#What will this site be without it
scribe-of-hael · 11 months
Tumblr from a Twitter user perspective
as someone who had Tumblr as a major site they used for a long time and then went over to Twitter. I can say Tumblr as it is fine. Perfectly fine with it reblog chains. Its how its always been and makes it unquie.
Why did i move to Twitter? Cause when Tumblr decided to not do nsfw my original blog was restricted (still is despite my appeals) and I lost motivation to continue my blog because of it.
I regret joining Twitter. I really do. It has its moments but it is just a hot garbage pool of toxic vomit everywhere. I see it 24/7 on my tl and it's so hard to escape. Not to mention that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find art on twt or anything really at all.
Tumblr is a place where I look up what I want and I fucking find it. I love reblog chains that's like the whole way we communicate? Where the best memes come from, other ppl building ontop of another. Its a sense of community and connection i missed from this place.
Twitter is so- fucking hollow and it feels like despite having akot of followers no one is there. I'm sure other Twitter users who are cretaors could agree. Hell major artists that were in Twitter said they felt better coming back ot to Tumblr.
Yes it takes a minute to get adjusted to the site but it doesn't take that long at all. It doesn't make sense to bow to new comers cause I can assure you, if Tumblr is in the red. Twt users are not gonna save you. Absolutely not. The reason twt users are even coming here is BECAUSE of the stupid bulkshit Elon Musk keeps making over there. Making changes of the core functions of the site (take fucking notes Tumblr), breaking it and making just so anti user friendly.
Tumblr doesn't need go conform. It need to lean into it's strengths that make it different and BETTER than the other sites. It hasn't survived this long for no reason. If its struggling you need to ask your USERBASE what they think you could improve. Cause right now. This ain't it.
I'm honestly surprised there isn't talk of a strike or tag of some sort to voice our discontent for this rn. It is Tumblr.
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var-username · 1 year
Hey so not to be dramatic but has anyone else come back to this site and rediscovered the joys the internet has? Like, I've been active recently but today because of the reddit protests, I couldn't do my mindless scrolling there. Because of that, today I've been really digging in here and there's so much??? stuff??? and it's all beautiful and funny!
Anything I've seen before feels nostalgic instead of bots reposting for internet points, and whenever I finish the stuff on my dash I just find a new blog and suddenly I'm in a whole new world! I've had this blog since August of 2014, and over those 9 years I've forgotten that the internet can be good!
So thank you all for keeping the old internet alive and well in places like this hellsite, and here's to watching it lap other social media platforms by doing absolutely nothing
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sukei-dot-exe · 2 months
I just got recommend a post from you of that incest game and you should delete your blog. Like, obviously youre not bound to what i say, but in the grand scheme of things, you not being here would make this site better, thanks for reading.
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bugsoda · 9 months
the fact that people are against pirating shows and movies amazes me. people really be out here RENTING Barbie for $25 on amazon and I'm sitting here watching it for free without ads.
some people have this, like. unwavering loyalty to companies who squeeze all the money they can out of them, and thats just. beyond me.
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maeamian · 2 years
Not sure I'm the exact right person for this oral history, but since the birdsite is imploding and advertisers might fucking try some shit over here it's a good time for all of us to remember everyone's favorite meme: "John C Miller, CEO and President of the Denny's Corporation, is a Capitalist Running Dog and his wealth must be seized and redistributed to the people”
Back in '16 or so, Denny's had a reasonably large presence on this site, from a non-artistic standpoint it's fair to say that whoever was running that blog did a pretty good job of keeping up to date on the current memes and staying relevant. Many of us, myself included, kinda just got used to them being here and let it happen, gave it little thought, maybe gave it a chuckle from time to time. At some point someone was like 'actually it sucks that a major corporation is trying to hang out with us and be our friend, they were, of course, absolutely right, and their genius response was to create a meme that they couldn't fucking coopt, hence "John C Miller, CEO and President of the Denny's Corporation, is a Capitalist Running Dog and his wealth must be seized and redistributed to the people" became the fun new thing.
"Coopt this you old so and so" was the idea and it worked pretty well, they did try it, but in a way that clearly was dancing around the central premise everyone knew they wouldn't be able to engage with. They stuck around for a little while longer, but it was clearly a major turning point in their ability to use this site to hang out with us, a good thing.
The point, as advertisers try to find new, less feral places to spend their advertising budgets, is that we don't have to just ignore them, that's a good start, but we can bite their fucking hands if they try it. We do not have to play nice with advertisers trying to be our friends, we can be feral.
Anyhow, I definitely am not positive I've gotten every detail right, so if there's any major corrections anyone needs to add, feel free, memedoccumentation had a post about it that helped me refresh my memory although my analysis of aspects differ from this point in history, as it were, but if you want to read up a bit more this is a solid starting point that has some fun examples
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beegswaz · 11 months
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holy shit Scuffed atlas art? real???? you cant even See the top of the hat but Once i make a finalised Design itll look Kinda like the ones in the Images :3
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spywhitney · 11 days
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Me: Fantasizing about posting an extensive Sydney and Carmy meta post on reddit.
Also me: Knowing the bear sub reddit is just a Richie Stan account in (poor) disguise, and it'll get little engagement or the comments will unsurprisingly swerve to the topic of Richie or be straight up dismissive.
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on my hands and knees Wailing
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jessicas-pi · 1 day
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y'all got me all hyped to do more merfolk AU art so I finished the Love's Lights scene
#I GIVE YOU: MORE FUN MERFOLK AU FACTS THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR!!!#Ezra grew up on his own without the benefit of other merfolk to learn from and he's kinda out of touch with his merfolk instincts#so ezra THINKS he's bringing sabine to a pretty underwater light show that he thinks she'll think is cool#and telling himself ''i'm getting a good grade in platonic friendship; something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve!''#...except his mer-instinct is actually prompting him to bring The Love Of His Life to the site of the Annual Merfolk Love Festival#and merfolk bioluminescent patterns reflect their mood and communicate with other merfolk#BUT Ezra can't really control his markings#so he's putting on an involuntary light show that translates to#''SABINE!! HI!! LOOK AT ME!! I'M GLOWING REALLY BRIGHT!! IS THAT IMPRESSIVE OR WHAT?? P.S. I'VE FALLEN IRREVOCABLY IN LOVE WITH YOU''#also the pattern of Ezra's markings is inspired by Sabine's starbird!#mythical creatures au#jessica's art#sabezra#sabezra fanart#not 100% loving sabine's outfit in this tbh#I tried to do something simple that went with what the fic described her wearing but it turned out kinda boring...#and ezra's tail turned out weird too... sighhhh...#oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#OOH WAIT I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER FUN FACT#the shell necklace Sabine is wearing is one that Ezra gave to her when he was 15#and for adult merfolk the gift of a handmade shell necklace is basically a marriage proposal#but he was a kid then so it's more equivalent to the time my best friend proposed to her crush with a ring pop
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blueskittlesart · 10 months
i think ur a crypto terf
i am transgender
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darkwood-sleddog · 10 months
you know i think it's really funny (derogatory) that tumblr seemingly has the ability to create popups for ad-free, crabs, anything that will get them money, but when it comes to using popups to guide new users around the website layout they're just like "uww what can we POSSIBLY do?? all these new people only know twitter and they couldn't possibly read a popup explaining how to use the site!! let's just change everything visually appealing about tumblr to cater to our inability to make popups for helpful reasons uwu!!".
like you know what i want? If you're testing a change on me I want a pop up that says so. I don't want to have to rely on the @changes blog to see that. If i'm testing a change I should be given a feedback form that is specifically about that change. I want the results of the feedback forms for changes to be publicly viewable to the userbase. you could learn so much about how this website actually functions for users through that, but no. we can only make popups when it fiscally benefits us! we can't use polls to get a sense of what the userbase is feeling! we can't publicize what % of feedback about a change was positive or negative. we couldn't...possibly...
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girlwiththegreenhat · 3 months
i genuinely love when you can tell an older show was Not made with high quality video viewing in mind. i am watching knight rider and constantly seeing all the little mistakes they surely brushed under the rug thinking nobody would see them on their crunchy little CRTs back in the 80s, that are huge attention grabbers now in HD fullscreen on my 3 foot computer monitor
the biggest one of course is all the drivers/controllers for the (in-universe) self driving car, kitt. there's guys tucked down in the footwells who can't always stay out of the shot. there's a guy who has a Car Seat Suit to blend in and look like the drivers seat from a distance, but you can always tell when that's the method they're using for a particular shot because its so much thicker than the passenger seat next to it and the headrest is missing it's cutout section. in at least one instance he starts taking the suit off too early, on a focus shot of the damn car, so its REAL visible.
all the extremely obvious stunt drivers or performers who look nothing like the character they're supposed to be
props, such as animals, vanishing from the car interior for stunt/race sequences.
the production crew (or their shadows) being visible in the background. only at a glance, but its especially hilarious in shots where nobody else is supposed to be around
the camera panning out from a sound stage set far enough that you can actually see over the edges of the set and into the stage they were filming in. mostly this happens with their truck trailer mobile unit thing.
this one isn't a mistake but every time the car "turbo jumps" they CLEARLY hide the ramp behind another car, a prop, the environment, and its just. so charming. sometimes its blatantly on screen just for a moment. like... of Course in real life this car isn't magically leaping 20 feet, of course its a ramp, but it's still so silly and fun to be reminded of how they were doing those stunts to begin with.
also not really a mistake but related, the bracket they keep on the front of the car for stunt work.... is just left on half the time. cuz it's a pain to take on and off.
and there are more examples that are more unique that haven't cemented themselves in my head well yet, but these are the more notable or common things i see and it's really charming. if i'm not giggling to myself noticing the "seams" and flaws and so human imperfections of your show or movie what EVEN is the point. hollywood is too flashy these days i think!
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kazliin · 2 months
I come back to tumblr after a few weeks of having my blog running on a queue and suddenly there's a hot new tumblr feature and I need to rush to boop everyone as fast as possible before the day runs out
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crimeronan · 3 months
probably i SHOULDN'T migrate elsewhere if tumblr goes belly-up. i just scrolled thru my dash for 20 minutes and in that short span i could feel myself transform from a mildly tired 27-year-old butch into an active serial killer.
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alsojnpie · 3 months
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hey. um. i love him
#O_O i really love him#it's getting warmer every day and i can't draw him in a sweater for much longer#by the way. is this site going to. yknow. die#sigh........i kept telling myself I'd get better at it one day#kind of like the way i tell myself i can get together courage to speak up but i never do#using another website just sounds so depressing#im not good at social media. im tired of pretending like i can get good at it#but you can't even pretend like you can jump into a conversation if no one is having a conversation#i wanted to be part of a community here but i never could figure out what belonging looked like or how i could do it#and maybe it's my fundamental misunderstanding of that that prevents it but how can i understand it without experience#I'm so jealous of everyone who looks like they achieved what i couldn't even put my finger on. but since i didn't even understand it#i can't even be sure what exactly im jealous of#the other day i walked past a trio of friends and they had their arms around each other and were laughing as they walked#and i felt really strongly that even though I've always wanted a friend like that I'm actually fundamentally incompatible with that.#there's several reasons#but it made me feel really sad. but it made me feel a little better too. i guess it's really not my fault. maybe. i don't really know#in that moment it felt very much like something that was not my fault. and it was nice and sad at the same time#idk what's going to happen here. but one thing i know for sure is that i can have a happy tomorrow. no matter what#no matter what i have to give up on. i can find joy in other things. even in myself#and if there's one idea that he is about. it's that one
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farewell youtube... it was a Time...
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