#knight squad headers
zackmartin · 1 year
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nobody asked, but i'm still in a very icon/header making mood so. here's some knight squad gif headers
each are 640x400
credit isn't necessary (although appreciated), but please link back to this post if asked about them!
please reblog this post if using :)
you can find all my headers HERE!
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32bitterra · 2 months
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror turns 20 today. I drew a little something to commemorate it.
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Sentimental old person rambling under the cut.
Amazing Mirror is my favorite video game, and it is one of my earliest video game memories. I played it before my sister was born, and before I could even READ. I distinctly remember calling it "Rock Hat Game" (referring to the stone ability) before my mother corrected me. For those unaware, the unique thing about this Kirby game is that the game lets you explore the Mirror World and beat the bosses in whichever order you want. This game was full of mystery to me as a child. This was before I had internet so I couldn't just look anything up. I was always wondering what I would find next. I spent HOURS trying to find rooms I hadn't been in yet, believing they held the most incredible secrets (a child's imagination is very powerful.) I believe I got my first glimpses of the final boss when I was around five or six years old. I remember Dark Meta Knight frightened me because of how fast he moved, but I loved the music that played when you fought him, so I'd leave the game paused just to hear it (too frightened to unpause it or else Dark Meta Knight would whoop my ass lol. Does anyone else remember holding the GBA speaker up to your ear to hear the music? I remember listening to the Candy Constellation theme like this.) Something this game is infamous for are the NUMEROUS times you have to beat the final boss, Dark Mind. I managed to get to his second-to-last phase, the giant eye, when I was six or seven or so. If I had to beat his first form four times, I wondered just how far it would go. I distinctly remember having a dream that some sort of mouse boss emerged from the eye (funnily enough, I got Squeak Squad for Christmas when I was nine.) I beat Amazing Mirror when I was eight years old. It was a Friday afternoon, and I was so excited to finally beat the game that my legs went numb lol. Fast forward a little to when I was twelve or so, I started trying to get 100% completion. This involves entering every room and getting every treasure. I know this game like the back of my hand now. When I was thirteen, I wanted to see how quickly I could beat it after watching speedruns. I can beat it 100% pretty quickly now. It's a game I like to play for my friends because I can beat it quickly and without dying.
The drawing above hardly begins to fully encapsulate how much I love the game, and I struggled trying to think of a drawing that could truly show my appreciation. In the end, I went for something rather simple. Emerald is my favorite spray paint color, but if you asked younger-me, I would have answered "Ocean." I was totally obsessed with finding all the spray paint colors, and I remember turning the game off and on to switch the colors to see how they'd look with the UFO ability. If anyone has read this far, tell me what your favorite spray paint color in Amazing Mirror is in the tags if you'd like! Also, the level backgrounds are absolutely beautiful in this game. They look like paintings, and I wonder if any high quality, non-GBA-compressed versions exist. The light blue Peppermint Palace background is my favorite (it's also my header.) Let me know what your favorite level and/or level background is as well. I'm gonna wrap this up because I've went on for too long blurting my guts out over a GBA game. I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface about all I love about this game. I will not be making this kind of long-winded rambling a habit though lol.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Okay so we’ve had Mad Hatter and Riddler reacting to the dress….
What about Scarecrow?
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A/N: Whelp, uhh…never expected my original headcanon idea of Riddlers reacting to a tiktok dress to go this far lmao. But it only makes sense I go ahead and round up the Dork Squad. 
After this, I don’t see myself doing this for any other rogues (or for any other tik tok dress...I don’t see their reactions being any different than what I’ve already described lmao), so this’ll likely be the end of this wee series I accidentally made lol. By all means though, if y’all haven’t already feel free to do these with your own fave rogues and even do a different dress! 
Just for posterity: here's the tiktok and dress in question.
By the way…this was ridiculously more difficult than the others, just thought I’d put that out there. Most of these Scarecrows are ominous and stoic as hell so it was weird trying to get in the appropriate state of mind for each of them asdfgjk also don’t mind me still playing with headers, this isn’t all the Scarecrows featured, there’s three more sorry if the header is a wee misleading; BTAS/TNBA and Fear State also make an appearance!
Anyways, without further ado, you guys demanded him; The Prince of Panic, the Lord of Despair, The Master of Fear…
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The Scarecrows React to Reader in a TikTok Dress:
Arkhamverse Scarecrow:
- To say he was caught off guard would be an understatement. 
- He may be immune to fear.
- Immune almost to a point of being void of most reactionary emotions. 
- Jonathan wasn’t immune to you. 
- He inhales deeply, takes you all in. 
- Normally he'd consider this type of dress ludicrous…
- However he can make an exception for you, as always. 
- He runs his calloused hand along the skin that's revealed.
- Occasionally teasing the skin with the needles from his gauntlet.
- When he hears your soft gasps and hushed moans…
- There's nothing more satisfying.
Dark Knight/Murphy Scarecrow:
- Jonathan won't admit it but he had to do a double take.
- He finally came home from his "experiments" at Arkham. 
- He longed to see you, and was pleasantly surprised to see you 
- So…scantily clad for his amusement. 
- Amused he is, as well as pleased and undoubtedly aroused. 
- Without almost a second thought he drops his suitcase and rushes to get his hands on you.
- As much as he enjoys seeing these sneak peeks at your skin. 
- He yearns to caress and touch you, both with and especially without the dress.
BTAS Scarecrow:
- You have rendered the poor ex-professor speechless.
- And he usually enjoys hearing his own monologues and lectures, so that’s a win!
- His eyes blinking madly, trying to reboot his brain. 
- His ever so pale face, growing ever so red as his signature costume. 
- Jon recognizes the sensations of his heart palpitating and his breaths shortening.
- He's not afraid no….quite the opposite actually.
- He's stunted, unsure of what to do. 
- Jon sheepishly compliments you, even asks if you're some gorgeous dream in the sea of his nightmares. 
- You convince him you're absolutely real. 
- As you wrap your arms around him, bring your body closer to his…
TNBA Scarecrow:
- He’s quite shocked to be honest. 
- Perhaps, even a little confused. 
- Not entirely sure what brought this on, where or why you own such an outlandish dress.
- However, he can’t say he’s complaining. 
- He chuckles deeply, asks if this is for some kind of occasion. 
- You say there isn't one. Just wanted to surprise him. 
- Well, you've certainly done that.
- He's still getting used to being intimate with someone else. 
- However, when you open yourself up to him, you are so vulnerable…
- Just how can he resist?
Fear State Scarecrow:
- For all the fear he wanted to wrought upon Gotham City… 
- The absolute thrill to see it be succumbed in it’s worse fears to reach a precipice of fearlessness. 
- It didn’t come close to how his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. 
- His eyes widened in surprise at you in the dress.
- Jon practically stalks you as he comes closer to you. 
- Normally, like a couple other Scarecrows, he would find the dress ridiculous, holding no purpose. 
- You may as well just be naked. 
- Yet, with you wearing it, the way it compliments your curves and valleys of your body.
- Teasing the more intimate parts of you with just strips of fabric
- Even the Master of Fear yearns to enjoy the excitement of…other emotions.
Year One Scarecrow:
- Oh…oh boy
- Umm…wow.
- He's always been aware of scandalous wear, especially for women. 
- The only reason he knew was because it was one of many of the "devil's temptations", Granny forbid him to pursue. 
- But now, Granny's long gone. 
- And here you are, looking drop dead stunning. 
- He's gulping for air. 
- For a minute mistaking his reaction for fear when it's in fact…something equally as primal
- You realize you may have stunted the sheltered southerner.
- You will have to ease him into it. 
- Let him know what he's feeling is natural and safe. 
- Be open with him (more emotionally than physically the dress did that enough for you) and let him decide how he wants to…proceed.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow:
- Were…were you trying to give him a heart attack?
- But ooh, the view of you would've been worth it. 
- He never thought he'd ever experience the bliss true love could bring after Sherry Squires.
- Yet, now, Squires couldn't even hold a candle to you.
- She never could, but especially not now. 
- Dressed so intimately and vulnerable.
- For him, because you're comfortable with him.
- You love him and respect him. 
- That's what goes through his mind as he slowly approaches you. 
- He's reluctant to touch you, worried you'll disappear or break somehow. 
- When he finally gets his hands on you, it will be a long while before you can get them off.
Harley Quinn the Animated Series Scarecrow:
- Out of all the Scarecrows, of all the Cranes, of all the Twig Boys…
- This one is the LEAST kept together about you in the dress. 
- Man’s is dead to rights. 
- The only comprehensible sound that’s made is his hushed mutterings and stammering. 
- You can maybe make out a compliment or two out of it. 
- This poor sap is tripping on actual air the minute you start walking over to him. 
- Is there such a thing as being frightened and turned on?
- He's anxious about what to do (and not mess up) but so bricked up to not function.
- Please reassure him and take the lead, he'd be most appreciative. 
Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo! (2018) Scarecrow:
- Ooohhh this smug bastard. Since I’ve gotten the requests to do this, his stupid smirk grin hasn’t left my brain (not that it ever has left since I saw it, BUT STILL)
- You may see his eyes widened slightly but that's about it. 
- His eyes will scan you up and down, going ahead and undressing what's left of you to be dressed.
- If you're lucky he may have a sly grin on his face. 
- Well, this is a pleasant surprise. 
- Jonathan will try his damnest to not fall totally putty into your hands. 
- He appreciates the view, but you're out of luck if you expect him to…react entirely primal. 
- (Ppstt…top it off with a black beehive wig and a valley girl accent wishing him "unpleasant dreams") (yeah I'm an Elvira stan too go ahead and @ me)
- (man's will fall apart at the seams…or straw rather)
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lunaruprising · 2 years
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Part 2 of the Star Wars AU because I needed a new header for my Twitter and the beast became bigger than I originally expected 😅
Basically Erwin and Levi fell to the dark side together and became co-Emperors, Hange is their main technician/mad scientist, and Armin is their secret son who accidentally ended up aboard a rebel ship (the baby wanted to see the galaxy) and is now part of the fight against his dads alongside Mikasa (the Mand'alor in exile, current wielder of the Darksaber), Eren (a former Knight of Ren who went to the light and, subsequently the rebellion thanks to his Force bond with Armin), and the other members of the squad (not depicted here, art coming soon).
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specialgrades · 3 years
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informant. kaeya alberich.
bottom!kaeya x abyss herald!reader
summary: the prince(ss) tasks you with getting information on their sibling and their work with the knights. kaeya makes quite the easy target.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: noncon/dubcon, knifeplay, torture, drugging mentions, size kink if you squint, humiliation, degradation kink, like half an ounce of praise kink
a/n: day one of kinktober and i’m already late ;-; i got sayu tho so one step closer to da baby squad! header art by onigiron on instagram
kaeya’s head was pounding. he certainly didn't drink that much last night to be this hungover. his vision blurry with the migrane, he could barely make out the dark room he was in.
it wasn't his quarters in headquarters. the humidity proved that as the moisture pricked at his skin. he tried to rub the sleep and fog from his eyes, only to be met with resistance.
he was bound. to a chair to be exact. in the very center of the room. he began to tug at his restraints, groaning in pain as the sound of the chair knocking against the stone floor flooded his ears.
“you're awake. was beginning to think you'd never wake up.” kaeya's head flicked to the direction of the voice. his struggling ceased as you stepped out of the darkness. the clothes of an abyss herald. aether/limune had told him about the. they were some of the strongest members of the abyss order; only surpassed by the prince(ss). 
“where am i?” stupid question. the smirk on your face tugged more upwards as you sauntered towards kaeya. “somewhere where they'll never hear your screams.” you told him, your (E/C) eyes burning into his. your hand reaced up to push hair out if his face and he flinched.
“what do you want?” you chuckled. “going down the list of w questions are we? if you must know, i want information. on a specific, traveler.”  kaeya could feel your breath on his face, the smell of mint. 
“i hope you've got time, cause i'm not telling you shit.” kaeya spat, catching you off guard. you sighed, stepping back. the glint of the blade now in your hand caught the small amount of light in the room. kaeya tensed.
“i'll ask nicely again. tell me about the traveler and their intentions.” it wasn't a question; an order. kaeya spat at your feet. “go to hell.”
“shame. guess we'll do this the fun way.”
you pressed the short blade against kaeya's chest, putting enough pressure to tear his shirt. you ripped it from his body, pressing the blade enough into his skin this time. kaeya tried not to cry out as you slowly cut across his chest. no fear, you'd get off on it surely. not kaeya, right?
his denials continued and every time you asked the blade danced under his chin. maybe it was the blood loss, but your gaze and strong hand pressing the blade against his skin made his body run hot. he hoped you didn't notice his whine when you took the blade from under his chin.
“your reputation precedes you, kaeya.” your voice was warm in his ears. he opened his mouth to question you before you used your free hand to grip his hard cock through his pants. “you're getting off of being tortured, huh? they told me you were a freak but not like this.” you chuckled as you started palming him. kaeya whined again, feeling the cold metal against his throat again. 
“think you could cum if i kept cutting your pretty body, captain?” the title was sour at this point in time. he shook his head, trying to both pull away from you and push into your palm. “no, not enough is it?” kaeya shook his head again. “i could help you, kaeya, but you must give me what i want.” kaeya bit his lip. “if not, i'll let you bleed out with your cock straining against these cheap pants and leave you outside your precious knights headquarters.”
the threat burned, the humiliation bubbling up. you would do that, kaeya wouldn't put it past you as you had been cutting him every time he didn't tell you what you wanted. 
“what do you want to know.” kaeya's voice was weak. you grinned at him, using the blade to once again tear his clothes from his body. kaeya now realizing how much bigger you were than him, your hand easily covering his entire cock. 
he began spewing information in a desperate attempt to get off. you'd speed up if you liked what you heard and vice versa. but it wasn't everything. you knew that much.
the blade found itself at kaeya’s throat again. you gave him one final question about weakness; saying you'd fill that greedy hole you'd been eyeing if you liked what you heard.
he told you what he knew. it was enough, he clearly didn't know more. you used the knife to cut his restraints, picking him up.
a sad pile of straw and fabrics rustled as kaeya was dropped onto it. at this point the blood and precum has mixed below his navel. he thought about running, not knowing if the humiliation of running bloody and named or the fact that you would kill him caused him to drop the thought.
you were silent as you tugged your pants open. kaeya watched with wide eyes as your cock sprung out. half hard, you stroked it to full mast.
if not by your knife, your cock would surely kill kaeya. kaeya began to backpedal, begging you not to kill him with your dick.
his begging fell on deaf ears as you slotted yourself between his shaking legs. the most amount of prep you gave him was spitting on his hole before pressing the tip against him.
kaeya screamed when you made it past the ring of muscle. you didn't give him a second to breathe, slowly bottoming out. kaeya could see the bulge in his stomach when you finally did.
it took all of two seconds for you to start fucking him like an animal. he was crying, a blubbering and bloody mess. your cock always pressed against his prostate brought him to his first end very quickly.
“who knew the cavalry captain was such a pain slut.” you barked, using one hand to keep him from squirming too much and the other trailed up his bloody torso.
kaeya let out a yelp when you pinched his nipple, tugging at the sensitive bud. his cries of pain didn't take long to turn into moans after that , subspace hitting him like a truck.
he weakly clawed at your broad shoulders, orgasm after orgasm wracking through his body. kaeya came five times before you let out a grunt and came inside his spent body.
there was so much, kaeya was certain he’d be throwing up your seed in a second. pulling out agonizingly slow, cum gushing from kaeya’s now loose hole. 
“good boy. perfect little informant.” was the last thing kaeya heard before passing out. 
when he woke up he'd sure be in for a treat, covered in blood and cum outside of mondstat.
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lalahbug · 4 years
Hidden Emotions - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 2,888
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general I wrote this before I knew about the lifespan of a Titan shifter, so that doesn’t exist in this certain fanfic, okay? Okay.
Author’s Note: continued under story Originally posted on DeviantArt, same username, on 03/05/2017. Revamped/edited in 2020.
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting. I do not own it, found it as a free vector to use though.
Story under cut
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          “State your name and business.” Levi droned as someone knocked at his door.
          “___, Erwin told me you wanted to see me.”
          ___ pushed the door open and closed it lightly, she walked up to his desk and stood, until Levi glanced up at her and gestured to her to sit.
          “Erwin said you had something you needed to tell me.”
          “Yes.” Levi kept writing for a moment until he was done with his sentence. Oh, how he loved her patience. He put down his pen then leaned back crossing his arms across his chest. “You’ve been in the Scout Regiment, for about 4 years, correct?” She nodded. “You haven’t died but you haven’t really done anything notable,” she nodded in agreement.
          ’She talks less than I do. She always does her job, keeps to herself.’ Levi thought to himself.
          “Erwin and I believe you have more potential. We need you to be better. Starting Monday, you’ll be a Squad Leader. Our new recruits will be under you until they die or are put into another squad.”
          “Thank you very much for this opportunity,” Levi was about to say, you’re welcome. “But, I would like to decline if I can. I do not believe I would be a good leader. I’m a pawn, maybe a rook. I’m no knight such as yourself and Hange. I do not believe I could be better. I apologize.”
          Levi just stared at her. He was not expecting this at all. Her eyes were as deadpanned as his. He never knew she had self-doubt like this, is this why she never did anything notable? Because she figured she can’t do more?
          “You are a Squad Leader as of Monday. It has already been decided. If you have issues, you may ask any Squad Leader or Erwin. You will meet your squad Monday morning in the mess hall.”
          “Yes, sir.” He saw a glint in her eyes, it was either worry or fear, it was too fast for him to tell.
          “Then you’re dismissed,“ she nodded and stood up, pushed in her chair.
          “Levi!” Hange busted into his room. “Oh, ___!” Hange hugged her, causing her to stiffen.
          “Afternoon, Hange. Please let go.”
          “I’m your best friend, who you tell everything to and I can’t even hug you!” Hange whined.
          “We can talk later, I would like to go to my room.”
          “Did Shorty say something weird? Like he loves you?”
          “Hange, even if Captain did. Nothing would happen, you know that.” ___ pulled herself out of Hange’s arm. “I’m a Squad Leader as of Monday. So I would like to get some materials. I will see you later.”
          “Oh! That’s awesome! Let me know if you need anything!”
          Levi’s eyes widened a bit. ___ actually smiled full-heartedly at Hange.
          “Of course, Hange. I always go to you,” with that, she left. As much as Levi hates Hange, he liked having her around when he was with ___. Hange brought a side to her that Levi never saw.
          “What the fuck was that about me loving her?” Levi spat at Hange.
          “Well, you do. You need to start dropping hints. She’s so clueless. You’ve loved her for like three years, you always stare at her! Come on, Shorty!”
          “Shut up, Shitty Glasses! God, I regret you ever figuring that out,” Levi pinched the bridge of his nose. “What did she mean, nothing would happen, even if I told her?”
          “Oh that. Well, she doesn’t want a relationship. She doesn’t see a point since she’s in the Regiment. Knowing that she’ll die and leave her lover behind.” Hange paused and looked down. “The thought of it, makes her almost cry. It’s the first time I ever saw her eyes water.”
          “I doubt she’ll die anytime soon. She’s the only one who ever survives when her squad dies. She’s outlived many of her Squad Leaders.”
          “It’s a bit strange if you think about it. How does she always survive? It’s like she’s a titan like Eren.” Hange chuckled a bit, before realizing that wasn’t actually too bad of an explanation.
          “If she is, why would she be here for so long? You’ve known her since you were both young adults.”
          “Huh.” Hange tapped her chin. “I want to ask her now. I wonder if she’ll lie or not. Her eyes do a weird shake like thing when she lies or is nervous.”
          “Let me know how that goes, now get out,” Levi grumbled while getting back to his paperwork. Hange left his office, closing the door. “How would I drop hints when she’s so impervious with her emotions?” he mumbled to himself.
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          Levi was walking towards ___’s room. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone, but he had been going to her room every night. To check on her, make sure she was okay. Sometimes he would sit in her room if she was tossing and turning.
          Cracking her door open to see if she was in bed, for once in the past 5 weeks, she wasn’t. Also, a first, her room was a mess, papers and books were everywhere. Confused, Levi walked into her room, picking up one of the books, it was about leadership.
          “She is actually freaking out. That’s cute,” Levi placed the book back where it was, ignoring the mess, he went to go find her. It’s not his mess to clean, he’d make her clean it instead.
          She was pacing outside with a book in her hand, she flipping through the pages. She made a small groan before leaning back on a tree and sliding down it to sit. Staring up at the canopy, stars peeping through the leaves.
          “Why aren’t you in bed?” ___ snapped her gaze over to Levi.
          “Evening, Heichou.” Levi paused as he noticed a slight blush on her cheeks before she looked back up. “The sky is beautiful tonight, it’s been awhile since I’ve been outside this late,“ she mainly whispered to herself.
          “You haven’t answered my question.” Levi stood in front of her, she looked from the sky to him.
          “I know, as I am now. I can’t be a Squad Leader. I don’t have the confidence, the only time I can be aggressive is when I notice someone about to die. I do everything I can. I even lost my foot that one time. I can’t do this on my own. Hange is going to help me more tomorrow, but I figured I could do my own studying and research in the meantime. I got upset at myself, so I came outside to read.”
          Levi stared at her, as she rambled, this is the most he had ever heard her talk in one go. Maybe this is the side that Hange always got to see. The one Hange said he’d love. Her sweet and worrying, a bit scared but wanting to fight side.
          “Why?” she looked at Levi.
          “What do you guys see in me? Just because I can stay alive, doesn’t mean I am worth anything.”
          “___.” Levi squatted down in front of her. “Being able to stay alive out there, is a rare thing. You’ve got something that makes it so you fight harder. Erwin wants you to pass that one to others. So we can keep more people.”
          “What if I can’t?”
          “Then we’ll keep losing people. You can make great split decisions, many which have saved us before. You’ll be a fine leader.”
          “Do you really think so, Levi?” ___ sat up more, looking into his eyes, trying to read him. 
          Levi was so happy to hear his name roll off her tongue, for the first time. His heart twinged at her cute, sad, worried (e/c) eyes.
          “Yes,” he gave her a small smirk, which caused her to blush, lean back and look back up. Levi noticed this. Oh, how he wanted to kiss her.
          “Thank you,” she whispered.
          As Levi leaned towards her, before something clicked in his mind. “Early, you said you lost a foot. Which one?”
          She looked back at him, her eyes shook slightly. “My right, I meant almost lost. Sorry about the confusion.” Her normal tone was back, she was closing back up. Levi studied her for a moment, she was lying.
          “You suck at lying.”
          “If I lost a foot, it wouldn’t be in my boot, right now.”
          Levi put a hand on her arm, in case she tried to escape. “Unless you’re a titan, like Eren.”
          She glared at him for a moment. “You’re being stupid,“ she smacked his hand and stood up. “I’m going to bed.” Levi pushed her up against the tree, pinning her by her wrist. “Get off me.”
          “Stop lying to me.”
          “What difference does it make to you? Whether I am a titan or not? I’m still ___.”
          “If you’re a titan, you’ve been deceiving us all, you could have helped. You have let all of us down, by letting hundreds die.” Levi spat at her. Her eyes widened. “Plus, you’ve outlived everyone in your squads. How have you been doing that? What are you hiding?” Levi growled at her when she didn’t answer him. “You’re a fucking disgrace,” Levi gripped her by the front of her shirt, starting to walk and dragging her.
          “What are you doing?”
          “We’re going to Erwin. Now.”
          “I’m sorry.” Levi turned his head to look at her, meeting her fist.
          By the time he opened his eyes. She was gone.
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          Levi burst into Hange’s room. “___’s gone!” Hange jumped out of bed.
          “What do you mean gone?!”
          “I confronted her. She’s a titan. When dragging her to Erwin. She punched me and disappeared.”
          “Why didn’t you just talk to her about it? You’ve scared her off, Shorty! We could have talked it out then talked to Erwin!” Hange was shaking Levi by the shoulders. Before letting go and quickly pulling on some shoes.
          “Where are you going?!” Levi chased after her.
          “To find, ___! She’s my best friend; titan, and lair, but she’s still my dearest friend! And if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t have been such an ass!” Hange ran out of the building. Levi groaned as his heart ached and chased after Hange. 
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          ___ was sitting on top of the Rose Wall. Staring down at the titans below, out in the distance. The wind was blowing her hair around. She wanted to jump down and transform, run far away. But at the same time, she wanted to run into Hange’s arms, cling to her. She put her hands over her ears and curled up, trying to not cry. She had no right to cry, she had lied to everyone for almost 15 years. She brought this upon herself, she just wanted to be a human and live and die among them. She had never thought of helping them, there wasn’t an urge until 5 years ago. But even if she would have tried to help, she probably would have been killed. That is what she had always thought until Eren came along. She always tried to help, only transforming when she knew there was no other choice. 
          Screams of her fallen comrades flooded her mind, she broke down crying. Curling up even tighter, rocking back and forth. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Hange was kneeling next to her, with a small smile.
          ___ nearly jumped on Hange, crying and clinging to her. Of course, Hange just held ___. Hange knew all of her hiding spots. Now that Hange knew her best friend was a titan, this certain hiding spot, made a lot more sense. 
          Levi stared at ___, he had never seen her cry, saw her broken looks but never a tear. He could hear her gasping for air as she clung to Hange, mumbling sorry over and over. She’s beautiful, even while crying.
          ___ pushed away from Hange, sitting on her knees and rubbing her eyes, trying to stop crying. “I’m sorry I never told you. I could have helped you. I could have helped humanity. I’m so sorry. I lied to you for nearly 15 years. I don’t deserve a friend like you,” she was starting to hiccup from crying so much. Hange threw a glare over her shoulder to Levi, who looked away from her glare.
          “You’re my best friend. I understand why you never told me or anyone. If you would have when our world wasn’t getting worse. They likely would have killed you.” Hange looked at ___, who was still trying to stop herself from crying. “Until everything with Eren, even if you would have told me. I would have kept it secret with you, in fear of you being killed. You’ve never hurt anyone that didn’t attack you first. Even titans. You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever known. In fear of letting anyone down, you’ve held back and been under the radar in fear of having to explain yourself.” Hange hugged ___ as the tears finally stopped.
          “I can’t get their screams out of my head. My last squad. An abnormal attacked, I didn’t want to lose them. After two got ate, I transformed. But they ran from me in fear, which made them die. Even at my strongest, I fail. I’m such a disgrace, I can’t do this Hange. I should have never entered the city.”
          “I know the screams won’t stop. You’ve always had them, since your first expedition. You’ve been telling me that for years.” Hange rubbed her back. Levi just stared at her. Feeling guilty for the words he had spat at his love beforehand.
          “Hange, I want to die now.”
          Hange smack ___ across the face. “Don’t you say that shit!” ___ laughed a bit, Hange smiled. ___ then noticed Levi and crawled behind Hange so he could no longer see her. Levi clicked his tongue before walking over and gripping ___ by the arm. Pulling her to her feet, his tight grip making her squeak a bit.
          “You punched me really hard you know.”
          “You were dragging me off. I claim self-defense.”
          “You still have to pay for the pain you did to my head.”
          “Fine, I’ll clean the stables.”
          “No.” With one tug, he crashed his lips onto hers. She squeaked and pushed him away. Hange clapped.
          “Finally!” Hange cheered.
          “Shut up!”
          “What?” ___ looked at both of them.
          Hange popped up and kissed ___ on the cheek. “When you’re done. I want to talk before you see Erwin. I’ll leave you to lover boy, for now,“  Hange walked off.
          “I am very confused.” ___ glanced at Hange walking away then at Levi’s hand on her arm. “Can you let go?”
          “Will you stay?” she gave him a small nod and he let go of her arm. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. They were basically the same height, so Levi just leaned forward and pressed his lips softly to hers for a small second. 
          “I thought you hated me.”
          “Because of what I said earlier?” she looked away. “I’m not good with my emotions. I’ve loved you for 3 years. I was about to kiss you before my fucking brain clicked what you said.” Levi put a hand on her face, pressing his cooling hand against her warm cheek that Hange had smacked. “I’m sorry. Let’s head back,” she nodded, staring at him for a moment before heading down the wall.
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          While walking back, Levi wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
          ___ looked at Levi, with a confused look.
          “Would you fucking say something instead of just staring at me? You’re starting to piss me off.”
          “You love me?”
          He clicked his tongue. “That’s why I kissed you.”
          “I thought you knew about me being a titan and no longer trusted me. That’s why you were checking on me every night.” Levi started blushing a bit. “But you did that because you love me?”
          Levi coughed. “So you knew? And yes that’s why.” He stopped and stood in front of her. Putting a hand on her cheek again, running a thumb over her cheekbone and smirked as she started blushing. She glanced at his lips then back at his eyes. “Oi, brat.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
          “Brat? You’re like 5 years older than me,“ she scoffed at him.
          Levi rolled his eyes before kissing her, moving his hand to the back of her neck, to deepen the kiss. ___ bowed her body into his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Levi pulled away a bit. 
          “You still haven’t really replied to my confession.”
          “I like you.”
          Levi clicked his tongue in frustration. “Fucking brat.”
          She gave him a small smirk before giving him a light kiss. “Old perv.”
          “Tch.” picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. “I’ll teach you how to respect your elders.”
          “Put me down!” She ordered him.
          “I don’t take orders from you, bitch.” Levi smacked her ass, earning a small yelp.
          “I have a feeling my lesson, isn’t going to be something I would ever learn in school.”
          “Your lesson is only to be taught by me. The lesson you need to learn right now, can’t be taught with words… only with action.” A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he heard the female make a loud gulp.
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Author’s Note: continued Also Levi is a bit OOC. I really disliked this fanfic when I wrote it. But it got positive feedback years ago, so I guess it’s decent but still. I am sorry for this shit.      
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mistyskies-art · 4 years
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I saw @mychenrymadness 's header image and was reminded I drew this, so here's Ciara from Knight Squad!
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joaquinphile · 5 years
I saw your blog header and was truly shocked he doesn't have an Oscar. I don't keep up with award shows but he's one of those like?? I thought oh yeah of course he has one. Do you think joker stands a chance at Oscars? They don't usually go for comic stuff even though this is far from comic oriented.
Hello Anon!
Yes, Joaquin does NOT have an Oscar yet, which is a shame. So far, over the course of his career, he has been nominated for an Oscar 3 times:
Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Gladiator (2000)
Best Performance of an Actor in a Leading Role for Walk the Line (2005)
Best Performance of an Actor in a Leading Role for the Master (2012)
Recently, he was also snubbed for a nomination for Best Performance for You Were Never Really Here (2017), which is a great Lynne Ramsay movie you should really check out. 
About if the Joker stands a chance at the Oscars … I’m staying optimistic for now. 
You have to remember that comic book movies have actually been nominated (and have won Academy Awards) before. Most recently, Marvel won a bunch of Oscars for Black Panther and Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse, and Avengers: Infinity War was also nominated as well. I promise you that Captain Marvel will probably get nominations next year, too.
Heath Ledger (RIP) won DC an Oscar with his performance as the Joker in the Dark Knight Rises back in the 2000′s. DC’s latest Oscar win was for Suicide Squad. 
Typically, comic book movies DON’T stand a chance against other movies that come out every year at the Academy Awards.
I believe that it could be different for Joker, especially because:
Robert De Niro and Frances Conroy are supporting actors in this movie. De Niro himself has 7 AA nominations, and 2 wins. Frances has won awards such as Golden Globes, among other things. Their names alone would definitely catch some attention. Also, keep your eyes out for De Niro getting a nomination for the Irishman and possibly this movie too. 
It seems like Joaquin really (and I mean REALLY) went all out for this movie. Joaquin is a method actor, and does crazy things to get into character. For Joker, he lost a bunch of weight to “look” like the Joker. That right there is some major dedication. Other method actors, like Daniel Day Lewis (another great), have been recognized for their method acting by the Academy. 
The movie is just … different from the other comic book movies of this year. Joker is decidedly not kid-friendly, and has a darker, more mature tone which would appeal more to older people. It stands out, because it’s not trying to appeal to everyone. The Joker movie is a character study, and not everyone’s going to be interested in it, but the people that are will like it a lot. 
Also, note how the setting of the Joker movie is in the past. Reports have said that the movie will take place in the early 80s, because it’s supposed to be a sort of backstory for the Joker. Um, DC knows what they’re doing. Period movies are serious Oscar bait. Why not make a movie that takes place in a previous decade, especially when many of the (older) Academy voters are more familiar with them?  Also, set design and costumes/makeup. So far, in the teasers, Gotham looks gritty, dirty, and nasty. Gotham in Joker looks like your typical major city from the 70s and 80s, and the people look like they are from those decades as well.
The music. Did you hear the song in the trailer? It was a cover of “Smile”, which is originally a Nat King Cole/Charlie Chaplin song, but the Jimmy Durante cover of it was used in the trailer. A clever illusion to the movie’s tagline and the Joker’s persona, but also BAIT. BOOMER BAIT. Would any young person know who Jimmy Durante is? No, but a Boomer probably would. And who are the Boomers? A good portion of the Academy. 
There are a couple of other reasons I think Joker might actually stand a chance at the Oscars next year, but these are the major reasons I can think of right now. 
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zackmartin · 1 year
Yeah the vest staying blue if possible? Hmm yeah keep outer edges blue? or maybe purple and the dress in blue? Okay I'm not making this confusing at all..I am so sorry! lol
no need to be sorry, you're good! 💕 I went ahead and did both, but if this still isn't quite what you had in mind, let me know! 💖
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Gibbs is the second defender to withdraw hurt from the squad after Frankie
Fernando Alonso already has one hand on the drivers championship, take the 13/8 on offer from Ladbrokes about a Spanish stroll through the streets of Monaco.
If the thought of betting on reality TV or street racing does not appeal, there’s still a couple of football matches to take an interest in. The penultimate game of the season will see Swansea battle Barnsley for a place in the Championship and the Swans receive a confident nod at 6/4 to win in 90 minutes. Lee Trundle has played a starring role in recent years, but if the Swansea management can find a reinforced bench, there’s every chance that the Scouse superstar will be named as a substitute. Leon Knight has been preferred to Trundle in recent weeks and has banged in five goals in three games, it’ll be a cracking Knight for us all if we get on Leon at 6/1 to bag the opener.
Grimsby face Cheltenham in Sunday’s league 2 finale as we wave a tearful goodbye to the domestic football season. Grimsby have been boosted by the news that top Satta King Chart goalscorer Gary Jones can play after a successful appeal against a red card, he’s worth a nibble at 6/4 to score at anytime. The Mariners have dominated the Robins in the regular season, winning both games convincingly without conceding. Grimsby are worth a bet at 10/11 to win promotion; unfortunately, you can’t back them to plaice. Apologies.
States Lose Key Defender for WC
Charlton Athletic's new American signing Cory Gibbs will miss the World Cup with a knee injury it was announced this evening. The US international defender played the full 90 of the States' 0-1 loss to Morocco in Nashville last night but sustained damage to his right knee that will keep him out of the finals.
Gibbs, 26, has 19 international caps and has played for St Pauli in Germany, Feyenoord and ADO Den Haag in Holland as well as Dallas Burn in MLS before joining Charlton last month. The Florida born defender was expected to line up at center back for America in the World Cup, or at left back, where he has also played.
He is replaced by 32 year old Gregg Berhalter, a veteran of the 2002 World Cup, where his goalbound header in the quarter final against Germany was notoriously handled on the line by Torsten Frings, but failed to impress Scottish referee Hugh Dallas, who waved play on.
Berhalter, who captains Energie Cottbus in Germany and had a spell with Crystal Palace, has 44 caps for the USA and was a surprise exclusion from Bruce Arena's initial 23 man squad.
Gibbs is the second defender to withdraw hurt from the squad after Frankie Hejduk and the third from the World Cup pool in recent weeks following Manchester United's Jonathan Spector dislocating his shoulder playing on loan for Charlton in the Premiership.
The States' opponents in the first round in Group E are Italy, Ghana and the Czech Republic. The starting eleven now looks likely to be as follows: Keller, Cherundolo, Onyewu, Bocanegra, Lewis, Mastroeni, Reyna, Dempsey, Beasley, Donovan, McBride.
Chivas USA's former Ajax ace John O'Brien impressed in his first comeback game for the States last night, while PSV's DaMarcus Beasley again disappointed, adding to calls that Reading's in-form Bobby Convey should replace him on the left side of midfield.
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Derby midfielder Jason Knight retains his faith in Republic of Ireland Football World Cup dreams
Jason Knight has insisted the Republic of Ireland’s bid for Football World Cup qualification is not yet departed in the water despite a disastrous twitch to the campaign. Stephen Kenny’s men toured to Serbia with high confidence of initiation their quest for a trip to Qatar next year with an optimistic result but eventually returned on the incorrect end of a 3-2 score streak after an at times encouraging performance.
Fans from all over the world are called to book Football world Cup tickets from our online platforms WorldWideTicketsandHospitality.com. Football World Cup fans can book Republic of Ireland Football World Cup Tickets on our website at exclusively discounted prices.
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However, any positives from that close miss were destroyed when they were compressed 1-0 by Luxembourg at the Aviva Stadium, sendoff them staring down the tub as they make for September’s triple-header against Portugal, Azerbaijan, and the Serbs.
But requested if he still supposed there was somewhat to fight for in the wake of 4-1 welcoming victory in Andorra, 20-year-old Derby midfielder Knight said: A hundred percent. As extended as there’s hope, we still trust in ourselves, and that will start in the first game. We continuously poverty to victory the next game and perform well. But there is a change retro and a building that’s successful on here.
That change has been prompted by Kenny, who walked up from the under-21 positions in April last year to substitute Mick McCarthy and has since raised a series of companies to the senior stage. The process has not been without its problems the comeback win in Andorra was his first win at the 12th attempt – but there have been notable achievements along the way with Knight’s appearance one of them. For more to know about Qatar World Cup Hospitality Click here
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Then 19, he was made to play for the under-21s in Italy in October when he was bid to Helsinki to meet up with the older team and satisfied with a debut as a late substitute in a 1-0 Nations League loss by Finland. He gained his sixth senior cap at the Estadi National in Andorra La Vela and marked the occasion with his first goal, a state he admits was outside his wildest dreams not so very extended ago.
Knight said: To play in my sixth arrival and to score a goal would have been outdoor my rational at that time. For it to happen now is a dream. To have taken his first steps on the big stage at such a testing time for the national squad has transported its own challenges, but the midfielder, along with the likes of Dara O’Shea and Jayson Molumby has occupied it all in his pace and bought into Kenny’s dream for the future.
He said: It’s a change and it’s going to income time. Hopefully, tonight will be a catalyst for touching forward and hitting in good performances. The next occasion will come in a friendly clash with Euro 2020 finalists Hungary in Budapest when Ireland will confidence to build upon a victory which relieved the mounting weight, but given the antagonism, did not answer all of the questions.
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Troy Parrott’s double laid the basis, but Knight’s raid from substitute Daryl Hogan’s cross relieved the Republic clear before he repaid the favor at the death. He said with a smile: It was only right for me to usual him up as he set me up with a countless delivery.
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clevercase · 3 years
RCB vs KKR, DC vs PBKS Playing 11, Dream11 Team Prediction Today Match, Players List, Squad, Toss, Live Cricket Score
RCB vs KKR, DC vs PBKS Playing 11, Dream11 Team Prediction Today Match, Players List, Squad, Toss, Live Cricket Score
IPL 2021, RCB vs KKR and DC vs PBKS LIVE. (BCCI/IPL) IPL 2021, RCB vs KKR, DC vs PBKS Team Predicted Playing 11 Today Match LIVE Updates: It’s a double-header on Sunday and in the first match of the day Kolkata Knight Riders take on table-toppers Royal Challengers Bangalore in Chennai. It will be an interesting battle to witness as Eoin Morgan and Virat Kohli aim to eke out crucial wins.…
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zackmartin · 2 months
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*if you pick secret fourth thing, i kindly ask that you don't say "both" in the tags. I unfortunately don't have the spoons to make headers for both at the moment
I can't guarantee I'll actually like. finish these. But, I'd like to eventually (key word there being "eventually" alskdjf) add some other fandoms besides Knight Squad to my icon page ✨💖
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gocurrentcom · 4 years
CSK vs RCB Predicted Playing 11, IPL 2020 Live Updates: Dhoni vs Kohli
CSK vs RCB Predicted Playing 11, IPL 2020 Live Updates: Dhoni vs Kohli
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IPL 2020, KXIP vs KKR and CSK vs RCB LIVE: It’s a second week of double headers in IPL 2020. (FILE)
IPL 2020, KXIP vs KKR, CSK vs RCB Team Predicted Playing 11 Today Match LIVE Updates: The Indian Premier League (IPL 2020) is all set to witness its second week of doubleheaders with Kings XI Punjab [KXIP full squad] locking horns with Kolkata Knight Riders [KKR full squad] in the first…
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gokul2181 · 4 years
RCB vs RR Live Score: Rajasthan Royals opt to bat first against Royal Challengers Bangalore | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/rcb-vs-rr-live-score-rajasthan-royals-opt-to-bat-first-against-royal-challengers-bangalore-cricket-news/
RCB vs RR Live Score: Rajasthan Royals opt to bat first against Royal Challengers Bangalore | Cricket News
LIVE SCORECARD | LIVE BLOG | POINTS TABLE OVER 0.6: FOUR! Poor delivery from Udana. Smith shuffles across and guides the pacer towards fine leg. RR 9/0 OVER 0.2: FOUR! Buttler uses the pace and flicks the ball towards fine leg for a boundary. RR 4/0 Here we go…!!!! Steve Smith and Jos Buttler are at the crease. Isuru Udana will open the attack for RCB. Battle of GOATS
Battle of the GOATS. 🤜🏻🤛🏻#PlayBold #IPL2020 #WeAreChallengers #Dream11IPL #RCBvRR https://t.co/CJMNAsozHc
— Royal Challengers Bangalore (@RCBTweets) 1601718704000
RR’s record at Abu Dhabi.
Just leaving it here for @RCBTweets. 😁#HallaBol | #RoyalsFamily | #RCBvRR | #IPL2020 https://t.co/p0xJPHNSlw
— Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) 1601718422000
A look at the Playing XI for #RCBvRR #Dream11IPL https://t.co/JVtf6CqNtK
— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) 1601717864000
Royal Challengers Bangalore: Devdutt Padikkal, Aaron Finch, Virat Kohli (c), AB de Villiers (wk), Shivam Dube, Gurkeerat Singh Mann, Washington Sundar, Isuru Udana, Navdeep Saini, Adam Zampa, Yuzvendra Chahal
RR have won the toss and elected to bat first. No changes to our winning XI. 👊🏻#PlayBold #IPL2020… https://t.co/ttzJNvfp4s
— Royal Challengers Bangalore (@RCBTweets) 1601717669000
Rajasthan Royals: Jos Buttler (wk), Steven Smith (c), Sanju Samson, Robin Uthappa, Riyan Parag, Rahul Tewatia, Mahipal Lomror, Tom Curran, Shreyas Gopal, Jofra Archer, Jaydev Unadkat
12th man: Mr Nags? 😉#RCBvRR | #HallaBol | #RoyalsFamily | #IPL2020 | @NagsMr https://t.co/9VIjHdRbXn
— Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) 1601717619000
CAPTAIN SPEAK Virat Kohli: It’s dry heat, but it’s not so bad. We are playing with the same XI. We wanted to bat first as it’s a day game, better to get into the game in the first six overs of the match. Getting a strong squad together, it’s good to see the youngsters doing the job for us, that’s what we have focused on. Dube contribution, Chahal’s always a banker and AB does what he is good at doing. Steve Smith: We’ll bat first. It’s a day game, pretty warm out here, so we want to bat first and set a target. We got one change, Lomror comes in for Ankit (Rajpoot). It’s a long tournament, you are going to win games, lose games. Hopefully, we’ll put on a good show today. Ben (Stokes) is a quality player, adds to our squad once he’s arrives. TEAM NEWS: For RR, Mahipal Lomroro replaces Ankit Rajpoot. TOSS NEWS: Rajasthan have won the toss and Steve Smith decides to bat first.
Skipper keeping 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍 in the Abu Dhabi heat! 😎TOSS coming next! #HallaBol | #RoyalsFamily | #RCBvRR |… https://t.co/OjPGA32z2b
— Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) 1601716807000
Hello and welcome back to Timesofindia.com’s continued coverage of the 13th edition of the IPL that enters its 15th day, which will see the first double-header of the 2020 edition. The first game will be played between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Rajasthan Royals and the late-evening fixtures will see Delhi Capitals taking on Kolkata Knight Riders.
Good afternoon from a bright and sunny Abu Dhabi. 👋#PlayBold #IPL2020 #WeAreChallengers #Dream11IPL #RCBvRR https://t.co/46hOkKTyhm
— Royal Challengers Bangalore (@RCBTweets) 1601716167000
The RCB vs RR game in Abu Dhabi will begin at 3:30 pm IST, with the toss as usual happening 30 minutes prior, at 3 pm IST. Until then, here’s the in-depth Match Preview for RCB vs RR game to whet your appetite: The first afternoon game of this edition of the Indian Premier League will be as much about countering the opposition as adapting to conditions. In a battle of the Royals, Royal Challengers Bangalore will face off against Rajasthan Royals on Saturday to mark the beginning of double-headers. The Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi is uncharted territory for both teams who will make their maiden appearance at the venue this season. Rajasthan and RCB both have four points from three games played, courtesy two wins and a loss apiece. The winner moves closer to the top of the table, though at this early stage, that holds little significance. RCB come into the contest on the back of a Super Over win over Mumbai Indians, while RR suffered a crushing 37-run loss to Kolkata Knight Riders on Wednesday. With both teams seeking consistency, the contest offers interesting subplots. For starters, it renews the relationship between Virat Kohli and Steve Smith. Their rivalry runs deep, both as captains and as quality top-order batsmen. They have shown contrasting form thus far. Kohli has endured a rare prolonged lean spell, mustering just 18 runs from three matches. Twice, he has fallen to left-arm seamers while in the last game, he was dismissed by Rahul Chahar to reinforce the belief that he is vulnerable against leg-spin. On Saturday, he runs into leggie Shreyas Gopal, an old nemesis. Although Shreyas has been leaking runs aplenty, the fact that he has dismissed Kohli thrice in their last four meetings will not be lost on either skippers. Incidentally, the leggie also has a 100% success rate against AB de Villiers in four matches. Smith, on the other hand, scored half-centuries in both his team’s wins in Sharjah, but was all at sea against Kolkata Knight Riders’ Pat Cummins in the last match. While RCB’s middle-order has looked shaky throughout, the chinks in the RR line-up too have been exposed, Rahul Tewatia’s heroics against Kings XI Punjab notwithstanding. Robin Uthappa, batting lower down the order, has yet to find form, a concern that extends to Riyan Parag as well. On the bowling front, while spinners Yuzvendra Chahal and Washington Sundar have been encouraging, no end seems in sight to RCB’s death-over woes. Against MI, they conceded 89 runs in the last five overs, and were lucky to escape with a Super Over win. RR have a formidable attack led by Jofra Archer, who has been unplayable at times. RCB’S WICKETKEEPING DILEMMA After Joshua Philippe failed to fire, de Villiers was given the additional responsibility of keeping wicket in the previous match, but it will be no surprise if RCB rid him of the big gloves. It will be a tough ask for the big-hitting South African to handle the extra workload in the sweltering afternoon heat and humidity. In that case, it will be a toss-up between Philippe and Parthiv Patel. With dew taken out of the equation in the afternoon game, adapting swiftly to conditions will prove decisive.
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