alphamecha-mkii · 8 months
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wayne-benjamin · 7 months
WarSphere is out now on Steam!
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farsight-the-char · 7 months
Reworking my "Tau Lore" a bit for my own faction (my dudes).
Can'a'Da is a sort of oddity, a Sept formed farther from the main Tau Empire from other expansions on the "Light Side" of the Great Rift. A large star surrounded by dozens of Gas Giants (and those surrounded by many moons each).
Deeper in the "Imperial Border" compared to other Septs, it relies on Votann Mercenaries, Eldar Corsairs, Kroot Allies, and other Auxiliaries for defence.
The abundant resources of the system, and frequent pirate (Chaos, Orks, Rogue Traders, Admech, ect) attacks, necessitate the Fire Caste train in Boarding Actions with Crisis Suits, as well.
The Sept was formed interestingly by Corsairs, Votann, and Kroot working together as much as Tau. A Kroot Warsphere that had been working with Votann and Eldar when they found a 4th Sphere survivor effort, and the various mercenaries found a "Safe Harbour" with the "Grand Crimson Sun", that became the Can'a'Da.
Contacting the main Tau Empire, the Kroot and Votann were able to help a supply chain between the "Enclave" and the main Empire, allowing the Sept to act as a "sanctuary port" for the "Privateer Fleet".
Because of the "Grey" nature of the Sept, Farsight is permitted there unofficially (how he gets there no one knows except him), and the rules of the Castes are a bit more "loose", as well.
The Capital of the Sept is a massive space station, Swords of Unity, that orbits the largest gas giant.
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(art by @rowscara)
Soraka and Kroot get along surprisingly well.
The Kroot are the main reason she can navigate the T'au Empire completly out of sight of the Ethereal Caste, so finding the Stardust parked in a Kroot Warsphere is not an unusual occurence. While her appearance would make her stand out among actual T'au (as if the size wasn't a problem), among the visual diversity hotpot that is the Kroot she can just take off her disguise and relax a little.
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I am stuck in an eternal battle of loving tau battlesuits especially the stormsurge and loving those funky lil tau auxillaries like the kroot and vespid.
as such, i think if the t'au get a large range refresh at any point what i would want to see would be among other things
a 'multi unit battlesuit kits' instead of a bunch of separate highly distinct battlesuit kits. a] it feels flavourful as standardization is an important aspect of t'au logistics b] it frees up room for more distinct non battlesuit kits by standardizing the battlesuits a bit reducing future workload [and opens up the possibility of future new battlesuits using upgrade sprues instead of having to build entirely new models] c] more room for interesting personal customization on the modelling end
as for the kinds of battlesuit kits as it were that come to mind, what makes the most sense to me is an 'infantry battlesuit kit' for things like the stealth suits or crisis flavoured stealth suit alternative, a 'battlesuit kit' for things like the crisis suit itself, a 'nova battlesuit kit' where we move things like the ghostkeel and broadside to sit along with the riptide, and a 'ballistics [or heavy i suppose] battlesuit' kit for things like the stormsurge or a hypothetical superheavy stealth suit [which would be rad as fuck].
then for the auxillaries, i think the best strategy there would be focusing on a select few auxillaries to really pimp out [as in you could run entire armies of just them] instead of spreading things out too thin in that regard.
kroot and vespid are obvious starting points in that regard, and since they can use a lot of stuff from the t'au list to fill certain holes like transports then it just comes down to what each army needs with some exception for flavour
kroot without including imperial armour and legends roll with shaper [leader] kroot hounds, kroot carnivores and kroot farstalkers [troops] and the krootox [troop ride thing?] and seeing as they're one of the t'aus biggest partners id give them a bit more bulk of options then other t'au allied auxiliaries.
personally id give the kroot a second leader option if nothing else, a kroot shaman to act as a psyker unit whos gimmick would be stealth and moblity psychic toys to get the kroot to the fight. another possible kroot 'leader' idea would be a single unit kroot assassin/elite fighter kinda model to contrast against the shapers role as a commander. kroot carnivores could probably be retooled as a 'kroot kinband' to cover the three least genetically unusual variants of the kroot kindband that we officially know of. namely carnivores, stalkers and hunters, which in essence are your kroot tactical marines, kroot assault marines and kroot devastator marines if they were snipers. by pooling them all together ya give the player room for some wacky unit loadouts depending on what they equip and leave more room for wackier genetic kroot variants. from there ya have of the kinbands we know of, headhunters acid spitting kroot who could be the 'elite kroot' infantry option and the vultures winged kroot for some speedy lil 'fast attack' buggers. from there what makes the most sense to me would be defensive but slower heavy weapon kroot genetics. farstalkers function fine though i would bump them up to an elite kroot infantry option like headhunters myself. kroot hounds also function fine i feel as speedy chaff. the krootox meanwhile just needs to be made a much bigger boy so he can act as the mobile artillery platform that punches you to death he clearly wants to be. after that i think adding the knarloc riders and greater knarlocs into the main army just makes sense if were rounding out the kroot portion of things, and i also think adding some appropriately kroot vehicles well not essential would if nothing else be really fun. say a kroot hovercraft transport, a kroot 'ball tank' [ie a tank sized kroot warsphere] and a kroot aircraft that would be on speed.
then the vespid. vespid only have the vespid stingwings as things stand so they'd need a lot more fleshing out. what i'd give em would be
vespid queen as a leader option, seeing as how vespids are based on wasps to some extent, their females have been stated to be bigger, and wasp queens are bigger then wasps i think it'd be rad for the vespid leader option to be a big vespid queen that doubles as a commander and a terrifying combat blender [a vespid hive tyrant as it were]. if thats too much you could have a 'vespid strainlord' as a smaller command unit instead/as well? vespid stingwings kinda double as a 'fast attack' unit ontop of being the main vespid unit, so to expand on their roster i think it would be most prudent for an elite vespid troop and a heavy weapon vespid troop. alternatively the stingwings could be the elite vespid troop option with a less expensive but less powerful alternative. as they already move as fast as vehicles they dont really need a 'bike' like option, and a transport vehicle can be kinda redundant for em. instead they could get some fun monsters say a big ol dragonfly monster thing [emphasis on dragon], smaller flying pet things like how the kroot have kroot hounds, and a kinda big vespid monster boy [vespid brute? idk] finally though they could some vehicle options to emphasize how they're an advanced race on their own. their starships are described as stalactite like and considering their role, they could sport a single unique vehicle transport in the form of their own vespid brand drop pod that deep strikes, and idk, something like the hammerfall bunker a static defense/shooting piece.
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thesixthchaosgod · 2 years
just got word that a Kroot Warsphere has been send out to my location!! 
(they’ve send the Into The Dark box out, it will probably be here tomorrow) 
i was so happy about getting my hands on Dahyak Grekh and now i’m getting 10 of those beautiful sculpts and 2 cute doggo’s, buzzing with excitement.  
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are weird: Direct approach not needed
Humans are weird: Direct approach not needed
For seven years the Human/Iltick war had been raging across the cosmos. Planets had fallen, reconquered, sacked, reinforced, pillaged, burned, and then rebuilt countless times all the while the space between the two galactic empires became an ever increasing grave yard of destroyed vessels.
Humans said it started when an Iltick security detail murdered a diplomatic mission, while Iltick said they were protecting themselves from hired mercenaries. In the end the who and the why didn’t matter anymore, only how it would end.
Aboard the Iltick flagship Crimson Prow, commander Gnarl would ensure that it was the Iltick that would emerge victorious.
Gnarl had learned through his spy networks that a human strike force had split off from their main fleet in a desperate gamble to strike at the Iltick homeworld. By making of series of random jumps that bypassed the advanced warning network employed by their alien foes, the humans had planned to emerge upon the unsuspecting Iltick forces and overwhelm their birth planet and strike a crippling morale blow to their foe.
To that end Gnarl had amassed a fleet of battleships, war spheres, heavy cruisers, and whatever other fleet fairing vessels that were within reach. This armada now circled the Iltick homeworld like rings of iron and patiently waited for their foe to wander into their trap.
Several days had passed since the spy networks warning when the human fleet finally arrived. Gnarl was sitting in his command throne when the first of the enemy vessels broke from their transition and returned to real space.
Unlike the Iltick vessels whose metal hulls had been carved from solid metal rather than pieced together the human vessels were ugly and bulky. Gun emplacements appeared across their decks like spuds of an overly ripe vegetable while the bridge held reinforced glass instead of being solid metal.
One by one the vessels began appearing, all the while the Iltick fleet began amassing to meet their foe. The Iltick held station above their worlds capital Jova and known well in advance that the humans would most likely strike it from orbit. Powerful shields had been erected on the planets surface  ensuring that even if the humans tried to bombard it nothing would get through.
As the final human vessel arrive the final numbers appear to be 30 human vessels built around a core of three battleships, and 123 Iltick vessels.
Gnarl watched as the smaller human vessels, mostly light cruisers and destroyers, rapidly began their attempts to form a battle line. Gnarl imagined the sheer terror and surprise going through the human captains as they realized their sneak attack had become a death trap for them.
On board his vessel and many other Iltick ships were camera crews who were recording the events as they unfolded which would then be turned into propaganda videos. Not wishing to prolong the battle and risk a potential setback that would reflect badly, Gnarl ordered his full force to assault the now formed human battle line.
Swarms of missiles and energy bursts shot out towards the human strike force as the swarm of Iltick vessels rushed in. Most had been repelled by activate shields, but some struck home and a human destroy erupted into a fireball after an energy lance struck the aft reactor before the shields could be fully raised.
Uncoordinated return fire greeted the onrushing Iltick as individual ships began picking their own targets and opening fire. Gnarl smiled at this now finding proof of the humans fear. Had they been of sound mind they would have grouped their shots to overwhelm the shields and fully destroy enemy vessels, but by targeting so many different ships at once the vast majority of the return fire was likewise being deflected by Iltick shields.
As the two forces closed the combat increased in intensity. While his sub commanders were laughing and smiling at the coming victory something was bothering Gnarl. Throughout the entire battle so far the human battleships had yet to fire a single shot.
Gnarl rose from his seat and strode to the tactical display. Looking at the placement of the enemy vessels, Gnarl noticed that rather than a standard battle line the human vessels had formed a protective perimeter around the battleships. He looked up from the display to the visual link and saw a human cruiser move out of line to place itself between an energy burst shot that had been aiming for the battleships in the rear. The cruiser’s shields flared and then shattered under the attack and the starboard gun emplacements melted away from the super heated energy.
Gnarl’s eyes widened as he gained a somewhat insight into the enemy plans. The enemy destroyers and cruisers were nothing to them for it was their battleships that held whatever key was needed for their victory. So much so that they were willing to sacrifice their own vessels and comrades to protect it.
Just as Gnarl saw the danger the human battleships guns finally fired. Their massive barrels had slowly traversed silently in the cold void of space before releasing a blind blast of light.
Gnarl braced for an impact that would be his last, but nothing came. He opened his eyes to see that he was still among the living and that none of his ships had been destroyed in the salvo. Smiling at his good fortune, Gnarl shouted commands for all Iltick vessels to target the human battleships.
A second salvo was fired and this time luck had run out for some unlucky Iltick. A warsphere took a round straight to the core and it simply imploded like a popped children’s balloon. Debris from the shattered sphere impacted surrounding Iltick ships causing secondary explosions which only seemed to urge Gnarl’s previous orders even more.
The third salvo was unleashed just as the Iltick ships met the human battle line head on and attempted to pass through it. Some ships colliding with each other while others unleashed devastating broadsides from point blank range. It was here that the human resolve for the battle finally broke and one by one the human vessels broke off and began jumping away.
While none of the battleships had been damaged before they jumped away, several more destroyers and cruisers vanished under a hail of fire before the last of the active human vessels retreated.
Over the communication links Gnarl could hear the cheers and praise being issued by the crew members of the Iltick fleet as what had been intended as a devastating blow against the Iltick had been turned into a black mark of defeat for the humans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8 hours later)
The massed throngs of Iltick citizens crowding the plaza made Gnarl feel claustrophobic as he stood behind the stage waiting to be introduced.
Following the battle he had performed a standard mop up operation of the remaining enemy vessels, but aside from a few strange energy readings the enemy fleet was entirely dead.
Gnarl had then been summoned by the Iltick high command to appear at a celebration at the capital he had saved from the human invaders.
With the energy shield down the night sky was glittering with countless stars and running lights of orbiting ships. Gnarl looked up and though some would say he was mad he tried to pick out the lights of his flagship which was no doubt watching over him as an honor guard.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder Gnarl looked down to see a stage hand motioning him to the stage as the speaker had just announced his name. The cheers of the crowd were loud enough to make the buttons of Gnarl’s parade uniform vibrate as he stepped on to the stage.
He waved his hand and smiled sheepishly to the crowd as he approached the podium, the effect somehow making the crowd cheer louder than before. Gnarl reached the podium and looked out over the crowds as his chest swelled with pride. Seeing the support of his people there was nay a doubt in his heart nor his mind of their inevitable victory over the treacherous humans and that one day soon the Iltick flag would wave high over their miserable dirt pile of a world.
As the crowds cheers began dying down Gnarl prepared to deliver his rehearsed opening remarks honoring his crew and those that had lost their lives in battle.
He had barely uttered the first syllable when the first warhead struck the city and his world turned to white.......   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8 hours earlier)
Marcus saw the Radiance move out of line and take the energy burst meant for his ship full on. He could nearly feel the aches and pains the tortured vessel must be going through.
“Weapons master Frig!” He shouted between issuing commands to the rest of his fleet. “We need those firing solutions five minutes ago!”
Not even bothering to look up from her console weapons master Frig continued performing calculations. “The planet’s data does not match the files we were given!” she angrily shouted back as she dashed from console to console. Th enemy shots were starting to find their home against the battleships shields and as she dashed she had to catch herself with each impact shudder that ran through the ship. “One wrong miscalculation and this entire operation was for nothing!”
Though Marcus wanted to challenge the weapons master she was right. Rather than arguing a point he couldn’t win he tapped the command keys of his ear mounted com device.
“This is Admiral Marcus of the Retribution hailing the Talwar and Deutschland, respond.”
“This is captain Anika of Talwar, good for go.”
“This is captain Emil of Deutschland, go to receive.”
“Prepare to receive targeting data for your main guns. Do not fire until you have the data, repeat, do not fire until you have the data.” “Roger. holding for data.” came both replied.
The viewport lit up as another destroyers shields were overwhelmed and torn to ribbons. The closeness of the explosion sent a shock wave through the Retribution and knocked Marcus off his feet.
He unsteadily regained his footing as the wall of enemy ships had now decided that a headlong rush was the best tactic.
“Weapons master!” he shouted as he found his way back to his command chair.
Frig’s hand shot a thumbs up as she reached the final terminal. “Uploading data now!”
From his command chair a screen of data began streaming in which was then fed down to the gunner crews not only aboard his ship but to the Deutschland and Talwar as well. As the ships gun icons flashed green one by one Marcus thrust out his arm and shouted “Fire!”
Though the void could not hear the roar of the guns the crew of the Retribution could feel the mighty ships weapons vibrate the entire ship as they spat burning fury towards their foe.
“Reload and fire!”
The command wasn’t necessary for Marcus to shout, but now at the peak of the battle it was all he could do. Days of calculated jumps and maneuvers had all led to this climatic battle that would decide the fate of the war.
“Belay that!” Frig shouted. “Enemy warsphere is blocking trajectory! I must recalculate around it!”
“Belay that belay that!” Marcus shouted over her. “We do not have time to wait, they’ll be on us in minutes!”
The enemy vessels had redoubled their efforts to close the gap and the shield wall the destroyers and cruisers were providing was steadily being chipped away.
“Talwar, Deutschland; wait until after the warsphere has been destroyed then fire your next two salvos. After our third the strike force is to break orbit and make for the rendezvous point!”
A chorus of replies came in as the Retribution fired its second salvo and utterly destroyed the enemy warsphere.
The following salvos from the other battleships easily passed through the gap now opened by the absent warsphere. As the three warships reloaded for their third and final salvo the enemy fleet was now mixing within the battle line. All Marcus could do was pray that the plan would work and that those who had died had not died in vain... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8 hours later)
High in orbit, circling the planet for the last several hours since the battle had ended, the warheads fired from the battleships had slowly begun their descent.
Fired from hard shells rather than from rockets, the shells had bypassed the energy scanners of the enemy fleet that had scoured the battlefield after the human fleet had fled. The radiation signatures being the only give away but were thankfully masked by the debris clouds.
Carried by the planets gravity along specifically calculated routes, the shells flown around the planet several times before impacting at their target location.
The capital city had their shields deployed during the entire battle and for several hours after in case of falling debris, but with the passage of time the shields had been deactivated and thus allowing the warheads to impact the capital directly.
Space ships were designed to in some cases withstand warhead explosions if done correctly; the capital city was not.
The rain of warheads dotted the entire city reducing what had once been the nerve center of the greatest threat to humanity to a irradiated pile of waste and the once proud cheers from across their empire were turned into cries of despair as the wrath of humanity was brought to bear.
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Timeline of the 41st Millennium: 979-988.M41
The Damocles Gulf Crusade - part 3.
After a five month journey across the Damocles Gulf, the Crusade fleet finally reached the major Tau Sept of Dal'yth. Assuming that Tau orbital defenses would be no more formidable than what they encountered at Hydass, Imperial forces were shocked to find a far more powerful Tau fleet supported by an array of powerful Orbital Stations as well as Kroot Warspheres. Had it not been for Admiral Jallaque's flagship, the Retribution Class Battleship Blade of Woe destroying the Kroot Warsphere Imperial forces would have faced destruction. But while the Crusading fleet had emerged victorious, their triumph had been a Pyrrhic one: four Capital Ships and fourteen Escorts had been lost at the battle over Dal'yth.
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modernsynthesist · 5 years
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Want to join the #SiegeOfPech team project? This project had its genesis in August of 2019. Hobbyist and Kroot fan @That.Kroot.Guy conceived to mount a #Krootvasion of #Adepticon, and he reached out to Kindred spirit, @ironbeak_mercenaries. Together, they came up with the idea of finding two other hobbyists to bring together a force for the Adepticon Team Tournament--a force composed entirely of Kroot! They put out the call to the Instagram community, and they were blown away by the response! They found not two but SIX other kroot-lovers to join them, making two full teams of Kroot Kindred, eager to bring a Krootvasion in defence of their homeworld of Pech. And from these humble beginnings, the #SiegeOfPech group project has grown, expanding beyond Adepticon and sparking a true Krootnaissance online. Hobbyists from around the world have take up the call of the Kindreds: kitbashing, converting, and breathing new life into the Kroot. What started as a hilarious idea has already exceeded the wildest dreams of this project's creators: consuming massive amounts of fresh prey DNA and evolving into one massive love letter to this quirky, 19-year-old model kit in particular, and to Xenos 40k in general. We are so glad to have had all of you join us on this ride so far. However, with Adepticon 2020's cancellation, and the pushing of Siege of Pech to 2021, we've got time to crank out some more warspheres and to welcome more Kindreds. So, if you've been inspired by Siege of Pech, and been curious about joining up, this is your chance! Whether you'd like to contribute a model, a squad, or you'd like to bring a whole army to Adepticon with us, the Siege of Pech is looking for new contributors. If you're interested in helping out, joining up, or getting involved, please PM @ironbeak_mercenaries or @That.Kroot.Guy on Instagram. 🎨 By @pasternaque . . . #warhammer40k #40k #wh40k #gamesworkshop #forgeworld #warhammer #40kconversions #kitbash #kroot #krootmercenaries #krootmercs #tauempire #xenos #grimdark #warmongers #paintingwarhammer #miniaturewargaming #tabletopwargaming #adepticon2021 https://ift.tt/2x39HIk
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battlewhiskers · 5 years
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Some Ambrite weapons featuring. Fisher Azhel Caretaker Ayhna Nathia Warsphere Sam Hopetearer
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Kroot culture Ideas
Recently I tried a brainstorming session on another forum about Kroot culture. One thing I hadn’t been keeping in mind was their mutability. With that in mind, I think I have something pretty solid in terms of world building.
The Kroot culture is one that is extremely nomadic. Examples of Kroot architecture are extremely rare since any structure built need only be temporary. There are a few exceptions, locations of religious and historic ceremony. The greatest example are the warspheres, which themselves are mobile cities. This lack of infrastructure has made archeology difficult and lead to the biased conclusion that the Kroot are primitives.
Kroot can be found thriving in groups as small as mating pairs to hordes numbering in the hundreds. Their mutability allows them to make the physical and behavioral changes needed to better interact with other species. The Kroot can be quite skilled at implanting and meshing with a local culture, especially amongst the worlds of the Tau that open to xenos species. One trick is to consume the local fauna that local cultures are familiar with. Humans will often describe Kroot as avian while the Tau would say they are similar to a creature called ‘kovau’. Kroot may even consume the locals to create more shared attributes, but most species don’t appreciate such behavior.
Most Kroot can be found providing some form of mercenary work. Hunting, tracking, soldiering or bounty hunting. Though most of this work is done under obligation for the Tau, it’s not uncommon to find Kroot across the galaxy providing their services. Violent work is the natural environment for such a predatory species and allows them practice the more controversial aspects of their culture. Eating their enemies.
The act of consumption is an important part of Kroot culture. It is the center of most of their cultural practices. The eating of their enemies is a highly ritualized affair. Shapers will choose only the most valuable specimens to be eaten after much ceremony. To be eaten alive is one of the highest praises a Kroot can give his enemy. The Kroot also consume their dead so that their genetic lineage may live on in others. Old legend states that a Kroot’s spirit may not rejoin the tribe until the body has been consumed.
The Kroot have three genders; males, females and the shaper. Males and females can be similar in appearance or quite dimorphic, often depending on their interactions with different cultures. Gender roles are extremely fluid amongst such a flexible culture. Some Kroot can even switch genders, thanks to their skills in mutation. Many xenobiologist and xenopologist coming to drastically different conclusions and are in constant disagreement when it comes to researching the Kroot. Experts will observe entirely different behaviours since they have studied only a specific grouping of Kroot. A male or female Kroot will mutate into a shaper when the group becomes large enough or the previous shaper dies. The shaper’s reproductive organs will atrophy and disappear. In turn, recessive organs that are sensitive to genetic material will regrow and become active. These organs allow the shaper to better understand their prey’s various genetic traits and recessive diseases. A shaper will often serve a leader of a pack or be part of a larger council for a horde.
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Soraka and Kroot
The relationship between Soraka and Ethereals can be complicated - she's essentially a somewhat benevolent rogue element in their realm that does not care much about their rules and Caste systems.
Soraka at her very core has always been about the self-determination of "lesser beings" (from a celestial perspective, so all mortal life in general, not meant with disrespect) for various reasons, some because of existencial implications, some because of her personality. So she gets really suspicious when there is a mysterious force behind the ruling caste that is potentially controlled by otherworldly entities.
This applies to BOTH the Ethereals AND Commander Farsight, even if the respective influences might have very different origins.
But the Kroot? Kroot are good. While the average T'au is somewhat repulsed by their seemingly primitive and brutal culture, Soraka's frame of reference as a celestial entity who "has seen some shit" makes them "lovely", "charming", and "full of potential" in her eyes.
The fact that she likes socializing with different Kroot warbands and occasionally helping them out is her secret to her elusiveness when it comes to Ethereals. The Kroot know she means no harm, and that's good enough for them. If it pisses of a "hoity-toity ew don't eat our fallen warriors to preserve their power mimimi"-Ethereal, even better.
There is one key element that makes Soraka spend this much time with a warlike folk as the Kroot: they are mercenaries. As opposed to conquerors or enslavers, they don't start the wars - it's just their job to join them. While this still contributes to untold murder and mayhem, going by 40K-Standards, that makes them almost pacifistic. She might have concerns when it comes to their various employers (cough, Imperium of Man, cough), but the fact that the Kroot never work for Chaos sure earned them her respect.
Also, she does not have to disguise her horn when living in a Kroot Warsphere. Kroot appearances can vary quite a bit depending on what DNA they got to eat recently, an extra horn or a shift in skin color barely registers to them as noteworthy. A Kroot Warsphere might be the last place one expects to go for a Spa-Day, but if Soraka wants to socialize without having to hold up the disguise all the time, that's her place to go.
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(art by @rowscara )
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xenosgirlvents · 7 years
The Tau Empire has a lot of room for exploration, both in fluff and crunch, being the only major cosmopolitan Empire in the galaxy of 40k and probably tying with the Dark Eldar (Drukhari?) for most cosmopolitan faction in the main game.
Now the Tau’s alien allies have a lot of room for development; Nicassar Psyker Fliers, Hrenian Light Infantry and so on and so forth, but for today I’d like to look at the most major of their allies; the Kroot.
It is a tragic fact that since pretty much every Codex after the first the Kroot’s importance within the Empire has been neglected in favour of more Battlesuits. Of course this is part of an overarching pity; namely that the Tau’s cosmopolitan empire has been downplayed in favour of Battlesuits.
However, seeing as the Kroot were already considered enough of a military power to warrant mention before joining with the Tau if anyone should be able to be more fully developed it is them. The obvious route, and what I’d also like to see, is the introduction of Kroot kin of unique strands; winged ones, stealthier ones, Psyker ones, Orkish ones (for that T4) and such. These are good but, also, have been discussed before.
What I would like to see are some Kroot vehicles! Since we already know that they do have a technology base, and the Warspheres, the presence of Kroot vehicles would be cool, in my opinion, particularly light vehicles which traverse terrain well, allowing them to support the Kroot’s focus  on cover.
Open-topped Light transports for Carnivore Squadrons, light vehicles with heavy weapons working in squadrons and such would help flesh the Kroot method of war out better, explain why they at times can be described as having invaded whole worlds, including Exodite worlds, and had success.
Further more Fluff on the Kroot’s contribution to the Tau military campaigns would be enjoyable, as well as communication and relationship building between the two groups, seeing as the Kroot have now been members of the Empire for a rather long time. For example it’d be fun to have interaction between the Kroot, who have not assimilated culturally into the Empire at all, with Tau Water Caste members who helped secure their membership into the Empire.
A Kroot HQ choice would also be nice, since if any of the Tau Empire’s member races are warlike enough, and important enough, to deserve their own HQ option I’d think it should be the Kroot.
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tredlocity · 8 years
How did you do the art for the War of Warsphere panel? And what is your usual art technique?
I usually draw with Manga Studio and a wacom tablet. I made that Warsphere panel using Maya.
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iowarspheredev · 11 years
Welcome to IO Warsphere Official Website
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battlewhiskers · 6 years
Gw2 30 day challenge
I found this old post that I remember i wasn’t able to finish, so I’m gonna answer it all now instead. Link to actual post here
Day 01 - Your First Character. I actually deleted my very first because i didn’t like the design and name, apart from them. “Nathia Rawsphere” Day 02 - The biggest jerk you’ve dealt with (in game)? -Insert random “pro” from PVP here- Day 03 - A Class you are awful at playing? Theif and Guardian... I just, can’t. Day 04 - Your favourite zone? The Brand :3 Day 05 — Your favorite story mode dungeon? hhh... Don’t really have one.. Never got attached to any. Day 06 — Your favorite renown heart(s)? PLAY WITH SYLVARI PUPS!!! (Danador's Kennel) Day 07 — Your favorite piece of lore? Reclaim of Ascalon, Destruction of Orr, The Brand Day 08 — PvE/PvP/RP? PvE, RP and WvW ! Day 09 — A screenshot you like. Early days of Sam in Dry Top! A few weeks before Mordrem attacked.
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Day 10 — Your favorite weapon skin. Vision of the Mists & Gallant Greatsword. Then Gallant Dagger and all other Phantasm weapons Day 11 — Your favorite gear set. Stats? I’m not sharing. :3c
Day 12 — Your achievements. EU: 11,370 & NA: 5,332 Day 13 — Your favorite explorable mode dungeon? None, but I done Ascalonain Catacombs.. a lot. Day 14 — When did you start playing? Late 2015 I think? Day 15 — Your favorite fractal dungeon? Urban :3 Day 16 — What do you listen to while playing? In-game music Day 17 — Your favorite GW2 related YouTube video? Eh, soundtracks I guess Day 18 — Worst thing about GW2? Clipping armor, mount glitches and wvw’ers who run away from battle (to come back with full health once they exit combat) Day 19 — Best thing about GW2? There is a LOT to do. Day 20 — How did you come up with your main’s name? Sam Hopetearer... I wanted her to sound trustful, yet like someone devastating Which.. She have become now. Day 21 — Your favourite profession? Warriorrrrrrrrr (And spellbreaker) Day 22 — Your minis. Krytan Floppyfish and Branded Riftstalker :3 Day 23 — The longest you’ve gone without playing? 2 or 3 days. Day 24 — Your favorite glitch screenshot. None, I’m boring and don’t enjoy glitches ;3 Day 25 — Who do you play with? @charrior-of-ash, @0operson, @kianga-snowstorm and not enough with @jekka-jekka-and-jekka and @morte-blackrose Day 26 — List your characters and their levels. EU: Valynxia Hopetearer - 80 - Warrior Sam Hopetearer - 80 - Spellbreaker Unstable Valynxia - 23 - Elementalist Karzah Shatterfang - 44 - Warrior Rachel The Stubborn - 80 - Berserker Sam Hopebringer - 80 - Spellbreaker Samantha Nouctune - 80 - Mesmer Rauna Wreckmaker - 80 - Engineer I Ate Lemon Pills - 80 - Warrior Norman Stigsson - 80 - Warrior Sam The Unstable - 80 - Berserker Sam Paincraver - 80 - Reaper Nathia Rawsphere - 80 - Engineer Ringermaster Evelina - 80 - Mesmer Firstborn Lettuce - 80 - Necromancer Derek Snatchpaw - 80 - Druid Warden Farmer - 80 - Engineer Karl Eckerberg - 80 - Ranger Mirrah Razell - 80 - Tempest NA: Sam Hopetearér (I changed her name now!) - 80 - Spellbreaker Valynxia Hopetearér - 80 - Warrior Caretaker Ayhna - 80 - Guardian Samantha Nouctuné - 80 - Mesmer Corrupted Sam - 80 - Reaper Fisher Azhel - 27 - Ranger Unsettling Valynxia - 23 - Elementalist Executioner Zeitha - 45 - Warrior Nathia Warsphere - 67 - Engineer Day 27 — Your titles. ...Queen of the Brand. Day 28 — Your favorite boss? I think I had most fun battling High Priestess Amala, in fractals. (Depends on ppl know how to do) Day 29 — Something you worked really hard to get. Full Ascended WvW armor. (Triumphant Hero) Day 30 — Your main? For current time: Valynxia Hopetearer For past or alterative universe + The Mists: Sam Hopetearer
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