#Warwick knight squad
zackmartin · 5 months
Is there anything better then Prudy and Warwick’s friendship
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ciara-knightly · 5 months
knight squad: if we had a 4 season run
i’ve been thinking a lot of thoughts about how amazing knight squad would have been with a proper four season run. i don’t think i would ever have the energy to write a full fanfic, but it’s been five years since the show’s conclusion, so i wanted to share some of my ideas. here’s a 2k outline on how i think the plot could have gone:
season 1
season 1 is already pretty god-tier in my opinion, so i wouldn’t change much! i think they covered a lot in terms of character and relationship development, and did a great job building an interesting plot that tied back in the finale.
one of the things i would change though is the whole presentation of ciara/princess, and how it’s done through her hair. i’ve seen some discussion about it floating around before, so some of y’all probably know where i’m getting at with this. i don’t know if it was intentional, but the implications of her straightened/relaxed hair being part of what makes her elegant is really questionable  to me and i do find it racist. i do like her loose curls for ciara because being ciara is when she gets to let loose and be who she really is. but for the princess, i think they really could have done another style like braids, or have her hair tied up in a bun to represent how she is holding herself back, or have her hair wrapped. i also think they could have incorporated other ways to show the difference between the princess and ciara that don’t rely on hair – facial markings/face paint for the royal family, or the princess covers her face with a face veil.
also just. give her a name!!! for the fanfic writers if not for anyone else. i know it’s a kid’s show and they probably didn’t want to make it too confusing or something, but also kids are not that dumb.
in terms of character, in the show, arc adapts to being part of a team really well. personally, i would have drawn that out, and had a plot where arc needs to get used to being on a team after being a lone wolf for so long and learning how to trust the others to have his back. i think the writers almost went in that direction, because in the pilot when the phoenix squad is assigned to fight the stone knight, arc tells them to step back and says he has it, and ciara says “but we’re supposed to be a team!” but he ignores her. and it works out okay that time, but i expected it to come back later and it was just dropped. so this is something i would have developed over the course of the season, and then everyone coming together to save him from ryker in the season finale being the culmination of him realizing he has people to watch his back now and he isn’t alone.
season 2
okay so you know how i kept most of season 1? yeah we’re doing the opposite for season 2. we’re throwing pretty much all of it out. yEET. prudy and warwick are not going to find out right at the beginning of the season, we’re not getting the ciara and sage relationship development quite yet, no one is getting knighted, and there’s no weird superhero episode with trolls that are   antisemitic caricatures.
however, there will be more plots centered around prudy and warwick. we get to see more of prudy’s giant background, and warwick struggling to live up to his family name and what being a magical wizard means. so there are episodes like the election episode and the one with warwick’s dad.
at the same time, we get more of the relationships in the phoenix squad, and arc and ciara will also start to realize how hard it is keeping their secrets from their best friends. they have some really close calls when it comes to balancing their secrets with their friendships.
arc and ciara also start having some romantic development in the latter half of the season, but it happens subtly. like people thinking they’re a couple leading to awkward denial, seeing the other dressed up for an event and having that “whoa” moment, being unusually jealous or protective, etc.
okay i really want an episode where there’s just a shit ton of miscommunication and the princess accidentally agrees to a date with warwick and he’s over the moon but ciara is panicking because she can’t break his heart while arc’s pretending he isn’t jealous
A TRUTH SPELL EPISODE. sort of combining both of the two big threads this season. arc gets hit by a truth spell by accident and they have to wait for it to wear off and it leads to all sort of chaos as arc and ciara try to make sure their secrets don’t get out so ciara is just covering his mouth and trying to make excuses. and then, at the end of the episode, he’s alone with prudy and warwick who have caught on that arc does have a secret and they’re grilling him, and he blurts out that he has feelings for ciara, which even he didn’t realize until he said it. the spell finally wears off and prudy and warwick are shocked enough to let him go, and he runs off only to bump into ciara (who had been called away for a princess-related thing), and she’s apologizing to him for having to leave him alone and asks if he revealed anything important to anyone, and he’s just like “....no.”
midway through the season, we also begin building up to the next overarching plot. it might be interesting to focus a bit on astorian court politics, which leads to the reveal of an internal conspiracy to take down dragonbloods and take over the throne. (note: the leader of this conspiracy was the one behind ciara’s mother being taken away.) sort of leads to the realization of how messed up it is that only dragonbloods have power in astoria. the season finale has them facing off against this antagonist, and they win, but the antagonist runs away.
warwick and prudy find out about arc and ciara’s secrets at the end of the season!
also sage and buttercup are canon. because this is my plot outline and i say so.
season 3
this season begins with warwick and prudy learning what it means to be secret keepers, even though they’re struggling a bit. arc and ciara and understandably frustrated, but when it matters, warwick and prudy do come through, and they get better about it over time.
warwick and prudy are also trying to figure out their roles on the team, especially as they feel like they’re the weaker links. 
meanwhile, ciara is stepping into her role as the princess and trying to force actual change regarding the dragonblood laws in astoria, having learned from the events of last season.
arc is supporting her, but he’s also starting to feel a bit homesick. we get at least a couple episodes centered around seagate when phoenix squad takes a trip to his hometown which is in the process of rebuilding in the aftermath of ryker. they get caught up in a pirate plot!
they also discover that ryker’s army hasn’t entirely been dissolved, and some of them still hope to bring ryker back. 
arc and ciara starting to have some legit romantic development as they realize their feelings. throw in a fake dating episode because it would be cute. they also kiss at least once during this development period - for quest purposes of course, and it’s “completely platonic” (it isn’t, both feel things). both of them are too scared of ruining their relationship as friends to pursue more though, and they’re worried about how it would affect their team.
prudy and warwick do not think their squad will be affected and are very much rooting for this!!!
ciara also starts becoming friends with sage (although they would never admit it)! bonding as the princess, and respecting her more as a classmate. phoenix squad and kraken squad work together more often.
despite their attempts to prevent it, last season’s antagonist returns and helps bring ryker back. the villains team up, vowing to not just take over astoria, but destroy it. 
the season ends with astoria learning about the danger of ryker coming back and needing more knights, so phoenix squad, kraken squad, and unicorn squad are all knighted. ciara passes her laws against dragonbloods being the only ones allowed to be knights, and their secrets come out to the kingdom.
arc and ciara’s relationship development also reaches the natural conclusion and they officially become a couple after a scare during the final battle where they realize they could have lost each other.
season 4
season four shifts a bit in vibes because all the secrets are out and everyone has officially been knighted, so ideally we would have gotten some fancier new set locations
phoenix squad and kraken squad are officially knighted, but that doesn’t prevent their rivalry. however, this leads to issues, and they quickly realize they’re no longer in training and they genuinely need to have each other’s backs.
arc and ciara are also adjusting to working together while dating. they’re both really protective and keep trying to look out for each other on the battlefield, and it leads to some slip ups at first because they feel like they’re out of sync and maybe they worked better as friends. but they ultimately realize they help make each other better, and fighting together becomes even better because they’ll always have each other’s backs
we bring in the plot with ciara’s mom - eliza comes back with evidence that their mother is still alive and out there. phoenix squad follows up on the lead, and eventually they find her mother and bring her home. however, their mother doesn’t remember anything which is why she never came back even after she escaped her confinement, so they have to find a way to bring her memories back.
but is everything as it seems? ciara is unsure her mother is the same woman she remembers. she catches her mother sneaking out, and she worries that her mother has turned traitor. but it’s revealed that her mother is actually protecting a secret - a dragon egg, for the last dragon in astoria.
pet dragon for the squad!!! it imprints the most on ciara and sage, and they grudgingly co-parent. arc and buttercup are definitely not jealous of their partners spending so much time together (they absolutely are).
slobwick also hates the baby dragon for taking his place as beloved adorable pet. however slobwick is an evil furby and we should not feel bad for him.
fizzwick has begun training as a knight with his own squad! prudy and warwick end up teaching every now and then (as do the others at times, but this is mostly for them), and they are determined to be good role models. however, they have no idea how to keep up with the Kids These Days, and end up learning some things about valuing themselves and their own self-worth.
also, prudence and warwick do get their own romantic plots during this time! whether they stick around or are minor remains the question….
meanwhile, the ryker plot continues to develop, leading to some dramatic, escalating clashes. this time, ciara believes they need to work more with the other five kingdoms. we return to seagate, as well as visit other locations and have other kingdom representatives come to astoria for a summit meeting. there are lots of disagreements, and ends up one kingdom is working against them, their ruler being a puppet who is actually the astorian court official from season 2. at the end of the day, the remaining four realize they must unite to bring peace.
the series conclusion ends with a dramatic final battle working with the other squads and kingdoms as they take down ryker and the other antagonist once and for all, restoring peace. 
close out on phoenix squad, reaffirming their promise to always be there for each other and protect the kingdom as they look forward to the future.
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soni-dragon · 2 years
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Off to a new adventure!!
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partiallypearl · 2 years
sea-ara 😭 😭 
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we-are-all-flynn · 4 years
*warwick voice* writing is hard guys
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stiles-hoodie · 3 years
Working on a Knight Squad fanfiction. It's a What If It Was On A Different Channel rewrite. Making it less kiddish (it'll still have some of the humourous moments), more mature, darker. Of course an Lgbt+ relationship (Sage and Buttercup obviously)
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pynkpoet · 4 years
warwick: magic is hard, guys
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
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anyway this post
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fairycomplex-m · 3 years
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These are wild slobberpuff eggs. You and a partner will be responsible for keeping them safe until your egg hatches.
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onetwothreefarkle · 4 years
Knight Squad as John Mulaney
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Sir Gareth: 
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The King: 
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find-y0ur-j0y · 4 years
The fact that only one squad was allowed to become knights was so wrong. If one is running a kingdom and you have people who volunteered to protect their country, trained for years, and are qualified to help... You Should Knight Them! The whole training system was so messed up in Knight Squad.
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zackmartin · 2 years
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nobody asked, but i'm still in a very icon/header making mood so. here's some knight squad gif headers
each are 640x400
credit isn't necessary (although appreciated), but please link back to this post if asked about them!
please reblog this post if using :)
you can find all my headers HERE!
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ciara-knightly · 5 months
red sky morning
a knight squad AU fanfic
🗡️ relationship: ciara and arc, with minor friendship feels on the side for phoenix squad 🗡️ rating: G 🗡️ words: 2073 🗡️ summary: It’s not that Ciara doesn’t like Arc. He is the new guy, after all, and she hardly knows him. But Arc is a Kraken, and she doesn't trust anyone on Kraken Squad.
🔗 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55354852
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soni-dragon · 3 years
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So guess who’s rewatching Knight Squad and decided to revisit their AU where the kids have traits from their descendant creatures :))
Some more hcs and older doodles under the cut!!
Dragonbloods tend to have some dragon traits- it can be physical or not though, some people look normal and just are a lot warmer temperature wise, or there’ll be a person who has a hoarding tendency.
Royal Dragonbloods have a closer tie to the Great Dragon, so they have more dragon features like wings (I noted this in the sketches). Also Ciara’s ring hides her wings, but after she reveals her secret and her identities sort of mesh together she keeps her wings in her Ciara form
Seagate people’s scales are more rounded(cause fish) so Arc has to be super careful no one notices that, as well as hide the fins on his tail and ankles.
During the curse day they become fully mermaid w the fish tail and everything, also some people develop a more feral and monstrous personality that day— so you better stay away from them if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Just some little details: Ciara’s scales are more red-orange, while the Princess’s are more purple-red. Sometimes as Ciara, especially at the start, she gets phantom wings. Arc’s got a burn scar from the raid on Seagate, as well as(both of these are canon in my head even not in an AU) lightning/magic scar on his chest from when Impala hits him there in s1e12.
Prudy’s giant and dragonblood genes sort of combine; some people might think she’s descended from a stone or winter dragon. The scales along her chin feel more stony than regular ones; she’s also got some fluffy elements(cause im taking her often wearing fur in the show to be that Giants are almost kinda like yetis)
The more he uses his magic the more sparkly Warwick’s scales get!! Also his are purple, like the color of his magic :3 Prudy’s are a grey-green color(in the sun they look lime green!)
Ok I’m done for now and here’s the first doodles I did of this idea back in December:
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me 24/7
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Knight SquadxJatP?
Am I insane? Maybe.
My already existing stack of wips:
Me: 👀👀 But what if I started a Knight Squad fanfiction?
That was a JatP AU?
And Arc died in the Seagate attack, came back as a ghost because he has unfinished business with Riker, which is why he poses as a DragonBlood to get into Knight school. Then when he poofs into the castle he misses his mark and lands in the princess's room. When they find out other people can see him when he wears a magic ring which he stole from Ciara because ooooh shiny she helps him with knight school payment. They do their ThInG where they say they dont flirt but are in fact, flirting, and in the end Ciara brings Arc back to life with a hug like Julie did with the boys at the end of Stand Tall?
With a side sprinkle of ButtercupxSage and all the other gay ships Nick was too cowardice to actually write into Knight Squad.
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