farahsamboolents · 4 months
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Merry Pride Month from Wendimoor!
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miryel89 · 1 year
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Day 14 - Castle
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sacred-algae · 4 months
Panto Trost has cool hair, Kenergy, leaves his fairytale world and comes into the real one, encounters bad guys here, illegally obtains a campy cowboy outfit, and after all that he STILL treats women pretty cool….
I mean this with a healthy dose of offense, Ken from the Barbie Movie, but Panto Trost is just built different. He would never.
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humnooshop · 6 months
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Location: Wendimoor
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purple-alligator · 2 years
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clockworkcheetah · 2 months
didn't list characters working for blackwing cause they're already kinda in the villain zone as is but still welcome to choose them
i just think its interesting that most dghda characters (imo) are morally grey as is and through choice could be a good guy or bad guy depending (aka they could get worse or get better)
feel free to explain in the tags (just y'know be civil and don't needlessly start character bashing that's not what this poll is)
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h3rmitsunited-art · 15 days
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snooze 😴
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geoz-n · 5 months
It took me over 10 rewatches but I just realized an electrical event starts both of the mysteries in each season of dghda.
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bagel-of-masyaf · 1 year
the moment in dghda when they're all on wendimoor molly and tina says she wants to fuck everyone there? same queen
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farahblack · 2 years
no wait im still stuck on todd giving out the mexican funeral shirt as an established flirting ritual. that is crazy. imagine dirk goes to amanda like im sooo crazy for your brother but im just not getting any response from him, like romantically, i keep trying to flirt with him but he never flirts back i dont think he even gets im hitting on him, amanda how do i make him realize i want to date him, can you help me out? :( :( :( and amanda looks down at dirks mexican funeral shirt. looks back up at dirks huge eyes expression. looks at the shirt again. and goes oh idk dirk. are u sure abt that
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
You CANNOT just smush together SVSSS and MDZS worldbuilding in your fics willy-nilly!! There are many aspects in which they contradict each other!! Not least the fact that “demonic cultivation” means two incredibly different things depending on which book you’re talking about!!
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ok fine the second half of s2 does have its moments and those moments are the Execution Breakout Scene.
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holisticpippin · 10 months
this took a good couple of hours and I tried to do this in order; buckle up!!
the posters on the windows as todd is walking by the convenience store place has a silhouette of a falling whale, what I assume is a reference to the infinite improbability drive whale, and an ad that says "zaphod," a reference to zaphod beeblebrox (s1e01 'horizons')
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(also todd's stance here is so funny to me)
the rowdy 3, consisting of four (and later five) members, could be a reference to how the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is called a trilogy that happens to consist of 5 books ("there are four of them!" "I'm wildly aware")
one of the screens in the death maze has the number 42 on it (s1e04 'watkin')
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there are 42 blackwing subjects
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farah's awesome jacket with "D Adams" on it and the number 42 (multiple episodes)
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the boretons' dog is named agrajag, which is the entity that arthur dent accidentally kills in every incarnation. unfortunately he dies here too (multiple episodes)
in the tree car, farah remarks that "the odometer's only on 42 miles" (s2e02 'fans of wet circles')
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the book francis cardenas has by him as he's having the nightmare that says "PANIC!" on the cover (in what can only be large, unfriendly letters), with the subtitle "attack devil dolphins." (s2e07 'that is not miami')
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the executioner guy in wendimoor calling dirk a "hoopy frood" as he helps him unload the scissor blade things (s2e08 'little guy, black hair')
the blackwing phone number on the business card, "555-424-2424" with a wild amount of 42s (s2e09 'trouble is bad')
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dirk telling himself "don't panic" before jumping into the portal (s2e09 'trouble is bad')
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urlocallesbiab · 2 months
Francis Cardenas, "The boy", as a trope personified:
So, a lot of us have noticed that DGHDA's holistics function as fiction tropes in-universe, bending the expectations of normalcy and reason of those around them for the benefit of "the narrative"/the universe and fate itself. They're more than just tropes applied — they're tropes incarnate, made real and tangible within the confines of the story, interacting with it on a somewhat metatextual level. We've got:
Dirk Gently as "main character syndrome"
Bart Curlish as "plot armor"
The Rowdy 3 as "deus ex machina van"
Mona Wilder as "swiss army weapon"
So, what does Francis stand for, with his god-like powers of bringing dreams and fantasies to life?
I think he's "the inciting incident".
Look at it:
He's the center of the Cardenas case (none of the deaths and disappearances would've happened if he didn't have his powers).
He's the reason the dimension of Wendimoor and its people exist at all.
He's the first ever project of Blackbook, the predecessor of Blackwing; in a way, he's the reason Blackwing exists.
And, as @goatyoat helpfully pointed out, Friedkin moving him was, chronologically speaking, the inciting incident of season 2 itself!
So, there you have it, QED *bows*
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humnooshop · 1 year
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project-icarus · 2 months
dirk gently season 2 dashboard simulator
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🔎 holistic-detective Follow
this edible ain't shit
🔎 holistic-detective Follow
there's a house inside the house
🔎 holistic-detective Follow
where's that music coming from
🔎 holistic-detective Follow
ok so I might be in actual judeo-christian hell
18 notes
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👾 purplepeopleeater Follow
im so hungry
🔎 holistic-detective Follow
how hungry
🔎 holistic-detective Follow
682 notes
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🔪 bart Follow
has anyone seen Ken?
3 notes
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✂️ normal-man-from-this-world Follow
I will find dirk gently, fulfill the prophecy, and save Wendimoor!
✂️ normal-man-from-this-world Follow
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🚖 literally-just-some-guy-deactivated Follow
put your hand in my enclosure I promise I won't bite
🕶 blackwing-boss Follow
hey what's your superpower
🚖 literally-just-some-guy-deactivated Follow
please let me out
🚖 literally-just-some-guy-deactivated Follow
I'll be sooooo niceys if you let me out
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🕶 blackwing-boss Follow
what a nice day! I sure hope no one manipulates me into giving them the same clearance as me so they can take my job
💻 newer-better-blackwing-boss Follow
1k notes
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🚬 the-fifth-rowdy Follow
fuckkkkk I don't know where my friends are
🚬 the-fifth-rowdy Follow
welp. to the train tracks!
🚬 the-fifth-rowdy Follow
🚬 the-fifth-rowdy Follow
don't worry guys I'm fine
🧍‍♂️randombystander Follow
no i don't think you are
🚬 the-fifth-rowdy Follow
you've never been plagued by visions and it shows
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ok i give up theres too many characters and things that happen in that show jesus christ
rip Farah and also Tina and also mona I swear I tried to include them (and also more bart lmao) but I couldn't decide on emojis and/or urls and then I died
lmao I just realized I forgot. todd. ALSO BEAST I DIDNT FORGET HER I JUST GAVE UP BEFORE THINKING OF A POST FOR HER 😭 ok sorry I'll go now
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