#Why are macronutrients called?
ms-demeanor · 11 months
I went diabetic earlier this year, since then I've had far more serious health concerns to really focus on it. I've listened to my primary care and reduced my average a1c from 13 to 7. I've recently been looking into diets and what not that are the best. Currently, I'm trying to cut out all carbs, on my doctor's orders. What I'm seeing though is that a plant based diet is best. It looks like a ketogenic diet is what my doctor wants me to follow? I've watched videos on both diets and I don't know, I agree with you that keto is evil. What are your thoughts about this?
I am not a medical professional so i can't give you medical advice, but I'd say that you should ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician (an RD or an RDN, NOT a "nutritionist" - RD/RDN are protected terms that mean they have completed specific training and have specific board certification) and ask the dietician for advice on your specific dietary needs for your specific medical conditions.
What I can say is that trying to cut all carbs is pretty dangerous - not only is it a macronutrient that our body uses as the most available fuel for your body processes (we *can* get fuel from protein and fat, and ketones can *theoretically* replace sugars for energy but nobody is actually sure how long our bodies can do that and we know it's a LOT less efficient, it's supposed to be less efficient, and what that means is it makes a lot of people feel exhausted when they try it because they literally have less available energy) but also there are certain nutrients that are fortified in the US that are going to be hard to get if you're cutting carbs completely. The example that I always use is folate, because when I had to cut wheat out of my diet (i have grain allergies and celiac disease) I didn't know to supplement it and ended up with a form of anemia and stuff like "fainting" and "dizziness" and "low oxygen saturation."
Which is part of why massive diet changes should be undertaken with the assistance of a dietician! That's why I started studying nutrition! Because nobody supervised my medically necessary diet changes and it went very poorly!
Your GP very likely doesn't have a ton of training on nutrition, and is even less likely to have training on nutrition specific to your condition. If your GP is telling you to cut all carbs, they are telling you to do something dangerous and not nutritionally sound (even really restrictive keto diets call for 20g of carbs a day). Ask either them or your endocrinologist for a referral to a dietician (again, you are looking for a Registered Dietician or a Registered Dietician Nutritionist, RD or RDN, NOT just 'nutritionist') who is familiar with helping diabetics manage their nutrition.
Now, all of that said, in the choice between two fairly restrictive diets I will always say to try the one that requires less effort. It is much easier to eat a plant-based diet long term than a keto diet, and it is vanishingly unlikely that you are going to end up protein deficient (the primary concern for most people who are starting plant based diets, and it's just not all that likely - we need a lot less protein than a lot of people seem to think; though if you're going completely vegan you do need to be careful to supplement your B vitamins and to ensure that you're getting plenty of omega fats)
Because the thing is, for a diet to "work" you have to be on that diet forever. If you stop being on that diet, and stop adhering to its restrictions, whatever benefits exist for that diet go away. So the best diet for *anybody* is one that will provide them with the nutrients they need in a way that they can access regularly and affordably, that they enjoy eating and can comfortably maintain for long periods of time, and that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables because the only diet advice that is nearly universally applicable is that people should be eating more fruits and vegetables and they should be eating a wider variety of them.
I am not a fan of "diets" as a concept and I think that people should think of nutrition in terms of "my diet" not "the diet that is meant to be one-size-fits-all for millions of people that I am attempting." Your diet is what you eat and drink, and that is what you should be looking at adjusting. If you want to reduce carbs in your diet it's better to tweak your consumption than it is totally replace your diet with a one size fits all keto diet. If you want to increase fat in your diet it is better to tweak your consumption than it is to replace your diet with a one size fits all atkins diet. If you want to go plant based I think it is better to start by adjusting your diet to include more plants and to slowly replace animal based products than by trying a one size fits all vegan diet right out of the gate. You can always (and should!) make adjustments to what you eat as circumstances change and you may end up at a vegan diet or a low carb high fat diet and find that that works for you, but part of the reason that I think nutrition studies on diets are so screwy and hard to pin down is because your body is going to *flip the fuck out* when you change from, say, an average american diet to a study-provided Mediterranean diet for a 12 week experiment. If you drastically change your diet all at once and get good results immediately it's very hard to say if those results will be lasting because your body may just adjust to the "new normal" of your diet six months down the line.
But like seriously if your GP is telling you to cut all carbs you need to see a person who specializes in nutrition, and to prepare for your appointment with that person you should make a list of your goals (for you it sounds like you want to manage your blood sugar levels, reduce a1c, and *ask about* low carbs if that is something that interests you), a list of things you think that you'll have trouble with or that you want to include in your diet because they're important to you (if you really like nuts but have to be on a low fat diet, ask if there's a way to work around that with your needs, for example; if there is a cultural staple that you will find difficult to cut from family meals, TELL THEM THAT), a list of questions that you have about different types of diets, and *VERY IMPORTANTLY* information about your food budget and cooking skills. Be clear about it if you can't cook. Be clear about it if you can't afford certain ingredients.
Anyway. Once again, not medical advice, please speak to a medical professional, good luck.
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“It’s a bunch of calories with no nutritional value” Calories are literally THE nutritional value! Calories are how we value food! Macronutrients are not less than micronutrients, in fact, they’re more valuable! That’s why they’re called “macro”! Learn basic nutrition before you advise ANYONE on their diets you baseless byproduct of internet inbreeding!
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vitaliskravtsov · 2 years
For Spotify wrapped - #88 and nurseydex or patater! :)
okay ngl this is a bit of a toughie bc this one is instrumental but i did my best!!!!!!!
88) the thrombey estate - knives out soundtrack
Alexei is kind of absolutely bone-tired from the drive and he’s even more tired from camp, and more than anything, he wants to just pass out on his sofa. 
Unfortunately, it’s like 3pm and any passing out will just mean that he’ll wake up at about 2am, starving and unable to go back to sleep, so he has to tough it out.
That’s what he uses to explain why he’s seeing another person in his house, his brand-new house (okay, it’s an apartment), and doesn’t question it. 
The realtor had told him the house had history in the community, whatever that meant, but the plumbing was good and there was no water damage, so he’d taken it without interrogating that statement too deeply.
Now, though, he’s staring down a five-foot-seven blonde kid who looks like he’s straight out of an eighties sports mag.
“Mmh,” he grunts, and throws his stuff at the floor. 
The boy stares at him.
“That’ll dent,” he says, vowels lilting just a little. Weird accent.
“Mmh,” Alexei says again.
“Eat,” the boy says, and then stalks off.
Eventually, Alexei does get up and get a protein shake going. He pours it over a bowl of pasta, immediately regrets the decision, and eats the whole thing anyway.
He’s not as concerned as he should be, but by the time he goes to bed, the boy is gone, so it’s probably fine.
Over the next couple of weeks, he keeps appearing in Alexei’s house, staring at Alexei’s Russian books or petting Alexei’s sticks or leaving little notes about the decor (or the dishes, or the cooking situation, which is maybe a little more abysmal than it should be after two and a half years on his own).
He’s pretty, in an ethereal, incomprehensible, untouchable way.
He’s kind of horribly, awfully, exactly, Alexei’s type.
As the season progresses, he starts leaving hockey-related notes, but also commentary on Alexei’s music selection and on Alexei’s nutrition -- notably different from the cooking-based notes in that these have to do with macronutrients and vitamins and some things Alexei’s not entirely sure how to pronounce, at least in English -- and Alexei discovers that the boy likes Ziggy Stardust and Metallica and Aretha Franklin and Queen, and he stars putting that on more when he knows they’re both around the house.
The hockey notes are good, too, if focused on kind of old-school stuff, but Alexei doesn’t mind; he’s always down to try new stuff in his play, and he does start producing more, so. It’s a win in his book.
He learns, eventually, that the boy is called Kent and that he’s from the hellhole of a city that Alexei cannot begin to imagine why anyone would choose to live in if they weren’t here for hockey.
He starts watching movies with Alexei, too, and in that, their tastes are more similar. Kent is kind of game for anything, including Disney movies, and Alexei’s desire for Russian subtitles or dubs at the end of a long day is very on board with that.
It’s -- it’s nice, to cohabitate with someone who never generates any dishes (or if he does, meticulously puts them away totally clean) and never makes a mess, and who seems to instinctively understand when Alexei needs to be alone.
It’s really fucking nice.
Alexei blames that on the wire-crossing that happens one night when he gets home from a game and sees Kent on the couch, sprawled out all warm and inviting, and his brain, the little part of his brain that still misses the piece of shit who dumped him when he realised Alexei would never be a millionaire, says kiss your boyfriend, and Alexei does, no hesitation.
Or, well, he tries to, because his lips go straight through Kent’s forehead and he lands face first in the arm of the couch, confused and hurt, lips and nose smarting.
When he lifts his head, Kent is gone.
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What is Nutrition: Part 1: Carbs
First up, some quick notes: there are 2 main things spoken about in nutrition: macronutrients and micronutrients.
Micronutrients are minerals and vitamins (plant colours are linked to what micros are in them, like green = vitamin K and iron, orange = vitamin a, purpler = antioxidants, red = vitamin c). The kind of stuff you get in little gummy pills, but are way better naturally (still, take what you can get my dudes).
Macros are called this because while they're just as important as micros, they're needed in much higher doses. While there's heaps of micros, there are only 3 macros: carbs, fats and proteins.
What Are Carbohydrates:
Greatest energy source
Gives us glucose for energy, or stores as glycogen
Glucose is used for “strenuous exercise”and aids in concentration
Tryptophan (amino acid found in protein) gets turned into serotonin (mood stabilizing hormone) by carbs converting them. That’s why bread and carbs make you feel good
No research to say extra carbs and tryptophan gives higher than average/better mood, but there is research saying lower levels equals lower mood??
Serotonin then gets converted to melatonin (circadian rhythm)
If you're not eating carbs, and you feel like shit, this is why (bad sleep and lack of serotonin)
SIDE NOTE: if you feel too scared to have carbs like bread and potatoes, because of the calories, rasperberries are really low calorie, and high in carbs and fibre (15g carbs in 125g punnet, for only 66 calories)
Types of carbs and breakdown:
There are 2 types of carbs: complex or simple. Simple can be stuff like lollies--not the best, simple sugars. Complex is more fibre and nutrients, it takes longer to digest
Monosaccharides are single molecule sugars
Disaccharides are 2 monosaccharides put together. Both mono. and dis. are simple carbs
Polysaccharides are complex carbs (3x mono. or more)
There the starchy carbs (simple) and less starchy (complex).
Quick notes of digestion:
Complex carbs get broken into simple ones in the small intestine
Most carbs are full of fibre, which is any complex that can’t be broken down in the small intestines. It goes to the large intestine and makes “highly useful” short-chain fatty acids and lines/looks after the gut. (So, detoxing this shit can be bad. You need the lining)
Basically, yah need fibre. High fibre carbs are the most nutritious ones, and if you're constipated, chances are you need more fibre (still do not over-do it, look after yourselves <3)
Back to types of carbs:
Refined carbs (stuff like flour and white bread) are good for short term energy but less nutritious. Complex carbs like fruit and veg release energy more slowly but have more vitamins?
Simple carbs go to the bloodstream faster than complex (giving a fast boost in energy)
GI and GL:
GI = Glycaemic Index
GI is a measure of how fast the carbs make your blood sugar (glucose) rise
Higher GI, faster impact
GL = glycaemic load
GL is a measure of GI AND carbs in the food
So watermelon has a higher GI than pasta, but pasta has more carbs, so it has a higher GL.
Last but not least
✨it's graph time✨
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taglist: @r41n7h1n @idkpleasekillme
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clearinternetsuit · 2 years
The Keto Diet Craze: Is it a Fad or Here to Stay?
In recent years, the ketogenic diet has taken the health and wellness world by storm. Proponents of the low-carb, high-fat diet claim that it can lead to rapid weight loss, improved mental clarity, and even a reduced risk of chronic diseases. But with so many diets coming and going, is the keto diet just another fad or is it here to stay?
Click Here to Find out why this Ketosis Advanced weight loss method is going viral
The keto diet works by drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with healthy fats. This shift in macronutrient balance puts the body in a metabolic state called ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This allows dieters to lose weight quickly, while still feeling satisfied and full.
However, many experts warn that the keto diet should be approached with caution. Eliminating entire food groups, like carbohydrates, can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. Additionally, the high fat content of the diet can increase cholesterol levels, potentially putting individuals at a higher risk for heart disease.
Despite these concerns, the keto diet continues to be a popular choice among those looking to lose weight and improve their overall health. Whether it’s a fad or here to stay remains to be seen, but it’s clear that the keto diet has sparked a conversation about the role of carbohydrates in our diets and the potential benefits of a low-carb lifestyle.
Click Here to Find out why this Ketosis Advanced weight loss method is going viral
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alexneilan · 2 months
How Alex Neilan Transforms Sports Nutrition?
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Who is Alex Neilan?
Alex Neilan is sports dietitian that creates and implements individualized nutrition plans for athletes to gain maximal performance. Over the years he has obtained a vast knowledge of the kind of foods that are essential for the body concerning different types of sporting disciplines. Thus, Alex was a top expert in nutrition and dedicated to his clients’ results and feedback. He consults with the athletes and then prepares a diet plan for them so that they can get optimum energy required for proper performance and leading performance. For further individual consultancy and advices you can contact by 07429735002.
Services Offered
Here’s what The Sport Dietitian: Alex earned to do for athletes of each level: These include:
Tailored Nutrition Plans: Based on the athlete’s individual requirement, these diets are planned to achieve the best nutritional intake for optimum performance, replenishment after the event, and well-being. There is emphasis taken in the aspects of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals which are essential in sporting achievements.
Enhanced Performance Strategies: It focuses on enhancing the consumption of nutrients that are needed for the enhancement of the performance of athletes and accelerated recovery. It underlines the sufficient amounts of proteins to support muscles rebuilding, carbohydrates for maintaining energy, and sufficient hydration to solve physical fatigue, enhance athletes’ exercise, reduce the recovering period and the possibilities of injuries.
Empowering Nutritional Education: This aspect is very useful to an athlete as it enables them to gain knowledge on matters concerning nutrition; the macronutrients and the micronutrients, the labels on the food products and balanced diet.
Success Stories
A number of these athletes have testified that they have received preparation from Alex Neilan, and as a result, their performance, as well as their general wellbeing, has been enhanced. His individualized approach to the clients’ sports diets has improved their training efficiency, their performance recovery period, and their overall health. For those aspiring to get similar returns, extending a call to Alex Neilan at 07429735002 could provide the answer. The success stories depict how their athletic careers have been impacted positively by Alex’s knowledge; this shows how dedicated and strategic he is in sports dietetics.
Contact Information
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Why Choose Alex Neilan?
Expertise: This bespectacled man is informed and experienced in dealing with all matters regarding sports dietetics. In this capacity, his specification in nutritional science enables athletes to gain the most from their performances and health. The explicit knowledge Alex has guarantees that every athlete gets a qualitative approach to their unique issues which they face.
Personalized Approach: Nutritionist who works with the athletes performs an individual assessment focused on the needs and aims of every sportsman and then develops individual diet plans for them. Such convenient solutions are differentiated based on certain parameters, including the sport, workout schedule, and fitness goals. Thus, this approach guarantees the targeted athletes the right nutrition necessary for their achievement of the desired results.
Proven Results: A number of athletes have risen their performances to the set goals with the help of Alex Neilan. His ideas and detailed programs, therefore, have produced impressive results. Athletes are privileged to work with him since they receive improved performance, quick recovery, and better outcomes concerning their activities in sports.
Get Started Today
Do not wait to open yourself up to greater capability. Feel free to call Alex Neilan at 07429735002 for the beginning. Alex gave his best words to develop every athlete whether you are in your early stage or you are already at the peak of your career. He has time for all and will govern you towards success due to his professional knowledge in athletics. The detailed information about the same is available at The Sport Dietitian . Remember Alex is available to answer your questions and give you the help you need to boost your performance and health, he can be reached at 07429735002.
Final Thought
For athletes who are desirous of attaining the best form and fasting and efficient recovery, Alex Neilan is the man to count on. Thus, Alex is exceptional in the field of sports dietetics because of his passion and individual-client focus. It focuses on personalization because his strategies are aimed at touching on your specific areas of need and pushing you to the limits.
You can reach him today at 07429735002, to book your seat for the best nutrition and improved performance outcome. With the help of the guidance from Alex Neilan, the best results in sport and in every other discipline become possible. Contact the experts now at 07429735002 and start the process of changing your performance for the better and achieve your goals.
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sugar-freezone · 2 months
How to lower Blood Sugar Levels naturally
you’ll learn these tips to lower blood sugar levels naturally to reverse prediabetes. we will see how your A1c is related to your blood sugars and why you can’t just fast the day before you get your A1c checked. Be sure to completely read this article to learn about my best free resources to lower your insulin resistance and learn which foods are best to eat to lower your blood sugar.many people with type 2 diabetes who had multiple amputations and debilitating neuropathy that greatly increased their fall risk, which often led to fractures and more time in the hospital and how the regular medication adjustments could throw their blood sugar and energy levels way out of whack. Not to mention the nasty GI side effects of medications like metformin. It’s best to just nip high blood sugars in the bud early on to prevent diabetes in the first place.
Lily’s Journey to Balanced Blood Sugar
Understanding Blood Sugar Levels:
The first step to lower Blood Sugar Levels naturally and revert to prediabetes is knowing your numbers. If you’ve never checked your fasting blood sugars before, you’ll want to do a water fast, meaning you don’t eat anything and only drink water for 8-12 hours prior to when you’re getting your blood checked. Now your hemoglobin A1c is different from fasting blood sugars. The A1C test measures what percentage of your hemoglobin — a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen — is coated with sugar. This is a common test used to diagnose diabetes and determine how well someone is managing their diabetes. The higher your A1C level, the worse your blood sugar control and the higher your risk of diabetes complications.what are normal, prediabetic, and diabetic ranges for fasting blood sugars and hemoglobin A1c. Normal fasting blood sugars are between 70-100, although closer to 70 is better. Prediabetes is 100 to 125. Type 2 diabetes is 2 separate readings of 126 or higher. A healthy A1c is less than 5.7, prediabetes is 5.7 to 6.4, and diabetes is 6.5% and higher.So why do we care so much about high fasting blood sugars and a high A1c? Both of these are important indicators of an underlying condition called insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas. Its job is to move sugar, or blood glucose, from your bloodstream into your cells. But if you have high blood glucose too often for too long, your insulin can have a hard time keeping up, so more and more insulin is needed. Eventually you develop a resistance to this higher level of insulin and it’s a vicious cycle. Insulin resistance is a common thread to all sorts of health ailments like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. If you want to lower insulin, lower your blood sugars. One study suggested that insulin is reduced when blood sugars drop below about 83. So while up to 99 is considered “normal” it’s certainly not optimal.
Educate Yourself on Macronutrients:
The next thing I want you to do is educate yourself about the different types of macronutrients, and how these affect your blood sugar levels. I want you to stop counting points or calories, and start counting macros.There are three main categories of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. In the carbohydrates category, we have fiber, starch, and sugar. Refined starches and sugars are those that have been processed to strip away all the protein and fat so all that remains are just carbs. Refined and processed starches and sugars will have the biggest blood sugar, and thus insulin spike so you’ll want to significantly reduce these in your diet. Fiber actually has the reverse effect and helps slow digestion and sugar spikes. So whole-food sources of carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber are excellent for your health. I have pointed about things like non-starchy vegetables, avocados, olives, blackberries, and raspberries, among other foods. Protein won’t significantly affect blood sugar levels but it will raise blood insulin a little, and dietary fat causes the lowest blood sugar and insulin response.
You may be surprised to learn that losing weight and preventing disease is not ALL about food. It is all about hormones, specifically, insulin. And insulin is affected by cortisol, your stress hormone. You see, when we are stressed, especially chronic stress, your cortisol levels are elevated. As a reminder, sleep deprivation is a form of stress on your body. Numerous studies have shown a link between sleep deprivation and diabetes. One study cited men who reported difficulty maintaining sleep were at almost 5 times the risk of developing diabetes and those who reported sleeping less than 5 hours had almost 3 times the risk of developing diabetes. When cortisol is up, this causes elevated blood sugar levels because our bodies are designed to fight or flee from stress. In order to do that, our muscles need energy, so blood sugar is released in anticipation of needing energy to fight or flee. But if our stress is mental or emotional and we don’t need to use our muscles, that blood sugar isn’t used up, so extra insulin is needed to push it into the cells. That’s how blood sugar gets into your cells, it’s either pushed in by insulin, or pulled in by muscle demand.
Lily’s Journey to Balanced Blood Sugar
there are two primary ways glucose can get out of your bloodstream…insulin pushes or muscles pull. Exercise, or just general movement, can help you lower your blood sugars. The best kind of exercise is one you will actually for strength training. Muscle mass is critical to maintain as you age to keep your metabolism up, and just be able to function well and stay independent.You can’t out exercise a bad diet, but you can’t out-diet no training. you have to do strength training at least twice a week for all major muscle groups at a moderate to high intensity, meaning you’re tired and can’t do one more good rep after about 10-15 repetitions.
Intermittent Fasting:
When you don’t put food into your body, your body is forced to use fuel already available, it starts with glucose already circulating in your blood from your last meal, then moves into your short-term glucose stores in the form of glycogen, and finally will tap into your body fat. weight loss is about hormones, not calories. There are numerous hormonal benefits of intermittent fasting that you don’t get with chronic calorie restriction. Here’s the quote: “To prevent the body from adapting to the new weight-loss strategy and maintain weight loss requires an intermittent strategy, not a constant one. This is a crucial distinction. Restricting some foods all the time differs from restricting all foods some of the time. This is the difference between failure and success.”
Lily’s Journey to Balanced Blood Sugar
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petalbypetalmyself · 3 months
188/366 | brain dump?
It's been a couple of difficult days because of work. I have a lot of work to catch up on. Luckily, it's work I enjoy doing, but still, it takes up the whole of my day. I'm losing sight because of it. (Physical and metaphysical sight.) And health. But it's ultimately my choice, since I could be mending things instead. Since June is practically over, and thus we've come to the end of the first half of the year, I'm going to turn things around from now on and design little by little, but steadily, the way I want to live. I want to implement reading into my day, but not only for pleasure or leisure, but to study. Proust is a subject for study, for sure, but that's been my leisure book, suited for subtle education. So instead of thinking "if I can't read 50 pages (be it because I lack time, or the motivation to do so) I'm not reading today," how about I start by reading one page of, e. g., Stanley Cavell's (any book), and build up from there? Maybe I end up reading more than one page, and maybe I don't. But one page is better than no page. And what if I should read, since I'm translating yet another book on Plato's dialogues, only one Stephanus page of the Hippias Major, since I'm now about to start translating the pages concerning it? Maybe I get hooked up and end up reading the whole of it, before I even finish translating its interpretation.
The same goes with nutrition. I'm not following at all my nutritionist's recommended meals and portions, but today I got into Best Body, to which I'm still subscribed, and made an easier-to-follow plan with his macronutrient breakdowns. Two good things about Best Body's meal plans: (1) I customize it completely, and (2) an automated grocery list appears at the end of each one. I didn't know how important this feature was until I reached this nutritionist. So for this meal plan I only have 8 meals in 4 days. Weekends are definitely more difficult, since I'm usually at my partner's or mum's. But at least I get to eat 8 meals following his recommendations (although not his recipes). Will it work? Right now I know is the only thing I can commit to. And that's what's important. Besides, food is pricey. His meals might be delicious, but I don't want to spend more than 50€ per week on groceries.
And the same goes with smoking. I've noticed that I have more cravings, both of cigarettes and food (my cravings are low intensity, even if my mind doesn't believe so sometimes) when I'm stuck at home, and barely moving. The solution is easy in theory, difficult in practice. Why? Not only because of the weather. But because I always struggle with going out of the house. I'm always thinking I'm too fat and ugly. And it gets me an hour only to get dressed to go for a walk. That needs to stop too.
This week's weight has come down (yesterday) to 54.9 kg, but today's weigh in showed 55.3 kg. But yesterday I ate more than I planned, and did HIIT and lower body, so that should explain it.
Edit: I did the scheduled stretching workout for today and smoked three (?!) cigarettes. But it got me thinking about changing my mindset about both craving cigarettes and food (and how similar both "urges" are). They both come down to me being kinda bored, kinda tired, kinda unstimulated.
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Thanks to Kelli's video I've been thinking more and more about health again, and how my goal should be to build a strong household for my soul/mind/self, whatever you want to call it, because I want to live. I want to live.
And it's funny that, even if I felt the most uneasy when I was stretching, since my mother was there and could see me—it's always uncomfortable for me when someone sees me working out, and her especially because I feel like she's studying my body—whenever I tapped into my breathing, I felt better.
So, I know that when I have a craving reason seldom comes to my aid. Reason only comes when reason feels welcomed. Thus, when I have an urge, I never think "I don't want to smoke because I want to live longer," or that "I don't want to binge (and one never wants to binge) because this is a way of harming my health." But I think I could easily begin practicing a simple switch—"what if I don't smoke/binge?"
What if I don't?
Breathe. But not breathe seated or laying down, that never seems to work for me. Breathe while moving, be it mobility or static stretches.
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sunalimerchant · 3 months
The Health Benefits of Protein Pasta: Why It’s a Superior Choice
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In the ever-evolving world of nutrition and healthy eating, protein pasta has emerged as a popular and superior alternative to traditional pasta. For those looking to enhance their diet with nutrient-dense foods, protein pasta offers a unique combination of taste, convenience, and health benefits. This article delves into why protein pasta stands out as a superior choice for health-conscious individuals.
Understanding Protein Pasta Protein pasta is crafted by incorporating high-protein ingredients such as chickpeas, lentils, black beans, and even pea protein into the dough. This modification not only boosts the protein content but also often enhances the pasta’s fiber content, making it a more wholesome option compared to traditional wheat-based pasta.
Enhanced Nutritional Profile One of the most significant benefits of protein pasta is its enhanced nutritional profile. Traditional pasta primarily consists of refined carbohydrates, which can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and offer limited nutritional benefits. In contrast, protein pasta provides a well-rounded macronutrient profile with a higher protein content, making it more satiating and beneficial for muscle repair and growth. A typical serving of protein pasta can contain anywhere from 15 to 25 grams of protein, compared to just 7 grams in traditional pasta.
Weight Management Protein is known to promote feelings of fullness and satiety, which can help with weight management. Consuming protein pasta can reduce overall calorie intake by curbing hunger and decreasing the likelihood of overeating. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals aiming to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The high fiber content in many protein pasta varieties also aids in digestion and supports a healthy gut microbiome, contributing to better overall health and weight management.
Blood Sugar Control For individuals with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar levels, protein pasta is a favorable option. The combination of high protein and fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to more stable blood sugar levels. This contrasts with the rapid spikes and drops associated with consuming traditional refined pasta, which can contribute to insulin resistance over time.
Muscle Building and Recovery Protein is a crucial nutrient for muscle building and recovery, particularly for athletes and active individuals. Incorporating protein pasta into meals can help meet daily protein requirements, supporting muscle repair and growth after workouts. This makes it a practical and delicious way to fuel an active lifestyle.
Versatility and Taste Protein pasta is incredibly versatile and can be used in any recipe that calls for traditional pasta. Whether it’s a hearty Bolognese, a light primavera, or a rich Alfredo, protein pasta can seamlessly fit into your favorite dishes without compromising on taste or texture. Many brands have perfected the flavor and consistency, making it difficult to distinguish from its traditional counterpart.
Suitable for Various Dietary Preferences Protein pasta caters to a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions. Many varieties are gluten-free, making them suitable for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Additionally, plant-based protein pasta options are perfect for vegetarians and vegans, providing an excellent source of plant-based protein. This inclusivity makes protein pasta a versatile addition to any diet.
Environmental Impact Choosing plant-based protein pasta can also have a positive impact on the environment. Producing plant-based proteins generally requires fewer resources and generates less greenhouse gas emissions compared to animal-based protein sources. By opting for protein pasta made from legumes and pulses, consumers can contribute to more sustainable eating practices.
Conclusion Protein pasta stands out as a superior choice for those looking to improve their diet with a nutritious and versatile food. Its enhanced protein and fiber content provide numerous health benefits, from weight management and blood sugar control to muscle building and recovery. The versatility, taste, and suitability for various dietary preferences make protein pasta an excellent alternative to traditional pasta. By incorporating protein pasta into your meals, you can enjoy delicious, satisfying dishes while supporting your overall health and well-being. Whether you are an athlete, a busy professional, or someone simply looking to eat healthier, protein pasta offers a delicious and nutritious solution.
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healthandfitness0 · 4 months
 Start with a diet plan
The introduction of true eating starts offevolved with planning
Have you ever been crushed with thoughts of what to have for dinner and felt like scrambling together to throw something in at the ultimate minute? If so, you aren't on my own. The mystery of heading off this strain and retaining a weight loss plan weight loss plan is simple: start offevolved with a diet regime. By making an investment a while into a meal plan each week, you can save time, lessen stress and make certain you devour healthy meals. Let’s get into why, and a way to begin a meal plan.meal plan.
Why starting a diet calls for planning
Eating wholesome food is the beginning of the plan as it sets the inspiration of balanced consumption. When planning your meals planning your meals, you are making healthier picks, keeping away from last-minute runs with speedy food, and displaying nutritional goals. A new plan will help you adapt and reduce your food waste.
To apprehend the basics of eating style
What is the meal plan?
Meal making plans is a manner of planning food in advance. This generally includes thinking about what you will devour for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks at a particular time each week or month.
Benefits of food making plans
The blessings of a meal plan meal plan are many. It saves time, reduces pressure, allows a balanced weight-reduction plan, and might even shop for cash. When you apprehend what you’re going to eat, you’re an awful lot less in all likelihood to make the incorrect choices or waste components.
Setting desires for food planning
Identifying food cravings
A proper healthy eating plan starts with a plan that takes into account your dietary urge for food. Do you need to increase your protein intake?
For the layout of meals equipment
Weekly and monthly schedule
Decide if you need a weekly or monthly meal planweekly or monthly meal plan. The weekly timetable permits for flexibility and the opportunity to make adjustments based totally on what didn’t work after a tough day’s paintings. While making plans can shop a whole lot of time, a entire method is perfect.
Greater nutrient balance
Make sure your meal plans encompass a stability of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This stability is vital to hold electrical levels and power all through the frame.
Starting a healthy eating plan: Food alternatives
A source of healthy recipes
Healthy consuming begins offevolved with making plansplans, and choosing the right meals is key. Look for recipes from reliable sources like diet blogs, cookbooks, or wellness websites. Consider recipes that use entire, unprocessed elements.
Roaming eating places
Vary your food picks to avoid monotony. Add protein, veggies and rice. It not only makes the meal fun but additionally presents a wealth of nutrients.
To win the purchase
Keeping song of purchases
Initial purchases are critical. Write down all of the components in your meal planmeal plan. To avoid listing and ensure you have got what you want at some point of the week, stick to this list.
Economic Buying Guidelines
Eating healthful starts offevolved with planning, and making plans can save your life intellectually. Buy seasonal items, purchase in bulk and look ahead to income. These techniques could make it less expensive to eat healthy.
Meal Prep Techniques to Save Time
Batch cooking
Batch cooking entails making several foods right now and portioning them out for the week. This is time saving and guarantees you've got a wholesome meal prepared in your head.
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neotonutrition · 4 months
Boba Tea Protein: Your Go-To Guide for Healthy Options in Canada
Boba tea, also called bubble tea, has taken the whole world by storm with its unique mixture of flavors and textures. Originating from Taiwan, this drink traditionally features sweetened tea, milk, and chewy tapioca pearls. While boba tea is beloved for the indulgent taste, many health-conscious people are seeking healthier alternatives without sacrificing the delightful experience. One emerging trend is Boba tea protein, offering a nutritious twist on the classic beverage. In Canada, an increasing number of boba shops are embracing this trend, providing delicious and healthy options. This guide will explore the advantages of protein-powered boba and where you can find the best options in Canada.
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Why Protein-Powered Boba?
Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting overall health. Incorporating protein into your diet can help you feel fuller for longer, support muscle growth, and maintain a healthy weight. For boba enthusiasts looking to enjoy their favorite drink without the guilt, protein-powered boba is a perfect choice. Here are some key benefits:
Satiety and Weight Management: Protein helps increase feelings of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating and snacking between meals.
Muscle Recovery: For those who lead active lifestyles, protein aids in muscle recovery and growth, making it an excellent post-workout treat.
Balanced Nutrition: Adding protein to your boba can help balance the macronutrient profile of the drink, offering a healthier option compared to traditional sugary versions.
Healthy Ingredients to Look For
When seeking protein-powered boba, it's essential to consider the ingredients. Here are some healthy additions and substitutions that can enhance the nutritional value of your boba:
Protein Powder: Look for boba shops that offer high-quality protein powder, such as whey, casein, or plant-based options like pea, hemp, or brown rice protein.
Low-Sugar Alternatives: Opt for drinks sweetened with natural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, or a small amount of honey instead of high-fructose corn syrup or cane sugar.
Milk Substitutes: Choose almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk instead of whole milk or cream to reduce calories and saturated fat.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Incorporating fresh fruits or even vegetables like spinach or kale can add vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your boba.
DIY Protein-Powered Boba at Home
If you prefer to enjoy boba in the comfort of your home, making your own protein-powered version is easy and fun. Here's a simple recipe to get you started:
1 cup brewed green tea (cooled)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (whey or plant-based)
1/2 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
1/2 cup cooked tapioca pearls
1 tablespoon honey or stevia (optional)
Ice cubes
Brew the green tea and let it cool to room temperature.
In a shaker or blender, combine the cooled green tea, protein powder, almond milk, and honey or stevia. Shake or blend until smooth.
In a glass, add the cooked tapioca pearls and ice cubes.
Pour the protein tea mixture over the tapioca pearls.
Stir well and enjoy your homemade protein-powered boba!
Tips for Choosing Healthy Boba Options
When indulging in boba tea, keep these tips in mind to ensure you're making healthier choices:
Moderate Sweetness: Always ask for less or no added sugar. Most boba shops allow you to customize the sweetness level.
Watch Portion Sizes: Opt for smaller sizes to control calorie intake.
Choose Tea Bases Wisely: Select tea bases like green tea, oolong tea, or herbal teas, which offer additional health benefits.
Be Mindful of Toppings: While tapioca pearls are a classic choice, consider alternatives like aloe vera, chia seeds, or fresh fruit for added nutrition.
Bobo tea protein is really a fantastic way to enjoy your favorite drink while staying mindful of your well-being and fitness goals. With an increasing number of boba shops in Canada offering customizable and nutritious options, you can indulge in this trendy beverage with no guilt. Whether you visit a nearby boba shop or search for the best online supplement store Canada, protein-powered boba is sure to become your new go-to treat. So, go ahead and sip on a delightful and protein-packed boba, knowing you're making a healthy choice.
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waterfiltergurus · 9 months
Does Water Have Calories?
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Water, the simplest and most essential of liquids, is often celebrated for its purity and nourishing properties. While most of us know that water is calorie-free, the topic of water and its caloric content remains a subject of interest because there are so many different water products available. In this article, we will talk about the science behind calories, discuss calorie content in water and water related products, and review the benefits of drinking water. At the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of why water is your best friend when it comes to hydration and a healthy lifestyle. 📌 Key Takeaways - A calorie is a unit of energy that is derived from food and beverages. - Water contains zero-calories (unless you choose flavored or protein waters). - Since water has zero calories it is an excellent choice to keep you hydrated and support a healthy lifestyle. 🔎 The Science of Calories Defining a Calorie So, what exactly is a calorie? You probably learned it some time in science class but since it's probably been a while, here's a review: Calories are units of energy derived from food and beverages. Calories are then used by our bodies for fuel. Understanding how calories work is essential for managing our daily energy intake. How Calories Are Typically Measured Calories are measured through calorimetry. Calorimetry is a process where a substance is burned and the amount of heat generated by burning that substance is used to determine its energy or "calorie" content. Connection Between Calories and Energy Calories are basically the energy for our bodies. Without calories from food, our bodies wouldn't have the necessary energy to perform daily tasks such as walking and talking to even more complex processes that happen automatically without us thinking about it (like digestion and activities on the cellular level). When you think about it, it's pretty cool what the human body does for us day to day! 🤔 Does Water Have Calories? In this section, we will discuss whether calories exist in water and other water related products. Plain Water When it comes down to it, not all substances contain calories. In fact, water, as a pure and simple compound, does not contain calories. This is because the caloric content of substances is directly related to the macronutrients they contain, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). It lacks the essential macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) required to provide calories. Carbonated Water Carbonated water is an umbrella term for our fizzy water products, such as sparkling water, seltzer water, tonic water or club soda. All of these products contain dissolved carbon dioxide. While most of these products are calorie free and may contain natural flavors or minerals, tonic water contains added sugars. Since it contains sugar, tonic water also contains calories. Fruit Infused or Flavored Waters Some water products may be flavored with sugar or fruit concentrates. It is important to review the food labels of these water related products because they may be high in sugar or calories. However, you can also make your own homemade fruit infused water with citrus fruits such as lemons or limes. These are very minimal in calories and the added fruit won't make much of a difference when it comes down to overall calorie intake. Protein Waters There are some products out there called "protein water" that contain whey protein isolate. These products are commonly available due to the increasing popularity to consume protein. Even though they contain protein, they are fairly low calorie because they are typically sweetened with sweeteners such as stevia. 🆚 Comparing Water to Other Beverages Calories in Common Beverages When we compare the caloric content of water with popular calorie-laden beverages like soda and juice it truly highlights the importance of making healthy drink choices. Particularly if you're trying to lose weight, limiting high calorie beverages can be an excellent way to springboard your weight loss. Replace these with water instead! ✅ The Benefits of Drinking Water Water's Role in Overall Health Staying properly hydrated with calorie-free water is essential for maintaining overall health. It helps to regulate body temperature, supports digestion and helps eliminate waste products. How much water should you drink for overall health? For most people drinking 8-12 cups of water per day is sufficient. However, it really depends on a multitude of factors. To learn more about how much water you should be drinking visit this article. The Importance of Water for Weight Loss While plain water doesn't automatically result in weight loss, it is a very valuable tool for those looking to lose weight. This is because it can help you reduce caloric intake (particularly if you're reducing consumption of high calorie beverages), supports physical activity and helps your body function at its best! Not only that but when you're dehydrated the same message is sent to your brain as when you're hungry. So, sometimes, you may interpret your dehydration as hunger leading to excess eating. Water is ultimately calorie-free, making it the optimal choice for hydration and supporting a healthy lifestyle. 📑 Conclusion When we think of overall hydration, water is the simplest answer. Without a doubt, drinking water is what nourishes us, quenches our thirst and supports our well-being. Not only is water calorie-free but its value in maintaining overall health and supporting weight management is incomparable. Make sure to drink you 8-12 cups of water per day! Related posts: - Water Fasting Explained: Risks, Benefits, and How to Do It Safely - 6 Key Benefits of Drinking Water Unveiled by a Dietitian - A Dietitian's Perspective on Detox Water – Facts vs Fiction ❔ Frequently Asked Questions Why is Water No Calories? Water contains zero-calories because it does not contain any macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats). What Food Has 0 Calories? There are no foods that have zero calories. However, some foods that have minimal calories include fruits and vegetables. How Many Calories Does Water Burn? When you drink water, this does not burn significant calories to make a difference. However, since it has zero-calories it doesn't contribute to daily calorie intake. Read the full article
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healthytips93 · 11 months
"Mastering Ketosis: The Science Behind Weight Management on the Keto Diet"
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The Keto diet, short for the ketogenic diet, has taken the universe of weight the board and sustenance by storm lately. It's eminent for its viability in assisting individuals with shedding pounds, work on their wellbeing, and lift energy levels. Be that as it may, what precisely makes the Keto diet so fruitful in weight the executives? The response lies in the study of ketosis. In this thorough aide, we'll dive profound into the science behind ketosis and how it assumes a crucial part in assisting you with accomplishing your weight the executives objectives while following the Keto diet.
What is Ketosis?
Before we plunge into the study of ketosis, how about we grasp what this state involves. Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body principally depends on ketone bodies, delivered from fat, as its wellspring of energy. In this state, glucose, got from starches, is in restricted supply, and the body needs to find an elective fuel source to work.
The Job of Macronutrients: To appreciate ketosis, it's crucial for handle the meaning of macronutrients in the eating routine. The customary Western eating routine depends vigorously on carbs for energy, with fats and proteins assuming auxiliary parts. In ketosis, the extents are fundamentally modified, with a higher admission of fats and negligible starches. This shift is principal to driving the body into a condition of ketosis.
The Ketogenic Diet: The ketogenic diet, frequently called the Keto diet, is a dietary methodology explicitly intended to initiate and keep up with ketosis. This low-carb, high-fat eating routine reshapes the manner in which the body processes energy, at last prompting weight reduction.
The Science Behind Ketosis
Since we have a fundamental comprehension of ketosis we should dive into the science behind it:
Energy Frameworks at Play: The human body commonly depends on an interaction called glycolysis to separate glucose from starches, giving energy to day to day exercises. Notwithstanding, when sugar admission is fundamentally decreased, the body movements to an elective energy source - ketosis. During ketosis, the liver proselytes unsaturated fats into ketone bodies, which can be utilized as fuel by different tissues in the body, including the mind.
The Liver's Job: The liver is the focal center for ketone creation. It takes put away and dietary fats and converts them into ketone bodies, which are then delivered into the circulatory system for energy. This cycle, known as ketogenesis, guarantees a consistent stock of fuel for the body when starches are scant.
Ketone Bodies: There are three essential kinds of ketone bodies: acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and CH3)2CO. Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate are the most fundamental for giving energy to the body, while CH3)2CO is generally discharged through breath and pee.
Insulin's Job: within the sight of carbs, insulin is delivered by the pancreas to manage glucose levels by working with the take-up of glucose into cells. Nonetheless, when starch admission is low, insulin levels drop, permitting the body to successfully access and consume put away fat more. This assumes a urgent part in weight the executives, as it supports the breakdown of fat for energy.
Advantages of Ketosis in Weight The board
Understanding the science behind ketosis is fundamental since it can clarify why the Keto diet is so compelling for weight the executives:
Fat Consuming in Ketosis: When in a condition of ketosis, the body turns into a fat-consuming machine. Fats are separated into ketone bodies and utilized as an essential wellspring of energy. This prompts sped up fat misfortune, making ketosis a useful asset for weight the board.
Hunger Concealment and Diminished Calorie Admission: Ketosis has been displayed to lessen craving because of expanded satiety from fat and protein utilization. This normally brings about a decline in calorie consumption, advancing weight reduction.
Balancing out Glucose Levels and Decreased Desires: The Keto diet actually controls glucose levels. With negligible carb consumption, there are less glucose spikes and crashes, diminishing desires for sweet and high-carb food sources. This keeps a reliable, good dieting design, essential for weight the board.
Improved Metabolic Rate and Weight reduction: Studies recommend that ketosis might support metabolic rate, making it more straightforward to shed overabundance weight. The expanded usage of put away fat for energy adds to reasonable weight reduction over the long haul.
Instructions to Accomplish Ketosis on the Keto Diet
To receive the rewards of ketosis for weight the board, you really want to follow the Keto diet tenaciously. This is the way to accomplish and keep up with ketosis:
Suggested Macronutrient Proportions: The common macronutrient breakdown for the Keto diet is around 70% of everyday calories from fat, 25% from protein, and just 5% from starches. Changing your eating routine to fit these proportions is essential to incite and keep up with ketosis.
Normal Food Decisions: On the Keto diet, you'll zero in on food sources wealthy in sound fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Protein sources ought to be lean and incorporate choices like poultry, fish, and tofu. Starch sources ought to be insignificant and come from low-carb vegetables like salad greens, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Checking Ketosis: To guarantee you're in a condition of ketosis, you can utilize different techniques, for example, pee strips, blood tests, or breath analyzers. These devices assist you with estimating the degrees of ketone bodies in your framework.
Possible Difficulties and Incidental effects
While ketosis offers various advantages for weight the board, it's not without its difficulties and aftereffects:
Keto Influenza and Momentary Side effects: While progressing to the Keto diet, a few people experience what's generally known as the "keto influenza." Side effects might incorporate cerebral pains, weariness, peevishness, and stomach related issues. These normally die down following a couple of days to seven days as the body adjusts to ketosis.
Electrolytes and Hydration: The Keto diet can prompt expanded loss of electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which can cause muscle spasms and weakness. It's fundamental to keep up with legitimate electrolyte equilibrium and remain all around hydrated while on the Keto diet.
Long haul Contemplations and Possible Entanglements: A few people might find it trying to adhere to the Keto diet over the long haul, which can prompt recovering shed pounds. It's significant to have an arrangement for changing out of ketosis when suitable and to keep a decent, maintainable eating routine.
Is Ketosis Appropriate for Everybody?
While ketosis and the Keto diet offer huge advantages for some individuals, it's anything but a one-size-fits-all arrangement. Consider the accompanying variables prior to leaving on the Keto venture:
Various Ways of life and Ailments: People with specific ailments, like diabetes, ought to counsel a medical services proficient prior to beginning the Keto diet. It's additionally essential to assess how the Keto diet lines up with your way of life and dietary inclinations
“Powercut MLT-97 for Women and Men” is the best product for you who is trying to lose weight with keto diet. It is vegan so even a vegetarian can use it. It does not contain any harmful ingredients and is made with healthy ingredients. Even without exercise. You can get results from this go here to know more details and also to buy.
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donodiohealth · 11 months
How to Lose Weight By Eating More Carbs
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For years we've been told that carbs are the enemy when it comes to losing weight and that we need to strictly limit or eliminate them from our diets. But what if there was a way to enjoy carbs again while still seeing the scale go down? With carb cycling, you can do just that. In this two-part guide, you'll learn how carb cycling works, why it's so effective, and how to start losing weight through a proven carb cycling plan.
The Secret of Carb Cycling
Carb cycling is a diet strategy that involves alternating between low-carb and high-carb days to keep your metabolism functioning at its peak. On low-carb days, restricting your carb intake puts your body into a state of ketosis where it burns fat for fuel. Meanwhile, high-carb refeeds help replenish glycogen stores to support workouts and maximize muscle retention.
By timing your carb intake strategically, carb cycling allows you to enjoy carbs on scheduled days while still seeing fast fat loss results. Your body never fully adapts to being in a constant state of carb restriction or surplus. Instead, it's constantly challenged to metabolically flex between the two states. This metabolic confusion keeps hormones like insulin regulated for optimized fat burning.
Some key hormones involved in the fat loss process include insulin, leptin, thyroid hormone, and cortisol. On low-carb days, lower insulin and higher glucagon help promote fat burning. Refeeding with carbs then elevates insulin just enough to prevent burning muscle for fuel and initiate fat storage inhibition. Leptin and thyroid hormone levels get an upregulating "boost" from refeeds as well to further rev up the metabolism. And carb cycling is shown to better control stress hormone cortisol for protection against abdominal fat gain.
How it Works Under the Hood
When you limit carbs, your body recognizes it's running low on its preferred energy source of glucose. So it begins burning fat stores for fuel through a process called ketogenesis, producing ketones from fat to use as energy. In this ketotic state, fat loss is dramatically increased. On your high-carb refeed days, the influx of carbs replenishes muscle glycogen. The carb backloading also upregulates leptin and thyroid hormone production to rev your metabolism even higher post-refeed.
By alternating between these two phases, carb cycling helps you lose weight rapidly through fat burning while avoiding common diet problems like plateauing, muscle loss, and metabolic slowdown. Regular refeeds also enhance the likelihood of adherence, allowing enjoyment of your favorite carb-containing foods periodically. When done strategically, carb cycling may well be the most effective and sustainable approach to losing weight.
Introducing Carb Cycling for Weight Loss
While the principles of carb cycling sound promising in theory, success lies in following a proven plan. That's where Carb Cycling for Weight Loss comes in. This comprehensive guide removes all the guesswork and provides everything needed to start carb cycling safely and effectively.
What's Covered
The program dives deep into optimizing each aspect of carb cycling for maximum results. You'll learn which carb cycling protocol is best depending on your goals, what macronutrients and foods to emphasize on low vs. high days, and flexible meal plans to follow.
Detailed meal plans are provided for high carb, low carb, and refeed days. These plans make carb cycling simple to implement no matter your schedule or food preferences. Examples of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are given so you always know what to eat.
Tips are also included on tracking nutrition, managing stress, enhancing workouts for even faster fat burning, how to maintain your results long term, and how to progress to more advanced protocols over time. Detailed explanations cut through diet confusion and common misconceptions about carb intake. From beginners to advanced cyclers, everyone can benefit. You'll also get lifetime access to updates and support from the author. Most importantly, this program delivers real-world results through science-based practices that work.
Real Customer Successes
Ranking as a top-selling diet book on Amazon, Carb Cycling for Weight Loss has helped thousands achieve their goals. Here are a few more examples of real people who succeeded with carb cycling:
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Sarah struggled for years trying every diet out there but could never lose more than 10 pounds. Within 2 months of carb cycling, she lost 25 pounds and has maintained her weight loss for over a year now.
Jake was stuck at the same fitness level despite working out 5 days a week. Carb cycling helped him start progressing in his strength training again and build 5 pounds of muscle in just 8 weeks.
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Christina suffered from constant sugar cravings that would derail all her diet attempts. With carb cycling, she finds it easier than ever to stay on track with her nutrition and no longer experiences those uncontrollable cravings.
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With a simple and sustainable approach, carb cycling produces fast and lasting results. Customers consistently report improved body composition, performance, health markers, and renewed confidence after applying the strategies. So whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain, or health optimization, this program delivers.
Start Your Carb Cycling Journey Today
If you're ready to start losing weight by eating carbs again, now is the time to take action. Your new body is just weeks away with carb cycling:
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For a limited time, you can get Carb Cycling for Weight Loss for less than half price at only $19. That's an incredible value for the blueprint and resources inside.
Investment in Yourself
Consider this small investment as an investment in your health and happiness. In just 30 days of carb cycling, you'll not only start to achieve your goals, but could feel so energized you may never diet again!
So don't delay - order your copy now by clicking the button below. With a 60-day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but weight! Let carb cycling be the catalyst that unlocks your best self. Your new life awaits - what are you waiting for?
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healthmatters520 · 1 year
Macronutrients vs Micronutrients: Understanding the Difference
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Have you ever wondered why some foods are considered rich in micronutrients while others are hailed for their macronutrient content? The answer lies in understanding the fundamental differences between these two essential components of our daily nutrition. So, let's embark on a journey to explore the contrasting characteristics of micronutrients and macronutrients, and discover the critical roles they play in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
What are Macronutrients?
When it comes to nutrition, macronutrients are the big players that provide our bodies with the energy they need to function properly. They are the major nutrients that we consume in relatively large quantities. Let's take a closer look at the three main categories of macronutrients: - Carbohydrates: Carbs are found in foods like bread, pasta, and fruits. They serve as the body's primary source of energy, providing 4 calories per gram. Including a variety of carbohydrates in your diet is essential for sustained energy levels. - Fats: Don't be scared of fats! They are crucial for our overall health. Healthy fats can be found in foods such as oils, nuts, and meats. Fats provide a concentrated source of energy, supplying 9 calories per gram. They also play a role in hormone production and nutrient absorption. - Proteins: Proteins are the building blocks of our body. They are found in foods like eggs, fish, and tofu. Protein is involved in various functions, including muscle repair and immune system support. Like carbohydrates, proteins provide 4 calories per gram. It's important to note that while alcohol is not a nutrient, it is sometimes classified as a macronutrient due to its caloric content. However, because alcohol provides little nutritional value, some diets exclude it from macronutrient calculations.
What are Micronutrients?
In addition to macronutrients, our bodies require micronutrients to function optimally. Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need in smaller quantities. Let's explore some key points about micronutrients: - Vitamins: Vitamins are organic compounds that play vital roles in numerous bodily processes. They are found in a variety of foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. For example, vitamin C supports immune function, while vitamin D promotes bone health. Each vitamin has a specific function and deficiency can lead to various health issues. - Minerals: Minerals are inorganic substances that our bodies need in trace amounts. Examples of minerals include calcium, iron, and zinc. Calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth, while iron is essential for oxygen transport in the bloodstream. These minerals can be obtained from sources like dairy products, leafy greens, and lean meats. - Antioxidants: Antioxidants are micronutrients that protect our cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Vitamins C and E, as well as selenium, are powerful antioxidants. They can be found in foods like berries, nuts, and whole grains.
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Consuming a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins ensures that you obtain an array of micronutrients necessary for optimal health. Remember, the vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables often indicate the presence of valuable micronutrients.
Key Differences between Micronutrients and Macronutrients
While both micronutrients and macronutrients are essential for our health, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Let's explore the key differences between these two types of nutrients: - Quantity: Macronutrients are needed in larger quantities compared to micronutrients. We require grams of macronutrients daily, whereas micronutrients are measured in milligrams or micrograms. - Energy Contribution: Macronutrients provide energy in the form of calories, with carbohydrates and proteins supplying 4 calories per gram, and fats providing 9 calories per gram. Micronutrients, on the other hand, do not contribute significant calories to our diet. - Function: Macronutrients primarily serve as a source of energy for our bodies. Carbohydrates fuel our muscles and brain, while fats provide insulation and energy storage. Proteins are responsible for building and repairing tissues. Micronutrients, however, play crucial roles in supporting various physiological processes, such as enzyme function, immune system regulation, and bone health. - Food Sources: Macronutrients are found in a wide range of foods. Carbohydrates can be obtained from grains, fruits, and vegetables. Fats are present in oils, nuts, and dairy products. Proteins can be sourced from meat, fish, legumes, and plant-based alternatives. Micronutrients are abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins. To maintain a healthy diet, it is important to strike a balance between macronutrients and ensure adequate intake of micronutrients. A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help meet these requirements.
The Role of Macronutrients and Micronutrients in the Diet
Both macronutrients and micronutrients play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy diet and supporting our overall well-being. Let's explore the specific roles of these nutrients: - Macronutrients: Macronutrients are the main sources of energy for our bodies. Carbohydrates provide quick energy, making them essential for physical activity and brain function. Fats serve as a concentrated source of energy, providing insulation and protecting our organs. Proteins are the building blocks for our muscles, organs, and immune system. Including a balanced mix of macronutrients in our diet ensures sustained energy levels and proper bodily functions. - Micronutrients: Micronutrients, although needed in smaller quantities, are crucial for various physiological processes. They act as cofactors for enzymes, helping them carry out essential chemical reactions in our bodies. Vitamins and minerals support immune function, help in hormone regulation, aid in the formation of red blood cells, and contribute to bone health. Consuming a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins ensures an adequate intake of micronutrients. Deficiencies in either macronutrients or micronutrients can have detrimental effects on our health. For example, insufficient carbohydrate intake can cause fatigue and impaired cognitive function, while inadequate protein intake can lead to muscle wasting. Micronutrient deficiencies can result in weakened immune systems, poor wound healing, and increased susceptibility to diseases. To maintain a balanced diet, it is important to consider both macronutrients and micronutrients. Focus on incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your meals, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance on meeting your specific nutrient needs.
Achieving a Balanced Diet with Macronutrients and Micronutrients
Maintaining a balanced diet that incorporates both macronutrients and micronutrients is essential for overall health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve a well-rounded and nutritious diet:
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- Focus on whole foods: Choose whole foods over processed and packaged options. Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and legumes, are naturally rich in both macronutrients and micronutrients. They provide a wide range of essential nutrients without added sugars, unhealthy fats, or artificial additives. - Plan your meals: Take the time to plan your meals in advance. This allows you to ensure that you're getting a good balance of macronutrients and micronutrients throughout the day. Include a variety of food groups in each meal, such as a serving of lean protein, whole grains, and a generous portion of colorful fruits and vegetables. - Read food labels: When purchasing packaged foods, read the nutrition labels to understand their macronutrient and micronutrient content. Look for foods that are low in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium, while being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. - Consider portion sizes: Pay attention to portion sizes to maintain a balanced intake of macronutrients. While macronutrients are essential, consuming them in excess can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Use measuring cups or your hand as a guide to estimate appropriate serving sizes. - Dietary supplements: While whole foods should be your primary source of nutrients, dietary supplements can help fill in any gaps in your diet. If you struggle to meet your micronutrient needs through food alone, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine if supplements are necessary and which ones are suitable for you. By adopting these practices, you can ensure that your diet provides the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients your body needs for optimal health. Remember, small, consistent changes in your eating habits can lead to significant long-term benefits.
Conclusion: Embracing a Nutrient-Rich Lifestyle
U nderstanding the differences between micronutrients and macronutrients is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, provide our bodies with energy and serve essential functions. Micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, play vital roles in supporting various physiological processes. To embrace a nutrient-rich lifestyle, focus on consuming a diverse range of whole foods that provide a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients. Opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats as the foundation of your diet. Planning your meals, reading food labels, and being mindful of portion sizes can help you achieve a well-rounded diet. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance based on your specific nutrient needs and health goals. They can help you optimize your dietary choices and determine if dietary supplements are necessary. Remember, nourishing your body with a combination of macronutrients and micronutrients is crucial for overall health, energy levels, and disease prevention. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods and making informed choices, you can embark on a journey towards a healthier and more vibrant life.
What is the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients that our bodies require in larger quantities and provide energy, including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are needed in smaller amounts and include vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support various physiological functions. Why are macronutrients important? Macronutrients are essential for providing energy and supporting vital bodily functions. Carbohydrates fuel our muscles and brain, fats provide insulation and energy storage, while proteins are the building blocks for tissues and play a role in repairing and maintaining the body. What role do micronutrients play in our health? Micronutrients are involved in numerous physiological processes and are essential for overall health. Vitamins and minerals support immune function, hormone regulation, bone health, and enzyme activity. Antioxidants help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. How can I ensure I'm getting enough macronutrients? To ensure an adequate intake of macronutrients, focus on consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of food sources. Incorporate whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables into your meals. Monitoring portion sizes and consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help tailor your macronutrient intake to your specific needs. How can I meet my micronutrient requirements? To meet your micronutrient needs, aim for a diverse diet that includes nutrient-rich foods. Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, dairy products, nuts, and seeds. It's also helpful to pay attention to food labels and consider dietary supplements if necessary, under the guidance of a healthcare professional or registered dietitian. Read the full article
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eazy-group · 1 year
Melissa lost 23 pounds
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Melissa lost 23 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Melissa lost 23 pounds. Her turning point came when she discovered that high blood sugar and inflammation were impacting her health. She reached out to an online weight loss coach who listened to her needs and gave her the guidance to succeed. 
Social Media: Facebook: Melissa Spann TikTok: @mspann11
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? Unfortunately, my motivation was my lipid panel results. I scheduled an appointment with my PCP because I was feeling lethargic and did not want to do much. I am happy in my life and treated well, so I could not understand why I felt that way. 
To my surprise, my blood sugar levels were high, and my body was super inflamed. I knew taking pills or having to inject myself was not an option I wanted, so I asked the doctor for an alternative method. I got my blood sugar levels down with exercise but could not control the inflammation. I was determined to get the inflammation down because my body was in pain daily. 
What inspired me to keep going is the support of my husband and continuously looking in the mirror. YouTube motivational speeches were also inspiring. Here is a link to one.
How did you change your eating habits? My food weakness is rice, and I knew I had to change how much I ate daily. I ate smaller portions. I found a certified nutritionist, Terry Starks, and followed his nutritional plan. I liked his plan because it was simple: I did not have to starve myself. Also, it included foods most people include in their daily diet.
What is your workout routine? My workout routine is Cardio (circuit training, elliptical, treadmill, or walking outdoors) every day – mostly in the morning or at lunchtime (30 minutes). I alternate with weight training 2-3 days/week.
How often did you work out? 6-7 days/week
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight? My starting weight was 198 pounds, and I currently weigh 175 pounds.
What is your height? I am 5’3 “.
When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take? I started my journey some years ago after going through therapy for Achilles rupture. I was off and on since the pandemic in 2020 but got more focused in February 2023. I started meeting with a personal trainer and still was not losing weight, just gaining muscle. I knew the problem had to be what I was eating. 
I tried Weight Watchers and several apps that targeted macronutrients and managing my carbs and the keto diet. Guess what? They did not work for me because I am horrible at tracking what I eat. So, I started surfing Facebook again on Blackwomenlosingweight. I read someone’s story, and they mentioned Terry Starks. I reached out because I had nothing to lose except losing weight, lol. I called, and he responded.
It was not until I found a certified nutritionist that I started to drop weight. I started my nutrition plan on July 4th. By following his plan and guidance, I dropped 23 lbs in 35 days, just like that. I was amazed at how my stomach went down. Many have told me that I would not lose my belly fat because of my C-section and that surgery would be my only option to get rid of the excess fat. Well, from my photos, you can see it is possible to lose your belly fat through nutrition and exercise.
It was a big decision to begin this lifestyle change to eat better on the weekend of July 4th. I thought to myself that I am always going to have a reason why I couldn’t begin a plan to eat healthier. My reasons were: I have to travel next weekend, or I have a wedding or birthday party or some athletic event to attend. It was always something. Personally, I felt that I was working too hard not to see the results, so I made the commitment to eat healthier.
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? Weight loss surgery is not part of my journey.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? I have learned that nutrition, exercise, consistency, and discipline are key. Also, prepping your meals makes a huge difference. It prevents you from always eating out, which I did a lot before changing my eating habits. Because my schedule is busy, I love food, love to eat, and feel like my mouth must move all the time, I used to have an excuse for why meal prepping would not work for me. Anything is possible if you believe you can. 
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Trust your gut and try what you think may work because you have nothing to lose. Whatever fitness journey you are on, go 110%. You know yourself better than anyone else, so find the resources that work for you. 
I was an athlete since Middle school through college, and I let myself go after “life” happened (marriage, children, career, family, etc.). What I realized is that during my years as an athlete, I had a coach in my corner, and the workouts I did were intense. Before, I was doing stuff on my own and researching online different exercises to help with weight loss, but I realized I needed someone to tell me what to do and be there with me face-to-face. 
Also, I know that logging my meals was not sustainable. I love to eat, and I do not like cutting out the food groups. So I knew I needed someone who understood how and what I ate and the historical background behind foods eaten in my culture. So, I looked for that. 
What I am saying is do not ignore what you know about yourself. If you are on a plan and you feel you’ve messed up, it’s ok. You are human, so just pick yourself up and move on. Continue where you left off. If you want success, then go get it! If you want to be better, then be better!
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