#I can go into more detail but I’m gonna keep this short and sweet
geoz-n · 5 months
It took me over 10 rewatches but I just realized an electrical event starts both of the mysteries in each season of dghda.
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total-lunareclipse4 · 1 month
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🌜One sided hate🌛
pairing: five hargreeves x reader
summary: you work for The Commission, but so does your coworker who you hate. After a sweet gesture during your special day, you begin to wonder if maybe you’re the problem.
warnings: none I can think of
word count: 1.9 k
There wasn't anything extraordinary about today. You'd felt the same as always when you had woken up by the alarm blasting from your phone, and when you'd gone to turn it off, you'd realized that you didn't have any messages. Not that this came as a surprise to you, you hadn't even felt disappointed like years prior. The type of life you chose to lead was a very solitary one. Having a family wasn't compatible with working for The Commission, and friends got tired of associating with you when your work caused you to miss every important event in their life. Also, there was the fact that you didn't even stay in one place for long periods of time, traveling through humankind's history as if you were going from one country to another.
As you got in the shower, you dreaded going to work today. Usually, you were very fond of what you did, but today you were going in to do paperwork. Whenever a mission was over, you had to spend the next couple of days writing endless detailed reports about everything that had gone down for your supervisors to go over. In some cases, you would be called in and scolded for doing something reckless that had put in danger the integrity of the organization. That had only happened to you once, but the pain in the ass you had for a coworker had not let you live it down. He was the perfect employee, your boss adored him and everyone in the office was constantly kissing his ass. Not you, however, you did not care how good he was at what he did, you were also pretty damn good about it and didn't need to put others down to prove it.
Distracted by these thoughts, you lost track of time, realizing that you were now running late. Annoyed that you were going to have to miss breakfast, you quickly headed for your place of work. Upon arriving, you were quick to get inside, trying to hide from your boss so she wouldn't realize you were late. However, as your luck would have it, she was waiting for you by your desk.
With her red lips pressed firmly in a tight line and her pale arms crossed over her chest, she gave you a frown before speaking;
“Agent, a word.” She started walking towards her office and you had no choice but to follow. Once both of you were inside the room, you closed the door and sat down reluctantly.
“After today, that makes what? Three times you've been late this month?”
Four, actually. But you weren't going to correct her.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, wishing to be anywhere but here.
“No excuses today?” One of her eyebrows shot up.
With a sigh, you replied, “No, just a promise not to let this happen again.”
She looked taken aback by your change in attitude, being used to the endless rants that explained why you had been late that day. Some of your best stuff had been used during these meetings, realizing that you were most creative during the early hours of the morning.
“I love this job, and I'm good at it. I won't be late again, I promise.” You tried to keep your sentences as short as possible, wanting this conversation to end quickly.
Your boss rested her chin on her hand and waited a few seconds before speaking again.
“Look, I'm gonna be honest with you here. You have one of the best success rates, however, being a good killer doesn't necessarily make you a good worker. You need to take this job more seriously. Be on time, dress more professionally, hand in your reports when they’re due. Next time I won't be letting you go with just a warning.”
You tried to ignore her comment about your clothes, since you thought you usually looked very professional. There was a lot of thought put into your outfits. But this wasn't the time to argue with her.
“I'm sorry. Like I said, it won't happen again.”
“Good. Close the door on your way out.” You gladly took this as an opportunity to get out of her office, but when your hand had reached the handle, you heard her call after you.
“Wait, before I forget,”
So close, you thought.
“Have Five go over your report once you’re done with it.”
“What? Why?” your words carried a little more aggression than you'd intended, something that didn't go unnoticed by your superior.
“Because I'm telling you to do so.”
You debated if this was a discussion worth having, deciding that it indeed was.
“But he has the same rank as me, why is he supervising my work now?” You could tolerate putting in some extra work now that your job was sort of on the line, but answering to Five was something that you thought you could not tolerate.
“You have the same rank, yet, he’s never been late.” You knew this was a sign to drop the subject before she regretted not firing you in the first place.
You opened the door, resigned to leave.
“One more thing,” you heard her say, “don't ever question me again.
“Yes ma’ am,” you replied and went to sit over at your desk.
This was proving to be the worst birthday ever.
Once you were all settled in, you decided to start moving some files around, figuring that if you wanted to be taken more seriously, you had to start by cleaning up your place of work. That’s when you first noticed the little brown bag and the paper cup with your name written on it. Upon closer inspection, you realized they happened to be your favorite drink and pastry. There was also a note attached written in very neat handwriting that read: “Happy birthday, enjoy breakfast on me.” On the bottom left corner were three doodles you figured were a poor attempt at drawing balloons.
You looked around the office, but none of your coworkers seemed to be paying you any attention. Against your better judgment, you took a sip from the beverage, thankful that you were going to be able to eat some breakfast afterall.
Around noon, you were almost ready with your report, and you decided to take a quick lunch break as a reward for your work. You headed for the snacks machine, almost having forgotten about the terrible morning you’d had. However, things seemed to be going bad again when you noticed a particular coworker standing by the machine.
Taking a deep breath, you chose to rise above and walked over to get some food. You noticed he was whistling your favorite song, apparently not having realized you were there.
“Goodmorning,” you said as to let him know you were there.
Without turning back to look at you, he bent over to pick up the soda that had fallen from the machine and replied,
“Actually, it’s the afternoon.” Already annoyed, you looked down at your watch to realize he had been right. It was exactly twelve PM. You chose not to say anything, waiting for him to leave so you could buy your lunch, but instead, he opened his can with a loud POP and leaned against the machine.
“Did you like the breakfast? I wasn’t sure if that was still your order,” he asked.
You were shocked by the revelation, expecting the gift to have come from anyone but him. You had so many questions, and a couple of insults too. Regardless, the only thing you could mutter out was a poor attempt at being grateful.
“Yeah, thanks,” you spoke dryly.
“I know you never have any breakfast so I thought it an appropriate gift.” He took a sip from his soda.
“You couldn’t possibly know that,” you spat, annoyed.
He gave you a half grin, an insufferable look that said please, who do you think you’re talking to?
“You’re always late, usually looking like a hot mess. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you don’t have time to eat breakfast. Not saying that I’m not a genius though.” You hated that he was making assumptions about your life like that, however true they may be. He didn’t know the first thing about you.
“And humble too,” you replied, anger taking over your tone.
He furrowed his brow, as if confused by your response. Did he seriously expect you to act any differently after he called you a mess?
“Have I done something to offend you?” He asked.
You let out a loud puff. Where could you start?
“I don’t appreciate you treating me like garbage just because you’re on the good side of our boss.”
He let out a laugh, an actual audible laugh that made you want to strangle him.
“Buying you breakfast on your birthday is treating you like garbage now?” He always managed to twist your words to leave you looking like the bad guy.
“That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what were you talking about? Enlighten me please, when have I ever been rude to you?”
This was your opportunity to show him how insufferable he had been over the years, however, after giving it some thought, you couldn’t come up with much.
“Like that time I got told off for making a mistake during a mission and you made fun of me afterwards.” You felt silly saying it out loud. It sounded so childish.
“That’s what this is about? I was just playing around, that’s what friends do!” He laughed again, taking another sip.
“We’re friends?”
“We aren’t?” He asked. His brows furrowed in a confused looked.
Suddenly, you realized all of the anger you had held against him over the years was nothing but one sided and utterly pointless, given that Five actually thought you two were friends.
“No, not to my knowledge,” your tone was soft, no longer mad but a bit embarrassed by your past attitude.
Five took a good look at you, inspecting you for a moment. He seemed to be making a choice in his mind, which he shared with you when he spoke again.
“Tell you what, let me take you out for dinner tonight, as a way to celebrate your birthday properly. We can actually talk and get to know each other then. That way you can make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to be my friend.”
You pondered about it for a few seconds, unsure if to trust the guy who you'd considered your enemy for as long as you’d worked here. After a little bit, you came to the conclusion that eating dinner with a coworker was better than sitting alone in your apartment feeding on leftovers, even if that coworker was Five Hargreeves.
“Fine, let’s have dinner.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Yeah sure, whatever,” you smiled. You figured you could try to be a little kinder to him after years of unjustified rudeness.
He smiled back and began walking away, once he was a few feet away from you, he turned around to face you again.
“And hey, don't forget to have that report on my desk before you clock out today,” he said with a wink before leaving you alone.
The anger came back, making you feel the urge to punch that stupid grin off his face.
Maybe all was not forgiven.
author’s note: I’ll probably do a part two if this goes well of them having dinner!
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m-ayo-o · 1 year
18+ dry humping // oral // 21+ Ichigo wc 1500 selfshiptember; 30 yes yes yessss pool time fun [we didn't make it to the pool] look at himm, i want him to bite meeee
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Thanks to your best friend, you’ve finished setting up for the pool party you’re hosting for your university friends super early. You give him a sweet smile and tug on his hand, pulling him down to place a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, Ichigo,” you watch the red blush travel up his face, “you’re a lifesaver.”
He stumbles and trips over his words, filling you with the desire to taunt him some more.
“Ichigo,” you know he can’t stand it when you say his name like that, “I’m gonna get changed.”
You tug on his shirt, signaling for him to follow you.
And he lets you pull him up to your room, that’s filled with all your pretty clothes, your smell… your bed.
Oh, if only he knew the things you’ve done on that bed. All of your countless nights fingering yourself stupid, panting and moaning and wishing there was something (someone) bigger to fill you.
“Ichigo,” you love his name so much, you can’t not say it, “will you help me choose my outfit... please?”
His jaw visibly clenches, wondering why on Earth you think he’d give a shit about your outfit.
He couldn’t care less about the scraps of material covering your body. He’d much prefer to see his pretty friend stripped bare and covered in his cum.
But he’s not exactly prepared to say that right now.
So he nods and sits on your bed instead.
You pick out a tantalising array of swimsuits and start to undress to try on the first set.
Ichigo is unable to look away while you strip off your top.
After seeing you do this a few times before, you think he’d be used to it. But he is never going to get used to seeing your body.
His saliva feels thick under his tongue, he can hear his pulse pounding in his ears, drumming louder and louder as he watches you emerge from your t-shirt, hair ruffled and chest on display in your cute bra.
He swallows hard while his gaze falters and shifts, feeling as though he shouldn’t be watching you.
He gets all uncomfortable, trying to shift and rearrange the hefty swell in his shorts, until you step closer and take his jaw in your hand.
“Ichigo,” there it is again, those three syllables bringing you such joy, whereas they only seem to worsen his condition, “you know it’s ok… for you to see me like this.”
His eyes are trained on yours, afraid to look anywhere else.
“We’re friends, aren’t we Ichi?”
He sighs through his nose, impatience brimming in his chest. He’s not sure how much more of this he can take.
“Of course.” He replies tersely, “But I shouldn’t–” his amber eyes flit around, desperately trying to avoid your gaze.
But you keep your hand firmly on his chin, tilting his face up to study every detail, every weakness.
You pull away with a giggle, satisfied with his irritated expression.
You turn and pull your bra off, earning a chastising shout of your name as he finally gives in and turns away, burying his face in your duvets.
That doesn’t exactly help, considering they smell so strongly of you.
“Ichigo,” you tease him again, “I’m done!”
He faces you, finding your somewhat modest t-shirt and shorts to be replaced by two tiny triangles of material over your tits, one over your crotch, and you turn to show him the back, and–
“y/n” it was nothing short of a moan. He knows what he sounded like.
Yet you turn to him and continue this game like he’s not about to bust through his pants.
“Mhm? What is it?”
You twirl around and admire yourself in the mirror, toying with your hair and adjusting the stringy straps of your top, making your boobs jiggle.
“Do you like this one?”
You approach him again, this time edging closer as you watch him swallow another thick load of spit.
If only you could get his mouth open… you could see just how wet he is in there.
You prod his chest, encouraging him to speak up.
He looks up at you with such a strained, pretty face, then grits his teeth one more time and opens his mouth to speak, only for a few laboured pants come out. You should understand that he’s far past the point of talking by now.
But your teasing has only gone so far before tonight. Now things are getting a little out of hand even for you.
You slip a thumb over his bottom lip, spreading his mouth wider as you get a good look at the pools of saliva inside.
He goes to close his mouth again, but finds your fingers squeezing his face as you tut and shake your head.
His eyes dart around, not knowing what to do, his tongue twitching while that adorable embarrassment floods his cheeks.
You just hold his mouth open and watch him drool.
You watch that slick, clear liquid spill from his lips, dripping down either side of his mouth.
And you bend down to his face, his neck craned up to you, and you lick his chin.
“y/n…” it comes out shakier this time.
He tastes like pure lust. You need more.
Your tongue finds his lips, your hand stroking up and through his hair.
He pants into your mouth as you lick and taste him slowly, until you finally feel his body giving in to yours.
His strong hands find your waist and pull you on top of him. Now he’s got you in his lap, he squeezes your nape and starts tonguing you back.
He moves agonisingly slowly, holding you too gently as he desperately fights his desire to ruin you. 
“Ichigo,” you pull away from your messy, wet kiss, “you know I want you, right?”
He nods gingerly.
“Want you to touch me,” you squirm on his thighs, eagerly seeking friction from his long, hard boner, “need you”
He swears he’s gonna get a nosebleed and go braindead in seconds if you keep this up.
He shakes his head.
“I can’t…” he mutters against your lips while simultaneously grinding up into your heat. 
The disappointment that crosses your features kills him. But right now, he knows he wouldn’t last two seconds inside you. He couldn’t do that to you.
“But…” you whimper, begging him with your pretty eyes.
“Look at you,” he places his hands on you like you’re made of glass, “I can’t–” he repeats, biting his lip, hesitant to admit just how weak he is. How weak you’ve made him.
“But I need you so bad,” you’re almost crying, humping his thick, achy length.
“y/n, y/n, please, slow down– nnhh–” you’re getting carried away now, the sliding and poking of his erection over your clit and lips getting you off so good. You could just settle for cumming on him like this.
“Please let me– I, I just need to–” your cries are interrupted by a long groan from the man below you, his hips pumping hard into your soaked little bikini bottoms.
You feel something wetter, something thicker than your slick juices. You look down, watching him bump and thrust as white liquid trickles from his shorts, getting your crotch all messy and sticky.
The sight of him pent up and fucked out gets you endlessly wetter, your hips gyrating greedily until you find your release, coming down hard as you grip on his shoulders.
You whine and grind through your long orgasm, making him moan and wince with overstimulation until you slow down and eventually sit still on his lap, your chest heaving as he caresses your back.
But he knows what girls like you need, and he knows that you’re far from done.
So he slips you off his lap and lays you on your bed, standing and stripping off his soaked shorts.
He pulls you to perch on the edge of your bed as he kneels below you, tugging off your bikini bottoms. He takes your thighs in his hands and eases them apart to see the sloppy mess in between.
“Fuck… you got so fucking wet for me… and I couldn’t–” he sighs with disappointment. He didn’t particularly want your first time together to be so embarrassing.
Little does he know, him cumming like that makes you feel like a damn goddess... and so satisfied that you can bring someone as strong as him to his knees with a bit of dry humping.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I couldn’t do it right,” frustration crosses his handsome face again, “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
He speaks with such sincerity then slides his tongue into you, dipping and licking and swirling till you’re all lightheaded.
Once he’s satisfied with your overflowing pleasure, feeling it drip down his chin and neck, he stands and looks over your body again.
His fiery eyes blaze over the soft mounds of your tits and down your figure, the mess between your legs making his cock swell again.
And you watch him grow and throb as his eyes fix on your tight, leaky hole.
Your eyes are glued to his erection that’s straining hard and angry again, until he speaks, “I want to–” he gives his cock a few lazy tugs, “I want to show you… how good I can make you feel.”
selfshiptember 30!!!!! omg ^-^ likes, comments + reblogs appreciated! <3
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the-one-who-lambs · 1 year
uhh hello!! sorry if this is a tall order LOL but I wanna ask, do you have any narilamb fanfic recs? :D I already read yours and I really like bamsara’s and I’m waiting for epicaandk’s to update (that one is my fav ever <3) but idk what to read now lol
Tall order?? Naaaaah, I'm always happy to give recs. Oh boy, I'm gonna go in reverse chronological order.
If you've read all of my narilamb fics (have you seriously? I'm impressed, that's probably well over half the 150k+ I've written for this damn fandom. Also, to anyone seeing this from a reblog, my stuff is over at onethirdofimpossible!) then here we go!
You already mentioned it, but The Rehabilitation of Death is excellent so far! This one is by @bamsara who is new to the CotL fandom but apparently not new to fanfic writing; they have a really popular FNAF fic and I assume the well-deserved attention this fic's been getting is a byproduct of the popularity they've already gotten in other fandoms. :D Welcome, bamsara! Many of the fic writers in this fandom are friends with each other already, but we don't bite if you wanna say hi.
Feel No Evil and Language Barrier, both by @payasita. I always love how payasita portrays this duo (in both digital art and writing), with so much sass and repressed loneliness, knowing they're stuck together for eternity and making the best of it. (And maybe falling in love, depending on how dense Narinder keeps being.) What makes these come alive for me is how well thought out the setting is outside the Lamb and Narinder. The descriptions and weight of emotions really pop here.
LITERALLY ANYTHING written by pavi / @i-eat-deodorant. Depending on how spicy you want your fics to be he has even more here. Character analysis, diction, pacing, etc. are consistently 10/10. Top-quality banter between a sassy Lamb and tired old man Narinder. We constantly bounce ideas off each other and inspire each other a lot but I promise I'm not hyping him up just because he's my friend oh my god please just go bless your eyes.
It Was For You, O Death by blueberry-muffin-massacre (if they have a tumblr, let me know so I can tag!). An intriguing alternative ending to the final battle wherein the Lamb chooses a secret third option by refusing to give up the Red Crown and still observing Narinder as the God of Death. So many details are so well thought out and duality their relationship is nicely characterized-- both genuine care for each other and also quite unhealthy. A fine line treaded well!
Confessional by jusmove (again, lmk if they have a tumblr). Been a while since I've read it, but I love how the Lamb chips at Narinder's very carefully built emotional walls. Their personalities are very well fleshed out here, especially Narinder's cognitive dissonance at being able to process love.
Confession by @thewitchoftheweed. I didn't expect a part two to this one, but my god I was so thrilled when it did update. Narinder and Lamb with their unique and parallel loneliness and their fucked-up sense of everything. Their relationship is very rocky here, and I love how they navigate it: with tension and eventual, pained acceptance. Mind the rating.
Of Character Development and Being Dense by @calliecature. A short and sweet narilamb classic. They're both mutually pining and one of them is too emotionally repressed to realize it. Guess who.
Not An Offering, But a Gift by @checkplzjuliet. Small confession fic. I especially love how Narinder's descriptions twist the knife of his situation here, and how Lambert is a total foil for him! There are a lot of good things happening in such a short span, which is impressive.
Also, if you think you've read all my narilamb fics... I do have a secret one out there too. Just so you know.
Happy reading!
I'm already friends with many of the people here, but if any of the writers I've tagged have been kinda wanting to reach out for a while but feel a little anxious... Don't be. I've made my best friends in this fandom by literally just waiting for some of my readers to get over whatever assumption they have that I'm cool and say hi. Or being the more confident one first.
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#30: This Is It (S7E12)
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Their smiles in this 7.12 scene will forever warm my heart. 🥹 And after seeing the palpable yearning Rick and Michonne have for each other in each of these TOWL trailers, you just know that it’s moments like the one on this rooftop that they both long to return to. (Side note: when they said TOWL would be an epic love story they were not playing around 🔥 every teaser and trailer is showing why this is the most epic husband and wife and this is some crazy love for real. 😍)
Now y'all know Richonne's honeymoon episode 'Say Yes' is gonna make multiple appearances on this Top 30 list. Starting with this lovely moment right here where our power couple is so visibly enamored with each other...
(And y’all, at first I really thought I was gonna make these posts a lil paragraph each, but then I saw a post that said, “I’m my target audience on Tumblr,” and I was like - you know what that person is right lol. And I love me some detailed Richonne insights, both to nestle in and read and to write, so instead of short and sweet, these posts are about to be my signature-length and sweet. Cuz truly I can’t help but go all out when it comes to reveling in Richonne)
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Lemme start by saying we are so fortunate to have Andy and Danai as the captains of this ship and that this extraordinary TV relationship is in the hands of two extraordinary actors. The way they give their all to these characters and always speak so beautifully about Rick and Michonne’s relationship is just a blessing. 🙌🏾
I remember Andy saying that he likes to think “I love you” is communicated every time Rick looks at Michonne, and it really really is. And this moment in 'Say Yes' is a prime example. The way they look at each other throughout this scene was a loud and clear “I love you” from them both, and I absolutely love to see it. 
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Ok so refresher - because the universe was like Richonne deserves to keep winning on this honeymoon, they climb on that roof and find a boatload of guns at a carnival. And I love that they let Rick and Michonne’s run take place at such a date-like environment.
And I am smiling uncontrollably seeing the two of them smile when they realize this is it. They’re so beautiful and their joy brings me joy. It’s great seeing that they’re in such a good mood after being so down in 7A, and I adore every glance and synchronized smile they share. 
I love Rick saying, “I think this is it” and Michonne smiling as she agrees. This line is pretty accurate to their relationship too. This relationship is it. This is the one for them. I mean, Andy said it himself - Rick found the greatest love story of his life in finding Michonne.
Rick asks, “Think we can?” which is also cute cuz he def knows they can. As was shown in the 7.10 ep 'New Best Friends,' Rick thoroughly enjoys the fact that he and his woman are such a power couple and there’s nothing they can’t do. (and the CRM finna learn there's nothing this husband and wife can't do together real soon 💁🏽‍♀️)
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When Rick asks if she thinks they can, Michonne is like let me find the coolest way possible to say 'yes we can' when she gets a determined look on her face and shoots those cans from a far distance. It’s nice cuz when she went out practicing her shot in 7.04 it was a very frustrating experience for her, but now with her man by her side and fighting the fight with him, she’s having a far more fun and successful time. And this would be how two of the baddest in the land have a carnival date. 😋
I love how happy Rick seems to be here to see Michonne in her element. He knew she had been practicing out there alone, and now he gets to see that of course his boss of a wife has got good at it. And their smiles and laughs. Food for the soul.  
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You can just feel Rick taking in every moment he has with her and cherishing it. His adoration for this woman is so visible. And as we know, at this point, Rick had come to terms with the fact that he may not make it out of this Saviors war and that they’d lose people. So seeing him be so present in this moment with Michonne like they were the only two in the world, is all the more heartfelt cuz he’s trying to enjoy this moment like it’s his last. Cuz realistically, it could be.
And if his days really are numbered, then spending quality time enwrapped in Michonne's love and smiles is a major part of how Rick wants to enjoy what valuable life he has left.
Michonne is so glowy and happy in this scene too. 🥰  This is the face of a woman whose heart is being cared for by a good man who will be by her side through anything. Her adoration and fulfillment with her man are so fully on display, and she's so deserving of this kind of love and happiness. Also it’s sweet how Rick has this impressed look at her as she knocks down those cans.
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And truly what makes this a top 30 scene for me is their reactions after she says that. Because Michonne gives Rick the most sincere sweet smile that is just so clear she loves him. And then the lingering way Rick looks at her 😍…based on that look it just feels like my man Rick was a bit overcome with his love for her. 🥹
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It was most definitely a moment of Rick thinking, 'How’d I get so lucky finding you?' And I love that Rick can never hide his feelings for her. This is a man who is so deeply in love with his wife. And how he quietly soaks up this happy moment with her melts my entire heart. You can genuinely see that this moment in time with his true love is one Rick treasures and wants to hold onto for as long as he can.
And I just so respect that with his character so aware that life can be cut short, he’s really presently basking in each moment with her. Time with Michonne and their family is what Rick most wants. And it's refreshing to see them both be so fully present in their Richonne bubble and enjoying what they've always wanted in this scene.
The scene ends with them falling through the roof, but then after a moment of silence, you hear them laughing yet again. I love it. Nothing was bursting that Richonne bubble.
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Andy and Danai understand the assignment every time when it comes to depicting Richonne’s relationship. And I love that they knew in an ep where they get to just have all this alone time, they would be so smiley and on cloud nine. And this was one of the moments that beautifully portrayed that. 
Joy wasn't often depicted on this show, but whenever Rick and Michonne got alone time together it was joy’s time to shine. They know they can get through anything together so they’re able to just take a moment and enjoy each other and laugh and smile and that is a rare and wonderful thing only the two of them could give each other in this way.
So if you were to ask me what true love is, I’d show you Richonne scenes like these and just have three words - This. Is. It. 😌
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jester-lover · 2 years
Hey, how's it going? I have been following your posts recently and I really enjoyed the writing! So I would like to ask you to write about a Morticia Addams!Reader (An elegant, motherly, masochistic, seductive and intelligent woman) with the Twst boys. Like, you could start with the first boys and so on.
But if you can't, I'll understand, you look like someone busy…
I’ll try to do this request as best as I can, but I will have to take out certain details that make me uncomfortable as a minor. This is still a request I want to do though! Thank you for asking.
First Years with a Morticia-like S/O
Fem! Reader, reader is confidence incarnate, short and sweet, insecurity, makeup (on reader and the boys)
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Ace Trappola
He’s definitely soaking up all the attention
Your elegance is deeply intimidating to him, I mean, you’re both first years, but you seem to already have everything figured out
Dancing with him always ends in laughter
He definitely asks you for eyeliner advice, you always know the best makeup
He’s bringing more spontaneous fun into your life, while you bring peace and stability to his
Deuce Spade
This is the most nervous dude on earth
You often take his hands into your own and reassure him that he will always be a gentleman in your heart
His eyes light up whenever he sees you, and he immediately beelines to your direction
He’s always so shy with affection, always asking permission and keeping safe distance, it deeply amuses you
Deuce is definitely excited for the next formal event, as long as you’re going with him
Jack Howl
He’s probably the only one out of the guys not immediately intimidated, I mean, what could you possibly do?
That was until he saw you chopping the roses off of a bouquet, and telling him that you like the thorns, he’s still not intimidated, just curious
(He wonders if you’re fond of cacti)
Congrats! He’s yours and more shy than ever
You probably do his eyeliner, and he’s definitely gonna give you a lil kiss on the cheek
He’s completely in love, even if the two of you are polar opposites
(This is my favorite part)
Epel Felmier
Vil was probably interested in you first, but as a model, introducing you to Epel
Epel marched over to you as quickly as he could
A girl!! To prove himself in front of!!
Thinks that his masculine charms will win you over
Makes a complete and utter fool of himself
You find him funny though, and he ends up getting your number
Epel will literally do anything to make you happy
Unpopular opinion, but Epel’s underlying confidence makes him the most compatible ‘Gomez’ to your ‘Morticia’
Epel opens himself up in a way that no one’s ever seen before, he dances the tango and foxtrot with you, a content smile on your faces
Sebek Zigvolt
A magicless human?? Enchanting everyone around her?? With her charm and wit??
He definitely doesn’t trust you, too powerful, too confident, too elegant, too beautiful-
He has a whole revelation, man is stunned
The courting process must begin!
He probably gets you a Victorian era locket with a lock of his hair in it, you enjoy his macabre taste
He’s jumping up and down and running through the halls of Diasomnia when he gets a lock of your’s
Sebek is a rigid gentleman around you, hand in yours, respectful distance, and stern look
You open him up to a more casual affection, and he loves it more than anything
You two have built a relationship on a foundation of trust, and that gives you strength
Thank you for reading!! I’m so sorry for how long this took, I’m working on requests rapidly!
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liveforjeongin · 10 months
Hiii!! I loved the doc that you wrote! Can I request number 12 and 41 with Lee!Chan and Ler!Felix please and ty
p.s your amazing
How To Cheer Your Chan Up (1/7)
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Awww, thank you anon, you're so sweet<3
And thanks for request<3
-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: anon
warnings: cheer up tickles, kinda short imo😭 (I'm sorry)
Prompt 12, list #1: “Come on, let me see that smile!”
Prompt 41, list #1: “I’m gonna tickle the sadness out of you!”
Skz were preparing for their upcoming comeback. It wasn't a secret for anyone that's such a stressful and hard task, but the members always succeed in that and were getting used to it, so they were fine
Excepting for one of them, Chan
As the leader and producer of the group, he had his head in so many things, too much this time. He really wanted this comeback to be perfect, at least in terms of the music
He was trying to deal with all the stress and the pressure he was having all by himself, and honestly, he was doing pretty good so far, until one day
3racha were all on the studio, finishing the last details for their title track "Lalalala"
It was Chan's turn to record, it was all going well til one part. Chan was having some problems to find a tone for that specific line, and that was getting him so frustrated
"Hyung, do it how you think if sounds good. No pressure" Changbin, who was directing the recording, tried to comfort him
"I'm... Trying" Chan said, with a sigh of frustration with himself
"We know, hyung, but it's okay. No pressures, we have the whole day if that's necessary" Hannie said
About 20 minutes later, Chan got to find a tone that sounded... Decent for him, so he decided to keep it, he'll fix it later
3racha went back to their dorm, where they found Felix, watching a dorama with Hyunjin in the couch of the living room
"Oh, hi hyungs~ Hi Hannie~" Lix waved at the three members of 3racha, and snuggled up more on Hyunjin
"Hi Lix~" Changbin waved him back, ruffling his hair a bit and then walking towards his room
"Hey baby~" Jisung did the same as Changbin
Chan, otherwise, waved the younger in a sad mood, still thinking on what happened in the studio minutes before
Lix obviously noticed that his aussie brother wasn't feeling all good, so him, in his sunshine nature, was decided to help Chan feel better
He just had to know how
Chan walked to his room, locking it without talking much more to any of the kids
"Hyunjinnie, do you mind if I go for a second? I need to talk with Chan hyung" the freckled guy asked
"Sure Lixie, I'll pause the drama and wait for you"
"Thank youuu" Lix hugged Hyunjin a bit, walked towards Chan's room (wemissthem) and knocked on the door "Hyung?"
After a couple seconds of silence, Felix heard his hyung's voice "Come in"
Lix opened the door of Chan's room and saw Chan layed on his bed and wrapped up in his blanket, looking like he just stopped crying
"Hyung... What's wrong?" Felix asked, kneeling down next to the bed
"Nothing... It's nothing, Lix, don't worry about me" Chan smiled a bit, a fake smile of course, and Lix knew it
"Chan... Don't lie to me. There's something bothering you, tell me what it is"
Chan sighed and some tears started to run down his face as he talked "I'm... Frustrated with myself. I didn't do good enough today at the recording..."
"Awww, hyung..." The younger hugged his hyung, trying to reassure him a bit "I'm pretty sure you did your best, you always do, that's what matters"
Chan just cried in his dongsaeng's hug, knowing he could trust him
After some minutes, Chan started to calm down, and the tears stopped to fall
Lix pulled away from the hug and smiled down comfortingly at his hyung "You better?"
Chan sighed "Yeah... I think a bit... Thanks, Lix" smiled faintly at the younger
Lix patted Chan's head "That's good... Now, no more crying, alright?. Come on, let me see that smile!" Lix poked his hyung's side, causing him to shudder and let out a small giggle
"Fehelix! Don't"
"Awww, but you look so cute giggling~" started to poke Chan's sides repeatedly
Chan blushed a bit at the younger's teasing, giggling at the pokes, but not moving. He would hate to admit it, but this was exactly what he needed, and was really thankful with Felix for doing this
"I'm gonna tickle the sadness out of you, hyungie!" Lix started to wiggle his fingers on Chan's abs, knowing that was his death spot
"N-NOHOHOHOHO FEEHEHEHHEHELIX DON'T! NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE" Chan burst into laughter and started to squirm wildly, which just got worse when Felix started to use his other hand to change between squeezing his sides and his thighs
"But you look so happy now, hyung!" Even though Felix was teasing him, and he knew he was driving Chan crazy, the younger really looked so innocent
Until he started to wreck Chan's sides
"Mmmmm... I don't think I'm doing~"
Felix just kept wrecking Chan's sides and abs, making the older go crazy
Felix kept on tickling him for a couple seconds more before stopping, he didn't want to kill his hyung after all
He rubbed the older's sides, in order to ease the ghost tickles he was feeling, and hugged him again "You okay? You're not sad anymore?" The freckled boy looked up at his hyung, hoping he's feeling better
Chan was breathing hard and letting a few more giggles out, overwhelmed by the sensation yet, but it's not like he didn't like it... "I'm fine, Lix, and not sad anymore, thank you for... That" Chan replied with a big smile on his face, ruffling his dongsaeng's hair a bit
Felix smiled at his hyung and, after a couple seconds, he left his room, going back to the living room with Hyunjin, they absolutely needed to end at least that episode of the drama
Meanwhile Chan... Fell asleep pretty soon, with a happy smile and feeling warm inside. Felix really knew how to cheer him up
I'm so sorry I haven't post in a lot, I'm grounded so the only way I get to write is at late night when my parents are sleeping😭😭😭
Plus, motivation left me for a while, but here we are😻
Anon that requested this I'm so sorry for making you wait a lot💔
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the fic :3
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enchxanting · 5 months
our love is god [ethan landry x reader] pt. 10
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read part 9 here || all parts
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings: slight violence, blood, murderous fantasies, and obsessive behavior
a/n: that awkward moment when you go to college and forget how to write fic. lol <3. here you go, im getting back into it so just a short chapter.
Dear Diary,
How the hell could I let this happen? What the fuck?
How does fighting with your best friend turn into triple homicide? How does getting a boyfriend make you an accomplice? A few weeks ago I was a girl with a crush, and now my teen angst bullshit has a body count.
I didn’t sleep last night. Ethan dragged me out of the house into his car. I was shaking the whole time. It didn’t feel real. We were speeding back to my house, swinging wildly around corners, and I remembered the way Mindy’s sliced throat bubbled with blood. I threw up all over myself and the passenger seat of Ethan’s car. That only scared me more. I thought he’d pull over and kill me right then, he seemed so manic, but he only glanced over and laughed. Fucking laughed. 
That wasn’t even the sickest thing, though. He finally got to my house and I went to get out of the car, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back so hard I thought he’d dislocate it. He didn’t say anything, but his expression was so terrifying I got the message: don’t say shit. 
My parents barely noticed when I came home. They didn’t even realize I’d been out. Typical. My boyfriend killed the only people who cared if I lived or died. Except him, of course. 
The sick thing is that I can’t forget that sweet, shy boy from the cafeteria. Whenever I see him it’s like I shut down. Like a deer in headlights. I’ve got no control over myself when I’m with Ethan. He brought me to his place, again. Just showed up in his car. I thought it was better to do what he wanted.
Thank god no school tomorrow.
As soon as I close my diary, I feel a familiar presence behind my shoulders. I tense as he wraps his arms around my neck. 
“Relax, Y/N,” Ethan says. “It’s like you saw a ghost.”
I’m still scared shitless by him, but his comment makes me so mad that I push him off and rise from the living-room couch. “What the fuck, Ethan?”
His mouth widens into a toothy grin. “A little dark humor, sorry. Just trying to lighten your mood.”
I don’t give him the satisfaction of a response. He rolls his eyes and flops onto the couch. “So, who’s next? Should we kill Anika? Could be another suicide thing– not much to live for after your girlfriend and her brother and his kinda-girlfriend bite it. Or maybe Sam? She’s the reason you were even at Tara’s place that morning, after all.”
My blood runs cold. I open my mouth to say something, but the door slams. “Jesus, kids, you’re sure making a lot of fucking noise.” 
Ethan’s dad waltzes in, smiling ear to ear. His shirt is partially unbuttoned and his hair and tie are askew. Sergeant Bailey smells like cigars, and I wrinkle my nose before I can stop myself. 
Ethan rolls his eyes. “Celebrating, dad?”
The sarge pretends not to notice Ethan’s tone. “As a matter of fact, yes. We investigated and intercepted a pretty high-level bomb threat today. The captain took us out to celebrate. Still an asshole, though. I should be doing his job.”
“Bomb threat?”
“Yeah. A gnarly one, too. Some office building in the east of town. They put a Norwegian in the boiler room and a bunch of thermals upstairs that were gonna be set off after. Luckily the bomb squad got there before the clock reached zero. The captain…”
He keeps chattering about the details of his day and his “fucking idiot” of a boss, but it all fades out when Ethan gets that look in his eye again. I know this one: it’s the same look from the funeral. His eyes are stony. He’s forming a plan. 
I can’t be in this house any more. I feel myself run out the door, and I almost make it to the street before a tight grip fastens itself around my waist. I kick and yell but to no avail. Ethan tightens his grip around me and kisses me, muffling my screams. I’m so claustrophobic, I can hardly breathe.
As he deepens this kiss, I do the only thing I can think of: I bite his lip, hard. He yelps and lets me go, and we both fall back onto the grass. He brings his hand down from his mouth, and I can see a trickle of blood on his fingers. “Cute, Y/N. Very fucking cute.”
“Leave me alone. We’re done. Whatever this thing is, it’s over.”
He grins, and there’s blood in his teeth. “You can’t bring them back. You’ve got to know that.”
I feel hot tears welling up. “I’m not trying to bring back anything, you psycho, except maybe myself.”
His face hardens. “I love you, Y/N. I love you a whole fucking lot. I’ve made that pretty clear. And you know what I can do. To anyone. For you. To you. So you’ll be back.”
His threat makes my head spin. I scramble back towards the road. For a second, I think he’s going to follow me, but he makes no move to get up.
When I hit cement, I turn on my heels and run. The sting of the wind burns my tear-tracked cheeks, but I don’t stop or slow until I’m safely upstairs in my bedroom with the door locked. 
Dear Diary,
Am I going to homecoming, or hell?
taglist: @miawastakens dm or reply to be added!
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nohoney · 1 year
Hehehehe....I have an other one 😈 Sorry for spamming you by the way 😅
But I have an other however it's center around more of an dominant woman because yes.
Stripper/Sugar Baby Hawks x Taller business(Mafia maybe) reader
But both are switches😏 again smut/fluffy
Also thank you for that short demon Keigo it is nice🥲💕
i attempted to salvage what i could remember from the original draft 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 i’m not quite as satisfied since the original one got lost but i hope it’s still good!
warnings: mentions of violence/death (very vaguely), switch dynamics, edging
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keigo sits back on the couch trying to keep his composure, his eyes set on you as you lean over the items on the coffee table. his hand jerks at his cock, huffing quietly and his thighs are shaking a little as he comes to close to the edge of cumming. he strokes himself a little faster, chasing the high and hoping this time you’ll be kind and-
“don’t cum yet.” you command to him, your eyes briefly glance to him before looking back down at the coffee table.
he groans, grasping the base of his cock and holds in a frustrated sigh.
this is torture for him, he’s the kind of man that loves to indulge himself a little too much. you play into that with him and you equally frustrate him when you dangle the peak of his ecstasy with just a simple command or a look.
“you know if he had just done his job, i would have been nice and worked something out.” you say into the phone and pick up a polaroid before setting it back down. it’s placed next to a gun packed inside a ziplock, a bloody tie, and a small baggy of partly crushed blue pills. “if he only he died a respectful death, i would see his family off so that they were taken care of. now they’re gonna struggle because their dumb daddy got too greedy.”
you talk about a man’s death as if it were a minor inconvenience. like when the heels of your shoes snap; a mild irritation but ultimately has no long term effect on you.
walking over to where he sits on the couch, you keep your phone pressed to your ear with one hand and use the free one to slap his hand away and stroke him yourself. you still continue to talk passively, going over some details of the hit you placed on someone and what needs to be taken care of. and keigo groans lowly, his head dropping back and throwing his arms over the back of the couch. his fingernails dig into the rich, fine leather couch as he tries to will himself to not cum under your touch.
he can’t cum until you say he can.
“o-oh fuck!” keigo grits through his teeth, “baby, i don’t think i can-“
you shush him gently before resuming your phone conversation. “make sure to sweep the entire basement and do a good clean up. drop the car off to the hotel manager and give him the black card from the glove compartment.” you instruct the person, nodding your head when you hear a confirmation and hang up the phone.
the phone is tossed to the other side of the couch and you put your full attention on your precious plaything.
keigo remembers life before you, he was aimless and wandering and struggling. he also remembers how you always looked fairly unhappy, such a pretty face you have that he couldn’t help staring at.
now look where he is now, living in the lap of luxury because you thought him too pretty to be fending for himself.
there’s a big part of him that feels a little prideful to be with a woman like you. for someone that always had the hardest gaze when dealing with business, he managed to melt your icy exterior. you’re capable of giving soft smiles and showing some vulnerability.
“what’s on your mind, love?” you ask with a small tilt of your head, your hand still stroking his cock and working him up. “care to share?”
“fuck, i wanna cum!” keigo hisses, “god, please let me cum!”
you play coy and simply give him a sweet smile.
he wants to rip your silk gucci dress off you. he wants to eat out your cunt until you squirt all over him. he wants you to give him permission to fuck you until you cry. just in the same way you lord all the power over him, when he is allowed to cum or beg in a way that panders to you, you willingly give up your power to let him do as he pleases to you.
it’s what he loves most about this; a powerful woman like you can reduce him to a sexed out mess and he can do the same to you, making you blissed out and needy for only him.
“say you love me and that you’re grateful to me.” you command him, still keeping that coy smile on your face.
“i love you and i’m grateful,” keigo tells you with sincerity, “so grateful that i’m yours.” you retreat to fold your hands into your lap, suddenly bashful. only he can make you that way. seeing you so shy like this almost sets him off and makes him cum untouched. but he wants to cum in you or on you, all over your face or in your throat or over your tits. “baby, please?”
you seem to mull it over before telling him, “you’ve been good. lie back.”
thank fucking god, finally after forty something minutes he gets rewarded.
you take off the dress and let it drop to a heap on the floor, comfortably nude in your luxury apartment just as in the same way you are comfortable with evidence of a murder laying out on your coffee table. you spit into your hand to lube his cock first, spreading the wetness first before sinking him into your tight warmth. his mouth drops and he lets out a choked moan, finally feeling relief to be with you.
he’s unprepared though when you ride him, hoping to savor a slow fuck with you but you make his eyes roll to the back of his head. you slam your pussy down as you fuck him and keigo knows what he won’t last at all-
“fuck!” he curses when he cums inside you, his core clenching as he fills you. all the edging frayed his control and he revels in the high of an orgasm.
you’re kind enough to give him a little bit of time to compose himself, getting off his lap and his cock slipping out. his cum leaks out your pussy but you simply grab the gucci dress and use it as a cum rag to clean yourself.
“come upstairs when you catch your breath.” you tell keigo as you take the ruined gucci dress with you.
keigo lays in his spot for a few minutes before finally sitting up. his eyes barely glance to the items on the coffee table, already having gotten used to the business that you run. he goes up the stairs to the bedroom you and him share together and he finds you sitting at the edge of the bed, one hand dangling an expensive gold chain.
his eyes immediately go to the gold earrings that are adorned on your ears, noticing them since you weren’t wearing them earlier. he moves to kneel down in front of you, his hands sliding up your thighs and resting on your hips as he waits patiently for what you want him to do. you clasp the golden chain around his neck, fixing it so that it’s presented properly. “they’re matching.” he comments on the jewelry.
you give a little hum and lean back, propping yourself on your elbows and opening your legs for him. “what do you say?”
“thank you.” keigo is gifted with a smile and he musters up the courage to ask, “can we… can i-“
“yes.” you answer before he even finishes his question. he sees the shift in your attitude. “you can.”
only he can do this to you, he can follow your every command even when he is frustrated from it because he lives for you, and in turn you reward him with the same submissiveness he gives you. so keigo has you lie flat on your back onto the soft mattress, hooking two fingers into your cunt. they slip in easily since you’re still wet with his cum, making you whine slightly. slowly his fingers curl into you and a devious smile comes on his face.
now it’s his turn to torture you.
he works you up to the very edge only for him to tell you, “don’t cum yet.”
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gaslightgallows · 7 months
Upcoming changes to tier rewards
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(crossposted from Patreon)
In my last post, I mentioned that I’m going to be overhauling my tier rewards. Some of these ($1 and $3) are going to be available sooner than others (the streaming perks being dependant on me purchasing some new equipment), but here are what the new rewards aregoing to look like:
Oddfellows: $1/month You're here, you're odd and you’re amazing. $1/month grants you access to all things fiction-related: monthly fiction offerings (like short stories, excerpts from The Lion’s Paw, and extracts from my solo RPG journals), posts on writing technique in general and my process in particular, deep dives down LP-relevant historical rabbit-holes, the occasional writer’s perspective/rant about my Media of the Moment, and access to unlisted RGEN Fiction livestream videos. Lusus Naturae: $3/month You’re a wonder of nature. You'll get early access to each month’s new fiction offering, weekly progress reports on The Lion’s Paw, and inclusion in the dedication of anything I self-publish while you’re a subscriber. (Includes $1 perks.) Cryptids: $5/month You’re a mystery to science. Patrons at this level will get access to a forthcoming biweekly livestream where I’ll be playing through my collection of single-player indie RPGs. Come chat with me and alter my destiny over and over again! (Includes $1 & $3 perks.) League of Extraordinary Gentlepersons: $10/month You're a true patron of all liberal arts and sciences. Pledging at this level nets you access to a forthcoming monthly livestream of me writing (and probably swearing at) a brand-new piece of Randomly Generated Fiction. $10 patrons will also get the chance to prompt me for stories to be written on-stream. (Includes $1, $3, & $5 perks.) Dabbling Occultist: $25/month You seek forbidden knowledge from the beyond. In thanks for your support, I offer a researched Oddments article on the topic of your choosing, as well as the benefits of all previous tiers (Limit: 6 patrons)
The biggest changes are to the three middle tiers, which now no longer have any physical rewards. (As I discussed in my previous post, I am no longer self-publishing on Smashwords/Draft2Digital, and my Redbubble store is no more.) Instead, I’m focusing on getting this novel done, doing more research and writing more short fiction, and introducing regular livestreams to keep my patrons involved in my process. The Dabbling Occultist tier is exactly the same, and the $1 Oddfellows tier is more or less the same but with more detail about what patrons at this level can expect in terms of paid content. All of the descriptions have changed over as of today. Both the $1 Oddfellows tier and the $3 Lusus Naturae tier will begin starting April 1. New perks for $5, $10 and $25 patrons will go into effect within the next few months. Exactly when is a little nebulous right now, as I have the aforementioned tech purchases to settle before I can actually start streaming, but as soon as I can set a change-over date, I’ll announce it. In the meantime I will be posting video clips in lieu of streams so you can get a glimpse of what I'm going to be doing. My (hopefully) realistic goal for 2024 is to hit $100/month after Patreon takes their pound of flesh--er, fees. To do that, I need to gain (and maintain) at least an additional $20 per month. (My unrealistic pipe-dream goal is to hit $225/month for this year, fwiw. That's not gonna happen and I've made my peace with that.) If you’re already subscribed but haven’t set a rewards tier, you should go ahead and do that now, especially if you want access to the livestreams. And if you’re not already a patron but you’ve enjoyed my writing in the past and you’d like to get in on these sweet perks, now’s a great time to join! 😎 (I'm dreaming wistfully of more than five people watching me on a Twitch stream, but I would also be very very happy with more $1 patrons. Also, if you can't join right now? Or just don't want to? That's cool too, you're still a cool person and I'm glad you read all the way to the bottom. Thanks!) =====  Banner photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash 
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Fourteen: It's The Merriest Time Of Year
Summary- 5k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Christmas is just days away. You and Curtis finalize your plans for the holiday. You also meet Mason Academy's newest teachers aide and then it's off to Paulie's to celebrate the upcoming winter vacation.
Warnings- this is a pretty tame chapter, with mild talk of smut but nothing explicit, drinking, and improper use of a Santa Hat.
A/N- I know I have been piling on the chapters but I wanted to get the holiday chapters out during the season. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and shared. You all are the reason I continue posting. Thank you so much! Special thanks to @what-is-your-plan-today for all the speedy editing. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
Chapter Thirteen / Masterlist
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“So… you and Y/N have a good date at the aquarium?” Ella asked as she set down a steaming mug of coffee in front of Curtis while he colored with Sophia at her kitchen table. The little girl already had stolen his beanie hat and had it crookedly sitting on her head while she kept switching crayons with her uncle, informing him that Rudolph had a RED nose, not a green nose. 
“Yes, thank you for hooking me up with tickets. She absolutely loved it.” Curtis was sure to be careful sipping from the mug around Sophia. Ella smiled sweetly as she sat across from him. 
“Soph, how about you go watch some Doc McStuffins while Uncle Curtis and I talk.” 
“No.” She said without looking up, studying her coloring. 
“Sophia Jean.” Ella gave a warning tone and Curtis tapped his niece's nose gently to have her look at him.
“Do as your mother says, I will come to play before I go.” With a sassy roll of her eyes, she gave in, Curtis easing her off his lap so she could march into the living room, giving the adults privacy. 
“She is just like her mother.” He joked and Ella smirked. 
“Good means she ain't gonna take shit from anyone. So… back to the date. Tell me about it.” 
Here Curtis got suspicious of his cousin, narrowing his eyes at her. “We walked around and looked at stuff like you do in an aquarium. Why?” 
Ella gave a laugh, her grin going secretive. “Well, that's not what I heard.” 
“What did you hear?” 
“I was told that they had a couple going at it in one of the fire escapes.” 
Ella studied him closely and Curtis could feel his face heat up, sure enough, she knew so they must have actually been seen as well as heard. But he wasn't ready to admit to anything. “What makes you think it was me?” 
“Laurie told me that the girl said your name.” Ella chose to dip her spoon into her mug and scoop out some fluff she had in hers. “You gonna lie to me and say that it wasn’t you?” Curtis did his best to keep a straight face and Ella narrowed her eyes at him. “You were always a terrible liar. Grammy always knew when you were fibbing. I got her gift.” 
Giving a roll of his eyes that would put Sophia's earlier sassy look to shame, he growled out.
“Fine! Yes, we got a bit distracted.” 
Ella cackled over her mug, flashing him a thumbs up. “Good! About time you had some fun. You two are fucking like rabbits though, first Tanya’s, now the aquarium.” 
“Can we like… drop this? I don’t want to discuss my sex life with you.” Curtis scoffed and Ella shook her head. 
“Oh stop, I’m not asking for details. And I mean it, I’m really happy for you Curtis. You seem… “ She paused, looking for what she wanted to say. “Lighter? Y/N is good for you. I haven't seen you like this with anyone.” Curtis let her words sink in, if anyone would notice a change in him, it would be Ella. “Even Tanya has noticed, although I didn't tell her you defiled her mudroom.” 
“It wasn’t the mudroom.” Curtis interjected. “And we have a good thing going, I really care for Y/N, Ella, probably more than any woman I have been with before.” 
"Damn it, I thought I guessed it." Ella teased but her smile softened this time. “I can tell. Grammy and Grandpa would have loved Y/N.” They both grew quiet, Ella withdrawing to her own thoughts. Curtis thought about his grandparents, having to agree with Ella’s observation. They would have welcomed Y/N into their home just as quickly as Curtis had.
“I think you are right Ella, both of them would have absolutely loved her.” 
“Well, you certainly have Sophia’s and mine approval. We both adore Y/N. Oh, Christmas!” Ella quickly switched subjects, which Curtis was a bit relieved about. “I’m sorry Curtis, Grey’s parents really want us to come up to stay with them for a few days. I know you usually come here to spend it with Sophia…” 
“I was hoping you would.” Curtis shrugged it off. “Sophia should see her grandparents. What about your mom?” 
“Oh Mom is coming with me, you know my mom refuses to give up holidays with Soph. They invited all of us anyways. We will be going up for about a week, and be home just before New Year. So how about you come over then? I will leave stuff here for Sophia to unwrap, there will be more than enough at her grandparents. We can do a little Christmas here with you and Y/N.” 
“Sure, I will bring it up to Y/N and see what she says, but I know she loves holidays. I’m sure she will.” 
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Christmas time was fast approaching and you were feeling the pressure to get everything sent out to both New York and Florida. Curtis stopped at your apartment with the shipping boxes he offered to pick up when you were currently on skype with your parents. 
“I wish you could come to visit this year Baby, but it just doesn't make sense for you to fly all the way here for that.” Your mother said on the computer, your dad in the background with his kiss the cook apron on. The familiar scene caused a sharp pain in your chest, but it was also heart-warming as well. Curtis was quiet as he came into your apartment, hearing you talk to your mother. “Besides, it's your father and mines twenty-fifth anniversary. You should bring your new boyfriend and have him meet the family in August.” 
You glanced at Curtis setting down the boxes. “Well, we will have to discuss it Mom.” 
“You know we want to meet him properly, none of this skype over the computer, it feels impersonal.” 
Curtis chose this moment to come into view of the camera, waving at your mother. “Hi Mrs.Y/L/N.” 
“Curtis! It’s Shelly, or Mom, whatever you wanna call me. I was just telling Y/N that you two should come up to Lake George this summer.” 
“I heard, I’m sure we can work something out. I should have some time off. Y/N and I will talk about it and she can let you know.” 
“See Mom.” You cut in, pointedly giving your mother a look. “Is dad making his no-bakes?” 
Your mother conveniently ignored the look, glancing at your father. “Scott, come say hello to your daughter before she has to get off.”
“I'm right in the middle of these!” He remarked as you saw him scooping out big hunks of chocolate onto wax paper. “I love you kiddo!” 
You laughed. “Mom, it's okay. Just be sure to send me some of those in your care package.” 
“Will do Sweetie, talk soon?” 
“I always do. I love you both, I will chat soon.” You waved goodbye to the screen and as soon as your mother disappeared, you closed the screen. Curtis sat on the other end of the couch for a second till he scooted closer. 
“So… New York in August.” His arm came over your shoulder and you let yourself cuddle into his side, ignoring the mess of gifts spread around your living room floor that needed to be wrapped. 
“What do you think? I mean, I know it's a lot, traveling to meet my parents and essentially my whole family as I know my parents will be having a party. My sister will be there with Frank and Mary, my aunts, uncles, and cousins, not to mention their friends.” You started picking at his pendant, rubbing it between your fingers. “It's a lot, and I hate for you to have to take time off from work to do this…” 
“Honey.” Curtis reached to grasp your chin and make you look up at him. “Do you want to go and bring me?” 
“It’s like eight months away still, we don't have to-” 
“Y/N, do you want to bring me to your parents?” 
You blinked up at him, the worries about how inconvenient it would be still festering, but he asked a straight to the point question and expected you to answer in the same sense. It was almost relieving in a way, not to have to guess and wonder what Curtis wanted to know. It was one of those things you appreciated about him. “I would like us to go together.” 
“Okay, then we will plan for it.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and moved to get up. “So I got you these two from the office, Tanya says she uses them all the time to ship stuff. Are they big enough?”
You followed along behind him into your tiny kitchen. “Plenty big enough, thank you.” You inspected them for a moment. “I can get things done tonight and shipped out tomorrow. They should reach them in time.” 
“Good.” Curtis grabbed a beer from your fridge and unscrewed the cap. You returned to the couch and he followed along, you cuddling up into his side once more. “I also stopped at Ella’s on the way over, she is going to go to Grey’s parents for a few days so I won’t be going to her place on Christmas morning. She did invite us over on New Year's Day to do a small Christmas with her and Sophia.” 
“Perfect, I can pick up a few things for under her tree then.” You sidled up to Curtis. “So… you are all mine Christmas day?” Rubbing a hand against his chest. 
“Christmas Eve too, naughty girl.” He wiggled his brows playfully. “I told Gilliam we needed the twenty-fourth off too, everyone at the freight yard deserves to spend it with their families.” 
You nodded, taking all that into account. You would be out for good around the twenty-second, you could do your deep clean of your classroom on the twenty-third and spend the rest of the time with Curtis without having to worry about returning to school till the beginning of the new year. “I have an offer.” You stated while shifting to sit up. 
“Oh, you do?” Curtis swept you into his lap, simply because he could. You were starting to get used to him pulling you on top of him whenever the mood struck him. “Let's hear it, Honey.” 
You resettled yourself till you were straddling him. “Well, Edgar gave us those tickets for a couple of nights in the cabins. What if we drove up there to spend Christmas? It will be a nice little first-time getaway for us, you said it’s only an hour away.” 
Curtis let his hands settle to your waist, pondering what you said. “Let’s give them a call, see what they are willing to do. Do you have the number?” 
You slipped from his lap to go collect the tickets and call while you wandered back to where he was waiting. After a few rings, a friendly voice answered. 
“Lakeside Cabins, How can I help you?”
“Hi. My name is Y/N and I have a gift certificate for a couple of nights I was hoping to use.”
You felt Curtis's hands fall back to your waist and make you tumble back into his lap, wrapping you up in his hold. You flashed him a look and he returned it with a smirk.
“Sure! What nights were you thinking? We have quite a few openings right now, so anything specific you were wanting?” 
“Well, I was hoping to arrive on the twenty-fourth and leave on the twenty-sixth. And as far as something special… one with some good views and maybe a hot tub?” You asked hopefully while Curtis nuzzled at your free ear, whispering. 
“We gonna get kinky in the hot tub Pretty Girl?” 
You swore the person on the other end would hear him, making you reach over your shoulder to cover his mouth to shut him up, making him laugh deeply while you did your best to keep it together. 
“Oh, I have the perfect setup. It's an open loft bedroom with a double bed, and the views from the porch make it all worth it. And it has a hot tub. In fact…” You heard some clicking on the computer and a triumphant sound from the person. 
Although it might have been Curtis behind you trying to mess with you. 
“... No one will be in this unit till after New Year, I can give you another night half off?” 
You didn't even have a chance to answer when Curtis pulled away to answer for you. “We will take it.” 
“You heard him, we will take it.” You exclaimed into the phone, after everything was finalized, you tossed your phone at the other end of the couch, twisting to face Curtis. 
“You’re a menace.” 
Curtis couldn't hide his grin, wiggling brows as he swept you up in his arms and pushed himself to a stand to carry you off to the bedroom. “Not me, I've been nothing but good.” 
“Santa’s leaving you coal in your stocking.” 
He lowered you to the bed, kissing you deeply while shifting over you to push you back. “All I care about is who's in my bed, not what is in my stocking.” 
You couldn't help but laugh as he pinned you underneath him on the bed.
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Days before Christmas Vacation were hectic at the school. More so the kids were excited about the long upcoming break and having a hard time focusing. You chose not to assign them any homework during the break, knowing first that your colleagues had all given them assignments and you didn't want to set up half of them for failure. You knew that if they did manage to finish the work, it would probably be half-ass. 
Besides, it was their vacation as much as yours, you didn't relish the thought of having to grade those papers. 
So, you were doing your best to engage them in class, hushed whispers oftentimes rising above you speaking until you flicked the lights off and pulled in one of the school's ancient television and DVD sets. You turned to one of your trusty David Attenborough films and plugged it in. In your last attempt to gain their attention, you promised them a pop quiz before stepping from your classroom, the hallway was quiet for the moment as you took a deep breath. “Just a few more days Y/N.” You said to yourself. 
Coming up the hallway, the principal came, trailing a young woman behind her. “Miss Y/L/N, do you have a moment? I want to introduce you to the newest teacher's aide for the eighth-grade class, Yona.” You put on your most genuine smile as you held out your hand to shake the woman's hand. 
“No, kids are just getting ready to watch a film for their course. Hi, welcome to Mason Academy.” 
The woman shook your hand, smiling in return. “It’s my pleasure to be here.” 
“Miss. Y/L/N will you show her around a bit if your class is occupied?” 
“Of course, they should be good for at least another half hour. I will just have Claude open the door between our rooms, and keep her eye on them.” You offered and when the two of you were left alone, you started the tour. 
“So this is the science room, where I teach, then we got the math room, a computer lab, and then the two at the end of this hallway are the English and social studies rooms. Teachers' bathrooms are back towards the principal's office, so it's just easier to use the student ones. It also kind of keeps them from hanging out in them too much. The library is right across from us and if you go through there the cafeteria is the high school wing just down the hall. The gym is through these doors and that's really all I know. I don't go the high school side often.” You shrugged and walked the hallway with Yona. 
She was quiet, you observed her wide-eyed glances seemingly taking everything in and filing it away. “It’s smaller than I thought it would be.” She admitted. 
“It is, Duluth has quite a few other schools, I think it's split pretty evenly so we got lucky, no school has an insane amount of kids. I have been teaching here since September and so far have really enjoyed the atmosphere. Where are you coming from?” 
“California, so I’m used to everything being overcrowded,” Yona admitted. “I like this, it is exactly what I was hoping for. Smaller classroom sizes to work with the kids.” 
“Then I promise, you are going to love it.” You two had circled back to your classroom and peeked in. “And why not start now, the film is winding down.” You opened the door and stepped in, Yona following behind. 
“Class, we have a new addition.” 
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Yona settled right into the flow of the school that day. You always looked forward to having her join your classes when her schedule was set up. There was an instant connection to the students, she was able to draw some of them out of their shells and open up to her in a way you had struggled to do. 
Yona also had the uncanny talent of keeping them focused, the students that you knew struggled at times she would pull up a chair to their desk, talking through the work till it seemed to click for them what you were trying to teach, enabling you to focus on the class as a whole. You were incredibly relieved the school hired her. 
But, you were still incredibly grateful when vacation rolled around and you wished everyone a happy holiday and to see them in the new year. The only one to stick around with you afterward was Claude as you two were going to ride together to Paulie’s to celebrate with some beers and games. 
“I didn’t think we would ever make it to today!” Claude exclaimed as she helped you pick up your classroom and lock away anything of value. “What are your plans for the next week and a half?” 
You were grabbing your bag and shouldering it while digging for your keys. “Curtis and I are getting away for a few days with that gift certificate Edgar gave us.” You paused at your desk and sorted through some papers till you found the picture Steve had drawn all those months ago and tucked it in your bag as well. “I will skype with my parents and sister on Christmas day but that is really it. We will be soaking in a hot tub with a snowy lakeside view the entire time.” 
“Sure you will… or you two will never leave the bedroom.” Claude smirked and you shrugged. 
“Open loft actually and that's a fact I’m counting on it. I hope they have a really comfy bed.” You laughed. “Then New Year’s his cousin invited us over so Curtis can have a Christmas with his niece. What about you?” 
“That all sounds… really nice and relaxed. I'm jealous.” Claude pouted as you two made your way down the corridor to head into the teachers' parking lot. “I’m driving to my brother's place. His wife is like a freaken warden.” Claude started mimicking her sister-in-law. “The kids will only go to the best of the best. “I don't want the kids slumming it in those low-class public schools,” she states as I’m across the dinner table. I’m tempted to suddenly get a cough and can’t go.”  
You hurriedly unlocked your doors for the two of you to pile in out of the cold. “She sounds like a real nightmare.” 
“She is the worst. I don't know why Francesco puts up with her.” Claude shuddered as she rubbed her hands together, the two of you waiting for the car to heat up. “Think they are already at Paulie’s?” 
You glanced at your dashboard clock. “I’m sure of it, Curtis told me they were getting out early today. I'm sure Paulie has them nice and tipsy already.” 
Claude grinned. “Good, Grey is fun when he gets liquored.”
When the car finally heated enough to see out of the windshield, you changed the subject on Claude. “What do you think of Yona?” 
“Oh, I like her a lot. I almost invited her out with us tonight.” Claude admitted, giggling at her phone. “Yeah, they are already celebrating.” She flashed you a picture of Curtis and Edgar taking some shots of dark liquor. 
“I do too, you should next time, see if she will come.” You snorted in laughter seeing the picture.
“They are gonna put poor Edgar under the table if they keep doing shots.” 
“Probably.” Claude ditched her phone and started to check her appearance in the car's vanity mirror. “I have to make tonight count with Grey, he will be heading to his parents with Sophia and Ella.” She flipped the mirror back up. 
“And how are you feeling about that situation?” You asked, knowing that Claude had questioned it before, not wanting to step into something that would turn into a mess. 
“I’m learning to adjust to it. After you told me what Curtis said, Grey and I talked about it. He was flat-out adamant that he and Ella were never getting together, that they were friends and were before Sophia was in the picture. But they don't have any feelings outside of a friendship. It was really just a night they both were drunk and vulnerable. I mean, I get it. I've had those nights where I went home with someone from the bar.” 
“Grey also really loves Sophia.” 
“He does. I haven't met her yet, but he has shown me pictures and talks about her. She sounds like a sweet little girl. I honestly hope she will like me when we are to that point.” 
“Sophia is an absolute sweetheart. You two getting serious?” You turned into the parking lot, parking next to Curtis’s truck. 
“I think so, I mean we haven't put a label to anything or said exclusive but it feels like it's headed that way,” Claude admitted with a bright smile. “And I’m excited about it. I never thanked you really for introducing us at Halloween.” She leaned over, hugging you quickly.
You returned the gesture. “Right place, right time. Life is short, we gotta take our advantages where we get them.” 
Going into the bar, you were met with the blaring of Christmas music over the loudspeakers, decorations plastered around, including what looked like a singing Rudolph head lovingly covered in Christmas balls above the bar, glowing red nose and all. Claude split off to find Grey while you approached the bar, knowing Curtis would probably be behind it helping till you got there. 
Sure enough, he was standing under the red-nosed reindeer, filling up beer glasses for a couple of women leaning against the bar, making eyes at him. “You sure we can't get you to dance with us?” One batted her eyelashes at him and you settled a couple of seats down to watch the show. 
Another time, this would have sent you into a tailspin of doubt, expecting him to flirt back or take them up on the offer. Another man, like your ex would have jumped at the chance since these women were stunning. Curtis though set their beers on coasters, shaking his head. 
“Listen to me, I’m happily in a relationship.” He cocked his head towards you, still all in your work clothes, which were fairly modest compared to theirs. “And she just got here, so I’m also done being your barkeeper of the night but… I got someone who would love to meet you two?” They nodded, happily willing to move on to someone else. “EDGAR! Come’re.” He beckoned his friend who split away from Grey and Claude to approach the bar. 
“What’s up?” He asked, before turning to the ladies standing there. “Well Hello…” 
“These ladies would love some company, buy them a round?” 
Already they were flirting with each other as Edgar handed over a twenty, leading the two women away to talk with them. Curtis stashed the bill into the till and made his way to where you were. You arched a good-natured brow at him and laughed softly. “You know those were some good-looking women you passed up.” 
“Eh, I have someone a hell of a lot better waiting for me.” He shrugged as he wiped down the counter, looking every bit of relaxed as you knew him to be behind the bar. “They don't hold up to my lady, fuck no. My girl knows all the right ways to keep her man satisfied.” 
“Is that so?” You snorted in laughter at him. 
“Damn straight, what can I get you?” 
“Whatever you are having.” You threw out and he winked before turning to the wall of hard liquor. 
“Oh last time we snatched a bottle of tequila, we had a good time.” 
Paulie poked his head out from the kitchen, Santa hat perched on his head. “Not my good stuff this time Everett, I mean it!” 
This time Curtis took the bottle of Blue Label Johnny Walker whiskey, making the bar owner flip him off. “Merry Christmas Paulie.” 
Your eyes widened as he poured the two of you a healthy serving. “Are you trying to get me drunk Mr.Everett?” 
“Just to catch up to me.” He handed you a glass and clinked them together before the two of you took the shots, the lyrics to Rocking Around The Christmas Tree really starting to wind up. 
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Waking the next morning proved to be difficult for both Curtis and you. You were hiding your face in his chest and Curtis had his arm slung over his eyes to keep the sunlight out. The idea of driving the hour to the cabins suddenly felt like a lot of work. 
You lifted your head first to peer up at him, licking your lips and trying to get rid of the dry mouth that drinking always brings to you when you groaned. “Curtis you broke me.” 
He groaned out too, peeking down at you from under his arm. “I broke myself. Whose idea was it to drink whiskey?” 
“Yours.” You pushed up from laying on his chest to sit next to him. Curtis let his hand fall to your back and rub slow circles while you worked on waking up, glad to see that the two of you made it upstairs into his bed at least. “Who drove us home?” 
“I think Grey and Claude dropped us off.” 
You nodded, peeking over your shoulder at him. “I’m gonna go shower, and see if that helps.” 
“Let me know if it does.” He said while you slid from the bed and he let his head drop back to the pillow, eyes closed, listening to the shower start. When he guessed you to be halfway done, he rolled out of bed, knocking a Santa hat to the floor. Picking it up, he stuffed it on his head. Tis the season after all he reasoned with himself as he went to the closet to find clothes, comfy travel-worthy clothes. Pulling on boxers as you came out, you looked reasonably more awake and ready to start the day. 
“I left you some Tylenol on the sink, guzzle some water too. It helped me.” You offered, a toothbrush sticking out of your mouth while you made a grab for some clothes. Curtis allowed himself a peek at your backside with an appreciative groan before going into the bathroom to take his own. 
You were right, the shower, water, and meds helped, and by the time he got out and brushed his own teeth, he felt like a new man. Wrapping a towel around his waist and donning the Santa hat again in the spirit, he stepped out to get changed. You were in comfy clothes, wrapped in a hoodie and sweats. You looked up from your phone, questioning. “How much of last night do you remember?” 
“Umm… “ He shrugged while drying off, grabbing his boxer briefs to slide on and then his gray sweats. “Not much why?” 
You snorted in amusement, looking back at your phone. “I wondered if you remember wearing the Santa hat on your dick.” 
“What?” He exclaimed while falling on the bed next to you and looking at your phone. Sure enough there he was, standing in the bed with the Santa hat perched on his cock. “Fucking hell Y/N, this isn't the kind of pictures I expected us to ever take.” He groaned, falling back onto the mattress. “What else is in there?” 
“Nothing, just a few of us messing around in what looks like Grey's backseat and some bar pictures. Nothing as good as you using Santa's hat inappropriately.” You checked your messages, seeing Claude assured you that your car was in the driveway but you two would have to go pick up Curtis’s truck from Paulies. You thanked her, asking what else happened but she said nothing, you all had a great time although you and Curtis did get thoroughly drunk. “I think…” You said, reaching over to grab the hat. “We should take this with us to the cabin.” 
“You want another show?” 
“Maybe, one I will remember. I mean…if I got my own Chippendales, I wanna remember it.” You laughed as he tickled your sides, pulling you down beside him. 
“What if I wanna see you wear it? Be my sexy Mrs. Claus.” He wiggled his brows suggestively, making you snort as you pushed against his chest to make him go back to laying down. 
“You need more than a hat.” 
“Yeah, a bow. So I can unwrap you.” 
“Maybe that will be your Christmas present?” 
“God I hope so!” Curtis grinned wickedly, tilting in close and pressing his lips to yours, stealing away any other smart remark you may have had at the moment.
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cough. here's a little super short fic i wrote bc i make those too. be sure to check out the silly extra details i added in the tags!
Monty lets out a heavy sigh, sitting on the much too small couch in his room, his handler close by his side, messing around with wires in the open compartment on his arm. Something went wrong with his claws again, and management is convinced that it’s the programming or the wiring that’s the problem, sicking his handler on the problem again and again. Monty doesn’t think it’s either of those things.
He huffs again and drops his head onto his free hand, boredom clawing at his... shell. His handler bumps with a small clank.
“Sit still, you big baby. I’ll be done in a minute.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’ve never been one to sit still, sweets.”
“Yeah, well, you’re gonna today.”
He rolls his eyes again, resisting the urge to let out another huff. He knows fusing over this is only gonna make it take longer. That and… he can see the bags under his handler’s eyes. It’s late. Far later than any other employee stays, except those working the graveyard shift. It seems like even the other animatronic handlers have gone home for the day. He can tell that they’re tired, but they never bring it up to him. They probably don’t want to worry him, all things considered, but that just makes Monty even more anxious. They look half asleep already, so Monty decides to occupy them with the most meaningless conversation he can muster.
“Hey, so, like…” Monty trails off, rolling his free hand at the wrist. “I barely saw any, uh, human staff around today, even though it was super fuckin’ busy. Why’s that?”
His handler stops, blinking for a second. “Oh, it’s, uh, Labor Day. It’s like a national holiday about unions or something, and people usually get the day off.”
Monty raises a brow. “Why didn’t you get the day off?”
They snort. “You don’t get the day off, so I don’t get the day off.”
Monty hums. “... That’s pretty shitty for us then, huh?”
They laugh, patting his arm. “Yeah. It is. Hey, I just finished up re-wiring everything. Give me a test and see if everything works right?”
Monty obliges, clenching his fists and spinning them around at the wrist. He mimics plenty of movements he makes while playing on stage, and nothing stutters, nothing stalls, or makes any weird noises. His internal diagnostics show no issues, either. All seems well, so he leans back and gives a smug, shit-eating smile. One that’s familiar.
“All’s workin’,” he replies, keeping up his smile when he sees the weight lifted off his handler by the news. They don’t like being comforted. Not directly, anyway.
“Great,” they sigh, slouching into a more relaxed position. They close up the compartment on Monty’s arm, giving it one last, solid pat.
“You good to recharge and everything?” They ask, packing up their small tool bag and tossing it in some random corner of the room. They barely put it away anymore, but management hasn’t caught on yet. Or maybe his handler just doesn’t care that they’re supposed to put it away. Either is possible. “Do you want me to lay with you?”
Monty thinks as they bustle around the room, turning down the lights and doing a cursory glance at his recharge station. He does want them to lay with him. He always does. But Monty sees the exhaustion in their shoulders and feels some kind of misplaced guilt. They’re this tired because he’s a Glamrock now, not just a side attraction. He became more of a handful. He broke more. He needed them more at all hours of the day. They’re his handler. He’s tired, and he’s not even human.
“Naw,” he says, tilting his head and smiling. “I’m good.”
“Alrighty then,” his handler puts on a brave smile, grabbing their oversized Monty jacket and slinging it over their shoulders. Before, Monty would’ve teased them about being such a simp, how they don’t need his merch because they already wear his face all day, or how they could literally just zip up their uniform, but he lets it go for tonight.
“Se you tomorrow, big guy.”
Monty doesn’t comment on how today is already tomorrow.
“Goodnight, cher.”
His handler leaves, muttering about how they’ll probably need to catch a bus because they “don’t think they can drive like this,” and Monty wants nothing more than to invite them back. To give them the whole couch and let them sleep. But for all the crazy hours Fazbear Entertainment expects of them, they’re not allowed to stay overnight. No one is allowed to stay overnight, except for the night shift workers, who all had to sign crazy amounts of paperwork, and they both know it.
So, instead, Monty watches them make their way to the entrance. He watches as they struggle with their ID until the heavy metal doors rise, and they can slip out the door. He strains his eyes to see them disappear into the dark until the metal doors obscure them from view and hopes for all it’s worth that tomorrow will be easier.
please ignore any silly typos im p sure i got them all but its super late. i wanna post this tho so im posting it. i may or may not repost this later but like. as a better version lmao ram pls tell me if monty is OOC i was punching AIR trying to write this guy 😭 i thought i knew him well and then BAM no the fuck i dont
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fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months
*Distant screaming*
Okay we all know the sweet (very sad) baby bunny that is TJ Hammond. We know how his love life hasn’t been too fantastic. But!!!! What if he finds a new guy that makes him happy? A sweet guy from the Boston suburbs with a nice job and an even nicer body. Maybe he meets Mr. Barber at a bar or maybe a group therapy session or also maybe he gets into some legal trouble. And suddenly he finds himself going home with this guy who makes him want to do things that his mother’s PR team would not approve of. Maybe it’s the first time he’s been really treated with love, where it’s clear that he’s adored just as much as he adores Andy. He’s head over heels, and so when things go to shit he finds himself on Andy’s doorstep.
“TJ? Sweetheart, are you alright?” Andy asks, worry in his voice.
TJ can’t even talk, he just lets the tears fall and shakes his head. He’s quickly ushered in and hugged tightly, where he promptly breaks down. Sobbing into Andy’s shoulder, hanging onto him like a lifeline. Andy just keeps holding him, kissing the top of his head and whispering sweet words.
“Oh, darling… It’s okay, baby, you’re okay. I’m here, you’re safe. Won’t let anything bad happen to my angel.” He whispers, and TJ just melts further.
TJ can’t imagine being more loved. Slowly, he dries his eyes and looks up at the older man. He smiles for what feels like the first time in a week, and is met with a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you, TJ. Always.” Andy says, and the kiss that TJ gives him is nothing short of perfect.
you can also imagine TJ with Pete Brenner, and how much of a smutty trainwreck that would be. TJ would definitely call Pete daddy, and Pete would totally call TJ his bunny. They’d end up worse than they started, but I can’t stop thinking about how TJ would totally end up drunk/high out of his mind and pissed at Pete, storming into his office and exposing him to everyone.
“You just fucking wanted power, didn’t you, Daddy?!”
“TJ, this isn’t the time…”
“Fuck you!”
I know it’s a bit of a weird pairing, but it’s stuck in my head and now I’m gonna stick it in yours >:)
Hello again!
Oh. My. God.
I love this. I love both of these. A pairing for every fucking mood.
A comforting, loving (maybe even overprotective, nearly smothering sometimes, I'm looking at you, Andy 👀) pair.
And a train-wreck pair.
Andy would give TJ the best, best hugs when he's upset and in need of comfort--the kind of hugs that engulf TJ in warmth and come with an endless supply of soothing back rubs, that man is so empathetic he's basically just a big teddy bear. Plus, with Andy's (relatively) normal life (assuming this outside of or before the Defending Jacob timeline, lol), he's the breath of fresh air TJ needs. I bet they meet when TJ gets a DUI, maybe he injures himself or someone else in the car with him, nothing huge, just a mild crash that was his fault, and he needs a lawyer for. Andy is there. Andy is kind. Andy can see he didn't do it on purpose--he's just hurting, and he needs someone. It's frightening how badly Andy wants, no, needs to be that someone for this sweet kid.
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Absolutely Pete would do TJ dirty, assisting him in his downward spiral, able to get him both money and drugs fast. Rapidly, TJ discovers more drugs and more vices to make him feel better, if only for a little while, all at Pete's insistence. Anything he wants, Pete can get him, no questions asked. Plus, they move fast as a couple, too; they meet during a night out, not knowing each others names before they're pushing and shoving their way into the sleazy club's bathroom with TJ on his knees in some filthy stall, then, that same night, TJ dismisses any lose security detail he had to go back to the apartment of this stranger, buzzed and high. His phone is dead. He doesn't care. And it's obvious that Pete doesn't either. It's reckless. It's intense. And it overpowers them both, unraveling completely.
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Thank you for the thoughts!!
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luveline · 1 year
jade my love hi!!! hope it’s not too late for me to catch up with if it barks, all 3 parts. this is gonna be THE longest commentary ever. i’m warning you. can’t say i’m sorry <3
part 1
first of all you’re SO good at setting the scene. the first description of r with big headphones and sepia sunglasses makes she look sooo cool. and eddie!! the way his transformative smile makes him younger!! his excitement in hearing her good news like it’s his!! he’s so sweet it almost made me forget they’re gonna hate each other
"Do we know those guys?" you ask. 
Morgan grabs your hand and drags you up. "They know us," she says. "That's what matters." 
You're both embarrassed by her and impressed. Morgan is pretty and talented and extremely loud — she's not afraid to stick up for herself, even when she's (nearly always) wrong.
i know morgan is a meanie (ananya too sometimes but morgan is like. another level i think) but she’s kinda slay sometimes i fear
If Godless decides to keep you, it's a huge, blinking, neon-lit sign that says you're good enough. 
They chose me, and you're stupid for letting me go. 
They chose me. I'm something worth something. You didn't see it, but it's there in me. 
you know how these things go, there’s always some heart-wrenching line where i don’t really have anything to say but wanted to highlight as one of my favourites. this is the first of many <3
You often think the worst thing about Morgan is that you love her, or you could love her more, if only she felt the same way. She isn't all evil and she never will be, she's just a person. But she takes shit out on you and makes your life harder than it needs to be, so even her most endearing moments fall short.
another favourite! i love the way you write every single one of your characters, even the mean ones, as real multifaceted people
Eddie knows exactly who you are, and he hates himself for it. He remembers you, the first you, shy and sweet and so excited, sitting pretty in Indianapolis International Airport with your guitar and your huge leaky headphones pounding death metal.
NOOO HE REMEMBERS HER. i’m rereading part 1 but i genuinely forgot about that 😭
You'd been pretty and maybe you knew it, maybe you didn't, it didn't matter — what he liked most was the way your hands had moved as you spoke, hummingbird thrumming, an energy he'd seen in himself and every other musician desperate for a chance. He loved the passion and your eyelashes and the way you'd smiled as you'd waited for your plane, the two of you destined for New York, where you both seem to have looped back now. Only, he'd been cursed with remembering your every detail, and you either didn't remember him or don't care. Both sting, but he likes the second better. He'll take purposeful cruelty over the casual any day. 
HER EYELASHES HELLO?? also “he’ll take purposeful cruelty over the casual any day” </3
"If it barks like a dog, and it heels like a dog," he says, pausing, words coming out thick and slow, "it's a dog."
listen. the way i’d have slapped him like 5 min ago. i’m writing this now that i’ve finished part 3 (cause i keep notes on my phone and i come back to them to write my silly little comments) and i KNOW i like him but OH MY GOD.
"I would've said you were mean." 
His jaw drops. You look hurt, and you leave with a discomforting frown. 
it might be the influence that amy march on little women (2019) has on me but calling someone mean just HURTS. cause it’s so childish. and so honest. she could’ve said that he was a dick to her WHICH HE WAS but choosing the word mean makes it soooo sad :((
For a split-second you adore him. It's the meanest thing you can do. 
You aren't expecting him to fuck up. His hand slips down the neck and that's it, one missed second of sound. He throws himself back into it and doesn't look your way again, a storm of emotions clouding his handsome face. 
Not what you'd meant to do, and yet. There's a cruel satisfaction in knowing you'd had any sort of power over him.
part 2
It drives Eddie insane. He can't help it. He hates you and he wants to linger on the sidelines and watch you play. He can't stand the despondent look in your eyes when you look at him, when you look at the floor. He needs you to know that you're better than they tell you, but he can't make himself say the words. 
eddie is just SOOO. like he’s so confused about his own feelings it makes me genuinely both furious and sorry for him
He's tipsy and he won't remember, but he wants to fuck you stupid just for that (affectionately).
NOT THE (affectionately) YOURE SICK (affectionately)
Eddie worries he'd wanted to see you so badly you've appeared as a hallucination, and he hates himself and it's all old news anyways, but you turn back with a cold as ice beer in hand and press it into his arm until he whines.
sorry i cackled a bit at him thinking he’s HALLUCINATING. poor thing (im still so mad)
Your thoughts are a mess until they aren’t — hold his hand. You put your fingers against his palm and he squeezes them together like he’s collected them, tugging you out of the crowd and across the room to the slick black bar. 
LIKE HE’S COLLECTING THEM ajsjakdn that was so cute i love it when you write things like that <3 i know that must be a word for it but i can’t think of it rn
Eddie smiles at you. For the second time that night, he looks like somebody else. 
You deserve somebody being nice to you right from the start. Eddie’s trying to make it right but he’s said some shit he can’t take back. He wants you to have someone who’s a hundred percent sweet on you, he just doesn’t wanna have to hear the adoration in your voice when you talk about it. 
…..im not so mad anymore. (im super in love rn im so easy)
He sighs and takes your discarded pull tab out of his pocket. He thumbs the rounded edge, thinking harder than one guy should ever think about anything that isn’t metal.
another favorite <3
part 3
His fingers twitch, eager to write about you. He has some lyrics in mind. Evil wretched girl with wicked sweet hands. Heart eater. Soft around the edges. 
He wants to write about your stupid chubby thighs and how they look in skirts. He wants to write about your wrists, your knees and their ever-present bruises. Metaphors for your sickly sweetness won’t stick; cruel becomes kind. Taunting turns teasing. 
how she looks in skirts. even though morgan says she looks bad in them. he thinks about her in skirts :(((
Eddie locks the door and Wayne shuffles into the kitchen promising coffee and cake. He should protest, tell Wayne he can go back to bed and they’ll catch up in the morning, but he missed the small stuff like this, when he’d get home late from band practice or a midnight premiere of a sci-fi flick and his uncle would be sitting up waiting. 
irrelevant but coffee and cake is my go to offer when im catching up with my family too <3
Eddie hides his smile with a long sip of coffee. It’s hot and awful, ‘cause no matter how much love Wayne puts into it, dollar store coffee tastes like burnt grounds from the get go. Eddie missed it more than anything. Sometimes he’s in the back of the queasy tour bus or lying on the floor in his hotel room coming down off of something risky and all he can think about is Wayne’s coffee.
this one might be super favourite but it’s cause i really love wayne
Anyway, the memory of her face won’t leave me alone. It makes me feel like crying. So I haven’t touched anything in two weeks and I thought coming home for Christmas would make up for all the secrets I’m keeping
and this one is a super extra favourite. just cause it’s really good and it made me held back some tears.
You wince. For a moment, you’d seen something stupid, a pale face hidden in the pillow across the way. 
they’re SO. thinking about each other in random moments. like she’s thinking about him as she’s trying to think of building a home. you’re sick i love you
“Oh, you’re getting a flat rate now? Go you, superstar.”
you have no idea how much i appreciate you referencing the airport scene but you’re kinda breaking my heart here jade baby
“No, fuck you. You string me around with your hot and cold act and now you’re coming to my shows taking me to dinner,” —your voice stiffens, thickens, as you glare at him from across the table— “asking me how I’m doing? And I’m the one who has to explain themselves? You tell me, Munson. Do I think that you’re pretty?”
another favourite!!! <3
eddie kissing her arm did a number on me and i cannot comment on that without feeling insane
It doesn’t feel like admitting defeat, as he’d initially thought it might. Neither does it feel confessional. You can’t confess to a secret already known. 
He kisses you just once. A light brush of his lips against yours. Anymore than that and he knows he’ll start making promises like someone who has room for them. His eyes scrunch closed hard and he struggles not to squeeze your poor cheek as the pressure of your lips builds, as they part, as he pulls back and you chase him. He can’t kiss your mouth anymore than that, but your hands are grabbing at him, pleading and twitching and cold against the searing skin of his abdomen as they search underneath his shirt. Eddie feels the soft curve of your hip under his hand, knowing he can’t fuck you here, and undecided on whether that’ll be his ruin or his saviour. 
“I feel sick all the time,” you say. Your hands flex against his skin. “The only time I feel alright is when I’m playing– when I’m making something.” You press your head to his chest. “Or when I’m with you.”
Eddie thinks of all the shitty decisions he’s made. His restlessness, his bad attitude. His propensity to assume the worst. How he’d taken your thumb rubbing a smudge off of his cheek in the Prover Theatre as a jab, rather than a helping hand. 
He wraps his arms around you. 
Your head fits under his rather well. 
“I know what you mean,” he says. And out of everything he’s told you today, that’s the hardest to say aloud. 
jade, my love. you know how i feel about your writing. this doesn’t come as a surprise for you and it certainly shouldn’t come as one for me, but it does, every time. not to steal your own writing but your works have something transformative about them, where every time i feel like i can’t go back to the person i was before reading them. like poetry, you know? that inner shift you feel when something hits you deep down? that’s your writing for me. eddie and r’s conflicting feelings and mean remarks and utter honest confessions were so beautifully written and progressed so naturally. you’re so talented, but mostly you work so hard on your writing and it’s so evident that you love it so deeply, i can’t thank you enough for sharing it with us. can’t wait to see what’s coming next from you (you knew what you were doing writing that cliffhanger!!!) (also now i truly am a little bit sorry that this might too long)
i love you!! 💌 - lu
setting the scene <3 okay thank you so much firstly, I think my problem as a writer is that half of the time I don't actually REMEMBER to set the scene but I've been getting much better at that! as well as learning to include like past details / more back story for characters and I'm so happy to see it's coming through
Morgan is kinda slay <\3 I wanted her and Ananya to feel very real, and for that I didn't just want to make them like blindly hate the reader, because if they did they wouldn't keep her in their internationally famous band! I also just really enjoy writing them. Ananya is this effortlessly beautiful intelligent girl who worked hard to get where she is, and she's not going to let Morgan, also beautiful but not quite as smart (thinks she's smart lol) ruin that, but she's still someone who has her eyes on other things. In the chapter I'm writing now they've had a spat and I've tried to emphasise how much Morgan relies on her casually
Eddie remembers her!! And he's been holding on to that little tidbit for so long!!! Pencilled in, I think he's gonna bring it up in like a heartbreak moment
Oh my god!! I won't lie I thought the like a dog comparison was literally so cruel, as I was writing it I was wondering if maybe it is too far but that's actually the point, he does go too far and if you said that to somebody you knew better it would probably damage your relationship, and I needed that to give their relationship this tenuous unsteadiness so I can manoeuvre the plot in the last chapter and the upcoming one. And I can kind of use readers vulnerability against her.
EXACTLY! he's "mean" like mean is a criminal offence, and absolutely she could have said you're a dick you're a jerk but those insults could have other influencing factors, the root of the insult is that he literally was just mean he lost his temper and she wasn't as innocent as she thinks (are we ever?) but what he said was so close to the bone, it was exactly what she hates about herself and he read her for filth and I think that's so interesting, that he can see her so clearly, and a big focus or theme for me in the fic that he uses that skill in a way to hurt her, and then spends the rest of the time feeling guilty and trying to walk it back because her slight is half imagined (she WASNT making fun of him at prover theatre, and she DID honestly forget she met him years ago, but those things left him off kilter, like an ego blow he wasn't expecring)
Eddie is so fucking confused about what he wants in the second chapter. I think I was a little confused too on where I wanted to go and I think that's why they ended up meeting on good terms so quickly, but it actually worked out because I was able to show their true intentions to EACH OTHER but not yet the people reading — reader knows what Eddie told her while he was drunk/high, but you guys don't yet, and I've been seeding it in, there's a little more of it in chapter 3 and there's even more now in the current wip, and Eddie doesn't QUITE know what he told her either even though he's remembered little bits, which is an important dynamic between them between each other. In the same way, she got drunk and told him about how she worries she'll be nothing (which was honestly self indulgent) and she has to trust him with that. Trying to build their relationship!
The skirt thing! My very first rival rockstar request I got at Halloween, I answered it with a plot line about skirts! Okay so i knew I wanted to include that but didn't know if I would, and I wanted to keep the option open hence inserting those details about Morgan thinking she doesn't suit them and Eddie going crazy over them. I don't know if I'll ever include it but it was like a secret homage to the idea that turned into this fic!
Eddie and Wayne!!! I realised pretty recently that I can literally make their relationship whatever I wanted it to be and If It Barks and the new ghost fic I'm writing fell victim to that, it was honestly one of my favourite moments getting to write about them, very very enjoyable.
YOU ALWAYS CATCH MY TINY REFERENCES 😭 u have no idea what it means for me to be able to throw in a little detail wondering if anybody notices and knowing that you do.
Eddie kissing her arm was like. I wanted to show that he's losing his pride? Not that it's humiliating to be affectionate, bit I figured it was incredibly intimate to do that, it's not like a kiss to the cheek that can be explained away, and I also just wanted the imagery there. I think that's a good thing to paint, the two of them in a snug nook of the bathroom all folded in on each other and he could kiss her on the lips if he wanted to, but he genuinely just wanted to kiss her arm and couldn't really stop himself from doing it
I'm always conflicted including details like "he wants to fuck you" because I don't want to take away from the romance, but then I remember that sex is actually romantic most of the time and I feel better about it. Like, he wants to fuck you stupid (affectionately) worked for me because he REALLY meant the affectionately part! he has such a raging crush on her at that point, and at this point when he's kissing her in the bathroom, and they still haven't fucked yet and he's a real human being, of course he wants to fuck her, she wants him to fuck her too 🤧 I would have made them in the bathroom honestly but I wanted to show that they're still not on sure footing, and that reader is super not okay in the situation that she's in (not so much because of Eddie, but I hope that it's evident that she has like a levy that's about to overflow) — she means it when she says she doesn't feel sick with him (self indulgence again, I put that bit in because I wanted her to feel relatable sure but I wanted to vent about some of my own feelings at the same time, I feel good when I'm writing and when I'm with the people I love, but the rest of the time I feel fucking awful, and it's awful, and I think it's one of those things other people can't fix for you, so that's why he hugs her and walks her back and they don't fuck because I didn't want it to look like he was attempting a quick fix)
My love!! I can't believe that I get to be your friend and also someone that you read. I say it to you all the time but I genuinely just forget that you can see what I'm making and that we literally met through my bad fanfic, I'm so happy to know you're still reading me, still enjoying it, still finding all these details and I'm incredibly spoiled to get to see your thoughts like this. I really love talking about why I've written what I have and even more do I enjoy seeing what you thought was good. I'm not gonna lie I absolutely love the attention and it isn't lost on me how long this takes you every time, it's a real actual true gift not just to receive your commentary but to be your friend !!
The cliffhanger was <3 necessary! They're gonna fight so badly 😢 love you so much lu baby!!
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duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 13
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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*gif is not mine
Summary: A short and sweet chapter. You and Bucky have a difficult conversation the day before Christmas.
Warnings: Bucky's trauma.
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Christmas Eve
Sleep consumed you and Bucky for almost a full 24 hours. Bucky only stumbled out of bed once to chug two bottles of Gatorade and go to the bathroom. You barely stirred, only moving to burrow closer to Bucky’s side. Eventually, your stomach growled loud enough to jolt you awake, and Bucky was out of your arms and in the kitchen faster than you could process what day or time it was. 
Still, you both remained in bed, no tv, no talking, just basking in the relief of being together again. You tried to extend the feeling for as long as possible, but you both knew the conversation needed to be had. 
Bucky held you closer to his chest, clearing his throat before speaking. “I don’t remember what happened after you got me out–Stephan’s sister, where is she?” 
“I didn’t kill her,” you said defensively. 
Bucky simply rubbed his thumb over your bicep in tiny circles until you relaxed. 
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “I let her go–I was only focused on you. If she’s smart, she’s in hiding.” 
Bucky nodded, pressing a kiss to your neck. “And Ozenik? Where did he come from?” 
You smiled slightly. “Helmut sent us a guardian angel. He called–the day we got here. Warned me, and I didn’t listen.” 
“Hmm, we should send him a Christmas gift. Can we send gifts to The Raft?” 
You looked up at him, he was trying to keep the mood light, but you couldn’t help sinking a bit. 
Bucky could feel it in the way you loosened your hold on him; he could see how your eyes glistened with unshed tears. 
“It’s okay, you know–those men you killed–they would have hurt you. They would have killed us both if you hadn’t done what needed to be done. But I’m sorry they made you do it.”
You nodded against his chest; you swore you couldn’t possibly fall anymore in love with him. It would be so easy to stay in this moment, accept his love and forgiveness, and give it back twice as hard. But you needed to know. 
“Baby–” you started tentatively. “Can you please tell me what happened?” 
You could feel his whole body go rigid against you. “It’s in the past.”
“I swear I’m not gonna spiral again–I just need you to tell me.” 
Bucky took a deep breath, “they came out of nowhere. I was focused on trying to get to the restaurant before they closed, and I was thinking about you, and the next thing I knew, I woke up in that cage. They, um, the arm–it’s got one weakness, electricity. It goes straight through my arm to my nerves, and I couldn’t fight them.” 
You tried to pull away from his chest to look at him, but he held you still. 
“It’s easier if I can just close my eyes.”
“Okay, baby, I’m here,” you whispered, bringing his hand to your lips. 
“The drug, I don’t know what it was or how they got it, but I was in the cage, and then I wasn’t. I was–” Bucky swallowed and continued with your encouraging kiss to his hand. “I was here, but you were leaving, and Sam and Yelena too–you guys said you didn’t want me anymore.” 
Bucky’s voice had gotten so small you had to hold your breath to hear him. Your grip tightened around his wrist, unconsciously telling him you weren’t going anywhere. 
“And Steve too–Steve said the same thing.” 
You could hear the tears in his voice, and you wanted nothing more than to show him how untrue that was, but you could sense that this wasn’t it–there was more. 
“And then I would be back with Hydra, on ice, off ice, on the operating table.” 
“Operating table?” 
Bucky nodded; he knew he shouldn’t say more; he should spare you the details. He never told anyone but Shuri, only because it was medically necessary. Steve never wanted to know. Every time Bucky tried to tell him about what he experienced, Steve shut it down. Steve meant well, thinking it would be best for Bucky to forget, thinking he was sparing him from reliving the worst moments. But, he couldn’t forget, and he wanted someone to know what they did to him. He wanted someone to at least try and understand. 
“When I fell off the train, my arm wasn’t completely gone. They–cut the rest off.” 
You bit your tongue hard to contain the sob threatening to come out. 
“They laughed when I screamed,” he hugged your body tighter, curling in on himself. “It felt like it went on forever, and I didn’t understand why–why I wasn’t passing out from the pain–why I wouldn’t just die.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself now; you sat up, kissing him wherever you could reach. You pulled him closer, wrapping your legs and arms around him tightly as he shook and sobbed against you. 
“It’s okay; you’re safe; it’s okay,” you repeated soothing words directed at him and yourself as you tried to keep your promise not to spiral again. “I’m not leaving, Bucky. I’m here. I’ll always be here.” 
That’s how you both fell asleep again, clinging to each other for support. Until a knock on the door woke you up from your midday nap. 
“Sleep, I’ll go see who it is,” Bucky mumbled with a kiss to your forehead. 
You grabbed his hand, forcing yourself up. “No, I’m coming.” 
Sleepy-eyed, with wild hair and only half-dressed, you both walked to the door in a trance. 
The shout of “Merry Christmas!” made you both jump back a bit when Bucky opened the door. 
“Oh god,” you winced when the carolers launched into Jingle Bells, clearly not concerned about your and Bucky’s state of dress. 
Bucky started laughing, his hand running over his face before looking down at your grumpy one. “Doll, it’s Christmas Eve–”
“Oh fuck, it is.” 
Your eyes widened, and Bucky could tell you were about to panic–over what he wasn’t sure, but he simply wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to his side, swaying gently as the carolers continued their joyful song.
Don’t forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangel @cjand10
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taintedevesayori · 6 months
Sayo's Route: Maniac 10
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Sayo is taking a walk in the garden
Sayo: Haah…
(Things are really tense right now…When we got home last night, Reiji wanted to know the details of what happened. I tried to keep things short and sweet, but Ayato and Laito got annoyed that I was leaving out…that Kou said I was his.)
Ayato: Hold it! You think we’re gonna let you leave out the most important part?! Laito: Nfu~ Exactly. How naughty, Sayo-chan~ -Sayo rolls her eyes at him Reiji: Well?  Laito: Kou-kun said that Sayo belongs to him.  Subaru: Che…!  Shu: I see….So that’s why you guys got into a fight. Ayato: We got into a fight because Sayo didn’t say anything to deny it! -Everyone turns to stare at her Sayo: Haah…Does it need to be said? I don’t belong to anyone.  Reiji: Hmph…What a weak response. Kanato: How dare you…You belong to us! What gives you the right to wander around with trash like him?! -Kanato picks up a book and throws it at her. She quickly steps to the side to avoid being hit Sayo: Jeez…! Seriously, Kanato?! You guys are awful to talk to when you’re like this.  -She quickly leaves the room Subaru: Hold it!  Ayato: Yeah! Get back here! Sayo: I’ll be more inclined to listen when everyone can talk calmly and I won’t get a book thrown at my face, thanks!
(We haven’t talked about it again. Granted, I’ve been trying my best to avoid them…This is the kind of thing I wanted to avoid…but it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea to tell Kou I want to keep hiding after everything that happened.)
Sayo: Haah…
-Sayo sits down on the edge of the fountain
Laito: You’ve been sighing a lot, you know? 
-She looks up to see Laito walking towards her
Sayo: So you’ve been following me?
Laito: I’ve been trying to find you. Does that count?
Sayo: …I guess not. 
Laito: Can I join you?
Sayo: Sure…
(He doesn’t seem hostile right now…but his moods change so fast, so who knows how this is going to go…)
Laito: What are you doing out here, anyway?
Sayo: Just taking a walk. I wanted to get out of the house for a bit. 
Laito: It’s a nice night for it. The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?
-Sayo looks up
Sayo: Yeah, it is.
(What gives…? This is oddly casual after the past few days…)
-It’s quiet for a moment
Laito: I’m sorry for picking a fight yesterday, Sayo-chan. 
Sayo: Huh…?
Laito: I don’t like seeing you with Kou-kun. He and his brothers obviously came to steal you from us and yet you’ve casually befriended them. Don’t you realize how stupid that is? At first, he was just an annoyance…but now it seems like things are changing between the two of you. At least, that’s what I thought yesterday when I saw you two…
Sayo: Laito….
Laito: Is it true, Sayo-chan…? Does he really think you belong to him…?
Sayo: …
(What do I say to him…? Obviously the answer is yes, and that’s what I should say…But he feels fragile right now. How will he react if I tell the truth?)
Laito: Sayo-chan…going silent is an answer too, you know?
Sayo: Ah…
Laito: …Tch…!
-Laito pulls her into his arms
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Laito: Why does it hurt so much…? Tell me, Sayo-chan? I don’t want to hear you say that you belong to him. You can’t…Just stay like this here with me…If I say it, will you believe me? Please believe me, Sayo-chan…I l-
Sayo: Laito, don’t…Please…
-He holds her tighter
Laito: Ah…If you’re stopping me, that means you believe me and just don’t want to hear it, right? That’s what it means, right, Sayo-chan? I meant everything before now. Do you finally believe me?
Sayo: Fine…I believe you. So please…don’t say it…
(I can’t bear to hear it…But more than that, I know he’ll want a response…)
Laito: For now…As long as you stay with me like this for a while longer…
Sayo: Okay, you win…
Laito: Don’t think of Kou-kun…Only think of me, Sayo-chan…
(Why has everything gotten so messy…?)
-To be continued
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