#the restaurant AND the tv show
spywhitney · 2 months
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Me: Fantasizing about posting an extensive Sydney and Carmy meta post on reddit.
Also me: Knowing the bear sub reddit is just a Richie Stan account in (poor) disguise, and it'll get little engagement or the comments will unsurprisingly swerve to the topic of Richie or be straight up dismissive.
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
Buck’s either the unluckiest mf in LA (where there are over 26k+ restaurants) or Eddie has been dressing in tactical gear and hiding behind trees with Marisol on his backpack like a ready made beard
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The Bear S02E08 ‘Bolognese’ (2023)  
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 28 days
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I guess The Bear is part of The Burnt universe now? Shoutout to @ambeauty for this post last year about the movie Burnt.
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batcavescolony · 7 months
Chris Rodriguez being friends with Luke and getting to know Percy? Like Rick probably didn't think of him till battle if the labyrinth so we never got to see him but now they can add more foreshadowing. It's gonna HURT more when he's driven insane by the labyrinth because we've seen him! Ahhhh
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selenagomez92 · 3 months
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exeggcute · 9 months
deep in my heart of hearts I do think it's a little funny that everyone on this website has spent the last decade being actively hostile to any attempt tumblr has ever made to turn a profit (e.g. who remembers all of the "let's tank tumblr's value even more" jokes after the verizon > automattic sale) but now that tumblr is potentially entering its senescence people are acting legit surprised that its corporate owners aren't eager to shovel more cash into this money pit. idk why anyone would think the churning gears of capitalism would suddenly come to a halt and make an exception for a microblogging website started by a bunch of hipsters in 2007.
ultimately I do think tumblr suffers from having a userbase that's almost uniquely impossible to make money off of. I struggle to imagine any way this website could get out of the red considering that its users are generally resistant to ads (and running ads isn't super lucrative anyway unless you have a huge network and collect facebook/insta levels of audience data/PII, of which tumblr does neither. plus facebook/insta eliminates a lot of middleman fees because they are their own ad platform) and almost no one is gonna cough up money on a service they've been using for free for years. and before someone goes "well they should just make this website a public good and/or nationalize it" please go sit in the corner and spend some time coming up with (1) an honest forecast of how likely it is that'll occur in the next five years and (2) a list of steps that need to happen to get there and a list of resources necessary to keep it running afterwards. and before someone goes "I think tumblr should forget about profitability and keep the lights on indefinitely/focus on making users happy" please tell me what world you inhabit where everything runs on monopoly money and good intentions. I would love to visit someday.
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hopepunk-priest · 28 days
Y'all are fucked for not warning me about Ice Chips. That episode is so fucked. I don't care about anything else the Bear has to offer I'm too busy crying so hard I wanna puke.
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ronniemc17 · 2 years
Let it rip
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machetelanding · 3 months
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chris-vibez · 4 months
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The Bear S01E08 ‘Braciole’ (2022)  
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bleachersgirl · 9 months
i like the bear but i’m forever haunted by the episode where they get a C letter grade for health and safety and have to display the C in their window in chicago which does not use letter grades for health and safety nor does it require restaurants to display their health and safety ratings in their windows. people from new york and la should NOT be allowed to write about the midwest.
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a-barrel-of-sheep · 8 months
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potentially-a-poser · 6 months
I desperately want a tv show about ppl working in food service. Like the office.
Waitress stares into the camera while being berated by a customer. Make a running bit of screaming in the cooler. Give the Manager a Zuko level redemption arc. Romeo and Juliet type romance between a line cook and a server (they do both still die).
God it would be funny. I could write this
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