.
He then showed Robin how to make patterns and cut them. Then he got to work.
Even with how easily Robin got bored, she watched the whole time with fascination. How he embroidered his pattern into what would be the front of the bag. How quickly and evenly Steve stitched the pieces of cloth together. He explained the process every step of the way and her eyes just lit up.
He turned the bag right side out and fitted it with silver draw string. He pulled it taut and held it up to Robin to see.
She reached out and gently took it from him. “That’s so cool. You do a bunch of these at work and send them to Katie as way to gauge reactions to your work, while you make bigger pieces.”
Steve licked his lips. “You really think these would sell?”
“And I think Eddie would be pleased as punch that he got the first official Harrington Pattern design.”
Steve took it back from her and smiled. “That would make it even more special, wouldn’t it?”
Robin grinned. “Yes, yes it would.”
He threw his arms around her. “You’re the best soulmate anyone could possibly ask for.”
She blushed but held him tight. “You too, Stevie.”
When Steve finally pulled back he tapped his finger on his lips. “Now what to make you.”
Robin squealed. “But you already made something awesome. The pirate costume was amazing, you don’t have to do more just because you made Eddie something.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yes, but I just tailored the clothes. I didn’t make them. I want to make you something.”
She scoffed. “Like the only thing I need are gloves for marching band. Since I have to have hand-me-downs, they are either too tight or way too big.”
His eyes lit up. “I’ve never made gloves before. That would be fun and interesting to try.”
“How would you even measure something like that?” Robin asked, a small amount of hope creeping into her voice.
Steve grinned. “Do you remember those ugly ass hand turkeys they made us draw in elementary school?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Just. Like. That.”
Her eyes went wide. “Wait are you serious?”
Steve just grinned.
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
I'm not 100% sure my history experience in school is universal in the US, but in order to bridge the gap you actually had to an elective history class called Twentieth Century. Like it was straight up bullshit. And before you ask, you can bet your ass I took that class. It was taught by my favorite teacher. Of course I took that class.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @microbiology @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot @lololol-1234 @nightmareglitter
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allurilove · 5 days
Yandere Husband, Yan!Prodigy, Yandere Classmate and Yandere Stalker x fem!reader who has large breasts and tries to hide them under several layers of clothing. Despite her attempts to hide them, the yanderes persist and end up convincing her to let them worship her breasts.
Rated 18 + — mature short content !
You said yandere classmate so I’m gonna guess you wanted yearbook guy?, if not, ill just add both yearbook and boyfriend too!
Yandere Husband:
“I’ve seen everything before,” your husband approached you slowly, his eyes looking you up and down before he licked his lips. “Why do you feel like you have to hide yourself from me?”
He grabbed the bottom of your sweater, and you felt him slowly lift it up as he bent down to kiss your stomach. You could feel the vibrations from his voice on your skin. “I love every part of you.”
He stood back up and pushed you down onto the bed. Your yandere husband straddled you and tilted his head. “Are you going to strip for me, or do I have to make you?”
You give him a little pout, really trying to convince him that he doesn’t need to see your chest, but really… it’s one of the best qualities about you. He likes fondling them when he reads, when he goes to sleep, or even when he’s bored. Your husband just likes to have a hand on you at all times.
When you finally give in, slipping off all the layers and your chest was free from your bra, he let out a low whistle at the sight. “…so perfect.” he mumbled and he leaned down to suck on your nipples.
Yandere Prodigy:
He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he couldn’t help but overhear how badly you felt about your body. You were just talking to another girl in your section, and you were packing your instrument away. Yandere prodigy did notice how you wore thick layers, and tried your damn hardest to cover any cleavage. He did wish you would flash him every once in a while.
He cleared his throat and looked away shamefully. He felt like a pervert for always staring at your chest, just trying to imagine how it would look like.
His ears tingles as you continue to complain about your back pain and how sensitive your chest could get. “I can give you a massage.” he blurts out and he had to look confident as you turned around to look at him incredulously.
He thought that you would turn him down. He never once thought that he would be backstage touching you. He cleared his throat. “Tell me if anything hurts…” he had no idea what he was doing, and he definitely realized how bad this looked it anyone saw you two. He continued to massage your body, his hand slowly trailing upwards towards your chest.
He did an experimental touch, gently pressing one finger right on your breast, and he looked at your face to see your reaction. Your eyes are closed and a single sigh left your lips. He then took his other hand and placed it right on your tit and he squeezed it. He took a step forward to trap you against the wall and his knee found its way in between your legs. “Is this okay?”
Yandere Classmate:
You came to one of his swim meets. You were hit with a wave of humidity as you opened the doors to the pool area. He was already in the pool, swimming cap on, and he was warming up. You saw his strong arms and legs propel him through the waters, and occasionally his face would pop out to breathe.
You set your stuff by the bleachers and watched the coach usher the team out of the pool. The meet was about to start. Yandere classmate pulled his body out of the pool, he’s wearing one of those tight speedos, and you can see the tan on his legs. His back is wide and strong, the water dripping down his muscled body, and he meets up with the rest of the team.
As the swim meet went on, you were sweating underneath your sweater, your face bright red and you couldn’t help but pull at the collar of your shirt for some air to cool you down.
Towards the end he finally approached you. “You look hot. Quite literally and figuratively.”
“Follow me, I’ll give you one of my shirts to wear.” he pulled your hand and he dragged you towards the locker rooms. He smiled as you instinctively covered your eyes. “Relax, it’s just you and me in here.”
He handed you one of his shirts, it’s bigger than you thought, and you sigh in relief as you realized it could cover your chest. He stood there, ready to stare at you as you changed. When your chest was out he immediately put his hand to feel them without a second thought. “Woah…” his thumb circled your nipple on top of your bra. “Can I take a pic?”
He got down on his knees, pulling out one of your tits, and his mouth opened. He gently bit down onto the flesh and raised his phone higher to take a picture.
Yandere boyfriend:
Your boyfriend gripped onto your hips as he thrusted upwards. You were on top of him and kept riding him to meet your release. He noticed how you always wore a shirt when you two were intimate, and if he wanted to see your tits he would only get to feel them instead.
He gasped as he felt your pussy clench around him. His nails digs into the fat of your hips. “I wanna see you… please?”
“Ah~” his back arched as you grind on top of him. When you see the euphoric expression on his face you finally gave in. You took off your shirt and bra, you tossed them to the side and his eyes widen.
It drove him crazy to think that you hid your glorious breasts from him, his eyes followed the way they moved around as you hopped on his dick. He sat up onto his elbows and he kissed your chest, his hands then moving to sandwich his face in between them.
Yandere Stalker:
Your stalker bought binoculars to look into your window. You stepped out of your shower, your towel wrapped around your body, and he prayed that you would drop it.
You’re quite bold, you know? You have huge windows and yet you get changed in front of them. It gives creeps like him be able to see you. He felt his cock strain in his pants and he bit his bottom lip.
Your hips swayed as you walked over to your lotion bottle. Oh I get to see you rub yourself with white cream? Lucky me.
The moment you flashed the world with your body he quickly pulled took a picture of your form. He got back into his car and drove home.
He was now sitting in his bed, his arm furiously jerking himself off, and his eyes were glued to the zoomed in pic of your tits. His tongue stuck out to lick the screen, and he swirled his tongue. He would pay you a generous amount just to be able to fondle them, to feel the heavy weight, and to keep one of your bras. “…you’re so pretty-“ he whined as his eyes rolled back and he came all over his hand.
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
Congrats on being here writing for one year!!!
🦋Can I please request a little mini drabble for Javi G?
And since you know I love my little bad boi/soft boi - can you please make him a little naughty? He's not a big, mean man, but I think he can be spicy when he wants to be.
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Patti, anything for you my darling 💗
Thank you for taking my Javi G v-card ;)
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A/N: spicy, spicy, spicy! 🥵🌶️
~word count: 1.3k~
Summary: being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant comes with many perks.
Pairing | Javi Gutierrez x f!personal assistant reader
Warnings: smut with no plot, power imbalance (boss/employee) reader is ballsy and bold, mutual pining, unprotected piv, fingering, teasing (like HELLA) seductress reader, noncon/dubcon (reader is naked in his eye-line on purpose) javi is respectful till he’s not, dom!javi, reader can understand Spanish, reader has no physical descriptions such as body type or skin color, no age gap (no mention of age) +18, minors dni!
¡Mierda! - Shit!
Querida - darling
Ten piedad de mí, joder - have mercy on me, fuck
Hermosa - gorgeous
Chica mala - bad girl
translations done by @angelofsmalldeath-codeine & @yoongi-tangerine-22
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Being Javi Gutierrez’s personal assistant came with…many perks. Javi was always a generous man, and even though he was your boss, and you knew it was shameful to be attracted to him, you couldn’t help it.
But what’s a girl to do with an assumed one-sided attraction? Tease the shit out of him till he simply can’t take it anymore.
It started off innocent, light touches here and there. Fluttering of lashes, giggles, and asking him questions about himself that did not pertain to the conversation at hand.
You loved to see him stutter over his responses and rub the back of his neck, or card his fingers through his luscious, soft curls.
He never acted upon his desires and urges. He always was respectful, polite, and boy, did that often drive you up a wall.
You were desperate to know what kind of man Javi Gutierrez was in the bedroom.
You started wearing revealing clothing around him. Short skirts, low-cut tops that had your tits practically staring him in the face. Flowy sundresses that allowed for easy access to your bare cunt.
He found you purposely bent over at times, with the seam of your pussy exposed—puffy, dripping a droplet of arousal like the sweetest fruit a man could ever taste.
Tempted by the bared fruit of Eden, he was. The urge was there, but never satiated. You were his assistant, and he was your boss. It would be shameful.
The sun was hot, blistering, boiling on your skin. One of the perks of living at Javi’s coastal home, was your free access to his inground pool. As long as you did your job, you could spend your free time lounging poolside for hours.
Today you decided to spice things up a bit more than usual knowing the exact time that Javi would come down for his afternoon swim. You would be there, waiting for him.
At first, he didn’t notice your naked form sunbathing on your stomach, ankles crossed in a relaxed position on the poolside chaise lounge. His mind was elsewhere: a new screenplay idea.
He whistled, throwing his towel down on the chair beside you, stretching his arms above his head, giving you a tiny peek at the happy trail at the top of his very tight speedo.
Your sunglasses tip down over the bridge of your nose as you shamelessly drink him in. Salivating at the look of his bronzed, golden skin that you absolutely would love to sink your teeth into.
“Mr. Gutierrez, so nice of you to join me.” You giggle softly, waving your fingers in a teasing motion.
He does a double take when his eyes finally gloss over your naked body. His pupils expand, and he nearly stumbles over his two feet.
“¡Mierda!” He exclaims, covering his eyes and shaking his head. “Querida, why are you naked?!” The harmless nickname slips past his lips, his eyes going wide behind the cover of his hands when the realization hits.
“Aw, Javi! I’m your darling? Wow, you sure know how to get a gal feeling flustered!” You giggle again and slowly roll over onto your back, thighs falling open over the side of the lounge chair, just enough that he can see the outline of your cunt. “It’s far too hot to be wearing anything, Javi. My skin is absolutely boiling.” You said with a soft, airy sigh, letting your hand drift southwards to rest along your stomach. Inching—
Ten piedad de mí, joder. He thinks.
He doesn’t respond, feeling flustered as a hot flush spreads across his face. He averts from making eye contact with you and tosses his sunglasses onto his towel. You swear you hear him curse under his breath just before he dives into the refreshing pool.
Javi finally loses his cool when the second draft of his new screenplay is rejected. He’s been so distracted with you and your antics that he hasn’t been able to focus! Well, he’s about to show you just how frustrated he truly is with you.
You don’t hear him approaching at first from where you’re bent over the sink, focused on washing the dishes and the song playing in your AirPods.
Your hips are swaying to the side, loose and flowy and from where Javi is standing in the opening of the kitchen, he’s practically burning holes into the back of your head.
Fucking tease.
He stalks forward, coming up behind you and nearly rips the earbuds from your ears, tossing them onto the countertop.
“Hey—” you start to say, losing your voice in your throat when you feel Javi’s palm slip between the apex of your thighs, fingers just barely brushing between the seam of your cunt.
“You’re a dirty fucking tease, querida.” He growls against the shell of your ear. His freehand yanks you back by your hip. He inhales your scent, familiar—his fucking cologne? “Naughty fucking tease. Are you—wearing my cologne?” He drags his fingers through your folds, gathering up your apparent arousal, sticky and wet for him. “Dripping all over the freshly washed tiles, hermosa.”
“Fuuck—” you whimper, pressing your ass directly against the growing bulge in his cotton shorts. Your head lolls to the side, falling back against his shoulder. “I’m your dirty fucking tease, Javi.” You spread your thighs further for him as he continues his ministrations, “Wearing your cologne, sir. Stole it from your room because I’m a bad, bad, girl. I wanted you to smell yourself on me.”
He nips at your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin, sucking harshly on your pulse point as he eases two fingers inside of your sopping cunt, knuckle deep. “Fucking always wearing short skirts around me. Those goddamn sundresses. Lost my mind when you were sunbathing naked, cunt on full display without a care in the world. You’ve made it so, so hard for me to keep my hands to myself, querida.”
“Javiii!” You whine, “please don’t keep your hands to yourself, baby. Please. Have your way with me, sir. I’m all yours.” You don’t give a flying fuck how desperate you sound for this man, you’ve been pining after him for far too long to care.
“Yeah? You think I should, hermosa? Think I should give you my cock? That’s what you want, right? You want my cock? I don’t think you deserve it, querida. Not after you’ve driven me up a fucking wall. Naughty little teases don’t get rewarded.”
He begins to shallowly pump his fingers, knuckle deep, curling them inwards. You can feel the bite of the cooling touch of his expensive rings against your hot skin. “Please, Javi! Give me anything—I’ll take whatever you give me! Your cock, your fingers!” You cry out.
“Yeah? You’re that fucking desperate for me, querida? You want my cock that fucking bad? Look at you, dripping all over my fingers…” he hums, pressing the hardening length of his cock against your ass. “You want me to fuck you so bad, little tease? Take my cock out then, hermosa. Fuck yourself on it.”
You waste no time to reach behind and blindly search for the waistband of his shorts. You let out a frustrating whine when he pulls himself back slightly just so you have to work for it a little harder. He hisses between his teeth, working his fingers inside of you faster when you finally pull his cock free through the opening of his shorts.
He’s heavy in your palm, tip weeping an angry bead of precum when you pull him back in just as he slips his fingers out. You're both a mess of breathy moans when you ease him into your wet heat, tight pussy hugging him like a fist as he bottoms out.
He’s thick, girthy, and it’s overwhelming to have all of him stuffed inside of you. It’s a delicious sensation: being stretched open by Javi’s cock.
“You’re enjoying this too fucking much, hermosa.” He keeps a firm grip on your hip, his other snakes around you, dipping between your thighs so he can thrum your sensitive clit. “Fuck yourself on it, chica mala.”
And so you do.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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zeltqz · 2 years
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐃 — 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨
୨⎯ fem!reader. smut. wc: 2k. minors do not interact. mikey's friends helps you plan out a beach day and forces mikey to show up. mikey thinks he's being a pervert. but in actuality reader is doing it on purpose.
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“I’m not wearing that.” Mikey deadpans at the coral print shorts Sanzu is holding up currently. It’s bad enough that Mikey is being forced to stop his work and come out to the fucking beach—now his stupid colleagues are trying to dress him up too. 
“It’s cute though!” Sanzu protests.
“You wear it then.” Mikey deadpans, then looks at the big hand that’s just been placed on his shoulder. 
Ran smacks the coral shorts from Sanzu’s hands and tosses it to the ground; earning a hard earned scowl from the pink haired male himself. “Put that childish shit away” Ran somehow magically pulls out a tiny speedo from what Manjiro thinks is thin air and hands it gently to Mikey, as if it’s some sacred artifact. “Here, bless the guests with this.”
“You’re both ridiculous. I’m staying in this, and that's that.” 
‘This’ consisted of a simple black tank top and matching long black shorts. It was a plain fit, compared to all his friends who’d decided to come shirtless, but Mikey didn’t mind. 
He liked plain. 
Besides, it’s not like he had anybody to impress. It was just him and his frien—
“You’re finally here! God, we thought you’d never come.”
There’s no way. There’s absolutely no way. Mikey looks up at Ran who refuses to make eye contact; instead, opting on waving you and your friends over.
The sound of footsteps gets louder and before you collide into Mikey, arms wrapping around his body as you hug him from behind. “It’s nice to see you outside finally.” You speak into the back of his shirt, oblivious to the blush creeping up on his face from the close proximity. 
“Yeah…” Everything stands still for Mikey, even his lungs—refusing to take another breath until you’re at least a couple miles away from him. 
Your best friend, Maki, moves past the two of you, straight into the boot of Koko’s car. She tugs the back of Rindou’s shirt, pulling him back towards her, close enough for a whisper. “Did you…bring the stuff?” She asks, looking at the booth, highly disappointed in the contents. 
It’s just a blue cooler, filled with ice and water and popsicles. Nothing amazing. Rindou smiles down at her, the look on his face has her grinning also as she watches him reach into his pocket, pulling out a packet of brownies. 
“Ooh!” Maki reaches out for it only for Rindou to pull back just as fast, lifting it over his head. 
“You’re insane if you think they’re getting in your hands.”
“Wha-why?! I asked for them!”
Mikey drowns out the rest of their conversation and tries his hardest not to focus on the sight of you, standing unnervingly close to him, the bare skin on your arms rubbing against his own, and he suddenly regrets wearing a tank top. 
“Are you excited?” You turn to face him with a smile on your face as you walk over to grab the big cooler from the boot of the car. The others have already started to make their way into the beach, leaving just you and Manjiro alone together. 
Mikey can’t help but think it’s a little weird that they’ve suddenly just “disappeared” into the distance. Sanzu most definitely would’ve waited for Mikey to walk in first, but he shoved that thought aside and subtly takes the cooler from your hands, seeing as you were struggling with it. 
“Thanks Mikey,” you grab onto his shoulder and squeeze it, gently, giving him your best smile. 
He ignores the way his heart stutters at the action and your smile. “Yeah, no problem.” It’s astonishing just how easily he lifts the cooler the long distance from the car to the empty beach spot. 
“Whys it so empty?” Sanzu complains at the lack of people, only a family in the distance, watching their kid cautiously as he picks shells from the ocean. 
“Probably because it’s Sunday.” Koko responds, taking out his sunglasses. “Now, nobody talk to me. I want to tan.”
“I wanna get a tan too.” Maki slips off her shirt revealing her bikini underneath. She flops down next to Koko and pushes him to get more room on the thin blanket Koko brought. 
“Okay, well, I gotta go.” Ran comments, giving you a look that Mikey cannot decipher. You nod your head and start looking through your purse, smiling when you bring out sunscreen. 
“Mikey, can you help me out this on?” You blink at him, holding the blue bottle out in front of him. Mikey is about to protest, telling you to ask someone else to help you but Ran is dragging the others away to some random part of the empty beach. Mikey turns to face Koko who simply shakes his head at him, lifting a hand to tell him no. 
Mikey makes the mistake of looking into your eyes once more, seeing the pure desperation it holds as you wiggle the bottle in front of you.  “Okay, fine.”
“Thanks Mikey!” You contemplate giving him a kiss on the cheek, but realise that might be a little too far. You sit down on the sand, a hand darting out to wrap around Mikey’s wrist, pulling him down to the ground with you. 
You remain staring at him the entire time he opens the bottle and squirts some sunscreen on his hands, rubbing his palms together before lifting your arm up to gentle rub the lotion into your skin. 
It’s the second time today he’s made the mistake of staring at your face, how you don’t take your eyes off him the entire time. He looks down to see the sunscreen has completely dissolved, the white colour now disappearing and leaving your arm back to its original tone. 
You don’t hesitate lifting your other arm up for him to do the same. 
This isn’t that bad. Mikey thinks. He thought it would’ve been way worse. 
Oh, how wrong he was. 
You turn around, unbuttoning your t-shirt and toss it next to you, then turn around and back yourself way too close for comfort. The curve of your ass rubbing against his shorts as you peek over your shoulder and politely ask him to rub your back. 
Mikey swallows. 
Like actually gulps. 
He eyes the skin on your back, only a thin laced strap connecting the bikini top—only that flimsy material stopping himself from seeing your body. 
He doesn’t respond, instead gets to work, grabbing more sunscreen and rubbing it against his fingers. 
Your back arches from the coldness of the sunscreen, but the warmth from his hands plus the scorching sun warms your back up in no time. He makes quick work, rubbing the lotion across your bare back, slipping his fingers through the strap of your bikini top to get that area too. 
Once he reaches your shoulders, you tilt your head to the side slightly to give him easier access before letting out a soft sigh. “Your hands feel so good, Manjiro.”
“They do?”
Mikey doesn’t respond to that. He doesn’t know what to respond. So he stays silent. You initially frown and look over to your friend who shrugs, not knowing what to do either. 
It’s so hard to win Manjiro‘s heart. You’ve been trying for almost two years and he either ignores all your advances, or is too oblivious to them. 
“All done.” Mikey lifts his hands off your shoulders and you smile at him before looking around, thinking of Plan B. He watches you scramble over to the cooler a couple feet away from you, and tries to keep his eyes anywhere but your body. (Your bikini is currently sticking to your ass, leaving one cheek completely exposed). 
His eyes widen once he realises it, looking up at the sky instead, or maybe the ocean looks better? But from the corner of his eye, he can see you kneel as you scour through the cooler, grabbing a popsicle. 
Two popsicles, actually. 
You grab a strawberry one for you, an orange one for him. You crawl your way back to where he is, eagerly handing him the sweet treat. 
“Thanks…” He takes it from you but doesn’t open it. You, on the other hand, eagerly unwrap it and lay down on your back, exposing your body to the sun. 
It’s probably not ideal to eat laying down. But you don’t care. You’re getting desperate at this point. 
“Koko, how’s life going?” You ask, unwrapping the popsicle and taking slow licks from bottom to top. You can feel his eyes on yours—well, on your tongue, flattening it out as you take even slower licks, sucking on the top every time you reach it. 
Mikey completely drowns out the conversation between you, Maki and Kokonoi. Instead, he watches with intense focus as your lips wrap around the tip, pushing the popsicle further down your throat. 
No normal person eats a popsicle like this. 
No one tries to literally deep throat it. Mikey is confused, but he doesn’t question it, instead tried to not focus on his cock twitching through his shorts. 
Fuck, look somewhere else. It’s hard, but he finally rips his eyes away from you, instead, scanning the beach for signs of his friends. 
On the far end of the beach, Ran and his brother are teaching some kid how to build a sand castle whilst Sanzu kicks it, causing the kid to cry after a couple moments. 
Idiots. Mikey thinks, bringing his gaze back over to the people around him. Maki stands up and stretches, mumbling something before running over to stop Sanzu from breaking that kids heart. 
Koko sighs, following after her. 
Now it’s just you two. 
You turn and face him, popsicle still in your mouth, before you take it out, very slowly. Slow enough for Mikey to see the leftover juice stain your lips red. You lick at your lips, trying to remove it all before you notice the melted popsicle in Mikey’s hand. 
“You didn’t eat it! Now it’s melted.” You complain, pointing at the treat. 
Mikey simply lifts it up, and shrugs. “Oh.”
“You can have mine, if you want.” You hold yours out to him and Mikey looks at you, wondering if this is some sick joke. You’re looking at him, dead serious, as you hand it to him. 
He holds it up for a while, not breaking eye contact with you, and the popsicle starts to dribble red down his arm. “Oh, fuck.” Mikey hands you back the popsicle and is about to wipe the juice from his arm before you hold it out and stop him. 
He wonders what you’re doing, eyes blowing out of his skull when he sees your tongue dart out, licking a long stripe from bottom to top, stopping at his index finger, waiting a couple moments before releasing your mouth from the tip. 
Neither of you say anything, or do anything. 
It’s silent as Mikey takes a second to just process what the fuck. 
“Okay—fuck, come here.” He wipes his hands on his shorts, grabs your hips and pushes you onto his lap. You giggle into the kiss, hands cupping his face as you moan softly into his mouth when his hands slide down from your hips down to your ass. 
“Finally.” You mutter into his lips, breaking the brief makeout to sloppily kiss along the column of his throat. You can feel his Adam’s apple twitch as he swallows, a shaky exhale leaving his lips as his hands come up to your hair to grab at it. 
“How long were you acting oblivious?” You mumble against his skin, sliding your hands up and down his chest before slipping them under his shirt to feel him. 
“I wasn’t—fuck—acting—” He groans when you rub his cock through his shorts and bite at the skin on his neck at the same time. 
“Sure you were.” You giggle, making him swallow once more because your lips tickle and vibrate against his skin. 
You push him down onto the ground, successfully straddling him as you grind your hips down against his hard cock. You lean down once more, taking his lips in a heated kiss. 
It’s not until a loud car honks by the car park that you break the kiss, to look up. A bunch of cars have now pulled up, now the beach will be full. 
“Great.” You sigh, getting off his lap. “Maybe next time?” You brush the hair away from his face, leaning down once more to kiss at his lips before pulling away. 
“Yeah, next time.”
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x female! reader
Summary: After a very special encounter at Chad's party, Ethan decided to reach again
Genre(s): pre-smut (?), fluff
Warnings: cursing, mentions of a blow job
Taglist: @seriluvsya @h34rtsformilli @bella7866 , join here
A/N: I'm sorry for being a fucking tease, I just have no idea how to continue it
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Gif credits to whom it belongs
𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚗
Reblog if you like
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"I- I told you, I don't do one-night stands," he desperately argued.
"I told you I did, and you still agreed," you tilted your head.
He sighed.
"Calm down baby girl-"
"Could you please stop calling me that?!" he whispered-yelled, looking around to make sure no one heard you.
"Why?" You were still looking through the bookstands.
"I don't like nicknames as it is, especially not that one,"
"Oh," you stopped, "I wasn't replacing your name with anything, Ethan, I'm just pointing out one of your many characteristics," you turned to him, eyes finally on him.
He readjusted his backpack nervously, avoiding the powerful gaze.
"What? You're seriously gonna stand here and straight-up lie to yourself and say you're not baby girl?"
He adorably blushed from the apple to his cheeks, to his ears, reaching all the way down to his neck, "That's-" he tried to snap out of it, "That's not the point,"
"You were the one who brought it up," you shrugged resuming your search, "Besides, you can barely call that a one-night stand,"
"What would you call it then?"
"A... consensual exchange of pleasure between two very stressed students,"
"That's a very long way of saying you-" he clenched his jaw.
"I... what? Sucked you off? You're right, although I gotta thank you for that, I'm so much better and mouthfuls now," you winked at him, "Great stamina by the way," you hit his shoulder.
"Listen," he placed himself in front of you, "I know you don't give a shit, but I do,"
You took a deep breath.
"It was a big deal to me,"
You couldn't help but slightly cringe, but gave him a chance anyway, he looked so desperate you almost felt bad for him, "I ask again, why?"
"Because," he cleared his throat, "It was the first time that's ever happened to me," he confessed, his tone barely above a whisper.
You were taken aback, "Bullshit!"
Someone from a few rows back let out a loud 'Shh'
He apologized before looking back at you with comical confusion, "What do you mean bullshit?"
"It means you're a fucking liar,"
"Why would I lie about that?"
"I- I-" you shook your head, "I don't know, but I just- I don't believe you,"
"I don't know whether to feel flattered or offended," he let out.
"There's just no damn way you're a virgin,"
"What-" he scratched his head, "What makes you say that?" he put his hand in his pockets while pursing his lips.
"Uh," you were still shocked, "Your- your face, for one," you gestured, "Puppy eyes, fleshy lips," you kept thinking, "For fucks sake, Ethan, you're a swimmer!" you kept moving your hands, "I've seen you in a fucking speedo, water dripping, you're a 6 foot something muscular eye candy!" you laughed in disbelief, "You're sweet, you're super freakishly smart, you've read, Jane Austen, Agatha Christi, and Leigh fucking Bardugo; sure, you're Starwars fan and you know way too much about Mike Flanagan, but come on! Anyone and I really mean, anyone would gladly overlook that," you tried to recover your breath, "So yeah, I'm sorry for not beliving you about being a virgin,"
He furrowed his brows, "When did you see me in my speedo?"
"That's the part you're focused on after I ranted about how great of a fucking catch you are?" You widened your eyes, "You're unbelievable, I meant that both as a good and a bad thing," you pushed him out of your way, "And to answer your question, I walked a friend who's on the female swim team to her practice yesterday, I'm not a fucking stalker for Christ's sake," you clarified, "And the rest of information you told me yourself,"
You referred to two nights ago when Chad threw his birthday party, he actually introduced the two of you that same night, he thought complaining about schoolwork was enough to make a good match.
You sat on top of one of the tables, "Look, I'm sorry for... seducing you if you will, and then leaving without a trace," you couldn't completely hide the fakness.
He looked down, "Thank you, for the apology and confidence boost,"
You chuckled, "I meant all of it,"
He nodded trying to hide his very strong flush.
You scanned the boy infront of you, a part of you didn't wish to see him after the 'incident' let alone talk to him, but if you had to be honest with yourself, you were more than glad to have him chasing you around campus all day trying to find even a speck of courage to walk up to you. There was a slight moment of excitment in your eyes, as you noticed he was struggling with himself wether to stay or not, he made his choice by resignating to place his bag on the table next to the one you chose, you knew what he was doing, trying to make it seem as he planned all along to work here and 'conincidentally' run into you. You made your choice as well, by getting up and snatching the notebook out of his hands.
"Obviously you have fucking good hand-writing," you scoffed leafing through it, "And is that-" your eyes squinted, "Fountain pen?"
"Y-yeah," he aswered.
"Of course it is," you pulled out a chair to continue your observation in a more comfortably postition.
Ethan didn't know you that well, but he sure as hell wasn't going to try and take something from you, so he just proceeded to grab another set of things for another homework. You on the other hand, wasted no time in reaching the very end of the pages, where the good stuff was, the free space whre everyone draws terrible sketches, writes pending tasks or random thoughts in any way shape or form; and yet it seemed he didn't have anything, just purely white paper. You rolled your eyes, there had to be more to him, something to make him more interesting that the perfect and sweet guy you gave a blowie to, something that could justify why you wanted to fuck him so badly right now, the urge had to be justified with something else than the cutest nerd you'd ever seen, but he didn't seem to help you.
In a breef moment of boredom, you wondered about his intentions, more specifically why he wanted to talk to you in te first place, what would he win out of an apology or simply a glimpse of regret? Did he regret it? Maybe. Perhaps he didn't regret what happened (clearly not by the way he was moaning so loud you were sure the entire crowd heard him), perhaps he just regreted there was no chance it could happen again.
"Ethan," you said softly, eyes filled with intention, feline almost.
"What?" he turned to you.
"I know you're not here to make me feel bad," you reached the cover of his book and slowly closed it, purposely making your bodies closer, to which you heard his breath hitched, "Would you like to walk me back to my apartment?"
He gulped, "Aren't- aren't your roommates there?"
"On a friday night?" You asked rhetorically, "What a silly question for such a smart little brain,"
Lmk if I should do a part two, I just don't know how to continue it so if you have any ideas pls send them it would really help a lot
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swampstew · 8 months
Raven's Halloween Party
Summary: Halloween parties are only fun if you try and summon real ghosts, especially if you're really really drunk.
Warnings: Spicy! Modern One Piece AU Raven throws another Halloween Party! Let this be a warning to not drink and summon demons, play responsibly ~ Eustass Kid X Female Monster Reader, drinking, ouija board playing/summoning, risky sex, oral (Eustass receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, facial spray and play, cum eating, all the cum play, bit of degradation/name calling, dom reader pretty much. Word Count: 3.3K
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Succubus – a demon entity known as one who wanders the Earth that are attracted to and use men. Since Succubi need semen on to thrive, they form a bond with a man after seducing and sleeping with them repeatedly to solidify the bond, in exchange for semen, the Succubus cannot harm, maim or kill the man. The most common way that Succubus find their prey is through dreams, however, on occasion, they can be summoned through other means.
“I ain’t a pussy! Let’s fucking summon a demon or some shit,” Eustass Kid drunkenly shouted in the middle of the Halloween party he was at.
Killer, Wire, Heat and Law all looked at Kid incredulously. No one had called him a pussy and the conversation was brought upon by Law asking the crew if they believed in ghosts. The costumed crowd dispersed around the group and only a few people remained.
Kid yanked off his metal helmet and shook his head, spraying sweat on Killer and Heat. His red hair stuck in clumps but he didn’t seem to care, putting his costume accessories on the floor and shot gunned his beer.
“So what the fuck are we waiting for?”
The party hostess wearing a rose gold witch costume gave them an old Ouija board and some texts she had on occult topics, told the group to have fun and if they left the room in any state of chaos, she would personally beat the shit out of each and every one of them. And they would owe her cleaning and repair costs.
“Why ya leavin’ – ain’t you a witch?” Kid yelled out before she closed the door.
“My magic is not performative and I don’t do summoning’s with drunken idiots. When you’re sober, we can talk,” she simply responded before flouncing out of the room. The sound of music was raised and they could hear the party getting lively again.
Kid shrugged his shoulders and held up the case of beer he pulled from the kitchen, walking towards the group at the round table. The group consisted of Kid, Killer, Wire, Heat, Law, Sanji, Zoro, Franky, Robin, Perona, and Bartolomeo. The Ouija board sat in the middle with the books stacked neatly beside, a large black candle on a tall candelabra dimly lit the room, but it gave enough light to see the board and each other’s faces.
“Can we all agree to play with honor? No fucking around with the planchette?” Law looked around the table but his eyes lingered on Kid.
“Fuck off, not gonna try nothin!” Kid scoffed, crushing a beer can. To seal the truce, everyone shot gunned a beer and Kid complained he wouldn’t do the ‘demon bullshit’ without a drink in hand. In both hands he brought back another double pack of beer and bottle of liquor.
“Gee Kid, hope you’re not compensating for anything,” Killer dryly said, his arms crossed over his bare torso as the leaves stuck to his body did nothing for the crisp temperature.
With an annoyed pout, Perona shrugged off her fuzzy overcoat from her villainess costume but Franky put up a hand to stop her. He took off his overly large coat and handed it to Killer, sitting back down in his speedo and bowtie, in a couples costume with Robin as a famous romantic, gothic couple.
“Franky darling, always a gentleman,” Robin leaned over and kissed his cheek.
Everyone placed a finger on the planchette and settled over the Ouija board. For a solid minute, nothing happened.
“I think we need to ask if a presence is willing to speak to us,” Robin smiled at the others.
“Oh! Okay, hey Mr. Ghost – or Missus Ghost if yer a girl, it don’t matter either way! But if you’re here, can you let us know?” Bartolomeo barked out.
Kid was going to close his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut when he felt a subtle movement on the board, like a magnet was pulling him across the wood stain surface. Everyone without hidden faces looked in utter shock as they collectively felt the planchette move them to the corner of the board. The corner that said: YES.
Kid’s silence lasted less than 10 seconds, “Are you hot?”
The planchette did not move.
“I can’t tell if that’s an answer…”
The planchette did not move.
“Good going Eustass-ya, you scared our guest,” Law snapped.
Sanji took a sip of his cocktail, “I think it was a valid question.”
The group moved the planchette back to the center and Killer took the lead. “Do you have a name?”
The planchette moved across the board: Y/N.
“Do you remember how you died?”
“Do you know where you are?”
“Are you from here?”
“Can you prove to us you’re real and not one of these assholes playing a prank?” Kid interrupted, bored of the line of questioning.
The planchette stopped moving and everyone stared at it in anticipation.
Nobody moved, nobody batted an eye, nobody said a word.
Then Kid’s open beer was knocked into his lap, spilling through his admittedly few armor plates and clothes underneath the costume layers.
“OH FUCK OFF!” Kid screeched, abruptly rising from his seat, and pulling his finger off the planchette.
“You can’t break the communication like that!” Perona yelled angrily after the redhead who stomped into the adjoining bathroom to clean himself off.
“Sh-should we stop?” Bartolomeo sounded spooked behind his costume.
“I mean…we asked for a demonstration and we got it. Do we want to push our luck?” Heat chimed in.
Everyone at the table carefully considered each other as they waited for Kid to return.
“Well nothing ominous has happened since Kid walked away from the session so I can assume there is a way to rectify this without repercussions,” Robin finally offered.
“Nah nah I wanna have words with it!” Kid walked out of the bathroom, stripped of his bottoms save for a speedo. He took off all the metal plates of his armor and stacked them with the rest of his costume in the corner, keeping the extreme crop top on.
“I think we’re the only ones who didn’t get the Speedo memo,” Perona elbowed Zoro.
“I’m not wearing any underwear,” Zoro shrugged in his monk robes.
Robin giggled, “I’m not wearing underwear either.” Franky let out a supportive cheer with a possessive arm over Robin’s shoulder.
Perona looked perturbed while Sanji pulled from the planchette to grab tissue from the bathroom and clean up his sudden bloody nose.
Law rubbed his temples from behind his slasher costume, “You’re all liabilities. Messing with this board could have terrible implications if we don’t properly end this session. Everyone get back in your seats!”
Wire passed Law a beer and opened it with one free hand, “Chill out, serial mood killer.”
Properly regrouped, they tried to summon the spirit that spoke to them but after a ten minute silence they said goodbye and properly ended the session.
“Well that was anticlimactic,” Sanji lit a cigarette.
“Ittsa scam. I bet serial killer surgeon here knocked the table to make the beer fall over,” Kid sneered at Law.
“I swear I didn’t! You pissed it off with your crappy attitude,” Law shot back.
“One more try. Kid will behave himself, right?” With a kick under the table, Kid grunted affirmatively.
The group tried again. After five minutes, something answered them.
“Are you the same spirit as before?”
“We are sorry for our rude friend. We appreciate you willing to try again,” Killer said firmly. “Are you friendly?”
“Can you tell us anything?”
The group watched with wide eyes as the planchette moved and began spelling out an answer.
“What do you want?”
Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.
“For what?”
Perona shrieked causing Zoro to spill his beer, he briefly lifted his finger before planting it right back on the planchette, nervously glancing around the others to see if they noticed.
“OK! That’s gonna do it for me,” Sanji stubbed his cigarette. “End it please!”
“Don’t be a pu—” Kid’s taunt was cut short when the table began to rattle. “OI WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Respectfully, we need to say goodbye!” Killer shouted and they collectively moved the planchette to the goodbye marker on the board.
The table rattled for a few more seconds before it ended.
The party goers looked at each other before rising from their seats, eager to get back to the party. Kid lingered in the room, not wanting to put back on the still wet, and tedious components of his costume. Killer told Kid to hang tight and he would see if the hostess had any clothes or a blanket she no longer wanted.
Throwing himself on the couch in the room, Kid drank directly from the bottle he stole as he let his mind get hazy. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he heard a light tapping on the door.
“Enter!” he called out, assuming it was the party hostess with the clothes. Through his bleary and smudged eyes, he could see a woman in a pink colored costume approaching him. “Y’got somethin’ for meee?” he drawled.
The figure didn’t say anything but she gently pulled the bottle from his hand and put it on the ground. Then, she straddled his lap.
“I doooo,” she cooed in his ear, pressing her pink corset into his torso. “Want to have some fun, big guy?”
“I like fun,” Kid grinned stupidly. “Like yer costume – what are ya…uhh demon fairy??” his fingers curled around the horns sprouting from her scalp. “Feels real, you a makeup artist or something?”
She didn’t answer, only quietly purred and pressed herself intimately closer to him, shamelessly rubbing herself softly against his crotch. He wasn’t not interested. He was always down for a quickie. His hands moved down to cup her near-bare ass. The short shorts she was wearing scarcely covered her cheeks but he loved the plump feeling in his hands as he squeezed.
“What’s your name?” he husked, answering her rutting with his own.
That made him pause, the name sounded familiar but in that moment, drunk and horny were fighting for dominance in his mind. The fighting ceased as Y/N pressed soft lips against his and he answered with eagerness.
“’sa pretty name,” he groaned as his speedo felt unbearably tight. “I’m Kid.”
“I know,” she whispered in his ear before kissing down his jaw. “Had my eye on you from the moment I saw you,” she nipped his neck.
“Been watching me all night?”
“Not all night but I plan to keep you for the rest of it,” she giggled.
“Sounds good to me,” he thrusted his tongue down her throat as he pulled his cock free of its confines, slowly jerking himself as the mysterious woman humped his muscled thigh. He could feel hot wetness leak through the sheer fabric as she moaned into his ear.
He didn’t have to prompt her, she slid down off his lap and started licking and kissing his cock before taking him in her hands and blowing him. Kid let his head hang on the cushion as Y/N bobbed up and down on him, enjoying the impromptu blowjob. The thrill of someone walking in on them high.
He didn’t care.
Kid grabbed the back of her hair and pushed her face down until she was gagging. He allowed himself a few more shallow thrusts before popping her off and bringing her mouth to his. As he desperately kissed her, his free hand ripped the seam of her shorts freeing her juicy pussy. His fingers pumped into her hot cunt as she whimpered into his mouth.
“Is not enough!” she finally whined, bouncing desperately on his fingers. “Need your cock!”
“Then sit on it, slut!” he growled, pulling his fingers out and aligning his cock to her entrance. Kid was left gaping as she slammed her hips down, sheathing him completely. She let out a pleased cry.
“So fffuuuullll,” she moaned. Grinding herself on him, she kept his head at an angle with her fist in his hair, smothering his lips with her own. Kid struggled where to grab her, wanting to feel and pinch all of her at once but settled for smoothly gliding his hands around her body and giving generous squeezes over his favorite areas.
Each squeeze elicited a honeyed moan from the demon fairy woman, each moan accompanied by a rabid binge of slamming her hips flush to him, her walls squeezing his cock in a vice grip. With a snarl, his fingers dug into her skin to anchor himself from finishing so quickly, he stilled his hips but that didn’t stop her as she fucked him even faster.
“Iiiii neeeeeedddd yoooouuuuuu,” she wailed, pressing herself down on him as much as she could, grinding on him to deepen his reach. “PPPLLLLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!”
With a burst of stamina, Kid grabbed her hips and rapidly thrust upwards overtaking her pace. That tipped her into a scream as she clamped on him tighter than before, her walls convulsed eerratically.
“OOHH – FUCK!” Kid breathed through his nose as he came inside her while she kept grinding on him. Like she was milking him. Using him. Not that he was complaining as he shut his eyes and let it happen, lightly grunting as the pleasure shot through him with each rope. Feeling the stickiness against her walls as it started to flow down.
“Do I need to buy you Plan B or somethin?”
Y/N giggled, “No, it’s ok. I can’t get pregnant.”
“Ah birth control?”
“Cool,” he sighed, helping her move off him. She settled on the ground between his legs, and to his shock began licking his cock clean of the leftover seed that had dripped on him. He found that real fucking hot. Could feel himself eager for round two as her lips pursed around his tip, popping off with a crisp sound.
“I knew you’d have a big dick,” she smiled, moving to sit on his lap. Her thigh kept his cock upright. She moved her fingertips over the head when she saw some cum bead at his slit, “Wanna be fuck buddies? I have a high libido and I’m hoping you can match that.”
A line of drool spilling from his open mouth as he felt hypnotized under her touch. Nodding, “I’ll leave you exhausted and bruised up if you want.”
“I want my brains fucked out. Daily,” she said, forming a fist and giving him one full stroke. He keened into her hold, needy for more. “Whenever I want.”
“Put me on your speed dial.”
She started a lazy but firm pace, “I’m into a lot of things, I need a brave man.”
“I’ll teach you things you’ve never heard of,” Kid husked.
Y/N tripled her pace, stopping to twirl around his tip a few times and smearing more precum down his shaft.
“I don’t want you fucking anyone else. I’ll cut your dick off.”
“Jealous kind eh? That’s fair I suppose. Same goes for you, or are you a dirty whore who likes to be used by a lot of hot guys?”
She held him by the base of his cock, with her free hand she tugged on his sack tautly, “And girls. I’m down for monogamy. I prefer it actually. We have a bond?”
“If I say yes can will you let me cum on your pretty face?”
“I’ll let you cum anywhere you want, anytime you want. I crave your cum. In me. On me. Oozing out of my holes,” she gave his sack a twitch of a tug before letting go, and fisted his cock until it was deep red.
Y/N let him take control of his orgasm as his hand replaced hers, jerking off furiously as she settled in front of him with her eyes closed and her mouth wide open.
With shaky groans, Kid shot all over her face, fascinated by the way the ropes dangled in thin strands as they fell from the peaks of her cheek, nose, and chin, drizzling downwards. He watched through lidded eyes as she licked around her lips, seeing the creamy seed spread on her tongue and slide down her throat. The way she smeared the cum on her face with her fingers and then lapped it off her hands had him hard all over again.
Her hot mouth was on him immediately and for the first time in his life, Eustass Kid let out a whimper at the overstimulation. Y/N pushed him back into the couch and mounted him once more.
The Halloween party had reached its peak and the house was booming with music and laughter. None the wiser of the pleasured howls and demonly groans that came from the sequestered room.
Kid’s skin felt on fire and he felt like he was treading water with how sweaty and tired he felt before Y/N had her fill. He’d never had a partner with stamina that could match his, much less wear him out. She said she wanted to leave the room first. He didn’t give a shit but he was a nice enough guy to respect a girl’s boundaries.
“When can I see you again?” he leaned against the wall completely naked.
“Don’t you worry, I’ll find you soon enough. Gotta establish some things first. See you later, Kid,” she kissed him softly, tied a lanky towel around her waist, and snuck out of the room.
With a snort, Kid went back to the couch and wondered if he had a fever dream or something. There was no possible way that just happened. That NO ONE had stopped by, not even Killer who was supposed to bring him back clothes. Kid had checked before Y/N left too, no clothes had been left in the hallway for him. Looking around for his phone, he pulled it out from between the soiled couch cushions and realized the time.
It hadn’t been more than half an hour since the Ouija board game had ended.
“What the—” Kid was interrupted by sharp knocking on the door.
Killer passed in with clothes in hand. The blonde, still wearing Franky’s suit jacket, kicked the door close and threw the clothes at Kid.
“Met a freaky little demon and rocked her underworld,” Kid smirked, looking at the pile in his lap. “You probably ran into her as she made her escape. Had horns, a towel around her waist?”
Killer tilted his head at the redhead, “There was no one in the hallway. I didn’t see anyone wearing a towel leave the party.”
“She’s hot as fuck, no way you missed her.”
“Whatever, you probably had a wet dream. God please don’t tell me you ruined the couch…”
Kid tuned out Killer’s complaining as he got dressed. Confused at how a dame like her had gotten in and out of the party unnoticed. Masking the caked fluids with beer and leaving an apology note with cash paper clipped to it, the two friends left the room and rejoined their friends.
Soon after the crew left and Kid felt haunted. No one he asked at the party recalled the woman he described, nor her outfit. As if she didn’t exist. Without much energy in him, he bid his friends goodnight as he went home and to bed.
Tossing and turning for a few hours, Kid couldn’t get the woman out of his mind. Not the soreness of his body, nor the abnormally light feeling in his testicles.
With a sigh, he opened his phone and thumbed through the photos to see if he had caught a picture of her. When he found no success, he resigned to himself that it was in fact a wet dream. Before he turned off his phone, he clicked on his contact list when he noticed an update notification.
There was a new contact in his phone – Y/N.
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Sorry for the late post but yay we won :}
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theleomarspt2 · 4 days
The Lake Date
Cw: Fart/Hyperfart content ahead
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It was a warm day, and Lorenzo was enjoying his swim when a handsome young guy setting up his picnic not far from shore had caught his attention. Confindent in his smoohtness, Lorenzo swam back to shore to retrieve his glasses and dry off his hair. The sun glistened against his perfectly toned swimmers body, as his speedo hugged him in all the right places. Lorenzon continued to look at the guy who had called his attention, and he was determined to put him to the test.
As Lorenzo approached the guy, he felt a rumble in his abdomen indicating his stomach was producing enough gas to impress the guy.
"Hey, lovely day for a picnic"
"Uh yeah..."
The other guy looked nervous, not knowing why some handsome man in a speedo was approaching him. As he sat on picnic blanket, he could not take his eyes off this handsome stranger. Something about his slim muscular body and wide smile made him feel approachable.
"Where are my manners? I am Lorenzo"
"I am Chris, I take it you are practicing your swimming?"
"Haha that obvious? And what brings such a handsome guy like you to be eating alone?"
Chris demeanor went from shy to sad.
"Well, I was supposed to be here with someone... but he broke up with me."
Lorenzo saw Chris drawing into himself, and with an understanding expression lowered himself to Chris’ level, putting his hand on Chris’ shoulder.
"Hey man that sucks, sorry to hear that" Lorenzo said, happy to hear that this cute stranger was gay.
"it’s alright I suppose, probably for the best"
"It’s his loss anyway, you’re too adorable a guy to simply let go"
Lorenzo’s compliment sent a shock down Chris’ system. While the sadness from the recent breakup had clouded his mind he could still pick up on Lorenzo’s intentions. With the ball in his court, Chris found a little courage within him.
"Well you know, I did bring quite more food than I could eat and I’d hate to have to take it all back, you’re not some psycho are you?"
"I promise I am not" Lorenzo knew well what his plan was, he could feel it in his stomach, so the question made him giggle.
"that’s good enough for me, if you don’t have anything else to do would you want to join me?" Asked Chris bravely.
"it’d be an honor"
Lorenzo said as he sat down on the blanket, in such a manner that his muscles flexed, trying to impress Chris.
The two men had a candid time, sharing about one another's lives. Chris got to share about how he was trying to move through life despite his shyness, while Lorenzo proved to be the contrary. The confident swimmer spoke about his passion for his job as a lawyer and his love for his more athletic hobbies. In between bites of cantaloupe and prosciutto Lorenzo began to feel a pressure building up against his back end, knowing fully well it was his time to see if this guy could handle all of him.
Both men continued their conversation, with Chris completely mesmerized as he Lorenzo's sweet Italian accent filled the air. With Chris giving him puppy eyes, Lorenzo saw a chance to start the betting process he always put potential partners into. A rumble erupted from his direction.
"Oh excuse me, hopefully this is not too rude but I can't hold it back" He said, and before Chris could process anything Lorenzo scrunched his face.
A five second ripple exploded out of Lorenzo's muscular backside. Whatever moisture leftover from his swim seemed to evaporate. As the fart ripped a strange smell began to emanate from his speedo. It was like garlic, but with a smoky tinge to it.
"Haha my bad, you know, athlete's diet"
"Well.... it is just part of breaking the ice hahaha"
Lorenzo was surprised by how accepting Chris turned out to be of his fart. It seemed like Chris might pass Lorenzo's test afterall.
Both men continued to talk, Lorenzo's fart having loosened up some of the tension Chris was feeling. Just as Chris was about to try his luck at flirting he felt a tremor underneath his body.
The subtle ground shaking turned into a sustained rattle that made the picnic blanket flutter. The flowers in the blooming trees that surrounded them began falling to the ground and being blown away before touching the ground, while a flock of nearby pigeons flew away startled by the booming sound emanating from Lorenzo.
"Oh damn... seems like my stomach decide to make a statement" Said Lorenzo quite proudly of the fart he had just ripped.
Holding back coughing, Chris could not help but to double over laughing. He could barely believe the absurdity of the situation. Here was a man who looked as though he had been carved by Michaelangelo with farts strong enough to cause small earthquakes. As bizarre as this was, it had an endearing air to it.
"Well," Chris said between bouts of laughter "That is a way to make a memorable first impression"
Lorenzo's proud expression turned into a mischievous grin. With a spark in his eyes, Lorenzo got closer to Chris.
"Memorable, huh? what if I went bigger next time" He leaned into Chris's ear and with a charming whisper said "Imagine, a serenade from my deepest end just for you... hopefully that way I can leave you breathless"
A rush of blood went to straight to Chris's face. Lorenzo's seductive demeanor, and its contrast with his unique talent, sent a shiver down his spine.
"A serenade? What an honor" he said trying to tease his companion back. "Well, maybe you can clear the park so it can be a bit of a private concert"
Lorenzo was taken aback by Chris's sudden confidence, but just as quickly he regained his composure and decided to take in the challenge. He took a deep breath and allowed for this belly rumble, announcing the production of new gas, ready to cause a ruckus.
As Chris was confidently smiling, Lorenzo reached over to him and pulled him by the back of his head. As Chris was leaned in, Lorenzo leaned in to make their forehead touch.
A loud, guttural belch erupted from Lorenzo’s mouth and blew back Chris’s hair.
“How’s that for a solo” Lorenzo asked with a smug smile on his face. A few hikers nearby turned to look at the source of the explosion while Chris remained speechless.
“Come with me” Lorenzo grabbed Chris’s hand and and the two walked towards the shore. “See those trees over there?” Lorenzo pointed at the island less than a mile away.
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"Watch this" He said, as he turned back to Chris and pointed his butt towards the island. He inhaled deeply, the sound of his breath only rivaled by a roar that moved the top of his stomach towards his lower abdomen. He then proceeded to exhale, from both ends.
Two explosions exited Lorenzo's butt, the threads of his speedo somehow managing to stay together. The first fart, longer and with quite a cresendo, managed to form a considerably-sized wave that rippled accross the late and broke against the island, while the sheer force of it also managed to rustle the leaves in the trees of the island. Nearby swimmers began to try and scape, but were knocked over by the waves created by the fart. Sailboats began drifting away from the shore, and even nearby seagulls were pushed away by the current of wind. Chris simply watched with his mouth agape as the noxious winds from Lorenzo hit the island.
The second fart, while shorter, had deeper sound to it. The sonic boom of it continued to ripple across the water of the lake, but it was the smell of it that was the most impactful. A mixture of digested cheese and garlic, with a strange mixture of herbs that seemed to just have passed through Lorenzo's system made the first couple of birds fall into the water and seemed to turn a few of leaves of the island's trees brown. Lorenzo sighed, before relaxing his body and sitting by the shore, motioning for Chris to join him and contemplating the mayhem he had caused.
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Initially stunned, Chris followed through and joined Lorenzo in looking at the the lake as it returned to its once interrupted tranquility.
"Wow" Said Chris "That was some next level"
"Haha I wanted to see if I could impress you, hopefully you're not scared now"
"I think I just need to keep you pleased now" Chris said with a smile on his face and a hand inching closer to Lorenzo's toned thighs. As Lorenzo was about to reach for Chris's hand a major rumble left his stomach, one that even send shivers down his entire body.
The deafening sound of a chainsaw emanated from the Italian man's butthole. The ground shook with as the sound reached its peak intensity. The force of the explosion sent shockwaves all around him, knocking lake goers down as they tried running away and causing most wildlife to struggle as they tried scaping what felt like the detonation of a bomb.
The fart's volume and odor soon became unbearable, even for Lorenzo who began coughing. He had little time to process the realization that he had finally ripped a fart that not even he could control was interrupted when he saw that a large wave was headed straight towards the island. As the fart began dying towards the one minute and thirty seconds mark, Lorenzo came back into his own mind after the gargantuan fart had taken him out of it.
Soon after he returned to his sense, he realized that Chris was holding to his torso, hugging him tightly trying not to fly away. Part of his clothes ripped from the blast while his face was pressed onto Lorenzo's chest.
"Fuck...... man I am sorry...sorry, the aftershocks are unpredictable."
Chris raised his head, a belwidered look in his face. He soon realized that he was hugging Lorenzo, and retreated into himself.
"Chris... fuck... I am sorry, I understand if you decide to-" Lorenzo was interrupted as Chris's hands held his face and Chris's lips touched his in a passionate yet sudden kiss, which Lorenzo reciprocated with gusto.
Instead of being annoyed, Chris felt a surge of warmth towards the man beside him. He could not stop himself from kissing Lorenzo, a man charisma and a butt capable of clearing a park. What more could a man ask for? As they pulled away from the kiss, Chris put his hands on Lorenzo's thighs.
"Well, your concert was impressive" Chris said smiling "and I hope you accept my request of a private one"
It was Lorenzo's turn to be taken aback by Chris's boldness, but as soon as the surprise wore off he smiled.
"I would love that Chris"
"Say no more" Without hesitating, Chris grabbed Lorenzo's hand and as both men stood up Chris began leading Lorenzo.
"Where?.. Where are we going?"
"First you are tellime where your car is and you are getting your clothes, can't have people looking at your butt after fart" Chris pointed to Lorenzo's backside as his speedo was not shredded and his buttocks were exposed.
"Then" said Chris "My place, I live not too far from here"
The sun shined on their path as the men walked hand in hand towards their destinations, both aware that a new beginning was brewing for the two of them.
Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures I used, the story described is 100% fictional.
Shout out to: @smellystars and @gassydumbjocks for giving me feedback while writing
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blushblushbear · 6 months
HII BEAR !! How are you?? PWEHEHRH THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SENDING AN ASK- OKAY, WHAT IF: Beach day with the boys? 🧐
did someone say BEACH BOYS????
Nimh - ALL THE SUNSCREEN. All of it. Likes playing in the waves and sand, doesn't go too far out into the water though. Loves a popsicle and a soda! always gets sand in his everywhere
Volks - loves the beach! loves the sun! loves the water! LOVE THE BARBECUE! Likes to dig in the sand. Maybe make a sand castle but first-- DIGGING!
Kelby - WATER SPORTS! SURFING! SWIMMING! BEACH VOLLEYBALL! Always gets burnt cause he forgets to reapply his sunscreen-- he was having too much fun!
Eli - Time to tan, drink fruity drinks, eat ice scream and hunk watch. Also play around in the waves and sand but only after he's had a few coconuts with little umbrellas!
Anon - hates the sun. hates the sand. hates the water. has on 3 different high spf sunscreens WHY IS HE HERE, HE'S GINGER
Dmitri - Getting his tan on, even more so than Eli. Also showing off his new speedo.
Ichiban - Hides under an umbrella and towel. eventually goes into the water for a bit, then back to the umbrella and towel.
William - Loves looking for sea life! also is super into boating! loves being out on the waves! what a time to unwind
Myx - just kinda bumming around the beach. catches some waves, hanging out with the gang, making a mondo sandcastle, eating ice cream! what a good day!
Stirling - hiding under an umbrella, a towel, a large hat, a robe, some sunglasses, and gloves. he loves the invite but really-- a vampire on the beach??? no thank you
Scale - gets into a fight with a crab, almost looses
Sven - GETS SAND IN HIS EVERYWHERE. is having fun regardless!
Cole - mostly chilling in the shade. only comes out to play when a water gun fight starts. he promises the verocity with which he hunts and shoots everyone down is just his natural competitiveness and no kind of underlying aggression. honest.
Poe - another dark dork hiding from the sun. at least he's not going full bathrobe like the vampire. although he is wearing SO MUCH sunscreen and is still probably going to get burned
Cashew - reading on the beach like a nerd. chills for the most part but does eventually join in the fun when you take a dip
Seth - that beach ball slipped out of his hand, he promises. also he doesn't know what happened to that kids sand castle, honest. anywho SPLASH FIGHT!
Logan - unofficial life guard, snack mom and sunscreen police. also hydration police. he's just making sure everyone is having fun and survives!
Reece - running experiments to learn more about earth sand and sea water. gets buried in the sand at some point and doesn't know when it happened. (he was distracted!) enjoyed himself!
Haru - he loves barely wearing any clothes. also seeing you barely wearing any clothes. who's up for a skinny dip to make it no clothes??? (might get told off by the life guard cause SIR THIS IS NOT A NUDE BEACH)
Fuyu - the final member of the lots of sun screen gang. takes him a minute to warm up to all the sand and salt water, but he eventually has fun. does complain about the salt and sand in his hair later though (BUT HIS SKIN HAS NEVER FELT SOFTER)
they'll all have fun fun fun till the daddy takes the T Bird away
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zeldahime · 4 months
Highway to Pail Day 28
[Day 1] [Prev] [Next] @do-it-with-style-events
February 28: Shellfie.
Moving to the South Downs wasn't a permanent change—for beings as old as they were, nothing like this could be—but it went along with the real permanent change: that Aziraphale and Crowley could be together publicly, loudly, and nobody in Heaven or Hell could take it away from them or stop them. Aziraphale wouldn't Fall, neither of them would be tortured or punished or killed. They didn't have to duck around anymore, meeting in plausibly deniable ways. Crowley didn't have to leave the bookshop through the back in the dead of night so he could be seen emerging from his flat in the morning. Aziraphale didn't have to meticulously track every miracle he performed in the hopes of not exceeding his budget. They could hold hands.
Being allowed to touch, in public, was utterly intoxicating to them both.
And touch they did. Not just holding hands: Aziraphale was allowing his hair to grow, no longer required to keep it regulation-short, and Crowley fussed over it constantly, tying and untying and brushing and straightening and brushing flyaways into place; Aziraphale fixed Crowley's collar and cuffs, straightened his ties and scarves and pins. They walked arm-in-arm, like was once fashionable, or with arms around shoulders and waists, or hands resting on lower backs. When they talked they leaned in, hands on forearms, cheeks brushing.
They both smiled more, and more genuinely, truly and perfectly happy like neither of them had been since their creations; even more so, really, for all the years of experience behind them and for the pleasure of each other's love and company.
On a bright sunny spring day, Crowley suggested they go to down to the coast, and Aziraphale smiled and packed a picnic, and off they went.
The Bentley blasting You're My Best Friend on a loop the whole way (which irritated Aziraphale much more than Crowley, who was used to it), they headed straight down to Selsey to look out over the channel and get their toes wet. Aziraphale had changed into an old swimming costume, cream and powder blue alternating stripes ending at the elbows and knees, which he'd probably had since old Bertie had crowned at least; Crowley remained in his regular miracled suit, and intended to simply snap into a speedo if they went swimming.
Aziraphale's hand rested just above Crowley's knee the entire way, except when Crowley took sharp turns at a hundred miles per hour, when it did not rest so much as desperately cling for dear life.
The beach was deserted despite the sunshine, still too chilly to draw in human crowds. Aziraphale and Crowley walked along the coast hand-in-hand, looking out over the sea toward the Isle of Wight, the conversation meandering from the mechanics of plate tectonics (which neither of them understood) to a dinner party they once attended with Plato, from a confused discussion of Wales and whales to the plot of a Doctor Who episode Aziraphale had watched in 2007. This led Crowley to recount a blessing he'd done while stateside with the Dowlings, which reminded Aziraphale of a temptation he'd done in Czechoslovakia in 1983, which reminded Crowley of selfies. Crowley'd had a hand in selfies, tempting a young photographers to a bit of vanity, and it had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
His phone was in his hands before he could finish his thought. He interrupted Aziraphale recounting the svíčková he'd had at a bistro in Prague with a command to "Smile, angel!" This earned him a confused look, Aziraphale turning to ask him why, blurrily captured with the tap of a button and a recorded sound effect of a shutter click.
"Whatever are you doing, Crowley?" Aziraphale asked crossly, irritated at the interruption, and Crowley showed him the screen.
The blurry photograph was a nightmare of composition, but Aziraphale immediately loved it more than any in the world, save one. Crowley was smiling, his eyes crinkled at the edge of his sunglasses, one arm visibly extended to hold the phone and the other intertwined with Aziraphale's, Aziraphale clearly beginning to face him. The first photograph of them had been taken at a moment of temporary relief, taken by an enemy and intended to be used against them. The second was pure freedom, pure happiness, taken by Crowley himself, simply because he'd wanted to.
"Oh," Aziraphale said, voice shaky.
"Yeah," was Crowley's equally shaky reply.
"My dear Crowley, you must print this out when we return to the cottage."
"I—Angel, this isn't the only one this phone can take, we can have a better—"
"I certainly hope we will, my dear Crowley," Aziraphale said softly. "And I want to print this one."
They looked at the phone, and then at each other, and smiled.
"Yeah. We'll print it."
Aziraphale had it framed. It hung as a set with an old photograph from the Second World War in their library, above a yellow Georgian chaise that held a mismatched throw blanket and cushion, one in red-and-black tartan and the other patterned with cream and blue snakes.
Author's note: This is what came up when I googled "czech food" and HOLY MACARONI IT SOUNDS DELICIOUS. I will be looking for a Czech restaurant that serves svíčková in my area stat.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if we had a story that involved Batman investigating the death of a criminal who was murdered many years ago and at last he finally finds a clue in a CCTV recoding of ROBIN, in his pixie boots and speedo, beating the man to death, so Bruce hops in the Batmobile to hunt down Jason for this crime and have a climix fight with him where he yells “WHY DID YOU KILL THAT MAN JASON?!?” and Jason yelling back “WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO THAT IS?!?”
Then we later find out that it was Robin Dick who killed him, but Bruce didn’t know that because his Robin costume and Jason’s Robin costume are identical, so he assumed it was Jason because.......its Jason.
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Wrong Beach and a Speedo
Part One of Two Hearts by the Ocean
This part is for general audiences - rating will depend on individual parts. Overall will be 18+ MDNI
Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC)
Main Masterlist / Two Hearts by the Ocean Masterlist / Javier Gutierrez Masterlist
Word Count: about 2.3k
Summary: Frustrated by her friends, Abigail is going to see one of the beaches on Mallorca. Her sense of direction fails her and she meets a man in a speedo. Javier needed a break from his current worries. The beach is picturesque and so is the beginning of their story.
Warnings: mildly annoying friends, rich guy horrible cousin problems, meet-cute, that speedo, FLUFF, they're sweet okay?!
Notes: I've actually had this in my WIP folder since October of last year. I really have wanted to write for sweet Javi G and finally the right idea came along. Since it's winter I really want to be on a beach somewhere. Soaking in some sun and finding Javi in a speedo. A lovely summer romance. 🥰 I have a lovely mansion in delulu land.
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Cobblestone streets, rolling waves on beaches, beautiful vistas from atop hills; this was Majorca, Spain. There was so much to see and do on a girls’ trip there. But Abigail’s friend group was more preoccupied with the nightlife and wineries. Wine didn’t taste like sweet grape juice and she wasn’t too keen on being in a club, she didn’t even go clubbing at home. Why do that when there’s so much to explore?! These heifers hadn’t even been to the beach. She did not come all the way to a beautiful island off of Spain to be inside partying all the time, some of the time sure but not all the time.
Abigail was a round girl, larger belly than butt that hung a little, wide thighs, arms that waved after she stopped doing so and a round face. She believed she was cute, she wouldn’t say sexy, but cute and she felt even more so in her red one-piece bathing suit with white polka dots. It also had a short skirt that accentuated what little butt she did have. She had a large yellow sun hat and put on her white cat eye sunglasses following the resort map to the beach. She brought her tote bag which had her phone, wallet, sunscreen, books, beach towel and towel to dry off and a water bottle. She also carried a beach chair that had an umbrella attached to it. Abigail always liked to be well prepared even if it looked and was cumbersome. She trotted down to the beach and set herself up, sitting in her chair that she placed on her beach blanket and stretched her legs out. She was watching and water and sky meet each other on the horizon as waves crashed lightly before her. It was stunning and looked like a postcard.
“This is perfect. I’m so glad I finally made it here.” A serene smile came over her face, she cracked the spine on her erotic thriller that she brought with her, ‘The PI that Fucked around and found out.’
Javier was fed up with Lucas sticking around so long this time, they had argued again about Javi’s scripts and his Nic Cage shrine. Lucas wanted him to spend the money and make like a party boy so he did, what was the problem? He didn’t like guns and very violent things like his cousin, he didn’t need to feed into any machismo by being any sort of tough guy. Thanks to Lucas, Gabriella had really quit this time and left the country, who was gonna help manage the estate now? Lucas and his friends had made one too many passes at her, she shot the man in the balls and now she was in the wind. Did Javi know where she was? No and even if she did, he wouldn’t tell his cousin a damn thing. 
The Majorcan party boy needed to relax and the ocean did that for him, despite all the chaos his cousin caused, the ocean and Nic cage movies were constants in his life. Javier donned his white and navy speedo and asked the chef to help him put sunscreen on his back, he slipped him a few hundred for it because it was not in his job description. Javier just had his towel, shades and a longing to be in the water.
He happened to spy something new at his beach though. A blue umbrella chair, and thick caramel legs extending from under it. Javi knew he hadn’t been at the beach but a few minutes so he shouldn’t be hallucinating right now, right? He figured he should just let the person know that this was a private beach and you can’t just come in here, but he looked past the stone wall that surrounded his estate and noted that the fence labeled private property had been removed, when did that happen and why didn’t he not know about it? Is Lucas messing with him? Would he go that far? Even the beach? The aspiring screenwriter expected to see one of his cousin’s goons and not…an attractive pair of legs, likely belonging to a woman he assumed. 
Javier walked over to the umbrella repeating, “Hola! Perdón, señorita? Hola! (Hello! Excuse me, Miss! Hello!)” several times with no response. He walked around to the front of the umbrella and roughly waved after being frustrated but it melted away when he saw her. “Oh! Ah…perdón una diosa (a goddess).” Javi simply stared at the woman before him. She had a large hat on and sunglasses but she had a round adorable face to match her soft body and those dense thighs. Her delicate hands set the book down and removed her AirPods. She looked up and removed her sunglasses exposing honey eyes that appeared to be confused. 
 “Buenas tardes señor (Good afternoon sir). Pasa algo (Is there anything going on?) Estaba sentado leyendo (I was sitting and reading).” She responded; she said the words correctly but seemed to have an issue rolling her tongue. Spanish was not likely her first language which meant she may be a tourist. Javier knew of a resort that had a beach on its property, but why was she here?
“Muy bien (Very good) señorita. Hablas Ingles (Do you speak English)?” Javier asked with his smile still wide though his praise of her may have extended to what he saw before him as well as her proficiency in Spanish. He heard her chuckle and stood from her chair, she dusted her bottom off and returned his smile. 
“Sí (Yes). Ah yes I do. I’m sorry, I did practice some basic phrases but I’m not past the colors, stores and family yet. Um,” Abigail explained. She wasn’t exactly sure what to do. He seemed nice, definitely handsome and she was drawn to him. She crossed her arms over her stomach and held her forearms, her very obvious anxious tell. “My name is Abigail. Are you here to enjoy the beach too?” Javier’s smile changed to a grin and nodded.
“Yes señorita Abigail. I regret to tell you that you are on a private beach. My private beach.” He stated, not menacingly but the look on Abigail’s face told him that it was received poorly. 
“No, this should be the resort beach. I walked from just over there.” She pointed to where the fence was suspiciously gone. Javier sighed as he followed her finger to that area as well. He pondered and considered asking her to leave, though when he turned back to tell her this, she was bent over rummaging through her tote bag looking for her map. Javier stared at her rear and his eyes went wide. He is first and foremost a gentleman so he looked away…after sneaking a lingering peek.
Abigail finally retrieved the map and pointed to her resort and the path she walked to the beach. Javier was thankful that she didn’t seem to notice and looked at the map with her.
“Señorita, the map is the wrong way. The beach that belongs to the resort is to the right and not the left.” Javier pointed out, taking the map and turning it the opposite direction, he set it in her soft hands and exhaled deeply. He chuckled as she stared at it, he could picture smoke coming out of her ears. 
“I…this is worse than that time I got lost finding my own car from the airport…” Abigail sighed, her poor sense of direction had prevailed again. She weakly smiled at Javier and then frowned. He was being very nice about some weird lady on his property. This beautiful man in a speedo. She wanted to poke his belly and see if he would giggle. He looked like he would, his face was so expressive. “I-I’m sorry for trespassing. I didn’t even realize I was. It was just really wonderful to have a calm day at the beach.” Her eyes led back to the water, it was quiet here, not full of bumbling tourists and crying children, but it was not hers to enjoy. Noticing the longing look she had toward the seas, Javier had an idea, rather a suggestion.
“Señorita Abigail, you’re more than welcome to stay on the beach for the time being. I’m glad you were able to find peace here.” Javier started, her face snapped back to his with a wide smile. He continued, “Do you have any food allergies or dishes you’re opposed to eating? While we relax out in the sun, I can ask my chef to make us lunch.” His hand extended and took a hold of hers that wasn’t holding the map, she didn’t shy away from the touch but she wasn’t expecting it either nor was she expecting to be offered a meal by the very person who came to tell her that she was on his property.
“No food allergies. Are you sure? Oh, I don’t think you gave me your name.” She recalled, no, he had not, she knew she wasn’t good with names but she felt she wouldn’t forget his. His thumb pressed into the soft flesh of the back of her hand slightly, feeling it bounce.
“My name is Javier Gutiérrez. Please call me Javi mi diosa.” In his excitement upon meeting her, he left his name out, thinking it not at all important when speaking to the crimson and caramel clad beauty before him. 
“Javier…Javi. Okay, I got it.” Abigail muttered to herself, though Javi overheard and was delighted. “Lunch sounds delightful. I’m not hungry now, but I will be in a bit.” She explained, Javier released her hand and sped toward his expansive home yelling, 
“I’ll be right back señorita Abigail! Do not spirit away anywhere!” Javier yelled kicking up sand as he ran toward his home. He informed his chef to prepare lunch for two along with a little something for dessert, whatever he had around. It dawned on Javier that his guest may not want to eat in her bathing suit. His golf cart could take her back to the hotel and bring her back for lunch. He informed one of the maids to prepare a room for her and to leave for the day. Maybe she would stay, maybe not, but he would be prepared either way. Javier wondered what movies Abigail may want to watch, everyone has at least one favorite move, what was hers? He grabbed a white button up shirt and threw it on quickly, not bothering to close it up. If she wanted to freshen up, she’d likely want to do so where had her clothes. Javier also reasoned that at least having a shirt would be better than showing up to the resort in just a speedo.
Abigail stood looking over the water after folding her beach chair and towel. The cerulean waves crashed along the shore and she had a serene smile on her face. It truly was beautifully breathtaking. She didn’t hear the jovial man’s steps behind her, a strong gust of wind blew her hat and it started to get away. Javier stretched and grabbed the brim of the hat, he pulled it to his toned chest and held it until the wind calmed. A beaming smile was across his face as he stepped in front of Abigail.
“Perdón (excuse me) Señorita Abigail. Tu sombrero está a salvo. (Your hat is safe).” Javi stretched out his arms and raised them, placing the hat on her head and tipping it up at an angle so her face was fully visible. 
“Gracias (Thank you) Javier.” Abigail smiled shyly, placing her hand over Javi’s on her hat. They were warm from the sunlight, he brought a hand to her face to cup it, but let it hover.
“Is it alright if I touch your face Señorita Abigail?” Javier questioned softly, she nodded and dropped her hands, letting them rest at her sides.
“Only if you call me Abigail or Abby rather. Señorita is a bit too formal.” A smile graces her face as his sun-kissed hand cupped her face with his thumb outlining her soft cheek. She couldn’t resist reaching for the hand still at his side and holding it. The moment appeared surreal as they stood, the crashing of the waves behind them, with another soft breeze in the air.
“Señ- Abby, did you want to come to lunch as you are now? Or travel back to your hotel to change. I find myself fine with either option you choose.” The chocolate haired man explained, leaving Abigail to decide. It would be best to freshen up before going to his home which looked to be enormous. A squeeze of his hand and a nod confirmed that she heard him. 
“I’ll go and freshen up before our meal. I shouldn’t be long Javier.” Her voice was calm as he led her to his golf cart. She was curious why he was leading her to the golf cart, but he quickly explained that he would drive her to her resort, help her unload her beach belongings. Javier joked that he came prepared with his shirt which made her chuckle as he carried her bag and chair despite her instance that she could carry one of them but he refused to let her as he put them in the golf cart. 
Together, they made the short drive to her resort where Javier suggested that Abby should have his number to be able to text him and let him know when she was ready for him to pick her up for lunch. Had he not had such a warm smile and gentle touch, Abigail would have said no. Javier, however, had walked her to her room on the fourth floor of the resort and his hand touched the middle of her back as they walked inside and spoke briefly about what she had seen on the island already and still wanted to see. She ended up watching him as he left her room and made his way down the hallway, waving to her as the elevator doors closed.
“Hasta leugo mi diosa (See you later my goddess).”
Part Two
Peeps who got lost and found that speedo 😎: @innerpersonunknown @trulybetty @tinytinymenace @maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @grogusmum @secretelephanttattoo @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept @lady-bess @readingiskeepingmegoing @missladym1981 @avastrasposts @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @gasolinerainbowpuddles @i-own-loki
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
Wheel of Time pool party
Elayne: Decided to have a pool party because she got a new in-ground pool installed. Planned on keeping the look of it secret, but ends up ruining it herself with all the selfies she posted on Instagram.
Aviendha: Is floored by all the water that wetlanders get to just float in and play games. Is first angry at the waste of water, but Elayne enjoys it, so why not her? She takes a bunch of pictures with it and in it to send to the Wise Ones. They never answered.
Egwene: Got there early to help Elayne set up, but ends up setting up by herself because Elayne is playing Marco Polo with Aviendha.
Nynaeve: Shows up shortly after Egwene and brought water and cupcakes. She helps Egwene until she gets sprayed by something in the back. Turns around and sees Mat with one of her cupcakes, whom she begins to chase with promises that he'll regret the first kiss his father gave to his mother when she catches him.
Mat: Shows up with so much beer. Like, so much. Also brought water guns. Nynaneve just needs to lighten up. It's water. Is in a speedo.
Moiraine: Shows up with Thom and ice cream sandwiches no one thanks her for. Siuan is there. She spends a lot of time in the deep end.
Siuan: Is so excited to see Moiraine is finally able to swim so well in the deep end. She came with Gareth Bryne, who can't swim at all. Goes to swim with Moiraine.
Thom: The self-appointed DJ. He does not take requests and asks Gareth to bring him drinks. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Perrin: Is so excited. Once he and Faile say hello to everyone, he jumps in the pool. He mostly stays in the shallow end because, you guessed it, he can only doggy paddle. Swimmies are too small for his blacksmith arms.
Faile: Is already mad at Perrin because he's spending too much time in the shallow end. Berelain is in the shallow end. She calms herself down and gets the volleyball net and ball she brought. She's finally going to show Berelain who's boss.
Berelain: Unbothered by the daggers that Faile is shooting her, because Galad is there, jumping off the diving board. She gets on a float and goes to the deep end to purposely knock herself off when Galad jumps to get his attention. "You make such big waves," she tells him.
Galad: Is so confused; he doesn't make waves when he dives. He perfected diving so long ago. Anyway, he enjoys what time he can before Morgase comes home. She never gave Elayne the okay to have this party, you know.
Rand: Enjoys himself more than he thought he would. Spends a good amount of time on a lounge chair under the umbrella. Gawyn made him a burger and Rand compliments him on how well he did it. Is confused as to why Gawyn throws the spatula down in a rage though.
Gawyn: Self-appointed grill master. That is, until al'Thor had to ruin it. He made that burger well-done on purpose because he thought al'Thor wouldn't like it like that, but he does anyway? Goes to assert his pool party dominance by doing a flip off the diving board. Belly flops.
Min: Amused that Gawyn belly flops. Figured that's what the red circle she saw over his head was about. Spends most of the time with Rand and Loial to read. Goes in the pool when the volleyball game starts.
Tuon: Went because Knotai is there, and she wanted to make sure he acted properly. The speedo was her idea. Waited five minutes after Egwene told her to go in the pool to actually go in, because it was her decision. Will not put her head under the water because she didn't want to get her hair wet. "She doesn't even have hair, is she crazy?" Elayne is heard asking.
Lan: He spent most of his time so far sitting at the edge of the pool, trying to tune everyone out. Decided that he couldn't anymore. It is time for the volleyball game.
Birgitte: Took so many pictures of Elayne for Elayne while she does all these poses on floats, at the edge of the pool, and on the pool deck. Sees Lan setting up the volleyball net and ditches Elayne to help him.
The game starts pretty friendly but then becomes incredibly competitive. It ends because Faile spikes the ball into Gawyn's face and leaves a red mark on him. "So that's what the red circle meant," Min is heard saying.
Loial: Takes notes during the whole game. What a crazy summer ritual these humans have.
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