#Where are my sweet Loki and Mobius when I need them
strangerinthelight · 1 month
Letting time pass isn’t fun anymore come on Loki series do something please 😩 COME ONNNN…… Guys 💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏
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cleabellanov · 8 months
LS2 episode 5 thoughts✨
The conversation Loki had with O.B. first concluded in Loki finding his "why" in order to control the time slipping. And, once he knew that and realized he needs everyone's temporal aura, where does he timeslip to? Back to Mobius. That's a sweet detail, and, similar to episode 1, reveals Loki's trust for this character. Even when Mobius doesn't remember him, Loki still believes in him. And in everything he was told back at the TVA, including the way he describe a jet-ski: "a beautiful union of form and function". Another detail that melted my fool heart was the way Loki laughed after Mobius's (or Don's, but I'm not calling him that) words: "Or did you follow me home?". They are precious.
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"You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself". That says so much. It reminisces all those times in season 1 when Mobius was by Loki's side:
"A villain" "That's not how I see it".
"You can be whatever, whoever you wanna be. Even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different".
And we can see Loki learning how to trust, how to care. For his character, this is great development. He's not the same Loki that invaded New York blinded by pain and revenge. He's returning to himself and by doing so, he's returning to what truly matters to him. His friends, his found family. All those timelines he feels burdened to protect.
"It's not about when, where, or why. It's about who." EXACTLY. The other variables are unimportant if they're not in the hands of the right person. And, after the heartbreaking moments in which Loki is the only one left standing after everything falls apart in front of him, I think he understands that. To quote Tom Hiddleston himself: "He learns what heroicism really looks like." And this "who" goes both ways: who rewrites the story, and FOR WHO this is done.
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"I can rewrite the story."
That line is epic! It shows the power he always had and can finally access. It puts the concept of free will in another light: it's THE story, not MY story. Also, how far back can this go? At the end of the episode, we see Loki back with O.B back when the Loom was stable. That's the point he chose, for everyone else, not only for himself. At this point, he could have gone back to Asgard, back to New York. Win it all, be king. But that's not his glorious purpose anymore. He's finally seeing what Mobius saw in him, even Thor, some time ago ("Loki, I thought the world of you."). And there was a lot of talk about stories, writing and rewriting them. That's sooo similar to the comic where Loki becomes the God of Stories!! Like, this is actually happening!
"They didn't get a choice in this".
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I think this is an extremely interesting conversation he had with Sylvie, in which you can see both of their points, none entirely right. For Sylvie, free will is something left untouched. No intervention, ever, just moments and paths in a disarray only the one who takes them can know them truly. For Loki, it's more of a choice. Yes, we take our own path, but sometimes we're given a choice. There is no bad or right in this game, only choices. By giving everyone a glance at the TVA, Loki realises that. What if they want that life instead of the one they already have? They wouldn't know, if not given the choice.
"I want my friends back. I don't wanna be alone"
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Okay, that hurt. In the time cell in episode 1, we remember Sif repeating the same thing over and over again to Loki "I hope you know that you are meant to be alone and you always will be." This says a lot about Loki's fears, and being alone is one of his biggest. But that's the thing, he found these people, he's not alone anymore! So of course it is extremely hard for him to just...give this up? It's not the first time he faces Casey and Mobius (Don?) not knowing him. His reaction "Not again" shows how scary this is, and we can obviously deduce that from the first episode. Not only everything is at risk of just disappearing into a void after the Loom explosion, when they are still there, still living, they don't remember him. Yet Loki finds a way to steady himself, and find everyone in all this mess.
But also, I don't think that wanting your friends back is something selfish, as Sylvie said. After going through different views over the same thing: "I want to stop He Who Remains" to "I want the TVA back" to finally Loki admiting that he wants his friends back, this is a matter that concerns many people, not just one. Besides, he did say that after all of it is done, they can return to their timelines as they never left. That doesn't sound really selfish to me. In fact, it reminds me of something Vision said to Wanda a whole ago: "What is grief, if not love persevering?". Then not wanting to be alone is a lack, a void persevering and waiting to be filled. And if that implies saving the Multiverse as well, then so be it (but that is definitely NOT the only reason Loki does all of this. He wants, and now can, rewrite the story for the better. For everyone, not only for himself.)
As of episode 5: Science/Fiction Loki is one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. Being able to travel back at any given point in time and space just by willing it into existence isn't a small thing. This, I believe, is something we deserve to see Loki in control of. Maybe it sounds a little too much to say that the whole fate of Marvel is in his hands now, but...it kinda is, isn't it? If not for Loki, we'd face the same disappearance as in Infinity War, only 100% now, not only 50.
I have been waiting and theorising for a long time that Loki will become the God of Stories. The fact that we might see it in less than a week is...something.
Also judging by the posters (which show different outfits from different times) there's a new suit we'll see him in on screen, and I can't wait!
Thanks for reading <3
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shiningshenanigans · 8 months
Thoughts on Loki S2E3!
Henceforth and forevermore, Loki and Mobius shall be known as “The Wizard Gentleman and His Butler”
This whole episode had such an interesting vibe. I loved the way they utilized the film/storytelling styles of the time period, with all the melodramatic acting and ragtime score. But, it was also just so different, it took me out of the story at times. I really like it when the show feels grand and ethereal and sci-fi-ish. Still feel like we’re missing some of that this season, but the tonal shifts were a cool storytelling tool nonetheless.
We don’t talk about Mobius and Ravonna enough. Their relationship fascinates me. I love how patient he is with her, how much he genuinely wants her back on his side. The parallels between them and Loki/Sylvie seem very intentional this season. (Ps. I may or may not have a theory that they were married on the timeline, and one or both of their nexus events involved Ravonna leaving him for a Kang Variant. Has anyone theorized about this before and I’m just completely late to the game, or…? Guess we’ll find out soon enough?)
I don’t know how much more of Loki and Sylvie fighting I can take. 😭They’re struggling! They need each other! They both think the other doesn’t care about them anymore and they can’t get a moment to talk about it because the universe is melting! Please, Marvel, just LET THEM REST!!! 😭😭😭
All that said, I am SO👏PROUD👏of my girl Sylvie for starting to recognize that her bloodlust is killing her from the inside out. This is exactly the kind of growth I want for her. Her heartbroken expression when she realizes that killing Timely would make her just like He Who Remains, choosing who lives and who dies for the sake of the greater good… *chefs kiss* Sophia Di Martino knocked that WHOLE PERFORMANCE out of the park. 
Also, as much as I want her and Loki to just hug and make up, I do kind of love the fact that he’s giving her the space she needs to come to these conclusions on her own. He’s been where she is (felt what she feels, etc.). He knows that no amount of persuasion on his part is going to get through to her right now, so he’s letting her figure it out while he works behind the scenes to protect her new life. He’ll be there when she’s ready to take those next steps towards reconciliation (and he better have 10,000 snuggly tablecloths ready because sweet girl needs to be cuddled. A LOT).       
Watching Miss Minutes shift from one dated style of animation to another filled my little animator heart with so much glee. And yes, that whole scene of her coming on to Timely was delightfully terrifying. 
Poor Victor Timely did not ask for any of this when he woke up this morning. Give that man a break.
Ravonna is… awful. I’ve always disliked her. But honestly, hearing her monologue about how often she put the TVA before her own happiness, how it stole her humanity from her… I’m kind of invested in her growth now. Like, I’m starting to want redemption for her, too. Huh.    
Literally everyone in this show is on the same side. They’re all just disagreeing about what the proper course of action is. My guy Mobius’s words are really impacting me right now: “We’ve all lost our way… but someone’s got to keep track of the big picture here.” If that doesn’t ring true of our world, then I don’t know what does.
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cookies-and-music · 1 month
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Ghost. - part 15: Compromised
My suggestion for this chapter is Rehab by Amy Winehouse,
Part 1 here - part 16 here
TAG LIST: @kats72 ; @mischief2sarawr ; @m3ntally-unstable
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
The first problem with Yggdrasil was the fact that in no document and no story had there ever been written about a god trapped within it. Thousands of timelines and countless books all led to the same point: "It's just a damn tree!" She threw a book off the desk under Mobius' shocked gaze.
"Are you talking about..."
"That. That damn thing." Lydia wanted to bang her head against the desk. "It doesn't matter how many books I read, how many papers I examine."
"Maybe you should look for something different," Mobius suggested calmly.
"And what?! Do you think I haven't looked for variations of the same damn tree?" She got up from the desk. "Even an infinite number of universes follow the same damn laws. It doesn't matter what you call it, with all the knowledge in the world at our disposal, it's still just a damn tree!" Lydia shouted on the verge of tears.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," Mobius sighed, turning a page.
"Oh, don't start with the damn Shakespeare quotes," she leaned back in her chair. "You know where you can shove your-
"Lydia," Mobius stopped her before she could say something she'd surely regret. He used a firm tone in such cases, and Lydia secretly thanked him for it, as her mind was a hurricane and his voice grounded her.
"Sorry," she took a deep breath, bowing her head.
"You need a break; you've been thinking about nothing but this for months."
"But Mobius, how can I if he-"
"You're compromised."
Lydia didn't respond because it was true. He had said so before.
"If I could, I'd take you off the case, but this isn't an official case, and making your life difficult wouldn't stop you from doing your things anyway," Mobius massaged his temple with a finger. "So I'm asking you to take a break, think about something else. Anything else, I really don't care what," he said with a bitter laugh that betrayed his exhaustion.
Lydia closed her eyes, nodding. The first thing to do when hitting a dead end was to step away from the case and think about something else, then come back to it. But she just couldn't.
"You're right," she swallowed before grabbing the jacket draped over the chair. "I'm going to the café. Do you want anything?"
"I want you to have some chamomile tea."
He managed to make her laugh before she walked away.
Mobius understood her frustration and shook his head because Lydia was right, even with all the knowledge in the world at their disposal, it was still just a damn tree. That had always existed and always would.
"All the knowledge in the world..." Mobius murmured to himself, "at our disposal..."
All the written knowledge of the world. Damn the TVA and the arrogance of everyone working there.
Lydia was an excellent agent, Mobius knew this. That's why he had fought with the council to get her promoted from consultant to analyst. Not that he had ever told anyone. The slight workplace rivalry that united them had made the days stimulating while the world was falling apart.
But at that moment, Lydia wasn't there to question his theories when they didn't hold up. She was imprisoned by her own emotions in a dark cell of her mind, compromised. And thus, she wouldn't be of any use to anyone.
Mobius had decided that to get anything from her, he would have to get her as far away from the TVA as possible, clear her mind, and restart her system.
"Why are we here?" Lydia crossed her arms.
"Because we need some fresh air," Mobius smiled at the lady as he picked up the two tickets.
"At the Natural History Museum?" She raised an eyebrow.
"So what? Loki said you liked history," Mobius walked toward the entrance.
"Loki talked about me?"
"Constantly," Mobius rolled his eyes, and Lydia smiled, sadly, but she smiled. "Anyway, relax, let's take a walk. Think of it this way, everything is stable, the TVA is stable, Loki is stable, there's no need to rush."
"But not time to waste either," Lydia huffed.
"It's not a waste of time. You know what is a waste of time? Rushing to reach the destination, falling, and having to go to the hospital, if you get what I mean."
Lydia didn't respond.
They walked around the museum, and after a few minutes, Mobius said something incorrect, triggering Lydia's need to prove herself.
"It was 1732, not 35."
From there, Lydia went into encyclopedia mode. She had so many things to say, but also to discover, about each room in the museum that after a couple of hours, when they reached the Norse wing, Mobius couldn't take it anymore.
"The runes of this type are about Odin who, according to legend, held onto Yggdrasil for three days and three nights to absorb its knowledge."
"Oh, finally!" Mobius exclaimed, spreading his arms.
"Finally, what?" Lydia turned, confused.
"Are you serious?"
She shrugged, and he burst into laughter.
"You are really, really compromised," he shook his head. "Repeat what you just said, slowly."
Lydia frowned.
"Odin... held onto... Yggdrasil for three days and three nights..." With each part of the phrase spoken by Lydia, Mobius nodded with the smile of someone about to punch her. "to absorb its knowledge..."
They stared at each other for a moment before Lydia's gears started working again.
"Oh my god! Odin held onto Yggdrasil for three days and three nights to absorb its knowledge!" Lydia exclaimed, but after a moment, her enthusiasm faded.
"But Mobius, we've examined almost every piece of paper in the TVA library, there's nothing."
"Just because it's not written doesn't mean it isn't there."
"But we also have the communication transcripts," she shook her head.
"But knowledge can go beyond that. In this case, it can be absorbed. If it's never told to anyone, nor shown, nor written," Mobius listed on his fingers, "there's only one place it can be."
"Odin's mind."
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2023 Character Wrap
Share your top ten characters of this year
Tagged by the lovely and huge talented @the-20th-century-girl thanks dear❤️
Furfur - Good Omens series
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An obsession for a character and actor that came out of nowhere and i didn't even asked for it😂i was so in love with Aziraphale even before season 2 was out and then this little demon showed up and change everything, i tried to fight back this obsession for him at first "who is that character?"i remember asking myself and why i feel so attracted to him?( You already love Aziraphale you don't need another good omens distraction i replied to myself 😂)" but i could see also the actor behind the character and that actor got me more than intrigued,i needed to know everything about him.The rest is history for me but i am glad i answered the call of my heart
All Reece Shearsmith characters in The League Of Gentlemen,Inside no 9, Psychoville and every other project he's been in and i had the chance to discover and watch it
(please be patient of me i am head over the heels for that man so of course i will add here all his characters 😂)
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Choosing an Ollie gif though because he honestly deserves the world
Aziraphale - Good Omens series
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Even from the start of this year February i think i was so excited we would have season 2 of Good Omens in summer and i was waiting to see my beloved Aziraphale again,i have an undying crush on Michael Sheen since 2019 and good omens s2 restored that flame to the fullest😂
Renfield - Renfield movie 2023
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I am sorry i am not so active now in the Renfield fandom but i still love Renfield and Nicholas Hoult with all my heart
Stede Bonnet - Our Flag Means Death
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Stede Bonnet is my sunshine,my sweet baby my fave from Our Flag Means Death but he also evolved so much this season i am so proud of him
Izzy Hands - Our Flag Means Death
Tbh i didn't like Izzy Hands in first season as much as i do now but oh god he had the best character development this season, i love him so much😭
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Spock and Christine Chapel- Star Trek Strange New Words
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Choosing both of them because their chemistry and arc this season was everything to me and was the main reason i got back watching the second season of Strange New Worlds
Dale Jennings - The Newsreader series
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Still in my heart always in my heart,i love Lestat too but Dale is the sweet bi disaster of my heart, Sam is so precious as Dale i can't hardly resist
Tim Laughlin - The Fellow Travelers series
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I already had a crush on Jonathan Bailey when Bridgerton first aired but in Fellow Travelers he looks so different,hotter? and so cute i love Tim so much
Ouroboros- Loki series season 2
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I will never stop loving Loki and Mobius as characters but Ouroboros was for me the highlight of S2,there were lots of moments where Ke Huy Quan was stealing the scene with his quirk,nerdy sweet funny persona as Ouroboros it would a crime not to love a character like this one
Tagging some lovely mutuals @edscozyblanketfort @neverswungonswingingstars @eames-with-two-roses @almost-born-in-1893 @a4chocolate @amalthea9 @whizbang-cap @gavetheflamingswordaway @lilac-paeonia @parnagfegg @haras24 @9leaguesofmirrors @ollieplimsollsgf @lapis-lazuliie @sherlockig @merry-andrews @coiled-dragon @mandycantdecide @its-all-ineffable and everyone who wants to do it
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okilokiwithpurpose · 2 years
Here is my first entry for the (Lokius) autumn themed team-bingo challenge. The theme was “hot cider”. Hope you enjoy 😄
Other works for the event can be found there.
Mobius was in the archives, a pile of files scattered on the table before him, and bored out of him mind. So far, their research had been fruitless and, in the absence of a new lead, all they could do was read yet another time each document related to their case in hopes the words would suddenly take on a new, enlightening meaning.
Loki had taken a break a few minutes earlier to “go get something to drink” and Mobius decided it was about time for him to do the same. Except he clearly didn’t have the energy – or more so, the motivation – to stand up from his seat at the moment. Thankfully, he’d been far-sighted and had brought exactly what he needed with him this morning.
With a tired sight, he extended his arm, aiming for the can of Josta he knew was waiting for him on the table when Loki abruptly stopped him.
“No,” simply said the god. In a swift motion he grabbed the can and placed it out of Mobius’ reach before his fingers had had a chance to graze it.
“No?” asked Mobius, fazed by Loki’s strange action and silent return – he hadn’t even heard him approach!
“You drink to much of that thing. Anyways, right now we need something else.”
Loki’s statement that he apparently knew better what Mobius needed was a bit upsetting. Hadn’t Mobius been doing this job for longer than he had? How has he suddenly become an expert in long boring office days?
“Well,” Mobius countered, “in my experience, Josta always comes handy in those kind of situations…”
“Time to broaden your horizons then!”
Not waiting for Mobius’ sulky remark, Loki presented the tray he was carrying with his left hand – how had Mobius not noticed it sooner? Clearly, he did need a break – and put it on the table. On it were two glasses, clearly taken from the cafeteria. The tray itself was from the cafeteria too. The strange looking pitcher, on the other hand, Mobius had never seen in his life.
“What is that?”
“Cider,” Loki answered, a big smile plastered on his face. “Hot cider, actually.”
“I don’t remember the cafeteria ever serving cider…” Mobius took another look at the pitcher. It definitely didn’t belong to the TVA. It was made of metal and, given the general shape and engraved patterns, he’d say it was from northern Europe, probably around the 8th century. “…let alone hot cider…”
Loki’s smile widened. It got playful.
“This is not from the cafeteria.”
“Where is it from then?” asked Mobius – although he thought he might already know the answer.
“Earth. A little village on the western coast of Norway. Its people were throwing a party on a lovely night of June 798. They barely even noticed me.”
“Loki, are you telling me you used a TempPad to go fetch us a drink?”
Loki didn’t provide him with an answer and set out on pouring each of them a glass instead.
“Why hot cider anyway? I didn’t know you liked it that bad!”
“Well,” Loki started – both glasses were now filled with a golden, sweet-scented liquid –, “we needed a distraction, and I haven’t had a taste of it in a very long time. Did you know it was Asgardians who introduced the Norsemen to this beverage? I tend to get nostalgic when I get bored. Well, sometimes…”
Mobius looked at him before reaching for the glass in front of him.
“It’d better be really good to justify your little time getaway and the confiscation of a beloved can of Josta!”
He tentatively brought it to his lips, careful not to burn himself. He took one small sip then lowered his glass and gave Loki an impish smile.
“You are one very lucky God of Mischief…”
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mimisempai · 2 years
The most natural thing of the world
The lights were dimmed and a sweet scent of lavender wafted through the air. The silence was only interrupted by Mobius' contented sighs.
Happy belated birthday @ladyofthestayingpower !!!!
Thank you for always beeing so supportive 🥰
On AO3
Rating G - 389 words
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The lights were dimmed and a sweet scent of lavender wafted through the air.
The silence was only interrupted by Mobius' contented sighs.
"Wow Loki, thanks for doing this for me, sweetheart."
"Anything for you, my prince," Loki replied, while straddling Mobius' waist, running his hands up and down his lover's back.
"Geez Mobius, no wonder your back hurts all the time, you're incredibly tense!", Loki exclaimed.
Mobius grunted, "Thanks for reminding me that I'm just a poor human and hinting at the fact that I'm old. Aaaah!"
In reaction to Mobius’ words, Loki had pressed harder on a spot that was more knotted than the others and said in a slightly grumpy tone, "You're an idiot, it has nothing to do with the fact that you are human and you are not old. Do I have to remind you who is really the older of the two of us? I just wish you would take the time to stop before you get to that state."
Loki continued to remove all the tension from Mobius' body. From his back to his feet, in places where Mobius didn't realize he needed it. 
"Yes, love?" he pulled his hands away, afraid he had hurt him but Mobius groaned and arched his back. "Mmm, don't stop..."
"Oh I see..." Loki chuckled softly and gently ran his fingertips along Mobius' back, smiling at the way it made him shiver.
Loki felt humbled as he felt the way Mobius surrendered beneath him. He leaned over and kissed the back of Mobius' neck, whispering, "You are so beautiful like this."
Mobius writhed beneath him and shook his head. Loki recognized that usual reaction Mobius had when he gave him a compliment that embarrassed him. 
"Yes, you are. My beautiful, brave Mobius." 
He repeated this over and over again, each time pressing a kiss on a different part of Mobius' body until he felt him completely loose under him again. He continued his massage and when he felt Mobius had fallen asleep under him, Loki smiled and kissed him one last time, before lying down next to him and pulling the covers over them. Snuggling up to him he whispered, "You are beautiful my Mobius, and I will repeat it to you until hearing it for you is the most natural thing in the world."
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Lokius masterlist : here
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vvviktor · 9 months
The second loki season is coming out which means
💫spiteful rant about how i would change s1!!!💫
(nothing i will say is new or interesting but yk you gotta shit your brain out sometimes)
1. wanted it to be longer, like 10ish episodes instead of 6. I mean 6? 6 my ass. The first narrative distribution that comes to my mind is:
The first 3 episodes where loki manages to escape the tva guards or cops or whatever they're called and steals a tempad in their first encounter. Chase through time ensue (he actually influences the past in some way and the tva has to get there and "clean" the timeline everytime he moves). Loki doesn't really know what the fuck is going on. He tries anyway (survival instict game strong+bitch got magic and the tempad). Gets caught at the end of the third episode.
After that hes brought to the tva and meets mobius, they need him to help find a loki variant bla bla bla very useful since loki was actually hard to catch. 2?3? Eps where he gets to know mobius, become an accountant and see the power of the tva machine. Theres something wrong. Some partial truths come out. This post-thanos queen knows the best thing to do is play along and he does. Until they meet the variant.
During the rest of the episodes loki and the variant uncover some more truths, find Kang, some shit goes down, you decide how.
2. I would have preferred just a different approach to the series completely, like a deep dive into loki's character, not just "there is a situation. he's there. lets see what he does" and that's why i would have LOVED flashbacks of pre thor 1 life AND his sweet life on deck with thanos.
Since we've already seen the things thanos does (like with gamora and nebula etc) i wouldn't want torture scenes, they wouldn't add to the image we already have of thanos. I would rather see the aftermath/the inbetween moments and the idea is: he can't show weakness. His life depends on it. We see him trying to keep composure when he has to prove himself to thanos. We see him look into empty space while he gets flashes of memories of his suicide. Some of them are distorted. We see him in the dark, probanly after being in some way punished for failing thanos/ after the order tortured him to break him, whispering, praying to his father to hear him, hes sorry he was a fool he will never do it again but please have mercy on him. There is no answer. The realization of his father mistakes grows in parallel with his bloodlust. The mind stone offers relief. The mind stone offers horror. After some time clarity doesn't bring the same satisfaction as indulging in the fantasy of being in power, proving odin wrong, does. He's terrified all the time.
A flashback per episode could be interesting, either before or after or inbetween the episode's main story, always connected to it. We could use it for rapresentation too. Liks having a flashback of very young teen loki watching themselves in the mirror in their room and having the courage to shapeshift into a female form for the first time, maybe after trying on some make up or jewlery, with the insicurity and curiosity and fear and the joy of expressing yourself for the first time of that sweet sweet trans experience we all know about. And later in the episode our adult loki is femme trying to hide from the tva in the first 3 eps (since she doesn't know about the life files yet it would make sense).
Also family trauma! Social trauma! Woo
3. The tva is SCARY. It looks WARM BUT IT ISN'T. It's unsettling!!! Loki is unsettled!!! She goes wtf is this place!!! Killing hundreds like it's regular monday for you!!! What!!! Loki basically learns about fascism that day. Fun. ALSO NO REAL REFERENCE TO ANTISEMITIC TACTICTS LIKE THE FUCKING GAS CHAMBERS IM GOING TO KILL YOU DISNEY. THE TVA IS THE VILLAIN OK STOP PRETENDING U WHORE.
4. Mobius makes sense in his contest. He could be an antagonistic force that tries to manipulate others if you want. He can be the moral compass of the situation. I don't like that but you do you. Just stick with it you know? No narration that clashes with the characterisation.
To me the most interesting interpretations of mobius are:
Disilluded mobius: everyday he believes the tva less. He can admit he used to buy the lie, at first cause he thought it was true, but then, after actually seeing a variant pruned for the first time or smth like that he just convinced himself it all made sense in the grand scheme of things. Then remorse came around. (HIGHLIGHT ON REMORSE AND GUILT AND HORROR THANK YOU). Truth. He memorizes important data from files that could get taken away from him at any time if found suspect of treachery. He's been waiting for a chance to know more, to disrupt. Cue to Loki being found. Maybe he even kind of lost hope and then saw in loki the opportunity to at least run away. That's why he runs after loki when she follows the variant. He doesnt get there in time and decides to fuck around and find out now that he thinks he truly lost his chance and finds out the big tva secret.
(I wanna make it clear: this mobius IS a grey character. He did terrible things for the tva and let them happen because he believed in it at first and then didn't know how to escape. None of his crimes are absolved by good intentions)
Delusional mobius: this bitch is a delulu king. He pretends and pretends and pretends until he can't anymore. He only does paperwork. Giving Aziraphale in denial vibes. Don't really know what to do with him but im aware he has potential.
Secret third thing: kind of naive (?) Mobius. He has them Casey vibes. He believes in the tva's glorious purpose. The knows around but something feels off...mobius himself feels off...like something is missing...he can't really remember what....suspicious, mobius tries to understand why he feels like that and he and loki find out that broski got his memory wiped (again) cause he was being sus but the tva didn't kill him cause 1. He can useful to work with tought variants as he's really smart and friendly looking (can also manipulate thanks to that) 2. Ravonna felt too guilty. Basically the disilluded mobius who flied a little too close to the sun.
This one is my fave.
5. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARALLEL UNIVERSE AND TIMELINE. PARALLEL UNIVERSES ARE A, B, C, ETC TIMELINES ARE a branching into a2 a3 a4 unless the tva snips the branches away to make A=a. There is no other way i can explain it im sorry. THE MULTIVERSE ALREADY EXHISTS AT THE START OF THE SERIES THE MULTIVERSE ALWAYS FUCKING EXHISTED. Every universe has a tva. Their goal is to make sure that parallel universes don't enter in contact with eatchother through timelines branching and "touching". That's the big tva secret: all that's propaganda about the scared timeline is bullshit because there are multiple universes and multiple tvas are working together to mantain "order". Yes it's a nightmare. Sometimes different universe's timelines can branch off and manage to touch and oh shit some variants get from their universe to another. Hence why some loki variants dont look like tom hiddleston, they are from another universe. Those are Crocki, Sylvie, and Boastful Loki (im not sure about kid loki but old loki is a timeline variant, he is our loki). Also i want boastful loki to actually be an interesting character and be actually a loki who realized he could never be worthy in odins eyes and decided to make his own hammer and be a real hero in his own way. Now that's a character that challenges whatever idea of "loki" we have. Because loki is not a title. It's a name. And to be a loki is to simply be Other. To accidentally be a vehicle of revelations by simply existing. What great truth does the Different bring? That there is more. There is simply more outside of what you know. Lokis are literally the worst for the tva those bitches are dengerously Different in a way that questions authorities. And if you dont agree you can literally suck my huge penis this is the hill i will kill for.
6. Sylvie. Yeah. It's time.
Making sylvie the love interest and a loki variant doesnt work. Glossing over the moral implication of incest discourse, it simply doesn't benefict sylvie as a character. Her background is almost non existent because of this. She references her family only once (to say she new she was adopted) and never again because guess what? It would be fucking weird if a scene where loki was remembering frigga and sylvie was participating in this by sharing memories about THEIR mom had romantic connotations. And so to make the romance more palatable to the audience she doesn't get to have a family. At this point it's either variant sylvie or love interest sylvie.
Variant sylvie: she can talk about her family now! Wow! The show always tells us she has such a difficult life and now we can actually see the traumatic aspect of it! By that i mean if loki was like "my mom died. She was the only one to believe in me. I loved her so much" she can go like "yeah i haven't seen her since i was like 12. I miss her so much. I understand you pain because i understand your love. It's the same as mine" and isn't that beautiful? Isnt that sad? What about her odin? Is he a decent father? What about thor? Does she looks back at her childood fondly or is the pain too much? Was her family disfuntional like loki's? Does she still long for that love? Even if (in case) it was fucked up? Does she till have to suppress that tiny pathetic child-like hope of her family recognizing something is slightly different? But How could they know? They have their daughter. This sylvie is just a reject. (And so se distances herself from the name loki and ta da! It makes sense now. Also i don't think giving her a random comic character name like sylvie is ideal. I liked @magpie-murder 's post about her name being Tökk and im putting the link if it works just give me a second i need it) Is she irrationally mad about it? About being unknowingly "abandoned" by her family? She does feel like a part of her died and she could never be' the same og timeline sylvie? Does she think about never seeing thor grow up? Does she think they would still love her if they met her now? She couldn't come back even if she had the means. That would make her bitterness and obsession for reckless revenge interesting and understandable. Just pure visceral violent desperate self destructive "one sided" familiar love, you know what i mean?
I think that her and loki talking about their families would make them bond and we could have loki reflecting on the nature of his trauma (i just really want him to say "maybe odin truly loved me. Maybe he thought he did. But he didn't do it in way i could understand, in a way that didn't hurt me. He just did it conditionally. I could only exist on his terms." And stuff like that).
With Tökk being short tempered and anger-driven, loki could feel himself slip into a similar dinamic to the one he was with thor and he could catch himself and be like wait. You are going to listen to me because we need eachother right now. We are equals. That would be cool. Yeah
Love interest sylvie: it's not sylvie bro. It's Amora The Enchantress Time babeyyyy. And
1. There is no happy ending even in this case she betrays his ass
2. Is she a timeline variant? Does she know our loki? Wow lets find out with this flashback! OR is she a multiversal variant? Maybe she doesn't exist in our loki's timeline and he's never seen her but she has a loki. And she knows him. Were they lovers? Friends? Enemies? A mix? Let's find out with this flashback! She carries that bias in meeting our loki.
3. I don't know what her goals are im tired you decide
7. Loki is genderfluid for real because im Smart. Maybe the lack of shapeshifting on screen is explained with loki didn't feel comfortable presenting fem because it was not well seen in Asgard (i know it had a different view of sexual acts but turning into a woman? In a patriarcal war society? It must be just another malevolent trick) but now literally doesn't give a fuck anymore theres so much shit going down who cares if you have tits now.
Yeah that's it.
My brain is mushy now
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The New Little
25. Bingo!
Synopsis: Frigga takes her family to Bingo night!
Word count: 2,219
Stand Alone?: 3/?(4 or 5)
Warnings: Unwelcome comments from strangers, diapers mention,
Notes: No notes. I just am really proud of this chapter.
Read it on AO3!
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Upon arriving in the communal hall, Thor and Sylvie were surprised to find a small corner of soft toys that had been set up for the littles. Although the gesture was appreciated, Sylvie chose to keep Mobius closeby for now. 
“He needs to rest off such a big meal,” Frigga cooed at the baby. 
Sylvie did not look at her or respond as she kept pushing the stroller towards some empty seats. 
Mobius opened his eyes and brought his legs up towards his chest, giving Sylvie the curse of having a cute baby in the stroller she was pushing. 
She furrowed her eyebrows at him, an expression which deepened as he swiped at the jingling baby toys above him, alerting the old women that surrounded them to his presence and positive temperament. 
Sylvie rested a hand on his knee and quietly shushed him as she found her seat. 
This did not do anything, as Frigga’s widowed friends still crowded around and pulled back the shade to get a look at the happy, wiggly little baby or, when the stroller got too crowded, the very sweet and equally attention hungry toddler… maybe preschooler at this point. 
They pinched and pulled at Loki’s cheeks and twirled his hair until a microphoned Bingo caller announced that aides were passing out cards and a game was about to begin. 
Thor helped Loki into the playpen and got him settled with a few board books and a big, colorful, beach ball. But soon, the little reached over the fence, leaning on it, and began to whine, and fuss. 
Frigga pushed out her chair and set down her pen, but Sylvie beat her to it, practically running over to Loki’s side, even though she did make an attempt not to look too frantic. 
“What’s wrong this time?” she asked. 
Loki cracked a smile and began to fidget with the large beach ball in his arms. “Um, can Mobius come play? With me?” he asked. 
Sylvie bit the inside of her cheek and considered it slowly before walking back to her seat, and asking Mobius in a whisper if he’d like to join Loki.
He sat up and looked out towards the other little one before nodding. 
“Yeah?” she asked. “Okay, let’s go see Loki.” There was a sad sigh in her voice.
Mobius was set down into a faded, primarily colored bed of quilts and toys. There was an amount of range in their age that Mobius wasn’t used to and Loki didn’t seem to care about. At home, almost everything was kept relatively new. Sylvie kept items that were carved wood with soft edges and wax finishings, and Thor occasionally brought in some plastic, rainbow, monstrosities, but it seemed like none were ever kept forever, with the exception of a few soft toys and blankets. There was a shelf life for baby and toddler toys that the caregivers understood well. Here it was different. 
Glossy wooden buggy cars and softly painted mint green baby toys from the 1950s mingled with the rich patterns of the 70’s and overflowed into the colorful neon, Care Bear branding of the 80’s and 90’s. A few select objects from the past decade or so, which were probably left by grand-littles by accident, peppered the area. 
“Mobius!” Loki suddenly addressed him. “Wanna play a game?” he asked. “How big are you?” 
Mobius snapped out of his trance to look at him. “Yeah, okay,” he said, propping himself up to stand and stretch his legs. He didn’t answer the second question. 
Loki crawled towards a play set that was decidedly not built for littles. It was a small, plastic fenced garden. “This is my house,” he declared, shutting the gate behind him and tending to pulling his vegetables and straightening flowers on wimpy wires. He could barely fit inside, even sitting with his legs crossed, and the walls hardly reached above his navel and his knees pressed against the cheap plastic. 
Mobius raised an eyebrow. “Where’s mine?” he asked. 
Loki shrugged. 
-- “BINGO!” Sylvie screamed suddenly. 
Both the boys stopped and rushed to the edge of the play pen to watch what would happen as Sylvie excitedly ran up to the front with her card to claim a prize.
Loki tripped over himself and made a loud crashing noise as the plastic garden came with him. He began to wail despite falling on a cushioned floor; another bump to his previously injured ankle was not a welcome sensation. 
As Sylvie took a bottle of mediocre grocery store wine and grabbed a new bingo card, she looked just in time to witness Mobius panickedly helping Loki up as grannies swarmed around them. 
Mobius started to back himself into a corner as Loki was consumed by looming shadows that cooed, oohed, and ahhed over him, caressing his face and smothering him in an uncomfortable amount of physical touch. They couldn’t pick the lanky little up, but it was apparent they were trying to as they breached the playpen walls. 
Mobius’ face must have given him away as a few of the strangers who weren’t able to get to Loki began to fawn over him instead. “Hey little guy, what happened to your nose?” “Are you his brother? How sweet!” 
Mobius softly whined, but it wasn’t heard over the rest of the noise in the echoing ballroom. He put part of his hand in his mouth and scooted backward towards the wall. 
Sylvie fought through the crowd, but she only tended to Loki, taking a look at his ankle and giving him some kisses, assuring the concerned watchers that he was alright, but although they stepped back, many didn’t leave, instead, awing over the caregiver and her baby as if they were animals in the zoo. 
Mobius began to crawl closer to Sylvie, hoping to hide behind her back, only to notice an unwelcome hand where it shouldn’t be. 
“Someone needs a change,” Mobius heard someone say. 
He whipped around and sat down, folding himself into a ball. Maybe Sylvie was right about this place, he considered. 
“Mobius?” Frigga pushed past her peers and struggled to step over the fencing to get to him. 
“Nan-na!” he shouted back, frantically leaping into her arms. 
She was so warm and soft and smelled like honey cinnamon. 
She made the world feel quiet. 
“Look!” Frigga suggested. “There’s your mummy and Thor.”
Mobius moved his head over to look at them, and witnessed Thor picking Loki up and bringing him over the fence of the play area. 
Sylvie rocked Mobius’ stroller with her foot, back at her seat. After being given a change in the hall’s tight bathrooms, Mobius now contentedly sucked on a pacifier in his stroller while turning over a baby toy in his fingers. He looked slightly sleepy, but not too bad. Loki sat in his brother’s lap across from them, curiously watching his mother and brother play their game. 
“Alright Cliffside residents!” The Bingo caller announced, “Tonight is very special because Ms. Fjorgynndottir has some littles visiting her!” --as if they weren’t aware-- “We’re going to play a very special round for them tonight.” 
A group of helpers in brightly colored vests passed out new cards, but as Sylvie set one on the tray of Mobius’ stroller, she noticed that these cards were very different from the ones they had been playing with earlier. Loki crinkled up his nose as he made the same observation. The bold, black, easily legible numbers were replaced by colorful, clipart graphics of everyday objects. 
Thor handed his brother a Bingo dauber
“Our first num- square…? Is a house! Who has a house?” The caller said into a small microphone. 
Loki pressed some ink onto his paper. So did Thor. Sylvie peeked over at Mobius’ paper, but he had correctly assessed that there was no house. 
“Next one up is the dog! I’ve got one of those at home!”
Loki dotted his paper again. So did Mobius this time. 
“Oh, you got the puppy!” Sylvie cooed at him. “What noise does a puppy make?” 
Mobius cracked a smile and made a small, barely audible “wuf”.
The caller continued to list objects: “Cat”, “tree”, “cup”, “boat”, “pants”...
 “Bingo!” Loki shouted, snatching his card and running up to the front. “I win!” he declared loudly as he showed them his card. Thor excused himself and ran up behind his brother, to grab his hand and help him up the stairs to the stage.
There was a pause as Loki showed everyone his card. A long, uncomfortable silence as Thor and the announcer looked at each other, and then at Loki. 
“...Looks like we have a winner! What prize are you going to get?”
Loki surveyed the table and moved his hand over the same bottle of wine Sylvie’s had. Thor moved his hand away gently and guided it towards a nice pair of gloves or a candy bar. 
Loki snatched the chocolate bar quickly and then turned around to hold it up as if it were a mighty sword or the olympic torch before running down the stairs with his brother close behind. 
When they got back to the table, Thor slid the card over for Sylvie and Frigga to take a look at. 
It was covered in green dots. Absolutely covered. It looked like it had been dipped in paint. Words that hadn’t even been called yet like “flower” and “sun” were blotted and filled in. In one case, Loki had pressed the dauber down so hard so many times that the printer ink had bled and the word and picture were almost entirely unrecognizable. 
“Oh, what a lovely job, dearest,” Frigga told her son. 
Sylvie pressed her lips together, raised her eyebrows a bit, and nodded silently, then peeked over at Mobius to make sure he wasn’t getting any ideas. 
He wasn’t. Only the squares that had been called were dotted, albeit a couple times each. But he did seem to find Loki’s mischief awfully funny, grinning and kicking his legs.
“Is Loki being silly?” Sylvie asked her little, scrunching her nose while Loki tried with a tremendous amount of effort to open the wrapper of his candy.
Mobius babbled back to her as she teased him. Back and forth they went, throughout the round. 
Then, suddenly, she stopped and her voice turned stone. “Oh. Mobius!” 
The little stopped and sank back in his stroller, dropping the dauber pen. 
“You have a Bingo!” she exclaimed, running her finger over the still-wet blots of orange. 
A smile slowly crept onto the baby’s face. “Bingo!” he giggled. It was soft though. He didn’t scream like Loki did, he spoke just loud enough for the family around him to hear him. 
Sylvie picked up the card and helped him into her lap before shouting. “Bingo!” for him.
“Alright, do you want to go up there? Want mummy to come?” she took his hand and brought him up. He had never looked more excited and despite keeping a toddling pace, pulled her along up to the front to grab a prize. 
He proudly presented the announcer with his page and then ran to the table, clinging to Sylvie just to grab a pair of cheap, dollar store sunglasses, despite it being the middle of winter. 
Loki applauded him and took a look at the sunglasses himself. The boys giggled, comparing their winnings and discussing the cards. Loki even included his mother in the conversation, showing her the new card he had been given and telling her about the objects that had been called and if he had them or had seen them. 
The mother listened attentively and commented on their ridiculous notions of the world, often asking them some extra questions to get them to elaborate, which only served to make the littles laugh further, almost entirely forgetting the game that everyone else was still keeping up with. 
On the walk back to the apartment, Sylvie pushed an empty stroller as the littles walked together, toddling with the adults just behind them. 
They were laughing, playfully pushing each other, trying to get the other to stumble just a little bit. 
Frigga brushed up against Sylvie, breaking her from her trance of watching the toddlers. “Aren’t they sweet?” she asked. 
“...Yeah,” Sylvie answered.
There was a long pause between them as Loki took the plastic sunglasses and put them on. “Am I handsome, mumma?” Loki asked, with a laugh in an over-articulated preschool manner, addressing both women at the same time. 
“The handsomest, dear!” Frigga cooed. 
Sylvie took a slightly colder approach. “They are very stylish, Loki. But we’re going to give baby his prize back, now, right?”
Loki nodded and set them awkwardly on Mobius’ nose, nearly poking out his eye with one of the arms. 
“Oh, when him and Thor were small, that would have been a fit! He’s come so far… He really loves you and the little one. I’m so lucky to have you here. I don’t know how him and Thor could have gotten along without you. It was such a treat that you could make some time to come see little ol’ me. I’m having such fun.”
Sylvie looked away for a minute before putting on a happy face with gritted teeth. “Of course! It’s been just lovely!” 
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raifenlf · 3 years
Why Loki’s Sylvie Is A Mary Sue
So I am firmly in the camp that Sylvie on the Loki series was/is a Mary Sue.  The last episode made me feel better and like maybe the show was doing a thing where they were faking you out that she was a Mary Sue only to show she was actually sort of a bad guy and I liked that.  But all the recent interviews make me think the show wants to go back to her being a Mary Sue.
But I feel like when I call her out for being a Mary Sue people tell me what are you talking about, she’s not a Mary Sue, bad things happen to her, etc.  But that doesn’t actually make her not a Mary Sue.  
Also, before we start, I know some people find Mary Sue sexist.  But I personally use the term for guys and girls. I don’t use the term to belittle women.  I use the term to criticize a poorly written character.
And I know Mary Sue is often used to describe fanfic characters.  But to me, this series is kind of like a fanfic because the writers took a character who had been in canon MCU material for ten years and then created characters around that character.  So, I kind of review it like I would a fanfic.  It’s very different than if the writers had created a brand new show with all of their own new characters.
Anyway, if you are not totally familiar with the Mary Sue term, then check this out:
I know the term Mary Sue probably means different things to different people.  But I have always used these guidelines when I write my own fanfic to make sure my characters never come off as a Mary Sue.
This article really gives you a full scale of what a Mary Sue is.  If you start reading it, you’ll immediately see why Sylvie is.  But I’m going to take out the parts that most fit Sylvie just to highlight why I believe she is a Mary Sue.  I apologize for this being so long.
Mary Sue Character Traits
Erm... what personality? The typical Mary Sue doesn't have one per se, because she isn't meant to be a character; rather, she's an entity by which the author makes cool stuff happen.
I feel like that is Sylvie in a nutshell.  She doesn’t have a personality.  I feel like even though she ate screentime, I still don’t really know her at all.  The writers love to say she’s badass.  That’s not a personality.  
Sometimes when I am writing stories for fun and creating new characters, I like to take surveys as my fictional characters.  Like the kind of surveys you’d see in a magazine, like personality types, what’s your dating style, etc.  I figure if I don’t know what my character would do in any of those situations, then I need to keep working on my character.  And if I was trying to fill out a survey pretending I was Sylvie I would have no idea what to answer because she doesn’t have a personality.  She’s just “cool”.
What little personality a Mary Sue has isn't as important as how other characters react to it. No matter how shy or socially awkward Mary Sue is supposed to be, other characters will be inexplicably drawn to her
This is so Sylvie.  Loki falls in love with her...why, exactly?  He falls in love with her in the big Nexus event moment...why?  Because she had a tough childhood?  Mobius spends like two seconds with her in a car and goes from hating her to saying she’s his favorite Loki.  For. No. Particular. Reason.
She's extremely persuasive; everyone finds her opinions to be better than their own
She enchants Hunter B-15 and then immediately Hunter B-15 makes it her whole entire life mission to back Sylvie up.  
And occasionally she'll be a complete asshole...This can manifest itself in several ways...The author wants to write a badass but doesn't know how. This leads to a character who mistreats everyone around her and is never called out on her abrasive, casually abusive behavior.
Sylvie talked down to Loki and treated him like garbage for all of episode three, but it was never portrayed as a bad thing and we never got any impression Sylvie later felt bad for the way she treated Loki
The author doesn't know how to hold back the character, meaning that she will succeed at practically everything. This means that when she encounters rules or authority figures who would otherwise prevent her from doing what she wants to do, she rolls right through them (and they praise her for her "boldness" in defying regulations). If a bad guy is violent and aggressive, she can beat him by being more violent and aggressive (with all that entails). It's impossible for her to go overboard because she's protected by Protagonist-Centered Morality.
Sylvie is shown as a kid to immediately be able to grab a Tempad and run away.  And she can kick ass way better than Loki, for no known reason.  She is always able to fight back against the TVA when they attack her.  And she can kill lots of innocent TVA agents but it’s okay because TVA bad, Sylvie good.
She will always be superior to the canon characters, regardless of what canon has established they can do or whether it makes any sense.
Whose skill was needed to defeat Alioth?  Sylvie’s.  Of course.  Sylvie needed to teach Loki her skills in order for him to succeed (!).  And again, she is literally called the superior Loki.
Relatedly, there's no effort to her skills. She never actually trains or learns anything to become more powerful; she just wins the Super Power Lottery, or is a freakish natural learner, or is just Inexplicably Awesome
We’re told Sylvie literally taught herself magic.  She literally taught herself to enchant people.  That. Makes. No. Sense.  Like, I have so many questions.  Like, why would it even occur to her to teach herself that?  And how????????????  This is really lazy writing.
Canon Character Relationships
Mary Sue is often designed to hook up with another character, often as a form of Wish Fulfillment. This isn't that bad in and of itself (okay, it is kinda weird), but Mary Sue accomplishes this without any sense of realism. She just grabs her lover's attention straight away, and their relationship will never face any obstacles or tension; it's true love from the start and nothing else. The biggest giveaway is if the love interest is explicitly the author's favorite character, and she essentially "cures" him of all the angst that ails him (at the expense of his characterization).
Yeah, so...this one should be pretty obvious to anyone who watched the show.  Loki literally falls in love with Sylvie immediately, and then he suddenly turns from “villain” to “hero” just because of loving her.  And this was definitely at the expense of his characterization.  And Loki just knows he falls in love with her.  There’s not even any moments of hmm what do I feel for this person?  It’s just true love, immediately.
She will be related to a canon character in some way. This (marginally) helps explain such phenomena as her being a Copy Cat Sue and other characters accepting her so easily.
Sylvie is a Loki variant.  They use this to help explain why Loki is drawn to her and why their falling in love immediately “makes sense”.
Most characters give her more heed than they normally would. The good guys never stop praising her
Seriously, it was so over the top and OOC for Loki to gush over her.  He literally tells her she’s amazing.  They don’t even make it subtle.
Characters' previously established personalities change in reaction to her. Proud, arrogant gimps suddenly acknowledge her superiority in everything. Reckless youths will listen to all her advice. Responsible leaders will defer to her instead. Villains will obsess with her to the detriment of all else. Extremely competent characters will become stumbling buffoons who require her help to do anything. Sweet, mild-mannered characters whom the author doesn't like turn evil and insult her. They all become unnaturally focused on her in some way.
Again, Loki’s whole personality changed in reaction to her.  He became a buffoon who needed her help to enchant the Alioth because of course he couldn’t do anything without her!  Hunter B-15 goes from doing whatever the TVA said to fighting the TVA just because of Sylvie.
Story Elements
Mary Sue is without exception a single-person Spotlight-Stealing Squad. The entire story hinges on her existence; if you removed her, there would be no story. 
Sylvie undoubtedly drove the whole story this season.  It all became about HER meeting the TVA heads because of HER trauma.  Loki’s life was only saved at the beginning because the TVA was trying to capture HER.  And SHE was the one who started the whole multiverse (!).
Mary Sue is The Chosen One, even if the setting already has one. There are many ways she can accomplish this: she can be a Sailor Earth type who "shares" the position with the canon hero; she may be vaguely "destined to help the destined one fulfill their destiny" (i.e. do all the work except the final blow so that the prophecy is still technically correct); or the canon hero may be revealed to be a Fake Ultimate Hero all along. Being the Chosen One doesn't necessarily involve her being a God-Mode Sue, especially as authors become aware of the phenomenon and try to avoid it, but it does make her critically important to the world and allows her to continue stealing the spotlight without the "god mode" label.
HWR wanted Sylvie to come with Loki in the end, like she was chosen all along right alongside Loki.  Like one of the most important characters in the entire MCU is now this character who we only met a few episodes ago.
Most Sues have an unusually Dark and Troubled Past. It's often used to create a Sympathetic Sue, but any type of Sue can have one
They tell us, over and over, how hard Sylvie’s life was because she was kidnapped by the TVA in order to create sympathy for her.
She almost never does anything wrong. In the rare instance that she does, it's usually; (a) a way for the author to disclaim her being a Mary Sue by introducing a single imperfection (that has no bearing on anything anyway), and (b) designed to show her smarts by making her feel instant remorse, and she'll be Easily Forgiven anyway:
So this one hopefully will not come true, as a lot can change between now and when the show is taped. But if the show goes on the way the behind the scenes team is talking, Sylvie immediately felt remorse for betraying Loki, and Loki has already forgiven her and is desperately looking for her.  Ugh.
Alternatively, she is more than capable of doing something wrong, be it in general moral terms or something that goes against whatever code she abides by, and she maybe even frequently does so, but don't expect the other characters or the narrative to ever acknowledge or comment on it in any real capacity. If the other characters do call her out, expect them to be treated like they're the problem for daring to criticize her at all.
Mobius calls her out for killing people, but Sylvie immediately says he’s a bad person and then Mobius agrees, because, of course.
She will often suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome; i.e., she has a trait or backstory that sets her apart from her group or race.
She is the only female Loki, thus making her the special one among all the Lokis in episode five.
In visual media, the camera just can't stop staring at her.
The camera would follow her in fight scenes rather than Loki.
Mary Sue Tropes
Okay, so there are specific Mary Sue tropes that Sylvie is.  One of those is Copy Cat Sue, which I think was referenced before.
Copy Cat Sue
A lot of fanfic writers...start to write something because of their passion for this character, but they find something about the character that doesn't mesh well. Maybe they're the wrong gender or are otherwise not close enough to the author's expectations...In any case, rather than put them through the Possession Sue process, they just get a Clone-O-Matic™ and out pops a Copy Cat Sue...the character might be intended as a replacement for the canon character, but without whatever icky traits the author hates. They'll then rob the spotlight, prove the canon character to be unworthy of his/her position, and either relegate the character to obsolescence or, perhaps, even remove them entirely.
Sylvie is basically a clone of Loki, she is a variant.  But she absolutely robbed the spotlight of Loki’s, and they literally call her the superior Loki.  I mean, they are literally not even being subtle about this.  And there was a feeling by myself (and a lot of other viewers) that Sylvie might ultimately replace Loki in the MCU. 
Black Hole Sue
Much like a black hole, this is a Mary Sue who "sucks in" the plot and characters to her. Characters will behave outside their personalities, logic will be defied, and rules will be broken for her sake.
Sylvie really does suck up all the plot and Loki definitely behaves outside of his personality just to fit the Sylvie show.
Jerk Sue
A Mary Sue who is mean or maybe even cruel, but are still treated as an ideal person.
Once again, Sylvie is basically a jerk all of episode three, but you’ve got Loki falling over himself to call her amazing in just the next episode.
Relationship Sue
A Mary Sue who exists to be the perfect mate for a specific character...this character has everything in the plot conspiring to enforce this One True Pairing...in Fanfiction, they are the perfect beloved of a canon character.
They literally have Mobius speculate that Loki falling in love with Sylvie is so extraordinary that it causes an entire Nexus event, that’s how huge this One True Pairing is (!).  And Sylvie is the love interest of Loki, the only character who had been around before the beginning of the series
TLDR: Sylvie has all the tropes of a classic Mary Sue character.  So calling Sylvie a Mary Sue isn’t being sexist or just randomly hating on the character.  If you use common Mary Sue characteristics to examine the character, she just has too many of these characteristics to ignore.
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little-diable · 3 years
One last time - Loki (smut)
This is a sad though smutty drabble, I don’t know where this came from, but please give it a try (I know you guys aren’t the biggest fan of angst). Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Loki is allowed to visit the reader one last time, a day before Asgard will fall. 
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, talks of death, angst, not spoiler free
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
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The arm that was laying on her waist seemed unfamiliar, though yet too familiar to be true. Her chambers were dark, she could only make out the black mop of hair she had loved to run her hand through, the bright eyes she would get lost in as she would climb higher and higher, reaching her peak with his hips meeting hers.
“Loki? What are you doing here?” Her slurred words echoed through the room, body shuffling closer to hold onto his warmth. It seemed like a dream, (y/n) couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him, the last time he had held her like this.
“I had to see you.” The “one last time” died on his lips, not wanting to waste any time with useless explanations of their timeline, the apocalypse that would bring Asgard to its knees, robbing hundreds of lives. Her hands met his cheeks, carefully stroking his skin, pulling him in for a kiss. He tasted just like she had remembered, sweet and minty, a significant taste she would cling to.
It had taken him quite a while to convince Mobius to let him go for a few hours, to see the one he missed with each breath he would take, the one whose name would roll off his tongue as his throat was tightening up, having to face his fears and worries all on his own. 
Though as the “you have three hours” had left the man, Loki had lost himself for a moment, wondering if he would manage to say goodbye, if he would manage to let go of her, very well knowing that this night would be the last one she would live through.
“I love you.” He pulled her into his chest, limbs tangled, making sure that he would remember every second, every touch of her skin, every word she would speak. Her reply was followed by a small chuckle, telling him just how much she loved him and his creative and confusing mind.
How he wished to switch places with her, he would give his life for the woman he was currently holding onto, would do anything to offer her the life she was created for. But fate wasn’t as gentle as their love, fate wasn’t as promising as the words he would whisper in the middle of the night, fate wasn’t planning for them to stay together. A sober fact Loki had been forced to come to terms with.
“Need to feel you, all of you.” Not his release and pleasure were on his mind, but the constant reminder that this would be his last chance of feeling her close, skin to skin, soul to soul. 
Her hands undid his dark trousers, a move she had exceld years ago, chaining herself to the god of mischief, the one that would disappear as twilight would linger on the sky. But no matter what, he would always come back to her, making sure that she was reminded of the love he felt for her.
Effortlessly he slipped into her, cock twitching, clit pulsing, not understanding the seriousness of this moment. He moved slowly, slower than he had probably ever moved before, making silent promises to the one his heart chose to love. Loki could only hope that when his time was coming around he would find his eternal rest right next to her side, hearts no longer beating though still loving.
“More, please,” (y/n) tried to shut her eyes, but Loki called her name, catching her confused gaze, the eyes that followed every move of his. He needed to grasp one last glance into her soul, the secrets she would try to keep hidden from him, protecting the one she chose to die for. 
Deep down he hoped that the slower he would move the slower time would pass, but even a trickster like him would somehow find himself tricked by the timeline itself.
She arched her back, nipples rubbing against the fabric of her silky nightgown, pressed against his chest. Loki cradled her face in his hands, holding her still as he picked up his pace, giving into her begging, guided by his own passion.
Each cry that left her lips pushed him into a memory, how they had first met at a ball, how they had shared their first kiss beneath an ocean of stars, how they had made love for the first time after a fight over life and death. Another memory would join them after tonight, moments he would think of for the rest of his life.
(Y/n) had been the colour he had always longed for, giving the grey view of his some specks to brighten his view, allowing him to see all the good and beauty life had to offer. Beauty he would only find in her. His (y/n).
His cock slid in and out of her, walls fluttering around him, telling him that he was close. Kisses got pressed against her lips, jaw and throat, deeply inhaling her scent, the scent that reminded him of home, of the one place he had seen himself growing old in. A place that no longer would be after morning would come, a place torn to the ground.
“Right there, I’m almost-,” (y/n) moaned his name, clinging to his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her clit pulsed for him, begging him to add pressure to the all too sensitive spot. Loki’s fingers found the bundle of nerves, rubbing it in sync with his thrusts, coaxing one moan after another out of her.
As the coil inside her snapped he kept on moving, scared to let go of her just yet. Scared that he would forget about this moment, the blissful expression she wore, the slightly tangled hair that covered most of her pillow, the eyes that reminded him of the most beautiful sunrise he would ever watch.
He couldn’t stop his body from giving in, filling her to the brim with his release. Loki knew that no matter where he would end up, he would always try to crawl back to her, even with his last breath of air lingering in his lungs. One day he would find her again, with his lips pressed against hers.
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alexjcrowley · 3 years
~Spoilers from the second episode~
That scene where Loki is sleeping in the table while Mobius reads? Domestic AF, my heart can't take it
I can just imagine Mobius takin Loki's jacket from the chair and covering him with it asdfghj, please the need of fluff in me is insatiable
Agreed! I loved the domestic side.
Also because now I am thinking of Loki waking up, just to find Mobius still sleeping (he tried to continue their work, fell asleep again) and the jacket on his shoulder.
"Variant" he thinks "A good joke".
Not really, it hurt him, but he won't accept this thought.
Mobius is sleeping with his head on the table, the arm he used to rest his chin on is now covering the various documents Mobius was working on.
Loki tries to take a look at the document Mobius must have been looking at before falling asleep. It's half hidden under Mobius's arm, so he can only make out a few words from his perspective. Another apocalypse, apparently.
"2016, the election of Do" something, the rest is hidden.
He doesn't want to risk waking Mobius up, so he doesn't try to grab the whole paper. And he doesn't want to risk it...just because. He can be a nice person, he doesn't need a reason for not wanting to wake people up. Also, if Mobius is sleeping in front of him...a mischevious smile creeps on Loki's face.
One should never fall asleep in front of the God of Mischief.
But, what should he do, what evil trick should he play on Mobius?
Loki falls back on his chair, with his arms crossed. Then, he leans back on the table, unti his face is just a few centimetres of distance from Mobius's one.
"He looks so tired, even when he is sleeping. Would his face looks more beautiful if he was rested?"
No, wait.
Loki did just not think that. "More beautiful". Mobius isn't beautiful. He is...not ugly. It would be a lie to blatant even for the God of Illusions. Loki admits, with sincerity, some could find Mobius attractive, very attractive. He is not among those, though. He doesn't simply look at Mobius and thinks "Oh AllFather, what a man". No, no, that's not Loki's style and that's not what he thought when he first saw him.
Which reminds him, the first time they saw eachothers, Loki was incredibly vulnerable and Mobius had the upper hand.
Now it's the opposite, now Mobius is vulnerable and Loki should definitely do something. He has the upper hand!
That's when he notices Mobius is slightly shaking.
Is it cold in there? He wouldn't know, he is a frost giant, "cold both inside and outside", he reminds himself.
But Mobius is...human? He looks like it. He doesn't look like a cold-blooded creature, even though the Space Lizards who created him are.
And then, Loki has a brilliant idea. A mischevious, very mischevious idea.
He stands up, walks to Mobius and puts his jacket over him.
"Ah!" he thinks triumphantly "Who's the Variant, now?"
Always him.
On Mobius, it looks just like they printed the wrong writing on the work uniform.
But at least now he seems to have stopped shaking.
Loki smiles before he can stop himself.
Mobius looks particularly endearing when he sleeps. And he looks like an heavy sleeper. Someone who wouldn't just wake up if they were to be talked to or touched.
Loki blames this on his mother. He has a hidden caring attitude and he took it from her.
His mother, who always used to sing to him and tell him stories and use her magic to create small illusion to make him laugh when putting him in bed.
And always, always kissed him good night. A kiss, on his head.
The library is empty, anyway.
So Loki leans in, and he just place a small kiss through Mobius's hair. It's just...it's just a good night. And the whole seeing his mother die has shaken him, it's also a way of remembering her, her sweetness, her care.
Mobius suddenly jerks awake.
Oh, fuck. He is not an heavy sleeper.
Loki is still half leaned on when Mobius snaps his head up and their faces are, once again, just a few centimetres from eachothers.
"There was a fly, I was just trying to... shush it away" Shush? What a silvertongue you are, uh, Loki? "You can thank me. I am going to get myself a cup of coffee."
And with that, Loki leaves. Feeling like a fool.
Mobius is not a heavy sleeper, but he has just woken up, he has only understood half of what Loki has said and he is not sure it makes any sense.
Then he notices the jacket.
"Variant" he chuckles.
It suits him really well, actually. It's a nice jacket, it doesn't make the same offect of a cloak, but it's not like Loki needs good clothing to make an impression. That guy is just...he is a one man show, walking around, causing mischief, creating nexuses.
But he also puts jackets on men who should stop thinking about how sweet is to be shown that sort of care.
He is very sleepy and his mind is very vulnerable to run through fantasies he wouldn't allow himself in the morning.
He looks at the papers in front of him and at the clock on the wall (yes, it looks like it makes no sense with all those numbers, way more than 12, but after a while it comes easy to interpret).
When Loki comes back, the desk is empty.
Well, not completely empty.
His jacket is there. No trace of Mobius, though.
Loki sighs, really hoping the fly story made sense, and takes his jacket.
He is not cold, but he wears it anyway. They want to remind him he is the Variant? He is not going to let them forget it.
The moment he puts his hands in the pockets, he feels there's something in one of them.
In the right pocket, a tiny piece of paper, with something written in pen.
"See you tomorrow at 8 o'clock, partner (when the green hand falls on the 8). Thanks for helping with that fly."
Loki this time doesn't care feel ashamed for smiling.
"Damned flies" he thinks to himself "they are going to be all over the place these days. Won't be easy to shush 'em all away."
Sorry, this wasn't going to be a fanfiction, but it got out of hand.
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heavenbarnes · 3 years
Helping Mobius after a long day of work, grinding against him while he tries to finish his paperwork
let’s see how this goes, shall we? x
“So what you’re saying is this paperwork is more important than me?”
You knew you were full of shit, and apparently so did Mobius by the way he rolled his eyes and pulled another piece of paper from the folder.
“Never, sweet girl, but I just need a little more time because I’m-“
“So close to figuring this out, I know,” You finished his sentence with a huff. “Just like last week when you were late as well.”
He shifted his eyes from his desk to you, almost pleading with you to cut him some slack as he slumped into his desk chair. Heavy on the dramatics you sighed, tipping your head back against the couch you’d situated yourself in.
“Well if Loki is this important to command all your attention, maybe I need to go pay him a visit,” You started. “I’m sure he could take care of me.”
Mobius attention was caught, hook, line and sinker. He shook his head, knowing he shouldn’t be giving into you but he was calling you over all the same. Trotting to his desk and he pushed his chair out, he brought a hand to pat his thigh for you.
“If you sit here whilst I finish up, will that keep you happy?”
You giggled, sitting pretty on his lap and laying your back against his firm chest. “Mmm, probably.”
And it worked in harmony, arms coming around your waist to sift through the papers in front of you both, heat radiating off of him and keeping you cosy.
But, there was always the counter, the fact you got bored so damn easily.
Mobius dropped his pen, hand shooting to grip your hip. “Baby, stop being naughty.”
Adjusting your hips again, rolling them back against him once more, you feigned your innocence. “No idea what you’re talking about.”
“I think you- oh, shit.”
His sentence tapered off into a hiss as you rolled again, hitting him right where he needed it. His grip moved up to your waist, subtly pulling you down into his lap further as the slight hint of him rolling his hips into you made itself known.
Resting his chin on your shoulder, his lips were moments from your ear. “This isn’t going to get my work done any faster.”
And a childish huff from you as your hands came down against his desk.
“Fine, I’m sure Loki’s got a lap that’s just as nice to bounce in-“
Mobius’ arm secured around your middle, standing up briskly and fixing you between his front and the desk. His other hand came up to your jaw, turning your head towards him so you could see the change in his expression.
“Fine, you wanna’ play little games like this,” His tone dropped, hand on your waist moving to the hem of your skirt. “I’ll play, but you’re not leaving this office till you learn to mind your manners.”
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thorxthunder · 3 years
Movie Night (+18) ;)
AHHAHHHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAH FUCK MARVEL. TBH, I think Loki was a cash grab... but fuck that and let me fuck mobius (or you technically) anyway, there's no Loki spoilers in this so enjoy!
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Mobius groaned as he walked into the sunset lit home. Work was always stressful, but never as stressful as today. Even though he worked in a time-nulled zone, the day never seemed like it was going to end. Mobius began to hang his coat and tie in the entryway. He noticed your jacket was already hanging in its usual spot, which plastered a grin on his face. No matter how many times he saw your hairbrush, dirty dishes or jacket, Mobius would feel like the luckiest man in all the universes. Seeing the little bits of you always let him know that you were still alive. 
Mobius stopped reminiscing and kicked off his shoes and dropped his bag before walking towards the kitchen, where he assumed you would be.
“Y/N?” he spoke, rounding the corner. 
He laid eyes on you. He watched you while you were stretched out over your couch with your head tilted back and eyes shut. 
“Hello, Mobius” You spoke, not moving or opening your eyes.
Mobius could tell, just from your lack of empathy, that you were pissed. Your cold reaction towards him hurt more than him being pruned. 
“I’m sorry, Bunny.” Mobius spoke, slowly walking over to you. “I’m sorry I’m late. I know I was supposed to be home earlier. You know Ramona. If things aren't perfect, they're wrong. She just keeps berating me about all the variants. One of them escaped, but...”
You sighed and stood up. You met Mobius half way and wrapped your arms around the older man. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be cold. I just really miss you. You know, I feel like we haven’t gotten much time together. You’re always gone for days, and you’re probably going to be leaving again soon–“
“I know,” Mobius said, kissing your lips. It was short and sweet but, it told you everything. “I know I didn’t sign up for the job but, I’ve got to do my best. One thing that is promised is tonight, so let’s make the most of it.”
 “You’re right.” You said, leaning in for a kiss again. This one was much slower. 
“Hey, I’ll be back. Let me go get changed, and I’ll be back. Why don’t you make some popcorn, and we can have a movie night?”
“That sounds amazing. Let’s do it!” you said, making you smile. You both may not have much time together but, you would enjoy what time you got together. 
As Mobius changed from his suit into a pair of sweats and a comfy old t-shirt, you microwaved some popcorn and put it into a large bowl with plenty of extra butter and salt. You grabbed the bowl and sat on the couch, waiting for Mobius.
 Mobius came back to the living room and plopped down next to you. While it was odd to see him out of his suit and tie, this new relaxed look was one of the hottest thing you'd ever seen. He sat down in navy blue sweatpants and a green t-shirt. He also had on his glasses. Grabbing the remote, he turned on the TV. 
“What do you feel like watching? We could watch Free Willy! You know, that’s always a good one!”
“Uh, maybe” You said, “It always makes me cry. You want one of a few days together being sad?”
“.baby” He teased
“Shut up!” You said, sticking your tongue out and laughing. “How about (insert favorite movie/TV series? It’s always good.”
“Uh, come on! We always chose what you want. ”
“Ya know, are we really gonna watch whatever we put on? I mean, it looks like you’ve got another idea.” You said, slowly glancing down. Mobius may not have seen you often, but when he did, he needed a release. 
Mobius chuckled. “Is it that obvious?” 
“Come on.” You spoke, slowly arising from the couch. “Let me take care of you.” 
That’s all Mobius needed to hear. 
You both quickly made it to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. His tongue slipped into your mouth and immediately took dominance. 
In no time, you were completely on top of him, knees pressing into the bed on the side of his thighs. Your arms flexed and held onto the backboard at both sides of his head. His bulge pressed against your thighs, and you could feel a warm feeling growing in your lower regions.
You kissed each other with such an intensity it left you both craving for more. When you pulled back your lips, Mobius tried to follow yours, and you chuckled.
“Uh uh uh. If you want me, you have to ask, sweetheart.”
“Y/N…” was the only word that came out of his mouth before you were kissing him again. The hands that were on his sides had traveled and were now pressed against his cock through his boxers. 
Bit by bit, you unzipped and peeled back Mobius’s pants. When you gently trailed your fingertips over his semi-erect cock, the older man groaned and rolled his hips forward. You giggled silently and kissed the tip of his cock.
“Hush-” you said before opening your mouth and engulfing his cock. He moaned and tangled his hand in your hair, forcing you down a little more than you were ready for, nearly forcing you to gag on his manhood. Realizing his mistake, he loosened his hold on you, allowing you to continue bobbing up and down. You hummed softly on his manhood, the vibration making him moan more. When he started throbbing in your mouth, you could tell he was nearing his end. “Please?” He whimpered. 
And how could you say no to him?
“Of course.” and that’s all he needed to hear. His body shook slightly as one long, drawn out and loud moan escaped from him as the pleasure surged through his body. For a moment, he thought his lungs had forgotten how to work, until a large gasp left his throat, immense pleasure still surging through him from your continuous bobbing.  
“God…” he whimpered as you laid beside him.
“That was much better than watching a movie.” You both laughed.
“You know I have to repay you, right?”
You laughed, not thinking he was serious. But why would he lie to you?
You gently guided his hands up your thighs. When his fingers found your hips without your skin becoming obscured by material, a wide smile spread over his face. Your jaw clenched slightly, your hips rocking forwards against his hand.
“M-Mobius.” You groaned softly, resting your hands and weight partially on his chest, so you could move your hips easier. You noticed that his other hand slipped to his cock, which was still erect, stroking it and teasing both himself and you by placing the tip right against your entrance. “Mobi-,” before you even had to ask, he knew what you wanted, so almost immediately he pulled you down onto his cock, impaling you on his surprisingly large member. You didn’t know why it was surprising to you, but every time you had sex with him, you’d forget how big he was. 
You began moving on him, forcing moans from both of you. Initially you thought you would be capable of keeping it together for longer than just a few minutes, but with each movement of your hips, you could feel yourself getting closer to finishing. Mobius’s hands removed the restricting bottoms from your body before once again finding your hips, helping to guide your movements smoother on his member. 
You began to move up and down on his member with speed and depth once more. Mobius broke the kiss and his mouth moved to kiss and suck down your chest. Your head rolled back as the warmth between your legs began to spread through the rest of your body.
“Y/N...” Mobius groaned, his mouth and tongue teasing your nipples. You tangled your fingers in his hair, trying your best to hold what little composure you had, however when Mobius rolled over, trapping you beneath him, and began thrusting into you, you lost it, unable to censor your moans.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, tightening slightly with every passing second. Your arms hooked around him, your nails digging into the skin on his back and shoulder.
“M-Mobius!” your hips rocked upwards uncontrollably, meeting every one of his thrusts, trying to build the friction and heat between the two of you. “G-God, yes!” you moaned as his hands found your body, roaming freely all over you, teasing and squeezing before finally one hand settled on your thigh, and the other on your chest, pinching your hardened nipple. Mobius buried his head in the crook of your neck, sucking and nipping at your flesh. You could tell he was close as well. Neither of you were ever okay finishing first, afraid the other wasn’t going too, but you knew this time it was okay, so you relaxed your chest, allowing oxygen to fully rush to the different areas of your body, and your orgasm to finally erupt.
Your body shook slightly, one long, drawn out and loud moan escaping from you as the pleasure surged through your body. For a moment you thought your lungs had forgotten how to work, until a large gasp left your throat, immense pleasure still surging through you from Mobius’s continued movement. You didn’t even think about feeling bad for releasing early because it allowed Mobius to ride out your orgasm far longer than he ever had before. You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t moan. You could only squeak as your hips continued to buck against Mobius, your inner walls throbbing and constricting around his manhood. Finally, he released within you, groaning your name. 
“You know I love you, right?”
“I’d hope so.”
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Yes, Loki series director Kate Herron knows about your fan theory about the show, the analysis you posted to social media. No, she won’t tell you what she thinks about it, or whether you were right.
“I follow all the conversations on Twitter,” Herron told Polygon in an interview shortly after Loki’s season 1 finale. “I don’t always weigh in on them, because I made the show, so they don’t want me weighing in like, ‘Actually, guys…’ I think that’s the whole point of art — it should be up for debate and discussion.”
[Ed. note: Spoilers ahead for season 1 of Loki.]
Loki has been a hit for streaming service Disney Plus — episode 6 of the show, the final installment for this season, was reportedly watched by more households than any of the platform’s MCU finales to date. The series has been a popular source of fan conjecture and argument, with one particularly big rolling conversation focusing on whether the budding romantic relationship between trickster Asgardian Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his alternate-universe counterpart Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) is a form of incest.
Herron is willing to speak up about that one. “My interpretation of it is that they’re both Lokis, but they aren’t the same person,” she says. “I don’t see them as being like brother and sister. They have completely different backgrounds […] and I think that’s really important to her character. They sort of have the same role in terms of the universe and destiny, but they won’t make the same decisions.”
Herron says thematically, Loki falling for Sylvie is an exploration of “self-love,” but only in the sense that it’s Loki learning to understand his own motives and integrity. “[The show is] looking at the self and asking ‘What makes us us?’” Herron says. “I mean, look at all the Lokis across the show, they’re all completely different. I think there’s something beautiful about his romantic relationship with Sylvie, but they’re not interchangeable.”
Directing the final kiss between the two characters was a complicated process because it had to communicate something about each of them over the course of just a few seconds. Herron says the primary goal was creating a safe, comfortable environment for Hiddleston and Di Martino, and after that, she had to think about how to bring across Loki and Sylvie’s conflicting goals in that moment.
“It’s an interesting one, right?” she says. “Emotionally, from Sylvie’s perspective, I think it’s a goodbye. But it’s still a buildup of all these feelings. They’ve both grown through each other over the last few episodes. It was important to me that it didn’t feel like a trick, like she was deceiving him. She is obviously doing that, on one hand, but I don’t feel the kiss is any less genuine. I think she’s in a bad place, but her feelings are true.”
Herron says directing Hiddleston in the scene mostly came down to discussing the speech Loki gives Sylvie before the kiss. “That was really important, showing this new place for Loki,” Herron says. “In the first episode, he’s like, ‘I want the throne, I want to rule,’ and by episode 6, he isn’t focused on that selfish want. He just wants her to be okay.”
Loki writer and producer Eric Martin recently tweeted that he wished the show had been able to focus more time on two of its secondary characters, Owen Wilson’s Time Variance Authority agent Mobius M. Mobius, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s Ravonna Renslayer. “I wanted to explore her more deeply and really see their relationship,” he says, “But covid got in the way and we just didn’t have time.”
Asked if Loki and Sylvie’s relationship suffered from similar necessary edits, Herron says it’s true that the show’s creators and audience still don’t know everything Sylvie went through to make her so different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s original version of Loki. “We’ve seen her as a child, but she’s lived for thousands and thousands of years, in apocalypses on the run,” she says. “I think there’s so much more to delve into with Sylvie […] You’re filling in the blanks. You see [her on the planet] Lamentis, and it’s horrific. And you’re like, “Well, what kind of person would she be, growing up in apocalypses? What kind of personality would that give her?”
Herron says Sylvie’s backstory actually reminds her of the 1995 movie Jumanji, where a young boy is sucked into a magical board game in 1969, and emerges 26 years later as a full-grown man, played by with typical manic energy by Robin Williams. “It’s such a weird reference, but…” she says. “He’s a little boy when he ends up captive in that game, and when he comes out, it’s obviously been a life experience. With Sylvie, it’s similar. She was a child when she had to go on the run, so she’s had a very difficult life. I would love to see more of it. As Eric said, she’s a rich character, there’s so much to be explored.”
Herron says, though, that during her time on the show, material about Sylvie was added rather than cut — specifically, those scenes of her as a child, being kidnapped by the TVA. “This was before my time, but I know in the writers’ room, there were lots of avenues exploring Sylvie on the run and what her life was like,” Herron says. “I wouldn’t want to speak more to those, because I wasn’t there when they were being discussed. But something wasn’t in there that was important to me — I felt we should see her [history] in the TVA. Me and the team were talking about how it made complete sense, because episode 4 is all about twisting the idea that the TVA might be good on its head. And so that’s something that came in later, once I joined, was seeing her as a child. I think we needed to see that, not to understand her completely, but to get an idea of her motivations, why she’s so angry at this place.”
Talking more broadly about the series finale, Herron says the last few episodes weren’t as heavily referential as the first episodes, which she intended as “a love letter to sci-fi.” While early images like the TVA’s interrogation rooms had specific visual references from past science fiction, episode 6’s locations were drawn more from collaborations with the crew.
“The idea of the physical timeline being circular, our storyboard artists came up with that,” Herron says. “I had in the scripts, ‘We move through space to the end of time,” and then me and [storyboard artist Darrin Denlinger] discussed how we could play with the idea of time, while also adding MCU nods. He was like, ‘What if the timeline is circular?’ I think that’s such a striking image, like the Citadel at the End of Time is the needle on a record player. I just thought that was such a cool image, but it wasn’t necessarily taken from anything.”
Episode 6 focuses heavily on the mysterious figure He Who Remains and his citadel, a space she says was largely conceived by production designer Kasra Farahani. “I remember he brought in the art of the Citadel, and I thought it was beautiful,” Herron says. “He said, ‘The Citadel has been carved from an actual meteorite,’ which I thought was such an inspired idea. And He Who Remains’ office is the only finished portion of it.”
She says there are only a few direct homages in episode 6, including the zoom shot through space, which directly referenced a similar sequence in Robert Zemeckis’ 1997 film Contact.
“And then I have my Teletubbies reference for episode 5,” Herron says. “I wanted the Void to feel like an overgrown garden, like a kind of forgotten place. And I realized I’d pitched it as the British countryside. I remember trying to explain it to ILM, who did the visual effects, and saying, ‘Oh, you know, it’s like the Teletubbies. It’s just rolling hills, but they go on forever.’ That actually was quite a helpful reference in the end, which is funny.”
Asked for her favorite set memory from shooting the season, Herron says it comes down to Tom Hiddleston starting a mania for physical exertion before takes. “Sometimes he runs around set to get himself in the right mindset before he performs,” she says. “He does pushups. You know, you’re going into an action scene, you want to look like you’ve just been running. And it became infectious across all the cast. We’ve got so much footage of — I think Jack [Veal] ended up doing it, who plays Kid Loki. I’ve got [shots of] him and Sophia doing pushups and squats, just to get ready. It was so funny watching that echo across all the cast. I think all of them ended up doing those exercises with him at some point. It was so funny.”
“That might be my favorite set story, but it’s honestly, not a sweet one,” she adds. “I would say my favorite thing is his enthusiasm. He’s a very kind empathetic person. We were filming this in quite tough circumstances, a lot of people were far from home and isolating, and he brought this warmth and energy and joy to the set every day. And I think that made everyone feel very safe and very bonded. I’m forever grateful to him for doing that.”
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hansoeii · 3 years
Do you think Mobius would ever allow Loki to be pruned, prior to him finding out that the TVA lied to him? I mean, even when Mobius says he'll "delete Loki himself" and when he tells Loki he "doesn't need him anymore" after catching Sylvie, he's obviously just bluffing and talking sh*t. He saves Loki from being pruned in the first episode, and even when Loki escapes he's like "no no no, no pruning!" - clearly going against the protocol. When Loki f*cks up on the mission, Mobius is like "your life depends on it" and all but again, clearly he had no intention of getting rid of Loki in any of these moments. My question is: do you think Mobius would just keep protecting Loki if they stayed at the TVA, not knowing the TVA is a lie? Personally I think he'd try his best to make sure Ravonna lets him keep this Loki variant, but what do you think Mobius would do if he was ordered to prune Loki, or to let him be pruned?
I'm 100% sure Mobius would never allow Loki to get pruned. Before and after finding out the truth about the tva. He might joke about it, but that's all it is, just jokes.
He holds such a deep adoration for Loki, he'd do anything to keep him by his side. Just look at him?? The way he treats Loki is incredibly sweet. You can just tell he really wants him there by his side, the way he smiles at him and takes care of him, the way he talks about him and tries his best to let everyone know that his Loki can be trusted, no matter how often the people he has known way longer tell him not to trust this variant. I read this post today where someone pointed out how Sylvie betrayed Loki for her glorious purpose while Mobius betrayed his glorious purpose (which was the tva, the tva was his everything) for Loki. Loki is all he has now, the same as Mobius is all Loki has left.
Neither of them would ever harm the other ever since they crossed paths. They're each other's glorious purpose now.
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