#Wendy talks with friends
northofneverland · 2 years
but i just got done watching one of the latest episodes of What We Do In The Shadows and there was swords involved and
hear me out
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All I can see is Osamu as Will Turner and I am more than okay with that. Actually, I might die of thirst.
blacksmith!osamu prefers to work alone in his shop. The heat of his forge, the grinding of metal meeting stone and the glint of a finished blade bring a sense of comfort to him that can't easily be replicated. His hulking figure, and shadow, might seem intimidating, but all the local children know that despite his large exterior, he's excited to help them learn his craft.
blacksmith!osamu trains with each weapon he creates to ensure they are battle ready. Just because he's not in the kingdom's military doesn't mean he doesn't know his way around a blade. He was once rumoured to be a fierce sellsword duo with his brother Atsumu, who is now a knight in the king's guard. Often, various swordsmen will train with him when they have a few days off, and more often than not, they find themselves knocked to the ground during these sparring sessions.
blacksmith!osamu, who is honoured to be commissioned by the princess of the kingdom to create a longsword for her bodyguard. (The princess may or may not have gotten his information from a swordsman she knows well, who, just so happens one of his closest friends).
blacksmith!osamu, who is waiting in the princess' wing with the finished blade in a sturdy box tucked under his arm. He's wearing his best linen poet blouse underneath a simple yet tidy brown vest. Despite scrubbing down his hands a few times, there is still a hint of grime and grease on his hands. However, his resemblance to his brother is uncanny, garnering him a few double takes from knights and ladies of all statuses as he is escorted into the waiting area.
blacksmith!osamu, who rises when the princess enters the room, followed quickly by you, who is introduced to him as the princess' lady in waiting and her tutor. While he's heard of the princess' beauty, his eyes are fixed on you, and he nearly stumbles over his feet as you offer him a small curtsy and apologize for being late.
blacksmith!osamu, who is skeptical when you lift the blade out of the box but soon realizes how natural it looks in your hands as you properly adjust your grip on the hilt before taking a few calculated and measured swings. He is entranced at how you become one with the blade and how your motions seem practiced as if they are second nature to you. You catch his slack-jawed expression as you complete another flourish with the blade before nestling it back into its case, a sly smile plastered on your face. 
blacksmith!osamu, who looks at you with greater interest as you admire the blade in the case, barely paying attention to his conversation with the princess. He doesn't realize he's agreed to making you a weapon until he hears you asking him when he's free for you to swing by his shop to iron out a design.
blacksmith!osamu, who demands his friend, Nanami, find out all he can about you before your visit, so he doesn't look like an idiot in his own shop. He's never felt nervous about creating a blade until now and yet, he feels that this might be his best one yet.
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beargyufairy · 2 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 34
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If you discuss growth in FT characters and leave out Lucy/Wendy then you’re so wrong. These two girls have started at the lowest level and grown up so much. Quickly summing up Lucy’s growth from a celestial mage that started her magical journey at a very late age (compared to most of the other FT members), she’s the holder of multiple golden Zodiac keys, knows several spells including Gottfried and Urano metria (and of course the new ones in the 100 YQ), can use one of the grand fairy magic (fairy sphere) and has Star dress. That’s just the major parts of her growth as a mage.
Now for Wendy, she’s grown so much as a person and a wizard. I love her commitment to FT. I wonder how often she remembers her old guild because that was a very emotional moment for her to realize they weren’t truly real. I am so glad to see her dive into her dragon slayer magic (her dragon force mode is peak I love the design) alongside her enchantress powers. This is one thing I am so happy Mashima added because it’s perfect for Wendy. She’s truly power considering how young she is and how much potential she has.
For the remainder of the 100 YQ I would love to see more of her enchantress abilities, casting spells and enhancing her magic. Maybe a unison raid with Natsu. Honestly any unison raid would be acceptable. It’s something I thought would be more common but was put on the side like everything else I had high expectations for. Lucy and Juvia need to do another one since they were very first example. So maybe Natsu and Gray can have one or even Natsu and Lucy (to satisfy my NaLu needs).
Back to Wendy, I would also like to see more of her relationship with Sherria. Speaking of which, how’s her return to magic going?! I am sure Wendy does her best to provide as much support and positivity as she can. I would also like to see more of Wendy, Lucy, and Erza as almost a sister bond and wholesome moments between girls who went through so much together that’s not a battle or anything violent. Maybe a filler shopping spree or lunch outing just to relax and enjoy the moment. It’s something Wendy (and all the others need) since she’s still a child. She needs to have the positive vibes too.
I’m just going to add Happy and Carla on here because I just have one major thing I need from them. Did they ever realize the other Exceeds were their parents? Did they ever go to interact with them? How are they doing?! Honestly they could’ve had more involvement considering their flight is very useful. I just want to Happy to know his parents are proud of him and love him. I want Carla to know her mother feels sorry for what she did in the past and that to some extent an actual princess.
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nashvillethotchicken · 4 months
Ldpdl need some friends he ain't fuckin or kin with and bad. Like real bad
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happy birthday 2 me ~^-^~
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jacnaylor · 8 months
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You don't know me, not really. You may think of me as a right hand man, a second in command, a facilitator, a fixer. You may not take me very seriously because of that. But know this, when I set myself the task of accomplishing something important, I take dead aim, and I systematically go through and over everything in my path until I have reached that objective. So consider this your warning. I know you've been sweet talking Wendy, making assurances to her, saying a lot of shit I've heard from you in the past.
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Going through a very Good Witch coded friend breakup rn is actually so good because it means the Maisie concert is going to hit SO hard
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musashi · 1 year
my personal headcanon on how franziska got the riding crop is that she was the most energetic baby/toddler in the fucking world and her father could NOT deal with her in the slightest her inability to tire herself out was TOO unmatched for his 50 year old ass so he just started handing her random shit he had around the house in the hopes that it would keep her entertained and one day he handed her the riding crop and she started just gently slapping it on her hand or like the couch and franziska (autistic) would go into a fucking trance for like the next 3 hours just repeatedly stimming by going slap slap slap slap and would forget the outside world existed so manfred just let her keep it because he wouldn’t ever get a single hour of sleep otherwise. then she started assaulting people and he was just like, well that’s fine actually god forbid women do anything
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sweetstarart · 1 year
Silly dog activities : 3 ft a very annoyed Frank
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I want this to be the last thing I post before my birthday ^^
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impandgnomes · 10 months
Like as controversial an idea this most likely is, I think anyone reading has got to know one of the few things I am certain about regarding my teenage Stan concept for this whole AU in my head is that he is a boy who isn't truly awful but has been currently rendered rightfully bitchless and will take many minor Ls in learning to fully check his ego at the door
Like I'm not keeping Wendy from Stan for Kyle's sake; I'm keeping Wendy from Stan for Wendy's sake and more-than-maybe his own personal growth
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Wendy + anger and being a girl
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northofneverland · 2 years
i had to go looking for a particular spicy gif for punk!sukuna and idk how but i stumbled upon this cute gif set (sfw, its just a scene from a movie with innocent kisses and they're clothed) I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS MOVIE BUT IT STRAIGHT UP GOT ME THINKING ABOUT WRITING A TIME PERIOD USHI PIECE BC YOUR WORDS HAVE BEEN ON MY MIND :(
AGSHDKDJWHSBSB THIS IS SUCH A TENDER KISS. The way he slowly tilts her chin up, the subtle restraint he has as he’s kissing her 🥺 But how on earth did you stumble upon this while looking for spicy Sukuna 👀
I’ve been in a Royalty!AU rut for the past few days and I’ve been trying to scratch that itch. I was talking with @mrskodzuken about a royal reverse harem, where Sukuna, Wakatoshi and Nanami would all be vying for your hand in marriage. They’d keep whisking you away from each other at the ball, and invite you to meet them in corner of the garden at the height of the party where they hope that you choose them.
Sukuna would be the prince hosting the ball
Toshi would be my loyal knight
Nanami would be the foreign prince
It literally sounds like an otome game and I just want to live out each scenario.
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sentinvitation · 2 months
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oh how i've missed the warmth of your hands. it's been so, so cold.
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
it's sosososososososososo funny to realize how many ppl there are in my life currently who know nothing abt me other than the fact that i'm their petsitter and i drive a red station wagon and i have messy handwriting. This year has been WAY atypical for me--I did the same job all year, I lived in the same place, and maybe most significantly I didn't date anyone. I spent the year taking care of animals, traveling, reading, and learning. So maybe if you just met me, it'd be easy to assume that I've just sort of always had a stable, self-sufficient, simple way of living. Like, yeah! It suits me!
But i just. Have been so many things other than a pet sitter. The calmness of this year is totally aberrent in the context of my adult life. And I don't mean to "drop knowledge" on my clients, i just legitimately don't know how they perceive me and i'll mention something in passing that derails the entire conversation. The fact that i have more than a dozen novels published and out there. The fact that i have a late ex husband and his ashes are in a box under my bed. The fact that for many years I was the editor in chief of a real actual newspaper that these people still read. That I bought and sold my own house. That I was a fulltime caretaker for someone with debilitating schizophrenia. Or even just the benign jobs I've done to get by with academic editing/translation, being a baker, a copywriter, designing book covers professionally, being an "seo specialist" back when that was a viable thing, working as a library circulation clerk. That there was ever a time when I was a skinny blonde girl with no tattoos.
I'm happy that I've had a lot of variety and I'm happy that this year has been the way that it's been. And as I keep doing this, I'll have fewer conversations that stop halfway through with a 👀👀👀 moment, now that my clients are learning not to assume much about me.
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sugar-miss1 · 11 months
( My Talking Angela 2 )
Angela in Wendy
( The Sisters )
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Wendy Cosplay
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fandom-fae · 1 year
okayy so i just finished watching that new disney peter pan remake (“peter pan and wendy”) (also spoiler warning btw-) and honestly. i liked it actually- like the pacing was a bit weird/kinda too fast imo and i’m not a fan of the ending (but to be fair that’s just bc i generally don’t like the ending where the lost boys leave neverland but peter doesn’t so that one isn’t the films fault), but other than that i think it was really good and fairly well made tbh. i would’ve liked some more musical numbers- like the two pirate sea shanties are okay and i don’t wanna complain but damn there’s so much music potential for a story like this tbh. like you could’ve had a song where peter pan actually sings or wendy (im ignoring the lullaby bc i want a song actually about her yk?) or maybe even a duet with them!!!!! i had hope for new music but well meh.
anyway!!! i loved almost all the visuals in the movie and the instrumental background music was really good too! i liked that it was very obviously inspired by the background music of the original tbh!! and i liked the casting tbh, i actually think all the actors did pretty good jobs !!
and the special effects were really good imo! like- not to compare this to the 2003 peter pan movie, but in that older one i always kinda cringed when characters flew around bc i just idk didn’t like how fake it looked- like obviously that’s bc of technical or budget (or both) limitations but still idk- but this time i actually rly liked the way they did the flying for the most part, especially in the scene where they flew to neverland. i also think the set design was really good!!
AND!!!!! i like how literally every aspect (except for the ending lmao) that i disliked in the animated movie was changed- like tinkerbell isn’t blinded by jealousy anymore, the native characters (or well in this case character, since tiger lilly was kinda the only plot relevant one) aren’t such flat caricatures anymore and hook didn’t act so unbelievably ridiculous yk? also i generally just like how well tinkerbell and wendy and tiger lilly got along tbh, because in the older film as we all know they were written in a almost misogynistic way tbh with the way they were reduced to jealousy so much yk? except for wendy kinda but eh. this modern version is SO MUCH BETTER at that, like i don’t think there was any scene where any of the three were really jealous at all unless i missed something lol.
like idk i just like it. it’s definitely different from the original story and from the older movie but not in a necessarily worse way. its similar enough to be familiar and nostalgic but different enough to have its own charme yk? like its no carbon copy and that’s a good thing because it doesn’t try to be and it doesn’t need to be. it humanised almost every character more (even though the pacing again was kinda not ideal lol but it was still enjoyable)!!
i just think it would’ve been good for the movie to have some more transitional scenes or to drag some moments out longer tbh. like there was no moment in my opinion that was really too long, which is good, but there were a few that i think should’ve been longer tbh. it felt not like the movie was rushed but like the viewer was rushed through the plot yk? like there weren’t really any moments to dwell on a situation or to let it sit, except for when wendy was swept onto that beach and when she walked the plank. those two moments were imo well timed. but like especially that scene in james’ peter’s room could’ve handled a few more moments, or the scene before peter left london again when he was talking to wendy yk?
anyway uwu the cinematography was rly well done too imo, and i definitely liked the fight scenes and that scene when they all arrive in neverland :3 and the set design was very good too !!! i also think i liked all the costumes except maybe wendy’s and hook’s jackets cuz like idk, they’re fine but i’m not vibing with them lol. anyway yeah sjdkdjkdjdk- peter pan’s and tinkerbell’s outfits were really good tho imo. and tinkerbell in general was rly good!! idk the actress’ name but she did a great job and whoever did the casting for this whole movie also did great !!!
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
truly further [2 sides same coin] of billions tragic failing of either quant's writing that the effective Demand that taylor & rian must have a very special dynamic is all about going "well i'm epic & you're epic" at every stage, which is nothing, while winston and taylor can never have a dynamic b/c he's so Not Epic, despite that he's more similar to taylor in any ways that actually matter or could mean anything, while also if rian was ever peers with winston / had a reciprocal dynamic there, maybe we'd Have to have had more of an actual character from that role, but instead once again [no] b/c he's so Not Epic. billions writing getting an award for [okay. tmc trifecta] as the only option heading into s6 & giving us Nothing instead
#fr the one arc left is winston being sick of it like alright i'm outta here#wherein it's time apparently for rian to draw on the apparent nonzero affection she thinks she has for all that that means anything....#and oops it did nothing; she may as well have Again jumped in & volunteered info herself in the first place#and tbt rian could be indignant on lauren's behalf based on like 3 days of distant technical half coworkership#but Nothing re: taylor's participation in treating winston like that. nothing re: rian either. but you see....lauren was also epic#winston billions#when you're both Epic you're on the defensive about why you Don't date. except for when you're not!#like again so wendy thinks she & taylor were peers? why did They not have to explain why They didn't date? wendy being that cishet abt it?#we can't get an explanation for why rian would fuck That old man; just why it wasn't otherwise taylor specifically#this being the ''well it's how i'm So thoughtful abt things. & it's how i'm So Unthoughtful abt things'' In The Same Breath#like yeah yeah you dropped all pretense of [character: rian] for [young woman: inherently sexually available] like amazing#it was always like jesus christ but just increasingly dismal experience surveying the mess of nothingness & insults that was like.#again the Nothingness that was rian & pick your poison re: analyzing Power whether it's the ungodly thread of banging prince#or her casually being this general bully + personal abuser to her ''friend'' / coworker there & this is Completely Neutral to billions#perhaps Good! & there's just nothing else to the character. having her Not Leave also just further whittling away any sense of anything#again it's just like depressing lmao gotta get out of here#and as per usual the way that ripping off winston's character from getting to have focus; material; arcs; relationships etc just#impacts these other characters negatively too. rian's main traits having to be ''loves being a bully'' & ''presumed to have a vagina'' wow#billions doesn't even know abt the former which just makes it all the more amazing. taylor having ''nobody'' to talk to but rian for half#a season like WINSTON!! he was half their employees at that time & billions is still That resolute abt The Epics Vs The Losers#and being a Thee Epic is like [there's nothing there] like that was Really supposed to be rian's whole character & [there's nothing there]#the substance not in taylor going ''who's Epic like me'' but in who's Actually inherently intractibly offbeat & different & Knows This#embraces it works with it Has to embrace and work with it; suffers for it but thrives for it; is this secret weapon for it; can work w/You.#all the ways taylor had to water down talking abt themself to like wendy or axe or whomever tf....winston is right here#he's Understanding them & talking abt Them unprompted unguided just Getting It & Caring; doing 9000% better than these other Epic ppl....#lord. it's just amazing they were really this committed to like well yeah the real binary that really matters. the cools & the nerds#they really were like oh we love winston sm....we Love to write 3x03 endlessly where he gets shitted on & we have so much fun seeing that#we could've at least had the Consequences of [winston deserved to throw hands] like fr. rian; taylor; wags; dollar bill; wags again
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