marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
ATOMIX Review – Most Powerful AI Traffic & Commission Platform
Welcome to my ATOMIX Review Post, This is a genuine user-based ATOMIX review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how ATOMIX can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This is 100% DONE-FOR-YOU “AI” Traffic & Commission System — Get Great Results Promoting Affiliate Offers From ANY Affiliate Network.
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ATOMIX Review: What Is ATOMIX?
ATOMIX is an affiliate marketing software program designed to simplify the process of promoting other people’s products and earning commissions. It targets individuals seeking a “set-and-forget” system, promising income generation with minimal effort. The core concept revolves around pre-built campaigns and automation. Users supposedly choose a campaign from a library across various niches, and ATOMIX handles tasks like traffic generation, lead capture, and conversion.
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ATOMIX Review: Overview
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Creator: Glynn Kosky
Product: ATOMIX
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-08
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Website/Membership
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Yes, Huge Bonuses
Required Skill: All Levels
Refund: YES, 180 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ATOMIX Discount Price Here <<>>
ATOMIX Review: About Authors
Glynn Kosky is the individual credited with creating ATOMIX. Finding extensive, independent background information on Mr. Kosky can be challenging. However, he appears to be affiliated with WarriorPlus, a digital marketplace known for promoting various marketing products.
Kosky has also created successful products such as CASH GENIE AI, NITRO AI, Fast Profit System, STEALTH AI, COPYBOT AI, Commission Magnet, Instant Traffic Jacker, Commission Profit Hack, 100 CPA Daily, Pure Profit Payday, and many others.
ATOMIX Review: Features
We Get Paid When People Click & Visit Our Sites, Regardless If They Buy or Not.
100% Automated Passive System, We Get Paid Even Whilst We Sleep.
The Turn-Key System Creates Multiple Additional Streams of Passive Income.
Brand New System Gets FREE Clicks & FREE Traffic For Us 24/7.
Takes MINUTES Per Day To Get Non-Stop Profits With Atomix.
ZERO Hidden Fees or Additional Expenses, We Give You Everything.
ATOMIX Review: How Does It Work?
It’s Extremely Simple All It Takes Is 3 Simple Steps. (And works even when you’re logged out & offline!)
STEP 1: Get Your Paylink
This is the link that we’re getting paid $25 or more every time someone clicks on it, regardless if they buy anything!
STEP 2: Paste It
Once you’ve copied your special paylink, paste it where we show you. (Just As Easy As Taking A Shower…)
STEP 3: Send Traffic
Turn on the built-in traffic to start flooding your paylink with FREE clicks! We then collect our instant commissions!
ATOMIX Review: Can Do For You
Built from the latest technology.
Copy & Paste easy.
No Selling Required.
When people click & visit our sites — we’re getting paid.
100% results-based system.
Backed by 24/7 support.
World-class training delivered by a 7 figure marketer.
No monthly fees (during this launch only).
No overhead costs.
Free buyer traffic is built-in.
Hands-free monetization.
Works in just a few clicks.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ATOMIX Discount Price Here <<>>
ATOMIX Review: Verify User Feedback
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ATOMIX Review: Old Way & New Way
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ATOMIX Review: Who Should Use It?
College Students
​People In Their 20s
Stay At Home Dads
​Busy People
The Family Man
Old Age Pensioners
ATOMIX Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: ATOMIX ($17)
OTO2: 100% DONE FOR YOU ($97)
OTO6: License Rights ($197)
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ATOMIX Review: Special Bonus Bundle
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And before ending my honest ATOMIX Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
ATOMIX Review: Free Bonuses
BONUS #1: $1,000 ZERO-COST Auto Bot
Swipe the same method we’ve used to generate an average of $1,000 a day every single day for the past 12 months.
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BONUS #4: First Sale In The Next 11 Minutes
This unique loophole lets us make our first sale in 11 minutes without a list, paid traffic, or anything else complicated, it’s all revealed to you inside.
ATOMIX Review: Money Back Guarantee
The ATOMIX Unconditional 180 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
We are extremely confident in your ability to succeed with this product that we’re removing all the risk from your purchase. You can utilize Atomix and all its resources for the next 180 days without any worries. Experience the incredible automated, copy-and-paste system that comes with a track record of proven results. Our dedicated support team, based in the U.S., is always ready to assist you whenever needed. However, in the rare event that Atomix doesn’t live up to our promises, you are eligible for a hassle-free refund within 6 months of purchase. Invest with peace of mind knowing that all the risk is on us, and let’s work together to achieve the results you deserve.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ATOMIX Discount Price Here <<>>
ATOMIX Review: Pros and Cons
Potentially Beginner-Friendly: ATOMIX’s user-friendly interface and pre-built campaigns could be appealing to those new to affiliate marketing.
Streamlined Approach: Automated features for traffic generation and lead capture might simplify the initial setup process.
Time-Saving: Pre-built campaigns can save time compared to creating campaigns from scratch.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with ATOMIX.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What devices does this work on?
Atomix is a web-based system, so it works on every device out there. All you need is an internet connection.
Q. Is this beginner-friendly?
Absolutely — many of our beta testers had NEVER made money online before. You won’t need any tech skills or previous experience either.
Q. Are there any monthly costs or fees?
Nope! Atomix gives you everything you need to see results from scratch.
Q. How much time does this take?
Even if you’re brand new you’ll be up and running in minutes. Once activated, the Atomix system runs all itself and there’s no daily maintenance needed.
Q. What if I need help or support?
We’ve got you covered! Professional, patient & friendly support staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Q. How do I get started?
Easy! Just click the button below to get in at the lowest possible price before the next price increase.
ATOMIX Review: My Recommendation
ATOMIX offers an enticing opportunity for individuals aiming to achieve rapid success in affiliate marketing. Nevertheless, the absence of transparency and the possibility of exaggerated claims should be approached with caution. It’s advisable to explore alternative educational resources and concentrate on establishing a solid understanding of affiliate marketing fundamentals for enduring success. Should you choose to delve into ATOMIX, do so with a critical mindset, conduct thorough research, and prioritize mastering the essential skills needed to excel in the affiliate marketing domain. It’s important to remember that sustainable success in this field demands dedication, hard work, and continuous learning, rather than relying on a “set-and-forget” solution.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ATOMIX Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: WebCon Review, Elite AI Suite Review, InFlux AI Review, HostsMaster Review, AI WebProfit Review, Ai Money Sites Review, Coinz App Review.
Thank for reading my ATOMIX Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of ATOMIX. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
My ask is! What is your fav trait or habits or like one thing which is particular to jikook which u adore or makes ur heart all mushy? It could be a moment or like particulr thing .
For me it is the way JK takes care of JM. In one run episode he puts the socks on JM. It was a simple gesture but damn that one moment made my heart melt, jimin sitting cutely like a baby while jk put on the socks . I repeatedly watched that clip, it is one of my fav jikook moments.
Thanks for this question anon. Here is something that makes me all mushy. This behaviour from JK makes me believe we have lost him and he ain't never coming back to us. He's too far gone... fr.
Jeon Jungkook is a man whipped.
Exhibit a) BTS at Atomix. It's a good restaurant, right? And I'm sure they had fun. Ate good food and what not? We know JK loves to eat, so I'm sure it was a good time. But when the infamous tkk photo was brought up months later JK only remembers that day because Jimin said "I'm sorry"
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Umm... okay. Moving on.
Exhibit b) Run BTS episode 10. It was a continuation of several episodes where they rode on ATVs, did a bunch of shit, among them, bungee jumping and we know how much JK loves that. But his favourite thing about all of that when asked, JK said;
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Again, what?
Exhibit c) When JK was asked what his most memorable thing about the Tokyo trip with Jimin was he says 😬😬😬
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I mean....
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For me this is the cringiest Jikook moment of all fucking time. I cannot watch this. I just can't. And if it comes up I watch with one eye closed because it's painful AF to witness. Especially members' reactions. Even they know JK is whipped. So Jikook go to Tokyo. Beautiful city, they moved around, they explored, even had fun on Halloween with Scream costumes and everything. They were there several days and even went to Disney where it looks like they had a blast. But this, this? Is JK's most memorable moment?! Are u kidding me? Unless "playing on his phone" is code for something else, this is whipped behaviour right there. And look how proud he is while recounting this. W.H.I.P.P.E.D i say!!
(Sidebar: JK is wearing Jimin's photocards as earrings. ☺)
Exhibit d) JK's reaction to Jimin sneezing.
That's it.
Exhibit e) JK reacting to Jimin slurping noodles
He is adorable. Fr fr. But listen, Vhope DGAF but here JK is being endeared AF by Jimin's simple act of eating noodles. I mean... come on dude, really? I mean I get it, its Jimin. But really? 🤭
Exhibit f) JK's reaction to Jimin's pinky. The absolute cutest. He's so whipped y'all
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Exhibit g) "You owned Run Bts"
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First of all, JK sounds adorable when he says this. I just wanna put him in my pocket he's so cute 🥺 But also really? I mean okay. If someone held a gun to my head and told me to prove I was Army of course I will go "lagibolala!" It's one of the most iconic BTS quotes right up there with "party party yeah, niagara popo, listen boy, etcetera" But still... Jimin owned ALL of Run Bts because of this? Really JK? Tell us you're whipped without telling us you're whipped. I can't with this guy.
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Exhibit h) One of my favourite JK moments of all time. When he was asking Jimin for pork. Gosh, how is this man so macho and yet so adorable at the same time??? Istg I could listen to this all day. Someone make it my ringtone already!
Anyway, the thing that is easily missed is the fact that Jhope who was next to JK offered his pork. But JK didn't want that one. Nope. He wanted the one from Jimin who was allllllllll the way on the other side
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Exhibit i) Last but not least. I already brought this up but it deserves to be brought up again. BV season 4 members in New Zealand enjoying the beautiful view. They've never been there before. Its their first time. They're all in awe. Its amazing, incredible and they all pretty much "wow" the entire time. But JK, JK is like fuck the view. Staring at my boyfriend is all the view I need
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The camera keeps panning out. And JK keeps staring. What did I say? JK my dude, you are
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So yes, anon JK is a man in love and he makes me go all mushy when I see him get amused by the most mundane things as long as they're coming from Jimin.
A member will do one thing and JK won't care. Won't even notice sometimes. But as soon as Jimin does that same thing, suddenly its the funniest thing JK has ever seen. Or the cutest, or whatever. To JK, certain things are "meh" until Jimin does them. Then he absolutely loves it.
When I tell you Jungkook is a man in love, I mean it.
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not-goldy · 1 month
Tkkrs have lost it
You can take away any Tkk moment you want and it would probably not affect my thoughts much while I think it would be harder for Jkkrs to go without Rose bowl, the hicky (it’s a bite), and GCF, and all your numbers and dates stuff.
They think we are delusional because Jkk actually have moments??? Like yes, it would be hard for us to be Jkkrs if we didn't have a thousand things that happened with Jkk but guess what, they did happen and that is why we believe
Whereas the basis of Tkk is literally nothing, Tkkrs just believe things happen in their mind and convince other Tkkrs to believe it like their very private and exclusive Atomix date😂😂😂
Can't believe Tkkrs looking down on Jkkrs because we don't make things up about Jkk
When they say any moment which moment is that cos I don't know Tae Kook to have a single moment in the history of their ship other than fan service moments on stage so what moment are they referring to?
Of course they will have a ship if we take away the moments they don't have cos their ship exists in their imagination
The hickey- it's a bite, she says with a straight face.
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stormblessed95 · 6 months
i get the whole ignoring tkkrs to be at peace but i hope ppl won't stop calling them out for their mistranslations, misinformation, misleading things cause it's been yrs and there are still so many lies and theories that are harmful has came from them and yet the whole fandom uses it without asking for the credibility of it.
The whole "jk hates jm" has came from tkkrs only and now is widely spread in the whole fandom, the "jm sleeps with bangppd and bangppd wants to push jkk to hide tkk" narrative is their #1 theory that they still use and the whole kpop uses that bangpd and jm shit to drags jm. The jikook does fanservice narrative has came from them which everyone easily associates with jkk cause that's what they have been told by the majority of the fandom which is tkkrs.
It's been two yrs and they still say the atomix ot7 dinner was tk date when there's proof of ppl who work at atomix saying it was ot7 dinner after their white house speech. You ask them once to show where did jungkook booked the restaurant and they'll go silent cause they just made that up cause jungkook is always the sugar daddy of every ship and others the sugar baby. There's not a single receipt or proof to say jk booked it but they made a whole au out of it Cause miss mina aka @/dionysustkk and tkklives lives say so.
It's been 6 yrs and they still use tkklives rainbow SS saying gcft was a vminkook trip when the only thing my guy jm did was told both JK and TH that he wants to visit japan. For yrs both jk nd jm has talked about the Tokyo trip nd not even a single time they said it was supposed to a vminkook trip or tae was supposed to be with them. Yrs later in their book which was published THIS yr of 2023 and never in that book there's a mention of tae and Tokyo trip together and mind you the book has been gone by checking through each nd every member so all that said in the book has been approved by all the members.
I have been here for like 4 yrs nd every single time i find a tk moment 95% of them are turned out to be false nd made by tkkrs. They love cropping memebrs out of pictures to make it seem like only tk went somewhere out but you ask someone else nd you'll find other members right there but were just cut out by tkkrs. It's so hard to find a tkkr who doesn't hate jkk, jm nd call don't call them fanservice.
Even now if you go to any of the sns nd see comments under any of the jkk video you'll see atleast one comment saying "jk was forced to join with jm, he wanted to go with tae but couldn't because of his tattoes and jk doens't even have jm's no, jk said they're coworkers" cause just three days back i was watching a jkk video on yt nd out of habit i was scrolling through cmnts nd this was the first comment under the pinned comment.
Whenever someone enters the fandom they get corrupted by tkklives channel with her 500k subscribers where all she does is manipulate shit cause ever since she made that channel 3 days after gcft nd gave them the "Tokyo trip was supposed to be vminkook" she's their mother savior who fills all their DeLuSiOnAls and she just knows how to do it.
Ppl starts hating on jm just over a ship and no matter how many times y'all say "jkkrs nd tkkrs are same" they will never be cause there's a big difference in the number of deranged ppl in jkk nd tk fandom. Yes i agree there's ppl in jkk fandom that are just as deranged as tkkrs but again the difference in number is like earth nd sky. Jkk fandom is not even half in no of tkkrs even lizkook shippers are more worldwide than jkkrs. Jkkrs deluled themselves in their own Little bubble with some 100 people but when a tkkr make a delulu tweet they deluled themselves along of some 10k other tkkrs and that is the number of difference in deranged ppl in both ships. No other shipper has harassed so many brands that work with BTS who has to put Stories about calling out tkkrs, no other shippers got blocked by polyc (their tatto artist especially jk's) nd got put on story, no other shippers has harassed other models or ppl calling them cosplayers cause they couldn't handle to see their fav holding hands with a woman in another country to the point the person has to put Stories after Stories to ask ppl to stop. No other fandom has got made fun of the way Kpopies made fun of hmlvrart and embarrassed armys. No matter how many times y'all say both are same they're not.
not saying ppl should engage in all things tkkrs say but i hope everyone call them out where it's due.
I won't lie to you, I did mostly just skim this because are you new here?
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Lol I don't need the lecture about needing to correct tkkrs when they spread misinformation.... Thanks though. Sorry, I've got that covered though!
I get what you are saying though.
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peachjagiya · 3 months
My Taekook timeline thoughts
Idea from @blue703.
I'mma try this. Let me preface by saying I'm baby Army, coming up to a year. I pick stuff up fast and I have ADHD so I hyperfixate and deep dive but there's definitely stuff I don't know/am still trying to figure out. I ALSO got exposed to a lot of rumour and speculation without much foundation early on so I'm trying to remove that from my thinking.
Tae is instrumental in bringing Jungkook out of himself. They're CLEARLY close. Initial puppy love vibes.
This always feels to me that the attraction is strongest/most obvious on Jungkook's side. I don't think it's one-sided but Jungkook wears his heart in his EYES and Taehyung finds it easier to centre himself, perhaps. 2015-2017
Jungkook is what, 18-20 at this point, Taehyung 20-22? (my maths is appalling. I think that's right) and they seem to have exactly the kind of relationship that two young guys figuring themselves out have ie; DRAMATIC.
Sweet and clingy and lots of eyes and touching. Doesn't seem beyond the realms of possibility that kissing/whatever might have occurred. They're young and besotted. But it also seems to be a time of some pretty intense down moments like whatever the heck happened around Tokyo.
If you think about the Inkigayo video where JK seems a little bit stroppy with Tae for not being there sooner - well, devolve his emotional maturity by 6 or 7 years. I know people say JK doesn't like when he's not getting attention and it's supported by some clips, I feel. Like the slight drama with Bogum. I can imagine this combined with scary queer feelings combined with *SPECULATION INCOMING* being seperated on camera*, against their natural instinct to be close, would create a pressure cooker of Feels which would only ever come out in drama.
Also: Stigma is released in this time, Namjoon says Tae has his own story about it. I have wondered if Stigma might have been related to HYYH but I don't think the storyline bled into the songs, did they? Please correct me if I'm wrong there.
*side note: Dispatch threat to reveal a same sex couple then Dispatch suddenly getting BTS exclusives is an intriguing theory but I think even if it's nonsense or about a different group, I imagine it would create nervous ripples throughout various agencies? Maybe seperating Taekook was precaution? I don't know. Just a thought.
It's well known JK and Tae were having some of their worst times during 2018 and disbandment talks. What intrigues me is that Jin says JK isolated himself and didn't talk to the members.
But Yoongi sends Tae and JK the supportive text message and Tae says he and JK read the messages together and cried. JK is isolated and not talking to other members but he's with Tae at this point? Interesting.
(I don't know if anyone else gets this but there seems to be a kind of implied "Well except V" in a lot of these stories. JK in his 2023 Sirius interview "I didn't really get a chance to see the members this year." and yet he's with Tae on a number of confirmed occasions and maybe other unconfirmed? Almost like Tae is aside from the collective members when it comes to JK.)
I feel like intentions might have been set here and some kind of commitment made, though I'm not sure it's a "together" commitment. Just an undetermined milestone of things getting much heavier than they were. An admission, a mutual understanding, a commitment to stop the drama... I don't know.
Golden Disk Awards 2020. Grammys 2020. Atomix. That's all. :)
Oh I suppose we have BTS: ITS1 filmed in 2020 and as we all know, Tae and JK have been awkward for a while and the only way Jungkook wants to be near Tae is if Jimin tricks him into going. 🙄
They just seem real sweet and close these years. No particular dramas between the two of them are cropping up for me, correct me if I'm wrong. JK has his tattooist nonsense which just feels like a silly storm in a dumb teacup. Still being seperated and forced to pretend they barely like each other in lives but that's just Bighit Streisand Effecting themselves. 😇
If not 2018 then something in here feels like it might have been the actual commitment.
2022 onwards
Demonstrable time spent together. Confirmed private time where JK hangs out with Tae's friends. Unconfirmed time too. WHATEVER WAS IN THE WATER FOR DREAM PREMIERE. Obviously Jennie weirdness in late '22, early '23 but that feels so much like a press stunt that I just J-Hope side eye it.
I once looked up if there was any telltale signs of fanservice when I was newborn army and so confused. A lot of the response was just "if it looks gay, it's fanservice." LOL but one person replied, paraphrased, "Disregard stages, photoshoots, some of the promotional lives, anything under direct agency management. Consider whether they actually interact privately where nobody is." and I feel like that kind of sums up Taekook since 2022 when BTS are on hiatus and they're still in each other's orbit.
If they're not a couple, they're in love and don't know it. That's a joke. Don't come for me.
Lets see what 2024 onwards brings!
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dearweirdme · 4 months
Hi Jkk anon!
I admire your dedication, that was a long ass ask you sent me. I'm not gonna post it, because even though you seem to think I know nothing about what Jkkrs believe... I actually do and what you have sent me was nothing new to me. You can actually go through my blog and look at all the asks on this topic... your side has sent me a lot.
What you have sent me is proof of Jm and Jk's close bond and I never said that they aren’t close. They're best friends who have spent a huge part of their lives together, more than best friends do on a regular base. To me, that is the perfect explanation of why Jm and Jk interact the way they do.
You take issue with me saying Jkkrs rely on the "grand moments". I'm not sure what you want from me, I'm really not going to apologize for that. I do actually think that those big moments (Rose Bowl, GCF Tokyo, the bite) are the pillars of your believes. I have no problem with Atomix possibly being a group visit, it would change nothing about what I believe in general. Your side however holds on strongly to those moments, they come back in every argument. You even use them yourself, while trying to tell me it's much more than those moments. I am well aware of all the things you all have decided is proof. But Jkkrs agreeing with Jkkrs doesn't really do much for me. I don't care how big those accounts you sent me are.. to me they're still fanaccounts. Someone with only ten followers might just as well be right as someone with thousands.
I've thought about what it is exactly that makes all of you see this wrongly... and I think I've landed on the unwillingness to place Jm and Jk and Tae into a bigger context. It's as though you pic Jm and Jk and try to make them fit the mold of a regular romantic couple. They never do quite fit the mold though.. and that's when you all start to insert your own ideas. Jm, Jk and Tae are part of a bigger picture though. You have to place them and their behaviors into the context of society, business strategies, group behavior, etc... and all of you don't do that. The biggest thing Jkkrs don't seem to be able to grasp, is that we are not looking at a regular couple in love. The openness and obviousness you all talk about.. is the obviousness of friendship. In SK an in-band-same-sex-idol-couple would never be highlighted the way Jm and JK are. It is just not possible. GCF Tokyo would never have been released if it had been about their romantic relationship. They would never have entered the military together if they were actually together. BH would have tried to hide them (to protect them and their business) not showcase them. So while you think everything you have seen of them is a sign of them being together, I know.. that cannot be true. They're not fake, their bond isn't fanservice.. but their bond is a safe bet for BH. It is risk-free. If you were to take a close look at Tae and Jk (and to me it is obvious you have not, otherwise you would not have sent me some of the JKk examples you have) you would maybe (no probably not.. you seem quite stubborn) see that their relationship actually would fit that of a closeted idol couple. You make fun of our "focus on eye contact, looks, taekook sitting so close to each other lol, or them knowing details about each other" but that is a huge part of how one would recognize two people in love... especially when that couple cannot act on their love publicly.
If you really want me to relay every point you made in your long ask... go through my straws and ship analysis tag... I'm convinced you will find everything there already.
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023 - Tae and Jk attend a personal event for the movie premier of “Dream,” featuring one of Tae’s good friends, Wooga member Park Seo-Joon (also featuring IU). It’s Jk’s first movie premier event and he had this moment with Tae. And it’s also good to note they went as individuals Taehyung and Jungkook, not as BTS members, nor did they attend in any type of work context.
There is SO much to unpack so I’ll start off with my opinion, especially because I’m so emotional and overwhelmed (in the best ways) by what this means. This was 1000% a statement. Nothing is a coincidence with Taekook. In my opinion, this event explicitly states the obviousness of their relationship, without implicitly saying it in words. Some of the below was mentioned on my IG / Tumblr already but I can’t stress how pivotal this event was, so I won’t apologize for being repetitive.
Let’s start with their clothes, covered in more extensive detail below. Their attire alone is a statement, very queer coded - Tae’s jacket brand, his shirt, Jk’s quotes on his jacket. They didn’t wear their brand ambassador clothing, when this would’ve been a good opportunity to do that. They knew this event would be significant and they planned their outfits with meticulous thought to help convey their message of intent. Them choosing to wear queer coded clothes at their first non-work related premier together is not a coincidence in any way. It’s quite a statement and noteworthy in itself.
And it wasn’t just their clothing choices that were meaningful. Their body language and expressions were significant too. 
They’re familiar with red carpets and big events in their line of work (Jungkook recently performed solo for the World Cup 2022), and yes, Jk is more of an introvert, but he still was extra shy during this premier. And that’s because this was a statement. Both knew this moment was special, and IMO, Jk’s shyness was a result of this knowledge.
They didn’t walk with any other Wooga member, nor did any other BTS member attend. They walked together, just the two of them, knowing what this would signify about them and their relationship. They knew it would be impactful, the next step to normalizing their relationship to the public. This was about them. This was them showing us who they are to each other, how special their bond is. Not only that, this event shows how safe and secure they feel in their relationship, to want to take such a monumental, public step like this.
I’ll go over it in more detail below, but I also find it to be so sweet and telling that these two make sure to be each other’s pillar of strength when the other needs it. Tae made sure to be Jk’s safe space, as he always has been and always will be. When Jk hesitated to walk to the photo wall, he took his wrist. The way Jk looked at Tae when he turned back to take his wrist? He lit up when Tae turned and that speaks VOLUMES, and it shows his trust to Tae. Then they stepped out to the photo wall TOGETHER, as a duo, not individually. 
They prioritize and choose each other and they always will. No matter what any “fan” says on SM. No matter what nonsense lies or fantasy some random person on the Internet spouts. Their relationship will continue as it is, and they’ll keep getting louder, because this is reality. And they’ve shown as much at this event. 
It’s massive and beautiful and significant what took place. For me, as of now this was their biggest moment - bigger than Harry Styles, Atomix, Paradise Hotel, etc. And I couldn’t be prouder. They’re so brave. It honestly leaves me in awe seeing such an incredible display of courage, knowing the media and all these eyes - in person and online - were watching. They’ll change the world. I feel so strongly about that. And I will always support them.
Getting into the premier itself! This is Jk’s first movie premier, and Tae’s fifth. The other four movie events Tae attended are as follows:
11/26/2016 “Derailed” (Minho)
08/07/2017 “Midnight Runners” (Park Seojoon)
07/30/2019 “The Divine Fury” (Park Seojoon and Choi Wooshik)
06 /02/2022 “Broker” (Kang Dong Won)
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Again, because this is important to remember - this is Taekook’s first movie premier event together, on their own, in an unofficial, not work related setting. And this is the first time Tae has brought a +1 to a friend’s movie premier!
Jk kept smiling as they walked closer to the photo wall -
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His smile -> he’s practically glowing as he acknowledges this fan 🥹
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Walking closer to the photo wall - 
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Tae looking so happy in these stills as he sees fans - (😭)
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https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650473934872092672?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/dailyforjk/status/1650470591009370112?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
The sequence of these two photos 🥰
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As they make their way closer to the crowd, Jk smiles - 
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He then glances at Tae with a softer smile (his expression 😭) -
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His smile widens again as he looks away -
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I saw some have interpreted the next moment as the guards stopping Jk from walking to the wall with Tae. That’s not how I interpret this moment as the reason for Jk stopping. We see the guards stopping them both, but it looks like only Jk heard, and Tae initially didn’t hear.
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View angle here - https://twitter.com/wintertaeta/status/1651226619556638721?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
One guard places a hand on Jk’s back for a moment -
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And you can see another guard stopping them both from walking, before motioning for them to step forward -
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The other guard briefly places his hand briefly on Jk’s back a second time (encouragement to head out to the photo wall) -
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The way I interpret this moment is - Jk was very adorably shy throughout this event. This was an important moment for them and they both knew that. Jk stops walking (because the guards instructed them both to). However, when Tae turned around, the indescribable emotions in Jk’s eyes as he looks at Tae is absolutely everything. I can’t stress enough how important, how special, how monumental this night was. “Their moment of truth.” And after this sweet exchanged look, the MC yells out, “BTS!” and they step out in front of fans, reporters - a crowd - together.
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Tae was very much encouraging, Jk’s safe space, his source of strength. He turned and gave assurances, giving him a small nod -
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before confidently holding Jk’s wrist for a moment, unbothered by the people and cameras surrounding them. And, in turn, Jk trusted him and that speaks volumes too.
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Front view of Tae holding Jk’s wrist -
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Note Jk’s sweet, soft smile and gaze after Tae held his wrist -
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When Tae turns to walk to the wall and the waiting crowd, his face looks very determined. For me, his energy throughout the event radiated that he was very mindful and protective of Jk. “I’ll take care of everything.”
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Jk has a small smile on his face before they walk out together. It’s hard to see in a still so it’s encouraged to view the clip below. As OP mentions in the tweet, it seems as if he’s simultaneously anxious but excited (we can only speculate based on demeanor). This is a personal opinion, which you’re welcome to disagree with, but honestly this moment read to me like, “We’re really doing this,” accompanied by all the excited nervousness and butterflies of such an important moment. And then, they stepped out as a duo.
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https://twitter.com/evexece_kthjjk/status/1650861346777600000?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg I’m going to leave a lot of links since this moment in itself was incredibly special - https://twitter.com/kookvtwins/status/1650468584693301248?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/_onlytkv/status/1650468023952875523?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/_k91230v_/status/1650475125266059264?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/regalkv/status/1650519708079362053?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/prashan57668544/status/1650672175966482432?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/regalkv/status/1650534829430280193?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/kazunessa/status/1650655293519585281?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1651359920036671488?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
I found this so sweet. Tae turns back to check on Jk as they walk to the green wall - 
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https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1663830729430814720?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs5o1yHtPCg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Another adorable angle of shy Jungkookie🥰 - 
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On the red carpet, Tae looks at Jk out of his peripheral vision -
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Tae then nudges a bashful Jk -
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who looks back at him shyly, asks “What?” and smiles. His expression to Tae is so endearing!
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While Tae gazes fondly, Jk closes his eyes and smiles widely.
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Jk proceeds to cover his face in shyness.
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Tae’s endeared smile towards Jk’s reaction -
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Tae does an adorable copy / paste. 
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They proceed to pose for photos. 
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And they acknowledge people in the crowd - 
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More posing and waves - 
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Long clips (adding many in case one ever goes private or deactivates) - https://twitter.com/v_of_me/status/1650470523317657600?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/vantaemaybe/status/1650461397636222977?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/myu_kookv/status/1650461248604045313?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/prashan57668544/status/1650688583630753792?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Threads - https://twitter.com/diortetae/status/1650471960017788930?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/yoongellic/status/1650469143223885824?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Another way Tae encouraged Jk was by passing him the mic and letting him speak first, when the MC asked him directly, “V-ssi, any word of support for actor Park Seo-Joon?” Taekook exchange a glance after her question. Their reaction when they make eye contact is so sweet, full of shyness and adoration.
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Both smile when they turn away from the other -
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https://twitter.com/dailyforjk/status/1650495457506779137?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/bxt321/status/1650527557966790658?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae then hands the mic to Jk to answer the question first. What’s interesting here is when Jk cheers on Seo-Joon, he doesn’t call him Seo-Joon-nim or Seo-Joon-ssi. And he doesn’t just call him Seo-Joon either. He gives him a nickname, adding an -ie to the end of his name and saying, “Seo-Joon-ie hyung, fighting.” Honorifics are important in Korea (and other Asian cultures, like Japan) so for Jk to use a casual nickname at a premier event indicates closeness. We’ve seen many instances of Jk spending time with Tae and his Wooga friends (Wooshik only following the two of them on IG (when Jk had IG) Hobi’s party, bowling, skiing and the musical, for example). This is another instance that shows his close friendship with Wooga. 
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Small recap of Jk with Wooga on TW- https://twitter.com/kakostel/status/1633220597969743874?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/kakostel/status/1633220703917883393?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae’s fond expression towards Jk, covered in a few different angles -
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https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1650538970256932864?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1650468439541284864?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg YT recap - https://youtu.be/EU0EAaX3dmA
Taekook head back to the lounge area together.
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You can see Tae glance back towards Jk in this last photo-
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Taekook exit the theater with Wooga -
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Stills of them exiting the theater -
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Jk nods his head, smiles at OP and even briefly glances back -
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Preserving these photos because they’re so beautiful -
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As they head to meet actor Kim Soohyun, Jungkook visibly takes a breath. As others have pointed out, we haven’t really ever seen Jungkook exhibit this type of nervous energy - before concerts, work related events, or when he performed solo for the World Cup 2022. This is another indicator of how nervous (but excited, happy and brave) these two were
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https://twitter.com/vcutath/status/1657087078230896642?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/mytaekooook/status/1657262532162142209?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Close up- https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1657270571649081344?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1657289089408974848?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Close up- 
Taekook also met Director Lee Byeongheon at the Dream VIP after party! (Remember, Tae mentioned he got drunk, as he briefly recounted in his live the next day- https://www.tumblr.com/emporium/716493153047363584/pg-hellsite-hecksite-patch-500 ) 
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Taekook made a lot of statements at this premier, and I especially want to draw detailed attention to their clothing, as this wasn’t a coincidence. They’re both brand ambassadors - Tae for Celine, and Jk for Calvin Klein, but they, instead, chose LGBTQIA+ coded outfits to wear to a movie premier they attended together, knowing what the connotations of this would mean. 
Jungkook’s jacket (designer Enfants Riches Deprimes) is incredibly queer coded.
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The front right pocket is covered in Biblical scripture. “For all sinned, and come short of the glory of God ~All we like sheep have gone astray ~Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
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Detailed thread written by a good friend - https://twitter.com/heaven_borahae/status/1650493166938886144?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
According to another good friend, Jungkook’s Biblical scripture is about two men, Paul and Silas, that were jailed for their practices and for “causing a public nuisance” - one of the men being someone that many believe was gay.
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More info here - https://twitter.com/koosyoyo/status/1650503243670208514?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koosyoyo/status/1650500286052544513?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jk’s left sleeve is an excerpt from “Anonymous Diary of a New York Youth, Vol. 3” which was written by columnist Taylor Mead, who wrote the first gay newspaper in NYC called “Gay Power.” He was also friends with Andy Warhol, a celebrated, famous gay artist, known for the Pop Art Movement. Andy was impressed by his writing and film roles by the time they met, and Andy would end up filming Taylor in “Tarzan and Jane Regained…Sort Of” “Imitation of Christ” and “Taylor Mead’s Ass”. 
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Tae’s jacket is by Juntae Kim, a brand famous for creating gender fluid clothing.
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https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650526602445332484?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650476212039430144?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
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His shirt is a “rare find” on Etsy - an Oscar Wilde and Morrisey print.
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More info on Tae’s shirt:
Oscar Wilde paved the way for gay rights. He was intimately involved with Alfred Douglas, convicted of sodomy and was imprisoned for two years for this. After his release, he spent his final three years in exile. At the time of his “offense,” homosexuality was a criminal offense and serious societal taboo in Britain. Oscar went back and forth between hiding and attempting to gain public acceptance.
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You can read more here - https://twitter.com/heaven_borahae/status/1650484860753186816?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
And here https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/oscar-wilde-is-sent-to-prison-for-indecency 
Morrisey, the other component to Tae’s shirt, is pansexual, and coined the term “humasexual” to describe himself.
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More info here - https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2013/10/morrissey-confirms-attraction-humans-probably-not-attracted-you/309767/
The reason I went into such depth and detail with their clothing is because their choice of attire for this premier is not a coincidence in any way. As a moot (TaeJkForever) beautifully wrote, their outfits allude to the stigmatization of homosexuality. They’re both very smart, and they knew exactly what they were doing by choosing these queer coded outfits for their first movie premier together. There was intent in that choice. They came to make a statement about their relationship, and they absolutely did, in so many different ways. 
Getting into the media coverage: as expected, Dispatch covered the duo. On their IG, they posted their photos first, before IU and Seo-Joon, who’s premier this movie was for. 
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This was their IG story -
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Their YT reel featured the hand holding emoji -
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Remember - Dispatch used the same 👬emoji for Taekook in March 2018 -
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2018/625075008238125056
A reporter’s observation -
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Another article -
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And another - 
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The entertainment agency for “Dream” used Taekook’s signature 💜💚 in their coverage - 
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Elle Singapore called them Taekook -
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World music awards called them Taekook also -
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As an aside, I love that Jk said “my mom made me pretty.” It’s obvious he enjoys calling himself pretty and being called pretty by others. This reporter complimenting him as such is really sweet. (Also note the worldwide trends that showed up on the news - their national debut!) -
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https://twitter.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1651103138257174528?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/ilykv_/status/1651100156102860801?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
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thv-jk97 · 1 month
Which Taekook theories do you beleive or disbelieve and do you think any of their songs are about one another?
Hi anon! Thanks for your ask! :)
I guess it depends on which theories you’re wondering about tbh. I’m not even sure if I’m all that well-versed on what some might consider “taekook lore” 😅
I think it’s good to keep some healthy skepticism over any theory that hasn’t been “proven without a doubt”, but I guess I don’t really subscribe to lot of the more delulu theories, ie taekook actually being married, etc.
But if we’re talking about relatively popular (?) theories, I guess I’d say that I don’t think they actually live together, and I also don’t think that they plan on “coming out” after they are finished with their military service. I know Atomix is a pretty touchy subject these days, but I’m accepting of the idea that it was actually an OT7 dinner (this doesn’t change how I perceive taekook at all lol).
I do think that the ITS “talk” was scripted in the way that they were given specific talking points and TK were able away with being extremely vague because of the editing lol. I do also think that the company pretty obviously treats taekook differently, in comparison to other popular ships among the members.
(Sorry if those are vague answers, but if you have any specific theories you’re curious about, pls feel free to ask!)
As far as their songs? I’ve definitely read some pretty compelling arguments that might convince me that they have a few songs about each other, but the one that still sticks with me is @thetaekookcloset’s analysis of Winter Bear. And given my knowledge of Tae’s explanation and the movie he based it on, I feel like it’s a pretty plausible theory.
However, I wouldn’t confidently be able to claim that any of their songs are about each other though, but there are definitely a few that seem pretty taekook-coded to me, especially if you recognize the pattern of music that they’ve shared with us over the years/the lyrics that seem to resonate with them the most.
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stupendousfoxthing · 2 months
I knew this extra super special Taekook theory 🪀 was ranting about debunking was very likely going to be something I don't care about. I have only talked about Atomix one time on Twitter, and it was to make clear that it's not in my top 50 "moments". Honestly, it's not even on the list for me. I've never understood why it gets hyped up so much especially with some points that are pure speculation. If it turned out to be an ot7 dinner it would not change my beliefs one bit, because I have no beliefs based on that moment. Well. 😂 Edit for anyone who would try to defend her here: I don't care what's going on in her personal life, she doesn't care about Taekook and will throw them under the bus whenever she wants. She did this because she gets called out for all of the problematic shit she has done, she interacts with some of the worst JK solos including muri, she's a Jimin anti who has dragged him and gotten Taekook dragged in return. I have seen her pull these stunts multiple times. If you care about Taekook you should not want someone like her in the community.
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kookiecrush · 9 months
Hey 😊
What are some tk moments for you that made you completely sure of them being together? Like those moments where you can just cannot pretend that they aren't a couple 💜
Hi 😊 hmm, when I think about it, rather than specific moments, my belief is based on all the moments, big and small, that have happened over the years. They might not mean much on their own, but when you put them all together, it becomes quite clear and creates something beautiful. But there are some that stand out to me, and these are a few of them.
▪︎The ily sign during their Chile concert in 2017 - it's the way Tae subtly shows Jungkook the sign behind his back and the way Jungkook acknowledges it by gently nudging Tae's hand with his own. I just think it's such a raw and tender moment between them. Even though they're standing on a stage in front of thousands of people you can tell that moment was meant to be something private between them. It wasn't fanservice, I don't think it was even really meant to be seen at all. Tae was worried about Jungkook because he wasn't feeling well, and showing him ily was his way of letting him know that he was there for him.
▪︎Jungkook asking Tae, "Am I your friend?" During Summer package 2018 - although it's more about Tae's reaction to what Jungkook says for me. Jungkook was being cheeky and basically put Tae on the spot, causing him to appear quite flustered and speechless. The word (chingu) isn't the issue as all the members were using it to introduce each other during that segment. Jungkook even referred to Yoongi, who is his hyung, as "chingu." It seemed to me like Jungkook wanted to tease Tae about the status of their relationship being more than "friends," and Tae's reaction was very telling.
▪︎The "Private conversation" comment - we all know by now that k-army have said the "Private conversation" phrase is usually used in a romantic sense between couples and that it's also slang for "making out." Both Jungkook and Jimin's reactions to what Tae said is interesting. Jungkook looked slightly taken aback, instantly checks how long he's been on vlive, and then says, " Everyone, I guess I have to end it quickly." Which is funny because at the beginning he said that he was going to stay on live for a really long time, but as soon as Tae tells him to stop, he does. And then Jimin's reaction is to get close to the camera and start making kissy/teasing noises while smiling. Although quite bold, this moment doesn't really surprise me because taekook were pretty wild at times back in the day. Over the years they've obviously matured and learned to be more subtle and discreet.
▪︎Hiding in each other's lives - it makes no sense as to why they would need to hide the fact that they're sharing a room, or hide the fact that they're in the room when the other one is on live. This isn't an issue with any of the other members, and it relates to them being separated and their interactions together being reduced on screen. There's enough evidence (behaviour and voices in the background) for me to be confident that this has happened multiple times. One instance I'd like to point out is a Jungkook live in 2019 where Jin, Jimin, and Tae join him in his room whilst he's on live (the one where when asked what they where doing Jungkook replied "date" causing an awkward silence and Tae to start randomly clapping). Tae asked, "Who's room is this?" Which caused Jin and Jimin to look surprised because taekook were sharing the room but trying to hide it. Later on during the live, Jungkook asks Tae when he's leaving, and he says, "weren't we using the same room?" Exposing them both. And then when Tae finally does leave, he only pretends to because after he's "gone," we see the wrapper from the sweet he was eating earlier being thrown from a direction off screen and Jungkook keeps glancing to the right, the direction in which Tae "left."
▪︎Dates/trips for just the two of them - the most important thing to note about the Atomix date/Paradise hotel stay/Namsan date is that as far as we know, they were alone. There were no staff or managers with them. Those dates were something they did on their own for just the two of them. The Atomix date was on a day the restaurant is usually closed, so it's safe to assume they were the only ones dining that day, and you need to book in adance so it was something they had planned. I don't need to say that staying at the Paradise Hotel together sounds like a romantic staycation. The Namsan hotel also required booking in advance, and if I'm not mistaken, you have to book a hotel room to eat there. These all seem very much like intimate and romantic dates to me rather than two friends having a casual dinner.
There's many more, but I'm going to have to stop here because this is long as hell already. If you made it this far, I'm sorry 😂
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bloodmoon24 · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel and Ben 10 Aliens
Which Ben 10 aliens fit the characters?
Vox - Feedback, Buzzshock, Frankenstrike, Ampfibian, RipJaws, XLR8(?), Nanomech, Shocksquatch, Upgrade, Echo Echo, Lodestar(?) (so basically any electrical Aliens 😅)
Alastor - Clockwork(?), Whampire, GhostFreak, Toepick(?), Snare-Oh(?), HeatBlast, Alien X, Way Big(?)
Charlie - Pesky Dust, Ditto, NRG, BlitzWolfer(?), Gravattack(?)
Vaggie - DiamondHead, Four Arms, Bullfrag, Anodite, Swamp Fire, ChromaStone, Kickin’ Hawk, Terraspin(?)
Angel Dust - SpiderMonkey, Goop, WildVine, WildMutt, CrashHopper, Cannonbolt
Husk - Rath, Humungousaur(?), JetRay, Astrodactyl, FastTrack(?)
Sir Pentious - Eye Guy, Juryrigg, Grey Matter, Brainstorm, Chamalien, Atomix, Bloxx, Armodrillo,
Valentino - Big Chill (I already feel bad using one of my favorite aliens for him), GutRot, StinkFly
Niffty - Ball Weevil, Walk-a-Trout, Upchuck, The Worst, Eatle, Arctiguana(??)
And that’s all the aliens I have so far. What are your thoughts if you think this alien matched with this character?
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
yeah i'm going to need people to stfu about jkk's bond
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Hold on hold on.... I need to breathe. Anon tysm!!! Omg!!!!!!!!! Freaking out over here
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Damn. No wonder they wanted to disband at this time. They really weren't ready for the fame. I'm happy they got through it.
I read this and wonder if the vermin will notice that Jimin says him and JK, by themselves, alone were discussing and decided to go to Japan? Just them 2. No one else. No one cancelled for family reasons. No one else was supposed to be there. No one else was involved in the planning. This was a Jikook trip. Planned by Jikook for Jikook only. I wonder if they will notice this or they will just ignore like they ignore everything else? Oh well. I ain't holding my breath.
So new tiny details about the Tokyo trip, of course they ran it by bang pd who was concerned about it being a good idea. But I'm guessing Jikook insisted so bang organised security. Idk why but I liked this part. Just, knowing this makes me feel better. Idk why.
We were walking down the alley... there weren't many cars, there was light from the street lamps. It was really beautiful.
I'm sorry but I read that and totally knew they took advantage of the dark lighting and empty alley to make out. Sorry not sorry. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't see why walking down a dark alley would be this memorable otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
But this part... this part though, is so cute.
And then Jimin said his feet hurt and so we walked slowly. Those simple things were so fun.
I'm sorry, can we add this to the list of JK being whipped AF?? Like, I mean... we know his favourite part of the whole trip was Jimin on his phone and oversleeping. And now he recounts how Jimin's legs got tired and they had to slow down. Are you guys seeing this??? Like, how is this not a man in love? What kind of trivial detail is this to remember? Its like when they went to the Atomix and JK only remembers that day because Jimin did something and said "I'm sorry" like wtf even?? You don't remember tiny details about a person unless you care about them and love them so much that every little thing they do is endearing AF.
Guys. How many times do we think JK offered to carry Jimin coz his feet hurt? What are the chances he did carry Jimin but omitted it? 🤗🤗
Yo.... guys. Guys. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Oh wow.... wasn't planning on buying this book at all coz I thought it was gonna be boring but now I might reconsider if there is going to be little tidbits like these sprinkled around.... 👀
Holy shit.
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not-goldy · 5 months
Funny seeing the cult cocky on twitter about Tk outings in 2023, cause they never had any before. Celebrating tk riding together one time to Suga's concert, when this is shit Jikook done for years. Outings alone, with friends & riding together for years. That grumpy tkk, saying Tae looks like an idiot, asshole, rude & disrespectful cause of hybe, jimin & Jennie. bitch just say you want to trash Tae in public cause you're so mad he didn't follow your rules. Same way they set JK up & make him look like a dick to Jimin, when Jk supported Jimin more then any member during their solo work. Any excuse to drag Jk cause he's not giving them what they want.
Do tkk realize after the maknae beach outing in LA, that they claim was a private date, even though Jimin was there, that a week later is when Tae followed his GF Jennie on IG? Who gonna tell Tkk Tae was dating Jennie when they were doing the LA concert & Tae confirmed it when he got IG and followed his GF on instinct & backtracked. Pics of him outside her house & with her friend group days after LA dating back to mid 2021, even before BTS went to NY 7 Atomix & posts from Taennie shippers already suspecting they were together before he even followed Jennie. We are talking 2021. Tae followed Jennie in Dec 2021 & was holding her hand in Paris in 2023. Everything they saw Tk do between Dec 2021 & 2023 Tae was dating someone else & committed. So who is doing fanservice? Using Their TK advent Calander they made of them hanging out in 2023 as romantic proof, dismissing them being with friends. The ski trip, the premiere outing, every outing TK had in 2023, them riding together to Suga's concert, Tae was in a relationship with Jennie. All that on stage stuff at the concerts between TK, yep Tae was dating Jennie. At this point they are calling Tae a cheater & Jk a homewrecker by insisting the things TK was doing was romantic. They'd rather paint Tae as a horrible BF to Jennie and JK as a relationship wrecker, then admit Tk are friends & they are wrong. All those vacations Tae took with Jennie, they pretend didn't happen. NY, Jeju, Paris. Jennie there with Tae the day he was getting ready for his first trip to Paris, standing there in the flesh with him in a video, while he gets his hair done. Hell he was with Jennie in Jeju days after the festa dinner as well, where they said it was unscripted & TK showing they were BF's. The Taennie timeline stretches a long way. This wasn't a fling. Tae clearly cared about her. Enough to confirm the rumors & leaks with her, by doing what he did with her in paris & tkk disrespected his relationship every step of the way & still do. And why? Cause they want to "win" and want Jkk to lose? Bitch this is no competition. Jikook are together now, enlisted by choice. The only winners here are Jikook. They won this IDGAF war. And you can't erase Jennie from your TK advent Calander timeline. You saw Tk outings only in 2023, when Jimin was busy working his ass off & Jennie was busy on tour, cause when Jimin & Jennie wasn't busy, you saw Tae with Jennie & Jk with jimin & TK spending no time together. Its not hard to do this math. Taennie = Your ship is not real. BTW what we did see of Jikook since y'all wanna get cocky, the private trips, silver day date, enlisting together, means more then a couple of friend outings. One half of your ship was dating someone else from 2021 - 2023. Tk have a special friendship, not a romantic relationship. One day it'll click.
They need to free Tae.
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stormblessed95 · 10 months
Hey Storm, i am some what a baby army and i just very recently found your blog because i picked an interest in Jikook and wanted to know more about them. Going through your blog has been like a breath of fresh air. I love how you present the information you know about Jikook and i love how you ALWAYS back up your claim with facts. When i need credible information about Jikook your blog is the first place i run to and i am grateful we have someone like you here.
So as i said, I developed an interest in jikook and i am trying to gather my facts about them so i am not deceived by edits and wrong information. I do believe Jikook are a thing but sometimes i get a lil confused by some of the things i see about taekook. I don’t think Taekook are a couple ofcourse but i would like to have more information on somethings that happened when i wasn’t in the fandom yet.
So one of the biggest moments for taekooker is the Atomix date. I don’t have alot of details of the whole thing but i know Jk posted a selfie with Tae which was taken at the restaurant and according to some taekookers, the restaurant made a post and tagged taekook and thanked them for coming. But i am a little confused cuz i’ve seen so many shippers and non shippers claim that all of BTS were at the restaurant, not only taekook. They mentioned someone emailed the restaurant and they confirmed that BTS were all there. But tkkrs insist it was just Tae and Jk and that Jk made a reservation 6 weeks earlier and they even got to go on a day, the restaurant wasn’t normally open. Do you have more details about this?
Me, forgetting that baby armys weren't here during the whole atomix thing because it feels like that all happened yesterday.... but I guess in reality that was 2 years ago. So it tracks 😭😂
September 2021, after the MET, BTS went out to eat at Atomix and JK posted a 3 photo series on his Instagram (he has since deleted his insta and everything on it 😭) of him and him and Tae in the Atomix bathroom mirror. They looked GORGEOUS.
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And tkkrs took it and ran with the idea that it was then a taekook date. Would've been a nice dinner out together if it was, but it was confirmed by a staff members friend who was an ARMY and a Tae bias (not a shipper) that all of BTS and their management and staff were there. Taekook just took photos together. Messages from the staff here:
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Original tweet thread:
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And I believe this was the Atomix restaurant owner who reposted JKs photo and said "BTS in house" which is great rep for their business honestly lol
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As for tagging taekook and thanking them for coming, I assume you mean this.... i belive Atomix is a client of them, and they designed the mirror they are in posing in. Lol they tagged taekook as it's taekook in the photo. Which generally is how that works when people tag stuff, especially with BTS duos, its their unit name. They also tagged "bts" and "army" in there too 😂
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Them at the MET Rooftop Garden where Namjoon gave a speech right before
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Idk where the 6 weeks early reservation idea came from, but whatever. Lol Hope that helps!
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peachjagiya · 3 months
An ask that got deleted.
Dear anon who took offence at this post:
Sorry I deleted your ask. I messed up and hit post too early.
The main points of your ask were:
1: "lol why do you tkkrs go on about private dates so much when none of your dates are private? Atomix was OT7 and they're always with Tae's friends."
2: "If JK was with Tae, there's no way he'd have done the stuff he does with Jimin."
3: "I wonder how Tkkr people see the things they see."
Hopefully you agree that's what it boiled down to but again, feel free to resubmit if you think I've misinterpreted it.
I'll start by saying my original post was a mischievous joke. I made reference to a couple of familiar refrains made by Jkkrs to debunk Taekook. Namely "It wasn't a private date!" and "It wasn't JK backhugging Tae in that picture, it was Hobi!". Amusingly you actually used "TKK don't have private dates" in your ask. So I jokingly used those same lines to refer to Jkk. I thought the J-Hope bit would give the joke away cos... he's not in the same place as JK and JM?!
And just cos I'm excited to receive my first novella length "you're an idiot" ask, I'll do these points so people can see where I stand.
1: "lol why do you tkkrs go on about private dates so much when none of your dates are private? Atomix was OT7 and they're always with Tae's friends." I don't care if Atomix was OT7. I don't actually care if they were having dinner with the entire population of Manhattan even. What remains true is that of all the hundreds of people they were dining with, JK took Tae to the bathroom to photograph only him for his social media. No picture of Hobi, Yoongi, Jimin, Joonie or Jin.
They are with Wooga a lot, aren't they? I notice that too. To paraphrase Tae about Wooga, "My walls come down around you guys." So it's interesting that Tae also includes JK in those hang outs! Like his special people in all one place? Sweet.
2: "If JK was with Tae, there's no way he'd have done the stuff he does with Jimin."
By that logic, if JK was with Jimin, there's no way he'd have done the stuff he does with Tae. What I do know, anon, is one of us is taking stage antics a bit too seriously. Which leads me to point 3.
3: "I wonder how Tkkr people see the things they see."
You see a relationship where I just see bros. And you know what, I actually find some of their interactions Jkkrs go on about to be quite transactional somehow? I don't deny their closeness, I absolutely love to watch JK and Jimin - GIVE ME TRAVEL SHOW NOW PLS. - but some of the shippy moments...? I'm simply not seeing the romance. And where I see a relationship in TK, you don't. And I. Don't. Care. My opinion remains unaffected by whatever JK does with Jimin because I'm unthreatened by JKK as a concept. I'm unthreatened by them spending military together - I'd sure as heck rather they had each other.
Everyone's ideals differ though and I think it's fine that we see different things. That's the beauty of life and love.
Genuinely thank you for asking. You were a bit mean but I really panicked when I deleted the ask and if I've misrepresented your words, PLEASE ask again and I'll post.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Hi Rain,
I personally dont think that the Atomix date was a big thing, but we can ignore what tkk made out of it.
There's the whole they booked a close restaurant just so they could spend some time together/rich bf energy/they posted because they wanted us to know about it/OT7 are toxic because they make everything about the group/JK saying that "there's always a way" was signaling towards this....
So yeah, there's a lot of tkkrs narratives that were reinforced by this sole fact. It's certainly not the final proof that they are not a thing, but it does have an impact on the narrative.
I think that tkkrs are now trying to downplay the whole thing but a lot of "most special tkk moments" included the Atomix diner.
Hi anon!
I think for me, I don’t see Tkk fandom as a whole. I think there are many different opinions and narratives going around and we’re probably divided in several sub groups. So for me this absolutely does not have any impact on what I believe. But, I can imagine that for some it does.
Specific events (like we thought Atomix was) are easier to grasp than body language and talk about levels of intimacy and familiarity. It’s something tangible, and for people who find the other stuff too subjective to base their whole beliefs on having something objective is nice. It reinforces what they suspect.
I personally don’t need that as much and think the familiarity and intimacy is way more stronger proof. Do I like when something tangible happens that sort of settles my beliefs.. absolutely! And a certain level of events is maybe necessary as well. Had we not seen Jk and Tae together last year at all that would probably have had an impact on my opinion of them being together. But right now we are talking about just one thing being slightly different from what we thought it was. So what if the details are wrong. It is still singling each other out. And we have so much Tkkry left.. believe me.. we can take a few hits.
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