#Was at a appointment
komodocomics · 1 year
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quillyfied · 1 year
One thing that Firefox can’t do is allow me to access my telehealth therapy appointments. Three different platforms now have rejected my use of Firefox. I use Safari instead bc that’s what works and at least it isn’t chrome, but for folks who rightfully use Firefox, be aware that many, if not all, telehealth platforms will not work on Firefox (something about the encryption/security not being up to their standard, I believe; if there are hacks that Firefox gurus know to bypass this, please share with the class?).
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thoodleoo · 2 years
grieving as an adult is so funny it's like. im sobbing my eyes out i'm laughing like a maniac im pondering the mortality of everything around me. ok glad thats out of my system because i have a dentist appointment in an hour
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crawley-fell · 3 months
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I’ll just go to head office and explain it all.
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starrysharks · 6 months
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i-am-a-fish · 5 months
I am
• worried
• depressed
• uncomfortable
• upset
• afraid
• uneasy
it does not feel good.
I'm going to drink some water, take a nap, and deal with these things later
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
seriously wondering if we can call the uk a democracy anymore. we have a prime minister that less than 0.3% of the population voted for, we have a new king that we have no say on, people are getting arrested for protesting against the monarchy under the excuse of ‘offending someone’ and we are effectively having a day of mourning forced upon us for the funeral with important hospital appointments cancelled and people even getting kicked out of holiday lettings for the day. this reads like a dystopian world where a dictator has died, not something happening now in a supposed democratic country
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bastardlybonkers · 2 months
thinking about how marcille thinks that her feelings for falin are parental while the audience can see the attraction that she either cant see or doesnt want to see
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parental doting, nagging her to use the stuff she bought her
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this fucking cover. every single relationship pictured here being parent/caretaker and the one being taken care of.
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how when marcille starts this matching scene its like a mother bathing her child, right up until falin rises over her and grasps her hand, to which marcille is very suddenly confronted with a cocktail of complicated feelings, attraction, fear, shock, confusion. this isnt just a horny scene guys Look at marcilles face, her eyes, the black background on their clasped hands. how marcille doesnt blush until the interaction is over, then slips right back into the comfortable dynamic of calling falin cute and small and inviting her into her bed
this is how marcille sees their dynamic. parental, caretaking. safe.
is it that kui genuinely meant it like this and we as an audience found a different interpretation? is it that marcille is dense to her own feelings, misinterpreting protectiveness for parenting? is it that marcille doesnt Want to understand her own feelings? is it that shes an elf, and elves generally infantilize shorter lived races? is it a conscious or subconscious method of self protection, denying herself the fact that shes in love with someone who wont even make it past her own young adulthood?
(also im gonna need you guys to be so fucking serious here if you even Think about making the claim or god forbid saying that Im making the claim that farcille is ""problematic"" because marcille has complicated and nuanced feelings for falin im going to combust)
edit for clarification: i meant if the attraction was intentional not the parental feelings lol just making sure cause i think some ppl mightve thought i meant it the other way around
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tojisun · 7 months
im going feral at the idea of biker!simon visiting you at work to bring you a little care package when you sent him a quick message, saying how tired you are :(
"hey, sunshine?" rosie asks as she stops by your desk. "someone's here askin' for you."
you would've jolted in panic at the unexpected summoning but rosie is cheekily grinning at you, her dimpled smile making her look a whole lot brighter, her exhaustion for the day easing off just a bit.
it makes you smile back.
"oh?" you say, standing up from your desk and following her towards the breakroom. "is it my prince charming?"
"i'd love to think so." you didn't expect the familiar drawl of simon's voice and you startle, whipping to face him, your eyes wide in surprise as a gasp punches itself from your lungs.
rosie slips from your mind altogether.
"hey, baby," simon greets when you remained unmoving, too stunned to know how to act. rosie giggles from behind you before hearing the familiar patter of her feet as she leaves, giving the two of you space.
"why're you here?" you finally get to respond, holding onto your excitement as you rove your eyes over your lover, cataloguing the box held in one of his hands and his helmet in the other. he must've driven here directly from the shop.
"you said you weren't feeling too good so i'm here to drop off some goodies." he shrugs as he closes the distance between the two of you before presenting you the box. you take it with trembling hands. "it ain't much but i hope it's enough to last you 'till later in the afternoon, and i promise: we'll do all that you want, yeah?"
he reaches forward to brush your hair away from your face, huffing a fond smile when he catches the way you sniffle. you're still not used to being spoiled and simon adores your shy reactions – eyes ducking away to hide from his, your teeth trapping your bottom lip to nibble on. he hopes one day you will shake away the shyness and start demanding from him. start being confident in what it is that you want.
(you can even ask simon for the stars and he won't find it unreasonable; he will claw his way into the heavens and pluck them out for you. sometimes it terrifies him how you make him feel a love so strong, it triumphs over anything and everything. but often times, simon basks in it. basks in the way his love for you overflows until it creates a crashing tide, ready to sweep him away.)
"thank you," you whisper as you slot yourself in his arms, hiding your face on his chest, breathing in the leather. you sigh wistfully when you feel him pat your head, reassuring. caring. loving.
simon kisses the top of your head. "it's no problem at all, love." he smiles down at you when you pull back just enough to stand on your tiptoes and peck him on his lips. "i'll see you later, yeah?"
you nod, falling back into his arms.
("jesus, sunshine. that is one big boy," rosie says as the two of you watch simon walk out of the office, his unmistakable bulk stark against all the exhausted office workers ambling about.
you giggle. "yeah. my big boy.")
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haleyusesherwords · 3 months
I appreciate that everyone thought Tango would take its easy this season after Decked Out. Go full grumpy old man, murdering anyone who bothered him. Yet here he is… building a redstone mail delivery service with dynamic chunk loading while still in his starter base.
Meanwhile, TCG mastermind and map connoisseur VintageBeef is *this* close murdering Iskall for touching his farmhouse walls.
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zoe-oneesama · 11 months
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It's time to m*ther f*cking SMASH!
Episode 46 Part 12 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44, Ep 45, Ep 47
Ko-fi | Patreon
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cirrus-grey · 24 days
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I thought that cadence sounded familiar.
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muckyschmuck · 7 months
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open up, the mind control won't let u not!!!!!!
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spotted-salamander · 1 month
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im having heart palpitations his fucking smirk!!!! he looks so COCKY and SMUG god i need him
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silkirose · 15 days
Guess who quit their job as a barista to become a tattoo apprentice in NYC!! :D
Annnd I’m ready to take clients!! Here’s some recent tattoos I’ve proudly done
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Here’s my current little flash sheet!!
So if you live in nyc and are thinking about getting a tattoo..
you like my art..
you got some money saved up..
Then golly come on down!! Here’s the link to my studio’s website and here’s the link where you can book with me
Excited for this new chapter in my life and excited to see you there! Let’s get TATTED UP!! 💕
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