lichtecht · 9 months
For the character meme: Kelly 👀
1: sexuality headcanon ich seh das eigentlich ganz ähnlich wie dieser post. kelly ist für mich lesbisch. definitiv. aber sie braucht ne ganze weile, bis sie das herausfindet, wegen comphet und so irgendwann ist es, dass sie merklich diesen druck spürt, einen freund zu haben. also guckt sie sich den perfekt kalkulierten jock boyfriend™ aus und beschließt, dass sie beide ein paar werden sollten. peter hat das so hingenommen und seitdem sind sie halt zusammen. aber wie diese beziehung läuft, das wissen wir ja ich wünsch mir für sie, dass sie irgendwann endgültig mit peter schluss macht und nach ein bisschen selbstfindung eine freundin hat, mit der sie glücklich ist. <3
2: otp wo wir grad davon sprechen; ich muss sagen, kelly/liz hat es mir sehr angetan…
3: brotp sie und peter vielleicht… die zwei wären einfach deutlich besser als freunde. sie können ja auch gut miteinander sein, aber romantisch passt es einfach nicht ansonsten find ich's auch interessant, über die freundschaft zwischen kelly, lys und elizabeth nachzudenken. wie sie zum beispiel (ich meine, es war in "fußball-gangster"?) zu dritt ermittelt haben
4: notp kelly/peter. die zwei sollten sich schleunigst trennen, bitte sehr
5: first headcanon that pops into my head sie wäre ein taylor swift girlie. sie und mathilda kennen sich unabhängig von justus, weil kelly oft ehrenamtlich in vereinen und bei veranstaltungen aushilft, genau wie mathilda. hat angst vor spinnen, findet es aber trotzdem unmöglich, wenn leute die einfach töten. ihre eltern haben geld. (das ist canon, soweit ich weiß) hat früher im chor gesungen. trägt ihre haare selten offen, sondern meistens im pferdeschwanz oder wenigstens teilweise hochgebunden. hat eine halskette mit mehreren sentimentalen anhängern, die sie nur mit ausnahmen ablegt. ihre familie hatte einen hund, mit dem kelly oft laufen gegangen ist, aber er ist gestorben.
6: favorite line from this character fällt mir grad nix ein… also sag ich lieblingsszene. und zwar mochte ich es sehr, als sie in „automafia“ einfach mal ein paar leute mit ner waffe in schach hält <3
7: one way in which I relate to this character kelly und ich sind uns eigentlich nicht sehr ähnlich. aber wir mögen beide tiere :)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character naja, immer, wenn sie eben als zicke geschrieben wird :/ als sie in „das schwarze verlies“ peter und justus zum beispiel einfach da eingesperrt lässt
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? ich weiß mit diesen kategorien ehrlich gesagt nicht so viel anzufangen. einfach kelly madigan my beloved <3333
[send me a character and i'll answer with my headcanons]
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skyetenshi · 1 year
Headcanon: Kurz nach dem Cotta die zweifelhafte Ehre der Verantwortung für die Drei Detektive übernommen hat, ging er mit den Jungs ballern. So oft wie die Jungs gerade in den alten Folgen den Bösen eine Waffe abnehmen und den Bösen dann mit dieser Waffe bedrohen (!), hoffe und erwarte ich, dass Cotta irgendwann die Familien der Junge bekniet hat, die drei Jungs einpackte und mit ihnen in einen Schießstand fuhr.
Und seit dem können alle drei mit Waffen umgehen.
relating headcanon: Peter ist der beste im Zielschießen. Bob möchte das schießen selbst nicht ausprobieren, kann aber Waffen sichern und entsichern, reinigen und auseinander nehmen. Justus hat wenigstens ein paar Mal geschossen, um den Rückstoß selbst zu erleben, er zielt aber nicht so gut wie Peter.
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chameleon-on-lsd · 18 days
SOKO Leipzig S22E17 - 20 liveblogging
ina bby was ist das überhaupt für ein outfit. hiking boots, sommerkleid und fluffy cardigan? jeeeeeeeesus oh noes ;-; 'vermissen ein bisschen deine tiefkühl-lasagne' XDD awww die blonde komissarin am kochen vorschlagen für ina <3 auch wenn apfel pancakes eine weirde wahl ist? (dagmar heisst die) damn the multi tv setup XDDD kim. hör auf das laufen zu lassen XD dagmar asking the good questions 'mit welcher waffe??' boah DAS ist mal ein krasses baumhaus they tested her for GSR? after like 2 days and being at a hospital? you'd hope she'd gone to toilet and cleaned her hands uffffff, yeah looking like an old missing person connected to the suspect is never good what is DD fürn Autokennzeichen? ah Dresden and now where is that in relation to Leipzig xD 'oooho schnaps UND schokolade. das ist ja noch besser' xD kaksadölask ich fühl den voice-over typen für die random polizei dresden phonecalls put his whole pussy into 1,5 minutes of voice-acting ina. please stop following strange man weird places .-. 'ich bin kein perveerseeer'. uhu, normal things to say ah. ich hab mich gefragt warum die episode sich so scheissen lang anfühlt. CAUSE IT'S 87 MINUTES I like ina but I could have done with less ........dass sie sich nicht mal die mühe geben für ne schusswunde das tshirt kaputt zu machen. sondern einfach farbe draufkleckern
Mutprobe (1)
daljslkak hi biker hot unfortunately MORITZ AAAAAAAAAAH SDASLÖKDLADLA AM GITARRE SPIELEN? KILL ME lol dass kim ne hängematte im wohzimmer hat wie sie die jacke auf ihn schmeisst xDD FEIERN aaaaaaaaaaah die süssmäuse ;-; sadöaskdölakldöla also, ARME SLKÖDAFLÖKDSFLÖSDFKSDFKLDSFKLDSFKLÖFDSKLÖ HELP I LOVE THEM moritz asking if ina and jan had a thing xD 'man begehrt was man täglich sieht' ACH JA?' 'hat dein fancy club einen dresscode?' 'YES, YOU SHOULD BE DRESSED AT ALL' XD moritz <3333333 filming the guy and quoting law articles. ily ......is Soko set in the future??? they're showing a Personalausweis that has a date of expiration of 23.03.2035. according to google they are valid for 10 years. so it was made out in march 2025 ? this eipsode aired in 2021. xD no wait it's even dumber, they say she's 22 (which her birthdate until 2021 = 22. but for under 24 year olds the validity of the Perso is 6 years. which would equal a making out date in 2029). why the fuck did y'all write 35 ?? they have a date of 24.03.2015 on it, but like. the validity is not officially 20 years? did that change? (I am clearly too invested in this document that is shown or 5 seconds xD) daskdösla ina am fragen wies kim mit moritz geht oho moritz kann ganz gut kochen? interessant warum soll er ne einweihungsparty schmeissen? xD er mietet ein zimmer bei dir gott moritz in dem scheiss mantel <33 die haben auch ne verdammt schöne wohnung wie moritz sich auch so in der wohnung umschaut XD und aufem stuhl wippt!! lieb ihn so sehr ;-; und an zeugs rumtippt xDD 'whoops' xD aw kim xD die fucking auslage an gemüse die bei denen einfach offen in der küche liegt XDDD what the fuck ina W H A T '?? xD du hast den verdacht das moritz eingeschleust wurde um jan zu beobachten? (ach er hat koks gekauft, interessant xD ich sollte vielleicht shows nicht einfach in der mitte anfangen zu schauen) the drama moritz bby <3 aw moritz was ist das für ne jacken kombi (puffer jacke und regen mantel?) xD dsakljdsaljkdsajadsk moritz in dem verhör wie er tut als würd er sich für bikes interessieren und den helm vorallmen xDD wie das bild gephotoshoppt ist XDD die proportionen machen einfach 0 sinn 'das ist keine falle, diesmal nicht' yeah SUREE asdlkö die beiden jungs 'die anderen sind alle loser und mit loser wollen wir ncihts zu tun haben' lalkdmasl teenager sind super damn lars. you're hot und halt leider geil der mottorad helm more coffee to go <3 lmao am jammen zu hip hop das holster fürs messer? leider auch geil ejadlkdfjalkffjklslkdj help. random guy (that teenager's.... older brother? trying so hard not to read it queer) driving up on a bike, taking his helmet off and sticking his tongue out at the teen 'wie wars in der schule? 'okay' 'okay-scheisse oder okay-megascheisse?' xD holy shit they are so adorable (okay he is his big brother) 'du bist schon der coolste' aah babies sdakdlöa help they are so cute I fucking dare the teen to die lars ist so ein meathead xDDD 'ich lese keine zeitung, schau kein fernsehen. ich geh halt arbeiten, mach sport' xDD come on, what have you found in moritz stuff? evil cliffhanger xD
Mutprobe (2)
lmao der manbun typ mit den creepy augen xD moritz. pull your shirt down or your pants up xD you're showing crack baby boy uffff beschattungsfotos von jan? yeah, that's quite a find xD das war mal ne schlechte anzeige vom anruf that FUCKING SONG (Pixies - Where Is My Mind) die brüder sind so fucking adorable na hallo bent .............dass wir beide brüder-dynamiken in der gleichen folge haben saldksl ein weiteres beherztes Fuck von moritz <3 lasst den kleinen in ruhe ;-; well....at least he's only locked in a basement I guess OHHH. THOSE WERE ALL FLASHBACKS? XDDD fully did not realise that aah der bruder ;-; der bulle *-* .... und die chemie mit dem typen lol faskldsakldaskdaslö oh no the brother is even hotter now yeah. why is bent still in U-haft. like. dsaldks gott der biker <3 ja geil, noch ein geshopptes bild xD oh no, he died? ;-; well makes sense but OHHH. yeah makes sense when lukas locked him there and no one knew about it I guess? or did the friends know and not say anthing and that's why the brother is on a revenge trip? OHHHH. that's why the stupid editing choice of the little re-winding bits was done. that fully went over my head that that was a big 'hey we're in the past' indication and not just a quirky choice god the brother is cute XDD etwas haare mit nem brotermesser abzuschneiden für dna ist auch ne wahl jan wie er seine eigene confession aufnimmt ;-; wetten moritz löscht sie? yess, bby <3 lkdslöasködsalk moritz xD aaaaah the memories of the brothers. kill me ;-;
Tod im Gericht
..........das die fucking kinders einfach ständig jünger sind als ich. 1999. 1996. leute ich fühle mich ALT :OOO ANOTHER BIKER die wollten das meiste aus der fucking helm requisite rausholen wa? xDDD was ist das für ne choice das beides nacheinander zu haben?? wie gern SOKO den sterbenden blut aus dem mund laufen lässt xD ach das motorrad hatte wenigstens ein kennzeichen xD ...warum ist ina plötzlich so besorgt um kim und fragt wegen therapie fortschritt? immer noch weil jemand in ihren armen gestorben ist? ACHSO ne sie hat den letzten typen erschossen so überraschend das cops in shows wirklich ein gewissen haben und geshockt sind wenn sie wenn töten xDD 'meine mutter macht super extensions. also wenn du mal bock auf ne veränderung hast' kim xDD gott moritz wie er unschuldig-nett tut ist einfach the best xDD wie sie einfach unmöglich das foto vom blickwinkel her sehen konnte xD d'aw office wetten abschliessen xD 'zwejbay' ? xDD geiler name für ne second hand börse schön wie rettich nicht mit komplimenten umgehen kann xDD awww ina 'ich bin richtig froh dass du bei uns im team bist' zu moritz und sein 'ja ich auch' <3 tihih moritz mit fischen am spielen
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waffowo · 2 years
Hello Everyone! This isn’t my first Tumblr account? But the first time I’m using this account as more than just liking content! I’m Wafflez/Waff/Duck (he/him).
I post about anything that I’m hyperfixated on or majorly interested in. Will barely talk negatively about anything I ingest unless it is that awful. If it is something I like, I will try not to say anything overtly negative. I particularly enjoy writing academically or making shitposts.
My Current Interests Include:
Doctor Who (12th’s era in particular, watching the new series)
Television Shows (Particularly Voltron/Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul/The Sopranos/Avatar The Last Airbender/Bee and Puppycat)
Anime (Particularly Neon Genesis Evangelion/Haikyuu/JJBA/Chainsaw Man/Hunter x Hunter)
Literature (Any kind but for more mainstream stuff, Homestuck, The All For The Game trilogy and the Percy Jackson Series)
The Occasional Gaming/Analysis YouTubers (I won’t talk about gaming because I won’t be using this blog to talk about that honestly, but for analysis Jenny Nicholson Good!)
Games (Metal Gear Solid franchise/Ace Attorney/Danganronpa)
Any ship I’m hyperfixated on/invested in (Andreil/Kaishin/Killugon/Solangelo/BBKaz/Dirkjake/Davekat/Kawoshin/Otasune/McWexler/12Clara)
Academia In General or just Pop Culture not really pertaining to YouTube
I may talk about anything mostly related to those categories, my interests extend to so much more. I’m just doing this cause Tumblr is a pretty chill space where I can get my fix.
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alexeiadrae · 4 years
Given how busy I’ve been this year, I didn’t feel up to Slayers Santa. Sometimes a prompt clicks with me and gets my muse talking, other times I really have to work it, and I didn’t want to take a bet on getting the latter in 2020, plus I wanted to write something WAFFy for myself, and hope that someone else will enjoy!
Have a Happy Slayersmas ya’ll!
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wafflesetc · 4 years
I’ve been writing a small journal about life on the ground and things just in general during COVID. It’s wild that I have already almost filled up one notebook and just had to order another.
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peacekeeperangel · 7 years
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“J-Jasper?! What are you doing here?”
I described it as a “Maid Costume” When I did the RP with Ichi, but I had “Fifties Diner Waitress” in my brain. Let’s face it, as awful as it is to do Labour-intensive work in a skirt, those outfits were very Classy.
And yes that’s Team “Nosy Dad” in the Background. Gotta keep an Eye on their OTP.
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inukag-archive · 3 years
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I realized that it is almost half way through October and I haven't read many season specific fics. Horror, fluff, angst, whatever as long as it is in the spirit of October, please. I love you guys, thank you!
Hi @yukinon-writes
Happy Halloween!  Thank you for the ask, we definitely have a list for you!
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Little Haunted Maze of Horrors by @splendentgoddess (T)
Kagome's school is doing a haunted maze for Halloween, and working the maze is a chance for extra credit that, with her grades, she can't afford to miss. But what happens when Inuyasha's curiosity gets the better of him? Curiosity killed the *cat*.
Tommyknockers Tommyknockers Knocking at my Door by @splendentgoddess(T)
The Inu-tachi come upon a friendly village to stop at for the night, though it quickly turns out that everyone is a bit *too* friendly. When Inuyasha goes missing and Sango and Miroku want to settle down, Kagome wonders if everyone is crazy but her.
Every Day is Halloween by @splendentgoddess (M)
As a kid I believed in ghosts, but adults usually stop believing in such things. I thought *I* had, until one Halloween when Eri talked me into some 'harmless fun' that changed my life forever. My name is Kagome Higurashi, and this is my ghost story.
Onigumo House by @splendentgoddess (M)
“Are you interested in a once in a lifetime experience that's to die for?” Kagome read with some dramatic flair that had Souta laughing. “If you think you have what it takes to survive what goes bump in the night then come for a stay at Onigumo House.”
The Raven by @splendentgoddess (T)
Just a cute little Halloween poem-fic. Kagome recites "The Raven"…with a few minor interruptions. Rated T for Inuyasha's potty mouth. Inu/Kag WAFF
Hallow (Series) by @splendentgoddess (E)
When Kagome's school friends invite her and her 'jealous boyfriend' to a Halloween party she decides she actually wants to go, and convinces Inuyasha to go with her. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Complete! Part one of my 'Hallow' trilogy.
Drowning in the Night by @witchygirl99 (M)
"You're a vampire." There, she had said it. "And you just made yourself bleed in front of one," Inuyasha snapped. He glared at her bleeding arm like it was personally offending him.
Nepenthe by @witchygirl99 (M)
Legends are more than just stories men tell at night. Kagome is proof of this. Inuyasha is, too. An InuKag Mermaid/Siren AU.
Winging it by @witchygirl99 (M)
Inuyasha was the first soul in history to break Heaven. So he goes to Hell. He meets a gum-smacking fortune teller, two psychotic real estate agents and...The One. Insert smirking and the odd death. Add some love. Blend until smooth. Serve hot.
Imaginary by @witchygirl99 (M)
I'm not crazy,' she told herself. So what if she found the dead bodies? So what if she could hear voices? It meant nothing. She wasn't a fatalist, but then she met him...
Venom by hanoyokai (M)
It surrounded everything. It ate up everything in its path. It did not give us any mercy as it destroyed us. This is not related to Marvel Comics "Venom" in any way.
Venom by @len-barboza (M)
Original story by Hanyoyokai Art & diagramation by Len
Demonic Reality by Inuyashasgrl26 (K+)
Kagome returns home to help celebrate Halloween with her family and at her junior high event. Little did she know Inuyasha has find something intriguing about all of this.
Skinwalkers by @clearwillow (E)
Every culture has it's own lore about those that walk the earth with different faces. Some call them witches, some call them shifters, but at the heart of each tale there is a common link: it is a monster. When the night goes dark and still, how can you be certain that there is only one of you?
A Walk Through Hell by Kingbaka (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome walk through hell. While this is technically a figure of speech, it is doubtful that our heroes would appreciate the difference. Will they be able to escape their torments? And if so, will they emerge from their trials unscathed, or will the burden of their actions prove too much to bear?
Trick or Treat by My-crazy-awesome-socks (T)
An InuKag Halloween oneshot. Kagome's friends dress her up as a rather sexy looking vampire and dare her to act like she's dressed for the whole night. What happens when InuYasha is waiting for her when she gets home and the night's not done?
Things That Go Bump in the Night by RoseDragonWitch (T)
Inuyasha met her at Halloween party… and for months… he watched over her, stalked her. Yes, he was a vampire… but even after becoming hopelessly addicted to Kagome's rare blood type...he was no longer just after her blood… he wanted her heart.
Awakened Dead by K. Higurashi (T)
Too curious for her own good, Kagome unseals a powerful and hot headed poltergeist from an old katana on the night of Halloween. He's rude, he's crude and possibly the sexiest boy she's ever met. Too bad for the dead part.
Scare Me Once Shame on Me by vixenserael21 (M)
InuYasha and Kagome are college students enjoying a Halloween party, but thanks to some sneaky friends, it will not be the kind of party Kagome expects. What happens if she gets scared? Rated for lemony goodness! Inu x Kag, San x Miro
Halloween (Series) by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
AU--Demons exist in secret in the modern era. Inuyasha realizes his mate is human and think he'll never have a shot...or will he?
Stay Close To Me by Emmyyasha (T)
Autumn has come, the leaves have changed, and everyone wants to partake in the joys of the fall festival. Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, warm apple cider. They are perfect to get in the Halloween mood while snuggling up to your loved one. But when Kagome decides to face her fears and enter the haunted house, a day of fun turns into the stuff of nightmares. Good thing Inuyasha, her best friend who is also secretly in love with Kagome, is there to protect her.
Lake of Drowned Souls by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Yash and Kagome's car breaks down on the way to a kendo tournament; Kikyo and Suikotsu pick them up, and the four of them spend the night at a hotel at Lake Suwa. But Kagome sees some mysterious figures coming from the lake; what do they want, and more specifically, why does Kagome think they are after her?
Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarchild (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.  
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals. When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems. 
Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
The Red Room by @lord-rika (T)
Kagome comes home from school one day and finds out Mama finally bought the family a computer to use. As Kagome learns how exciting it is to have access to the internet, she also learns how dangerous it can be. How will she face this new threat? One-shot written for Halloween!
Spooktober 2019 by @keichanz (M)
A drabble collection inspired from Halloween prompts that center around Inuyasha, Kagome, and their two children.
Another Day in Hell by @keichanz (M)
The undead and monsters both of the bestial and human variety wander the streets looking for their next kill. To trust blindly could very well mean your death so it’s easier to not trust anybody at all even when they claim all they want to do is help. The smartest thing to do was to look out for number one, question everything, and always, always watch your back. Evil lurked around every corner, hid in every brush, and nowhere was safe anymore.
Starting Fires by @lemonlushff (E)
He always hated couples' costumes...But maybe dressing up as a fireman won't be so bad. Not when Kagome as a little surprise up her sleeve. Part of the One Last Ride universe. Brace yourself for all the debauchery.
It Will Come Back by @thornedraven (E)
"She went to bed, unaware of her missing cloak. Ignorant, of the clawed hand that had picked it up from its fall off the path. “You know better, darlin’.” A fanged grin flashed in the night. " 
A one shot inspired by Hozier's song "It Will Come Back". Slight Little Red Riding Hood inspiration as well. Darker themed Little Red Riding Hood, and much more adult themed. My first AU for Inuyasha!
The Ghost of Higurashi Shrine by @elkonigin (M)
After helping her grandfather on a regular, run-of-the-mill-excorcism-turned-blessing (it's better if you just don't ask questions, well maybe you should, Kagome didn't and look at where it's gotten her so far), Kagome finds that things, well, weird things, are happening in her home and around the shrine, in addition to some other places that really just don't make sense. Kagome doesn't consider herself brilliant by any means, she's barely passing as it is, but she's pretty sure that this mess isn't normal.
Shot Week III: Spooky Time by MondayChild (E)
In the Halloween edition of Shot Week, we have: a lover tired of being betrayed, a jealous husband, the love life of a village miko, a beautiful dreamer, a divine romance, a camping trip gone wrong, and a high school crush that gets out of hand.
The Halloween Party by Cyrus559 (M)
It is Halloween and Kagome is having a break from shard hunting in order to have a good time with her friends in the modern era. But a seemingly innocent Halloween party at an old hotel which is about to close down, turns into something far more sinister than the people there expects. The rating changes to M in the last chapter.
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itsprobablyjohanna · 3 years
Great Minds Think Alike
SFW Fanfiction
Fandom: BTS 방탄소년단
Characters: reader (gender-neutral), Suga/Min Yoongi
Type: oneshot
Word Count: 4.0k
Genre: mild angst, smut-free, WAFF, RPF, IC
Rating: 13+
Warning: mildly heavy themes such as pressure/stress, expectations, life struggles, and parental issues
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A/N: this started as a YouTube comment under this video. it was originally just the first section and intended to be a cute little prelude to the video, but other users asked if I could continue the story, so here you go :) this is the first story I've ever written for the public eye, which due to hesitation combined with college is why it took so long as some of you know, so I’m really sorry for the long wait! enjoy 💝 (btw, the video makes a really good audio background for the story 😉)
* * * * *
You've been working all day in your studio. Being a producer for BigHit Entertainment is fun and all, but you've been having a creative block for a while and it's hard to focus on making music. It doesn't help that you've also had a lot on your mind lately, as there are a handful of things going on in your personal life right now. You get discontented as you look at the progress you've made so far and decide it's not a good amount for a day's worth of work. You should stay a bit late tonight. But what good would that do if you can't seem to think of anything anyway? Maybe a break will refresh your mind.
You make a stop at the restroom before refilling your plastic drink container at a water fountain. It's pitch dark outside and through the window you can see the millions of Seoul's city lights. Suddenly you hear the soft swishing of sandals on the tile floors and you turn around to see none other than Suga. He goes to a refrigerator that's across the room from you and grabs his favorite drink. As he cracks open the lid, he looks over at you.
"You're not going home yet?" he asks.
"Nah, I'm working late."
Suga nods his head at your response and calmly takes a sip of his drink. He then makes his way toward the hallway that you both came from, but you stop him.
"Hey, uh... work has been slow lately. Can I chill in your studio with you?"
He seems a bit surprised as he stares blankly at you for a couple seconds. "In my studio?"
You two have only passed by each other in the company building a few times and made small talk maybe once. You don't know why you asked him such a question when you barely know each other. Maybe you just want to know what being in the "Genius Lab" is like.
"Yeah. I don't know," you reply, "I just thought maybe it would clear my head, y'know? You can keep working like you usually do, I won't bother you."
He takes another sip before nodding his head again. "Okay." He starts walking down the hallway and you follow.
Why did he agree so easily? Suga is one of the most reclusive individuals in this company. Min Yoongi, rapper and producer of the Bulletproof Boy Scouts, "the guy with no emotion or energy." He barely lets his own group members in, let alone anyone else who works here. Is it because you're both producers? Maybe he relates to the "staying late" kind of thing, or the fact that production has been slow and a change of scenery is needed. Your coworkers have told you before that once he gets into work mode, he tends to stay here until way late into the night. Or, maybe he just wants to get to know you since you're the newly hired producer everyone was talking about. You’ve learned pretty fast that word seems to go around here quicker than rumors in high school.
After walking down a couple hallways, Suga stops at a frosted glass door with a number lock on it. He punches in the passcode while you look in another direction. When he opens the door, there’s... another glass door right behind it. For soundproofing? Once that door is open, you're surprised to see a charming room with a full-fledged studio. It's nothing like your quaint little office room, which looks more like a teenager stuffed their childhood PC and desk into a closet with some soundboards and a guitar. Suga's studio is decked out with multiple desks, shelves, what you recognize as nice music equipment, and a couch. Papers lay in a pile next to a bottle of wine and a glass. A sports jersey with the number 93 and "Suga" on it is pulled over the back of an office chair. Figures of various characters decorate the room. You feel like you just walked into the college dorm room of a swaggy rich-kid music major.
Suga holds the second door open and watches while you walk in behind him and close the first. The number lock outside makes a noise shortly after the door is closed. The two of you shuffle inside and you take a seat on the couch next to the door, noticing the wine on his desk. Doesn't alcohol make you sleepy instead of keeping you awake? He seems to need an energy boost, although he always looks tired when you see him. One of the many joys of having a die-hard passion: your work being a higher priority to you than basic human needs such as sleep. He caps his drink and puts it behind his computer keyboard before turning his chair and slumping into it. He takes off his hat and ruffles the hair he didn't bother to do anything to today.
"I really like your studio," you say while eyeing around. You take in all of the nice details, from the decal stickers on his air conditioner to the cute little figurines everywhere. He seems to like bears, evident by the many Kumamon and Kaws figures. He also seems to like sports due to the jersey on his chair and a figurine of a basketball player behind his computer monitor.
"Thanks," he says to your compliment. "Are you hungry? I keep snacks in here, if you want any." He points to a shelf with various small packages of food sitting in a pile. You grab a Kit Kat and thank him, which earns a hum in reply. He puts his hat back on and swivels to his computer monitor, which has a MIDI project in progress. You can't help but scan over the interface and pick up on all of the details of the song he's producing. MIDI is kinda your thing, too. You wonder what he's writing about. It's probably a deep and poetic message. You've listened to some of the tracks he’s produced and written before and was pleasantly surprised by how talented he is. He seems to understand how life works and knows how to put ideas into words in a way that leaves you wondering how deep and articulate a person can be. You get a familiar urge to talk all about life and gush over music with him, but you remember your promise that you wouldn't bother him and decide to just sit back and listen to the sounds of his studio.
A fairly long time goes by before either of you say anything. His studio has a great atmosphere. No wonder he's able to lock himself up in here for so many hours every day. His AC is on high, necessary for Seoul's hot summer nights. His keyboard makes nice clicking sounds. He rolls to and fro in his chair between the desks and a synthesizer keyboard, typing, playing, writing, working away on his late-night song. He's pretty quiet, save an occasional clearing of his throat or groaning while stretching. You notice how relaxed and graceful his movements are. He's like a cat. A cat who makes songs.
* *
After you observe this mysterious person for a while, your mind starts to wander. All of the things that you kept stuffed in the back of your busy mind during this whole hiring and moving process recently have caught up to your conscience and dragged you into deep thought. You didn't just push them as far back as they would go because you needed to focus on other things and get stuff done; they're negative thoughts that you know can affect you a lot if you think about them too much. Your mind wanders back to your past, the life you knew before this. You remember the fights you would have with your parents, who just didn't understand why you would want to "throw away" your future and become a musician instead of having a normal, secure job like the rest of your family. Music never really ran in the family until you came along. Most kids played sports or video games, or watched TV, or heck, even read books. Not you. You just had to have a musical instrument for your 10th birthday, after years of begging for one and your parents finally giving in to your persistent wish. It was a new world for you the day you finally got to hold it in your arms; a beautiful, shiny, classic-style, 6-string acoustic guitar that smelled of wood and the soft interior of the case it came with. Hours of playing every day, with you alone in your bedroom, happily strumming your new treasure until your fingertips had indentations and cracks in them from the tough wire strings. Your mother would shake her head as she popped your blisters over the bathroom sink and dressed them with bandages after washing clean. You learned every technique and trick using the dirt-old computer in the living room that everyone in the house used. Laggy YouTube videos and tutorials from various websites were your music teachers. And you had a knack for it, too. It got to the point where your time playing was restricted by your parents to make you go play outside and spend time with other kids like a normal child. When you moved on to middle school, your parents bought you your own laptop so that you could have something to do your school projects on without it lagging and crashing all the time, and that's when you discovered MIDI. Your life from then on was making songs with the software that you begged your parents for, who only agreed to buy it for you with the promise that it wouldn’t get in the way of school or your other responsibilities.
And then came high school. And the nagging. Oh, the constant nagging about your grades, chores, college, your future career, adult life, and the hobby that's taking over your life and why can't you just be a good child and do what your parents want for your future. Your grades were perfectly fine, straight A's even. You didn't understand why no matter how hard you worked and how long you studied, your parents weren't happy. You poured your heart and soul into every assignment, never got into trouble, helped around the house whenever you had the chance, obeyed your parents as perfectly as you could... Why couldn't they accept the fact that your music didn't hinder your life at all and it meant so much to you, that you were happiest doing this one harmless activity? Music was in your blood. It gave you a reason to get up in the morning and distracted you from the immense pressure you felt from your parents and responsibilities, if only for a small amount of time. You couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with you and that you never did good enough, even though you were an excellent student and a talented musician. Is this so wrong? Is it really a bad thing to pursue music as a career? Should you follow your dreams, or are your parents right and you're just being delusional? You were even pretty popular at school. Everyone knew you as the smart kid that makes really good music with a computer program. You've been asked countless times by others if they can listen to your tracks and when your first mixtape is coming out. The cool kids would invite you to sit with them at lunch because they were convinced you would become the next big pop artist. Your guitar covers of popular songs, and especially your original compositions, always blew up on your Instagram page, with your close friends hyping you up in all of the comment sections. "It's that music you're always making," your parents would say. "It won't get you anywhere in life. You need to focus on more important things." All of your friends got good scholarships for being talented athletes, actors, writers, for winning top places at science fairs, and you just--
Suddenly a song starts to play through Suga's speakers and you startle because of the new (and kind of loud) noise. It's a sweet, upbeat song with a female's voice singing. Not what you would expect a rapper like Suga to listen to, but hey, no judgment here. He periodically pauses it and plays it again, probably listening to every little detail the song has to offer. Producers tend to do that. At some point he leans back in his chair, crosses his fingers over his midsection, and stares at his monitor, slowly turning his chair from left to right with the tips of his feet. You'd recognize that pose anywhere. That's the position of someone who's used all of the ideas they had in their brain at that moment and now they have to think of more.
"What’s your song about?" you ask after a while of him being in the same position. He abruptly turns to look at you with the same blank expression he always has. Did he forget you were there? You also remember a little too late that you had promised you would leave him alone.
"Uh..." He takes a minute to find his words, smacking his lips and making an oddly cute slurping noise. "It's a more personal track than most. About struggles I’ve faced in my past."
You give him a knowing hum and slowly nod your head. Nothing you haven't heard of before. With a long history of having an interest in music, you’ve experienced more than your fair share of music artists pouring their hearts out through song. You wonder what kind of things he's been through. With someone as chill and mysterious as him, you never really know.
"Those are the best kind of songs," you say with a smile. "They're always so meaningful." Suga gives a small smile back.
"Yeah. Can't go wrong with a personal touch." He looks at his monitor for a moment and then turns his chair to face you. "Do you want to listen? I could use another producer's input."
"Oh, yes please," you say. With that, Suga turns back to his computer, drags the bar to the beginning of the track, and presses play.
* * *
His song starts with a slow but heavy rhythm. You pick up every little sound from the instrumental, tasting every individual detail that hits your ears like a professional taste-tester identifying the many overlapping flavors of a dish. Each note makes a burst of color in your mind, painting a unique and beautiful mural that can only be understood by hearing the song as intuitively as your highly music-trained ears are doing right now. He's already recorded a vocal lead, which matches the heavy tone of the song. Your focus on the instrumental doesn't falter as you accept another thing to add to the blooming artwork in your head: Suga's voice. His tone, his gruff vocal effects, his breathing techniques, his flow, his choice of words. They all flow together to tell a story, one that puts Suga's deepest thoughts and feelings on full display. You feel like a projector inside of his brain is playing a film of his thinking process out in the open, where you have a perfect view.
All of a sudden, you forget to judge his song anymore and just process the lyrics, which hit you right in the heart, verse after verse. His words are filled with hurt, confusion, anger, and fear. You almost can't believe that someone as apparently calm and collected as Suga has all of these thoughts that he so rawly expressed through his rap. Although everyone has painful parts of their lives, and what better way for them to be expressed than through song?
The song builds in intensity towards the end, finishing with exceptionally heavy-hitting lines, the instrumental ending as soon as the last word is delivered and its last breath fading out shortly after. Suga had been watching you from time to time, scanning your face for any expression. After the song ends, your eyes meet with his. "Did you... Those lyrics are true? Did those things really happen?"
He gives you a nod and hums a simple "mhmm". He then shifts in his chair, straightening his posture and leaning forward on his thighs with his forearms. "I wanted to make a song that was more genuine than the typical songs you hear on the radio. Those songs... Sure, they're about real things, like being in love and breakups. But those topics have been used so much that it’s all you hear about anymore." He’s very articulate and slow when he speaks. "You never hear about the darker things because everyone is expected to be all hush-hush about it. Everyone gets uncomfortable when someone so much as just alludes to it. I want to change that." He notices your expression before quickly adding, "Was it too much?"
You guess your face held more concern or shock -- you aren't sure which exactly -- than you intended it to. "Oh! No, I was just a little surprised, that's all. Whenever I see you or hear about you, you seem like such an unbothered person. I didn’t expect you to have dealt with things of that nature," you point in the general direction of his computer. "It wasn't too much. I think it's good to express those things too, no matter how rough or off-putting they might seem. They make songs much more powerful. I’m really impressed you want to do something like that, and so publicly too." South Korea isn’t the most advanced country when it comes to social aspects. In fact, you would say it’s one of the world’s societies with the strictest social standards. "As for the music quality... I thought it was amazing! I love your choice of instruments, and the build-up was seamless. Your flow was really nice. You have good breath control and vocal techniques; I can tell you put a lot of work into perfecting it. Overall, I thought it was a really good song."
Suga gives a big smile, showing off his small white teeth and pink gums. You've barely seen him crack a smile until now, so it looks like he's literally glowing to you. "I'm glad you like it."
You think for a moment before asking, "You don't express yourself much other than with music, do you?"
"Nah, not really." Suga scratches the back of his neck. "I’m not good at expressing my feelings, except when I make music. So... music is kinda my outlet."
If you thought Suga was mysterious before, he's definitely got your curiosity going now. He seems like he has so much underneath his cool exterior. If you were surprised by his true thoughts in one 4-minute song, who knows what else is locked inside that brain of his? You want to know everything about this person sitting in front of you, the things he’s experienced so far, what seeing through his eyes is like, what inspires and motivates him. You carefully push further. "Can I ask more about the lyrics?"
* * * *
"...When I told them I wanted to make music, they heavily disapproved. They had a really hard time when they were growing up and in adulthood, and they didn’t want their child to face the same struggles, so they wanted me to have a stable career instead." Suga describes his relationship with his parents when he was young, and it sounds eerily similar to yours. "I started making music when I was 13. That was when I decided that it was the path I wanted to take. I didn't care about school anymore since my life was in music, so I lazed through it and barely passed all of my classes. Honestly, I’m surprised I graduated." He describes the odd jobs he worked while he was still in the process of getting his music career started, his experiences with being scammed out of his work and not even being able to afford basic needs, and the underground rap scene. "I wanted to be a producer for Bighit, but they told me I should audition to be an idol instead. So... here I am now."
It makes sense now. He is the way he is because he’s had one of the roughest handfuls of experiences you’ve heard from someone you knew personally. One’s developmental years being full of betrayal and misunderstanding would make anyone shut everyone out and build emotional walls.
You repay his openness by telling him about yourself and your past. What it was like growing up in a household similar to his, always doing the best you can to try and prove yourself, going to college since it’s sooo important to secure your future with a degree (although you majored in music despite your parents’ disapproval), and working odd jobs and getting scholarships to be able to afford it. You joined a program that sent you to Seoul to study abroad, the unofficial "city of music". The program also had an internship integration, which you used to become an intern at BigHit Entertainment in their production team. They were so impressed with you that they kept in touch through the rest of your college process, and as soon as you finished your degree and were now qualified, they hired you as an official producer. They even helped you find housing here, a neat little studio apartment.
After sharing your mutual experiences and understanding for each other, one burning question still lingered in your mind: Why? Why did he let you in so easily? You’ve only just met today, and he basically took his heart out and gave it to you to hold. Your curiosity gets the better of you. "So... Can I ask why you decided to tell me all this? And why you let me in here in the first place? I mean-- other than the fact that I asked you to... but still, you could have said no and it would have been totally fine, and honestly I thought that’s what you would say. You seem like the kind of person that’s not very open with people, especially people you’ve just met."
He seems to think about what you said for a second, and you realize you may have said something wrong and quickly correct yourself. "Not that that’s a bad thing! I have friends like that back home, it’s understandable. They’re just like that. They’re super cool people."
He gives a light chuckle. "No no, I know what you mean. I get that a lot, actually. Lots of people think I’m a cold person. I guess it makes sense, with me not being very sociable." He looks away and scratches behind his ear for a second. "Uh... I just had a feeling. There was something about you, y’know? And I’ve also had times where I needed to clear my head. Wanted to just be with someone and not talk. I tend to be really intuitive about other people, so I wanted to get to know you better. Turns out, I was right. You’re as cool of a person as I thought you would be." A small smile spreads across his face and makes his cheeks look like dumplings.
You laugh at that. "A feeling, huh? Do we have similar personalities?" You poke a little fun at him. "Are you some kind of sorcerer or a fortune teller? Or are we both just geniuses and your genius radar was going off?"
He laughs and then shrugs. "I’ll go with the genius part. I guess great minds think alike."
* * * * *
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96thdayofrage · 2 years
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Vicky White, assistant director of corrections for the Lauderdale Sheriff's Department, picked up Casey Cole White, 38, from a detention center on Friday morning at 9:30am, armed with a 9mm handgun.
The corrections officer said she was due to take Casey White - who is not related to her - to a mental health evaluation.
But on Friday afternoon, Sheriff Rick Singleton of Lauderdale County said that there was no scheduled mental health evaluation.
Vicky White's car was found abandoned at a shopping center at 3:30pm, and the pair have not been seen since.
'I am extremely, extremely concerned that he is not in custody,' said Chris Connolly, Lauderdale County district attorney - adding that the FBI is assisting with the search, in addition to state and local authorities.
'This is a very dangerous situation.'
It is unclear if White is in any danger, with investigators yet to say whether they think she colluded with White to bust him out of jail, or whether she has fallen victim to an abduction. 
Casey White was facing the death penalty for the October 2015 murder of Connie Ridgeway, 58, in her home in Rogersville, Alabama.
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It remains unclear why she was killed.  
People said she was known for her friendliness and willingness to help others, and the community for many years held a vigil every October in her memory.
Casey White was arrested in December 2015, then aged 32, following a crime spree across Tennessee and Alabama.
In one night, he staged a home invasion, two carjackings and multiple shootings that left a dog dead and a woman injured.
The crimes were followed by a chase, where speeds reached more than 100 miles per hour, WHNT reported.
It ended with a stolen car stuck in a field south of Huntsville, and officers - who were evidently well known to him - pleading with him to put down his gun and give himself up.
White got out of the vehicle with a gun and threatened to shoot officers and himself unless he could speak with Limestone Sheriff Mike Blakely.
Body-cam footage shows deputies attempting to get White to surrender by offering him smokeless tobacco and Sun Drop citrus soda while they waited for Blakely to arrive.
Casey White was found guilty of a total of nine charges, including trying to kill his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping her two roommates. Other charges included first degree robbery, first degree burglary, third degree burglary, breaking and entering a vehicle, animal cruelty for shooting a dog and attempting to elude.
He was sentenced in April 2019 to 75 years in prison.
In June 2020, he wrote to Lauderdale County requesting a meeting with the sheriffs office, and confessed to killing Ridgeway - providing a detailed description of the crime scene.
He said he was paid to kill her, although no motive for hiring a hitman has ever been disclosed.
In October 2020, Casey White, aged 37, appeared in court for an arraignment hearing, and requested to stay at the Lauderdale County Jail instead of going back to prison, WAFF reported.
His request was denied, after authorities said they believed that he was plotting to escape the Lauderdale County Jail.
They had found a makeshift knife, stashed in the showers, and suspected White was intending on using it to force someone to let him out.
'We got information yesterday that he had made a shank and he intended to escape today and take a hostage,' said Connolly, Lauderdale County district attorney, during the hearing.
'Our deputies did a great job.
'Found the shank and eliminated that threat this morning so we obviously aren't equipped to house somebody like that for that long term in our jail, so we are happy that the judge ordered him to go back to the department of corrections.'
White, having confessed, then pleaded not guilty, on grounds of insanity.
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izhunny · 3 years
🌌Frostiron Flash Fiction🌌
Collection of related short fics (500 or 1k words)
For majority age readers
Available to logged in AO3 members only
Most chapters not remotely appropriate for reading at work or in public
Chapter 27 Handle me with care
Can you call it FrostIron if everyone isn’t getting banged up and saving each others asses? Have a whump/WAFF chapter. (1k)
Mind the notes on this one!
Link above goes directly to ficlet or start at the beginning.  
0 notes
thehippaes · 3 years
The worst of Bangers - playlist
Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZZ3PEFfGCqNIVWUVpFt9t?si=4842722153114449 Intro Unbearable narcissist that I am, I was thrilled to see that Isaac Asimov’s Foundation was being adapted into a big budget straight-to-the-internet TV series not because I honestly thought it would be any good, but because I hoped it might finally vindicate one of Bangers’ most (perhaps unfairly?) maligned songs if a few more people consumed the source material that it was an extremely concise precis of. As it happens I’m proper enjoying the series, faithless as the adaptation is - incorporating both emotions and women (two of my favourite things) neither of which were really even hinted at in the books. This train of thought, the fact that Small Pleasures turned 10 earlier this year, and my realisation that I find most of the Bangers back catalogue to weigh heavily on my creative soul as well intentioned but badly executed trash, led me to create a Spotify playlist called The worst of Bangers and write this accompanying blog to revisit some of the most forgotten, dismissed and/or reviled deep cuts. Before I start, these songs are included for a variety of metrics, often because they have a noted down-turn of listens on Spotify compared their album position. That’s not a great metric for a band who split up before Spotify achieved the godlike ubiquity that it now enjoys, but c’est la pomme de la terre. If you can hum any of these songs just by reading their names then you’re doing better than me 3 hours ago. Asimov When Bird was released, I remember several people telling me that this song shouldn’t have made the cut. I got the impression that some people thought it was a joke that didn’t sit that well on an album that was mostly dwelling on depression and suicide, and some others thought it was just a bit shit. Exactly nobody told me that they understood what I was getting at, so for the sake of posterity I’ll explain what it meant to me. Foundation – as I see it – is a musing on humankind’s repeated inability to learn one of the most universal lessons. The story begins with the fall of the Galactic Empire, and each subsequent generation confronts a crisis which requires rejecting the philosophy of the previous generation. Each time, the ruling forces adamantly refuse to realise this – rigidly adhering to the most recent philosophy - until one character tricks them into it and saves the day, thus ushering in a new age. I find the prescience of this to be one of the most depressing facts of human existence, and something I was wallowing in at the time, hence the song. Listening back I think the chorus is great, and Andrew’s weird bass slide in the middle is a joy. Vibrate This song is undeniably cool, but every time we played it people stared at us like we were stupid. I think it’s the emotional pay-off for Bird, after such a miserable time it’s just an acceptance that probably the healthiest thing to do is to accept defeat and plod on ignoring all the glitzy wiff-waff and intriguing mysticism in the world. This is the Bangers song I still sing to myself when I’m doing really practical DIY like building shelves. The truth that I’m more of a practical ox of a guy than an ethereal waif has been one of the healthiest realisations of my life. Stressful Festival The only thing that I ever heard said about this song was that it sounded ‘like Bangers’ on an album that largely didn’t. I think that’s bullshit, Bangers very rarely played this kind of classic on-the-beat punk vibe. Two interesting facts about this song: 1. I remember writing all the guitar riffs in Berlin after playing with De Cracks in the Ramones Museum and their Ramones-core translating much better to acoustic guitar than any of Banger’s music did. 2. While recording I puked in my mouth singing “sick to death of every one of you” and swallowed it again before coming in for the last chorus. If you listen really hard you can hear it coming up. A Quite Different Coastline In amongst the fairly weird Crazy Fucking Dreams album, this song performs especially badly with people who aren’t in Bangers. I think it rips, but Spotify figures confirm a proper dip compared to the rest of this album. I just don’t know what’s wrong with people sometimes! Bad Jokes Someone in Austria told me to my face that this song was too boring, and we pretty much stopped playing it after that. I think it has a janky song structure, and the nearest thing to a chorus it has (none of the songs on Crazy Fucking Dreams really have a chorus) isn’t that catchy, but I think the song is OK. I can confirm that nobody ever shouted for us to play it live. The Nick of Time OK, here’s a proper deep-cut. It’s the first B-side from the Blind Hindsight single, and I couldn’t remember anything about it before listening today. I remember we cut it from Crazy Fucking Dreams because it didn’t sit well with the other songs, but on reflection it really carried the core message that I was trying to get across in that album. Namely that history forgets just about everybody, so why should we feel obligated to be interested in anything that’s mainstream enough to be remembered. I suspect that the lyrics are not that relatable, but they’re a good diary entry for me to remember the first person I ever watched die. Log Jam Second B-side. I believe we only ever had two B-sides. We recorded this in our practise room in Exeter, and I seem to remember we tracked it back to front with the piano first and drums last. Maybe Hamish was at work until late or something. This is the song to drag out if anyone tries to tell you Bangers were just a gruff punk band who sounded like The Menzingers. I think there’s a weird time signature change, and that’s probably not because we were trying to be clever if you know what I mean. A man like Jack McCall This is named after the guy who shot Wild Bill in Deadwood. I loved that show, but at the time I knew I was much more a drunken cowardly shit-heel than any of the heroic (or at least stoic) characters. It was on the Good Livin’ EP which I find mostly unlistenable because of some very sketchy guitar playing. This was the weird plodder at the end which we probably played live a handful of times and then realised that nobody really wanted to hear it and it wasn’t that fun to play. Every night’s a date night On the subject on not being fun to play, this song was always a pain. Something about the timing at the start just baffled Hamish, so we ditched playing it as soon as we had enough songs. However in my mind this is one of THE archetypal Bangers songs, it’s got that lolloping, on-the-push rhythm, not a normal power chord in sight, and three quite distinct sections without anything approaching a chorus. Small Pleasures is definitely our most listened to album on Spotify, but where some of those songs really defined how Bangers were perceived, this never really landed. The Love Nest I straight up laughed out loud today when I saw we’d called a song The Love Nest. I couldn’t remember anything about it until I listened to it today for the first time in years. We played this a lot when we were relevant to the DIY scene in about 2011, and I think people used to sing along. It’s included here because I fully forgot it existed. There was a positive vibe (when no one was left alive) + Walking on the ground These two songs make up the Last Songs EP (single?) that we just about managed to release in time for our last ever show. I think we’d decided to split up by the time we recorded them, but I wouldn’t put money on it. I don’t know if we ever played Positive Vibe live, which is a shame because both songs are great. I think the album that these songs were meant to become would have nailed a good mix of dirty pop that we were aiming at in that moment. We probably would have messed it up though. Outro After I put this playlist together I went and listened to Challenger – Give people what they want in lethal doses as a pallet cleanser. I heartily recommend you do the same. Go and support Andrew and Kay’s new doughnut shop Future Doughnuts in Bristol, and visit Hamish in Cambridge. I’m doing fine. Roo
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shelby-love · 5 years
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles  (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7). 
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3). 
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+  topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job) 
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
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✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
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66 notes · View notes
walkinginland · 5 years
5,10,15,20, 60-64 😇
Waffs this is so many 😂😂
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda cans!
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Pretty sure I blocked out most of my PE classes from my memory. I think I was just really bad at everything in gym class 😂 
I played softball for a few years and wasn’t too shabby at it though. And I was pretty ok at intramural racquetball in college.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
In high school, Fahrenheit 451 or The Screwtape Letters.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
I typically write stuff down in a notebook first. Usually some dialogue or a specific part of a scene and then type that up. After that I go in a fill in the blanks. It’s very haphazard and messy. 
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I know literally nothing about anime…. @pulveremcomedesligulas, any ideas?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
But heeerrrreeee, from The Two Towers; 
“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something.”
I could probably give you a thousand more from lotr, but I’ll restrain myself.
On a wildly different note, Claire’s “I have fucking survived” passage in ABOSAA is one of the most powerful things I have ever read in my life.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Ok so I never know how to answer the “relate to” question. Because I never know why I relate to them, or what about them clicks with me, or what we may have in common. And they’re always so different. But anyways, here’s a few.
- Sam Winchester, Claire Fraser, Feyre Archeron, Sam Gamgee. 
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I lived for the times I was allowed to use our good ole dial-up and get on the American Girls website. That place was magical. 
From this ask game.
11 notes · View notes
peacekeeperangel · 7 years
WAFF RP- It isn’t a Fair when no one has had fun
Another RP session with @ichiwashername-o to follow up the previous one. Mercilessly cute fluff and Feels abound!
Angel: It's been several weeks since the Ballet incident. the Gemstone Siblings all know of what happened to their Human Mother- Now a litterally Ice-Cold Ninja of doom. It was not a plesant reaction.
Angel: Cirri has not seen Jasper in weeks. Jasper has stayed on his Gemstone-Growing farm for weeks not speaking to anyone- and generally being very confused, and angry.
Angel: Despite everything, Cirri was allowed to complete her run with Swan Lake and Mettaton  has asked her to preform again in future productions. She politely tells him that she'll keep in touch.
A little light-hearted fun is in order. Snowdin is having a Carnival to celebrate- something. Mostly it's an excuse to breakup the wintery doldrums. Everyone in town is helping out, and Cirri's come down from Waterfall to help in her own way
Angel: after some firm prodding from his Sisters (Jade mothering him, and Emerald chasing him around the farm) Jasper decides to head to Snowdin as well, though he has no idea that Cirri's there, or that there's a Party happening in town
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby was busier and ever with the festival well under way, helping to cater to the throngs of monsters enjoying a bit of cheer and festivities.  He worked his fire magic preparing dozens of delicious dishes, the kitchen in a state of controlled chaos as dishes, ingredients, pots and pans flew about the place in a mad haze.  He was in his literal element.
Cooking was his escape, his safe space.  Nothing gave him more joy.  And it was . . . much needed after what happened.
Grillby could scarcely recall the last time he had been in such a heightened state. And being in that enhanced form was very dangerous, he knew that, his power was completely off the charts, but what choice did he have? It took him days to burn off all that extra power, all that extra strength.  Even still, chunks of hardened magma covered his back like rocky scales.
They would fade, in time.
Gaster was assisting him in the kitchen.  He was no cook but his telekinesis was a blessing, helping the dishes reach their customers all the quicker, as well as handle the finer things that the busy cook couldn't handle.  Papyrus and Sans were amongst the crowds, enjoying themselves.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Plate of donut holes coming up!" Grillby announced, hefting the basket of fried dough from the bubbling oil sink.  He lobbed them in the air, where Gaster grabbed them with his magic, placed them in a basket, and delivered to a waiting table.  "Hey, you should be my full-time assistant!  I admit I'm a bit jealous of that handy blue magic of yours!"
<<Sorry, my dear elemental, but the laboratory has a stranglehold on my life,>> Gaster quipped.
"Things at the CORE hectic as ever?"
<<Why wouldn't they be?  Fel has done a marvelous job keeping the place running but nothing involving the CORE ever stays quiet for long.>>
Angel: Malachite smirked as he spotted his younger sibling emerging from the fog that separated Snowdin from Waterfall "They finally chased you out of your hole then eh?"
"Shuttup." Jasper grumped. "Hey I thought you where stationed in Waterfall, what're you doing here anyway?"
"Command decided since I have such a great relationship with Dr. Gaster and Grillby I should stay in Snowdin as.. well an Unofficial Liason." Mal's smirk weakened slightly. "how are you holding up man?"
"I'm fine, I wish you guys would stop asking me!" Jasper replied crossly.
Angel: "You're our Baby Bro. We gotta worry about you, it's part of the Elder Sibling code." Malachite said simply. "Anyway you go have fun, track down your Girlfriend."
"CIRRI'S IN TOWN?!?!" Jasper squawked.
"Uh, yeah, Snowdin's where her Family is. I think she's keeping an eye on Sans and Papyrus."
Angel: "Hhhrggh... She was stalked by M- by that thing that thinks she's our mom. I figured She didn't wanna see me..." Jasper pouted
Malachite rolled his eyes. "You are the biggest dumbass."
"You shuttup and go find your lady. She's probably at her Dad's place." Malachite emphasizes this by shoving Jasper in the direction of Grillby's.
"Worst. Wingman. Ever."
"More like Best wingman." Malachite smirks. "Go have fun before I call Jade and Emmy over here."
Angel: Cirri is in fact helping at Grillby's. While Gaster is able to get all the orders to their customers, Cirri is Taking the orders, and in some cruel twist of fate (or rather mischievous elementals with a large phonebook) has been decked out in a cute, and tasteful Maid's uniform as she weaves through the restaurant
Angel: "Grillby! Five more orders of Fries and two Hamburgers!" Cirri calls out followed by a sharp bark. "Oh yes and three Kibble Specials!"
Angel: Jasper wanders the stalls of goodies set up all over the town, there's some games and a few demonstrations but it's mostly people selling pretty things for a fair price. Most Humans would equate it to the mix of Artist Alley at a Convention and a Flea Market mixed together
IchikoWindGryphon: "Coming right up!" Grillby called back, flicking the ingredients onto the grill and into the fryer.  Gaster helped finish up a plate of hot wings before helping Gaster with the next order.
Papyrus and Sans entered the bar, Papyrus holding a heaping mound of cotton candy.  He had a tiny bit stuck on his cheekbone.  Sans too.  They waved Cirri over.
"Hey Cirri!"
"Wow, I've never seen Grillby's place so busy before," Sans remarked.  "You sure you don't want us to be your assistant waiters?"
"Yeah, we can even wear matching cute dresses!" Papyrus said.
Angel: Cirri giggled. "It's alright guys I got this. I think this is the first big event you've been out on your own, you should enjoy it!"
Sans feels a faint buzz from a text message. a quick peek reveals it's from Malachite "THE STICK N DA MUD IS IN TOWN. ASSIST PLZ?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans elbowed his bro and winked.  "Well, if you're sure, we'll be hangin' around," he said.  "We'll stop by later and check in.  Want us to pick up anything for you?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "Like your boyfriend," Papyrus said quietly.  They both started giggling.
Angel: Cirri's face falls slightly. "If he still wants to be I guess..." her bright cloudy skin darkens a few tones before restoring to it's original pale brightness "Well keep an eye on the Stalls, we'll go shopping once I'm done!"
she quickly looks away "OhsorryIthinktheyneedmeI'llseeyoulaterguys!" she blurts before heading back into the fray.
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans and Papyrus exchanged hesitant looks.  They knew of what happened, including Flint's suspicions on who the hooded figure was. Sans didn't like it, Papyrus doubly so.  They headed back outside, looking for Jasper and Mal.
"Hey, I see them!" Papyrus said.  Standing a good head above Sans, he could pick the horned elementals out of the crowds.  He waved them over.
Angel: Jasper perked up to see Papyrus waving like his life depended on it.
"Smells like Bones..." Malachite prodded Jasper. "Come on it's only polite to say hi."
"Quit pushing."
Angel: "Hey Papyrus- Oh hey Sans didn't see you there!" Mal called out lacconically. "Enjoying the Carnival?"
IchikoWindGryphon: "Oh yes!  Lots of fun!  This cotton candy is great!" Papyrus said enthusiastically.  "I also got this stuffed octopus from a ring throw challenge!"  He pulled out a small plush octopus from his jacket pocket.  "His Name is Teddy Tentacles! Isn't he cute?!"
"We might have cheated just a tiiiiiiny bit," Sans teased, eye flicking blue. "You guys stop at Grillbz's yet?  Place is packed!  Cirri is as busy as a bee over there."
Angel: "uh..." was all Jasper got out before Malachite shoved him again. "Naaw this bozo just got here and I got all this important 'Stand around and make sure people don't do anything silly' Guard stuff." Jasper looked away looking more like a guilty dog than a stone elemental. "Maybe you three should get Cirri a Treat before you see her? Might help give her a little extra spark in her step?"
Angel: Jasper glared. "Mal what the crap?"
"The way to a woman's heart is gifts abound, truuust me Jaspy."
Jasper facepalmed. "And might I remind you I'm the one with the significant other?"
"That you know of Lil' bro."
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus gasped, eyes going all big and sparkly.  "Are they cuuuuute?  Have you kissed yet?!"
Sans laughed, "Bro, cool the jets, Mal aint gotta spill the beans on his own private stuff."
"Aw, right, fair enough!  now, if I know Cirri, which I do cuz we're the best shape-shifting siblings ever, she LOVES candy! What monster doesn't?! Everyone loves candy!"
Sans nodded in agreement, then stopped short. Oh, shit, Papyrus mentioned shape-shifting.  He hoped Jasper would think Papyrus was only speaking about the two skeletons and not suspect Cirri.  Sweat dripped from the back of his neck.
"You always think of the best things, bro," Sans laughed.
"That's why they call me the GREAT Papyrus!"
Angel: "Huh..?" Jasper perked up. "Oh really? I guess it might not hurt to get her a bag of...something?" He shrugged.
"Excellent plan my good Skeleton." Malachite shoved a few gold coins into Jasper's hands "Go get Cirri some of her favourite sweets, have a good honest talk over things, clear the bad air-" He grimaced. "Ugh Pun Unintended."
Angel: "Alright alright!" Jasper said before turning to the skeleton bros. "So where can we get some good monster Candy around here?" he asked
IchikoWindGryphon: "There's food tents all right next to Grillby's place--I mean Dad's place . . . Can I still call him Grillby?  We have two dads I feel if I don't specify it gets confusing," Papyrus said worriedly.
"I'm sure neither of our dads mind," Sans assured.
"Then come on!" He grabbed jasper by the wrist, practically dragging Jasper through the crowds.  Even though Jasper was a heavy stone elemental and Papyrus a scrawny little skeleton, his strength was surprising. Papyrus led them to a row of tents, some selling a variety of regular fair food but a handful at the end of the line selling an assortment of candy, everything from chocolate to fudge to rock candy to toffee to rainbow-colored fruity treats.
Papyrus waved. "Take your pick!"
Angel: Jasper's eye immediately went to the colourful fruit-taffy. "Cirri likes colourful stuff right..?" he peered around for a vendor "'Scuse me I'd like some of the Rainbow taffy stuff please?"
Angel: A monster who looked more like a disco-ball than anything flesh-and-blood approached Jasper. "Hey cute stuff!" they flirted with a feminine voice. "You don't want any of that lame taffy."
"I don't...?" Jasper asked a little unnerved by the vendor.
"Nawww, it's bland. You'd want something like this." they pull up a bag and show off a bag of rainbow treats with a pearl-like outer shell. "Managed to make some unique flavours, some you can only get on the surface!"
"...Well they look pretty good, but what's the price?" Jasper asked
"Cheap! It's my last bag, just Five Gold." the Disco monster said "The healing magic in them will make you feel like a brand new monster!"
Jasper shrugged and dug out the money. "Why not? they look tasty enough." he paid out and took the bag of rainbow pearl monster Candy
"Pleasure doing business with you." the Disco monster replied before moving to pack up their wares
"I guess let's head to Grillby's." Jasper said looking like he'd rather get his horns broken
IchikoWindGryphon: "Let's go!" Papyrus said cheerfully, hooking arms with Jasper and half-dragging, half-skipping the elemental down the streets.  They made their way to Grillby's, made it through the throngs of people, and waved Cirri over.
"We're back!" he said.  "And we brought you something!"  With a giggle, he pulled Jasper in front of him.
Angel: "Jasper?!" Cirri gasped. She had just been finishing the latest order and taking it to Grillby and Gaster, standing in the middle of the room
"Hrk." Jasper had seen Cirri in her Maid outfit and experienced the Mother of all Brainfarts.
He just stood stock still between being very turned on seeing Cirri looking mussed up and cute from hard work and her pretty dress to guilty about everything that had happened and slightly terrified about really everything
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby elbowed Gaster in the kitchen.  "Psssst, boyfriend at 12 o'clock, you gotta see this I think his brain's melting out of his ear"
Angel: "Umm... How about you guys take a seat?" She offered a recently-freed booth rather sheepishly. "I'll take your orders."
"HHHHHHhhhhokay..." Jasper wheezed.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby was giggling like an idiot. "Oh, this is too precious."
<< . . .. hm,>> Was all Gaster said.
"Aw, is someone being a big ol' papa wolf?" Grillby teased.  "Big ol papa wolf . . . dragon . . . thing?"
Gaster only rolled his eyes.
"I worry about those two sometimes," he sighed.  "Especially after the whole . . . fiasco."  He turned to Gaster.  "Any luck finding her?"
<<I set up cameras and sensors all over the Underground.  Nothing,>> he said quietly.  <<But the second I find Vulpeca . . .>> He held out his hand, and claws grew from his fingertips.  <<I will make sure he won't slip away again.>>
Grillby sighed. "Just . . . be careful.  And make sure I'm there to back you up."
<<After a thorough lava bath I would hope?>>
"Wouldn't be any other way I'd want to face him."
Angel: Jasper mechanically followed Sans and Papyrus to the booth and sat down. "Sans, Papyrus your Usuals?" Cirri asked
IchikoWindGryphon: "Yes please!" Papyrus said.
"With extra ketchup," Sans said with a nod.
Angel: Cirri nodded "Jasper what would you like...?" she asked cautiously
"FRIES!" Jasper yelped in a strangled tone, then "Please if it's not too much trouble..." he added looking away, his face a dark brownish-red.
Cirri nodded. "Grillby! One Milkshake, Burger extra Ketchup and Fries please!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus and Sans snickered.  "Jasper stop acting so weird you're going to traumatize your girlfriend," Sans mocked.
"Are you doing ok?" Papyrus asked a bit more quietly.  "We haven't seen you around for a while and we wanted to make sure, well, that you're doing ok!  Cuz you're our friend!"
Angel: Jasper blinked in surprise. "Me?! Well I uh..." He fiddled nervously with his hands. "Well things are messed up with t-the monster Flint thinks is our Mom but- What about you guys?! That creature nearly killed Grillby and nearly took Cirri away! You guys have a million more reasons to be upset than me!"
Angel: "You don't agree with your big brother?" Cirri asked sitting down beside Papyrus, across from Jasper
Angel: "...I know our Mom saved our lives. She got us to the Underground in time." Jasper balled his hands in fists on the table. "She was pushed away by humans.. and monsters when it mattered most, but she was kind enough to sacrifice herself for us." he stared over at the kitchen. "I can't believe she turned into something like...something that Wasn't the human that raised us. That thing wasn't the real Irelle I can't believe it!"
Angel: Cirri laid a hand on one of Jasper's fists. "Vulpeca loves to hurt people. I wouldn't be surprised if he found out we were dating somehow and decided to hurt you just because we were together." she said softly. "I'm sorry."
Angel: "What?! No, Hell no! Don't apologize for that dickbag!" Jasper took Cirri's hand in his. "You have nothing to do with Vulpeca. You hear? He's going to pay for what he's done, to both of us."
Angel: Jasper squeezed her hand gently. "I should be the one apologizing to you, I've been in a funk all this time and you've had to deal with freaky ice women and psycho-stalkers. I won't leave you alone like that again." he then took her hand and kissed it gently earning a bright blush from Cirri
IchikoWindGryphon: Papyrus, Sans, and Grillby all let out soft squees of adoration.
IchikoWindGryphon: "Hey Jazz, can I call you Jazz?  I'm callin' ya Jazz," Sans said.  "Take it from someone with a REALLY messed up childhood and past.  It's not . . . impossible, considering how . . . well . . ."  He twisted his skeleton fingers together.  "It's like dad said.  there's really no such thing as a skeleton monster. Only human remains brought back to life with . . . dark magic.  It doesn't surprise me that Vulpeca figured that out and in some horrible twist of fate used that to get at you.  And get at Cirri in turn."  Sans let out a snarl.  "He really is a sick, disgusting fuck."
"normally I don't approve of such vulgar language," Papyrus said.  "But Sans is one hundred percent right.  Vulpeca is a very bad monster. And it terrifies me is is capable of such bad things."
Angel: Jasper frowned. "There's way too many questions... " he said "And really I dunno if I want to know the answer. But...." all the time he hadn't let go of Cirri hand "I'm not letting it stop me. I want to be with Cirri- No I Need to be with her. and some evil jackass with Evil Magic isn't going to stop me."
Angel: "Jasper..." Cirri was both deeply touched and guilty as hell. She still had her own Beast Form Secret. "I think.. I think I need to tell you something as well... But not here."
"Whenever your ready." Jasper said before realizing what he had in his other fist "Oh jeez I  forgot about these. Sans Paps and I found these- they're supposed to be really good apparently?" He opened his hands to show the bag of Rainbow pearl-candy.
Angel: "Oh?" Cirri opened the bag and gasped "Oh-Oh wow Jasper they're so pretty! Are you sure I can eat these?"  Jasper nodded
"Thank you so much dear!" Cirri said with a bright smile earning the return of the Blushing brainfart "Sans? Papyrus I can't eat all this candy by myself do you want some too?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans patted his "belly."  "No way, sis, I ate like, so much cotton candy.  Also gotta save my appetite for my burg.  Grillz makes the best burgs."
"I warned you about ruining your appetite!" Papyrus chided as he helped himself to a piece.
"Dude you ate just as much as I did!"
Papyrus stuck out his tongue as he ate the candy.  his eyes went wide.
"Oh wow this is really good!"  He helped himself to another piece.  "You made a good choice, Jasper!"
Angel: Cirri plucked a candy and popped it into her mouth "Mmmm.. this one tastes like strawberries. It's been so long since I had a strawberry." she took another- rewarded with an orange-y taste. "We'll have to get some more, that's really too good."
"Glad you like."  Jasper grinned doofily.
"Yanno, it's quieted down enough that I think I can get away." Cirri admitted "Lemmie just go ask Grillby and you gents can show me about town~"
Angel: As she stood up the world began to spin forcing Cirri to sit back down again. "Oh! Oh gosh I guess I overdid it, I feel really dizzy all of a sudden."
"Take your time, maybe you just need something to eat?" Jasper suggested concern in his eyes
"Maybe? I Really didn't have a good breakfast." She popped another candy into her mouth. "Just give me a minute I should be alright....?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby came over with their food.  "An order of fries, a cheeseburger with extra ketchup, and a vanilla milkshake!" he said proudly, laying out the food for them.  "Enjoy!"
He clapped his hands, and only then noticed that Cirri wasn't looking like her usual self.  He placed a hand on her shoulder.
"you doing ok, kid?" he asked gently.  "I hope you're not working yourself to death over here!  Tell you what, it's calming down a bit, Gaster and I can handle this so you take a break, alright?"
Papyrus gratefully took his milkshake.  "Thankssssss dad," he said with a faint slur.  "Looks . . . looks great."  He picked up his spoon with a trembling hand, then suddenly collapsed, falling face-first on the table.  
Grillby started, reaching over to grab him.  "PAPYURUS?!  Are you ok?!"
Sans reached over, grabbing his brother's arm.  "Bro?!  You ok?!"
Papyrus only groaned.
Angel: Cirri blinked dazedly "Is...something wrong..." she never finished her sentence as she quietly slumped into Grillby's side
"Cirri!" Jasper cried pulling her towards him. "Cirri wake up!"
Cirri didn't respond, an unnatural flush on her face
"What happened?! They were fine just a second ago?!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans grabbed the candy, glaring at it.  
". . . I don't know." he muttered before stashing it away.
The commotion brought Gaster out of the back room running.  He was at Grillby's side in an instant, looking over Papyrus and Cirri.
<<For God's sake, everyone back off!>> Gaster shouted.  The gathering crowds did so.  
"Gaster, they suddenly fainted.  I don't know what happened, they-"
<<Poison,>> Gaster said lowly and with ferocious conviction.  <<They've been poisoned.>> He grabbed Cirri and Papyrus in his arms.  <<I want to know exactly what-">>
Sans tentatively pulled out the bag of mysterious candy.
"Gaster," he said slowly.  "They . . . just ate this right before they fainted."
He wordlessly took the bag of candy, his glare fierce enough to reduce ice to a puddle.
<<I will tend to the both of them at the labs.  Find whoever made this candy and bring them in.>>
He disappeared in a flash of blue light.
Angel: "Sans, the vendor-!" Jasper was already jumping to his feet. "Someone Call the Guard!" He shouted as he beelined for the door, Genocidal thoughts on his mind when he got ahold of the Discoball monster.
Angel: Jasper plowed through the crowd until he reached the same stalls that he had just purchased the candy from. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" Jasper roared scaring the crap out of every monster within earshot
"Who?!" Yelped a rabbit selling butterscotch toffees. "The monster with the Discoball head! Where the Hell are they?!" Jasper snarled, spikes beginning to sprout out of his back
"Jasper!" Malachite arrived on the scene with two other guards in tow. "What's going on? I heard a commotion at Grillby's and saw you running like a Human was after you!"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans was right behind him.  "It's Cirri and my brother Paps! They were poisoned by the candy we got from the vendor!  They were right HERE!!!"  his teeth were noticeably sharper, and his fists shook.  "Some bastard sold us candy they knew was rotten and now they're both sick!"
Angel: "I don't know what they're talking about!" The Rabbit yelped obviously alarmed by the two near-rabid monsters in front of them. "There was never any discoball monster here!"
Malachite scowled. "You do realize lying is going to get you into a lot of trouble right?" he intoned dangerously
"Ask anybody here! We all set up together at the same time!" The rabbit motions to the other vendors.
Malachite motions to the other guards. "you two go through the vendors, any customers, Anybody who's been in the area in the past hour." the two guards nodded and parted "Sans, Jasper, let us search, you're too wound up to be any good right now." Mal insisted. "Wait back at Grillby's I'll fill you in when we find out anything."
Angel: After seeing the two off Malachite pulled out his cell and dialed a specific number. "Lieutenant Sphex? It's Officer Malachite, we have a situation with the Gaster Family. A Bad one."
Angel: Jasper sat in the booth he had been in with his girl and his friends not an hour before, his chin on the table a mournful kicked-puppy expression as he stared a hole into the seat that Cirri had sat in.
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby reached across the table, placing a hand on Jasper's forearm. "They're in good hands.  You know there's no better doctor in the whole underground than Gaster.  And you even brought him the source.  He'll have both of them fixed up in no time."
Sans was still glowering.  "What the hell, we were all there!" Sans said furiously.  "That freaky monster convinced Jasper to buy the candy!  And no one else spotted them?! The hell is going on?!"
Grillby shook his head.  "I wish I knew."
"Then I'll sniff them down myself!"
"Sans, you will do no such thing," Grillby said furiously.  "The guards will handle this, the dogs are the best trackers in the Underground-"
"But I can help!"
"Please, Sans," Grillby begged.  "Have patience."
Angel: the Door of the restuarant opened and Malachite came in with a mangy looking cat-monster with even mangier wings sprouted from his back. "Ahem. Mr. Grillby I'm Lieutenant Sphex, Officer Malachite has briefed me on the situation." Jasper perked up immediately. "How are your Son and Foster-Daughter?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby stood.  "They are in the hands of Dr. Gaster in the Hotlands labs.  They are getting looked at as we speak.  I have full confidence in his ability to restore their health and fix whatever ails them."
Angel: Sphex nodded somehow looking mangier. "Mr. Jasper yes? You claimed to have purchased a bag of candy from a monster with a Disco-ball for a head yes?"
Jasper frowned "...yes?"
Angel: "We've found no signs of this monster I'm afraid." Sphex said in an unconvincingly sympathetic voice. "Moreso We've got a witness saying something fairly disturbing-"
"Sir the monster in question was Drunk off their ass their testimony-"
"Is Circumstancial, yes I'm aware Officer!" Sphex interrupted. "But your brother is a known and verbal Human-Sympathizer, and we all know what Gaster built his "Sons" for Originally." Sphex grimaced.
Angel: Jasper stood up "Sans and Papyrus Saw me buy the candy!" He intoned "You can't be seriously saying I-"
"At this point monsters are aware that one of Gasters "Human Killers" has been poisoned." Sphex said "They're scared and in sore need of some reassurance, especially with the chaos the Underground has been in the last couple of months." he smiled, which looked even worse than his grimace. "You're not under arrest young man. But for everyone's sake we'll have to keep you for questioning."
IchikoWindGryphon: Grillby stood, his composure cool but somehow subtly terrifying. Perhaps it was the way his pale eyes fixated on the guard, or the way his fire seemed to roar and crackle like an animal, or in his stone-still posture other than the living flames flickering over his body.
"We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to find the monster responsible," Girillby said in a whisper of a voice, placing one hand on Sans' shoulder.  "But I can assure you this: Jasper is the absolute last person who would be responsible for poisoning Cirri and Papyrus."
Angel: Sphex flinched. "I-I'm sure we have nothing to worry about then." He coughed into his hand. "In the meantime, Officer Malachite, please detain the Supsect."
"Mal please..." Jasper murmured as his bother approached trying very hard to remain emotionless, only a flicker of pain as he pulled out the Magic-Dampening cuffs.
"They're only letting me do this much Bro. I'm "Too Close." " Mal said "Please just go along with this for now." Jasper nodded holding up his hands for Malachite to put the cuffs on. "Sans, lemmie know how Cirri and Paps are doing alright?"
IchikoWindGryphon: Sans frowned, but nodded.  "I'll let you know when Dad fixes them, you'll be the first to know."  Grillby kept a firm hand on Sans' shoulder, knowing he might snap and say something foolish. They just had to be patient for the time being.
IchikoWindGryphon: Back at Hotland, Gaster had laid Cirri and Papyrus on cots side-by-side, monitors tracking their condition.  Both were stable, in no small part thanks to Jasper and  Sans' quick reaction, and he managed to stave off the worst of the poison.  But it wasn't looking good.  In only minutes it had rendered both monster's HP to critically low levels and rendered them unconscious.  It took a lot just to get them in the stable state they were in now.  But now the worst was over, and Gaster could focus on isolating the poison from the candy and developing an antidote.
Slipping on some latex gloves, he pulled out a piece of candy and prepared to run it through every test under the sun.  Or, mountain in their case.
Gaster would not rest until this mystery was solved.
Angel: Meanwhile the Rabbit monster Jasper had yelled at was entering his house- to find an Ice Monster in a blue hood waiting for them. "Did you succeed?"
"Yeah yeah. It was easy." the rabbit scowled. "Man, we monsters really need to be more suspicious, it was pathetic really." he added pulling on a red and black leather jacket. "You got my money?"
The Ice Ninja reached into one long sleeve to pull out a bag that clinked with many gold coins as it fell to the floor. "Lord Vulpeca is very pleased, we may work again at a later date in order to strengthen Monster-Kind."
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Feature Friday: Authors Edition
This week we are featuring one of our very own, @sassenachwaffles! 
Ok, I am doing myself because work has been kicking my arse this week and I barely had time to sit and get this done myself! 
I am better known as Waffs around these parts. I have read the books and been a fan for about 5 years. Though, I have lurked the fandom since season 1, I have been active for about a year. I have been writing fanfic, for oh laird, about 7 years now. I have only been writing Outlander fanfiction for about a year. 
My favorite character to write, and as cliche as it is, is Claire. I relate to her in many ways: her stubbornness, saying things at an inappropriate time, and much more. It’s easy for me to channel her and to get thoughts out that make sense. My least favorite character to write is Roger. While I adore his character, I just find him hard to channel.
Some of my favorite pieces I have written are the recent"What's in a name?", it challenged me to push some of my boundaries and I was very pleased with how it turned out. In fact, I love most of my missing moments series. I also have a soft spot forTime After Time- it's the most original work I've ever done and is actually challenging to get down on paper.
I find inspiration from a song or quote more often times than not, or a trope that leaves me itching for more. A good deal of the time it’s a small missing moment that was left in the original canon and I wish we had seen, which makes me feel the need to write it so we do end up getting the scene.
My writing habits are almost nada, I write when I can and where I can. 
My advice for new writers is to: Plan, outlining can be your friend, and if you're comfortable us a beta- it's an eye opening experience and they are there to help. If it's not coming, don't force it. Close it and come back to it when you can.
My favorite fanfic trope: There is one bed left at the inn WILL THEY SHARE?!
Favorite book? Oh dear laird. I think when it boils down to it, I love A Breath of Snow and Ashes, from beginning to end. I love how they are established on the Ridge. They have their daughter and grandson, and just *sae* many goodies! Though, I do harbor soft spots for Voyager and Written in My Own Heart’s Blood as well. 
You can find all of Waffs’s work over on her AO3!  
Stay tuned to next week, where we will learn all about another Author on our Catalog!
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