#this show can’t write romance and I’d wish it’d stop
prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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tell me again | e. kirishima 
➳ tags ;; fem!reader, disgustingly tooth rotting fluff, super cliche confession scene, kinda fuckboy kiri
➳ wc ;; 1.4k
➳ a/n ;; sometimes you just gotta write some corny fucking romance tropes man. 
➳ plot ;; after kirishima ghosted you post your confession, you don’t really plan on seeing him again. naturally when he shows up to your dorm during finals week - you’re not exactly sure what to do. 
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A knock on the door of your shared dorm room startles you out of a late night study session. At this time of night and during finals week - you don’t find yourself to be all that excited for whoever's at the other side. Your R.A., Iida is known for being a stickler and whatever news he brings won’t be good. 
You look over your shoulder at Mina, who instead of studying, has been playing 2048 on her laptop for the last hour. She looks back at you with an exasperated sigh leaving her lips, promptly pushing her laptop to the side. 
“Why is it always me who answers the door?” she groans. 
“Because you chose to study business,” you reply without missing a beat. She flips her middle finger off at you without a second thought but your nose is too deeply buried into your materials for you to care. 
The knocking gets more frantic as the seconds pass. 
“Coming!” she shouts it, irritation already filling her at whoever would be on the otherside. She swings it open, irritated beyond belief. In the midst of her preparing to cuss out whoever was on the other side at this hour, only a quarter of her sentence makes it out of her mouth. 
“Who the hell is -,” she stumbles, pauses. The words don’t even halfway make it out of her mouth before she blinks twice before stumbling back “Kirishima?” 
At this, your head snaps up to look behind you. You know you’re not visible from the door way, your desk opposite of view but you look anyway. You can’t see him but you can hear his voice. 
“Mina, hey - uh, is Y/N here? It’s uhm.. shit, I need to,” 
Mina crosses her arms above her chest, blocking Kirishima when he tries to look over her shoulder. You’re frozen in place and you think anyone in your position would be. 
Your.. relationship with Kirishima is complicated at best. You’d know him since you were freshman and after this semester, you’d managed to work out the courage to confess your feelings to him. You were certain he felt them back for you, ignoring his somewhat notorious reputation in hopes he was being genuine. He seemed awfully genuine to you. 
As it would be, you were met with rejection. It hurt but you weren’t worried about it either way. What you wanted was to remain friends, because Kirishima is awfully important to you. A confession shouldn’tve had made so much of a difference. You wished that’d been the case, anyway. 
But he.. left you like that. Left your friendship at the weird wits end where even when you saw each other on campus or elsewhere - there was no greeting. No hello or how are you. Uncomfortably, you faded into being strangers and you haven’t spoken to him in months.
“She’s not here,” 
Kirishima’s face twists up at the words. He looks over, just peers and shakes his head. 
“I can see the little colored lights that she keeps on to focus are on. I know she’s here. Please just let me talk to her,”
Mina turns her head slightly to make eye-contact with you. You shake your head softly, uninterested in what he has to say. Your heart feels too heavy. You know it’s kind of stupid but the wound feels fresh. Never-ending in how it aches. 
Mina doesn’t budge. 
“She doesn’t want to talk to you. Fuck off back to your dorm and leave us alone,” 
Mina pushes in on the door but he sighs, sticking his hand in even when she pushes in on it. He curses under his breath at the weight of it on his hand. Mina’s eyes go wide. 
“What the fuck are you -” 
“I know you can hear so I’ll just say it, shit” ― he curses under his breath but you catch ― “Even if Mina crushes my hand, please don’t though. You both know I don’t have health insurance,” 
You crack a warbly smile at the comment and Mina lets up but doesn’t open the door up. She keeps her hand steady on his, letting him writhe in mild pain. 
“I love you,” 
You freeze and so does Mina. Kirishima rests his forehead on the door with a soft sigh. Your heart skips a beat or two. You can’t keep track. 
“I know I fucked this up like.. really bad. When you told me you had feelings for me, at first it was.. I don’t know. It was like I couldn’t believe you,” 
You bite back tears as you listen to him. He can hear people in the rest of the dorm start to peek out but he doesn’t seem to stop.
“Shit, it was you. Not be corny but fuck like.. how the hell could I ever believed you liked me? Of all people, you chose me with a shitty fuckboy reputation and stupid haircut,” he laughs a little at this and so do you. 
“Kirishima..”  Mina mumbles
“It was too much. Like you’re so.. so much. But not in a bad way. Like the idea of being with you was just so damn overwhelming. And Bakugou told me not to be an idiot and ghost you but I was just so.. so scared,” 
You can hear the way his voice shakes. 
“I’ve never been with anyone seriously before and I’m kind of an idiot and I didn’t wanna fuck it all up. Like what if you realize half-way that it’s not me you want? What if.. what if we started dating and you realized that it was some kind of mistake?” 
He smiles a little. The sound of your voice is soft like he remembers. He thinks it might be worth Mina breaking his hand if he gets to see you. 
“It was easier to break it off before it got serious, that’s what I thought. But then we didn’t talk for a few months and I was goin fuckin’ crazy thinking about you,” ― he laughs at the memory, drunk and dizzy from it ― “You don’t think you can miss one person so much. That just one person could mean so much to you.. like you’re incomplete without them there,’ 
You sniffle, wiping tears you hadn’t realized had fallen from your cheeks. 
“I think I’m in too deep. It was already too serious. I already.. loved you. I thought it’d be better if I just fucking.. ran here and told you,”  ― Mina opens the door up and steps to one side as you stumble towards it, tear eyed and in loose pajamas. Not confession ready in the least  ― “I thought maybe I’d get lucky and I’d have a chance of you at least.. forgiving me. Maybe if I was really lucky, you’d still like me too,” 
He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at you, mouth curved into a half smile. So sincere, like always. You wonder to yourself if there would ever be a way to love him less. 
“So uhm.. I’m sorry. And I love you.. and it’d be sick if you like.. loved me back but it’s not necessary. I’ll do whatever you want just.. I dunno. Be in my life again, maybe?”
You run into his arms but he catches you. You’re a half conscious mess, sniffling into him as you punch his shoulder. He chuckles but hugs you back, wincing as you hit him. 
“Of course I love you, you stupid asshole,”  ― you whine, hugging him even tighter  ― “Your timing is shit, y’know that? Stupid -” 
He pulls back and leans into you. Lets his mouth bump into yours clumsily until you melt into a placating kiss. It’s all too much Kirishima - a gentle swipe of tongue and sharp teeth. Sweet but not enough. When he pulls away, he kisses the corners of your mouth. He’s too good at that, you think. 
“I know, but.. that’s why you like me right?” 
You roll your eyes, opting to keep clinging to him instead of replying. From behind you, Mina sighs. 
“I’m glad you stopped being a jackass but how the hell did you make it up here without Iida noticing,” 
From outside, there’s two loud but distinct voices. It’s Kaminari, screaming and Iida screaming back. When Mina walks over to peer outside, she catches an eyeful of a very naked and very drunk blonde. She cackles. 
“Uh.. I’ll just say I owe Kami a ton of money right mow,” 
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
who cares if it’s cliche?
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-Aizawa x gn!reader-
cute gif
This was a commission for @seraphicghost​! They asked for a fluffy/sweet scenario with the reader confessing in the rain plus a kiss. Thank you so much for the commission! This was super cute to write!
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“Here’s your beer, boys!” Nemuri set the bottles down for Hizashi and Aizawa. She scooted in beside you, chirping, “And here’s your Sex in the Driveway.”
“Thanks,” you droned, choosing to ignore her suggestive eyebrow wiggle. She wasn’t one to let anyone live anything down, and now that she noticed, it has only gotten worse.
Hizashi chugged his beer, then slammed it rather loudly. “Alright! Sho, I’ve shown up at work high, I’ve had a one-night stand with Nemuri, and I’ve never been on a rollercoaster.”
“The former.”
“What? How’d you figure that out so quickly?!”
“Hizashi,” both you and Aizawa said, telling him to control his volume. Aizawa finished flatly, “You can’t not talk about everything you do. You’d tell me something like that. Not to mention how useless you are high. The entire school would’ve noticed.”
You hid your smile behind your drink. The faint smirk that lifted Aizawa’s lips fluttered your chest, spinning into your stomach. If only he let himself smile more, experience happiness more, then you could see his handsome smile more. Dark eyes flicked to yours, flustering your heated heart further.
You had to look away and drink some water. You were an adult. He shouldn’t be making you flashback to high school crushes and wistful, young romance.
The game continued for a few more rounds, eventually petering out. Nemuri leaned against you. Alcohol swarmed from her sigh. Pink flushed her cheeks, sticking hair to skin. She mumbled into her glass before finishing it, “I think it’s time to head home.”
“I’ll get a ride.” You clicked on your phone, and it wasn’t long till it beeped: “Car’s here.”
Sooner than you could even move a leg, Hizashi jumped up, swooping an arm around Nemuri’s waist. “I’ll bring her home. You two have fun.”
“Hizashi,” you called after him. He didn’t acknowledge you as he escorted her outside.
They just abandoned you with Aizawa, who was already looking at you when you glanced over. You went to take a drink. The empty glass prevented that. Lemon slices and ice taunted you, laughing that your last barrier between you two was gone. You set the cup down with a sigh.
Shouta nodded at it, “Want another drink?”
You were once again beaten to your feet; He stood and took the glass. “Same thing?”
“Yeah, another Sex-” Your voice flatlined upon meeting his eyes. Despite the shadow under them, the red in them, and the heavy brow above, their sudden sharpness took your breath, completely unlike their usual dull and dry tone. The change nailed your brain useless.
“More sex?” His lips lifted ever so slightly. When no sound escaped your hanging mouth, he goaded, “More sex then.”
You slumped in the chair, holding your too-fast heart, replaying the bumbling. Saying ‘sex’ while being within two feet of his face, able to discern the bristles of his beard, a crack in his bottom lip, how attractive- Stop. If you couldn’t grow up and say something to him, then don’t bother thinking it.
A blue drink was placed in front of you. It was only your second, yet combined with the tickling in your neck and the bite in your chest, it felt like you were four or five in.
Shouta retook his seat across from you. Whatever you were feeling, anxiety or infatuation, that weighed your heart, lightened with his soft smile. It reached up to a soar when he asked about your most recent patrol.
Thankfully, the conversation from there flowed smoothly. You could keep up with no fumbling and simply enjoy your time with him. And you even got to see a couple more smiles, though they were faint. Every single one made thoughts echo inside: Just ask. It’s not that hard. Just ask! It made it difficult to focus on his words.
Once you finished your drink, your body, while light, lagged tired. You spoke through a yawn, “I’m gonna head out, Sho.”
“Need a cab?”
“No. I actually think I’m going to walk. It’s a pleasant night.” You stood and zipped up your sweatshirt.
He mirrored you and fixed his scarf. It wasn’t his Hero one, just a simple dark gray one, still allowing him ample room to nuzzle into it. Plus, it made him look reasonably fashionable compared to how he typically dressed. He grabbed your wallet from the table, holding it out for you, “I paid for the drink upfront.”
“Shouta, you didn’t need to do that.”
“No big deal,” he shrugged it off.
Yes, it was. If the others were here, you doubted- No. You knew he wouldn’t have done that.
You accepted your wallet and his kindness, muttering on the way out, “Thank you.”
The stroll home started quietly. Gusts blew your hood around. Shouta maneuvered to the outside of the sidewalk, so he was between you and traffic. Your elbows bumped every few steps. Neither of you commented or changed positions, letting it keep happening. If anything, you wanted to step closer to feel the emitting from his body.
Water dripped down the back of your sweatshirt, startling you. The single droplet increased to a steady rain in seconds. You hugged your hood and yourself. He nudged your arm and nodded to a nearby drugstore. It wasn’t much. But it was shelter.
Inside, Shouta slicked his hair back. Pale fingers combed through thick black, unveiling a sharp jaw and lovely scruff; too stunning to always hide under a mess of hair. The wet strands struggled to fit into an elastic. With enough finagling, they finally pulled into place, leaving room for the darkened line on his cheekbone to stick out. Just like his eyes did…
Which were staring at you. Dammit. You turned into an aisle, searching for anything interesting that wasn’t him. All it would take was a handful of sentences then he would know. If he reciprocated, all would be grand; your worry was for naught. However, if he didn’t, the plague of dread that’s accompanied the crush would crash. Never knowing felt like the better option.
You walked the main aisle. There were pool toys, makeup, hygiene, sex toys that you vehemently avoided, fearing Shouta would see the smallest glance towards them. A pair of fleece socks got your attention. The inside was incredibly fluffy and thick. The outside had kitty pawprints designed all over them.
“These are cute,” you smiled and showed them to the approaching Shouta.
He grunted and continued. It didn’t hide the fact you knew he thought them cute as well. Cats were the only things he gave into.
You combed the rest of the rows of items. Not one thing piqued your interest enough to buy. You searched for Shouta, finding him at the checkout, buying a pack of gum and some migraine relief pills. He lifted his brow.
You answered the silent question, “Didn’t see anything special.”
“Not even the cat socks?”
“If I’m still thinking about them in a few days, I’ll come back for them,” you smiled.
After thanking the cashier, your walk home resumed. The rain had stopped, leaving everything glossy and smelling of the earth. It lifted the air between yours and his shoulders.
Thick fingers extended a piece of gum. His eyes remained on the sidewalk when you took it and thanked him. The fresh mint sent a little chill down your back, frosting your mouth as you watched him, thinking, ‘Now was a perfect time. No one’s around. You just need to say it. A few sentences and you’re done.’
The instant your mouth opened, rain poured, loud and heavy. Your hood provided sparse protection.
Shouta grumbled into his scarf, “So much for a nice night.”
“Sorry… But you didn’t have to walk with me, you know? You could’ve called for a ride.”
His eyebrows scrunched with a groan.
“Here’s your turn, anyway. Get home fast,” you called over the pattering, nodding towards the left turnoff. The top of his apartment peaked out over the smaller buildings.
“It’s late. I’ll walk you home,” he grumbled again. His voice carried much less complaint this time and more concern.
Both of you picked up the pace, fast-walking down the sidewalks and hustling across the streets.
Only at your door did you face Shouta, not caring about being soaking wet anymore. He was closer than you expected, nearly bumping into his chest. You looked to his mouth, unable to make it to his eyes, unsure if you wanted to see them this close. You surprised yourself with how steady your voice sounded, “Do you want to come inside? Drink something warm?”
“I’m alright. Just wanted to make sure you got home alright.”
“I did. Thank you.” Your legs didn’t move. It’d be a whole lot warmer, calmer, dryer inside. “I know Hizashi drags you out to these things, but I still hope you had fun tonight.”
“I did.” His flat face gave you no emotional indicators.
“Good, I’m glad.” You said your goodbyes, yet your feet stayed put. Water soaked through all of your clothing. Goosebumps pricked down your arms. The rain vaguely obscured the handsome features you’ve been ogling at, wishing to call them yours.
He spun and took five steps away before you mustered, “Shouta?”
He faced you, waiting, half scowling, probably, hopefully, due to the rain.
“There’s something I’d like- There’s something I want- I want you to know. It’s okay if you don’t- If you’re not on the same page as me. I just- just…” Just say it. It was only a few words. You sucked in, preparing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically for the absolute worst outcome, then spoke as confident as you could, “I just think you’re- I wanted to tell you that I’m-” Your heart heated as you finished, “I’m interested in you… more than a friend.”
The downpour built. You could no longer see his face. His mouth mumbled something. Unable to hear, you shuffled close, wiped water from your face, and asked him to repeat himself.
Shouta closed the tiny gap between your chests. You could only look at his mouth. This time though, you wanted to meet his eyes. It was the damn rain preventing that.
A finger lifted your chin. Instinct lowered your eyelids. The rain ceased on your face as lips connected to yours. They pressed unexpectedly sweetly, only to curl into a smirk and pull away.
You matched his smile, struggling to hold in the laugh, “A kiss in the rain, Shouta? Don’t you think it’s kinda cliche?”
“Who cares?” The hold on your chin tightened a bit and guided you back to him. All the anxiety bubbled up, popping and releasing as a giggle. Weight freed from your shoulders. You cupped his cheeks, kissing back with new excitement.
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parker-razor · 3 years
show me, feel me, teach me -  ch. 3
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series masterlist!
female!reader x mando (no y/n)
word count: 2.3k
series summary: during a drinking game, you let slip that you don’t know much about sex. mando offers to show you what you’ve been missing, and you happily accept.
warnings: smuttttt (extended warnings under the cut), fluff, angst if you squint??
a/n: this was written under the influence of half a bottle of barefoot wine and utter exhaustion.... i love a good slow burn but i can't help rushing some romance!! maybe i need to stop writing all of these in one sitting...
extended warnings: phone sex, masturbation, oral (f receiving), mentions of oral (m receiving), plenty of dirty talk ooh la la yummy
It had been a while since your last lesson. Well, not that long, but long enough that you were going crazy without being with Mando in that way. He had picked up pucks from Karga, and after you arrived at the planet where his first bounty was located, Mando was straight out the ship to go hunt.
“Take care of the kid, I shouldn’t be too long.” His gloved hand hesitated for a moment before coming up to stroke your cheek and tweak one of Grogu’s ears, who was resting on your hip.
You hated when Mando left; the ship was always so quiet, save for Grogu’s coos and cries. There wasn’t much to do other than play with the kid, take naps, and daydream about what Mando might be doing at that moment. Now that the two of you had been… intimate, waiting for Mando to come back seemed even harder than before.
The planet you were on currently – Tattoine, you think Mando said – was hot and sandy, a lot like the planet you had grown up on. Except on Tattoine, crime was much more rampant and severe. Normally when Mando went on hunts, you were able to take the kid into the nearby town and visit all the little shops and restaurants. But here, you were forbidden from even leaving the ramp of the ship, which made it harder to occupy your time and keep Grogu entertained.
Sleep those couple of days was hard to come by since Grogu had little ways to get his energy out. Most nights he either fought sleep or tried to play with you all through the night. You’d try to coax him to sleep by cuddling with him, getting a few minutes of sleep when he would entertain the idea of resting. But after a bit, he’d wrestle himself out of your arms and babble at you until you had no choice but to play with him.
One aspect that made everything a little better was the comm link that Mando left in case you needed him. The two of you didn’t talk too frequently on them since Mando was usually busy, but it was a welcomed comfort to know that you could reach him at any time.
After three days of Mando not coming back and Grogu barely sleeping, you were at your wits end. You had resorted to chasing him around the ship just to tire him out, which somehow worked. On the third night, Grogu finally dozed off while you fed him dinner, and you silently cheered to yourself. Thank the Maker, you could finally sleep.
Except, when you finally shut yourself in your quarters and turned off the lights, you were wide awake. It must have been the weird push of adrenaline that came with little sleep, you thought as you tossed and turned. Then another thought came to you: could Mando still be awake?
You had no clue what his sleep schedule was while on a hunt. Did he even sleep? You wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t, and you could understand why he’d be so exhausted when he would come back. But if you weren’t going to sleep for a while, you might as well find out if he was up.
You grabbed the comm next to your bed and paged him, waiting for an answer.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” he responded after a few minutes of silence.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just couldn’t sleep,” you said sheepishly. You started to wonder if this was a bad idea; maybe he was busy and you were bothering him. Or maybe he wasn’t busy and you were bothering him.
“Oh. Well, I’m glad you called. I was… I was thinking about you,” he said in the comm. Your body was wrapped in warmth when he said that. He was thinking about you. You had to wonder if he thought about you often; Maker, you hoped so.
“Same here. How’s the hunt?” You heard Mando sigh, like his body was ready to shut down and rest.
“Almost got him. I’ll be back soon. Is the kid behaving?” Mando asked, his voice filled with exhaustion.
“He didn’t sleep for almost three days, but I finally got him down. This is the first night I’ve been able to sleep since you left.”
“So why aren’t you asleep?”
“I don’t know. I just can’t sleep. It would-“ You stopped yourself, afraid to get too vulnerable with Mando.
“What were you gonna say?”
“I… was just gonna say it’d be easier to sleep if you were here. I don’t think I’ve ever slept better than when you would hold me,” you said, blood filling your cheeks with embarrassment.
“Oh, my sweet girl. I wish I was with you now.” You lips turned upward into a smile that made your cheeks hurt, eyes shutting to take in the warmth that filled you. He missed you.
“I miss… the way you touch me. I like how rough your hands feel.”
“Yeah? What else do you like, pretty girl?” Mando responded, his voice in a mocking tone. You gulped, skin getting hot and a dull ache between your legs start to grow.
“I like your mouth. And how your scruff scratches my legs. You always feel so good.” You heard Mando sigh at your words like he was having a hard time controlling himself.
“I like having my mouth on you. I like how your thighs tightened around my head when you’re getting close,” he said, his voice getting raspy like it usually does when the two of you would mess around. “You know what else I like, baby? Teaching you this stuff. Maker, you’re so innocent it drives me crazy. I love getting to be the first person to make you feel good, to show you what to do.”
“Mando…” you sighed “I’m… aching.”
“Are my words turning you on, sweet thing? That’s what that ache means, baby. It means you want me. You want me to help it go away?”
“I… I’ve never made myself cum on my own before. Any time I’d try before it didn’t feel good… You’re the only one who’s made me cum, Mando.” You heard him groan at your words, knowing that you were having the same effect that he was having on you.
“I’ll tell you how, sweet girl. I’ll teach you how to feel good. When I’m gone, you do as I say, but you have to call on the comm when you do. I want to hear you.”
“Please, Mando, please just tell me how,” you whined, rolling in your bed with your legs crossed to relieve some of the tension.
“Okay, baby, okay. How about you take your pants off, okay? Your underwear, too. Stars, I bet you’re wet for me already. Gonna make you feel so good when I get back, I swear.” You shuffled your shorts down your legs and threw them to the floor.
“Now what?”
“You need to get your fingers wet. Reach down between your legs and get your fingers wet, okay? I know you’re already wet for me, sweet girl, get some of it on your fingers.” You dipped your fingers between your lips, collecting your wetness that was coming from your hole. You gasped, already feeling some relief.
You could hear Mando start to gasp on the other end of the comm. He was touching himself, you thought, to the sound of you rubbing your pussy.
“Rub your fingers around the top of your pretty little cunt, baby. You’re gonna feel for your clit. When you find it, you’ll know. Maker, I miss you.” You felt around for a moment, not feeling anything extraordinary. Until you felt a little bump and rubbed it; it was then that you felt that insane pleasure that you hadn’t felt accept with Mando.
“Oh f-fuck Mando…”
“That’s it baby, you found it didn’t you? That’s my good girl, keep rubbing it in little circles, it’s gonna feel so g-good.”
“T-Tell me what you’re doing, Mando. I know you’re touching yourself, but I want you to describe it, please.” Your fingers started going faster until you were almost humping your hand.
“You wanna hear me tell you that I’m stroking my cock, sweet girl? You want to know I’m imagining it’s your hand instead? F-fuck, baby, feels so good,” he groaned out. Your back started to arch, high whines coming from the back of your throat. You kept picturing what Mando looked like the morning you woke up to him jerking off, the way he was leaking out of the tip and how he tasted when you licked his seed off your hand.
“Mando, I want you h-here, it’s not the same…”
“I know, but it has to be good enough for now. You’re such a good girl for me, keep going. Imagine it’s my tongue flicking at your pretty little pussy.” If anything, his words spurred you on more than your movements to your clit. You started to tilt your hips to find a position that felt just right, until you shifted your hips downwards and clenched around nothing. You gasped, and that’s when you started to feel that burning grow in your lower tummy.
“Fuck Mando, it feels so good. I-I want you so badly, tell me what you’ll teach me next, please baby.”
“Sweet girl, you wanna know what else I’ll show you? Remember when you stroked my cock? Next time I’ll have you use your mouth instead, how does that sound?” You could hear squelching from his end of the comm, signaling that his movements were quickening.
“Why- why do you want my mouth on you?” You circled your clit even faster, craving that high so badly.
“Because, my good girl, to me it’ll feel like how it feels when I fuck your pussy. So warm and wet, so soft. It’ll be s-so good until I can finally be inside you, when you’re ready. Fuck, baby, stars I want you.”
“I want you in my mouth. I wanna taste you again, Mando, please let me taste you.” The coil in you started to tighten, and as your moans increased so did Mando’s.
“That’s my g-good girl, my sweet girl, so f-fucking good for me, wanna make you feel so fucking good when I get back.”
“M-Mando, gonna… gonna cum… please I’m gonna c-cum…”
“Do it, sweet girl. Be a good girl and cum for me, know you can do it…” Your vision whited out somewhere while he spoke, shuddering and gasping for air as white hot pleasure took over your body. It wasn’t as strong as the orgasms that Mando gave you himself, but Maker did it feel good. As you came down, you could hear Mando shout as he came with you.
All of the energy left your body after you caught your breath, The days of not sleeping and the intense orgasm you just had all crashed down on you until you were dozing off.
“Mando… have to… sleep…”
“Sleep, my love. I’ll be holding you soon.” You blacked out after that.
You woke up, at first noticing how pitch black the room was. Then you noticed a burning between your legs, and a drowning wetness.
“What… what is that…”
“It’s me, sweet one. Just let me taste you.” All of the sudden, as Mando flew back between your legs to suck at your cunt, you were blinded by an insane pleasure, almost to the point of blacking out. It made you wonder how long Mando had been at this, eating you out, for you to cum so fast. And you knew he was doing it because he missed the way you tasted as you flooded his mouth with cum, rather than for your pleasure.
You gasped for air until Mando suffocated you with kisses, pouring into it how much he truly missed you these past few days. You were so close to falling asleep again that you almost missed how Mando kissed the side of your face and whispered…
“I missed you, sweet love… Let me hold you.”
tag list: @niiight-dreamerrrr​ @ajeff855​ @ohhersheybars​ @sleep-tight1​ @jefferson-in-the-tardis​ @constanzee @halerune​ @liltangerineart​ @thewintersoldierswife​ @ah-callie​ @witchy-ana​ @chibi​ @greyteacup​ @pcrushinnerd​
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velveticamoon · 3 years
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these totally weren’t supposed to go up yesterday ahaha- 
P.S: this is my first writing post!! i thought it would be an easier transition by writing hc’s, and i got my friend saniya (@bokesaniyaboke) to help me out with writing them, so i hope y’all enjoy :) (enjoy our 2 am chaos-)
i have more writing planned for the future too, and decided that i’ll be writing for: 
- attack on titan
- bungou stray dogs 
- free!
- fugou keiji: balance unlimited. 
don’t be shy to send in your requests, i’m more than happy to do them ;) 
anyways, i hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you want more! and to those of you that celebrated, hope you had a merry Christmas :) 
Decorating the house with him!! Except he’d be trying to get out of doing it at first lol
He’d be pissed about the mess that would come with decorating the house 
But if you keep pestering him enough he’ll eventually give in lol 
He’d be very meticulous about which decorations go where, but you’re just gonna have to put up with that 
Pls don’t complain too much, he really wouldn’t be doing it with anyone else 
(in the words of saniya: “ur the only exception be happy about that)
Idk why but i feel like he’d be really good at hanging up the lights?? With the placement and whatnot? 
He probably has a very keen aesthetic eye i feel like (saniya: “pinterest but as a person vibes”)  
At the end of it, while y’all are sitting on the couch drinking some tea, he quietly mumbles how he likes the work you two did 
But you felt like teasing him and he got all huffy and said it louder, obviously calling you a brat right after cuz why wouldn’t he 
Ask him to make gingerbread houses!! pls he’d be so excited about it 
He’d even go to the store himself and get all the supplies on his way home and you both wouldn’t waste a minute to start a baby
Look he’d start getting competitive (pls we all know how he is) and would turn it into a competition so be prepared for that lol 
But when his gingerbread house falls over he starts getting angry
Proceeds to drive to the company’s factory to break it down in his titan form (there’s no stopping him now) 
Gets Armin to join him and they smash the houses in their titan forms together LMFAOFNDND PLEASE IM WHEEZING- 
But for real, he’d probably get pouty, and turn into a whiny baby
Don’t call him out on it though he’ll just get even worse lol  
Shower him with kisses right after and he’ll be blushy but he’s fine dw about it 
He’ll get over himself eventually and then proceed to ask with a boyish grin on his face if you wanna give up and just eat the houses as they are 
Y’all end up with stomach aches but it’s fine he makes it a little more bearable :))
Making ornaments (pls it’d be so cutenjdjn)
Saniya: “she would stab me with an ornament and i’d say thank you” 
Comfortable silence with a little chatter here and there
Every now and then she rests her head on your shoulder (softie) 
Just like Armin, getting super flustered and blushy when you compliment her 
She helps hang the ornaments onto the tree and the tree turns out to look so pretty
Would take your hand and sit the two of you on the couch and just admire the tree in silence 
It’s so comforting you slowly feel like you’re about to fall asleep 
Make her some hot chocolate pls all she really wants is to cherish this atmosphere the two of you have created, all huddled up on the couch together 
She’d totally fall asleep cause the girl’s always working in overdrive pls does she even sleep-
Make sure she’s warm alright?? If u don’t i’ll stab you ;)
Watches hallmark movies with you, only to make fun of them (romance at it’s finest amirite) 
Popcorn fights while watching them 
Will get mad when you see a horse and say “look it’s you horse face” 
He says the dumbest pick up lines during the movie as an attempt to impress you 
“hey y/n, can i have your picture so i can show santa what i want for christmas?” 
“jean, we’re literally dating-” 
Something romantic will happen in the movie and Jean will continuously ask you to recreate that scene. “y/n can we-“ “if your about to ask me if you can spin me whilst ice skating, then no” “aw :(“ 
Oh to be spun by jean while ice skating- but that’s not the point 
Wrap him up in a blanket while watching the movies, he’ll melt 
Call him out on it and he’ll turn into ereh 2.0 (aka another whiny baby) 
Jkjk but he’ll definitely try to deny it cuz u know he’s a “biG oL maNLy maN” but he’s a softie ;)
Making holiday cards with him 
When you bring up the idea his face lights up instantly it’s the cutest thing omg
I can see him bringing his own supplies to help with getting started
Envelopes, letter paper, markers. Hell, he’ll show up with glitter markers (those things are god-tier istg-)
he gets super flustered and red when you compliment his card
If you mess up on your card he’s totally gonna be there to cheer you up!!
“Hey don’t worry, you can just start on a new one :D”
He probably won’t ask but he lowkey wants the card you messed up on cuz he thinks it’s cute
Makes cards for everyone and then takes you with him to deliver them
Would be really shy at the post office cuz he’s never done this before 
*cue you falling even more head over heels for him because he’s just so?? endearing?? it’s insane??*
Eventually, he gets the hang of it and ends up having a really fun time :D
Let him be the one to place the stamps on the envelopes, it’s ~therapeutic~ for him 
Overall, he’s probably the best person if you wanna use this as a healing opportunity tbh, the entire day is just filled with the calmest atmosphere one could wish for, and the smiles never leave your faces, even after you’ve finished
Snowball fights w/ our resident baldy jKJKJK
Pls you wouldn’t even plan for it to happen 
It just kinda,, did,, 
Y’all we’re walking through the park, on your way back from lunch or something 
But you decided to make a pit-stop at the park cuz you saw an ice cream truck (do y’all know how rare those are in winter?? I’d be running to get to it pls i have no self-control) 
Anyways, other ppl had the same idea, so now y’all were standing in line waiting 
As he was looking around, his eyes landed on some other kids throwing snowballs at each other, and ideas started forming in his head uh oh-
And there just so happened to be a pile of snow right next to his feet- 
Y’all can probably guess what happened- 
“Hey y/n” “yeah-?” *throws it right at your face* 
And so the war begins 
Two words: S N O W  F O R T S. pls ppl would be concerned as they walked by and saw y’all just trying to fucking PUMMEL each other (sounds like fun tho i wanna do it now :( haven’t done it in years pls-) 
But you have to stop it before one of you gets hypothermia considering how long y’all have been going at it 
Anyways, he’ll buy you a hot chocolate to make up for making you frozen to the bone dw :)
Popcorn and cranberry garland 
Look away for one second and the popcorn is gone but you don’t really mind
Make sure to bring a second batch of the popcorn because the first one WILL be gone 
(maybe even a third stashed away-)
She’s really excited about it tho!! But didn’t expect it to take so long omg 
I imagine her to be really clumsy while making them, so pull a move straight out of a cheesy romance movie and help her out while holding her hands ;) 
She probably won’t notice what’s going on for a good minute tho 
Pls be patient she’s doing her best 😔🤚🏻
But once she does she has the cutest blush on her face pls (i just love her a lot can y’all tell-) 
She’ll eventually get the hang of it and you both make really pretty garlands!!
She suggests hanging it up in the bathroom as a snack pls-
Caroling with them omfg- 
It’s gonna be chaotic
The neighbors hate y’all but its fine 
Look man if ur like me and can’t handle people being loud all the time bring earplugs cuz it’s gonna get L O U D
But if you tell them that their screeching is giving you a headache they’ll absolutely tone it down!!
But don’t be surprised when they inevitably forget about that-
But if you're more energetic than I am then have at it ;) 
Pls me and my lazy ass could never handle that- 
Anyways when y’all reach the houses where they refuse to open the door?? Hanji’s breaking that shit down and hollering into their house at the top of their lungs
Ur literally gonna have to drag them away before someone calls the cops 
Moblit pls get over here and collect them I’m begging u dude-
Don’t be surprised if y’all spend the night in jail that’s just how it’s gonna be oops 
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samnyangie · 3 years
Personal reviews on RSL filmography
Rsl, iI thought it’d be a good idea to record my thought on each films rsl was in, it was something I always wanted to do...
Rsl in total, was starred in (excluding tv series etc) 27-ish films, to be honest, considering his years as an actor(approximately more than 30 years) he wasn’t starred in that many. We all know why lol
Just saying I’m not a film expert, therefore the list is very subjective.
The reviews with trigger warning (r*pe, g*re etc): Tape, Killer: Journal of Murder, A glimpse of hell. Tho in the writing I’ve censored them with * since I don’t feel comfortable saying them here
There isn’t particular spoilers except for dps, tape, and ground control
The favourites (literally my life time films)
Dead Poets Society
I assume many would agree, and as many would have, it was my first ever rsl film, like I was on the plane and it was one of the films they offered, and I was like, oh I think i heard of this, so I watched and instantly loved it. The message is very relevant to this day, the cinematography is very beautiful and somehow nostalgic. I was horrified with Neil’s death. Tbh now I’ve seen too many memes and all kind of things from the fandom (which I’m grateful for!) I thought the heartfelt I once had would deluded a bit, however when I watched it again last April with my family at the cinema and it still moved me very deeply.
The age of Innocence
Okay, unpopular opinion here, I love this so much. It’s my all time favourite rsl film. It even outruns dps tiny winy bit haha. Aside from how he had tiny winy screen time, appearing at the end but the fact that he played quite an important role and him being gorgeous in it just<33 I couldn’t help but smiling! It just the whole film was so much of my cup of tea? The melodrama and the hypocrisy hidden by elegance among the upper social classes in 19th century is just what I needed. The more I watch it, the more I understand the characters and their emotions, it’s one of those films you should keep visit to discover the things you weren’t aware of before. I watched it again this morning and i couldn’t stop thinking about it. However, I know some people find it boring and I understand why, my sister is one of them lol(except for a bit where rsl was in) but i think it’s more complex than what it appears to be at a first glance haha. In conclusion, it became one of my comfort film to watch time to time. 
The ones I like<33
Swing kids
At first viewing, I didn’t expected much because it had underwhelming reviews but when I actually saw it, I thought it was quite decent and more and more I watched it, I felt like it was underrated. Yes, I think some directing choices were bit old fashioned and cheesy especially the ending, I’m not saying it was a perfect masterpiece but it deserves more recognition than it has now. Also in spite that there’re some parts being too simplified, it touched on something other films about ww2 normally don’t. It was interesting to see the German perspective on it than Jewish or the allies perspective like many of them does, but of course the latter perspectives matter, it could be argued that they more valid than the former, which partly was where sk criticised for, however, the portrayal of the varied reactions of the German people (in this one particular the teenagers) has its value in their on way. Anyway along side with it, the music and the dance scenes were great, without exaggeration, though Swing kids isn’t my fav, peter’s solo dance scene is my favourite scene in any movies I’ve ever watched. I mean that scene had both visuals and meaning as it demonstrated Peter’s determination as well as resentment with a hitch of unsureness. Rsl acting in that scene was just phenomenal, it’s not about showing off the dancing skills but he portrayed every mixed emotions peter has from his expression and the moves, I just can’t talk about this enough especially this scene was the reason I started fallen for him. lol
Much ado about nothing
Much ado is something I never seen anything like so it was a refreshing exprience. I barely watched Shakespeare on screen kind of thing. Though I felt there were some bits too cheesy for me but they are also the charms in the same time, and the cinematography was pretty also Claudio aka rsl, it was like an official announcement of declaring my worship on this man. Especially it was after SWING KIDSSSS so I couldn’t help it now everyone knows how I fallen for him but no one can blame meeeeee Anyway, it’s a really good film to watch when you want be relaxed with cup of tea maybe hehe
In the gloaming
I heard about it before I watched it, that it’s a heart wrenching, tearful piece, though I didn’t managed to cry, it’s just.... painful and in a way heartfelt. I liked that story telling was calm and collected rather than forcing you to join the sob party, just showing the characters to carry on. And thanks to the great acting from the cast, the characters could be emphasised and understood, personally the older sister was the most relatable character for me, well, eldest complex lol. In short I liked it but it’s not something I would watch it often.
Last days of Disco
As a person who looks at aesthetic in films, I simply enjoyed this for that tbh. I don’t know, I just liked the feeling. But I don’t think it’d be everyone’s cup of tea. I love the day time clothes the girls wore in the film. Tbh I love the music too, I think I love all the films of rsl with music in it. Speaking about rsl, oh rsl, he’s.... His character might be bit unlikable but he was just.... This is why I can’t unlove his characters even the debatable ones<33
They were decent! (I would recommend it)
Married to it
This is the first and last ever attempt of rsl of romcomssss The film itself is cliche to be frank it’s like love actually but it’s about marriage life + it’s not christmas but I like heartfelt cliche stories like this, if anyone also loves this type of story, it’s really worth watching, it’s one of my comfort films, also, rsl is so pretty I mean he always is but to see him being a office man with a baby face made me go awww my baby grew up heheh I wish he did another romcom like this or more preferably, melodramatic romance, I’d have made a shrine of it and worship it every morning lol
The boys next door
I kind of smiled while watching it throughout, if you want something that is heartfelt and touch on some serious topic about social workers and the people with mental disorder, Rsl plays a character who has (I think it was) Schizophrenia and troubled relationship with his father(Deja vu I know) but general atmosphere tend to be quite humourous. I don’t get me wrong, though it’s light hearted, it doesn’t mean they treat the topic in the same way. There’s a scene where the protagonist imagining the one of the characters with the disorder talking eloquently and honourably at the court on the rights and the dignity of the people with mental disorders deserve to/should have and they’re just the same people as the people without mental disorders. It was a powerful scene.
My two loves
Rsl’s first ever screen debut film! Hehe it’s about a woman who is discovering her sexual identity and the conflicts within I personally thought it was fairly sensible depiction but I can’t say for sure whether it was accurate or else, since I don’t think it’s my place to say it:) But if you’re interested, it’s on YouTube, you can just search for it or go to this post I made. Fun fact: since it was his debut film, it credits him as he’s real name, Robert L. Leonard, I just find it amusing haha
It’s another type of film I don’t encounter that often, I enjoyed it, especially with Neil and Todd’s reunion lol. Rsl mentioned how he enjoyed it because it felt like doing a play, my first impression was that the structure is like a play, though the camera work made me quite dizzy haha. But the dialogues, the acting, I think it was quite spot on. Especially the human contradictions and hypocrisy side of it. The most people assume the baddie in the film is Jon the character rsl played and has a distaste for him. I mean how can anyone love a character who is accused of r*pe but to be honest, Vincent for me seemed just as problematic, both of them are hypocrites for sure in their own different ways but in the end we can’t be sure what’s really the truth or not. It’s about the vagueness, and phychology and the uncertainty from the audience on who to believe(well, myself included, most would trust on Amy’s claims since she’s the victim in the accusation, but by her denying the claims, making everything way unclear,) so I don’t know. I don’t really have an opinion haha tho I don’t believe nothing happened because Amy denied so, even Umma Thurman who played her, said that her interpretation was that Amy lied. I felt it’s endless rabbit hole this film. Sorry I couldn’t worded it better.
My best friend is a Vampire
It’s cringey and weird but there’re odd charm to it. Vampire rsl’s so cute as well.... and I think it’s the only film, he acted kind of flirty ? So for that itself I’d like to appreciate itttt And it’s so 80s/90s, like it has general odd nostalgia like all films from that age has. I saw a Korean blog about rsl films and this was mentioned, that- they said- it’s a bible of rsl’s adorableness and I think that sum up the film perfectly.
Mr&Mrs Bridge
Before this was in ‘I mean it was fine” category, but I watched it again and now I want to retract my statement lol Still isn’t my fav but I noticed how delicately depicted each characters are, Mr and Mrs Bridge in particular. This film is alternatively about the changes in the young generation regarding liberty, feminism, free expression especially on sex. It’s in the perspective of the bridges, the mother and father who is old fashioned and conservative (as it was normal in their previous generation) and the children who are the young generation, and the misunderstanding and conflicts between them. After all it all happened not only because of the difference but also the lack of communication, which rsl emphasised in his interviews. I found it interesting that they made it seems like the Bridges truly existed with the video footage and (with the ending) describing what happened to each family member in text with photos. When I watched it at first I was really confused if it was based on a real life. I think what they wanted to suggest was that the Bridges every typical American family at the time. It was something everyone was going through. I said previously I didn’t get why Rsl’s character (the youngest in the Bridges) treated his mother so coldly. Honestly I do get why, but I guess I felt so bad so the mother haha
I mean it was fine
The safe passage
It was okay but to be honest it didn’t stood out to me. It was okay. The story, the characters weren’t that interesting. I wish they extended it longer to go depth with their family relationship or something.
A painted house
I find it likeable, it has a chill, old folk story vibe, but same as previous one. it didn’t really stand out except for shirtless rsl, do close ups you cowards
Bluffing it
I was really fond of the premise of this film and I think it has great intention. It was specifically made to promote the awareness of illiteracy and how to get support. However, I don’t get the reason of Jack the protagonist’s illiteracy. Unless, it was common occurrence in America at the time, I feel like it’d have been more convincing if he was in poor family hood, so there was no time to learn at school due to working at young age...? I mean, just finding it hard to believe he passed the high school just like that, I mean the teachers or anyone should have noticed it, maybe I’m missing something here but it seemed unlikely to me.
Ground control
Again, I liked the message, as it depicted how frightening and difficult job the ground controller is, by one mistake could take away the lives of hundreds, especially as someone who goes on planes a lot... But it was quite cliche throughout, I just couldn’t get engaged to it. But I do admit at the end when the protagonist runs off to the landing zone see the pilot who he had just saved, they acknowledged each other and have eye contacts was truly wholesome. Rsl as cocky, bad boy was such a icing on the cake, I loved it so much. Chewing gum in every scene lol I hope he plays these sort of characters more often. I saw someone criticising him saying he has narrow spectrum of just playing nice boy roles like Neil but I really wanted to debunk the narrative and this could be one of the examples! 
Chelsea walls
I knew that this has split reviews but nonetheless I think worth to watch it, 1. Ethan and rsl re union, 2. Ethan is the directer of the film and rsl sing in it. But I have to say, it’s one of those hard to follow art indie film so I couldn’t finish it on one go. I feel like I have to devour it over and over again. Maybe later on I grow fond of it more lol But his character, I loved him so much. He’s just has everyone don’t touch me, I’m a cocky artist vibe, there’s a scene where his annoying friend annoying him and he looks up and says: ‘Fck off’. Absolute golddddd not to mention he sings and plays guitar so beautifully<333
Well... it’s not my cup of tea
The Manhattan project
I don’t think the film it self was that bad, it’s about high school boy who find out the existence of some nuclear energy research lab and stole the energy to make his own nuclear bomb. I just don’t get the thinking process of the protagonist. It really frustrated me. He seemed apathetic and unlikable I disliked him throughout and that’s why I didn’t really enjoyed it. I mean it has humour and ridiculous storyline might be humorous to some. But more importantly there was such little screen time for rsl!! LIKE WHY? WHY PEOPLE?? HE LOOKS LIKE A FRESH HUMAN MOCHI!!! It makes me soooo mad to think about it
Killer: Journal of Murder
Well, first of all, it had a lot of graphic things than I imagined, brutally murd*red bodies, execution, and r*pe scene, gosh I was strucken by it when I saw that, I had to skipped that scene. It’s based on a real event and a real criminal called Carl Panzram, so if you’re aware of it, it might be more intriguiging to see. But personally for me... meh, I don’t think directing was good as it failed to portray it enough for me to comprehend fully.
A Glimpse of Hell
This is also based on a true event of a tragic accident in the us battleship in Iowa in 1989. They shows tragedy lin a blunt, brutal way by showing horribly damaged bodies of the soldiers torn into pieces, all the horrid things directly so be warned about that. I was quite alarmed because i didn’t expect to see it haha there’s no much to say. The film quality was so so for me. I feel their approach wasn’t appropriate, they were clearly trying to make it dramatic which is fine but in a melodramatic emotional way. It didn’t work because first, there aren’t enough portrayal of the characters for me to get attached, secondly it added the unnecessary exaggeration it prevented me from being emotionally involved or even to think about it. In my opinion, I think it’d have been better if they made it more restrained, dry, focus on the accuracy. For example like 1987 or Zodiac, I mean both of them has dramatic elements since they’re not a documentary but they were not overdone, in a contrary added emphasis to their message/conclusion. I know it’s easier said than done but it was something I consistently felt during it.
Sir.... I’m sorry but-
Haha... it’s very peculiar... the directing is off and it just weird. I knew it was bad already but I watched it because rsl as a cop with gunssssssss just... so rare and just.... something else. There’s no way of me missing that seriously. Tbh him doing an action stunt isn’t what I imagine when it comes to him and there’s really any actions scenes anyway but it really was something. Like the character he played here really became my soft spot Hehehehe he was pretty and plus, tbh it’s kind of film I’d make fun of while watching so everything was (alomst) forgivable. There is a recent thing I think about, since this is about a cult, I kind of hope he’d at some day play a role like Eli Sunday from There will be blood: a manipulative, deceitful and maddened priest with twisted faith. Though Paul Dano did a grand job, the idea was in my head the whole time. Well, it’s a shame he wasn’t any of those here lol
From what I seen, the majority of people seem to unanimously hate this film, and after watching it I became one of those ppl. At least Standoff could be make fun of and rsl held gunssss but this...... I want to say so many things... I feel like they should have chose either fancy, fast paced, thrilling racing film or detailed depiction of emotions/relationships with the racers and people involved in it, I know both can be done, but I think that was outside of their ability, but since they tried to do that at once, it became a mess that doesn’t go either way. And the characters, any of them, including rsl’s are narrow or impossible to understand. I mean rsl did great himself, it was not about acting, the problem lies on the script and editing in my opinion. Also there were so many unnecessary characters made me question of their existence. Luckily rsl’s character isn’t one of them, however because of them, he had to squeeze in and unable to elaborate, which is a shame as he was an interesting character and someone rsl rarely plays; a arrogant and opportunist agent/brother of the protagonist, who would do anything for success... ha.... whyyyyy
This is it. If I watch other stuff I might add to it in the future. Overall, I know I’m biased but I do like His filmography, I do have appreciations in every one of them in different way to the good ones to bad. He may have disagree, but I love his acting on screen, well, I barely seen him on stage (crying)
Edit: as some of you could see, I’ve edited this over and over again haha elaborating on thing or the contrary. I can say with a glimpse of hell I practically managed to watch every rsl films out there lol except for the i inside and the short film he did called a dog race in Alaska. But with the former I’m not interested and already know the storyline, and the latter is just impossible to find, trust me I did my best;; 
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
—gen z mc with uesugi-takeda + misc. forces
Tumblr media
ahh, i’m so glad people liked my gen z oda hcs! lol it’s usually pretty slow from my writing blog experiences until now, but i’m rlly happy! i was planning to do u-t and the others but then i decided to stop at oda and continue another day. thx for the asks tho! and yeah, i do take requests but it’s more of a pasttime, since this whole blog is just my stupid ideas written out and shared out there.
also someone said that a gen z mc could be old enough to romance the warlords, like, early twenties. and yes, very fair if u wanna romance ur mans with memes and existentialism go for it!! i just think it adds more to the comedy side of this child they have to babysit, while not fearing death or any consequences from their dumb of Ass decisions. someone who fears no death and armed with no braincells is a fool, but a Child who fears no death and armed with no braincells is also a fool, but more bizzare and has That Vibe y’know
@niphredil-14​ and @arthotsglasses​
tw: s*icidal, violent jokes treated in a light manner
also spoilers to some things of their characters
who is this,, , sassy lost child??
he first saw you prepared to throw hands with ronins who were being Elite Dickheads. ofc, armed with nothing compared to the sworded-adults, he had to interfere.
no matter how cold he treated you, masking his secret !!!-like concern, you seemed so unfazed through it. you still interacted with him like normal,,,,, why?? do you want a death wish?
and each time he threatened you with,, anything, you responded with, “the only one who gets to hurt & kill me, is ME”
...... what?
he’s convinced you’re the biggest fool of a person. and he’d be right but even so, he has a weirdly strong need to protect you as you two got closer. you’re often with sasuke, so it’s harder to avoid you.
even with all the Horrible jokes you make on a daily basis, if your passionate side with everyone having equal rights of being treated as human, for him it shows a side of you that makes you seem precious and pure and kind hearted.
and the overprotective side increases.
which is, ,, a bit problematic sometimes cause you have the tendency to target and piss off anyone in a 10 meter range by just one (1) sassy comment, along with your lack of impulse control and blurting out everything in your mind. it’s made you a lot of short enemies in the sengoku period, and kenshin would always be ready to slice them down behind you.
sasuke has to tame him down with his Masters degree in kenshin-wrangling.
at banquets, kenshin would often have you beside him. if you’re too young for sake do age for drinking exist in sengoku? probably not. it’s more of sasuke advising for him to not give you alcoholic drinks he’ll have you pouring for him or just munching away at pickled plums or food.
(ngl i kinda had a hard time with this since it’s erasing a big part of his overall character,,, flirting)
once he heard the news that oda had taken in somone as young as you during honno-ji,, ,,,he’s in a very “how dare that demon >>:( taking such a pure soul,....”
and when you’re taken to kasugayama as a captive, you’re,,, surprisingly very calm and whelmed. you don’t have much sign of fear or anxiety in your overall demeanor meanwhile you’re busy dissociating and spacing out to feel those
you actually don’t seem to hate your captor. but shingen isn’t sure if your ‘fingerguns’ is a good thing or not cause it depicts you pointing guns @ him,, (dw is good shingen)
while yes being held hostage—no matter how good you’re being treated—isn’t ideal and kinda not very cash money, you consider shingen v chill. man has a kindheart!! “i diagnose you with good vibes.”
if he ever sees your righteous side, as everyone else, he’ll deeply admire you. he himself is someone who believes in such as well. and hearing the circumstances in the modern world regarding those things (blm, etc.) his heart truly does go out for you. he feels sympathy for such a young person like you having to take action
also your dirty humor around him, echigo’s player, kind of makes him question where and how you learnt it
and,, his illness.
through getting straight to the point and not falling for it each time he changes subject/dodges the question, you managed to get to the bottom of his illness. shingen himself thinks it’s not something you have to burden with knowing—you’re so, so young.
but that doesn’t matter to you. the world’s given you such a shit time, you’re mature enough to understand the situation at least.
and as he finishes his explanation, all there was is silence. it felt wrong to say any of your usual quips,, so all you did was slowly came there and hugged him.
that was more than what he’d ask for.
oh hell yeah
you are in your element with him. the chillest guy to talk to, and probably the first one you’re the closest to
your phone was dead after like 2 days of use, and you were miserable while hideyoshi, like a typical parent, told you to go outside and into town. sensing your bad mood, sasuke asked what’s up. you deadpanned, “my phone game ended and now i’m ready to commit not breath.” you oslemnly look out in the bustling streets and clutched your fist like an Anime Protagonist, “those boomer memes were right all along... i am absolutely Miserable and Useless(^TM) without it.”
in response, you could’ve sworn he did the Anime Glasses thing as well, “then we at team Moderately Awesome Sengoku Ninja are happy to announce the launch of a DIY phone charger, made with the electricity from a fruit and the main functionality of a solar panel. and has more durability than samsung’s.”
there were Stars in your eyes now. with a big grin, you thank him, “i’d die for you, sasuke.”
“then perish.” he said with a blank look. (yukimura, in the bg: ???!!!??!??!?)
the next day he consentually breaks in through the ceiling and gives you the weird contraption. you’re now saved, soul-wise.
the memes start coming and they don’t stop coming from the two of you. in any situation. whether it’d be at a teahouse, or at a battlefield that can determine your life and death.
and you can have discussions about current world events, or the past ones, with him and he’d understand completely what you’re talking about. it’s those rare nights when you’ve been thinking and have a deep conversation with him in his room, and as an adult, it makes for interesting results as well.
the others are endlessly confused, but you’re both so unapologetically yourselves.
and he’s super protective if the circumstances are tough. he feels bad for dragging another person in the sengoku with him—much less when they’re so young like you.
if you’re enough of a lil shit, once you’re taken into kasugayama, in the nights where you can’t sleep because brain at what would be 3 am, you’d probably trudge over to his room and wake him up to tell him what kind of mind-blowing shit you realized.
when he saved you from falling to your death, your reaction already set off weird Vibes inside him. what do you mean, “you stopped me from fleeing this fleeting world by the sweet embrace of death” ?!?!?! are you crazy?? yes
he doesn’t waste time getting blunt with you at all either.
once he goes into azuchi as a merchant, he silently observes you talking to sasuke for a bit. what’s with your weird language?? and crude humor???? never in his life has he met someone in your age act like that wtf
even so, he still operates on the basis of ‘‘if sasuke trusts you, i trust you’’, no matter how utterly concerned you make him feel
you have a dirtier mind than him! unsurprisingly. along with everyone else, you often tease the poor soul, a nd you’d gladly tell him what the innuendoes mean ( 69, etc.) and maybe sprinkle in some gay jokes in there
and why do you keep mentioning this “bromance between him and sasuke” ?? what us,,, a bromance????? and why is sasuke in it??
he takes you out to teahouses to eat chestnut dumplings and other desserts with you. you always seem to target the one he doesn’t like the most and have a bit of banter
your relationship is built on banter but what’s different rlly
he treats you much more maturely than other people your age. as in, he doesn’t pull back his punches in words most of the time. you don’t seem to around him also, it looks like.
and, he’s also very protective of you. he regards you as his little sibling, as rat as you may be. and he does care about you—he might just be a bit unwilling to say it
you think he’s very chill, if a bit unique but who were you to judge. and he is, if you ever meet him in echigo or even azuchi
his big liking to art and something of apathy to people is osmething you can respect. there’s something about that kind of Vibe that you find oddly a mood.
and oh boy oh boy you wasted no time pulling up your phone and showing images of what art is in the future. whether it’d be a screenshot of anime, fanart, aesthetic-like ones, palette-themed—the whole shabang. 
and, somehow, you were left ranting to him  about how some artists in the future get it so shitty for theft, reposting, not crediting, the list goes on (please be a decent human being to artist, sincerely the author) and he can’t help but just listen in silence and kind of thinking about how you’re so passionate about the Struggles of artists. and it isn’t something he sees often in the sengoku era—where war rules most things.
and he does find art from the modern times interesting, how they’re so different and vast in styles. and not only that, it’s not like the future only has one major style like then, each hand can draw such different pictures and still have beauty in each. he appreciates and admires that.
and he does tell you his thoughts ^ while you give your own insight. it’s so fascinating to see someone like you having strong opinions on this.
because, well, rn art is a big thing in our lives as we’re stuck inside. a part of entertainment is looking at any media of art—and he finds his view of art and yours quite the same. you two came from a time of turmoil (one moreso than the other) but still think art isn’t exactly irrelevant just because it isn’t a cure to diseases or the Ultimate Weapon.
you had to Surgically Remove him from your phone so you can use it and to stop him from draining your battery looking at the art
and he often drags you out to town and admire pieces when you’re holing yourself in too much. your comments are always unknown to him, “radical”, “that’s one i can vibe with ngl”, and the list goes on.
and you occasionally call him pretty boy as a compliment rlly
when you first saw him at honno-ji, and he won’t forget the one (1) line you gave him, all you said to his warning of ooo spooky demons was, “that’s lit fam gtg tho”
and that alone was enough to stun him for a few seconds
honestly you told the others of your meeting with kennyo before they told you it could be kennyo. just a throaway line of “oh yeah there was this dude with a scar across his face.” / “,,, ,....that’s kennyo. he’s really dangerous actually—” / “oh, poggers”
you’re probably kind of half the reason the oda forces found who dun it.
and it was an eye for an eye, kennyo himself found out that you were their child chatelaine, and very close to the others. as per his villain-schedule, he kidnaps you .
he laments about how “such a pure soul such as yours is not to be stained by the demon’s hands”
oh how Wrong he was.
you were the definition of the opposite of pure. and you seemed unfazed, which surprised kennyo but shrugged it off. he was willing to face you screaming and panicking, along with shouldering the sin of doing the deed. but instead, he was met with a raised eyebrow and, “this is unexpected and probably not welcomed but what am i doing here.”
he was stunned for a moment before explaining what he can. 
“......... fuck.”
he cringed ever so slightly at your curse. but your attention seems to stray so quickly off of the fact that you were bounded and helpless, to the fact that you have the man doing unspeakable things to civilians and you absolutely don’t approve.
throwing your common sense to maybe be civilized, you went off on a rant of how human rights and how to not be an ass to him. all he could do was just listened, shocked to even cut you off.
when he did, he gave the whole ‘unsaved demon’ shtick, and you weren’t taking that kinda shit. he believed he was truly unsaved—you knew that. but that doesn’t make it okay.
eventually, he left you with a cold end of the conversation.
he admires your spirit in a way—but with what he’s experienced,,, it’s a bit of unreachable for him.
if at any point you saw the soft side of his with animals, you just gaped at him for a split second and whispered, “the gap moe is strong with this one.”
also old man died inside when you said that you’d fight god, along with many things.
all in all, to him, you’re insufferable. but weirdly,, fascinating.
you’ve totally ok boomer’d him once cause he rlly looks old
,,. if your speech to kennyo was bad, he’s going to rant hell.
motonari already knew you were interesting even when his men just spied on you. your behavior, so brash and impulsive, is going to be so fun to have, he thinks.
through some planning to stir up more chaos, he kidnaps you and brings you unto his ship. same as kennyo, you showed no clear sign of surprise, and that’s when he decided you were either used to this in any way, or a fool. both answers, he liked.
you’re kind of really confused on why he’s doing what he’d doing. “i get it, i like to stir up chaos myself but it’s harmless,, most of it—but not until the people are in danger, bitch.”
and by that line, motonari leans towards you with a deadly smirk, “now, i can bite, ‘kay kid? you don’t wanna be in the receiving end... do you?”
“do it, coward.”
and before he could let out even a wheeze of laughter, you continued on on a lecture of, again, not being a dick and letting people live their life in peace. and much less all of this damage, for what? chaos?? yeah you wanted to see the world burn but it wasn’t literally.
however, his patience was running thin. he shuts you up forcefully, and leaves.
even so, after a cooldown period, he still talks to you (,,,, well, that’s kind of a generous term) because, right he was, you were so fun in his eyes.
an interesting observation he made,,, was that you picked up on his big dislike of physical contact. and he’d think with how annoying you were at times, that you’d weaponize it. but you didn’t—in fact, you kept your space (not that you were planning to get close) and respected his boundaries.
he thinks you a bit of peculiar for that decision, some wary, and perhaps naive.
one of the days—the more dangerous ones—he was planning to take you to the oda as bait or something. and you weren’t taking it like that. two days before arrival, a storm racked up. you stood upon the edge of the ship with the rest of the crew watching you like you were a madman.
“the oda won’t want me if i’m dead, would they now?”
motonari stands in his composure, guffawing, “all i need is to make sure they believe you’re alive, kid.”
a smile that showed absolutely no fear and 1000 percent spite spread in your face, “not unless i decimate my own body until all the trail left is my blood. the only one who gets to do that shit to me, is me.”
finally, a look of wavering shows in his face.
you were saved last minute,, and the rest is history.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Accidentally deleted my Tyrian and Watts asks while I was trying to fix a mistake so... Sorry about that, everyone! Here they are! Tyrian and Watts for the RWBY character asks!
Let’s do Tyrian first, because I have less to say about him, I feel like.
My top three ships for the character
Tyrian/Watts. Dysfunctional villainous romance of the century, no one knows how they’ve managed to make it to their tenth anniversary without killing each other, including them. Tyrian/Salem is my second top ship for him. Major Bellatrix/Voldy vibes with this one, but I could see it. Tyrian/Hazel is my third ship for lack of options. Does this one make sense? No. But I can at least see Tyrian being super flirty and Hazel being endlessly tired, but never really stopping it. (Also I hate Hazel so much lol.)
My three least favorite ships for the character
Tyrian/Qrow sucks for me. Like... I kinda feel like two people fighting each other just gets shippers, which is fine and totally understandable. But for me, Tyrian poisoning Qrow and almost killing him and calling his beloved niece a bitch and then killing Clover is a big no from me, dog. On that note! Tyrian/Clover is also one big no from me, since Clover murdered him. And Tyrian/Ozpin is another really big no from me. Tyrian and his crazy Salem worship can stay five hundred and fifty feet away from my son.
My biggest criticism for the character
They went a little too much on the crazy in the fourth and fifth season and it made him feel annoying. Like, I don’t mind the Bellatrix vibes, but I do mind the movie version Bellatrix vibes, sometimes. It just got kinda annoying. I wish his crazy was always more on the dangerous side and less on the kooky side, but that’s just personal opinions.
My favorite thing about the character
The way people are so uncomfortable around him. Whenever Tyrian talks to Emerald or Mercury, he’s honestly freaky. Like both me and the characters are waiting for him to snap. That’s a great quality in a villain that we’re meant to hate or love to hate. He has a real presence and it’s enjoyable.
A headcanon I have about them
Tyrian doesn’t often try to act normal, but he can, and he’s got a great ‘respectable, cool guy’ act that’s actually a little reminiscent of Qrow or Clover. He’s even passed himself as a Huntsman here and there.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
More involvement in volumes 4 and 5, and I’d treat him a bit more seriously and make him a bit more dangerous. Maybe I’d have him wound a member of Team RNJR in his attack as well as poison Qrow (maybe give Jaune a reason to unlock his semblance in season 4 and in response to the pain of a member of his team. Also, his ‘Tyrian purple’ color should be more than just the color of his eyes. Like, how come so many RWBY characters season 4 and onward have such boring colors? I’d give Tyrian some strong purple and pink.
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Tyrian alludes to the animal fable ‘the Scorpion and the Frog,’ and that’s... really in name only, I think. A part of me wants to give them some kind of points for having Qrow work with him against Clover, only for Tyrian to kill Clover, which lines up with his ‘its just my nature’ scorpion stinging the frog so that they’ll both drown and die. But they didn’t mean for Qrow to really be wrong! They didn’t mean for the lesson to be ‘Qrow shouldn’t have trusted the poisonous villain’ it was ‘wowza does Qrow’s semblance hurt him. :( Too bad Clover got himself killed.’ Which makes the whole allusion kind of suck.
Now for Watts, the single best villain in my opinion.
My top three ships for the character
Tyrian/Watts. See above. This ship would be a dysfunctional mess, but it’d be a wild ride. Watts/Villain!Ironwood. I kind of hate this ship when it’s ‘fallen hero turned villain’ Ironwood. But if he actually had been written as a secret villain or obviously headed that way from the start, I can see him and Watts also being a dysfunctional mess of a wild ride ship, only with way more ‘evil power couple’ vibes than Tyrian and Watts would have. Also my favorite version of this features Watts having been the one to build Penny (maybe by stealing the plans from Pietro) and him and Ironwood raising a still bright and cheerful, still innocent and trusting, villain Penny who will attack to kill with a smile on her face and a ‘it was nice meeting you!’ And this is very weird and niche but Watts/Evil Stepsister (specifically the one with the sharp bangs and highlights.) Someone sent me an ask saying the Evil Stepmother and stepsisters should’ve been connected to Salem and gotten Cinder involved and I totally agree with this. I then started envisioning a world where the step sisters competed with Cinder and all three of them were raised in Salem’s circle. In this version of things, I could totally picture one of the step sisters having a romantic tension driven connection with Watts and the two of them subtly flirting sometimes (and bonding over their mutual hatred of Cinder.) I picked the sister with bangs for no real reason except that I like her look more.
My three least favorite ships for the character
Watts/Cinder. Watts thinks of her like a bratty little girl, and Cinder kills him. Watts/Lionheart. Kinda really hate this one because of how clearly Lionheart was terrified of him. Just a bit uncomfortable for me to see that in a relationship. Watts/Hero!Ironwood or Watts/HeroTurnedVillain/Ironwood. Sorry, but Ironwood in canon got such a bad, bad portrayal in season 8 and the end of season 7, and I just can’t help but blame Watts for quite a bit of it. I only like them as a ship if Ironwood is an antagonist from the start.
My biggest criticism for the character
They shouldn’t have killed him! He was one of Salem’s best followers and one of the best villains and it was such a big mistake to kill literally one of the only actual loyal followers. It threw off any character development for Cinder and it was a big mistake. I really wanted the Cinder / Watts / Neo team up to keep going! I’m so disappointed it got thrown away.
My favorite thing about the character
Watts is an entitled, petty bastard, and I think that’s so good for a villain that isn’t meant to be social commentary (because tbh, RWBY never should’ve tried to be social commentary.) Watts isn’t sympathetic, he’s an Atlas born and raised guy in a three piece suit, he’s posh, he’s upset because he wasn’t given exactly what he wanted. Most of the villains in RWBY are either victims of abuse, systemic oppression, or poverty, and that’s... Not fun in a show that’s never handled social commentary well and is about magical girls destroying Voldemort/Satan with the power of friendship (Ruby literally never says anything about Faunus rights iirc.) Watts is refreshing because he’s exactly the type of villain that you can expect in a show like what RWBY should’ve been, and he flourishes as that. Why would we be sympathetic to Watts when he’s just doing this all because he wasn’t picked first for his tech? Why would we feel soured towards conflicts with Watts and Team RWBY? He’s just a petty bastard being evil because he was snubbed. Why would we be frustrated that incredibly significant problems are being shoved to the side with Watts? He’s a fun villain, he’s not meant to be more, he’s not meant to make you emotionally invested only to then be gutted for it. You can hate to love him without it feeling bad. Maybe that’s why he’s just my favorite non-kid villain (other than Roman.)
A headcanon I have about them
Watts has been trying to build his own AI robot like Penny, in his spare time. He wanted it to be done in time to become a Maiden, but it wasn’t, and Salem gave that slot to Cinder and got after Watts for not contributing enough. He of course thought this was deeply unfair (especially after being made to contribute a lot to Cinder’s Beacon success without getting any credit for it.) And this just fueled his hatred of Cinder, his hatred of Pietro and Ironwood, and by extension, his hatred of Penny.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I would keep him freaking alive and keep up the pair up he had going on with Cinder and Neo! But also I’d increase his relationships with Emerald, Mercury, Tyrian, Hazel... Just some more Salem’s Inner Circle moments to flesh out their characters. Other than that, I wouldn’t change much. He’s a pretty good character.
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Okay, I’ve talked about his character allusion in a very long post awhile ago, but I’m not scrolling down that far to tag it. To sum it up... I hate his allusion. XD I loved the Sherlock Holmes books and read most of them, and I didn’t realize he was supposed to allude to John Watson until I read someone else’s post saying so, and I started freaking out about how awful it was. Watts has so little in common with Watson, he’s essentially the anti-Watson. Which basically means he’s Sherlock Holmes, the opposite of Watson in almost every way, up to and including freaking faking his death which is one of the most iconic Sherlock Holmes thing ever. Watts is everything Sherlock Holmes is on his worst days, arrogant, callous, consumed with his projects, petty, smug, over the top - as well as being hyper intelligent and a genius who often just gets passed over. He has rivalries with his colleagues like Holmes did. And like I said, he faked his death, only to reveal himself to an old friend later on the cusp of carrying out a scheme. He’s evil Holmes! He has nothing to do with John Watson - caring, humble, down to earth, not brilliant like his friend but content to be ordinary and special because of his emotional depth and devoted heart, medical former doctor who spends quite a lot of time chronicling the successes of someone else because he’s content to live in the background. Don’t get me wrong, a ‘Watson’ character who is evil could work - Watson himself indulged in crime for the sake of Holmes sometimes in the original works and if he worshipped Salem or one of her followers and did everything for her while still being a more humble, more friendly, not brilliant person he could be good - but Watts is not that person. Even the gimmicks Watts is given are stupid and don’t make it obvious he’s Watson. Boy’s got a moustache and a revolver and they thought that’d be enough. Idk why they thought 'we’ll make him Watson’ when he’s clearly a Holmes! Also, he’s supposed to be ‘Watson if he’d met Moriarty instead of Holmes,’ and to that I say boo! Watson wouldn’t turn into a super genius just because he meets a different mastermind!
...That’s summing up my feelings, yeah. Because I have so many feelings about his warped, weird character allusion. If I was changing it, I’d just make him Holmes like I think he was clearly supposed to be.
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If you could change ten things about Teen Wolf what would you change??
OMG BUCKLE DOWN BECAUSE IT’S GONNA BE A LONG ONE! Do asks have a word limit? Guess we gonna find out! (Sometimes I wish I could speak these replies, they sound much funnier when I am speaking out loud to myself and then they are just weird and flat typed up but I DIGRESS! I do that a lot, have you noticed? Doesn’t matter.)
(Also, I did put a “Keep Reading” but for some reason it’s not working. Or it’s not showing as working on my end. But it’s right under this paragraph I swear so if it’s not working, that isn’t on me....)
1) SO! Trauma. People be dealing with their traumas. That’d be a thing I’d like, thank you. Like, I’m sorry, but there is a fuckton of trauma in this show and everyone like, goes to bed at night and wakes up cured. Like MAGIC! I mean, yes, I get that magic is a thing in the show (is it? I mean kind of? Idk, I never saw past season 4, they alluded to magic and then SNATCHED THAT AWAY so, side-note, that’s coming up later!) But yes, I would’ve very much liked for people to, you know, deal with their traumas in a realistic fashion. Let’s get some therapy going, or like, idk, some actual negative reactions to thing! They kind of had that with Stiles every now and then, but he seemed to be up and down episode to episode so like, it’d be like they wrote an episode where he reacts to what happened to him and then four episodes have gone by where he’s fine and the writers were like “OH YEAH SHIT HE JUST MURDERED LIKE A WHOLE HOSPITAL, make him have a panic attack randomly over dropping milk, that balances out, excellent, we’re so smart.” So yes. DEAL. WITH. THE. TRAUMA! Thanks.
2) LESS CHARACTERS, MORE DEVELOPMENT! I mentioned this in another recent ask about relationships but like, they just kept shoving characters in there. Like one of those clown cars. So we got like, 30% character development on the core group and then the rest was like “wait, who are you again?” Like, legit, I have a bad memory, you put too many people in front of me, I ain’t gonna remember them unless they have a good personality or a reason to be there. And like, develop their relationships! Not even romantically, but like, Scott’s mom loves Scott, that is sweet and lovely, but like, we never really… see… that… developed? Idk man, like again, I have a bad memory, but when you really develop relationships WELL (ex: Brooklyn-nine-nine), that shit sticks with you and you CARE about people. The friendships are important, and the familial relationships are important and just developing all the dynamics is important! They spent more time showcasing how much everyone hated each other and lied to each other and stuff and that just got really tiring. Yes, you’re allowed to get mad at your friends, but if you’re a Werewolf, and your human friend is calling you when there is a fucking monster running around killing people, can you maybe stop making out with your girlfriend and answer your phone so your friend isn’t treading water with a 200+ pound Werewolf for 2 hours? Like, JUST SAYING! (Spoiler alert: Me and Scott would not be close friends. Like, I think we’d be friends, but not so much that I’d trust him with my life. If I wanted to grab pizza and a movie, maybe play some video games, he sounds like a treat, but if my life was in danger, thanks I be callin’ someone who answers their phone).
3) Actual consequences for their actions! Okay like, I am also guilty of this in fanfic, but at the same time, my writing is free, I don’t get paid for it, and I write what I want because that’s how it works, so I can do whatever I please (If I wanna make the Hales royalty for the millionth time, ain’t nobody gonna stop me!). But like, when you are a legit paid screenwriter who is writing a show? Consequences! Just because it’s a show about Werewolves doesn’t mean there can’t be any consequences! Like, the best scene, and I feel like we can agree, because fuck it like, hurt my soul and my heart and I was just so like ;~; was when the sheriff got fired (fired? suspended? TEMPORARILY UNEMPLOYED!) because Stiles stole a police van when they locked Jackson up in it. Like, that shit was REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES for actions, and that shit was intense and it HURT and omg I loved it! Give me more of that! Like, I’m sorry, but you gonna tell me Nogistune!Stiles walked through the hospital murdering a bazillion people and not one camera was working the whole time? Not one? Nobody saw that? Nobody went “hey, isn’t that the sheriff’s kid?” Like, CAN. YOU. IMAGINE?! That would’ve been so amazing, a bunch of episodes of the pack scrambling to keep the Supernatural a secret while also trying to stop Stiles from GETTING ARRESTED because saying “Sorry ma’am, I was possessed by a demon fox who likes chaos and thought murdering a bunch of people would be fun” ain’t gonna fly in court and the FBI sure isn’t gonna believe that but like, UGH! Again, bad memory, but was the fact that Dark!Stiles wandered through the hospital killing people EVER brought up again???? CONSEQUENCES. Woulda really liked that.
4) STOP with unnecessary romances. Like, yeah, I get it, the allos like their romances, but shockingly, you can still have a good show without focussing on the romance. Like, it can be there, I’m not saying don’t put it in, I’m saying DON’T MAKE IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Like, the entirety of season one was Scott chasing Allison and Stiles chasing Lydia. This… this does not make an interesting show? Like, is that just me? And then as the season progressed, EVERYONE had to be in a relationship? WHY? Again, haven’t seen past season four, but I mean, I know Scott and Kira were a thing, and then Stiles and Malia, and Liam and some… person? Idk. And Ethan and Danny (congrats Jeff, you get to tick your “I had representation in my show!” box, well done, gold star, or whatever). And Isaac and Allison, and Melissa and Chris (apparently?). And then Stydia was alluded as being canon, and Scott ended up with Malia somehow?? And Derek slept with half the town and all of Mexico, idek. Like, stop it. Stop. Shows work without everything being about everyone banging each other. (See again: Brooklyn-nine-nine, or Avatar the Last Airbender, or The Good Place, or even fucking Supernatural!) You can have a good, interesting story without everyone banging each other. It ain’t necessary.
5) More actual storytelling (again, this woulda worked better without the unnecessary romances taking up 49 of the 50 minutes of air-time). Like, yes, I get it, pilot’s gotta have some pizzaz! Gotta be spicy and sparkly to make people interested (and like, fucking hell, all I can remember of the pilot is sobbing Allison soaking wet–LIKE, WAS THAT NECESSARY???–about the dog she hit and oh noes is it dead well thank God the lead character works for a vet! And somehow has keys and access to the whole clinic like nbd at all hours? Whatever. I wasn’t even allowed inside my blockbuster as a shift lead if it was off-hours but apparently a high school student doing paperwork at a vet clinic is different, I’m not a vet so what do I know? I HAD A BAD DAY OKAY, I GOT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS RN!) I went off-topic, what was I saying? Oh yes, storytelling. You know what woulda been nice? Werewolves! It happens, we find out about Laura, we find out about Werewolves, Scott gets bitten, all that jazz. And then like… ease in the Hunters? Like, why was there Laura/Derek, Peter, AND the Hunters all crammed into the pilot? Yes, I get it, you need the SUSPENSE and the DRAMA, but you can do that without the Hunters right off the bat. Just, how CONVENIENT~ that the same day Derek and Laura come back, Hunters move to town? That’s just lazy, and again, I can be guilty of laziness, I admit to it, but I literally get paid in—like, do hearts count? I get paid in hearts and pats on the back for my fics, I can write whatever I want. If you’re getting paid to write something, try a bit harder, yes? Yes???
What number am I on? Oh good Lord, I got things to say, okay.
6) MAGIC! Can you like—I feel like this one is self-explanatory. Stiles did the whole mountain ash thing in season one, and it was SO PROMISING, and then that just died. It died like Maes Hughes getting shot in a phonebooth (spoiler, but really, you haven’t seen that yet, that’s a you problem). Why even bother introducing magic if you weren’t gonna use it? Like, was it because people like Stiles more than Scott and the showrunner was like “nonono. If we make him magic, he’s TOO cool, and then Scott is unimportant.” I mean, you coulda worked that in your favour, but no. You just murdered the fuck out of it, like straight up took it out back and shot it. Like, yeah, Derek went kiddo again and Jennifer was apparently all magic beauty spell or whatever, but like?? That’s it??? You had a show about Werewolves and you didn’t even try to make it more interesting by making some of the characters magic? Lydia’s basically the closest and they didn’t even explain her powers that well. Magic would’ve been dope and they totally shoved that to the side. That was dumb. Shoulda done something with that.
7) Explain things more? Don’t mention them once and then do nothing? Like, we got some brief stuff about anchors, and emissaries (which are super duper secret according to Deaton but then like, EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS EMISSARY SO WHICH IS IT DEATON? YOU TELL ME!) Like, they had so much opportunity to talk about so many things and again, maybe that comes out more in the later seasons, idk, but they likely coulda done with more explanations and they didn’t and this angers me GREATLY. They mention something once and then it never comes up again. That’s some Lost bullshit right there. Don’t start something if you’re not gonna commit. You tell me the beginning of the story, I wanna fucking know the end, don’t forget halfway through and wander away, that ain’t right, I NEED ANSWERS JEFF! And like, as above, never really got Lydia’s powers. I know what a Banshee is, but her powers did NOT make sense to me. Idk, could just be that I’m dumb, but similarly, don’t write something so convoluted that it confuses people, that is also dumb. As dumb as I am so like, well done there. And also do we get more on Parrish? I know he’s a Hellhound, but how does one get born a Hellhound and not know until you are conveniently lit on fire by someone trying to kill you for money? (Also, you bean, you absolute treasure, “I’m worth five dollars?” You’re so cute. Silly child.) I feel like being a Hellhound is something that woulda come up before getting barbecued in his cruiser. Like, he works a stressful job, you gonna tell me not ONCE while getting shot at he didn’t have a massive heart attack over a close call and like, burst into flames? No? Is that just a me thing? I feel like the slightest annoyance and I’d be fully on fire, not gonna lie. (I’d be on fire a LOT… CLEARLY I AM AN ANGRY PERSON! No, that’s not true. No yes it is, I am angry, but more angry lately because I’m sleep-deprived and work is dumb ANYWAY back to this)
8) EMBRACE THE SIDE CHARACTERS! Okay, so MAYBE Scott is meant to be the golden child. The Dick Grayson of the show, if you will. The original Robin, the creme de la creme. That’s all fine and dandy if he is, no judgement (little judgement), but you know what you don’t do when your side characters are getting a lot of attention and love? What you DO NOT do is give them less screen time. Because then you’re being petty and, shockingly, you get more positive results when you give the fans what they want. I’m not talking about pairings, because everyone is different, and you can’t cater to everyone, but like, the more people moved away from liking Scott, the harder the showrunners pushed him into our faces. And like, that isn’t how this works. If I like side character 87 a lot, and the lead’s getting annoying, you know what’s gonna make me NOT watch the show? Cutting out side character 87 (hey, for shits and gigs, let’s call him DANNY, just, not coincidentally at all) and then just shoving the lead into my face. That is what makes someone go “Well, four seasons is enough, I can happily live knowing I didn’t waste my life watching two more of them.” Like??? I’m not saying cut out Scott, because the show is ABOUT Scott, but the more everyone tried to showcase how amazing and wonderful and pure and perfect he was, the more annoying it got? Like, Scott has flaws. THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS! If you don’t admit that they all have flaws, it gets boring, and you hate the characters. I know that Scott turned into a douche later (apparently, again, haven’t seen it), but even in the early seasons by trying to make him this pure True Alpha golden angel child who spreads love and hope and trusts everyone, it just got boring. He was vanilla, and also a bad friend, because he was too “perfect” to be around someone “imperfect” like Stiles, and even like, the rest of the pack overall. He was always put on a pedestal and it made the show really… irksome? Idk, I just feel like yes, SCOTT is the Teen Wolf, but you added all these damn side characters, maybe use them a bit more? At least Stiles was interesting, and Lydia was fucking badass, and fucking hell, if you’d done right by Boyd and Erica, the actors wouldn’t have left for better shows so like, come on man, you coulda done better. We coulda had such a dope show, why you gotta crush my dreams like that Jeff? What did I ever do to you?
I know this is only eight, but this is long enough, if I go two more, this is gonna be IN.SANE. And also it’s late and I haven’t finished my fic for the day (I mean, I’m almost done, but I’m not done yet!) So like, I’ma stop here. But yes, hopefully this answered your question. Sorry I got REALLY PASSIONATE about it but it’s been a day.
Also, I feel this needs to be said, but obviously these are my own personal opinions, and as opinions, you are not obligated to agree with them. But you are also not allowed to tell me my opinion is wrong. You can disagree with it, but this is an opinion, not a law, so there is no right and wrong. Don’t @ me, my day’s been bad enough kthx!
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siriusmuch · 4 years
years | lily evans
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pairing: lily evans x reader ; sirius black x reader
warnings: angst. lots and lots of angst.
word count: about 4k, my longest story yet!
summary: requested by anon — prompt #91 (in the background, the music plays, a sad tune, full of wistful piano and haunting violin. there is nobody left to hear it.) from this list. you loved a lot of people, but you loved lily evans like you did no other.
a/n: thank you for the request! i hope you like this, i hate writing things with no happy endings but i couldn’t resist. there’s not going to be a part two for this, sorry! there is a part with sirius x reader in this, although it’s not the main ship. you’ll understand as you read on :) sorry that the ending is a bit rushed :(
masterlist here
In your first year of Hogwarts, you remember everything about your first day vividly. Your parents sent you off with a sad farewell, and you promised to write to them often. They shed a few tears, and you almost missed the train by how long your hugs with them were. They peppered your face in kisses, your mother holding onto your father’s chest as you waved goodbye to them the final time. You knew it was extreme, but you were 11, and you were going to Hogwarts.
You’ve been waiting for this day your entire life.
Your parents were the sweetest people you knew. Your birth parents had fallen ill with the Dragon Pox when you were five, and you were constantly around caretakers until they had passed. You didn’t remember them to the extent you would’ve liked. You were put up for adoption, and your parents — who were also wizards — welcomed you into the family without ever looking back.
You were exposed to tragedy early in your life, but that never stopped you.
You ended up sharing a train car with two other girls your age, although the three of you didn’t end up becoming very good friends. Excitement and jitters filled your conversations, although you were all sorted into different houses.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you were in awe. You’d heard stories about the beauty of Hogwarts, with their floating candles to the castle-like interior. You’d ever tried reading Hogwarts: A History, although you got bored quickly and opted to play quidditch in your backyard instead.
When your name was finally called, you took a seat and the Sorting Hat was placed upon your head. You beamed, although your leg shook with how nervous you were. Both your birth parents were Gryffindors, although your adoptive parents were Hufflepuffs. You didn’t mind getting sorted in either house.
‘Oh, a (Y/L/N)?’ The Sorting Hat hummed, and you nodded. Although you were adopted, your last name never changed. You appreciated that your parents never did so, because even though you didn’t consider your birth parents mom and dad, at least you had a piece of them with you. ‘Your parents were the greatest Gryffindors I’ve seen, although you have a heart of pure gold. The way your heart swells when you think of your parents show me your Hufflepuff heart. You’d do well in either of those houses.’
You beamed, nerves quickly washing away. You had grown up with Hufflepuff ideals, so you weren’t surprised that you were considered for Hufflepuff. ‘But… I think you’d do better as a Gryffindor. You have great things ahead of you, (Y/N). So…’
Your eyebrows furrowed at what the Sorting Hat meant by “great things”, but before you could ask — think? — the Sorting Hat yelled, “Gryffindor!”
Moving off the seat, you walked towards the Gryffindor table, sitting in the closest empty seat you could find. As more people got sorted, you turned to the girl next to you, a red-head with stunning green eyes, and introduced yourself.
“Hi! I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” You smiled, not knowing what was in store for you for the next ten years.
By the time second year rolled around, you had befriended the infamous Marauders. You weren’t necessarily as close to them as you were to Lily, but you found them funny. Except when James was asking out Lily — you always found yourself in a sour mood, although you had no clue why. You had came to the conclusion that you were just possessive of her friendship, since you had never been to close to someone else who wasn’t your parents to this extent.
You listened to Lily complain about the Marauders a fair extent. Remus was occasionally included in the complaints as well, although he usually got away with more things than the others did. You hung around Snape as well, although he never seemed too keen to talk to you. He seemed to tolerate you best when you were with Lily as well, although you always joked that being around Lily seemed to bring out your best qualities.
“What does Evans see in Snivellus?” James moaned again, putting his head down onto his textbook before peeking up at you.
“They’ve been friends since before Hogwarts, you know. You can’t separate them that easily, it’d be like if Lily constantly told you that you shouldn’t be friends with Sirius because he’s a Black.” You shrugged.
You and James had this conversation quite a few times. Lily didn’t necessarily approve of your friendship with him, but it didn’t stop you. Especially when you knew that James was a softie behind his egotistic exterior. You tried telling Lily this, although James always seemed to embarrass himself with Lily was around.
“But the point is that Sirius isn’t like his family. Snape fits in with those Slytherins, stupid pureblooded maniacs.”
“Snape isn’t even a pureblood,” you commented, “plus, not all Slytherins are bad. This is why Lily doesn’t want to be friends with you, much less your girlfriend.” You ruffled James’ hair, feeling a bit sick at the thought of Lily being James’ girlfriend.
You didn’t even believe in cooties anymore, and romance was cute. You had no idea why the idea of James and Lily made you feel so… sad. Shaking the thought off, you stood up.
“I should get going, I told Lily that I’ll join her and Snape to study potions. I’ll catch you later, James.” You smiled at him, taking your books and swiftly leaving.
By the time you were in your third year of Hogwarts, the mood shifted. No one was oblivious to this, but some people pretended they weren’t aware. Life became more intense, more stressful — there was a war building outside of the school, and fights broke out more often.
You made sure to accompany Lily everywhere.
You knew that Lily knew what you were doing, and you knew that she was a little annoyed by it. After all, she was independent and a brilliant witch, and more than capable of taking care of herself. But you were scared anyway. Scared for yourself and scared for her and anyone who wasn’t pureblooded.
But you tried carrying on with life as normally as possible, despite the fact that you subscribed to The Daily Prophet and read it every morning as opposed to just hearing news from your parents. You even wrote to them more than normal, and they sent you care packages about once a month. You didn’t need it, but you appreciated stuff from home. It made you feel safer, and you always made sure to share anything you got with Lily. You even tried out for the Quidditch team, having missed out last year. You ended up being their seeker, and you took pride in how happy everyone was in you. Especially how happy Lily was. You knew she was fascinated with Quidditch, despite being terrible at flying.
You grew even closer to James after you got on the Quidditch team, but a part of you always felt sad when you were around him. You still had no clue why, and it only intensified whenever Lily was brought up or associated, and you tried steering clear from the topic as much as possible without seeming suspicious.
There was a part of you that was confused, though. James and Sirius started hanging out at the library, and you didn’t know why. There were no pranks that happened, but they could be seen reading and researching something throughout the year. Peter joined them, although it was normal to see him in the library as well. Sometimes Remus was around, but mostly he was working on his own schoolwork. Whenever he was with the Marauders while they were off researching, he always seemed a bit nervous and exasperated at the same time.
You wondered, but you knew you wouldn’t get an answer.
“Don’t you find it odd that James, Sirius, and Peter always look so tired the day after Remus is out sick or his mother is sick? It’s like when he’s away, they go wild.” You brought up to Lily one day.
Lily shrugged, “They’re always a bit weird, though? They keep so many secrets… I would’ve expected them to be blabbermouths, but they never share any of their secrets. Haven’t you noticed that whenever someone is in trouble they end up at the scene?”
“It is odd… I don’t think I’d ever be able to understand boys,” you joked. Lily rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face.
The two of you sat in silence at the Great Hall, watching James, Sirius, and Peter’s sluggish movements. A bit later, Remus came to join them, looking just as tired as they did. You exchanged a look with Lily.
Once again, you found yourself hopefully lost in Lily’s eyes. They’re always so vibrant, and you hated when they dulled just the tiniest bit whenever something happened with her sister. You wished you could take all her pain away, to always be there to pick her up no matter what happens. It pained you to be in a state where you couldn’t do anything to help.
“Earth to (Y/N)?” Lily snapped her fingers in front of your face, causing you to blink. “You’re staring again. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” you said, a familiar flush creeping up on your face. You had the littlest of ideas why you kept on staring at her, but you didn’t want to feel this. Not towards Lily, at least. Not towards your best friend, who you could easily lose by admitting these feelings.
Fourth year was the year you started getting suspicious of the Marauders, realized your tiny crush on Lily Evans, and came out to your parents through a letter.
Fifth year was the year you became best friends with Sirius Black.
You had no idea why Sirius had started avoiding the Marauders, nor why they were so aggressive towards him. The entire group was tense, and from what you’ve been told, you knew that Sirius did a terrible prank that was unforgivable. You knew that James was upset that you were hanging out with Sirius, but you had came to the realization that Sirius was rather… lonely, at least without the Marauders around.
There were always rumors circulating at Hogwarts, but as you talked to Sirius, you realized that it wasn’t as true as it seemed.
The two of you were currently out after curfew, hanging out in the astronomy tower. You were smoking a cigarette that he’d passed you, and you just stared up at the ceiling.
“You’re in love with Evans, aren’t you?” Sirius interrupted your silence.
You turned to face him, your eyebrows furrowing. You could feel a sick feeling starting to build in your stomach. No one knew this, even though you had came out to your parents as attracted to both boys and girls.
“Why do you say that?” You hesitantly asked.
“You’re always staring at her. You always perk up when she’s mentioned, not to mention you always get moody every time James talks about liking her. You glare at any people who try and ask her out on dates. Only an idiot wouldn’t know.” Sirius turned to face you.
“Merlin, is it that obvious?” You groaned, “Yeah, I figured out that I liked her last year. But I don’t even know if she likes girls like that. Not many people are accepting, you know? I don’t even know if you are.”
“It’d be ironic if I didn’t accept it. I’m in love with Remus.”
“You are?” You blinked, jaw dropping a bit. You didn’t know if anyone else in Hogwarts was like you, but here Sirius was. “Do you just like guys or…?”
“I don’t know yet. I think both, kissing girls is nice, but with Remus…”
“With him, it’s different.” You finished his sentence.
In sixth year, you hung around Lily a lot more. She was still struggling after what Snape had said to her, and you once again wished that you could take away her pain. She was suffering, and you didn’t know what to do to help her.
You had asked James for a passageway out to Hogsmeade, and you snuck her out despite her poor protests. The two of you drank butterbeer while you let her cry (for the final time, she swore) on your shoulder. Eventually, her tears faded out and all there was was anger. Anger for not realizing just how much Snape had changed, anger for being so dumb, and anger that Snape was becoming just the type of person who wanted her dead.
Sixth year was also the year where James and Lily started becoming friends. It didn’t happen immediately, and they still argued. Their differences continued being highlighted, but as James helped Lily loosen up, Lily was able to reign James in a considerable amount. At this point, you knew that it was inevitable that they were going to date. You felt jealous, but you still suffered in silence. Instead, you started spending more time with Sirius.
It was nice to see everyone in semi-good spirits, though. Especially when the air at Hogwarts started becoming increasingly tense. The Marauders had made up, and although Snape tried to grovel at Lily’s feet and beg for her friendship, things were as good as they could be.
Life went on.
Before the end of sixth year, Sirius pulled you aside.
“I have a question to ask you,” Sirius started. You raised an eyebrow, telling him to go on. “We’re both in love with people who… to put it frankly, won’t love us back. Do you want to go on a date? We deserve better than to pine for people who won’t feel the same.”
You were shocked at the question. You didn’t know what to say, because you’ve always been turning down dates. But you knew that Sirius had a point. “I… Yeah, let’s do it. Next Hogsmeade weekend?” You asked.
And so, you and Sirius started dating. Congratulations started pouring from everyone you knew, and you were sad to see Lily be so utterly happy for the two of you.
Your seventh year at Hogwarts was a weird combination of things. For one thing, you didn’t really expect James to become head boy, but you weren’t surprised that before the new year started that he and Lily started going out.
Your heart still hurt every time you saw the two of them together. They were happy in their own world, light pecks all the time, and you missed Lily a lot more now that she didn’t even sleep in the girls dormitory. You cursed whoever made the heads their own quarters instead of them sleeping with the rest of the year.
You were still dating Sirius too, despite the fact that both of you were still pining over people who wouldn’t love you back. You guys were as happy as you could be, given your position. Whenever the other felt too sad, there would be ice cream and cuddles. You guys kissed, but you knew that there was a low chance that it’d ever get further than that. Both of you knew that this relationship was just a distraction from your true feelings.
At the first quidditch match of the year, right after you had caught the snitch, someone had cursed your broom and you fell right out of the sky. You were in the hospital wing for three days, with a terrible concussion and too many of your bones broken, but you lived. You never found out who cursed your broom, but everyone was on their toes for the next few days. You knew that Sirius and James blamed the Slytherins, and a part of you agreed. After all, there were some Slytherins who made it obvious that they supported Voldemort.
This was also the year where you and Lily were filled in on Remus’ condition. Lily confessed that she already knew that Remus was a werewolf, although never knew why the other boys were always so tired. After reassuring Remus that neither of you were going to stop being friends with him, you begged Sirius to turn into his dog form for cuddles.
Things were as good as they could be.
You broke up with Sirius before the school year ended. The two of you knew it was coming, and it was always a question of who would ask first. The Marauders seemed upset with you at first for “breaking Sirius’ heart”, although Sirius constantly reprimanded them for it. You were still good friends, and you both were more physical with each other than regular friends, but it was nice.
The day you graduated, you cried. A lot of people did, so you weren’t alone, but you knew that this would be the last time you’d be in Hogwarts as a student. You probably would go see Dumbledore a few times in Hogwarts, especially after being recruited for the Order of the Phoenix like your other friends were.
That summer, in the mail, you received invitations to Lily and James’ wedding. You already knew that they were getting married, but this just solidified the fact. Sirius came over that day, and you cried, not that you’d ever admit that to anyone else other than him.
You attended the wedding with Sirius as your +1, although he was invited too. You knew all of your friends were a bit confused about where you and Sirius stood, but you never really gave them an explanation.
Before the end of the year, Remus was sent out to talk to other werewolves to try and recruit them for the war. This time, you went over to Sirius’ place to try and relieve some of the anxiety he felt. You were anxious too — even though you weren’t as close to Remus as you were to Sirius, you knew it was a risk. Everything all your friends did was a risk, and you were constantly worried for them.
Your arm burnt with the Dark Mark.
You were sent to infiltrate the Death Eaters by Dumbledore. The only person who knew of your mission was Sirius, and you feared the day that you’d end up having to fight against your friends as a supposed Death Eater.
You weren’t a hateful person, but every time you insulted muggleborns or said anything even related to pureblood supremacy, you wanted nothing but to hate Dumbledore. You were resilient, and a good witch, and your acting skills were top notch after hiding your feelings for Lily for so long.
Your life was constantly at risk, and you wrote letters to all of your friends explaining everything in case you died. You were building up rank in the group, and eventually, you would be one of Voldemort’s most trusted members. You filled him with lies about who was fighting against him, never actually giving up anyone who was in the Order. You had learnt occlumency so you weren’t as vulnerable.
You barely saw any of your friends that year. You had moved houses when you were assigned to the job. Sirius informed you that he suspected that there was a spy in the Order, and you told him you’d keep an eye out in case there was someone in the Death Eater meetings that you recognized.
“I think… it may be Remus.” He admitted sadly that same day.
“Remus? Our Remus? He’s loyal beyond everything.” You protested. “We already know what mission he’s doing, and I would suspect Remus the least out of almost everyone.”
“But isn’t that the point? He’s been alone his whole life, hating himself for being a werewolf. Suddenly, he’s with other werewolves, and he feels like he belongs. We never see him, and all Dumbledore and Moody say is that they’ve been in touch.” Sirius shoved his face in his hands, sighing. “This war is a bloody mess.”
You shook your head, “I don’t think Remus is the type to submit to his urges so easily. You’ve met the man, Sirius.” You leaned your head against Sirius’ shoulder. “I haven’t seen you in two months, Sirius. Between Remus and I, I’d be more suspicious. I bet some of the other members already are. All they know is that I’m on an important mission and I can’t see anyone. Suspecting each other will just bring our downfall.”
Sirius grew quiet. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). Some people do suspect you, but to be fair, you haven’t been to an official Order meeting in months. I haven’t even seen you for the longest time. Only Moody, Dumbledore, and I know what you’re doing. I wish I could tell them so that they don’t think that way anymore, but I can’t.”
“I hate this so much. Merlin, I need a drink.”
Between pretending to be a Death Eater, working for the Order and gathering intel, and then finding out about the prophecy and how Lily and James were expecting a child, you were running yourself thin. You were utterly exhausted at this point, and all you wanted was a break. Somewhere where this war didn’t exist.
You still hated yourself for loving Lily to this extent. Hated that you still couldn’t let her go, and hated that she probably thought you were leaking information to the Death Eaters.
A part of you wished that you told Lily of your feelings for her while you were still in Hogwarts. Before everything in the world became reality for all of you. You felt stupid for thinking this way, but you ultimately wished things were just different.
War really was draining.
October 31st, 1981.
The morning of October 31st, 1981, you were called to a Death Eater meeting. There, Voldemort and a few of his trusted members were waiting for your arrival. There, you saw a man you hadn’t seen in almost a year.
Peter Pettigrew.
Did you two get sent on the same mission by the Order? You masked your expression of confusion, looking at him and the fear evident in his face. You wondered why they would send Peter, of all people. You adored Peter, he was like a little brother to you, although you knew how easily he scared when he was on his own.
“Good morning,” Voldemort started speaking, “For the past year, (Y/L/N) has been telling us insider information about the people fighting against us.” You forced a smile on your face, ignoring Peter’s heavy stare. All the information was fake and staged, although Peter couldn’t possibly know that unless he was informed you were on this mission and you weren’t.
“But, a week ago, Pettigrew was able to tell us the location of the Potters.” Your eyes widened just a tiny bit, “They had tried using a Fidelius charm so that only a trusted person would know where they were, and I’ve been planning on taking down their child in this time. As you all know, the boy who was born in July is the one who is supposedly going to destroy me. I cannot allow that to happen, and Pettigrew supplied me with the information I need while the baby is at its most vulnerable.”
You willed yourself not to react until the meeting was over. The moment you were allowed to go, you left as quickly as possible, avoiding Peter. Casting a patronus charm, you sent out a message to Lily.
“Lily, I was on a mission to infiltrate the Death Eaters and Pet…”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were out.
That night, in Godric’s Hollow, a motorcycle revs as it leaves the vicinity. In the background, the music plays, a sad tune, full of wistful piano and haunting violin. There is nobody left to hear it.
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ywhiterain · 4 years
but pleaseeeeee talk more about kalijah. i miss them a lot. i wish they could have stayed together at the end.
This gets lost because of everything that went down in the Originals. But Elijah gave up on Klaus. He’d finally had enough. Look, Elijah will never not love Klaus but for a moment he was actually choosing his own happiness over Klaus’ potential redemption. He mourned Klaus with Rebekah and then... he left.
He straight up told Klaus that he was going to build something with Katherine. And when Klaus was like NO I WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE FOR LOVING ANYONE BUT ME (AND REBEKAH BUT MOSTLY ME) he just calls him a basic pathetic loser. 
He moved onto Katherine. And I’m pretty sure she’s the only woman he’s ever called his (I don’t think he ever called Celeste his but I could be misremembering). In a thousand years, Elijah has only been in love three times (because I suppose he’s technically in the strictest sense he’s not in love with Klaus and Rebekah) and his romance with Katherine was the most compelling to me.
Look, Katherine didn’t suddenly become a good little girl and she never will and Elijah may have fanciful ideas about saving Katherine, but he’s also pragmatic and he was getting to a place where he was seeing her as Katherine instead of Katerina.
She killed Jeremy. She was certainly using Elijah to take Klaus down. But the idea that Elijah might actually have given up on her actually had her doing something legitimately selfless. Katherine Pierce has exactly one line she won’t cross: anything that would hurt Elijah enough for him to no longer love her. 
If there had been no Hope, I honestly see no reason why he wouldn’t have gone back to Katherine after helping/stopping the witches going after his brother, depending on his mood.
And I really love Hope! And Hope+Elijah might actually be my favorite part of the whole damn show (maybe Rebekah/Elijah, depends on my mood but he tells her Hope was never a mistake in season five and i’ve only watched parts of it and it still made me cry because asdlkfjawoerfaeo0iafae). And I was here for Hayley/Elijah and I’m still pissed that that was broken up for faux feminism instead of committing to them having a HEA or breaking down for organic reasons intrinsic to their bond.
But in terms of sheer romance and Elijah forging out an identity outside of his family? Katherine. And Rebekah would be salty for a minute but be glad he’s happy and Rebekah secretly wants to be everyone’s friend so she’d probably end up begrudgingly befriending her in spite of herself. And Kol would honestly be delighted. Not only is Elijah actually forging actual boundaries with his stupid Klaus obsession his girl is wickedly pretty thing with sharp teeth. And Klaus can just pout away okay. 
But it’s so hard for me to actually write. Because I love Elijah with Hope and I’m glad he was able to repair his relationship with Klaus some. He got Kol back. He let Finn back in. He met Freya. And he had his beloved Rebekah again. He fell for Hayley and forged a new relationship with Marcel. I’d never not want him to have that.
But I do think he might have been healthier overall if he’d just stayed with Katherine. I kinda think his ending was really sad? I mean, I’m really glad Klaus had that moment with him and that Elijah was there for him. But I’m team Kol here: Elijah needs to unbind himself from his family and form attachments on his own terms in his own life. 
though man I need to figure out how to write Katherine/Elijah in the originals. Maybe in a world where Jackson gets to stay alive? I think it’d be hilarious if she just showed up to met this baby Hope she’s hearing about and accidentally fall for her? Because Hope is literally made of hope and light and healing. And Katherine would be like Hope’s favorite person in the world, just to spite Klaus.  Because he kinda deserves it.
also Katherine is still a vampire because fuck that twist. I hate the cure it ruins my fun. The only way I’d accept it: for Abby Bennett or with Stelena getting their happy human happily ever after. 
okay now I think I’ma write a fic where Katherine kidnaps Hope to get back at Klaus and ends up?? like accidentally kinda loving her.  And just sort of ends up in that ridiculous mess of an extended family that is the Mikaelsons. And Klaus can’t kill her because Hope luffs her so much. (Like Hope isn’t even that bothered about being kidnapped? She’s so used to be hopping from one place to another and she’s very sure her Daddy will come back after this trip but she’ll whine for Rebekah to read her a story.)
brb starting another stupid fic that will take over my brain
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appleciders · 4 years
personally, im also deep in the station 19 muck but like you i wish i wasn't. randomly watched it because pandemic and maya bishop is just so compelling, even with all the bad writing i still love her sm. is there anything you would want to see for season 4? your hair cut fic was so good and i cant stop thinking about how much better the season would have been had it ended like that instead.
first off, sorry to both of us for being here! but i guess let’s take escapism where can get it, hey. second, thank you so much for reading the fic!! i’m super honored you liked it <33
as for what i would want for s4...whew. a lot, lmao. i’ll put in under a cut to save my poor non-s19 followers.
mostly, i want them to please slow down the pacing. let story arcs breathe and build and develop. last season was so rushed—ryan’s death and rigo’s death and pruitt’s death all crammed in, andy and sullivan having a shotgun wedding out of nowhere, maya and carina fastforwarding to i love yous with only 30 second scenes and not a real date to be seen, vic hardly getting to process ripley—i could go on. it’s cheap and messy storytelling. cut it out. 
i also really want them to let relationships do the same. i want to see the friendships that were so strained last season to grow again. show me andy, maya, and vic being friends and supporting each other!! for the love of god!! (show me andy and maya being friends, period. for the whole season. the whole goddamn season. no drama between them, only supporting each other through outside drama. if i have to see another season where these ‘best friends’ are at each other’s throats half the time, i swear to god.) 
show me more team-as-family! a) i eat that shit up, and b) that’s supposed to be the underlying theme and premise of the show. show them laughing and goofing off together, show them holding each other up when things get tough, show them teasing each other to hell and back while they cook together in the beanery. invest in that again.
for the romances....develop that shit. honestly, i really hope andy and sullivan either break up or really do the fucking work to fix their relationship, because as-is, it’s a hot mess. and not a hot mess i particularly care to watch. i liked them fine in season 2, but the sullivan arc in s3 (which...not to out myself as having watched chicago fire, but which is a blatant rip-off of severide’s s1 arc in cf) puts him in a place where he’s not really ready for a relationship. and with the amount of shit they put andy through, she’s not, either. i know it’s impossible on a drama, but i would really like andy to be single this season? idk, i’m tired.
maya and carina better not be all sunshine and rainbows. they need to do the work! they need to show the work! after that rushed-ass ‘forgive me’ scene (where carina was...pressured into forgiving maya like the day after she cheated on her??? and that was framed as a good thing?? make it make sense), they deserve to show them actually navigating that broken trust and rebuilding something real. and as someone who doesn’t watch grey’s, i really don’t know carina very well? 90% of her scenes were her supporting maya through her ongoing breakdown (though a  totally understandable breakdown! not criticizing maya for having trauma), so i’d like to see more of a balance of support in the relationship and more development of her as an individual apart from maya. she’ll be sticking around, and that will be much more interesting if she bonds with other members of the team.
dean and vic...look, my hands-down #1 wish for season 4 is that they treat vic hughes well, with respect, with screentime, and with a good arc. she’s the absolute best. and as much as i love dean miller (hint: a lot), he needs to start guzzling his respecting vic juice if the writers are gonna try to set up anything. personally, i’d really like to see them move past it? awkward crushes between friends happen. putting myself in dean’s shoes, living with one of my best friends who i’m also secretly crushing on, watching her play with my baby...it’d be a lot too!! but that doesn’t excuse being a dick, so i’d really like to see them take some time apart, and then start their friendship back up on a foundation of honesty and communication. because they’re so good, guys.
individual character notes!!!
well. i want every person at this goddamn station to go to therapy. they won’t, but i want them to.
andy needs to go to serious grief counseling after season 3. compounded by what’s bound to be a shitstorm from the discovery that her mother is alive? please. in regards to the whole mother arc, i really don’t want it her disappearance to have been like...gang-related. i’ve seen that posited as a theory, and that’s just a whole bundle of stereotypes we don’t need to get into. i also want the mom reveal to be the main revelation that takes up the majority of her arc the first half of the season, just to have time to process it. the captain’s race took up all of season 1—you can give this twist time to marinate properly.  
vic hughes, my moon, my stars! i really loved the snippets of vic’s backstory that they gave us in s3. as someone who lost a family member to early-onset alzheimer’s in november, 3x09 was...oof. a lot. i love how they committed to fleshing out her past and her backstory more and i love the emotional depth barrett doss always brings to the screen. for season 4, i’d love to see vic get to process ripley and jackson properly. (and here i repeat my forever adage for female characters lol: let them be single for a hot sec.) i want her to move in with maya, because i think that dynamic is so fun and ripe for exploration, and then i’d love to see her digging in to her issues and getting help—going back to the firefighter group, actually talking, spending time with her found family. (sidenote: would love to see her help out with some like youth community theatre classes on her days off? developing connections with kids who have gone through losses, supporting them and in turn realizing the support she needs herself...tell me vic singing with kids wouldn’t be the cutest shit). anyway, i just rly want her to get a good storyline. but i’m not a screenwriter so like...hope they come up with one!
i’ve already written much more than i’m sure you wanted, so i’m going to condense the boys into one paragraph lol. i want jack gibson to heal himself and stop sleeping with taken women! his new found family is super sweet, so i really hope he gets to keep it throughout s4. i want travis montgomery to get only good and happy things, and the same goes for warren. actually, i’d love to see warren step into his new role as team Older Person a bit more? i think that would be a really fun and heartwarming dynamic to play with all the other characters. dean i think i already touched on, but i’d love him to take a breath, apologize to vic and explain, and lean on the rest of his found family. he’s gonna be such a good dad and i’m excited to see more of that.
finally: maya. oh, maya. she needs therapy. you can’t have a character say she’s been dealing with suicidal ideation and anxiety for nearly 20 years and just...magically make it all better. she deserves to get to unpack all the shit with her dad, and all the ways that’s impacted her. on some level, i kinda wish she’d not stayed as captain—i love her scenes so much when she’s allowed to be just chilling on the same level as her team. since that’s not the case, finding a right balance of her as captain and her as friend is gonna be super important. i want her to open up to her friends and lean on them. i’d love for mason to come back, too? i think her trying to heal herself, establish herself as a team member and leader, and rebuild her relationships with her brother as well as her found family and girlfriend would be more than enough material for an arc. it won’t always go great! this stuff isn’t an easy fix! but that’s why it’d be worth writing. plus, so many members of the team have shitty relationships with their parents that even though they won’t understand what maya went through, there’s some really fertile ground for compassion and cathartic ‘fuck our dads’ ball-busting i’d love to see seeded. bonus father’s day episode where literally none of them are happy and they decide to like...go play laser tag or something.
anyway, i’m sure that’s more than you wanted!! but thank you for the q lmao apparently i had a lot to say
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At the possibility there is no SaifahZon in the next ep, I thought I’d share some headcanons. 
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 When did Saifah start crushing on Zon? I think it’s been there underneath the surface, kinda lurking but he didn’t take it seriously until he was punched in the face and then accidentally kissed. I mean that’s got to be an eyeopener right? Also, the classic line, “No one would date a guy like you.” It sounds like a trap. Ha. Can I also headcanon Saifah as bi? Okay, so you’re trying to steal Zon’s girl, but then accidental kiss. Shit, wait, what are those feelings? Truthfully, SaifahZon seemed to start as the enemies, to friends, to lovers trope. Fighter and Tutor while they often play dominance games, don't seem like complete enemies. Their “friendship” was basically a stage of pure and utter sexual tension until finally both of them pulled their heads out of their asses and stopped calling it teasing. It’s real feelings. <and that is the hurdle that Zon is going to have jump over, similar to Tutor in assessing that he too has the same feelings for Fight. 
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Zon, on the other hand, certainly he thought about the accidental kiss, but he tried desperately to put it out of his mind. His sister didn’t make that easy. Still have qualms about her writing fiction about her brother. The best way to handle what she saw would be like oh hey bro, so do you like guys? That’s just me as a sister. Definitely not going to open up a word document and proceed to write a sort of romance novel over it. That being said. The fiction has already plagued Zon’s mind and he’s asked his sister to change it, but she didn’t. He thinks his life is still being controlled by it because of her wish, I guess? It’s just I don't think it ever was since, in reality, the accidental kiss did happen. The only part that changed was that Saifah and Zon were someone inching closer to each other. Saifah, I think, made the decision long ago that yeah, I like the shorty, but damn how do I deal with that? Enemies. Friends. Lovers. 
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If anything, the sister’s fiction puts the accidental kiss back into Zon’s head (remember he panicked over it when an almost kiss happened, but now?). It makes him start thinking about something he wished he had stopped thinking about and it turns out Saifah never stopped thinking about it either. What exactly did she write? We don't’ know those details? Am I supposed to believe that everything that’s happened between SaifahZon is EXACTLY what she’s written? Still weird because that’s her brother. So while it’s still weird, let’s bank the headcanon that she started with that accidental kiss...maybe the detail that Zon agrees to perform with Sai is there, but then whatever the else she wrote is not what actually happened between SaifahZon. Both of them are aware of the fiction, even Sai teases Zon about it, but it turns out that IRL that boy is reading published romance novels. 
I mean it’d fuck me up to be stuck in this world and have real feelings for someone, only for the world to say, “Oh those weren’t real. It’s just a made up story.” Oh, hold on! that kind of hits home for LGBT+ community. We’re even told IRL that your feelings aren’t real. Zon thinks the story is changed so he moves forward with his feelings...but everything that happens is exactly like the story? It can’t be.  Because remember if all the details of her fiction were true..she’s writing about her brother experiencing this crack shit: 
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So far the biggest panic would be knowing that she didn’t tweak the one detail that Zon agreed to perform with Saifah so therefore he’ll question his feelings once he’s found that out. Saifah is over here like fuck yes! So yeah, there’s a fiction, but whatever. The shorty still agreed to perform with me. I got him now. 
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Remember I once said that I fast-forwarded through this show? Well, I did. So some details might be wonky. However, I do know that I never thought I’d be trying to add a touch of seriousness to such a crack show and its characters.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Mistletoe Manor - Part 2
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Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another  magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock​ ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what  better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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Grace always loved her winter stay at Mistletoe Manor. She had gone every year since she was young, and being the only child within her family, having the three Hawthorne sisters to play with eased her yearning for siblings of her own. She and Cassie were close in age and thus bonded more naturally than she had with her younger cousins, though she equally held them close when she stepped out of the car that wound around the entryway to the manor.
“Oh Grace, I’m so glad you are here!” Evie exclaimed and whilst Grace chuckled, she was surprised by her avid greeting.
Josephine moved in with a knowing smile. “She’s been waiting by the window for you all morning, much have I. Though our reasons differ. Evie is hopeful you come with a new book or two from the city.”
“That I have indeed,” Grace announced and the middle sister grinned brightly. As the shy and somewhat overlooked Hawthorne girl, Grace had a soft spot for whenever she was blessed with a genuine smile from Evie.
She turned back to the youngest upon her arm. “And what is it you have to tell me?”
“How expectant, cousin. I haven’t even gotten you through the door and you are waiting for my firsthand gossip.”
“Considering Cassie is nowhere in sight to greet me, I assume she will be of topic?”
Joey grinned. “You know me too well.”
“And so do I,” the eldest announced once they were within the grand entrance of the manor. Grace smiled widely as her dearest friend stepped forward to embrace her tightly. When back at arm’s length, Cassie shot her sister a playful smirk. “She plans to tell you all about my woes.”
“Well, if you haven’t yet sent word of them, perhaps she should have already.”
“You’re here now; I can easily fill you in myself.”
“Always ruining my fun,” Joey breathed as the others giggled together. “Still, let me be the storyteller for our events with the festival thus far. It’s the least you can allow me to speak of!” Once settled in after her trip, and sharing lunch with the family, Grace was immediately thrown into festival tasks with the sisters. They planned out the stall layout for the market and worked on accepting proposals the townspeople had sent in for the event. It was well into the night after stopping for supper when Grace was reminded that she had not heard any of Cassie’s troubles.
“You haven’t even been here a day,” Cassie quipped as they walked along the hallway towards their rooms. She smiled at her cousin. “Can’t it wait until tomorrow? How about a walk on the grounds before coming inside to do more preparation in the morning? I will share it all with you then.”
Grace nodded, giving Cassie a kiss goodnight on her cheek. “I will hold you to it!”
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And so, the very next morning after breakfast was seen to and both ladies were ready for the day, they stepped out together, Cassie hooking her arm through Grace’s, patting her forearm affectionately with her hand. “It’s lovely out.”
“Winter is not quite with us yet, you’re right.”
“Come, I wish to show you the changes we made to the back gardens.”
As they made their way around the estate, Grace and Cassie chatted about the happenings over the past few months they yet hadn’t spoken about on the telephone or through letters. The conversation stayed light for some time, Grace knowing her cousin was skirting around her issues. She would allow her to until she was ready to speak of them, knowing Cassie often needed time to process her wording.
Though, when Cassie finally started to open up, Grace’s attention had fallen short. Waving her free hand dismissively at Cassie, Grace gripped onto her lower arm. “C-Cassie?”
“I was finally telling you, and – oh.”
They stood watching the proceedings ahead of them in the field, the young man lining the log up before bringing his axe down upon it. Beads of sweat ran down his face, indicating he had been long at work; much did the pile of chopped wood to the side. Grace couldn’t help the way her mouth fell ajar at the performance before her and it wasn’t until Cassie giggled that she broke away from her reverie.
Which was timely since her laughter had travelled towards the labourer. He glanced up at them and put down his axe as a smile broadly widened out his lips.
Oh my.
“Jaehyun, it’s so nice to see you today. Is the weather good enough for it?” Cassie greeted, now not so subtlety dragging Grace along beside her. Whilst she had managed to snap out of her daze, Grace didn’t wish to get any closer to the gorgeous man.
At least, not right now.
“My Lady! It’s a lovely time to go for a stroll. And with a friend, nonetheless,” he replied, turning to Grace and bowing politely. She found herself curtseying numbly and Cassie stifled another laugh.
“Jaehyun, this is my fondest cousin, Grace. I’ll see to it that you give her a tour of the gardens tomorrow, will that suit?”
Jaehyun glanced between them both and then nodded happily enough. “It’d be a pleasure. Miss Grace, would you like to meet me after breakfast?”
“I – uh, well. Yes, that would be wonderful.”
“Jaehyun is the newest gardener here. I was going to show you his amazing work in the back gardens myself, but I feel it would be better to learn more from the master himself.”
“I wouldn’t stretch it as far as that, My Lady, but I welcome your praise all the same,” he replied with a chuckle and Grace couldn’t help but smile in return.
She should have expected a handsome face would accompany such charming words as well.
“Shall we continue on our walk, cousin?” Cassie prompted and when she looked to the woman at her side, Grace could see how much she was gleaming with delight. It was a Hawthorne trait and Grace groaned inwardly. She could only hope Joey wouldn’t catch wind of this.
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The following morning, Grace was a bundle of nerves. She had chastised Cassie all the way back to the estate house, her cousin’s laughter piercing through her annoyance until she couldn’t help but laugh herself. There was no humour within her this morning, however. Smoothing out her dress for the umpteenth time, she flinched when she saw movement behind her in the mirror.
“Are you alright, cousin?”
“I… could be better,” she answered, smiling exasperatedly, her reflection concerning her. If this was how she appeared now without even seeing Jaehyun, how would she possibly face him today and keep composed?
Evie grinned, rubbing at Grace’s upper arms gently. Cassie had let it be known the reason for Grace’s disappearance from this morning’s schedule and Joey’s teasing was still fresh in her mind. Grace knew that Evie would be much gentler in her approach. “Do you like him?”
“Well, I don’t even know him. Aside from that he’s rather talented with an axe.”
“You missed out on the summer here, cousin. It got so hot and he would often take-”
“I’ll not go if you continue in fear I might faint.”
Evie giggled. “So you do like him then.”
“He’s easy on the eyes, yes.”
“Hm, he’s not bad. Without a shirt on-”
Wringing her hands together as she walked outside, Grace tried to walk straight and proud. She wasn’t normally this affected by men; she had no desire yet to follow in Cassie’s footsteps down any aisle. Thankfully, she had more than enough to inherit from her family estate and there was no pressure to find anyone to share that with either. Further, although she enjoyed love stories almost as avidly as Evie did, Grace hadn’t ever entertained the idea that she could step into one.
An affluent woman and a gardener was definitely not one she had read, admittedly.
“Good morning!” Jaehyun greeted and she jolted with fright, the man rushing over to silently give his apologies.
Grace awkwardly laughed it off. “I’m fine, good morning.”
“Shall we go take a look then? I’m afraid there are not many flowers blooming as such but-”
“I like autumn colours,” she interjected and Jaehyun nodded, smiling again.
“So do I.”
As Jaehyun led Grace around the garden, she found herself relaxing into his company. He definitely knew a lot and she was fascinated by how easily he spoke of it to her as well. Jaehyun was comfortable to be around, and it showed when they began to converse about their personal lives too.
“I beg my pardon, I shouldn’t have talked about myself like that,” Jaehyun told Grace as they took a seat upon the bench in the middle of the back garden.
Grace shook her head. “It’s quite alright. I find it interesting talking with you.”
“Can we talk together more often then?” he asked earnestly, and then scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I uh, I enjoyed your company today, is all.”
“I’d be more than delighted to.”
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Whenever Grace could, in between working with her cousins or the numerous outings they took, she would go out to find Jaehyun, satisfied to sit and write in her journal as he tended to the land. And whenever he would take a break, he would come over and sit beside her, trying to read what she had written down.
“I’m curious, will you ever share what you scribble down in here?”
“I most certainly do not scribble.”
“What’s that then?” he wondered and she glanced down at her book in confusion, gasping when he took it out of her hands and leapt to his feet. Scrambling up after him, she chased him around the field, shrieking when he would flick through the pages.
“It’s private! Jaehyun!”
He suddenly stopped, which Grace wasn’t quite ready for, colliding into his side with a soft thud. Although his face was already flushed from running, his cheeks deepened in colour as he glanced down at her. “You wrote a poem about me?”
“I –”
“No one has ever written about me before,” he murmured, his gaze casting back to the paper. “It’s beautiful.”
“There’s another,” she boldly told him, reaching up to take the book from his hand and flipped several pages over. Jaehyun scanned the cursive quietly as Grace chewed on her bottom lip anxiously. This poem was her favourite she had penned this year. It was full of hope for a future she had come to envision over the past month here at Mistletoe Manor. November had finally arrived, bringing forth the beginnings of festive cheer. And she hoped she would have a hand to hold within her own when the festival kicked off at the end of it.
“Grace,” he breathed, blinking slowly.
“Yes, Jaehyun?”
“Would it be improper if I kissed you right now?” he asked, turning his head just enough that it allowed her the opportunity to stretch up and position her lips in front of his. It flustered him and she giggled, somewhat breathlessly herself as her heart hammered in her chest. Jaehyun sucked in an unsteady breath. “Can I?”
“Yes,” she managed right as his mouth melded with hers, pressing softly into her. They stood there joined for what felt like all afternoon, smiling against each other, hands linking together once her journal was safely put away in her pocket.
As Jaehyun walked her back to the manor, hand in hand, he let out a soft sigh. “Will this be accepted by everyone?”
“Not everyone, but if you’re worried my cousins will be dismayed that I have fallen trap for your charms, then you can stop now. They have been rather persistent in telling me of their thoughts of you.”
“All agreeable, I hope,” he replied with a smile and then tilted his head a little. “And my charms? Why, I’m just a mere gardener. You are the one who enchanted me, Grace.”
“Is that so? I think it might have been your axe that started this all.”
Grace shook her head, laughing lightly. “It’s nothing. But I hope this Christmas we’ll be able to announce we’re something.”
“May Christmas come sooner than planned then.”
Part 3
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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taerseok · 4 years
— differences | j.j.k [hogwarts!au] (pt. 2)
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pairing:. Ravenclaw!Jungkook × Slytherin!Reader
synopsis:. the girl who has never fallen seriously for a guy, now falls for the wicked, witty Jeon Jungkook. But it only happens to be that you, now believe, that you have given your heart to someone who may not take care of it as well as you thought he would.
word count:. 4.3k
genre(s):. romance, angst
warning(s):. mentions of sex, swearing
song rec(s):. house of cards - BTS, promise - Joytastic Sarah (cover), rather be - Clean Bandit
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Differences: points or ways in which people or things are dissimilar.
"A great relationship isn't when a perfect couple comes together, but when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."
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Why was the night so long? You sighed. You had been aimlessly walking through the corridors, they were empty as they should've been, except for you roaming them. Maybe you should've returned by now. You hugged yourself tighter, the winters coming nearer didn't help.
Upon reaching the portrait, you uttered the password and jumped in, only to find that Ara and Jungkook had disappeared. You huffed. You didn't need to notice those details.
You walked deeper into the common room, and your presence did not go unnoticed by Jimin and Yoongi, who came rushing over to you immediately.
"Are you okay?" Jimin embraced you as he asked, pulling your head to his chest like a brother. You wrapped your arms around his thin waist, barely able to keep back the tears.
"You were right," you said softly, between sobs and sniffs. "I shouldn't have fallen deeper. But before I knew it, I-" you stopped, your stomach churning and your heart screaming for rebellion against fate, "I was in love."
Jimin's posture was rigid but he calmed down rather quickly, running his hand over your back. "I'm going to kill him," Yoongi muttered, and you drew away from Jimin to find yourself between the two boys.
"Don't be stupid, Yoongi... that wouldn't make anything better, besides…" you bit your lip, "I'll be over it."
"Doesn't look like it from your face, Y/n," the male said back, making you sigh. "I know, I just… I can't believe it. I can't believe him," you muttered, your brows knitting together. "What really happened? He didn't say anything as he came out of the dormitory, but we saw his expression and you looked really angry when you were leaving… so… we kicked him out and told Ara to leave too… she ran after the guy, regardless," Jimin said slowly, turning his gaze towards you.
"He… He kissed me," you explained softly, "and then I thought… I thought he really liked me back, that it was not one-sided… so I…" you bit your lip, "I confessed. But he said that… we just couldn't? I don't know what the fuck he wanted out of me, I don't what he meant but I left immediately. I couldn't stand it."
"Damn the guy for playing with your heart. If he tries talking to you, let us talk to him for you. He deserves to learn a lesson," Yoongi said, gritting his teeth. You were happy your friends understood you, but how could you explain them the loneliness you felt, the emptiness that was etching into your heart?
You couldn't. That was simple enough to understand.
You could only hope that time would make it easier for you to deal with it. Because time never fully healed anything.
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Time passed, like anything ever did. Like a flower that decayed for it wasn't watered.
Like you who kept waking up, and going to sleep again because you didn't feel like you had a reason to live anymore.
Your project, which was left uncompleted because of what had transpired, was completed by Jungkook alone as a token of apology, though you ignored it entirely and submitted it to the teacher, regardless.
Since the holiday season was coming, your parents would want you back for Christmas. And to annoy them, like always, you had started to write lyrics down for the songs you'd create, but most were heartbreak songs since that felt like what you resonated with most, and since the two boys did not mind, you went along with whatever your heart wanted. It deserved to be treated well after what had occurred.
And as for your parents, it was simply your job to annoy them. Your family, which consisted of an older sister who had already graduated from Hogwarts, your mother, and your father, was very well-known in Wizarding South Korea as one of the richest, and most powerful Pureblood families, alongside the Park and Min families. Your parents were also well-acquainted with Jimin's and Yoongi's, being business partners and whatnot.
One of the reasons why you three grew up as childhood friends.
Your teenage rebellion hadn't ended, as of yet, and Jimin and Yoongi tagged alongside you in the journey. You three made a band in which you would sing and write lyrics, Jimin would play the guitar, and also sometimes help with male vocals, and Yoongi would compose the music as well as help you write lyrics, since you were much newer to it than him. But he also rapped in a few of your songs, just to anger his parents even further, take it a step higher.
Your families were not the biggest fans of muggle music, which is what you three usually composed, so it went well with your 'we try to piss off our parents' vibe. Though you acted like it was a great deal to be a Pureblood, you just acted that way. You weren't the most excited for being born in a Pureblooded family, like so many others of your heritage were, or how so many other students in Hogwarts would wish to be.
That being said, you hated your family. How you had to hold your chin up high, just because you had a status to uphold, or how your parents scolded you for not being proper enough, or how your elder sister would nag you because she was complimented for her manners, but you weren't.
You just didn't know how to be a proper lady.
But you considered that fine, and so did Jimin and Yoongi, so you did not what your family was talking of.
You were great in your own way.
Or that's what you believed, anyway. But you had to get a boyfriend really soon, because your parents would try to marry you off to another Pureblood family to keep their status. Gosh, why did your parents suck?
Your elder sister, Areum, was not married yet either, so you hoped they'd go for her, first. But you highly doubted that. If anything, her soon-to-be husband would give a trillion won to have you over her.
You were just that gorgeous.
But then again, you didn't want to be seen as a trophy. As something to showcase and put on your shelf, and to forget. And then to remember, only when you had something to ask of it or something to use it for. You weren't going to be pushed around like that.
Though the only one who came to your mind, when you thought of the word 'boyfriend' was Jeon Jungkook. And that was plain impossible now.
You sighed, shaking the thoughts away and focusing on the paper below you. It was lunchtime, and you had decided to use it to write lyrics. But you couldn't find a good idea. All you had been doing was drawing hearts and scribbling words, only to cut them out. You remained calm for a second before it struck you.
A song from Jungkook's perspective.
No one would know it was him, and you'd get a good song. You could just imagine the way your parents would go red with fury as they heard you play it loud along with your bandmates.
That sounded like the best thing.
After a good fifteen minutes, you were done with some of the lines.
Keep your eyes on mine,
And if you want I'll tell you lies.
Tell you I'm yours for life,
And tell your friend she's next in line.
Ohh, should've listened to them.
Ohh, don't you know what I am?
You smiled. The lyrics felt really good. You didn't know if they were exactly what Jungkook's mind was like, but you were willing to bet it went this way. You tapped on Yoongi's shoulder, showing him the paper excitedly.
"That's... really good. Some of the best lyrics you've written. You're improving, Y/n!" he said, patting you on the back. You smiled appreciatively like a child, nodding. "Mhm! I… I took inspiration. I thought if I'd write it from… someone else's perspective instead of mine like another heartbreak song… it'd be more interesting," you took the paper back, analysing the lyrics.
"You're on the right track then! This song will be killer. Can you finish the lyrics soon? I'll start on the music right away. Tell me the tone and some specific notes you have in mind," Yoongi said, and you nodded. "Mhm, so-" you were about to say, when you were cut off.
It was Jimin, who came to sit next to you on the other side. You didn't even notice he was gone until now. You must be really into writing the lyrics - or thinking of your horrible family.
"Guys!" he said, taking his seat, and catching his breath. "What happened, Jimin?" Yoongi raised a brow, and you tilted your head to the side.
"It's Ara! Apparently she's showing the other girls her trip to the Leaky Cauldron with Jungkook," he said quietly, though urgently.
You sighed, shaking your head, "don't tell me," you began to say, hoping it wasn't what you thought it was.
"Yup… they took pretty drunk photos with fire whiskies…" he bit his lip, gesturing to the girl on the far end of the Slytherin table, who was surrounded by many other females. She had been showing them a bunch of moving photos. Usual Wizard-y things.
You sighed again, unable to bear it all anymore. Only when you thought it was getting better, you started to wonder if you were, instead, falling deeper into the spiral of the potion Jungkook had made you drink. You thought for a bit.
What if Jungkook and Ara had done something? What if they were together? What if he did something similar to her as he did to you? What if he kissed her like he had kissed her - what if?
Speaking of the devil himself, as if the Universe wanted to answer your queries, Jungkook made his way into the Great Hall, and you could see the wave of girls gushing over him. Since when did he become so popular? The whole situation made you confused. Where was the 'nose-in-books-always' Jungkook you knew? Yeah, it had been a few weeks since the whole thing between you and him had happened, and you hadn't talked since then, but what major changes had gotten into the guy?
You couldn't help but sigh again. He was still as intoxicatingly handsome as ever. His dark locks, piercing eyes, red, soft lips - and to say you had tasted those once. It made you slightly sad to remember that.
"Okay, well… I'm going back to writing the lyrics… I don't feel like seeing his face anym-" you began saying, before Jimin cut you off. "There's more. She keeps going on and on about how they… Were intimate with eachother," he said quietly, biting his plump, lower lip.
"You don't say. That's what happens when you get too drunk," replied Yoongi, rolling his eyes. Your heart went breaking into a million pieces. So your doubts were correct. Of course they were. Guys were guys. They'd always be.
"Yoongs, you don't mind if I write another song and you compose the music for me? But I don't want… to use it as a band song, just yet, if that's fine?" you asked, the sudden idea just coming too quick for you to register, and being the impatient gal you were, you were quick to voice it.
"Sure. You start writing and I'll help you," he said, smiling a little, which he didn't do often, so you were quick to give him your brightest smile as you started scribbling on more lyrics.
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It was that evening when you had finished your dinner, you were out in the corridors, a piece of paper in your hand, as you slowly recited how you wanted your 'not-band-song' to go. Being out in the open, breathing in the fresh air - it all made you really creative, opening your mind to brainstorm new ideas. You had written a couple lyrics.
Got me lookin' so crazy right now,
Your love's got me lookin' so crazy right now.
Got me lookin' so crazy right now your touch's,
Got me lookin' so crazy right now.
Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's,
Got me hoping you save me right now.
You'd be lying if you said that this song wasn't another foolish, 'i-am-naive-and-fell-in-love' song, but you didn't mind it much at this point. In fact, you were enjoying the way it sounded. It was like writing away your emotions that seemed to be eating you from the inside. A way to express yourself, in other words.
Staring down at the paper, you sang the lyrics quietly, hoping no one would hear you, while your thoughts slowly wandered away into a more peaceful place, and you sang your heart out. You loved the way it made you feel. You felt free. It was just like another method of talking to yourself, except in a sing-song manner.
The voice made you stop in your tracks, it stopped you from singing any further. You had recognised it, but you didn't want to show him your face. You were well aware, after all, that it would be a matter of your pride. You could only halt your steps, as the person - the guy - came closer and closer to you, until he was right behind you, and you could feel his heat.
You were trying hard to keep your breath even, but even the process of breathing hurt. Why, you wished you could die on the spot.
"What do you want, Jungkook?"
You couldn't bare to look around to find his sweet face looking at you, you had simply came too far to go back to square one for goodness' sake.
"I'm sorry."
"For fucking what?"
Although you did curse, your voice remained surprisingly calm. It even astonished you as to how at ease your body was, despite your heart running a couple hundred miles an hour.
"For everything. I treated you so wrong, I know. I'm sorry."
"Ara's waiting for you. Go back to her."
It hurt you badly, ever so badly to say what had uttered out of your lips, but what was the truth was simply a fact, and you couldn't change the reality. He was someone else's and you had to come at terms with it, whether you liked it or not, whether it was against your heart's will or not.
"She's not. Why do you say it like we're together?"
Guys were guys. And you had understood. So that's what it meant. So that's how it was. You were always right. If you were together, he'd say the same thing to Ara. To every single girl he wanted to fuck. And that upsetted you beyond measure. Why couldn't he part ways with you? You had already accepted the true, harsh reality.
Or you were pretending to.
Not a day had passed since you didn't stare at him, since you didn't have him as the center of your Universe, and how long had it been that you had fallen in love? Why was life so cruel?
"Because you are? Last time we went to Hogsmeade, you got drunk with her and got intimate. Why, does that not prove-?" you were saying more until he interuppted you.
"No, it doesn't. We were drunk and… and it was irresistible. But I don't hold any feelings for her."
You scoffed. "Then who do you hold feelings for?" the hand that held the lyrics paper dropped down, as you turned to be face to face with the guy you had came to love, only to have your heart broken in return.
His answer was simple, the look in his eyes spoke a million words, but all you could do was shake your head.
"If you did love me, you wouldn't have done what happened a month ago."
"That was all for a reason."
You clutched the paper tighter, your hands balling into fists. You had enough. Your heartbreak was for a reason? You were rejected for a reason and yet still, were not given closure? It infuriated you.
"There is no reason to step on someone's heart over and over, Jeon Jungkook!" you shouted, stepping away from him. He was still as youthful, as handsome as ever. His dark, black locks, his red, soft lips, his rabbit-like face. It all made you feel so broken. He was a signature of how you were heartbroken. He embodied it all. He was the reason you stood where you stood, writing heartbreak songs.
"Yes, there is! If you'd only listen to what I have to say-"
"There is nothing left to say! I loved you and you rejected me for reasons you don't want me to know!"
"Well, I want you to know now! If you'd only listen to me."
"Then, say what you have to say and leave."
"I… the last time I held you, it… it was out of affection. But… you know, I'm a commitment phobe, I was afraid I'd hurt you for that, if we weren't right, if we weren't compatible, I'd hurt both of us. You deserved a better person than someone who'd never settle for you. And it scared me. I didn't want to lose you but I knew if I hurt you, I'd never be able to forgive myself. But I guess… I hurt you either way. So I'm here to ask for forgiveness. If only, you could do that, I'd be… forever in your debt. I put you through hell and over, but I still love you.
"And I know, I know you wouldn't want to be with someone like me, for several reasons… I have came to learn how we are so different, I'm a muggle-born, your parents would never accept me… and I'd hate for you to ruin your relations with them for me. I'm not worth all that. So… I completely accept the condition that you don't want to be with me. It's fine, and I... I am okay with it."
You gulped, standing still.
Had you misjudged him so much? You didn't mean it… but how had you forgotten? You were fine with overlooking the fact that he was scared of commitment… but now you realise, it is so important. And you can't proceed without it.
"I'll change myself for you. I'll make my fear go away. I'll erase the man before you, create someone new, just so you can be happier. You deserve it, after everything I put you through. But I'm… I'm accepting it if you don't want to be with a guy like me. Everyone falls for you anyway, you're sweet, kind, humble, yet always know what you are worth. I love everything about you, but it's fine if you don't love everything about me after what I did."
He had never talked this much.
You could feel your heart breaking, despite being given the statements you wanted to hear. Instead of sounding like music to you ears, it sounded like the end. The end of you. You unevenly sighed. "I need time… but I forgive you either way… okay?" you smiled up at him, his astonished look giving you all his responses.
And because you loved him, it was all because you loved him that you'd make sacrifices to make him happier. Because you still loved him, albeit what he had done to you.
"Don't change for anyone. Not even me."
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It was midnight by the time, you were done explaining everything to Jimin and Yoongi.
"It's your call, honestly. You still love him, but if you don't want to do it anymore, you don't have to," said Yoongi softly, his face lighted by the fireplace.
"I know… I really want to give it a chance. But I know… there's so many things… to look at…" you bit your lip, "what if we break up, then we both hurt? If my family doesn't accept him? If he doesn't get over his fear?"
"It's for you to decide, Y/n. You'll have to step up," Jimin said, eyeing you worriedly. "I know… I need time…" you said softly, getting up. "I'm going to sleep."
"How much time do you need?" asked Yoongi.
"..." you stayed silent. You'd need weeks - months to go over everything. "…a couple days?" you raised a brow, shrugging. "Tomorrow's the 20th. We're leaving tomorrow," said Jimin.
"L-Leaving? As in… for holidays?" you stammered, biting your lower lip. "Yeah… you'll have to decide right now... tell him tomorrow, maybe…" he replied, frowning a little.
"I wish, there was more time…" you sighed. "You can tell him after the holidays?" Yoongi raised a brow. "True… but…" you sighed heavily again. You wanted him to meet your parents, if it was possible. If you decided to be with him. "I'll see."
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By dawn, you had made up the decision. You were still madly in love with the guy. You couldn't leave him, despite everything he had done. Despite everything that happened.
You got up, packed your trunk, and got ready to leave.
Jungkook didn't meet you up anywhere, neither did you see him.
You decided to go to the Ravenclaw dormitory, it was the last place you could think of.
The riddle was easy, surprisingly you had gotten more intelligent, despite whatever you thought of your IQ.
"Jungkook?" you asked softly, entering the boys' dormitory. Opening the door, you were greeted by the sight of the man you had been looking for.
He was on his bed, moving around and still fast asleep. The room was empty, except for him.
The scene made you smile. You walked up to him, booping his nose. You had never seen him like this, mostly he was just a poker face guy. But seeing a cute Jeon Jungkook was a sight you didn't want to miss.
"Nngh," he made quiet sounds, rolling around. You felt giddy seeing him. You shook him lightly. "Jungkook! Wake up. I'm about to leave," you said in a hushed whisper. One of his eyes burst open, the other one still closed.
"What do y-?" he looked to you, and both his eyes widened in surprise. "Y-Y/n!" he exclaimed, getting up immediately.
You laughed. "Well, I'm about to leave. And I'm deciding... to give you a chance." His mouth dropped open. Before you even knew it, you were in his embrace, feeling his locks on your face.
"I… I… I'm so sorry. I'm so… grateful. I don't know what to say… Thank you," he said quietly. You rolled your eyes. You appreciated it, but you were getting late. And this could be done sometime else. "You have better things to do than be grateful, sweetheart." He pulled away, eyeing you mischeviously. "And that is?"
"Getting ready! Now, c'mon."
"But… why?"
"Because, I'm taking you," you booped his nose again, "to my parents' for the holidays. And you are coming, whether you agree with it or not."
"Wha-?!" but before he could utter a word, you were giving him his uniform and pushing him to the bathrooms.
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The Hogwarts Express drove away, and the ride was fun. You sat in a compartment with your two friends, and Jungkook and his friends, Hoseok and Taehyung. Apparently, they were going to their parents' too, but since Jungkook's parents didn't like him much, he wasn't invited over.
"That we can agree on," said Yoongi, "parents suck sometimes."
You all shared a laugh, you stuffed some more candy in your mouth, before taking a handful and feeding it to Jungkook.
"I'm so excited to see the looks on mother's face. Oh, and Areum is totally going to freak out. I mean, Jungkook is really hot," you rolled your eyes as you spoke. "So, you two sisters have a competition about who has the hottest boy over?" Jungkook smirked, his face left you speechless.
"Well, yeah. Sometimes. But mostly, she doesn't get many guys over. And besides, you're going to up my points and before you know it, it'll be zero for her and beyond infinity for me. I mean, not going to lie, you're eye candy," you brought a candy to your eye to emphasise.
"Are you hitting on me?" Jungkook chuckled, and you rolled your eyes. "People don't hit on their significant others, Jeon Jungkook! I'm flirting," you popped another candy in your mouth.
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The ride ended, and you all got out of the Express. You said your goodbyes to Taehyung and Hoseok, and then to Yoongi and Jimin, telling them you'll meet up soon. You grabbed Jungkook's hand, and led him over to your mother and sister.
They looked the same as ever, modern, holding themselves highly. You could just sense the egoistic vibes. "No joke, the good genes run in your family, but you're the hottest," Jungkook whispered in your ear, making you blush a little, but you rolled your eyes in response.
"They've came here all the way from South Korea to pick me up, so you better shut that pretty mouth of yours, before I get scolded," you muttered to him, making him chuckle.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart."
"That's my line!" you elbowed him as you walked up to your mother.
Your mother looked astonished to see the young man, but you expected this already. "This is Jeon Jungkook, mother. He's a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, seventh year like me. We're… dating," you said, liking the way it tasted on your tongue.
You could see Aruem memorized by your boyfriend, which made you smirk slightly. "Ah, I see. It is a pleasure to meet you, Jungkook. Is he from a Pureblood family?" your mother inquired.
"No, actually... He's a muggle-born."
The horrified looks on her and Aruem's face told you that this winter was going to be a lot more merrier than the last ones.
Not only because you had a boyfriend, but another reason to piss off your parents.
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A/N:. so that was all for this ff! It was really fun to write it, I'm still a bit mad at tumblr, but 'kay. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed, m'loves. <333
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ichika27 · 4 years
Winter 2020: Episode 3
I said before on my first Winter 2020 post that I’d give the anime I chose to watch 3 episodes to see whether or not I’d continue watching.
Here are my thoughts on them.
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First off, Magia Record.
It’s not like the main Madoka series but I can’t exactly put my finger on why. It just feels different but not in a bad way of course. It’s still interesting due to the mystery but I’ve not connected with any characters yet. By that I mean, other than Iroha, I don’t feel like caring much about the other girls yet. That’d probably change in later episodes the more I know about them but I don’t know how well they can showcase everyone when, according to the OP, there are gonna be a lot of characters for this show unlike the main one with 5 important characters (plus Kyubey).
Still, it’s good although I wish Iroha gets stronger cause right now she hasn’t really done much in terms of fighting. All the better character development in the future though so I’d look forward to it.
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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen (2020)
Different from it’s previous adaptation not only in art style but also in how they handled the first few episodes. The art style still kinda uh, confuses me on how to feel? Some characters look good in this (Childman looks way younger here than he did in the first anime. It was the reason I didn’t recognize him at first.) while some looked better in the first series (Orphen looks like a pretty boy in this style but I think he looks more handsome in the old style).
Since the way they handled the story is different, for someone like me who watched this like, more than 10 years ago and remembers little of it except some parts in the beginning and end, this made me feel excited and interested. For one, back in the first anime, the thing about Azalie being the dragon was a spoiler but here it’s showed in the beginning. Her dragon form is called ‘Bloody August’ in the first anime but here, I don’t think I remember her being referred to as that. Anyways, start of adventure soon, I hope? There’s a lot of magic school flashbacks here and while interesting, I’d like to see the main characters get more screentime (Orphen, Claiohm, and Majic).
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Bofuri continues to be a fun and exciting series about cute girls playing a VRMMO! Despite being an OP character, watching Maple and Sally fight is still fun and also, the mods are starting to nerf her lol.
Still no overall plot at the moment and I dunno what that would be later on but for now, I’m just enjoying the ride. I’m curious about the blond guy though - the knight who got 1st in the event whose face isn’t shown. What will be his significance, I wonder?
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The Case Files of Jeweler Richard is an okay show, I guess? Not the ‘case files’ I was hoping for. They have little detective work done and the show is more like ‘Character of the day needs a jewelry-related thing and has some personal problems and is helped by the 2 main guys whose shop becomes some kind of counseling room’. It’s not bad as I said but its kinda boring at times. While Richard and Seigi are the MCs, the ones with the spotlight is whoever the character of the day is. It’s episodic right now and there maybe a bigger plot later but I’m not sure if I’d still continue following this series. It’s nice if you like jewelry though as they do give info on that so kudos to them as the ‘jeweler’ part is not just something they threw in - the characters actually know stuff about it.
So verdict is: semi-dropped for now. Might come back later if I felt like it but it’s not a priority anymore. I wanted a detective series, dude. Oh and Seigi might be straight and has a thing for that girl he met before but if you guys wanna ship the two MCs, there are some shippy stuff here for you as well :)
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Hatena Illusion explains to us why Kana’s family steals: her mom’s family makes magic items and they decided to sell them even thought they’re dangerous. Her mom, Maeve, thinks this is bad and runs off with the guy she likes and also goes everywhere to steal the ‘artifacts’ (magic items) so they would pose no danger. She does replace it with a non-powered replica so the people she steals from won’t miss them. Reminds me somewhat of DNAngel.
That said, Kana is annoying as heck. Typical tsundere who is violent and keeps hurting Makoto even when something is her fault. Makoto is some kind of dormat as well which is annoying. Ema, the maid makes things worse with her stupid comments which doesn’t help and Kokomi, while annoying in the first episodes seems like the only one with common sense and I ended up liking her in episode 3.
I want to drop this show cause Kana pisses me off but hey, Makoto just became a magical (thief) boy and now I need to give it 2 more episodes! It’s rare for there to be a protag magical boy. Most of the time, they’re either supporting or background character but Makoto is a co-protagonist (I know Binan Koukou exist but that’s more of a parody anime).
I’ll be back on whether or not I’ll drop this completely after seeing episode 5.
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Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun is one of the few shows here which has a different ‘style’ in presentation which isn’t bad and actually makes it stand out. The story is also fun with the seven mysteries (and if you watch the OP, everytime a mystery is revealed, they stop being shown as silhouettes in the next episode’s opening) with their respective rumors and backstories. We also have some new characters and some clues about Hanako’s past.
I like this show. It’s cute and has some adventures and a tiny bit of romance (I already ship Hanako with Yashiro) and comedy. The current story with the stairs seem like it’d be fun as a video game haha. I’d definitely be watching this one til the end.
Side note: this and MagiReco feels similar due to the ‘rumors’ and such. I mean, they started dealing with some rumored ‘stairs’ this time. It’s like MagiReco’s seven mysteries is spread in towns instead of just in one school. Just saying the coincidence is interesting.
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A Destructive God Sits Next to Me is probably the biggest disappointment to me for this list as I looked forward to this since last year. I needed a replacement for Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy and this seems perfect but character-wise, it is not.
While it is funny (the first episode had me laughing so hard), there are a lot of scenes that just annoys or frustrates me. The 2nd episode in particular was unbearable and the only thing that kept me going is the thought that I promised to watch 3 episodes. By the end of the episode, all of the frustration I felt just broke when Koyuki had the misunderstanding with the girl and I ended up crying. Yeah, I cried. It sounds stupid and it is which makes it worse. I only ever cry in comedy anime when there’s either a heartwarming or dramatic scene. Here it’s frustration.
I can tolerate Hanadori since Koyuki can and does punch him when he goes too far. It’s Tsukimiya I can’t take. His actions and personality gives me nothing but pure annoyance and hate (except the notebook scene in episode 1 which is really funny). He’s a mean-spirited character and he just makes me uncomfortable. Their homeroom teacher too, is annoying, by the way.
We have a new character this time, though who looks up to Hanado-- er, I mean ‘Miguel’-senpai. He’s annoying but only a little as its his first appearance. I’d give this 1 or 2 more episodes as I want to see who and what kind of person the long-haired guy in the OP is but I don’t think I can take this entire series.
Too bad as the art style is super cute and part of me low-key ships Koyuki with Hanadori (their interactions are cute sometimes esp. when Hanadori drags Koyuki in his fantasy). It also got a banger OP I can’t stop listening to. If I’m able to ignore or at least get used to Tsukimiya, I might watch more. Might. I’m not positive I can take it.
These are all my personal thoughts and opinions of these shows. They’re not an indication of whether or not you, the reader of this post, will enjoy it. Give them all a shot and maybe you’d end up liking them more or less than I do as we all have different taste and sense of humor. Hope you guys are enjoying this season’s anime offers. I’d write more about these later on probably when they end or when I decide to completely drop them.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-One: Pizza Delivery ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina, InoSaku ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Laying atop her bed, a leg resting atop her other bent knee, Hinata has closed eyes as she gently bobs her raised foot. A pair of bulky headphones rest over her ears, currently playing a playlist she’s carefully hand-crafted to help her relax. She just got done with a day that included two exams, and...needless to say, she’s in need of a little downtime.
A figure eventually stands in her open doorway, rapping knuckles before realizing...she can’t hear them. They call her name...then a little louder...louder...until just walking in and jostling her knee.
Eyes snapping open, Hinata reflexively bolts upright, scrambling to remove her headphones. “Huh, what?”
One of her roommates stands beside her bed, now laughing heartily. “Sorry! I guess you couldn’t hear me?” Ino asks, still chuckling a bit. “I tried to sorta...rustle you gently.”
“That’s, um...that’s okay! Did you...need something?”
“Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang with Sakura and I tonight? I think we all got brutalized by exams this week, so we wanted to have a little evening off! Thought we’d order some pizza and just, like...watch a movie or something. Sound good?”
Hinata quickly perks up. “I’d r-really like that! Here, um…” She starts rooting around in her bedside drawer. “I have some money I can chip in…”
“Okay, cool! Just let me know what you want, and I’ll order it online. I think we’ve got drinks, so that’s all good. It’ll be nice to have a night to just...chill after all the rush lately.”
“Yeah, you’ve g-got that right,” Hinata agrees with a heavy sigh. “I’ll be so glad those classes are over for the semester…”
“I know, right?” Accepting Hinata’s contribution of cash, Ino gives a mock salute, turning on her bare heel and taking her leave.
Once she’s gone (having been polite and shut the door), Hinata flops back atop her bed. That was...mildly embarrassing.
The three girls in their apartment are all currently juniors in college. All three went to the same high school: Sakura is going into nursing, Ino is studying to go into journalism, and Hinata is taking classes to be an elementary school teacher. Ino and Sakura had been best friends in high school, Hinata a bit of a tagalong. But they’ve gotten along rather well.
Some...well, a bit better than others. Not long into their freshmen year, Sakura and Ino actually started dating. Which Hinata was honestly very happy about. She’d always had a kind of suspicion about it, but...well, it wasn’t her place to speculate. They’ve been going steady ever since, and show no signs of slowing down.
It just...well...can make living with them a little awkward at times. Whether it be feelings of being a third wheel, being teased for her single status (or her bicuriosity), or having to endure various, er...noises, Hinata can - at times - feel a little out of place.
But she still considers both girls good friends, as they’ve only all gotten closer as the past three years have gone by. She just feels a little lonely sometimes, even though she hardly lives by herself.
Staring at her ceiling for a time, she eventually sits up with a grunt, heading out into the belly of their shared apartment. On her phone, Ino asks for her order.
“Um...vegetarian is good with me,” is her reply, given with a shrug. “If, um...if that won’t be too complicated?”
“Nope, you’re good! We can split it three ways. Wanna make sure we’ve got enough drinks? I’ll have Sakura stop by the corner store if not.”
Peeking her head in the fridge, Hinata finds their typical stash of soda, beer, wine, and bottled cold coffee. “W-we’re good!”
“Awesome! Sakura should be back soon, and then we can pick a movie. Ugh, I am so ready for this weekend…” Finalizing their order, Ino then boots up the TV and Netflix, browsing a few things as they wait. Hinata opens a soda, quietly sipping and watching the screen from behind the couch.
“I’m back, ladies!”
“Hey babe,” Ino calls back as Sakura arrives. “We’re having a movie note!”
“Oh hell yes,” the rosette replies, dumping her bag by the door for the time being. “What’re we watching?”
“Dunno yet.”
“I’m down for anything.”
“Hinata, any preference?” Ino asks from over the couch.
“Oh, uh...not really? Just nothing like, um...slashers, or whatever.”
“Weak stomach?” Sakura teases, making Hinata go pink. “It’s all right. I think something more low-key would be good after the last few weeks we’ve had, right?”
“Totally,” Ino agrees, still scrolling. “Ooh, how about this? It looks cute!”
The others read the description of a romance flick. “Eh, sure,” Sakura agrees, flopping on the couch beside her girlfriend. “We can watch some straights fall in love and be ridiculous.” A pause. “...no offense, Hinata.”
The Hyūga just giggles. “I-it’s fine. They are pretty silly…”
Waiting for the food, the trio decide to at least start the movie. With the couch mostly taken, Hinata instead snuggles under a blanket in an armchair, eyes trained on the screen as the title sequence plays. They’re about a scene into it when the doorbell goes off.
“I’ll get it!” Hinata offers, standing and finding the pile of gathered cash on the counter. Counting it out, she checks the peephole first. A guy in a work getup stands outside, looking down the hall. In his hands is a pizza box. Must be their guy.
Undoing the locks, Hinata opens the door, and...pauses as he turns to look at her. 
They both just sort of stare for a moment.
“Uh...hi,” he replies, a tiny hint of an embarrassed flush in his face.
“I...didn’t know you worked at this place!”
“Just part time, after classes,” he assures her, giving a fleeting hint of a smile. It’s clear he’s not too happy at being recognized.
“Oh, that’s...that’s neat! It’s good to make a little money on the side. You...still have time for all your coursework?”
“Just barely, yeah.”
“Well, um...I’m glad it’s working for you,” she tells him honestly with a small smile. “...um, anyway, here…” She hands over the money, accepting the box. “I think there’s a...seven dollar tip…?”
“Awesome. Thanks.”
“Do you...work much later?”
“Yeah, another hour or so.”
“Having a night off?”
She nods. “Yeah, um...Ino and Sakura thought we should have a m-movie night!”
“Oh, those two?”
“Yeah, they’re...they’re my roommates.”
“Haven’t driven you insane yet?”
“Uh...n-no. It’s a little, um…” She glances behind herself, not wanting to be overhead. “...awkward sometimes.”
That earns a small laugh. “Yeah, I bet.”
“Well, I...I wish you were done with your shift! You could...watch the movie and eat pizza with us!”
“I won’t lie, kinda sick of pizza after working this job,” Sasuke admits, giving a more genuine smile.
“What? Sick of pizza? That’s like...like...being s-sick of air!”
“I get that a lot, believe me. But uh...thanks for the sentiment. Maybe some other time,” he replies, almost looking a tad disappointed.
“Well, um...maybe let us know some night you h-have off! Maybe we can schedule something. It would be fun, I...haven’t seen you in ages.”
“...maybe I will. But I better run, got more to do…”
“Oh, sorry!”
“It’s all right. Later, Hinata.” Giving her a nod, Sasuke makes his way back out of the corridor, disappearing into the stairwell.
Hinata watches him go, giving a start as Ino calls her name. “C...coming!” Closing the door and making sure it’s locked, she moves to dish up the pizza on a few plates.
“What took you so long?”
“Oh, um...it was Sasuke!”
“Whaaat?” Sakura asks, clearly in disbelief. “No way!”
“Yeah! I told him he could join us i-if he wasn’t busy, but...he’s still working.”
“Oh, Sasuke...tricked me into thinking I was straight for far too long,” Ino sighs whimsically. “He’s too pretty to be a guy.”
“I know, right?” Sakura laughs.
“Oh, Hinata!”
“We should set you up with Sasuke!”
The other two burst into laughter. “It’d be cute!”
“But...but I…?”
“Nope, I’ve made up my mind,” Ino cackles, pulling out her phone. “This is going to happen.”
“I-Ino, don’t! He’s...I mean I…?”
“Just let her have her fun,” Sakura advises, grinning from her perch on the couch. “She won’t be at peace until she tries.”
Hinata just...wilts with a hint of a sigh, curling back under her blanket with her pizza. That was not what she meant when she suggested Sasuke join them…
...but maybe he’ll still come to that, at least. They can just all hang out. Ino, and Sakura, and...Sasuke and Hinata.
...two third wheels and a lesbian couple. Totally not weird, right? They can have Chinese food. Since pizza, apparently, will be out of the question.
     Was a lil spooked by this one...cuz I actually had pizza for dinner tonight, haha xD      Anyway, just a little sort of slice of life with a few nerds. I actually really like InoSaku...I dunno why I don't write it more often! Poor Hinata, a constant third wheel. But maybe Ino's scheming will land her a date ;3      Buuut yeah, that's all from me for now. I'm a sleepy bean, haha - thanks for reading~
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