#Were they always going to be the type of person who would?
dimonds456-art · 2 days
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@year2000electronics ask and ye shall receive
Ramblings under the cut!
The general idea is that the AU follows a similar story structure to Cuphead, but the lore is similar to Gravity Falls. There's just one key difference: everyone can see and interact with Bill. He just can't really interact with our world. Yet.
Bill is a projection, brought forth by Gideon Gleeful. He would allow Bill free presence, and in return, Bill basically made him famous, AND his Earthen right-hand. So he takes the place of King Dice.
From there, the history is almost the same as GF. Ford came here to investigate anomalies, found Gravity Falls, met Bill, and started building a portal. The possession came with a different cost this time, though; Ford's soul. Bill promised he'd be in good hands and that it's just kinda part of the gig, but because of this, Bill's ability to possess him never left.
Once Ford got the metal plate installed, Bill was limited, sure, but he still had control of the soul contract, meaning he could basically just. Force Ford to do shit. The main limiting factor here is that he has to know where Ford is and has to be able to see him. If he can't see him, he can't control him. Once Ford is in the multiverse, this is the main reason Bill can't get him. He doesn't know where Ford is.
The main story is just everyone in Gravity Falls making really really stupid mistakes. The only person who has not fallen for Bill's games is Stan, who- like Elder Kettle- tried to warn the twins about making bad deals, but ultimately this fell through when they got curious and visited Gideon's tent, where Bill was also observing.
In my interpretation of this AU, Pacifica takes the place of Ms Chalice. She's hurt and alone, and her dad made a deal with Cipher that resulted in. this. I like to think it was a Monkey's Paw type scenario, but my brain is an egg so I'll figure that one out later. Basically Pacifica wants her body back (ghost rules the same as the DLC), so she decides to help Dipper and Mabel under the belief that they can assist her once Bill is defeated.
However, this falls through. However the deal worked, it persists, and Pacifica starts to wonder if she'll always be a ghost. But that's where Ford comes in.
Ford, taking the place of Saltbaker (kinda? kinda.), offers to try and help her restore her physical form. Call in the twins and let's be off let's go. He says he needs to build a machine that could potentially reverse the effects permanently, and he needs parts. So that's what the twins are doing. The cookie is replaced with an astro-physical restorative remote, but a really, really weak one, and it requires a host to work, keeping the idea that one of them will always be a ghost until the machine is done.
The only problem with this plan is that Ford's contract with Bill is not up, and was not destroyed by Dipper and Mabel, and Bill can see him now. So. In short, that ain't Ford.
The parts the kids were gathering were for the portal.
Once they figure that out, we get a Baking the Wondertart equivalent, Bill is defeated, and in doing so, Ford is freed of the contract as well, meaning Bill can't mess with him anymore.
Not sure if Bill lives all the way to the end of this story, but there is a good chance unless I figure out how to kill him, seeing as Weirdmageddon probably doesn't happen here.
Gotta think on it more, but that's the basic idea. First draft. All of this is subject to change hdfsdfjh
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justatypicalwizard · 2 days
Katsuki doesn't believe in love at first sight
Katsuki never believed in love at first sight. How could someone meet eyes and feel as if a thunder ruptured down from the skies and struck them? To love someone means to accept every part of them and to be able to incorporate them into your everyday life. It means building a brand new everyday with that person.
In order to do so you need to know a lot about them. Who they are, what are their plans for the future, what is their character and so on. Then you need to see if you are compatible in many spheres. You need to invite them to your friends group to see if it’ll hit off, you should try living together, they need to get to know your parents.
There are simply so many things to check off the list in order to be able to say you love someone. Otherwise it’s just empty words. I love you here and there. I love you for a week. I love you when you do as I please. Bullshit.
Mina constantly pestered Katsuki that his definition of love feels more like a chore or a job interview than like something a human would be able to accomplish. It wasn’t his fault he had some standards everyone else seemed to lack.
So even now Katsuki doesn’t like to admit that he fell in love at first sight, because it wasn’t the first time when he looked at you.
A quiet ping of his phone tore him out of his work. A new message from someone he didn’t recognise. Without much thought he opened the text.
[Hi, you may not know me but we go to the same lecture on Wednesday at 1 PM. I heard you have neat notes and wanted to ask if it wouldn’t be a problem if you send me today’s ones. I  got sick and couldn’t come and I wouldn’t want to fall behind with the material. Thanks!]
Geez, was there a longer way to type it? Couldn’t you just write: can you give me notes? On the other hand he always complained about people being douchebags.
Clicking onto your profile Katsuki saw a cheesy photo and a few posts from your daily life and vacations. Nothing much to be honest. Yet, he could vaguely remember your face around the people who entered the lecture hall. It won’t hurt to help.
[File attached]
Pushing his phone to the far end of his desk he went back to work. A few minutes later there was another quiet ding and this time Katsuki felt irritation bubbling inside him. It was you once again.
[Thank you so much!]
[I owe you]
[If you ever need anything feel free to write]
It only took a week for Katsuki to be indeed looking for help from someone. Once in a while, during his hero training, he was forced to pair up with someone in order to work on his rescue skills. Usually they’d use dummies but some fucktard in the course planning team decided that it would be most helpful if the students could train with a real human.
Normally Katsuki would ask Mina. He’d swallow his pride and force himself to listen to her babbling for two hours. Just to get it done. Unfortunately, Mina dumped him today, leaving only a [sorry, not feeling well, find someone else]. Damned flu season.
Who was he supposed to ask now, Denki?
As he scrolled down his chats, your profile pic flew by making Katsuki halt.
If you ever need anything feel free to write.
Screw it, you said it yourself, might as well find a person already and move on with his day. He typed a quick explanation and pushed the send button. The day was nearing the afternoon when you responded.
[Sure, if it’s two hours I can make it. Send me when and where I should be]
He shrugged and gave you the address for today's training.
In the early evening Katsuki found himself trotting towards his usual fighting ground absentmindedly. He was thinking about something related to work at Miruko’s when the idea flew out of his head. You were there, he could see you from afar, walking in circles in front of the main door.
Were you an idiot? It was the middle of winter and the early evening cold tore through layers of warm coats to sink into your bones. Why weren’t you entering the building to warm up a bit.
That’s why Katsuki is so stubborn about the whole love at first sight thing. It certainly wasn’t that exact moment when his heart skipped a beat because of you. You were shivering, hiding your chin and red tinted cheeks deeper into the collar of your winter coat. When you spotted him you reached out a gloved hand and waved.
“What the fuck are you doing outside, get in there or you’ll catch another cold.” He persisted, ushering you towards the entrance.
“Wow, good evening to you too.” You looked at him from under your woollen hat, surprised to get yelled at first thing you see him. Though, you did hear the upcoming pro-hero Dynamite, who went to the same lecture as you, was rather intense. “I don’t know, this place just looks fancy. Didn’t want to stand inside like a dumbass not knowing where to go.”
“So you stood outside like a dumbass not knowing where to go.”
He let you in and showed you around. After leaving your coat and getting a warm tea (his idea), you were ready to help with his training. The support students and university staff running around asked you to take off any unnecessary piece of clothing such as jewellery or sweaters that could get in the way. You gladly went through with their instructions.
You b-lined another student, a senior support course, who showed you the place where you’d be waiting to be rescued. The spacious arena was moulded into the shape of a city. Some buildings were fine, others rundown as if a villain attack rolled over them. There were paveways and roads, streetlamps and plastic trees. You even spotted a car, though it didn’t look like it could take off anytime soon. 
“It will look the same over and over. You sit or lie down in the place where I leave you and wait for your hero.” Your guide briefed the rules. “And every time pick out a different scenario and tie the band in the place that is put on it.” He handed you a dozen of ribbons with small notes attached to them. The first one you grabbed read: broken arm (tie around elbow).
“Sure.” You nodded your head and he left you on the second floor of a wannabe office building. There were a few chairs scattered around and a table that had a weird bite mark on it. You obediently wrapped the band around your arm and sat down on the floor, waiting.
You wondered how it’ll be, to get fake rescued. You were never in such a situation, always watching the villains from the comfort of your TV rather than first hand. What was Dynamite’s quirk? Suddenly you felt stupid for not knowing. On the other hand, you were never up to date with new heroes and all the popularity polls or colourful magazines. Guess you’d just have to wait and see.
Katsuki didn’t leave you for long. You were counting the pieces of shattered glass beneath your feet when a series of explosions passed beside the building. The small pieces you were meticulously adding shook and you let out a squeak when something heavy hit the wall behind you.
“Shut up, it's me.” Craning your neck, you saw Dynamite’s face, upside down, looking at you. He was halfway through the window. “What have you got?”
“God, you scared me.” You chuckled but quickly shut your mouth. The guide asked you to play the best victim you can. Victims shouldn’t laugh.
Dynamite hopped in front of you and crouched to read the note attached to your elbow. He mumbled something in the lines of fucking scenario and looked you straight in the eye.
“I’m gonna get you out of here.”
There wasn’t anything dramatic going on, it was even quiet outside save for a few shouts here and there. Yet, there was just something in a bulked man looking at you and promising you protection, one secured by his own arms. You felt like the guy from the firefighters video.
You couldn’t stop the giggle at the thought.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” Dynamite spat.
“Nothing, nothing.” You shook your hands in front of your still laughing face. “Oh shit, this one’s supposed to be broken. Okay, just save me already.” You really fought with the snicker but the cheesiness and awkwardness of the whole situation had you in a chokehold.
“Whatever.” The hero sighed, visibly annoyed, and scooped you into his hands like a sack of potatoes. “I’ll need you to wrap your legs around me. Push the broken arm into my chest and use your healthy one to hold onto me.”
You did as instructed and glued yourself to him as tight as you could. He still held you with one of his arms and just when you started to wonder how the two of you would get down from the second floor he jumped out of the window.
A scream escaped your lips but it was muffled by a loud explosion.
For the next two hours you flew through the air in Dynamite’s hands over and over again. He held you in different ways, depending on your supposed injury, but every time you landed into the safe zone, you realised you were the first or nearly the first. That guy was quick like hell.
The last scenario rolled over and it was a panic attack. You were supposed to be physically fine but otherwise unresponsive and difficult to work with due to your shock. Dynamite tried to take extra steps to calm you down, speaking about how he’ll take you to safety and how it will all be over in a second. It looked like he was having a hard time.
“I need to touch you to take you somewhere safe.” He said, wrapping one of his hands around you.
When you were both at the safe zone, with cardboard paramedics to take care of you, Dynamite did something different. Instead of leaving you in the place where the group of injured would grow, he carried you straight to the ambulance.
“She has a panic attack.” He said to the empty fake vehicle and you just couldn’t take any more of it. You erupted in a fit of laughter. Your body shook in his hands and you gripped the X on his uniform to steady yourself. “What the fuck?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You tried to explain but the laughter squeezed your throat. “I’m a shitty actor.”
“I see that.” Dynamite grumbled.
“Do you really need to talk to cardboard people and empty vehicles for two hours every week?” You asked, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“Is it really that fucking funny?”
“No, no! I get it.” You finally calmed down, letting go of the front of his costume. “It’s not that funny, maybe a bit but not that much. I think I’m just in a good mood.” You shrug your shoulders. “It was fun, flying with you, like a free rollercoaster ride.” You gave him a big, big smile. A big genuine smile. A big, genuine, lovely smile, with your eyes closed and teeth out and cheeks tinted pink.
People are stupid. That’s what Katsuki thinks. It’s not love at first sight. It’s love because of a single sight.
Even though Katsuki came to some fundamental conclusions in the topic of love he would get all defensive and intense when he was asked about how the two of you met. It would sound way better if he could say the two of you met, then started to talk more, then went on a date and agreed to meet each other and so on. He just felt so stupid, so awkward and silly when he had to admit that all it took for you was a single smile to make his heart skip a beat.
The worst part? It felt a little pathetic honestly, as if people never smiled at him, but truthly they didn’t, not like that. Not like you.
Katsuki still doesn’t believe in love at first sight. Yet, every other piece of his meticulously calculated equation of love was torn down and rewritten, all of which he gladly took.
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pomefioredove · 1 day
Hello! I would like to request overblot boys + cater & tweels finding out that the reader who is usually shy and calm all the time is actually a streamer/vtuber. They’re very chaotic when they stream like whenever they get jumpscare, reader would scream really loud and when they find something funny, they would let out the most contagious laugh that would also make their viewers laugh at the most unfunniest things.
Thats all! Please take your time and take care╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ vtuber reader
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, cater, leona, azul, jade, floyd, jamil, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu
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Cater first came across your content on Magicam. you're popular enough to have people reposting clips of your streams, and, of course, he recognized the cadence of your voice. after a little investigation, he's sure it's you... though he hasn't brought it up quite yet. he's keeping that info for when he needs it
he did, however, tell Riddle, who...
"I don't understand,"
...yeah. he doesn't get your jokes or your avatar or anything really, but he still follows and watches to support you... not that he'd ever admit it
how did Leona find out? your guess is as good as mine. maybe you let something slip, maybe Cater said something, maybe he just had a feeling
either way, he really enjoys the look on your face when he holds up his phone to show you one of your own streams
"This you?"
...then, he never brings it up again
whether he still watches is for him to know, and you to guess
Jade always had a suspicion that you were more than meets the eye, but he never had any reason to pry until Floyd let himself into your room while you were in the middle of a stream
"OOH, pretty, can I try?"
of course, you have to fend him off from your keyboard, and he settles for watching, instead
the next time you stream, he's there again, with Jade, too
the time after that, Azul is also watching
you have no idea why the three of them find this side of you so captivating, but they're quiet, so you let them stay
I feel like Kalim is more online than you'd think. he probably saw a clip of you in a try not to laugh compilation and brought it to Jamil
"Hey, look, their name kinda sounds like our friend! What a funny coincidence!"
Jamil doesn't say anything then, but later, he does look into it. it doesn't take a genius to put the pieces together, after all
he doesn't say anything to you. it's hardly enough for blackmail, and he sees no other reason to bring it up
sometimes, though, when he's alone and working, he'll put on a stream just to hear your voice
Rook knows, because of course Rook knows, and of course he tells Vil when he feels like it
and of course Vil looks you up out of curiosity, and of course he's surprised to see that you have quite a following. nothing compared to his, but he can't blame you for that. he wonders why you never talk about this, but assuming you have a good reason, he doesn't ask you to, either
...he could never admit that he finds your silly jokes and bits funny, anyway
Idia is the pièce de résistance in all of this
he knew before Kalim, he knew before Cater, he even knew before Rook
he'd been going through different streams and stumbled across yours because he thought your avatar was cute, and...
of course, he recognized you. the way you pause when you're talking, your laugh, even your choice of jokes, is all so... you. he knew you were hiding something behind that shyness
he's been a subscriber and donator since he recognized you, and the only reason he's never brought it up IRL is because he'd pass out if he had to talk to you
poor Malleus
he's the only one who didn't know until you told him personally (and, even then, he was confused)
it's not like Silver or Sebek are regularly watching vtuber streams, and if Lilia were (he probably is), he wouldn't have said anything. so, it's up to you
it takes a bit to explain everything, and you'll have to show him your avatar to satisfy his curiosity, but he understands everything rather easily
though, he notes that your avatar is not nearly as cute as you are in real life
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spencerrreiddd · 2 days
Three, Two, One. - Chapter 2
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Summary: After telling Spencer that you’re pregnant with his baby- how is he going to react? what’s going to happen now?
Pairing: UnitChief!Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, Mention of abortion, Angst, Fluff?
WC: 3.0k
A/N: - chapter 2 has finally made its ARRIVAL! enjoy ! 🔪🤍
UPDATE: chapter 2 is under an editing process !
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Three, Two, One. - Chapter 1.
"Spencer, I'm pregnant - You are the last person I slept with. I am pregnant with your baby" You said it before you even had time to think about what you had said, it wasn't lies but telling him now?
You could visibly see all of the color leave Spencer's face, you wondered what was going through his big genius brain, if anything at all.
"W-what? We were careful, we were very careful." -
Before you could even produce words, you were cut off again by Spencer and the panic coursing through his entire being.
"How could this of even happened, Y/N?" He asked quickly, making his panic more and more obvious by the second.
"Spencer, you are fully aware of how this happens and careful isn't always guaranteed to be 100% effective" After the words came out of your mouth, you realized it was a bit snippy but- c’mon, Spencer is a genius. He of all people should know that being careful and using protection is always 100%.
All he could do was stare, like he wanted to say something but had no idea how to start moving his lips to speak the words. He was frozen in place.
"I- I know we are not in a relationship, Penelope told me that you were talking to someone and that's fine- if you don't want any part in this, I will keep my lips sealed" You continued, it broke more of your heart saying that.
You knew Spencer, you know Spencer and you know that he isn't the type of person to abandon someone with his child- You would be 100% fine being a single parent and healthily co-parenting with him, if that is what it came down to but you would be lying to yourself, if you said you didn’t want a relationship with him. You’ve wanted a relationship with him for years, you just never spoke on your feelings so a beautiful friendship wasn’t ruined because of it.
"Y/N, I'm just in shock, I mean, I wasn't expecting this- I was expecting something after the conversation I walked up on with Alvez and Garcia but not this" You honestly could understand what he was saying but did it hurt? Of course, it did but you are also taking his feelings into consideration.
And what conversation did he walk in on with Alvez and Garcia anyways?
Spencer could barely look you in the eye, he was starting to pace around like a dog that needed to go out for the potty.
"If you need time to let this all sink in, that's okay with me and I understand, honestly. This is a lot to take in, in a short amount of time" You could sympathize with him, for godsakes it's still hard for you to accept whats happening but you know you have to accept it.
"I just need some time to- to bring this all in, It's just a lot" He says, finally looking you in the eyes.
"I will contact you, Y/N. I won't leave you in the dark, please trust my word on that" His eyes pleading with you to trust him, to trust what he is saying to you.
And to be entirely honest, you do trust him. You trust him with your entire life but it doesn't stop the pain that you feel in your chest and how suffocating the pain is.
"Take your time, please. I understand that it's a lot, Spence- just don’t leave me in the dark” You surprisingly manage to choke out with the hot tears pricking your eyes.
Watching him walk out of your apartment tore you apart, you wanted to chase after him, beg him to come back, wrap his arms around you and tell you that it's all going to be okay but it was all wishful dreaming.
Right now, all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry and maybe stuff your face with sweet treats, sweet treats that you didn't even have but you knew who would have them.
to: ‘Penelope Garcia 🖥️💖🍩’
'are you busy? - I need someone and I need sweet treats, please come through for me, my sweet crazy lady'
You could at least giggle at yourself with the little random nickname you through in there at the end of your text message. Ever since you joined the BAU and met Pen, y’all were best friends, she was there for the worst times of your live and for the best times of it.
You always thought, if she can produce weird and funny nicknames for people then you can to- outside of Spencer, she was the one you grew very close to.
You were close with everyone and you loved them dearly- Rossi, Tara, JJ, all of them but it just seemed so much easier with Penelope.
from: ‘Penelope Garcia 🖥️💖🍩’
'I am on my speedy way, my sweet sugar plum'
All you could manage to do after reading her text was zone out and stare at a random wall in your apartment, other than feeling like your heart was absolutely shattered, you wren't sure if you were even happy about all of this- maybe, just maybe if the situation would've been different, you could probably be happier.
Have you always wanted children? Of course! but before getting pregnant did you at least want to be in a stable relationship or marriage? Also, yes.
Before you even realized how much time had passed, Penelope was running through your front door and holding all of your favorite sweet treats- Honey Buns, Oatmeal Cream Pies and your ultimate favorite, Fudge Rounds.
As soon as she was fully in the door and sat everything down, you collapsed in her arms crying your heart out. Everything, the tears and the sobs had been waiting to spill out until this moment.
"Okay, okay, what's going on" Worry coating her voice - "Nobody could reach you after you ran out of work, even Spencer was worried about you!- Did you get any of my texts or voicemails"
"I told him- I told him about the baby. It all came out before I could even process my thoughts" You had a small amount of hope in your soul that she would be able to understand that through your sobs.
Looking at Pen after you said that, you could see the wheels turning in her head. Realization setting in.
"Reid came by here? By your apartment?" She questioned.
"Yeah, I was just relaxing and came out to the kitchen and I nearly ran right smack into him. He nearly gave me a heart attack in my own house" You were still unappreciative of that scare to say the least.
"Ho-how did he take the news"
"Not horrible but not how a woman would hope her-"
"Person would react" Penelope cuts you off seeing as you couldn't even figure out you own words.
"Exactly but as hard as it is, he isn't even my person. He's my boss, Pen. My boss. Our boss got me pregnant because we stupidly decided to have sex a few times to release the stress of work and life because evidently, we couldn't just sit down over coffee and vent to each other" You don't feel shame admitting that, should you? Maybe but you and Spencer are both adults.
Now that you're thinking about it, he never did confirm or deny, if he was talking to someone or not- It probably wasn't your business but at the same time, you felt like it was. I mean, you are carrying his child and you don't want to be responsible for tearing apart a relationship or a relationship that is forming.
Spencer has been through enough hurt with JJ and with Maeve. You couldn't bear the hurt and the guilt of causing him more pain like that or even similar to it.
Remembering and witnessing his pain first hand after Maeve was gut-wrenching, it made you want to lay and sob right there with him.
from: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'I'm sorry for how I left, how I was unable to sit down and talk with you. Can we meet tomorrow?
'It would be good to sit and talk about all of this and there are things that I need to tell you, still.'
You couldn't even look at the message, so you had Penelope read it and just simply asked her to tell you if it was good or if it was bad.
"He wants to sit and talk to you, says he is sorry for how he left- I would say that's a good message" Handing you your phone back, so you could message him back. If you could even bring yourself to do that. In reality, you knew that it was the right thing to do.
to: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'Sure, I would feel comfortable speaking here, at my apartment. Is that okay with you? You can come over at any time tomorrow- If not, let me know and we can figure out another place to meet'
"I asked him if we could just meet and talk here. Do you think that's okay to even ask? Asking him to come here? I should've asked where he felt comfortable meeting" You are beginning to overthink everything and rambling on- you care about Reid's feelings but right now, you're caring for yourself more as selfish as that sounds.
"Y/N, that's a perfectly fine thing to ask- what's gonna happen? He's going to knock you up.. again? Y'all are talking, not getting under the sheets" How she said it made you laugh a bit considering the situation.
from: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'That's fine with me, Y/N- I will be there at 10:30.'
You surprisingly feel relief washing over you reading his message-
'Let's just hope tomorrow goes better' You think to yourself.
“Oh. Pen. What conversation did Spencer walk in on you and Alvez having, anyways?”
“I saw you run out of work and I knew at that point, Alvez opened his mouth about something I shouldn’t have even spoken to him about and I’m sorry, for telling him- we didn’t tell Reid anything, though” She admits, you weren’t mad at her- you just had confusion after hearing Spencer say he overheard their conversation.
After a few hours of eating sweets and watching Modern Family with Penny, you started getting tired -
"I'm getting tired, Pen- I'm gonna go to bed, you're welcome to crash on the couch, if you're too tired to drive" Partially hinting at her that you wanted to be alone but you still didn't want her falling asleep behind the wheel and hurting herself or someone else.
"Don't be silly, I'm never too tired and plus, I enjoy sleeping on my own couch, if i'm sleeping on any couch, ma'am" She deadpans as she stands to leave.
Hugging her good-bye and giving her the biggest thank you for coming over to calm you and well, the sweets too.
"I love you, Penny- I'm also keeping these sweets. I know my pregnancy cravings will appreciate them soon and you for bringing them"
"You better be happy that I love and adore you, I wanted to take the Honey Buns with me- oh, and yes, I love my next god-child too" She says in a jokingly way while walking out the door.
After Penelope left, you decided that you did need sleep even though you would probably be struggling to even close your eyes because of your wonderful habit to and overthink every tiny thing about anything and everything in you life- all of this going on with Spencer is just fueling your ability to overthink. Lovely.
'What if he asks me to get rid of it' 'What if he ends up being a deadbeat and i'm stuck raising this baby alone' 'What if we can't co-parent in a healthy way and it causes the child trauma' - Any and every 'what if' flew through your mind. It felt like hours before your eyes finally closed and you were able to get sleep.
After waking up to the sun shining directly into your eyes, you roll over just to see 10:27 A.M on your alarm clock. - You don't remember ever having to fly out of bed that quickly, except maybe when you were in school and running late or even yesterday with work.
Walking out of your room and into the living room to sit in peace for about a minute or two before Spencer shows up. The nausea you began to feel was becoming over powering. Was it from pregnancy? Was it from the nerves? You didn't know but you were accepting your fate that you may or may not upchuck everywhere.
"Right on time" You mumble to yourself, you weren't expecting him to be a minute early or late.
"Come in" You yell, not having any energy to stand up and not wanting to move because it was making your nausea 10x worse.
"Hey" He greets coming through your door, he doesn't appear to have gotten any sleep- his hair messy, he has dark bags under his eyes.
"Hey, glad to see you showed- I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a horrible way, I know what you said yesterd- I'm rambling. I'm glad you're here, Spencer" Another bad habit of yours, rambling on and on when you were nervous.
"Me too. Where do you want to start- I mean, I've never had to have this conversation with anyone else before" You could clearly hear the nerves in his voice.
You know you want to keep the baby. Regardless of what happens between you and Spencer. Tell him that.
"I'm keeping the baby, Spencer. That's my plan. I know we aren't in a relationship and we don't have to be to healthily co-parent and if you don't want to be involved, I understand because you're working on building a relationship with someone else but-" Spencer cuts you off before you can continue on with your rambling.
"Okay, pause for just a minute. I'm not in a relationship, I'm not working towards a relationship with anyone else. Where are you getting that information?" He asks with slight irritation in his voice.
"Penelope did, I went into work yesterday and I told her about me being pregnant, blah blah blah- she told me that you had a girlfriend, as far as she knew at least because the contact name for her 'wasn't a name you gave a friend"
"Y/N, getting back to the point then I will come back and touch on that- I wanted you to keep this baby, I want you to keep our baby. I've always wanted to be a dad, you know that about me. I want to be here every step of the way with you, with our child" Spencer is looking into your eyes with every word coming from his lips.
"And to touch on this topic because the names in my contacts are evidently Penelope's business, the name she is referring to is 'Pretty Girl', which is you, Y/N- Since we're on the honesty road, Y/N, I love you and I mean that, I've loved you for years, this isn't coming out of nowhere for me and it's not because of our current situation, either" You're blown away by everything Spencer has just said to you to say the absolute least.
Honestly, now that your mind isn't running a marathon, you could pinpoint certain changing things between you and Spencer- the longing looks between one another, bringing each other breakfast and coffee in the mornings, which never happened beforehand, the private meetings after work to just talk, nothing sexual ever involved but last but not least, the sex between the two of you.
'He loves me, he loves our child, he's been in love with me for years- I am the weird? contact name in his phone that Pen had spotted.' You think to yourself, seemingly not able to produce words after Spencer's confessions.
"Spence, I don't even know what to say or how to begin saying it. - I love you, I loved you since the first time I saw you walk into the bullpen and Gideon introduced his newest prodigy to all of us. - I'm happy, so happy that you want to be apart of our babies life and be here for us."
Neither of you have words after you both say your peace, you've both just poured your hearts out but your eyes are still saying so many things to each other.
"Y/N, I love you and I want a future with you. I want to have a family with you, if you'll allow it" Spencer confesses further moving closer to you.
"I would love that, Spencer" It came out as a whisper but with how close he was to you, to your face- you know that he heard you.
Moving even closer, Spencer takes your face in his hands and kisses you gently- It's a kiss that you can tell is filled with love, comfort and pure gentleness. Nothing like the kisses y'all shared in bed when y'all were just trying to reach an orgasm after a rough case.
Finally, you both break apart, breathing heavily, foreheads resting against each others.
"Not to ruin such a beautiful moment that I have been waiting years for, what's going on with all the 'Little Debbie' boxes" Spencer jokingly asks you, finally realizing the boxes you forgot to put away last night.
"Penelope was here last night, I asked her to come over with sweets after you had left- I needed honey buns to cope" Shrugging your shoulders saying it, you had no shame in your sweet tooth game and you certainly wouldn't when your pregnancy cravings really started attacking you.
"So, another quick thing- of all people, why would you tell Alvez and Garcia this news?" Spencer looking at you, confused as ever as to why you would tell two of the biggest blabbers.
"I didn't tell Alvez, I told Garcia and she "let it slip" to Alvez- Alvez is why I left the other day. He came up to me talking about it loud enough for anyone else to hear him, if they were paying any attention at all- It got to me, frustrated me. I should've communicated better but, I wasn't exactly coping well yesterday" There was nothing to hold back now and frankly, at this point, you had zero shame about any of that and any of what was currently happening.
"I'm not upset- I was worried, I should've came myself after I heard that you left, I should've at the very least sent someone to come and check on -"
"Spencer, it's okay. I would've probably ignored the knocking of anyone and my phone was on do not disturb anyways, I wanted to be alone. Don't beat yourself up about this. We're okay. I love you." You couldn't stop yourself from cutting him off, you couldn't stand to watch him beat himself up, you couldn't stand watching anyone beat themselves up.
"Y/N, I love you and I want you to be mine, I want this family."
"And I love you, Spencer and I want to be yours and I want you to be apart of this family. I loved you then and I love you now."
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not going to lie, i thought this was going to be a 3 part story- not including the epilogue that i do plan to make for this mini-series.
i, personally am happy with how this turned out with this being my first writing in so long and being rusty to say the least.
i hope you, my dearies, enjoyed reading it and i hope you look forward to more stories coming your way.
TAGLIST: @donttrustlove @sebastiansstanswhore @eddiesdrummergf @hayleythecannibal @fanfic-viewer @kyrathekiller @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @diffidentphantom @ivet4
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TAGGED IN FUTURE STORIES or FOR THE EPILOGUE- slide into my inbox and let me know so that i can get you on my list !
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fandomxo00 · 18 hours
Ok but imagine:
Logan taking care of you while you are on your period
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You held your son, Jack in your arms as you rested in bed, it was Saturday morning, and you usually slept in. You woke up earlier, the worst cramps waking you up and getting out of bed. Though you wished you could've just stayed in your husband's arms. But you went to the bathroom, took medicine before hearing your son stir from his room. Grabbing Jack and slinging him on your hip, getting your period right now was extra sad for you. You were trying to get pregnant again, so every period was a letdown.
You checked in on Bailey who was sound asleep, her noise machine playing her forest sounds. You sighed, looking over at the pretty girl as your son curled up in your chest. You felt your heart warm as you held him tight. If you couldn't have more kids, you knew it would be okay, you loved your two children more than anything in the world. But that's why you wanted more of them; you were in love with your kids in a different type of way. You just adored their personalities, the traits they get from both of you and then some all of their own. The way they learned and grew into their own beings, talking, singing, crying and dancing.
Even in the tough moments you were grateful that a tantrum was the problem, that you didn't have an outside force causing you to mistreat your children. You were calm, collected, waiting it out with them, letting them know you were there. If they got physical with you, you softly told them to stop, never touching them until they calmed down and said it was okay. Then you spoke about your emotions when you got calm, you explained that they weren't in trouble. You explained in different ways for both kids, trying to patient with them. And teaching them to not treat other people that way, that you did not deserve it and they didn't. You loved play fighting though, Logan love throwing you and the kiddos around. Letting you tackle him; he was 300 pounds of adamantium, so he usually wouldn't tackle you guys. Sometimes he would come over you, pretending to squish you, not putting his full weight down. You would laugh and try to push him off of you which was nearly impossible.
You were a bigger girl and everything but if he didn't want you to move, he wouldn't let you. Inside and outside of the bedroom. You shook your head out of your thoughts as you turned back towards the bedroom. Slowly walking in and sliding your son in the middle of the bed as Logan turned to rub at Jack's back. You slid into bed across from his your hand reaching out to rest on his forearm. Then you fell back asleep.
When you woke up, you were joined by Bailey as she laid on her dad's side, Logan gone. You frowned, getting out of the bed and wondering out of your room. You walked down the hall to find him as he stood outside with a cigar in his mouth. "Baby." You murmured, walking over to him.
"Should go back to bed."
"Not without you." You breathed, nuzzling into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. His hand came up to your hair, realizing how extra touchy you were, and the time of month. Logan knew that you needed him. So he stubbed out his cigar before leading you back to the bedroom. Cuddling up with the two kiddos.
During the day you rarely got out of bed, you don't really know how he did it. How Logan managed to entertain the kids and come help you whenever you went calling. Trying to slip in cuddles sessions so he could rub your belly and talk to you. He didn't know what to say most of the time but he knew you found his voice soothing. He'd do anything for you, the kids joined you for nap time before you all got out of bed for dinner and ice cream. Going out to eat with them was always an interesting task but Logan wanted to treat you. His hand clasping yours in the car, the two of talking quietly about his work trauma while the kids talk to each other in the back.
After dinner and ice cream, he made a detour to Target. Letting you pick out things for the house and a toy or two for the kids. You even snuck in a new lingerie set, something you hid until the cashier scanned in front of him. Logan lifted an eyebrow as the kids pointed at Starbucks. "Daddy." Bailey whined.
"You're not a getting a shake right after ice cream." Logan retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest. The same sass you gave him shining in her eyes.
"I wasn't gonna get a milkshake!"
"Oh really?" Logan laughed, glancing over at you for support as you shrugged.
"There's other drinks there." You highlighted
"Its on me." You hummed, as he finished tapping his credit card and you swiped it from his hands kissing his cheek as you walked over to Starbucks with the kiddos. You got him his favorite tea, something he'd never admit to anyone. You handed him his card as he scooped up Jack to put in back in the cart.
"I was gonna let you. Just didn't want Bailey's stomach to hurt." Logan mumbled as he leaned in to kiss you.
"I know just teasing you baby." You assured, patting his chest. As he gleamed down at you with a smile that reached his eyes as he brought his tea up to his mouth.
tags:@ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland @bubblegumholland @mega-kittyglitter-1
note: old man logan coming soon yall i got a couple going missed doing family fics
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username-1121 · 1 day
My Vedic Astrology Thoughts #2💋
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- Purva ashadha woman are always so beautiful and have very curvy, soft bodies. They were definitely blessed by Venus.
- Venus in 1st house natives are just so stupidly attractive. They’re genuinely so beautiful, the type where you just want to stare at them and write songs about them. Like we’ve all heard this a million times but WOW, I just had to reiterate that astrology does not lie
- Having a planet in its own sign means that there will be multiple of the significations of the house that it is placed in. Eg: Mars in Aries in 7th house = multiple marriages/relationships, Moon in Cancer in the 10th house = multiple career changes
- You’re most likely to date the sign that is opposite your moon sign, Eg: Cancer moons are drawn to Capricorn placements, Taurus moons are drawn to Scorpio placements
- The sign 3rd house and 11th house from your moon sign are most likely the placements that you are close friends with.
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- The planet or rashi 2nd to your Moon, is the key to your success. You should embody this planet or sign if you want to achieve great success in this life. This is where you are getting fame and recognition which is why it’s best to embody the characteristics of that planet or pursue career paths related to that planet.
- If you have any planet 2nd to your Moon, it means that you have to go about your life independently. You won’t receive any help financially and everything you get is from your own hard work. This can also mean that you tend to adapt to the personalities of the people around you. You could be very street smart.
- The planet or rashi that’s 12th from your moon, are the things that you need to let go in order to achieve success. Eg: Mercury ruling or placed 12th from moon, you will achieve success when you stop learning.
- The 12th house from your moon can also indicate what you enjoy in your relationships. So eg: Mercury would be communication, Venus would be traditional romance, Mars would be doing activities with your partner
- People who don’t have any planets in the 2nd or 12th from moon can mean that you have a very hardworking mother. She could either be the bread maker of the household or just takes on most of the responsibilities compared to the father. And she might have to go through a lot of suffering.
- This placement can also make you a loner because no one understands you. You may have gone unrecognised during your school days and it will be very hard for you to get things that normal people can easily achieve. You will have to try multiple times.
- If you have Saturn dominant in your chart, you are more likely appear graceful and well mannered rather than just the “serious” stereotype that people give Saturn. People are more so intimidated because you appear to have it all figured out.
- Whereas Ketu dominant people tend to appear more intimidating and serious because they seem like the type to judge you even if they don’t. This energy can sometimes be off putting to a lot of people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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dekusdante · 2 days
Things that annoys me in the Jujutsu Kaisen Fandom
Sorry but this is going to be all over the place.
Am I the only one tired of the same trope being used when it comes to Gojo from JJK? In other words the enemies to lovers trope where the oc or reader is basically Utahime with out the name.
Like we all remember the episode where he gave out what type of person he was into which was a nice girl or something along those lines. I that as writers you have to take creative liberties but why are all the readers in these stories are exactly the same.
They either hate Gojo or is super easily annoyed at him. Jerks but its okay cause for some reason he loves them unconditionally. This is so annoying cause there is no push back from Gojo in these stories. Just him taking back the reader or waiting for them to return his feelings when in actuality he shouldn't.
Another thing that annoys me is why is it always the guy that's simping why can't it ever be the woman being madly in love and trying to win him over?
This enemies to lover trope has completely taken over the Reader x Gojo fandom and its so overused. Now I will admit there are some gems out there, but I just don't even bother reading anything that is enemies to lovers anymore. I'm just tired of reading the same thing over and over again with the same copy and paste formula/reader.
Also why is smut so strong on here. Like don't get me wrong those writers are killing it with the plot aspect but man does all the smut kill me. Like I want more plot these are really good and creative ideas but man the smut kills me lol. Still reading the plot but stop at the smut parts which is usually the end so we gucci.
Hmm, another trope I refuse to read in these are arranged marriage were we are supposed to be upset with the guy who is forced to marry someone they don't want too. Why? Well for starters it always start with the reader being mistreated by the guy for some reason and the reader putting up with it until something happens and the guy falls in love with them and has to gain both their trust and love again.
I can get behind this but they always make the guy so unredeemable in these that it would be crazy if she takes him back. [She always does] Another thing is we are supposed to hate the guy because he wants to remain faithful to the person he was with before the arrange marriage. Like why are we bashing a faithful man?
Another trope I hate is when the guy is always in the wrong. A while ago I read a Gojo x reader fic were reader was mad that Gojo couldn't spend a lot of time with her so she broke up. Okay valid even though I am sure this would have been addressed before or earlier in the relationship but okay. What annoyed me with this story is that she then goes on to get in a relationship with Nanami who then calls Gojo an idiot for losing a woman like her.
I could not believe what I read. Like what the hell did Gojo do? At this point Gege posted about Gojo's life and how the man is booked to the max and I couldn't help but think how distasteful it was to first make it appear as if Nanami would do something like that to Gojo and secondly pretend that they don't have more free time compared to him. Like Nanami even understood why Geto did what he did.
Anyway that's all I got for now. I am not here to argue but I would love to hear about what you think on this. A second opinion is always welcomed and if you have a trope you don't like then I would love to hear it.
Also if you have a story that you would like to promo then please do so in the comments. It is a okay if you want too. No pressure,
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captain-joongz · 3 days
Jongho as an easily jealous bf (who is dom) 🙈
hmmm, i see that we have a possessive dom jongho enthusiast here 👀 and who could blame you really, all that strength and muscle just invites the desire to be properly put in your place by the stoic man, so here you go <3
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warnings: possessive dom Jongho, jealousy, light light choking, face fucking, mean jong, degradation
now, i think Jongho wouldn't really mind close friends, but to anyone else you'd be strictly off limits. even under normal circumstances he's hard to read, but anytime he'd deem someone as too eager to get closer to you, he'd turn into an intimidating mass of muscle and sharp eyes, standing behind you like your own personal bodyguard and unnerving all the poor sods around you, while you were none-the-wiser
of course you'd notice the occasional possessive squeeze of his hands, the way he'd suddenly tightly wrap his arms around you or push you closer to his side - but he'd never be sure whether you were really just naive or whether you sometimes provoked him on purpose just to have that reaction out of him - nevertheless, most of the times you'd be blissfully unaware to all the poor excuses of guys who were clearly trying to hit on you right in front of his eyes and once in a while someone would be brave enough to try even with him staring daggers into anyone getting a little too close
like your annoying coworker right now, that's been talking to you since you came to this Halloween party, even though you were clearly here with your boyfriend - a fact of which Jongho obviously had to remind you, judging by the smiles and laughs falling out your lips at his desperate attempts to joke around and flirt
if you'd ask him, he'd tell you he's most definitely fine, he's not jealous, not even irritated - of course he's completely cool with the fact that someone thinks he's good enough to pry for your attention when that's supposed to belong to him. but he'd let you, time how long it would take you, and with every second ticking by of you not turning back to him, he'd plan another little surprise for you for when you returned home. he's not jealous, he's totally fine.
i think Jongho wouldn't be the type to make a scene or ostentatiously show off your relationship or his mark, i think he'd bide his time and watch you dig yourself deeper into trouble, jaw growing tighter and eyes colder, until you finally glanced back and saw his tense form and disapproving gaze and you'd known there'd be a long night in front of you
but the moment you'd set out to leave, his hand grabbing yours in an iron grip and tense smile that barely passes as polite on his lips while he pulled you from the little rat of a man, it would be a completely different story.
just seconds after the apartment door locked behind you, he'd be on you, immediately pushing you towards the bedroom without a second thought. once there, he'd go to grab your face, smushing your cheeks between his fingers while his eyes burst with the hidden fire he did so well to mask while outside.
"now, who was that, angel? i know you didn't just spend your entire evening with a man clearly flirting with you while i watched from the other side of the room."
"just a coworker, sir."
the fact that you always caught on so quickly and started using the honorific was one of the reasons why he couldn't shake that you weren't as innocent in this as you played up to be, but he couldn't deny how much it stoked the desire within him when you submitted so easily every time
"oh, is that right? and flirting with him is a part of your job?" but before you could even answer he'd already be pushing you down to the floor by your throat, still keeping his firm grip on your face so he could angle it towards his crotch. "no matter, pet, i think you'll find it hard to run your mouth with other guys when i'm filling it with my cock. seems like you could use the reminder of who you belong to."
it would be your job to get him fully hard, and he didn't like it when you used your hands - since you were so mouthy, it was only fair you put it to good work - and it usually wouldn't take long before he was pulling his trousers down and without any preamble pushing his hard cock into your mouth. if in the surprise your teeth caught onto him, he'd tighten his grip on your neck minutely as a warning
of course after the stunt you pulled you didn't deserve any reprieve, and he'd done a lot to train your throat (only shows how many times he had to put you in your place, you just wouldn't learn) so he'd gather your hair in a grip and start a rough pace, pushing into your throat until you were choking and gurgling around him, squeezing the tip of his cock in your contracting throat
and you loved every second of it, sometimes he'd even doubt you took this as the punishment it was for indulging flirts from other men, especially when he watched from above as your eyes rolled back and your slutty moans reverberated on his cock and drove him crazy with the vibrations
Jongho was strong, and he never shied away from using it against you, especially when he held your head firm in his grip while pumping his hips into your mouth in reckless abandon, not caring at all about anything else than his own pleasure, taking your moans and sobs in stride, and he wouldn't stop until he felt his balls tighten and his load spurted down your throat, forcing you to swallow with your nose smushed against his navel and the throbbing cock pushed as deep inside as it could go
pulling off, he'd let you crumble onto the floor with your face covered in tears and spit and cum, coughing and fighting for every breath, while he sat down on the bed and looked at you like you were pathetic
you knew better than to try and touch yourself, but sometimes you couldn't stop your fingers from pressing onto your clit through your clothes to alleviate the pulsing pleasure, only to have Jongho tsk at you and push your hand away with his foot still clad in his nice dress shoes
"no no no, angel, you've been such a slut and you think you deserve to cum tonight? i taught you better than this..."
"i'm sorry, sir" it would be no more than a croak from your abused raw throat, but he'd take it nonetheless
and it would take only a single look into his eyes and you'd see he was nowhere near done with you that night, the fire of jealousy and irritation still burning through his irises as he watched you like his prey
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there we have our first ask of the hard hours!! hope you enjoyed some dom Jongho <3 you don't have to be shy, come tell me what you desire xoxo
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divider from @cafekitsune
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misfitgirlwrites · 1 day
Modern!Reader x Alastor Headcanons | Third Place Giveaway Winner
This is very funny to me. Alastor dating or befriending someone who's more similar to Vox to say the least than him when it comes to...technological advancements
CW: none, just some bickering between what could be seen as an old married couple
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It's a little hard for almost everyone to tell, but you and Alastor are close
I say it's hard to tell because you two are constantly throwing jabs at each other and honestly, it couldn't be helped
He was just so...old
Everything about his habits and interests were outdated and Alastor wasn't the type to do his own thing quietly 
There's always a comment, a sideways glance, a light scoff which leads to,
"Don't be upset because you don't know how to use a cellphone."
"Me? Upset over such a device? You confuse me with someone else, dear."
"I don't think I am. What'd you have again? Messenger birds?"
"Very funny."
You would simply chuckle at Alastor for the most part. You've heard it all before, your love and talent did lead to you VoxTech for a bit of your afterlife, but you didn't stay.
You found it more enjoy using what you know to help Charlie with her cause.
You were a helpful person in your own way. It was the only reason you kept trying to introduce Alastor to some form of modern tech. 
"I can make you the simplest most basic cellphone Hell has ever seen. Only phone calls and texting--"
"You lost me."
"--Only phone calls and we'll get to the rest eventually?"
You'd groan out, "even Lucifer has a cellphone! He's older than you!"
"Was that supposed to help you convince me?"
"...You're such a loser."
You have special nicknames for Alastor when you feel like picking with him. 
Old Allie
Old Man Red
Ye Old Alastor
Arthritis Strawberry
Alastor: Great Gatsby Edition
He hates all of them, of course, and that's why you love them
Alastor is completely uninterested in what you do. His focus is just more on your talent and passion than what you're making
You argue that what you're making is your passion so he should show a little interest
This would lead to a breakthrough!
"Only for phone calls."
"Don't add anything else."
"______. I mean it."
"Don't go using that scary tone with me, mister. I'm your friend, so trust me!"
It took all your willpower to not add anything extreme to the, in your opinion, useless cellphone. Phone calls only, just as promised. You knew Alastor agreed to shut you up, but you were still satisfied with your win
That's why you were very surprised when you got a call from him and you knew he wasn't in the hotel. You of course told everyone who would listen (AKA everyone in the hotel)
You yourself were always on the move and it made you happy that the chance to hear Alastor while you were both away was significantly higher (he lowkey hates the thing, so he doesn't always answer)
After a while, like a lot of elderly, Alastor would just straight up not take the phone with him.
"Yes, my dear?"
"The point of a cellphone. You get it, yeah?"
A roll of the eyes
"I still use the thing."
"You leave it in the hotel!"
"I forget it here and there."
"You can't tell me you're not someone's fuckin' grandfather with that lame excuse. At this rate, I'm gonna glue the phone to you."
Honestly, he kept it on him for almost two months. You expected to be having this conversation sooner.
After nagging him for a few days, Alastor made sure not to "forget" the cellphone anymore, much to his annoyance. He, of course, couldn't be seen with the thing, so it was just easier to leave it at the hotel
Two more weeks in, and Alastor would definitely be thinking of ways for this device to get in an unfortunate accident, if you will
While fiddling with the damned thing one night, Alastor finally found the one extra feature you decided to add. After a small click sounded, the small phone extended in his hands, making him let it go. The small screen was now larger; touchscreen.
Alastor's eye twitched. He could almost hear you cackling. 
He was going to end you.
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@theblueslytherin Here as promised! I really hope you like it!
Alastor Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @dasimp777
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sukunaminx · 3 days
💌 // Sukuna x fem!reader
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synopsis: just headcannons about the one and only Sukuna.
a/n: I’m thinking about doing headcanons for jjk characters based off the short n’ sweet album. Please lmk who I should do with which song.
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⎯⎯ Sukuna isn’t the type to get jealous because of his disgustingly big ego that he has built up. You on the other hand, oh you were so easy to make jealous. He knows he’s all that so he knows you wouldn’t be slobbering over someone else’s dick.
⎯⎯ You on the other hand were the complete opposite. You were so easy to make jealous that it made Sukuna chuckle at moments.
⎯⎯ It never takes much for you to get jealous over him, especially when so many women are over the moon for him. Who wouldn’t be over the moon for Sukuna though?
⎯⎯ Although he loves to see you get jealous, he hates to see you get insecure. He’s always there to reassure you.
⎯⎯ “You know I’m just teasing, right? If any other woman were to kiss me they’d be tasting you on my lips and only you.”
⎯⎯ He’s not the best with physical reassurance but one thing that he does that has you absolutely head over heels for him is the way he touches you in public.
⎯⎯ Even the smallest of touches makes you feel better. If he notices you starting to feel nervous or irritated with woman trying to take a shot at him then he’ll place his hand on the small of your back and use his finger pads to gently run his fingers up and down the side of waist. He’ll put a small amount of pressure on the small of your back knowing that it makes you feel safer and reassured.
⎯⎯ Sukuna has absolutely no shame when it comes to you. When you both have days off, he’ll keep you in bed all day just leaving love bites on your neck, shoulders, stomach, etc.
⎯⎯ I personally think Sukuna is the type of man to manhandle you in any sort of way. Which makes you fall in love with him 10x more.
⎯⎯ Definitely bakes with you when he’s up to it. If he’s feeling a little happier then he wouldn’t mind putting on music that you personally like listening to.
⎯⎯ Sukuna prefers to be the bigger spoon in bed. He can’t stand being little spoon.
⎯⎯ People see Sukuna as this person who’s a sex addict and also see him as someone who who would go ruff but I like to headcannon him as someone who only has sex for special occasions. I feel like he would be also be gently depending on what you want him to do.
That’s it. <33
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trippinsorrows · 2 days
I feel like this is another multiverse type question. But say Solana wasn’t in the situation she was in and Roman was very much so attracted to her as he is now. How do you think Roman would have approached her ?
this is such an interesting question!
under the read more cause this got longer than i intended lol
roman was bored, ready to go. functions were never his thing. he always attended out of obligation and necessity. never want. and considering he's been present for an hour, he more than feels he's done what he needed to do.
he pulls out his phone to text paul to have the car pulled for him, ready for his wise man to foolishly try to convince him to stay when a body collides into him.
soft is one of the first things to hit him followed by a sweet, vanilla almond scent that's more than pleasing to all of his senses. his arm naturally reaches to brace the person who collided with him, a person he right away knows is a woman, both by the soft curves of her body but also the fragrance.
"oh my god." the voice. so soft and sweet, almost too sugary, too angelic for such a function, full of the world's most dangerous people. such a stark contrast. "i'm so sor---"
she's silenced, and roman is momentarily taken back as the two of them lock gazes. beautiful, big brown eyes widened in alarm that's most likely due to her recognizing who he is. "mr. reigns...."
roman is partially paying attention to her words but mostly taking his sweet time taking all of her in. her face is absolutely stunning, and roman can tell it's not just because of the beautifully done makeup. he can see natural beauty beneath that. her hair is pulled up into a fancy updo, but her full lips snatch his focus before he rakes his eyes over her body, even curvier than he realized. cleavage on full display in her red dress that hugs her perfectly. she's a tiny little thing. a good foot shorter to him, but there's no denying it.
she's fucking stunning.
and she's still fucking apologizing. "i'm so sor---"
"it's fine." anyone else, and it wouldn't be. but there's something about this woman with the soft voice, light eyes, and alluring body that has him not as irritated as he normally would be. "it was an accident."
she nods, clearly nervous, when she looks over her shoulder, as if looking for something. or someone.
suddenly curious, he asks, "who are you--"
"oh no," she interrupts him, an unintentional thing, as she offers what looks like an apologetic look. she holds up the bottom of her red gown to move past him. however, roman finds himself moving his arm to bar her, holding her. he has to stop himself from thinking too much about the almost natural feeling he experiences in and with touching her.
"there you are."
roman breaks his stare with the woman to see none other than ethan fucking page. he scoffs. no wonder she's running.
this bastard is insufferable.
page clears his throat and gives roman a nod. "mr. reigns, i apologize for the interruption." his gaze falls on the woman who almost moves closer to roman, practically holding onto him. it's obvious she's uncomfortable as hell. has to be for good reason too. "just need to speak to---"
"she's with me."
it comes out without much thought, both page and the unnamed woman looking at him with equal surprise.
page removes his glasses, looking at her, "solana?"
unique. pretty. fitting.
she swallows. "i---" and just like that, she seems prepared to ruin this save roman has provided her, though he hasn't the slightest idea why he's giving her a save. yet, here he is.
"get lost, page." roman's tone shifts into something darker, something that's very reminiscent of the reason that he's easily the most feared man in the room. "i won't repeat myself."
i.e. get lost, or i'll snap your neck. an unspoken threat that's clearly understood, because page murmurs something that's probably an apology. and then he's gone, leaving roman alone yet again with this solana.
looking back at her, she gives him a small smile. roman is quickly realizing she's even prettier when she smiles. "thank you."
roman nods, asking, even though he doesn't know why, "what's the story?"
her smile drops into a frown that roman finds himself wanting to wipe off her face. "ethan....he doesn't know how to take 'no' for an answer." she shakes her head, scoffing quietly. "he shows up to my store at least once a week just to ask me out, even though the answer is always no."
"where do you work?" it's not that roman necessarily wants or even needs to know this piece of information, but there's a thought of breaking both page's knees and providing specifics when he does as such, such as the name of the place he's never to step foot in again, which could be....helpful.
roman is thankful when the smile returns, not as bright but still present. he'll take it. "i own a bookstore in town. nina's." his curiosity must be visible. "my mother's name. we share a love of books."
he makes a sound. everything he's learned in the less than twenty minutes he's known about this girl makes all the sense in the world. of course, her name is different, unlike any name for a woman he's heard of. of course, she has trouble fending off an asshole like page. and of course she likes books.
she clears her throat, finally breaking away. roman didn't even realize he was still holding her. "thank you again, mr. reigns."
"roman," he corrects. "call me roman."
she swallows, voice softening, "roman...."
he's not sure he's ever enjoyed hearing his name as much as he likes hearing it on her mouth. he'd love to hear it even more if she was screaming it, moaning it as he fucked her, kneading those beautiful, soft breast of hers.
"why are you looking at me like that?" she asks in that same sweet, almost innocent voice.
his eyes twinkle with mischief. "do you really need to ask?"
solana shifts bit, playing with her hands, hinting at some nervousness. "i'm not like that."
roman is almost certain he knows what she's saying, but he makes sure, regardless. "and what is that?"
her mouth shifts into a small smirk. "do you really need to ask?"
and for the first time tonight, roman smiles.
this girl is unlike any he's met before.
continuously intrigued, he asks, "what's your last name?"
she answers, "miller."
recognition dawns after a couple seconds for him. "xavier and nina...you're the daughter?"
he's always heard they had another child other than wesley, but he'd never seen her at one of these functions. didn't even realize it was a daughter.
a beautiful daughter at that.
she nods. "i don't typically attend these sorts of things."
"you should," he finds himself suggesting. roman isn't the biggest flirter, doesn't need to. women flock to him like moths to flame, but there's something about this woman... he steps closer to her, hand reaching out to run his finger along her cheek. "how else am i going to see you?"
she seems taken back, cheeks turning pink, but she takes him by surprise with her reply, "you could come see me."
his chuckle is dark and his tone suggestive. "oh, i don't think coming will be an issue."
and her cheeks deepen in color, as she announces, "i should go find my brother."
eyes falling to her chest, he asks, "should you?"
solana smiles and diverts her gaze, slightly disappointing him when she steps back. "goodbye, roman."
he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his custom suit pants. "not goodbye," he correct. "just goodnight."
because there's no doubt in roman reigns mind that this was the last time he'll ever see solana miller.
far from it.
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Let's spice up the SAGAU world with this idea. The reader is NOT The Creator, yet is a higher being that the characters refer to as "The Player". How would characters interact with the person who commanded them from above? And what if you still had the power to control them?
For this example, I would include Kazuha and Yanfei because they are my king and queen of my account.
oohhh honestly i feel like they would worship or think of the reader in the same way as they would worship their Creator.
Like, imagine Player! Reader playing Genshin on their phone and just absolutely fawning over Kazuha. "Oohhh look at my pretty boy…" you would mumble, and on the inside, Kazuha is flustered with that comment but always has to act like he didn't hear it. He can't see you, but he could always hear your voice… It's angelic, sweet… Calming to the ears.
When you control him, he feels calm. Kazuha fully trusts you in whatever you do.
What if Player! Reader is the type of player that just keeps yapping and commenting for no reason at all. Player! Reader is just roaming around and keeps spouting nonsense like Kazuha would say his usual line of "There are leaves around, and I know just the tune to accompany them, if you want to hear it." you would reply with "Of course baby girl hit me with it.". Or when fighting Hilichurls you would just spout filler nonsense like "HELL YEAH!! TAKE THAT BOZO!!" or "Mhm, get swirled mother fucker." while using Kazuha's skill.
Imagine Player! Reader gets a cutscene with Yanfei in it and just screams her name out of pure joy. On the inside, Yanfei is surprised but very much overjoyed with your enthusiasm. Every time Yanfei said a line, you would always comment "Yep, speak your truth queen." or "You're so right." and whatever anything just popped up in your mind.
Yanfei loves listening to you talk, although she unfortunately couldn't see you… The sound of your voice is forever engraved in her mind… She doesn't mind getting controlled by you, she knows that you were just trying to make things better for her.
But… What if… Player! Reader gets transmigrated not as a Creator, but as just a normal person… You're so fucking confused as to why you're suddenly in Liyue… Oh god… Why the fuck are the guards pointing their spears at you?!
"Who are you???" They asked with a glare, "I-I uhh… Uhh…" you stuttered, "They don't look like they belong here." one of them whispered. Before the situation could even escalate, a familiar voice spoke out. "What's going on here?" someone asked. You knew that voice…! It was…! Yanfei!
The guards of Liyue got out of her way and Yanfei got a better look at you, she looked at you from head to toe… Confused about your different type of clothing… "I swear to God I also don't know what's happening right now…" you spoke up as you held your hands up.
Yanfei's eyes widened, "Y/n…?" she muttered, recognizing your voice.
But what if it was Kazuha who met you first? Well, imagine Player! Reader wakes up and sees that their surroundings are different. "What the fuck??" you mumbled as you soon realized you were on a boat. But what boat…? Also, why were you even in the somewhat basement of the ship?
"Who are you?" a voice spoke up, it was familiar but it sounded stern. Your breath hitched to see where it came from… It came from… Kazuha? Now you're just confused…
"What the fuck…? Am I seriously in Genshin impact right now…?? IS THAT FUCKING KAZUHA?!!?" You blurted out the last sentence it hit you that it was Kazuha right in front of you! You let out a gasp and covered your mouth.
His eyes widened, "Are you… Y/n?" he asked.
I think it's safe to say you aren't worshipped by the NPC's but you are however treated well and worshipped by the Characters.
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boozeforbrains · 2 days
You say you’re sober, but a lot of your posts are about disregarding limits or POS friends who enable drinking or talking sober people into drinking. Is it a fantasy of yours for your sobriety to be broken? Or do you see yourself as the enabler pushing the sober person in these kinds of scenarios?
Warning very serious and not so serious approach to this topic
Hmm yeah difficult psychosexual situation for me.
I do fantasize about being like bullied or forced into having my sobriety broken and it turns me on like very few other things, i always had the fantasy of forced intoxication/accidental intoxication/pushed/tricked/etc, ranging from being subtly manipulated to being literally tied up/kidnapped/whatever and for all intents and purposes forced, mentally and physically.
It became sort of more specific after i decided to be sober. I think if i genuinely had this happen to me, specifically if the other person got off on it as well and was very focused on getting me drunk id probably get off on it forever, literally a wet dream come true.
Sometimes i wonder if its a way out of being responsible for my own sobriety, or for drinking „just one more time“ im thinking its probably many things including this but also a life long fantasy.
Im always torn on the „do it or dont“ i genuinely do not believe there is truly a way to decide between right and wrong here. Only the time i have on this earth and what i decide to do with it. And again, ive had this fantasy since before puberty, at this point i wonder if its more of a need than a wish.
On the other hand i am an extremely responsible and health conscious person, i have a very full schedule, not a lot of time off and high expectations for myself in regards to my physical, (inter)personal, academic and work performance, all of which are pretty big contraindications to indulging myself as much as id like. (And presumably also the reason i tend to drink so heavily cause i cant get my brain to stop pushing myself to doing better and better and more and more)
Im also not a casual drinker at all. I dont drink often, i dont drink just one glass and i dont enjoy the taste of alcohol tbh, i never was a one beer/glass of wine to unwind type guy. I usually go for pretty long periods of time not even caring about alcohol at all and then drink very hard for a shorter period of time (it has to be worth it style) which is also why it took me a while to realize that my behaviour is not healthy regardlng alcohol tho again, Alcohol is just not healthy, no not even one glass, this has been proven by multiple studies at this point. its a neurotoxin that very much kills and cripples people, if were looking at it from a very sober (haha) perspective. (And since i work in healthcare i have seen the very real consequences of consistent, heavy alcohol abuse)
I dont know that i would feel comfortable pushing someone else into breaking sobriety, it would be a very individual decision for sure, mainly depending on how informed the other person was, how much they were consenting etc. i definitely wouldnt dare do it on a whim for purely my own pleasure, tho i could see myself indulging someone who was giving me a clear „go“ and enjoying it.
Even working the bar ive felt uncomfortable serving someone who after a couple drinks let drop to someone they were chatting with that theyd been sober for the last seven months. It made me sad because i know how much genuinely hard work it is.
On the other hand awooga drunk hot and sexy. That part is very implemented in my brain as well.
Not sure if this is the answer you were looking for, its definitely a complex topic for me, i hope i could sort of explain my feelings and thoughts on it to your statisfaction.
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pomefioredove · 3 hours
Imagine the overbloat gang as fathers or like proud/panicking that their s/o is having a child and they don't know what to do
Imagine the gang trying to give their kids a goid life and getting baby fever like who wouldn't because the kid is literally a mixed of him and you and they gush about how much they love their s/o and children like ???????
Overbload gang as fathers and i will start violently sob
I do have a weakness for familial headcanons :) future au time??
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ as fathers
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, jamil, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral (no mentions of the child's origins), reader is not specified to be yuu, obviously takes place in the future
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I think Riddle is one of the most reluctant to have children
for years he was strictly against them. his excuses were always that children are messy, unruly, his career, his relationship with you... but he was mostly just afraid of turning into his mother
as he gets older and forms his own identity, though, he realizes that it takes a lot of intentional effort to fuck up a child like his mom did, and he changes his mind
I can see him with... maybe two kids
he would never want an only child. after all, the bonds he made with his peers are what kept him going
he is a pretty good parent overall. maybe a little to focused on bedtimes and table manners, but the kids don't seem to mind
Trey and Che'nya babysit often (and it's always disastrous)
talking Leona into the idea of fatherhood is like diffusing a bomb with a blindfold on. the guy won't even JOKE about it
if you do end up with a kid, it's unplanned, whether that be pregnancy or baby left on the doorstep
but he makes a surprisingly(?) good father. defo a girl dad, he would spoil a daughter rotten. lets her beat the daylights out of Neji because that's his little princess :)
parenting is really not as scary as he thought it was going to be
he has "I'm just resting my eyes" *falls asleep for 8 hours on the reclining chair in the living room* dad energy
the hardest part?
pretending to like vegetables in front of the kid to set a good example
Azul would actually be an awesome dad idc. IDC!
he has a good relationship with his mom and stepdad (who definitely babysit all the time; they insist on it), so he has good role models
he's not even worried about how it'll affect his career! Azul has a "do it all" personality: businessman, entrepreneur, father, aspiring millionaire...
and he is so overprotective
he'd cover that kid in bubble wrap if you'd let him
but he's really more concerned about their feelings. sending them to school is much harder than closing a business deal
he's a little sensitive, but he knows he'll have to trust them eventually
P.S. the tweels are NOT allowed to babysit. bad influences
Jamil. ohhh Jamil :(
kids were never on the table for him, even after he met you and fell in love, he just... couldn't imagine it
regardless of whether or not he and his family are in a better place. (for the sake of this story, let's pretend they are. I want him to be happy) he just has so much generational trauma that he knows the child will end up with some, anyway
when, if, he's ready, it will still be a tough process. but worth it
he's such a supportive dad. bragging about his child at any chance, definitely the kind of dad to show everyone the baby pictures without being asked
it gets embarrassing for them as they grow, but he doesn't care
he thinks they're the greatest thing ever, and people should know that!
he is so proud
Vil had always wanted to play a father on screen, but once he hits that age, he starts thinking about real life, too
he's gotten where he wants to be, after all: he's still young, he's in love, and his career, as successful as it is, is starting to wind down. so, why not?
he is the most supportive partner you could ask for. despite his schedule, he's involved in everything (yes, even the messy stuff)
he's got a customized baby bjorn and everything
I can see him with... one. just one is enough for him. he also has girl dad energy. he's already looking forward to playing princesses and letting her do his makeup (terribly, of course)
he knows his child will grow to have their own wants and thoughts and personality, and he's supportive. besides, if he has another Epel on his hands, he'll know how to handle them
just... gentler, this time
for you, anon, I will enterain the idea that Idia may someday reproduce. but there's still a 50% chance that kid is a robot
joking (kind of)
I don't think he'd even really want kids. considering his own unhappy childhood and the whole curse of his bloodline thing. but, like the others, he can be convinced!
I think he'd make a pretty good father, tbh. neurotic, sure, but he's not too clingy, nor too distant
whatever kids he has will be smart, and he trusts them. he likes teaching them nerdy stuff, too (finally, someone he can infodump to!!!)
he probably ends up with more than he'd think. 2 or 3
as long as you never bring up how cringe he was in college, he's rather mature and prepared for anything
out of the whole lineup, Malleus is the the only one to have thought your future children while at NRC. daydreamed, really
I know, not surprising. look at the guy. he's practically kicking his legs back and forth while coming up with baby names in game
it was just a fantasy at first, then you became closer, graduated, got older, and...
Lilia began teasing him about getting grandkids, and Malleus took him quite seriously
he knows he's still young (though, at his age, Lilia was already general), but he doesn't want to wait forever. you both have many long talks on the matter
and end up with... as many children as you can handle, basically
Malleus is somewhat of an awkward father (having been raised by Lilia will do that to you)
but he cares. and he tries! very hard. plus, there's always Lilia, Silver, and Sebek around to lend a hand
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vodika-vibes · 3 days
Can we get some Echo smut pretty please!! (Also one of my biggest pet peeves is how like every tbb echo/reader fic is always about him being insecure about his prosthetics like I get it but it's so repetitive. My man can be so confident and cocky when he wants to be and people seem to forget that.)
Who's Insecure
Summary:  Several months after joining Clone Force 99, Hunter surprises them with a night off at a local club. But, for some reason, his brothers seem to think he will be insecure about his new appearance. Which means, he has a point to prove.
Pairing: TBB Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1557
Warnings: Smut, club sex, Echo uses his scomp for purposes it's not designed for
A/N: So, I love Echo, and I love Echo smut, and I'm really not sure why I don't write more of it. But, anyway, here's Echo smut with some plot. It's not a lot of smut, but I hope you like it anyway.
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It’s a nice club. It’s not 79s, it doesn’t have the same comfortable vibe that 79s has, but it’s good all the same. The alcohol is cheap, the snacks are edible, and the music is loud.
For Echo, it’s good enough.
Honestly, he’s more surprised that his little brothers were willing to go clubbing at all.
While he would never say so to their faces, they aren’t really the clubbing type.
Which is a shame, because there’s a cute girl near the bar who hasn’t taken her eyes off Tech since they arrived. But, knowing his genius little brother, he won’t notice. And, even if he did notice, he wouldn’t know what to do about it.
At times like this, he really misses Fives and Jesse.
But, much more importantly, he has his eyes on a pretty little thing dancing up a storm on the dance floor. So far she’s turned away everyone who’s tried to dance with her. That said, she keeps meeting his gaze and tossing him flirty grins, so he’s just biding his time.
What kind of older brother will he be if he ditches his brothers before making sure that they’re having a good time?
“Echo?” He pauses, his bottle only centimeters away from his lips, and he tears his eyes away from swaying hips to focus his attention on his, suddenly nervous, brother. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Just,” Hunter nervously shares a look with Crosshair, who looks almost bored, “We just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
Echo stares at them blankly for a moment, and then he smiles, “Sorry?” He’s got to at least pretend to be a good role model, right? He can’t just ask them what the kriff they’re talking about, that’s rude. 
“We know that you’re a little uncertain about your new look,” Tech says without looking up from his datapad.
I’m what now? Echo blinks at his brothers, genuinely thrown by Tech’s comment.
“And people can be cruel,” Hunter continues, “Just don’t let it get to you if people make comments—”
Suddenly, Echo realizes that his new little brothers seem to think that he’s insecure about his prosthetics. Or his scars. Or maybe both. Maybe he’s done too good of a job at hiding his gremlin personality (as Rex calls it) from them.
He hums thoughtfully, his mind racing, and then his gaze slides back to the dance floor. For a moment, his gaze lingers on a specific pair of swaying hips and legs that go on for miles…and then he smirks.
Echo downs the rest of his drink and sets the bottle on the table, before he pushes to his feet, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding, vod’e.” He turns to head to the dance floor, “I won’t be back to the Marauder tonight,” He tosses over his shoulder with a slightly smug smirk. 
He weaves through the crowd of people and dismisses the two men who are trying to force his dance partner to dance with them with a flick of two fingers. 
She grins up at him, “I wondered if you were going to join me,” She teases, her voice light and conversational.
Echo’s hand slides low on her hip, “Patience is a virtue, didn’t you know?” He’s amused and he sounds it, “I’m definitely worth waiting for, babe.”
She hums and trails her fingers down the front of his shirt, “Prove it?”
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In full honesty, you didn’t expect the cute soldier to actually come over to you. You don’t expect your flirty looks, teasing smiles, and seductive dancing to tempt him onto the dance floor with you. Let alone for him to clutch you to him as though you’re his and his alone.
He’s confident and cocky, not to mention strong and unfairly handsome. He has you wrapped around his little finger after one dance, after two you’d probably agree to anything he asked, and after the third dance, you’re wondering what you have to do to be able to keep him.
Your back bumps against the cool metal door of a storage room, and you can feel the music from the club vibrating down to your bones, but neither sensation is as important to you as the feel of his lips against yours, and his tongue sliding against your own. 
His arm is tight around your waist, holding you flush against him, as he blindly opens the door behind you and then walks you into the small room. You hear him lock the door as it slides shut behind him, and you whine low in your throat as he pulls away from you. 
Echo chuckles and cups your cheek, “Someone’s eager,” He kisses you quickly, and pulls away again making you pout up at him. He looks amused, you can tell that much even in the dim light of the storage room, though you’re not sure why he’s so amused.
You don’t say anything, just deepen your pout, and lean into his warmth.
His thumb slides across your lower lip, “Ah, cyare. I’m going to have to break you of these bratty tendencies,” But, even as he says it, he looks delighted.
“Not bratty,” You whine, before you take his thumb into your mouth and suck on it gently. You have a very talented mouth, maybe if you show him just how talented you are he’ll continue touching you again.
You keep your gaze locked with his, so you watch as arousal darkens his gaze. “Very bratty,” His voice is lower now, and you shiver at the promising tone in his voice, “Take your clothes off.”
You blink at him and pull away from his thumb, “All of them?”
“Did I stutter?”
You take a step back and slowly start peeling your clothes off. You’re not wearing much, all things considered. A top, a skirt, panties, and your sandals. 
You’re about to toss your panties to join the rest of your clothes, but Echo tugs them out of your hand and shoves them in his pocket. You don’t mind, it’s not like you don’t have more after all.
“Mm, look at how pretty you are,” Echo murmurs, as he backs you toward a table near the back wall and encourages you to sit on it. It’s surprisingly sturdy, for a wooden table. He taps the inside of your knees, spreading your legs so that he’s able to stand between your thighs. 
His gaze drops to your pussy, and he releases a quiet breath, “Look at how wet you are,” His gaze flickers to your face as he slowly brushes his scomp against your clit, pulling a strangled whimper from you. “All this for me?”
For some reason, you feel like you should be embarrassed at just how aroused you are for this man you just met, but you aren’t. You feel safe and warm and you want more.
You are aware enough to know that he’s not a mind reader, so you squirm under him and spread your legs slightly, “More,”
He grins at you, “What was that? You want me to stop?”
“No, More! Echo—”
He pulls his scomp away from your clit, and you release a whine of displeasure, which is quickly muffled by his lips against yours, “Greedy,” He chides against your lips, “And so rude. Did no one teach you manners?” His tone is teasing.
You blink at him, hazily, “Please?” 
“Please what, beautiful?”
You tug on the front of his shirt, “Touch me,”
“I am touching you,”
And he is, his lips are moving across your jaw and down your neck, while his hand alternated between tightly clutching your hip, and caressing every inch of skin that he can reach.
You squirm against him, able to feel his erection pressed against your thigh through his jeans, “Stop teasing me,” You whine.
“All you have to do is tell me what you want,” Echo replies, “That’s it. You can do that, can’t you?”
“I want—” You’re interrupted by a loud moan at the sensation of his scomp ghosting against your pussy.
“You want?” He’s laughing, the jerk.
It takes you a moment to gather your thoughts, and you shoot him the neediest look you can muster, “I want your cock, please?”
His grin widens, “Well,” Echo leans in and kisses you slowly, “Who am I to deny such a polite request?”
He pulls away just enough to unfasten his pants and tug his boxers just enough out of the way for his cock to bounce free, “You’re not gonna fully undress?” You ask, breathlessly.
“If you’re a good girl,” Echo replies as he gathers some of your arousal on his fingers to spread on his cock, “Maybe you can have me in your bed and see me naked.”
“I can be good,” You counter, and then your head falls back with a moan as the head of his cock nudges your clit.
“Yeah?” His hand moves to the back of your head and he makes you look at him. There’s a grin on his handsome face, and you gasp as he thrusts deep inside you with one firm roll of his hips. 
Your fingernails dig into his shoulders, as he bottoms out and stops moving, much to your displeasure. 
Echo’s lips hover just over yours, as he throws your words back at you, “Prove it.”
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@n0vqni @bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @tiredbi-peach @dukeoftheblackstar
@trixie2023 @kimiheartblade @padawancat97 @falconfeather23435 @etod
@bb8-99 @continous-mistakes @yoitsjay @cc--2224 @adriennelenoir
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miss0atae · 3 days
BL fashion in Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart (EP 3):
Yeah! I can finally do this post! Of course, it was perfect because it was an episode centered around a fashion show, so I knew we would get plenty of nice outfits.
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Let's start with this one. It's the fall fashion trend from 2016 hefty padding and bulky leathers inspired by the gear worn for motocross and motorcycle racing. Paired with these nice white glasses (my personal favorite) you can't go wrong and Joker knows it. Perfect to the thirst trap he was aiming to be at that moment. It's kinda like he was trying to have this rubber-burning bad boy persona.
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Of course, I had to talk about this one. Blond bleached hair with this tight almost-scorched shirt. I guess Joker was trying to embody the satire of a model persona. It looked good on him and the fact he was escorted reinforced the idea. Great job!
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I know he is the son of the big villain of the series (so far), but you can't deny he has a keen eye for fashion. I'm not sure I really liked the white broderie blazer jacket because it looked weird, but the metal plastron shirt over the black tank top is amazing: 10/10. I think I don't like the jacket because it doesn't go well with the necklace and it would have been better without.
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This ! This was what I was waiting for! It's cool. It feels like the theme of the fashion show was Alien Chic. Glitters, silver colors, the absurd glasses that makes you look like you escaped a movie about space in the 80's and this jacket I love. It was very fun.
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Just for your viewing pleasure my favorite psycho who despite being a bodyguard is always very fashionable. He could have been the model with a little bit more glitters and silver on him. I really like the necklace, even if it's a really bad fashion decision as a fighter.
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Of course, you must know that an outfit really stands out when you pair it with a signature piece such as a ring. Even better, if it's you're future lover who put it on you. It gives the plighted troth needed for this type of enemies-to-lovers relationship.
Of course they were more interesting looks in this episode, but I just gave my personal favorites. Can't wait for next episode.
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