#WTDW Fanfic
thatawkwardbryce · 10 months
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"Her screams fill the halls of Seaventure...completely inhuman."
Hello guys! I just got this art from the wonderful @ashethewitch for my story Surface Tension, a short story about how Alyssa died.
Go check it out! Now!
And check out Ashe, they're great!
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Question for Digimon AU
Hey guys I'm currently working on Digimon AU, which is now re-named to Show Me Your Braveheart, and so far I got 10 characters having Digimon (2 are gonna be recurring characters, rather then part of the main group), but would you like more WTDW characters to have Digimon, or just keep the main 10?
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dreamnoteprincess · 6 months
I saw today’s newest episode of Dreamworld coming back from Arizona.
My brain at the moment is 50% broken thanks @derpygirl-draws while the other 40% is to add Hayden, Penn and. Audrey into my WTDW Pokémon Au!! The last 10% is to binge write all my upcoming WTDW Fanfics!!
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summonfi · 5 months
@exchangell tagged me so I guess I'd better join in lol, here's an extract from what I'm writing rn
“So, have either of you thought about applying for internships?”
Lewis sent the message he had been typing to a group chat for an assignment and looked up from his phone, glancing over to where Sara was sitting. She had her back to him, since he was on the couch and she was leaning against it, but her eyes were shifting between him and Oliver, waiting for a response. Oliver was sitting on the other end of the couch, computer resting on his lap with several lines of code displayed on a program Lewis didn’t know the name of. There was a pause as the two boys thought of an answer. In truth, Lewis hadn’t even given it a spare thought. He knew it would be good work experience, but he wasn’t sure if there were many internships available for art students, and even if there were, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to find time in his schedule to do it. What with his schoolwork, part-time job, family matters and maintaining a relationship, he didn’t think an internship would fit in at all. Sure, he could always replace his job with the internship if he managed to secure a paid one, but that wasn’t a guarantee, and he didn’t want to risk it.
“Not really,” he ended up responding, placing his phone next to him on the couch as he spoke. “I don’t think I’d have time for it. And besides, I doubt there are very many animation related internships out there, darling.”
“I’m sure there are some.” Sara said with a shrug before twisting around and looking up at Oliver. “What about you, Oliver?”
The red-head hummed, thinking about his answer and clicking ‘save’ on the code he was writing before pulling the lid on his computer shut. He rested his arm on the side of the couch, not saying anything for a few seconds before finally giving a reply.
“I’ve got a couple in mind, but we’ll see how things go, I guess. I won’t be too bothered if I don’t end up getting one. What about you?”
I have no one to tag so,, oopsies
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4rainynite · 16 days
Happy Friday! Do you do fanfiction or roleplay based on the wtdw au I made?
Hi. And I'm afraid not (I'm not much of an au author and I have a ton of fanfics that I need to finish).
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indiekidsau · 6 months
Indie Kids Update!
Hey guys it's been a few months since I last updated the fanfic, and I don't know if many of you are wondering when the next chapter is coming out. Well that's why I'm here I have some news to share.
NOW don't worry I'm not cancelling the series because there's some storylines I want to get through first, and believe me you're gonna go NUTS for these!
When/Where is the Next Chapter?
I'll start with an update about the next chapter, and that I've been stuck on it for a while. Last chapter, we got introduced to Six and Mono from Little Nightmares, and the next chapter after this one is very focused on a BIG STORY ARC! I feel like it's a bit rushed introducing new characters and dropping into a big story arc. I wanted to make a chapter or 2 before we go into it, but I had no ideas. I know the chapter I wanted to write is Six and Mono finding a place to call home, but no ideas have played in my head. Like I have an idea WHO they'll live with, but how it plays out is unclear.
Recently, I was thinking one of the future chapters will just be played a TAD bit earlier then usual. It's more of a filler chapter, with a LITTLE bit of a storyline played into it.
So I'm gonna play around with the ideas before I work more on the project.
Okay! There is one more update under Read More it isn't much of a worry, but I want to clear it because I may have brought it up at some point.
Welcome to Dreamworld in Indie Kids???
So I brought this up with my beta reader and maybe with you guys at some point. I originally wanted WTDW to be an arc in Indie Kids, however that's cancelled now.
For starters, it's ALOT of characters now since I've added a couple of new Indie Game characters.
Second, the arc with WTDW was strictly with A Hat in Time and only a few of the other Indie Game characters were gonna interact with the WTDW crew (Examples: Aubrey and Kel working at the facility and the WTDW Founders seeing Michael as familiar to them??) However, in my notes it was mainly the AHIT Characters.
I figured because AHIT was strictly with WTDW it be best to have it, it's own story. I've been building that in my @crackshipparadise blog, but I believe it's gonna be an arc of it's own at some point once I finish the story I'm working on there.
It's still gonna have the same vibes as Indie Kids, so if you enjoy Indie Kids you'll love this arc. I will be posting it on my AHIT fanfic blog @ahatintimestorybook as well as my WTDW fanfic blog @thedreamworldlibrary.
That's all!! See you in the next update!!
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Now that the story is over, what will happen to the blog?
Hey there! Yui here, and I’m here to answer some questions you guys might have about the future of this blog. Some stuff I’ve been asked before and some stuff I’m planning for the future~ ❤️
First of all,
I won’t be deleting the blog.
A lot of people seemed to be worried about that, but I assure you I won’t do anything like that to the blog! I want to leave it up in case anyone wants to reread it, or if someone stumbles upon it 4 years from now and wants to check it out, or heck, just for the sake of archiving alone. I’ve made other blogs I’ve ended up deleting after I was done with them and I always end up regretting it QwQ So don’t worry, this story will be available to be read here until the day tumblr as a website collapses and dies.
Secondly, I’m planning some fun ddlitg-related stuff for the future! The fist of those is “What’s the Deal With: This Story Isn’t Ending Anytime Soon (+Epilogue)”, the series where I explain the motivation behind the arcs, narrative themes, the reason I wanted to take the story in that direction, etc. I’ve mentioned this before, but this episode of WTDW will be way longer than usual cuz I’ve got a ton of things to talk about, so I’m planning to make it a video! I’ve never recorded a video before, so this might take a while to come out as I figure out the basics, but in the meantime I’ll be answering asks and publishing the things you’ve sent me! I’ve more than my fair share of asks piled up that I haven’t been able to answer yet, so imma get to that starting tomorrow~ I apologize in advance for taking so long to respond, but I’ve been extremely busy these past weeks, what with working on the Final Update and moving out of my old place ^^;; But now that I’m done with all the art and am more settled at my new place, I’ll get to answering them! Plans into the future also include a Q&A stream that will be either on our Discord Server or on twitch, depending on the setup I can get going and how many people are interested in joining, so please look forward to that announcement 😊
If you liked DDLitG so much that you want to follow the rest of my work, first of all, holy moly thank you you have no idea how wonderful that makes me feel!!! 🥺😭 And second of all, I wanna let you all know that I’m currently working on my next story, Y.L.C.E! Instead of a fanfic, this one will be a completely original story~! I’ve been working on and off of it for about 10 years at this point, and now that I’m done with DDLitG I’ll start working on it at full throttle! I’ll give you all more details about it in future posts, but here’s a couple character concepts~
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I’ll be posting updates on this project on my twitter as well as our Discord Server, and once it’s out (like 3 years from now lmao) I’ll post the announcement on this blog as well~
Thank you all so much for following, and please look forward to what’s coming in the future! This story might be over, but I want to keep entertaining you guys with whatever comes out of my imagination. I promise I’ll keep working hard to make something special you all can enjoy! I hope you enjoyed DDLitG enough to trust me and see what I make next. If so, thank you, and I promise you won’t be disappointed ❤️
-Yui out! I’ll keep you guys updated~
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thatawkwardbryce · 7 months
Dreamworld Catalogue - Encounter
Date: 01/13/20XX
Victim One:
Mark Heathcliff
Cesar Torres
Description of Event:
An employee of Dreamworld Entertainment is invited by a friend visiting town to come over to his work to get a gift. Tape is believed to be edited and or tampered with.
Beginning tape playback…
The video begins with two photos on screen, showing a call playback.
On the right is Cesar Torre’s High School photo, showing him smirking at the camera.
And on the left is Mark Heathcliff’s employee ID photo…he is not smiling and looks bored.
Mark groggily asks, sounding like he just woke up.
“Heya Mark, are you doing good?”
Cesar asks.
(To make reading easier, we will use shortened names to indicate who is talking.)
MH: “Cesar? Why the fuck are you calling me in the middle of the night?”
CT: “Because I came to visit you but the flight got delayed a lot.”
MH: “Look right now I…what?”
CT: “I just got off my flight and can finally call you.”
MH: “...Did you seriously come here, all the way from Mandela County…just to call me?”
CT: “Of course not. I wanted to come by since I forgot to give you your Christmas Present.”
MH: “You could have just mailed it to me.”
CT: “I know but I didn't want to seem like a jerk and just mail you a gift late.”
MH: “Fine…when are you going to get here?”
CT: “Soon…Mind visiting your work first?”
MH: “What? Why?”
CT: “Come on! It's pretty close to you so you won't have to travel 10 miles just so I can give you your gift. Especially with that snowstorm coming in.”
MH: “...Fine. But if Sara fires me I am sending you home with a drop kick.”
CT: “Alright, mind bringing your old video camera to film? Your sis wants a video to see how you're doing.”
MH: “Fine. Let me just get rea-dydydydydydddddddddd-”
Audio glitches out, as Cesar’s face is replaced with Sara Covetmen's face.
The video cuts to dashcam footage of Mark Heathcliff driving to Dreamworld Entertainment.
Snow covers the streets as the radio plays “Let it Snow” before being interrupted by a Weather alert.
“Please be advised that a snowstorm warning has been issued in Erie County, Huron County, Richland County, Ashfield County, and Knox County. If you live in any of these counties, it is advised to stay indoors, light your fireplaces if you have one, turn on heating machines, and wait out the snowstorm. It is advised to stay off the roads and stay indoors-”
“Fucking Ceaser making me come out to my work during this storm…I hope he stays safe.”
Mark sighs as he turns up the heater in his car and turns off the radio.
The camera skips ahead to Mark arriving at Dreamworld Entertainment Facility. The lights were off but the front door was open.
“Seriously Cesar?”
Mark sighs seeing this.
“I am so fired if Sara finds out about this.”
He says beginning to get out and-
The footage cuts to grainy Security Cam footage of Mark entering the Lobby, taking off the hood of his hoodie as he looks around the area.
“CESAR!” He yells, shining the camera’s light around, over cardboard cutouts of the cast and murals. “Why is it so warm in here…shouldn't the night crew have turned off the heater?”
He says confused as he makes his way to an open door to the stairs, leaving the view of the camera.
It then cuts to footage from earlier, showing Cesar walking around Dreamworld. “Mark!...Mark!” He yells, seemingly looking for Mark despite calling him there, suddenly there's the sound of something falling over, and Cesar investigating, once again leaving the view of the camera.
It cuts back to Mark’s camera, walking around the halls Seaventure as he grumbles. “The minute I find him I am going to-”
“To what, Little Guppy?”
Glory asked, revealing herself hidden under the water. It is unknown what to call what Mark did as the camera shakes a lot as he makes a lot of noise. “AH GAH GHUGH! AH!...Glory can you…not do that?” He sighs, after nearly having 20 heart attacks.
“Sorry.” She giggles a bit as she raises her head above the water. “But who exactly are you looking for?” “My friend, Cesar…soon to be Exfriend when I find him for pulling this joke on me.” He grumbles. “Cesar…l-like the Roman Leader?” She giggles a bit
“Yeah, though more annoying and less leadery.” He chuckles as he looks around. “Seen him?” “Sorry hun. Haven’t seen him all night…but I did hear someone heading to Staract.” She says. “Thank you…Have a good night Glory.” He chuckles with a smile beginning to leave. The footage cuts ahead to Mark making it to Staract. “CESAR! You there?!” He yells as he exits the stairwell. Nothing, just empty halls of Murals of stars, and Pictures of Starlight. “Christ when did it get so cold? It feels like-” He was about to finish…when he heard music coming from the Theatre. “Cesar?” He begins to walk past more murals and paintings, as he walks through the doors to the grand theater, rows and rows of star covered seats empty, spotlights shining onto the stage, and at the center…Cesar, a big grin plastered across his face. “Heya Mark. Glad you could make it.” He says, tilting his head to the side as Mark and the camera stare at him. “Uh yeah…Mind explaining how you set this up-” “Oh, Sara helped me silly! She saw how great an employee you were and wanted to help me.” He chuckles, tilting his head to the other side now. “In fact, your gift is with her backstage right now…all you have to do is come here and get it.” He says, his grin growing. “...Yeah let me just get something real quick.” Mark said, turning around and beginning to walk away.
“That’s not Cesar.” He says to himself as his footsteps are joined by Cesar’s. “Markkkkk~ Come back I have a gift for yooooou~” Cesar says, as Mark goes from walking to running. The footage cuts back to Mark’s Dashcam, pointed still towards the front doors to Dreamworld, As Mark comes out of them with a large gash across his right cheek on his face and missing his hoodie.
“Get the fuck away from me!” He yells, opening the car door and shutting it, beginning to try and start it as distorted lobby music is heard coming from the open doors. Mark tries to start the car, headlights flashing on as Cesar is seen slowly walking towards him. 
But quickly Cesar begins to change, growing taller and thinner as his grin grows wider. 
Until finally Mark starts the car and drives off.
It cuts to later, Mark’s camera on the bed as he frantically dials 911.
“Come on come on come on!” He yells, redialing over and over again as a loud weather alert plays on TV.
He seemingly gets an answer.
“PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME, SOMETHING IS FUCKING WEARING MY FRIEND AND IT’S AT DREAMWORLD AND-” Suddenly the call is cut off…along with the power. He quickly swears under his breath and grabs his camera and flashlight. Heading to the living room about to leave…as someone knocks on the door.
“H-Hello?! Tell who the fuck you are or so-” “MARK WAIT! It’s me Wiatt, You know from work? I…I got your call about Dreamworld.”
Wiatt could be seen a little through the frosted glass window on the door, Mark doesn’t move. Listening to Wiatt.
“I think Cesar was killed by Sara and had his soul taken, and she might be coming after you to tie off loose ends. But don’t worry, me and Damien can help keep you safe-”
“I didn’t call you.”
Mark interrupted, backing away from the door.
“What? But I-”
“I tried to call those two nutjobs who investigate paranormal activity and keep trying to break into Dreamworld…but not you.”
Mark says slowly backing away from the door.
“...Well, that’s an actual surprise.”
The voice chuckles, becoming distorted and sounding more like Sara.
“I must say, I’m real impressed, really! You saw through my disguise so easily I thought I wasn’t wearing one at first. I mean Cesar was fooled when he saw me in the Staract.” The doorknob shakes as the voice tries to enter.
“But not you, of course though it doesn’t really matter…Let me in Mark.”
The television in the living room suddenly turns on, showing a distorted warning as Mark points the camera at it suddenly.
“If an alternate enters your home, lock yourself in your bedroom, acquire a loaded firearm, and END IT ALL MARK.”
The last part is repeated over and over again. The front door begins to break as the thing slams into it, over and over again. “MARK. LET ME INNNNNN!” The door breaks as Mark runs away, laughter filling his house as he enters his bedroom and locks the door.
He runs to his closet, opening it up and looking through it for something as loud footsteps come closer and closer to his door. Finding a loaded revolver, turning around and facing the door.
Knock, knock, knock. Something begins to knock on the bedroom door as Mark places his camera on the bed, pointing it at the door as he points his gun at it.
“Marrrk. It’s hopeless Mark. We all know what happens next.” The doorknob jiggles as a distorted version of twinkle twinkle little star plays.
“I know what you love.” The voice changes back to Cesar’s voice as the door slowly opens revealing his face.
“I know what makes you human.” The video distorts as Cesar’s face is replaced with what looks like the face of the angel Gabriel.
“I know what you dread.” The voice distorts as Gabriel’s face begins to break apart as eyes open up all over it.
“Nobody is coming for you.”
Mark is heard crying as the door opens more and more. The…thing begins to smile more as it hears this.
The footage cuts back to earlier, showing the dashcam of Private Detective Damien Klein’s car, heading home as the radio plays what can be best described as…Smooth Jazz.
Only stopping as he is overtaken by Mark. “The hell?” Damien begins to follow Mark’s car, sensing something off as he gives chase. Pulling up to a stretch of road leading to Mark’s house as yelling is heard in the distance.
He gets out, pulling out his handgun from the glovebox as he walks down the road, dashcam capturing him as he leaves towards Mark’s house.
It cuts back to the…thing getting shot by something off camera, yelling as it falls to the ground.
“You…YOU! WHY ARE YOU HERE?” It yells bursting into Mark’s as Mark fires a shot at it, making it yell out more.
“I came because I saw you on that kid’s car!” Damien yells.
The thing tries to say something but Mark grabs his camera and pushes past the thing in the hall, nearly tripping as the thing roars.
“No matter, it’s already too late to help. I might as well get rid of you along with Mark.” It says as it shapeshifts into a black blob covered in eyes and teeth, laughter filling the hall.
“I have fooled the Shepherds, and I shall kill the angels.”
It laughs as Mark stands up, pointing his gun at the thing with Damien.
“Oh Mark…Do you want to know what Cesar’s last words were?” It chuckles as Mark and Damien stand in silence.
“...OHGODOHGODHELPMEPLEASESOMEONEHELPHELPHELP-” One of its mouths opened up, yelling and screaming from Cesar filled the room…only drowned out by Mark.
“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” Mark fires at it as the video distorts and glitches out, ending.
Aftermath: On the morning of 01/14/20XX, Damien Klein brought Mark Heathcliff to the hospital, both heavily injured after what Mark claimed to be a fight with a demon. After their wounds were dealt with, Damien brought Mark to his home to fully explain what happened and showed Damien the footage. Mark is currently living with Damien claiming that he doesn’t feel safe at his home. Cesar remains missing.
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thatawkwardbryce · 11 months
100 hits on AO3!
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thatawkwardbryce · 11 months
Digitized Dreamworlds and Forgotten Memories - Prologue
Wiatt stared at the package like it was Pandora's Box, fear and intrigue building in his gut at the idea of opening the box.
But he must open it, it was his key to finding out where Lewis went after all. Even if the idea of looking through the last game your boyfriend made for clues sounded dumb.
He cut open the package slowly, using a box cutter. And opened it up.
Inside sat a retro VR headset, three sets of cables colored red, blue, and white, an old white PC, and a floppy disk for "Dreamworld Adventures"
The name sparked memories of seeing Lewis working late into the night at home on the game, and of checking up on him while he did so. He began to unpack the package, setting up the computer with an old monitor he had, plugging in the cable into the PC and then into the VR headset, and finally turning it on.
The screen of the monitor showed a single account named Test Account.
Wiatt clicked it and was immediately brought to the desktop. Which was…pretty sparse, just having a settings app and files.
Wiatt then inserted the Floppy Disk, hearing the PC buzz and hum as a progress bar appeared and showed the game getting installed, slowly but surely.
"I'm going to find you, Lewis."
He says as the game finishes installing.
"I promise I will."
He saw the game appear on the desktop, its icon being of a Circus tent covered in stars
"Here goes nothing."
He clicks on the game and watches it boot up.
A black screen appears giving some basic warnings about VR, like motion sickness warnings and stuff. As Wiatt puts the VR headset on, ready to begin.
This, was his first mistake.
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thatawkwardbryce · 11 months
....how does one use AO3
I'm trying to post the start to an AU fanfic for Welcome to Dreamworld
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thatawkwardbryce · 10 months
So uh....apologies for the next chapter of DD and FM is taking so long, I am suffering from the worst Writer's block ever....so to make up for it, have a headcanon story on how Alyssa died. Yeah.
Surface Tension
"Attention, Dreamworld is now closed, if you have not left yet you will be escorted out. Please leave and thank you for joining us for the day."
Alyssa heard the message and sighed, sitting by the pool.
"...Where did you go, Mike?"
She asked herself while looking at a photo of him on her phone
In the photo, Mike was relaxing by the pool, giving a cheeky smile.
"...Whatcha looking at?"
Sara asked, damn near giving Alyssa a heart attack.
"Ahh! Sara it's uh n-nothing just looking at a photo of a f-friend."
Alyssa said standing up.
"You sure it's nothing? You look more nervous than usual."
Sara said as Alyssa picked up pool noodles and floaties left out by the guests.
"Yeah…just leave me alone."
Alyssa said, putting the toys up.
"Alright alright. Stay safe and lock up before you leave."
Sara said, handing a keyring with some keys to Alyssa. Leaving out one of the double doors to the many halls of this place.
Alyssa looked at Mike's photo a little longer. Before sighing and getting to locking the place up.
Alyssa turned around quickly, hearing Mike's voice…but nobody was around.
"...You're just hearing things, Alyssa."
She said to herself. Getting back to locking each of the doors.
“W-Why are you ignoring me A-Alyssa?”
Alyssa heard it again, looking around.
She called out. But nothing responded, all she heard was the pool filters gently humming.
Alyssa sighs, beginning to leave.
“Please Alyssa, don't leave me!”
Mike’s voice yells out from a supply closet, causing Alyssa to jump.
She responded, looking at the supply closet.
Silence…Mike didn't respond.
Alyssa cautiously approached the closet. Her steps echoed through the halls and rooms of the building.
“Please…help me Alyssa.”
Mike said as Alyssa slowly opened the door.
And promptly got hit in the face with the back end of an axe.
“Get some help and realize I'm dead!”
It yells, stepping out of the closet.
This…thing looked like a dead ringer to Mike…except it was wearing Sara’s clothes and had pink, glowing eyes.
“W-What?! N-No you can't be d-dead!”
Alyssa yells, holding her head in pain.
“Well I bloody am, my head crushed in-between the jaws of a Trash Compactor. And that's all. Your. FAULT!”
It yells, approaching with each word as Alyssa tries to stand up and run.
“Y-You can't be M-Mike! H-He would never say that!”
She yells back as the thing stops hearing this.
“Good eye, Alyssa, won't save you. But good eye.”
It says, their face slowly morphs back into Sara’s face.
“...W-What the hell a-are you?”
Alyssa says, beginning to stand up.
“Like I would tell.”
Sara promptly went for another back of the axe swing.
Alyssa yells, ducking and trying to dodge the swing.
“What do you want from me?!”
Alyssa says running for one of the open doors. Only for the doors to slam shut, locking.
“I want you dead of course, isn't that obvious?”
Sara says before beginning to laugh as Alyssa tries to frantically unlock the door, walking slowly.
“Come on come on come on!”
Alyssa tried to find the right key for the door. But each key failed.
“Sorry Alyssa but to quote a horrid movie, Sara forced me to watch with her…You’re in my world now, Bitch.”
Sara drops the axe and grabs Alyssa, throwing her to the ground behind her.
Alyssa coughs a bit as Sara walks up to her. Noticing some water weights near Alyssa.
“Tch tch tch. Alyssa didn't I tell you to put these up…someone could get hurt from these weights.”
Sara takes a chain wrapped around some pool toys and wraps it around Alyssa’s right foot.
“Please…I-I don't want to die.”
Alyssa cries trying to crawl away. But she is stopped as the chain is connected to the water weight.
“...Want to know something funny?...Mike said those same words right before his head was crushed.”
Sara chuckles, kicking the weights into the pool. Dragging Alyssa into the pool.
Alyssa took one big deep breath as she sank into the pool, tugging on the chain as she slowly sank. Trying to pull the chains off of her or the weights. She becomes more and more desperate as she nears the bottom, her tears adding to the pool.
Alyssa finally hits the bottom, as her attempts to free herself fail. Finally gasping and began to fill her lungs with water. Her cries bubbled up as she slowly passed out.
But she fought through the drowsiness. Returning to trying to pull the chains off, managing to pull them off, and beginning to swim up, the light above the pool gets closer and closer as she finally surfaces!
She gasps for air, grabbing the edge of the pool as she cries out in happiness. Leaning on the edge of the pool she makes a mental plan on what to do looking around.
And noticing that everything was smaller to her.
She then covers her mouth, hearing her voice and seeing her blue robotic hands.
She sees posters advertising a new animatronic for the pools-
She feels her mechanic, sea serpent tail-
And she finally sees her reflection in the water. Seeing her new face.
She screams, diving back into the water in fear, sending water flying everywhere as she splashes back down.
The water on the surface of the pool ripples a bit. Before calming down.
She hid at the bottom of the pool, unable to shed tears as she cried. For what felt like several days.
“Why…Why did this have to happen to m-me.”
As she hides at the bottom of the pool, she hears someone enter the room.
“W-who’s there? I can hear you. Please leave this cursed place. Leave me alone.”
She calls out.
“Hey, it's okay. Your new body will feel weird at first but you just-”
The voice says, before getting cut off by Alyssa.
“N-No! Go away! Stay out of the waterpark!”
“...Ma’am I-”
“Don’t you understand? Thi-This is wrong, this is horrible. I-I thought I'd died, but now I'm trapped in the body of a weird monster.”
She cries, her horns popping out of the water.
“...That’s okay. Me too. We can be weird monsters together, yeah?”
The voice responds, trying to reassure her.
“H-How can you even say something like that? Don't you understand what happened to us?”
“Trust me, I've been here for three weeks, I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.”
The voice says, getting closer to the pool.
Alyssa sniffles, poking her head up a little, her eyes now visible.
“B-But aren't you scared?”
“Terrified, but I know it won't do anything. If I'm going to spend my eternity here, I need to make the most of it. Especially since I haven't had the time to make the most of it in the first place.”
The voice says as Glory rises more out of the water, leaning on the edge of the pool now.
She saw the voice belonged to a yellow dragon with red sunglasses and wings, he was giving a reassuring smile to her as she rose.
For some strange reason…Glory felt like she had found who she was looking for after a long, long time.
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thatawkwardbryce · 11 months
Digitized Dreamworlds and Forgotten Memories - Chapter 2 - Chaotic Introductions
Wiatt stared in awe at the sights around him, the tent being way bigger inside.
The top of the tent was miles above him, the yellow, and blue stripes spiraling above him.
The center pole holding the tent up had a pattern of as-of-yet-unknown characters dancing. Wiatt didn't know what to say or d-
Wiatt yelps and falls back as a purple pegasus with big-clippy-like eyes appear in front of him.
"Welcome to the Amazing Dreamworld Circus! A place of wonder, oddities, and adventure!"
The Pegasus says, a text box appearing next to him
Wiatt slowly got up, as the Pegasus kept talking.
"I'm Winnie, a virtual assistant designed by Sara to help you out with anything. Just say my name and I will appear to help you out!"
Winnie said as Wiatt got back on his feet.
"Okay uh…can you leave, please? You nearly gave me a heart attack."
Winnie smiled and nodded.
Just as he suddenly appeared, Winnie disappeared with a pop.
"...Great, this game has a Clippy."
Wiatt sighs, looking around the tent some more.
He soon found the rules sign, handing up near the entrance.
Rules for the Circus!
Number One, do not exceed a playtime of 5 hours per session.
Number Two, do not change something in-game without Sara's permission.
Number Three, The AIs in this game are not people.
Number Four, any door colored red leads to unfinished parts of the game, don't go through them.
And finally, Number Five. Have Fun!
Wiatt reads the sign, taking note of the first four rules.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"
He says, walking through the tent. Looking around and generally not paying attention to where he was walking.
"Out of the way!"
"Coming through!"
Wiatt is crashed into, sending both him and the two voices to the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! Today has been so hectic and-"
"Lolli look! It's a new guy!"
Wiatt finally sees who is talking to him. A strange clown-jester hybrid with two lollipop heads, one Pink and one Blue.
The Pink half had clown-like accessories, like a fake flower, colorful sleeves, red polka dots on his shirt, and a blue tie wrapped around his head.
While the Blue half had jester accessories, like a jingling hat, striped clothes, a mask that she currently didn't have on, and a pink tie around her head.
Both though had a bit of the other color in their clothes, like Blue Polka dots or Pink bells.
"Someone new?!"
The Blue one (presumably Lolli) seemed surprised.
"Hello, good sir! Our names are Lolli-" The Blue one started.
"-And Pop!" Finished Pink.
"Uh…hi! Nice to meet you two, I-I'm Wiatt." Wiatt introduces himself nervously, still recovering from the fall.
Pop giggles a bit. "Nice to meet you-er, bump into you, Wiatt."
Pop says, presenting his pink hand to shake, smiling a bit. Wiatt shakes Pop's hand.
"So I'm taking you two are uh…lollipop clowns?"
Wiatt asks.
"No no, Pop is the clown and I'm a Jester. Sorry to have you mistaken." Lolli says, shaking her head.
"I-It's fine. Do you know where a map is?"
Wiatt asks, looking at the curtained doorway Lolli and Pop came through.
"There should be one here in the lobby, and in every tent of the circus." Lolli says as Pop gets a gleam in his eyes.
"Maybe we can give you a tour of the place, maybe play some games as well and party too, and-" Pop kept talking very excitedly.
"Sorry, my brother is a bit…excitable."
Lolli explains.
"I-It's fine, I…can see why he's a clown."
Wiatt says, laughing a bit.
"N-no offense Pop."
Pop stops talking and chuckles as well.
"None taken! Everyone here says I'm quite the handful."
"But not as much as the three little acrobats."
Lolli says with a chuckle as well.
Wiatt adjusts his glasses, blinking a bit.
"Well…mind giving me a tour?"
He asks.
Pop says excitably, tapping his half's foot.
"Sure, we don't have another act in a few hours so we might as well."
Lolli added.
"Th-Thank you."
Wiatt says, glad it wasn't too much trouble.
"No problem! We're always glad to have new people to play with and talk to!"
Pop says with a big grin.
Wiatt smiles too, glad to have someone to talk to, even if it's just an AI.
"Lead the way." He says ready to go.
"Alrighty first up is the beach!"
Lolli says, going through the doorway they came out of, adorned with a mural of the sea and beach.
Wiatt follows, a bit confused by the idea of a beach in a tent.
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thatawkwardbryce · 11 months
Digitized Dreamworlds and Forgotten Memories - Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Dreamworld Circus!
Wiatt closes his eyes for a brief moment, blinded by all the bright colors around him.
"Note to self, don't play this in a dark room."
He says, seeing that he's standing in a large grassy field.
In the distance was a Circus tent with a sign saying "The Amazing Dreamworld Circus" hanging over the entrance.
And sitting down nearby was a woman in a pink business suit, and blue jeans sitting nearby. Her hair was done up in a hair bun, with some yellow and pink coloring in her hair. Reading a book.
Wiatt greets her as she notices them.
"Hello, beta tester!"
She greets him, getting up from the grass.
"I see you've been selected from a valuable few to beta test this state-of-the-art game!"
She walks over to Wiatt with a small smile, seeming friendly.
"I am Sara, the creator of this game you are playing."
"Uh, nice to meet you Sa-"
Wiatt starts, before being interrupted.
"Note I am nothing but a prerecorded introduction to this game, so you can't talk to me."
Sara says, sitting down on a chair that appeared next to her while she was talking.
Wiatt says.
"Now before we get started, there are a few things to note while playing."
Sara says as a list appears over her in a black textbox.
"Number one. While you are in the game, you can fully move around without having to worry about bumping into something."
She says, her words appearing in the text box.
Wiatt was kinda confused by this, trying to feel for the PC in real life but failing.
"What the?"
He quickly takes off the headset, looks at everything around him, then puts his headset back on.
"Number Two. The AI in this game is just AI. They are not your friends, or co-workers, or lovers. Just unfeeling strings of ones and zeroes."
Sara said as those words appeared in the textbox too.
"This is for you, Oliver. I know you keep trying to find solace and comfort in AI and not people."
She says, her smile changing to a frown as she says this.
"...But anyway!"
She returns to her happy self.
"Number Three. Always follow the rules. You will find the list of rules in the center tent of the circus if you don't follow these you will be taken off of the Tester program."
She says wagging her index finger like she would to a naughty child.
"And Finally, number four. Do not steal this game. If you do so, you will be fired, sued, and arrested for stealing it so…"
"Have you stolen it?"
Her smile grows wider at this last question, making Wiatt feel extremely nervous for some reason.
He didn't steal the game, or the equipment for it. But somehow he felt like he could be in trouble for having this stuff.
"Pfft! Of course, you haven't, you need an official Dreamworld computer to even play this game."
Sara said with a wave of her hand, making Wiatt sigh in relief.
"Now get to testing, before I fire you for standing around."
She laughs walking away, as Wiatt begins to head to the circus tent.
"...You're not gonna like what you find Wiatt."
Wiatt turns around, thinking he heard something. But Sara was nowhere to be seen.
"...Man, I need to get more sleep."
Wiatt sighs and begins to walk toward the circus. He hums to himself as he looks around the field noticing strange colorful flowers among the grass.
He picks one flower out of the field, seeing it is a mix of yellow and blue, with the petals being in the shape of a Star.
He chuckles and pockets the flower, walking into the circus.
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thatawkwardbryce · 6 months
Digitized Dreamworlds and Forgotten Memories - Chapter Three - Motorbikes, Stuntmen, and Sea Serpents.
Wiatt was surprised when he emerged from the doorway to a bright sunny beach, seagulls squawking through the air, and crabs scuttling across the sand as Lolli and Pop sat down.
"Welcome to The Beach!"
Lolli says with a smile.
"Home of scuttling crabs, squawking seagulls, and calming waves."
She continues as Wiatt looks around.
The beach was surrounded by high cliffs, making the place inescapable. Besides the Tardis Tent of course.
However, there was also something else on the beach, that being some ramps and stunt equipment being set up by someone currently working on their motorbike.
"Oh hey, Rex!"
Pop says wildly waving his arm to him.
The figure working on the bike seems surprised turning around quickly.
"Hey, Pop."
Rex says as Wiatt gets a better look at Rex.
Rex was a yellow dragon with orange shoulders, forearms, and lower legs.  His pelvis was red, as were his feet, wings, and glasses. He was wearing a red and yellow stunt suit and helmet. The chest of his suit was embellished with a rising sun emblem.
"And who may you be?"
He says, taking note of Wiatt standing awkwardly next to Lolli and Pop. “Nicholson! W-Wiatt Nicholson Sir, I mean Red, I mean Rex!” Wiatt was virtually sweating virtual sweat bullets...virtually. To say Wiatt was suspicious to Rex would be like saying that someone burning down your house was a “Bit of a jerk move” “Do you have your ID on you sir?” He asks, his friendly tone changing to a more guard like tone.
“Oh uh well I uh…forgot it in my work suit which I am not wearing right now.” He nervously chuckles.
Rex seems even more suspicious, about to say something…but is interrupted by Pop.
“Come on Rex! Can you give the guy a break? He looks like he hasn’t slept for years!”
Pop says with Lolly joining in. “Yeah, and he’s the first player we’ve had in months now.”
Rex raises a non-existent eyebrow and sighs.
“True. So Wiatt, mind helping me set up for my stunt?”
Rex asks approaching Wiatt, trying to give a reassuring smile to the anxious Wiatt.
“...Alright, whatcha need?”
Wiatt asks, a bit worried about getting…getting what? He’s in VR, and he’s at his house. What the hell would Rex even do?...Best not to find out.
“Well I need some help fixing the motorbike for the trick, It’s been on the fritz since my last stunt and-” Wiatt rushes past him, kinda excited upon hearing about fixing something. Wiatt was a mechanic at heart and liked to fix things by himself. “On it sir!” Wiatt says, approaching the orange and red Motorcycle…and realizing he didn’t have a toolbox.
“Kid, I think you forgot something.” Rex chuckles, rolling his eyes as he reaches behind his wings and somehow pulls out a toolbox.
“Whoa!” Wiatt says as Rex hands him an orange toolbox, with red stripes. “If you ever have your pockets and hands full, just try placing something on your back and it’ll enter your inventory.”
Rex explains grabbing a wench from his inventory and flipping it around in his hands.
“Thanks, Sara didn’t really explain that.” Wiatt says, opening up the toolbox and quickly getting to work.
“Yeah she has a habit of forgetting to mention important things.” Rex chuckles as he sets up the ramp. With emphasis on important
Wiatt made quick progress on fixing the motorbike, it was a lot less complicated than an actual motorbike. Which made sense, this is a video game for kids. Not a one to one simulation of fixing things.
“Annnnd that should do it!”
He says, placing the toolbox down. He gave the bike handle a quick test to see if the engine was working. Rex and him were smiling as the engine gave a pleasant hum.
“Wow, that was fast.” Rex says with a hearty chuckle. “Yeah, you were faster than Cheer racing Rex earlier.” Pop says as Lolly chuckles.
“Best not let her hear that, or she might try to race him.” Lolly says, raising her hand to cover her mouth.
“Yeah yeah, Cheer loves a challenge, and Glory loves to swim. Mind if we get to the good stuff!” Pop says, excited for the stunt. “Uh…who’s Glory?” Wiatt asks.
“Oh well she’s-” Rex starts but is interrupted.
“She’s Rex’s Giiiiiiirlfriend!” Pop snickers mischievously.
“No she’s not…I mean I like her a lot but she isn’t my girlfriend.” Rex says, blushing a bit as he thought about Glory…her blue scales, majestic voice, and soft, caring nature.
“That still doesn’t answer my question.”
Wiatt says still a bit curious.
“Glory is the lovely Sea Serpent who lives in this area.” Lolli clarifies. “She’s rather lovely and motherly to most of us…besides the sheep.”
She says, Pop winching a bit hearing the word sheep. “Don’t remind me of him.” He says throwing their hands up.
“If you mean the Clippy knock-off, agreed. The darn guy nearly scared the crap out of me.” Wiatt says, watching his language around Lollypop, Feeling weird about swearing around them despite them being AI
Meanwhile though, someone began to rise up behind Rex and his setup. While Lollypop and Wiatt converse. “Hello Little Guppies, and new little employee.” She says, surprising Wiatt a little as he turns around.
Wiatt is met by the sight of a 16 '3 ft tall sea serpent with a heart shaped chest with dark blue and light blue scales, glistening in the sunlight. Her eyes were a brilliant yellow with red eyebrows that curve upwards to the sky.
She also had two blue horns and a white pearl necklace. Reflecting on Wiatt and the group. “O-Oh hello!” “Heya Glory!” Pop waves excitedly. Causing both his and Lolly’s bells to jingle. Making Glory to giggle a bit.
“Those things are loud enough I could hear you from the bottom of the ocean.” She jokes, making Pop giggle back. “Trust me we wish we could take these off.” Lolli comments.
Wiatt meanwhile stood in the middle of this conversation. Doing an introvert and awkwardly waiting for everyone to stop talking and maybe talk to him.
Soon though Glory turned her attention to Wiatt, her gaze following upon him.
“And who might you be?”
Glory asks as Wiatt adjusts his shirt collar.
“W-Wiatt. Wiatt Nicholson.” He says with a small chuckle.
“Pleasure to meet you Wiatt.” She says, with a smile.
Gently raising her hand and patting his head. 
“Well this has been fun and all but wasn’t there oh I don’t know. A stunt show is supposed to be happening now?!” Pop says, crossing their arms, stomping his foot.
“Calm down kid, we were just getting to that.” He says, leading everyone away from the stunt setup. Not wanting anyone to get hurt in case something went wrong.
“Alright now you all need to stay far back from the setup in case something goes wrong. And-” Rex starts only to be interrupted.
“Yeah yeah, we know Rex. Stay back and don’t get hurt. I get we have a new guy here and he might not know but I think he could put together that being near a stunt show could get dangerous.” Pop says with a chuckle.
“Yes but it’s still important to repeat the rules or I don’t know…you get clobbered by a bike.” He says, his tone changing from a fun loving tone to a grumpy “Sick of your shit” tone as everyone turns towards Pop.
“...That was one time!” Pop argues.
“Yeah, and that one time hurt like heck.” Lolly says back. “Fine, fine…sorry.” Pop apologies, sounding genuine.
“Alright…let the show begin!” Rex says getting onto his motorbike, revving it up as the sound of the engine echoes through the cove.
“Humans and living sweets! Are you ready?!” Glory said with a smile, hyping up Rex. Lolly and Wiatt cheer while Pop-
“YES START THE SHOW I HAVE THE NEED FOR-” Lolly covers his mouth as he seemingly got a sugar high from the ideas of stunts.
“Pop calm down.”
Lolly says with a nervous smile.
Rex chuckles and starts the show, first driving circles around the setup. Kicking up sand as he lets out a roar of flames, lighting up the rings.
Soon he rode towards the now burning rings and jumped through, flipping and twirling through them.
But soon he stopped after jumping through the rings a few times. Revving his engines and driving towards the ramp and jumping off of it with a wheel hop. Flying into the air with his brilliant red wings.
He lands a wheelie in front of the setup, breathing out some smoke from his nose as Lollypop, and Glory cheer. And Wiatt claps quite impressed by the graphics of the game.
“Thank you, Thank you, fine audience.” Rex chuckles getting off the bike. Bowing as Glory smiles, looking at Rex blushing as Wiatt notices. Wiatt gets up as he thinks of where to go next.
“Hey Rex.
Rex was turning off the motorbike before hearing his name called.
Rex asks.
“Got any areas you recommend for a newbie to explore?” He asks as he wipes some sand off of his clothes.
“Hmm…Well the Acrobats Tower is pretty fun if you aren’t afraid of heights..,or Trapeze.” He says the last part with a small chuckle. Adjusting his sunglasses.
“Yeah! Ribbon is pretty fun to hang out with!” Pop adds leaning into Wiatt’s view.
“Who’s Ribbon?” Wiatt asks. Curious.
“A Rainbow Lemur!” He says with a big grin.
“And a Safety Hazard.” Rex adds with a chuckle.
“I would say wear a helmet, but you can’t get hurt here so you’ll be fine…hopefully.” He says as Lollypop prepares to leave.
“Alrighty…One more thing.” Wiatt says as Rex was about to turn around.
“D-Do you know of Lewis Bright?” Rex pauses, the atmosphere changing as he seems taken aback. “Uh…yeah he helped with making the game…not much else though. Sorry.” He says, turning around. Wiatt was confused by Rex’s odd reaction and a bit concerned. Only to yelp as Pop grabs his arm with a smile. “OFF TO ADVENTURE!-”
He says as Lolly yelps too.
“Pop you can’t just go dragging players around like that!”
She says as they go through the tent…somehow ending up at the bottom of a huge, green indoor playground looking tower.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Upcoming New AU
This week I was planning an AU where it's some of the WTDW cast as teenagers. Originally the plot was going to have some supernatural misadventures, but it ended up turning into a Digimon AU!
So...WTDW Digimon AU will be coming soon!
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