#but he did and killing him off was cheap af
ender-nogard · 3 months
What if all the characters from ride the cyclone represent the 7 deadly sins?
Ocean - pride
• She is an overachiever
• She sees herself on top/most important in the human pyramid
• She tries to be the center of attention every chance she gets.
•She tells everyone that she is the best no mater what.
Noel - lust
•He sings about being a sex worker
•He makes a few innuendos when he's on stage
•There is no good way to phrase without it sounding off, but most representations of the sin of lust tend to be attracted to the same sex, Noel is a gay man.
Misha - Wrath
• "meet Misha, the angriest boy in town"
• "I only have 2 emotions, rage, and passion"
• He cusses the most
• He is the most defensive about almost everything (example: when he kisses Noel, when he is defending his girlfriend)
•He yells at the choir
•He's mad he'll never meet his fiancee in life
•He's mad at his life is unfair (his mom died, and his adopted family shuns him)
Constance - Gluttony
•Her song is "sugar cloud"
•Her family runs a bakery
•She looks back on the food she ate (cupcakes, pizza night)
•She was overconsumption 18+ content
•She wanted to experience sex before she died because she saw so much porn she wanted to experience it and even though it didn't hurt her physically it hurt her mentally
•remember gluttony is overconsumption, it doesn't always have to be food.
Jane - Envy
•She comes off as extremely jealous about other people's life
•In her song she asks god why she had to die without any memories, and without any loved ones
•The other members got what she didn't, a proper funeral.
•When she gets the name Savannah she asks for the greenest eyes, green represents envy ( @zhemchuzhina-x said this first)
Karnak - greed
•I have no other reason to say this besides that he is extremely expensive, he is a novelty fortune machine, those get expensive.
•In order to use Karnak you need to insert money, because he is a carnival machine.
•Carnivals are very expensive in general, they raise the price of food, they use cheap materials to make money and it works 99.9% of the time.
•Because of the negligence of the carnival, probably because they didn't wanna pay for professionals, the main 6 died.
Ricky - sloth
•Ricky could make make friends, and did, but he was off in his world
•Obviously Ricky couldn't help being the way he was, but one could assume he was at home/ watching movies more than other kids his age, which is reminiscent of the sin of gluttony.
•Ricky is chill af, he lets bygones be bygones, and he doesn't care what people do until they become dicks, but besides that Ricky is mellow af.
Virgil - angel
•Virgil was the name of the angel in dante's inferno, a story about a man going through all the circles of hell.
•Virgil kills Karnak and himself, which could be a typical sin, but also seen as selfless because he kills a "sin" (Karnak).
Obviously I could be wrong, and Ricky abs Noel could be switched along with Constance. I just noticed things while watching RTC and wanted it to fit my OCs.
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
Hello 👋 can give yandere levi ackerman x reader headcanons please 🙏 😊
YandereLevi! HeadCanons
A/N: i hope this is what you had in mind and i hope you guys enjoy it!! <3 (Not proof read) requests are open if anyone is interested!! (Check the pined masterlist to see who i write for rn)
Word count: 546
Wanings: blood, toxic af, manipulation, sh (notify me if i forgot any)
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Yandere!Levi That is so obsessed with you to the point where if a male gets near you or talks to you he punishes them, one day Jean made a joke and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and all he could see was red, he wanted to slam his head on the table so hard until in busted open but instead he made him run 50 laps around the field using a cheap excuse to cover the real reason behind it.
Yandere!Levi That creeps into your bedroom when you’re asleep so “he can make sure you’re okay” (he actually does this to confirm no man is in there with you.)
Yandere!Levi That goes absolutely feral with anger when you sit on your friends laps, you should be sitting on HIS lap not theirs.
Yandere!Levi That makes you clean his office every week to have some sense of dominance over you, he loves to see you kneel to dust the bottom shelves.
Yandere!Levi That dreams of carving his name on your plump soft flesh, of leaving hickeys on your neck, he wants to mark you, he wants everyone to know you’re his (even if you don’t know it yet.)
Yandere!Levi That is always stalking you, no matter where you are or what are you doing he is always watching you, again, to make sure no man gets near you, even with more reason if you go out to the city with your friends maybe to some bar, he knows what kinds of man roams those places so he must be watching you right? Its for your own safety.
Yandere!Levi That purposely gets you out off of missions so you don’t have to engage in dangerous situations, if you end up being forced to go he will make sure that you’re on his team and will kill all the titans so you don’t have to do anything. He doesn’t want “his girl” to get dirty with nasty titan blood.
Yandere!Levi That shakes with anger if a male saves you from a dangerous situation, grabing you by the waist to take you to the nearest roof safely, how dare he touch you? He is the only one that can help you, the only one that can keep you safe, no one else.
Yandere!Levi That asks you to go to his office to lecture you about something you did wrong, he won’t stop till he makes you cry so he can comfort you after and make you feel better.
Yandere!Levi That wants to destroy you emotionally just so he can put you back together again, he wants you to need him, so he makes you believe he is the only one that is truly there for you, he makes you believe that you do everything wrong but don’t worry, he is always there and he will make everyting you can’t for you.
Yandere!Levi That is satisfied and pleased once you stop hanging out and talking to your friends and the only validation you seek is his, when he finally has you on his bed on display for him and when he finally sees the little droplets of blood rolling down your stomach admiring the four letters he waited so long to finally see decorating your soft skin. You’re finally his.
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I saw the thing. Both of the thing. The two things. Those things. Star Wars things.
RIP Luke Skywalker's relevance post-OT, we hardly knew ye.
[spoilers and shit below the cut]
I mean... the first two episodes did their job? They certainly felt like a typical Star Wars, whatever your definition of Star Wars is. It just feels like these people at the top have no fucking idea what to do with the galaxy post-Empire and pre-First Order. Like, there is no obviously Big Bad Fascist group of baddies that our plucky underdog rebel heroes have to fight. The enemy is not clear as bright fucking day. What is the enemy? What are we fighting? Is this why we're plundering the depths of the EU and overwriting EU!Thrawn with Disney!Thrawn? Is this why we're turning the New Republic into an uncaring out-of-touch wannabe Galactic Republic/Empire?
There are many, many places where the Volume is painfully obvious and it is incredibly fucking distracting. Personally, Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy and the POTC trilogy really sold me on the possibilites offered by the marriage of practical FX and CGI. I've never been convinced by the "gimmick" that James Cameron's blue cat people promised, and seeing how increasingly terrible and cheap and fucking greedy the Hollywood studios have become since then has me convinced that we're fucked. I still want to one day get a job in entertainment design but I am increasingly gritting my teeth and side-eyeing the state of things.
There has to be better way to paint non-human skin tones onto actors right. The lack of emoting also really frustrated me. I hope it's just people settling into their roles but I also don't know the sequence in which they shot their scenes. It's just... I felt nothing. I lied. I felt something for Sabine's lothcat. I get Ahsoka at this time being aloof, distant, cold, closed off, but everybody else? I didn't feel it. Maybe from Skoll and Hati, our non-Jedi Norse wolves. Nordic? I don't fucking know.
Someone please explain to me how Sabine is suddenly a Padawan, an ex-Padawan, and now a Padawan again. I never saw Rebels but I know enough canon to know that Padawans are supposed to have some kind of Force sensitivity? Why is Ahsoka deciding who to take in as a Padawan? I thought she left the Jedi Order before she became a Knight? What the fuck is going on? Is she just... making up the rules now since there isn't an Order of people to say, "Hey, maybe don't"? Or is she just picking up where Ezra and Kanan left off? I don't know Rebels and it is midnight; I sure af am not going to decide to read summaries of everyone right now.
Sorry to Luke who either never blipped on Baylan's radar or was just that unimportant to him. Somehow. Sorry to Cal, though I don't even know if he survived to see the Empire's fall.
Among the bipedals who speak Basic, Morgan Elsbeth wins the award for "Most Interesting Character" because Diana knows how to chew up her scenes and has the charisma to keep me interested. I don't recall she was ever revealed to be a Witch in her Mando episode. But now she is? What? Why?
The baseline world development of the Corellian shipyards fucking kills me. I know nothing about Lothal from the show so I can't say shit, but from what I've seen of the city itself, it's so.... clean. CG clean. "We can't let people know we live here" clean. The Volume was screaming into my eyes on Arcana, and I can't believe the fucking planet is called Arcana.
But what is the reason why Sabine put away the parts of herself that are Mandalorian? Is it so that we can see her floundering and struggling and letting her hair grow long while she tells everyone to fuck off? Is it so that we can then see her saw off her long hair a la Mulan (or Kanan, I guess) and become a Mandalorian again? I... I don't have any emotional investment in this. I didn't see Rebels, therefore I don't have any actual emotional investment in this. It's just, cool CG, lightsabers whee, classic Star Wars-ish music to yank at your heartstrings, droids, magic, the Force, Force shit, more lightsabers, pew pew, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And people I only recognize because of the Galaxy of Heroes games, fandom osmosis, and cursory skimming of the Star Wars wiki. If I was a true outsider who knew the bare minimum from previous D+ shows, waht would my investment level be?
Is anyone surprised that Andor keeps showing up in these conversations? I want to rip my hair out and scream at people who hate the discourse because they say people just want more shows exactly like Andor (grimy and dark and grimdark with no Jedi and no Sith and no pew pew space fights and no bzzzzzzzzzzt lightsabers and all politics and politicking and hard decisions made by morally gray characters either trying to survive or trying to see the Rebellion survive) instead of the campy unseriousness with color and bad CG and silliness and pew pew space lasers and shit. I just want more shows made with love and care and a basic understanding of storytelling. There's a difference between telling a story and telling a Star Wars story. The Felonious Showrunners are telling you a Star Wars story full of Star Wars. Did you see the Star Wars? Look at the Star Wars. Listen to the Star Wars. Feel the Star Wars. Yes, I get it, but are you also telling me a story? Is this all really just a buildup to Thrawn returning to the galaxy to take control of the Imperial remnants to make a second Empire or some shit like that? And as always, does it really matter when Thrawn and Ahsoka and Mandalore didn't have ANY impact on the galaxy or the fate of the New Republic and the First Order in the ST?
Fucking hell, looked up serial vs episodic because I forgot the terms and then deleted the entire paragraph because what's the point l o l. Look, the problem for me is that this show relies on working knowledge of Rebels and also The Clone Wars so that we can understand who these people are, what their history is with each other, and where they're coming from when the Norse wolves sprung a witch from her cell. I don't have the time or energy to do any of that, so I don't... I don't care. Who are these people? Explain them to me. Tell me why I should care without assuming I already watched the other shows. All we had of Andor is Cassian Andor, who dies at the end of Rogue 1. Yet somehow we got to see all these new faces emerge and bloom and keep rising or dying for the sake of the nascent Rebellion. We got to know who the fuck they are, what the fuck they do or did, what their relationships are to each other, to the Rebellion, to the Empire, to Cassian. We got to see and hear what they believed in and why they fight or don't fight.
You don't need the 3 episodes of fleshing out Ferrix or any of the characters integral to a story arc. You already have the settings and the people. You already have the history. It would take a lot less work to introduce who they are, what they did or do, how they relate to each other, what they won and lost . It just... it just feels so damn shallow and half-baked and stiff and light like cotton candy.
I think if not for Andor, these first two episodes of Ahsoka would be perfectly acceptable in the Star Wars D+ series pantheon. But Andor is fucking Spiders Georg and fucked over people's expectations of what a good Star Wars show is and can be.
ACTUALLY. WHY NOT TELL THOSE OF US THAT AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH THE DISNEY STAR WARS LORE WHO THE FUCK THRAWN IS, WHAT THE FUCK HE DID, AND WHY WE DON'T WANT HIM BACK. Oh he's the last of the Imperial Grand Admirals - so what. Moff Gideon is beneath the likes of Vader and Tarkin and Thrawn and he did a lot of fucking damage. Andor showed us very clearly what kind of power and damage the ISB can do. So how much more damage can Thrawn do if he did come back? What kind of threat is he? TELL US HOW DANGEROUS HE IS TO THE NEW REPUBLIC. TELL US WHY MORGAN IS TRYING TO BRING HIM BACK. FOR HER OWN AMBITIONS? TO HELP OUT THE OTHER IDIOTS HIDING IN THE DARK, LAUGHING AT GIDEON CLONING HIMSELF IN A PATHETIC GRAB FOR POWER? COME ON. TELL ME SOMETHING.
Anyway, sorry to Luke Skywalker who's stuck on Ossus fucking around with Artoo and a bunch of spider droids, locked out of some greater story about an apathetic former Padawan and her own Mando Padawan looking for a lost Jedi while also trying to stop a blue man from returning to the galaxy. Maybe he never should've returned to Star Wars and stayed a grumpy old Jake who died all alone on some fuckoff island.
Let's see what the next episode will bring! At least it makes great background noise while I do other things.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
(am I writing jaytim (?) dick killed joker au after yesterday? yeah and what about it)
Jason never liked the "come back wrong" trope. He feels vindicated, now, walking the streets of his hometown and not recognizing anything at all.
He didn't come back wrong. It was everything else that turned topsy-turvy.
Even this one thing he wanted more than anything else - Joker being six feet under - was messed up. Nightwing was the one who did it. And while he didn't turn himself in, he didn't stick around either. Dick Grayson turned his badge in, leaving Bludhaven PD the same nightmare of corruption and institutional racism, and was globe-hopping with Arsenal (who lost his daughter, and even a chance of getting revenge, seeing as Oliver Queen shot the bastard and was awaiting trial, currently) and Starfire (Jason wasn't sure what that was about). 
And Bruce, he got himself a new Robin. But it alone wasn't what made him feel sick.
With Joker being long gone before Jason finished his training with All-Caste, with Gotham being raised to the ground and rebuilt again, now with cheap materials in even poorer neighborhoods, boondocks; while fancier districts like Fashion, or West End, had historical landmarks erased, and the stupid ceiling-to-floor windows of business centers and shopping malls came into being instead. Come on, this is just a trauma due to a shockwave from an explosion nearby, waiting to happen! And these monuments to corporate greed served the community none, taking up valuable public space.
But most importantly, people.
Yeah, Joker was gone. But, as he traced the information by reports, official and not so much, of what happened during No Man's Land (how did it happen? How did it happen?)... Gangs got much more power than before. That time when the only way you could survive was being in a gang, with a top honcho telling you what to do, or you would literally starve... It changed Gothamites for the worse. It didn't help that companies like Luthorcorp were "helping" with rebuilding efforts, pocketing much of the city relief fund and taking contracts from local enterprises. Didn't help that freaks like Two-Face, Penguin, and Scarface, who stayed in Gotham, got more power after they stuck it out. Mafias were weaker, sure. Street-level gangs wised up.
It all made Jason want to go mad. Except that wasn't a luxury he could afford now.
See, along with the intel gathering, one of the first things Jason had done after getting into Gotham was check on his old connections. Not Batman - he knew about Robin, and he was yet to decide what he wanted to do about it. He was putting off any confrontation before that.
But his friends - people he mostly left behind after Bruce picked him up.
And, see, here's the thing. While he was still alive, he kept tabs on them. He knew when Harlowes moved to a new house. He was able to sneak Max some money - he didn't even ask Bruce for it. Won in a poker game with Two-Face, at some point before he found out he killed Willis. He was worried about Numbers' decision to apply to military school, so asked Bruce to find a good one, if there was such a thing. He ran a background check on Gabbie's fiance and warned her anonymously about him scamming his past girlfriends. After Chris, Jason asked Bruce about setting up a fund to help with legal representation for youthful offenders.
It wasn't much. They, Max said once, would rather have him there, with them. Not with them, with them, living in the slums. They knew he was better off living conditions-wise being off the streets than on them. But just like, hanging out. Talking to them for more than 5 minutes when he dropped something off - it felt like charity, like he was buying off his guilty conscience that he didn’t want to be seen with them anymore.
Yeah, but Jason could not be in three places at once. And if Robin was his job, and Jason Wayne was his cover for said job, Jason Todd had to give way. Every time.
Until there was nothing more to give.
But even after his death, Gotham still took from him.
The worst thing, the thing he didn't think he would ever be able to forgive himself, was Max Dawkins. Dead at seventeen. Few weeks before Jason came back home. At the time Jason probably was still doing katas, or kissing Essence under a three-thousands years old tree that was vaguely related to sycamores, now. Or was training his vision to focus on the future with his right eye and the past with his left. 
Point is, Jason doesn't even know and will never know, and it doesn't even matter, because Max won't be any less dead.
Overdose, can you believe that? Max didn't even sniff glue when they were both young and stupid. They want to believe he would go hard on speed after receiving acceptance letter with full ride scholarship for GCU? He wanted to drag the cops who closed the file on Max as soon as the medical examiner sewed him back, onto the street, behind the dumpster his body was left behind, and...
He stopped that trail of thought. Fumbled for the phone. Opened BetterMe Mental Health app. Grief, his plan for today said.
He put the headphones in.
Three minutes later, he stood up straight and cracked his neck this side and that. What he loved about this app was, unlike with Ducra, it was a really low-commitment, no risk of being thrown out of his own body on astral plane, meditation. It wasn't a panacea, but it helped. He wasn't throwing things around, he wasn't screaming at no one, he wasn't crying. He was breathing evenly. He was thinking straight.
The report he stole said the body was in the morgue, still. Unclaimed. The autopsy was obviously a hack job, with inconsistencies showing how little the ME cared about a dead guy nobody will come to claim. It's not like he will get an opportunity to recommend a respectable funeral home to make sure your loved ones were comfortable on their last journey - and that the ME gets his kickback. Now, though, this guy will find out what a real kick in the back feels like.
No. He can't make noise.
He got Talia to agree to reinstate him among the living, legally-speaking (done thanks to her contacts in Qurac councilship), and then take her last name.
It was the most 'fuck you, Bruce' way for Jason to return to the States. He was alive again, and Bruce had no idea, and he wouldn't, because Jason Head nee Todd wasn't his in any way. Anymore. But if he wanted to keep it from Bruce without going fake identity for the rest of his life, he needed to be low-key.
So. Jason Head went to the city morgue as himself - but also a third cousin twice removed of Maximillian Dawkins' maternal aunt. Which, actually, was the truth. There was a reason Max was tasked by his grandma to hang out with him from time to time when things went rough at home. That, and Catherine never liked Chris.
Good judgment, if only she could apply it to Willis as well.
He waved a couple of hundred dollars bills around. Said he wanted to take Max to bury him - but he also wanted to find out what actually happened. And couldn't they redo the autopsy? 
They could, agreed the guy. He even allowed Jason to be present.
Downstairs, they almost ran into a girl. Despite the poor lighting, Jason didn't plan to take off his sunglasses, hat, or a jacket that added bulk to his shoulders, not until he needed to put on a white suit and protective mask, glasses and gloves. He still managed to see the way her makeup was a touch overdone, didn't mash with the brand clothes she was wearing, and the hair, he was pretty sure, was a wig.
He noted the name and the bullshit excuse the girl gave, and stopped trying to supress his irritation and impatience.
The girl gave him a once-over too. Asked why he was there. Jason told the truth: he was here for his nephew, preparing for the burial.
"Why not during working hours?"
"Because I work during working hours," Jason explained to her. "Nobody is going to give me a day off, doesn't matter if I'm his only family."
"Capitalism," the girl sighed.
Jason huffed a laugh.
"Yeah, I don't think I would have paid leave for this somewhere like China or North Korea. It's funny but the exploitation of the working class doesn't stop regardless of what fancy words they use to keep the sheep complacent."
"Are you an anarchist?" The girl eyed him warily and even moved a bit back, almost dropping into a defensive stance.
"What I am is tired and have a long to-do list, ma'am." He stepped closer to the opposite wall and motioned for her to go on.
She caught herself not quite finished mouthing off "ma'am" and finally, thankfully, left. Jason looked at her gait, slightly swaying on way too high heels (in Jason's estimate, anyway; he would never be able to walk a step in them).
"Are all of your doctors so..." He said when he caught the ME looking at her as well.
He didn't like that gaze.
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skelltan · 1 year
i often find myself having opinions that don't match the popular ones and it takes me a lot of time to sort of understand how to phrase why i don't like something outside of "i just don't"
but with emotional and mental growth i'm finally able to put into words why i dislike geoff johns' 2003 teen titans run (read under for more)
my main problems were the shift in character personalities, and i was told "oh, it's character progression" and wasn't really sure how to argue that, but here are some words - "bad pacing."
granted i can't entirely blame geoff johns because a lot of the character shifts were kind of mandated due to graduation day, but my point still stands
bart's main defining trait is essentially that he's adhd af. but in the span of one story arc about 6 issues he just suddenly goes "oh, i kind of need to grow up". for a character change so radical, a single 6 issue story arc really isn't enough, especially at the start of a new run. a radical change like that is something you sort of need to ease into.
granted i prefer him being very adhd and maybe you could strike a balance but even if you had to have him grow that way, again, doing it so fast (no pun intended) just makes it feel forced
similarly, i prefer tim being the one robin without much tragedy, his optimism being entirely important to his introduction, i'd like if that remained intact. but if we had to give him misery, fine, you could do something with that - but killing his dad off rather than having mounting problems catch up to him just feels like a cheap trick.
(granted they did also have him lose superboy but i still think he plunged really deep into misery with his dad's death and i still think they went too radical with his reactions to connor's death)
that's where i hit a snag - i initially had a lot of resentment for johns' run because peter david's young justice is one of my favourite comics of all time, so it's easy to see this as me saying "this is not my young justice" like g1 pokemon fans, but such is not the case - i can buy this growth and be a fan, even if begrudgingly, if only the story were told well.
(as a quick aside i also don't hate geoff johns. i'm critical of him to a degree but he has some good work and just as i loved peter david's young justice, geoff johns' JSA is one of my favourite comics, too)
i understand arguments against decompressed story arcs but i don't think it's something that has to be good or evil, it's a tool. sometimes stories need to be shorter, sometimes they need to be longer. when you're changing the fundamentals of a character, though, that kind of urges for slow burn storytelling.
also the legacy titans cast are just sort of there. they also have a bit of regression by virtue of being there and being essentially equal to the others rather than having a bit of a veteran edge as they should, but that's an entirely different argument about status quo in comics
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narrators-journal · 11 months
Sexual healing
I hope this has enough spanking in it, I’m never too sure how to make spanking HOT enough lol. I at least had a fun time writing it? I know it’s not particularly LOVING, but tbh I always got the vibe from Machi that she was a lesbian, so I mayyyy have made a colder bitch than Illumi lmao. Other than that, just another Ao3 ask!
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober Masterlist: Here
CW: Spanking, Hisoka gets pegged, handcuffs are included. I may not have focused on the prompt, but it is spicy regardless!
Feitan and Uvogin? Healed. Dinner? Had. The members of the phantom troupe? Accounted for, and in one piece. All around, Machi Komacine considered her night free to herself. After all, her usual thorns in the side were either drunkenly passed out, or dealt with after that day’s mission. Plus! Hisoka Morrow, the painted, colorful bastard, wasn’t included in this job! She was free of him and his mind games.
So, taking down her light pink hair from its usual fluffy ponytail, Machi slipped into her sleeping bag, letting out a content sigh when the blissful comfort of a mattress seemed to turn her bones into jelly. After so long af sleeping in abandoned buildings or stolen cars, the healer didn’t care about the creaky, cheap mattress. It was a mattress.
Yet, an early bedtime wasn’t in the cards. Judging from the sickly familiar pattern of knocks at her door. Grimacing, the healer rolled over so that her back was to the door. Firmly ignoring it, only for the bastard to sing, “Macha~ Be a dear and let me in~”
So, with a mix of a sigh and a groan, Machi unzipped her sleeping bag and basically threw herself from the cheap hotel bed to stomp over and rip the door nearly off the hinges. “What the fuck do you want, Morrow? Why are you even here?” She spat, sapphire eyes narrowing darkly as she glared into those snake-yellow, smug eyes staring down at her. “I missed you! So, I came to find you.” Was the sappy response Hisoka gave, batting his lashes at her, jesus christ she’d kill for lashes that thick, and playing sweet. But, the sugar made Machi’s stomach churn. “Fuck off.” she spat again, trying to slam the door in the clown’s face. However, he was quicker, and got his foot in the door before she could entirely shut him out. ”Oh come on, Machi! Let me in, I’ll make my visit quick.” He promised, unbothered by the woman throwing her weight into the door to try and force his foot out of the way. Until, finally, she gave another groan and just caved, going back to the bed to pack up her sleeping bag. And, when she turned around, sure enough, the tall psychopath had followed her in.
The silence of his movements brought a shudder, but the healer bottled it up, knowing that any sign of how much Hisoka scared her would draw out whatever game he wanted to play, or demand he had for her. So, she turned her attention to tying her long hair back into its usual style. “Alright. What do you need sewn up.” She said coolly, ignoring how close he was to trapping her between the bed and his well-muscled body as she walked over to her duffle bag to dig out the pin cushion she kept her needles in. Making a conscious choice to crouch down instead of bend when she did. “Nothing,” He hummed, his syrupy tone dropped in favor of a more bored one. A glance over her shoulder revealing that the clown had gone from flirtatious, to more casual. Which, only meant one thing. “God damn it, Hisoka. Don’t you have a boytoy or something?! Some poor bitch you’ve baby trapped?” She snapped, standing up to glare at him again, her hands on her hips like an annoyed mother. Yet, her harsh tone didn’t seem to phase the pink-haired man, barely getting him to lift his yellow eyes from some mystery stain on his outfit. “No, everyone else is so boring. And Illumi said that if I try to bargain for sex a second time, he’d put a needle in my urethra.” He sighed, pouting at her like he wanted her sympathy for that.
Which, Machi did show. After all, while the phantom troupe were a ballsy pack of villains, even they were scared of crossing the Zoldyck family. And, personally, Illumi Zoldyck was Machi’s personal nightmare. With bottomless, soulless pits for eyes, suffocating nen that he used for a terrifying ability, and such a clinical, almost robotic personality, Machi would sooner face the devil than that man.
Though, on some level, maybe the devil was a far more likely encounter than people normally had. After all, he currently sat on her bed, giving her puppy dog eyes.
So, with a long sigh, Machi pinched the bridge of her nose, gritting her teeth in pure annoyance. “Fine. But I’m gagging you.” She told the tall man, getting a thousand watt smile that would’ve been charming if it was from anyone else. But, that aside, the healer simply turned back to her dufflebag to fish out some handcuffs, ball gag, and a vibrantly purple strap on that she kept for a more desirable partner.
By the time she turned back to Hisoka, he was already naked. His vest and pants were torn off as if he was some bachelorette stripper rather than a murderous psycho, but she didn’t bother questioning his speed or skill with stripping down. “Get on the bed. Face down, and put your hands out like usual.” she ordered, watching the scarred man eagerly climb onto the cheap, creaky bed, his ass already in the air. Machi coming over to cuff his wrists together once he was in position. “Open.” she added, a little perturbed by how readily Hisoka opened his mouth to let her put the thick rubber ball in his mouth and secure it around his head. Or, maybe it was the glitter of lust sparkling in his yellow eyes, either way, she didn’t know how to feel.
Regardless of that, though, she just went about the usual steps of their ‘hook ups’, as Hisoka called these meetings. Strolling down to the foot of the bed to kick off her sleep shorts and pull on the base of her sex toy, ensuring the silicone dildo was secure before moving to stand behind him, staring down at the round rump eagerly awaiting whatever she was going to do.
It wasn’t a surprise that Hisoka was so horny for whatever sex he could get, but it still somewhat annoyed the healer that he was so okay with being pegged, and, even after her setting such a firm rule on that being her only form of sexual contact with him, him asking for it.
"You really need to find someone else to 'scratch your itch'." Machi huffed, slapping the homicidal clown's ass, knowing well enough that he couldn't answer through the gag she'd tied in his mouth. "Like a prostitute."
Despite her complaints, though, the woman gave another slap to Hisoka's ass. At least enjoying the chance to cause the annoying bastard some pain for all of the healing he demands of her, and his general flirty pestering. If he got some sense of pleasure out of her strikes, that was up to him, but for her, the sight of the powerful man on his belly, handcuffed to the bed posts with a ball gag keeping him silent was more cathartic than arousing. But, if it kept him from dragging himself to her for free healing, she was willing to tolerate his sexual appetite.
So, she grabbed the bottle of lube and stroked a thin layer of it onto the pink silicone strap on she wore. Then, she simply lined herself up and pushed into Hisoka, thanking whatever god there was that he had been gagged when he let out a pornographic moan.
But, she ignored his theatrics and simply grabbed onto his hips when he pushed back against her and began moving. Tuning out each lustful noise and letting the pink-haired man push his ass back to meet her thrusts eagerly, only focusing on humping into him and pacing herself. After all, the last time she’d rushed one of their ‘hook up’, Hisoka had whined and purposely increased her work load to spite her. So, she made sure her thrusts alternated between slow, deep movements, and quicker ones.
Plunging the pink toy into Hisoka, clawing into his scarred skin, and sprinkling in a few harsh slaps to the meat of his ass, Machi still found no pleasure in her companion, but she did feel a small seed of pride and power sprout in her chest. After all, while Hisoka Morrow was far too annoying and deranged for her to consider dating him, he was still insanely powerful. He almost never stopped training and pushing himself, which the pink-haired woman would’ve respected far more if he wasn’t so...indescriminate with that drive. So, while she did hold a bit of respect for his fighting abilities, and maybe a little for his sadistic joy, there were simply too many factors for the woman to get more than an ego boost out of the sexual aspect of their meetings.
Finally pulling herself out of that rabbit hole, Machi let out a slow breath and focused back in on the man she had tied down on the hotel bed. Noting his dishevelled pink hair, sweat-beaded skin, and muffled, needy moans as she lifted her hand and landed another severe blow to his, surely sore by that point, ass again, getting a more emphatic moan in response. Which, she took as a good sign and switched to a faster pace. The mulling over of Hisoka’s ambiguous, confusing signals could be pushed off for the time being. For now, she focused on the joy she got out of leaving an angry patch of red on the scarred man’s ass as she fucked him.
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
Esme stuff :) Tyler centric :)
@tragiclyhip​, @youflickedtooharddamnit​, @secretaryunpaid​
Someone had a rough night. LMAO.
Both Millie and TJ had (very noisy) sleepovers with friends and I went out with my sister and came home so drunk that he had to carry me upstairs to bed and then I proceeded to pass out in the middle of feeling extremely amorous.   And although I apparently gave him ‘blue balls’, he still undressed me and put me in pyjamas and then fetched the puke bucket several times during the night.
Needless to say,  he’s feeling it this morning.  
Missing your bachelor days right about now, aren’t you Tae LOL
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Tyler swears that Nugget is starting to look more like me, but does he not look like his dad here? Even the expression?  
That’s a Tyler look for sure 
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When you're married to the hottest guy on earth.  He just gets better and better with age. While I look more and more like a busted can of biscuits.   Yet he doesn’t seem to care that I’m a mess (and not a hot one either, and he still sticks around and seems to be horny ALL THE TIME). So suck on that, thirsty bishes,  He’s all mine. 
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The new ‘thing’ at our house is Tanner going into the gym to hang out with his dad while he works out.  So Tae will forgo listening to music in favour of Tanner reading to him from his favourite book of the moment.  Today however, Tanner brought in a joke book he’d found at the school book fair and apparently,  that shit is hilarious lol
And look at that adorable, clean shaven face.  I prefer the beard (as do the kids) but there’s doing he’s cute AF.
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We just got her buckled in and the husband starts the truck, then sniffs the air and quickly turns the ignition off.
“Esme....check on your baby.” 
I thought she was YOUR baby,  husband. Your peanut.
Now she’s just mine?
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Feels like so long ago! But baby Tanner.  In the NICU. And wearing daddy’s wedding ring.   It was a long road and we came so close to losing him so many times, but now he’s ten years old and the healthiest person in the house!  Now he loves to tell anyone who will listen that his twin brother ‘tried to kill me when we were in mum’s tummy’
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Our first winter trip to the lake house.  Senior and Junior taking in the view.  My humongous  -and always and forever- love and one of my little loves :)
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Back in Colorado. At the very end of the longest and most painful six months of my life.   We reconciled (under certain ‘rules’ that had to be followed) and he was finally home to stay after an eight week stint in rehab.   Clean and sober and healthier than ever.  And both of us ready to start from scratch :)
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What’s more beautiful? The sunset? or the man?
I’m going with the man.
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It’s hard to lay claim to him when he’s dressed like that.
*sigh* Yeah...he’s mine.
Nice thighs tho, babe.   I just want to bite them.  
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My husband is no ‘multiple trip bitch’ as he calls it.   He’s like this when carrying the groceries in the house too, btw. 
And holy arms, batman.  holy...everything.
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That’s his “I’m going to rail the shit out of you later” look ;)
Sadly, we’re both going to have to wait. We have company. I guess he approves of the new sundress I’m wearing?  Is that what did? Or because I told him that underneath: no bra, no underwear? 
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I don’t know where the foul language comes from, but she’s yelling “Where’s my f*cking bubby! (sippy cup)” as she wanders through the house.
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Cheap labour. All he asks for is snuggles, apple juice, and goldfish crackers. 
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Just a lazy night in the Rake house :)
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A new baby means new ink :)
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We’re in Finland! Just us.  And he’s ignoring me because apparently I’m too many pictures him when I’m supposed taking pictures of all the sights.
Baby, you’re the best sight of them all.
#Iwuvyou #bunches
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chaoticfandomthot · 8 months
Ep 17 mouse thoughts
- very glad for the reminder of who the guy is
- what is it with moms and poisoning their kids..
- what but then the guy saved him??
- is it like an organization to collect people with the gene???? The hell???
- ah fuck fuck fuck
- ba reum please the more you stress the more suspicious you look
- okay so this HAS to be organized crime using the people identified as having rhe psychopath gene
- is OZ the name of the organization? Then is the comment about the kid naming his cat after the lion in the wizard of OZ an important clue or like a foreshadowing type thing?
- ooooh nice going mu chi
- i wish i knew enough about the wizard of OZ to try and read more into it
- i really feel like doc daniel is full of shit
- also i feel like he did care even a little bit?
- also you better have a great hiding place for that white board babes cause this is dangerous af
- is it not kim joon sung OR is the medical guy in on it- nvm he wouldn't have told mu chi
- those medications are suspicious also i fkn knew that doctor was weird as shit
- oh ba reum is approaching expiration date
- i don't understand how the guy never did any test following the brain transfer? Like yes okay he was arrogant but also like for science he should've wanted more observation? Unless he knew and just didnt care
- glad he's pushing her away but also.. idk..
- Mu chi's about to put everything together.. choi pd also figured smthg out.. if they work together they'll figure it out..
- how is protecting ba reum helping possible victims? Damn these OZ guys are scarily effective
- damn ba reum alright smart af
- he's scary good but they're very organized organized crime damn
- oh it's the moss kid he probably killed
- so was the kid also pinged as having the gene? Did he have the genius gene or did he have the psychopath gene but very good acting? Would explain the not giving a fuck about the rabbit
- ah! The kid was yo han!! Called it!!! Explains why he was followed
- he'll take the dreamcatcher. Yep.. oh? No?
- ah.. he should have..
- what kind of cheap ass outdoors wall paint can be removed by wet wipes????
- this concept of 'killers can never do anything nice or it makes them not killers' is pissing me off...
- the metaphorical noose is tightening around ba reum's neck
- fuuuuuuuuuck ba reum ah......
- lab rats??? In middle school???
- oh ba reum... oh my baby boy.. oh no no no no..
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theguardianofmagic · 2 years
Episodes 1-7 of season four: OHOOOHOO look at all these good ideas. The foreshadowing! This is gonna be fun and painful.
Episodes 8-9: Does not follow the set up well, boring at best, offensive at worst with a few cool moments sprinkled in, homophobic, a major let down from all this set up.
I thought “being an outcast is okay” was a major theme of the show but episodes 8-9 kinda gave the opposite thesis but whatevs…
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roe-sesandthorns · 2 years
super salty thoughts about Dr. Strange MoM, spoilers + rant under the cut  warnings: spoilers, duh. really long. not very complimentary. 
did wanda face no consequences for what happened in westview? legitimate question cause i haven’t seen it and only know the plot + story through osmosis. I thought this was the point of the accords and the oversight and the damn civil war.
it physically makes me puke to hear mcu refer to themselves as earth-616 like no. sweeetie, sit back down, ok? you’re earth-1999999  
they went to one other universe, it was a huge waste of potential BUT I can excuse that cause I understand the limitations from a storytelling/runtime/budget pov but still, disappointing 
ok I loved peggy as the first avenger, monica rambeau as captain marvel, and it’s always a pleasure to see patrick stewart and the inclusion of black bolt was cool (idk if he’s been in other marvel media before but that was my first time seeing him)   
but and that’s a big but, the scene where wanda takes on the illuminati and bodies reed + black bolt and then proceeds to fight peggy + monica felt... off. 
like did they remove the two male members deliberately cause? is it sexist? is it a very shallow, trite attempt at #girlbossing? whatever it was, it felt cheap and weird. and completely disrespectful to all those heroes. especially professor x.
ok, i get it, wanda is supposed to be the Big Bad but the way the superheroes in the mcu become totally powerless in other people’s movies just rubs me weird. like she took barely 30 secs to demolish the entire team. and these are the supposed leaders of the illuminati
why the fuck did wanda of earth-834 or whatever have powers? did she have the same arc as mcu-wanda (i’m not using 616 to describe mcu people cause hell no). but then everything in this world was completely different so how does it compute that this wanda had powers and a normal life. did she have her kids with vision? where was vision? if he died like in infinity war then why was this wanda mentally stable? like what changed?   
why the fuck did stephen from the incursion universe and mcu-stephen have the same damn backstory of both having a sister who died? like how is that something that is constant in multiverses? or was it just a lucky coninkydink? 
i have a lot more, but basically i hate their treatment of the multiverse. i think i prefer any other fanfic writer writing about the multiverse cause they do it so much better. 
i’m not even surprised they tried to give wanda a redemption through death/sacrifice arc cause she changed her mind in the last 2 minutes of the film; disappointed but not surprised. 
like girlie has not even redeemed herself for westview, instead she went full on evil supervillain 
fuck off with the “heartwarming” music and there is NO reason for christine to ask after wanda with concern (other than the fact that christine is amazing and a saint and i love her) but contextually she should’ve been like “the scarlet witch?” (scared shitless) 
also, basically, moral of the whole story: stephen strange can only be happy if he has christine in his life. which seems toxic af, like bro. y’all broke up YEARS ago. you tell her at her wedding that you wish she was still with you, or imply it at least. I would’ve decked him if I were her. Like Christine you’re a saint. I mean you invite your friend (whom you dated a long while back) to your wedding and want to introduce him to your husband and he’s like “im sowwy i miss you” like fuck the fuck off, stephen strange, you ass. don’t make this day about you. 
also can we please kill with fire the idea that you need a relationship to be happy. like, srsly. the whole movie reiterates that if he only “got the girl”, he’d be happy, like no honey. go to therapy. find happiness within you. and in others around you. relationships are amazing and i can totally get pining over Chrsitine cause goddamn i’m doing it too, brother, but really. she’s not gonna fix you or fix your life. i want to engrave kate winslet’s speech from eternal sunshine onto the marvel headquarters entrance cause fuck u marvel. 
another beef with the multiverse, no stephen ever dated anyone other than christine? like my dudes, prime opportunity to really explore just how different the universes are, i mean, come on! 
additionally, it makes the ending seem like a queer ending with stephen and wong reiterating their love for e/o and continuing their cohabitation as they raise their teenage adoptive daughter together. like maybe marvel is saying queer-platonic relationships and aro-ace rights. (hahahahhahah as IF.) 
america chavez was the only ray of hope and the only good thing about this movie and that’s only because her character hasn’t had the time to be handled by 12 different pairs of hands and the mouse overlords’ meddling
also can i just say, 0 character growth all around, great job, guys! 
also also, did i miss an entire movie where mordo goes after stephen? no, so that was just supposed to be one of those things that happened in the interim that we just know because of dialogue. great. so, no emotional arc for stephen having to fight mordo, for the clash of their philosophies, for the consequences of stephen’s actions. 
wait, speaking of consequences, what the fuck were stephen’s consequences for no way home? did he have any? he almost fucked up the entire world on a teenager’s say so. like. i mean. it ended ok but ?????
some technical things: the score was overpowering, there was no room to breathe between moments, the effects gave me a damn headache, and there were some weird transitions thrown in that just felt.... one-note. one or two were cool from a story telling point of view but otherwise it was just. meh.  
tldr; the whole mcu is just like, “consequences? don’t know her” and the mcu multiverse is bland, convenience-based, arbitrary, and boring. also, this wasn’t a dr. strange movie, this was a “look shiny cgi, shiny multiverse, isn’t this fight scene cool? omg that’s professor x, look people from other marvel movies/media! how cool!, we’re self-referential! and COOL!” mess
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Hot take but Eddie Munson's death was really cheap and at least a little outta character.
Like... Eddie was literally on the rope. He was going to go. There's nothing in that moment that really... flips a switch.
On top of that Eddie the entire time said his thing was running they were running. He told Steve he wouldn't be a hero. So then why the fighting? Sure it was cool af. But honestly... it was cheap. He and Dustin both could've gotten out and still completed their part of the mission. Entirely possible. But he ran back. Why. What changed his mind in that moment huh? Why did he decide to be a hero? Cause it wasn't because anyone was in any danger. Dustin was out. The rest of the fruity people were all on their way to stopping him and as far as they knew had. Even if he just kept running... so why did he turn and fight. It doesn't make sense.
All to say. Eddie Munson was killed off unfairly and unreasonably. It was purely for the growth of Dustin's character which fine sure. Except earlier he literally told him to never change... what's up with that huh?
Eddie Munson was killed off in the most unfair way possible and would have been ideal to the growth of the group as a whole. And if not that then at the very least to just add someone new to the group to spice up the mix. Why kill Eddie Munson? I don't understand.
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mo0nfairy · 2 years
my thoughts on vol. 2
the obvious cons —
no more flashback scenes of henry?????? srsly??????????? the only scrapings of him i got were kinda hearing jamie’s voice through the distorted speech of vecna.
could literally not give less of a shit about the love triangle with nancy, steve, and jonathan. if anything, i want nancy and robin to be together.
why hasn’t steve been given more depth??? like he is literally just a babysitter, nancy’s simp, and a dude who bit a bat. there’s literally nothing else to this boy (which makes it a million times harder for me to write him) and he deserved SO. MUCH. MORE.
i don’t want to be mean but i literally don’t really care about the russia pack?? it’s good writing so idk what’s wrong with me, but i found myself just skipping through it. enzo is fine af tho, so is joyce (per usual obvi)
why is will’s arc dependent on mike and el, like i could not give an extra fuck about their relationship. i wish he had more depth that revolved more about him and his sexuality rather than just being mike an el’s therapist and being some sort of vessel for the upside down. give my sweet boy what he deserves!!! and give him a proper boyfriend!!!!!
^^ this goes for robin too. she does have personality, which most shows representing sexuality lack in, but then again, we barely see any gay??? literally we only see vickie like three times, one being when she is with her boyfriend????? of course the hetero relationships like mike/el and steve/nancy show a gazillion scenes with their tongues down each others throats, but the only recognition we get for our community is will balling his eyes out and some cutesy pb&j making sesh?? like wtf???? why are the only gay characters getting absolutely ZERO recognition?? do the duffers think that oppression ends with just being a nerd or something????????
i wish el was given more personality. literally her brain is just mike and trauma. give that girl some hobbies!! some talent!!! she deserves even the smallest sliver of happiness so so much
and now to address the elephant in the room: WHY DID EDDIE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE????? like that was cheap as fuck duffer brothers!!!! you’ve done this EVERY season. you make the sweetest, kind-hearted character and then kill them off for shock value. it’s so lazy and irritating!!!!! and the fact that he will get no closure and he will forever be known as the black sheep who started a cult and killed these random ass kids fucking hurts. and how no one but dustin was grieving for eddie??? like hello???? everyone was literally fine but i was balling my eyes out and the dude isn’t even real. moral of the story: if they introduce a sweet character in s5, don’t get ur hopes up. i hope by some miracle he returns in next season, i'm crossing my fingers.
the pros!! —
lucas’s arc was so good!!! i felt like he was really left out in s3, but i feel as if we get to see more of who he is and how he feels. how he joined the basketball team cuz he didn’t want to be bullied, how he treats max, and how fucking devastated he was after max almost died stabbed me in the heart. i do feel as though more could’ve been done for his character that didn’t relate to the basketball team and max, but i liked seeing this new side of lucas!! in conclusion: i love this boy to the moon and back. also caleb's acting???? phenomenal! give this boy every oscar known to mankind !!
my sweet, sweet maxine. there are no words to describe the sheer adoration i have for this girl. the whole season i found myself honestly annoyed with how she was reacting to billy’s death. he was her brother, and despite everything, she did love him, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he was a racist, abusive piece of shit. and i can already hear everybody rant about how “it’s not his fault!” “his dad is mean!” “but he’s too pretty to be abusive!” like stfu???? he was an awful human being, and i appreciate how they talked about how max knew these things and how she secretly wished he would get what he deserved. no matter what, nobody deserves death, but i love how they managed to come full circle with her grieving process and how she wouldn’t blindly defend all of his actions simply because he was her brother and now he’s dead. he didn’t deserve to die, but him dying doesn’t mean any of the things he did are excusable. also, max and lucas are the only str8 couple i found myself actually shipping and rooting for (el/max still thrives in my heart tho). and also, her music taste >>>> bomb!!
jason got FUCKED UP LMAOOO. i was literally sobbing my eyes out over eddie and then this man just gets split into two, like that shit caught me SO OFF GUARD. but i think his character was honestly really fascinating. it’s so easy to see all he’s caused and just hate his guts for it, but if you really pay attention, you can see how detailed his character truly is. he wasn’t just some mass villain, he’s a normal high school basketball player who is mourning for the girl he loved. and because of that, i feel pity for him. though he majorly fucked up our plans and what he did wasn’t ok in any shape or form, he was just doing what he thought was right: ridding hawkins of evil and avenging for his dead girlfriend. basically i will defend this man to the end idc idc
and now for some of my favorite highlights :
robin getting down on one knee to help nancy >>> robbin grabbing nancy’s hand cuz she was nervous >>>>>>> i love my gay girlfriends
eddie calling max “red” >>>>
eddie randomly saying to dustin “never change” >>>>>>>>
eddie saying “don’t ya, big boy?” to steve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Is it bad that I feel Penny’s 2nd permanent death has cheapened the stakes to me to such an extent I don’t care if the character’s life are in danger or even ended? Unless they die in a particularly gruesome manner…I don’t care. Penny’s death was cheap, tasteless, and I think sucked all the stakes to me.
I've personally had a problem with RWBY's death stakes ever since Weiss' injury in the Haven fight. Making that an episode cliffhanger when we all knew RT would never commit to killing one of the main four, using that as the means of unlocking Jaune's semblance, and then, importantly, never following up on how Weiss deals with a near-death experience felt quite cheap to me. It was a moment where death/grievous injury was used only for the week long shock value (similar to Oscar's disappearance in Volume 6) and a means of furthering Jaune's abilities rather than Weiss' emotional growth (particularly egregious in a show where 99% of the cast already has their semblances unlocked. Revealing them in a dramatic, life-or-death situation was never an expectation). The fact that it was such a departure from how the story treated Yang in the past — committing to her injury and allowing her time to come to terms with it — just made it all the worse.
However, though this was one moment out of one volume that fans might be willing to overlook for a variety of reasons, Volumes 7-8 just failed so spectacularly and so often that yeah, death has no real meaning in this show anymore.
Let's tally things up:
Clover dies in large part to Qrow's stupidity. This is never acknowledged.
Qrow instead swears vengeance against Ironwood. They never meet again.
Whether everyone agrees or not, this entire situation came too close to queerbaiting for some fans.
Clover's corpse/the environment is badly animated, leading to confusion about whether he actually died.
Oscar is shot off of Atlas in a move that would have been a killing blow if not for Ozpin's unexpected magic. He never works through this and likewise never even explains things to the rest of the group, adding to the secrets issue.
The councilman is randomly shot by Ironwood, signaling his fast-track towards villainy.
The Ace Ops and, more importantly, Winter all witness this, yet it has no impact on them remaining loyal until leaving him serves the plot.
Ironwood tearing the flesh off his arm to save everyone from Watts is treated as evidence of his lack of humanity and the prosthetic he gets carries is designed to highlight how Evil he is now.
Fria dies which has little emotional weight because we knew nothing about her. She was quite literally only a vessel for the powers and was treated as such by the story.
The Hound, introduced as an incredibly formidable foe, is done in by a badly developed power and a falling suit of armor. There's no interest in who that faunus was, only what this implies for Summer.
Hazel death is confusing af. He couldn't have burned to death that fast. Oscar's cane shouldn't have hurt him based on what else we see. Where's the body? All of this follows a split-second "redemption."
Vine sacrifices himself and no one cares because we knew nothing about him. Also it's kind of weird to frame his heroic suicide as, you know, heroic after a volume of telling Penny she can't do the same. It's just weird mixed messaging.
Rhodes was killed incredibly fast by his kid student and although I care a little about him, the general consensus is that this was a girlboss moment because flawed men trying to help are the worst, right? Far worse than a villain we established in Episode One.
Watts presumably burns to death off screen.
Ironwood presumably drowns off screen.
Jacques is blown up without any of his family knowing about it. He's blown up because Winter just... left Ironwood's gun-gun by the cell?
The community is still debating whether Maria and Pietro are alive. Was Amity still falling? Was there any way off? Why don't any of the characters worry about them, one of whom is Pietro's daughter?
Yang "dies" after a single hit and only Blake gets to react to that.
The rest of the group (plus Jaune) quickly follow, to the surprise of no one.
Penny is resurrected with little fanfare, is stripped of her cyborg nature, gears up to take on Cinder with Weiss and Jaune, is instantly taken out, and then convinces the healer of the group to kill her.
The Altas arc has so much death and grievous injury — clearly trying to be the next Volume 3 — and yet none of it has an (enjoyable) impact on me. Sometimes that's because RT is killing off side characters they never bothered to develop. Sometimes it's because the writing is so confusing idek if the character is dead. Sometimes it's because the circumstances induce anger rather than grief. Penny's second death definitely caused a reaction, but not the one RT was going for. I was frustrated with how badly constructed this suicide was, disappointed in how the circumstances leading up to this erased so much that's wonderful about Penny's character, and yeah, disgusted that we were right back to that Volume 5 Weiss scenario: here's the graphic death/almost death of one of the girls to forward his story. Only this time, instead of just getting a cauterized spear to the gut, RT thought assisted-suicide via sword was the way to go.
Penny's original death was heart wrenching. Pyrrha's was tragic due to how avoidable it was. Roman's was shocking and perfect for setting the new stakes. We didn't know if Ozpin survived, but back then that was the point — a mystery to reveal next volume — not because the scene was badly constructed, or the writing seemingly just forgot that characters existed. And again, flawed as it was in some respects, we got a story of Yang losing an arm and coming to terms with that. Now, we get the story of a man losing his arm and that makes him lose his intelligence and conscience too, I guess.
I'm trying to think of a post-Volume 3 death that hit home and I'm coming up short. But deaths like Sienna or Tock, while carrying their own problems, didn't really hint at the over-arching problem with character deaths the story now has. With the comparative wealth of fatalities we got in Volumes 7-8, I was finally able to step back and go, "Wow. Right...none of that did anything for me." And yeah, as one of the most shocking deaths, as a second death, and as one of the oldest and most beloved side characters, Penny encapsulates that best of all.
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sparxwrites · 3 years
dude loved the dsmp fic u did with technoblade and quackity. The second part of the series where quackitys trauma with schlatt came up in the most unexpected way near the end- cool af. if u ever have time and the desire I'm sure many other people would love to see more dream smp stuff from u 💜💜😳💜💜!!! I'm so curious what made u think of such a raw scene b/een Q and techno in the aftermath of the butcher army execution in the first part
okay, so- context for this is that i wrote the redux because a friend threatened promised to actually fuckin pay me to watch techno's pov of the execution, and to write an alternate version where techno's braid got cut off. i genuinely enjoyed the video, ended up doing the fic for funsies and writing a lot more than intended, and got brainworms about doing a sequel.
however. that meant that basically i was working on a) two hours of footage, mainly of techno, and b) snippets i had picked up from fanart, animatics etc. for characterisation. so i wrote 2k of relatively generic "bully asshole guy dubcons woobie asshole guy into sex that he totally definitely doesn't want but kind of secretly does", because that's a solid chunk of my brand, just as a "haha smutty fic machine go brrr" kind of thing.
and then i actually watched some more content. and went, oh, whoops, hmm, this Absolutely Doesn't Work At All with the actual characterisation of these two.
because techno is an asshole, but he's a joy-of-the-hunt, intimidating-you-is-kind-of-funny asshole, not a sleazy dubcon asshole. and because quackity is... i was going to say "the complete opposite of a woobie", but actually he's kind of a woobie in function (victimised constantly), but the diametric opposite of one in form (responds by attempting to take chunks out of anyone that so much as looks at him kindly, as opposed to weeping in a corner somewhere).
so then i had 1k+ of smut machine go brr (i had written up to abt the first time techno pulls out, i think), and a suddenly really interesting character dynamic that didn't really work with the plot i'd had in mind. which is probably why it ended up so "raw", as you put it - because the only way out of the corner i'd written myself into, without discarding the whole thing, was to lean into how bad this would end up being for both parties involved. so it became instead techno throwing his weight around as an intimidation tactic (death is relatively cheap in minecraft; as far as he's concerned, if quackity really really didn't want this, he'd have taken the loss of inventory and opted for a quick kill/respawn) and ending up in over his head/doing something he wouldn't normally do but wasn't overly concerned about; and quackity acquiescing because schlatt (whilst mostly never outright "pin you down as you beg me to stop") was extremely bad at taking no for an answer, and so he got used to just taking whatever he was given because he'd otherwise be called a pussy for it and/or ground down until he agreed.
which is why everything falls apart at the end, and the dynamic flips - the minute techno realises this isn't hatesex-ish with quackity being a bitter mouthy shit as usual, he's like "uhhh Nope Nope Nope" and wants to get the fuck out of there asap, because sexual assault is really not part of his whole "good clean kill, joy of the hunt" thing. except quackity, laden down with trauma about this kind of shit and probably dissociating out of his fucking skull/in the middle of a flashback, interprets this as "he thinks i can't take it", and is absolutely desperately trying to avoid the verbal abuse and humiliation he associates with not being """strong enough""" to take whatever abuse his partner wants to dish out prove he's a big boy and doesn't need to be coddled.
so! that's how i accidentally ended up with plot and/or actual emotions in what was meant to be some fun, dubiously-consensual porn lmao. and now i'm slightly obsessed w this dynamic between quackity and techno, and the potential follow-through of them dealing with the fallout from it. watch this space maybe??? or don't, because i'm bad at following through on writing stuff, but we'll see.
(and thank u for the compliments as well! glad u liked the fics :3c more fucked up nonsense with quackity to come shortly, i promise~)
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memxntomxri · 3 years
𝒫𝑜𝓅𝓅𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒫𝑒𝑜𝓃𝒾𝑒𝓈
ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ʜᴏᴍᴇ
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 - past!sawamura daichi x sugawara koushi, sawamura daichi x kuroo tetsurou
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - angst
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤 - and now, in the aftermath, all koushi can smell is poppies and peonies, drowning him in their scent
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 - 2.1k
𝘵𝘸 - major character de@th, implied h0mophobia, hanahaki disease, no happy ending, break-up, sam misusing taylor swift songs, so much angst
𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 - this is the result of a lot of inspiration screaming in a Discord server. thanks emmy (Noisy_Emmy on ao3), lou (LouEve_094 on ao3) and lena 🤍 also like alskejfljlvkjlkwejkj taylor and daisuga angst together???
also daichi is horrible here but he isn't actually like that istg. i just needed him to be asshole-ish for maximum angst purposes. the timeline's also weird af but i gave up halfway through trying to make it logical lol.
song lyrics credit to august by our queen taylor swift!
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
salt air and the rust on your door
I never needed anything more
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have seen the signs.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
When they met in first year, the first thing that Koushi had noticed had been Daichi's warm smile. It was reassuring and steadfast, like someone reaching out and telling Koushi "I'm here." And when they stood together on court, Koushi felt invincible, because Daichi was there, a silent pillar that pushed him up, up, upwards.
It was all too easy to fall. Daichi was reassuring, always there, attractive, kind, and before Koushi knew it, he was in love.
He kept it to himself at first, of course. Koushi didn't even know if Daichi swung his way. And, well, he was just... scared. Scared to lose the friendship they had built. Scared to lose their dynamic on the court. Scared to, ultimately, lose Daichi.
whispers of "are you sure?"
"never have i ever before"
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have never dived off that cliff.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
During summer break in their third year, after they had beat Shiratorizawa and were preparing to go to Nationals, Koushi dropped by Daichi's house often. It was natural, of course. They were "best friends", after all, even though one was hopelessly in love with the other.
Longing stares became lingering touches became staying over became-
"I really like you, Daichi."
A soft, tentative kiss.
"Are you sure about this, Suga?"
"Yes, Daichi. Stop being such a worrywart."
Foreheads pressed together.
"I'm sure about you."
Soft, soft enough that Koushi's ears don't pick up on it, "But I'm not sure about you."
but I can see us lost in the memory
august slipped away into a moment in time
'cause it was never mine
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have let go.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
They were happy together. It was like being best friends, but with kisses and cuddles and more. Koushi didn't know when he had ever been this happy. The memories were like gilded gold to him, things he never wanted to let go of. He was giddy every time he remembered that Daichi's soft smiles, fond in their demeanor, were for him.
Even if his eyes were a little distant at times.
and I can see us twisted in bedsheets
august sipped away like a bottle of wine
'cause you were never mine
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have known better.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
One night, when they were curled up together in Daichi's bedroom, AC whirring and a few cans of cheap beer left forgotten and discarded by Daichi's bed, sated and content, Koushi's tongue slipped.
"I love you, Daichi."
A sleepy murmur.
He didn't feel the man against his back stiffening.
"O-Oh, okay, Suga."
Even after all that they had done, he was still Suga, never Koushi.
Daichi was probably just shy.
If he had known that this would be the beginning of the end, Koushi would have never let himself be so careless.
your back, beneath the sun
wishing I could write my name on it
will you call when you’re back at school?
I remember thinking I had you
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have been more careful.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
When they returned to school, Daichi acted like everything was like it had been before summer break. Koushi was confused, but it was surely only Daichi trying to protect them. They still lived in the Japanese countryside, after all.
And it wasn’t as if Daichi stopped seeing him or anything! It was just… less time together. But they were third years trying to win Nationals, it was natural for this to happen.
but I can see us lost in the memory
august slipped away into a moment in time
‘cause it was never mine
and I can see us twisted in bedsheets
august sipped away like a bottle of wine
‘cause you were never mine
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have stood up for himself.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Quick makeout sessions in the clubroom, some heavy petting, a brush of pinkies against each other in the hallway - that was all that Koushi had left of the Daichi he had known in the summer.
A soft smile.
Undivided attention.
A warm embrace.
Oh, how he longed for them now.
back when we were still changing for the better
wanting was enough
for me it was enough
to live for the hope of it all
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have run.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Daichi was pulling away, but Koushi convinced himself that he wasn't. Sure, in the deepest, darkest parts of him, he knew that he was losing the dark-haired man, but Koushi forced himself to stay in the moment. Daichi was probably just stressed out from studying and the responsibility of being a captain, right?
After all, Koushi loved Daichi, and Daichi… well, even if Daichi didn’t exactly love him yet, he still cared for him. Deeply.
cancel plans just in case you’d call
and say “meet me behind the mall”
so much for summer love and saying “us”
‘cause you weren’t mine to lose
you weren’t mine to lose
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have seen the warning signs.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Koushi sat on the bench, fingers anxiously drumming on his thigh. He was in the park behind the mall they went to every Saturday together to get food and window shop. (Well, Koushi shopped, Daichi gave opinions.) Where was Daichi? Koushi had flaked on a family outing with his cousins who were visiting from Kanto so that they could spend time together, but Daichi was nowhere to be found.
Koushi checked his phone again. It was already 1PM, and his last sent text, left on read at 11:30AM, glared back at him.
Slowly, Koushi picked himself up from his seat. It was fine, something had probably just come up.
Three hours later, his phone pinged. Koushi lunged for the device, nearly knocking his desk lamp over.
Daichi 💗: hey suga, sorry for not making it.
No explanation, just a halfhearted apology.
Koushi set his phone back down.
but I can see us lost in the memory
august slipped away into a moment in time
‘cause it was never mine
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have never left his house that day.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Koushi skipped up Daichi’s driveway, intent on spending some time with him that afternoon. He knocked twice, face lighting up when Daichi opened the door, looking adorable in his casual clothes.
“O-oh, uh, Suga - what do you need?” He seemed nervous.
Koushi frowned. “Daichi, I sent you a text half an hour ago saying I was coming over. Did you not get it?”
“Oh, yeah - I-” Daichi mumbled.
Someone came up behind him, slinging an arm over his shoulders. It was the rooster-headed captain from Nekoma. Koushi’s frown deepened. Why was he here and why was he touching Daichi like that?
“Oh! Vice captain-san! Daichi didn’t mention you would be coming over!” he greeted.
Koushi’s heart stuttered. Of course. It all made sense. The stares that went on for a little too long, the lingering handshakes, the too-friendly competition. The only thing he was still confused about was where he fit into the entire thing. He bowed stiffly. “Kuroo-san. Um, Daichi…” he turned to him. “Can I talk with you for a bit?”
Daichi nodded, and he turned to Kuroo. “Just keep playing the movie, I’ll be back soon.”
He followed Koushi down the road, silence falling between the two who had always had something to laugh about together.
Koushi licked his lips nervously. “D-Did we ever mean anything?” he asked softly.
Daichi sighed. “We never were something, Suga.”
“W-what?” Koushi couldn’t find it himself to say anything else.
Daichi exhaled, long and low. “Suga, we were a fun distraction,” hairline fractures in his heart, “for a bit, but it was never something serious.”
Chips began flaking off.
“B-but I love you!” Emphatic and frantic, trying to make Daichi understand.
Another sigh, this one a little frustrated. “I don’t know what this is, but it isn’t love, Suga. You need to open your eyes.”
Koushi stopped in the middle of the road.
“So this is it, huh?” he said, his heart finally breaking into shattered fragments.
“Yeah. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” and with that, Daichi walked away.
The flowers came that night, red and pink, like the blood that stained them.
and I can see us twisted in bedsheets
august sipped away like a bottle of wine
‘cause you were never mine
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi should have guarded his heart better.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Koushi deteriorated fast.
Within a week, he could no longer play volleyball.
Within two, his mother had found out.
Within two and a half, he had refused the surgery, a legal adult now.
Koushi would not lose his ability to love, even if it killed him.
Within a month, he was in the hospital.
but do you remember?
remember when I pulled up and said "get in the car"
and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?
back when I was living for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all
"meet me behind the mall"
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi’s last days were placid.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
The memories were painful to look back on, of course. But at the same time, Koushi recalled their moments together fondly. Even if it had ended in an inferno with his heart as collateral damage, his time with Daichi had also been the warmest sunlight.
He knew he was going to die. Everyone around him was confused as to why he didn’t just let them cut out the roots in his lungs, and along with them his ability to love, but they didn’t know what it felt like to be in love, rushing down the path, breathless, overjoyed, free.
Koushi would die before he let that feeling slip away from him, bittersweet as it was.
His flowers were poppies and peonies. Death, love and honor, he mused. Fitting, for his and Daichi’s story. Death was imminent, love was unrequited, and Daichi had turned out to be a man of dishonor, abandoning him.
Koushi supposed that Daichi would get what he “deserved” one day, too, even though his heart hurt for the man, still caring about the brunette even though he had stomped on his heart. He’d noticed how Kuroo looked at Nekoma’s setter, and he knew that like him, Daichi would only ever be a replacement.
It was heartbreakingly intriguing how fate came around back to itself.
remember when I pulled up and said "get in the car"
and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?
back when I was living for the hope of it all
for the hope of it all
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi still had something to say.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
The steady beeping of the heart monitor was interrupted as the sound of the opening of his hospital door filled the room.
Daichi stepped through, and the fragments of Koushi’s heart skipped a little.
“Suga.” he greeted, seemingly uncomfortable. After all, what were you supposed to say to your ex-nothing who you were currently killing slowly, even if it was involuntary?
“U-um… How have you been?” he asked.
“As well as can be expected, I suppose.” Koushi replied wearily. Breathing had become a labor in and of itself, and he was having oxygen pumped into his failing lungs. “Why are you here?” he deadpanned.
Daichi at least had the wherewithal to look ashamed. “I came to apologize. I did you wrong, Suga. Please just get the surgery. You’re still my best friend-”
“Stop.” Koushi held a hand up weakly. “You broke my heart, Daichi. These are the consequences, and I’m not going to forgive you just to assuage your guilt. You can’t expect sorry to fix everything.” Daichi’s face revealed a storm of emotions.
Koushi sighed. “Please just go…” he mumbled quietly.
Daichi nodded, and as fast as he had arrived, he was gone.
Those were the last words Koushi ever spoke to anyone.
for the hope of it all,
for the hope of it all
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Looking back, Koushi was at peace.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
“Sugawara Koushi, age 18, died of suffocation from roots in his lungs on August 13th, 2012 at 22:08. The cause of death was Hanahaki disease, and it seems like his affliction was sped along by a visitation by its subject, and Sugawara-san was struck with a violent attack. Resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.”
- Excerpt from the notes of Dr. Hayato Ayame
Finally, in death, Koushi was letting go.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
© ʙᴇᴛʜᴇʏᴅᴏᴄʀɪᴍᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴇꜱ 2021 - ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ
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lunapwrites · 4 years
On The Prank, and Why I Kinda Hate It
A few months back I posted this fic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27615017) on my account which, while it is not strictly part of my main series, could have nested in quite nicely. It deals with The Prank.
I have thoughts about The Prank.
What we see in a lot of fanon interpretations is that it caused this huge, life-changing rift in The Marauders, and Remus didn't speak to Sirius for months afterwards, and yada yada yada. I see this every time, and I have problems with it.
First, it's used to show Sirius as this impulsive loose cannon that doesn't give a shit about who he hurts if he can get one over on Snape, and I reject everything about that characterization of him. Sirius loved his friends to the point of madness. He would have died for any of them. If you want to write some tension between the two of them, write about the War. That is some good shit right there.
Second, it makes Remus out to be some kind of wounded victim, and I have to wonder sometimes if we all read the same book. Remus literally says that it was one of many close calls, and that they all laughed about them afterwards. There was also no love lost between him and Snape, even as adults (despite Remus' best attempts to remain polite, as he do.) Yes, it was awful what they did, but like... having been fifteen before (particularly in the before-Internet times) I cannot begin to tell you how much dumb shit my friends and I got up to that could have arguably gotten someone killed, that we thought literally nothing of.
Third, and this was arguably the most important thing: in Book 5, Sirius talks about how Snape used to follow them around all the time, trying to get them in trouble. We also know that in Book 7, Snape has expressed theories about Remus to Lily, who has heard them all exhaustively at that point. This leads me to believe that Remus was the specific target of his stalking.
I don't know if any of you have ever been stalked (I certainly hope not!) but it is one of the most terrifying things that I have ever experienced. Especially when you know for a fact that the person stalking you means you harm, and it's not just your anxiety-brain going 'aaaaaahhh!!' (which is still valid AF.) And not for nothing, but teenagers tend to be (in general) a lot more impulsive than they are as adults, and Remus is already very impulsive (see: lemme just forget the lunar cycle for the first time in three decades and run off to confront my maybe-murderous ex with literally no backup, weeeeeee!) I can absolutely see Remus hitting a breaking point, and Sirius intervening not because he thinks it's funny, but because he's trying to get Snape to fuck off before Remus does something he'll regret and it was the first thing he could think of. That, to me, is far more in character for them.
It also has the added bonus of making it so that both of them know that the other was capable of murder at the age of 15/16, which feeds into the paranoia during the War.
Anyway, I don't mind reading about The Prank, but I do definitely want to see more iterations out there that aren't just reducing it to cheap angst. Our boys deserve better.
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