#Welcome to the Family
bigbronintendo · 4 months
I would love to imagine if Bubble ever did hit that blunt, he would like, extend himself while the bubbles inside of its surface start accommodating until he suddenly spit them out and boom,
bubble dad
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whollyjoly · 5 months
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lou ferrigno jr trending #1 on tumblr??? we LOVE to see it!!!!!
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v-vox-v · 3 months
Adopt me, Vox!
“You want to be adopted..?”
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“Eh. Sure why not I’ll give it a shot.”
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2laffy2 · 9 months
We have someone new in the gacha tumblr fam
Lets welcome them 🙃👉🏾 @utsuroyuki
@leaf-and-jud @flamy-t @misky-uwu @roseyafton @rookie-choco @theaftons1983 @tsutsuji-mystic @thebruhb0i @urlocalgworllol @in0ts0phia @olivia6292 @puyonlilah @ashley-hitch @ace-thecat @alexandra537265 @sophia-does-skits @saturn-the-creator @drwdgaster1997 @dummyelf @gachaclubideas @hayatispage @katsumi-gacha @bassywassy @nxy1134 @cutebendy @boiling-potato
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theaceofarrows · 6 months
Heads up, if your friends or family or anyone else doesn't respect or accept you because of your asexuality, I will be claiming you as my new sibling. You can't escape it. We're found family now. Ace style
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objectum-culture-is · 7 months
Objectum culture is only recently finding out what objectum is, thinking nothing of it, then coming across blogs that are dedicated to inflatable pool toys and computers and wires and going oh. ah.
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Welcome To The Family (9/???)
Warnings: unwanted touch, unwanted cuddling, minimal clothing?(not of reader), slight swearing
I’m so freaking conflicted whether or not to leave canon MHA. Found out things that make Mic no longer a comfort character for me, and just losing interest altogether of MHA. I should also mention if it isn’t clear: erasermic sees you romantic, other 2 platonic. You’re also mid 20s.
It was like a stalemate. Time is frozen still. He also glares for a second at Tadao, whom looks like he’s about to pass out where he stands. 
Shouta snaps out of it first, grabs his capture weapon, eyes turn red, and hair waves upward. That must be with his quirk. 
I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen his quirk. It’s so rare that maybe I forgot. Or is it the headache not letting- now’s not the point! 
He goes to grab her, but she manages to dodge him and his weapon. 
A shiver yet again wracks through my body. “Ugh.”  
Shouta stops in his tracks and locks eyes with me. He easily dodges a hit Aiya tries to get on him. Is she really so far out of her mind to try attacking a pro hero???
Like a dance off, every time he tosses his scarf, she dodges. Every swing of fist, foot, or even body, she dodges as well. It’s like she knows his attack patterns down to a T. She tries to hit one back, and he manages to dodge as well. 
I’d almost jokingly call it a tango in a way. But with a lot more violence. And that they seem to despise each other’s existences. 
Tadao comes back in front of me and kneels, grabbing the cuffs between my hands. “H- here- uh, try to pull them apart while I do the same. Us pulling together should-” 
He tenses severely as something comes behind him. Make that someone, who is Shouta. 
His glare is murderous. I have to make sure he doesn’t kill Tadao. “Stop!” He’s helping!” 
Shouta’s eyes narrow for a moment before he pulls out a knife. Tadao freezes fully and lets out the most girlish shriek I’ve ever heard from a man as the blade swipes down onto the center of my cuffs between his hands. The blade missing his hands by mere millimeters and breaking the chain before continuing fighting Aiya. 
Tadao scrambles to stand back up. He stands up with his back so tense he could be even more straight than a needle. 
A strange, yet familiar faint smell hits my nose. Did he just?...
His face is extremely red, even in the dim lighting. His hands cover his face. “Not a word… ever, please.” 
“Can you focus on my tied up feet instead, then?” I may as well not tease him, especially because of the situation right now. 
Shouta manages to finally crack a hit onto Aiya’s face. It makes her more angry. 
Tadao at the same time reaches down and tries to mold the ropes. It’s slowly taking over, but not nearly fast enough.  
“How the hell did you even find us!?” She dodges another swing he tries to make. He almost seems more intent on trying to seriously harm her more than capture her. “We covered all our tracks! Sure, we could have been farther from your house, but still! It hasn’t even been an hour!” 
Shouta remains silent, and stays silent through every insult she throws at him. Even the ones including how he stole Hizashi. 
She lets loose another punch, this time Shouta catching her hand. 
He quickly wraps her wrist much more tightly and excessively than needed, then pulls her to him. He swings his leg to be behind hers, and makes her legs buckle by hitting the back of her knees. She loses balance and falls to her knees. He doesn’t wait a second to wrap her up with more of his scarf so tightly to the point it almost seems like she can’t breathe. He then pulls out a phone and calls someone on a phone I didn’t realize he had until now. 
“The suspected abandoned wearhouse. Ex-hero assistant BodyFrost,” his smirk widens as he yanks the binds to tighten it more before releasing it back to the way it was. 
“I’m… going to go. He looks like he’s going to kill me still.” Tadao whispers to me, booking it up the stairs and out the door. 
Shouta thankfully doesn’t go after him. He does however walk over to the- why the necklace? 
He picks it up and walks back over to me. He pulls out the blade again and easily cuts the half-molded ropes binding my ankles. 
He stays still for a second, staring into my eyes, then hugs me bone-crushingly tight. The warmth seeping through his outfit is extremely hard to resist not trying to give into. He stills, seeming to notice my abnormally cold body. He pulls away just enough to lock eyes with me. His face so grossly close I could feel his still rather even breath. His eyes narrow. “Did she use her quirk on you!?”
I slightly nod as a shiver wracks my body again.
“FUCK,” he whips his head towards her and glares at her. She glares back. 
He takes a breath in and sighs. He passes me the necklace, making me so utterly confused. It really shouldn’t be this important. He reaches for me and picks me up effortlessly into a princess carry. 
“She’s lucky I can’t kill her.” He says so quietly that almost not even I could hear him say it.
… What??? 
He ignores my expression. He goes up the stairs with me and gives her another glare before we left as the sound of other people arrived. 
I fiddle with the necklace, trying to forget his body against mine. Being so pressed up I can feel the curve and bulge of each muscle- stop mind!!!
My hand felt a fairly sharp edge sticking out. 
I turn it to the side. There was a fairly large crack. I look closer and something that doesn’t seem to be part of the jewel sticking out. I manage to grab it and pull it out, realizing what it was immediately. Ice cold fear floods through my body to the point I’m pretty sure it’s not just the quirk making me shiver. “You… You put a tracker in the necklace!?”
Shouta grunts in confirmation, moving to a sprint and easily keeping the pace. He looks down at me and then glances at the chip that is now in my hand, then back forward. The lights on the streets showing up temporarily as we pass them. “It’s a good fucking thing we did! You have ANY idea what could have happened if we didn’t!? 
I’ve never heard him so angry and it terrifies- yet it also greatly pisses me off. They could have at least told me! I would have willingly then if it was such a concern! Or maybe something simpler so it wouldn’t be such a blaring red flag to wear! No wonder they’ve been freaking out so badly over a fucking necklace! 
Ugh, I seriously should have known with their obsession over the damn thing. Should I drop it?
You know what? I’m going to drop it. Fuck both parties for lying. Fuck being kidnapped. Fuck getting a stupid quirk used on me. Man, I’m so exhausted from all this. 
I open my hands and just let them fall onto my stomach, then falling to the ground from Shouta’s running. “Oops.” I say “genuinely”. Though not feeling remorseful even the slightest bit. 
He looks down to give me a slight glare, but looks back up again after a second. “It was already damaged anyways. That’s how we knew even faster than we would have. It was set off while I was already in this direction to start my parole for the night. It’s already been over half an hour since you left.”  
Sure hasn’t felt that long. Then again maybe the head pain is a part of it.
It doesn’t take too long for us to get back to their house, though I desperately wish he’d just drop me off at my house. I know that’s out of the question however from how tightly he’s holding me. 
Shouta somehow manages to open the door without even placing me down. Hitoshi is sitting in the living room and stares at us when we get into the house. Most of the lights are off except for the T.V. 
Hitoshi stands up and takes a step closer. “You managed to get them?” He asks in a rather hushed tone. Eri must be sleeping already. 
“A certain nuisance is the one who kidnapped them. Her quirk was lightly used, so Hizashi and I are going to keep a very close eye on them.” 
Hitoshi’s face morphs into one with more concern than he tries to let on. “Will she try to come back?” 
Shouta shakes his head. “Fortunately, she was caught.” He didn’t say anything, yet they kept staring at each other as if having a whole conversation without words again. I seriously question how they’re able to do that. 
“Just don’t stay up too late again.”  
“I’m not making any promises.” 
Shouta narrows his eyes. “I will not have you sleeping in class again. We have those medications for you for a reason to help with your insomnia.” 
Hitoshi quirks a brow. “You’re really going to talk about sleeping in class?”
Shouta just turns and starts heading towards- wait, his and Hizashi’s room!? I start to squirm, making him tighten his grip. “You’re not getting out of this. Like I was telling Hitoshi, we need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t get worse. We have a couch in there if anything like this were to happen.” 
Liar. I know I would have remembered seeing a couch in your guys’ room at some point. 
He opens their bedroom door, and closes it with his foot. The light is still on in the room, and it doesn’t take long for Hizashi to notice. Worry laces his face upon locking onto my body. 
I refuse to meet eyes with him and look around the room.
Oh. There really is a couch in here. Huh, wonder when that was added. 
“What happened to our sweet Lovesong? Are they injured? Nothing’s broken right? Should I get the med kit!?” He’s rather frantic, but is noticeably trying hard not to be too loud. Did they really put Eri to bed already? 
Shouta shakes his head. “No. Like I just told Hitoshi, Aiya got a hold of them. 
His silence with nothing but a glare is honestly terrifying on a whole different level. “What?” 
His quiet is so much worse than his loud. Like the silence before the storm. Except it feels like the storm skips right over you and destroys everything of your neighbor. 
“She has used her quirk on them, so we need to keep a very close eye to make sure it doesn’t get worse.”
Hizashi goes into his thoughts, and I don’t like the mischievous glint that appears in his eyes. 
“I have the best idea! You could share the bed with us! That way we can keep you warmer too!” 
I internally recoil at the thought of that. Sleeping with a married couple? Specifically even a hero couple? Fuck. No. That’s just awkward and incredibly weird! Why would they even recommend that!? He must not be thinking! I look up at Shouta, who is still carrying me. My face is pleading him to get some sense into Hizashi, but he stayed surprisingly quiet about it, as if actually pondering the idea.
“It could be the best idea in your state. Until the quirk wears off and your body can generate heat normally again.”
… Am I hearing Shouta right? He’s… AGREEING to this!? 
I get placed onto the bed in front of Hizashi, and he doesn’t waste even a second before yanking me back to be pressed up on- oh my god he’s shirtless and I’m pretty sure he isn’t wearing pants. I feel the heat of his legs touch mine. He wraps his arms around me as well. Gross, gross, gross, stop touching! Let me go! 
I start trying to squirm, but Hizashi is surprisingly strong, preventing me from moving much. 
His warmth is making it really hard to want to get away. Even more than with Shouta earlier. 
Shouta takes off everything but his boxers and gets into the bed as well. My face feels like it’s on fire. He quickly shuffles to be on top of me and puts a hand on my mouth before I could scream at them to let me go. 
“Shhh, you don’t want to wake Eri now, right?” 
Hizashi nuzzles his head into my neck. His small facial hair slightly tickling, 
A strong part of me says it doesn’t matter. That she wouldn’t do anything. Another part of me hopes if I did yell, she’d see and be upset by them or even me ruining their parent’s time together. With the hand covering my mouth though, it’s impossible. 
Tired… their warmth makes me so tired. My body too quickly stops struggling. It gives Shouta the time to also have an arm wrap around my body. The other staying close to my mouth to make sure I don’t wake Eri though.
“That’s it, dear Lovesong. We won’t let you get taken again. See your lovely face in the morning.”
This makes me decide I’m going to resign. I’m done. 
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
you write for hawaii five-o????? OH you’re my favorite person in the world rn
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It’s an honor and a privilege, truly ����
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theturtlefamily · 4 months
☆Shimmer Stimboard☆
Say hi to Shimmer! I was fronting with Winey, and we ran into a book and plush store. ^^ we found this little doll and wanted to take her home! She's a little ruffed up, but she's in good hands now ^^
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writingsofwesteros · 6 months
Viserys' children have such mommy issues !!
Imagine Aemond, Aegon and Helaena being Aemma's children and he marries another person, not Alicent.
Their new step mother is not introduced as the war on the step stones continue.
They meet at driftmark with their step mommy holding a babe already
Welcome to the family
She's had baby Daeron. She's such a sweet, little thing as well and so nervous to meet them.
Rhaenyra takes her under her wing; to keep her away from her corrupting brothers..for now.
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stomacel · 8 months
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bulletflips · 10 months
Juana was drawing. Just on the couch near the door, where she could hear the birds sing and the leaves blow. Papa left again to go build, a house she once heard him talk about it to Mama, and Mama was busy singing to herself as she fixed dinner in the kitchen.
Juana thinks he sings nice, it's rather quiet though.
What isn't quiet are the noises outside. She can hear the wind blow by and give her critique, and she can hear rustling nearby. Wait. Rustling?
It was most likely an animal, but not a lot of those spawn where they are. Flippa calls out to Mama that she'll be out for a bit, she hears a "Be careful" and a few more worried and reassuring acknowledgements before she leaves out the door, gun in hand in case it was an animal and she could shoot it.
It was not an animal.
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caffinedragon · 11 months
Nobody Cares, but won't hold your hand.
Plot: Astarion is given permission by R'yleh(Durge) to use his "Journal" to speak with his mother, The Great Old One known as Noone. They ask to speak with him in person during a long rest at camp, where Astarion learns that not all gods act like gods.
Context: No one/Nobody is a home brew deity from an old Pathfinder Campaign of mine who looks after the invisible, the oppressed, the vulnerable, and those who hide in the shadows. Operates less like a god and more like an underground mob boss or invisible hand. LN-CG depending on how you look at her.
Heavily motivated by spite and petty, caring but pragmatic, values observation, investigation, insight, and the ability to think quickly on your feet. A deity that most often works behind the scenes but if dealt with directly will point you in the right direction but expects you to do the rest yourself.
"I am surprised you came after what you have been through, kiddo."
Astarion jumped as the Deity's liquid honey voice carried through the dark from behind him.
When he turned around, he expected some great horror, or a enchantingly beautiful woman with tendrils coming out of her back or any number of over the top and dramatic options but...
That wasn't what he found.
She was good looking, that was for certain. She was definitely where R'yleh had gotten his looks from but other than that...
She just looked like one of the members of the many Thieves guilds that populated the seedier sections of Balder's Gate.
No extra eyes or appendages or moving shadows just...a pale skinned Drow woman in black leather armor with way more blades than average and a long black cloak to hide them under.
It was...strangely comforting.
"You look a little surprised, Kiddo." Her tone was amused to say the least. Her solid black eyes lighting up with mirth despite the dark. "Expecting something a but more dramatic?"
"Well..." He chuckled nervously, "Compared to the 'gods' I have met recently you seem practically normal."
She smiled, a soft warm thing that relaxed him even more, "Well...it is easier to get things done when no one suspects who you are."
"I suppose that's true." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his feet.
When he looked back up, he jumped again, seeing she had closed the distance form twenty feet away to five in a matter of seconds.
"Ah!" He partially turned away from her on instinct but she didn't seem to mind as she searched his eyes like she was peering into his very soul. "What are you-"
A sad but understanding expression crossed her face. "My son wasn't kidding. You are afraid. But I don't blame you."
"I am not-"
The void black of her eyes reflected his own lies back at him.
The words died in his throat.
"You are afraid." She repeated gently but knowingly, "Your afraid in the same way many of those under my power are. It is fear i am quite familiar with. It is wielded like a weapon by gods and powerful mortals so that they can keep the status quo that lets them stay in control. The same fear, that perpetuates itself and just creates more of the same. Fear that breeds the need for control, that brings abuse, that brings fear, that breeds the need for control...and on and on it goes." She then gently placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him plenty of time to step away.
He didn't.
Something about her alowwed him to let h is guard down.
He knew deep down that somehow, she was different. That she understood.
That, despite being a so called god, she knew what it was like.
"But, you know that already. Don't you kiddo?"
Her words hit harder than he expected but only as hard as he needed.
He did know. It was why Cazador did what he did. It was why Vlaakith wanted to be obeyed. It was why every tyrant, noble, and religious zealot did what they did to others like him.
It was the same fear that made him lure all those people to their doom. That made him want to manipulate R'yleh into protecting him.
And with this being being his mother, he could see why he had seen through it as easily as he had.
But here with her, just as with R'yleh, he felt seen and understood.
And safe.
Like a child in the arms of his mother.
He felt the burn of tears in his eyes.
"Come here." She sighed as she gathered him in her arms, his face easily able to bury itself in her shoulder as she wrapped him in a gentle hug. "It will be all right. Your not alone. Were all victims to this shit. All we can do is find a way to survive, while trying not to become like the monsters that hurt us."
"Even you?" He mumbled into her armor.
"Yeah. Even me."
He was now beginning to understand where R'yleh's loyalty to this being came from, outside of the obvious.
Astarion pulled back to look at her face and rub his eyes, "Are you sure your a god?"
She chuckled, "There have been some days i wonder. Especially when i get more done in a week than most of the other gods have done in 50 years."
He laughed, "I can see that, honestly."
She smiled another wamr smile. "I mean, It's amazing what you can get done when you stop grandstanding and just get to work. If you knew how much reach i have gained in the last century alone because I got my hands dirty just as often as my followers, it would blow your mind."
He smiled genuinely, "If only more gods were like you."
"If only... But, at least i am not alone. Bahamut and I are on the same page when it comes to spending most of our time amongst mortals. So, if you see an old man just wandering around who always seems to have exactly seven birds surrounding him or following him wherever he goes, that's him."
"Does he do this often?"
"All the time. It is his favorite thing to do. He just always seems to attract some ass hole that wants to mess with him for some reason. it's real funny to watch him kick their ass."
"I will make sure to keep an eye out then."
"Oh definitely. And always accept when he asks you to join him for tea. He knows a lot of things about a lot of things and is really good about delivering a verbal kick to the ass when needed. Also he is just a really nice guy to hace a chat with and-"
A sudden look of confusion crossed her face that he was very familiar with.
"Wait...what were we talking about?"
Astarion couldn't help the undignified guffaw that erupted from deep in his stomach.
"What? What's so funny?"
Once he calmed down, "Oh gods...you are definitely his mother."
"What do you mean?"
"R'yleh, he...will start talking about something that will bleed into an unhinged ramble and then suddenly mid sentence he will just stop like you just did and ask that same question."
She started to laugh with him, "Like Mother like Son."
"Exactly. Too bad his father is such a monster."
He regretted saying it the second the last syllable was out of his mouth.
He saw sadness and guilt fill her eyes, "Yeah. A hard lesson learned in not to let your darker nature take hold."
"How did that happen, if you don't mind me asking?"
She exhaled nervously, "Bhaal and his cultists found one of my sanctuary's. It was A haven for unwed mothers and those escaping abusive husbands, old pimps etc. They raided the place doing horrible and unspeakable things to those inside and when i found out... I wanted to get back at him."
"Made myself into a target he couldn't resist. I had planned on raising the child to take him down. He killed children and innocents in my care, what better irony right?"
He saw disgust at herself cross her face.
"When R'yleh was born, I took one look into my son's eyes and realized what I had done." The disgust turned to anger as she crossed her amrs and looked down at the ground. "I realized what Bhaal's blood would make him do. I had done what every other god I hated did. What I swore never to do...and i did it to my own flesh and blood."
He could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke. The look of a mother who knew they had wronged their child in a way they couldn't fix.
It marveled him that a god could openly be so mortal. So willingly to admit when they were wrong.
It was no wonder how she had gotten so much traction in so little time.
"R'yleh said that it was the reason you formed the pact with him. To help mitigate his father's influence."
"Yeah. It was all i could really do. Thankfully, he inherited my mind so he could sort of compartmentalize the urges in his head and keep them under control. Or at least, until the tadpole anyway. Which is why i wanted to speak to you in person."
"I wanted to thank you."
"For what?"
"For being there for him. For not being afraid of what he is even while your so afraid of everything else. My son has felt alone for a very long time and you...have changed that. To see my little boy smiling and bouncing and laughing like he used to before Bhaal ripped him away from me I...fuck."
She turned away from him as tears of her own began to fall.
He repeated the gesture she had given him without a moments hesitation.
He had no idea what to say to comfort a god but the hug seemed to be enough.
She wiped her eyes as she pulled away, "Sorry...I..."
"No need. He has helped me just as much if not more than i have helped him. I swear that i will continue to do so for as long as he lets me."
She smiled, relieved. "I know you will. And I know my son. He is too attached to let go now. So, if you will allow, i would like to give you something."
"Of course. I am not one to refuse a god, especially my Darling's mother."
He watched as she reached into her cloak and pulled out the same, obsidian crystal, compass, and journal that R'yleh had. The only difference being that the journal had a bat on it instead of a kraken.
"Does this mean I am a warlock now?" He teased.
"No." She chuckled, "Only my son has that honor. But all of my Shadows-My 'Chosen' for lack of a better term, have these. You will be part of the family. This way, wherever you go, if you see my symbol, you will have a place to stay no questions asked. Just show them the compass and they will know."
Astarion took the items from her with a hint of suspicion.
"Does this mean i will be at your beck and call? Like Wyll?"
"No. Right now you and my sons priority is to save yourselves from the tadpoles in your heads. After that, if you feel the need to want to help, you can activate the compass and it will point you where your needed. It's strictly voluntary unless it is an emergency and in that case i usually show up in person."
He looked down at the items, his mind picturing R'yleh as he used them. How he got so much of his information from her but was rarely wrong or lead astray. A part of him wasn't sure after what he endured with Cazador but another part of him liked the idea of being part of this sort of shadowy but ultimately good organization that helped people like him.
"As i said before, it is voluntary and you are more than welcome to make the decision after the stuff with the tadpoles is finished."
Astarion nodded, clutching the items to his chest. "What do i do if i want to accept?"
"Have R'yleh show you how to attune them to you. And if you decide you don't, just give the items to him and he will give them back to me."
She then turned towards the shadows of the tree behind her as if listening to a hidden voice.
"Ah. It seems I am needed once again. Some more trouble in Baldur's Gate I have to attend too." She then gently patted his cheek, "It was good to meet you Astarion. Know that no matter what you decide, my shadows will always be listening for you."
"Thank you."
"Try not to get into any trouble you cant get back out of, yeah?"
"We will do our best."
With a warm smile he watched as she stepped into the shadow of a nearby oak tree and dissapeared.
"So? How did it go?" R'yleh's curious voice asked form out of nowhere.
"Ah!" He jumped, nearly dropping the gifts she had given him. "Gods! What is it with the both of you scaring me half to death!"
He had that cheeky grin on his face again, "We are naturally stealthy people. So?"
With a sigh he showed R'yleh what he was given.
He watched his eyes light up right before he quietly squealed and did his little happy feet dance Astarion found adorable.
"So? Are you going to accept or are ya still thinking about it?"
"I am still thinking on it. After being in servitude to Cazador-"
"Your leery about pledging yourself to someone else." His tone was understanding as he nodded. "That is perfectly valid and fair."
"Thank you."
"So, want me to hang on to them until you make the decision or..."
"No!" That came out more desperate then he wanted. "No. I will...hang on to them."
He could feel the knowing smirk now spreading across R'yleh's face.
"All right." He then began walking back to camp but not before saying, "Just let me know when you want me to teach you how to attune to them. The spell can be a little tricky for those that aint used to magic."
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iksvolforb · 1 year
i've decided that 'Welcome to the Family' by Watsky is so Stan coded - he would write it for Kyle after meeting him when on tour with Crimson Dawn
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mercenaryg · 20 days
We fought together through the Thick Of It All, going through the good times and the bad ones together.
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lunarthefrieschild · 1 year
My parents don’t love me….can I be adopted 😌
⬆️ that isn’t actually true- can I still be adopted??
sry late text I was busy these days I will try to be online more often🥲✌..
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