#Where basically all formal clothing is either 'skirt/dress'
kayforpay · 1 year
Thinking abt. Clorad, wearing a fine dress with the traditional gold bands around his thighs, neck and upper arms, officiating some event with his hair in a long braid, and clipped on earrings for the fin-chains emperors are Supposed to wear. Like a floor length gown with a slit up nearly to his hip, flowers tucked into his hair, bored out of his mind but cute as hell
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Okay, this is very much specific to myself, but whatever 🫶 What would Barbatos think of an MC that is always dressed up. VERY dressed up. For instance; I'm going to school in a petticoat, two skirts, two shirts, and a full corset... that kind of dressed up.
Like, on one hand, I think he'd really enjoy it, but on the other, I feel like he'd be constantly worried. They're NEVER dressed for the weather, they're NEVER dressed for comfort, and what are they supposed to wear to formal events when they dress like this on the daily?
He'd probably grumble about it to a bit but ultimately still adore their style and offer to make them something for those formal events.
And on the other side of the spectrum, an MC who is never dressed up at all! I'm taking hoodies and sweatpants all the time.
I'm guessing he'd respect them for their choice of comfort over style but also want them to be just a tad more formal around Lord Diavolo.
Put em together and a typically fancy MC being casual only for Barbatos?
We got that phone call from Barbatos in either his most recent or second most recent card, where he's wearing casual clothing, and we get his reaction to MC's reaction. (I hope you know the call I'm talking about because I can not find it for the life of me)
He'd totally be touched to be one of the few MC is casual around!!
I'm almost embarrassed about my reaction that phone call. It's the one called "Out of Character Teatime" and it's from the UR+ Wind Spirits & Surprises, which is his anniversary UR card.
It's great no matter what dialogue option you choose, but there's one where he talks about how he's waiting for you just as himself and not as a butler. And THAT always makes me silly.
But he also ends that call by saying he'll receive you in whichever type of clothing you prefer. Which I found accurate but also funny. I mean, he's basically saying he'll dress formal or casual depending on your preference. And I'm over here like... what if my preference is that you wear whatever you want, huh???
But along those lines, he's all about MC doing whatever they're happiest doing. So I think he'd be happy no matter what style MC chose, as long as they're doing whatever makes them most comfortable.
I think he would absolutely appreciate an MC who dresses up a lot, though. He'd be happy to make them outfits any time and he probably loves to see them wearing something he made.
He would also make clothes for a casual MC. I kinda see him making all kinds of hoodies and such. He's versatile, you know?
And either way, I think he'd be worried about MC being dressed for the weather. Like he appreciates your dedication to style, but really it's going to be cold and you need to wear a jacket. Might also scold you about it if you do it too often or if you actually get sick because of it.
There's very much this secretive aspect of his character, but it's more than just him keeping epic plot-changing secrets. There's also him kinda hiding his true self, too. He plays the part of a butler, but that isn't what defines him. He's a butler, but more than that, he's a person. A being with feelings and needs and times when he isn't perfect. And I think if he was to encounter an MC who revealed that side of themselves to him, no matter how that manifests, he would feel loved and trusted. Just like he loves and trusts MC enough to let them see him in a casual state.
Here I go writing Barb essays again lol.
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kittensartswriting · 7 months
Happy STS! I hope you’ve had a good week :) What is something about your WIP that’s either on your mind lately or that you wish more people would ask you about?
Hi! Happy STS!
I haven't been writing in several months (I've needed to focus on uni), so I have been mainly thinking about worldbuilding. For a while now I've been quite obsessed with figuring out the fashion in far too much detail. It's honestly not that important for the story, but I love dress history so it's just extremely fun for me to come up with a hundreds if not thousands of year of fashion evolution for almost a whole continent. Figuring out Ahinian fashion has been most interesting and hardest part too, because I'm trying to base it less on anything historical and more trying to come up with something different.
I can best figure visual things like fashion out by drawing it, so I started with the royal siblings, Agrippa and Manoheahpi. Here they are showing of court fashions. Black, dark blue, white and yellow are colors of the moon cult and their clan, which is the head of the moon cult. Agrippa is wearing a formal gown and a headdress of the heiress. The extreme sleeves and the ribbon skirt are part of the formal court dress. Manoheahpi is dressed in a casual outdoorsy aristocratic men's dress. He is a sage, hence the tattoos.
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I think it's very interesting to figure out gendered clothing because it reveals so much about the gender construction and gender roles of a society. Ahinians have technically five genders, voasin - a woman, deavin - a man, vašáin - a third and separate gender category, voasdár - afab or intersex person, who lives as a man (-dár is masculine suffix), and deavnei - amab or intersex person, who lives as a woman (-nei is correspondingly a feminine suffix). In their culture gender is less defined by the body and more defined by the spirit. Their society is not entirely egalitarian though (even if more egalitarian than your typical patriarchal binary society), since their society is theocratic and gender essentialist, not in biological way but spiritual way. Therefore magic is very gendered. They are matriarchal so women hold most of the political power. This is reflected in dress - upper class fashions are more feminine coded, lower class fashions more masculine coded, and religious attires are vašáin coded because they are traditionally sages. In more formal setting aristocratic men too wear long gowns, and lower class women also wear shorter gowns.
I'm still figuring out the details of vašáin dress, clothing of lower classes and ceremonial dress. But I do know that very warm layered clothing is considered finer and more upper class, since the climate is very cold and the upper classes live in large castles, which can't be warmed to very comfortable temperatures. On the other hand lower classes live in small log cottages that are filled with hot smoke that even in very low temperatures keep the cottages in near 30C temperatures, so their indoors clothing are basically one layer, which they see as underwear. So even in hot summer upper classes dress in a lot of layers for formal occasions, the layers are then just thin and made of silk, linen and/or nettle. They don't wear crowns, but they wear elaborate hair jewelry indoors (with caps when it's cold indoors too) and elaborate hats outdoors. Lower classes also wear more toned down and more practical hair jewelry, but mostly caps and hats.
Also this all applies only in the agricultural area, which is along the Vuolhú river (the area marked in the map). The societal structures are very different outside it (so most of the country) where agriculture is not possible and people are herders and hunter-gatherers and quite nomadic. Population density is quite expectedly much higher in the agricultural area, so people wise, it's most of the country.
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infamous-if · 2 years
I don't know why but I love this ask so much so what outfits do the LIs typically wear? im ready to faint over how G and Victoria dresses up
Sooo I made collages and basically like an essay i went a bit overboard (oops)
So I thought hard about what the ROs look like and my biggest thing was that I wanted to make sure the gender selectable ROs still have their own unique presence and they're not some interchangeable variable. Gina and Griffin dress pretty differently and have a different identity, especially when you consider what it means to be a woman in the music industry (some context changes in the story if you choose Gina instead of Griffin, some of her actions are out of her feeling like she has just as much right to take space in a male-dominated art form, especially given that she is also married to Victoria, a woman)
Griffin does not have this problem since he's 1) a man and 2) he and Victoria present heterosexual
(Griffin on the left/Gina on the right, both in the middle)
G either dresses like the textbook definition of a 'rockstar' with the leather and fishnets and ripped jeans and all orrrr like a 18th century era gothic victorian butler. Literally no in-between.
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For both Gina and Griffin, having so many tattoos becomes part of their image. Griffin wears a lot of muscle tees while Gina wears a lot of sleeveless tops, halter tops, corsets, anything that really enhances their arm sleeve.
The middle is the Victorian Butler style I mentioned lol, since they both dress like that as their "formal" attire or for shows. A lot of ruffles, very 18th century gothic. One thing is that I feel like Gina wears more red, she wears more tight fitting clothes, lower cut clothes. Griffin's shirts are also pretty revealing, very much low-cut V's, muscle tees that show the side of his whole chest. G isn't shy about the human body and they've gotten shirtless on stage many times (both male and female/ think Victoria from Måneskin.)
That slowed down a bit since Misfit Alley went mainstream. Their label and team had them tone down a bit to be more digestable to the masses.
Their hair is long for both female and male. Griffin keeps his in a loose knot/bun at his neck, and Gina does the same, but also a single braid down her back (sometimes).
Some things that they wear often: a lot of rings, G has knuckle tattoos and they wear a lot of jewelry. They have a signature leather jacket that's pretty roughed up, wear a nose ring, and pretty scruffed up boots.
Female Seven and Male Seven dress pretty similarly. Seven dresses more grunge and Kurt Cobain was the direct inspiration for Seven's style. Female Seven also dresses a bit like an art teacher lol
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A lot of oversized clothes, slouchy, worn bigger, muted colors, a lot of layers. Female! Seven wears a lot of long skirts, cardigans, funky patterns, big boots. They dress pretty much the same both on and off stage.
At first male!seven was going to have short cropped hair but it doesn't suit him. His hair is more like:
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very messy and such yeah. female! Seven keeps her hair down, kinda messy and looks uncombed (seven is very clean i promise lmao)
Things they wear often: Seven sometimes fingerless gloves, part of it because they can cover the tattoo of MC's initials, but sometimes they forgo it completely. Sometimes it's a whole arm sleeve. Surprisingly, Seven doesn't have a LOT of tattoos, it's more dainty, tiny meaningful tattoos scattered around their body.
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August is like Seven in that they wear big, slouchy clothes but where they differ is that August is more academic and put together. They also like to wear the art teacher skirts. Scoopneck sweaters, cargo pants, and they prefer long-sleeve and long bottoms, usually they don't have much skin showing.
Things they are always seen wearing: headphones around the neck, they dont go anywhere without them.
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Orion is pretty self-explanatory. He wears mostly slacks, sleek boots and a vest. Very professional dressing. If he is going to wear something casual, it'll be something like the right. Still fancy pants, but a clean black shirt. You won't really see him in anything less than 'business casual.'
Things always seen wearing: a watch lol
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I don't know how else to describe Seb's style as anything other than just basic. A T-shirt and jeans and he's good to go. Even the images I chose are a bit too stylish for him. Like, he's really just a basic guy. He doesn't think too hard on his outer appearance. Literally just...a Guy.
Even funnier when he's surrounded by people wearing fishnet tights and chains and a bunch of patterns and accessories like he stands out, oddly enough lol
The image in the middle isn't exactly how he looks in my head, but pretty close. Just a very unassuming but kind looking person. Also his hair is like that, just golden blond.
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Victoria has a very classically simple style. Sleek lines, tight dresses. It's not too out there, unlike G. Very simple. She dresses a bit like the second picture for G's shows, a bit edgier and leaning a little into the flamboyance. She tends to set trends and is looked at in Hollywood as someone pretty stylish. Victoria's body type is on the curvy side, more the farthest right than the other three, a bit bustier. She's a simple but effective dresser.
She loves heels, loves a square neck (farthest right). she loves a good form-fitting dress lol
IK its a lot but i would be doing this whole story a disservice if i made them boring dressers! so im not sorry !
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awaylaughing · 1 month
Glance, motion, and formal for Pippa? :D
Thank you! For Pippa, my lovely 7KPP Corval Lady. This got long, because Pippa and clothing is a Thing haha.
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC’s appearance? What’s their distinguishing feature?
In order, it's; Hair, short, very smiley.
The hair is down to a combination of factors, the main one being the style in Corval at the moment is long, loose hair across the genders. Pippa has a lot of hair as a result, and it's very curly and a bright strawberry blonde that invariably draws attention. Even when it is up, as a deference to practical factors or because she just feels like having a fancy updo today, her hair is vibrant enough and a unique enough colour and texture to be noticed.
The shortness speaks for itself, Pippa is under five feet tall, but is brightly coloured so she's hard to miss which just makes the fact she's all the way down there all the more obvious (Pippa talking to Lyon is always hilarious from the outside perspective).
Lastly, very smiley. Lady Pippa is a very nice girl, most people will agree. She's beautiful with a beautiful smile but the more attentive will notice it's basically always there. This is not entirely a mask, Pippa is a fairly happy individual who's natural inclination is to smile in most situations. But Pippa also wears her charming nature and natural beauty like an armour, people do not inherently take a small, very feminine, very charming and beautiful woman seriously. This is annoying, but it's also useful.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
There's a surprising economy of motion to Pippa. She's not much of a hands talker in the traditional sense, but she always has a fan on her and she gestures with it quite often. She's purposeful about it, and she's very purposeful in other motion to. She's not effortlessly gliding around, but she's not remotely clumsy and she is quite coordinated, so it's very rare to see her stumble. In general, she's good at giving the impression of being in motion without actually expending much energy. Another part of her "don't mind me I'm just a human parakeet" camouflage. formal: What’s your OC’s formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Modern fashions in the Inner Court rather demand one be, if not fashionable, at least armed with quite a lot of clothing. The general rules means that even when she's being casual, Pippa looks fairly formal or at least polished next to many people's definition. As it stands however, Pippa's very sartorially inclined and not remotely embarrassed by this fact.
Currently, the fashion for noble women happens to align with the more common fashions in day wear. A blouse and a skirt, and a shawl, are all part of the fashion. Arlish influence from Princess Constance is where they diverge and means the skirt and shawl are fabulously complicated at the moment, as the skirt is split so you must have beautiful petticoats, a beautiful skirt and a shawl that goes with both. And a maid who can make sure all three are visible at once. In a pinch, at least until Sayra and Ria really master the draping (I'm sure they're no slouches on day one) Pippa can do her own draping. The skirts are quite full, but Wellin has introduced the world to the cage Crinolin and in Corval, it's very new but Pippa is both a proper fashionista and a fan of not having to wear mountains of fabric if she doesn't have to.
Her evening wear is more likely to be a single dress back in Corval, but at the Summit having pieces she can mix-and-match maximizes her ability to not rewear items so she might have opted to continue with her day wear model. In Corval, you can kind of do either but the Inner Court favours a full dress because Princess Constance favours a full dress, as does the Empress but she is admittedly not a fashion icon these days. At night too, the shawl is less utilized but Pippa's mother comes from a culture that uses the shawl very heavily in their fashion, so you never see Pippa without one, though the limits of packing mean she could only bring so many heavily embroidered, 2 meter long bolts of fabric with her haha.
Heavy makeup isn't really in fashion in Corval, other than the use of kohl which is older than the nation, and Pippa doesn't like to have a lot of things on her face honestly. Jewellery on the other hand very much is important, Pippa's not quite wealthy enough she can absolutely drape herself in jewels but her mother's dowry was saffron fields so, she does alright.
Shoes are her one sticking point, Pippa's not a huge fan of shoes so she doesn't have much of a collection, but she has enough she'll never let her outfits down.
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birlwrites · 10 months
What is your version of Hogwarts' uniform like? (The everyday one and the Quidditch one)
okay SO
i think of the everyday uniform as having a few layers, but the ESSENTIAL elements are the shirt, tie, and robe. shirt is just a white long-sleeved button-down, tie is striped tie with house colors, and the robe resembles a graduation gown (picture of one that's not black so you can see the seams better):
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it's a workrobe, which means it's ankle-length (often a little longer for first and second years, as they'll grow, but they can't be too much longer or they'll be an inconvenient length, so it's common for people to have robes that are kind of short on them by the end of the year (which would be, like, hitting slightly above the ankle), sleeves hit at the wrist, and the fabric isn't at all tight but it's relatively closely fitted (despite the pleats) to minimize the chances of fabric swinging around and getting in the way/getting splashed with dangerous substances/attacked by plants/etc
shoes: no particular dress code there, although certain classes may require close-toed shoes/shoes you don't mind getting dirty. i think leather shoes are common for kids from magical families - dragonhide or something else Fancy if you're rich. canvas shoes are something creeping in from the muggle world so only really seen on people who live in non-magical neighborhoods (and actually go out into those neighborhoods lmao). i haven't thought very much about socks
people will often wear trousers (or sometimes a skirt) under their robe as well, for warmth and/or modesty, as even though the robes aren't super loose, they are still loose and something like wind can cause issues for both temperature and 'blowing your clothes all over the place' reasons. first-years need trousers for flying lessons, as attempting to fly in a robe will hamper your ability to move your legs unless it's only fastened over the chest (or not at all, but it would probably slide off your shoulders as you flew). they're also considered a basically-essential component of attending potions and astronomy, for temperature reasons
wearing your school robe open over the rest of your uniform would be kind of like... not unacceptable, but mcgonagall would tell you to button it up the second you set foot in your classroom. kind of like walking around in your workout clothes - it's not a question of modesty (provided you're wearing trousers/a long skirt), but rather of formality
quidditch: long-sleeved shirt and... hm how do i describe my mental image of this. ok so like, trousers that are fitted but also pretty thick. you need to be able to move your legs freely, but sitting on a broom isn't all that comfortable, and it's also a (very minimal) layer of protection in case you get hit by a bludger. it also has that strap to go under the arch of your foot to keep it in place
the real protection is over your torso, because that's where your vital organs are - leather armor w a front and back piece, going from your waist up to your neck. sides aren't really covered for freedom of movement, so you've got like... let's say a 4-inch-wide strip on either side that doesn't have armor. (limbs don't get this protection because eh, who hasn't broken a limb playing quidditch, it's totally fine)
players also need leather gloves - these are meant to protect your hands from the broom handle in case of long matches, but seekers Must have fingerless gloves bc of snitch flesh memories, and chasers and keepers usually have fingerless gloves as well so they can grip better. beaters often have their whole hands covered bc they have to wield a bat for the entire game
and then over all of that you have your team robe. shirt and trousers will generally be in your team's base color, and people don't always wear the robe for practice (except just to calibrate for flying with it). team robe has both your team's colors and a number and surname. numbers are always 01-07 at hogwarts, with any reserves (which are uncommon) starting at 08. chasers are typically 01-03, keeper is 04, beaters are 05 and 06, and seeker is 07. this pattern continues for the reserves. in the pro leagues, numbering is more like 'you pick Your Number and you Keep It', but at hogwarts they don't want to deal with that shit
it makes perfect sense for players to wear helmets but i simply cannot see it in my mind's eye so they don't. this is why concussions are so common in a sport that is not, strictly speaking, a contact sport. it also makes perfect sense for players to wear goggles but again i simply cannot see it so they do not. something something can't obstruct vision something something snitch
quidditch robes are fairly different from a normal robe: they cut away below the waist, and they hit at about the back of the knee, rendering them more like a jacket with a train (that begins to taper inward about mid-thigh and then ends in a point). they're very closely fitted, and made of a very flexible fabric so they don't impede movement.
last component is shoes - leather again, low-top, with a low block heel. this is so that you can brace against the broom - there's a small crosswise bar at the back, right before the... i don't know what that's called. the bristles? the sweepy part? you know, the end bit. ANYWAY there's a bar in front of that part where people can brace their feet, makes it a lot easier to steer and stay on your broom esp when you're going fast. this is why it's important to calibrate broom size to your height - if the broom is too big for you, then you can't comfortably brace your feet and keep a grip at the end of the handle, and that'll make your steering awkward since you'll be trying to steer from the middle of the broom
shoes, gloves, and armor generally don't vary from team to team, and they're normally brown. pro teams might sometimes have them made in team colors, but at hogwarts they are brown. and they're similar to the brooms in that hogwarts has them on hand and can issue them to you, but people will buy their own if they can so they can get new ones - gloves are by far the most common thing to buy yourself, followed by shoes, and then armor. it depends on a) how serious you are about quidditch or b) how much money you have for random shit like that
the newer the gloves and shoes are, the thinner the leather tends to be - the goal is always maximum protection with minimum bulk and also minimum break-in time. so some people do upgrade. in the pro leagues, they'll probably go through a pair of gloves a season - at hogwarts, the standard for 'functional quidditch gloves' is very much at 'functional' rather than 'high-performing,' and the practice and game schedules are also much less intense, so most people wouldn't have any reason to get new gloves more than every few years. (also, if your gloves are older, they're probably thicker and won't wear out as fast.) the main reason to get new ones would be 'i am a tween who is not done growing and my gloves/shoes don't fit me anymore' (shoes don't wear out as fast as gloves do since they're really just there to cover your feet and provide a heel to use to brace, plus they're low-top so they don't need to be as flexible as the gloves do since your ankles aren't covered by them)
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Style Headcanons
So basically, I’m a big hater to the way the costume team worked on them. The whole “All Isle kids wear Leather” and “Auradon Kids always look like they’re on their first kid and on the way to the country club” thing drives me crazy. It sorta feels like they made costumes before giving them personalities (The leather on Carlos  and Evie feels like it clashes with their personalities. Lonnie’s dresses in the first movie doesn’t fit the personality we see, even though she didn’t have much of a personality until movie two. Audrey dressed like a thirty-four year old mother who just picked up her kid before going to the country club. Ben’s only good outfit was his swim trunks.) So here are some personal headcanons and pictures of what I imagine for them. (I started making them at 1am last night lol)
Villain Kids 
As someone raised to want to be a princess, she wants to dress like how she imagines a princess would.
She loves pastels and is no stranger to pairing pastel blue with a neutral red or bright white. 
The only pants she really wears are either athletic shorts or those little flowy elastic shorts, otherwise she’s all skirts.
She’s sorta a prep but not in the same way a character like Audrey would be. 
Evie has respect for most aesthetics, even though she doesn’t fully fit just one. However, she hates crocs and those little pastel shorts that white boys wear, she will announce it often.
Wouldn’t be caught dead in neon colors. 
owns a blue fur coat (it’s fake fur, obviously)
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Baby boy is a total softie
You know that one gay little sweater in movie one, that’s where they went right, more of that.
He’s into the soft boy aesthetic and only strays from it for formal wear
loves layering sweaters over button ups
Cuffed jeans, always because ya know, bisexual 
Owns a floral button up from Jay, normally he hates patterned button ups but it’s his favorite shirt. 
Loves striped sweaters, he owns about 6 variations of them in different colors (all include red, white, or black of course)
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In theory, Jay doesn’t really have one aesthetic, he’s willing to try on just about anything
Most of his clothing was bought by Evie or Carlos, especially his formal wear
The only clothes that Jay will buy for himself is athletic wear
He doesn’t really see the point of buy clothing that he can’t go straight to practice in. 
Still has the beanie,  but he owns one in just about every color to match it to his outfit.
Listen, we know Jay’s main color is yellow/gold, but why did we always see him with more red/blue in the movie? What type of snow white aesthetic were they trying to give him?
Jay owns a button up that he write on, he refuses to wear it actually buttoned though
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She loves the grunge/alternative aesthetic, she thinks it makes her look more like she belongs to the Isle
She wouldn’t wear skirts until after she and Evie became friends, Evie bought her her first skirt (a purple plaid one) and she fell in love with it
Mal has a whole jewelry box of just chains, both necklaces and ones that attach to clothing 
Owns a pair of Demonia Swing-815 boots (black patent) and a pair of Demonia Camel-203 boots (holographic purple) 
100% owns one of those studded hot topic belts. 
Has a headband with little horns that symbolize her mother’s horns 
Instead of the leather half gloves from the movie, she has those little fishnet gloves and covers her hands in rings.
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Her style is similar to Mal’s because if Mal is going to do something, Uma will do it better.
Uma only wore outfits that were super Fem and had skirts until Mal started doing it
Then it was Uma always wearing pants, because of her love for plaid skirts she owns a whole collection of plaid pants
the only jeans she owns are black or dark wash. 
Her first ever large purchase was a pair of Doc Marten 1460 Zip Tartan Lace up boots (they’re green, black, and blue plaid) 
She and Harry bought matching Doc Marten Jadon platforms (his are more shiny though)
Isn’t as into chains as Mal, more into chockers. 
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When the E-boy aesthetic came out, Harry was all over it 
Harry definitely has one of those chains with a little lock on it. 
I’d like to imagine he has baby gauges
the before mentioned platform doc martens, he definitely treats them like his baby
Even though Harry dresses like an e-boy,  he always has his pirate hat on
Definitely wears cloth masks as a fashion piece he actually would wear his in the pandemic though, unlike some people who wore them before but not for safety 
Harry is actually really good at graphic liner, he owns a gold, red, and white eyeliner to add color to the outfit if it’s mainly black
Bought plaid pants because Uma did, he want’s to match with his captain
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As we know (maybe you don’t) it’s in the canon that Gil’s mother taught him to sew and he enjoys it. 
So Gil doesn't dress in one aesthetic or even close to being in one, he wants to try out everything, both making and wearing them.
He does stick to a monochrome color scheme though, mainly shades of brown with white or black thrown in. Sometimes he adds a little red or yellow though to “honor” Gaston
Most of his clothing is more comfortable than anything
Only owns three pairs of jeans, the rest are different types of pants (he loves corduroys) 
Owns a pants chain that harry bought him but he only really wears it when Harry and Uma are wearing one so he won’t feel left out on it. 
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Baby girl has seen the Isle steal the childhood innocence from people, she dresses in kidcore as a way to keep hers
Her outfits always has at least 4 different colors in it.
No stranger to neon colors, she has a pair of overalls that are neon rainbow and covered in gummy candy and she only wears them with a neon green tee, Evie and Carlos hate this outfits, Jay loves it because of the disappointment it brings to the two fashion fans 
Dizzy’s outfits in the movie were colorful obviously but they should have been just more over the top
She loves patterns and has no fear of pattern mixing
definitely owns some funky earrings, clay rings, and  statement necklaces
puts beads on her shoe laces, especially on her converse (they were white ones, she drew all over them) 
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Auradon Kids 
Okay so Ben’s animated and movie outfits were bad, you can’t convince me of anything else
Why was Ben not dressed in the soft boy aesthetic? You’re trying to tell me that Belle’s son wouldn’t be a soft boy?
He has a jean jacket with his father’s beast symbol painted on the back
Absolutely loves graphic crewnecks, often layers them over collared shirts
He and Carlos go shopping together often in their free time
Lover of funky crew socks,  ones with paintings, patterns, logos, whatever. But his socks always match
After he and Mal started Dating, he bought a white jean jacket and let her paint it, he wears it all the time even though it didn’t match his original clothing, he bought more clothes in her color scheme to match it
He owns like 6 pairs of high top converse (light blue, yellow, white, navy, black, and Purple after getting the jacket back from Mal)
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Listen, out of everyone he was the closest to how I imagined he should be, that being said, he had a little soft boy thing going on in some movies that I don’t think fit his personality
Polos and button ups are basically all he owns, but he does have some of those pastel simply southern esc graphic tees (Southern people probably know what I’m on about, all the guys who act like Chad at my school have like 5 of them each)
Owns 6 pairs of those horrid little southern boy pastel shorts in different shades of blue (plus 1 white pair)
Will not wear jeans, ever, the only pants he owns are khakis
All over the shirts that have logos embroidered into the shirt over the chest. 
Definitely gets asked if he’s on the way to golf/ the country club, the joke is that he is, he has to meet his father there after school
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Listen, I’m not an Audrey stan, but they did her so dirty in the first movie
She should have been the stereotypical mean girl outfit wise, I mean, mini skirts, all pastels
Owns a pink teddy coat, and a white one, she actually cares about if they get dirty though, takes good care of them
definitely has a collection of tennis skirts, pairs them with sweaters/crewnecks or blouses that have a slight puff to the sleeve
The type of girl to wear rufflely rompers on her birthday every year, pink, white, or baby blue obviously
loves those tiny shoulder bags
preppy and looks good in it. 
cropped polos and tube tops
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This account is a Jane should have been cottage core/ fairy core fan page, her outfits were almost there, just not there, she’s literally a fairy but can’t use magic nor did they let her dress like one, I hate it here
Baby girl loves gingham and floral patterns, some of her dresses are a little more to her mother’s taste than hers (her mother bought them) but as long as it’s a pattern she likes she will wear it. 
Cardigans are her best friend, she owns one in multiple shades of pink and blue, plus a white one (all of her clothing fits a pastel pink/blue/white color scheme)
Babydoll dresses her a her favorite style of them (the one I put in the top right corner is what I imagine her birthday dress as) 
People try to mockingly ask if she’s on her way to a tea party/picnic (like they do with Chad and the country club) if the answer isn’t actually yes one of her friends still say yes, no one can be rude to her about it 
She owns a corset (Evie bought it for her, it made her nervous at first but she loves it) 
Owns kitten heels and flats mainly also two pairs of mary janes (in white and blue) 
has one of those little pearl purses that aren’t really useful but they’re cute 
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Last but not least, our funky little lesbian (she is, Jay is just her emotional support queer man) Lonnie, she sticks to the teal, blue, and pink color scheme they gave her in movie one
She mainly wears sweats (or athletic clothing) otherwise it’s graphic tees tucked in (many of them are from the men’s section) 
Only wears sneakers, she has places to be but also collects them (also owns 1 pair of pink crocs, Evie tried to burn them)
Carlos and Ben talked her into wearing a collar shirt under a graphic tee once (they bought her a sleeveless button up which she hated at first) and now she does it anytime she wants to look like she put effort into her outfit. 
Wears a lot of necklaces and rings (she loves to layer necklaces, she thinks it makes her sweats look less boring) 
Uses a mini backpack instead of a purse, easier to carry more things.
Has two pairs of custom painted air forces. 
Hates wearing bracelets but always has to have a hair tie on her wrist so they don’t feel empty .
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eve6262 · 3 years
day 5 - [firsts]/hextech
It was the first gala he would be attending that actually sounded exciting, for two reasons. First, it was for inventors only- him and Shoola would be there, but they would be the only Councillors as they were the only inventors on the board. That guaranteed good conversation and ideas.
The second, and almost more exciting idea, was that Viktor would be attending.
"Of course I will be going, Jayce," he said offhandedly. "It is overly rich Piltie parties I despise. This will not be that."
Jayce hadn't believed him, but when he walked into the ballroom his first thought was oh, he's right. Despite the gala label, both him and Shoola walk into the room dressed to the nines to an absolutely eclectic crowd.
It does seem like anyone with the funds has dressed well, though what the means depends on the culture they're from. Ionian ladies wear dresses with a thousand ruffles and more feathers, but they're all tied back and trail around like a cape contrasting the usual hard-to-maneuver Piltie dresses with their hoops and tight skirts. Their men wear similar garb, but then Noxians wear something similar to his usual crowd, only with some emphasis on armor and flexibility.
He walks by a crowd of Targonian folk, all dressed in clothes he can only describe as half traditional, what with the long sleeves and the ribbons pinning robe openings closed, and half modern, with skirts resembling the prettiest of Pilties.
Shurimans wear sheer silks over basic pencil skirts or skater dresses, and he sees one woman in a mermaid length dress with practical wings on her back made of sheer silks. Beside her is both a woman similarly dressed and a man with a tailored suit looking quite uncomfortable in it.
Then he spots Viktor. It is the first time he's seen him in formal wear for a gala, and now he wants to force the man to go to all of them.
It is also the first time he has seen Viktor in a skirt.
The man first wears a dress that tapers off in the front, leaving a small trail in the back without reaching the floor. It's ruffled, giving the cut a more complex feel, and seems to allow him to walk with a skirt without the fear of tripping on it. On top, he wears a coat that wouldn't be out of place in a conductor's wardrobe; swathed in black fabric with silver trim and two small glinting red jewels where chains pin the chest.
It is absolutely stunning. So stunning it take Heimerdinger three tries to get his attention.
"Oh! Sorry, professor. I was-"
"Looking at all the people? Yes, I understand. Despite my age, I must admit, I've never seen such diversity in one place before!"
"Y-yeah. It's really something."
"Either way, as I was saying, I advise you to watch your tongue about Hextech towards the majority of people here. Many of them come from very magic-reliant backgrounds, and they will not take kindly to your attitude towards magic."
"I see. Thank you, professor."
"Not at all, my boy! Oh, and- have you seen Viktor?"
"Yes, actually," he's still been looking at him out of the corner of his eye this whole time, "He's right there."
"Splendid! I have something to talk with him about."
Jayce decides to accompany the yordle, and the two make their way to the corner, where Viktor is sitting on a chair talking animatedly with a young Targonian girl with a glint in her eyes. Despite her stature, her cloak- fluffy neck, with patterns going down the two layers, presumably to allow her use of her hands without parting the front- screams sophistication. Perhaps more strange magic from the mountain.
"So, if we contain the explosion, it could power the whole thing by itself!"
"It sounds quite promising. Though constant changes in force would damage the integrity of the piston, even if it's built to last. Perhaps a more consistent spell?"
"Ah, too many runes. Perhaps they are easier for you, but for me? It is like talking Ancient Shuriman."
She giggles, a hand over her mouth. "I can speak Ancient Shuriman."
"Of course you can."
"Viktor!" Heim calls out, spoiling the moment.
"Professor. Did you need me for something?"
"Oh, nothing in particular. I just wanted to advise you watch your mouth around many of today's crowd. They have grown up around magic, and they aren't very fond of Piltover's ideals towards it."
"I am aware, trust me. We have plenty of magic in Zaun- I know how these things work."
"You do?"
"Yes. It was not uncommon to hear the nearby block got a power outage because some girl with electric magic had no lessons on containing herself."
"A shame, really," the Targonian girl sighs, "Electric magic is always fun to see. Not blinding like light, but still a light show. You know?"
Viktor hums in agreement. The professor has already up and left, leaving Jayce alone with the girl and his partner.
"So, that outfit."
"Ah, yes." He guestures to the Targonian girl, who has a sparkle in her eyes. "I asked Laverna for something to wear. She did quite the stellar job, I must say."
"Yeah, it's- it's gorgeous. I'm just-"
"No, surprised you'd go with a dress."
"Ah. That. Well, suit pants are quite hard to hide a brace under, and too thick to put over. Laverna was the one who suggest a skirt instead."
"He also wasn't listening when I said it, so he was quite surprised when I showed up with a dress and a coat. I'm almost surprised he put it on at all."
"You made a very compelling argument."
"I told you you'd like it~."
Jayce, for the first time in a long, long time, doesn't care that he seems to be intruding on an already existing dynamic. He wants to see Viktor in the dress more, and maybe glance at the back of the coat, and overall he feels like he's in a fairy tale looking at the prince as the princess. Or maybe it's the other way around.
"Are you alright? You've been simply standing there for a bit.'
"Oh, yeah, I just- would you like to come with me?" He offers an arm, as he would during any gala to the person who's accompanying him. Shoola took it when they entered, and left when they parted; Mel usually hangs onto him with it, not disguising her affection in any way. Viktor, by contrast, pushes himself up on his cane and gestures for Jayce to lead.
"Will you follow, by the way. Laverna?"
"Hmm. I'll be there if you call for me, but aside, I'll simply be roaming. See you~."
"Good luck finding entertainment, then."
She giggles as she leaves, and now it's simply Viktor and Jayce. The two move around the ballroom as a pair, answering questions and asking a few of their own. It's awkward around a Shuriman who comes up to them and asks if they hate magic, but Viktor easily responds, "No, I simply grew up somewhere it wasn't used," and the Shuriman nods and smiles and responds, "Smart man. You're lucky, big guy," looking at Jayce.
The two proceed to start chatting about the uses of Hextech and why Viktor finds it so important to give magic to those who aren't innately so in tune with it, and Jayce attempts to hide his blush.
That being said, it doesn't take long for Viktor to tire out. He'd be absolutely exhausted in a party with investors, Jayce thinks, because for all the pain his leg must be causing him he seems to gain in energy with every conversation. It's a losing battle, though, and eventually they find a corner balcony with no one on it and Viktor sits down on the bench.
"Ah, you don't have to stay with me. I am sure people are clamoring to hear from the Man of Progress himself out there."
"I'm not going to just leave you. And besides, you've given way better answers out there. They're probably all looking for you."
"Hmm. Tonight may be the one time you are correct about that. Though it is a waste of your good outfit."
"What do you mean?"
Viktor makes some strange noise between a laugh and a squeak. "You are dressed to impress, yes? Yet right now the only one your are impressing is me."
It takes a while to process, during which Viktor is carefully arranging his bad leg. "You think I'm impressive?"
"I tell you that quite often."
"In an academic sense, for my ideas, yeah. But you like the way I look?"
"...I am sure you know that you are attractive, Jayce."
"But to you?"
"I am not immune to physical charms."
Jayce sits down beside him, and Viktor turns his head to look at the man who's now deep in thought and very willing to say it all out loud. "Then it'd be a waste for you too."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Your outfit."
"It is presentable, and the quality is good- I will give her that, she did a fantastic job. I am not exactly the perfect model, however."
"Viktor," Jayce says, pained, and Viktor searches his eyes for why, but all he finds is the love he's convinced himself can't be there. "Viktor, you're gorgeous."
"That is a gross overstatement."
"That is an understatement. Gods, have you looked at yourself?"
"Sickly, pale, thin-"
"Pretty cheekbones, perfect shape, I'd kill for your eyes."
"Would you?"
They are dangerously close. Playing with fire. Let Viktor be a moth to the flame, then, because they both dive in.
It is their first kiss together. It is the best either of them have received, perhaps not empirically, but in their memories it is forever cemented that this was the first moment they kissed.
When years later, at a party that attempts to bring together Piltover and Zaun to the general public occurs, Viktor is wearing the same sort of outfit, they share a quiet kiss on the balcony again.
This time, Laverna pops in and says, "You should stop making out in public places if you don't want people to take photos of you."
And the rest of the night was spent chasing Caitlyn around the room.
self indulgence to the nines, but that's what we call ~self care~
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
ok so tlh is set in 1903 and there are a few things we know about the clothes from the books themselves- 1. we have a vague idea of the silhouette, as briefly described in the book and the dresses on the cover (although those are mostly incorrect, they do, I suppose, set the reader into the general mindset.) and 2. apparently only pastel colors are fashionable, they do not look nice on cordelia specifically (not all poc girls look 'washed out' in these colors, Kamala, who is often depicted in official art with a similar skin tone to cordelia is stated in the books to look very nice in her pastel dresses)
firstly, the 1900s were a rather odd decade for clothes silhouette wise. this decade was the transition from the 1800s dresses with foot-length hemlines and fuller skirts into the 1910s trends of dresses that reached to the bottom of the calf and a more utilitarian and accessible style. Dresses in the 1900s still had the tubular shape of the 1890s, although it was less severe and it eventually faded out by about 1906 or 1907.
Speaking for now only about the first half of the decade as the books do take place in 1903, the dresses would have had a very structured bodice with flowing skirts that reached to about the ankle. Their undergarments would have included at least three layers (something in between the corset and their body, the corset, and a corset cover) with drawers, stockings, padding at their hips and bust, and at least 1-2 petticoats. dresses consisted of the bodice and skirt as separate pieces, with lace and embellishments used to bring the attention to the bodice.
Day clothes were more structured and less busy, most of them including high necklines and long sleeves. (yes this means that the stupid thing with james always staring at cordelia's chest is not realistic.)
The ballgowns and party dresses that are often mentioned are slightly more accurate. These dresses tended to be very busy with lots of patterns and lace on them, often toward the bust line to achieve an ideal silhouette. skirts were longer and fuller than the day dresses and gloves were always worn with these dresses to make it appear more modest as it had low necklines and short sleeves.
a couple of notes about historical accuracy- number one being the corset. there is a part in chain of gold where cordelia complains about her corset that makes me mad every time I read it. corset were modern bras but more comfortable, they were incredibly supportive and didn't mess with anything permanently. there was always a layer between the skin and the corset as protection for both the skin and the corset as they were intended to be worn for years on end and needed protected from oil and dirt from the body. tight lacing is essentially the historic equivalent to people today who get dressed up in their fanciest clothes for an 8 a.m college class. it wasn't standard and it was only done in very specific situations in which the wearer wanted to look a certain way. for the most part, the super narrow waist wasn't actually all that small, and it looked that way because of padding on the hips and chest.
number two on the standards for fashion at the time. at this point being fashionable was less about standing out as it was about fitting in. If you were wearing something out of fashion it was abnormal and you would be ridiculed for it, along the lines of wearing jeans and a t-shirt to a formal wedding. it was a matter of propriety and respect. Getting dressed a certain way wasn't chore or special thing, it just was.
number three is on the aesthetic dress movement. this would be the category the cover dresses fall into. the aesthetic dress movement encouraged women to dress individually by rejecting the high fashion and emphasizing freedom of movement and practicality. (that is not to mean that high fashions weren't practical and comfortable, its basically just the equivalent of wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants as opposed to something like jeans, a blouse, and five accessories. both are good, its just that they feel very different.) these clothes took from greco-romanic traditions as well as that of eastern asian cultures, with flowing, airy fabrics and loose silhouettes. this style was usually only worn around the home.
next we're going to talk about color. first of all, pastels do not wash cordelia out, she is absolutely stunning in them, as well as the jewel tones. on a more historical note, clothes in the 1900s weren't all pastels????? lighter colors were in trend, as more of an aesthetic dressing style was in fashion, but dark colors could never actually go out of style from a practical standpoint. day dresses from the early half of the decade usually had darker colors, I will link or send another ask with two examples. one, from 1900, is a dark red and gray dress and the other is a walking dress actually from 1903 and is a perfect example of something cordelia could have worn. (it has a very nice brownish gray color with gold embellishments and a high neck.)
now evening dresses on the other hand were usually light colored, almost all of the surviving ones from this decade are a creme or gold color (there are a few in black and some in other colors as well, but the majority are creme, gold, or extremely light to the point they look white.) this is where the biggest plot hole is in my opinion. so it would have been most fashionable by mundane standards to wear a white or gold, which are the mourning and wedding colors respectively, so they obviously couldn’t have done that, which means that the women are either wearing day dresses that wouldn't come into creation until 3-5 years later, they are breaking mundane fashion rules, or they are breaking strict shadowhunter tradition. (out of all the shadowhunter things, the color code seems to actually be the one most consistent through all of the series, aside from the line about the youth in london wearing white sailing outfits.)
cordelias jewel tone wardrobe from anna is incredibly unrealistic in multiple aspects. for one, multiple dresses that would have had to have been custom made by hand plus, correct me if i'm wrong, accessories or undergarments, would have been WILDLY unrealistically expensive. there are plenty of money questions for the shadowhunter universe, but an entire wardrobe like that isn't even historically accurate for the british royal family even with all their blood money. on top of that is the fact that with the cultural implications of certain fashions cordelia very well could have become an outcast for wearing something so wildly out of fashion. there isn't really a modern correlation for it, but while she wouldn't necessarily have become a complete outcast or pariah, with the way we are told the shadowhunters align with societal values of the time (I.e cordelia being ruined) accepting that wardrobe would have been completely counterintuitive to her mission of being accepted by the shadowhunter society.
so that was a lot and i'm not sure if I got everything. let me know if you need any clarification, or want anything continued!!! thank you so much for letting me info dump and rant in your inbox, you are amazing!!
links for photos:
Worth 1903 evening dress
Worth 1903 walking dress
Worth 1900 day dress
plus an article that is the best thing i've ever read
I also have some other video/article links if anyone wants them!!
I will be honest with you anon
I really have nothing to add to all this besides that this is absolutely fascinating
I love how you compared clothing to different types of modern day equivalent that genuinely made it so much easier for me to visualize
I had actually heard complaints about the corset thing before! I had actually seen that many authors seem to write them as if they are the bane of many ya historical fantasies, when in reality it wasn't that at all. So in that scene in chog Cordelias corset was the equivilant of dressing in your fansiest clothes for a class?
See I would have never guessed it!
So more flowy greco-roman inspired clothing got it!
The movement mostly went towards freedom and practicality
Oh that does seem like a problem
The confiction between being appropriate in shadowhunter culture and in the fashion of the time
This is amazing
I will be refering to it more for ficts :D
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nct-lian · 4 years
her style (seven categories)
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— daily wear (casual wear)
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lian’s entire wardrobe is the definition of ulzzang fashion. she loves loves loves the korean style !! lian can get cold really easily, and so she tries to incorporate some sort of long sleeve into all her outfits.
it works out perfectly as well because when i tell you she’s obsessed with cardigans and jeans- lian owns SO MANY JEANS like half her closet is just jeans and it’s scary :0
she doesn’t normally gravitate towards layering clothing, but i promise that when she does, it looks so so good.
she has no problem layering a simple sweater vest or putting on a thick sweater over something thin, but she’s expressed how she finds it to be uncomfortable if she layers a bunch of thick clothing on top of each other.
lian also really loves skirts !! her legs have never really been the target of cold weather, so wearing skirts in the fall (or even winter at times) has thankfully never been a problem for her. she particularly loves mini skirts with a solid colour or a plaid design.
her colour scheme consists of neutral colours, black and whites and occasional pops of pastel!
— formal wear (meetings, company dinners, etc.)
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there’s a rule in sm that states: the idols aren’t to wear anything denim or “lazy looking” while attending important events within the company or meeting new people in public because it’ll set a good first impression.
lian makes sure not to go overboard when dressing formally, but she’d get scolded if she were to underdress. and so that leaves her with a limited amount of options when choosing what to wear.
she tends to go with the simple blouse paired with a mini skirt, or if she doesn’t have the energy to try, she’ll throw on a pair of trousers with a solid coloured top and call it a day.
whereas if she were to be attending a company gathering with her seniors, she’ll wear a pretty dress or expand her “blouse + mini skirt” outfit into something a little more extravagant!
again, her formal colour scheme sticks to a neutral palette with black and whites. it’s rare to see any sort of colour if she hadn’t decided to wear something plaid.
— comfy wear (lounging, hanging out at home, etc.)
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as much as lian wishes she could just stay in her pyjamas all day long when they’re off schedules, she knows that’ll do her no good. forcing herself to get up every morning and change also gives her the motivation to brush her teeth and wash her face like she needs to.
that being said, if she has to change so early in the morning, then she’s sticking with something incredibly comfortable.
tons of oversized shirts and baggy pants—the shirts normally belonging to the boys. no joke, johnny has lost over fifteen sweaters to lian, and they’re definitely not going back to him.
like his shirts basically go all the way down to her knees and so there’s no need for pants to keep her legs warm. a random pair of shorts and she’s good to go!
all of her comfy clothes are super soft and fluffy and perfect for sitting around to do nothing! she practically swims in all of these clothing items, but that’s part of the fun :D
she doesn’t really care about the colour, but she does have to match the pants with the shirt because if she doesn’t, then that’s just wrong, guys.
— sleep wear (pyjamas)
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the fifth floor’s heating system has been broken for like the past three months and nobody has fixed it yet, so the dorm is constantly cold.
but lian does this thing where she freezes herself before she goes to bed because “it’ll feel nice when i sleep.”
the boys always tell her to go put on a sweater or change into a longer pair of pants because her sleep wear is literally the thinnest material ever—and not to mention, she’s wearing short sleeves most of the time!
lian seriously despises going to sleep in long pants because they make her overheat and it’s all uncomfortable when she’s under her thick ass duvet, so her pyjamas are normally short.
again, lian doesn’t really care about the colour because they normally come in sets and everything matches anyway. she definitely prefers to have a thin and soft material!
— award show wear (first row: while performing, second row: red carpets)
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okay say it with me: LIAN PRETTIEST GIRL !! the stylists absolutely love love love lian, and they make sure to show it when putting her outfits together. whenever lian is performing on stage, she’s always decked out in a glitter filled outfit so that she shines even brighter than she already does—especially if she’s with the boys.
it’s no secret that lian is rather ... vertically challenged, and the stylists want to make sure she’s not completely enveloped into them to the point where she can’t be seen. they make sure her outfits a little more sparkly so she’s able to be seen well, but they always have to match with what the rest of of them are wearing.
if she doesn’t match, she’ll looks like a random girl just following them everywhere they go, and that’s something nobody wants!
while walking the red carpet, lian literally looks a million dollars. all her outfits are personally made just for her so they fit perfectly! unless it comes from a designer brand, of course.
she’s obviously had a little bit of malfunctions because the “too short for their body type dress” has happened once or twice despite having all her outfits custom made. make that make sense tbh ??
the colour scheme is super colourful and diverse! like stated before, the stylists love to have her stand out and shine, so they love to take risks while creating her outfits :)
— jewelry (necklaces, rings, earrings, etc.)
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lian loves her jewelry! she’s always seen wearing pretty necklaces, shiny bracelets and gorgeous, dangly earrings :) but she has a very strong love-hate relationship with rings.
there are only certain rings she’s able to wear because bulky and chunky ones make her very uncomfortable. she leans more towards the dainty and thin style.
for earrings, she really goes all out with them. her earrings are always dangly and shiny, and super extravagant! she has a lot of piercings as well so she’s able to wear several earrings at a time.
her necklace preference is fairly basic; just the simple dainty chain with a diamond on the end or a trail of pearls.
— head wear (hats, headbands, hair clips, etc.)
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lian honestly doesn’t care for hats that much. she prefers having her hair flow nicely with a couple of hair pins to keep it in place, but it’s necessary to have a hat on while dancing because her hair will go EVERYWHERE everywhere if it’s not secured in some way.
she only likes bucket hats and baseball caps because she believes that the other ones are ugly. no offence to beanie wearers, it’s just not her style!
headbands aren’t something she’s too into either, she’ll only wear them if she believes that it’ll go well with her outfit. she’ll also wear them if she has to keep the front pieces of hair out of her face for the day.
lian’s hair clips are like her children. she’s always wearing some sort of pin and they’re literally so beautiful and match her outfits so well!
not only does lian absolutely love the way her hair clips look on herself, but she likes how the boys look with them in their hair as well. when yuta still had his long hair, she would constantly be styling it for him.
he would be adorned in golden bobby pins and sparkly clips basically 24/7 :D
majority of lian’s clothing sticks to a neutral colour palette, so she buys hair accessories that match well!
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Missing Piece
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Pair: Sirius Black x Reader; he/him: transmasculine reader.
Summary: Life has been tricky since he was taken. You felt jumbled, like a screwed up puzzle, but pieces slowly fall into place. Sirius is one of those pieces and he’s never leaving again.
Warnings: dysphoria, hints of depression, fluffy fluff, Harry is your son
Notes: Please excuse the shit nickname- I tried! Enjoy guys!
You found out while he was at Azkaban. You had been counting the years since he was taken, when your life suddenly turned dim and cold, when nothing made sense. Everything went from a happily every after to a shattered mess of puzzle pieces. Your identity became one of the only pieces that seemed to find its spot easily and it was comforting to know there was a term for what you were. Lupin said it was normal and it wouldn’t bother his friend, but that didn’t ease the anxiety you held about your lover’s reaction to how you have changed. A stronger jaw, less curves, more muscle, more testosterone than before. A lot had changed between when Sirius last saw you and doubt was always in the back of your mind. 
What if he hated it? Even Tonks kept saying he wouldn’t, that he, of all of them, would understand, but the thought kept plaguing you. What if he never wanted to see you again? He was, quiet literally, your entire world. Maybe it was selfish to start changing yourself without him. Maybe it wasn’t, but you couldn’t wait any longer. Some days it got so bad you couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror and showers only got harder the longer you went without the potion treatment.  
You had donated your bras, skinny jeans, heals, skirts- everything that triggered your dysphoria. Remus was kind enough to help you pick out shoes and a suit for the occasional formal event, should it be needed. Hell, even Tonks helped you figure out how binders work for the days where taking the potion felt like too much work and was there to cut and style your hair when needed. You wore his clothes instead of the crap in your closet, even if they were too big for you. It helped you cope with missing him and the shit in your head. You changed your name after some research, finally landing on (Y/n). It made you feel like you. It was perfect.
Lupin and Tonks all but moved into your apartment to make sure you were eating, sleeping, just functioning in general. The couple did so much for you. You owed them so much. You offered to join the Order of the Phoenix, but they declined, politely stating they couldn’t put you at danger. The werewolf told you he’d made a promise to your love that he and Tonks would do their absolute best to keep you safe and it only kinda upset you. Understanding why was easy, but being away from a certain young wizard with a scar across his forehead was hard. You wanted to see Harry, keep him safe, keep him healthy. He was basically your son after all. 
Currently, you were standing in front of the couch, decked out in a baggy shirt and shorts, bags under your eyes and stress wrinkles across your forehead. You were almost arguing with the werewolf who desperately wanted sleep while you wanted to see the young boy. 
“Remus, please.” Your voice cracked as you begged. Those were happening a lot more often now that you were a good few months on hormone potions. “At least let me see the kid again.” You ran your fingers through your hair, effectively making it messier than it already was. He could tell just by looking at you that you desperately needed a pick-me-up. He and Tonks did lock you inside the house and they both knew it was either say yes or you sneak out soon enough.
“Ok. Ok, fine.” The tall man started with a sigh, his hands going to his pockets out of habit. “But only, only, if he meets you meet him at a safe house.” He let out a silent laugh when he saw your eyes light up with joy. He hasn’t seen you smile like this in a while. It was worth it.
“Thank you, Moony!” You pulled him into a hug.
“No problem, King.” Lupin patted you on the back, using the nickname they deemed you way back when the Marauders were a thing between them. Once you pulled away, he put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from walking away. “I’ll take you there tomorrow. It’d probably be best if you stayed there anyway. It is a safehouse.” Lupin said the last bit more to himself. He gave you a smile before heading off to his temporary bedroom, Dora following behind him. 
It was getting late, around 10pm anyway, but you didn’t feel a lick tired. You were buzzing with excitement. You were gonna be able to see Harry in less than 24 hours. You allowed yourself to fall back against the couch, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. Your hands ran down your face and you desperately wanted to be held by Sirius. You missed him. Harry, unlike your love, knew you were transitioning and didn’t give two licks, he was happy if you were happy. 
You laid across the couch, hands across your flat chest as you stared up at the ceiling. A grin was plastered across your face. Another piece fell into place of the puzzle. You knew you loved Harry as a son. You let out a relieved sigh, your eyes fluttering shut. You stayed like that for a good hour, your excitement allowing your brain to tie itself with ideas and useless thoughts. You didn’t remember falling asleep when you woke.
“King, come on.” A voice finally snapped you out of your slumber. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, noticing a woman standing by the couch. “Did you sleep in your binder again?” Dora sighed out, her eyes staring into yours while you sit up. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she shook her head. 
“Sorry, Tonks. I forgot.” You stated the obvious as he stretched your arms above your head.
“Don’t say sorry to me, say it to your ribs.” The metamorphmagus teased. “But seriously, go take it off and shower. Let yourself breath.” She patted your head and walked off to the kitchen, where Lupin was already sipping his morning tea.
You trudged yourself to the closet, ignoring the soft throbbing in the right side of your ribs and opened the door. Ignoring the loud creak, you grabbed a towel, then walked to the bedroom you used to share. You pulled out a flannel t-shirt, a clean binder, boxers and a pair of jeans. With even more trudge in your step, you went over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. Your eyes avoided the mirror as you set your clothes and towel down on the counter, keeping your eyes down. 
You grabbed the back of your shirt, pulled it over your head and threw it off to the side, trying to ignore the mirror out of the corner of your eye. Clearing your throat, you repeated the action with your binder, choosing the ceiling as a much prettier sight than your chest. 
“Ah, yes. Today is one of those days.” You mumbled out, trying to finish this as quickly as possible. You finished stripping down and stepped into the shower, making the water a little hotter than usual. After letting the water bounce off your skin for a good 30 minutes,  you scrubbed yourself down, finishing your wash routine before turning off the water and stepping back out. Your eyes met the mirror and stared into your reflection before covering yourself quickly with a towel. 
Once you were dry, you got dressed starting with boxers, then your binder. It was a struggle, of course it would be. It managed to stick to your skin even though it felt dry enough. Shifting everything into a comfortable position, you tugged the flannel on. With each button, you felt a weight slide off your shoulders. It was already easier to breathe, easier to just function and think.
Once you were clothed and had taken care of your hygiene, you stepped out of the bathroom, hurrying to the kitchen to meet with the other two residents of the flat. You sat down at the kitchen table, waving your wand to lazily pour a cup of (tea/pop/coffee/hot cocoa/ whatever you want). 
“How did you sleep, (Y/n)?” Lupin spoke, setting his, now empty tea cup on the table, smiling across the table.
“Better than usual.” You smiled at him, fiddling with the unbuttoned collar of your shirt. “I am really excited to see Harry though!” You held a bright smile on your face as you gazed down at your mug. “Where is this safe house, anyway? And why haven’t I been there sooner?”
“Just a building called Grimmauld Place. We have to be careful coming and going. Don’t want it to be too obvious, now do we?” Dora spoke as she set a plate of food in front of you. She took her place next to her husband, a mug in her hands filled with tea, no doubt. 
“Speaking of being careful, I should head there first, make sure the coast is clear.” Lupin spoke up. 
“So, we’re leaving soon?” You asked between mouthfuls of the masterly crafted breakfast. Lupin nodded as he handed you a napkin to clean up the egg yolk dripping down your chin.
“As soon as you finished ea- No, slow down- You’re gonna choke-” Lupin spoke, a hand running down his face while Dora snorted into her cup. Lupin turned to her look at her quickly, a smile across his lips. “No, don’t laugh, it’s only going to encourage him.”  He then turned back to you, pointing. “And you. If you kill yourself before Harry graduates, I swear to Merlin himself, I will end you.” Dora almost choked on her drink.
Another piece of the puzzle fell into it’s perfect spot. Your friends. You knew they cared about you, loved you and you’d never truly be alone. When you finished literally inhaling your breakfast you slid your plate forward, smiling at the couple. It was so nice to see them acting like the world wasn't almost burning to all Hell.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” You clapped your hands together and stood up fast rough to knock your chair to the ground.
“No, wash the plate first.” Lupin teased, his grin growing wider when you groaned in annoyance. He rose from his own seat, maneuvering around the table to your side. “And pick up your chair, King! We’re not animals.” Moony said, patting you on the shoulder before walking out of the kitchen.
“You’re a werewolf and I’m an animagus. What are you talking about?” You spoke up, fixing your chair. You whined after hearing the familiar pop of apparition. Honestly, in the time that you’d spent here, you almost forgot apparition was a thing that wizards learn to do. That led you on a train of thought leading back to becoming an animagus. You could vividly remember figuring out how to do the process with James, Peter and Sirius when you were just younglings and let out a soft snicker. You remember offering to do it first, since all the men were being big babies about it and just the look of complete shock when you 4 managed to nail it was something to treasure. 
You snorted. The look of shock wasn’t just because you guys nailed the process, it was also over your animagus form. A big golden lion with a full maine and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth did scare them, rightfully so. It did give you a boss nickname though.  Dora’s chuckling had dragged you back to reality. 
“The faster you wash it, the faster we leave.” The woman stood from her seat, exiting the room on that note. She only laughed louder when you groaned again. You cleaned up your plate, mumbling about how you were far from being a child the whole time. “Did you actually do it?” Tonks asked when you walked out, her body leaning against the door frame with a smirk clear across your lips.
“Yes, mom.” You spoke while crossing your arm over your chest, a pout on your face. She rolled her eyes and reached out for you. Once you were holding her hand, she apparated the two of you so you were standing just outside the building. “..What?” you smiled, examining the front of the brown, rundown looking building. “Wait- this? This is the safe house?” You snickered, eyeing the building with a cocked brow.
“Give it a second.” Tonks shot you a smirk. Suddenly, the building began to shake and tremble and- wait, separate? No, it was just growing in length.
“Whoa!” Your eyes sparkled with excitement. Magic was absolutely amazing- you keep forgetting how awesome it can be. “Godric, I love this. Can I live here?” 
“Isn’t up to me. Come on.” Tonks led you to the front door of the newly founded addition and just walked inside, acting like she owned the place. The minute the door opened, you could hear many voices piling over themselves, some laughter and- was that Molly’s voice? Laughs and more voices caused you to stop halfway in the doorway. Anxiety bubbled in your stomach as you hurried after tonks, who didn’t even seem to notice you stopping.
“Wait, who else is here?” You stepped deeper down the hallway, eyes running along the peeling wallpaper and dusty nicknacks. 
“You’ll see.”
Ah, fuck. She’s up to something.
“What is it?” You spoke up again. “Tonks?” She just kept walking down the aisle to the door straight in front of her. “Dora? Dora, please tell m-” she pushed open the door, revealing a space filled to the brim with red-heads, a brunette and a noirette. “Harry!” You all but ran to the kid, pulling him into a hug once he stood up. He wrapped his arms around you, letting out a shout when you picked him up and spun him around. The red-headed family couldn’t help but laugh and chuckle at his high pitched yell. 
When you finally set the boy down, you cupped his face and checked him for injuries or cuts or any cracks on his lenses. 
“Are you ok? How have you been? Did the Dursleys start shit again? Godric, I told them to let you stay with me.”
“(Y/n)! (Y/n), I’m fine!” Harry stated between laughs, trying to swat your hands away from his face. “I’m ok. I’m just glad you’re ok.” Harry fixed his askew glasses, a lopsided smile on his face. 
“Godric, why didn’t you write?”
“I’m honestly fine.” 
“You know the Dursleys.”
“So, you aren't ok?”
“I swear to Merl-” You were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. The sudden noise had you jumping 4 feet in the air. You spun around to see Lupin in the doorway, a grin on his face. You could see the shadow of someone behind him, which had you tilting your head. “Lupin? Where were you?” 
“I had to pick someone up.” Lupin steeped deeper into the already cluttered room. The person behind him stepped in.
“Sirius!” Harry called out, running to the man. He almost knocked over the fellow niorette in a hug, his familiar chuckle filling the rom.
“Hey, kid! Didn’t think I’d leave that easily, did you?”
His familiar voice faded in the back of your mind as you looked at him. It was like the entire world stopped. It was blissful but burning at the same time. You continued to stare at your love, the only noise you could hear was your blood pounding in  your ears. You didn’t think you were going to see him so soon- you thought you had time to prepare some kind of speech, explain everything and anything he needed to know. You couldn’t stop staring at his eyes filled to the brim with admiration for the young wizard, but your heart stopped when they turned to you, piercing your mind.
You were frozen with panic. It was too hot and loud and you couldn’t think straight. What if he didn’t approve? What if he left? You didn’t notice how hard you were biting your lip or how you actually held your breath. You were acutely aware of everything. How everyone was staring at you, how they kept looking between you and him and held their breath, how Sirius was walking toward you, how he was still taller than you, ho- Wait, he was walking toward you?
Warm hands cupped your cheeks, effectively yanking you from the darkest spot in your head. Did he even recognize you?
“King?” His voice didn’t hold hate or judgement. His eyes traveled your face noting the dark rings under your eyes, the small stubble across your upper lip and chin and how your jaw looked strong enough to cut diamonds. He had a strong urge to make up for lost time, but that could wait.
Galloping griffins did he miss you.
“Yeah, Padfoot-?” A nervous smile coming across your lips, which the tall man found himself staring at.
“Merlin's beard, I missed you.” His voice was soft, airy. Sirius couldn’t help but pull you into a bone crushing hug. He was literally squeezing the life out of you before everything clicked. “You.. You look.. Different.” His soft voice was right by your ear.
“You don’t hate me?” You wheezed out, arms stuck to your side.
“What?! No, I could never hate you!” He pulled back, his hands coming to your shoulders. “What’s got that idea in your head?” His gray eyes staring into yours.
“I changed a lot-” You looked down at the gray tiles of the dining room floor.
“So have I, babe.”
“This is different, Sirius! I’m not the-the gir-” You couldn’t push the word out. It hurt too much. You tilted your head in confusion, your eyebrows furrowing when he started laughing.
“Godric, King! I wasn’t dating you for your gender! I was- I am dating you for you!.” Padfoot moved a stray strand of hair out of his face. “Besides, I’m the criminal here! If anyone should be worried about their partner leaving them, it should be me!” He was laughing. He was laughing and it was the best fucking sound you’ve heard in a long time.
Everything was hitting you like a sack of bricks. Sirius still wanted to be with you and he loved you. He didn’t care if you were taking hormones and wearing a binder. He was out of Azkaban and in your arms… But for how long.
“Hey, hey. I’m not going anywhere any time soon. Padfoot is here to stay!” Sirius smirked, pulling you close to his chest again. “Now come on! I wanna know about (Y/n) and what happened to him while I was gone.”
“How do yo-”
“Moony told me, babe.” He took your wrist and led you to the living room. He sat down on the couch, patting the seat next to him. Sirius was giving you the softest smile. “Now, come on. Tell me what happened while I was gone.” He held his arms out, shooting you a smile.
You sat down beside him on the couch, leaning into Sirius’ side as you told him story after story of what he missed after he was gone. He barely spoke up besides making the occasional joke about Lupin or Harry. The ex-criminal stared down at you while you waved your hands about, a smile across your face while you talked about the time Tonks managed to corner werewolf Remus in the corner of the house just  by bossing him around. He let this sink in. He knew he missed you, but holy hell, he didn't realize how body he needed you by his side.
You looked up at him in the middle of your story, noticing how Padfoot’s gray eyes were sparkling with joy and a dopey smile on his face. You let out a soft laugh.
“You’re staring.”
“I- what?” His reaction caused you to laugh a bit louder. 
“Padfoot, you were staring at me.”
“Yeah? And what about it, King?” He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him, a cocky smirk tugging at his lips. “Got a problem with me admiring your handsomeness?”
“Oh no, not at all.” You could feel your face getting warmer while your smile grew wider.
“Ok, good! Cause I’m gonna keep staring at you. I spent ffaarr to long away from you and I think we should make up for lost time.” Sirius’ hands drew circles along your hip bones, his face mere inches from yours.
“Oh yea?” Your eyes bounced between his lips and his eyes. You watched him nod and start to lean in, so you pulled back ever so slightly. “How are we gonna do that, Siri?” 
Sirius let out a loud laugh at the old nickname before pressing his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your eyes fluttering shut as you returned the kiss back. When you pulled away, he pressed his forehead to yours, whispering how much he loves you.
His love was another puzzle piece that fit in your messy life. Sure, there were still hundreds of pieces that didn’t fit, but that didn’t matter right now. The only thing that truly did matter was how Sirius was with you and now, he was safe. All of you were safe.
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slygirl666 · 4 years
Call me your love
The beginning
Fred Weasley x Lestrange!reader 
historical au: 1800′s 
warnings: none for this chapter, will eventually be an 18+ story. probably not historically accurate, I kinda don't care 
will most likely be on Wattpad too (might change the name please help me with it)
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An eight year old Y/N Lestrange walked with her mother to their carriage. It was a rare time she was allowed out of the manor. They had stopped in a dress shop because Lady Lestrange needed to get Y/N a dress that was appropriate for a funeral.
The Funeral of the Mr. and Mrs. Potter, a well respected wealthy family. Though Y/N didn’t know them she did know that they were dear to cousin Sirius’ heart. So dear that their nine year old boy was left in his care.
Sirius had invited his own family seeing how the potters didn’t have any living.
Y/N sat as still as possible while an older lady took measurements of her and her mother looked at materials.
When Y/N had gotten back into her proper clothes she sat patiently waiting for her mother to finish. She played with the pendant that fell over her dress.
When her mother was finished she walked out to the busy streets of london she felt a hand on her wrist as she was pulled away from her mother.
She was pulled behind a shop where she was met with the dirty face of a young boy slightly older than her whose smile spelled trouble.
“Do you have money, miss?” the boy whispered almost ashamed. His eyes not meeting hers. She took a moment to take in his appearance. His trousers had holes in them, he was barefoot on the dirt street, his bright orange hair had dusty areas in it.
“No I don't,” Y/N almost felt bad for him. She looked for something to give him before reaching for her necklace. “Why do you need the money, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“My family has none, miss, see I have six siblings,” his hazel eyes finally met your tears in them with a hint of shame. “We might starve if my brothers and I don’t find away to get money for them.”
So Y/N Lestrange made the decision to unclasp the necklace and put it in his hand, “sell it, it can get you a few galleons.”
“I’ll never forget this, miss I’ll owe you for the rest of my life.
Y/N finally hears the distant yell of her mother, “i have to go.”
She walked off and the little redhead boy knew he would never see her again.
***ten years later***
An eighteen year old Y/N sat in a carriage with her cousin Sirius Black and the boy Harry Potter as the view of the Lestrange manor became smaller with each turn of the wheel.  
Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange had died of an illness that went undetected until it was too late.
Y/N sat silently in the seat of the carriage, her parents weren’t the most loving. She was mostly raised by a nanny, rather than being educated she was encouraged to do more ladylike activities like needle point and music. But they were her parents, her  blood.
Her aunt Andromeda had married poor and was disowned so she could not live with her, her aunt Narcissa’s husband was much too busy a man for another child to be around.
Her cousin Sirius said he had more than enough room for her to stay, with a cousin she didn’t know hours away from her childhood.
Sirius had fallen asleep an hour into the ride, Harry Potter finally spoke. “Miss Lestrange, I know it isn’t much but I do understand. Living with Sirius is an interesting time yes but I do hope we can be friends.”
“That would be nice and given the circumstances of our situation why don’t you call me Y/N” she tried her best to smile.
“Only if you agree to calling me Harry.” he smiled.
The two sat for the other hour of the trip with polite conversation between the two of them.
When the carriage came to a halt the redhead man came down to open the doors, Sirius laughed. “We aren’t normally so formal but we are trying to make a good impression here.”
Sirius waved his hand in the direction of the tall stocky man with his red hair tied lowly behind him. “This is Charlie Weasley, he is our driver, when he is not doing that he can be found in the farm.”
“Goodday, miss Lestrange it is exciting to meet you,” he helped her out by hand.
“That is very kind of you to say.” she smiled as she walked off with her cousin.
Sirius opened the door to Grimwald manner and yelled out, “Ginniveria!”
A thin girl in a simple dress that went to her calf walked in. she looked to be around your age which excited you. “yes Sirius, and you know it's Ginny.”
Y/N was startled at the lack of formality, but eased as Sirius laughed and apologized. “This is Ginny Weasley, she does a lot of the house keeping, she will be showing you around.”
Sirius dismissed himself as Harry said he must be off to study, nodding shyly to Ginny.
“Well miss Lestrange, I can show you around, your room is prepared, but the boys will be bringing your stuff up so we can see the grounds.”
Y/N followed the excited girl as she spewed facts about what was in the house and her family. She learned that all the weasleys but two worked in the house, her mother was the cook, her father repaired around the house with the youngest of her  brothers, two of them worked the stables and Charlie took care of the farm animals.
To Y/N it seemed like a lot of people doing so many things.
When they reached the stables Ginny called out for her brothers, “Fredrick, George!”
That's when all of a sudden a young man with bright red hair appeared behind them spooking his sister and Y/N in the process. Ginny hit him with her arm, “fredric you absolute pr-”
“No no sister,” he tisked at her, “we have to make a good first impression don't we?”
He gave her a wink she scoffed, “cause you're doing so well aren't you?”
“Feisty, ain't she?” she took her hand bringing it to his lips eyes locking with hers. “Frederick weasley Miss Lestrange, Happy to meet you.”
“Well Frederick. I do enjoy horses and think you will be seeing me quite a bit.”
“I'll look forward to it,” something in his hazel eyes was awfully familiar though she couldn’t quitte place why.  Ginny grabbed her wrist pulling her back to the house.
Ginny led Y/N to her room, multiple trunks containing her entire life were there. “Could you help me unpack?”
“Yes miss,” she smiled, opening one of them expertly making her way around the room. “You know other than my mother who hardly counts, I’m never around other girls. I do hope we can be friends.”
The thought of making friends with a girl who worked for her would have scandalized Y/N’s mother. But she had never had any friends her own age other than her cousin, “I think I’d like that, call me Y/N please.”
Ginny smiled and continued helping her unpack, Y/N looked around the room, some one had put flowers on the dresser that she recognized from the field outside. Y/N smiled knowing Ginny placed them there.
“I should go help Mum set up for supper, I’ll come get you beforehand.” Ginny walked out closing the door, it was funny she had only just arrived today and they treated her so warmly.
Y/N moved to the chest that she knew carried her more casual dresses moving to take off her heavily layered dress.
That in itself took a good amount of time, after redressing she moved to the vanity beginning to take out the intricate pins and overly done curls, running a brush through them. Struggling to put it up.
With a knock at the door Ginny entered the room. “Do you want some help?”
Y/N nodded letting Ginny take the brush before putting delicate braids on either side of her hair tying it back with a grey ribbon.
They walked together to the dining room. Y/N was surprised to see the large family of redheads also sitting at the large dining table. She knew her parents would hate it, she smiled to herself. Her cousin was so kind to the people who work for them she almost wondered why.
But she sat happily joining them for supper.
* * *
Waking up in a room that wasn’t her own was a strange feeling, Ginny opened the room's curtains before getting a simple shirt and long skirt for her to wear.
“You’ll be joining Harry in his studies today,” she made the bed as Y/N got out of it. “Your afternoon is free.”
“But i-”
“Hurry now, breakfast will be finished in a minute.” Ginny helped her get into her skirts, getting as Y/N buttoned up her shirt to the neck. Putting her hair back into a subtle half up style.
The two girls went down the stairs chatting. Like the night before the Weasley family was at the breakfast table.
Harry and the youngest Weasley boy were having a conversation, the twins, Frederick and George, recalled laughing at the expense of Charlie Who seemed annoyed. While Molly, Sirius and Aurther had a quiet conversation. Ginny sat next to one of the twins leaving an open space on the edge of the table. Y/N sat eating her breakfast quietly just observing the odd way everyone interacted.
“Miss Lestrange, how did you settle in on your first night?” one of the twins turned his attention to her. Taking a sip of her tea noticing the sudden silence.
“My first night was well,” she smiled at him sweatley. “You all have been very inviting, I’m grateful for that.”
“And your room?” Sirius smiled at her.
“It’s lovely, Ginny has lovely taste.” she laughed, winking at the redhead girl.
There was a knock at the door. Ginny excused herself to answer the door.  Behind ginny a tall man with dusty hair and a scared face walked in.
The adults greeted him with a warm ‘remus’ but the weasley kids and Harry called out ‘mr.Lupin.’
He smiled at everyone greeting them by name, “you must be miss Lestrange, i'm the tutor you will be working with.”
You hesitated before thinking better of telling everyone one about your education status.
When the Weasleys began to excuse themselves you spoke up, “cousin, may I have a word?”
“Of course Y/N what seems to be the problem,” sirius looked concerned as he set his tea down.
“Well, you see my mother was a bit old fashioned when it came to where a woman should stand in society,” you started as Sirius nodded. “They did not let my nanny educate me past basic reading, enough to write a simple letter even. I’m just afraid that I won’t be able to keep up with Harry.”
“Yes, I can see where that is a genuine concern,” he smiled warmly. “If you would like I could look to find you a different tutor willing to work at your speed. I would use Remus but Harry's studies take a lot of his time and he has other students.”
“That would be wonderful, cousin sirius,” you smiled sweetly to him.
“Y/N, given the fact we are family you could call me just Sirius.” you felt a wave of relief wash through you.
That's when Ginny ran back into the dining room, “Mum needs me to pick up more fruits from the store. May Charlie and I go?”
“Of course Ginny, Y/N why don’t you go see the town with Ginny,” you looked taken aback. To go into town unsupervised. “Charlie will be with the two of you.”
“We can go to mrs.Kranes,” Ginny turned her attention to Sirius. “Y/N doesn't really have any simple dresses.”
“That's great Ginny,” You watched as Sirius pulled out a key and unlocked a box. He pulled out a coin pouch handing it to you. “Enough for two dresses for you, and one for Ginny if she would like something.”
Ginny grabbed your hand pulling you outside to the farm, “Charles!”
The closer we got to the more we could hear the Squeal and heavy breathing of a pig, “what’s wrong Gin?”
“We have to go get things for mum from the town.” her voice flattered seeing charlie hold a small piglet. “Ask Fred, He shouldn’t be too busy and he knows how the carriage works.”
“All right charlie, tell us when the litter is born.” Ginny turned to the door leading you to the stables.
“Freddie!” you took note that Ginny really liked yelling when she called for her brothers. “Charlie said you were the driver while May was having her baby’s.”
Both twins walked out of stalls across from each other. “Okay, where are we going?”
“Nice try George,” Ginny smiled to the one on the right. “Fred get ready we'll be ready in an hour.”
Ginny once again pulled you back to the manor.
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily 
Emily Prentiss, college sophomore, absolutely does not have a crush on the girl across the hall.  
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months. 
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
“Come in, it’s open!” Emily Prentiss yelled out over her music blasting out of the laptop on her desk. She was listening to her pregame playlist, which was chock full of throwbacks, middle-school jams and of course, The Killers to keep things interesting.
Derek Morgan pushed open her dorm room door and waltzed in. He had a pair of light blue jeans on, held up by a brown belt, with a white t-shirt on top. He jumped on top of Emily’s slightly-too-high bed, and bounced as he grinned at her. Derek was many things, shy was definitely not one of them.
“You look hot,” Emily said, with as much sarcasm as she could manage, looking him up and down. She could tell he dressed up.
“You know it, princess.”
Rifling through his backpack, he grinned as he pulled out two blue college-branded metal water bottles, filled with what was probably not water at all.
“I made us sangria!”
Emily laughed, then spun back around in her desk chair. She still needed to finish her makeup. She had her foundation and eyebrows done, but she needed to focus as she applied her eyeliner.
“Did you just mix some juice into the wine?” She asked, taking the bottle from him, having a sip of the fruity liquid.
“Yup! There’s going to be a keg there, but I wanted to give us options.”
Emily laughed before focusing on her mascara wand gliding across her lower eyelashes, trying to finish up so they could start preing for the party. She wasn’t quite dressed yet either, still wearing her class jeans and not her going out jeans (there was an important distinction between these that mostly involved whether or not she could wear them with a belt.) Morgan was about five minutes earlier than she expected. Moreover, the boy had only sprung the invitation to the party during their lab that afternoon.
As much as she hated to admit it, Derek was basically 90% of Emily’s non-academic social life, the second year boy already very well connected due to his football scholarship, letting him in on all of the good parties. Unfortunately that also meant for Emily that he would spring themed parties like anything but clothes, or no cups allowed on her with absolutely no heads up most weekends.
Emily will not wear a tote bag as a skirt again if she can help it.
Despite the excessive drinking and mixed bag of party attendees, Emily genuinely enjoyed the boy’s company. Anyways, he was the best beer-pong partner that she’s ever had.
“Can I hop on aux?” He asked, leaning over her computer before she could even protest.
“Sure,” she replied, knowing he was already on his own Spotify account and putting on his playlist titled ‘FOR THE BOYS and emily’ that he found hilarious. She knew she could get him to sing along to the Mamma Mia! (2008) soundtrack once he was a few shots in, but for now she resigned herself to wordless EDM.
He sat on her desk, bobbing his head along to the beat.
Emily reached into the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a smallish bottle of vodka and two shot glasses, with their college’s crest etched into the glass. For a school that denounced drinking-culture, they had a shocking amount of merch for sale that encouraged it.
She filled each to the line, and slid one towards her friend.
“Bottoms up,” she said, as they cheersed the foul tasting liquid. Morgan grinned and winked at her before shooting it back with the confidence that only a nineteen year old could have.
Vodka still made her queasy, but being underage meant that the college students would take what they could get. Morgan’s senior friends would boot alcohol for them for an extra five bucks, but only every few weeks.
The one thing about the states that Emily still couldn’t wrap her head around was the backwards alcohol policy. Almost everywhere else on earth she would already be legally drinking. Hell, when she was 16 she was passed out in a ditch in rural England, drunk off her ass on legally acquired beer. Even now, if they drove north of the border, Emily could be off to the bars, no questions asked. America was absurd.
“How was the rest of your day?” Emily asked him as she stood up, digging through her dirty laundry to find her other pair of jeans. She tossed aside her fuzzy pjs, a bra and an assortment of band tees but her jeans must’ve been at the bottom. She needed to do laundry but was ripe out of quarters.
“Eh,” he made a face, “I had to finish up that quiz for psych, but honestly I just needed to catch up on some readings. I had like fifty pages of a badly scanned book from like a hundred years ago to annotate.”
“Reading? In this economy?” Emily snarked at him, still rooting through the bin. She knew her blue jeans were here somewhere.
“Well I know you can’t read,” he replied in a haughty tone, “doesn’t mean the rest of us have to remain unenlightened!”
There they were, right at the bottom of the bin. She changed right then, with Morgan politely averting his eyes, despite the fact that both have seen just about everything in the year or so that they’ve been acquainted.
No, they didn’t hook up or anything, it wasn’t like that.
It was the strange phenomenon that only could happen in college where you get really close really fast. Emily’s RA had explained it to their first-year floor, likening it to soldiers in the war (Emily wasn’t sure if the metaphor was kosher, but it was apt.). Young adults first starting out in the world, free from their family supervision and previous lives, cling on to those around them for stability. The RA explained this as in a cautionary tale, explaining that this can lead to high emotions, to fights, and… a bit more.
This talk led into their floor-cest talk, which was apparently required in every co-ed dorm at their school. Emily was the first to point out the heteronormativity in that policy. Floor-cest, for the uninitiated, was the concept of hooking up with someone on your floor in the dorm. It was formally discouraged by residence life staff. It was easy to have meaningless sex, harder when you have sex with someone you live down the hall from. Things could get messy.
Emily and Derek got this talk on move in day, both sitting cross-legged on the floor of their common room as their RA, a bubbly girl named Carol, explained the fundamentals of dorm life. Emily has been dropped off by her mother’s driver, who helped her unload her things.
Emily was still reeling from being surrounded by happy families, of crying parents and bitter that her mother was too busy to even send her own daughter off to school. Not that Emily wanted her there or anything, but the gesture would have been nice.
She remembered the startling moment when Derek walked straight into her room and offered his hand, introducing himself to his new neighbour.
They shared a wall, the co-ed bathroom down the hall, and most of their free time for their first year at college.
He had assumed that the driver, Paul who was one of Emily’s favourites out of her mother’s staff, was Emily’s father, which started things off on an awkward note. Soon she was swept up in a whirlwind of his family: his mom and sisters who insisted that Emily pose for photos of Derek and ‘his new dorm friend.’
A year later, Emily and Morgan were basically siblings. Emily didn’t actually have any siblings, but after going to Chicago for thanksgiving with the Morgan family, she was pretty sure she had officially been adopted.
Last year, they had a much nicer dorm, one of the newer ones with big windows and nice common spaces. This year they were both living in the oldest residence, a beautiful red brick building, covered with ivy, but the inside was all painted this gross beige, and the paint would chip off whenever Emily tried to hang her posters. There was also no air conditioning, the showers didn’t get too hot and the kitchen smelt like eggs. It was definitely a downgrade, but at least Morgan was on the same floor as her again.
Morgan had lucked out and gotten a corner room with tons of windows, and Emily was right next to the bathroom and could hear when anyone flushed.
After donning the jeans and a black tank top, Emily grabbed her leather jacket and they were ready to go.
“Another shot?” Derek asked, grinning at her mischievously.
“Of course,” Emily said. “Where are we even going anyways?”
“Well, you remember David, the TA from our psych lab? His housemates are throwing a party in their backyard. I heard there was going to be a DJ!”
“David Rossi?” Emily said incredulously, “How did you swing an invite to that?”
“I can’t reveal all of my secrets, you know that pretty lady.”
Emily scoffed. It was probably through their mutual friend Aaron Hotchner, who despite not being much of a partier, was very in the loop about the happenings on campus.
“Did you invite you know who?” Derek asked, a bit too casually as Emily locked her door.
Emily refused to bite.
“She definitely has better things to do than hang out with the likes of us.”
“I’m a criminology major,” Emily repeated, the exasperation in her voice palatable.
The boy, who was on the rugby team as she already learned, had asked her what her major was. He misheard her and began asking her how she likes studying biology.
The music was loud and the boy was clearly wasted off his ass. She was pretty sure she saw him do a keg stand in the kitchen earlier.
Emily took another sip of her drink, keeping it close to her chest. She looked around. They were only five minutes off campus at a decent-sized student house. The room was close to being at capacity, the old home creaking under the weight of dozens of students crammed into the living room. Music blared on a strangely impressive speaker system. The party was at its peak in the backyard, and was probably only an hour from being shut down by the cops if it got much louder.
Emily had carefully positioned herself next to the open window, enjoying the slight breeze as the body heat was making the old house steamy with humidity. This also happened to be the location of the bong, but she accepted the trade-off.
Derek was currently playing king’s cup, a game Emily refuses to play, since last time she got roped into it she lost miserably. She was forced to drink the king’s cup: a mixture of shitty beer, whiskey, cider wine and whole cream from the fridge, as she had been a bit too slow with bouncing the ball into the red solo cup. Derek held her hair back as she puked off the porch that night.
Never again.
Emily squinted as a few people she recognized walked into the room. It was only a month into classes, so she really hadn’t had the opportunity to get to know the new random assortment of people in her building, lectures and in her general orbit but she was pretty sure she was starting to recognize some faces.
Entering the party was the blonde from the end of the hallway who always complimented Emily on her outfits when she passed and had the most colourfully decorated dorm in the entire building. ‘Penelope G.’ read her name tag pinned to her door in their RA’s loopy handwriting.
Next to her was a younger boy that she had seen in the cafeteria with Penelope before, and while Emily wasn’t that good at identifying ages, he definitely looked a bit too young to be at college. He was tall, skinny and had a mop of unruly brown hair. He was also wearing a sweater to a house party, which was a major beginners mistake. He looked around nervously.
A few seconds later, the door closed, only dumping an assortment of other boys into the already packed house.
Emily let out a breath she didn’t know she held, as she found herself hoping that Garcia’s other friend might have been joining her that night.
Derek had teased her already about the girl across the hall. Jennifer Jareau. “My friends call me JJ,” she had said. Second year varsity soccer player and communications major. The girl Derek was convinced that Emily had a crush on.
JJ was the kind of girl who propped her door open during orientation week and always waved at Emily when she walked down the hall.
She did not have a crush. She barely knew anything about her besides that she was blonde, athletic and was always smiling. Both had been so busy since school had started, and seemed to have completely opposite schedules that they hadn’t really gotten to really connect.
Whenever Emily was coming back to their floor, JJ always seemed to be leaving. And vice versa. Somehow they were on exact opposite schedules. Probably since JJ was a varsity soccer player with early morning practise, and Emily was a bit of a night owl (that was a polite way of saying insomniac procrastinator perfectionist.)
She seemed to hang out with Garcia around residence, Emily having spotted the two getting coffee or studying in the library together occasionally, hence Emily’s hopes that Garcia may have JJ in tow that evening.
JJ was also definitely, one hundred percent, completely straight. Fairy lights and Polaroid pictures on her walls straight. She even had a high school sweetheart that might survive the turkey dumping season. Emily didn’t know his name but JJ said the key word early on in the year: boyfriend.
Emily turned back to the boy in front of her, who was describing, in detail, how the stock market worked, without realizing that Emily was not paying attention at all.
He was quite conventionally attractive, with mussed curly hair and broad shoulders. He obviously was interested in her—or rather interested in talking at her and potentially sleeping with her—that despite herself, Emily decided to slot him into her roster for that evening.
Emily considered herself a reluctant bisexual. Women could make her heart skip a beat just by looking in her direction, and men could get it when the situation was right and she didn’t have any other options. The second half of this pleased her mother to no end, as when young fourteen year old Emily Prentiss had decided to come out to her mother—at one of their rare dinners together—she watched her mother grit her teeth and tell her to keep that to herself. Her mother had eventually accepted this part of her daughter’s life, but only under the assumption that Emily would eventually end up with a man, and keep the rest to herself.
Emily looked around the room and wondered if she was going to have any other options that evening besides the very talkative boy.
Excusing herself from the company of…Matthew, she thinks was his name, she tries to find Derek, who had disappeared into the kitchen. Emily weaved through the crowd, steering past a couple making out in the corner.
She turned the corner and found Derek filling his cup with more beer from the keg. He grinned up at her and did the same for her.
“I hate beer,” Emily said to him, grimacing at the scratchy taste of the fermented barley in her red solo cup.
“Suck it up buttercup, you’re in college. You also complained about the juice from earlier.”
“Yeah well, watering down eleven percent wine is as bad as this five percent crap.”
“It did taste a lot better,” he agreed. “Who was that guy?”
Emily rolled her eyes.
“Matthew attempted to explain macroeconomics to me.”
“Oh god, is that what men are like out there?” He asked. “Guess you’re stuck with me tonight.”
“Lucky me.”
“Pong?” He asked, gesturing towards the row of tables set up in the backyard, through the open door and passed the crowd milling about near the speakers. The game seemed to be wrapping up, as the two teams shook hands and reset the cups to their original positions.
They found their spot at one of the tables across from their new opponents: Penelope and her very young looking friend.
“Penelope Garcia?” Derek grinned, recognizing the girl from their floor and walking up to her for a hug. Their rooms were facing each other, and they had apparently gotten the chance to get to know each other.
She grinned and hugged him, clearly a lot more sober than him having only arrived minutes earlier. There seemed to be a lot of hugging at house parties, Emily discovered when she moved to America, acquaintances became close friends once alcohol was involved.
She had bright pink glasses and a matching dress, with bright artfully done make-up highlighting her large smile. Emily knew that she was a CompSci major and had loaded her dorm room desk with monitors and the largest computer set-up that Emily had seen in her life.
“Derek, my love,” Penelope replied, gushing over Emily’s friend in an unexpected, but not unsurprising way. “Fancy meeting you here! And Emily! Have you two met my fine young friend here, Spencer?”
She gestured to the boy, who waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I’m Spencer Reid,” he said.
“He’s like a boy-genius or something. He already has a degree in mathematics and he’s currently working on his second degree in engineering. Isn’t that très cool? We met at the club fair last week.”
“I’m double majoring in philosophy,” he added.
“How old are you kid?” Morgan asked him, quick to the punch.
“Uh- sixteen?” Spencer seemed to ask, shrinking into himself a bit. “I skipped a couple of grades.”
He had a pair of glasses perched on his nose, a brown sweater with a white shirt collar poking through and had tucked his brown hair behind his ears. He was still taller than Penelope, but the smattering of acne and wide eyes made it clear that he was very much a kid.
“More than a couple!” Morgan exclaimed.
He shrugged.
“Are you in intro to logic with Williams?” Emily asked, realizing that she had recognized him from somewhere.
“Yes, I am. Though I find his repeated chess metaphors a touch reductive.”
“You’re right about that. Like, we get it Willy, you play chess. Big whoop,” Emily said, then introduced herself.
He smiled at her, slightly less awkwardly this time but with a touch more confusion.
“And this is Derek Morgan,” Penelope piped in, “the most gorgeous football player I know.”
“Do you know any other football players?” Spencer asked.
“Now you hush!” She admonished him. “We have a game to play.”
“Do you two have something to drink?” Derek asked them, moving back towards their side of the long fold-up table, which was crudely painted in their schools colours.
Emily took a sip of her beer, wondering if the boy should be drinking.
Penelope babbled about how it was Spencer’s first college party, and how she was so excited that it was this one because look at the pretty string lights decorating the backyard and the fact that there was a keg, like in the movies.
Smiling at her new neighbour, Emily thought that this might also be Penelope's first college party.
Derek returned with a cup of water for Spencer, and some beer for Penelope. Spencer seemed relieved at the gesture, smiling as he took a sip. Emily marvelled at her friend's kindness, despite what anyone said about drinking culture on campuses either way, it was tough to attend a party and not drink, putting his drink in a matching red cup gave him the appearance of participation.
“Do we all know the rules?” Derek asked.
“The question you should ask,” Emily said, “Is if they’re willing to play by your rules.”
Emily had discovered that this game, depending on the people you were playing with, had radically different rules. While the premise of the game remained the same: there were six cups on each side of the table, into which you threw ping pong balls and whenever you got a ball in a cup, that cup was then taken out of the picture until there were no cups left. Depending on who you were playing with, the cups were filled with water or beer (Emily hated when they had beer in them, it make things sticky and it was very unsanitary), there were specific rules to what defined an airball, when one could get balls back, when you could call island and what was a permissible trick shot.
“Ha ha Prentiss,” Derek said to her, rolling the ping pong ball in his hands. “I wanted to know if they had played before.”
“Oh I’ve played before,” Penelope said, “and I am unbeatable.”
She waggled her fingers in a gesture that implied magic was involved.
“It’s simple physics,” Spencer added, “I’ve memorized the rules and common approaches. We’ll be more than fine. ”
“Ok pretty boy, let’s see what you’ve got. Eye to eye?”
Looking into each other’s eyes, rather than at their targets, the two boys aimed at the cups, with only Reid’s making it in.
“What the fuck Morgan,” Emily exclaimed as Penelope and Spencer whooped, “what even was that throw?”
With the other team having won the privilege of starting first, Emily was forced to toss her ball towards Penelope, who took it with a grin.
She threw first, missing the table entirely.
“Air ball!” Derek announced, leaping forward and waving his hands in front of the cups on their side, the rules granting him the ability to defend their territory.
Spencer frowned, apparently perturbed by this turn of events. He stuck out his tongue, aimed, and launched the ball, hitting Morgan right in the chest. The ball bounced off of it and fell straight down into the cup.
Derek’s draw dropped. Spencer and Penelope whooped in excitement.
“Derek, how did you lose us that cup?” Emily whined, pulling one of their cups to the side. One point to Spencer.
Derek, who had something to prove, lined up his shot. He gazed at his targets with the focus of a sniper, dunked the ball into one of their cups, dousing it with water, and rolled it in his hands, giving it a bit more weight. He aimed and fired off a quick shot into the centre-left cup. It spun around in the cup, floating above the water, but fell in. If the other team were crafty, they would have blown into the cup and Derek would have lost the point, but Emily sighed in relief when she realized that despite their first point, they didn’t know the rules well enough to beat the current reigning beer champs.
It was Emily’s turn. She took a gulp of her beer—she would always swear she was better when she was drunk because she didn’t think too hard about it—and threw. It neatly fell into the back right cup, scoring them two points for that round.
“Balls back!” Derek roared in delight.
Penelope tossed them, and the game continued.
They sunk one more shot on their turn. 3-1.
Penelope got another cup, Spencer missed. 3-2.
Derek’s ball bounced out, Emily sank hers. 4-2.
Only minutes later, after playing at breakneck speed, there were three cups left on the table and Derek and Emily were quite drunk, with Penelope not far behind. Reid, still very sober, was matching the duo with intense concentration.
It was his throw, with two cups left until his victory. He shots carefully, sinking it without a splash.
Derek and Emily had one cup to go. He went first, sending one barreling towards the cup. It hit the rim and instead of going in, it bounced towards Emily, who leaped forward and grabbed it before it fell off the table.
“Trick shot!” She yelled. Derek could try again, but only if he does it in an inventive way. At the frat house they spent a lot of time in first year, the only acceptable trick shot (under this house’s rules) was bouncing the ball off a poster of Obama. This time, Derek takes an empty cup, puts the ball in, and uses the cup to aim.
Somehow, it went in.
They leap into the air, yelling with delight. But they hadn’t won yet. The other team still had a redemption shot.
“How ya feeling kid?” Derek taunted, “Wanna give up now, save yourself the embarrassment?”
“Not a chance.”
He squinted at the table, lining up his shot with precision. With his left hand he licked his finger, sticking it up in the air like golfers do to measure the wind. Emily wasn't sure if this was a joke, something to psych Derek out, or something the boy was genuinely able to do. He frowned, seeming to ponder the information.
He aimed. He tossed it. He sunk the redemption shot.
They were in overtime.
“You can do it princess,” Derek told her, watching her with utmost intensity. Emily adjusted her stance, chugging back the last of that glass of beer, feeling the alcohol with greater focus than before.
She glanced around at the other team, but out of the corner of her eye she caught a familiar face looking at her: Jennifer Jareau from residence. Her not crush.
She was looking at her. Watching her play.
A swell of nervousness flooded up through her lungs, and she forced it out by huffing a breath.
She needed another drink. Moreover, she needed to focus.
Emily threw it. If it made it in, then they won. If she missed, Spencer and Garcia had another shot at redemption. They couldn’t lose this, not now, not in front of… uh, everyone. She was definitely not thinking about JJ in this situation. That would be something a frat boy thought about. She didn’t want to win beer pong to impress some girl, she wanted to win because she had pride.
The ball sailed through the air, Emily held her breath. It caught the lip of the cup, teetered. A splash announced that they had won.
Thank god.
With a whoop, realizing what they had done, Emily and Derek roared with joy, jumping into each other and hugging in their celebration. A few onlookers clapped, noticing how close the game had been.
They pulled apart and reached out their hands to their opponents.
“Great game,” Emily said, shaking Spencer's hand, “Really.”
He grinned despite his loss.
“Honestly I understand the principles, it’s simple parabolas and high-school level physics,” he frowned, “Unfortunately, I need to work on translating those parabolas into the real world.”
“We’ll work on it Spence,” Garcia grinned, shaking Emily’s hand while smiling at her younger friend.
Emily realized that in their celebration, Derek had spilled quite a bit of beer onto Emily’s sleeve and down the side of her shirt and it was currently dripping onto her boots. Emily sighed, handing her friend her cup.
“I’ve got beer all over me,” Emily sighed, “Get me a refill? I’m going to try to find a bathroom.”
Derek nodded and turned back to their new friends, chatting about how impressed he was with their game.
Emily felt a bit sticky, feeling the beer coat her bare arm. Walking back into the house, she glanced at the kitchen sink trying to see if there was any paper towel or something there, but no luck. The sink was full of dishes, the counters covered in assorted empties and cups, without a dishcloth in sight. Not wanting to rifle through their drawers, she made her way towards the staircase.
There was a couple making out on the staircase, which was not something Emily would do herself. It seemed a bit precarious since alcohol was involved, but, to each their own, she thought. Emily opened a couple of the doors upstairs before discovering one of the most disgusting washrooms she’d ever seen.
There was only one thing in the shower: dawn dish soap. The boys who lived here must use that for their bodies. Emily shuddered. On the sink were some toothbrushes, razors and some floss, but for some reason, no soap. Emily found a roll of toilet paper on the floor (ew), and wadded it up to try to reduce the wet spot on her side and hopefully from smelling like a brewery when she returned to residence.
For a moment, Emily found herself gazing at herself in the mirror, feeling hazy and a bit unsteady. She checked her make-up, noting that her dark red lipstick was holding up, but her mascara had smudged under her eyes giving her more of a goth vibe than the alt look she typically went for.
Emily sat down on the tub, patting the toilet paper against her wet clothing, feeling very drunk now that she was seated. Dammit Morgan, couldn’t he have spilled his beer on himself instead of her nice shirt?
The thud of the music was muffled, but there was a ringing in her ears that made everything feel very quiet. That was until there was a thundering of footsteps and the sound of a girl announcing: “I’m going to vom, right now.”
Emily sat, jaw dropped, as a red headed girl threw open the bathroom door, kneeled down on the floor next to the toilet, and relieved herself from the contents of her stomach without so much as a knock. The girl coughed into the bowl, yacking up what was probably way too much beer for the poor tiny girl.
“Oh my gosh,” said another voice, at the door, “I’m so sorry. We didn’t realize there was someone here! ”
Emily looked up, realizing the voice came from no other than Jennifer Jareau.
“JJ!” Emily said, not really knowing what else to do with the girl heaving at her feet.
“You ok?” JJ kneeled down next to her friend, carefully pulling her friend’s long hair back, tugging a hair tie off her own wrist and collecting it so that it didn’t get anything on it.
Emily felt stupid sitting on the tub, not helping anything. She tossed the rest of the toilet paper in the garbage, placing the half-empty roll on the edge of the tub.
“Can I get her some water?” Emily asked, “To rinse her mouth?”
JJ looked up at her and nodded. Emily felt herself blushing slightly as she turned away. Who let one girl’s eyes be so big, and so blue. It was rude.
She returned a minute later having had to rinse her own beer cup out in the gross kitchen sink to make sure that she wasn’t accidentally giving this girl some random person's sketchy cup.
Emily remembered that earlier Derek said that it was a varsity party, so it did make sense that JJ was also in attendance. The whole team probably was. The other girl looked like a soccer player, she had that vibe.
Emily handed the cup to JJ, who gave her a grateful smile. Emily felt their fingers touch for a moment, before JJ turned to attend to her friend.
She tried to get her to take a sip, and Emily took the moment to look JJ up and down, taking in her light blue skinny jeans, black tank and high heeled boots. She was basically wearing the uniform of a straight white girl at a houseparty. Not to say Emily wasn’t also basically wearing the same outfit, pairing the jeans with combat boots and attempting to set herself apart with her black nail polish and eyeliner that her mother once called ‘a lot.’
In contrast to Emily’s fairly undefined thin body, she took note of the strong looking shoulders that flexed as JJ kneeled down on the floor. She was definitely an athlete. Emily looked away, checking her phone, feeling suddenly embarrassed for looking at the girl.
‘Where u go bbg????’ Read a new message from Derek.
‘Girl puknigh up hre’ Emily typed, ‘Got her waterr’
Emily blinked at her typos, pressing the red underlined words, hoping her phone would correct them for her. She wasn’t that drunk.
The two girls were talking quietly, and Emily decided to take her leave, but before she could the red-head beat her to the punch deciding that she wanted to puke in peace.
“Leave me aloooooonnne Jennifer,” she wined. “Get out, I don’t want any more fucking water.”
JJ pulled back, making a face and holding her hands up in the ‘I surrender’ motion. Emily hurried out into the hall with JJ on her heels. The girl kicked the door shut angrily, and the sound of her retching ensued.
“There was a funnel,” JJ offered as an explanation. She leaned against the door. “How has your night been?”
Emily blinked. JJ was making conversation. She didn’t want Emily to leave just yet.
“So far so good,” Emily replied. “Doing better than your friend, at least.”
“That’s not hard to do. So I guess you didn’t chug from a funnel yet?” JJ quipped, smiling and revealing a perfect, white smile.
“Oh I have that scheduled for one-thirty, actually,” Emily said, pretending to check her watch and grinning.
“Let me know before you do, I’d like to watch that,” JJ said casually.
A wave of heat rushed to Emily’s face as she realized that drinking from a funnel would entail Emily on her knees, with JJ watching her… a thought that she needed to push out of her brain immediately.
“I’ll have you know,” Emily said in retort, “I can chug amongst the best. I am no stranger to these sorts of parties.”
JJ grinned. “Oh yeah?”
“I’m a reigning beer pong champ, I’ll have you know.”
They laughed.
“I saw your last victory. Very impressive.”
JJ, in a controlled fall, slid down the door and sat down in the hall, resigning herself to waiting for her friend. Emily wondered if she should return to Morgan now, but unable to tear herself away from the opportunity for a conversation with JJ.
“I’m awful at pong,” the blonde admitted. “I miss every time.”
“You probably just need a good teacher.”
JJ raised her eyebrows, “oh yeah?”
“I mean,” Emily said, sitting down onto the top step of the staircase, facing her floormate, “it’s all about hand eye coordination. It’s basically a sport. You need a coach.”
They both laughed.
“Well if that’s the case, why don’t you teach me?”
Emily gulped.
The door opened, and JJ fell back slightly before catching herself.
“I’m going home,” JJ’s friend announced.
JJ looked up at her dishevelled friend and nodded, turning back to look at Emily apologetically.
“Another time?” Emily offered, smiling before walking down the stairs and rejoining the party.
Next chapter ->
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iamacolor · 4 years
fashion queen! which nct era has the best fashun in ur opinion?? and if u were a designer which neos would u pick as ur models?
I was so excited to answer this that I wrote several pages and it basically turned into a style analysis for each unit so I sure hope you have some time on your hands to read everything I’ve just written! (I did not reread so sorry for any typing mistake)
NCT is known to be experimental in their music and that’s also the case in their styling so there’s a lot for me to get into even though sometimes it’s a miss. One thing I will say though is that when it comes to the styling in mv/teasers, what’s around the clothes is super important because if you have a very specific styling concept, your set design or graphic design needs to complement that and give the audience more clues on how to read all these elements together (the cherry bomb era is a great example of that with all the added graphic elements and the predominance of the colour pink) and recently I’ve found that the creative team has not really gone further than just putting nct in an outfit in front of a basic background so it makes for a pretty underwhelming result
But let’s move on to my favourite styling eras. I’m going to do this per unit (I’ll finish with NCT U) and define an era by its teaser pictures and the mv (and not go through all the performance looks during the promotion period)
I’m putting this under a read more because it’s reaaally long (I put pictures so that it’s not just one big chunk of text)
NCT 127
Easily the most experimental unit when it comes to fashion, especially in their first years where they would wear mix of sportswear, grunge references, avant-garde fashion and a lot of layers. When it comes to their debut “Firetruck”, I think it fitted the song really well but that it didn’t fit all the members equally (especially the younger ones, for me Taeyong and Taeil pulled it off the best – it’s expected of Taeyong but I also think that Taeil always stand out when they go for edgy/unconventional look, I think it really suits him).
Anyway, just to say that they were off to a very strong start and then I’m just going to kindly ignore the Limitless styling and move on to Cherry Bomb!
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One thing nicely done for CB is how when you look at a group picture they’re clearly all following the same concept but they’re not necessarily matching or giving off the same vibes if you take them individually. I love the use of the colour pink which brings a) a great visual impact (you don’t ever see that much pink at once – especially on men) and b) an harmony despite the shapes and styles of their outfits being so vastly different, you’ve got ties, tousled, shirts, little frilled collars, stripes and all-over prints, sportswear and formal wear… (ex: taeyong’s short jacket is reminiscent of something a little luxurious, even maybe historical/noble with the little added embroidery-like details, it reminds me of these boleros jackets worn by toreros that are often red/gold VS doyoung’s overalls is an outfit that has a much more recent origin as it was first worn by factories workers, it’s usually blue or grey and is meant to be practical rather than pleasing to the eye -> here it fits very well with the general setting of the mv in what looks like an empty industrial storage space)
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This second look is more of a game on how to deconstruct formal wear (there are less prints and no bold colours, their hair is less messy…) but they don’t just add sportswear like the bomber jacket, you can find rock or more “modern” elements with the leather jackets or the jean jackets. All in black and white so great contrast with the previous looks, although that mix and match concept is still there. My favourite elements are the checkered ones (worn by taeyong, taeil and haechan) as it reminds me of the strategy element of the chess game which fits pretty well with all the weapons and other arms visible in the mv (a bit like a nod to the game battleship)
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This one I love that they developed their own print, especially since it’s another graphic element used elsewhere (see their album cover), because it’s a great way to really introduce their identity as a group, through the different visual elements they put out in a comeback, it’s like a logo but as a print. And all the teasers and the mv did a great job at mixing 2D/3D contents so that’s another nice way to be cohesive. It’s not my fave look out of the 3 (especially because I do not approve of that belt-suspenders-bag they gave Johnny, it’s like everything you don’t want to put a dancer in and it’s ugly as well) but I still like the fact that’s it’s another nod to the battle/strategy aspect of this comeback, like they’re on a mission to hit the stage and conquer it
Then fast forward to my other favourite one, Simon Says! (No teaser pictures here because they don’t show anything or they show not enough lol)
First of all THE MASKS
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Oh how I wish they could’ve been shown more (imagine teasers with the members wearing them!!! I would’ve loved individual teasers based on each of the masks concepts) Once again, a great to have group concept without making everyone wear the same thing. They’re all super different and full of details. Haechan’s is the only one from what I could who’s mask is actually a mask and not a fully covering hood. The materials and techniques used on these are either evocative of “fragile” things like glass and flowers but theses elements have their own hidden strength. Some others are covered in lace, pearls, fringes or fur…all these things are usually considered to be precious or even luxurious but it covers their faces and their identity and they throw it away in rebellion (and I think it’s also super interesting how Taeyong who takes off his mask first has the least ornamented one)
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Then the outfits themselves. Simon Says in an interesting MV because unlike most others they wear one outfit for most of the MV (the second one appears quite late in the mv and is lit and staged in a way that makes it less visible). It’s a mostly grey/white set of outfits which is usually a colour combo for office wear or maybe factory workers, it’s not something that can seem very exciting or edgy. The styling in these outfits reminds me of the works of Japanese designers who came to Paris in the 80’s and kind of shook the whole high fashion system by bringing a different type of shapes, aesthetic and purpose to fashion (Rei Kawakubo, Yohji Yamamoto…). These designers  went on to become super successful and inspired another wave of “avant-garde” designers nicknamed “the 6 of Anvers” (Anvers is a city in Belgium), this group includes Martin Margiella, Dries Van Noten…And to me the outfits in Simon Says really fit into this aesthetic. Unconventional fits, various layers, it’s not so much mix and match than a work on contrast between structure and fluidity (Yuta’s half skirt with un-trimed edges, Haechan’s long shirt with the long bow and the fitted jacket, Mark’s top with the various see-through layers of different lengths…).
An other interesting details (which to me calls back to the mask and that tension in the song/concept of letting go/being free of expectations), is the way they all have thick strings tied on their feet/ankles. Not holding them back because their feet aren’t tied together but there’s still this clear restriction of the garment itself, a reminder that there are tied to something and not completely free (also an interesting choice when dressing dancers who would need to have no added weight or discomfort in their outfit to dance but visually something is holding their ankles)
Honorable mentions:
Kick It– they managed to create very memorable outfits while taking inspirations from already well known elements (both for the fighting/training outfits and the bomber jackets). The black and white outfits especially are very original as performance outfits/dancing clothes since the og garment they’re inspired by has already such a strong identity outside of the performing arts and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it be used as a stage outfit? Or concept? It’s a nice exemple of how you can take inspiration for something designed to be useful and to be efficient (in fighting) and turn it into an aesthetic.
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Truthfully, martial art training outfit was already an “aesthetic” on its own but they made it a performance costume and now I do feel like it’s one of these looks that everyone will remember (like if there was a “most memorable kpop outfits” list it could easily have kick it’s black/white fits). The rest of the outfits for that concept weren’t as memorable/original to me although I feel like it showed a new approach to the styling of nct 127 as a group since they all had very similar outfits this time (especially when wearing the jackets).
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Also, interestingly,  that shot of Jaehyun that had everyone go “wow” ? Well it’s impactful because it’s him and he looks like that and it’s shot in a very specific way, but it’s also even more impactful because he’s the only one who gets to wear that kind of outfit in the mv. Everyone else has 3 sets of outfits (black and white, shiny black, red jacket and black pants) but he has 4 and that suit is only used in that shot which makes for a greater impact!
And I feel like Kick It in terms of styling opened a new era for NCT 127 has it kind of broke their usual mix and match/edgy concept. This time they were clearly referencing something already well known (either martial arts, the 90s…), and the members were all matching and they kept on doing that with the military jackets in punch, the other 90s concept in nct 2020…
Touch – for the way the outfits match the sets (in all their individual sets their outfits have a detail in a matching colour), the focus on colours !!! You can see that this whole concept was designed with this colour game/colour progression between the outfits and the set in mind. It’s just very pleasing to the eyes and a great contrast to their usual stuffs (also I wrote my graduation paper on colours so I am really into creative use of colours like this)
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OK now moving on to Dream!!
The interesting thing about Dream compared to NCT 127 is that from the beginning although their outfits had to match the song an the concept of the comeback it also had to match their age. Dream’s a group that had to look young when debuting (to the point where they wore outfits that made them look even younger than they were which is rarely done for boy groups) and then they had to transition into adulthood, and all of that had to be made visible. In that aspect, I really like the styling for We Young and Boom (especially when you look at them at the same time).
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For We Young, the styling is meant to be reminiscent of school/boy scout uniforms but with a marine vibe. It makes for playful outfits that aren’t too childish but that also aren’t grown up. I prefer the “seaside” outfits as I don’t really like school uniforms as a concept for styling and I think it’s really a choice that suited them and the song so well, it really fitted their energy. It’s playful but it also has a vintage touch to it as these outfits with their stripes and their squared flap at the back date back to the XIXth century (I just found out that it all started with the queen Victoria dressing up her kid in an outfit inspired by the royal navy uniforms for a painting after a cruise ).
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Boom on the other side is their first proper “grown-up” concept. We go up was already more grown up but still very “teenager-ish” and although they were mostly teenagers when they did Boom it was clear that this was supposed to be their first entry into “adulthood” as a group at least. And although they did wear a sportswear/casual outfits which is something that isn’t related to age (and I really like the black and white “skeleton” set which already feels more grown-up and more “stylish” than the other casual outfit) , they wore two other “grown-up” elements: suits and all-jean outfits.
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And yeah teenagers, and kids wear jeans too but a full jean-on-jean outfit is more of a “grown-up” fashion choice and it makes them look like young men rather than boys. As for the suits, I just really love when stylists play with the codes of that garment (length of the jacket, tightness of the pants, the way the shirt is tucked in…).
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Notice how Renjun has a really short jacket, Chenle’s pants are wide, Jeno has a tail…Once again, a really interesting aspect of Kpop is the variations of the same concept based on the members. In the mv, there is a tension between their more grown up selves (the one in suits, the one with a craft/a path) and their young selves (the one running around in the field, the one laying down in the flowers and eating a cake). And there is also in these outfits and the contrast between them this tension, this contrast…which path should they go? The jeans are the more laide back, innocent outfits, whereas the suits come with responsibilities and status (and you’ll notice that in the scene where jisung is left alone to blow his candle it’s when he’s wearing jeans not when he’s in the suits).
Now on to WayV!!
WayV are different from the two in the sense than when they debuted they couldn’t have an “age” concept or an edgy concept because 127 and dream had already taken those and I feel like for that reason they’re still looking for what makes them stand out visually from the others (and in my opinion it’s not in whatever they were wearing for turn back time!). WayV’s concept is space and time travel, it’s building a new life, a new worl, going beyond anything! In my mind, they’re either supposed to feel a bit “otherworldly” (either spectacular or literally like they’re from another world/another universe, a little bit futuristic maybe?) or to look like explorers/travellers (they have a lot of travel/transportation “gears” references in their outfits). Their MVs also have a very different production than the other nct mvs (the scale and the way it’s filmed, the sets…it’s a different approach and it’s usually much more “grand” for their title tracks). The great thing about WayvV styling is usually that they match the outfits well with the world that the mv is set in (like in Moonwalk for example you get a sense of the world they’re in and the fact that it’s not ours or at least not as we know it now through the way they dress – you can’t really say oh it’s inspired by this era or by this or that because -at least- to me it immediately gives me a vibe of something that could be worn in a sci-fi movie, almost like a costume) or that they allude to travel in their styling.
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When they debuted with Regular they went for a very sleek and high fashion look which worked really well for them! Even their more “casual” looks were a bit striking and I think that’s very “wayv-like” to me.
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Same goes for Take Off where they mix the individual styles (and I don’t like ten’s leopard fur sleeveless jacket at all) and the group concepts – the “flying” outfits and the “racing” outfits (that last one is my favourite! I love the silhouette it creates with the tight pants and the larger tops with an emphasis on the waist).
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There’s something a bit extra to WayV - which is why some of their outfits remind me of costumes more than fashion while at the same time they’re the most “high fashion” unit– like the “flying” outfit in Take Off are recognizable as “flying gear” but you can’t really tell what they’re flying, it feels once again like something that they could wear in like star wars or a similar kind of story.
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Imagine a movie about 7 men on another planet trying to come together to overcome the dark forces or whatever’s bad on their planet in a futuristic society with a mix of “traditional” and “trendy” outfits? That’s WayV. The movie the 5th Sense? That’s WayV but on steroids. They’re also the only group with actual characters in their mvs, they’re all supposed to have a backstory or an individual setting and find a way to get together in their mvs.
Anyway all that to say that it’s hard for me to pick an era for them because they’ve only had a few and they still feel like they’re looking to solidify their concept, and since moonwalk and turn back time really set the styling in different worlds than ours, you have to look at how they fit in that world rather than ours and I think Moonwalk does it best since it’s the most cohesive one visually. But then I think Regular had the best individual styling!
Okay this is super long but we’re finally getting to NCT U!!!!
Number one favourite:
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The Year Party outfits!!!! I’ve already talked about this but I love when they say we’ll put them in suits and then since they have to make a different one for each of them they cut bits an dpieces of the suits here and there, play with lengths. It’s not a revolutionary concept but in terms of searching for a shape, searching for variations of an already so famous, so well-known garment (everyone has seen a suit, and so many designers have already deconstructed it and then put it back together and so on) it’s so nice, it’s almost like a full collection given how many members there are and it’s just a good tailoring work.It almost feel like an exercise of how many variations of an outfit can you think of? And it looks fun to do! It’s all about the details and the way the layers are set together.
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The accessories add to the “formal attire” aspect of it. It almost has a ceremonial look to it. A bit of royalty with the futuristic vibe usually associated with WayV. The dark blue suits were pretty classic, the most interesting details (for me at least) were on the light blue ones. Especially since it’s a rare colour to find in formal wear or in ceremonial wear. In general, I feel like it’s a pretty rare colour in fashion outside of like shirts and baby clothes? I think it was a great styling choice for a content like the year party although I do wish they (either NCT or WayV who’ve touched upon this kind of outfit a bit already) would do a full comeback with this kind of styling (like the lighter version of the black and green outfits in SuperM’s One). It’s not revolutionary but it was something new for NCT and I really hope they use that elegant/futuristic concept once again.
Also in these outfits, the jewelry is super important and adds to the “grand” aspect of these outfits. The concept is that these aren’t ordinary outfits for ordinary men, we’re witnessing something “special” and so they aren’t wearing their usual jewels either (of course the big chains are still there but differently look at that necklace jaehyun is wearing)
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Honorable mention:
Boss & Baby Don’t Stop (they’re different but they go together in my mind lol). Look at them in their uniforms! And also they had doyoung wearing these sunglasses
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Ok I think I’m done, if you’ve made it this far thank you so much and I hope it was a nice read!!
As for who would I chose as my models…it really depends on what I’d make them wear tbh for menswear the things I’d like to design would either be something like formal wear or knitwear – I’d pick Lucas, Taeyong and Doyoung (I think they’re the most model-like members and could pull off pretty much anything even my non-edgy concept because I can’t do that lol and they pose very well) and then depending on the concept I’d pick between Winwin, Jaehyun, Kun, Jungwoo, Taeil, Haechan and Shotaro (the way I struggled to remember all the members at once…there are too many really)
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d3-iseefire · 3 years
Little Swan Lost Chapter 38
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When Dis said she wanted to see how much of Thorin’s money they could spend, she wasn’t joking. Bilba had thought what she spent before leaving Shire was a lot, but quickly realized it was a mere pittance in comparison to what Dis cheerfully spent. 
She’d expected them to go to the main Erebor mall, located near the center of the city. Back in Shire she’d often enjoyed spending a lazy afternoon at the mall, window shopping, grabbing a bite to eat or watching a movie at the theater. Here, the closest she’d gotten to the mall had been a few glimpses of it, both in person and in searches online during times when she’d been feeling particularly lonely or nostalgic.
Part of her had been excited about getting a small taste of what life used to be like but, really, she should have realized that it was never going to be that way again.
The Durins, as it turned out, did not shop at the regular mall.
The mall they went to, instead, wasn’t even on the main island. It was on one of the minor ones behind the main island. There was a second mall there, several stories high and covering nearly all the landmass of the small, rocky spit of land it sat on. It was, Dis explained, where the wealthy of Erebor tended to shop along with their sizable security entourages. The public were welcome to visit the mall but did so with the understanding that there would most likely be a background check run on them the moment they stepped foot through the door.
Back in Shire, with Rosie and Bofur, Bilba would have spent her time leisurely walking through the mall. Dis, in contrast, approached shopping the way Bilba imagined a general might approach a war. She had memorized the layout of the mall and knew the most efficient way to hit every store she deemed essential.
She deemed a lot of stores essential, as it turned out.
For Bilba, it became a whirlwind she could barely keep up with. They’d enter a store and immediately be surrounded by the employees, all eager to help Erebor’s princess. Dis would start talking and then, without warning, Bilba would find herself being measured and poked and prodded and fitted for all manner of things. Shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, and lavish gowns, all in various levels of formal and informal.
“Clothing is important,” Dis explained, as she casually rejected one dress for another without any reasoning Bilba could see. “Too formal and you risk elevating someone to a station they have no business at. Too informal, and you risk offending an ally. We’re judged in everything we do, down to the shoes we choose to wear or the jewelry we don’t. It all sends a message, whether we like it or not.” She paused suddenly, eyes staring off blankly into the distance and then, to Bilba’s surprise, shot her a guilty look. “You know what? I’m sorry. I’m sitting here lecturing you like you’re a novice on her first day of training.”
“It’s all right,” Bilba said quietly as she watched a new parade of shoes being brought out from the back of the current store, they were in. Boots, heels, flats, even a few pairs of sandals. After this, Dis planned to hit the jewelry stores to ensure she had the right bracelets, rings, necklaces and hair pieces for various functions. Tiaras would be supplied by the palace. There were apparently at least fifteen of them, all to be worn for, and at, specific functions. “I didn’t actually know most of this.”
Dis and Ori stared at her.
“I’m sorry,” Dis said. “You what now?”
Bilba flushed. “Shire has a large royal family. It wasn’t seen as necessary to train everyone, when only a few ever interacted diplomatically with other families.”
There, that was a good explanation…wasn’t it? Part of her felt like just blurting out the truth. Telling them that she’d basically been a pariah because of her grandfather’s hatred toward her mother. Tell them about the dreaded visits that were more about her grandfather showing off his evil than about training her to be a princess.
Just tell them…everything.
The other part of her, however, shuddered at how her grandfather would react if he found out she’d said anything. Yes, he was in Shire and she was in Erebor but, even so, the mere thought made her blood run cold.
She wasn’t stupid. Reckless, and impulsive sometimes like when she’d allowed a two-year absence from the palace to convince her that she could stand up to her grandfather, but she wasn’t stupid. Foolishly trying to stand up to him was a far, far cry to betraying him. What he could consider a betrayal anyway.
He could reach her in Erebor, of that she had no doubt.
She ran her hands up her arms, suddenly freezing, and forced a weak smile at the two women standing over her.
“Huh,” Dis said after several long moments. She waved a hand absently. “Well, in that case, I’ll keep talking then.”
She did, but seemed distracted, while Ori kept shooting her strange glances that Bilba couldn’t read. She didn’t think she’d given anything away, or said something she shouldn’t, but couldn’t be sure. In any event, it was obvious she’d have needed to say something. She was clearly in the dark about Erebor’s etiquette and, without help, stood an exceptionally good chance of offending just about everyone.
Suddenly, the fact that she’d spent a month in her room didn’t seem like the worst decision ever. In fact, deciding to leave her room was beginning to feel more and more like a bad choice. Since she’d done so she’d almost drowned, gotten Thorin hurt, and had to deal with the Thrain and now her apparent lack of royal training.
They finished with the shoe store and then hit the jewelry ones just as Dis had said. It was only after they’d spent more money than Shire made in a year that Dis announced their next stop would be to get dinner.
At this, Bilba stumbled to a stop in shock. “How long have we been here?” Without thinking, she fumbled for her phone only to remember that, of course, she didn’t have one.
“Oh!” Cerys suddenly stepped forward from where she’d been silently guarding them along with the rest of their sizable security force. “My apologies, Your Highness. I completely forgot.” She pulled a slim phone from a pocket and held it out to Bilba.
Dis made a tsking sound. “Well, that’s boring.” Her eyes narrowed for a second. “There’s a store on the second floor that sells phone accessories. We’ll hit there and then eat.”
“But we’re supposed to eat at the palace,” Bilba stammered, stumbling forward a few steps as Dis began to march off on her newest quest. “The king said—”
Dis spun to face her and, with a sigh, pulled her phone out and dialed. “We’re going to be late,” she said shortly as soon as the call was answered. She paused for a few seconds as the person on the other end responded. “Well, that’s not my fault is it?” She listened for a few more seconds, visibly rolling her eyes and mimicking someone chattering away, before hanging the phone up with a bright smile.
“That…that wasn’t the king, was it?” Bilba asked. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.
“He’s annoyed that Thorin is too tied up in meetings to come to dinner,” Dis said absently, focused on her phone as she texted something. She hit a button and then slid the phone back in her pocket. “And now the boys and Frerin won’t be going either.”
“Won’t he be angry?” Bilba couldn’t imagine ever treating her grandfather like that. He probably wouldn’t have killed her, but she had no doubt he’d have made her wish he had.  
“He’ll be fine,” Dis said airily. She hooked her arm through Bilba’s and tugged her in the direction of the escalators. “Eating alone occasionally won’t kill him. Maybe he’ll reflect on his own behavior and stop taking us all for granted.”
“One can hope,” Ori said dryly as she linked her arm through Bilba’s on the other side. “In the meantime, I think Thorin would definitely want Bilba to bling out her phone as much as possible.”
“Oh, definitely,” Dis said cheerfully. She pointed her arm forward as if leading a charge. “Onward, to victory and draining my brother’s bank account.”
Much as Bilba had wrongly envisioned what going to the mall for a royal would mean, she soon found she’d been just as wrong about what “getting something to eat” meant.
In Shire, with Rosie and Bofur, it would have meant going to the food court and finding a place, or several places, that looked fun to try. Then they’d search for a relatively clean, and empty, table that, if they were lucky enough, would have enough chairs for all three of them. Eating would be a mishmash of trying to fit all their food on the far too small surface while ignoring just how uncomfortable the chairs were. They’d laugh and talk, voices louder than normal to try and carry over the chatter of other mall goers and the loud music being piped over the speakers.
Here, it meant a high end, exclusive restaurant that took up almost an entire floor of the mall. A snotty looking man at the door held a list of guests who were allowed entry, though he immediately swept aside when he saw Dis approaching. As Bilba passed, he gave her a look that made her feel like a rat following a swan.
It was the first such look she’d gotten while being at the mall that day and served to forcefully remind her just how poorly she was viewed in Erebor. Yet another difference from Shire. There, no one cared one way or the other about her. She’d used to feel sad about it from time to time, but now understood it had been a blessing.
She suppressed a shiver and instinctively moved a step closer to Cerys. She wouldn’t say she entirely trusted the other woman yet, but she was a familiar presence and Bilba could admit to feeling at least some level of safety when around her. An unstable safety to be sure, but safety.
They were led to a dimly lit private room with a thick, maroon carpet, a mahogany table and chairs padded with black leather. The overall effect might have been oppressive were it not for the fact that the walls and ceiling were literally covered in white and green tinged crystal. Lights had somehow been strung up behind them, creating an effect that made it feel like she’d just walked into a geode.
Bilba stumbled to a stop at the sight, staring in awestruck wonder. “Oh, wow. This is gorgeous.”
Dis beamed in pride. “Isn’t it? Ereboreans know how to decorate.”
“They do indeed.” Bilba shook herself out of her stupor and went to her seat. Their guards lined up along the walls and outside the room. Having so many eyes on them felt awkward to Bilba but Dis and Ori seemed oblivious.
As she settled in, Bilba absently set her new phone on the table. It now sported a case featuring inlaid gems that formed spiraling flowers and leaves set in a gold tone background. The case came with a spot to attach a charm, so she’d bought a small cat that reminded her of her feline friend from the beach.
Dis reached over and grabbed the phone. “I’m going to put my number in it, all right?”
Bilba nodded. “Okay. Would you mind putting any other numbers you think I should have? I don’t have any right now.”
“Oh!” Ori sat up straight and clapped her hands together. “Put mine too!”
Dis nodded, eyes focused on the screen. “I’ll put all of ours, and your guards.” She frowned and looked up. “Have you gotten your bracelet yet?”
“Bracelet?” Bilba asked blankly. “What bracelet.”
“We haven’t had a chance to sit down and design it with her, Your Highness,” Cerys broke in from where she stood against the wall. “It’s next on the list.”
Dis nodded absently. She looked back to the phone but raised her other hand and jingled a charm bracelet hanging from her wrist. “We all have custom security bracelets. If you’re ever in an emergency, all you have to do is activate it and you’ll bring down pretty much the entire palace security on you.” She set the phone down and moved one of the charms, a small, linked set of hearts, to reveal an almost invisible indentation. “It’s designed so it can be activated quickly, but not accidentally.”
“Oh.” Bilba started to ask if anyone had ever had to use it, but bit back the question. If the answer were yes it would have been under extreme circumstances and it was likely Dis wouldn’t want to relieve such a thing.
“Are you on Ravenhill?” Dis asked suddenly. “I’m going to send you a request.”
She did something on the phone, and then handed it to Ori who also fiddled with it before handing it back to Bilba. “There, I sent you one too.”
“Thank you.” Bilba carefully took the phone back, unsure of what else to say. To be honest, the entire day had been overwhelming and she was still trying to process everything that had happened. “I’ll send you texts, so you’ll have my number too?” Her voice was shy even to her own ears, and she couldn’t stop the irrational thought that both women would reject her offer in spite of having given her their numbers to begin with.
“Great!” Dis said cheerfully. “Now, the next time my father tries to pull a stunt you can text me and I’ll come help him remove his head from his ass.”
Bilba focused on her phone and didn’t react. She had no intention of doing any such thing. The last thing she wanted to do was have the king see her as some sort of snitch or troublemaker. Not only that, but she didn’t yet know if Dis was the sort to take her father to task only to get angry and protective when someone else did the same.
She pulled up her contact list and was surprised to see the long list of numbers Dis had added. Her own, Thorin’s, Ori’s, Cerys and Gareth, even Frerin who she still hadn’t met and the king, who she planned to never call if she could help it. She also had no intention of ever calling Dwalin or Nori, but could see the reasoning behind having their numbers, as well as Balin. She added Rosie’s, and Arwen’s and made a mental note to find out her steward’s number to add that one as well.
She moved instinctively to add Bofur’s, only to flinch and stop. They’d agreed not to communicate, she reminded herself. Bofur needed to move on, and so did she. She wanted to move on. The sooner she did the sooner it’d stop hurting so much every time she thought about him.
She pulled up her Ravenhill account to accept Dis and Ori’s requests, and was startled to see a third one waiting for her. “Thorin sent me a request.”
“He’d better have,” Dis said. “You are his wife after all.”
Bilba chose to leave that comment alone. She accepted the requests and then, nervously, clicked on Thorin’s profile. Her mood immediately soured at the sight of the name Kyra Lundair next to the newest post at the top of Thorin’s page. It was some meme or another she’d posted, innocent enough on its own, but for the fact that the woman was literally everywhere Bilba went.
It had been posted only an hour earlier, she noted, and already had been liked by Thorin. Thorin who was too tied up in meetings to go to dinner, but not so tied up that he couldn’t like something his ex-fiancée posted on his page.
“What’s wrong?” Ori asked from where she sat next to Dis.
Bilba clicked over to Dis’ profile. “Nothing.” She studied the banner for the page, featuring a younger Dis standing next to an attractive, blonde man. “Is this your husband?” she asked, holding the phone up.
The other woman’s face softened, and she took the phone to smile fondly at the picture. “Yeah, that’s Vili. It’ll be seven years this spring.”
“I’m sorry.” Bilba flinched in guilt, regretting having brought it up.
“It’s fine.” Dis handed the phone back. “We’ll find him. I know we will.”
“I believe you,” Bilba said sincerely. She studied the picture a moment longer, wondering where the smiling young man had gone and why. He looked oddly familiar but, given who he was, it stood to reason she’d seen a picture in passing on the internet or even somewhere in the palace.
The food arrived just after that and she put the phone away as it was set out. They’d never been given menus or ordered but Dis and Ori didn’t seem to think anything of it. A man Dis identified as the owner appeared and began announcing the dishes as they were set out. All of them sounded amazing, and Bilba felt herself growing hungrier with every passing minute.
The man finally stopped talking. He started to excuse himself, before pausing as Dis gestured him forward. He leaned over and, for several long moments, the two had a hushed conversation that Bilba couldn’t hear from her side of the table. Then the man stood, bowed and left, after which they were finally allowed to eat. The food ended up being just as amazing as it looked and Bilba ate more than she probably should in an attempt to try all of it, and then a desire to go back for seconds on her favorites.
“So,” Dis said as she snapped a breadstick in half. “How are things going with you and my brother?”
Bilba froze. “Uh…it’s okay, I guess.”
Dis raised an eyebrow. “You guess?”
“We don’t know each other all that well,” Bilba said, almost under her breath.
“Is that so?” Dis asked idly. She had an odd tone in her voice and Bilba had a sinking feeling she’d given away far more than she intended.
Dis didn’t ask any further questions and the rest of dinner was spent in light chatter, mostly about favorite movies and books and the like.
Once they were finished Dis led them back out into the mall proper. Bilba was relieved to see the man at the door who’d glared at her was no longer there. He must have gone off shift while they ate.
They headed out, the only signs of their mammoth shopping trip the case and charm on Bilba’s phone and the small, carry out box Ori had gotten to bring home to her husband. Everything else would be delivered to the palace later, Dis had explained.
“I hope I have enough room for it all in my wardrobe,” Bilba mused, as they traveled down the escalator toward the first floor. “I probably should have thought about that.”
Dis laughed. “That’s cute.” At Bilba’s look of confusion, her own expression became startled. “Please tell me you didn’t think that wardrobe was all you had to store your clothes in.”
“It’s not?” Bilba said slowly. It was all she had seen, and no one had mentioned anything else. Honestly, the thing was several times larger than what she’d had in Shire and was even larger than the ones she’d seen in Beatrice’s room or any of her other relations.
Dis sighed. “It’ll be too late by the time we get back but remind me to show you where your closet is. Or better yet just keep an eye out when the maids put all your things away. The wardrobe,” she said in answer to Bilba’s unspoken question, “is for your go to, day to day items, or to store an outfit you know you’ll need in the next few days or week or so. It makes it less of a hassle if it’s right there, you know?”
Bilba didn’t but nodded dutifully.  
They exited the mall, and her steps slowed as she realized full night had fallen. They’d literally spent the entire day shopping. Bilba was certainly tired, but, if asked, would have insisted they’d only been out a few hours at most. She cast a guilty look at Cerys and Gareth, wondering if the two had been able to eat or see Wynne, but neither appeared unhappy. Perhaps they’d gone on breaks when she hadn’t been looking? She had spent a lot of time trying things on and being measured, so it was certainly possible.
They all loaded back into the limos and started the long journey back. Bilba must have dozed off because, before she knew it, they were pulling down a low ramp into an underground parking garage behind the palace.
Once they were parked, they all got out and took an elevator to the main foyer of the palace.
“This is where I must leave you,” Dis said as they made their way up the stairs toward the royal levels. “The boys will be waiting for me to tuck them in and read them a story.”
“I need to head off too,” Ori said, holding up the carry out bag. “Dwalin should be off shift by now and I texted him that I was bringing food.”
Bilba nodded. “Thank you, both, for today. I had a really good time.”
As she said the words, she was startled to realize she meant them. She had had a really good time.
“You’re welcome,” Dis said cheerfully. “I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast, all right?”
Bilba nodded and the other woman left, followed soon after by Ori who impulsively hugged her before skipping off to her own rooms. Most of the security had already dispersed, so Bilba bade Cerys and Gareth goodnight before heading to her own room. She’d hoped by doing so they’d head off to their own rooms and Wynne but they followed her until she’d walked through the doors of the suite before wishing her a goodnight and leaving.
Once the doors were closed, Bilba let out a breath and sagged forward onto the wood for a few minutes. It had been a crazy day from start to finish, but she was happy to have it end on a high note.
She pushed up and noted that, while the room was dark, a light was on in the small kitchen, casting enough of a glow for her to see by. She was pretty sure it had been off when she’d left that morning, which meant Thorin must have come back.
His door was shut and there was no light shining from under it so either he’d come back and left again, or he’d already gone to bed.
Bilba started to go to her own room, only to find herself slowing to a stop before she got there.
Did Thorin know what had happened? About the pregnancy demands, and whatever had gone on with Kyra? She chewed on her lower lip and cast a nervous glance toward Thorin’s door. If he did know, then she imagined she’d have found him waiting for her to come back to discuss it.
That or he was off, even then, comforting Kyra over whatever the king had said to her when he’d summoned her to his office.
Bilba grimaced. Think positive, she told herself firmly. You had a good day today, so don’t ruin it.
Thorin didn’t know, she decided. And if he didn’t, then she’d much rather have him hear it all from her before he heard it from someone else. Get her own side in as much as possible before he heard whatever twisted version she was sure would be making the rounds tomorrow.
She let out a short breath and wrapped her arms around her torso. Telling him herself would be best, which…meant…she’d need to go knock on his door…and wake him up to tell him.
She shuffled forward slowly, until she was standing in front of his door. She raised her hand and curled her fingers into a fist to knock…and then just stood there. Her stomach twisted, and she tried to force herself to breathe normally.
It’s fine, she told herself. It’s totally fine. Just…knock on the door. It’s fine.
She moved her hand forward, only to freeze as another, unwelcome thought came to her.
What if he wasn’t alone?
Her face flamed, and she shook her head. No. Not even Thorin was crazy enough to bring his mistress into his room at night. He’d have had to parade her past his own guards and the news would be all over the palace by the next morning. No way he was that stupid.
She half lowered her hand, raised it again and then, before she could think about it any further, reached out and rapped sharply on the wood. Immediately her heart jumped into her throat and her muscles locked up.
A light snapped on under the door, and footsteps moved across the floor. A moment later, the door was pulled open and Bilba found herself face to face with Thorin…dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers.
Not…what she’d been expecting.
Not even close.
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ikkos · 3 years
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﹅   000   ✩     一    THE SILHOUETTE !
“See the horizon. See the sun that’s coming awake there, or perhaps it’s retiring for the moon now; see the golds and pinks and the promise of a sunny day’s blue, or perhaps the indigos and violets stark behind stars. See the one that approaches, their gait and their pace and the clothes that hang off their figure. Most details are lost to the distance, but if you look and listen hard enough, you might be able to discern their identity…”
TW: Death.
—  Describe your muse as best as possible in a single sentence.
“She’s standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take.”
—  Describe your muse as horribly as possible in a single sentence.
“I just gotta kiss myself sometimes, I’m so f*cking pretty.”
— Describe your muse’s voice.
Honey drips at the seams every time her lips dictate any form of noise. It’s sweet, delicate, gentle - perhaps, formal. She has been trained since a young age to maintain posture and reduce aggressiveness or excessive negative language due to her growth of rank. The classes have always been about creating a purr as opposed to a stuttering, unconfident statement. As, for a woman, in such an industry, one must be taken seriously by the way they stride or maintain themselves. Maybe if you leaned a little closer, listened a little more, there could be something seething in her undertones of dishonesty and toxic intentions.
— Describe your muse’s fashion sense.
Fashion to her is more than cute clothings, but rather an expression of personality, uniqueness, and showcasing her own self-confidence. From pleated skirts, thigh highs, short dresses, and high heels - she’s maintained the typical ‘rich girl’ aesthetic by the amount of high end brands endorsing her look. However, she enjoys a twist, her own sense of self in her clothings by either: cutting, restyling, recoloring, or repurposing.. which makes all of her closet options simply distinctive to only her. Nothing about her fashion sense would be found on anyone else, but her. It is what she has taken the most pride in over the course of several years as her style continuously evolves into something of a more formal business woman. No, you won’t ever catch her looking basic, even if she’s dead.
— Give a quote of something your muse has said before.
“How many funerals can someone attend before they’re twenty?” Black adorned her frame a little too perfectly for the event, at least, if you ignored any dark circles coated underneath her eyes that were negligent to constant appraisal; yet the mirror mounted in-front of her paid no mind to highlighting all of those small details to her. She knew she looked like a mess and didn’t need the untrustworthy reminder. “Miss. Jeon, that’s inappropriate.” Komi’s eyes rolled at such a statement since she nearly forgot someone else accompanied her in the tight space. “But, it’s true.”
— What fable, mythic, or fairy tale character would your muse best play the role of?
Sleeping beauty; her favorite princess.
“Princess Aurora (also known as Briar Rose) is the protagonist of Disney's 1959 animated feature film, Sleeping Beauty. She is the daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. On the day of her christening, Aurora was cursed to die by the evil fairy Maleficent. Due to the efforts of three good fairies, the curse was altered to instead draw Aurora into a deep sleep that could only be broken by true love's kiss.”
— Which archetype best describes your muse?
The Lover.
“The lover archetype represents play and sensual pleasure. They like to live in the moment and are appreciative of the physical environment. They try to be more attractive physically, and emotionally. They crave intimacy and enjoy being in a relationship with people. The lover archetype is also known as a friend, spouse, team builder, partner, and sensualist. The lover archetype is probably the most passionate, but they have a tendency to lack discipline. They want to stay young, innocent, and pure. They remain one of the most likable of archetypes.”
— Which temperament does your muse have?
Sanguine 21, Phlegmatic 12, Melancholic 6, Choleric 8.
“Your temperament is Sanguine. The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; Sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much a people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.”
— Describe your muse’s favorite memory.
Four years old, a memory at its earliest stage, yet so delicate and precious. The young girl trotted after her father in a near skip, smiles echoed on both of their features. This was the first time she found herself glued to the man’s side in endearment rather than fear; something of a new emotion for her to experience. But, It was only given that her attention faltered onto the beautifully decorated frames of different generations alongside the wall by her. Curiosity at its finest, one that her father indulged in while they toured the vacant manor. “One day it’ll be your’s, darling. Your own castle that you can protect.” At the time, of course, she didn’t fully understand the definition behind his words, yet the idea alone gave nothing but a euphoric feeling as her fingers laced together with his. “You can do that for me, right?”
— Name something your muse will always believe in.
Destiny & soulmates.
— Name a song that would play during the opening of a movie about your muse’s life.
Worst Behavior by Ariana Grande
— Going out or staying in?
Going out.
— Read the book or watch the movie?
Read the book.
— Talk during a movie or absolutely not?
No. What do you think this is?
— Sing to a song, hum along, or people should just stay quiet and enjoy listening to the song?
She wouldn’t be able to decide herself.
— Windows up while you’re driving or roll them down?
Wait, she’s allowed to drive?
— A wizard casts a spell on your muse that reveals their true colors. No, literally. The wisp of an aura is beginning to form around your muse. What color is it?
Crimson twirled around her in a deep fog. It felt suffocating as if air was forced out of her lungs within mere seconds, being replaced by nothing but the encasements of red. She knew very well that she deprives herself into two different personalities. She just didn’t expect the full showcase to cause such an intense pressure down against her chest. Red..? The color of love, creativity, passion, adventure, energy, and so many more beautiful things. Although, all she could think about were the color’s relativity to danger and aggression. There’s no way to tell which is the true or honest tell of her character.
— A wizard casts a spell on your muse that reveals their true nature. Smoke curls around your muse, accompanied by distant sounds of wildlife. When the smoke clears, what animal is standing in your muse’s place?
The previously suffocating smoke finally cascades from her senses. Opposed to the expected, a small fox appears in her wake, sounds of birds and leaves in the wind peeking from the distance. Many appeal to the fox as an ideal spirit animal by the way they follow signs of loyalty, independence, adaptability, beauty, and positive signs of luck. This is something she felt she could agree with as well as understand despite the strange circumstances. It’s what she didn’t know is the entire reason behind her revealed spirit; that the foxes are the royalties of mischievousness and tricks.
— A wizard (is this still the same wizard?) casts a spell on your muse that allows them to see what they most desire right here, right now, right in front of them. What do they see?
It seems these strange events never stop. This realization dawned on her the moment a figure shaped in-front of her, a figure so familiar yet unknown. The figure reached out to her with worry printed on their ghostly features. She didn’t know how to react at first, it was only natural that her hand reached out to his, an unforced smile tugging at the edges of her lips. When their fingers touched, all shades of color and light became possible. It became easy. It felt like fireworks plus all previous negative emotions or pressures ceasing to exist in his wake. She believed that this was her fate, the one she’s destined to be with. At least, until the figure lifted her small frame off the floor in a more maternal stance. Her eyes grew wide while everything around her froze. “Fa-..”
— A wizard (why haven’t they given up yet?) casts a spell on your muse that forces them to see what they are most afraid of. What do they see?
Within an instant, everything vanishes from her line-sight. Nothing but pure darkness surrounds her, not even indications of time or location. Her heart begins to pound inside her chest as panic shivers its way down every nerve and fiber of her being. Where is she? Where did everyone go? The girl paces back and forth before eventually running anywhere she could go without truly feeling like she’s moving at all. In the end, her body falls down to her knees as weakness or hopelessness settles into her bones; a broken sob stuck in the back of her throat. Being alone is the most tragic feeling anyone could experience.
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