#Where is Anita Fite DC?
souperfam · 21 days
Once again thinking of the ways that I, personally, was victimized by Geoff Johns in TTVol3
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vampiregokudera · 4 months
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YoungJusticeFashionWeek2024 Day 2 - Fairytale inspired
Today on the runway we have:
Tim Drake (insp. Disney's Jasmine),
Red Tornado (insp. Red Ridinghood)
and Anita Fite (insp. Cinderella)
(No Red Tornadoes were harmed during the making of this fashion week but he will think twice now before shutting down for maintanence in the vicinity of YJ)
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ggothamite · 2 years
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kinda my thoughts on young justice dark crisis #2
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
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I’m now on book five of Young Justice Vol 1 and ngl, I’m really impossibly disappointed how the team gets boiled down to the “core four”.
Like, I get that by association of the big-name heroes they sidekick for, Superboy, Robin, Impulse and Wonder Girl have a lot of traction outside of the Young Justice.
But... Cassie joined when Secret and Cissie joined. It’s not like the team started with the core four and all others were later additions; Secret and Cissie have been on the team as long as Cassie. And sure, Cissie leaves the team but is still an active part in the comics and was still a member of the main team line-up.
I don’t know, I think this bugs me particularly much considering that this is a team of six superheroes and unlike pretty much any other team of six, where it’d be five boys and one token girl, this team is startlingly evenly split with three girls and three boys? A team from the 90s, at that. You don’t even get that in teams from today, if I may be so salty and look at the modern superhero movie line-ups.
So the fact that this team that’s three girls and three boys gets reduced to a “core four” that’s three boys and one girl... it just... does the team a huge disservice?
Because Cassie isn’t the one token girl in a testosterone team. This is actually a superhero team that passes the Bechdel test because we got three girls and they get to be friends and they get to support each other, be there for each other, talk about more than just boys that they like.
I’ll cut some slack for not including Anita, since Anita only joined in the second half of book four outta five. But also only some slack, because she is the only character of color in the line-up also she’s a badass and I wish I had gotten to meet her sooner and how the fuck has DC just... stopped using her in modern iterations like what? You can’t fit her into anything? Are you serious?
ANYWAY, this is a “Secret, Cissie and Anita deserve better” post.
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argentoau · 2 years
dc bring anita fite back
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
The nightmare that YJ98 unleashed for me:
1: Oh I like Cissie. Hope I get to see more of her.
2: Okay I’m enjoying Bart…and adding that to things I need to read when I get the chance.
3: Anita’s amazing. I wonder if she is in anything else.
4: Oh Marvel Jr. looks cool. Oh god this scan is killing my eyes.
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dccomicsbracket · 2 months
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Anita Fite (Empress)
Anita Fite was done and has continued to be done dirty for a long time. She spent the original Young Justice run being preyed on by older men, bullied, drawn half naked, been foisted with stereotypical depictions of Vodou, having her major spotlight arc co-opted by a random team up if basically every teen hero, having the climax of her spotlight arc instead going to more Cissie angst, and then receiving an incredibly dumb write out. Literally every member of Young Justice save her (and Slobo, but his circumstances are trickier) has since resurfaced in modern comics. Anita deserves her chance in the spotlight. The current continuity reset means we don't have to stay married to her bullshit ending. There's a lot of potentially interesting ground to cover with her relationships to the loa. She can have more insane homoerotic tension with other women. Maybe she'll almost stab a werewolf to death for looking at the girl she likes wrong again! DC is also sorely lacking a magical team book at the moment. She'd do great on a team as the magic user who actually knows how to throw a punch Bring her back!!!
The Amazons (+ Diana)
Batman has Detective Comics, Superman has Action Comics, so where is Wonder Woman's Sensation Comics? Given how delightful Amazons Attack (2023) has been, it would be great to have a regular book for all of the Amazons to star in. Imagine regular B and C stories for other Wonderfamily members à la PKJ's recent Action run. It would also allow greater focus on Yara Flor and the Esquecida, who haven't had the chance to have much spotlight focused on them to build them out in relation to the Bana-Mighdall and the Themyscirans. It would also be great to be able to have more than one take on Diana at a time—imagine a Wonder Woman/Sensation Comics split as drastic as the current Zdarsky/V split in Batman and Tec. There's even a logical Diana in Man's World Vs Diana with her sisters split you could play with.
Vic Sage (The Question) and Renee Montoya (The Question)
Save Renee from being a cop again
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clambuoyance · 2 years
I want to read the dc comics, but I have no idea where to start. Which one do I read first?
I gave recs for what I started over here and they’re mainly what I started with so you can understand what I draw, but here are some more :) when I first started reading comics I went for shorter ones but as you read you get exposed to characters and you’re like “I wanna read more of them” and then it all spirals from there. I think it helped me get used to reading comic bullshit lol. I only started reading this year so there’s a lot I haven’t read out there.
1. Supersons 2016 (very cute and more lighthearted, three series, finished so it’s about 30 ish issues in total i think, Damian Wayne/Robin and Jonathan Kent/Superboy are the sons of Batman and Superman and they get into shenanigans and have a cute friendship. I really like these ones😊)
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2. Young Justice 1998 (older so dunno if you wanna start with it, but it’s fun and wacky and I love it, 55 issues plus some crossover/tie in issues so probably like 60 ish issues, features Tim drake/robin, superboy/Conner kent, impulse/Bart Allen, wonder girl/Cassandra sandsmark, greta Hayes/secret, arrowette/cissie king jones, plus more like empress/anita fite, slobo, and red tornado.)
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3. Graduation day (mini comic that is 2 or 3 issues about breaking up yj and the titans smh smh) then the core four (Tim, Bart, kon, cassie) join the teen titans
Teen titans 2003 (grittier and edgier than yj but has it’s nice character moments here n there, about 100 issues, but I’m not gonna lie if Conner isn’t in the issue I kinda zoned out or skimmed it ummm >_>)
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4. Batman urban legends. ( ongoing, anthology of several stories and characters, good if you wanna meet a lot of Gotham based characters. This was like my first legit exposure to dc comics specifically so I’m putting it here)
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5. World’s Finest 2022 (ongoing, Um I think there’s 5 or 6 issues out rn. It’s revisiting Batman, Robin (Dick grayson), and Superman’s first years together and it’s reallyyyyy cooooooool. I love the vibes and art. Feels very authentically comic book-y. Dan mora is my favorite dc artist Honestly . Lots of others show up too like Supergirl and Doom Patrol 😊Actually this is Probably my fave out of the new comics)
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6. Batgirls 2022 (ongoing but there’s like 9 issues out I think??, features Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, and Barbara Gordon, who have all held the mantle of batgirl. Also the art slaps.)
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7. Batgirl 2000 (70 issues, about Cassandra cain’s run as batgirl, I haven’t finished it but Its like a really lauded run and is well written so go read it)
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8. Batgirl 2009 (26 issues I think, this is about Stephanie brown’s run as batgirl, she is my beloved I love her so much and her jokes are so😖💜)
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9. Red Robin 2009 (26 issues I think?, runs parallel to Batgirl 2009 and Batman and Robin 2009, I put this one last bc I feel like it needs a Lot of context unlike the others where you can just jump into it but it is short and It was also one of my first comics so 🧍🏻‍♀️. Basically Tim drake had a solo run (Robin 1993) but it’s over 100 issues and I haven’t even read all of em bc there’s. So much. So if u wanna read more tim drake stuff I’d suggest looking up a reading list bc he debuts in the Detective Comics issues and then gets his own solo. Anywaysss so basically a lot of shit happened lots of friends n family died or “died” leaving Tim in a pretty bad place. Bruce is assumed dead, so Dick becomes Batman and makes Damian his Robin, and Tim takes up the Red Robin mantle. okay actually you can easily pick up the context when u read so nvm😗✌️)
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I was gonna put more but I’m on mobile and hit the photo limit ☹️ Kon and Bart have their solos, I started reading The New Teen Titans from the 80s, Damian has a recent robin run, and I’m planning on reading more supergirl/superfam comics and green lantern corps comics so yeaaaaah there’s a loooooot. Hopefully something here piqued your interest and I didn’t overwhelm you.
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lesbianarchers · 1 year
I’ve been back on my DC bs for a hot minute so have some of my fave underrated girls
Mia Dearden | Speedy II
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When will she return from The War (Post-Flashpoint Erasure)
Cissie King-Jones | Arrowette
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Yelled at the entire Justice League once and is an gold-winning Olympian archer
Deserves to be happy with her butch gf
Lorena Marquez | Aquagirl
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Yet another victim of the New 52
I saw that mention in Aquamen DC where is she
Traci Thurston | Traci 13
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Owner of an iguana known as Leroy
Put her on the JLD full time I miss her
Natasha Irons | Steel
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Best member of the Superfam and no one can persuade me otherwise
Lilith Clay | Omen
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Member of the Titans (she died and no one came to her funeral)
Usually when she shows up shit goes down
Anita Fite | Empress
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I miss her
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
DC/Marvel Biracial Heroes
1. Kyle Rayner aka Green Lantern - half Irish and half Mexican
2. Keli Quintela aka Teen Lantern - Afro-Indigenous Bolivian
3. Ya’Wara - Indigenous Brazilian Tapirape  
4. Arthur Curry aka Aquamn - in the DCEU and some recent adaptations; half White and half Polynesian
5. Koryak - eldest son and child of Aquaman; in original he was half white and half Inuit, but with the recent racebend of Arthur, Koryak would now be of white, Polynesian, and Inuit heritage
6.  Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
7. Selina Kyle aka Catwoman - Afro Cuban; given her mother has been played by both black and white women and she states of being Cuban in the comics, I see her as Afro Cuban
8.  Helena Wayne aka Robin VI aka Batwoman II - daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Half White and half Afro Cuban
9. Damian Wayne aka Robin - half White and half Arabian Chinese
10. Rose Wilson aka Ravager - half Hmong and half White
11. Connor Hawke aka Green Arrow II - he is of mixed Black, Cambodian and White heritage
12. Lian Nguyen-Harper aka Red Riding Hood - half Vietnamese and half White
13. Jade Crock aka Cheshire - I like the idea of her reforming, she was my personal fav anti-villain in the animated YJ series; half Vietnamese and half White
14. Artemis Crock aka Huntress - half Vietnamese and half White
15. Emiko Queen aka Red Arrow II - half Japanese and half White
16. Cassandra Cain aka Batgirl - half Chinese (although her Asian heritage is often debated), and half White
17. Irey West aka Impulse - half Korean and half White
18. Jai West - half Korean and half White
19. Jenni Ognats aka XS - half Black and half White
20. Maya Ducard aka Nobody II - Afro Latina
21. Hero Cruz - Afro Latino
22. Marisol Rios De La Luz aka La Borinqueña - Afro Puerto Rican
23. Julia Pennyworth - she is biracial but it’s unknown what the race of her mother is. In a previous post, I stated I saw her as half Black but now I see her as half Afro Latina and half White.
24. Alinta aka Bolt - from Teen Titans Academy; she appears to be Black and it’s confirmed she is from Australia, so I see her as a Australian Aboriginal 
25. Anita Fite aka Empress - Afro Haitian
26. Uno aka Aztek I - Nahua Mexican
27. Nayeli Constant aka Aztek II - Nahua Mexican
28. Val Armorr aka Karate Kid  - half Japanese and half White
29. Wallace West aka Kid Flash II - half Black and half White
30. Keshena Carpentier aka Timber -  half Menominee but I’m not sure of the other half
31. Tesla Strong - half Black and half White
32. Tiana Toomes aka Starlin - half Black and half White
33. Traci Thirteen aka Traci 13 - Her Asian nationality is unknown and often debated. In my opinion, I make her half Filipina and half Thai. Since there aren’t a lot of Southeast Asian superheroes
34.  Olive Silverlock - from Gotham Academy; her ethnicity is unknown but she is POC given her dark skin. She might also be albino. For me, I think she is a POC albino, most likely of Arabian descent. She may also be biracial.
35. Renee Montoya aka The Question II - Afro Puerto Rican
1. Danielle Cage aka Captain America - half white and half black
2. America Chavez aka Miss America - Afro Puerto Rican Caribbean
3. Miles Morales aka Spider Man - half black and half Puerto Rican
4. Sam Alexander aka Nova - half Mexican and half white
5. Daken Akihiro aka Wolverine - half Japanese and half white
6. Laura Kinney aka X-23 aka Wolverine - following from her original appearance where she had notable dark skin in X-Men Evolutions. It was never confirmed but I believe her “mother” was Afro Latina. So, Laura would be half Afro Latina and half white
7. Maya Lopez aka Echo - half Hispanic and half Native Cheyenne
8. Eden Fesi aka Manifold - Black Australian Aboriginal
9. Lucas Bishop - Black Australian Aboriginal
10. Gloria Dolores Muñoz aka Risque - half Seminole and half Cuban 
11.  Maria De Guadalupe “Lupe” Santiago aka Silverclaw -  Hispanic nationality unknown but lives in a fictional Hispanic island or country and is an Indigenous member
12. Aliyah Bishop - Black Australian Aboriginal
13. Narya aka Snowbird - half Inuit and possibly half White
14. Lucy Rand - daughter of Danny Rand and Misty Knight; half Black and half White; since I would racebend Danny as Tibetan American, that would make her half Tibetan and half Black
12. Silhouette Chord aka Silhouette - half Black and half Cambodian
13.  Kei Kawade aka Kid Kaiju - half Japanese and half white
14.  Jeannine Sauvage aka Guillotine - Afro Arabian, from my personal opinion and the info about character
15.  Daisy Johnson aka Quake - half Chinese and half white American
16. Katy Chen - from the MCU; I’m following the same heritage as her actress; half Chinese and half Korean
17. Colleen Wing - half Chinese and half Japanese
18. Victor Alvarez aka Power Man - Afro Dominican
19.  Cecilia Reyes - Afro Puerto Rican
20. Roberto da Costa aka Sunspot - Afro Brazilian
21. Nezhno Abidemi aka Gentle - half Black (Wakandan) and half White (Russian)
22. Thunderstorm - daughter of Thor and Ororo Munroe/Storm; half White and half Black (Kenyan)
23. Neena Thurman aka Domino - half Black and half White
24. Kiyoshi Morales aka Captain America - half Japanese and half Hispanic
25. Nathaniel Carver aka Hindsight - half Korean and half White
26. Peni Parker aka SP//DR - half Japanese and half White
27. Selah Burke aka Sun Girl - half Black and half White
28.  Anya Corazon aka Arana - half Mexican and half Puerto Rican
29.  Angel Salvadore aka Tempest - Afro-Latina
30.  Nina the Conjuror - Brazilian, given her dark skintone, she might be Afro-Brazilian
31.  Ellie Camacho - half white and half Hispanic
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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greta-hayes · 2 years
Hey anyone know where Anita Fite’s home is located within the usa of the dc universe?
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seanhtaylor · 3 years
Sean Taylor Destroys the DC Universe -- Future State Redux
Sean Taylor destroys the Future State of DC...
Just to prove that the editors of DC Comics are wise beyond their years and should never, ever hire me, here is the roadmap of what I would have done with a "clean slate" like DC Future State.
Superman -- He's gone. Off planet. In his absence, a group of Supermen now watch over various parts of the world. Connor, Jon, Kara, John Henry Irons, Eradicator, Kong Kenan, and three new bearers of the S-shield, triplets birthed from an energy matrix that combined Matrix (former Supergirl) and Eradicator's energy to create Supergirl Red, Superboy Blue, and Supergirl Yellow. All three live out on the Kent farm with "Grandma" Lois and assist the other S-heroes as needed.
Batman Inc. -- Bruce is dead. As a human, his body eventually gave out. The Bat suit is shared among Jason, Tim, Cassie Cain, and Luke Fox, while Dick runs WayneTech. They each take shifts, ensuring that the identity of Batman can't be determined.
Wonder Woman -- Diana and Nubia have ascended to something beyond even godhood and is all and is in all, as the religious say goes. Cassie Sandsmark and Donna Troy take charge of New Themyscira, while Anita Fite (formerly Empress of Young Justice) dons the tiara and spear of Artemis (the god) to fill the role Cassie and Donna refused for the good of Themyscira. She trains under the tutelage of Psyche and Persephone and has a regular home in the underworld as she needs it.
Green Lantern -- Sojourner Mullein is tasked with rebuilding the core after a war with Apolokips shattered it and left most Lanterns depowered or dead. Meanwhile, on the planet New Mogo, a depowered Jessica Cruz has found a powerful new ally in an awakened world that seems to be made of energy that keeps her alive regardless of the damage she suffers.
Flash -- All the Flashes are gone. The DCU has no more speedsters thanks to the sacrifice of them all to prevent the speed force from dying. In their place, Lia Nelson, the Flash from the Tangent Universe has come to Central City and now works alongside the sons and daughters of the former Rogues to keep her new home safe.
The Brave and the Bold -- Manhunter Alice Emerson (daughter of Grant Emerson the former Damage) and The Question Harriet Turner (daughter of Strix of the Owls) explore the mysteries of the underbelly of Gotham, where little has changed in this neo-noir take on the criminal world of Gotham City.
Justice -- Kara, Cassie, Sojourner, Lia, Anita, The Guardian (Damian Wayne), Platinum, Lead, and the new Miss Liberty (the rebuilt and reprogrammed Tomorrow Woman) are the first line of defense for global threats to earth and its allies.
Teen Titans -- Supers Yellow, Blue, and Red partner with a time-lost Tarbosaurus with the soul of Boston Brand, the daughter of Katana, and the new host of the Demon Etrigan (he's trapped in the body that used to belong to Tin) to honor the traditions of their legacies.
Birds of Prey -- Stephanie Brown and Argent train a new generation of heroic young ladies, including a new Half-Life, Sparx, and a seedling from the Swamp Thing.
Zauriel and the Spectres -- The angel Zauriel is tasked with finding seven new hosts to split up the essence of the Embodiment of God's Judgment. All that power in one host was just too much, so it's up to Zauriel to find the right humans and train them to deliver judgment to those who deserve it.
Ion -- When the original Halo died, her energy traveled across the galaxy to find a new host. Enter A'rhna Kathtuk, a random thought from a dying girl on a faraway planet. Suddenly very, very real, A'rhna as the new Ion now must make its journey back across the galaxy to find the home it is driven to protect, a place it has never heard of called Earth.
Vixen -- Some say Vixen is the spirit of animal energy. Some say she is the chosen representative of the Red. Others believe she's just a woman in a costume. Some say she's a problem that gets in the way of progress and needs to be eliminated. Regardless, when the ways of humanity encroach on the balance between nature and urban expansion, she is always there to protect the delicate balance that keeps Earth at its best.
I could do this all day, but I'll stop here.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
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Okay hold on they DID bring Greta and Cissie into Teen Titans Vol 3 - even if not as Titans - so that REALLY MAKES ME ASK: WHERE THE FUCK IS ANITA???
(And damn this really is jut Teen Titans: Young Justice Vol 2...)
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sweetwriting · 4 years
TimKon Week 2020 - Day 1: What’s Going On?
Category: Gen or Pre-slash
Genre: Angst/Friendship
Fandoms: DC Comics, Superverse, Teamverse
Continuity: Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint & Rebirth
Summary:  Iris Force didn't really have visions, she just knew things. But tonight, for the first time, she had one. And it was about somebody who shouldn't be there. The TimKon part isn’t that big even if it hints at how bit it could be. As of this story they’re still just friends so it can be seen as platonic or romantic
Word Count: 3356
AN: A part of this is a WIP I had already posted here : https://sweetwriting.tumblr.com/post/165029401671/hello-this-is-a-snippet-for-a-fic-ive-always but to which I was never able to find fitting parts. This part stayed at least as an inspiration of the Vibe I wanted to give but ended up being put to the side. However this Prompt gave me an idea so I’ll try to see where it goes and if it does’n work well…It will be considered as a bonus :D There’s also a reference to Ruelle’s song “I will Find You” as this song is kinda linked to most of the TimKon Angst and general New Rebirth Plot.
Prompt:  Under Lock & Key - Future 
Can be read on AO3
A breath. 
Everything was dark. Were his eyes even open?  
Another breath. 
What was he feeling around him? It felt like a liquid. But how could he possibly breathe in a liquid?  
Another one. He extended his arms. Glass. Surrounding him.  
And another. Faster. 
He didn’t have enough place to extend them completely.  
Another breath. Panic. 
Who was he? Another one. 
How did he know he was a “he”.  
And another. 
What was going on?  
And another. 
Where was he? 
And another. 
That was his name. But it wasn’t. It was supposed to be his name. But it wasn’t. Why. Who was he? 
Paul Westfield.
That was his father? No. 
Alexander Luthor. Was he his father? No. Disgusting. 
Was Superman his father? No. Brother. Clark Kent? Same. 
So many names. 
Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl, Roxy, Rex Leech, Dubbilex, Tana Moon, Sam Makoa, Guardian, Hero, Matrix, Aura, Half-Life, Sparx, Empress, Arrowette, Secret, Red Tornado, Traya, Speedy, Green Lantern, Ravager, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Nightwing, Flash, Max Mercury, Wonder Woman, Troia, Agent A, Batman, Not Robin, Red Hood, Spoiler, Batgirl, Knockout, Lori, Simon, Ma Kent. Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Donna Troy, Diana Prince, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Jim Harper, Victor Stone, Garfield Logan, Koriand’r, Rose Wilson,,Sterling, Kyle Rainer, Mia Dearden, Victoria no Greta Hayes, Cissie King-Jones, Anita Fite, Donna Carol Force, Byron Stark, Lindsey Wah, Hero Cruz, Cassandra Sandsmark, Bart Allen.
Tim Drake.
He remembers. 
His best friends. 
Bart and Tim. 
This is a pod or a tube or whatever.
He’s Superboy, Kon-El, Conner Kent. The Metropolis Kid, The Boy of Steel.
And he has to find his friends. To make sure Ma is okay.  He can’t abandon them again. He can’t abandon Tim again. How long was he in there? 
Everything goes completely white. 
- - - - -
Shortly before Flashpoint happened.
Timberton, British Columbia, Canada.
Iris Force woke up with a gasp. It was the first time she saw what felt so far off in the future and felt so entwined with the recipient of her vision. It was that boy, Superboy who had been one of her dear D.C’s friends back when she went to that horrible party place.
She suddenly heard her door open and the voice of her granddaughter, Anastasia, come to her.
“Granny Iris, I’ve felt you panic, are you alright?”
Iris felt her dear Anastasia settle next to her and help her sit by pulling her elbow.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” She answered, leaving herself time to try and sort out what could be happening.
Anastasia’s hands came to take her own in them in a reassuring gesture.
“Don’t worry, I’m honestly more concerned by the strangely strong reaction you showed to one of you visions. And especially since I’ve never known you to have prophetic dreams”.
Iris turned her head toward her granddaughter. She might not be able to see but she wasn’t going to be impolite.
“This is a problem, It didn’t seem to be a prophetic dreams yet it still was. It seemed to be happening in a far-off future but in the past at the same time. Distant and close at once. I’ve been trying to make sense of it but I can’t seem to be able to do that. And it’s something I’d rather have sorted out before I talk to Donna Carol.”
Anastasia startled and asked in a tiny voice why her sister was concerned.
“It’s about the Superboy. You remember, they were friends a few years ago. Even if they lost touch his death and resurrection had deeply affected her and I think this might too.”
- - - - - -
Prime Earth. Around the Time Red Robin’s future self came to the present.
Timberton, British Columbia, Canada.
Iris Force woke up with a gasp. It was the first time she saw what felt so far off in the future and felt so entwined with the recipient of her vision. It was that boy, Superboy who had been one of her dear D.C’s friends back when she went to that horrible party place.
She suddenly heard her door open and the voice of her granddaughter, Anastasia, come to her.
“Granny Iris, I’ve felt you panic, are you alright?”
Iris felt her dear Anastasia settle next to her and help her sit by pulling her elbow.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” She answered, leaving herself time to try and sort out what could be happening.
Anastasia’s hands came to take her own in them in a reassuring gesture.
“Don’t worry, I’m honestly more concerned by the strangely strong reaction you showed to one of you visions. And especially since I’ve never known you to have prophetic dreams”.
Iris turned her head toward her granddaughter. She might not be able to see but she wasn’t going to be impolite.
“This is a problem, It didn’t seem to be a prophetic dreams yet it still was. It seemed to be happening in the near future but in the past at the same time. Distant and close at once. I’ve been trying to make sense of it but I can’t seem to be able to do that. And it’s something I’d rather have sorted out before I talk to Donna Carol.”
Anastasia startled and asked in a tiny voice why her sister was concerned.
“I do not know, I just know it concerns a Superboy. They were friends a few years ago. No. They were not. I know the universe had changed but I don’t exactly know how. This is one of these changes.”
She knew Anastasia was frowning. She could not blame her as it was confusing even for her. She had told her family the universe had changed but since most of those changes were unknown even to her, and since their family didn’t seem in any immediate danger, they let it be and almost never thought of it again. Except for Donna Carol. She wanted to act. To become a hero. It was obvious but she had never acted on it. Probably due to the knowledge that a past she had lived had been erased. While it fueled her desire to help as a hero more than before it also scared her. The fact that her aunt had not left the family and as such making sure Donna Carol did not have an example to follow might have also helped.
Because yes, Iris knew Donna Carol had been a hero and Allure had left. But that was only because she saw the shift between then and now within the family. She could only see the very big changes when she met people concerned by them.
Just like she knew this conversation had happened before the shift. Maybe not the exact same but her other/past self had the same vision.
What was happening?
- - - - - - -
Conner awoke to a dark room. Or was it a cave? It was too dark to tell but he could not hear the telltale sign of machinery. No sound, no light. Nothing
He wasn’t sure. What he knew was that he was in a pod, in a liquid. That he had woken up some time before and gotten most of his memory back. The pod had fallen sideways on the ground and was the glass was cracking. He tried to push against it but he couldn’t.
Why? Why couldn’t he just burst though? Why wasn’t his TTK working? Where was he? What was going on?
So he screamed.
He was interrupted by crackling. And a sudden burst of blue light.
Right in front of him was electricity in the shape of a woman. He smiled in relief. He knew her after all, she was an old friend of his.
“D.C! Boy am I glad to see you! It’s been a while!”
The girl however didn’t seem to show the same joy.
“Wow Granny said I knew a Superboy in the old world but I half believed her. But you actually look that other Superboy who disappeared, and you seem to know me.”
Now Conner was confused. What old world? Why would she need Granny Iris to tell her they were friends? Why was he still in this thing?
“Whatever! Can you help me get out? I can’t seem to be able to use any of my powers.”
D.C shrugged and agreed. She fried the commands and opened the lid of the pod before lifting him then she promptly let him fall as she covered her eyes and turned around.
Conner fell on his butt, the floor was made of wood so he didn’t hurt himself much, but apparently he hadn’t retained his invulnerability.
“Hey! Why did you drop me DC?!”
D.C. had curled up in the air, her back still to him. She answered him in a small voice.
“You’re naked”
Conner looked down. She was right. It was luck then that the floor was made of wood and not a less smooth surface. He looked around. There wasn’t anything to cover himself as he was in a bare rectangular room only filled with cables. The door DC had opened seemed to show water as he could see the ripples reflecting the moon and stars in what would be a rather bleak night otherwise.
D.C ran toward the door with her eyes closed.
“I’m gonna go try and find you something more decent. Wait here!”
And she left him there. Well he didn’t have much shame but even he knew better than to walk around naked -if only to avoid unwanted attention when he was already so confused. In the meantime he would try to see what he could still do. So he tried to get up, and promptly fell down again.
“OK so baby steps…literally.”
Two hours later and he could finally walk almost normally. However he really couldn’t use any of his powers. He also wasn’t anywhere close to knowing what was going on. That’s when he heard the telltale sound of Sparx’s powers nearby.
She came in with her eyes closed and two pieces of cloth in her arms.
“OK so pants are harder to fit especially since I don’t know your size so I found a hoodie and a skirt, hope you don’t mind”.
She threw the clothes n the room and turned around. Conner Started putting them on as he answered.
“They definitely wouldn’t be my first choice but I don’t mind. At least the skirt is nicer than the dress I had to wear last time”.
“Wait.You really wore a dress?”
“Yeah, it was to be used as a distraction. Honestly it was fun even if I had my costume underneath. All right, I’m all done.”
D.C turned toward him.
“Hey it’s actually not that bad. Though the fact that it’s night and we can’t really see the colors probably help.”
Conner rolled his eyes. Of course he looked good in it. He looked good in almost everything. Granted he wasn’t sure what he looked like right now. Sparx coughed and he brought his attention back on her.
“OK so…this isn’t the most comfortable place to talk and I’m honestly not the best person to talk world heroics with so I’m gonna bring you to my family and especially my granny Iris. Don’t worry though they all…”
“Have powers, yeah I know I already met them, you brought us there remember?”
“That’s the thing actually, I don’t. I’m only here because of granny Iris”
There was a slight lull before D.C started again.
“Anyway we should go, you can fly right?”
Conner shifted slightly.
“Yeah, actually, no. I seem to have lost my powers actually”
“Well it’s okay, I’ll just have to fly you there. We might have to take a few breaks though because while I’m not slow, I’m also not strong enough to go all the way there while holding you in one go”
Conner nodded and they left. As Sparx got high up in the sky, he noticed that what they left wasn’t a room but actually one of several train cars left on the side of a river bank. It seemed to have been separated from another part which was nowhere to be found. Moss had started to grow on it so it had been there for a while. He had been there for a while.
- - - - - - - -
It took them six hours to get to the Force family and they mostly spoke about the new tv shows that D.C. had found interesting lately so they would avoid any topic too heavy (apparently he had missed out on a hilarious cop show). Also Smartphones were so much more advanced as they were the last time he saw them.
- - - - - - -
Timberton, British Columbia, Canada.
As they landed in front of a house in a clearing surrounded by woods, a young brown-haired teenager came to greet them.
“D.C ! Mom said that you would probably need to rest when arriving so you need to show Superboy the guest room.”
D.C. undid her transformation and turned into a cute girl with short brown hair and dressed in a baseball shirt and jeans.
“No way! I’m not tired and I wanna know what’s going on!”
Ana smiled at her big sister and turned toward the house.
“Granny Iris said you’d say that and is waiting for you both in the living room”.
D.C rolled her eyes and grumbled a short “then why not invite us there directly?” before going after her sister followed by a nostalgia filled hero.
Iris Force looked as dignified as ever when, putting the cup of tea she was sipping back on the teacup in her hand, she greeted her granddaughter and her friend from another life.
“Hello Superboy, it has been a while. Though I believe you did get a few name since we last saw each other.”
“Hi Mrs Force. I go by Conner as a civilian and Kon El among other heroes now. Though you already knew that. It’s nice to see you again”.
The older woman kept her eyes closed as she smiled at him. He and D.C sat down on the couch next to Granny Iris’ armchair. Both had a teacup waiting in front of them on the table, filled with warm tea.
“You’re much more subdued than I remember young man. I would like to say it is nice to see you have grown up but as I know what some of it implies I’m afraid I am just saddened for you”.
Conner flinched at the bluntness and D.C almost got up to yell at her grandmother before changing her mind as Conner nodded at Granny. The older woman started talking again.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to fill in most gaps, you know our family doesn’t really get involved in heroics so we don’t have the same kinds of information you could get from those people. All I know is that a few years ago, I woke up with the distinct feeling that things had changed. I didn’t know what but when I saw Allure and D.C. I immediately knew what had changed for them. For you….I can see what you where but I’m not sure what you are right now. Do you have any idea what happened to you?”
Conner stared at the teapot in the middle of the table for a few minutes.
“I don’t remember how I got there to be honest. The last thing I remember clearly was being with my best friends, Tim and Bart. I’m…I’m pretty sure I was with Tim for a while but I don’t know where or what happened.”
There was a pause.
“Oh my God! I don’t know where he is! I don’t have my powers I can’t make sure he’s okay! What do I do?”
“Maybe just google his name, whoever “he” is.”
Conner turned to D.C who showed him her phone already put on a google page. He tapped Tim’s name in the search bar and found pictures of the Wayne family with basic information. He frowned. Something was definitely wrong and it was not just because of Tim’s height…Wait.
“That’s not Tim!”
D.C Looked on her phone and almost screamed.
“You know the Waynes? Wait. Why do you say it’s not him?”
Kon turned the phone fully toward her.
“Look he reaches Bruce Wayne’s ear and it say he’s 5’10” and that’s just wrong. Tim’s tiny. He barely reached 5’6” and his hair here is way too short so that can’t be him.”
D.C. looked at him with an unimpressed look.
“Seriously, that’s what you’re basing this on? The Tim Drake from this world could have simply eaten better food that helped him grow up or there was a light alteration to his genes that made him taller and maybe he just got used to having short hair.”
“Well it also says he just turned 17 and I remember celebrating his 18th birthday.”
“This could simply be a timeline issue”
“He’s just weird okay! And not just him. This picture kinda creeps me out actually”.
Conner gave D.C her phone back as he started pouting. He wasn’t good with words but he knew something was wrong. It was in the attitude displayed. There had always been a level of fakeness in these kinds of pictures if only because of Brucie Wayne’s character, but the affection never felt as fake or distant as it did in this picture. DC played with her phone for a few seconds before giving it back to him.
“Maybe it was just that picture, look here are some other ones”.
So Conner tried. He looked at them all but they all gave him the same vibe. He tried to look for Bart too but nothing came up. There was only Barry Allen. He gave D.C her phone back and shook his head while trying to stifle a yawn. He would look for Cassie and the others later. He wasn’t sure he could take another disappointment right now.
It’s at this point that Granny Iris intervened.
“I think it’s time for you both to go to bed. Donna Carol you’ve flown for a while you should rest. Conner will try to get in touch with other heroes later on. I believe the Wally West you know is around somewhere. But you need to rest a little.”
Both D.C and Conner nodded and D.C lead the not-so-much Boy of Steel to the guest bedroom for the night. Before they parted ways, she informed him there should be clothes for him there and that he better explain how they knew each other after breakfast.
There was a small bathroom linked to the room and Conner used the opportunity to take himself in. He was tiny. Well not really but compared to how buff he had gotten in recent times he was closer to how he was when he was born at first. He even had his hair back. Even though he had cut it short to try and avoid looking like Superman, he had to admit that he missed having longer hair.
As he settled in his bed the only thing he could only think of one thing. He would find them no matter where they were. He was not going to lose Tim and Bart. They could probably handle themselves but he didn’t want them to have to. He didn’t want Tim to be on his own again. He just wanted to be with him right now.
- - - - - - - -
Somewhere in Metropolis
Clark Kent woke up with a start. He tried to focus on a voice he thought he heard. But when he tried to focus on it he couldn’t seem to remember what it had been.
Maybe it was just a dream. He wouldn’t have lost it if it had been real after all.
He went back to bed.
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tzigone · 4 years
Headcanon reboot DC ages
For my headcanon reboot.  Not sure where I want to put Kara yet. Probably in original Teen Titans generation.
11/24/1963 Sam Scudder (Mirror Master) born 11/12/1967 Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) born 12/09/1967 Oliver Queen born 02/29/1968 Clark Kent born 02/19/1969 Bruce Wayne born 04/14/1969 Mick Rory (Heatwave) born 08/17/1969 Lois Lane born 02/01/1970 Hal Jordan born 08/04/1970 Mark Mardon (Weather Wizard) born 03/14/1971 Selina Kyle born 03/01/1973 Guy Gardner born 05/13/1973 Barry Allen born 07/01/1973 Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) born 07/25/1974 Iris West born 12/18/1974 Ted Kord born 11/29/1976 Jimmy Olsen born 06/06/1976 Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper) born 09/14/1976 Roscoe Dillon (Top) born 03/03/1977 James Jesse (Trickster) born 04/14/1977 Bea da Costa born 09/23/1978 Barbara Gordon born 10/17/1979 John Stewart born 12/21/1979 Tora Olafsdotter born 04/01/1981 Ralph Dibny born 02/06/1983 Sue Dearbon born 08/08/1983 Evan McCullough (Mirror Master II) born 11/01/1983 Roy Harper born 03/20/1985 Raven born 03/21/1985 Dick Grayson born 04/26/1985 Donna Troy born 01/16/1986 Wally West born 03/06/1986 Garth born? 05/06/1989 Roy G. Bivolo (Rainbow Raider/Chroma) born 12/02/1989 Garfield Logan born 09/19/1990 Owen Mercer (Captain Boomerang II) born 01/26/1992 Cassandra Cain born 08/16/1992 Jason Todd born 12/08/1992 Conner Kent assigned birthday 02/20/1993 Mia Dearden born 04/01/1993 Billy and Mary born 04/04/1993 Mary's official birthday 05/07/1993 Freddy Freeman born 05/10/1993 Anita Fite born 07/15/1993 Axel Walker (Trickster II) born 07/19/1993 Tim Drake born 04/07/1994 Cassie Sandsmark born 07/13/1994 Bart Allen assigned birthdate 11/28/1994 Cissie King-Jones born 02/01/1997 Traya's birthday 12/02/1997 Emiko Queen born 08/01/1998 Wallace West born 08/01/1998 Maya Ducard born 06/24/2000 Damian born 04/04/2001 Sin Lance born 03/08/2003 Jon Kent born 08/08/2005 Lian Harper born 06/01/2007 Robert Long born 03/14/2009 Lor-Zod (Chris Kent) born 10/25/2010 Helena Kyle born 06/11/2011 baby Queen born 08/14/2011 Jay and Irey born 09/02/2015 Baby boy Grayson born
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dccomicsbracket · 2 months
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Anita Fite (Empress)
Anita Fite was done and has continued to be done dirty for a long time. She spent the original Young Justice run being preyed on by older men, bullied, drawn half naked, been foisted with stereotypical depictions of Vodou, having her major spotlight arc co-opted by a random team up if basically every teen hero, having the climax of her spotlight arc instead going to more Cissie angst, and then receiving an incredibly dumb write out. Literally every member of Young Justice save her (and Slobo, but his circumstances are trickier) has since resurfaced in modern comics. Anita deserves her chance in the spotlight. The current continuity reset means we don't have to stay married to her bullshit ending. There's a lot of potentially interesting ground to cover with her relationships to the loa. She can have more insane homoerotic tension with other women. Maybe she'll almost stab a werewolf to death for looking at the girl she likes wrong again! DC is also sorely lacking a magical team book at the moment. She'd do great on a team as the magic user who actually knows how to throw a punch Bring her back!!!
The Amazons (+ Diana)
Batman has Detective Comics, Superman has Action Comics, so where is Wonder Woman's Sensation Comics? Given how delightful Amazons Attack (2023) has been, it would be great to have a regular book for all of the Amazons to star in. Imagine regular B and C stories for other Wonderfamily members à la PKJ's recent Action run. It would also allow greater focus on Yara Flor and the Esquecida, who haven't had the chance to have much spotlight focused on them to build them out in relation to the Bana-Mighdall and the Themyscirans. It would also be great to be able to have more than one take on Diana at a time—imagine a Wonder Woman/Sensation Comics split as drastic as the current Zdarsky/V split in Batman and Tec. There's even a logical Diana in Man's World Vs Diana with her sisters split you could play with.
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