#We now know why they’re called the phantom troupe
duckpatrolsquad · 2 years
after the newest chapter leaks I really need an AU fic of the Phantom Troupe touring and acting in plays written by Chrollo like they were supposed to 😭
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Halloween with the Spiders
Phantom Troupe x Fem!Reader
warnings: looots of pussy eating, characters get hard/horny around reader. they eat her pussy after drinking, but they’re only buzzed, not drunk
A/N: I write Chrollo as the shy and awkward guy he actually is so… he’s not super suave in this. Also sorry I wrote out Kortopi, Franklin, and Bonolenov. I’m just not interested in their characters like at all 😭🙏 they’ve got nothing going for them I’m afraid!
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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It was the end of summer, august slipping into September before you knew it. The weather was still warm enough outside for you to be wearing a tank top and shorts, something the blonde you were currently dealing with appreciated greatly.
“Okay Shal, you should be good to go. You can get a popsicle from the fridge now.”
You were the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, a woman Chrollo had recruited to be the troupe medical director after he watched you donate your time and services to meteor city residents.
Right now, you were at one of the various expensive hotels Chrollo rented for you, using your nen to tend to Shalnark’s wounds. “Thanks, (Name)! I really thought I was a goner this time!”
He gives you a sly smile as he laps at the popsicle you give him, causing you to laugh. “Shal, you had a cut on your cheek. I swear, you’re such a baby.”
You didn’t know the real reason he always came with injuries in… strange places. He wanted you to use your nen on him, knowing it worked in an unusual way.
When you wanted to heal someone, you used physical touch, and depending on the severity, it could be a touch of your finger to a kiss from your lips. Today, it was a simple touch.
You glanced at the TV, a Halloween themed add popping up. “Oh wow, they’re showing these real early this year.”
Shalnark looked up, biting down on his popsicle. “Huh, weird.”
He hummed, getting a mischievous look in his eyes. You were a real sweetheart, but also easily manipulated by sob stories. “You know, none of the Phantom Troupe has ever celebrated Halloween.”
This had your full attention immediately. “… what?”
Ever since Shalnark informed you of the troupes lack of Halloween experience, you’ve been meticulously planning a way to celebrate with them.
It wasn’t easy getting them all together unless Chrollo willed it, so you’d have to go to the leader to ask for a favor.
You were one of the only members that knew of his location at all times. In your mind, it was because you had an important role, but in reality it was because Chrollo quite enjoyed your presence.
You sprinted towards the dark haired man, and though calling out his name in public wasn’t exactly the safest thing to do, he didn’t scold you. He instead smiled, opening his arms and allowing you to jump into them. “I’m glad you could find me with ease. Let’s go to a cafe and you can discuss what you wanted to talk about with me.”
Chrollo never let you pay for your own things when he went places with you. He said it was because you did so much good for the Troupe, but that was only a half truth. He enjoyed taking care of you.
“Mmm… oh!”
You placed your pumpkin spice muffin down, and Chrollo couldn’t help but laugh when when you held up a finger as you chewed. “I almost forgot to actually talk about what I came for! Chrollo!”
He lifted a napkin, wiping at your mouth. “Shh, (Name). You shouldn’t speak my name out loud so easily, it’s not exactly a common name.”
You blushed, and he placed the dirty napkin in a nearby trash can. “Oh, sorry…”
He motioned for you to talk, and you cleared your throat. “Anyways, Shalnark told me that none of you have ever celebrated Halloween! Is that true?”
He stared at you for a moment, trying to see why you’re bringing that fact up. “Yes, that’s true, we haven’t c-“
Your tears surprised him, but not enough for him to react. You’re kind of known for being a bleeding heart, so his expression stayed neutral, but he did offer you his handkerchief. “Chrollo, Halloween is so much fun! You get to carve pumpkins, wear costumes, eat lots of treats…”
You paused, reaching out to grab his hand. “So, the reason I asked to see you…”
Chrollo waited for you to continue patiently. He couldn’t help but find your ditzy and forgetful nature endearing, so he smiled.
“I want the troupe to get together on Halloween at my house!”
This actually surprised him. He nearly choked on his strawberry scone, having to pat his chest for a moment. “You… you said the troupe? As in everyone?”
He stared at you for a moment to see if you were being serious. You were smiling, looking hopeful and expectant.
‘How… can I put this gently..?’
Chrollo squeezed your hand, causing you to tilt your head. “(Name), my sweet and kind friend, the troupe has only come together once in the past three years, and that was for an important heist. I’m not sure if they’ll want to meet for… a Halloween party.”
You giggled. “Oh, but I’m sure they’ll love it! Besides, if you order it, they’ll come!”
He sighed. You looked way too cute, giggling and smiling as you pulled out a notebook and began showing him the things you already had planned.
Sometimes, when he watched you, all he could see was Sarasa. Your perky personality and compassion for others reminded him of her so much, it was one of the reasons he adored you so.
And one of the reasons he had trouble telling you no.
“Alright, alright. I’ll ask them to come, but it won’t be mandatory.”
You squealed in delight, nearly jumping over the table to give him a hug. “Oh, thank you Chrollo! It’s going to be fun, I promise!”
He sighed, smiling and patting your back. Normally, Chrollo would push any other person away, but he let you get away with a lot. “Okay, (Name).”
It was the day before Halloween, and you were sulking. Already, three of the Troupe members wouldn’t be able to come. Franklin, Kortopi, and Bonolenov each called to say they couldn’t make it.
You’d spent most of the week decorating your house and getting it ready for guests. Feitan, Shalnark, and Shizuku would be staying in your three guest bedrooms while the rest rented hotels.
“(Nameeeee) come open the door!”
You blinked, looking out the window to see Shizuku behind your door. “Oh, Shizuku, you’re early. I thought you’d be here tonight?”
She walked into your home, turning in a circle before tilting her head. “I wanted first pick of the rooms, so I finished up my job quick.”
That was only half true, she wanted more private time with you!
“Oh, that makes sense. You’re just in time then, I finished making all the beds a few minutes ago!”
She nodded and walked upstairs to pick her room. Not even five minutes later, you heard someone knocking at your door.
You open the door to see Feitan standing behind it, holding…
“Feitan, is that… is that a pumpkin?”
“Halloween, pumpkins are important.”
He handed the pumpkin to you before pushing past you into your house. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he looked almost… proud of his “gift” for you? Feitan watched you carry the pumpkin into your kitchen, where you sat in on the counter.
“Oh wow, it’s huge! What a nice pumpkin!”
He nods, following you. “Stole best one.”
You held back a laugh, knowing he was a bit sensitive when it came to giving gifts and being nice. “Oh, I can tell. Thank you so much Fei!”
Feitan had the habit of following you around like a stray cat when he was around. It was an improvement to your relationship when you first joined the Phantom Troupe as an honorary member. He used to sprint away from you the second you looked at him, and now he followed a few feet behind at all times. Honestly, he was pretty cute. Like a stray cat.
“Hey princess!”
You blinked as your door was torn off its hinges and Uvogin walked in, laughing and stomping into your kitchen before picking you up into a crushing hug.
Feitan stood in the doorway, watching the interaction with narrowed eyes. “Careful, Uvo. She not like us. Fragile.”
uvogin looked down to see Feitan was right. The girl in his eyes was making a pained expression, patting his arm to signal she couldn’t breathe. “Oh, my bad.”
He let her go, keeping her steady as she drew in breath. “Woo… now that is a bear hug that I think an actual bear would give, Jesus Christ…”
You turned back towards the cabinets and began taking out what you would need to get started on baking. “Uvo, could you be a dear and grab my Halloween decorations from the attic? I tried to get them earlier, but they were way too heavy.”
“Of course!”
He walked up the stairs, leaving you to sigh softly. “Okay, let’s see what we can do about that door-“
“It’s aight, (Name). I’ve got it fixed.”
You nearly jump out of your skin when Phinks and Shalnark just appear behind you, and peek over them to see that your door was indeed fixed!
“Oh, thank you guys!” You give them both an affectionate pat to the arm before continuing your baking preparations.
By the time you finish baking, your house is full of Phantom Troupe members. Pakunoda, Nobunaga, and Machi arrived individually within the last few hours. Machi shyly offered to help you bake, watching you from the corner of her eye as you worked. ‘Cute, she’s even wearing an apron…’ Machi thought, her eyes soft as she watched you.
Chrollo was the last to arrive, getting to your house at nearly 8 pm. He opened the door, every member looking up to him when he did. “Hello, everyone. I’m glad to see you could all make it.”
You rushed forward and took his coat, gently scolding him for not wearing a shirt underneath. He laughed, sitting down and smiling at the troupe. Chrollo waited for you to go back to the kitchen before his face returned to its usual serious expression.
“As you can see, (Name) has tried her hardest to make our first Halloween celebration the best it can be. You’ll do as she says, and have fun, though I’m sure none of you wish to upset our special girl.”
They all glanced between each other, nodding slowly. After that, they had a quick meeting to discuss non Halloween matters before (Name) came back into the living room. “Okay, I know I gathered you all here before Halloween, but it’s only to go over my plans and give you all your gifts!”
“Gifts? Aww, you didn’t have to do that for us, sweetheart.” Nobunaga said, smiling.
“But I wanted to! Lemme go grab them!”
You scurried up the stairs, giggling the whole way up. “It seems she’s excited about this.”
You walked down the stairs a few minutes later with a large box in your arms, whining a bit. “Hnn… it’s kind of heavy…”
Several of the boys jumped up to help you, but Feitan got there first. “Give. Too weak.”
You handed the box over, knowing Feitan was doing it to help you. “Thanks, Fei!” You gave him that pretty smile of yours, and the rest of the troupe grumbled lightly.
Feitan sat the box on your coffee table, using his sharp nails to slice open the tape. “…”
Inside were clothes, all the same design. “(Name) what exactly are these… gifts?” Shalnark asked, tilting his head as he pulled a set out.
“Oh, they’re matching pajamas! I was hoping we could all get a picture together!”
You hand out everyone’s clothes, smiling.
“How did you know our sizes?” Pakunoda asked, seeing the set of pajama was her size. You giggle, turning towards her.
“I have my ways~”
Surprisingly, most of them were completely fine dressing in the Halloween themed pajamas for pictures, and the ones that weren’t did it anyways.
Phinks sat on the couch after the pictures, humming. “Huh, these are pretty warm and soft. You mind if I take these with me back to my hotel?”
“I don’t mind at all, they’re yours after all!”
The people that weren’t staying the night filed out soon after, all thanking you, a few giving you hugs and cheeky kisses to her forehead.
“Goodnight, (Name). Sleep well, and thank you for this.”
Chrollo was the last to leave, saying that before cupping your cheek and planting a kiss on your forehead. It left you. A little flustered, but you still waved at them all. “Be safe, and make sure you’re here by 9 am!”
Shalnark, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed behind, the former two eating some leftovers you had in the fridge. “Wow, it’s been nearly a month since I’ve gotten to try your homemade cooking, (Name)! This is amazing!”
You felt your face heat up, giving your friends a sheepish smile. “I’m happy you’re enjoying it.”
Soon, everyone went to bed, and you climbed into your own, excited for the day to come.
You wake up in the middle of the night to the feeling of eyes on you. You’re quick to reach for your light switch, only for your hand to come in contact with someone’s face.
A hand covered your mouth before you could scream, the person shushing you gently. “Don’t worry, it’s just me, (Name).”
Shalnark sat, crouched next to your bed, that boyish smile on his face as he pulled his hand away. “Huh… why are… why are you in my room?”
“Oh, we’re watching you sleep.”
You blinked, glancing around the room to see Feitan standing in your doorway, leaning against it. “I not watch, making sure he don’t try something.” Feitan corrected, glancing to the blonde.
“Oh, you wound me Fei. I would never hurt (Name)!”
“Not hurt, but might touch while sleeps.”
The blonde blushed, glancing down at you as you gave him a disturbed look. “No, I promise I wouldn’t do that! I just… you look really cute when you sleep!”
“… how many times have you watched me sleep??”
“… almost every time we have a mission together.”
Feitan nodded to confirm this, walking into your room. “He not mean any harm, just worried.”
Shalnark pouted at his friend. “So you were teasing me on purpose earlier?”
The two ignored him. “Worried? What does that mean?”
Feitan sighed, plopping down on your bed. “We… lost people before. Shalnark get anxious, not want you to get hurt. Watches you.”
You soften, gently patting the blondes head. “Aww, Shal, that’s really sweet. I’m okay though, I promise!”
You give them both a smile, tentatively patting Feitan’s arm. He tenses, but doesn’t move. ‘Progress!’
You kind of treat Feitan like a scared stray cat, and it works most of the time. After your gentle pat, he scoots closer ever so slightly. You rub your eyes and yawn. “Well, I’m going back to sleep.”
You turn around and pull the blanket up to your chin, snuggling into your pillow-
The dark haired girl was lying next to you, wearing the Halloween pajamas you gave her. “W-when did you get here?”
“I’ve been here the whole time.”
“She has.”
“Longer than Shal.”
You sigh, lying back on your pillow, accepting this. “Okay, as I said, I’m going to sleep. Just… don’t do anything weird and you can all stay.”
Strangely, having the three in your room helped you sleep better. It almost made you feel safe, knowing your friends were watching over you.
The Troupe gathers in your living room at 9 am sharp, some looking tired, others perky. You’re surrounded by your comrades, some(namely Shizuku and Feitan) hovered around you shamelessly as you began to speak.
“Okay, the first thing on our list is pumpkin carving!”
You had Uvogin and Phinks help you carry in the pumpkins as Pakunoda and Machi laid out newspaper to keep your living room clean. “So this isn’t just normal pumpkin carving, it’s a contest! I’ll be the judge, and whoever makes the pumpkin I like the best, wins!”
“What’s prize?” Feitan asked, poking his pumpkin. You blinked at the shorter man.
“Oh… I think I completely forgot about a prize. Any ideas guys?”
You smiled, still in your cute pajamas. Shalnark raised his hand. “Shal?”
“How about a blowj-“
Phinks smacked the blonde over the head before Shalnark is pulled away by a few members and scolded in the corner.
“Hmm? What did he say?” You asked, tilting your head. Chrollo cleared his throat, the man surprisingly flustered easily.
“Nothing. How about… a kiss from you as a prize?”
You hummed softly. “A kiss? That doesn’t seem like a good prize, I don’t think anyone here would want th-“
The entire troupe started to argue with you, and you blush.
“Oh, um… okay. A kiss it is.”
This helped to motivate the group, but before they could start you raised your hand. “Two rules, guys. No nen, and you have to use these pumpkin carving tools.”
Already, Machi and Shalnark were pouting. Feitan took the pumpkin carving kit, raising an eyebrow at you. “… dull blade. Why?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be child safe.”
“(Name), we’re a band of thieves.” Chrollo said, his lips twitching into an amused smile. “We can handle actual knives.”
You whine and hand him his own kit, puffing out your cheeks. “Well too bad, thems the rules!”
You cross your arms and walk into the kitchen.
“Haha, you sure pissed her off, boss! Boss?”
Chrollo sat in the chair with his head in his hands, groaning. “I’m an idiot.”
Uvogin clapped him over the back with his large hand, laughing. “Oh don’t worry boss, you know she can be pouty when it comes to our safety.”
“Boss not wrong though. Kill people, can use knife.” Feitan grumbled, stabbing his pumpkin.
“Fei, I don’t think that’s how you carve a pumpkin.” Phinks said, crouching down.
“Tch, you know better?”
Phinks held up his phone, a tutorial on the screen. Pakunoda, Machi, and Shizuku sat together, ignoring the men as they carved their pumpkins, occasionally dodging flying pumpkin guts.
You walked out of the kitchen 30 minutes later, carrying in some muffins shyly. “Sorry, I was a little rude earlier. I made some- oh, are you all done?”
You ignored the complete mess the troupe had made, happy that you laid out plenty of newspaper. Nobunaga nodded, holding up his pumpkin. For an expert in the sword, it looked… really bad.
“Yep, we just finished up!”
You hummed and looked over each pumpkin. “Oh, Paku, is yours a cat?”
She nodded, trying to keep a neural expression. It was a little cat, and you couldn’t help but coo and take a picture. “Cute!”
It wasn’t amazing, but cute nonetheless. You continued looking, the next one to catch your attention being Shalnark’s. It was an image of some anime character, and despite looking amateur, you could recognize the character. “Oh, is that sailor moon? It’s really good Shal!”
He gave you a proud smile, holding his pumpkin i his lap. The last pumpkin that caught your attention was Feitan’s, which was honestly the best looking one. It was a detailed carving of human heart, and you couldn’t help but be impressed.
“I think we have a winner!”
You pick up Feitan’s pumpkin and hold it up for everyone to see. Despite being upset they didn’t win, everyone also agreed his was the best looking.
You placed the pumpkin on your table before smiling. Under his jacket, Feitan’s cheeks were a soft pink as he stood before you. “Fei, are you ready for your prize?”
He froze, his hands trembling slightly in his pockets. Feitan had always been on the shy side, and when it came to you, his shy nature only intensified. The others could pick this up, especially Phinks and Shalnark. The two were about to speak up, but you talked first.
“Fei, I won’t kiss you if you don’t want it.”
His eyes widen slightly. How should he tell you that it’s not that he doesn’t want to kiss you, it’s the fact that he wasn’t sure how his body would react to such a thing? Shit, it was already hard enough to not pop a boner in your presence, a kiss might kill him!
“Kiss… kiss alright. Can handle it,” he tried to say nonchalantly, but his words came out shaky. You smiled warmly, stepping closer and gently tugging the hood of his coat down.
“Are you ready?”
His heart thumped against his chest rapidly, his eyes half lidded as he stared at your soft lips. “Y-yeah…”
You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his for a moment before pulling away, giggling. “There you go!”
You open your eyes, only to see him tug his hood back into place and speed away from you. Feitan’s face was bright red, and he could feel his pants tighten as he his under hid coat.
“Well,” Chrollo said, getting everyone’s attention. Only few people would be able to read the hint of jealousy in his eye as he spoke. “What’s next, (Name)?”
After a quick lunch, the group gathered at a corn maze. “Okay everyone, we’re going in groups of two, using the buddy system in case we get separated! Stranger danger, ya know?”
Phinks patted your head. “No one else is here, (Name), we’re the only people in line. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble with stranger danger.”
“Besides, we’re all adults and nen users.” Pakunoda said, slightly amused by your concern.
“Hmph! We’re doing the buddy system, there’s scare actors in there. What if one of them can use nen? It’s better to stick to pairs of two!”
Chrollo nodded, paying for everyone to enter. “That’s smart, (Name).”
The pairs were as so: Chrollo and Pakunoda, Phinks and Feitan, Shalnark and Machi, Uvogin and Nobunaga, then Shizuku and you.
Pakunoda glanced at you and Shizuku. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, (Name)? Shizuku can be a bit forgetful, I don’t want you two to get separated. You’re scared easily, aren’t you (Name)?”
Shizuku huffed before pulling you into her chest. “Hey, I’ll keep her safe! I’ll stay focused!”
You blushed a little, your face directly in her breasts. “Mmph!”
She released you, patting your head. “Whoops, you alright?”
You nodded shyly, your face hot.
The group entered the maze, taking different paths. It was large and intricate, more like a labyrinth than a maze. Shizuku kept a hold on your hand, occasionally squeezing it when someone jumped out to scare the two of you.
“Oh. (Name), are you scared?”
You were trembling and holding onto her arm, giving her a slight nod. “A little, y-yeah…”
The two of you continued to walk through the maze, but Shizuku seemed to space out. “Hmm…”
She let go of your hand for just a moment, and when you attempted to grab her hand again, she was already gone. “Shizuku? Shizuku!”
You shook in your little Mary Janes as you tried to find her. Just then a man with a chainsaw begin chasing you, causing you to shriek and sprint in a random direction. “AGH! SHIZUKU! SOMEONE!”
You cried in fear, spotting a familiar figure and nearly sobbing. “Uvo! Nobu!”
They looked up, Uvogin opening his arms to allow you to jump into them. He held you close as you trembled and cried, obviously terrified. Nobunaga gave you a look of concern before glancing up, unsheathing his sword and the man approached.
“Hey, back off. She’s scared.”
The man takes one look at the two menacing figures before turning around and running away. Nobunaga turns back to you, gently running his hand over your hair to smooth it out. “Hey, he’s gone. You’re okay now.”
You sniffle a little, but relax into Uvogin’s arms. “There ya go, princess. Just relax. We’ll find our way out.”
The two spent the rest of the maze in silence. Their intimidating presences alone were enough to keep all the scare actors at bay. By the end of the maze, you had fallen asleep, your arms around Uvogin’s neck.
“Uvo, Nobu? Oh thank god, you found her!”
Shalnark ran towards the three, looking over you with relieved eyes. Nobunaga held a finger up to his lips, the blonde getting quiet. “She’s sleeping, Shal. Did anyone find Shizuku?”
Said girl was being scolded by Feitan close by. She seemed sorry enough, glancing at you with regretful eyes. “I didn’t mean to leave her, I got distracted…”
Chrollo took you from Uvogin’s arms, sighing softly as he tucked your hair behind your ear. “That doesn’t matter, all that matters is she’s safe. Let’s get her home.”
By the time the group got home, it was dark. You awoke when you heard a wet thwack!
“Huh? What was that?”
Chrollo set you down. “I’m not sure, I think it’s coming from around the corner.”
You peeked arousn the corner, your eyes going wide. “The pumpkins! Hey!”
You run forward, the troupe following close behind. A group of drunk men were smashing the pumpkins you all worked hard on. “Hey, you assholes! Get away from-“
You attempted to shop them away, but were pushed to the ground. “Shut up, bitch. Stupid whore thinks she can tell us what to do…”
Thankfully, Phinks caught you before you could hit your head on the concrete, his strong arms lifting up up. “You alright, sunshine?”
You nod, sniffling a little, tears running down your cheeks. “They… they’re smashing our pumpkins…”
He did his best to comfort you as the rest of the Troupe advanced. “Trash, make her cry.” Feitan spits, wielding his umbrella.
“What should we do, boss? Can’t let them hurt our sweethearts feelings, can we?” Pakunoda asked, ruffling your hair as she passed by.
Chrollo hummed. “Take them out, but wait until we get (Name) inside.”
Pakunoda, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed outside while the rest walked in. You heard screaming for a minute, then the sound of Shizuku’s nen activating.
“I’m sorry about the pumpkins, (Name). I know you liked them.” Shalnark said, sitting next to you as you sulked on the couch.
“It’s okay… I got pictures of all of them… at least…”
Shalnark patted your back before opening his phone. “I’ll call in some pizza, okay? Uvogin and Nobunaga brought alcohol, so why don’t we watch some horror movies and chill?”
You nodded, rubbing your teary eyes. “Yeah, that sounds fun…”
It didn’t take long for everyone to get pleasantly buzzed, you included. The troupe gathered around your TV, each taking turns to sit next to you. After all, you always jumped into the lap of whoever sat next to you when you got scared!
You stood up, humming. “Imma grab some treats, made ‘em yesterday.”
Little do you know, Shizuku had an idea. You returned with the tray, placing it on the coffee table and smiling. “Okay, dig in g-“
The dark haired girl snuck up behind you, yanking your skirt down and sitting you on the coffee table. “Let’s play a game, whoever can eat her out and make her cum the fastest, wins.”
You sat there dumbfounded, trying to process the fact that your pussy was on full display for the entire troupe, and they were all blatantly staring. You tried to close your legs, whining, but Shizuku kept them held open. “H-hey!”
You pour at her, but you don’t make any further moves to stop her. You’ve never had someone eat you out before, you hadn’t even had sex, so the thought of all 8 members present taking turns making you cum was making your pussy drool in delight.
It’s not like you haven’t imagined it a few times. Your fellow troupe members were attractive, and although this was a little embarrassing, you were a little excited.
Phinks crouched down in front of you, taking a good whiff. You squeaked, your face hot with embarrassment.
He’s quickly shoved away by Machi, who huffed. “You said you get to go first? We’ll have to draw straws.”
Chrollo cleared his throat, the bulge in his pants more than evident. “That’s a good idea, Machi. Get the straws.”
You were allowed to sit down on the couch, a pillow under your hips to get you comfortable.
The first one up was Feitan. You felt a bit sorry for him, he was obviously inexperienced in such a thing, staring at your pussy with wife eyes, his hands shaking a little when he grabbed you by the hips.
He lowered his head to your pussy, looking up at you with those dark eyes. He took his coat off, now only wearing pants. Even from this angle, you could see the tent in his pants, his cheeks a light shade of pink.
“Come on, Fei. Hurry up!” Phinks yelled, tapping his foot impatiently.
Usually, Feitan could be pretty intimidating to most people, but you knew that he wasn’t actually a bad guy, he was just a bit shy and awkward. You played with his hair, trying to encourage him. “It’s okay, take your time.”
Even as you said this, you lightly bucked your hips trying to reach his face. You couldn’t help it, he was so close to burying his nose in your pussy.
Maybe he just needs a little guidance…
You look at him, grabbing a fist full of his hair and gently guiding him to your cunt. His eyes widened, and when his lips touched your pussy, he moaned into you. Feitan’s tongue darted out of his mouth, testing the waters.
He buried his face in your pussy, licking and sucking everywhere. Occasionally he’d touch your clit, but you knew without some more guidance, he wouldn’t be able to make you cum.
Gently, you grabbed his hair again, cooing softly as you guided him towards your clit. “Here, Fei.”
He glanced up at you through his dark eyelashes, immediately latching onto your clit. This had you mewling, your hips bucking into his face.
Feitan was a fast learner, you only had to show him how to please you once and he was on it like a hawk. After a minute, you ended up cumming on his tongue, panting softly.
Phinks clapped Feitan on the back as the dark haired man pulled away. “Hey, it took a bit but you got her there! Nice job, man.”
Feitan looked at you shyly, patting your thigh. “… good girl.”
‘Oh, he’s so cute.’ You thought, wanting to give him a kiss or something for his efforts, but the next person up was already crawling between your legs.
Pakunoda held your thighs apart, her thumb rubbing against your clit. “Is that good, princess?”
You nodded, whining a little. “Mhm… ahh!”
You squeak when she inserts a finger, now sucking on your clit as she adds another finger in. You bucked your hips, but she keeps you still.
You cum pretty quick, the woman smiling up at you as you catch your breath. “Mm, you taste divine, (Name).”
She gave your pussy a kiss before moving away for the next person to come.
Chrollo and Shalnark were similar in the way they ate you out. They liked to make a lot of eye contact, their fingers curling inside you, sometimes chuckling on your clit as they suckled on it.
Phinks and Uvogin were rough, their big tongues filling your pussy up, their fingers stretching you out. They both groaned when your walls clenched around their fingers as you came.
Nobunaga and Shizuku were a little desperate, their tongues lapping at you and fingers thrusting into you at ungodly speeds. Although you came quick, it wasn’t as satisfying when you came the previous times.
Machi was much like Pakunoda, taking her time and making you cum on her tongue easily. She was the only on to grab your breasts, making the others jealous. They hadn’t even though of that!
By the end of the night, you were exhausted!
The pillow underneath you was soaked with your cum, your skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. “Our sweetheart seems tired.” Phinks teased, crouching down to help you get dressed.
The group decided to sleep in the living room, and you fell asleep being cuddled by the entire troupe.
Was it easy being loved by a band of thieves? No. Was it satisfying?
Oh yes.
“This was the best Halloween ever…” you whispered into Chrollo’s chest. He smiled and kissed the top of you head.
“It really was.”
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eruminx · 1 year
random phantom troupe headcanons / thoughts
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including: chrollo, shalnark, feitan, nobunaga, illumi, general phantom troupe
warnings: possible spoilers, nsfw, brief mention of torture, lightly proof-read
chrollo is really into astrology. when you think about his character it makes a lot of sense. chrollo believes in fate and destiny, and how we cannot change it. that’s why he’s so amused by characters like hisoka and gon, because they try to change their destiny. and one of astrology's main themes is destiny and fate. astrology gives people identities, something that chrollo is constantly looking for outside of himself. because he cant accept that he is himself. i would go more into the astrology topic, but i don’t know enough about it to get into great detail without sharing misinformation.
shalnark and feitan aren’t that different from each other. both are scarily sadistic it just manifests in different ways. shalnark is generally very friendly and one of the more outgoing phantom troupe members. he’s a nice dude, but he’s not kind. niceness is like a mask, it’s a common courtesy. kindness comes from the heart. i think the only genuinely kind member is nobunaga, but i’ll get into that later. shalnark is more of a psychological torture guy, while feitan is more into traditional torture.
okay back to nobunaga. i very much think that he is the only truly kind member of the troupe. (this headcanon is not based on how he was as a child by the way) i recently read a nobunaga analysis (here) and it only furthered my belief in this headcanon. simply the way he feels for others is very kind, and how he acted towards gon and uvo specifically. as well as some parts in the manga. he’s definitely very compassionate and understanding, especially compared to the other members. i think some of the other members are capable of kindness, but they wouldn’t be described as “kind”. two other members that come to mind are chrollo and pakunoda. they are both quite compassionate, as seen during their sentimental moments. (chrollo when reacting to members’ deaths and paku’s pre-death gun scene and her small interaction with the cat) but i wouldn’t call them “kind”, but instead more in-tune with their emotions. but, i think deep down inside all people are capable of kindness, so it can be hard to say.
illumi isn’t as clueless about love as the fandom makes him out to be. his only real reference for “love” is his parents, and they actually really love each other. knowing how kikyo is, she’s probably very doting with silva like she is with her children. and silva seems pretty compassionate as seen in his interactions with killua. silva also showed genuine concern for kikyo’s safety when killua threatened to kill her during the election arc. illumi has definitely learned from that, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. he wouldn’t be the best partner, but he’s more affectionate than he comes off. and i also firmly believe that he is not a virgin. i wouldn’t say he gets around like hisoka and chrollo, but he definitely has a few bodies. he’s human too, and he understands that he has human needs.
a good handful of the troupe members get around frequently. i read a headcanon saying some of the members have had sexual and romantic encounters with each other and I AGREE. i think the members who sleep around the most are (in order) hisoka (obviously), uvo, chrollo, and shalnark. maybe phinks but I think he’s so angry and intense because of how pent-up he is. i also think paku and nobunaga are the types to have intense flings with people every now and then… and they can last months. some members i think do not get around are machi, franklin, and feitan. they’re just not very interested and are too busy. i think shizuku is in the middle. i don’t think she’s a virgin and she has partners once in a while but she’s not actively pursuing sex. she just goes with the flow.
the troupe members dynamics are constantly changing. i feel like there’s very clear friend groups inside the troupe. like uvo, nobu, and shalnark are a very clear group in my eyes. as well as phinks and feitan. i feel like chrollo and pakunoda are a part of their little group together. i think the others are more loner types, but the original members still all share a special bond. member-to-member conflict happens a lot in the troupe, you can see this with nobunaga and some of his interactions with franklin and machi. I don’t think anyone dislikes each other (not including hisoka) but tension is common.
anyways... thank you for reading! this is my first post in forever lol (i’m a bit embarrassed….tbh lol)
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neathyingenue · 3 months
From the Prodigal Plebian, for immediate release:
The Partial Performer Returns to the Stage in a Masked Tour-de-force!! [PLEBIAN EXCLUSIVE!]
(with thanks to @thedandy-detective for writing Jules's parts ;D)
Last night at Mahogany Hall, a daring masque graced the stage. A haunting score accompanied the cloaked players’ mesmerizing movements. The lead, especially, was magnetic; although they wore a simple black costume, all eyes drew their way. And at the curtain call, when they unmasked, it became clear why: this was none other than the Partial Performer, returned to the stage at last!
The Prodigal Plebian sat down with the Performer in their dressing-room for an exclusive interview. As charming offstage as on, their manner retained a smooth rehearsed air as we discussed craft, inspiration, and future plans. (This interview has been edited for length and clarity.)
PLEBIAN: You were gone for months. What were you doing all that while?
PERFORMER: I was not gone- I was studying the old masters of the craft. Actors, playwrights, crews. I had grown dissatisfied with my performances. I knew it was unsustainable, to be unworthy of the stage and yet command it, all the same.
What has motivated your sudden return?
I returned when I was ready—it’s as simple as that.
Did you write and direct the Masque we just witnessed, as well as inhabiting the starring role?
It was written by a blossoming playwright from Watchmaker’s Hill, whose name will be revealed at a party tonight if she so chooses. She was inspired by the soundless walks of the tigers of the Labyrinth. I shouldn't wish to take away credit where credit is justly due—besides, her troupe kept my secret under lock and key, no small feat.
Can we expect more works from you soon?
I am back, Ms. Salcedo, to acting!
Yes, the Performer is back, and the tastemakers of London know it! Already they’re snapping up tickets to anything featuring the Partial Performer. So unless you fancy bribing your way in with a wheelbarrow of weasels, the Plebian recommends that you hightail it to the box offices now. Don’t be deterred by rumors of a Phantom. Perhaps with the Performer back, the theatre’s luck will rise once more!
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Hxh ch 396-397 review
Anyways yeah I didnt do reviews for the past couple of weeks because Things happened and I got busy and it got me out of my groove so.
I have been reading of course because who am I .
I’ll do an overview of the rest of the flashbacks because those Messed Me Up actually and I have art and things to say about it.
Spoilers, obviously . (Warning for Child Abduction and death)
Chapter 396: Founding part 2
Sadly I dont have viz screenshots because of it only being the recent 3 lol so I’ll be using an unofficial translation
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There he is again with some weird Popcorn Cauliflower lookin things and ooh nooo
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Hi Uvogin!
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Also hi Phinks with the walnut hair. At this point I’ve adjusted to how wonky it looks though but
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SARASA *50 crying emojis*
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I actually love Sarasa a lot. She’s adorable and confident and fearless... I really hope nothing BAD HAPPENS TO THIS CHARACTER. auughgggggg
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I also really like Sheila. Even though they didn’t end up being actual phantom troupe members Sarasa and Sheila matter to me and I really want to know what Togashi has in mind by bringing her back into the plot. But aside from that we also get another moment of exposition for Pakunoda and Chrollos relationship. Im Not Crying Youare.
I love to think that while a lot of other people call him ‘Little bro’, Pakunoda is the closest to being his actual “big sister”  
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Power cleaners moment. I actually slipped up and call them Power Rangers sometimes or like for example “Ranger red” instead of Clean up red. Whats funny is that I didn’t even watch power rangers as a kid this is just how it is
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Look at all those sillies
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I really really want to know what this sounded like because Im not gonna say that it’s really bad just because they’re kids, but I think it would be very funny if they were sugar coating it not even on purpose because of how young and silly they are.
Chrollo is actually 11 you learn in 397 so I’m guessing that would mean Paku is 10, Sarasa is like 8-9 or something since she’s the youngest, and Sheila is somewhere inbetween them all.
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I love how out of context he sounds like a victorian child whos about to make an important announcement.
“Father, may I have the mic?” I never thought I would hear those words but knowing that it comes from baby Chrollo makes it all make sense.
Also look theres Nobunaga!! Wow!! He’s finally in his own flashback!
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I like the composition of this panel because This chapter is supposed to be a highlight on Uvos progression and his relationship with Chrollo and the fact that Chrollo is straight ahead of him really drives that home.
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To be honest you gotta love this because you really just see how sincere he is in just wanting to make all the other kids happy here, and they are ecstatic
With Chrollo doing all the same lines though just imagine theres this kid and he just has crazy vocal range for no reason and hes talking to himself in 7 different voices
omfg is he Jerma985. .
..i mean  i did make this one thing
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I bet he put his entire freakin heart into that line like no holding back
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I love how everybodys like stunned and then theres just Nobu who is there
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HELLO??????????? JFC
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ALSO IS THIS A SAIKI K REFERENCE BECAUSE I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF TOGASHI JUST SLIPPED THAT IN THERE... (In some volume extras I think of vol 35 he put references in random panels and replaced the text and there was a saiki k reference in one. Fun fact)
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Scrungly Sarasa and Sheila only ever
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I also really like the composition of these panels.. Its also very centric on Uvo and Chrollo which I appreciate. Also I can see it being animated a lot for no reason like its so easy to imagine with this format.
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When the Sarasa are Scurngly and adorble
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Im just gonna put this whole page here and then talk abt it I love it so so so so so omuch and tears are definitely not in my eyes right now because of it.
So first of all, I read this translation first, and I think the lines they put here are better than what they put in the VIZ one. I don’t remember what they were, but the top panels lines here are just so raw and “That was me dubbing you!” Flows well. Sometimes unofficial translations can be wonky, but they did great on this page.
I love Love Love the way this page was drawn too. The way that Uvo and Chrollo just look shocked and are shown side by side is great, and I love the focus and detail on Sarasa and also even though it’s a still picture, her hair has so much motion and i i i i
Everybody’s reactions are nice too. I’m just thinking. No wonder Togashi had to take all that time off especially for these chapters. Drawing this many people is not easy at all...
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I like Uvo and Machi’s dynamic lol. They seemed to already be friends which is just really funny since she’s just this tiny little child and then Uvo is like. Already like 6 foot 2 or something idk. (He grows to be 8′5.)
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This is so funny because when you think of the Phantom Troupe you think of incredibly twisted people, but no, their original original name came from them trying to make a company name for their little dubbing thing.
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Im Crying again haha. I mean I guess in the end he did become a villain, so wish fulfilled!
This line is so relevant to so many things involving Uvogin, even having to do with his character in the yorknew arc
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Chapter 397: Founding Part 3
at least this time I can take fro m the viz official translation.. Ha ha
Are you ready guys? This is going to be a wild ride! (Warning for Child Abduction and death especially here)
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So they finally notice that Sarasa’s not here and there Might be Something wrong! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE RIGHT ABOUT THIS IN MY CHAPTER 395 REVIEW.
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This is Depressing but I love the attention to detail with how he’s gripping his shorts. I just wanted to point that out
Oh and haha he’s blaming himself for something only somewhat inside his control as a young child... Hmm.. That sounds familiar...
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Dont you love when you start having a little more hope for something again...
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Oh haha look at them on the bike Oh look everybodys doing their own part in the search!!!......
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Oh god....
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....And then everything just plummets....
Seriously when I read this part I felt my heart drop. SO much so that I made a whole redraw of it for chapter 357!
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I love Hunter x Hunter.
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mmm I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this
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Currently completely Fine right now actually ignore everything I just said.
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My exact reaction
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Thank You.
I feel like the flowers on her head would be little orange roses.. Because well for one, the orange cleaner, and also orange roses are a symbol for Joy I think and that’s perfect for her
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Im so glad that Togashi decided to make this little scene because I wouldn’t be able to handle what just happened before without this closure and Im pretty sure that was done on purpose because That was like one of the most horrific scenes in Hunter x Hunter in my opinion.
You could feel how everybody was panicking and the grief and anguish and it was just aaahhhhhhggghghhgh.......
Anyways. Onto another thing that is helping me process all of this lol
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This is another line that I liked better in the unofficial translation
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JUST. JUST. “Those pretty eyes of yours make my skin crawl.” ESPECIALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF MACHI IS SUCH A COOL LINE!!! anyways :)
I like nen so This is also very relieving. We are getting lore....
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Add Predicts the technological revolution to baby Chrollo’s achievement list. This kid Hunter x Hunter children are insane for a fact
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He would do great in my English 10 Honors class with all that evidence and reasoning there
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hey guys its Shalnark here  and today I’m going to explain chrollos Nefarious plot  
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Hes so happy that he didnt have to do 3 paragraphs of more explaining! ..also
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Jus dont even ask why I made this but I sure did I also made a video but idk how to put videos on tumblr other than have them be at the top which is not what I want so you just get this
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I kind of wish we got more of younger Shalnark because we got focus on Paku and Uvo who are both... decreased  and you know...  
oh god I just realized
All the phantom troupe characters that are commonly nicknamed are Dead. Quick everybody stop saying Nobu for Nobunaga
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At least he gets a little bit of a moment here
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I feel so bad for Sheila little sheila talk here
Like man her best friend just got Murdered and she can not do this. I bet part of her does not want to be involved with the troupe anymore because they have the most to do with her death, and maybe she even counts them responsible for them not caring, and with that she probably blames herself too.
I really want to see her again she is such a character and there’s no way that Togashi’s just gonna bring her back here and not have her be plot relevant. Was she for or against the kurta massacre!??!?!?!? wha????
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Top ten ways to become a mass murderer
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lets play a game. Is this a quote from Kurapika or Chrollo?
Look at all these parallels and foreshadowing... Putting that in perspective, that means that Chrollo became the very person he sought to destroy as a child, and I wonder if he realizes that, especially now in his current mental and emotional condition. But at the same time, he may have been expecting that. He should know that the Troupe has all the right to be persecuted with the amount of carnage that they’ve caused.
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I think the whole thing with the Villain and this panel is a callback to Uvo’s line about being the worlds greatest villain, and maybe Chrollo was thinking that he would fit as leader because of that but...
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Get pranked! Also notice how Paku is also gripping the end of her dress. Since I’m an empath, I can tell that Paku is having mixed feelings and is nervous about this /s
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In 3 years he shed his old pair of eyes and then regrew Strange Eyes. Hold on.
This is extremely important and like one of the best things Ive ever made.
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I decided I wanted to do math So their reunion happens around 7 years before the Kurta massacre, and that’s when Chrollo is 21.. so 10 years after sarasa’s death is when the Kurta massacre takes place.
Ok were finally to the end of this fun fun fun Chapter! I have 2 questions.
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1. Where is Phinks?
2. Shalnark What has he the Hair and Outfit? What? Ok well technically he’s in style since this is like the mid-late 80′s then but he looks a little bit like a Flamboyant Pop star from that era and then everybody else is just regular for their character. Then there’s just Shalnark with his fluffy mullet and the oversized suit and the collar
And also if that was his style when and why did he change? We could have had a totally different Shalnark tbh but I’m happy with the one we have.
Hope you enjoyed this absolute behemoth  of a post and I may do another one with the next two chapters some time
In the meantime, who knows, just keep doing what you do & make sure you drink enough water so that your pee looks like light pineapple juice or lemonade (that means youre healthy)
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Gon's Older Sister/Brother
Gon Freecss X Sibling Reader 
Summary: Gon's older sister/brother makes an appearance to save him fand Killua from the Phantom Troupe 
A/N This is part of a series I've written most of them for the Hunter hunter series but I plan to do a siblings series for a few different anime so if there are any that you really want to say then let me know and I'll add it to my list.
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👊 You were only Gon’s step sibling, you were 13 when you found Gon instead of your Dad when you went looking for him. You guys became super close while growing up.
👊 Gon hadn’t seen you for years, you still sent him letters every time that you could but you hadn’t been home for a long time. 👊 You waited until you were 18 before becoming a Hunter, you wanted to help get money into the home and you were capable of being a Hunter sent back most of your money to help Gon get anything that he needed and continued working. 👊 You got a message from Aunt Mito telling you that Gon had finally become a Hunter and she wanted you to look out for him unfortunately they only managed to meet up with him in York New City.
You were surprised that you had managed to get this close to the Troupe without any of them realising that you were there, but you assumed it was because Chrollo wasn’t actually there, they were all being a little more careless. You heard Nobunaga talking to your brother about arm wrestling. “Gon how many people do we like in this room?” You asked as you leaned against the doorway. “Who the hell are you?” Nobunaga asked as he looked over at you. “I’m not even a little bit tempted to tell you.” You informed him balancing the tip of your knife on your index finger. “Now I’m going ask once, let go of my brother and his friend.” “I don’t answer to you,” Feitan answered and you nodded. “I tried.” You shrugged before giving a low whistle and then throwing the knife at him distracting him from the large shape moving towards him, while the rest of them focused on that you moved quickly knocking Hisoka off balance and grabbing Killua. You glanced over to see that Feitan had let go of Gon in favour of fighting off Fang the wolf that travelled with you, you moved quickly with Killua still over your shoulder you grabbed Gon and moved to the door. “Time for you two to go.” “What about you?” Gon asked. “I’ll be fine, I’ve still got the big bad wolf, I’ll use him to find you after I’m done here okay?” You explained quickly before pushing them both off in the direction of escape. You turned back ready to fight. “Will you call off your dog!?” Nobunaga growled as he swung his sword and missed again. “I would love to but honestly but I just can’t guarantee that you are going to leave my brother alone.” You sighed, you could feel someone watching you like a hawk and as you looked over you saw Hisoka was smirking as he crouched watching you. “They’re gone, we’re not going to go looking for them,” Nobunaga admitted, your attention was drawn back to him and you gave a small whistle prompting Fang to stop with his paw pressed against Feitan’s head. “Why would I take the word of a thief?” You asked. “We stand to lose more if he fought you now.” Shalnark was the one who spoke this time and you looked at him and shrugged. “How would you know that?” You asked with a frown. “All your information in on the hunter records.” He answered. “You have a license?” You asked and he nodded “and you read about little old me?” “You intrigued me after the exam, I kept an eye on your page.” He answered and you shrugged figuring that the boys would be far enough away. “Well then until next time Spiders.” You waved as you turned your back to them and walked away.
“They just let you leave?” Killua asked as he sat cross-legged on the floor in front of you. “Apparently my entry on the hunter encyclopedia is very scary.” You shrugged. “So your my brother’s best friend huh?” “I met Killua at the Hunter Exam!” Gon cheered from his place wrestling Fang. “Gon! Killua! Where the hell have you-” You looked up at the door and saw a guy walk in he looked older but you assumed that he was around your age because of the way that he was talking. “Who’s this?” You both asked at the same time. “Leorio! This is my (Sister/Brother) (Y/N)!” Gon cheered as he stood up walking over to you. “You have a (Sister/Brother)?” He asked as he looked at you, you raised an eyebrow as you looked him over. “How did you meet him?” You asked. “At the Hunter Exam.” Gon answered and you looked at him. “You’re a hunter?” You asked. “He's going to be a doctor.” Gon whispered to you and you nodded. “Better get to it I’ve been needing a reliable doctor.” You informed him. “Are you looking for your Dad?” Leorio asked. “Nope, don’t have any interest in finding that idiot.” You answered honestly. “Don’t call him that.” Gon whined and you rolled your eyes. “He had one child decided he didn’t want it and then had another child and gave it away, he’s an idiot, change my mind.” You challenged him and he rolled his eyes before running off to play with Fang and Killua. “You know your nothing like him,” Leorio commented. “I’ve never been more thankful for anything before in my life.” You answered honestly with a soft smile.
Request Here
Next (Killua)
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
How Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo would react to their S/O in the hospital
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Hi, anon! You are welcome to join my Discord Server if you are a fan of Hxh, Voltron, or both! I promise this is a safe environment! This is an interesting topic for sure! To the other anon(s), I am working on your request! This will contain both fluff and angst. I forgot to include Leorio in this, so I’ll include him in the next HxH post. You’ll have to forgive me, I have 2 more requests in my inbox and I am not feeling the best. I just got my second Covid shot and it is hurting like hell. Nevertheless, I encourage you all to get your shot if you can. I will be on this site one and off and I should be on it for real next week. I have run out of ideas to write and I began to think I was annoying people with my HxH content (no one said this I just assumed). This post has 1974 words. After these requests are finished, I plan on doing a character analysis for Leorio.
Anyway, let’s get into the post!
We’ll start with Hisoka this time.
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In all honesty, this man has heard of a hospital (since he sends a lot of people to it after fights) but has never been in one.
The signs, floors, staircase numbers, and elevators all confuse him. He has only been in one once when he was a kid and has never been again.
He isn’t a social butterfly in this setting because this is a professional establishment and not a college party. Asking for directions takes quite a toll on him because of his established pride. You know guys act when they want to find a destination on their own and will go miles out of the way instead of just asking for direction.
He doesn’t talk to anyone; all he wants to do is find you and make sure you are alright.
He is the tallest person in the freight elevator. So tall that everyone at turns to look at him at once for at least 10 seconds and turn back around surprised.
“How tall is he,” one of the nurses ask.
“Tall enough to be my house!”
This annoys him. He takes out the Joker card and lays it against his thigh but realizes he cannot make any hasty decisions. His bloodlust was activated merely out of irritation and not by threat. You were on his mind and destroying these worthless humans wasn’t an option for today.
He approached the guest desk and waited for about 2 minutes before he was acknowledged.
“May I help you,” a smug receptionist asked. Wow, these people do not know who they’re talking to.
“I’m here to see y/n.”
“Y/n is in room 345. Go down the hall and to the right all the way down.”
This man nearly ran with a quickness! His jester shoes somehow made the floor shake as he ran.
You were awake, eating the horrible food the hospital provided and watching TV. It seemed like you were doing ok, but you had just been in a car accident. Your arms and right leg were still sore. It was so bad that you’d be fine with Hisoka carrying you everywhere.
When you two are alone in serious public places, he doesn’t play games or tricks. He is often portrayed as a ruthless man, but in settings like this, he places the jokes and games aside for later. When he enters your room, he is silent for 30 seconds. Much too long. He was shocked; he walked around your hospital bed, pulled up a chair, and stared at your cast. It had many names written on it.
“Yes, I am ok.”
“I apologize for not being there for you,” he began to say.
“Shh… it’s ok. This is life. It hurts like hell, but I’m a trooper!”
Admiring your cast and its multiple fonts of handwriting and messages, he grabbed a sharpie marker, wrote his name, with a heart and spade next to it. Surprisingly, his cursive was very neat and legible.
“I didn’t know you knew how to write in cursive! Why don’t you write me letters?”
“I see you every day and it hurts my hand.”
The doctor wouldn’t be in for another 1 ½ hours, so Hisoka used your thigh as a pillow as he took a nap. He had been up for countless nights thinking about you. He was screwing up so bad, Chrollo let him leave early.
“As soon as your better, we will fight again. I won’t go easy on you. You won’t be in the hospital but you get the jest.”
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Illumi isn’t the type of man to overreact in these types of situations. When you both agreed to date each other, you knew you all were tough cookies. You were aware of the dangers of dating an assassin and he knew about the dangers of dating a bounty hunter. People hated you both and you targeted.
One night you both were caught in a vulnerable state. While you both enjoyed chocolate milkshakes at a laid-back 1950’s styled diner, two men were previously thrown out for fighting. While your back was turned one of those men shot your arm, causing you to carelessly throw your body to the ground due to impact.
While everyone else was screaming, Illumi jumped to the ground and tied his hair tie around your arm to temporarily stop the bleeding.
“Illu, why does it feel cold in here,” you managed to breathe out.
His heart dropped to his stomach for the first time in history.
“Don’t say things like that!”
Illumi is already horrible at displaying emotions, but all he could do is frown in fear. Once the EMS came barling in, he demanded that he ride with you.
Illumi hadn’t experienced anything like this since Killua had been injured when he fell from a tree.
You and he were separated when you were rushed into surgery leaving him alone in the waiting room.
When Illumi is stressed and cannot properly display how he feels, he tends to act in “odd” ways.
He begins to furiously turn pages in magazines or bother the receptions every 2 minutes about the status of your surgery. When the woman finally says that you’re still alive, he tones it down a little.
Illumi is open to conforming advice from strangers; he has been receiving it secretly from strangers. Since Silva was busy abusing him, he often found comfort from “the streets”.
He has a bad habit of pacing back and forth and fidgeting in his seat while horrific images fill his mind. All he has seen is pain and even though he was used to it, he didn’t want you to go through it as well.
While sitting in his seat (finally!) and head in his lap, doubled over indescribable sorrow, a little girl walks up to him with her hands folded and a doll under her arms. Illumi feels her presence and looks up. The girl’s curly hair covered her endearing eyes and her smile is wide.
“They’ll be alright. I just know they will,” turning around returning to her mother, the girl said with confidence.
On cue, Illumi placed his hand over his heart, smiling just a little.
He walked quickly to your room once you were out of surgery.
His speed walk mimics one of a soldier; his left arm in since with his right leg. His shoes echoed throughout the hall.
As soon as he enters the room, he shuts the door harder than usual and gives you a tight embrace. This surprises you! You’re lucky if he lays his head on your shoulder!
Illumi had been working out lately. He wanted to beat you in the “squish the melon” contest. He is very competitive and even if he lost, that doesn’t hurt his ego. Not in the slightest. Since it was just the both of you alone, he bends down to hug you tight, so tight that your face is squished against his.
This behavior is only surprising because he usually doesn’t coddle you even when you get hurt, but this time he realized that you could have died from the gunshot wound.
After that he kissed your forehead and almost simultaneously the doctor barreled in just missing the sweet moment between you and your beau.
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When Chrollo is holding meetings with the Phantom Troupe, he always appears to be neutral. That is very important. A leader has to show strength even through the worst/hurtful times of their lives.
Chrollo had gotten a call from Nobunaga that you had gotten hurt on a mission and had actually gotten captured by the enemy. Phinks was able to get you back but you suffered horrible injuries.
This is protocol; they do this for any of the members. The troupe was oblivious to the fact that you and Chrollo were dating. They thought you were here to replace Uvo.
In situations like this, he is calm on the outside but screaming on the inside. Common sense will tell you if you are startled by the news you’ve just received and you begin to drive, you could cause more harm on the way to your destination.
Chrollo is very silent; he doesn’t call to check on your status or anything; he would rather see it for himself.
You were a trooper! After all, you are dating a dangerous robber.
Chrollo already knew what room you were in so he just went.
“I knew I should have kept y/n by my side. Y/n insisted on doing my dirty work that they almost died! How foolish could I have been?” He constantly cursed himself for letting his guard down with you.
He always gave you room to think and complete your own tasks but he can’t help his protective nature; one he has for the troupe but times 10.
His childhood friends had been shot by law enforcers, his home was horrific, and the last thing he needed was for you to be gone. You were keeping him afloat in society.
When he opened the door, Phinks was sitting in a chair, one leg over the other, laughing at a TikTok video.
Nobunaga on the other hand was watching the world news and seemed invested that he didn’t hear Chrollo enter the room. Once they both saw, they stood to their feet.
“Y/n is ok boss. They suffered a few cuts and burns, but they're breathing.”
Chrollo’s straight face remained as he stared at you.
Chrollo’s silence is something the troupe has internalized as a sign of anger, rage, or both. When he didn’t speak and just stared, everyone knew that their next mission was going to be a brutal one.
Chrollo is a man that isn’t afraid to express how he feels. He could cry right now if he wanted to and no one would dare laugh at him or insult him. After all, Nobunaga cried when he realized Uvo was dead.
Nobunaga and Phinks excused themselves as they saw him place his hand over his mouth.
Once the door closed, He pulled up the chair, grabbed your hand, and gently squeezed it. His warmth woke you up instantly and you turned your head. You winced in pain causing Chrollo to jump from his seat, moving to your right side so you wouldn’t turn your head too much.
“I’m glad you're alive, darling. What were you doing putting yourself in danger? Feitan could have handled the beast!”
He isn’t trying to doubt your ability to fight, he’s just concerned for your safety. Even so, why would he insist that you join the spiders?
A tear dropped from his face as he silently kissed your hand three times. You smiled warmly and placed your right left hand on top of his.
“I am fine, boss. You need not worry. I’m a trooper, remember?”
He placed your hand against his dry cheek and continued to kiss it. You were his lifeline and he wanted to spend every moment with you.
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uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
Catch and Release
Long fic with over 9k words in which the reader is a bodyguard working for the Nostrades and is present at the events of Yorknew. Events in the Yorknew arc have also been altered
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Warnings: kidnapping, threats of violence, degradation, kink talk, mentions of death, the reader makes some not very good choices
To say that it was nerve-wracking to be sitting in such close proximity of one of the Phantom Troupe would be a massive understatement. You, along with the other remaining bodyguards of the Nostrade family, had witnessed this man – the one Melody had heard being addressed as 'Uvogin' – slaughter an entire group of mafia bodyguards and four of the Shadow Beasts completely on his own.
And now that same man was sitting next to you in the backseat of the car, the only thing keeping him in place being Kurapika's chains.
Luckily, though, his attention wasn't on you.
“Hey, driver. You think these chains can hold me?” Uvogin sneered at Kurapika, “if you don't kill me now, you'll regret it later.”
“Shut up.”
It seemed that you and Melody had the same idea to keep quiet and avoid attracting attention to yourselves, as you both kept your mouths shut and avoided eye contact. You didn't feel safe in that car. With either of those men. Even though he was on the same side as you, Kurapika had been out of control earlier, and with how much clear hatred he had for the cannibalistic murderer sat next to you, you worried that he would snap and endanger everyone again. Hopefully Melody would be able to calm him down if it came to that.
“Don't you understand? This is a golden opportunity,” he continued to taunt.
“Stop wasting time and just-”
The chains around him tightened and you could hear him grunting in pain.
“I told you to shut up!” Kurapika yelled, as he went as far as to turn around in his seat to glare at his captive, ignoring Melody's pleas for him to watch the road.
Uvogin was clearly taken aback by Kurapika's abilities, struggling against the hold of the chains as best he could in his weakened state. He had been shot at point blank range with a anti-tank cannon, and now it was chains that were doing him in.
You silently prayed Kurapika's hold on him would remain tight; it would be so easy for this giant to lean over and take a bite out of your head. You happened to have the binoculars at the exact moment he did that to one of the Shadow Beasts, and of all the things you had witnessed tonight, that had been among the most disturbing. Either Kurapika's chains were able to keep his movements restricted enough, or Uvogin just hadn't thought to do that yet.
The death-glares were still being exchanged between the two men with Melody becoming increasingly insistent for Kurapika to keep his eyes on the road. Not wanting the car to crash, you were about to try and get Kurapika's attention back on the road as well when Dalzollene suddenly called.
“Kurapika, floor it! It's a tail!” your boss's voice sounded over the phone.
“A tail? But who-”
You all seemed to have the same thought, using gyo to look over Uvogin. A needle stuck out of his thigh, a thin nen thread leading past your face and out the window.
“Shit,” you hissed, pulling the needle out and tossing it through the window as you rolled the glass down. It vanished into the night as Kurapika sped up. It had to have been the rest of the Phantom Troupe following.
You stayed twisted in your seat, looking back at a car that was following. It would be hard to lose them in the desert, and it seemed unlikely that your group would be able to make it to the city to ditch them.
Then, though you had a hard time making it out, you saw something fall onto the hood of that car, and it suddenly began to move about like no one was controlling it. The headlights behind Dalzollene's car completely vanished after that brief commotion, and after a few moments, it seemed as though they had been stopped.
“I don't think they're following us anymore,” you said. One could hope, at least.
“Not sure why they stopped, though,” you added.
“It doesn't matter,” Kurapika said.
Surprisingly, Uvogin had been quiet the whole time. When you turned back around and glanced over at him, he was staring blankly at the ceiling of the car, his anger from mere moments before seemingly dissipated.
“This is our chance to hurry back to the city,” Dalzollene spoke again.
“Roger that,” Kurapika answered.
“We'll switch the location to pattern C,” Melody said. She then looked back to you.
“We don't want muscles here putting up a fight. You can do that, right?”
“Of course,” you answered.
Now was not the time to lose your composure; right now, you needed to prove that you did have value as a hunter working for the Nostrade family.
Bringing up your arm and holding your palm so it was facing up, you focused your nen, and a small anemone bloomed in the center of your hand. You turned to face Uvogin, who was looking at you now, an eyebrow raised in question as he looked at the flower made of nen in your hand. You blew softly at the flower, causing the petals to flutter off and into his direction.
“The fuck is that supposed-”
Uvogin couldn't get any more than that out before the petals hit him, vanishing as your nen entered his system and forced him into a deep sleep. He slumped forward, and you were finally able to relax slightly, now that you didn't have to fear immediate death from a man who proved he could kill without the use of his arms or legs.
“Don't relax just yet,” Melody chided, “we still need to get him into a secure location.”
You nodded.
“Right. Sorry.”
You felt better when he awoke next. For one thing, you weren't stuck with him in a tiny, confined space, instead standing to the right of Dalzollene and having more than just Kurapika and Melody with you, as the entirety of the remaining hunters were surrounding him. It also helped that he had been completely strapped down to the metal table that took up the majority of the room, various restraints and wires around his neck and limbs keeping him secured.
Though with the way those bonds seemed to be straining against his muscles, you had to wonder if they'd be as effective if he didn't have the drugs that Dalzollene had pumped into him earlier.
He looked about the room after waking up, taking in all of you that surrounded him. His gaze seemed to linger slightly longer on Kurapika, you noted.
“Do you understand what's happening here?” Dalzollene asked, “where did you put the stolen merchandise?”
Uvogin seemed unconcerned, sighing a bit as he glanced at the hunters around him.
“What time is it?” he asked.
He spotted you, and asked “how long have I been asleep?”
You kept your mouth shut, instead looking over to Dalzollene, who seemed to have grown angry with Uvogin's nonchalance about the situation. Pulling his sword forward, Dalzollene readied himself for a strike.
“It seems that you don't grasp your current situation,” he growled, “I'm asking the questions here!”
He thrust the sword downwards, intending to stab the spider in the leg.
Uvogin's aura flared, and the tip of the sword broke off as it struck him. The piece of metal went flying into a breaker box on the other side of the room, lodging itself deep inside of it.
The noise echoed in the room briefly, and then silence overtook it. To think that even with those drugs in his system, Uvogin still kept his composure and was still able to use his nen so freely. He stayed quiet, looking blankly at the ceiling again. This man truly was something else.
He looked to Squala.
“Let's make a deal.”
You hadn't even realized you had said that aloud until he looked over at you in response.
“I'll spare your lives, so let me up now,” he said to you.
“Huh? Wh-what is he saying?” Squala asked, looking to Melody, “is he insane?”
Although you and the rest stayed quiet, you were certain that sentiment was shared by most of your fellow bodyguards.
“He's serious. I think,” Melody answered.
It was easy to write this man off as just being insane, but when you thought about it more, it wasn't like that: the Shadow Beasts, nen masters who were more powerful than you could ever hope to be, had been so easily disposed of by this man. If he could take care of them within a matter of minutes, the rest of you didn't stand a chance. And he knew this. He was literally only making this offer because it would be less of a hassle for him.
Strange to think that this was likely Uvogin being charitable.
“Let me make something clear: We're after the auction merchandise that was stored underground,” Uvogin explained, “if you guys don't know where it is, I have no business with you.”
A beat of silence passed as everyone took in his words, broken by Basho as he began to talk, clearly annoyed by Uvogin's words.
“Wait a moment,” Melody said, interrupting him.
“You didn't steal the merchandise?” she asked Uvogin.
“The safe was empty when we arrived. The Shadow Beasts had already taken it all. I guess they didn't bother telling grunts like you.”
His words stung a bit, forcing you to acknowledge just how low the Nostrades were on the mafia social ladder, but to you, it didn't seem that he was trying to pick a fight or get a rise out of anyone. He was simply explaining the situation and calling it as he saw it: you and the others were insignificant, and even after going as far to kidnap and drug him, he saw all of you as being so little of a threat that he was willing to forget about it.
You didn't need Melody to tell you that he was telling the truth.
Squala was sent into a mild panic at the realization that Uvogin wasn't bluffing, and the way the spider smirked at that panic made everyone tense.
And then his gaze went to you.
“Everyone makes mistakes. We haven't stolen anything yet,” he said, and then looked back to Dalzollene, “so take these off, and pretend you didn't see anything.
“If you do that, you get to live.”
His words sent a chill down every spine in the room, and despite your best efforts to stop it, your hands began to tremble, forcing you to clench your fists so hard that your nails dug into the palms of your hands.
Everyone seemed to be in a similar state as you.
Everyone, except Kurapika.
“What about the guests?” he asked.
“The guests who were in the auction hall. Some of our colleagues were there.”
It was a terrible thing to admit, but in the midst of everything that had happened that evening, you'd managed to forget about the hunters who had gone to the auction. They were likely dead. And Kurapika had to have known that.
Another thing you had managed to forget was Kurapika's reckless behavior from earlier. Perhaps you should have been impressed that he had kept his composure for this long. But if there had been any chance of your boss deciding to take Uvogin's deal in exchange for your lives, you could just feel that Kurapika was about to put an end to that.
“I see. That's too bad,” said Uvogin, “we killed them. It was part of our plan-”
Kurapika punched him in the face as anger clouded his judgment again, his expression turning to one of rage has he yelled “how many lives do you think you took to carry out that plan of yours?!”
Before he could get another punch in, Basho stepped forward and pulled the younger man away, yelling at him to stop.
Uvogin didn't seem upset at all, despite the bruise on his face and the blood coming from his nose. If anything, he seemed amused.
“If the merchandise is in safe hands, we don't need him. We'll hand him over to the community,” Dalzollene said, having regained his composure during Kurapika's outburst.
Uvogin wasn't paying attention to him, but instead was still grinning up at Kurapika.
“So no deal?” he joked.
You all left the room as Dalzollene stayed behind to double-check the restraints on Uvogin, but before you could exit, he instructed you to wait for him in the next room. Kurapika, Melody and the others went down the hall to another room while you stood outside the cell door. It worried you that Dalzollene had asked you to wait, and you had a bad feeling he was going to tell you to keep watch in the room where the prisoner was being held.
“I just made sure that he was attached securely to that table, and I've put in another dose of those muscle relaxants,” Dalzollene said to you as he came out of the room, “but just to make sure he doesn't do anything, I want you to wait in there until people from the community come for him.”
God fucking dammit.
“You think he'll be able to get out even with all of that?” you asked.
“No, but I want to make certain that he can't try anything,” he answered, “we've all seen what he's capable of, and I don't want to risk him bringing down this whole building just from his shout. If he looks like he's going to do anything, I want you to knock him out again. Among those of us who are left, you and Kurapika are the only ones who can do that easily.”
He sighed.
“And with how Kurapika has been acting, I can't trust him to not do something stupid, especially if he were to be left alone with him. So that just leaves you.”
“Okay boss,” you said, nodding slowly.
“If you think you can get any information out of him, then do it,” he continued, “but overall, just keep him in line.”
Dalzollene dismissed you with a wave of his hand, heading to the desk on the other side of the room, presumably to make whatever calls he needed to the community. You could hear him muttering something under his breath, something about wishing Baise were here instead.
Going back into that room was the last thing you wanted to do – especially when you would be completely alone with him – but you forced your legs to carry you back to that door.
Uvogin's eyes were on you the second you entered that room, making a chill run through you as he looked you over. You ignored it as best you could, situating yourself next to the door and leaning against the wall.
“So you'll be keeping me company while we wait for those mafia idiots to come and get me?” Uvogin asked.
You had really been hoping that he wouldn't talk, that he would be more like he had been in the car, or after he'd woken up. Dealing with him not speaking and staring at nothing would have been easier, but it seemed like he was riled up after Kurapika's outburst, and now you were the only one left for him to take it out on. And of course, now you had no excuse to disobey Dalzollene's orders to try and get information out of him.
“Looks like it,” you answered.
“Hm. Guess I lucked out with that,” he said, “you're easier on the eyes than some of those others in your group.”
'Please just shut the fuck up,' you thought to yourself.
“What, going to give me the silent treatment? You were pretty quiet earlier, too.”
He paused, thinking of something.
“You mad about your friends, too? Did we kill someone important?”
“.... Not really. I barely knew them,” you admitted.
He let out a low whistle.
“That's cold. At least that other guy cared.”
“It is what it is,” you said.
Maybe if you just kept your answers short, he'd give up on talking to you.
But probably not.
“So then this is purely business for you?” he asked.
You said nothing, keeping your gaze on the floor.
“Is it worth losing your life over this?”
You couldn't help the way you tensed, and he chuckled at you when you when you crossed your arms over your chest. You were trying to appear nonchalant, but he saw right through it.
“It looks like the others have made their choice,” Uvogin said, “but my deal is still open for you: let me go, and I'll make sure you live.”
“I can't do that,” you answered.
“You were watching while I took out those mafia, right? You really think it's safer to side with people that weak? When I get out, you can be damn sure they won't be able to protect you.”
“If I let you out I'd need protection from them,” you snapped, “and right now I'm more scared of my boss than I am of some guy who's going to be tortured to death.”
“Hmm. Your boss, huh?” he said, looking back over to where the sword tip was still jammed into the breaker box.
“Can't say he impresses me. And you can't be anything special if a guy like that can keep you in line.”
Your eyes stayed on the floor, and you refused to react to the taunt. It wasn't like he was wrong.
“I can't help but wonder. Why the hell is someone like you involved with a mafia family?”
You stayed quiet.
“I asked you a question,” he growled.
His tone sounded dangerous, and it spurred you to reply.
“I need the money,” you said.
“What for?”
“That's private.”
He laughed.
“Well now I really want to know. What, you looking to save up for something? You got a boyfriend waiting for you back home?”
It wasn't anything like that, but you weren't about to explain yourself to him. You worried you might need to tell him something anyway. He seemed amiable enough at the moment, but it looked like his mood could change pretty fast.
“What's your name?” he asked suddenly.
“.... Why?”
“Because I want to know.”
Uvogin was the prisoner of the Nostrade family, and yet he was clearly in control of the conversation you were having as you complied with his request and told him your name.
“So how long have you been working for these idiots?”
“Oh come on! Is it going to hurt that bad to answer a few questions? You said yourself that I'm going to be tortured to death, what's the harm in humoring a dying man?” he asked, “you think they're going to ask me about you?”
The 'you' at the end was virtually spat out, as if to cement the fact that you really meant nothing to anybody. Looking over to the camera that was in the far corner of the room, you wondered if Dalzollene could hear the two of you. If he could, he hadn't yet felt like he needed to step in. Your boss had told you to get information if you were able, but given how this was going, you weren't sure if it was possible to accomplish that.
“I... I only just started working for them,” you answered, “a lot of us were hired just for this job.”
“Just for the auction?”
“Yeah. Our boss wanted to bid on some of the items.”
“I'm guessing your boss wasn't among those that we killed,” he said.
“What makes you think that?”
“Because why would you grunts go after us if there was nobody to sign the paycheck for you? If it was just one of you with a vendetta I'd get it, but all of you? Nah. The majority of you would have run off the second you lost your reason to care.”
…. His reasoning was pretty sound, though you hated to admit it.
“So who all did die at the auction?” he asked, “just a bunch of the new hires?”
“No,” you mumbled, “only one of them was.”
Uvogin scoffed.
“Too bad for them. But I'd say they were luckier than you.”
“They were lucky?”
“Yeah. They're deaths would have been pretty quick. But none of you are going to have a that luxury when the rest of the troupe finds you.”
It would be telling him too much to mention that you were almost one of those casualties. Originally you had been assigned to go to the auction with Tocino and Ivlenkov, but Baise had approached you and asked to swap places. She said that she was curious about the auction and wanted to see it for herself. It didn't matter much to you either way, so you had agreed, taking her place outside the auction house with Linssen and Basho. It was a simple decision, and one that had saved your life while it condemned hers.
Telling him all that would be far too much.
“You've gone quiet again,” Uvogin said, “you sure we didn't kill someone you cared about?”
“I told you, this is just business for me,” you answered, “I'm surprised you care at all. I would have thought it would be the same for you.”
“Oh, it's business for me as well. But this is a job I do because I enjoy it. If I see something I want, I take it. I don't give a shit about money.
“You'd probably be happier if you didn't care as much about money.”
“Good for you; not everyone can live like that,” you said dryly.
“More people should. It would make things more interesting.”
“I'm sure it would,” you sighed.
“Don't be like that. We'll probably be stuck in here for a while before those idiots come for me, so might as well make the most of it.”
“..... You're not worried about the community getting you.”
“Why should I be?” Uvogin asked, “you saw what happened with the Shadow Beasts, right? If that's the mafia's best, what do I have to be worried about?”
“Might be different when you're in custody,” you said, “they might have someone who can get through that nen shield of yours.”
Uvogin snorted.
“Doubt it. No one can take me down.”
“Except my colleague.”
Uvogin scowled at that and glared at you. You tensed again, readying your nen in case you needed to knock him out, unsure if he would let out another earth-shattering yell or start spitting pieces of human skull at you. With the strength and power he had demonstrated, you were grateful for the drugs Dalzollene had put into him, because the more you looked at that muscled body, the more you were certain that the restraints on their own weren't enough to keep him down.
“Yeah, except for him,” he hissed, “and you. I'd say it was impressive that you two incapacitated me and managed to not die afterwards, but sneak attacks have never done much for me, and they never work twice. Neither of you will catch me off-guard again.”
“I don't think we really need to,” you answered carefully, “you're not really going to be our problem after you're collected.”
He grinned at you again.
“Feel free to believe that.”
There wasn't much you could respond to that with, so you stood there in silence. The community couldn't get here soon enough. This situation was stressing you out more than anything else you had ever been through, and this was only your second day in Yorknew. If the mafia was able to get things under control, there would still be a few more days of the auction that you'd need to participate in for Neon's sake. And that was if the rest of the Phantom Troupe didn't try anything else for the rest of the days.
If the Phantom Troupe was as tight-knit as Uvogin was making them out to be, there was a chance they would come after all of you in retaliation.
Why the hell did you get yourself mixed up in underworld business?
“Oh, that reminds me – I might die before the community comes to get me,” Uvogin said.
“That fat bastard from the Shadow Beasts infested me with leech eggs,” he explained, “apparently they're going to hatch inside of me and when they do I'll die. You might want to help me out with that unless your boss wants to hand over my dead body to the mafia.”
“..... I saw you being shot at by an anti-tank cannon. You seriously expect me to believe that you'd be done in by baby leeches?” you asked.
“It's a bit different when something is hatched inside of you,” he said, grinning as he continued “but I guess I can't force you. It's not like it's on me if I die before I can be interrogated.”
There was no doubt it would be bad if he died before he was in community custody, and since you were the only one with him, the blame would probably fall on you.
“How long before they hatch?”
“Who knows.”
The way he said that made it seem like he was lying, and with the way he grinned, it seemed like he knew that you knew and that you couldn't do anything about it. The man's body in the picture frame at the Nostrade mansion came to mind, and if that was what Dalzollene was capable of when it came to a slip-up, who knew what would happen if you failed on this.
Pushing off of the wall, you sighed.
“I can't take out the leeches,” you said.
“But,” you continued before he could say anything else “I can slow down their hatching process.”
Holding out your hand, another flower bloomed in your palm. This time it was a lotus. Just as you had done earlier, you blew on it softly, and the petals fell off and flew towards him, vanishing as they landed on his abdomen.
He watched in silence as the petals vanished before looking back to you.
“You said you were only slowing it down?” he asked.
“Yeah. I usually only use this to slow down a bad wound from bleeding out too much,” you explained, “but it should work for this. However long it'll take for those leeches to hatch, it'll take twice as long now. So if you only had 24 hours, it's now 48. That should be long enough for whatever the community does to you.”
“Hmm. You did something different in the car,” he mused, “what nen type do you have? Conjuration?”
You didn't answer, not wanting to tell him any more about your nen ability.
“So I'm right?”
“C'mon, sweetheart. You can't answer that question?”
“I think I've been pretty good about answering your questions,” you said.
“Yeah, and I've got a feeling it's supposed to be the other way around. That boss of yours told you to interrogate me, right? And you can't even do that much,” he sneered.
“I came to the conclusion that trying to ask you anything would be a waste of time,” you snapped back, “you're not going to give me any meaningful answers so why bother talking to you about anything important?”
He seemed amused by your reply.
“Took you a while to finally snap. But how long will that last?”
'Stop responding,' you told yourself. That brief burst of anger that had built up purely because of how annoying he was insisting on being dissipated before he had even finished speaking, and by this point, you had just been ridiculed for far too long.
Uvogin demanded that you speak again, and even though you tensed again at the way he growled that order, this time you refused to say anything. He glared at you, and you readied your nen, preparing to knock him unconscious.
He tsked, but did nothing else, looking bored as he watched the ceiling. You didn't lower your guard, though, still watching for any sort of sign that he would try something.
You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, waiting for him to make a move.
When he did say something again, you managed to not come off as startled as you were.
“Was it also part of your instructions to be staring at me the whole time?” he asked, “not like I'm going anywhere.”
“I was under the impression that you liked having eyes on you.”
“Sure, I like the eyes of my victims on me before I kill them.”
You couldn't help letting out a little bit of a laugh at the corny threat. His eyes snapped over to you instantly.
“Something funny?”
His voice was low and dangerous, and the more sensible part of you knew that it was smarter to ignore him again. But the petty side of you wanted to see if you could upset him as a miniature vengeance for how the conversation had gone earlier.
“Yeah,” you answered, “I was just thinking that you're pretty lucky that it's me watching you and not one of my colleagues that you killed. She had the ability to make men fall in love with her by just kissing them. If she'd been here, she'd have had you spilling your guts about everything. She also would've had you liking the way you were tied up. Maybe have you begging her to step on you.”
You tilted your head to the side slightly as you smirked.
“That would have been pretty embarrassing for you, but it also would've been pretty funny for the rest of us.”
He didn't say anything.
You expected some sort of response. Maybe some outrage, maybe some threats, maybe even managing to flip your taunt back on you in some way and continuing to dominate the conversation as he had been the whole time. There was definitely anger in the way he looked at you, someone so much weaker than himself mocking him, but he still said nothing, just frowning as he looked back to the ceiling.
That made you more on edge than if he had begun to yell at you.
The air between you two was far more uncomfortable than it had ever been, and you found yourself wishing that the people from the community would show up already.
“You really don't pull off the tough act very well, sweetheart,” Uvogin said.
“But congratulate yourself on managing to piss me off.”
He said nothing more than that, continuing to stare at the ceiling as if he hadn't said anything at all.
Fuck you messed up.
The regret from saying the things you did hit you like a bucket of cold water. Why the hell did you do that?
The sound of the door opening made you jump, forcing you to stand to attention as Dalzollene walked in.
“The people from the community should be here soon,” he told you, “I'll meet with them when they arrive, so you go to the room where the others are.”
Before you could answer, you heard Uvogin scoff behind you.
“Making sure all of your subordinates are gone so you can get the full credit?” he asked, the distaste clear in his voice. He looked over to you, asking “why do you follow a guy like this?”
“You should be worrying about yourself, not her,” Dalzollene snapped.
He motioned for you to leave, which you did. You looked back one last time before the door closed behind you.
Uvogin looked bored again.
Not even five minutes had passed after entering the room with the others when Uvogin's roar echoed through the building, shaking the foundation and making you cover your ears in a feeble attempt to protect your hearing. There was no time to question what had happened; Melody ordered everyone to follow her, and you all did, running down to the express elevator and piling yourselves into the car as you heard walls being smashed behind you. For whatever reason, no one came after you, and you were all able to escape back to the hotel where Neon was staying.
It wasn't hard to figure that Dalzollene had been killed, and now there was no leader and a very angry spider who would be coming after you for revenge.
The events that followed were like a whirlwind for you: Kurapika was voted in as the new leader, Light Nostrade was coming in the next day to take Neon back, and then Kurapika realized that sensitive information regarding the Nostrades and the buildings they owned in Yorknew was available on the Hunter website, and from that, he had determined that Uvogin would find your current location. You'd then needed to move Neon and all of her things into a new room at the same hotel while Kurapika stayed in the top suite to wait for him.
“His focus will be on me,” Kurapika had said, “as long as the rest of you stay in the new room and don't come out, he'll leave you alone.”
You were happy to listen to his instructions and had been ready to wait for him to take care of Uvogin once he arrived.
But then Neon started complaining about something.
Evidently she had lost a cellphone charm, probably in the other room, and was throwing another tantrum until she could get it back. The two women who worked as her servants were, understandably, a bit nervous to go out into the halls while everyone waited for the spider to arrive. So you had volunteered to go for them, making a bit of a show for Neon as you said that you would go get it and for her to wait for you to come back. That had seemed to calm her down, and the one servant, Elisa, whispered a small “thank you” as you left. You weren't stupid enough to go back up to the top suite, however. The last thing you wanted was to be caught in the crossfire. So instead you planned to hang out somewhere on one of the lower floors, and then you'd go back up for Neon once you had gotten confirmation that everything was safe. Hopefully during that time the servants would be able to placate Neon until you got back.
You made your way down a few flights of stairs before picking a random floor where you would wait.
The door opened before you could grab the knob.
Uvogin stood there.
Time seemed to stop as the two of you looked at each other, his eyes widening in surprise as you looked at him in shock. You were completely alone with him, again, and this time there was nothing restraining him.
You were going to die unless you did something now.
It took only a few seconds for your nen to conjure a flower you could use to get out of this situation. But it was a few seconds too long. Before you could bring your hand up Uvogin had grabbed you by the throat and slammed you against the wall in the stairwell, holding you at eye level so you were several feet off the ground. Your hands went up to your neck as you tried to pry his fingers off when he began to squeeze.
“I was wondering if I'd see you again,” he said, “I thought maybe you'd have run away from Yorknew after last night. Good to see that you stuck around.”
Black splotches were starting to appear at the edge of your vision, and you let out a pathetic wheezing sound as you tried to get in a breath.
“Need to breathe already? I guess I can do that if you do something for me first. Blink if you understand.”
The grip around your neck left you unable to concentrate and form something with your nen, so you complied, blinking at him.
“Good. Now, blink once for 'yes', twice for 'no',” he said, “is the chain-user up there?”
You blinked once.
True to his word, his grip on your throat relaxed slightly, and you took in a few desperate gulps of air while he chuckled at you.
“Not so fun when you're the one being held against your will, is it?” Uvogin asked. When you didn't respond, his eyes narrowed and he growled “huh? Didn't I ask you a question?”
“N-no...” you said, finally finding your voice.
“That's what I thought,” he sneered, “before the night is over that chain-user is going to learn a few things, too.”
He looked up at the stairway.
“I'm guessing he's waiting up there for me.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, “he-he knew you'd be coming, and he wants to f-fight you by himself.”
That blood-thirsty grin appeared on his face and you shuddered.
“That's great. I can't wait to pummel that guy into nothing.”
He looked back to you.
“But what do I do with you? I can't just let you go, can I?”
His grip was becoming tighter again. Your struggles were renewed, clawing as best you could against him and trying to push him away with your feet.
“Wait-!” you began.
“Settle down.”
He pushed himself against you, the arm that held you up now pressing uncomfortably against your chest while the other went down to hold your leg in place against the wall.
“Where'd that sass from earlier go? Or were you acting like that just because you thought you were safe when I was chained up?”
“Wait-!” you tried again.
“Should've taken my deal,” said Uvogin, “then you wouldn't be here, begging for your life like a pathetic wretch.”
“The underworld is a nasty place, sweetheart. You should've realized that before you signed up for this. I gave you a chance and you threw it away. Now you have nobody to blame but yoursel-”
You had continued to struggle, your free legging pushing against him as best you could, and somehow, one of his legs had ended up between yours, and when his thigh had brushed against your clothed cunt, you gasped.
He stopped talking, looking slightly confused until he looked down.
Moments that felt like small eternities passed in silence while you continued to pull at his hand, managing to wrap one hand around his thumb.
Uvogin began to laugh.
“What, you like that?” he asked, pushing himself harder and grinding against you. You couldn't help the way you blushed, and the shame you felt was overwhelming when he continued to laugh at your expense. The noises leaving your mouth didn't help either, and they didn't stop even when you bit down on your lip to try and keep quiet.
“I didn't peg you for a slut, but I guess you learn something new every day,” Uvogin said, clearly enjoying himself as he continued his ministrations.
“Stop! I don't want this!” you yelled.
“Don't lie to me sweetheart. Not when it's written all over your face just how much you enjoy this.”
He grinned at you.
“You mentioned something earlier about me liking being chained up and wanting to be stepped on,” he whispered, “was that you trying to tell me what you wanted to see?”
“I can't believe that. It was too specific of a thing to bring up without being into it. You liked seeing me tied up, huh? Do your colleagues know about that? Do they know how much of a desperate slut you are? I wonder....”
He trailed off, then leaned in closer to whisper directly into your ear.
“Do those nasty little kinks of yours go both ways? Would you like it if I chained you up and tossed you around? What else are you into? I'd love to find out.”
Your hands left his one that held your throat, pushing against his face to try and get him away from you. He didn't budge, not even slightly. All you accomplished was him laughing at you again while your pride was slowly torn to pieces.
Without any warning he let you go, and you tumbled to the floor in front of him. You scrambled back into the corner of the stairwell, one hand raised as you prepared to defend yourself. Uvogin remained relaxed, smirking down at your shaking form in the corner.
“Don't bother trying to do anything; I'm not going to let you hit me with that again,” he said, “if anything you should be grateful.”
“.... Grateful?” you asked incredulously.
“Yeah, because I'm going to let you live.”
“Tch. That's all you can say to that?” he scoffed, “be a little more happy; you're not dying tonight.”
He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.
“Once I take care of that chain-user, I'll be back for you. I was actually thinking you might be worth leaving alive anyway; I think my boss might like certain aspects of your abilities. And once he's taken them, I'm sure he won't care if I keep you for myself afterwards.”
You were lost for words and could only shake your head at him.
“I told you earlier,” he said, “the underworld is a nasty place; you've got no one but yourself to blame.”
Finally, finally, he turned and began to make his way up the stairs, leaving you in that corner while you tried to process what just happened and the things he had said. You wanted to run, to at least get out of that stairwell and into a space that felt safer, but until Uvogin was further up those stairs and far away from you, you stayed still.
He paused when he began up the second flight of stairs, looking back to you and speaking your name in a way that made you tense again.
“You can try to run if you want,” he said, his tone more serious and seeming much more collected, “but if you try that, I will find you. And things will be much, much worse for you if you run away, you can count on that.”
He grinned, and somehow this one seemed deadlier than any other you had seen thus far.
“I'll be seeing you.”
And with that, Uvogin continued to make his way up the stairs and to the top suite where Kurapika waited. You heard his footsteps echoing against the metal of the stairs, getting softer as he went further and further up, but you still didn't move. Only when you could barely hear him on the stairs did you finally get up.
Bursting through the door, you all but scrambled to get to somewhere safe. You were a mess, your thoughts all over the place and emotions running wild, and all you could do was pray to whatever God might be listening that Kurapika would be able to dispose of that man.
In his state of zetsu, Shalnark standing behind a corner went unnoticed by you as you ran off. Had he not been listening to your conversation with Uvogin, he would have killed you right there. But instead, he smiled to himself, waiting until you were out of the way completely before entering the stairway himself and continuing to follow Uvogin as he had been all afternoon.
Kurapika didn't come back.
The late night had transformed into morning, and he didn't come back.
The immediate thought shared by the group was that he was dead, and the second one was that Uvogin was going to be coming back for the rest of you.
Basho and Melody were the ones doing best at keeping level heads and trying to keep the group calm. Just because Kurapika isn't back yet doesn't mean he's dead, Melody had told all of you. He'll be back, she assured you.
God you wished you could believe that.
It had been determined that you all should wait until Light Nostrade made it in, then he and Neon would leave with a few of the bodyguards while the rest moved to a different building to continue with the auction. At this point, bidding in an auction was one of the last things you wanted to do, but you had a bad feeling that you wouldn't be one of the lucky bodyguards that would be leaving with the Nostrades.
Uvogin's words repeated themselves in your mind, and every time his name was mentioned you couldn't help the way you shuddered. No one seemed to notice that, however.
Except Melody.
She caught you in the late afternoon when you were alone and asked what was troubling you, citing how rapidly your heart would beat when Uvogin's name was mentioned.
The emotions that you'd been trying to bottle up overflowed and you broke down, full-on crying in front of her as you told her everything. From the time with him in that room to when he'd caught you in the stairwell, you told her every little thing he had said to you, every threat he had made and just how terrified you were of him coming back to get you like he said he would.
Melody had been horrified at your confession, and for the first time in what felt like a long time, you felt genuine compassion from another human being. She held you and rubbed your back in a soothing motion as you sobbed into her.
“He won't get you, I promise,” she said, “everything will be okay. But I'll make sure that you go back with the boss tonight, alright?”
You didn't answer. You just tried your best to calm yourself, wiping away your tears while sobs still hiccuped from your throat.
“Maybe some fresh air would do you some good. Basho was complaining that there weren't any good snacks in the building. How about you run down to the store and grab some things for everyone?” Melody suggested.
“Should.. Should I really leave? Right now?” you asked.
“I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just a quick run to the store, right?”
“.... Okay.”
Grabbing a hoodie on your way out, you pulled up the hood and kept your face down, trying to hide the fact that you had been crying. It felt strange to run such an errand during a time like this, but maybe Melody was right and it would be good for you. And maybe by the time you came back, Kurapika would have returned.
With two plastic bags full of junk food and a few drinks, you had exited the convenience store at the corner, the bell on the door ringing as you stepped outside. There had been a bit of a line behind you so when you were given the change from the cashier, you had hastily thrown it into one of the bags as you were eager to keep the line moving. After leaving the store, you stepped to the side of the building, your back facing the street as you began to dig through the bag you had thrown the change into. It wasn't like it was even that much, but you didn't like the idea of just leaving it in there with everything else.
As your sole focus was on reaching around inside of that bag for the change that had made its way to the very bottom, you didn't notice the large group of people that had come up and were passing by you.
Not until you heard a familiarly deep, boisterous voice that made you freeze.
He was talking to someone, saying something about still being mad that they had followed him. A different voice responded saying that it was a good thing they had done that. There was an answer from him, but you couldn't hear it very well with the way your heart was beating in your ears.
The voices were getting further away now. You tentatively peeked out from under your hood to see if it really was who you thought it was.
Even from behind, there was no mistaking Uvogin in a crowd.
He walked with a group that you recognized some of as being the other spiders that were there with him on the night of the auction attack. Others you didn't recognize, but if they were traveling together, they must have also been part of the troupe. At the head of the group was what looked like a man in a long black coat, seemingly leading the group.
Right in the direction of the Nostrade's hotel.
You swore that your heart was beating so loud they all should have heard it and then you would have been at their mercy. But they continued walking, not paying attention to anyone else around them. Realizing that you hadn't taken a breath since you had heard Uvogin's voice, you let out a soft, shuddery breath as they walked further and further away. They were still close enough for you to see clearly when Uvogin gave a playful slap on the back to the samurai in purple robes, who stumbled forward slightly and began to curse out the taller man.
When he had pushed him forward, you noticed a small piece of folded paper that slipped out of his robes.
The group turned a corner, and only when you couldn't see any of them anymore and you could no longer hear any of their voices did you move, slowly walking forward down the sidewalk, constantly checking to make sure none of them came back as you went for that slip of paper.
Your hands were trembling as you picked it up. Why you were concerning yourself with something they had dropped you didn't know. There were more important things, like getting back to the hotel before them and warning the others, but your brain was in a horribly familiar panic-mode and you weren't thinking straight.
Unfolding the paper, you found a set of pictures – headshots of the Nostrade family bodyguards. Dalzollene's picture had been crossed out, but Basho's, Squala's and everyone else was featured.
But what truly sent you into a panic were the two pictures that had been circled in pen.
One was of Neon.
The other was you.
All you could hear for a bit was your own harsh breathing, unable to focus on anything else while you looked at that bit of paper.
He was doing as he had promised. Uvogin and those others were going back to that building and they were going to kill everyone and then take you.
The remaining time you had to warn the others was slipping away and you stood petrified as you tried to figure out what you could do.
You couldn't fight them.
None of you could. The only one capable of that was Kurapika, and if Uvogin was still walking around, then he had to be dead.
You couldn't fight them.
The paper and the convenience store bags you had been holding fell to the ground as you bolted off in the opposite direction. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you until you were out of breath and aching all over. And even then you continued running. Uvogin's words, the things he did and the way he looked at you were still fresh in your mind. You couldn't face that; you knew you wouldn't win and you just needed to do whatever you could to get away from him.
Even if it meant only saving yourself.
Your kept running, sometimes bumping into people or cars, ignoring them as they yelled at you so you could keep going.
When you were thoroughly exhausted and ready to fall over, you made it to the airport, taking a few seconds to stop and catch your breath, resting your hands on your knees as you were ready to heave out your lungs. One of the airships would have to be departing soon. Buying a ticket wasn't an option; you'd need to go with a riskier route.
You jumped the fence into the airfield and were stopped almost immediately by a security guard.
“I don't know what you're thinking,” he yelled at you, “but you'd better be ready to-”
You focused your nen and a hyacinth formed, and you blew at the petals in the direction of the guard. When the petals hit him, he stopped his rant and his gaze turned blank as he stared at you.
“Let me on to the next departing airship,” you ordered.
“Yes miss.”
He moved robotically, leading you to an airship at the end of the field. Luckily nobody else approached you two. When you controlled someone with this ability, you could only give them three simple orders, and you could only use it on only a few people during a short period of time, and you didn't want to waste any of it using the guard to keep people off your back.
When you reached the airship, you told him “go ask the stewards to meet me at the entrance. And when you're done with that, I want you to go back to your station.”
“Yes miss.”
Once your last order was completed, he would be out of your control and would have no memory of you or anything that happened.
After ordering the stewards to take you to an empty cabin and to not let anyone enter during the flight, you let them go, slumping down in the window side seat after you had locked the door. The airship was taking off, and soon you'd be away from this nightmare.
The others wouldn't, though.
The reality of the situation struck you then, that you really had just run off and left them to fend for themselves. Unless some miracle happened, they were going to die. Melody didn't deserve that. Neither did Squala. Or Basho, or any of the others working for the Nostrades. Neon was a brat and she had proven that she didn't care for you or anyone else who worked for her, but that really wasn't her fault. And even if it was, it didn't mean that she should suffer for it. Not like that.
Tears began to roll down your cheeks, and you wrapped your arms around your knees as you curled up into your seat, cursing yourself for your cowardice and for just how pathetic you were as the airship lifted you higher.
The story you read months later was that of a mystery disappearance of multiple people in the hotel owned by the Nostrades. The bodyguards and employees had all vanished, leaving behind hotel rooms filled with signs of violence, but no sort of blood or bodies in sight. The only one left was a thoroughly traumatized Neon who could barely speak and was unable to offer any explanation as to what had happened. Not even her father was able to get her to speak. Nor could he get her to use her ability, and without his daughter's fortune telling, he lost that place he had carved for himself in the mafia community and quickly fell from grace.
The articles in magazines and newspapers focused more on that aspect of the story, of the millionaire who fell from his high social standing. No one seemed to care much about the people that had vanished. Very few articles mentioned the bodyguards, and fewer still bothered to name any of them. Your name had been listed in one of those articles as one of those who were missing, but what had made you sick was reading the names of the others and knowing that they weren't missing, but that they were dead.
'This was what you chose,' you told yourself bitterly. Instead of trying to take on the troupe in an effort to save them, you ran away like a coward. Though it wasn't like anything would have changed if you had confronted them, but maybe if you had, you wouldn't need to live with the guilt of knowing that you did nothing to try and help.
You were just too weak.
The world of the hunters, that thing that you had worked towards for so long, having gone through that exam so many times and coming so close to death every time you did, was no longer something you wanted to be apart of. The dream that you had of everything being alright in your life if you could just get that license was shattered after learning about nen. Even with that treasured license, you were still so horribly insignificant in this world, and the power that you held was ultimately meaningless in the long run.
After that eye-opening experience, and after everything you had been through in Yorknew, all you wanted was to go back to a normal life.
You sold your license and made a new home for yourself on the other side of the world, far away from Yorknew and anything remotely to do with the mafia community. You lived in a humble apartment and worked a decent job while you lived life with your head facing down, staying under the radar as best you could. Just existing with yourself as best you could.
Not a day went by that you didn't think about the people you had abandoned, or the words Uvogin had said to you on the stairs. That he would find you if you ran, and that the consequences would be worse for you if you did that. Months had gone by since that day, but your anxiety didn't allow you to relax in the slightest; he had been confident in his words, and after everything you had seen, you were certain that he wouldn't give up on finding you that easily.
Time had continued, and you were coming up on almost a year since the incidents in Yorknew. Returning late to your apartment after your shift, you were struggling to keep yourself awake as you slipped the key into the front door lock. You were ready to pass out as you entered, turning as you shut the door behind yourself. Had you been a bit more alert, you might have noticed the light that was on within your apartment that shouldn't have been on, or the shadow that loomed behind you the second you turned your back to lock the door.
What you did notice were the two strong arms that wrapped around your form and pulled you against a solid chest, and the breath that tickled against your ear as a terribly familiar voice whispered to you, putting you on full alert as you realized who held you.
And like that, your time of living in hiding came to an end.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
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(Tattoo Soulmate AU- Where tattoos are shared by soulmates, if a soulmate dies then the other looses their ability to have nen and the tattoo disappears. I love soulmate AU's, they're fun. Also when Uvogin gets the spider tattoo he will be 24.)
(Female Reader)
College is usually portrayed in two ways, absolutely fantastic where breaking into song is the norm, or a horrid experience akin to horny Lovecraftian creatures. In this case the song song type of college is the norm.
Most individuals in college receive a tattoo, whether it be their own or their soulmates. Usually it is a happy occasion when that happens. Most would flaunt their new mark and spit out how much they wanted to meet their soulmate, but (y/n) was an exception.
Junior year, the hope of a new age of adulthood quickly coming up. The twenty-two old started to strip. Why strip? Well because she had decided to wait her junior year to get her athletic credit, and because she wanted to see a tattoo if she were to get one. But the first reason is what people think. Practically tearing off the jacket she wore and tossing it onto a bench, (y/n) jumped at the sudden shrieks and hollers from across the room.
"Lilith! Holy shit look!" Deciding to see what the commotion was about, (y/n) leaned over to watch the event unfold. On her lower back, almost covered by her shoulder length blonde hair, was a beautiful koi tattoo. As if swimming the splash of blue, orange and cream colors contrasted beautifully with her deep skin tone.
"What?! Oh my god show me!" Lilith squealed, pushing away girls to get to the nearest mirror. The brightest smile decorated her pink lips and when she finally saw the new mark on her shoulder, she waved around her hands and jumped with unrivaled joy. "I can't fucking believe it!"
"Do you think he just turned 21? Like today's his birthday or something?" Another girl exclaimed, staring at the inked shin with awe.
"Probably! Most people get them when they turn 21. God I'm so excited! I'm posting this everywhere to see if someone answers."
More girls crowded around Lilith, the light tapping of gentle fingers bringing (y/n) back to her senses. Turning around the female met with her dearest friend. "What?"
"Ms. Venal will snap at us if we aren't ready, best not to get on her bad side again. She might make us do push-ups for a warm up again." The soft voice and her light brown hair and eyes pairing nicely with her shy personality.
"Oh shit you're right." Swiftly (y/n) moved back to the back of the locker room, pulling off her pants at the same time. Replacing them with gym shorts with the school logo she quickly followed by her favorite shirt.
Grabbing the school shirt she jumped when someone grabbed her shoulders from behind. "(Y/n)! Your back!"
Before (y/n) could protest she was pulled to her friends locker with a hand mirror shoved in her face. Hesitantly she grabbed it and moved it around her face, trying to see what Jessy was talking about. Finally, a large dark tattoo revealed itself on her lower back, spider legs and a white eleven in the center.
"Looks like a spider, but with twelve legs? Weird." Jessy replied, lightly tracing the many legs now inked into her friend's skin. "You seem... disappointed? (Y/n) you good?"
(Y/n) shrugged, surprisingly it was underwhelming compared to what she thought it would be like. I mean the weird spider on her back was the key to finding her soulmate right? Yet it still felt like a normal school day. "Kinda underwhelming I guess."
"Hey (y/n), you got one too? I honestly thought you wouldn't get one." The snarky voice of Lilith echoed in the locker room, a new hand placing itself on (y/n)'s shoulder. "A spider, really?"
(Y/n) gritted her teeth, Jessy moving to put on the last of her clothes. "They probably just like spiders, so what?"
"Looks like they don't know how to count, that's sad." Lilith remarked, poking at the inked flesh. "Didn't you get a tattoo not too long ago, what was it again?"
"A (favorite animal)." (Y/n) mumbled grabbing her school shirt and putting it on.
"Wow, classic."
(Y/n) pretty much had enough of this and turned to the blonde with vigor. Placing a figure on the new koi fish tattoo. "Wow, classic cunt."
The blonde scoffed, but was quickly interrupted when the teacher called out. "Girls, hurry up or you all are going to do more push-ups!"
Lilith mumbles underneath her breath, venomous words that didn't pass (y/n). "Go fuck yourself." She had said.
In a last ditch effort to get some satisfaction, the (h/c) haired girl turned to the blonde and smiled. "After you."
Man school was just dandy.
For some reason the drive home felt longer than usual, the songs uninteresting and slow.  But that didn't stop the sigh of relief when entering her home. Maybe telling her parents about the tattoo would bring up her spirits? They always wanted to see what it would end up being.
"Momma! I'm home!" (Y/n) yelled, letting the fact sink in to any occupants.
She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a snack, and paused. Her dad, usually sitting with his back straight and glasses on, now held his lenses with his face in his hand. "Hey dad, you're home early. Everything alright?"
Swiftly his head shot up, (h/c) hair messy unlike usual. "Huh? Oh, yeah yeah I'm fine, just a lot of work is all. We're still trying to find who stole Ruby Red, that jewel is worth a few billion Jenny."
The man's daughter pulled a chair and sat down across from him, opening her snack to start eating it. "I still can't believe someone was able to take it, isn't the security pretty high?"
"Yup, and Ruby Red wasn't the only thing they took. They took a few other gems too." Her mother butted in, placing a kiss upon her husband's cheek. "Whoever did it defiantly had help, you're dad placed too many security guards for it to have been one guy."
(Y/n) furrowed her brows, the fact it was more than one person sans all too surprising, but how did they get past the armed guards in the first place? "So what exactly happened? Like to the guards I mean."
"Well... that's just it. We don't know." The dad rubbed the back of his neck, trying to relieve the tension that had built. "They just vanished... poof, gone. No sign of a struggle, no blood, all of it gone."
The mother removed her hand and pulled up a chair, sitting down and taking a sip of whatever is in her mug. "Yeah, pretty crazy stuff. I've been looking through the cameras and I think they have been tampered with. Whoever took the merchandise wasn't a rookie. They knew what they were doing."
"Who do you guys think did it? The mafia?" The daughter asked, looking at both her parents.
"A new group has been floating around, something called the Phantom Troupe. They are pretty much the worst of the worst." The brunette mother replied, placing her cup down and getting more comfortable.
"Worse than the mafia?" (Y/n) questioned.
"Pretty much, this gang took out the entire Kurta clan just a few months ago. They took their eyes and everything." There was a pause, easily taken up by the gravity of the situation her parents were in.
Her father butted in. "Anyway, anything happened at school? How's Jessy doing, she can come over for dinner tonight too. Martha said she was making lobster claws and steak."
"Ah, well, Jessy's doing fine and I'm sure she'd love to come over again. I'll go ahead and text her." (Y/n) pulled out her phone and did just that, asking if her friend wanted to come over again.
"What else, I feel like your hiding something." Martha asked, leaning closer to her daughter with a sly smile.
Small bits of sweat started to form on her brow, right now didn't exactly seem like a good time to talk about an odd tattoo. "Well I cursed someone out, that was fun."
Her dad groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh my god was it that Lilith bitch again?"
"Edgar!" Martha snapped, slapping the man on his shoulder and she lightly scolded him. The both of them knew their daughters relationship with that girl. All they had to say is if the coward ever threw a punch, to lay her ass on that ground. (Y/n) was still waiting for her to throw it.
A small ping from a phone ringed, the daughter pulling hers out and slightly smiling. At least when Jessy comes over she would have emotional support over the weird tattoo. "Yeah, it was her again. Anyway, mom do you want any help, Jessy said she would come over."
"Sure, honey. I'd like that."
The air was tense, sweat slowly forming on (y/n)'s brows as her dearest friend babbled on and on about her early day bravery. "Lilith couldn't say a word to us for the rest of the day! It was hilarious." Jessy boasted, laughing at the sense painted in her head.
Though Martha and Edgar looked at their daughter dumbfounded. "Sooo, is there a reason why you didn't tell us about your new tattoo?" The mother asked, leaning on her elbow with her head in her hand.
"Ah, well you know, it's kinda embarrassing."
"Seriously, you didn't tell them?!"
"I said it's embarrassing!" (Y/n) reinstated, moving her hands in front of her face to attempt stopping the forming blush.
"So! Show us!" Martha exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
(Y/n) grumbled a bit and stood up from her chair, lightly pulling up the back of her shirt. On her lower back the sideways spider laid, twelve legs spread out for the world to see.
Silence followed, the air thicker than it once was. "Yeah, it's a little weird. Honestly it was underwhelming getting it." (Y/n) tried to release the growing tension with a light laugh, though it didn't do much.
"Y-Yeah, it is a little weird isn't it?" Edgar had replied, moving to lightly trace his fingers on the inked skin. "Well I don't think most people have twelve-legged spiders on their backs so it shouldn't be too difficult to find out who this guy is."
Those words meant so much now, after seeing the news talk about Ruby Red's disappearance and how it was linked to a group of mass murderers, the words felt heavy.
Changing to homeschooling was the first thing to happen, as having people see such a dangerous tattoo could endanger your family. Hunters would travel far and wide to catch the soulmate of a Phantom Troupe member, to sell or kill them for the highest price tag. So being around other reckless students was a big no-no.
Next was their home, moving to the outskirts of York New city to start fresh, where no one would know who they were. Getting a new job wasn't too difficult for Martha and Edgar, as security personnel was important everywhere.
Though (y/n) herself wasn't allowed a job, too risky they would say. And Jessy, well at least she was still there. The friend would visit every so often to catch up, and texting each other became an everyday occurrence.
It had been five years since that dinner, and now fear and anxiety ruled over (y/n)'s life. Walking on the streets it seemed every passerby was a possible hunter, just waiting to catch her and slit her throat.
(Y/n) could only trust Jessy and her parents.
The ringing of a phone smacked the female from her train of thoughts, papers she was once working on discarded. Picking up the device and placing it on her ear, a sweet voice rang with an excited undertone. "Yo, (y/n). Whatcha up to?"
A delicate smile pulled at the (h/c) haired lips. "Fine, just doing mom and dads paperwork. Kinda the only job they'll let me have."
There a was a light hearted laugh on the other side of the phone. "Well I'm going to have a few days off of work it you want to meet up and have a few drinks. I'll be coming in sometime tomorrow evening if you want to meet up then?"
"I'd love to, I'll just have to ask mom and dad, you know how they are."
"Yeah, can't blame them though. I mean it's scary."
"Yeah... I'll call you a little later with an answer okay? See you later Jessy, tell me when you get here and I'll pick you up from the airport."
"Alright, sounds good to me! Bye-bye!"
"Bye." Her smile faded when the phone call ended, at least it wouldn't be too bad. Now she just had to get on her knees and beg her parents.
Searching through the apps on the phone she ended up on the calling one, but paused. 'I'll just ask them when they get home, I'll drive over there soon.' Tossing the electronic on her bed (y/n) sighed and leaned back in her seat.
After plenty of begging and a semi-long drive to the airport, the now ecstatic girls drove around the city to wherever this bar was.
"Okay okay, (y/n), don't get mad at me but I invited a few other friends." Jessy timidly said, scrunching her body as close as possible to her seat.
"Who?" Was all said, making the other girl all the more afraid of an anxious outburst.
"Just a girl I met the bar once, her name is Shizuku. She said she's bringing another friend over, another girl. Don't worry though she's a bit of an airhead, an absolute sweetheart once you get to know her." Jessy relaxed, not noticing any changes with her friend's behavior. "Sorry I wanted to tell you but if you told Edgar and Martha they probably wouldn't have let you go! I just really wanted to hang out with you."
"Don't worry, mom and dad don't have to know." (Y/n) turned and gave a small wink before turning back to the road.
Jessy sighed, relieved to finally have some fun without much worry. "Oh oh! Right here!" The car slowly drove into the parking lot, the two searching for a spot to park. "Oh! They're over there." The two girls exited and quickly made their way to another pair.
The first girl Jessy walked to and hugged had shoulder length black hair and large round glasses. Large, plum doe like eyes gazed at (y/n) with innocent intrigue. Her casual wear consisting of a long black sleeved shirt and black shorts complimented her hourglass body type. She honestly looked adorable.
The other was a blonde clearly taller than her ravenette friend. Calculating eyes, short hair in a bob and a hooked nose gave her a demanding audience. The woman wore a red, low cut baby doll dress that ended on her mid thigh, and black heels making her even taller.
"Okay guys, this is (y/n), she's been my friend ever since middle school." Jessy placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, (y/n) shyly waving and saying hello. "And (y/n) this is Shizuku and her number two, Pakunoda." They too did the same thing.
"Alrighty! Now that we have all the introductions out of the way!" Exclaimed Jessy, grabbing (y/n)'s hand and waving for the other two to follow. "Let's get absolutely trashed!"
Pakunoda snorted and followed, all four of them entering the not-so-much-a-bar-as-it-is-a-club building.
Jessy grabbed a table, putting some of her things down to mark it as her own. "I'll go ahead and get something to get this party started! Anything in particular you guys want?"
Shizuku places a finger on her chin, deep in thought. Pakunoda wrapped an arm around the ravenette and shook her head. "Surprise us."
(Y/n) quickly waved her hands. "Don't get me something strong, I'll be the designated driver." She laughed, Shizuku finally making up her mind.
"Something fruity!"
She did somewhat seem like an airhead.
After plenty of drinks for the four, and pleasant conversation between the girls, Jessy was finally breaking under the alcohol. Her slim build swaying even when she sat in the booth's chair. "Y'all wanna hear a funny story? Or at least its funny to me." She slurred.
Pakunoda, sitting on the outside of the curved booth, leaned in. "Sure." Elbow now on the table and head in her hand. A delicate smile etched onto her lips, her eyes calculating as an extra hand served her drink.
(Y/n) listened to her start talking about Lilith, the old school bully having many stories about her. "I'm going to go to the restroom." She tapped Jessy's shoulders and moved over and out of the conversation.
Shizuku listened carefully to the slurring female, Pakunoda doing the same. Slowly the story became interesting, talking about receiving tattoos and snapping at the girl named Lilith.
But more importantly, a tattoo received on a lower back. (Y/n)'s lower back.
By the time said female returned all had paused, both Shizuku and Pakunoda silent but attentive. Jessy moved over to let her friend back in the booth they had claimed, Pakunoda placing a slender arm across her shoulders. "You have quite the temper don't you?"
Remembering what they had been talking about, the comment didn't surprise (y/n) all that much. "Lilith? Haha, yeah I hated her. She was difficult to deal with, always trying to one up everyone." (Y/n) waved her hand around to dismiss her temper, truly she couldn't stand people like Lilith. "Don't worry I'm much better now." Again she lightly laughed.
"You seem like it, you're so shy. I honestly didn't expect a story like that." Paku replied, leaning in a little closer.
"Which one was it? I've kinda snapped at her a lot."
"The one where ya' finally got yer tattoo~!" Jessy replied, sandwiching the poor girl between the two.
(Y/n)'s entire body went rigid, her breathing slightly labored by her hammering heartbeat. 'No, no, no Jessy couldn't have told that story, she wouldn't. She knows how dangerous it is for me already, telling people would make it worse!'
She would be hunted by hunters and the Phantom Troupe alike if the wrong people were to find out.
Doing her best to relax, her shoulders not so tense anymore. "Ye-Yeah, it's a bit of a strange one but I don't mind it too much. What time is it?"
Shizuku looked at her phone, her mouth wishing to yap about how Uvogin would love the girl. Or how Uvogin is just a call away from finding his soulmate. OR ANYTHING RELATED! But alas, the bone crushing grip placed on her thigh along with straight up saying it earlier, told her to shut it.
Now with a pouting face she checked the time. "It's 12:48."
Mumbling a short 'shit', (y/n) grabbed her purse and stood up. "Sorry! I was supposed to go home an hour ago!" She examined her phone with a pale face, not just from her tattoo being revealed, but the endless messages from her parents. "Does anyone need a ride?"
Jessy leaned in more, her lips ghosting (y/n)'s ear. "I would love to ride."
Pushing her drunk friend off, (y/n) made her way out of the booth, Jessy wrapped in her arms as the girl stumbled. "You two?"
Shizuku lifted her finger, her mouth opening to speak, but was quickly stopped when a hand smacked itself on her lips. "Don't worry about us." Paku replied, waving a dismissive hand.
"Al-alright. Well we'll be off then, take care!" Quickly grabbing her things, and Jessy, the two slipped out of the club.
Shizuku smacked Paku's hand away and pushed up her glasses. "What was that for?!"
Pakunoda shifted out of her seat, looking around at the other inhabitants of the establishment. "You were going to say something about Uvo, weren't you?"
The ravenette pursed her lips and turned away, scooting out of the booth as well. "So what if I was? It wouldn't stop us from getting her anyway." Whined the girl.
"It would have made getting her harder, she's already cautious of everyone." The two girls exited the bar, stopping to watch (y/n)'s car drive away. "Besides it won't be too difficult for Shalnark to find her."
"Didn't you touch her?" Shizuku pushed her glasses up once more, turning to wonder off to home base.
"Of course, she was very anxious the entire time, and she was weary of us from the beginning."
The ravenette hummed, both wondering through the lit up city. Smoke polluted the air of the alleyways they traveled through, the moonlight basking the criminals in an ethereal glow. The alleyway became too quiet, the once light sounds of buzzing insects feasting on the dumpsters silenced.
The girls stopped, looking at the empty sidewalk in front of them. They could sense two individuals, on in front of them and the other behind. Were the stalkers going to try and jump them? Did they know who they are? Well it doesn't matter, the stalkers will be dead soon.
"Well well well," A gruff voice echoed from behind. "Looks like the butterflies flew into the spider's web. How about you two be sweethearts and tell me about that friend of yours? The one with the (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes."
Shizuku turned around to face the man, noting the switch blade open and poised in his hands. "He has a knife, Paku."
The man 'tsk'ed slowly walking closer to the girls. Paku stared straight ahead, the other stalker finally revealing himself, a scrawny man with a baggy shirt and large knife.
Pakunoda sighed and pulled out her revolver, aiming straight between the scrawny man's eyes. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight." A quick pull of the trigger and a loud bang caused the man to fall over, a small hole oozing blood and smoke between his glossy orbs.
Shizuku summoned Blinky and with a quick bonk on his head, the gruff voiced man collapsed to the ground.
"Shizuku, is he dead?"
"I didn't hit him that hard." With a hum and a finger on his neck. "Nope, he's alive."
"Good." She swayed over to the man and placed a hand upon his cheek. A rush of memories and emotions entered her mind, like the ripples in water. "They weren't alone, they called others before following us. We should hurry before they find her first."
"They'll kill her won't they?"
"Uvogin would loose his nen if that happened, hmm, we can't let that happen."
Nothing new happened after their encounter, the dark streets now baron by the late night and the rundown buildings. Turning the corner to enter the hideout, a face revealed itself, young and distressed, their thin black brows furrowed.
No words were exchanged, the girls entering without a care. A sigh left the short man's lips as he walked with them into the church. "Machi had a feeling again. What happened?"
Shizuku hopped her way onto a pile of rubble and sat down with an impassive expression. "We were attacked by some thugs on our way back. Though, it was more like a one-way-massacre."
The entire Troupe was in the broken down office building, there were preparing to infiltrate a museum filled with priceless artifacts, but it might have to be postponed.
Feitan didn't look at Shizuku, already knowing her information may very well be useless. "Paku?"
"Shizuku's friend brought a number two as well, she just so happened to be a soulmate." Pakunoda teased, crossing her arms.
The small group playing cards stopped, even Chrollo averted his eyes from his book of interest. Feitan's brows lifted slightly, probably in surprise.
"Ah! That happened too."
Franklin snorted, placing down his cards and shifting to face Paku. Shalnark, Nodunaga, Machi, Kortopi, Bonolenov, and Franklin were huddled up in a small circle playing cards, though the game was now paused. Uvogin, the secret star of the show, was rooting for Nodu to finally win a game. "Who?"
A delicate smirk etched itself on her features, a slender finger pointing to the bear-like man sitting behind Nobunaga.
With that action taken, the bear-like man grabbed Nobunaga and wrapped his arm around his head. The other hand pulling out the ponytail and messing up his hair as a boisterous laughs echoed throughout the building.
Franklin smacked a hand on Uvogin's shoulder and congratulated them, Nobu yelling for Uvo to let go. Once he finally let him go, the shorter man smacked Uvo.
Uvogin didn't exactly care, all he knew is that his soulmate was found and that she was his next target. "Keep talking Paku." Uvo kindly ordered, curiosity taking hold.
"Well she's pretty cute, (h/l) (h/c) hair, bright (e/c) eyes. She's pretty attentive." Pakunoda waved her hands around, finding a seat on the opposite side of the large room.
Another hearty laugh escaped the bellows of his chest. "Finally! Took her long enough." He exclaimed, clapping and rubbing hands together. "Where is she?"
Pakunoda shrugged. "Her name is (y/n) (l/n), Shal will have to figure that out."
Chrollo hummed, grabbing the attention of the room. "Uvo, once you find out where she lives I want you to get her, it would be a shame if you lost your nen." He paused and placed a bookmark in his spot. "Paku does anyone else know?"
The blonde nodded her head. "Yes, the thugs overheard and called a few of their friends. I don't know how many."
Chrollo hummed once more, leaning in a bit closer to the group. "Once Shal figures out her whereabouts I want you and Nabu to go with Uvo. And be cautious, we don't know how strong the hunters will be."
Uvogin laughed, hands on his hips as he threw his head back. "I will."
"Found her!" Shalnark yelped, a bright smile stretched across his cheeks. "(Y/n) (l/n), lives in the New Found Apartment Complex about three blocks from her parents. Oh! Edgar and Martha (l/n), they work as security managers for the museum we were targeting." Shalnark excitedly exclaimed, waving his phone around in the air. "I'll send you the address, Uvo."
Feitan quirked an eyebrow. "She might know which hunters were hired to protect the exhibit."
Chrollo hummed once more, returning to his book with a calm expression. "That might be the case, if so then there we could be better prepared." The sultry voice of the boss explained further her use, not just for Uvogin but the entire team.
Uvogin cracked his knuckles, waving to Nobunaga and Pakunoda to follow. "Consider it done."
(Thats it everyone! Sadly Wattpad allows for larger chapters so this will be put into two parts to accomadate.)
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hello again ! Just had to say the last prompt you did of Kurapika and poetry writer s/o with yandere prompt 44 exceeded my mental expectations and was by far one off the most beautiful yet tragic kurapika yandere pieces I've come across on all sites. Feel proud of your creative genius and lovely writing. If you have the time do you think you could do one where s/o is Chrollo's lover who plans to kill Kurapika he catches her only to fall. I think it go great with prompt 22 .
I’m glad you liked it! But this one is a lot rougher because I believe Kurapika wouldn’t go easy on a darling who’s in love with Chrollo. I needed to change this a bit since I don’t believe Kurapika would instantly fall for the s/o the moment he sees them. It would be more like a small sparkle.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, mentioning of violence
Prompt 22: “I don’t know if I should be angry or turned on.”
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Why was he suddenly acting like this? You didn’t know, but it made all the alarm bells in your mind ring so loud that it hurt your head. Why was your captor, the one who had killed two of the troupe members, the one who had ripped Chrollo away from your reach, suddenly acting so to you? He had stopped hurting you, had stopped starving you, had stopped treating you like a criminal. You weren’t exactly a criminal, but you weren’t exactly innocent either since you were dating one of the most dangerous men in this world. Chrollo Lucifer. You knew that he wasn’t exactly the best boyfriend since he was most of the time very busy, but he tried. And he was so charming, so gentle, so amazing. An isolated part of your brain still screamed at you for being so foolish to be in a relationship with a criminal who only cared for himself and the troupe. But you had locked those thoughts far away in your brain so that they were by now only a faint echo somewhere in the depths of your brain. He loved you, you knew he did! In his own way. That was what had led you to the most stupid decision you could have ever made in your life. After you had heard of the incident in Yorknew City you had instantly tried to get in contact with Chrollo, had tried to call him or get the members to tell you where he was. But they didn’t know either or if they knew, didn’t tell you. They only told you what had happened, how a single man had managed to damage the troupe so significantly. And you had let yourself get blinded by rage.
You had collected informations about the chainuser, trying to find out as much as possible all whilst tracking him down. And you needed to admit, he was good. Even you with all your contacts had needed months until you had finally found his current location. What had made you feel so confident at that time? You were strong, Chrollo had trained you after all, but what had made you thought that you would win at that time? You had been about to face the guy who had killed Uvogin, the strongest of the troupe, Pakunoda, the mindreader of the troupe, and had made sure that Chrollo, the boss of the troupe, wouldn’t be able to go anywhere near the other members again. You knew what would happen if he would try to get in contact with them. He would die, the chain this guy had used on him would crush his heart as soon as the conditions he had made were broken. But you weren’t a troupe member! You could contact him! So why did he refuse to?! Were it these thoughts that had clouded your judgement? Keeping you from seeing the harsh reality? You didn’t know what it was, you only knew that you had lost to this Kurapika and that he had captured you afterwards. You guessed you could be glad that he hadn’t killed you yet. Kurapika wasn’t dumb. He had informed himself well before attacking the troupe and somehow knew that you were involved with them, but weren’t a member. And these last few months he had tried to get you to talk, starving you, threatening you and much more. But you had kept your mouth shut. You were surprised that he hadn’t used the same move he had used on Chrollo. Why didn’t he? Did he knew that you would rather die then tell him? But he didn’t care when he did it with the other three, so what made you so special?
But since a few days he had stopped it. The starving. The violence. The screaming. He had put a stop to it all. Instead he had suddenly started to care for your health and well-being. He still kept a sharp eye on you and you knew from previous attempts that he was ready to hurt you again if you tried anything. But why the sudden change of mind? Even now, as you were sitting on the bed in the room he had moved you in, this question was playing without break in your mind. It didn’t help much that Kurapiks was with you in the room and staring at you. The only thing you were thankful for was that his eyes had their normal color and weren’t glowing in that spooky red. But it was still very unsettling. “Are we gonna do this again? You just staring at me and hoping I’ll tell you what relationship I have exactly with the Phantom Troupe only for me to give you the silent treatment?”, you asked, trying to not make it sound to obvious that you were very nervous, but there was still a trace of it audible in your voice. He didn’t say anything, just continuing to stare at you. You didn’t know why, but he seemed conflicted. He looked at you as if your presence would give him the answer to a very hard question. One that seemed to haunt him judging by his facial expression.
“What are you looking at?”, you scoffed and turned around to at least try to ignore his stare, but even when you weren’t directly looking at him you could feel how he let his eyes roam over your body, searching for something that he couldn’t see with his eyes. “Who are you?” It wasn’t the first time he had asked you this question, but it sounded different. When you glanced back you could see that he had a confused expression on his face, but it also looked a bit...What was the right word? Dreamy? Yes, that was it. He looked with you with this dreamy and nearly adoring gaze. This freaked you out enough so that you instantly turned around to keep an eye on him. Upon seeing your expression he seemed to snap out of his dazzled state. He blinked confused, letting his gaze wander to the ground where it stayed for a few moments. And once again this conflicted look crossed his face. You asked yourself what was going on in his head right now. “May I ask you a question?” You raised one of your eyebrows. Since when did he ask you if he could question you? “Go ahead.” “You attacked me because you have a personal grudge against me. This means you must have a close relationship with them or at least one of the members.” What was he getting at? “Why do you care so much for them? They’re criminals, thieves, heartless killer. I don’t understand it. How could anybody care for such monsters?”
You felt insulted that he called them this, but you were more surprised by his question. He suddenly asked you why you chose to trust and care of them instead of trying to force you to tell him what you knew about them. You were for a few moments dumbfounded. Why did you choose to care for them? What had led you to make them so important in your life that you even went as far as trying to kill someone for them? “I...I guess it’s because I saw that they are only humans as well. I know that what they do is wrong. They aren’t innocent angels and I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I’m not that heartless. But I also saw that they have a different side. There’s still hope in them. That’s what makes me care. The knowledge that even in the darkest of people’s heart there’s still a glimmer of humanity. I hope that I can help them with their pain.” You turned around to Kurapika who was looking at you with a surprised expression. “I know what they did to your clan. So I can understand why you want to kill them. But you think of them as heartless monsters. They aren’t. They all have their own motives for doing what they do and have done just like you. Just like I had my motives of wanting to kill you. But I’ve come to realize that you aren’t that different from them.” “You think I am anything like them?” His voice sounded strained. He obviously couldn’t bear the thought of being compared to the people he despised the most. “Yes. All of you are driven by your own dreams and motives. And in order to reach them you’re ready to become murders and give temporarily up your humanity. That is what I respect and fear the most on you all.”
He became quiet, your words repeating itself in his mind. He couldn’t understand it. Why would you compare him to them? He wasn’t anything like them. “How can you talk so calmly about that? They’ve killed so many innocent lifes! I only want to kill them because the world doesn’t need such scum!” He sounded clearly angry and his eyes had started to change color. But it was this almost helpless look of confusion he had on his face that made you pity him. He was a poor boy who desperately clutched on the belief that he did the right thing. “You really believe that?” He flinched when hearing your didactic voice. “You just want revenge for your clan. But killing the troupe won’t bring you any peace. You’re selfish if you think that. Revenge will only bring you emptiness. The moment you kill for your own egotistical desires you become someone who is scum. I guess that means I am too since I wanted to kill you too because a part of me thought I would feel better if I would do it. You think you do the world a favor by doing this? Or are you just trying to justify that you’re about to become the same monster they are?” From the corner of your eyes you noticed that he had started to shake. “You think you do it for the sake of humanity? You think that you’re some kind of avenger? You do it only for yourself. That makes you no different from them. I...I feel bad for you because you try to tell yourself that you’re different.”
“You’re wrong!” Suddenly he stood right in front of you and grabbed you by your shoulders. “I’m not like them! I’m different!” His eyes were glowing brightly, but for the first time he didn’t look scary whilst looking at you with them. There was no disgust or hate in them like there normally always was. He didn’t look at you like you were some sort of trash. He looked sad. Desperate. Confused. Heartbroken. Angry. In denial. “They just manipulated you into thinking that way! Whatever relationship you have with them, they just use you! As soon as they don’t need you anymore they’ll kill you!” By now he was shaking you as if trying to wake you up and make you realize that he was right. “Kurapika! You don’t know anything about them! I know them better than anyone else! They would never hurt me! Chrollo would never hurt me! He loves me!” The moment after this words had left your lips he instantly stopped shaking you. “Chrollo?!” You froze when you realized what you had just done. No! Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could you have been so careless?! You had gotten carried away because of your more emotional talk with Kurapika.
“So that’s it.” You couldn’t help, but shiver when you heard his voice. “That’s your relationship with the troupe. You...you’re together with him.” His face had twisted into a mask of extremely conflicted emotions. His grip on your shoulders tightened. “Kurapika! You hurt me!”, you yelled and tried to rip his hands off from your shoulders. “I don’t know if I should be angry or turned on.” You froze abruptly when you heard those words falling from his lips, the tone he used to say them making you feel sick. He sounded so...You couldn’t describe it with a word. Dark? Sinister? Your eyes moved to look at his face and you felt sweat starting to form on your forehead. There was something, a feeling, burning inside his eyes. But you couldn’t exactly put your fingers around what it was. “You really think he loves you?” His voice sounded strict and cold. “Of course I do!”, you answered back, fear starting to become visible on your face. “You’re so gullible.” He had started to talk in a sickenly sweet tone, as if speaking to a naive little child. “Do you really think that someone like him would ever be able to love someone? He only uses people for his own interests. Whatever he told you, it was all an act. And you must know that too. Or did he already manipulate you that badly?”
His words that he cooed at you scared you, your doubts that you had pushed away and locked up in a cage starting to get louder now that someone had spoken them out loud. “Y-you’re just lying!” Why were you sputtering? Chrollo loved you, right? “Don’t pretend like you believe that. I can see the hesitation and doubts on your face. I met him only once in real person. But that was enough for me to see what kind of person he really is. Someone who doesn’t care for anyone except himself and the troupe. Do you really believe that he has the space to love someone in his heart? I don’t think so.” Don’t listen to him! He was lying! He was just trying to make you doubt Chrollo. “No! You’re the one who is lying! You don’t know anything about Chrollo or his heart! He loves me! I’m not someone who he uses! What do you think you’re doing?! Who gives you the right to judge him?! You’re the heartless monster here! Trying to manipulate me into thinking that Chrollo doesn’t love me! But he does and I love him as well!” You sounded pathetic. Now you were the one in denial, trying to push your steadily growing doubts away. He was most of the time busy, leaving you on your own. You knew that he often charmed other people to get what he wanted, toying with their emotions. But you were different, weren’t you?
But before you could continue to try to convince yourself by yelling at him you were suddenly interrupted by a warm pair of lips locking themselves with yours. Your eyes widened and you wanted to pull away, but Kurapika grabbed the back of your neck and kept you in place. You couldn’t do more than stare at him in shock. What was he doing?! When he pulled away he had again this look from before in his eyes. This dreamingly haze covering his eyes. And suddenly it hit you. The reason why he had stopped treating you so harshly. The reason why he wanted you to convince you so badly that the troupe was evil and that he was doing the right thing. The reason why he was currently talking you into believing that Chrollo only used you. He loved you! “You know, it’s kind of ironic.”, Kurapika mumbled whilst pulling you closer to him. “The same man who took everything I ever loved from me gave me someone new I can treasure and protect. And this time I’ll make sure that I won’t lose you as well. I’ll protect you from the troupe and Chrollo. I’ll help you realizing that they only used you.” The look in his eyes could only be described as completely helplessly lovesick. “I’ll show you what real love is like.”, he mumbled before locking his lips once again with yours. And in that moment you knew that he would never let you go again, would never let you see Chrollo again. What had you done?
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agoldengalaxy · 4 years
Hearts Connected
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Leorio and Melody take care of a feverish Kurapika. Meanwhile, she listens to his heart.
“Leorio!” A voice ripped through the quiet house, accompanied by two pairs of shoes running up the stairs, making the older jump. “Is Kurapika -”
“Keep it down, Gon! He’s sleeping!” Leorio hissed, holding his hands up as the two boys approached him where he sat in his chair. “He’s going to be fine, as soon as he catches up on rest. He just...overdid it.” Like always.
The exchange of hostages had gone smoothly. Gon and Killua were safe, and Chrollo couldn’t use Nen anymore; but this came at the cost of Kurapika collapsing nearly right after he apologized for putting them in danger. There was no telling how long he had been running on sheer adrenaline, and when it was all over, his body had shut down. In a matter of minutes, a fever had spiked. It had been a terrifying hour while they waited for the airship to land.
As much as Leorio wanted to be a doctor, he just wished his friends weren’t so often his patients.
Gon and Killua had given them space while Leorio helped Kurapika to bed, and Melody and Zepile got water and cloth. There wasn’t much else they could do for Kurapika; he was exhausted, and needed to sleep the fever away. That’s all there was to it.
Slowly, Gon approached Kurapika’s bed, his normally sparkling eyes duller than Leorio had ever seen, and gently placed one of his small hands over Kurapika’s. His gaze slid toward the blond’s unconscious face, feverish and uncomfortable. “Rest now, Kurapika. You’ve earned it.” While Leorio was so fixated on watching Gon, feeling his heart twist, Killua approached him.
“Hey, he’s gonna be fine, old man.” Looking up, dark eyes met blue ones, showing concern but determination. “He’s survived worse. Just take care of him, he’ll need you.” He lifted his gaze a little. “You too, Melody.” She seemed surprised, cheeks splattering with pink for a moment before giving a determined nod, smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
Gently, Gon let go of Kurapika’s hand and turned around, smiling a little. “Killua’s right, Leorio. You’re already gonna be a great doctor! And you’re an even better friend!” Leorio felt his cheeks heat up too - he was sure he was the same color as Kurapika’s eyes.
“Jeez, don’t say that, it’s embarrassing,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. Still...the words of encouragement from both of them did mean a lot. He smiled, reaching over to ruffle both of their hair; to Gon’s delight and Killua’s disdain. “Thank you both. I appreciate it. Now, Gon, Killua, you go out there and win that game, alright?”
“Right!” Gon exclaimed, and Killua grinned.
“You got it.” His gaze slid up to Zepile, a smirk still pulling at his lips. “Ready to go, old man?”
Zepile grinned even wider, stepping over to stand beside the boys. “Absolutely. Let’s go get that game, you two.” They headed toward the stairs, Gon waving until he was out of sight. And then things were quiet; the only sound was the occasional moan from Kurapika.
As Leorio leaned forward to replace the wet towel, he took another look at his friend’s face. He knew he was going to be fine; of course he was, it was just a simple fever. But when he looked at him, he just felt awful. He was in terrible shape; the messy hair, the deep, dark shadows under his eyes, the sweat that refused to stop beading along his face. And all he could do was wonder - could he have helped him? If he had been by his side, would this have happened? Would he truly be alright after all of this? The Phantom Troupe, although broken, was still alive. Perhaps Kurapika still had revenge in his heart, and there was nothing Leorio could do to help. Kurapika felt alone, but he wasn’t! He just...
He just wanted him to be happy.
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.” A sudden voice made him gasp, blinking back to reality, turning over his shoulder to look. Melody was looking at him with the same concern that she had given Kurapika when they’d first walked in, and it was with a start that he realized he’d been gripping the end of the bed so tightly his knuckles were white.
Slowly, peeling his fingers away from the mattress, he cleared his throat, sitting back down in his chair, letting out a bitter chuckle. “Can you read minds or something?”
She smiled patiently, shaking her head. “No, but I can hear your heart. It sings a song of grief and guilt.” Closing her eyes, she placed a hand over her chest. “I understand how you feel. I have not known Kurapika as long as you have, but he tends to be quite reckless. The amount of sorrow he carries in his heart sometimes makes me feel like collapsing myself.” Slowly, her eyes opened again, moving to take in Kurapika again. Leorio swallowed and followed her gaze. “I don’t think he knows that he has people that care for him; or maybe it is that he doesn’t want to accept it. He is an independent person after everything he’s been through. It makes it difficult for him to rely on others.”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” he murmured.
“It is not your fault, and it’s not his, either. One day, he will learn to love and trust again,” she continued, gently placing a hand on his arm. He blinked, looking up to meet her eyes. She gave him a small smile. “For now, he will heal and rest, and we will be right beside him.”
He let the words hang in the air for a moment, before closing his eyes, letting himself smile a little. “I understand why he’s decided to call you a friend, Melody,” he said, looking back over at her, and surprise consumed her features before being replaced with a smile. “Thanks. I appreciate it. And thanks for looking after him for us.”
For the next two days, Leorio and Melody stayed by Kurapika’s side, making small talk and replacing his towel. They both drifted in and out of sleep at different points throughout, though it wasn’t long or restful; not where they sat, and not under these circumstances. They were both quiet that third afternoon. Leorio was exhausted, but he refused to leave the chair he sat in. His elbow leaned against the table, eyes continuing to slip shut, glasses sliding down his nose - it was a vicious cycle.
And then, a quiet, hoarse voice broke the silence, alerting both of them and jerking them awake. “What...time is it?”
Melody gasped, and Leorio was leaning forward within the minute. “Kurapika!”
“It’s two p.m.,” she answered softly, knowing that the time didn’t matter, not now.
Dull eyes stayed fixated on the ceiling. “So I slept...for half a day?”
Leorio hated how broken he sounded, so he wouldn’t tell him the truth. If he did, he’d certainly be more inclined to get up as soon as possible - and the fever hadn’t broken yet. Well, more like two days, buddy.
Of course, Kurapika wasn’t worried about himself. He asked Melody about the boss and the auction. Someone called Squalla had been killed by the Troupe, and the scarlet eyes they had acquired had been stolen. Leorio watched his friend’s eyes close again, almost surprised at how calmly he had taken it. But it didn’t take long for him to see why. “I understand. Gon and Killua?”
“They’re both just fine, and right now -”
“He’s out.” Leorio wasn’t sure why his heart hurt so much, but right away, he replaced Kurapika’s towel and pulled the covers farther up. “Rest up. Your friends are doing what they have to. So you don’t have to worry about a thing, okay?” For a moment, he felt the urge to cry. For someone seeking revenge for his own tribe, pursuing his own mission, Kurapika was so selfless. Maybe it was just his own exhaustion that made him more emotional now.
He could feel Melody’s eyes on him again, and he cleared his throat, leaning back in his seat. “Leorio.” When he begrudgingly looked over to her, he was surprised to see her eyes brimming with tears, though none fell.
“M-Melody, are you okay?! What’s wrong?”
Sniffing, she looked away for a moment, wiping one of her eyes. “Yes, I’m fine.” Her voice was quiet and soft, just as it had been before. But there was something different to it now. “It’s just...your heart.”
Glancing down at his own chest, he frowned, placing a hand over it. “What about my heart?”
There was a long period of quiet, and she reached over to place a hand over his. “You care so deeply,” she explained, shaking her head a little. “Your heart longs for his.” The statement made his cheeks flush hopelessly again, but he let her continue, listening in stunned silence. “A few days ago you were worried that he won’t ever need you. That you won’t be enough. But your hearts...they are connected.” One tear slipped free and rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes. “Your love for him is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It’s exactly what he needs.”
Leorio was speechless. His feelings were something he hadn’t let himself come to terms with yet; and here was Melody, reading him like an open book. He had to look away, shaking his head a little. “I…” His gaze landed upon Kurapika again, feeling his own features soften as he did so. “I don’t know what to say...” There was no use lying to himself anymore, and lying to Melody wouldn’t work, either, it seemed.
Slowly, she pulled her hand back, taking a shaky breath. “I’ve been so worried about Kurapika since he told me the real reason he joined up as a bodyguard. And for the first time since then, I feel hope. That someday, he can be happy.” A small smile appeared on her face. “As long as you are by his side.”
Light-headedness hit him like a truck, and he had to grip underneath his chair to keep himself from falling over. After all this time of wondering if he’d ever be enough, if Kurapika could ever be happy again, here was Melody, so sure of herself, telling him that he was enough. His gaze slid toward one of Kurapika’s hands, and for a moment, he considered reaching for it. But he stopped himself. He opened his mouth to say something, though he didn’t know what; but when he looked back to Melody, her eyes were closed and she was slumped over just a little, breathing quietly and evenly.
His eyes pricked with tears as he carefully took off his blazer. He draped it over her. “Thanks, Melody.”
Even if she was wrong, she gave him hope. And hope was good enough, right?
Her words echoed in his mind on repeat, though eventually, he must have fallen asleep. He woke up with his arms folded on the bed, head buried in them. Raising his head sleepily, he blinked, taking in Kurapika’s sleeping form. He looked a little more restful now, and a little more color had returned to his face.
But the biggest change of all was that Kurapika’s hand rested over Leorio’s. And although panic originally set in, he cast a glance toward Melody, who still slept soundly.
Maybe she was right after all.
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vagabondedlife · 4 years
Kei Fujiwara’s name is hardly recognizable to most fans of Japanese cinema despite her crucial role in director Shinya Tsukamoto’s early cult classics. As Tsukamoto’s “right hand” woman in the 1980s, Fujiwara became closely involved in his underground theater troupe, Kaijyu Theater, and contributed to the productions of the experimental and DIY films The Phantom of Regular Size (1986), The Adventures of Denchu Kozo (1987), and Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989). Her credits include actress, cinematographer, prop artist, makeup artist, and set-designer (her apartment was used as a primary set). She also engineered Tetsuo’s iconic phallic drill.
Born in Kumamoto in 1957, Fujiwara moved to Tokyo in her early twenties and discovered theater troupe director Jūrō Kara, who became her mentor. After a decade, she created her own troupe called Organ Vital, which underwent a series of evolutions but remains her life work. Her new project this year is Ibunkitan, a form of micro-nomadic theater, whose kanji characters mean “strange-listen-machine-story.” A private person now living in the reclusive mountains of Nagano, Fujiwara rarely gives interviews, but seemed excited to talk about her rarely discussed directorial debut, Organ (1996).
An avant-garde exploration of violence, pain and pleasure with an operatic amount of coagulated blood and extrasomatic body horror, Organ follows two detectives after they break into an organ harvester’s warehouse and collide with yakuza gangsters, a drugged doctor, and his eye-patch wearing sister Yoko, played by Fujiwara herself, who also produced and wrote the film. A cherished work among hardcore fans of Japanese cult cinema, Organ is still ripe for rediscovery. The film’s offerings of a full-bodied sensorial experience and an abusive questioning of cruelty prove tirelessly relevant.
Fujiwara’s work was recently revived at FFFest in New York City with a double feature of Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Organ. Fujiwara prepared a special statement that was shared as an introduction. Following the screening, we had the opportunity to speak to the artist about her life, practice, and ideals in more depth. The conversation was held over the phone in Japanese.
NOTEBOOK: Is Ibunkitan a new Organ Vital?
KEI FUJIWARA: Yes, it’s a new Organ Vital. When I was young, I lived in the rural area. I always just read theater but never had the opportunity to see state-of-the-art theater. When I was in high school, I was always reading, and I picked up an Antonin Artaud book that featured this French term. It meant the vessels of life. When translated to English, I’m told it just becomes, “vitals of organ,” or something, but in Japanese it is called gozōroppu and to me signifies the corporal. That’s the name of my theater company, and it has always been that for me. Born into this three-dimensional world with bodies, we sense and express. That’s what’s interesting in life. Ibunkitan can be done in a very small space. We’ve done it in temples, in the corner of a shop, in salons. Our first performance was in March, and we’re planning to do another in November. We've been invited to perform my new Jomon-inspired piece in a live-house in the mountains in Nagano, so we’re preparing some woodwork for that now.
NOTEBOOK: You were working in Shinya Tsukamoto’s Kaijyu Theater production between working with Jūrō Kara?
FUJIWARA: Jūrō Kara, my mentor—when I was in Jōkyō Gekijo [Situation Theatre], he took a liking to me and wrote roles for me. A lot happened, and Kara said he would make a new troupe with me, but I had other plans, so I left once, and he said, “As my mentee, you can leave but wait for me to come get you.” That’s when I went to work with Shinya Tsukamoto on his plays and films. It was after Tetsuo: The Iron Man [1989] that Kara started the new troupe “Kara-gumi” and I returned to work with him.
NOTEBOOK: How was it that you began working with Tsukamoto?
FUJIWARA: I had just left Kara and after a while a friend said that Tsukamoto was looking for someone to act in his plays. He was Tsukamoto’s classmate and an actor, and he made the introduction. I found Tsukamoto interesting and talented. So, I began working diligently as his right hand after that.
NOTEBOOK: I wanted to ask you about Tsukamoto’s 1987 film, The Adventures of Denchu Kozo.
FUJIWARA: Denchu Kozo and Tetsuo were actually both shot in my apartment where I was living at the time. You know all those cats? I couldn’t rent a normal apartment, so I had to live in a cheap nagaya tenement house on the verge of getting demolished. I just needed a place to live that permitted pets. Denchu Kozo and Tetsuo’s interior shots are all at my place.
NOTEBOOK: Are the scenes projected in the TV monitor in Tetsuo from Denchu Kozo?
FUJIWARA: Yes. They’re from Denchu Kozo.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: What turned you onto making Organ, if you were always only interested in theater?
FUJIWARA: That was because of my experience filmmaking with Tsukamoto. It prepared me for how arduous it would be. Theater is an impermanent art, and that’s why it’s such a luxurious art form. But film is like capturing a world in a crystal ball. The joy of creating film is like making your own universe. My staff members at the time— six men other than myself—were all talented, and I thought, “Everyone’s here, why don’t I just make it?” So, all the staff also became the actors, and that’s how we started filming. But it was so difficult at first. We used the atelier space we had and reformed it over and over and shot it like that. It was time-consuming. It became the warehouse set, the school set. It kept on transforming. We did it all in the same space.
NOTEBOOK: That seems like a very theatrical way of using space.
NOTEBOOK: But first, you started writing it?
FUJIWARA: Yes, I first started writing it. I’m actually not very good at planning. I just think that if I put my mind to it, I can make it happen. So I wrote the script, and had the staff pool in their savings. Between the seven of us we had 200,000 yen, so I thought, “Great, if we have 200,000 yen and one reel of film is 5,000 yen, and even if we bought lights, we can make 30 minutes of footage.” As for the equipment, there are countless aspiring-filmmaker boys who have camera equipment lying around collecting dust, so we borrowed from them. As for the set, we were all used to making it for our theater. We were good at foraging free stuff to make things. That warehouse set in the beginning of Organ was made with an extremely cheap budget. Then we started filming. All those organs in that scene were worked from what was supposed to be our dinner for the day [laughs]. We used real food. We took some gelatin- and konjac-noodles and thought, “This can look like veins!”
NOTEBOOK: And then you had it for dinner?
FUJIWARA: Well, we ended up not being able to, because it was covered in fake blood! It was all about how little money we could spend and still make something, which was a valuable lesson for me.
NOTEBOOK: You’ve mentioned the Kenji Miyazawa poem, Ame ni mo makezu1.
FUJIWARA: Yes, I just really like Kenji Miyazawa. I like the way he thinks, and his philosophy. He’s a Buddhist, and as I haven’t studied Buddhism properly, I cannot say for sure, but I think his seimeikan, or view of life, is on par with that of Osamu Tezuka. Osamu Tezuka and Kenji Miyazawa are two gods with the same perspective regarding seimeikan. No matter how great their art is, Yoshihide Otomo and Hayao Miyazaki can never reach Osamu’s level. Osamu’s core is love. There’s only love. The way they think about life is totally different. I was reading manga before I was literate [laughs]. I like Osamu Tezuka, but also Sanpei Shirato. And in my teens, I liked Daijiro Morohoshi. He’s an extremely interesting person.
NOTEBOOK: Do you think that your films need to be discovered?
FUJIWARA: They need to lock in perfectly with someone’s desire to watch it, or else watching it has no meaning. It just appears as a confusing, grotesque film.
NOTEBOOK: Please tell us about your make up and special effects.
FUJIWARA: Since Tetsuo, my method is always the same. I don’t have any background knowledge of special effect makeup. I just have a gut feeling of what can and can’t be used. Tsukamoto had these drawing storyboards for Tetsuo, like the steel body and the drill penis. For the latter, Tsukamoto just wanted to make something simple and said it would be enough if we could just pretend like it was moving, but I thought it would only be interesting if it actually moved. I didn’t have any hi-tech skills, so I thought, “That’s it!” I took the nearest working electric fan, dissembled it down to its core, used all the rubber and tape I had at home, sprayed it up and got it to go, vroom [laughs]! It was the same for Organ. I used household products, mostly kitchenware.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: What about your cinematography?
FUJIWARA: I had no background knowledge. The first time I started shooting was on Tsukamoto’s set. A lot of people who graduated film school and wanted to help were there, but Tsukamoto didn’t trust any of them. Just because you have technique doesn’t mean you can shoot well. He thought that the person wielding the camera needs a certain amount of power, of energy. So I, who had never touched a camera in my life, was given the camera and told where to press to get it rolling, and shot all of the scenes Tsukamoto was in.
NOTEBOOK: Do you still shoot with a camera lately?
NOTEBOOK: As the occasion for this screening was FFFest, Female Filmmakers Festival, could you comment about your experience as a female filmmaker?
FUJIWARA: Something men don’t have—there are two types: female filmmakers who focus their perspective on their immediate surroundings and daily lives, and those who focus on creating a worldview from the even more intimate bodily perspective. That’s what’s a little different from male filmmakers. Even in theater, most female directors write familial narratives, although I don’t [laughs].
NOTEBOOK: The podcast Ladies Horror Night, on the occasion of this screening, recorded an episode that raised the question of why you, a female filmmaker, didn’t include more female characters. I’m not sure about this pressure for female filmmakers to represent female subjects, as I think there’s power in the female filmmaker re-writing the male-centric story. Can you speak on this and how you came to write the police story in Organ?
FUJIWARA: When I think about seimeikan—our view of life—it appears to me that the moral judgment of good versus bad is not something universal, but just a rule that protects our lifestyle in society. It’s a regulation. We make regulations to protect ourselves. That takes the form of “good” and “evil.” But that’s not the good and evil that holds ground in nature. Animals kill other animals for their own predation, right? Humans, too, in the context of war, can kill other humans and become heroes. The concept of zen-aku, or the notion of good and evil, is just a societal regulation. The police represent upholders of this regulation. And then there are those who defy this regulation, who lie in a realm completely different from this conventional morality. Organ is a clash between these two groups. That’s how I formed the police narrative. As for why there are few female characters, well… In the case of females, expressing them requires—for many, not all—a focus on the micro world, the micro perspective, that is, if you pay attention to their priorities. In other words, if you have a goal and you want to finish something, but she says she needs to take a bath at this certain time and cannot participate, there’s nothing you can do. In my theater, only men can keep up with me. Because of this standpoint, if a woman were to express a woman, she would need to create a micro world. But when describing a police story, a macro worldview, the direction would lose focus.
NOTEBOOK: It would become more internal?
FUJIWARA: Right. That’s why there aren’t as many female characters. But the wife of Numata represents the reality for women. And also the female teacher who approaches the criminal but gets killed. Woman participated in this way. But it’s hard for them to take leading parts for the narrative. It’s hard to let them be there and have their perspective be represented, because their perspective is in a different dimension.
NOTEBOOK: What about the character you play, Yoko?
FUJIWARA: Yoko is outside of that realm. She’s an outlier. She doesn’t represent family or the household or the joy of daily life, because she didn’t enjoy any of those things. That’s why she can exist there.
NOTEBOOK: How did you direct your actors in Organ, was it different from how you usually direct them in theater?
FUJIWARA: It’s the same. The only direction I gave them in Organ was that they only get one shot. I don’t give actors multiple takes. If there’s a camera or equipment problem that requires another take or two, I’ll do it. But I won’t do it for the actor. The actor has one chance, the take. But, on the offhand that the actor makes a mistake and requires a take two, I tell them they need to buy their own film roll. That was the rule. So, no one ever made a single mistake. They were all dead serious, completely focused. They’re all broke and have no money to buy film.
NOTEBOOK: In that sense it’s theatrical.
FUJIWARA: Right, and I had one actress tell me that that it was brilliant. She said, “I do lots of work for TV and film, but everyone is so lukewarm and they do take after take, and think about it so leniently. But there’s none of that here. The one take is the real thing.”
NOTEBOOK: So, that urgency was good for the actors?
FUJIWARA: Right. They said they couldn’t afford to buy their own film.
NOTEBOOK: If you give theater actors the same direction for film, how does that work? The performances in Organ don’t come off as exaggerated; I doubt a viewer without knowing would assume they are all theater actors.
FUJIWARA: There’s no difference. In theater, my scripts are like music scores. The lines come out and dance, modulate, sing, calling on the innate sensation playing the instrument that is yourself on stage. The actor, with this music-score-as-script, has a multitude of possibilities of how to play it. In film, the scripted character is a part of the environment. They are simply material for the scene. I didn’t need to explain this to them, they naturally just became materials for the scene.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: That’s a good transition into my next question: can you talk about your music and sound design direction?
FUJIWARA: Music is difficult. What I say doesn’t get across, because I was working with new people. They hadn’t even seen any of my theater. I like German bands, something strong and hard. But even if they mimic the Germans, the Japanese can’t avoid making music that doesn’t sound soft and weak. One day I said, “Make it more powerful, something that alludes to the power of nature, more animalistic and sturdily-built,” and they said, “Okay.” The demo they brought to me literally had animal sounds, like elephants wailing and dogs barking, and I was like, “…That’s not what I meant” [laughs]. It didn’t get across. But there were some interesting sound bites that I could use. But Japanese band musicians can’t get over their own softness. I think what they have is different.
NOTEBOOK: So you’re not happy with the results?
FUJIWARA: Well, I’m the type of person that thinks, que sera, sera. So I wasn’t satisfied, but…
NOTEBOOK: You’ve mentioned that you a very easily scared person. But in Tetsuo and Organ, your characters say, “I won’t be afraid.” How do you interpret this difference?
FUJIWARA: When I came to Tokyo in my twenties, the first theater directors I met said they’d never met anyone as weak and sensitive as myself. They didn’t think I could live on a few years longer, much less do theater, and that I might find myself drugged up in a brothel in the near future. Kara was the only person that ever said to me that I was the strongest person he’d met. In other words, the fear and strength that I have appears to others as a weakness that can barely withstand life, but it’s just my highly sensitive nature they see. In actuality, I’m very strong. I feel very easily, so that seems weak, but my capacity for empathy is just very large. I feel others’ pain and sadness so strongly that I throw up thinking about them. That’s why I don’t watch TV or read the newspaper. Or else I would be crying all day [laughs].
NOTEBOOK: Watching Organ feels like you’re making the audience feel this extreme pain you describe.
FUJIWARA: Yes, that’s the result of the film. My second film, ID [2005], is even more so.
NOTEBOOK: In addition to fear and pain, pleasure is another large theme. After the screening, someone told me your film was grotesque but something about it was so pleasurable. How do you maintain that balance?
FUJIWARA: I think humans, in order to live, can’t cut those away from existence. If you deny desire, you’re not human. The existence of such things causes our misery, too. Thus, desire and slaughter are inescapable. My fear and sorrow regarding this, and my questioning what are they anyway. That’s what I wanted to portray.
NOTEBOOK: What’s interesting about your portrayal of violence is that Yoko uses the gun as a weapon but doesn’t shoot from it. The one time she tries to shoot at her father, it wasn’t loaded. She mostly hits with it.
FUJIWARA: When I act a role, it needs to be real for me to imagine it. I can’t shoot a gun just like that. I need to feel it. Whenever I do something I feel a corporal build-up that can’t just be released by shooting away.
NOTEBOOK: Shooting it would be too easy?
FUJIWARA: An action needs to be taken. The body and the heart are connected. It’s not that easy.
NOTEBOOK: What was the biggest challenge in shooting Organ?
FUJIWARA: The most difficult challenge was the first scene, in the warehouse. When the doctor and yakuza fend off the police while trying to dissect the man. That shoot was in the middle of summer, but we had to close off the warehouse because it was a night scene. It was hot, smelly, only men, and everyone’s body odor was suffocating the room. That was really difficult. At the time there were seven of us, and now there are three of us, just Takahashi, Mori and I. In Organ, all the actors take on multiple roles. Whenever they weren’t onscreen they were doing lights or shooting. We shot it scene by scene in order. I remember towards the end of the film, during the scene in the tunnel, when my role Yoko comes in on a bike and there’s a fighting scene, we couldn’t get a permit to shoot. We were able to shoot outside the tunnel on the road but not inside. But I badly wanted to shoot inside so we went at midnight, and the characters got all bloody and we were shooting, and the police came. They thought it was a real yakuza fight and took off the safety on their pistols and were about to shoot at us. We thought we were done for. The character Yasuda, who later falls into the ditch and gets stabbed with a Japanese sword, was responsible for getting the permits and he had all the documents on him. So, he came out from the ditch all bloody and with a sword in him, screaming, “We’re shooting a film!” terrifying the police even more. While he was negotiating with them we finished shooting the scene. The police just told us to be safe and left, but it was all thanks to him for putting his life on the line. We really thought we were going to get shot. Usually film shoots have large crews and it’s obvious, but in our case, all the crew were also the actors, so it was hard to tell, and the lights were hidden.
NOTEBOOK: What about the camera?
FUJIWARA: Yes, but it was a small 16mm Scoopic, and the police were so focused on the bloody actors they didn’t notice it. The police were terrified, but it was a great location and I just needed to shoot there no matter what.
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digatunnel · 4 years
Hisoka (Chrollo) x Reader
It’s been what… 8 months? 8 months… and 17 days since he left without saying a word. Damn, I am so miserable I’ve been counting the days.
He fucked me rough and raw that night and took off. That wasn’t a surprise to me. That’s just Hisoka. But right now, it’s the longest time he’s been away. I don’t want to but I feel concerned. Bothered.
I have a lot of faith in him so I don’t think he’s dead. What’s eating me alive is the thought that he must be seeing someone new. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, what we have is nothing but purely sexual. When we met at Heaven’s Arena, he made sure to tell me that.
And that was the start. He would come over, we fuck and he leaves. Fighting and killing whoever he deems worthy. He’s a piece of work… He’s complicated, rude, ridiculous, a pain in the ass and clearly cannot offer me anything more than hot sex.
So why the fuck am I mewling over his absence.
I stirred my hot cocoa a little too aggressively. I just showered for the first time in 3 days. I’m a mess. I took a sip and sighed. I still have my things to arrange in my place since I left Hisoka’s apartment last month. It was too much. I’ve been waiting in there, a little too hopeful he’d show up and offer an explanation.
I almost laughed. Explanation? He just doesn’t do that.
No text. No calls. No nothing.
My throat is itching and I want to scream.
Then a knock on the door and my heart started beating wildly. And then a sad sigh escaped my lips. Nope, not Hisoka. He doesn’t knock.
I stand and look at the peephole, my heart stopping from shock and fear.
Chrollo? What is he doing here?
“Just open the door,” he stated.
And I did. Because I’m intrigued what brought the troupe’s leader at my doorstep.
I grip the door handle. “What are you doing here?”
“May I come in?”
My lips thinned. “We can talk here.”
He smiled.
This is my first time seeing him up close. He’s not bad in the eyes. But something about him is dark and menacing. Not the kind of vibes I get from Hisoka—- Ugh, there I go again.
“I just want to ask you to join the spiders.”
He must be kidding. I’m retired at 25. I don’t do violence anymore. My last fight was 3 years ago at the Heaven’s Arena and I was done. I no longer find satisfaction in my abilities anymore. Abilities that made Hisoka approached me. He asked me to fight him and I declined, the jester just simply laughed and told me he would wait. And while waiting, he’d make me happy in bed. He said. That fucking clown.
“I don’t know if you know but I don’t fight anymore—-.”
“I know, and I’m not asking you to fight. At least until you’re ready to pick up the slack again.”
“Look, I am not going to be ready. I’m done. For good.”
Honestly, why is this man inviting me to join them. Hisoka is no longer a member, Chrollo must know I’m ‘seeing’ him. Plus, I don’t do the whole steal and kill. Phantom Troupe just looks cool from afar. Plus, Machi’s there. The woman Tonpa had told me. Yes, I went there, I went around and asked. I don’t do casual sex, it was a first with Hisoka and I had to know about him, any available information about him. But I only got so little, he’s a fucking enigma. One information Tonpa provided me was Machi has a history with Hisoka and who knows if they’re still fucking each other.
“I don’t really believe you, y/n.”
He knows my name so he certainly knows more information about me.
“I think you’re more than willing to fight… if necessary.” He continued.
“Well, it’s not necessary to me.”
“For now…”
He took something from the pocket of his ridiculous outfit and handed it to me. “Just call me.”
I look at it. This thief has a business card. I want to laugh.
He was starting to walk away when I called him.
“D- Do you happen to know where Hisoka is?” I had to ask. I really had to. I couldn’t stop myself.
He offered me a sad smile. “I’m sorry but I don’t know.”
I nodded and closed the door. Looking at his calling card once more.
I woke up at the sound of a voice humming and I screamed when I saw Chrollo casually sitting at the chair at the side of my bed. Reading and fucking humming.
“What the hell!”
He looked up at me. “Oh, you’re awake.”
I rubbed my forehead. “Get out. Why are you in my apartment?! This is unacceptable!”
“You left the door unlocked.”
I look at him like he has grown two heads. “I don’t leave my door unlocked.”
“You did last night. You fell asleep and you forgot to check.”
I am seething. “Are you spying on me?”
“No, what I said was a hunch. But you did leave your door unlocked.”
I am getting a headache. I don’t trust this man at all. “Just go, please.” You creep.
He closed his book and looked at me. “I’ve only been here for two hours, nothing to worry about. I just wanted to ask if you have thought about my offer.”
Now this headache is becoming full blown.
“I need more time. You’ve only been here yesterday evening.” I have no idea why I didn’t just flat out say I don’t want to. “This is—-.”
“Okay,” he casually said and stood up. “I’m going. Think carefully about it. If you’re worried about Hisoka, don’t. I can replace him in your life.”
“Nobody’s saying about replacing anyone.”
His look is grim and disturbing. “I know you’ve been with him for the past 3 years. But this is not your lane, y/n. You can do better.”
“And better is with the spiders?” I can’t help the sarcasm laced in my voice.
“Yes” he answered like it’s a fact.
He started walking towards the door. “As I’ve said, think about it. I could really use some of your abilities.” He looked at me. “And I know you could really use my body.”
My mouth hangs open. What the fuck?
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f33itan · 4 years
🎮👾Aʀᴄᴀᴅɪɴɢ Iɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛs👾🎮 (From my Wattpad)
FYI: F/N in this oneshot means "Friend's Name". I don't wanna choose the name because 1. that's restricting names of whoever you want, and 2. Im to lazy to come up with names every time. LOL- (Also, sorry if I kind of switch from 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person randomly.)
Feitan POV:
"Hey Feitan! Go change, we're gonna go find an arcade!" Phinks yelled from the doorway.
"Shut up, you're, too, loud."
"Whatever, just change, we're leaving soon!!" Tch, that dude so annoying. Why cant I just read in peace? Finally found a good book, yet he just had to ruin it. Damn it. No point in fighting, him and Shal gonna drag me to arcade whether I change or not. 
A/N: Imagine him in something like that hehehe, or whatever outfit you want him to wear if you don't like that one. :)
Your POV:
"We're finally getting a break, but if you keep taking your sweet time, were gonna be back in class before you can say, Y/N's a slowpoke!" F/N yelled in your face.
"Maybe if you get out of my face, I would go faster!" Even though you guys nagged each other 24/7, you guys were still the closest friends. You had known F/N since 4th grade, when you guys were partners for an animal project. At the time, you both loved lizards, so you both were excited to work with one another. Next thing you know, its college, and you guys both get into your dream school. (Insert college name) had been your goal for years, but its quite a lot of work. This was your first week long break, and you weren't trying to waste it on getting ready to go to an arcade. After you were finished with everything, you and F/N got into their car and drove to the arcade. They were blasting (Insert song name) and singing along, so you decided to record them.
"This will be funny to look back at later!"
After about 20 minutes, F/N parked and you both exited the vehicle. They stretched as if they've been in the car for hours, and you thought they were kind of exaggerating.
"Y/N, what if we find you a boyfri-"
"You and your social anxiety need to get out more!" You gave them a little "hmph" before heading inside. You guys played a couple dancing games, 2 player games, a 4D scary game, and some simple joystick games. After a while, you both decided to order some food at a bar, and sat down for a little break.
"What would you two like to drink today?"
(You) "Can I get a -insert drink- and a -insert food/snack- please?"
(F/N) "I'll have an orange juice with a cheeseburger!"
"I'll have your meals out shortly."
Feitan POV:
"Hey, look over there! Those people look nice! Maybe we should go talk to them!" Shalnark said. Man, socializing? No thanks. Just wanna get back to that damn book. Well, guess arcade has been kind of fun. I guess...
"Phinks, don't call me that."
"Whatever, come on let's go!" Why the heck they dragging me? Wait, why we heading to the people over there-
(You) "Uh, hello?"
"Hey! I'm Shalnark, and these are my friends Phinks and Feitan. We were wondering if you guys wanted to go play some arcade games with us!" Stupid Shalnark, being all friendly. Extrovert girl took fat bite out her burger and gave us a muffled "Sure, once were done eating."
Ew, messy. Guess their friends kind of cute though.. wait, WHAT?
-Small timeskip- also back to your POV :
After eating, you, F/N and the trio went off towards the multiplayer things, and you all decided to find some 4 player games. Each time somebody had to sit out, it would be one of the guys. Feitan always volunteered, but Shalnark made them all decide by flipping a coin. You and everybody else were starting to warm up to each other, when Phinks and F/N had an idea. While a 3 player game started, they both snuck off into a corner and devised a plan on how to get you and feitan to interact. Turns out both of you were quite introverted, and they both wanted you two to put yourselves out there and find a partner. After deciding on what to do, they went back to Shal, Fei, and you. You thought they were acting a bit suspicious, but you just shrugged it off.
"Hey Shal, F/N, lets go do something!" Before Feitan could join, reject, or even realize what was going on, Phinks was already dragging F/N and Shalnark in some random direction. Y/N and Feitan just stood there in silence.
"So uh, whhaaattss your favorite... game here?" Feitan just stood silent, staring at you. But, for some odd reason, the silence was comforting, and your thoughts eventually drifted off into the clouds... so much so that you didn't even notice him grab your hand and start pulling you throughout the arcade. Your body just continued moving though, and you didn't bother to question him. After about a minute of walking, you ended up in front of a little fishing game. (Imagine that game where there's that spinning knob thingy and you have to reel in fish with it)
"Wow, wouldn't expect the emo boy to like little kid games like this!" You laughed and gave him a playful shove, which he returned with a silly eye roll.
"Shut it shortie."
"WHAT? YOUR THE SHORT-" You froze. He moved swiftly behind you, lightly pressing his body against yours. He grabbed your hands and put them on the game joysticks.
"Stop, wasting time. Let's, just play, the game." Both of you were blushing, and you continued playing games and making silly jokes for a good hour or so. Little did you know, that Phinks, Shalnark, and F/N got so many videos and pictures of you two...
Phinks: Hey guys, you won't believe what I have to show you.
Shalnark: Ahem, WE, and I have some too...
Shizuku: What? What's going on?
Pakunoda: Hm?
Hisoka: Oh, do tell~
Phinks: Feitan, you're here right?
                                                                                                        I don't trust you guys..
Phinks: You shouldn't
Machi: Are you guys going to show us or not? You got me curious.
Chrollo: Well, no point in making us wait. Please inform us with your "tea"                                               or whatever it is people say now a days.
Shalnark: Alright, prepare to get your minds blown!
~Phinks and Shalnark send all of the best photos and videos they got, and after a couple minutes of the troupe going through every single one, they started talking again~
Pakunoda: Wow, I didn't expect you to be the caring type Feitan!
Shizuku: I think they're cute together! (ᗒ◡ᗕ) ♡︎
Hisoka: Aw, shes so pretty, might just have to make her mine~
                                      Chrollo kicked Hisoka from the chat
Chrollo: I'm so happy, Fei has finally found a girl 😊
Phinks/Shalnark: When's the wedding?
                                                                                                      I'm giving you to count of 3.  
                                                  I'm gonna torture and kill both of you. Skin you alive.    
Shalnark: I have her number!                        
Word count (including author notes, etc:) 1244
Wrote January 20, 2021
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
“Alright, let’s see...Looks like we’ve got a fight tomorrow, Jessie!” The Doctor unfurled a piece of paper from the machine. “First round for Specialists, it looks like; Phantom vs Red. It’s been awhile since Phantom stopped by the office, hasn’t it?”
“...Phantom?” The Feline shrugged; she’d seen records of that Operator before, but never actually encountered them herself.
He sighed. “Right, stealth specialist with mnemonic Arts. Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see what happens, especially since Red- actually, I haven’t seen her recently either. She hasn’t been on a mission, has she?”
“I don’t think so?” Jessica flipped open a tab and scrolled through some of her notes. “No, but she has been on leave for awhile.”
“Really? What kind of leave was it, again? I think you approved that one.”
At that exact moment, Projekt Red walked into the office with a baby in her arms. “Maternity leave.” [not exactly the same universe but hush it’s fine]
“Awww!” The two immediately approached. “What’s their name?”
“Scarlet SilverAsh. I don’t think I can be in the tournament for a while, Doctor; we haven’t moved her to formula yet.” Scarlet fussed a little, which the Lupo solved by licking her forehead.
The Doctor nodded. “That’s alright, Red; I think I know the person to take your spot. Let us know when you’re ready to fight and we’ll put you in the rotation.”
“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll be watching today’s match from home. You can both come over, if you want; Encio’s making burgers.” She watched both of them blink several times. “What?” 
“He can cook?” Jessica asked.
She nodded. “There’s nothing he can’t do. I need to feed her soon. Let us know if you want to come over.”
“Will do!” Once she’d left, the Feline smiled to herself. “I’m looking forward to that someday.”
“Having a kid with me?”
Jessie set her head on his shoulder. “Yeah...We should call Waai Fu now, before too much press goes out.”
“Good plan.”
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Operators, Staff, and Esteemed Guests! Welcome one and all to the Top Operator Tourney!!! *crowd cheers*
“Thanks, Hung! Hiiiii everyone! It’s your lovable idol and Penguin Logistics delivery girl Sora here, filling in for Click on account of some rather inflammatory commentary she gave during the last one. Joining me in the booth, filling in for FEater after she punched the person who told them that, is Croissant!”
“That’s right, Sora, and I ain’t goin’ any’re! Now earlya Baws ‘nounced we had a lil’ bituva skejul shift, but looks like we still ‘ave a real good’un on our ‘ands. On the north side, wi’ 14 years of fightin’ ‘sperience, she’s student by day and brawla’ by nite, WAAAAAAAI FUUUUUUUU!” *cheers* “Ye, dat’s wut I wanna hear! Annnnd on the south side- hey, where’d they go?” *confused crowd noises* “Uh...Now I ain’t gonna lie, I never did meet dis Phantom guy? We sure he works ‘ere?”
“I mean, Medical had enough data to evaluate with, so I guess he does? Aaaanyway, looking at the numbers, it looks like Waai Fu has more combat experience and raw strength, but Phantom’s faster and trickier to deal with, so hopefully he shows up long enough for us to watch him work!”
“Ye, let’s ‘ope so! Baws itn’t at the podium today, but Amiya’s down there doin’ the hands, so let’s ‘ear it! 3! 2! 1! LET’S RUUUUUUUUUUUMBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!”
Down on the ground, as the commentators blathered away, psyching the crowd up, Phantom watched his target from the shadows, blades ready but simply observing. His opponent, an orange Feline he’d never seen before, likewise watched, patient. This wasn’t his usual style...but if it was a show they wanted, then he’d give them a show.
“So you are my opponent.” He took a step forward. “Shall we dance our dance for the masses?”
“The Phantom, in the flesh...I expected to face you later in the bracket, but this works, too.”
His eyes narrowed. “You recognize me?”
“I’ve spent my life clearing the street of scum like you, who skulk in the shadows and take others’ lives for your sick games.” She took a defensive stance. “Your ring of thieves deserved its fate-”
“Do not speak ill of the dead, lest you join them sooner than you expect.” A step backward, and he’d vanished.
Two Phantoms emerged from her shadow, blades drawn to strike as they flanked her, only to find she was ready for both attacks; Waai Fu evaded their swords as knocked both Phantom and his mirror image to the ground. “Repent while you still have time.”
And then everything was a blur.
“It’s like it started out of nowhere! They stared each other down forever, and then BAM! Also, why are there two of him?!”
“I ‘unno, darlin’, but I ‘ope Junior ain’t watch’n this! They’re go’n at it ‘arder ‘n an’thin rite now! I can’t even count ‘ow many blows they’re tradin’, but not a single drop of blood on the ground yet!”
“You can tell Waai Fu’s struggling, though - two on one isn’t a fair fight for anyone, but she’s holding her ground someh- OH, what?!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s the Seven-Styles Kick!! ‘Oly shit, I ain’t ever seen it in person bef’r, but damn that was some’n! And one of ‘em’s gone now!”
“Things have slowed down, and she is absolutely whaling into him! Punch, punch, kick, kick; he’s doing his best to evade them, but I don’t think he can keep up like this for long! Especially since he can’t- never mind, he managed to slash her once, at least, but that just left him open for a solid haymaker! He’s not getting back u/p! 1! 2!! 3!!! SHE’S DONE IT!!!”
“Wowza...Not as bloody as last ‘un, ey darlin’?”
“Waai Fu’s getting medical attention, as is Phantom from the looks...Hey, wait a minute, honey, did you see that?”
“See what?”
Aak was there at Waai Fu’s side, local anesthetic applied and staple gun going to work. “A bit of medi-gel will get this patched up in no time...Hey, who was that guy, anyway? Never seen him around before.”
“The Phantom Behind the Curtain, Treasurer of the Night. He was the leading man for a theatre troupe known for less-than-savory wetwork who traveled the world as a closely-knit ring of assassins, although many didn’t realize their actual business until the day it collapsed.” The Feline sighed. “That one killed a crowded theatre with his voice alone. He didn’t want me dead, not enough to speak to me with his true voice.”
“Truer words, vigilante, have yet to be spoken” a spectral figure whispered in her ear, disappearing before she could identify them.
The other Feline next to her cocked her head. “See something? Mighta gotten some hallucinogens in the anesthetic again.”
“No, it’s...nothing.” She shook her head. “It’ll pass, whatever it was.”
“You’d best win the tournament now, child...For your father’s sake.” From the other ear this time, as if standing in Aak’s place.
On the ground, as Warfarin ensured Gaspard began his recovery, a black cat stepped out of the shadows and, once the Sarkaz was done with the greater part of patching him up, sat on his chest, gently pawing at his face. A slight smile came to his face as he and his Christine were taken to Medical for full evaluation; he might have been defeated in this battle, but the war for himself was far from lost.
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