#Why were Robin and Vickie the same character wtf
poppin-fandoms · 2 years
Bro i just finished season 3 and there’s too much mileven ;-;
I mean I do think they’re cute but NOT ROMANTICALLY. Platonic eleven is where its at.
It makes me lose hope lowkey but then I remember that season 4 exists and Mike Wheeler is NOT straight at all. As straight as a mfin circle. You cant tell me he wasn’t infatuated with Eddie CMON its confirmed he even grew his hair out to be like him 😭
I get scared sometimes tho 💀 like what if they don’t break up. But they def will. Honestly as long as Mileven breaks up PLZ
Mileven just doesn’t have that chemistry that Lumax and Jancy and even Elmax and Byler have. And they never will and its so OBVIOUS like you don’t even have to be a Byler to notice it. Bro even one of my teachers said Byler has so much more chemistry than Mileven and she thinks will and Mike should get together and I love her for that 😭 and shes like in her late 40s sooo
It’s not even delusional to think it’ll be canon like there’s stuff everywhere cuz everything is so intentional. Its so POSSIBLE and in my opinion they ARE endgame 100% idc you cant change my mind.
I mean the szn is really good and I like the aesthetics too like the MALL and the OUTFITS r all so cool. it’s fun I mean I love Stranger Things but I just hate how apart Will and Mike were the whole season and the way Mike ACTED like dude chill tf out 💀💀 and then Will was hardly ever shown again, this is like the last few episodes of the season.
But ofc we have the famous “its not my fault you dont like girls!” Mike, your internalized homophobia is showing 🤭
Its funny cuz I always LOVE the first 2-3 episodes of each season and then obviously it gets sad 😭 and hella action too but its still good BUT I HATE WHEN CHARACTERS DIE LIKE POOR ALEXAI WTF?? He deserved better and so did Bob obviously.
Nobody better die in season 5 istfg. Like all of the OG cast has to survive PLEASE LET THEM LIVE.
I also watched the first ep of season 4 and I love Chrissy but ofc, vecna put her out of her suffering, and unfortunately I think Will is also gonna get vecnad in szn 5 cuz my boy has been thru it ALL. When is he not being hurt in some way he deserves nothing but happiness.
Like whats gonna happen after Will confesses to Mike? I mean I still can’t believe it, it’s actually happening and the painting and all that and then he’s gonna be so sad cuz he’ll think Mike doesn’t feel the same and I have SO many fanfic ideas honestly
Also I adore Elmax SO MUCH I honestly wish they could be canon I just love them they’re so prefect for each other. Max is the #1 Mileven anti lmao. I keep remembering how she wanted to be friends with Mike in szn 2 but he was so rude to her like BRO WTF. I still like Lumax but like…consider Elumax.
But El deserves better and she does deserve to be on her own away from Mike.
Also Robin’s coming out scene will never not get me I LOVE HOW SUPPORTIVE STEVE IS i freaking love Steve I mean like honestly who doesn’t?
So is it rlly a reach to say Mileven was straight bait cuzzzz
I rlly love Robin and Vickie which r definitely ending up together (with Byler cuz they also kinda parallel each other) but I am very fond of Ronance I love it.
AND THEN JOPPER I ALSO LOVE THEM. Remember when they were like “theres nothing romantic between us we’re just friends.” And then the “we’re a team” and it reminded me so much of that one Byler scene in szn 4 which im pretty sure has been pointed out but yeah the PARALLELS.
And also Jancy had that “oh we’re just friends” moment before they got Murrayed like Jopper. Murray getting matchmaking all the Byers? PERIOD. He better finish that in season 5.
Also why do I lowkey ship Murray and Alexai like that wasn’t just me right? Fuck it
But yeah just some thoughts…
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theguardianofmagic · 2 years
Episodes 1-7 of season four: OHOOOHOO look at all these good ideas. The foreshadowing! This is gonna be fun and painful.
Episodes 8-9: Does not follow the set up well, boring at best, offensive at worst with a few cool moments sprinkled in, homophobic, a major let down from all this set up.
I thought “being an outcast is okay” was a major theme of the show but episodes 8-9 kinda gave the opposite thesis but whatevs…
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Ok here’s a list of why everyone is saying volume 2 was a disappointment (part 5).
Im putting all the groups in seperate posts so its not too long.
1. Starting off with one I’m sure everyone can agree was a major reason for the bad reviews this season, Eddie’s death. Unlike other loveable characters introduced just to die that same season (Bob, Alexei, may they Rest In Peace I loved them so much) Eddie played a huge role. He had so much character development and he was a fan favourite. A lot of people expected his death (me included, however I was super upset about it) because of the show’s history. But putting aside the predictability of it (screw you duffer brothers try something new for a change), the death itself was bad. Even ignoring the fact that Vecna wasn’t killed so he literally died for nothing, the death was stupid. He left the safety he was within reach of just so that he could “buy time” (about two minutes, and not even that since Vecna knew where everyone was the whole time so it was pointless the bats would’ve stayed there anyway) by jumping into an army of demobats. Thats not “brave” thats stupid. On top of that, no one but Dustin seemed affected, and they just left his body in the upside down!!! WTF?!?!?!
2. Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy. I spoke a bit about this before but the whole thing was dumb. I get it was to show Steve’s character development (which was not needed literally everyone knows hes changed hes famous for it), but ugh. Ignoring the fact that Steve had far more chemistry with Eddie, it reduced Nancy, one of the strongest most badass women of the show, into the cliche girl trying to pick between her safe yet unromantic current relationship and her loveable bad boy ex who’s changed. In 2022? Didnt we all agree this trope was stupid and were over it? I despise Jancy with my whole heart (who goes out with the dude who trespassed on your boyfriend’s private property, peeked in the windows, saw you were practically naked, proceeded not to leave but to TAKE NUDE PHOTOS WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION, develop them at school for everyone to see, and then get mad when your boyfriend rightfully defends her???) but this whole thing was not good. AND THEN IN THE END IT WASNT EVEN RESOLVED WHAT??? They should’ve just put her with Robin or left her single. Honestly a lot of their relationships are so unnecessary. Attention duffers: girls can actually be happy AND single. Shocking, I know.
3. Everyone’s treatment of Lucas this season. They were HORRIBLE TO HIM. It was the championship game and they told him to move it, refused to come to his game, mocked him for being on the bench, replaced him with HIS SISTER, yelled a him for not being fast enough after lying+risking his life to lie to the people he desperately wanted to be friends with and biked EIGHT MILES, only to be told that his girlfriend was going to die. Max warmed up to him throughout the season but no one else cared about him at all, not even when his only friend on the basketball team died. No one even picked up on the obvious guilt and blame he felt for not paying closer attention (except maybe max). What happened to the party??? Why are they all suddenly such bad friends to each other???
4. The parents. I know theyre not really in the group but volume one set them up to be super influential this season. They didnt even play a part except for witnessing the terrible questioning of Lucas Dustin and Max. This could’ve been the season they finally found everything out.
5. Robin and Vickie. Wow did Netflix really hint at this. Gods they were so pro-gay about everything, until they left them (Will and Robin) both single. And paralleled Robin to Will with the kissing shots. Sure, at the end there was hope. But guess what duffers? You just used your only two canon queer characters to further straight relationships and left them out of the relationships you promised. Wtf.
6. The groups for the plan. Youre telling me Steve really let Dustin go into the upside down, fight demobats, and didnt even go with him? Please. We all know Steve would have left all the kids with Max, and then the fruity four would pair up (hopefully steddie and ronance) and then all would have been fine. It was inconsistent with the Steve from other seasons who constantly does everything he can to keep the kids out of danger.
7. The whole plan itself. It was useless and while Nancy, Steve, and Robin did kill Vecna for a while, he just came right back. Majority of the stuff was done by El. Once again. They really need to stop using her for every single thing. Plus pretty much everyone except Nancy, Steve, and Robin were entirely useless as Vecna knew what they were doing the whole time and thus there was no need for bait.
8. Why didn’t Vecna just get someone else? He knew Max would be dangerous so why not go for one of the many other traumatised people in Hawkins? It doesn’t make sense.
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m0ssxz0mbie · 2 years
my thoughts on stranger things season 4, volumes 1 & 2
(there will be spoilers)
so, lets start of with my thoughts in basic form:
i hate this show yet love it at the same time.
lets first start with the positives.
Eddie; what more needs to be said? we love him. iconic. he was the best thing to happen in that season. Dad Eddie, Mom Steve, Son Dustin.
Steve: we always love Steve. he IS the mom. his growth, character development over the seasons. he’s our boi.
Max and Lucas; they are cute, they are my comfort heteros. i like how soft Lucas is for Max. they were cute.
Argyle; he is no thoughts only vibes. he is so valid. we needed him for how much angst there was.
Murray; weird uncle, but we love him. iconic as always.
now, the negatives.
the angst; what more needs to be said?
the queer representation? lacking. i was hoping it would be confirmed, like explicitly said that Will is gay, but that never happened. it was made to seem like him having a crush was a big deal, but if homophobic people cant tell its gay… you know that’s not representation. It would’ve been nice if he came out to Jonathan, which would be the rekindling of what once was their close relationship, but nO.
Then there was Robin. i feel like giving Vicky a boyfriend wasn’t needed cause in the end they were kinda fine? cause it made no sense in the middle of everything to add that extra angst for Robin, it was really out of place. and its also like,, why isn’t Vicky gay? it would’ve been so nice to see them get together and explore their relationship, the struggles and hardships, especially when Robin most likely wouldn’t tell her about the upside down, and having to keep that a secret. And also, if Robin gets a gf at the end of the serious that’s not real representation and just lazy writing.
Eddie’s death; WTF. bro he would’ve been such a cool character to the crew and i’m OFFENDED that the other potentially gay character was killed off. also he was just a good character. period.
Steve and Nancy’s relationship. Now, this isn’t just cause i want Steve to date Eddie- idk it just didn’t make sense to me. like sure he’s a changed person, and Nancy hasn’t seen Jonathan for a while,, but as soon as you have like,, the second issue in your relationship you think of leaving him??? for your ex??? and then when Jonathan asks if they good, SHE LIES. LIKE BITCH BE UPFRONT. now, yes Jonathan lied about his collage letter, and he should’ve also told her the truth, but lying about not getting accepted into a college i think isn’t as worse as telling your partner you still love them… when you clearly don’t. i feel like the tear in their relationship was just unnecessary angst again, i feel like Nancy and Jonathan are smarter than that to lie about those things.
Jason and his cunts; I HATE THEM. white men always gotta be ruining everything. i hate Jason so much. i still don’t know if that’s his actual name still, cause i wasn’t bothered to remember it.
tbh there is probably more, but this, along with other things thats happened yesterday have fucked me mentally.
am i still hoping for byler? yes. because its the LEAST they can do for their QUEERBAITING SHIT SHOW OF CHARACTERS AND REPRESENTATIONS.
i am a mess. fuck stranger things. fuck it.
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alyss-kelly · 2 years
Spoiler ST4 Volume 2
Big rambling
I fucking hate them for doing that to Eddie. I though I would be sad but I’m just mad and fucking dissapointed.
He didn’t deserve it, his death served NOTHING at all. He could still be alive and things would have been the fucking same.
They were just lazy and decided to do the same fucking thing again.
New character ? Let’s kill it.
“Hey there’s gonna be 5 main character death” Oh yeah ? where ? Max ? You couldn’t even stick to let her fully die so u made Eleven be capable of reviving people. That’s so convenient.
It doesn’t count as a fucking death if you make her go into a FUCKING COMA.
I’m tired of this.
So who died ? Max ? No she doesn’t count. Vecna ? Oh not really he’s still around apparently. Chrissy’s mad boyfriend ? Ok. This sure was quick. The “papa”. And Eddie.
3. What a massive shitshow.
Eddie was such a good character, it would have been so easy to clear him out with Hopper and the higher up. Or just not do it and have him struggle not for long because of the upcoming “end of the world” for s5.AND WHY IS THERE ONLY DUSTIN TO CARE ABOUT HIS DEATH ??? AND THE UNCLE ??? THATS IT NO ONE ELSE TALKS ABOUT IT AFTER THAT BESIDE THEM WTF
Also. How comes he dies from demobats when Steve didn’t ? Oh right. He’s a new character. And Steve is a main one.
Making him queer coded and not even using it... It would have been so good for Steve to make him bi, and realise it with Eddie. Like he was looking for a girlfriend since S3, then they make him have Robin as a best friend who could have helped him out with figuring out more about himself. Yes I’m a big Steddie shipper but even if I wasn’t I would have been SO HAPPY to see them do that. Like how the fuck do you want me to Steve and Eddie interaction as that ? There was no fucking heterosexual explanation to that. They could have make it slow and just like Steve realise he’s Bi and doesn’t mind Eddie’s flirting, even liking it a bit. And at the end of S5 they could have just have a little scene of  Eddie or Steve asking the other on a date. It wasn’t SO HARD TO DO.
Noooo instead they prefered to make a forced af Steve/Nancy. What the fuck was that speach about the kids and then TELLING HER IT WAS ABOUT HER ALWAYS HER ??? DO THEY EVEN REMEMBER STEVE SAYING HE DIDNT LOVE NANCY IN S3 WHEN HE WAS ON A TRUTH SERUM ????? AND SHE LOOKED LIKE SHE LIKED IT WHEN HE SAID THAT FUCKING DREAM. It was awful. How to make me stop shipping them. Wtf is that writing.
Also I don’t even like Jonathan/Nancy but that’s fucking dirty to him. Why would you make them a couple after S2 if it’s for her to go back with Steve ??? It’s so dumb.
Now, that Will/Mike thing, again.That’s so dirty. “Let’s use Eleven and her relationship with Mike to make Will suffer and reveal he’s gay. Yeah that’s such a good idea” No. Not it’s not. God bless Jonathan for being here for him cause apparently EVERYONE ELSE DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIM.
Robin and her crush Vickie? I can’t even remember her name. Couldn’t they like make them interact more for us to care about them ? Robin had more chemestry with Nancy than her crush.
So what. Everything the Duffer bro do is by mistake ? URG
I’m done rambling for now. I hated those last 2 eps. It was predictable. And they were once again cowards to not kill their main chara.
Why do I even keep on expecting cis straight white dudes to make something good. I’m a fucking clown.
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