hecateisalesbian · 1 year
I think I can pinpoint the exact years Caleb and Phillip went to the boiling isles and when they were born.
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On the Owl House Wiki, on The Gravesfield tab it says Gravesfield was founded in 1635.
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The Connecticut Witch Trials occurred 11 years later. And if we look on the Wethersfield Historical Society page, it says:
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“Epidemics visited the region in 1647 and 1648.” As we know, Caleb and Phillip were orphans when they came to Gravesfield and we also know travel was probably limited back then. So it’s possible their parents were killed from a disease back then in a neighboring town. So it can be assumed Caleb and Phillip moved to Gravesfield sometime in 1648-1649. If we looked at pictures from Hollow Mind, we can see that Caleb wasn’t lured away until years after they arrived in Gravesfield.
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They both look very young in the first photo. But Phillip looks younger. So they were most likely born in different years. I’d say it’s a safe bet of a 2-4 year age gap. And considering how young they look, I’d think Phillip is around 8 years old and Caleb is around 11 years old. And if that memory occurred soon after they arrived in Gravesfield, let’s say 1649, then that puts Phillip’s date of birth in 1641 and Caleb’s date of birth of 1638! Now the photos afterwards seem to have gaps of times between them. In the photo where Caleb is looking at the fire, I’d say Caleb looks 15/16ish which makes Phillip 12-13 years old. But when Phillip finds himself in the Demon Realm, he looks much older, possibly 16. So I theorize that Evelyn set up a portal connection between them for years, and Phillip wasn’t able to find it. When he does, I think he watches Caleb go in, but doesn’t follow him immediately, otherwise they would’ve found each other immediately in the memories instead of Phillip looking in his 20s when he sees Caleb. (Caleb magically looks the same what?-) I think Phillip went back to Gravesfield, told them about the Witch that lured his brother into a portal, grabbed his book, bag, and coat, and went back after the portal. It would have been quick, because the portal most likely would’ve closed quickly. 5 minutes at most. So when everyone from town came back with fire or whatever, Phillip went in first and the portal closed right after. Obviously Evelyn, being the smart witch she was, would’ve known someone came through and probably had a way of making sure no one was outside when she went through. So she kept Caleb with her and permanently closed the portal. Caleb obviously would’ve wanted to go back and find his brother, so they set to work on making a new portal that would open in a different location, aka the portal door, which was completed near the same time Caleb found him, and Evelyn buried it so Phillip would never find it (spoiler alert, he found it, but like 300 years later). But I got off topic bc I like theorizing. In conclusion, that means Caleb and Phillip went missing in 1657, roughly. I’m probably incorrect and someone on the owl house crew probably already said the year, but whatever. That also means Phillip is like 380 years old haha.
tl;dr: Caleb was born in 1638, Phillip was born in 1641, and both were lured away in 1657.
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theirmarks · 2 months
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Sepinnamo His Marke & Seal
Wangunk. Their homelands in and around so-called “Wethersfield, Connecticut,” and south along the Kwinitekw or Connecticut River. Sepinnamo’s name has also been spelled as Sepunnamo and Spunnoe.
This document addresses land at present-day Weathersfield, Connecticut, formerly, and perhaps still known by Algonquian-speaking people as Poquioag. The document suggests that it is to serve as an official and legal agreement between settlers and the Wangunk and others, to “prevent future troubles'' because the “Lands as aforesaid hath Been quietly Possessed by the English Now for Severall years passt, but in as much as there is no written deed to be found under the Hand of the Said Sowheag”. Sowheag, the document says, previously granted settlers access to Poquioag, now Weathersfield, for “12 yards of trading cloath.”
Sepinamo’s kin: Their father, Sowheag, sachem of the Wangunk; siblings and other relations as listed in the document: “Turramuggus Sepuynamaw Squaw daughter to Souheag,: Spunno: Nabowhee Weseunshiee Waphancke True Heires of and Rightfull Successessors To the aforsaid Souheag[.]”
We have previously posted another Wangunk leader with a similar name: Supunnemoe or Sepimamaus, who was Sepinamo’s sister. However, the documentation of each person in across various records brings more confusion than clarity, so more work needs to be done here!
Deed signed December 25, 1671. [What seems to be] A copy of the original seen at Newberry Library.
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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general magic/ravenwood/wc stuff + mems specific to the schools yahoo (it's long sorry)
for each of the schools of magic, i'm starting out by quoting the tomes found in each classroom, analyzing/elaborating on them as i go, and then delving into more miscellaneous memories that aren't touched on in-game (as far as i can see, anyway...)
also! i’m gonna use first person singular and plural (with the plurals referring to society in the spiral as a whole), and i’ll try to stick with present tense, but i might slip up. apologies! 💖
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wizard city
ravenwood was founded surrounding bartleby, and wizard city was slowly built up around it as it became a trade hub for various magical exports.
growing up in wc, it was pretty much expected that you’d enroll at ravenwood, even if you didn’t have much magical talent. a lot of students got their magical ged and went off to do other stuff, like crafting or gardening or pet training (the practical parts, like socialization and housebreaking) full-time, or even just work at a restaurant, or as an artist, or in practical maintenance.
magic was in each and every thing we did, from friendly duels, to waking up in our dorm rooms, to enchanting jewel-encrusted athames, to eating breakfast, to summoning beasts of legend, to flushing the toilet. all of our technology had some magical component, and understanding the inner workings of magic was crucial to one’s survival in wizard city.
personally, i grew up on unicorn way, a few houses down and across the street from ceren nightchant, in the area where the dark fairies now roam the streets. he lived closer to rattlebones' tower, which wasn't always rattlebones' tower, but hell if i know what else to call it.
honestly, (this is definitely a tangent, but-) ceren absolutely either lied his way past the guards to get into unicorn way, or he just snuck in. he had his ways, man.
life sprites (which actually looked more similar to in-game myth sprites) would sometimes tease me outside the hedge maze as they went about their business for lady oriel, and they'd even play sometimes by letting me chase them around :]
...i realize now that they were absolutely never gonna let me catch them. but i had fun, so there. >:p
the day school was fun! it was technically part of ravenwood, but kids went there even if they never ended up enrolling at the school Proper. it was... honestly, kind of just a daycare, but with a little more structure? we had basic magic classes where we learned cantrips. stuff like levitation, telepathy, and summoning, and then the rest of the time was spent doing like. typical kindergarten through third grade stuff.
third grade was the earliest point it was considered "normal" for kids to trickle into ravenwood, either due to magical potential, domestic circumstances, or just plain gumption. the day school went up to about fifth grade, but i left around third, along with malorn, and ceren, who was a year older than us, but also a year-one novice.
ravenwood's student population had a pretty wide age range, from special cases as young as five or six, to the day school program in the commons and golem court, to the eight-to-ten year olds absolutely vibrating with excitement as they approached the book of secrets for their placement test,
we honestly had a pretty robust literary/philosophy curriculum? like, i've mentioned before that we actually took philosophy classes as we got older, but each professor's individual teaching style and unique subject matter meant that each class was a completely different experience.
i remember when i took my first pyromancy class, i was floored by how different it was from theurgy and necromancy, and also how professor falmea's class was so completely unlike anything i'd seen before from professors sylvia and malistaire, or even professor wu, malorn, or professor dworgyn!
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magical basics
in the spiral, magic is almost like the force; “it is an energy field. it surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.” minus the penetration; it mostly just flows through us. (i never liked that part of the line in the original context, either.)
regardless, each world is connected to the spiral by pathways of magical energy that provide a sort of gravitational pull, allowing worlds to wander, but never stray too far. we call them leylines
“leylines” are, in actuality, the roots of bartleby that entangle all the different worlds.
despite this, you’ll sometimes hear people referring to powerful wizards as having a leyline through them. a lot of people talked about how professor malistaire had been born on a necromantic leyline -- but that usually resulting in an argument about how that couldn't be true, with professor cyrus as his twin. cyrus was an incredibly powerful conjurer after all. (he never really used necromancy, now that i think about it. maybe it brought back bad memories? ...or maybe he was just bad at it.)
the school gemstones (jade, peridot, onyx, ruby, amethyst, sapphire, and citrine) were a great example of this, actually. rather than being adopted symbolically like a school's colors, their gemstone was predetermined based on what stones resonated with that type of magic. all jade was more willing to conduct and amplify theurgistic magic, but could be used for all-purpose magic in a pinch.
(i think that might be how sorcery got started. i dunno. i was never a fan of sorcery anyway.)
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theurgy (life magic)
“life is spirit, the force of awareness and existence. It is studied by those who embrace the power of all that is living and strive to perpetuate its life force. “life removes chaos from the world and creates order, to make that which is self-sustaining. inner peace and discipline are traits of all theurges.”
no, theurgy cannot cure diabetes. it sure makes things easier to manage, though — like a magical artificial pancreas (because that's exactly what it is).
but, legend says that a theurgistic leyline would grant a person everlasting life and youth. not immortality, as they'd still be able to be killed, but the ability to live indefinitely, with all the vigor and strength of a 20-30 year old. maybe older, if they lived a really long time.
“on the triangle of magic, life sits between fire and storm, for the spark of life comes from those two forces.”
life magic was... god, i don't know how to describe it. this is gonna get a little conceptual.
theurgy was fresh cut grass and sunlight. honeysuckle and birdsong. the laughter of your best friend. watermelon on a summer day. watching sunsets. catching fireflies. the soft, cool dampness of a nice springy moss. dark green leaves and pale new growth. sitting on the couch in the dark and watching whatever movie you wanted as a kid. a salad of crisp lettuce and sweet cherry tomatoes.
it was home.
...sorry, that was really sappy. but it's true. it was my primary school, our classroom was one of the most peaceful places i can think of, my classmates were my family, and professor sylvia drake was like an anchor.
losing her was a pit in my chest, that i filled with seeds she'd given me and allowed to bloom into a garden. and i shared that garden with everyone i could, because that was what she'd always done. it seemed a fitting remembrance.
“under the [mentorship] of professor wu, the school colors of green and brown have been adopted, representing the hues of nature.”
people hated this. under professor sylvia, the school colors were green and a yellowy-green sort of silver, or any other lighter earth tone, really. she wasn't all that picky. the switch to dark brown was an outrage, and most students disregarded it entirely. a couple of students even showed up in yellow as a protest.
wu didn't fight us on it when she was told why, though. and it turned out to be a cultural difference. on mooshu, it was commonly understood that theurges wore green and brown.
so then we felt bad for getting so mad at her for an innocent mistake. she promised not to bother us about our uniforms, and offered to change the colors back, but we decided to let it stay, sort of to mark a new era. the school of life magic is all about growth, y'know?
as we warmed up to professor wu, we started to incorporate brown into our wardrobes, too.
kinda weird that professor sylvia wasn't mentioned, but these are supposed to be introductory texts, so i guess it makes sense.
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conjury (myth magic)
“myth is imagination. the power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives the [conjurative] arts. it is illusion, dreams made real. if you can conceive it, you can bring it forth; bring it to life. “wizards of the myth school, known as conjurers, use naming to summon beasts of legend, by memorizing and calling out their true name.”
ohhh, boy, my least favorite spiritual class.
"naming" wasn't, like, "i know a cyclops named clive, so i can summon him."
...okay, sometimes it was that. if clive was really cool.
but usually, the creatures summoned by spellcards were just... simulacra. images that could punch.
"naming" was about knowing the true, etymological origins of various creatures' stories. knowing that greek myths (eg. apollo, demeter, artemis) have roots in egyptian mythology (eg. horus, isis, bubastis) due to cultural exchange, to use a terran example.
sorry about the use of terran (/silly). the system i'm in has wicked star trek brain.
“myth dwells between fire and ice, for that is where the shadows lie, and myths are shadowy forms of thought made real.”
literally. you heard of tulpas? not the newfangled brain roommates, but the stories about intention and belief creating actual beings. yeah, that's what conjury is. that's why it surrounds myths.
professor cyrus would have my head on a pike for that. (i kid, i kid.)
buuuuuuut yeah. and i'd argue that my belief in universe creation theory is conjury-core.
"conjurative leylines" were rumored to send people into fits of creative inspiration, as though they could see, hear, or otherwise perceive the alternate mythos and histories of other universes. (...kinda like this. i wonder if conjurers are more prone to dissociative tendencies...)
...no mention of professor cyrus in the discussion of the school colors and representative gemstone. weird.
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necromancy (death magic)
“death is finality. the study of the corporeal. practitioners of the death art, known as necromancers, understand this limitation, and strive to face it unafraid. “death's power comes from removing the power of the universe at large. withdrawing the power of order and allowing chaos to return instills necromancers to bend magic to their will.”
sorry. i know i'm loud for a necromancer. technically it's my secondary, so!
honestly, a lot of necromancy students are really nice!!! i mean, just look at malorn and penny! and yeah, marla's kinda demanding, but she's a damn sweetheart.
anyway, yeah, necromancy is... i mean, it looks grim on the surface. it's for morticians and death doulas, and those who love and understand them. not for the faint of heart. people say it's hard to get into, but that's not because it's particularly difficult in practice; the material is just... heavy, and can be upsetting for some people.
but death is part of our experience, and so too is necromancy.
miscarriage cw: when professor sylvia lost her and malistaire's last baby, she was in a lot of pain, and professor malistaire was able to use some form of necromancy to drain his own health and give it to her. it didn't do anything for the little one, but it seemed like it worked for her, so i looked into using the developing the method into something that could be used for pain management. it was a really tricky technique, though.
“necromancers draw on the power of courage to channel their own fear out of themselves and at their adversaries.”
this is... hm. i mean, it's not wrong, per se. necromancers have to be very brave to be able to stare death in the face, and part of a necromantic attack's effect — especially if there's a drain effect — is that it leaves you with a sense of immense dread. and the healing is... different from theurgistic healing. more... a steady calm, like obi-wan when he went to fight darth vader at the end of new hope. (again, sorry (/lie), i live in a big dork brain.) a surety in the inevitability of your own death, but also the knowledge that the same is true of those who stand against you.
but at the same time... i mean, most necromancers — the true grandmasters and beyond, with all the years of knowledge to back it up — legitimately did not fear death. there was no courage needed, because courage is a tool used to overcome uncertainty and fear. i dunno. i guess that's what i get for overanalyzing an introductory text for novices.
“death sits between ice and storm, for the cold energy of undeath draws from those two forces.”
yup! buuuuuut it sat next to fire in the campus map! that always bothered me.
tangent; once it was discovered that dworgyn was alive, he became the official necromancy professor, but he only really taught the older students.
malorn kept doing his classes for the younger kids, as he actually found that he really liked working with them. and he was good at it. they liked him 'cause he was a cool older kid, and they were wrong, because malorn is a dork. i'm the cool one.
...that said, i'm really proud of him.
i know a lot about spirits, ghosts, and shades, but i'll probably make that its own post. (i'm writing this out of order, and i'm getting close to done! but it's already a total monster.)
necromancy also actually doesn't have a reference to its professor. huh. i guess that works in dworgyn and malorn's favor, as well as ambrose's.
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pyromancy (fire magic)
“in the days of yore, there dwelled the giants, the tritons, and the most powerful of all, the dragons. for many eons, there was peace. that is, until the giants and the tritons began to bicker on trivial matters. “finally, war broke out between the two sides, and the dragons became involved as the universe was threatened. “in order for there to be peace, the dragons used their great power to stop the war, and the world became dormant and silent. “though the dragons now sleep, fire magic — the most powerful of all magics — comes from the essence that the dragons released into fire and magma.”
ahh, my tertiary school. bombastic, flashy, always with a flair for the dramatic, and usually gay. alternately, the most aggressive asshole dudes you could ever meet. but pyromancers always make an impression.
honestly... i don't have much to say? sorry. i was much more into spiritual magic — elemental stuff with representative spirits and faction wars... mmh.
honestly, i don't remember anything from my pyromantic philosophy classes. i don't think i attended most of them... i was busy with, y'know. the spiral.
“as for today, the school has become more formal and organized under professor falmea.”
see, this line just makes me wonder what the fire school was like under professor memphis. i never met him, though... ah well.
that said, it's amazing that professor falmea was able to graduate from both ravenwood, teaching school, and the university of cuntology at such a young age!
it was always so. fucking. warm. in the fire classroom.
sometimes it was pleasant, like if you'd fallen in the pond in the commons, or a river, or torrence had doused you, or you'd been around a lot of ice magic, or- y'know. shit like that.
but other times the room would swim with heat haze and you'd feel like you were gonna pass out. very important to wear light, breathable robes in that classroom, and keep up the fluid intake.
...i wonder if professor falmea ever did hot yoga.
hell, someone was probably using the fire classroom for an underground hot yoga club... it'd be a bit of a waste not to, y'know?
as long as they stayed hydrated, i guess.
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divination (storm magic)
“before time as we know it, there existed the tritons. they shared the universe with the dragons and giants. the tritons ruled the seas and kept peace in the world; that is, until the dragons and giants began to scheme. “when the attack happened, the tritons were ready. they refused to fully destroy their enemy, and so fell into slumber as their price for mercy “today, the storm elements still exist. even today, the more potent storm magic holds fire and ice at bay.”
i mean, divination is definitely a powerful magic, but so is fire, sooo. (nooooo, i'm not biased at all. /s /j)
anyway. y'know how in most stuff, divination is magic relating to the future? that's true of storm magic, too. contrary to conjury studying the past in a practical manner, divination's philosophy views each action as being like electricity coursing through the spiral, shifting fate. part of this is about finding creative ways to circumvent bad outcomes.
(it's similar to conjury, in that way, since conjury's philosophy involves learning the past so as not to repeat it.)
this unlimited potential of the future is part of why divination spells fizzle so much. sometimes stuff doesn't work, and you just gotta try again. see if you can't recreate the results of the experiment.
because the divination of the spiral is also about the practical applications of creative, unconventional ways of thinking. inventors, engineers, and mechanics tend to be diviners a lot of the time, in my experience.
but that's a pretty limiting example, because anyone with an analytical mind and a knack for problem-solving can work with divination magic.
neurodiversity is very common among those with strong divinitive abilities, actually...
...maybe i should've taken divination as my tertiary school instead of pyromancy. ah well. live and learn.
in rare cases, a "divinitive leyline" would result in seers, who had visions of the future and foretold prophecies.
“under the guidance of professor halston balestrom, great reforms have been made, formalizing many spells.”
yeahhhhh, halston's old. i think he's in his hundreds or so?
...i think i already said all the important stuff, though.
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thaumaturgy (ice magic)
“in the beginning, there were giants, who were great in power and ruled the air. after a great war with the dragons and the titans, the giants went into a state of stasis. but their powers still inhabit our world, and it is from this that ice magic derives its basis. and because it is derived from giants, ice magic will always be more powerful than fire or storm.”
tell that to every type-based battle system with fire and ice. ice is Weak To Fire. play pokemon idiot
i mean, sure, granted, pyromancy is weak to thaumaturgy as thaumaturgy's effect is that it physically slows atoms and thus doesn't obey the typical laws of thermodynamics, but still.
LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENTAL CLASSSSSSS whatever. whatever okay enough being mean
as for today's school, much progress has been made in the teaching of [thaumaturgy] under the tutelage of professor greyrose. under her watch, many new and powerful spells have been added to the school's compendium.
yeah, she's like. older than halston.
not NEARLY as old as ambrose, though. she's in her hundreds or two hundreds, i think. ambrose is like a billion (/hyp)
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sorcery (balance magic)
“the art of balance in magic is harmony; finding equality in all things. it draws on elements from each of the other schools, incorporating bits and pieces of those other energies to achieve greater power. imagine building a fire, then fanning the flames to make it hotter, then using the fire to create steam to drive an engine. this is how a sorcerer uses their skills to harness the other schools of magic. learning [sorcery] takes longer, but the power it holds is immeasurable. ”
oh goody i saved the worst for last.
balance magic is for jacks of all trades and fucking nerds who are always good at everything.
and people who are just like, super zen i guess?
man, i don't know. i never understood sorcery, so i didn't take any classes focused on it.
assistant professor wethersfield was a cool guy though! always had a wild story, and was very level-headed.
i liked doing this ! even though it was very silly and took a good few hours (holy shit it's almost 3 pm i opened this at like. 10 am? ish? or earlier??).
i might analyze more stuff like this, like the old blurbs from the website/the book of secrets... or i could try to find stuff on astral and shadow magics, but those are complicatedddddddddddddd :/// just like mf sorcery
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edwardsparkleblood · 1 year
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cough cough cough cough cough
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ruvviks · 1 month
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hey mallory! say cheese!
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he was forced to eat cement as a kid </3
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The name's Fate!
Young Adult, he/it/she/they <3
I am a genderqueer polyamorous lesbian-
I have a taglist form if you're interested!
If you know me from my main, hi! Don't tell anyone please.
Dipping my toes into the self-ship community, might not post a whole lot. Not gonna share my main blog on here just yet. If you know me on my main/figure out my main (or any of my sides), please leave it over there. Fuck it. My main/fandom blog is @mb-blue-roses, and i interact from @arty-girl-asks. I'll probably focus more on my familial self-ships than my romantic ones, though I have some of both.
I don't mind people sharing f/os with me, romantic or platonic! (the only exception are my OCs, unless you ask permission first)
In fact, I love to interact w/ people who share my f/os! Whether it be in the same way or differently, we can share our love for them.
Nothing NSFW in the inbox though, I'm ace & don't want that. Also, proship DNI! Please don't call me "honey", it makes me deeply uncomfortable!
All original posts will be tagged #💛❤️💜 brought together by fate 💜❤️💛
All reblogs will be tagged as #💛❤️💜 fate's reblogs 💜❤️💛
18+ posts will be very rare - but on the occasion I do, they'll be tagged with #fatefully spicy
Please don't talk to me about the following ships (I don't care if you ship them, I just don't wanna hear about it): Itt.orou (Genshin), Kaz.orou (Genshin), Cyn.ari (Genshin), Jean.luc (Genshin), Robin.hill (Honkai), Rib.bun (TADC), Korsi.mint (Hi-Fi RUSH)
I have a separate selfship blog dedicated to my ships from a game with more NSFW character designs, as I don't feel comfortable posting them on here (even though none of the characters with those designs are actually f/os)
If you want the link/blog name, send an ask (off-anon, so I can answer privately) or DM me!!
Note: I will NOT be giving the link to anyone under 18 years of age
Since I self-ship partially as a coping mechanism, I will probably post some more serious posts with them from time to time. I will make sure to tag all posts appropriately.
Tags I will use will be #serious post, #trigger tw (ex: #disordered eating tw), and sometimes (if I'm not sure exactly what tags to use) #ask to tag.
Self-insert info can be found here!
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Non-exhaustive list of some of my f/os (organized by relationship) (complete with pronouns - some are headcanon) under the cut!
Main F/Os
(i don't love them any more than any other f/os, i just think about them all the time)
- Phone Gal/Sunni (Five Nights at Freddy's) (❤️) (Wife) (iffy sharing, please ask)
Pronouns: she/he (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 📞🌒 the voice on night watch | phone gal
Ship Name: Nighttime Loving
- Arthur Hastings (We Happy Few) (💛) (Platonic Soulmate/Best Friend Ever)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💊📰 take my hand and we'll dance though the heart of the storm | arthur hastings
- Kai (Dark Parables) (🩵)
Pronouns: he/him (transmasculine, still woman-aligned)
Tag: 🌲📖 botanical warden | kai
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Botany and Baking
- Constantin D'Orsay (GreedFall) (Cousin)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪙💰 the governor of new sérène | constantin d'orsay
- Bennett (Genshin Impact) (💜 - Youngest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥⚔️ a blazing adventure | bennett
- Lynette (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Hina) (Wife)
Pronouns: any, she/her preferred (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 🫖🎩 you're my cup of tea | lynette
Ship Name: Aslynette
- Hina (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Lynette) (Fiancée) (iffy sharing, please ask)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine lesbian)
Tag: 🐶🏳️‍⚧️ canine general of watatsumi | hina
Ship Name: A Canine and her Leporine
(Lynette x Hina Name: Hinette)
Joint Ship Name: I want something just like this (also called Ashinette but more rarely)
- Welt Yang (Honkai: Star Rail) (💜) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🖋🎞 our dear elder | welt yang
❤️ ~ Romantic ~ ❤️
(💞 = Polyamorous Ship)
- Yasmina Taylor (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Althena Rivera) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥👑 the scarlet princess | yasmina taylor
Ship Name: Yasline
- Althena Rivera (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Yasmina Taylor) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: any (agender)
Tag: 🪪💅 a shifting form | althena rivera
Ship Name: Celthena
(Yasmina x Althena Name: Almina)
Joint Ship Name: spirit shapeshifter princess
- Gerda (Dark Parables) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💛🪙 hair of gold heart of gold | gerda
Ship Name: 'cause i'm gonna make this place your home
- Síora (GreedFall) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌿💐 mundeinhanem | síora
Ship Name: De Síora
- Cassandra De Rolo (TLoVM) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👸🩸 the ruler of whitestone | cassandra de rolo
Ship Name: Casseas
- Mellori (Wizard101) (💞 - with Layle Dusklaw) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she (demigirl)
Tag: 🍃🪄 daughter of the raven | mellori
Ship Name: Viclori
- Layle Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (💞 - with Mellori) (Girlfriend) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/they (nonbinary)
Tag: 💀🪦 angel in the graveyard | layle dusklaw
Ship Name: Layloria
(Mellori x Layle Name: Melle)
Joint Ship Name: Is how I need you / And how you needed me too
- Cassie 'Clip' Lipman (Fortnite: Save the World) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/fae (transfeminine demigirl)
Tag: 🔩🔧 gunsmithing wonder | cassie 'clip' lipman
Ship Name: Rose Clippings
- Amber (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Eula) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐰🪽 outrider of mondstat | amber
Ship Name: Amlia
- Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Amber) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they (genderqueer)
Tag: 🏔💫 social etiquette training | eula lawrence
Ship Name: Eulia
(Amber x Eula Name: Eulamber)
Joint Ship Name: Eulamlia
- Lumine (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/it (agender)
Tag: 🗺🌟 love across the stars | lumine
Ship Name: Aslumine
- Chevreuse (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chiori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she (nonbinary)
Tag: 💥🍟 musket-wielding dame | chevreuse
Ship Name: Shot through the heart and you're to blame
- Chiori (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chevreuse) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: 🪡🧵 boutique angel | chiori
Ship Name: But I see your true colors shining through
(Chevreuse x Chiori Name: Cheviori)
Joint Ship Name: Muskets clothes and sweets
- La Signora (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🦋🔥 fair lady of flames | rosalyne/la signora
Ship Name: It's win or it's lose and i don't want to lose you
- Asta (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🛰️🌠 every star is a miracle | asta
Ship Name: the stars will always remember us
- Robin (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🕊🎼 hope is the thing with feathers | robin
Ship Name: let me start by saying i love you
- Charlie (Don't Starve) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🌹🪄 no damsel in distress don't need to save me | charlie
Ship Name: Lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose
- Rory Williams (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Amy) (Partner)
Pronouns: he/she (bigender)
Tag: ⚔️🩺 centurion nurse | rory williams
Ship Name: Jory
- Amy Pond (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Rory) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌐💒 more important than the universe | amy pond
Ship Name: Jomy
(Rory x Amy Name: Roramy)
Joint Ship Name: the feather-pond-williams family
- Peppermint Vandelay (Hi-Fi Rush) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: 🍬📱 brains and beauty | peppermint vandelay
Ship Name: If only you saw what I can see you'll understand why I want you so desperately
- Lucille (A Monster in Paris) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪽🎵 a musical angel | lucille
Ship Name: just a little kiss from you
- Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💻🏳️‍🌈 lesbian in stem | breanna casey
Ship Name: the maker and the baker
- Amira Rashid (Monster Prom) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥❤️‍🔥 burning in my heart | amira rashid
Ship Name: Highschool Sweethearts
- Sunny (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Stryder) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👽🎸 we'll get out of here | sunny
Ship Name: Alien and her lover
- Stryder (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Sunny) (Partner)
Pronouns: she/he (bigender)
Tag: ✌️💻 peace syndicate queen | stryder
Ship Name: Space Strider
(Sunny x Stryder Name: Sun Strider)
Joint Ship Name: Alien Sun Strider
- Holly (Monster Rancher) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🏡🦖 together raise monsters | holly
Ship Name: The Holly and The Ivy
- Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🎭🎀 take off your mask with me | gangle
Ship Name: Ribbon Rabbit
❣️ ~ Crushes ~ ❣️
(Characters I love but am too anxious/uncertain to officially add) (* = Comes from a media I already ship with)
Pronouns: it/she
Tag: ⚙️📓 (unless I decide to officially add it)
Pronouns: she/they
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: they/he
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🥊🏆 (unless I decide to officially add her)
Tashigi (One Piece)
Pronouns: she/her
🐟🪖 - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
🦎⚗️ - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: she/her
💜 ~ Fankids ~ 💜
- Devin, Clarissa, and Asher Roseman (with Phone Gal)
- Aspen and Luna (with Lynette)
- Varian (with Hina)
- Julius de Rolo (with Cassandra de Rolo)
- Dewy (with Amber)
🩵 ~ Queerplatonic ~ 🩵
- Elwin (OC - multiple versions - Dark Parables & Honkai: Star Rail) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: they/them (agender)
Tag: TBA
Queerplatonic Ship Names: TBA (Dark Parables), A Brand New Memory (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Page Jimmy (Wizard101) (💛/🩵 - undecided) (putting him here until i fully decide)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Calamity Thunderwing (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her (transfeminine)
Tag: TBA
- Caiden Goldenfeather (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/him (transmasculine)
Tag: TBA
- Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/she (genderfluid)
Tag: 🌳🍄 one with the forest | tighnari
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Aslari
- Oz (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/they (nonbinary demiboy)
Tag: 🖤🌠 not afraid with you | oz
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Highschool Darlings
💜 ~ Familial ~ 💜
- Coppelia (Five Nights at Freddy's: The Week Before) (Step-daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Ollie (Poppy Playtime) (Son)
Pronouns: it/he
Tag: 📼🧸 beloved toy beloved boy | ollie
- Nicky Roth (Hello Neighbor) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🥽🏀 hello my son | nicky roth
- Tabby (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Melody (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Fran Bow (Fran Bow) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Dorian Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Father)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🫥🕵‍♂️ the invisible detective | dorian brown
- Mortimer Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🫥🥀 blue rose in bloom | mortimer brown
- James Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 👻🏨 the man who talks to ghosts | james blackthorne
- Jessica Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Jaylene Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel OC) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Anna Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🕰🪞 step into a memory | anna gray
- Dorian Gray (Grim Tales) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/ae
Tag: 🖼🎨 painting of the self | dorian gray
Richard Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Grandfather)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💀⌛️ a spirit tethered to earth | richard gray
- Alice Gray (Grim Tales) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ⌚️🏞 another time another place | alice gray
- Amber Edevane (Mystery Trackers) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🕵‍♀️ full time detective part time dog mom | amber edevane
- Shade (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/it/they
Tag: 📜📞 limitless information | shade
- Jasmine Rivera (Detectives United OC) (Sibling-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🪪🫰 this mortal form | jasmine rivera
- Noah (Dark Parables) (Father-in-Law(ish))
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪓🪵 woodcutting guide | noah
- Hansel (Dark Parables) (Unspecified Elder-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌕✨️ golden moon | hansel
- Red Riding Hood Sisters - Ruth, Jessica, & Briar Rose (Dark Parables) (Elder Sister Figures)
Pronouns: she/her (all)
Collective Sisters Tag: 🏕🐺 woodland family | red riding hood sisters
- Mev (GreedFall) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪻🌟 sisters in battle | mev
- Petrus (GreedFall) (Uncle Figure)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌟🌫 believer in enlightenment | petrus
- Percy De Rolo (TLoVM) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🔫✴️ the gunsling king | percy de rolo
- Bat (Wizard101) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: 🦇🌒 son of the spider | the bat
- Arthur Wethersfield (Wizard101) (Father)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🎩☕️ well balanced guidance | arthur wethersfield
- Flint Anvilbreaker (Wizard101 OC) (Brother) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/wiz
Tag: 🔮🐉 friend turned brother | flint anvilbreaker
- Megan Bluebreeze (Wizard101 OC) (Sister) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/hir
Tag: 🪶🌩 maiden of the storm | megan bluebreeze
- Bentley Daysong (Wizard101) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🪔 tender inferno | bentley daysong
- Sophie Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Sister-in-Law) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍾🧿 queen of three | sophie dusklaw
- Oliver Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Brother-in-Law) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪴💚 garden's heartbeat | oliver dusklaw
- Dennis (Fortnite: Save the World) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 🍔🫡 hamburger helper | dennis
- Ray (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔋📷 mission control | ray vinderman
- Sarah (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: [emojis TBA] sister's leap of faith | sarah
Dennis Jr. (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag : 🧸🕗 time after time | dennis jr
Lok (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 📨📲 learning ai | lok
- Bianca (Genshin Impact OC) (Younger Sister) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍀🌑 a lucky adventure | bianca
- Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact) (Older Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ❄️🌨 frosty family | kaeya alberich
- Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) (Oldest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍷🌋 family keeps you warm | diluc ragnvindr
- Aether (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🧭🌟 family across the stars | aether
- Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) (Older Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌬🏵 dandelion girl | jean gunnhildr
- Barbara Pegg (Genshin Impact) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌊🎶 an idol's song | barbara pegg
- Chongyun (Genshin Impact) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍧🧊 popsicle boy | chongyun
- Ga Ming (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦁🎇 lion guard | ga ming
- Kaedehara Kazuha (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍁☁️ one with which to wander | kaedehara kazuha
- Diona Kätzlein (Genshin Impact) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐱🏹 the young hunter | diona kätzlein
- Chouji (Genshin Impact) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦴⛏️ three thousand miles | chouji
- Sayu (Genshin Impact) (Daughter) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 😴🌱 the sleepiest ninja | sayu
- Beidou (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: ⚓️♟️ my family lies over the ocean | beidou
- Ningguang (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💸♟️ rags to riches story | ningguang
- Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: ☄️⏳️ an unspoken contract | zhongli
- Lyney (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🎩 master of the stage | lyney
- Freminet (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: ⛲️🫧 life beneath the waves | freminet
- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (Mother-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/he, she preferred
Tag: 🏠✨️ home is where the hearth is | arlecchino
- Branch Master Cyrus (Genshin Impact) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧭🌍 a branch of adventure | branch master cyrus
- Marjorie (Genshin Impact) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💵💎 with wind comes glory | marjorie
- Adventure Guild Dads (Genshin Impact) (Fathers) (catch-all)
Pronouns: he/him (all)
Tag: 🧭🫂 the adventure that is family | adventure guild dads
- March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📸🌨 say cheese! | march 7th
- Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🕚🌬 gazing toward the future | dan heng
- Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: ze/she
Tab: 🗑️🔗 birds of a feather | stelle
- Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: it/they/he
Tag: 💠🔗 birds of a feather | caelus
- Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💄 elegant rose of flame | himeko
- Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail) (Undefined Familial)
Pronouns: any, they/them preferred
Tag: 🐇⭐️ our loyal conductor | pom-pom
Collective AEC Tag: 🌌🚅 a trailblazing family | astral express crew
- Arlan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚡🩹 lightning in the dark | arlan
- Yanqing (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Misha (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🗝️🧳 reverie of the stars | misha
- Gallagher (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- The Cultist (Enter the Gungeon) (Child)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Lock, Shock, and Barrel (The Nightmare Before Christmas) (Children)
Pronouns: he/him (Lock and Barrel), she/her (Shock)
Collective Tag: TBA
- Alec Hardison (Leverage) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Trespasser Defector/Tav (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (Undefined but definitely familial)
Pronouns: he/she/they
Tag: 🌌🌏 space above and earth below | trespasser defector
- Wilson P. Higgsbury (Don't Starve) (Brother-ish)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧪🥼 the gentleman scientist | wilson p higgsbury
💛 ~ Platonic ~ 💛
- Gwyn (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏹🦅 his frosty highness | gwyn
- Pinocchio (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🤎🫶 be you wood or flesh | pinocchio
- Vasco (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌊⚓️ sailing the mighty seas | vasco
- Kurt (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚔️🛡 guarding my back | kurt
- Aphra (GreedFall)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💣🔬 science & guns & bombs | aphra
- Fiona Mythsinger (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧿🌏 forbidden mythos | fiona mythsinger
- Carpe Diem Society (Kestrel Blackstorm, Taylor Froghead, Declan Wyrmdust, Carson Spritethief, & Quinn Legendbreaker) (Wizard101)
Pronouns: she/her (K), she/they (T), he/him (D), he/they (C), & it/she (Q)
Collective Tag: 🫂☀️ seize the day | carpe diem society
- Dyvim Whitehart (Wizard101)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🗡🐀 for bastion!! | dyvim whitehart
- Obsidian O'Leary (Wizard101 OC) (iffy sharing OCs)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- A.C. (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Willow (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Pronouns: he/they(/sometimes she)
Tag: 🖌🫀 a woman's kinda man | larry butz
- Paimon (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: ✨️🥘 an otherworldly guide | paimon
- Sangonomiya Kokomi
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪼🪸 together we are stronger | sangonomiya kokomi
- Razor (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Fischl (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: TBA
- Venti (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Tag: 🎼🕊 feathers on the wind | venti
- Mika Schmidt (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏔🗺 icy reconnaissance | mika schmidt
- Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📖⚡️ lightning librarian | lisa minci
- Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: Any, no preference
Tag: 🗻🖌 chalk amongst the snow | albedo
- Klee (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧨🔥 explosive little spark | klee
- Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬🧫 sweet shy scientist | sucrose
- Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧹🛡 miss maid-knight | noelle
Collective KoF tag: 🪽🗡 let the wind lead | knights of favonius
- Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 📚🗡 bookworm swordsman | xingqiu
- Navia (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💎 the spina's demoiselle | navia
- Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🐋🛷 monoceros caeli | tartaglia
- Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🎸🎧 the powers of rock and friendship | chai
- 808 (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🐈‍⬛🤖 emotional support feline | 808
- Macaron (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Korsica (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Francœur (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: any
Tag: TBA
- Raoul (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Emile (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Maud (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Parker (Leverage)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: TBA
- Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Sophie Devereaux (Leverage)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Vicky Schmidt (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔩⚡️ frankenstein was the monster | vicky schmidt
- Brian Yu (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧟‍♂️🧠 undead friend | brian yu
- Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Order Remnant/Ira (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: it/he/no pronouns
Tag: 🪖💭 remaining thread of imagination | order remnant
- SHADOW Enforcer/Shale (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/fae/they
Tag: 🕶🐈‍⬛ shadow in the light | shadow enforcer
- GHOST Enforcer/Gavin (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Svenja (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: TBA
Joint Hench Quintet Tag: TBA
- The Survivors (Don't Starve Together) (Specifics TBA - there are 16 of them)
Pronouns: TBA
Collective Tag: TBA
🐾 ~ Pets ~ 🐾
- Simon (HOUSE)
Tag: TBA
- Mr. Midnight (Fran Bow)
Tag: TBA
- Chocolate Chip the Mist Wolf (Dark Parables)
Tag: TBA
- Peppy (Honkai: Star Rail)
Tag: 🐾🌟 space station puppy | peppy
I'm pretty sure I have more than that, I'll add them to the list as I post abt them
Fictional Enemies
(I'm tucking them down here, but just know that it's on sight)
- Prince d'Orsay (GreedFall) <- (Main Enemy)
- Royce (Genshin Impact) <- (Main Enemy)
- Draff (Genshin Impact)
- Albert (Genshin Impact)
- Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
- Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
- The Clown With the Tear-Away Face (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
- Grandmother Raven (Wizard101) (it's on sight but she's also family to me - it's very complicated)
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
Think that when Arthur was learning in Krokotopia he often would just be happy and content like. Copying over and translating hieroglyphics and just learning something and knowing it's what he wants to do that he would just be sitting there and his tail would wag like !!!!!
And it would be something he doesn't consciously do because in Marleybone culture excessive tail wagging is seen as like childish. Like if you jumped and danced around every time something good happened, essentially.
Alhazred would notice this and be like. Ah yes. I'm getting a good grade in Teacher. Something that is possible and nice to achieve :)
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25 notes · View notes
I was only able to do 2 days of Wiztober, and they're done a day late, but here they are!
Day 1: Obsession/Apathy
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[Image ID: A drawing of Fiona Mythsinger and Megan Bluebreeze. Fiona is staring forward blankly, her eyes half-lidded. Kneeling next to her is Megan, and ze is crying. Hir hand is clasped over her chest. Both are wearing their usual outfits. The background is a muted blue sky with a comet falling in the background. A signature, a stylized A_G, is over Megan's head. End ID]
I kinda went with both here, Obsession for Megan and Apathy for Fiona. Anyway, Azteca momence.
Day 5: Student/Teacher
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[Image ID: A transparent drawing of Alhazred, Arthur Wethersfield, and Flint Anvilbreaker. The drawing is done in side profile. Alhazred is an elderly Krok who has one hand on Arthur's right arm. Arthur is a Marleybonian dog with his left hand on Flint's left arm. Flint's right hand is raised. Arthur's right arm and Flint's left are pulled back slightly. All three characters are looking ahead with neutral expressions. A signature, a stylized A_G, is in front of each character. End ID]
I don't have a lot to say about this one, they r important to me <3
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the-re-farmer · 4 months
Our 2024 Garden: transplanting tomatoes, luffa, onions, thyme and mulberry, plus some updates
Yesterday, I had my eye appointment, which included pupil dilation, so I had my daughter there to drive me home. I’ll have another field of vision test in 6 months, though probably not the dilation. This will be my third field of vision test, which will give a solid baseline to compare with in the future. For now, the miniscule hemorrhages she can see in my eyes have not really changed, and we’re…
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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shiftythrifting · 6 months
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I'm still actively shopping but I had to submit this immediately.
Wethersfield, CT Savers.
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edwardsparkleblood · 3 months
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My friend made me draw this against my will
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do you love the color of the oc…
starting at red and going clockwise:
Autumn Dragonsword, pyromancer from Earth and the protag of arc 3 and forward
Kau, last name pending, a sorcerer with uncontrollable power who does not use it responsibly
Ana Stormheart, diviner who quits protagonism after arc 2
Vanya Winkle, at least a century displaced in time and coping poorly
Tori Dragonsword, a young and inexperienced thaumaturge who can be a bit cold (i forgot to draw her glasses...)
Cori Crowbark, who prefers their many pets to the other therugists in their class
Petri Koru, the tired healer and first mate of a pirate ship
Leonora Swiftrider, captain of that pirate ship, and also a runaway necromancer (i didnt draw her eyes correctly but thats ok)
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