#Whiny Baby Wife
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Notes: 18+ Sex & miscarriage mentioned
All the love and praise to my favorite blonde babe of an editor @ab4eva who holds my hand through it all and @precious-little-scoundrel for her screams of support!
 Elvis Presley Quietly Marries At Home
The man with the famous pelvis is now a married man! Colonel Parker confirmed that Elvis married Paramount actress Leona Grace at his home in Memphis on the nineteenth of March. The wedding comes on the heels of rumors that the new Mr. and Mrs. Presley are due for a visit from the stork. The Colonel’s response? “Those are questions for a different day”. The hush hush, spur of the moment wedding did not follow an engagement announcement and no pictures of the happy couple seem to exist beyond set outtake photos. The event reportedly took place in the evening with just family and close friends in attendance totaling about 50 people. A red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was served for dessert and sources say that Elvis's own music was played late into the night as friends danced in the backyard of Presley's Graceland mansion. 
Leona had once heard Joe remark that Graceland was full of ghosts. He had chuckled with a cigar hanging out of his mouth when he had said it, but Leona had believed him. Once in a while she'd get an eerie feeling at night when all the lights were out and the various friends and relatives who occupied the mansion were tucked away in bed. Clad in a white slip with her feet bare, she crept down to the kitchen for a glass of water and a little peace. The master bedroom was dark and cold, Elvis asleep under the black silk sheets. It had been a whirlwind few months and she was only ever able to reflect back on it all when she was alone, which was a rarity since becoming Mrs. Presley. She was still unsure as to where everything was in the kitchen, but glasses and silverware she was sure of. Leona thought she heard creeping footsteps behind her, and kept peering over her shoulder as the sink water ran. She settled on to one of the stools, her petite legs swinging as she sipped her water and tapped her freshly manicured nails on the table. She and Patsy had ventured out to the beauty salon earlier in the day, Elvis's cousin was a sweetheart but her non-stop chattering about the room down the hall that needed decorating seemed to be the only topic of conversation. 
Leona’s biggest worries used to be whether she was getting cast in the newest buzzed about picture. Now the big concern was whether to have yellow bunny wallpaper or a toile print with puppies. She was still getting used to the weight of the 6 carat diamond on her hand, soon enough there would be a tiny little hand gripping hers. She let out a sigh she didn't know she had been holding in. Escaping Florida and the kitchy circus-like routine at Mac’s Mermaid Cove in the Florida Keys, Leona had been sending money back home to her mother and Grandma Alice in Orlando and scheming to win her breakout role. She had wanted to be a leading lady, but could never quite make the mark. She had once heard a director refer to her as “Florida trash”. She wasn't one to give up easily though. That persistence and all of the nagging and pleading to the higher ups at Paramount, helped her land a cushy supporting role in one of the newest Elvis Presley films. Paramount had agreed to lend her out for a price, now sitting in the kitchen of Graceland she did feel a bit smug knowing she wouldn't have to pay that price anymore in life. 
The role wasn't Oscar worthy, but she felt like a winner the second Elvis had drawled hello to her and gently held her hand. There were flowers and gifts, despite the fact that the blonde leading actress also seemed to be receiving similar gifts from him? He had taken her out for milkshakes on a Friday night after being out with their co-star the night prior. With his buddies mingling about, the owner in awe and basically allowing Elvis to turn the burger joint into his personal hangout, the two had kissed and whispered in the backseat of his car. A little warm up for what was to come. Two days later he took her on the floor of his trailer and filled her full, twice. 
What followed were nights of passion, a few tipsy heart to heart confessions where he talked of the loneliness since losing his mother and Leona told him of the loneliness she had been born feeling. She ignored the fact that he seemed to be wooing their co-star, or even the fans who traipsed into his trailer and left with dresses half buttoned or even on backwards. She liked what they had, she was allowed a moment of fun in life. Soon enough, things would wrap when the movie ended and this would be a story for her one day memoir. Her dalliance with the king. 
Except - things took a different turn. Three days before shooting wrapped for good, blame all that rain for dragging out production, Leona had collapsed from what everyone thought was “heat exhaustion”. Only she knew, it was a combination of heat exhaustion and a missed period. The studio doctor quietly confirmed with a serious tone that Leona was indeed pregnant. Rather than take the options the studio was pushing, Leona knew that men had the power. And Elvis? Well he had more power than even the president, it seemed. With shaking hands and a face powdered full of blush to hide her pale face, she waved down his car filled with friends. He jumped out and leaned against the driver's side door, flicking a toothpick between his lips as she told him he was to be a father. He took the news shockingly better than most. My baby? He had smirked. He wasn't questioning paternity, more like confirming the news to himself out loud. His smile was big and she had a feeling his eyes were gleaming under those sunglasses. He nodded and placed his giant hands on her shoulders. “Everything is gonna be alright honey, we'll make things right and do the right thing,” he had assured her, topping it off with a tender kiss to her forehead. He wagged a finger and ordered her back to her trailer to rest, he'd be by soon. Then he slid back into the car and she heard him chuckling and announcing something to his pals who in turn all whooped and hollered as the car left the lot. 
The water was cool and just what she needed to refresh her dry throat. She hadn't had much of an appetite at dinner despite proddings from Dodger. Everyone had told her she'd feel better as the days passed, she was officially 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. She was crossing her fingers the better days were now upon her. She had been sick as a dog the day of the wedding. All hastily arranged and shrouded in secrecy as it was. She had settled for a dress the studio had gifted her, it still needed to be let out at the last second courtesy of one of Jerry's flings who was a costume designer. Once she had finished her drink, she placed the glass in the sink and crept back up the stairs. Down below, she heard muffled voices and a flirty female laugh. Probably Charlie and some blonde. They all tended to be blonde, the women who fluttered to the Mafia boys. The next best prize considering the King himself was taken. Leona wondered if he truly was though? They were virtual strangers when they married, but the deeply religious and old fashioned side of Elvis wouldn't take no for an answer. They had to marry, plain and simple.
 She cursed herself for not wearing socks, her toes were freezing. They were painted a shade of red that seemed to make Elvis's tongue wag. On their wedding night, the passion he had shown her in his set trailer and in the backseats of cars still seemed to be there. Albeit, he was softer and a bit more gentle given her delicate state. They hadn't been apart for more than a few hours since they said I do. She could say fairly confidently that there weren't other women in his life. He was due to shoot another film in a few months time, Leona was curious if that would still be the case when they were apart. She slowly took each step that led her closer and closer back to the bedroom where he slept with a shy little boy like smile on his face. She was fond of him, sure, and definitely attracted. Maybe love would bloom with time, like her growing body she mused. The door creaked open, the dim light from the hallway flooded the room and Elvis stirred. “Doll? You ok?” His drawl even more pronounced and gruff sounding. “I was just getting a drink, I didn't mean to wake you,” she hushed him. She closed the door, closing the world off and away from Mr. and Mrs. Presley. It was so rare they were truly alone, she realized. He was sitting up, his hair a bit of a mess. He ran a hand through it and then patted the bed beside him, “C’mere pretty baby, come talk to me till my eyes close”. She scurried back into bed and her feet brushed against his. He threw his head back and chuckled in that way that made her heart flutter. “Someone's got cold feet!” he crooned in her ear. Then he was pulling her into his arms and under the covers. Her feet continued to dance with his as she laid on her side, his lips teasing behind her ear. She let out a satisfied hum and burrowed deeper into his embrace. 
The dark, silent bedroom gave them more than just privacy. It was easier to joke, open up, and try and make some sense of this situation they found themselves in. He was pressing soft, open mouthed kisses to her neck and shoulders. His hands came to rest on her tits which she was sure had already gone up a cup size or two. He had seemed to notice as well. Her white cotton nightgown would probably be on the floor soon, but she wanted to talk some until that happened. She wasn't sure what to say, she really just wanted to hear him. Steady, calming, reassuring words. He had a knack for making troubles fade away. His raspy voice piped up as he rested his head against her. “Been thinkin’ bout doing a little recording again….not for the public though…wanna sing a couple songs for my baby, you can play em while I'm gone and stop em from fussing”. She felt that cheeky grin of his against her skin. “Oh? What are ya thinking? Adding a little rock n roll to Rock-A-Bye Baby?” Her laughter was met with a rash of kisses to anywhere he could reach. Then slowly, his hands left her breasts and trailed down to her lower belly where things were just beginning to form.  “You're doin a real good job darlin’,” she could hear the tell-tale sign of sleep in his voice as his thumbs continued to rub small circles on her womb. She wasn't sure what exactly she was doing a great job at. Being a failed former actress, pregnant and married off in a flash, now resigned to a life that while glitzy and glamorous could also be fairly isolating? Was Elvis himself even aware of the sort of life he lived and how vastly different it was from most people? The thoughts tumbled into her head reminding her of the way she watched the seaweed tumble in the ocean water as a child. She'd pick Memphis and the Presley's over Florida and her own family any day, that's for sure. 
She wasn't even sure of when exactly she fell asleep or for how long. That is, until she was awakened in a sweaty instant, she felt like her insides were being rung out like an old rag. She was hot and cold all at once, and her thighs felt soaked? She practically threw herself out of bed, that's when it all began to register. The squeezing, tugging feeling in her stomach seemed to be in sync with the sharp, stabbing in her lower back. Her hands went to her thighs, Had she? No. It was blood. The blood from her thighs stained her hands, it dripped down her feet, and when she spun around on uneasy, shaking legs she noticed it was all over the sheets as well. It was too much blood. Gasping and wailing, she leaned over the edge of the bed as the room began to spin. With all she had left in her, she shoved and begged for him until he shot up. “What's a matter?!” He barked in confusion. “Get me a doctor..get someone…help..” her breathing was coming in spurts as she felt a tingling sweep from her shoulders to her toes as she continued to grip the sheets, hoping this wasn't what she thought it was. She didn't hear his response, she couldn't. Everything went black. 
She drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like days on end. She heard the sounds of the doctor's voice, smooth and sympathetic. Della and Patsy talking softly to her. Dodger pressing a hand to her forehead. Sometimes she'd blink open an eye and catch Vernon in the chair in the very corner of the room. He was always there though. Elvis with his mouth close to her ear, murmuring, praying. His big hands squeezed around hers when he wasn't brushing her chocolate curls out of her face. Slowly, she came to the realization of what had happened. There wasn't going to be a baby Presley arriving in the Fall any longer. 
The weeks that followed cemented a hysterical bond of sorts between Leona and Elvis. Every morning, when Mary brought Leona's breakfast up on a silver tray, Elvis would sit with her and make sure she drank her orange juice and take the horse pill looking vitamins the doc had recommended after all that blood loss. She had felt weak, physically and emotionally. With her father having run off when she was a child, and being raised by the overbearing tyrant duo that was her mother and grandmother, Leona had always hoped that her dreams of stardom would also blend well with a white picket fence. Dreams of coming home from movie sets to a shelf lined with little gold statues covered in sticky fingers, T-ball games, and a dog romping with a passel of kids in the sprinkler, an adoring husband by her side. Her hopes and dreams had perished alongside her baby. Elvis had leaped into his faith, reading to her, singing, telling her hope wasn't lost. She wasn't so sure though. They had married because of a baby, did she still have a marriage if she didn't have a baby?
Six weeks and one day after that horrible night, Leona had finally broached the subject. Was he going to cut her loose and they could annul the marriage? After all, they barely knew each other. Plus, Leona wanted her career, she couldn't rest without knowing if she was actually capable of cutting it as an actress. Elvis was aghast and furious. She watched his lips curl up and his face contort in anger in the same way it did when he fought with his father. “My wife ain't leaving my house,” he had snarled in her ear. Was he…hard? He was. This man was getting a hard on from ordering her around and telling her there wasn't going to be a divorce. And there definitely wasn't going to be a career for her like the one she had been used to. She raised her voice and spurred him on. He was hard for her and seemed to want to fight for her? Was Leona twisted for feeling a fluttering in her heart? She backed him into a corner and rambled on about the high possibility of him going on to screw other women in dark corners on movie sets or backstage. Was he really wanting to hang on to this marriage when there were so many pretty blondes desperate to taste him? His nostrils flared and she jammed a finger at him, conveniently landing it just above his cock. His eyes were dark with anger and lust. She gripped his shirt, wrinkling it, and finally pulled him to her mouth for a searing hot kiss. She saw no other way to end this dance at the moment. On the floor of their bedroom, he took with passion, panting into her ear and repeating, “You're my wife for my whole life, ya ain't going nowhere”. Bite marks littered her neck. He was inside her for the first time since it had happened. It made her emotional in more ways than one as he cradled her face and thrust into her desperately. Her orgasm ripped through her violently in perfect sync to his, he didn't withdraw. “This is your job now, being my wife and pleasin’ me,” his voice was smug and cocky as he tenderly tucked her into bed and pressed a soft lingering kiss to her cheek.
Since the dalliance on their bedroom floor, Leona had made it her mission to amp up the drama and theatrics. She had had some bit parts in a couple comedies, and was striving for a perfect sort of dark humor to get under Elvis's skin, convince him that she need be kept busy and not in a princess in a tower situation. Except - it was having the opposite effect it seemed. He found her antics amusing? She had started off strong, first making a trip downtown to Harris department store. She has bought a robins egg blue negligee, sent a sales employee scouring the back stockroom for the perfect pair of white kitten heel slippers with a little feather poof, and a white sheer scarf to tie up her hair. The cherry on top? A pair of cherry red, heart eyed sunglasses that she had once worn as an extra on set. Elvis was due for a lunch meeting with that vile reptile they all called Colonel Parker.  Elvis had pressed a kiss to her shoulder as she sat at her dressing table powdering her face. She was clad in just her panties and bra, he had yet to see her little ensemble. She felt goosebumps form as he slid the strap of her bra to the side and pressed a kiss to the bare skin that had been covered. 
“See ya in a bit, baby doll, gotta meet with the Colonel about some stuff,” his lips lingered on her skin while he eyed her in the mirror. Leona couldn't suppress the sour look that appeared on her face.
“What sort of stuff?” she questioned cooly. 
“Some movie stuff, ain't nothing for you to worry that pretty head about,” his tone was casual yet dismissive. Those were fighting words for Leona, who stomped her foot like a child and demanded to know just exactly why he was allowed to make movies while she had been regulated to pick flowers in the garden with the dogs, lounge in the pool, and shop herself silly with Patsy. She felt like a bird in a cage, albeit a gold-plated diamond-studded cage. 
“Oh, ya want me to start calling you my pretty little baby bird?” he teased, those long fingers, perfect for reaching all the right spots, were tickling at her ribs. Leona yanked away from his grasp and pouted. “Baby, you're a wife now, my wife, I'm gonna take care of things. No need for you to stress yourself and slave away to send money back home to your momma and granny, I had my daddy send a check two days ago,” Elvis explained, sliding on a pair of sunglasses that made him look utterly delectable as he shifted his weight from one leg to another in the doorway, seemingly unable to keep still. 
Too frustrated to formulate a response that would accurately convey her angst, she took a beat before swerving herself around to face him. With a grin that could only be perfected after years after trying to charm sweaty, fat producers in suits, Leona turned to her husband. Her voice was dripping with a faux sugary sweet tone, “I'll be here waiting for you to get back, baby”. She knew that's exactly what he wanted to hear. Elvis blew her a kiss before he disappeared down the stairs. She heard him below in the kitchen, chatting with Mary, probably grabbing a sweet treat. His pals downstairs playing pool, she knew that'd be his next stop. Rounding them all, lest he ever go anywhere alone. It was the perfect time for Leona to change into her newest purchase and head outside, to the driveway. She examined herself in the mirror, she knew if the sunlight hit just the right way that everyone would be getting a nice view of Mrs. Presley’s chest courtesy of her basically sheer nightie. Her fingers combed through her chocolate curls and then she added an extra coat of lipstick, spritzing herself with some of that perfume Elvis had brought back after a trip away with the guys. With the sunglasses hiding her green eyes, it was now or never. She scurried down the stairs as fast as her kitten heels would carry her, the front door was in her sights and Elvis's booming laughter could be heard on the floor below her. 
Suddenly a voice called her name, “Miss Leona where on earth are you headed in that get up? Looks like you belong up there in that bedroom the way you dressed!” Mary, Elvis's long-time housekeeper, was a peach with a spitfire sense of humor. She had been warm and motherly since the minute Leona had walked through the front door. A single finger came to rest on Leona's lips and she pointed to the floor, Mary caught on it seemed. She flung a dish towel over her shoulder and rolled her eyes good naturedly, “Don't you worry, I certainly won't be running and gabbing to Mr. Elvis tellin’ him his wife is half naked in the yard where folks and fancy photographer men might see…girl…you best do whatever it is you planning and fast”. Almost giddy with anticipation and curious to see just exactly how this scheme would land with her husband, Leona’s heels clicked on the driveway. She paused and did her best to look down towards the gates, shockingly, there was no one there. She wasn't sure if she was glad about that or not. Elvis's Cadillac was parked just a little past the front steps. If she was laying in the driveway, Joe wouldn't dare move an inch. Hell, they'd all be too busy averting their eyes and making small talk amongst themselves about what nice weather Memphis was having recently. What was her end game exactly? Leona wasn't completely sure. She just wanted Elvis to see her and hear her, truly. Her grandmother had told her growing up that marriage was a compromise, but if all else fails defer to your husband. When Leona had called home to tell her mother and grandmother she was marrying the Elvis Presley, her grandmother had said in not so many words to forget compromise and keep Elvis happy at all costs. Why should she stifle herself down for him though? Ok, maybe she didn't need to go back to Hollywood full-time. But she needed something, anything, to keep herself busy and fulfilled. If she had to spend the next fifty years praising him and his work, picking out curtains, and entertaining the Memphis Mafia and their various girls of the week she'd absolutely need a sanatorium. 
The black asphalt was warm on the backs of her legs as Leona lay like she was making a snow angel. She heard the door open, the rowdy laughter and loud conversation that signaled the arrival of Elvis and co. Then someone spoke up, Leona was a bit too far back to place exactly who, but she thought it might be Charlie. “Uh, EP, that your wife laying down there in front of the car?” his voice sounded nervous. Suddenly the only thing Leona could hear was the sound of the birds and heavy footsteps approaching. It was as if the sun had snuck behind the clouds, everything felt dark as Elvis's shadow engulfed her. She pulled her sunglasses down and batted her eyelashes up at him. “Headin’ out honey?” She purred, she could feel her nipples hard and a hazy sheen of sweat covered her basically naked body. “Was plannin on it…seems to be a little detour though” Elvis crowed. “What are you up to little girl?” He leaned down closer to her face. “Well wouldn't you like to know..” Leona laughed, picking at her cuticles as if this whole scenario playing out was perfectly logical and normal. She watched him shake his head still, still sporting that grin, and motion for the guys to wait in the backyard. Her eyes darted to the side when she realized Elvis was laying down on the pavement beside her, his arms stretched back cradling his head. “I've got time…tell me baby”. He had his sunglasses on and a big toothy smile. Leona didn't expect him to use this tactic.
She crossed her arms over her chest, blocking his view of her hard nipples. He snorted when she did that. Her bottom lip jetted out into a pout. “If I'm here - and I'm certainly not going anywhere, you made that perfectly clear - then you should be too. No movies for me means no movies for you.” She lifted her shades to look at him and see if she could gauge his reaction behind his own sunglasses. His lip twitched and then he nodded slowly. “I'm so utterly bored, if you try and leave you'll just have to run me down, I've got nothing to do. I can afford to lay here practically naked for all your buddies and fans to see if that's what you'd like…honey.” She turned on the charm for the last part. Cooing and dropping her voice into a sweet little starlet tone. “Well ain't you slick”. Suddenly he was sitting up and sliding the sunglasses off. He towered over her from above. “Listen - I know you and half the folks in the house would just love it if I ripped up old Colonel’s contracts but I ain't doing that…I can't. So if you wanna lay on the ground and be a little whiny baby wife, have at it. I might have to punish ya for it though,” his voice was raspy when he spoke that last sentence and it made Leona’s stomach flip flop in the best way. “Or….you can march that pretty little behind back to our bed and wait for me to get home. If you're a good girl maybe I'll bring ya something shiny huh?” He was rising to his feet and held a hand out to her. Leona gripped her fingers into her hair frustrated before cutting her eyes up at him. “Fine..” she scoffed, taking his hand and marching back up the driveway, into the house, and past the family in the living room. Elvis trailed behind her like he was making she she'd do just that. When she reached the bottom of the staircase she yelped when he suddenly slapped her ass. Her plan foiled, she was now back to reality and keenly aware she was half naked in the foyer. She ran up the stairs, she didn't have to look behind her to know he was ogling her barely dressed body. When she reached the top of the stairs she did something that made him chuckle loudly enough that his father asked him what was so funny. Leona turned and winked at him before disappearing to their bedroom. 
Just as her husband had suggested, Leona took to their bed. Mary had come up and changed the sheets and the evidence of how Elvis had licked her until she gushed last night was no longer present. Laying on her back like the starfish she remembered collecting as a child, she felt a tad foolish. She hadn't accomplished what she had hoped for and now she was destined to sit and wait for Elvis's return. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she flicked them away with her finger tips lest she ruin her makeup. Now what? She thought to herself. A melancholy mood washed over her and when Mary came knocking announcing dinner, Leona sent her away claiming she wasn't hungry. She heard the older woman return and leave a tray outside the door but Leona couldn't muster up the energy to rise and feign eating. She caught her reflection in the mirror above the bed, tussling her hair with her fingers and throwing it back. She allowed her thoughts to wander and imagine what life would be like had she not fallen into this marriage. She'd probably be hustling all over via orders from the studio, fittings here, screen tests there. She didn't miss that part. Being on set, delivering perfectly executed monologues in one take, becoming someone entirely different? That's what Leona missed. Proving herself, making a name on her own, those were all things that had once lit a fire under her. All of that jazz about making lemons into lemonade would suggest that Leona try and do some of that here in her married life. Should she be like some of the other wealthy kept women in Memphis and join the garden club? Something told Leona that despite whatever money Elvis threw their way, she wouldn't exactly be welcome. Curling onto her side, Leona came to the realization that if she wanted to act she'd have to consider Graceland her only sound stage. Was there room for two hot shots in this house? Elvis's words from earlier rung in her ears. He had called her a whiny baby wife. Him and his good natured teasing. Maybe that was it though, that could be her new role. She could embrace her new title as leading lady of Graceland and be this whiny baby wife character.....
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
Jonathan's really gonna be out here forcing Hawkins to listen to alt rock huh?
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horsetailcurlers2 · 10 months
the most upsetting thing to me about sam on private practice isn’t even that he started off as a somewhat likeable character and ended up being the worst. it’s that the entire show keeps trying to tell me what a “good guy” he is. like every character on the show is always going on and on about what a great person he is and what a decent man he is but his actions just tell me the exact opposite. it drives me absolutely nuts when a show just tells you how you’re supposed to feel about a character regardless of what their actions tell you.
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endwersed · 4 months
So I just finished all 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives, and I only have one thing to say: FUCK Tom Scavo, man.
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autumnrory · 6 months
one thing about me is even if i hated the book i just read i will still be defending the main character while all the goodreads reviewers go on about how whiny and selfish she is
#hi do you not understand she was 18 and did not get to figure out her own identity before becoming the wife of a grown man#do you not understand how postpartum works lol like she did a bad thing leaving the kid for a few months#but like. definitely worse things a struggling mother can do!#like she was doing all that with zero support because neither of them were connected to their parents at that point#and she didn't get to make any friends because as soon as she came into this city she got pulled into his life#and he's certainly not helping because he's always working and he thinks she has it so easy being with a baby all day#even though he absolutely DOES see how impossible it is to calm the kid and YET#and even when she leaves and he has to do shit himself and sees firsthand he still doesn't acknowledge it much#anyway that was a dumb book but it's like i always go looking to reviews for validation on not liking it and i see that shit#and i'm just like no no she was not the issue#it's literally like.........so many books i read where a woman is Going Through It#and is somehow expected to just be graceful and perfect all the time both within the book and by readers??? like what are y'all on#being rightfully unhappy about your situation does not make you whiny even when you're in the wrong sometimes you need to complain! damn!#and also she rarely did complain that's why she had to just leave because if she had said anything to her husband#about her struggles he would have dismissed her and told her to wait it out#god. i think it was very weird that i didn't see mention of the age difference in other reviews#literally. just graduated high school. he is 28. i'm just.
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tonycries · 20 days
I-T G-I-R-L!
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Synopsis. Making big, powerful boys break beg and follow your every whim? Easy!
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, NÉEDY boys, making them whine, bondagé, creampíes, GOJO’S POWERS, chokíng Geto, use of “good boy”, cúmplay, spítting, making them CRY, MAJOR overstím, bégging (THEM), pússy-slappíng, oraI (fem receiving), face-ríding, matíng presses, dry húmping, overspill, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.9k (whew)
A/N. Woke up n’ decided I wanna bully them so here we are. Have a lovely day <3
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“What was that?”
“Fuck you-”
It was low - begging - and for the first time, you have that syrupy sweet privilege of hearing Toji’s husky baritone break with such a whiny crack at the end. 
Smugly, you swipe an index right across where your puffy pussy was straddling his poor, overworked cock. Collecting the saturated mess along his furious length - still so swollen with the sheer volume he’d been gushing out tonight. All the way up, up, up to that messy puddle of seed glistening all over his flinching abs. “Then…I guess m’not letting you cum inside, Toji. Again.”
“No! No no no- oh.” Toji’s burst of pained moans are cut off when you shove your fingers between his bruised lips. Dewy, green eyes rolling to the back of his head with each suck and slurp at their milky white sheen. “Fuck- you little-” And despite how furious he sounds, you could feel the very tip of his fat head thicken, twitching a jagged pattern along your cervix. With a low growl, Toji narrows his gaze, biting down on your now-clean digits with his sharp canines, “I said- please, my girl.”
Just that simple plea has your boyfriend’s jaw clenching, teeth gritted so viciously at the way you’ve been oh-so-coyly denying him the one thing he’s wanted for what feels like hours now. 
“Louder.” your lips curl into a devilish grin, back arching in that perfect bow Toji loved so much. Only deepening the lingering rolls of your hips down his needy tip. “Didn’t hear ya.”
“F-fuck.” Toji’s throwing his head back, thick fingers coming down to splay out across your bent thighs. “Can you- please-” You could feel every minute flex of his muscled thighs when he efforts to buck your sloppy hips deeper - faster - down his fat cock. Only to be halted by ten mean fingernails of yours pinning him down by his curving pecs, “-please. Wan’ cum inside- let me cum inside goddammit, woman.”
Of course, you decide to tease him by slowing down your pace even more. Letting your sloppy pussy just stroll down every greedy inch of his dick. Trying to hold back your content giggle, “I dunno…”
And Toji thinks he could yell out in frustration, he thinks he could sob, “Fuck- I said please. Pretty please? What more do you fucking want?”
He sounded so devastated. And you swear you could spy wet, bulbous tears at the corners of his long lashes, the familiar scar along his lips wobbling with such precious need. 
“Hmm–” you’re letting out such a sultry drag of your voice, taking so much of your sweet sweet time that Toji thinks he’s about to lose his mind. About to just flip your bratty self over and shove his thoroughly teased cock into you until you forget about that looming threat of not letting him paint your insides white. Fuck, the things he does for you-
“Call me your wife.”
Shit - Toji’s darkened eyes widen at your little request, jaw hanging open in disbelief and-
“That’s it?” he laughs - laughs. Rumbling out of his broad chest in a hoarse rasp, and those two strong arms of his tug down your limp body to kiss teasingly at your jutted-out lips. Slipping his hot tongue between the seams, “S’all because my hah- baby wanted to be my- my pretty lil’ wife. Well-” Any and every retort is fucked out of your mind when Toji’s spearheading into your mushy g-spot with a harsh rut of his hips. “-what my wife wants, my wife gets.”
The bed is creaking with every riotous slam, smearing the velvety pool of cum even farther between your bodies. Sticking to you like a sloppy second skin, strings of lewd juices form and snap when his massive cock stretches your gummy walls until they gape. 
“Shit- shit shit shit, if I knew that was all you wanted-” you’re feeling the languid drag of Toji’s happy trail scratch your throbbing clit. “Please- I would’ve been fucking my wife for s-so long now. Silly girl, s’all I’ve ever wanted- would’ve begged, gotten on my knees-”
“Hngh! Fuck-” you’re squealing when you feel him drip with even more saturated precum to coat your snug channel. One calloused palm of his coming between the two of your slick bodies to smear across the mess from his sweet highs, deftly angling them so that the rounded tips of his fingers are stuffing your leaky pussy with sloppy globs of his seed every time you’re slamming down. 
“Now now–”  It’s all you can do to gulp in heaving breaths to make your tone sound warning, but even that sounds too breathless - and both of you know it. Babbling away, “-don’t get so cocky- might just- hah, change my mind, husband.”
And fuck. Oh fuck. 
Your poor cunt just throbs when in a split-second, Toji’s mouth slacks even further, wrenching out a guttural groan. 
And then your gushing walls are milking out every ribbon of velvety cum that splurges into your tight pussy. It’s so much - too much, painting your insides all white with his seed. Toji’s gasping at the feeling of it sloshing around your elastic walls in slow, clingy swivels coating the both of you. 
His breath hitches when he spies down at the obscenely white mess below, globs of his cum slobbering messily down your inner thigh. Fuck, he’s never - never - came before you. This was-
“This better be a proposal, y’know.” you hum in amusement. “Or it would be interesting that you came early just becaus-”
“The fuck else would it be?” Toji’s gruffing out, two warm hands gliding to grip onto the globes of your ass. Still irritated. Still embarrassed. 
Ignoring your titter, he rams your teasing hips down with a sharp smack! like he was branding all five fingers onto your skin. Plugging your ravaged entrance shut with his weepy dick to stop even more of that thick, gushing cum from trickling out. You mewl when you feel his swelteringly wet tip quirk at the very bottom of your spongy cervix in interest, “Now be quiet and let me fuck you properly as my wife.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - Hands-on intervention…
“You really are trying to get us fired, huh, my love?” he’s murmuring gently, “What do you think you’re doing this late, hm?”
Now, Nanami knew he shouldn’t have taken on those extra documents, he knew he should’ve been back home by now. Wrapped up in you and your cute gossip about what happened in your department today.
But here he was, sitting at his empty office. With you - stubborn as you are - straddling him like such a slut on top of his heavily manspread, muscular thighs, his favorite late-night snack. His coworker. His wife. 
“I should hah- ask you the same thing, Ken.” you’re grinning, the sinfully tight satin of your skirt hiking up with each slow, teasing roll of your drooly cunt against his clothed erection. It’s so messy. Your syrupy saturated slick mixing in with Nanami’s steadily beading precum. “Didn’t we both agree to no more late nights?”
He’s heaving out a shaky sigh, running a warm hand up and down your arched spine, “I know, I know. I apologize.”
That frantically achy little pulse of your slick-glossed cunt on top of him told him that he wasn’t forgiven just yet. And Nanami gulps - loosening that yellow, speckled tie of his with the tight bobbing of his Adam’s apple. Rich tone shaky - shuddering, even, “How- how do you want me to make it up to you, darling?”
You’re batting your lashes at his expansive mahogany desk. “Well…”
Of course he should’ve seen where this was going - with your high-heel-clad feet swiveling high in the air, digging into his broad shoulders. Stitches in your poor skirt popping and tearing with each bullying thrust your husband’s planting on your ravaged in this tight mating press. 
“K-Ken—” you’re letting out such a sickly sweet moan when his fat, weepy tip collides with the very bullseye of your sensitive g-spot. Your fingers work deftly to reach into your skirt pocket - pulling out that familiar tiny hot-pink bullet vibrator.
“Walkin’ around with that during work?” Nanami gasps, barely tearing his eyes away from that heavenly sight of your swollen pussy entrance wrapped around his girthy shaft. “Such a dirty girl you-” 
“Oh s’not for me.” 
And fuck, Nanami can only watch - can only gape his clenched jaw open when your devious fingers dip the feverishly shaky vibrator down, down, down to kiss so delicately at his thick hilt. 
“Oh!” His towering body wracks with a shiver, full, heavy balls clenching so tightly. Hammering his rawly aching cock so thoroughly into you, hips pistoning forwards with the carnal need for more more more- “Wait- Fuck! M-my love?”
“Yes–?” you’re humming, low and sultry and oh Nanami already knows he’s gone. He can only pray he leaves with his sanity intact. 
Splaying out two large hands on the sides of your head, the documents on top rustle in sync with those saturatedly hypnotic squelches echoing from your ravishing cunt. “Is this- s’this oh, fuck- please.” Nanami screws his eyes shut when you’re holding down the device even harder onto his glistening shaft. “S’this- is it- because I broke our hah- promise?”
“Maybe.” you’re breathing out into his panting mouth. So enveloped by his weighty figure that it was almost difficult to work your little magic. “Maybe I just got tired of waitin’ around for you to finish overtime, Ken.”
Over and over. That tiny spark is enough to have him barrelling back into your dripping wetness with reckless abandon. 
He’s so utterly ruined - glasses sliding down his high nose-bridge, thighs quivering with sensitive need. And you could just feel every fresh wave of heated precum painting your cunt in a glossy new coat. “Fuck- tell me please. Please, darling, m’begging.”
“Promise me no more overtime.” You’re grinning, fingers still steady tracing his most sensitive spots. 
“N’ to always hurry home to me?”
“I promise! I promise- promise to always come home- to you- always. Please-” he’s startling you with a soft pad of his thumb rolling over your neglected clit. Such a low, broken keen leaving him at when you start drawing harsh, methodical circles on the sensitive spots along his length. “N-no more overtime. Please please please- feels too good- what do I do- what-”
Ah, success looked so pretty.
Nanami’s eyes were already so watery, stern lips trembling with little apologies about “never workin’ overtime again.” So uncharacteristically disheveled in a way that makes your mouth water.
“Shit-” you hiss when that pointed nub of the vibrator accidentally hits your widely stretched-out pussy. The velvety cling of your walls making him hiss furiously. Disrupting, fat tip nudging all those crevices along your snug channel. “Hah- don’t think I’d let you off so-”
Before you can react, he’s hiking a long leg up on the desk to angle his crashes with scary accuracy. Just colliding against your bulbous g-spot with no hesitation. Pushing, with the very edge of his weepy tip - far, so far that you could scream.
Over and over and over- So elastically stretching out your snug hole to your limits to take him in all his long, throbbing entirety. 
“Fuck- fuck fuck I know, I know.” He’s alternating between long, rough strokes to shove you further and further up the cool desk, and shallow lingering grinds to mold your pretty walls to the exact form of his swollen shaft. “I’ll do anything- anything, please just- cum.”
It only takes a few more calculated pistons of his hips, and a touchy, teasing smack! onto your weepy cunt before you’re crashing headfirst into your orgasm. Cumming all around his wildly twitching shaft, your velvety walls just mending all around the shape of his pretty cock. Your toes curl, back arching into such a bowing bend. And in the split-second your grip weakens, Nanami’s seizing that hot pink devil in your hand.
“F-fuck wait-” you squeal at at familiar bzzzt-bzzzt-bzzzt echoing across the filled-out walls of your cunt. Squeezing inside the tight fit where Nanami’s fat shaft was nestling, tremoring so deliciously against each and every one of your sweet spots. Stuffing you full. “What-”
“Don’t forget - you’re working overtime, too, my love.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - No need for air
“F-fuuuck, gorgeous.” Geto’s melodic moan makes your cunt throb, a fresh gush of your sweet sweet juices slobbering down to where he was slapping your puffed-up clit with his fat head. The angry divot of his tip smacking up once, twice onto the too-sensitive nub. 
“So fuckin’ wet f’me-” he whispers from behind, gliding a thumb across the glossy sheen trickling down from the corners of your slit. The sight of his glistening fingers makes him bare you with such a crazed, feral grin, feeding you inch by fucking in languid, bullying rams. “-almost makes me forget the hand around my throat.”
At this, your nails are digging in even deeper around the pale, long column of his throat. Leaving neat, red indents that stand out. And you swear you could spy his leering grin grow even wider at that sinful sting. 
“What about it, Sugu?” you’re grinning over your shoulder. Gasping for air at how relentlessly he was trying to squeeze his fat shaft through that tight, glossy ring of muscle. 
Each drag of his throbbing shaft has your fingers tightening more around his throat. Making Geto feel so woozy and lightheaded with each little grind into the glistening channel past your puffy folds. “Heh, really like fuck- it rough like this, huh?” A low groan drags at the back of his throat when you start pushing your limp hips back in a jerky little cadence to try and meet his. “Shit- shit shit shit s’too good. You’re suckin’ me up so tight s’almost hard to fuck into ya. Almost makes me wanna-”
“Cum inside?” 
This earns you a punishing smack! on your bulging cunt, cool metallic rings of his burning into your skin. So sopping wet and struggling to expand your gummy walls around his expanding girth. Drawing out a dark chuckle from the depths of his chest, “Real funny, gorgeous. You and I both hah- know s’jus’ your hngh! cockdrunk mind talking.”
“Nooo—” you’re tugging him in a desperate, vice-like grip to crash your lips against his. Whining against his lips, “S’not. Really really want you to cum inside, Sugu. F’me - please? Like a good boy?” 
It was a little slip of your tongue - really - and you didn’t expect anything more than another teasing slap to your cunt, maybe even a joke at your expense.
But what you didn’t expect was for the sloppy cadence of Geto’s hips to falter just a bit. You’re turning your head just in time to catch that glassy, far-away look in his eyes, jaw slacking open to let out a shocked gasp. You hear a sharp pop! from his toned hips before they’re surging forwards to barrel your poor cunt with every weighty inch of his girth. 
Over- and over and over- One large hand of his is catching around yours to squeeze - warningly. Letting out a strangled, “G-gorgeous…”
Brows quirking, you’re batting your lashes so syrupy slow, “Are you gonna be my good boy, Sugu? Make me a momma?”
Another lewd push and pull, having you bouncing back on Geto’s sharp hipbones with such loud smacks! of skin-on-skin. Ringing into the humid, heady air and wracking his body with almost-painful shivers. 
“F-fuck–” He’s struggling to find the words - to even think with his melty mess of a mind. Such a delicate blush burns at Geto’s scowling cheeks when you’re facing him with a surprised grin - one he hides by latching his lips onto the crook of your neck, hiding away the smile threatening at his plump lips. “God- you’re gonna be the death of me. Don’t you fuckin-”
Your firm grip grows even firmer, resolving to him choking in large, breathy exhales. “Good boy.” Craning your arm around deftly to cup his pretty cheek. “You’re gonna do what I say, right?”
Shit, he was a goner.
It has the same effect, and once again, your big bad boyfriend is reduced back into a whiny mess. He’s planting two strong legs on the drenched silken sheets to fully fuck his bullying cock all the way into the back of your plushy pussy. 
Usually sharp tongue so heavy and slurring. Babbling out little pleas into the rhymically jiggling valley of your breasts - “Ohhh yes- yes yes yes please let me- wanna- m’your good boy, right? Let me cum inside, hngh shit! Wan’ you to take it- ah- a-all, make you a momma.” 
He lets out wet, feverish pants when you drag him close enough to moan that dangerous little word into his mouth. “Please? Please let me?” Geto nuzzles his cheek into your soft palm, heady movements so slow. Syrupy - like he was moving through molasses. And it’s like he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing when he’s popping one of your fingers into his mouth. Delicate pink lips looking so pretty - depraved - wrapped around your ring finger. “Wanna knock you up- hah marry you.” His eyes roll to the back of his head, “Put a ring on this finger- n’ a baby in ya pretty pussy.”
Meeting that increasingly ruthless cadence by fucking back to memorize each thumping ridge, each prominent vein along his girthy shaft. Twitching. Angry. He’s nodding - nodding so feverishly - tears crinkling glisteningly at the corners of his lids. “Please- please call me that again. Let me make you a momma, please.”
You don’t get to hear the rest of his sentence, because it only takes a few more solid, thorough swallows of his rummaging cock before he’s speechless. So fucking pussydrunk he can’t piece together anything but your name followed by a slurred-out string of profanities. Close. Too close. 
Staring into Geto’s heavy, half-lidded gaze, you whisper such a saccharine sweet, “Then, cum inside f’me like a good boy, Sugu.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - “Crybaby.”
It’s by the second orgasm that Choso feels a bit jittery, thighs quivering uncontrollably, chest heaving up and down in pained, ragged little gasps. 
It’s by the fourth that Choso feels nervous, he trusts you - of course, he does, you’re his sweet girl after all - and yet he can’t help that churning heat in his pulse. Heavy balls squeezing weakly with each glide of your soft palm down his red, achingly stimulated length. 
It’s only by the fifth that Choso is sobbing, big fat tears trailing down to his glossy lips. Such a rosy red and bitten in worry, hips fucking up in jagged, mindless little grinds. Oh, it takes everything in Choso to not cling on desperately to your feverish hand right now - dwarfed by his sheer girth, so glossy with a thick sheen of precum - yet still dragging up and down relentlessly. Treating him like some toy. 
“Baby–” your beloved boyfriend’s wet gasp catches in his throat when you swivel a curious thumb underneath his sensitive slit. Letting a fresh gush of his saturated precum glisten down to your wrist. “Baby baby baby- please. P-please, I don’t think I can- ngh- give y’anymore.”
“I think you can.” your leveled hum cuts through his frantic pleas. “Don’t you think? After all, you were so happy getting off to my panties like this, weren’t you? Ruining them?”
It’s like the very memory of his shameful act has Choso fucking his jerky hips up into your soft touch, arching his muscled back into a beautiful curve on your soaked bedsheets. Oh, how embarrassed he felt - how shameful, being caught in the very act by you, fingers deep in your panty drawer. 
Despite his very obvious need, he’s shaking his barely-lucid head. Damp, dark tresses sticking to his sweat-glossed forehead, curtaining those glassy eyes. Slurring out, “Fuck! Please m’sorry m’sorry I don’t think- can’t-”
So deceivingly innocently, you’re batting your lashes in a way that has his massive girth jolting ferally in your hand, “But that’s all I really want, Cho~?”
Leaning down, Choso could feel your mean smirk against his hotly flushed skin. Dragging up his salty trail of tears, kissing so gently meanwhile your next words made him think he’d pass out. Sultry, and whispered right against the shell of his ear, “Then we better make this last one count, right?”
“Ah!” he’s yelping, large hands scrambling for the sheets - the headboard - you when you seat yourself so prettily on his splayed-out lap. Greedy cunt feeding into every long, solid inch of his achy cock in an easy glide. It felt so good - it hurt so good. Fuck, he thinks he’s gonna-  “-die.” Choso rasps, jittery hands coming to rest at your waist. “Think m’gonna die- gonna- fuck fuck fuck-”
You didn’t even have to think of moving, yet - because all it takes is for Choso’s gushy tip to be swallowed up by your snug channel - the slightest taste of heaven, the slightest squeeze - before you’re being slammed down onto the plush mattress.
Breath puffing out of your lungs, gasping at the sheer stretch when your dangling legs are being thrown over Choso’s broad shoulders. Wrapping tight into a vice-like grip when he folds you in half, down, down, down into the meanest mating press you didn’t think either of you capable of.
But rationality was the last thing on Choso’s mind, right now. 
“Baby—” he’s hissing, fully sheathed inside your dripping cunt to that thick hilt of his. He gulps at the stars bursting behind his lids with each slow, lingering grind. Nuzzling into your touch, “Baby, can’t b-believe you’ve ahh- brought me to this state. M’sorry hah- please forgive me.”
And you almost feel bad - that is, until Choso’s swiping his fat tip against your spongy cervix. Still feeling every single pads of your fingers burning down his raw shaft every time your puffy cunt milks him tight. He’s jutting in jerky, unmethodical little humps - feeling less human than just sheer need. 
“W-well-” you’re gasping, when he gives such a ruthless smash into your bruisingly bulging g-spot. Bonelessly, you wrap your arms around his pale neck, tugging him in so close. A full-body shudder wracks through his entire body when you crane your glossy lips up to bite down on his ear lobe, “-how about you cum f’me again to make up for those three limited edition panties you stole.”
His jaw falls even more slack at your little sentence, a shiny trail of drool dripping from the corners of his ravaged lips. 
“Baby, please.” he’s hissing, moving pistoning even sloppier into you as if on autopilot. A cracking ah! ah! ah! leaves Choso’s mouth at every bullying crash against your g-spot, every dizzying thrust. “Anything else. Please please-”
Through his blurry vision, the blood roaring in his ears, Choso could make out your soft suckling kiss against his slack lips. “Cum f’me, Cho.”
Maybe it’s that honeyed little nickname, maybe the way the curve of your thumb glides away his mess of syrupy saliva. Or maybe it was the way your velvety walls come to form around him so tight - squeezing almost meanly. Once. Twice. 
Choso doesn’t know - nor does he fucking care right now.
“F-fuck I can’t believe-” his eyes snap so comically wide open, letting out such a long, drawn-out drawl of your name. Hips stuttering to smack forwards, “-m’cumming- shit, it hurts- it feels so good. M’cumming m’cumming-”
Choso cums - in ghosting, wispy streams of almost-translucent fluid. Withering out into nothing, until his poor, overworked cock is spurting out just blank heavals. Cumming dry, the only signs of him fucking you through his high being that shaking in his thighs, that frantic twitching of his shaft - flinching to nudge into each dripping sweet spot inside you. 
And his broken, pleading cries, “Fuck- m’buying you the hah- wh-whole store. Fuck- please, baby just-” Nudging his sobbing cock even deeper to brand at your cervix, “-just one more.”
“You little-”
“What?” you’re leering down at the great Ryomen Sukuna. Pink locks splayed out across the decadent silk sheets, pretty face framed so perfectly by your thighs. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Not quite.” his long, rosy tongue licks a strip up your exposed skin. All the way up from about midway at your inner thigh to just the edges of your drippingly wet panties. Syrupy sweet, and see-through with all your juices. “You really think this is gonna make me say sorry for uh-”
You have to stifle a low laugh when Sukuna cuts himself off with a ragged hitch of his breath. Sharp, cursed eyes widening - just a fraction - honing in to let his greedy tongue loll out. It takes him only a split-second to catch that droopy ooze of your slick, beading through your sopping slit and right onto the middle of his tastebuds. 
“Mmm-” he’s licking that lewd little gloss all over his lips without even a shred of abashedness. “Where- uh where were we, brat?”
Without warning, you’re lacing your fingers through his surprisingly soft strands. Pulling - hard enough to make him groan - until the tip of Sukuna’s nose was just kissing at the lacy mound of your cunt. 
“I believe…” you’re smirking at the way that’s all it takes for him to slide the thick seam of his tongue between the thin fabric of your panties. Red - to match his eyes. Not wasting even a second when he lets your honeyed sweet cunt drool all the way down to the back of his throat. “Not gonnna make him say sorry” your ass. “-you were in the middle of apologizing for forgetting our little dinner date.”
You don’t think he hears you - you don’t even think he breathes. Because with one, final shuddering breath puffed out onto your quivering pussy, Sukuna is meshing his lips with yours in such a messy kiss. Fast, thirsty. Clashing against your swollen folds, slurping past your flimsy excuse of panties to latch around your throbbing clit. He’s hollowing out his cheeks to give them harsh, methodical little sucks. 
“Shit- mmpf- fuck I always forget how sweet you are.” he’s rasping, two large hands coming up to spread the globes of your ass. Pushing you up, up, up to slobber all your saturated slick down the lower half of his face - his cheekbones. “C’mon now, ride my nose- hah, use me with this cute cunt like you always do.”
Fuck, was it tempting. And it takes everything in you to tug away his salivating mouth with a loud squelch! And if you didn’t know any better, you’d have said that the infamous king of curses let out a whine - a whine - watching those delicate strings of spit and slick snap away when you hoist yourself off his greedy mouth.  
“What the fuck, woman?”
“I told you, Kuna.” you whine out, as scoldingly as you can. Wrangling against those big beefy arms trying to desperately pull you back down, “You hafta apologize.”
You’re teetering precariously when Sukuna’s entire chest rumbles with a groan, eyes rolling so sassily. “What did you want me to do?” he clicks his tongue. Baring you with such dangerous fangs that glisten with your juices in the dim light. “Had to kill off some scum curses, s’not my fault. M’not apologizing for- shit-”
Any and every retort is knocked out of his mean mouth at that heavenly sight of you running your trembly fingers between your puffed-up pussy lips. Pushing past your panties to run them up and down where your dripping wet cunt needed you most. 
“Oh?” you’re quirking a brow at how transfixed he was. Following that shuddering gulp when you roll your neglected clit between two fingers. “Cat got your tongue now?”
His jaw slacks open when you’re teasing your winking hole, glossed-up and already so pliant with where Sukuna had just dipped the edge of his soft tongue inside. His mouth waters at the memory, “I–”
“Or is it that you just don’t hah-” you’re arching your back even more to give him the perfect view. Fingers getting a bit more frenzied, circling around the very edge of that ring of muscle the way you knew he loved to do. “-want this-” Whining out, “-Kuna–?”
That was it.
“Fuck, sit-” Sukuna’s gritting out through clenched teeth. And when you’re only stagnating and hovering tempestuously in front of him, he wraps all four large arms around the small of your waist. “-fucking sit, woman.” 
You’re squealing at the force of his inhuman strength, dragging you down unceremoniously onto his awaiting mouth. With this, he’s spitting on your cunt. Once. Twice. Three whole times to add to the glistening gloss that collected down your folds. 
“M’sorry, see?” he goads pridefully. Oh, if anyone heard the cruel king of curses apologizing like this, they’d faint. Giving the fat of your ass a branding smack! Hard enough that he could feel all five bumps of his sweltering fingers on your skin. “Fuckin’ little- oh- spoiled little-” But Sukuna can’t even finish his sentence - can’t even think about it with his mind so saturated. Hot tongue mashing in to swerve and drag across those sweet spots hidden at your plushy walls. “Said m’sorry, s’this good enough for you?”
Your pussy such a sopping wet mess that Sukuna can’t help but kiss again. And again. And again and again and- “See m’sorry. M’so, so sorry- fuck just never take this pretty pussy away from me, little brat.” 
And now you’re sure he lets out a whimper - raspy, and a few octaves higher than his usual baritone. So deep now that he was just cinching your pulsing clit across his sharp nose. Murmuring, “Stop laughing- can feel ya shaking- before I cancel our dinner reservation for tomorrow. M’renting out the whole fuckin’ restaurant, so ya better give me my fill.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - Bed chem.
“It won��t-” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that the great Gojo Satoru was pleading right now. Praying. Voice shot, pretty pink lips wobbly, pale hand raw and red from tugging on those fluffy handcuffs. He’s pouting, “Won’t work.”
He was so picture-perfect, restrained tight to the headboard with those customized handcuffs you’d ordered. Blinking his weepy, blue eyes droopily, slurring words that were all bark and no bite. 
You’re rolling your eyes, giving his spit-glossed lips a lingering little peck, “Didn’t think you were such a pussy, Toru?”
“F-fuck who are you calling a-” It makes your cunt absolutely drip with a fresh wave of honeyed juices when you give his sensitively overworked shaft another thorough glide of your drooling walls. Meshing your pussy lips with the very hilt of his angry, red cock. “Please- fuck when you’re riding me like that, sweetheart.” he’s yanking frantically on those restraints as if to hold onto your feverishly gliding body. “Think- hngh! Think I really will explode-”
“Oh?” you’re cutting through his babbles, eyes flitting over his powerful arms, those glassy eyes that just seemed to glow in the dim bedroom lighting. “I knew I wasn’t seeing things, so you do think that- ah- your powers are linked to you-”
Your thoughts are spiraling into a gooey mess when Gojo’s uncontrollably strengthened thighs leverage themselves on the silken mattress to just rut up into your squelching pussy. 
“Jus’ wanna see, Toru.” you’re huffing, reaching a hand behind your ruthless hips to palm at his painfully squeezing balls. Rolling the soft pad of your thumb over the curve of their straining texture - just the way he liked it, “Wan’ you to cum f’me. Just wanna see.”
“Using all your dirty tricks-” he’s spitting, mouth sagging open to let you plant a few somewhat apologetic kisses down Gojo’s face. “I can’t-” Another harsh buck of his hips, and with such a loudly pornographic mewl he’s bullying his overwhelmed cock up, up, up to swerve into your neverendingly sloppy staccato - right into your sweet spots. “Fine- fucking fine- hah- use me. Use me for whatever- just, please. Fuck I just wanna cum- please—”
You’re very quickly realizing that those handcuffs can do nothing to restrain Gojo Satoru. In fact, the only reason they’re still on him unscathed was purely out of indulging in your cute little play. 
Gifting you with such a sexily cocksure grin he tries to mask away his furious flush, his trembling voice with, “N-no, m’not a- hngh! M’not some grade 4 sorcerer. I’m the fuuuck- strongest, why would my powers go out of control when I cum- fuck-
Gojo’s blabbering mouth is cut off with each gripping slide down his achy cock. Molding your plushy walls to each of his eager twitches, so fucking massive that you had to balance your hands on your boyfriend’s broad deltoids to even have him reach each hidden deep spot inside you. 
It makes him throw his head back, it makes him cry out, it makes him whine. 
And it only takes a few more churning strokes of Gojo’s hips, a few more critical mashes into the spongy bullseye of your g-spot before you’re cumming. So hard that you don’t even realize it at first. 
Gojo does, though - of course, he does - fighting back against the velvety cling of your cunt to fuck you into the desk so deeply. So purposefully that he can almost feel every indented bruise of his fat tip hitting against your slick cervix, your bouncy g-spot. Wave after wave having you milking the fucking soul out of him and-
“Fuck m’gonna-” he’s whining, hips stuttering upwards like they’re pained to pull back from your heavenly pussy. If even just to thrust his greedy length all the way back in. Gojo’s breaths come out in ragged pants, chest heaving up and down. Somehow, the hairs on your body raise, and you can feel that familiar tension of pressurized atoms. “Can’t hah- last much longer. Fuck- please. M’close- gonna cum gonna-”
That sobbing little divot at the end of his angry, thick head just bursts with thick, long ribbons upon ribbons of sloshing white cum. Gliding across every inch of your tight pussy, coating all your insides in a creamy color that was so Gojo. 
It’s so much - dripping down the corners of your bulging slit in oozing little dredges, making such a mess of your rapidly overfilling cunt. Almost too much - it felt like you could explode. 
You’re almost missing that familiar little flash of blue lightning at the corner of Gojo’s pussydrunk eyes. Glowing and almost falling shut with just how fucking good it felt to have your milky cunt sloshing full of his seed. The thought- the thought makes him-
You’re gasping when the lamp by your sloppy bed starts flickering so dangerously, once. Twice. Before bursting into tiny shards that flick at the both of you - only to be stopped, falling to the surrounding blankets just a few centimeters short like they were hit by an invisible wall.
“T-Toru–” the sound of your voice makes something in Gojo’s heating body raise its dark, feral head. And he only wrenches out of those pathetic handcuffs to wrap two big, strong arms around your waist. Face burying into your skin, fucking up into you over and over and-
The bed groans at his rough cadence, so loud even over the dragging wooden noises of some of the furniture nearby inching forward like they were briefly tugged by some magnetizing force - Gojo. 
And it’s like something snaps because you’re jolted with a sharp spark of electricity. White-hot pleasure blissing down your entire limp body, and suddenly your high feels like it’s being repeated over and over and-
“Hey- hey, sweetheart?” Gojo’s voice sounds so far away. Lazily, your heavy lids blink back your vision - when did it even become hazy? “...y’know how every science experiment has about five trials?”
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A/N. I don’t want to write a longer version of Gojo’s but the demons in me want to write a longer version of Gojo’s…
Plagiarism not authorized.
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roturo · 1 year
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˚₊·➳❥ JJK MEN SHOWING YOU HOW A REAL MEN FUCKS! satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji fushiguro ✧˚ · .
tags: afab!reader, reader is mentioned as a female, use of nicknames (baby, princess, doll, slut, whore), cheating, degradation, caught cheating, getting caught, unprotected sex, blowjob, pussy slapping, mating press, breeding, age-gaps, virginity loss [...] rbs are appreciated!
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satoru gojo (Daddy’s girl)
well, that’s the word he used for the little girl you're babysitting right now. he’s a great dad and husband. there’s just this tiny whiny little thing he couldn’t do right– and that’s loving his wife as he should.
like– it’s not that he doesn’t feel guilty, it’s just… well, you looked really cute in that mini dress, he and his wife have been fighting lately anddd– he could tell his daughter liked you more than her fatality of mother she has these days. she even called you mommy by accident once! and that was the last water drop gojo needed for the glass to break.
“Oh- I bet you’d love to be full of me right now.” His thrusts became messier each time he pounded on you, “Mhh, fill you up ‘n make me a daddy again– you’d like that princess?” you couldn’t even talk anymore with how good he’s making you feel– he had your legs pressed on the bed thanks to his arms, almost bending you in half, he was making sure that mating press works.
“Ffffuckk- You feel s’good baby” He felt your walls clenching again, no matter how many times he made you come, he’s making sure you’re coming again after he does. A not ending cycle for him. “Such a slut for me hm? Coming all nice and pretty to this house just to be ruined at night–” his words made you feel dirty, but the euphoria of it was stronger, “such” slap, “a nasty” slap, “slut” slap– “and all f’me” with those last thrusts your body couldn’t take it anymore, spasming and trembling while your poor hole was filled up again. gojo’s wife didn’t even bothered to break your little encounter, she suspected it long time ago.
all that was left was a wide grinning gojo satoru and some divorce papers.
suguru geto (Daddy’s best-friend)
you didn’t intend this to happen… you always knew your dad’s best-friend was hot. he’s geto, ‘cmon. he brings a new girl every weekend whispering in your dad’s ear swearing she’s the one this time.
he saw you grow up, turn into this beautiful and strong woman. so how he couldn’t love you? you were like a doll for him, so beautiful and radiant in every way. a porcelain doll he needed to protect, he couldn’t lose you to any dangerous or stupid man, he swears he would beat the shit out of the guy who breaks your heart first.
“Shhiiiitt– Heh– I can tell how tight your pussy is princess–” His cock was stretching the living shit out of you, touching places never in a thousand years you could imagine you would feel. “what d’ya think daddy would say if he saw his little girl being fucked by his best-friend huh?” your brain was a fuzzy mess, you couldn’t make coherent words to say, and just feel how good geto is making you feel. you couldn’t remember how many times he had made you cum with his toungue and he’s just starting to fuck your pussy.
“ ‘m such a lucky guy if i'm the first you’re giving this pussy to, don’t ya think so doll? marking it as mine, baby I swear you’ll need no man to ever fuck this pussy of yours again– shit I won’t need another woman for myself, you’re the one baby” those words filled your heart of a tingly feeling, making more butterflies roam around your tummy, touching yourself you could sense geto’s cock coming and leaving with every thrust, your brain full of air and in need of more of his cock.
he couldn’t resist himself anymore when he was next to you, his cock would get hard the minute he enters your house, and thankfully he has a pretty doll to release himself with.
kento nanami (Big Boss)
Nanami thinks he’s a good and mature guy– At least for his wife and kids… He has this aura of a serious and mature guy but inside every time he’s just this close to breaking it, just to say what he really thinks or feels.
the first time he saw you at work with your tiny skirts and tight blouses he didn’t mind any type of attention to it, you were another cute worker, that’s all. One of another– he can think other women are pretty too right? maybe even prettier than his wife… and nicer, and cuter, and more homely feeling to be a mom. but he wouldn't do anything he would later regret right?...
“You’re s’pretty baby, such a dirty whore for my cock mhm?” he had you pounding from behind, his desk becoming even messier than it was before, one of his hands keeping you laid down on the desk arching your back like if he’s trying to break it– a sudden ringing brought you back from your unconsciousness of nanami’s cock– he answered the call, not a single sing of him trying to stop thrusting into you.
“Yeah?” his voice was out of breath, almost sounding like a sigh when he answered the call, “Where am I? Huh– I’m at the office r-right now…?” he wasn’t even sure if he could keep this act, losing himself more in the feeling of your pussy clenching on his cock– “Oh yeah- I’m okay, uhh- the kids? yyeah, yeah, they’re with my mom right now–” the feeling of keeping up a call with his wife while fucking you made his cock twitch inside of you, feeling like a teenager kissing their crush for the first time. it was no surprise for him that his wife was cheating, but he wanted to keep it like that for the sanity of his kids. 
“Quit the act Kento– I know you’re fucking somebody else right now. See ya at home.”
toji fushiguro (Step-Daddy)
you hated when your mother started dating new guys. they just kept breaking her heart– but you just stopped telling her that it's okay to live without a partner, that she had you by her side, but well… this new man was something else i guess and you didn’t say anything for the sake of your own good mother.
you didn’t like him, but for the sake of your mother you pretended like you do– and let’s be honest, toji doesn’t like children, so when he first met you he wasn’t as social as others… your mom was just too good to simply let go– but the way you moved, talked, dressed caught his attention, and as time passes and he spends more time with your mom– he's no longer drawn to your house just to see your mother, but to see you. 
“Sshhiit- You’re making me feel s’good baby” the lack of air was making you feel giddy, but the way his cock twitched inside your mouth made your core get even wetter. “C’mon baby, ride my shoe,” you wasted no time before your hips started moving, trying to gain some friction and release that tingly feeling coming from your core. 
“D’ya think your mother would like to see her daughter being full of his step-daddy’s cum?” he gets one of his arms behind himself trying to gain some support while his other free hand caresses your cheeks while you continue sucking– this same hand moves out your head and frees his cock out of your mouth, a small strand of saliva connecting your mouth with it–
“Fuck– guess i choose the wrong out of you two”
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arolesbianism · 8 months
Thinking abt rabbit au so hard rn... Nikola sitting there having initially thought having two bosses with questionable morals was rad as hell as he watches one of said bosses try to solve one accidental murder by doing like 3 other murders and one of them might have included him but he doesn't realize that yet
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 4 months
cw: smut
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Gojo Satoru
Such a whiny boy. He's sooo confident that he can have you sit on his cock for hours and he won’t budge and even says that you won’t last. But he’s all talk. Once you sit on his pretty cock he’s fucked out. Eyes rolling to the back of his head, a thin layer of sweat covering his body and his hips bucking up into you. Pleading to his pretty girlfriend to let him cum because he can’t take it anymore. He needs you. 
“Please, please baby, f-fuck.” he whines as he keeps a solid grip on your hips sure to leave his hand prints.  
“Wait, toru… not yet baby,” you coo into his ear as you continue to meet his desperate thrusts. 
“Can I cum now? Please baby…” his lips attack your neck, pressing sloppy wet kisses into it causing you to throw your head back from the immense pleasure this man knew how to give you just from mere kisses, let alone the fact he was so deep inside you about to burst.
And he does. He fills you so good. Mouth slightly agape, eyes shut close as you feel him twitch inside you. 
“Fuck, so good” he smirks at you watching his cum drip down your thighs. 
Geto Suguru 
His cock is so deliciously thick but you hate (not really) cockwarming this man because of how much of a tease he is. He’s holding you down as you slowly sink down onto him. 
“C’mon babe… can your poor pussy take all of it?” his hand comes up to wipe the tear forming on the side of your eye. 
“Y-yes, i can” you nod as you finally bottom out on his cock. 
He brings you in for a hot kiss, the shift causing you to arch your back. Good thing he’s holding onto you so tight that he won’t let you escape, ever. Both of you carry on making out, tongues swirling around exploring each other's mouths. His hands slide up to your ass to give it a squeeze as your hands tangle in his long raven locks. Finally ending the kiss, a string of saliva connecting you both as you try to breathe. 
“I’m so fucking deep inside you,” Geto’s hand comes to your lower tummy, pointing out the slight bulge there that his cock is making. A grin appearing on his perfect face. 
Wasn’t long after, he was fucking into you. Purple orbs set on watching how you take his cock so well, over and over again. 
Nanami Kento 
Nanami who lets you cockwarm him when he’s had a long day and he’s just about to be done with work. Having his pretty wife sit down on his cock while he finishes some annoying paperwork, but you just can’t help but start moving your hips up and down on him. Desperate to tease you oh-so handsome husband. 
“Don’t be naughty honey,” he utters softly into your ear. His voice like music to your ears. “Gonna give you my cock right now.” He presses a kiss to your temple. 
“Can’t wait no more Ken,” you sigh as you begin peppering tender kisses on his neck. “Need you so bad…”
Nanami knows so well he can’t resist his wife when she is so needy for him. He throws his back at the feeling of your kisses, eyes shut tight trying to enjoy all the attention you were giving him. Honestly overwhelming the man to the point, he instinctively wraps his large arms around your waist and pumps his entire length into your cunt at a rapid pace. Not slowing down until you are filled to the brim with his cum. 
“This what you wanted honey?” He murmurs coming to kiss your cheek. 
Toji Fushiguro
Toji loves cockwarming after he fucks the living soul out of you. Holding you in a mating press as he cums inside you, he wants to make sure it stays inside so he doesn’t pull out. Instead he fucks into you painfully slow after your orgasm, leaving you with no words besides desperate whines only for his ears. Taking pride in leaving you a babbling mess, he watches you with a smirk that only makes his scar that much more attractive and prominent. Green eyes piercing into yours as he takes your hand and presses soft delicate kisses on it because in his words “it helps ease the pain” of his fat cock drilling into you. 
“Fuck… so pretty f’me” He grunts as he thrusts into you deep one more time before coming down to lay on your chest. 
“You aren’t gonna pull out?” you ask him obviously still trying to catch your breath. Your hand comes up to push his strayed hair out of his face. 
“Nah, wanna sleep like this.” he mumbles. 
And just like that, he's out cold. But don’t be surprised if you’re woken up in your sleep by him fucking into you once again because he always gets hard around his pretty baby. 
Choso Kamo
You needed to explain what cockwarming was to Choso and even after you did, he wasn’t so fond of the idea. He loved being inside you so much that he didn’t believe in himself that he wouldn’t be able to just absolutely destroy your cunt once he slipped in. 
And he was right. 
“No baby… I can’t,” he whines as you're still trying to take him inside completely. 
“Cho… you aren’t even fully inside yet,” you reiterate to him, almost scolding him. 
All he can do is shake his head before he turns you over so he's fully onto top of you. A string of curses leaving his lips as he sinks himself all the way into your silky walls. Once Choso is inside you, he’s a lost cause and no one can pull him out until he makes you cum again and again until you’re both satisfied. It was worth a shot you think to yourself before he begins fucking into you at an animalistic pace.
“Never doing that again,” he enunciates with every thrust. 
“You didn’t even try Cho,” you manage to say as he presses into you deeper. 
“I’ll let you sit on my face later… to make up for it,” you feel him smirking into your neck. 
A soft laugh echoes through the room as you nod, accepting his compromise. 
Sukuna Ryomen 
“You want to do what?” He scoffs as he watches you with a displeased look. 
“I want to sit on your cock… for a while” You try not to make contact with the curse. 
After explaining what cockwarming was to Sukuna, he was intrigued. Letting you do most of the work since it was your idea. He watches you attentively as you lube and prep yourself for him. 
“You gonna keep watching me or are you gonna help?” you give him an almost annoyed look. 
“Such a needy brat. Just come sit on it already.” He demands, staring daggers at you. 
You do just as he says and Sukuna derives immense joy from seeing you in such pain taking his monstrous cock. Lazily holding you up with one of his four arms and he watches you take him inch by inch, pain and pleasure mixing divinely. 
“Why are you crying little thing?” He asks in a worrisome tone but the stupid smirk plastered all over his face says otherwise. “I haven’t even fucking moved, yet.” 
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A little sneak peak of something in the works...
Oh look! Finished product here...
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Dedicated to my fave blonde bombshell @ab4eva 🩷
Elvis Presley Quietly Marries At Home
The man with the famous pelvis is now a married man! Colonel Parker confirmed that Elvis married Paramount actress Leona Grace at his home in Memphis on the nineteenth of March. The wedding comes on the heels of rumors that the new Mr. and Mrs. Presley are due for a visit from the stork. The Colonel’s response? “Those are questions for a different day”. The hush hush, spur of the moment wedding did not follow an engagement announcement and no pictures of the happy couple seem to exist beyond set outtake photos. The event reportedly took place in the evening with just family and close friends in attendance totaling about 50 people. A red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was served for dessert and sources say that Elvis's own music was played late into the night as friends danced in the backyard of Presley's Graceland mansion.
“See ya in a bit, baby doll, gotta meet with the Colonel about some stuff,” his lips lingered on her skin while he eyed her in the mirror. Leona couldn't suppress the sour look that appeared on her face. 
“What sort of stuff?” she questioned cooly. 
“Some movie stuff, ain't nothing for you to worry that pretty head about,” his tone was casual yet dismissive. Those were fighting words for Leona, who stomped her foot like a child and demanded to know just exactly why he was allowed to make movies while she had been regulated to pick flowers in the garden with the dogs, lounge in the pool, and shop herself silly with Patsy. She felt like a bird in a cage, albeit a gold-plated diamond-studded cage. 
“Oh ya want me to start calling you my pretty little baby bird?” he teased, those long fingers, perfect for reaching all the right spots, were tickling at her ribs. Leona yanked away from his grasp and pouted. “Baby, you're a wife now, my wife, I'm gonna take care of things. No need for you to stress yourself and slave away to send money back home to your momma and granny, I had my daddy send a check two days ago,” Elvis explained, sliding on a pair of sunglasses that made him look utterly delectable as he shifted his weight from one leg to another in the doorway, seemingly unable to keep still. 
More to come soon....
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yawnderu · 10 months
Currently thinking about neighbor!Simon with a sweet thing who keeps shamelessly flirting with him.
Ghost, the soldier who has been basing his life in self-control and discipline, knocked down a peg or two by his younger neighbor. He doesn't even respond to the flirting, simply replying with a grunt or a "thanks" so quiet you can barely even hear it before he disappears into his house.
Neighbor!Simon, who initially moved to your quiet neighborhood for some peace and quiet— and he gets just that, with one glaring exception.
Neighbor!Simon, who is forced to listen to your moans and whines as you bounce up and down a dildo, filthy nonsense escaping your lips whenever it hits a sensitive spot.
Neighbor!Simon, who seemed amused about it at first and ignored it, but after a few times started feeling his jeans tighten up.
Neighbor!Simon, who cups his throbbing boner over his jeans, trying his best to stop himself from jerking off, yet your whiny moans are taking away any semblance of self-respect he has.
Neighbor!Simon, who timed his strokes with the sounds of your squelching cunt, imagining it's him going in and out of you.
Neighbor!Simon, who pathetically came all over his stomach when you moaned out his name, filthy and overly loud words leaving your lips because you know he can hear you.
Neighbor!Simon, who since then was less of a Ghost in his own neighborhood, actually trying to reply to your attempts at making conversation with him.
Neighbor!Simon, who told you one of his awful dad jokes just to hear the loudest sigh ever, the corners of his lips threatening to tug up at your reaction.
Neighbor!Simon, who eventually started tagging along for anything you did— Grocery shopping? Paying bills? Going to the park? Shopping? He's coming with you, claiming there's lots of creeps around.
Neighbor!Simon, who accepted your offers for dinner, looking at you moving around the kitchen and helping you, imagining you're his pretty little wife.
Neighbor!Simon, who got enough courage to kiss you after being 100% sure you were interested in him.
Neighbor!Simon, who couldn't keep the surprise from showing on his face when during one of your make out sessions, you took him to your bedroom.
Neighbor!Simon, who was a groaning mess underneath you as you rode him, calloused hands holding onto your hips with a bruising grip.
'' 'S what you wanted all along, love?'' He manages to grunt out between his deep groans and moans, hypnotized by the way your tits bounce while your tight cunt takes all of him.
''Since I first saw you.'' You reply with honesty, leg muscles tired from riding him, but his thick cock feels way too good to even think about stopping.
''Good girl.'' He praises, eyes closing as his hips start to thrust up, meeting you halfway while you bounce on his cock, angling up your ass so he hits a more sensitive spot that has you moaning on top of him, his grip on your hips going to your ass while he moves your smaller body up and down his cock, thrusts getting rougher while you finally collapse on top of him.
''Cum inside.'' His hips falter for a moment as he looks at you with raised eyebrows, your hushed confirmation of being on birth control enough to keep him going even harder, driving himself into your cunt at an unlawful pace, heavy balls slapping against your ass as he thrusted deeply, the room filled with the smell of sex, walls bouncing with the sounds of your combined desperate moans as he shoved himself as deep as he could, filling your womb with his thick, fertile cum. It doesn't matter if you're on birth control, his seed is much stronger.
Husband!Simon, who got to come home from deployment to his missus, stomach swollen with his baby.
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fairy-angel222 · 6 months
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 જ⁀⟡
Something changed in Nanami when he got you pregnant. His protective nature coming out whenever it came to you, his wife. He was so sweet, pampering you and making sure to do everything you needed. Cleaning the house, cooking you food, going out to work, everything. He refused to let his precious sweetheart put any form of stress on herself, scolding you softly when you tried to take over the chores.
He was extremely excited for you two’s baby. Already setting up the extra bedroom for when the lil guy, or girl, was here.
But if there was one thing your husband especially loved about the pregnancy, was you. Loved to see that round stomach of yours, your breasts heavy and full with the perfect amount of firmness.
When you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Nanami was elated. Everything was great. And to make things even better for him, your breasts had gotten even fuller. After the first few weeks, you were both craving each other. Having already put your daughter to sleep when you were laying on your bed, Nanami in between your legs with his head in your neck.
Nanami had always appreciated your body in bed, squeezing and groping at your pretty pair of tits. Latching his mouth onto your nipples with a groan. Now that they were filled with milk, he appreciated them even more.
His thick cock fucking lazily into you, your fingers running through his hair as you moaned, soft whimpers falling past your lip as slow thrusts began grinding against your walls. “Kento..” you mewled, your eyes closed at how gentle Nanami was being with you.
Nanami hummed, his fingers playing with your nipples as he kissed down your neck. Eyes widening when you let out a whine, feeling your nipples letting out a light stream of liquid. Looking down to see the watery white liquid coating his skin.
“Nnh— ‘m sorry, can’t be controlled,” you moaned, watching the man simply stare before he smiled. “It’s more than okay sweetheart, been meaning to try this for a while.”
You let out a cry when your husband’s tongue swirled around your perked nipple, sucking at the sensitive bud with a groan when the warm liquid hit his tongue. His hand moving to squeeze at the other one as he gulped the sweetness.
“Kento, hmm.. oh b-baby—” you mewled, slightly surprised at how passionately he sucked at the soft flesh.
“God sweetheart— who knew this was so sweet, can live on it forever.” he breathed, his hips rolling sensually into yours as you whimpered his name, your grip on his hair tightening as you tugged at his blond strands.
Nanami’s hips rocked your body back and forth into the sheets, your stomach filled with heat at the sensation. “Kento.. so good.” His mouth moving onto your other breast as he pressed into it, once again allowing the taste to settle on his tongue. Suckling softly at the leaking bud.
Nanami grunted, his thrusts sloppy as he felt his cock twitch. “Tastes so good sweetheart, gonna have to do this more often. Whole body’s just so damn perfect.”
“Nngh, ‘m so close Kento,” your breathing speeding up and your toes curled. “So close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me sweetheart?” Lapping at the still flowing substance. Biting down softly and making you let out a cry, your back arching in a string of whiny moans as you clenched down around him.
“Love you so much, pretty mama. Love you so fucking much.” Your husband groaned, holding you tight against him as he continued to fuck into you. Your moans getting louder as your pussy gushed messily around him. “There we go, so good f’ me.”
His thrusts slow and deep before he was stilling inside you, his eyes meeting yours as his abs tensed. Spurts of his warm cum painting your insides.
You whimpered as you were filled up, your breathing steadying as the rising movements of your chest matched his. “Love you so much Kento- oh no” A heavy sigh cut you off as Nami’s high pitched cries echoed through the room. You whined, “gotta go see what she needs.”
Nanami shook his head, placing a kiss to your lips. “Get yourself cleaned up yeah? I’ll go check on our baby girl.” You smiled in response, you really couldn’t ask for a better husband.
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Just want to talk about "The White Princess" because I'm rewatching it. It's not that great of a show but Idk I find King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York so handsome and I guess I like the chemistry even though I felt the romance was...rushed? Suddenly she's loyal to him..what? I think the explanation is due to baby Prince Arthur but when did she fall in love with him or did she feel like she had no choice. I kinda like the dynamic precisely because of how ambiguous it is because it is a weird situation she's in I imagine. Having to marry a man who's her enemy...
I will not give Philipa's fanfiction about Richard and Elizabeth of York any mind here.
Speaking of, one of the reasons I keep coming back is due to my biggest complaint about this series. King Henry VII is way too handsome here lol but I love it.
What I hate...is that he's portrayed as a whiny brat who apparently after a, what?, decade of rule, seems to comprehend that nobles plotting behind his back comes with the job? It annoys me because idk I feel like the real King Henry VII was more politically astute, and while I have no complaints about Margaret Beaufort's role in politics, though idk how much she was involved in history, I don't understand why Elizabeth of York is given so much credit in this series but I guess it's because it's a feminist series where women are always plotting against each other and men are idiots?
I have only myself to blame for getting into this trash series lol
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lilacgaby · 10 days
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prohero!katsuki, who on his day off just wants to run some errands with his wife and daughter.
the only problem? your daughter hates the hoodie he has to wear to cover his hair and keep the paparazzi off of you three.
she'll always get upset in his arms, pouty and whiny as she tries to pull off the hood and expose his glorious hair to the world.
he'll do everything he can to soothe her in other ways, boop her nose the way he does before she goes to bed, bounce her around in his arms, give her a kiss on the cheek. it was really funny for you to watch your buff, tall husband panic more over making your daughter happy than beat literal villains.
but none of it works. you've just grabbed the orange juice when you notice katsuki scouting the area for others, when he pulls off his hood, immediately making your daughter giggle with glee.
he plays peek-a-boo with his hair, it keeps her entertained as you finally finish up the shopping, grabbing katsuki's protein powder and the baby treats that he'd snack on with her.
you pay, with katsuki's black card of course, and walk out the store, him holding her in one arm as he holds your hand, caressing it with his thumb.
mission success, until his daughter is finally within reach to pull off his hoodie, almost summoning the media as you're suddenly swarmed with journalists and cameras in your faces.
baby- 1 katsuki- 0
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similar read!
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kurooh · 19 days
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⊹₊˚. featuring timeskip! miya atsumu, miya osamu, kuroo tetsurō, iwaizumi hajime, & suna rintarou tryin’ to knock up their pretty wife !
warnings ★ 18+ content — mdni, fem! reader, breeding, cuddlefucking, doggy, talk of kids & pregnancy, fluff, creampies, shower sex, minor cockwarming, squirting, full nelson, mirror sex, mention of lactation, mating press, cum in panties (offscreen), not proofread.
xoxo, juno ★ my namesake?! hehe, cheers to the surviving haikyuu fuckers on my blog <33 ty for your patience!! as always, send in some asks/reblog if you enjoyed, i love reading comments/tags
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“go ahead ‘n slut yerself out all over my cock, baby.. fuuuck, jus’ like that.”
atsumu’s lips part around a needy moan, jaw hanging slackly in some kind of disbelief. after such a lengthy, tiring day, he found himself trudging into your shared bathroom to greet you.
he’d gotten hard in seconds, seeing your tits pressed against the glass door as well as your face, lidded eyes and cute pout enticing him to come join you. when he got onto his knees to get you ready, you’d bent over and tossed him a knowing smirk over your shoulder.
“lemme see that ass move again.. shit, ‘s perfect. yer perfect.” you giggle, throwing your ass back onto his cock, eyes rolling back when his tip kisses your cervix just right, sending sparks of pleasure right through your veins.
“tsumu, this isn’t all that fun,” you huff, the wild need for him to truly ruin you growing by the second. “wan’ you to fuck me, and make me yours.”
“baby, yer already mine,” atsumu lands a slap on your wet asscheek, startling you enough for your legs to spread further. “good girl,” he praises, hushed and under his breath. he reaches upwards and pulls the shower head down, pushes it into your hand and changes the setting.
“use this on yer clit, ‘kay? when yer feelin’ like ya wanna cum, don’t. hold it ‘n we’ll cum at the same time, yeah baby?”
you nod, and he smacks your ass hard, leaning backwards. atsumu pushes a hand through soaked gold strands, chuckling lowly although his voice has a serious edge to it. “‘s not how we say yes, is it?”
“y-yes, tsumu. at the same time.”
he draws his hips back, then finds himself advancing forward brutally. he doesn’t think about anything beside you — you, you, you. with the scent of your body wash tangling in the hot air, the beautiful curves and slopes of your body, the noises you make for him only.
your chest heaves when the steady spray of the shower head soon reaches your clit, immediately proving to be overwhelming and intense paired with him fucking you.
“so god damn tight,” atsumu hisses, nails digging crescent moons into the plush skin of your hips as his own collide with your ass. the bathroom is full of steam and the rhythmic clap of skin against skin — it’s hard to keep from trembling with how good everything feels, all over.
frantic panting cuts through the sound of your whimpers as atsumu feels himself nearing his peak. it’s nasty, downright filthy, the way your nails drag down the wall tiles as you desperately hump your ass back into him.
gasps of your name and affectionate nicknames fall from his lips like a sacred prayer, blending into a whiny harmony as atsumu’s thrusts grow rougher.
“baby,” he chokes, voice tight. “ya better be close, can barely last.”
“tsumu, cum inside me,” you beg, skin burning and pussy squeezing uncontrollably, squelching growing louder. “p-please, i can’t— i’m gonna cum, ‘m gonna—” your body tenses, and the shower head falls to the floor with a clunk that neither of you register.
luckily atsumu looks down at the right moment, sees you squirt, pussy gushing onto his pelvis. as if your back arching and your clenching pussy wasn’t enough, he ends up cumming too hard, ribbons of white gushing deep into your awaiting pussy.
“fuckkk,” he groans, overstimulation setting in way too quickly and causing him to pull halfway out of your fluttering cunt.
“no, tsumu,” is all you can heave out, pushing back hard enough to send him into the wall behind him, muscled back hitting the tiles as he lets out a startled oomph. “wanna keep it inside, feels so good.”
“samu,” you mumble into his lips, tossing a leg over his hip. he grunts, nose nudging your cheek as he pulls back. “yeah? what’s on yer mind, angel?”
“had a dream about a baby,” the words are spoken softly, and osamu’s fingers lightly graze your chin as he makes you look up at him. “i know it’s kinda stupid, but it was so..” your voice trails off sheepishly and there’s a pause before you admit, “you were such a good dad, samu, ‘n so sexy too.”
your bare bodies are bathed in the morning sunlight, warm and comforting as it peeks in through the curtains. this is the perfect moment with him, skin to skin, his cock still inside you as you kiss and talk about dreams of the future.
in his chest, feelings stir and ideas come to life in his head; osamu presses his hips forward with a hushed moan.
“well, i’ll give ya a baby, angel,” large hands smooth over your hips as he helps you turn away from him; then they pull you close, grabbing at your tits and tugging your nipples between his fingers.
“samu,” you sigh, words fading into a content moan as you feel his hips draw back, then advance forward, against your ass. “i want you to fill me up, give me everything.”
“only if ya take it all,” osamu huffs, tucking his face into your shoulder and closing his eyes as he starts to fuck his cock into you deeply. the thick tip kisses your sweet spot over and over, and if that wasn’t already overwhelming enough, your hand wanders towards your swollen clit.
somehow, osamu’s faster than you, releasing one of your tits and swatting away your hand before he’s finding your clit with his index finger and rubbing it in messy circles.
“s-samu, fuck— jus’ like that, don’t stop!”
your back arches against him, hips twisting as a heat spreads through your veins, fiery and intense in the best ways possible. the movement of your body and then the frantic clenching of your pussy is too intense for him; sharp whines escape his throat, muffled as osamu bites into your shoulder desperately.
“i-i— shit, ‘m gonna fill you up,” is all you can make out from his rushed mumbling, and you turn your head quickly, desperate for his lips.
“kiss me, samu. kiss me as you cum inside, please.”
it’s as though the words break him — his face twists as he kisses you, whole body tensing. he presses his cock deep, thickening and throbbing before he’s gushing cum and can’t seem to stop.
“ah, fuck,” he tosses his head back, fingers scrabbling at your nipples as his chest heaves against your back, heart pounding steadily.
you cum with a whine, grinding down on his cock in an effort to get him impossibly deeper. as you ride out your highs together, trembling deliciously, he can’t help but dissolve into giggles of pure happiness.
“angel, ya got that baby for sure, jus’ like ya wanted, hm? ah, i can’t wait for a mini-me or a mini-ya. yer gonna be the prettiest mom, swear.”
“fuck, babe. you’ve got no idea about what i saw today,” tetsurō huffs, warm breath fanning over your tits as they bounce, controlled by your bra.
spices clatter as tetsurō sweeps his arm across the kitchen counter behind you, clearing the space so you can lean back a little easier. his grip on your thighs doesn’t waver, nor does the ruthless tempo of his hips.
“tetsu, what’d you see?” you gasp, tears threatening to pour over your waterline.
“well, i saw this family,” he grunts, thrusting into you particularly hard now that he’s recalling the memory. “the dad had their kid on his shoulders, and the mom was pregnant. they looked so happy, and it made me think of you.”
“is that so?” you ask, spreading your legs impossibly wider as an invitation. you bite your lower lip, rolling your hips against his in an effort to get his cock deeper.
“tetsu,” he raises his eyes from the mess between your legs to your face, earnest and flushed. “kiss me, baby.”
tetsurō obliges, lets you tug him forward by the chin, mesh his lips with yours. it’s warm and sweet, the aftertaste of the dessert you’d been making as his surprise for when he’d come home. your tongue slips between plush, parted lips and moves with his gently, quite a contrast from the rough way he’s fucking you.
“ah, shit,” he moans, struggling to kiss you back when he feels your sticky walls clenching down on his too sensitive cock.
tetsurō leans forward and buries his flushed face in your shoulder, kissing the tender skin a few times before nipping it and then finally biting down into your shoulder.
he practically loses it when you wrap your legs around his back, heels digging into muscle as you push him forward. in a hushed tone and into his ear, you say sweetly, “tetsu, fuck a baby into me.”
“oh, i fucking will, princess.”
although, despite his rough words, he’s wheezing and whining every now and then into your shoulder, hoping it muffles his sounds.
your hand slides up his neck and tangles into dark tufts of hair, pulling tight as your own orgasm approaches. your pleasure mixes with his own, and just before the knot in your belly snaps, you feel a strong pulsing deep within your pussy.
he groans loudly, burying his cock deep just as it starts to gush, painting your walls white. your nails dig hard into his scalp and the sting of pain only seems to make him get a little more vocal.
tetsurō pants into your neck, trying to find his bearings now that his limbs feel like jelly.
“hold me?”
“h-haji, this was a good call..”
“oh yeah?” hajime’s voice rumbles in his chest, strong and steady against your back as he keeps your legs wide open. “have we ever tried this one?”
“i don’t think so, but we definitely will in the future.”
“feels that good, princess?” hajime chuckles, eyeing your reflections in the mirror mounted across the bed. for a moment, he considers the two of you puzzle pieces — he sees that his cock fits snugly inside you, and the thought that you may be made for each other briefly crosses his mind.
“of course it does,” a sheen of sweat glimmers on your face, skin glowing beautifully in the mirror. “god, hajime, y-you’re so deep..”
he notices your eyes falling shut, head tipping back, and he raises his hand to lightly smack your cheek. “mm, princess, gotta keep watching. i want you to see yourself cum, alright?”
“fine,” you huff, feet dangling in the air and bouncing every which way as he fucks into you, heavy balls smacking your pussy with each stroke.
“what made you wanna try this?” you ask, knowing you should save the question for later, but you’re too curious not to ask. why would your husband come home someday and randomly want to try a new position you’d never heard of?
“well, you know..” in the mirror, you catch the flush on his tanned cheeks. “we’ve both caught the fever recently, and this is a solid position for makin’ babies.”
you gasp sharply when hajime turns his hips ever so slightly, and the resulting sensation causes pressure to build in your pelvis. “shit— right there, haji, just like that..”
he grunts, body stiffening as he tightly holds you in place and fucks into you like it’s the last time you’ll ever be like this together.
“wanna get you pregnant,” hajime groans, abs flexing with the effort of maintaining his merciless pace, “i wanna—shit—wanna breed you.”
“you want it that bad?” you breathe, just barely keeping your eyes open and focusing on your bouncing reflection. “fuck me full, then, haji.”
hajime doesn’t question it, thinks of you with a swollen belly and milky tits all for him to hold and take care of. you, with your glowing skin and beautiful body from all the pregnancy hormones.
the idea of it all is too much to bear, not to mention cumming deep inside your cunt, this time with the intent to breed.
he can’t even muster the words to warn you that he’s cumming as hard as he is; after a choked, tight groan, he falls silent and rocks his hips into you.
“fuck it deep, haji,” you whisper, on the edge yourself. obedient and too far gone in his fantasy, he does exactly what you ask, whining very quietly from the sensitivity.
shaking on top of him and watching the reflections in the mirror, you cum hard, dissolving into unmatched pleasure. and you’re thankful you keep your eyes open, moaning at the very sight— hajime doesn’t even pull out, he’s still pushing his cock in and out of you, but cum races from your cunt in thick white rivulets.
“i’m trying,” he huffs, sensitive when he glances up and notices how intently you’re watching the mirror. his cheeks flush lightly when you both notice that most of his cum ends up dripping down his balls and out of you.
“don’t worry, princess. i’ll cum however many times it takes, sound good?”
“you want a few brats? oh, i just felt your pussy squeeze up. ‘s what you want, huh?” rintarou bites, harshness of his thrusts drawing whimper after whimper from your kiss-swollen lips.
“i want it, rin,” you feel one of his palms smoothing over the plushness of your lower stomach, just above your pelvis. “w-what’re you doing?”
he laughs at your stutter, keeps your legs steady over his shoulders. rintarou draws his hips back, leaving just his tip inside your quivering pussy. then, he presses down on your lower stomach and slides in, adding more pressure with each inch.
“rintarou!” you wheeze, jerking your hips to the side in a pathetic attempt to run away from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you with every movement, big or small.
“nuh uh, pretty girl,” his free hand grabs ahold of you tightly, tugs you towards him and then settles to rest on your neck. rintarou’s fingers are loose on each side of your throat, hand placed there in a demonstration of control. but what’s the point of that, when he’s already made it clear by hoisting your legs over his shoulders and folding you in half?
“you’ll take it, all of it.”
“but ‘m sensitive, i’ve cum too many times,” you can’t even recall a number or remember how long he’s been fucking you like this.
you’re both sticky with sweat, your thighs stained white with dried cum from previous rounds and marked with love bites he’d given you in his excitement to get a taste of your pussy.
it’s so fucking messy because rintarou’s the one who can’t stop asking to eat you out and push the cum back inside; you always say yes, then cum until you’re dizzy and can’t see straight.
you taste yourself from earlier on the corners of his lips when he bends forward and gives you a chaste kiss. “l-last time, okay? i’ll give you your brats, pretty girl.”
the sweet pout on your lips that’s quickly replaced with something else and wail of his name that leaves you when he starts jackhammering your pussy turns him on to the max.
incoherent babbling of what he’ll give you and how good you feel blend together, and before you can fully register it, rintarou’s folding forward with a deep groan. “shit, i’m gonna cum so fucking hard, i—”
he shuts up and gives you a few more thrusts before he’s pushing deep and cumming — he’s not done when he pulls out and covers your pussy in cum.
“r-rin, keep it inside,” you whine sadly, watching as he collects it on his tip and then plunges it back inside.
“jus’ needed some extra lube,” he says coolly, but he really just wants to cum all over you. “how’s it feel inside, pretty baby?”
“like i need some more.”
rintarou laughs at the way you turn away, cheeks hot in embarrassment because you were the one who wanted a break. “we are going out later, hm?”
your nod makes him smile, green eyes crinkling at the corners. “how about i cum in your panties and you walk around with ‘em?”
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hwallazia · 1 month
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synopsis . in which san discovers a new fetish while you ride him.
pairing . choi san & fem! reader
genre . smut (mdni!), established relationship, non idol!au, married!au.
taglist . @bro-atz @purplenimsicle @vampzity @iykyunho @yyaurii | apply to join my taglist ♡
word count . 0,7k
DISCLAIMER! dom! san, sub! reader, sort of lactation (milk involved but not specifically sucking it from the source), nipple play, cow girl position, bulge kink, mocking, dirty talk, praise, pet names (baby, princess), too many moans and mewls, dacryphilia, basically san fucking the daylights out of reader (even though reader’s on top of him)
NIC’S NOTES yess, the title is based on billie’s lyric on “guess” how’d you know? <3 ;; also, i hate not having the time to write full-length stories so badly TT gotta survive with these little drabbles. so well, enjoy the meal babes !!
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“put your back into it, yeah?”
his growl tingled your ear, hands reaching for his wide shoulders for support. you bounced up and down his length relentlessly, with no hesitation, no mercy. his hands found home in your hips which worked perfectly hard, fingers varying between lingering, fond touches and harsh grips on your flesh. your walls enveloped his cock in the most welcoming way, pulsating around him, giving him a taste of heaven.
“s-shut up,” your breathless whisper brushed his earlobe. “it’s hard when your husband has a fucking huge dick—“ you could almost continue your words. a strangled, loud moan intruding into your whiny complaint as he flattened his palm against your ass flesh, the sound of the harsh spank bouncing through the walls.
“just shut up and take it, baby.” he cooed at you mockingly, his recent action belying his honey-dripping voice, his lips finding their way up to your neck. cute love bites were spread all over the skin. “can’t be too hard now can it?”
your eyelashes swung the tears away by blinking once or twice, exhilarating pants rolled off your lips as beads of sweat were attached to your temple. you dropped your head back from the overwhelming feeling. eventually —when he grew far too impatient— he matched your pace, thrusting upwards and, therefore, reaching divine places.
“can’t do anything without my help.” his right found your bouncing breast and trapped it with his palm, his fingers immediately digging into the soft, almost pillowy flesh. “poor little princess.” he teased your nipple a little, sending to another wave of satisfaction as you melted into his touch. soon, a strange white liquid began to ooze out of the slit, resulting in san’s jaw dropping all the way down the floor, eyes wide open and dilated as he stared intently at the white essence, longing to get a taste of it oh-so-badly. the combination of his wife’s leaking tits bouncing right in front of him as his cock ramming into her insides formed a perfectly defined bulge was a sight for sore eyes. and he had the absolute pride to call it his, and only his to admire, to touch, to pleasure.
but you still were working hard on his dick, his hips still going up and down and providing him and you the most satisfying session. it wasn’t until you heard your husband speak that you realized what he was so immersed in. “fuck you’re leaking.”
“what do you mean—“ you questioned immediately and when you stared down at your sweaty body, your orbs twitched at the sight of your abdomen covered with drops of warm milk and san seemly falling in love with it. “oh my.”
you couldn’t understand why it happened right there and then, a swell of bashfulness drowning your senses and immediately stopping your movements to search for a towel or something to clean yourself up. but san paused your actions.
“what are you doing?”
“i’m sorry i’m just—looking for..” your sentence came out as fast as lightning and in parts, since you cut your words to reach for the nearest piece of fabric.
“i literally got you all covered with my cum yesterday and now you’re shy because of some milk drops?” he stated, leaving you frozen in your place. a strong blush inking your cheekbones cutely. he lifted your hips up a bit to immediately restart the game you left pending, his hard cock finding your tight, inviting hole. once again. where it belongs.
your immediate reaction was to scream, holding onto his abs to keep yourself from falling. the fast, restless pace your husband adopted pulled breathless gasps out of you, the loop of san’s name falling off your swollen lips like a mantra. his right hand abandoned your stuttering hip to meet your milk-covered nipple again, stimulating it by rubbing and pinching it. more essence and mewls poured out of you, walls compressing and pulsating frenetically around his cock as they swallowed the entire length almost sinfully. you were crying on his dick in less than a minute.
he chuckled, admiring the view. “what a shameless wife i have.”
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