#Why? It's a mystery! {kin stuff}
quitealotofsodapop · 25 days
Tangzi, when he and Pigsy adopt MK, know exactly what he's doing in the tiger au. He knows this is someone just like his uncle/big brother Wukong and he looks forward to the day Wukong returns to claim him as a student and also because Wukong been isolating himself for way too long ever since sealing uncle DBK in a depressive episode. It's why he tells MK so many Monkey King stories (also be ause he legit thinks his uncle is the coolest ever)
Tangzi (or just "Tang" to his friends) recognises what the "weird muddy kid" in Pigsy's restaurant actually is the moment he sees the little guy.
Him and Pigsy (one of Bajie's many many grandkids), have been dear friends for as long as they could remember. Although Pigsy is farther removed from the lore of Journey to the West than Tang is, he accepts that "weird nonsense" will happen to him at some point or other in his life.
He calmly (as much as he can without shaking with excitement) explains to his dear Piggy that the "human toddler" is in fact; a very rare baby stone monkey demon with a glamour spell on it. Pigsy is confused, but rolls with it since it's an already odd situation - he just wants to make sure that the little guy is safe.
Over the course of the chaotic reports to CPS and checking police records for any missing kids, a pair of childhood friends slowly begin to realise not only feelings for one another, but also that little MK (short for "mystery kid" as Pigsy called him at first)/Xiaotian needs a home that will understand his unique situation...
A call is made to Tang's mother to inform him of the situation...
Tang, astral projecting: "Hi mom!" Tripitaka, meditating with Guanyin: "Oh! Tangzi! It's been some time since you've made contact. How is the outside world?" Tang, obviously nervous: "FINE! Uh... I mean... something happened at Pigsy's place. Nothing bad. Just uh... let me just get him. It's easier to explain." (*pops out of focus to get something*) Tripitaka, tired sigh: "Merciful Buddha. I've told you, that boy gets himself into all sorts of trouble. He's nearly as bad as his-" Tang: (*holds up a baby monkey demon so they appear in the projection*) Tang, awkward smile: "TA-DA!" (*Nearly a full minute of silence ensues as both Tripitaka and Guanyin watch the baby monkey demon clinging to Tang's fur*) Tripitaka, stunned: "...what?" Tang, getting pawed at by the baby: "So uh-! This little guy was found wandering outside the restaurant - in a human glamour by the way - and he is definitely a... special case I would say!" Tripitaka. trying to regain composure: "Although uncommon in this day and age, street children still tragically do occur. This child should be turned over to the authorities, and if luck provided; a next of kin. I trust that you've made the appropriate calls." Tang, nervously tugs at scarf: "Yeaaaah, about that... me and Pigsy have decided to keep him." Tripitaka: "What!? You're but a young man yourself! To take on the responsibility of a child is no light commitment!" Tang: "Trust me. He made it an easy decision." Baby Monkey: (*reaches out towards the two Bodhisattvas*) Guanyin, realising: "He can see us." Tripitaka, waves to the baby: "Hmm? Well, that is nice. Hello dear. but it doesn't explain why my youngest child has- wait." (*Tang slowly lifts a tuff of hair on the baby monkeys' forehead, revealing glowing golden eyes amidst a familiar-shaped face marking*) Tang: "He's... like eldest brother Wukong." Tripitaka, squeaks: "What?" Wukong: (*phases in with his own projection. A delighted cheeky grin on his face.*) Wukong: "Yup! He's a genuine Stone-Egg-born Monkey! I checked on him and around the island, and it looks like the little guy popped right out of a fragment of my old rock! How he got to the city, I'll never know. Probably sneezed so hard that he launched himself across the sea and into a different form!" Tang: "And now he's going to be part of the family! Me and Pigsy have been sorting out the legal stuff. Say hi Xiaotian!" Baby Monkey: (*happy burbling baby sounds!*) Tripitaka: "...OOOoooooohh!" (*dramatically faints*) Tang: "Oops... is he ok auntie?" Guanyin, catching Tripitaka as he fell: "All is calm, Tangzi. Your mother is merely overwhelmed by the prospect of being a grandparent to a Celestial Stone Monkey." Wukong, laughing: "I'm more shocked that it's his first grandchild!"
Sun Wukong had been the first person Tang contacted, obviously. Wukong had panicked and flipped - turning the island upside down to try and figure out how the baby monkey happened.
But the cheeky monkey didn't want to pass up on seeing his master's/adoptive father's reaction to learning about the new baby in the family. >:3
He can't wait to see the look on the Brotherhood's faces when they learn. It'd be a good reason to finally reunite the old gang after the fallout of DBK's imprisonment.
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bonefall · 10 months
Willowclaw Nightcloud sparring buddies to lovers slowburn send post
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[ID: A headshot Willowclaw from Warrior Cats. She's a fluffy gray cat with deep, reddish amber eyes and white highlights.]
Background characters that mysteriously vanish between books that I get to give brand new personalities to, my beloved
She's allegiance-only. We know nothing about this woman. There's a Missing Kit statement that she got her name for being a "Fierce Fighter" and that's it. So obviously I'm obsessed with her and I'm giving her stuff to do in BB <3
I might have do the Sparring Buddies to Lovers slowburn or I might just have them remain friends... but in any case here she is. A future buddy of Nightcloud. Girl who has positive opinions on Nightcloud but never really said anything until Nightcloud reached out.
She LOVES kibble. It's her favorite food. She can't even begin to try and recreate the dish at home because then it would be known that she regularly takes food from humans.
Willowclaw is known as one of the strongest warriors in WindClan, but also one of the most secretive. She barely talks and her Clanmates gossip about her a lot because she's so mysterious.
She secretly speaks a fair amount of Seamew because she does hang out with local barn cats and loners. Yew probably learned some Clanmew from her.
That's also where her three kits came from, various local toms. She claimed Queen's Rights of course.
Those kits are Furzepelt, Boulderfur, and Dewspots.
(I wish I could give Dewspots some kits of her own too... but WindClan has sooo fewww catsss)
Her family is 100% different from the Missing Kit statement; her mother and father are Robinflight (prev. Robinwing WC) and Whintail (prev. Gorsetail TNP), her brothers are Owlwhisker and Weaselfur.
Willowclaw is probably slightly older than her brothers, and she looks NOTHING like them. I'm not sure if she was adopted or if one of her parents had an affair but I don't think she's completely related to Owl and Weasel.
Aftergathering attender. Brings kibble and drives a hard bargain to any cat who's curious about what crunchies taste like.
When she's in camp she's usually training, likes border patrols.
She's known as a loner, but she pulls her weight and isn't CHRONICALLY absent so she's left to it.
Anyone who talks bad about her can get clobbered if they want; she's not afraid to exercise her Right to Challenge.
Honestly though? She has good opinions about Nightcloud (strong, hardworking, polite, yet not a total pushover), but she thinks Breezepelt is a bad egg. She's not entirely unfounded in that opinion either-- Furzepaw was Breezepelt's apprentice, and he brought her into the Dark Forest with him. Furzepelt later runs off with him and Sunstrike to join The Kin, too.
(her relationship with furze was... strained. She loves her daughter, but blames most of her problems on Breezepelt. She doesn't understand why she can't just be like Dew and Boulder.)
Meanwhile HARESPRING, blessed boy, mentor of her sweet boy BOULDERFUR, is going to make a wonderful deputy because he has learned from his mistakes. Thank the Stars it wasn't Crowfeather.
She's one of the few cats who fins Crowfeather absolutely INSUFFERABLE. Egotistical little freak. It's no wonder Breezepelt turned out the way he did, when Crowf is SO full of himself. She was popping the FRESH kibble when Onestar stripped him of his Honor Title and exiled him for a while as Just Crow.
But, these opinions, she keeps to herself. Willowclaw rarely does more than react with a smug smile or a grumble-- and she CERTAINLY doesn't get involved in politics. Which is a shame because she's strong and senior enough to be considered for the role of Deputy, but she's really not a leader.
When she makes friends with Nightcloud, she'll be in camp a lot more, almost like Night's "melting" her shell a bit. It's met with baffled rumors from the other WindClan cats. Was it really THAT easy? Nightcloud just asking to hang out with Willowclaw more? THAT'S what got her to be more social?
"Yes," She deadpans, side-eyeing anyone who's still talking, "Maybe they just weren't interesting enough."
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
This one is going to be shorter since I am trying not to stay up late! (Future me. I lied but I made it! It's not 12 this time! WOOOOO!!!) 'Tis 11pm rn instead of 12 or 1am. Decided to read And Then I Go And Spoil It All By Saying Something Stupid Like "I Love You" Did more art today so I didn't have a lot of time to read that much! Also, it's Jin and Kijo! The doomed gays!! I had too! Also, sliding this in. Hope you had good celebratory time!!! I'd say more but I forgot how to use more words. Yay for celebratory noises! As for my vaguely silly comments for the fic, it be good. Short, sweet, got the TUMI lore in there. So, pretty neat! Not crazy or anything since it's a little oneshot into the lives of Kijo and Jin in their youth, but still!! Makes me think more about these two. Mostly Jin because I never even cared about him much other than "HEADMASTER" and "KYOKO DAD". That kinda stuff. Never even took account like... his personality and what he likes, dislikes, or even how he was in his youth. Guess he kinda just existed in my mind before so it feels nice finally thinking critically about his character a bit more. With Kijo, I always had that intrest because he's so much of a mystery. In the game, there's only the allusion of his preseence cus "Duh! Byakuya came from somewhere. Not some money hole like some money mole" (heehee that rhymed) And like, the only stuff of Kijo IS his name. So I already was in that mindset to wonder about him. What kinda of guy would be responsible for the creating of Byakuya. Which, honestly, maybe I just need to one day go and just... look into the depths of Jin lore. A Jin Journey. Cus I know nothing and it is a crime. Realized this didn't have much fic talk in it and more just me blabbering about Jin and Kijo so I hope you don't mind! Also, since why not add some out-of-pocket thought, I must say this cus it's true and happened yesterday on my end and it's a wild realization. AHEM. I think Byakuya Togami made me realize I might be aroace or like, on the aroace spectrum. This sounds so dumb but it's true. Also think your headcanon for him helped me realize that. I thank you for good fics, interesting ideas, and self-actualization somehow. Like, no one could have guessed that to be on the bingo card. So, by the time of your reading this, it'll be like, 2 days since I had that realization which I'm still shocked about! I digress though. Thus, to end this off, take this MS paint doodle I made in like... less than a few minutes.
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The way I drew Kijo is so freaking funny to me. He's so head empty. You bonk that head and he just doesn't react cus there's nothing in there. Also, would their ship name be Jijo or Kin? Kijogiri? Jingami? Also, I will give Kijo better hair some day. I promise!
That little one-shot is one of my favs. It's both recent and is just a nice little addition to the TUMI universe, which I always love to do.
It was also just time for Jin and Kijo to get something that focuses just on them, even if it was just a prequel... but who knows, that might become more...
But I really liked writing it and I'm glad u liked reading it :D
Loved the little doodle too! Poor Kijo's hair tho 😔 And I dunno what the ship name should be... Maybe something ✨creative✨
As for what you've realized, congrats! I'm glad my fics could help with that, though I'm not that surprised that they did. One thing I've noticed is that quite a lot of my readers are aromantic.
Also, I recommend watching this video by JaidenAnimations! It's her coming out as aroace and was quite eye opening for me back when I watched it the first time!
But congrats on figuring that out! If you ever have any questions or whatever, you know where to find me!
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tw33k-tucker · 6 months
Doodle requests are open‼️
The series characters I can draw the best(In order) are:
South Park, Eddsworld, Creepypasta, n' SMG4
Just a some things about me(changes/updates so much)
Fictionkin of:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh (South Park)
Mickey (Bobs Burgers)
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon (TWD) (I'm 99% sure I am a Fictionkin of him👍)
Gregory House (House M.D.)
Angel Dust (Hazbin hotel)
Medic {Pls, istg I'm not insane anymore, I swear😭} (TF2)
Tord (Eddsworld)
Shadow ( Sonic, but not sure which specific Sonic yet)
Questioning 2
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+ I have also found out I am a fictionflicker, so if there's some kins I have that aren't on the list above that's why👍 I do have a few recurring fictionflickers though, Such as:
Hunter (TOH)
Michael Afton (FNAF)
Crying Child/BV/Evan Afton (FNAF 4)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
SMG3 + Mr Puzzles (SMG4)
Ticci Toby
BEN Drowned + Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta)
Louise (Bobs Burgers)
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Therian but not completely comfortable to reveal some of my Theriotypes, but the ones I'm fine with revealing are a Border Collie, Island Fox, Clouded leopard, Red Panda, Some kind of Shark, Bi Color german shepherd, and an Opossum.
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Current Shifts/Kinfeels:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Ticci Toby
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He/Him (Trans FTM/Masc)
Minor !! (I'm changing it to minor cause I only want the people close to me/my mutuals to know my age, sorry if its weird or smthn!!!)
Christan (but excepts any religion)
Favorite Animal is Guinea pigs
2nd favorite drink is coffee (My #1 favorite drink is water cause I need it to survive)
Top 5 Favorite songs:
1st: Runs in the family - Amanda Palmer
2nd: Life - Mother Mother
3rd: Animals - STOMACH BOOK
4th: Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
5th: Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
(it was top 10 before, but I'm to lazy for that crap)
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A few last random shit facts 'bout me + some random things
I am very scared of alarms(Like, fire alarms)
I have Trypophobia aka fear of holes(it's very bad)
I have a love hate relationship with insects
I'm AroAce but I still want a romantic relationship and Bi
Wolverine is my all-time favorite hero(I don't care that he's technically an anti-hero/also an X-Men, he's the best)
Black and Red are my favorite colors
HTTYD is my favorite movie series
I love Scooby Doo(Especially Mystery Incorporated)
I am a mix of Introverted and Extroverted
I swear I wanna cry when stuff I've been waiting for is altered(Don't ask, I have no idea why)
I have anxiety
I freak out VERY easily
Salamanders are so cool istg
I have sensitive ears so I hate loud noises(I think I'm just a wimp)
I was in a car crash when I was 8(Luckily me and my dad were fine)
I like Diary of a wimpy kid
I have an older brother that I fight with(Imagine Rodrick and Greg's rivalry)
Some noises also make me want to bawl my eyes out(Also don't ask why, I seriously don't know)
I will 'kill' you if you look in my sketchbook(I swear you do not wanna see it, like really, you do NOT)
I have social anxiety👍
I'm seriously fucked up in the brain
I have asthma
I have OCD and BPD
And also i've decided to make tags because it is so annoying trying to find certain posts. So: the art tag is #Tw33k Draws the ask tag is #Tw33ks asks and I also use #Tw33k Rambles when I'm just talking and then as well theres just the #Shitpost tag on the posts I post that have words or images that isn't art, I also #Tw33k Rants, I think that name is pretty self explanatory, I also don't add tags to like any of the stuff I reblog unless I'm talking in the tags
I'm horrible at spelling
And yeah, that's all I'm willing to tell
Also please don't hate me, I can't control who I am
Thanks for reading
Random Icons :D
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Okay! One last thing, sense I have started the Zombie Park series, you can ask them questions about litterly ANYTHING some stuff they might not be allowed to answer at the moment like some stuff that'll happen in the future, but if you have any questions about the AU feel free to ask
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we honestly need more lore on jermbo, why does retro kill them when they enter, what does their presence mean? what are they even capable of? are they the one pulling the strings to this elevator's mysteries?
can go for glevil too, is mark technically apart of the cult and if he was, is he still capable of feeling/hearing the thoughts of the other mannequins, are all mannequins within this hivemind? Can the other mannequins hear his thoughts or feel the need to come back to his kin? if mark did branch off from the cult and left, would it be like runaway? [ WoF ref ] how did he even meet with wallter? Does glevil still go after mark after this amount of time? does the hivemind ability let them control the strings for the other mannequins at times?
on the other hand, what was wallters actual past before meeting mark? who made him? did gnarpians make him? did another race make him? did gnarpy create him? what was his sole purpose? why is he considered useless now? what introduced him to drink gray stuff?
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
I just got to reading a translation of "The wooing of Emer" online. Why is no-one (especially the online encyclopedias) talking about the fact Emer is fomorian?
why aren't the online encyclopaedias talking about it: bc they are not that useful for medieval irish literature most of the time, tbh, being heavily simplified and reliant on secondary sources that are often themselves not particularly reliable (although there have been efforts to improve some pages inc. wikipedia pages). loads of fun details missing from them, always
why isn't anyone else talking about it: eh. probably two main reasons
there's a lot of it around. cú chulainn's got a fomorian grandma (on lug's side) and no one ever really talks about that either. it's not that big a deal. i'm sure he's not the only one; can't throw a rock around here without hitting someone with a fomorian uncle or something. there's a lot more overlap / interaction between them and the tuatha dé danann than a simple oppositional binary would suggest, and family trees get fucky in general. being related to the fomoire doesn't automatically = being fomorian yourself bc belonging and kin-groups and stuff are a bit more complicated than that
i'm pretty sure it's only mentioned in tochmarc emire and only in passing and not directly in relation to emer herself, so it's easily overlooked even if you're dealing with that text and a lot of people will be dealing with other texts. it's also only in the later, longer redaction of the text and not in the earliest one, although so are a lot of things. if the authors thought it was important as part of her heritage -- whether they saw it as a good or a bad thing -- they would bring it up more often, but TE seems to be the only one that bothers to give background information about forgall's family tree, so mostly it looks like they think it's not that relevant. (although as it is not a particular focus of mine, it's entirely possible it comes up somewhere else and i just haven't noticed)
e.g. you might expect it to come up in fled bricrenn but it doesn't
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sidenote: why the fuck henderson translations "ben ind fir as dech" as "wife of the best wight" i have no idea. it's just "fer"! it's just man! why are you trying to make cú chulainn sound even weirder than usual! it's a mystery to me. other than the fact it's from 1899 and people did whatever they wanted at that point tbh
(the parenthetical explaining the meaning of "Manach" is also editorial and not in the Irish; the meaning "tricky" may be more suitable bc it might have something to do with clessa, but that's getting into my friend emmet's in-progress research so i won't delve deeper there)
also, tethra, who is supposedly forgall's uncle in TE and who is described in the text as a "king of the fomoire" is a bit of a weird one iirc and there's potentially more going on with him than that phrasing suggests, although i can't remember the details and that's getting into cath maige tuired territory, at which point you're better off asking @margridarnauds bc it's not a topic i know a huge amount about
finally i'll be honest another factor is probably that there hasn't been a huge amount written about emer as a character. there's been a lot written about texts that she's in and her function there, but less on her just like, as a person (bc medieval celtic studies is a very small field, there are a lot of texts and characters, and there hasn't been that much written about anyone really). so lots of things don't get talked about. doesn't mean they're not worth talking about. just means nobody's got around to it yet.
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doctordonnasstuff · 8 months
Songs that remind me of The Doctor and Donna and why:
´We Go Together´ by David Tennant and Catherine Tate = you know just the fact that they are singing it makes it a perfect Doctor and Donna song, but if you listen to the lyrics it kind of explains their dynamic and stuff.
´Camel by Camel´ by Sandy Marton = the lyrics in this one is super Donna Noble coded I swear. I mean: I try not to remember, no memories I'm looking for a new dimension, new life to live (Camel by camel) Mysterious places, perfect harmony (Camel by camel) The desert route is changing my destiny...perfectly summs up Donnas life after Jurney´s End.
´Everybody Wants To Rule The World´ by Tears For Fears = Can´t explain this one that well but it just gives off their dynamic in the whole series. It gives me strong DoctorDonna vibes.
´Hey Brother´ by Avicii = I do ship them romantically but this song is them I swear. The lyrics just fits.
´Sigh No More´ by Catherine Tate and David Tennant = Again, sung by them it just is the Doctor and Donna song.
´Anti-Hero´ by Taylor Swift = More Donna than The Doctor. Strong Donna vibes.
´Wildest Dreams´ by Taylor Swift = This one reminds me of ´The Runaway Bride´ when they are looking at the creation of the world and he is looking at her like she is creation of his universe and so on. He also is tall and handsome as hell.
´Something Just Like This´ by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay = Again can´t explain this one so well, it just gives off the vibes that The Doctor is singing this after he lost Donna the first time.
´What Was I Made For?´ by Billie Eilish = More Donna than The Doctor again. STRONG STRONG Donna Noble vibes. I imagine this is how she felt when her mother yelled at her for not being good enough.
´Pompeii´ by Bastille = Yeah I added this just because of the ´Fires of Pompeii´ episode.
´Things We Lost In The Fire´ by Bastille = ´Jurney´s End´ when Donna was locked in the TARDIS. Just this.
´F**kin´ Perfect´ by P!nk = Can imagine the Doctor singing this to Donna when she talks about herslef not being so important.
So this is it for now, if I had more I will reblog this and add more songs.
Also this is just my opinion. For me these songs are perfect for them, doesn´t have to be same for anyone else <3
But if anyone is interested and wants to listen to it, here is a link to the Spotify playlist I made.
And also sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language.
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yotsubaclover · 6 months
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p3 of blorbo association explanation woohoo and this time it's fugo!!! my beloved!!! who i can still draw quite cutely after all this time aww love my lil guy
song: I HAVE A WHOLE FUGO PLAYLIST it's really OLD but it's so important to me. i always thought the pain and aimlessness and self-loathing of turn off the lights was perfectly post-gw (and early phf) fugo. another very fugo song? lassassymphonie from mozart opera rock.
color: deep red! maroon? i like red fugo the most :3c silver and red on top
animal: genuinely ive never kin assigned him any animal hes just always been a teen boy to me but i said hare bc ... i recently saw bunny!fugo fanart but he is not a cute rabbit he is something a little more square than that. and a hare seemed right. i think they're also a bit shy lol which is also very fugo to me, actually quite timid
food: berry fugo lover says strawberries are him who is surprised
object: diy holes in jeans cos i just think he should do arts and crafts. but also because i saw these pants with heart holes in them in some runway show a few years back and thought "wow i could hypothetically make those jeans on my own actually..." LMAO as for the earrings, i too have strawberry earrings, and anything similar i will call fugo earrings :D
aesthetic: i just like him in more alternative fashion and specifically 90s era stuff too so i just merged both. i think him in 90s casual is also good. i like to draw him in that i think thats why lol
other: smog cos purple haze baby. both kills. one just slower than the other. regret cos i like angst and pain and phf. tomes cos boy is a nerd at heart forever and ever and of course the mysterious killing which changed his life. but like genuinely i think he would hang around the library and pick up a random bigass book and binge it within ... less than a week probably. like. he READS. and he is INTERESTED. i'm not sure if he'd be a philosophy guy or a humanities guy at all but i am optimistic and projecting he is. i think his family would've wanted him to be a lawyer idk. to me he loves some kind of humanities or social science okay
i loved fugo so much i made an incredibly elaborate debate au starring HIM ft a bunch of other jojo characters pls and i did that so i could also love the sport... when i burned out i stopped building the au im so sad i miss passione debate society :")
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eucharist-eulogy · 1 year
Rate your friends.
I hope you don’t mind me going insane, anon :3
Yami @pastel-rights
You. YOUUUU!!!!! I grab your stories your Theatre of Darkness your ocs your lore your art EVERYTHING. I ADORE YOUR PRESENCE AND HONESTLY??? thank you for dealing w my bs HAAHAHA and thank you for introducing to my first true kin as an oc, Harlequinn Astran. That man is vile just like me /lh ANYWAYS HUGS YOU TIGHT. Also my favourite person to torment with timmy and insanity <3 /j
Sam @paperbcy
MY EX HUBBYYYYYY~ I swear i do love you /p i definitely wasn’t only wanting the access to the walls :333 I love your lore and your writing and your amazing mysteries and orphy musings!!!!!!
Tae(gan dragon detective morningstar dazai osamu akechi monika deross dathy mariah hernandez john light yagami cro jason dean collins) @nice-chiaki
YOUUU, the archetype of the wet blanket. the hypocrite of the glass house /j. YOUUUUUU you’re insane I know it you lil delulu lemon but i still grab you and squeeze you because you are a cute delulu lemon!! Thanks for also dealing w my bs HAHAHHA
Navi @navxry
YOU. NAVINA. GRRRHRGRHRGRR BARK WOOF, first witness to the insanity I have wrought from a tender young age <3 my longest online friend and honestly!! I miss you so much im gonna grab and rattle you and infect you with my blorbos /j so happy to be still talking to you after so so sosososososoo long!
Mitzu @yaboimitzu
MITZU. MITZUUUUUUUUUUUU our friendship was so out of nowhere LMAO then look where we are, with IDV, BSD, HSR, Genshin A N D MTP BRAINROT??? we r truly madmen /j THANKS FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING ADVICE AND HELP MAN YOURE TOO KIND
Klai @idv-ask-the-showman
My soon to be partner of crime 😈😈😈 YOU’RE SO FUN TO BE WITH AND YOUR ENERGY IS SO. WAAA. I LOVE BEING AROUND SO MUCH AS A FRIEND! If Phineas wants to express any feelings for liam (iykyk). Don’t be shyyy :)
Pins @one0p1nk
PINSSS!!! YOU!!! I GRAB YOU!!!! purest little pins and your amazing ocs!! also thanks so much for all your amazing essence events and for indulging our crackhead moments >:)
Four @sleepyfour
YOUUUUUU! life has been busy but i miss talking to you smmm! Hope life’s been good on you :D
Toko @blackturtlefangirl
A fellow equator sufferer <3 Thanks for being so nice to me and discussing the most random stuff when it comes to our country HAHAAHA snd tokosop? Love the bastard. Love your interpretation of the bastard. Mwah. I LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO YUMMY and you’re so nice awwnwijisjikjaknw
Joe @picnicbask3t
evil vampires? If evil why sexy? Your art???? mwah. Your Bloodline Communion? MWAH. Best yaoi lover on this site. be not afraid. give me the vampy vampy lore
Lupi @imaginearson/@askgardenerwoods
Carrie @micyclemorton
3 years down the line i think i’m gonna be a sam 2, this is a threat /j BUT THANKS FOR INDULGING IN MY SLEEP DEPRIVED BS!!! and your characters and lore is so deep and interesting!!!! mwah
Beth @beth-bethar00
BETHHH! you’re such an understanding and nice person and you’re really so nice to be around!! I hold you and your ocs and aus gentle
rest of the Mun’s kitchen Hut and the Mun’s collab server
YALLS!! HRGRRHRGR!! Yall are so nice and friendly towards my insanity <3333 thanks for helping me and welcoming me fr yall are amazing (fellow crazy buddies)
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vulpecular-draconic · 7 months
i’ve been feeling some kinship towards fae and changelings for a while, but i’ve always brushed it off as just liking the stories about them, or relating to them bc i’m autistic and autistic kids (and other disabled kids) were mistaken for changelings.
now i’m wondering if it’s more than a kinship in the non-kin sense, or if i actually *am* one.
i sometimes daydream about being fae. i even have a daydream world where i’m technically not a fae, but humans occasionally mistake me for one. my sona in that world also sometimes calls themself a changeling instead of a shapeshifter, bc i just like the word and concept of being a changeling more. it makes me happy to call myself a fae and a changeling.
i get slightly annoyed (in more of an amused way) at how a lot of fae in modern stories are written to basically just be humans with wings and magic, instead of creatures with their own non-human ways of thinking. i feel like that kinda takes the fun out of it — like why would you remove the interesting stuff? (disclaimer: i know there’s alterhuman folks who are those types of fae, and that’s totally fine and awesome ofc! this is just my personal feelings. i’d rather be perceived as a more traditional fae than some modern versions.)
on that note, when i try to daydream about being fae, i feel disappointed that my thought patterns are more human-ish than fae-ish. i find myself wishing to know what it would feel like to not be able to lie, and to make sneaky deals with humans — things like that.
there are some aspects about myself that i think are fae-ish, though: for example, i cannot say most absolute statements. i usually always have to allow for exceptions (i’m doing it right now, for goodness’ sake!). for example, i can’t say “i always stay up late” even though most people — from what i’m told — would automatically assume there are exceptions to that statement. they wouldn’t think i literally always go to sleep late every single night, they’d just assume it happens most nights. but implied exceptions aren’t satisfying to me. how would someone *know* an exception is implied? if they assume there are exceptions even when hearing absolute statements, then what if a statement truly IS an absolute statement? because then they’d assume an exception for something that had no exceptions (if such a thing even exists). and if they don’t assume there are exceptions, i don’t want to say an absolute statement and cause people to think i don’t know of the exceptions. so instead i’d say something like “i pretty much always stay up late.” the “pretty much” implies that there are some nights that i go to bed early, but there’s enough nights of me staying up late that it renders the exceptions nearly insignificant.
i have a lot of mashup shifts — aka when i have a bunch of unrelated phantom limbs at the same time. as i say in my intro post, i call these cryptid shifts, but sometimes “cryptid” just doesn’t have the right vibe. both my gender and my species can be heavily influenced by whatever my brain is hyperfixating on. when i’m hyperfixating on something like welcome to night vale, which is set in modern times in our universe (kinda), both my gender and species tend to take on a more cryptidish kind of hue since cryptids are associated with this reality. but if i’m hyperfixating on something fantasy, like tangled, my gender and species takes on a more fantasy-ish hue. (urban fantasy is kind of a toss-up.) my point: when i’m being more influenced by fantasy, instead of connecting to cryptids, i feel connected to fae and changleings. they’re kinda similar — mysterious, sometimes scary, can look like many different things — they feel like the same flavor in different colors to me, if that makes sense. and to be clear, it’s not just a fun name for mashup shifts. when i feel like a cryptid, i am a cryptid. i’ve had cryptid shifts where although it has elements of my other kintypes, i didn’t really feel like those kintypes at the moment. i was a cryptid. and although i haven’t consciously thought of my fantasy flavored shifts that way in regards to fae/changelings, it feels correct.
i’m a psychological otherkin. nearly anything is a possible kintype if my brain latches onto it hard enough. all the little moments of fae could have built up throughout my life until my brain is like “that’s YOU,” even if it wouldn’t happen to other people that way. this point isn’t exactly a reason, really just context as to how my nonhuman-ness works. (i wonder, would i be fae if one instance of learning about them didn’t happen? would i be a changeling if i didn’t read the oddmire books?)
welp, now that i’ve written all that out, here’s my reasons for having imposter syndrome
i don’t actually know much about the old legends and myths about fae/changelings. i went down a rabbit hole once of reading scottish(?) legends about them, and i’ve read over the changeling wiki a few times. i think i get the general gist of them, and i tend to want to learn more about them when the opportunity arises, so i’ll likely learn more in the future. but i don’t feel like i know enough. which, i know, you don’t have to be an expert on your kintypes to know you are one. but what if i’m missing some crucial information? or i have a big misconception about them?
now here’s a rebuttal to my imposter syndrome bc i have some good arguments:
while i’m not connected to the modern versions of fae, that doesn’t mean i’m connected to the very original versions of fae. there are some things about the original myths that don’t feel like me. i am probably somewhere in-between of “ye olde myths where your secretly changeling baby turns into an old bearded man” and “sexy brooding guy with wings.” the versions of fae/changeling that feel like me could have elements that are warped or made up in my head — which, hey, that’s kinda just what being a psychological otherkin is like sometimes. brains do weird stuff. whether or not fae and changelings were ever real, they’ve lived in minds for centuries, and the stories have changed over time. being one more small, personal change in turning wheel won’t affect much.
so,, yeah. i think i’m a fae and a changeling. maybe. or maybe i’m just autistic.
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Werewolf OCs!!
More headcanons!! I do have HCs on other stuff but I usually don’t post any of it unless I have a drawing to go with it, so here it is! New OCs woohoo. Before that, backstory first!
In my HC, Maduke has lots of children. Like… a LOT. Probably no less than 50. Maybe even more. Though most of them just kind of hang around in the back, so we don’t really know about them.
Being the scheming, power hungry man he is, Maduke seeks to build and solidify his power… through his kin. He’ll manipulate them into being blindly loyal to him. The truth is, Maduke already has a decent following of werewolves, and this is long before he even becomes Lord. However, he knows that it’s easier to secure his influence on young and fresh minds, blank slates for him to confidently gain absolute control over. Yup, he’s got this all figured out. If his children are powerful, they’ll become his warriors and serve him directly by taking and carrying out his orders. If they are not powerful, in the meantime they can just run less important errands and be his spies/informants, while he figures out a use for them. Unfortunately, some of these less powerful children met fates of being used as test subjects and/or becoming batteries for his bloodstone power up (in the werewolf arc). It gets dark real quick. To him, his kin is nothing more than his tools.
Generally speaking, powerful parents do not necessarily have powerful children, as one’s level of talent and maximum fighting capabilities really just seem to be random. So, Maduke tries his luck by having children with many, many different werewolf women. At least some of his children will be powerful, he thinks. And he is right.
Some women share his ambition for power, and agree to be his partner. With the others… well, he uses his charisma and manipulation. He can easily switch between presenting himself as a convincing ally or a charming lover, depending on who he is dealing with. Yep. From here, you can see exactly where this goes. As an expert schemer, Maduke knows how to get things, and people, to be his way. Let there be broken promises and broken hearts; it doesn’t matter. To him, it only matters that he achieves his goals…and he does.
Note: in my HC a lot of werewolves are monogamous, but it is also common for werewolves to get together and have children with multiple partners throughout their lives. Both are natural and accepted by werewolf society, so it really depends on the individual.
Now onto the actual OCs!
Savannah: A warrior. One of Maduke’s partners, and the mother of Kentas. Kentas gets her eyebrows and sideburns, and takes after her muscular build. He’s almost his mother’s clone when it comes to appearance. Savannah is good and virtuous at heart (her son also shows these qualities after he frees himself from his father’s influence). She is fiercely loyal to those whom she believes in, including Maduke. That is, until she discovers his true nature and the grand scheme of his plans. She confronts Maduke and makes it clear that she will expose his true nature to everyone and take her (still a small child) son with her. As a result, Maduke brutally murders her to silence her. To explain her disappearance, Maduke just tells everyone that she betrayed their clan and left them without notice. To this day, the other werewolves, including Kentas, are not aware of the truth behind her (death) disappearance, even after Maduke is gone for good.
Bianca: A warrior. One of Maduke’s partners, and the mother of Lunark. Lunark gets her fiery and bold personality, as well as her bright pink eyes. Bianca’s pure white hair is already unusual, and when combined with her beautiful face, she is an exceptionally rare beauty by werewolf standards. Maduke was never genuine with any of his female partners as they all were just tools to him, but he was, for a very brief time, captivated by her mysteriousness. Perhaps that’s why he is a little nicer to Lunark than his other children, because she reminds him of Bianca. Some time after Lunark grows up, Bianca expresses her desire to pay a visit to her homeland in the snowy mountains far, far away. Strangely, Maduke grants her request and she leaves. She doesn’t come back to reunite with her daughter until after the werewolf arc ends. She is alive in the present day.
Hila: A warrior. One of Maduke’s partners, and the mother of Uzhir. Uzhir takes after her looks and logical personality. Like his father, Uzhir doesn’t have any eyebrows. Despite being a warrior, Hila prefers to study herbs and traditional medicine. She is not interested in meddling in whatever business the other werewolves had going on, and shows little to no concern for her son. She secretly leaves Maduke’s territory to pursue her work and preservation of traditional werewolf knowledge and decides to, permanently, never return. Alive in the present day.
Suna: Not a warrior. One of Maduke’s partners, and the mother of Gayare and Bashum. Gayare and Bashum get their face shape from her. Suna is ambitious, highly jealous, and a bit reckless. Unlike Maduke, she isn’t very smart. Madukes grows annoyed of her and concludes that she won’t be of any help as she’ll just get in his way, and he has already gotten what he wanted from her, so he kills her.
That’s it for the mothers of Maduke’s children! There are still many others but it’ll be too much work to draw and list all of them so for now this is it. In conclusion, Kentas, Lunark, Uzhir, Gayare, Bashum + many unnamed dozens of ocs are all siblings/half-siblings in my headcanon. It gets crazy lol.
Last but not least;
Willow: Not a warrior. Maduke’s younger half-sister, and the mother of Zaiga’s daughter, Gaura. Willow was born with a defect and does not have werewolf claws, and is unable to transform. She often gets sick and her self-healing abilities are inferior. To werewolves, this is beyond imaginable and most would rather die than live with this for the rest of their lives. Willow gets by just fine. She is a soft-spoken and calm person. Unable to fight, she devotes her life to literature and writing down werewolf history as much as she can. The other werewolves think she’s super weird. However, she bonds with Zaiga over their shared interests in non-traditional werewolf things (in his case, magic) and they are genuine. She eventually dies of a mysterious illness.
Annnd that’s all! Maybe eventually I’ll do an expansion of the brief summaries here, idk. For now this’ll do lol
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shmowder · 1 month
Honestly I put yulia in the neutral tier since I’m very similar to her in some regards and I’m having a crisis every other Wednesday so like I could get high with her we can have a crisis as a team! But no yeah in retrospect not really a neutral option unless you enjoy depression…or unless she mellows out while under the influence which isn’t probably likely
Oh yeah if you get high with Aspity some sort of horrific thing will occur to you during or afterwards that’s one where you dug your own grave now lay in and oh god the idea of giggly happy high Daniil is absolutely beautiful he’d absolutely demand you never speak of that to anyone ever as if anyone would actually believe you to begin with if you attempted to tell them that.
Thought of some more characters after sending the original ask so I’ll give those thoughts as well because oh boy did I start thinking a lot about this most of it while I myself was under the influence, I’d probably put Nina kain as well into the it could become a terrifying experience to be high/get high with her genuinely do not think that experience goes well for you that just seems like it ends poorly, Lara seems like she could go either way as well it might be a good experience or it could get depressing as all hell that or she’d become oddly productive no matter how it goes I love Lara so I don’t care which it becomes I’ll get high with her still. Including the executioners since it’s too funny not to, this assuming you could get high with them which would be a horrifying experience in which it would feel like you are dying….probably because you die afterwards or similar to Aspity something bad happens to you in some way shape or form but then again you dug your own grave buckroo. The last character I have any thoughts on how they’d be around to smoke with is vlad the younger and I think that’d be a miserable experience I don’t think it’d anything expect absolutely miserable I don’t know why you’d want to get high with him anyway but if you do it won’t be fun at least that’s my opinion.
-immune anon
honestly who am i to rain on your parade if the "half-empty glass" woman is your cup of tea. Pass her that joint.
For Vlad Jr, I understand where you're coming from.
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But I don't think it'd be that bad. He's the type who thinks "this ediable ain't shit" five minutes later. "Can the kin worms communicate with the worms in the ground below?"
He remains collected for half an hour through the trip before it all hits him at once. He either freaks out or becomes the most mellowed out version of himself.
In both scenarios, he's the type to go full conspiracy theorist. Making connections between unrelated things, uncovering mysteries that were allegedly hidden in plain sight.
Vlad Jr. as your trip sitter is when his virtues shine through....kinda of. He doesn't let you wander off into the street in your current state, at least. But he mind put you through the "🐭🐭🐭🐭🐰🐭🐭 Spot the rabbit!" cocomelon quizzes type shit. Out of curiosity.
Casually bringing up the embarrassing stuff you did the next day. "Hey, remember yesterday when you showed me your animal print sock collection, then proceeded to cry on the floor in a fetus position when you couldn't find the other pair to the frog socks? Well :) I paid some people to break into your house and search for them, here you go. It apparently was at the bottom of your laundry basket. You must have missed it under the pile of clothes."
Or mentioning how he found some pebble shaped candy in the store, so you don't have to go and eat rocks like you kept talking about while high last night.
It's like he is trying to be helpful–but his definition of help isn't the most appropriate or useful.
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rhysofcourse · 6 months
oc posting (mlp au)
these blorbos are from my skyrim games so if you see nonmlp stuff that’s why
all of these were made with the creator in pony.town!
Dreya’aam (dragonicorn)
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Dreya’aam means “server of daedra/the others” in dovahzul (in this case it would most likely mean her dragonic ancestors, and her name references her aligning with dragons over ponies)
She used to be an adventurer throughout the wilds of Equestria until she discovered a long lost ritual that awakened her dragonic soul, at the cost of no longer being equine. She is content with not being around her old kin, as most do not respect dragons (and fear them)
She now resides in a cave, hoarding treasure and keeping to herself. Her favorite thing to do is nap on a bed of gold
As more rumors of her existence spread, more unwanted guests have been showing up to her caves uninvited, requiring her to hire on a guard and frequently travels beneath the ground to avoid detection
Dreya’aam has lost her cutie mark as she is no longer a pony. It used to be three arrows in a strung bow
Swiftrustler (pegasus)
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Swiftrustler is a freelance treasure hunter/thief
He hides out with Dreya’aam to avoid being caught in exchange for donating some treasure to her hoard
He cares greatly for Dreya’aam and knows her old name from before the ritual
Currently is trying to track down every single gem of a long lost crown to gift to Dreya’aam
His cutie mark is a stack of gold coins
Duskstalker (earth pony)
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She is an assassin from a distant land that fulfills contracts delivered to her by spirits
Her family was part of a rival assassin’s clan and she had to flee her home to escape their reach (with the occasional one or two attempts in Equestria)
She now works for Dreya’aam as a guard to keep those not welcome out
Her cutie mark is the sword she carries, the blade being forged from a mysterious magical ore
Forest Breeze (lycanequine)
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Forest Breeze is a part of an honorable mercenary group. They wield a great axe and solve problems for the people of Equestria
The highest ranking members of the group partake in a tradition of lycanequincy, where the blood of the oldest lycanequine member is consumed to welcome their newest recruit. Forest Breeze is the most recent lycanequine in the guild
They are currently traveling with a powerful wizard in search of a pony who became a dragon. They have only told this person about their condition out of necessity, and they prefer to not change forms around others
Their cutie mark is a great axe over a round shield
Scholarboon (unicorn)
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He is a traveling scholar, learning various kinds of magic from around the world. He currently is studying ancient magic found in Equestria
He discovered a book that holds a forbidden truth within it. Each time he reads it he gets closer to the knowledge he seeks but he loses his grip on everything else. His left eye was replaced with one that can read the language of the book
He travels to search for the pony who became a dragon with a mercenary to keep himself safe and grounded. He hopes this dragon has the power to break his curse and destroy the book
His cutie mark is an occult eye with a green sclera
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biarritzzz · 4 months
So in the year 2024 of our lord I’ve finally achieved the lesbian friendship group I’ve always desired: three lesbians who don’t want to have kids shooting the shit and having fun. Obviously being gay isn’t a personality but it’s nice when you can talk about general stuff and ALSO about the new piece of lesbian media or about how hot the waitress is without straight women pretending like they’re fine with that type or conversation when they’re clearly not.
I can’t believe how lucky I am. I’ve known lesbians over the years of course but they were acquaintances at best or women I was dating (one was bi).
I’m still friends with my ex but she lives abroad now.
Unfortunately this is ruined but the addition of a bisexual woman who got added to our Whatsapp group (not by me). She dated another woman for 8 months so I’m not denying her SSA but she had only dated men prior to this and it shows. She has two children from a previous marriage (of course), has a ton of male exes (of course) and says stuff like « I’m attracted to the person » as if that makes her better than us lowly homosexuals. She occasionally calls herself gay, I correct her but she does it again and again.
Why are bisexuals always like this.
And of course she complains that she doesn’t get any matches from women on Tinder (yeah it’s a real mystery) and insists she does want a new ‘experience with a woman, you know’ (when you put it like that…). Meanwhile she just found another man to crush on apparently. Some dude she met at work who is also pursuing her.
We are not kin and I wish she wasn’t part of our group.
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juliansummerhayes · 4 months
Daily diary: Wednesday, 15 May 2024
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“The motivation of the scholars to expose themselves to categorical dishevelment and ambivalence I don’t pretend to understand, though I have enormous gratitude to them for doing it, and their fiscal and existential decision-making in attending can be questioned. But they are my contemplative kin, and our companionship in the heavy weather of wondering how our corner of the world has come to be as it is is a feast in a famine. When we are labouring up another counterintuitive, habit-violating semantic or phenomenological incline, dragging the ten ton stone of what passes for sanity in the West up the hill of habit and into the light of courteous inquiry where it belongs, I often offer this cool comfort: the language will not fail you. Think about how you think, I tell them, and talk about how you talk, and patient attention to the means by which you think and talk—the language—will serve you and the world you are desperate to care for. The language will not let you down.” – Stephen Jenkinson, Come of Age: A Case for Elderhood in a Time of Trouble (my emphasis added)
So, it’s Wednesday.
Where did the time go?
I quote again from SJ. 
But it’s true. Capital ‘T’ truth, perhaps.
The language will never fail you.
Do we pay enough attention to it?
Now and forever?
I don’t think so. In fact, we’ve become lazy in our demands to challenge the assumed lexicon.
Them’s harsh words.
Damn right.
But we should try to improve how we speak, the words we use and how we view the world apropos of our words.
And not because I say so; but what else is there when we’re trying to communicate?
Actually, I don’t like the word ‘communicate’. It sounds too pretentious, too corporate and elides any sense of the mystery that language provides.
Of course, none of this has anything to do with the way we order our lives.
Or does it?
Imagine devoting an hour a day to improving the spoken or written word.
I don’t deliberately do so, but I’m convinced that one of the reasons why I read so many books, and poetry is because I want to dial in the gods of language – yes, they do exist – and not fall into a state of ennui, despair or torpor in trying to find a way to make sense of this anthropocentric world.
But it’s not just that. I love words; and I’ll do anything to find the right ones, whatever shape, cadence and complexity they have. Does that make me a word snob? Yes, 100%. But not in a show and tell way but as a way to adumbrate something that needs attention. Or to keep alive the beauty of words and their speckled history.
Anyhow, my plans for the day are modest. And, yes, so far I’ve managed to avoid doing any decorating. Sorry Mrs S! The dogs? Well, they’ll get a walk or two although daughter #3 is picking them up later which will be nice for them and me – haha. I’m handing back my IT kit to my last employer, which means I’ve got to wait in until the DPD man arrives. That said, I’m not waiting around forever and I’ll leave the stuff outside if he’s not here by 12 noon. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain. A walk will be on the cards and I might do a bit of cooking. Oh, and I think I might look at a case that was handed down by the Supreme Court on Directors' duties – one area of law that still interests me. Yes, really. Other than that, it’ll be a slow day. I’ll read some more William Blake and be grateful for the time away from the coalface. (I have a new job to start next Monday. I won’t change my LinkedIn profile which says sweet FA about any of my employment history.)
Have a good one.
Stay safe pilgrims of misfortune and chance.
Blessings, Julian  Photo by John Carlo Tubelleza on Unsplash
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relaxxattack · 2 years
here by popular demand, wof books ratings
i haven’t read several of these in quite a while-- i might do an updated version of these ratings after i finish my series reread :] also obvious disclaimer is obvious but this is PURELY my opinion. my taste. lol
the dragonet prophecy: wonderful setup to the world, surprisingly dark and graphic on a reread (how was this for children), really interesting and cool worldbuilding in both the sky and the mud kingdom. clay is also a great protagonist, with a nicely done emotional arc, and peril is here in her prime weirdgirlness. introduces queen scarlet, most iconic villain of all time. 9/10
the lost heir: this used to be one of my favorite books due to the murder mystery aspect, and i would reread it a lot. tsunami has a neat emotional arc here about learning maturity, which i enjoy. however the constant coral apologism, the annoyingness of everything to do with riptide and webs, the bland hetero romance, and the upsetting stuff that seems to get brushed to the side constantly, especially in regard to anemone, has caused this book to become way less enjoyable to me as an adult. 6/10
the hidden kingdom: also used to be one of my favorites for reasons that are probably obvious (kins glory). there’s a fun kind of “girl power” message to the way that glory has to fight to be taken seriously by literally anybody in this book. there’s also interesting mystery aspects again. looking back on it, though, the fact that the prejudiced carictures about rainwings turn out to be true is... weird? and of course, don’t even get me started on how this book used to include the one straight couple i didn’t find annoying, until several years later tui decided to retcon an age gap in. now reading this book feels just all kinds of weird, when it wasn’t before and really didn’t have to be. kind of a mixed bag. 7/10
the dark secret: i have no idea why people constantly rate this one so low. sure, starflight’s obsession can be grating at first, but i find the setting and atmosphere writing in this one to be incredible, all the island characters the interesting and fun kind of terrible-- and not to mention this book contains the two biggest plot twists in the whole series. the tension in this one is as palpable as the smoke in the air, and i think it’s really fun and full of a ton of iconic and memorable scenes. 9/10
the brightest night: this one is fun and camp. i enjoy it a lot, and sunny is such a great character to have as a pov. my only problem with it is how it feels kind of rushed-- there’s a lot of emotional legwork done in only the span of one or two thirds (specifically regarding thorn, i think she would have been a stronger character if shed been introduced in a prior book so we had time to be attatched). i like the solution that the dragonets came up with, and enjoyed them putting it all together, and i kind of wish they’d gotten to actually see it through as they planned-- at least a little further than they got without needing magical interference. aka let’s stop using magic as a deus ex machina. 7/10
moon rising: this is probably my favorite wings of fire book. moon’s quiet and anxious pov is wonderful, and the masterful way her abilities were used to give depth and atmosphere to her surroundings and peers was so enjoyable. it feels like you get a bit of everyone’s pov instead of just hers, for obvious reasons. this one also has some of the most iconic scenes, including the introduction of a soon to be infamous villain, and of course some of the most fan favorite characters out there. not to mention the younger characters and the school settings is very fun, there are so many super well-described scenes that hit hard. all in all this book is slightly spooky, slightly sad, but incredibly enjoyable. the best possible start to a new arc for the series. 10/10
winter turning: it’s fun to have such a zuko-esque character take center stage here. following winter’s journey through coming to terms with his abusive upbringing is emotionally cathartic, even if some scenes make you grit your teeth in annoyance at him. winter’s feelings are complicated and confusing, and it’s really cool to watch him slowly begin to change his opinions about things in real time. it’s such a shame his character gets shortchanged later on. also icewing society is very dystopian main character energy, but, it’s a fantasy series for children. and it’s fun and interesting, so i like it. 8/10
escaping peril: yandere characters have never been my thing, and peril seems to ocillate between that and between a sassy weirdgirl. and to be honest, i’ve never been sure how to feel about that. i find the yandere stuff creepy, but when she’s being a normal weirdgirl i find it strange to just pretend all the murder didn’t happen. she’s a complicated but enjoyable character who i don’t have a very definitive opinion on. aside from peril herself, though, her emotional arc in this book is fun, and the peril-turtle duo is something i never saw coming but something i need infinitely more of. they’re hilarious. several points in this book had me gasping and on the edge of my seat when it originally came out. overall a fun book. 8/10
talons of power: this book mainly seems to exist to move characters around and get plot pieces in motion for the next book. i really enjoy turtle as a character, however, and his family dynamics are interesting and tragic. there’s more coral apologism in this book, although in a different tone-- like they figured out she’s shitty, but not all the reasons yet. darkstalker is extremely creepy. the anemone twist is fascinating, and turtle and qibli’s dynamic is a treasure. 7/10
darkness of dragons: they had me in the first half. 😐 in this book they give you like twenty chapters of qibli and winter flirting and cool backstory reveals for qibli before they decide that they’re actually going to wrap this arc up in the most annoying way possible by saying that qibli learns no lessons ever, winter gets completely fucked over by both his friends and the narrative, moon sympathizes with a genocidal overlord and then is disappointed when people don’t agree with her, and then one of the kindest characters in the series commits Brain Destruction on said genocidal overlord. and also the 20 chapters of queerbaiting gets completely ignored in favor of drawing out the annoying as fuck love triangle and then picking the most boring option. i do Not like how this book ended the arc. what a sad way to wrap up the brilliant thing moon rising started. 3/10
darkstalker: a prequel with absolutely RIVETING worldbuilding, fun characters, cool atmosphere, extremely tragic circumstances, and worst of all you know how it’s going to end. we all know how it’s going to end. and yet we all sit there and watch. hoping and begging and pleading that they’re able to change the course of a story that’s already set in stone. wonderful, fantastic, show-stopping, brilliant. i love fathom and whiteout. this story manages to make every touching moment heartbreaking when you know it’s all in vain and all you can do is watch the slow descent. incredible. 10/10
dragonslayer: a prequel where there’s. humans who talk i guess. 😐 who thought this was a good idea. the only redeeming quality is sky, which isn’t surprising considering he’s the Only Dragon. 4/10
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